#Those interviews are driving me mad
duncanor · 1 year
Us, at the start of Stampede: damn, Wolfwood is not a priest anymore? Weird change but okay..
Studio Orange: Actually, he is still a priest. He just sees himself as an undertaker because his role as the punisher is to punish and bury. Also, that dude is literally carrying his own grave, it makes sense ya see.
Us, now: oh.. Yeah, I see.....
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himbeaux-on-ice · 1 year
what is this new thing where once a week the broadcast of a canes game nukes my emotions from orbit and CAN IT PLEASE JUST LET ME LIVE
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akkivee · 2 years
HAPPY 5TH ANNIVERSARY HYPMIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🥺🎉🎉😭😭😭🖐👏👏👏👏👏
i can still remember stumbling across preorders for this piece of merch and instantly falling for ichiro, it was a very fast descent into hypmic hell lmao
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adrienneleclerc · 1 day
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: There have been rumors going around that Y/N is cheating on Charles 🫢
Warning: Spelling and grammatical errors, ANGST ending with fluff, very bad photoshop (I was working with what I had)
A/N: this is my first time writing angst so let’s see how I do.
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Charles Leclerc DNF’d in the Canadian Grand Prix, he was so mad, he thought he could at least get some points, his engine was shit, the only thing he wanted to do was go home to his girlfriend. He decided to call her up on FaceTime. She answered after the second ring.
“Hey muñeco, what happened? I thought today was the GP, should you be racing?” Y/N asked, she was in line at the airport, getting ready to fly to Monaco.
“I’m out of the race, Mon ange.” Charles explained.
“Ay mi amor, i am so sorry to hear that. Listen, I’m at the airport right now, I’m going to Monaco, I’ll be in your apartment before you come back, okay? Then we can spend as much time together as you want.” Y/N said, knowing Charles will probably be very clingy after a terrible race.
“I’d like that. Have a safe flight, Mon coeur.” Charles said.
“Bye, mi vida.” Y/N said, sending him a kiss and Charles does the same before hanging up.
He was standing with the Ferrari team, looking at the monitors and viewing the rest of the race until Carlos also DNF’d. That just left him and Carlos talking until they were called for an interview when the race finished.
“Ugh, I can’t wait to go home.” Charles said, entering the driver’s room with Carlos. “When is our flight?”
“I don’t know, cabrón. Probably later tonight, I just want to get the fuck out of Montreal.” Carlos said.
“Same.” Charles groaned.
“Have you talked to Y/N?” Carlos asked, looking at his phone.
“Yeah, she’s getting on a flight to Monaco.” Charles said. “Why do you ask?”
“Because this is trending on Instagram.” Carlos said, showing Charles the Instagram post he found.
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f1WAGupdates the singer and girlfriend of Charles Leclerc, Y/N L/N, has been seen with the Maxton Hall actor, Damian Hardung, at a restaurant in Manhattan. Is this why Y/N wasn’t seen at the Canadian GP? She’s too busy hooking up with Damian behind Charles’s back? Looks like she’s not as supportive as she says she is.
Carlos pulled the phone away from Charles’s face
“Let me see the comments, Carlos.” Charles demanded.
“No way, it will just drive you crazy.” Carlos said, hiding his phone.
“Fine, I’ll go to Instagram myself. Who the fuck is Damian Hardung?” Charles asked, he was pulling his phone out but Carlos took it from him and shoved it in his pants. Charles looked at him and then at Carlos’s pants. “Don’t make me search for it, Carlos.”
“I am helping you! If you read those comments, you are going to be antsy when we’re on the plane.” Carlos said and Charles rolled his eyes and left the driver’s room, making his way to Max and Lando who were talking, with Carlos following quickly behind him. “Don’t give him your phone!” Carlos yelled.
“Max, Lando, Can you check Instagram for me?” Charles asked.
“Don’t you have your own phone?” Lando asked.
“Carlos has it.” Charles said and that’s when Carlos appeared behind him. Charles had his arms spread out as if he was block Carlos from the other two drivers. “Just go to Instagram.” Charles said sharply.
“Don’t go to Instagram!” Carlos exclaimed.
“Okay, I’m on Instagram, what else?” Max asked,
“Is there a gossip post about Y/N L/N and Damian Hardung?” Charles asked.
“Are you stalking your girlfriend?” Lando asked.
“Don’t show him anything!” Carlos exclaimed, getting away from Charles and heading over to Lando.
“I found it! Charles, are you sure you want to see this?” Max asked.
“Just read me the comments.” Charles demanded.
“Don’t!” Carlos exclaimed.
“Okay… ‘i never trusted Y/N, she seemed very fake.’ Dude, I don’t know…” Max started but Charles cut him off.
“Give me that.” Charles said and he took Max’s phone to read the other comments. ‘I bet she has been cheating on him for months’ one said, ‘all those times when she wasn’t at a GP, I bet she was with him’ said another, but there was one comment that hurt him the most ‘Charles is so blind, it was clear that she never really loved him, she doesn’t even post about him’ “FUCK!” Charles screamed. He gave Max his phone back, shoving him a little in the process. “I need to go to Monaco now.”
“What am I supposed to do?” Carlos asked.
“Catch a rode with Max and Lando!” Charles yelled as we walked away, trying to find Fred.
“Why did you tell him?” Carlos asked the Dutch driver, hitting his arm in the process.
“How was I supposed to know I wasn’t supposed to?” Max asked, playing dumb.
“I was literally shouting ‘Don’t tell him anything’ cabrón!” Carlos exclaimed.
“You know how max is, Carlos, he’ll do anything for Charles.” Lando teased Max, earning himself a slap on the arm.
Charles found Fred after asking a few Ferrari workers. “Fred, I need to go to Monaco now,”
“Is there an emergency, Charles?” Fred asked, very concerned with Charles’s state.
“Yes.” Charles said.
“Okay, I can have the plane ready in an hour, get Carlos, go to your hotel rooms and pack your things.” Fred said, already making plans with the pilot.
“Perfect, thank you!” Charles thanked him and walked back to Carlos, Max, and Lando, finding them arguing. “Carlos, let’s go, we need to pack.”
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Y/N’s flight was 11 hours long and Charles’s flight is 8 hours so Charles made it to the apartment first. He unpacked his luggage and put away his clothes. He then made himself something to eat while he viewed that stupid Instagram post, reading the comments. It wasn’t until he heard Y/N’s keys that he realized he spent over an hour reading the comments. Y/N came in with her luggage and walked to the couch where Charles sat.
“Muñeco, what are you doing here, I thought your flight was tomorrow?” Y/N asked, getting closer to him to kiss his lips but he turned his head. Y/N leaned back a little. “What’s wrong, muñeco?”
“Nothing at all. I just have a question is all.” Charles stated. Y/N put her suitcases in Charles’s bedroom before she sat down on the matching loveseat.
“Sure Amor, ask away.” Y/N said.
“What were you doing in New York?” Charles asked.
“Oh well I visited my parents, they’re doing well, they asked when you were going to visit so maybe we could visit before going to Spain. I was recording my new album with Sony Records, I think it’s going to go do really well, but who knows.” Y/N said.
“And what else happened when you were in New York?” Charles asked, wanting her to tell him herself.
“Mmm, nothing really important, I met with some people from Amazon.” Y/N said. Charles had a straight face and pursed his lips in annoyance. “I’m sensing that’s not what you wanted to hear.”
“Of course that’s not what I wanted to hear!” Charles raised his voices getting off the couch and walked into the kitchen with Y/N walking behind him. “I want to know why the fuck You were out with this guy.” Charles said, turning around and showing Y/N the Instagram post. “Who the fuck is Damian Hardung?”
“Damian is an actor from Maxton Hall, you know that Amazon show that I’ve been obsessed with?” Y/N asked him while she got a soda from the fridge, charles nodded his head for her to continue. “Anyway, I met up with him and some people from Amazon because they were considering him and I as leads for their new movie.” Opening the soda bottle to take a sip.
“But you don’t act.” Charles said. Y/N rolled her eyes, closed the bottle, and put it on the counter,
“But I sent in an audition tape for Culpa Tuya and i guess they liked it and wanted me as a lead.” Y/N said.
“Really, that’s all that was?” Charles asked.
“Yeah, it’s just a business dinner.” Y/N said.
“Then why is he looking at you like that? Why are you leaning against him like that?” Charles asked exasperated.
“Chemistry test, is that what you wanna hear? Why are you acting like this?” Y/N asked.
“Why am I acting like this? Let’s see, my car power unit was shit, it was my worst race of the season because I DNF’d, my top 4 streak is over, and to top it all off, my girlfriend was seen with another guy and everyone is talking about me!” Charles yelled and Y/N widened her eyes, she has never been yelled at before, her parents made sure to never fight in front of her or her siblings when she was growing up so the fact that he’s not yelling in front of her but actually yelling AT her.
“Why are you taking your anger out on me?” Y/N asked with tears in her me.
“Where are you when you’re not with me for the Grand Prix?” Charles asked. Y/N wiped her eyes.
“Charles, You’re being ridiculous.” Y/N said, trying to go to the living room but Charles blocked her. “Charles, no estoy jugando.”
“I’m not playing either, where are you?” Charles asked.
“I have a career outside of being your girlfriend you know! I’m not going to follow you around like a fucking puppy.” Y/N stated. “You understand that, right? I have interviews, photo shoots, live performances, I can’t go to every race. It never bothered you before, why is it bothering you now?”
“Why do you never post me on Instagram?” Charles asked.
“You’re insane.” Y/N stated.
“And you’re avoiding the question.” Charles said,
“What do you wanna do, Charles? You wanna track me? You wanna know my every move? You want me to post us on my Instagram and TikTok even when you said you didn’t want to risk me getting sent hate so we decided that I wouldn’t post anything?” Y/N asked rhetorically. “You’re acting as if I’d cheat on you.” Y/N jokingly said but when she saw Charles face. “No fucking way, you actually think I would cheat on you? Are you that insecure? Why the hell would you think that?”
“I’ve been reading the comments on the instagram post.” Charles said and Y/N rolled her eyes.
“Why would you believe the comments? Let me tell you this one time and one time only, I am your girlfriend, okay? If you come across a freaking piece of chisme like that, TALK TO ME, don’t come accusing me of cheating on you when I literally have your logo as a tramp stamp…” Y/N said and Charles smirked at the mention of the tramp stamp, his favorite tattoo of hers. “Focus, you horndog. I love you, and only you. If I have to move in with you to prove that, I will. Wait, I got a better idea, come here.” Y/N said, pulling Charles in front of a mirror so she could take selfie of them.
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Liked by charlesleclerc and 1,240,295 others
yourusername Charles and I have been dating for a year, he is the one I love. Though I love Damian Hardung in Maxton Hall, which is like my favorite show ever, I am in a very loving relationship. Damian is just a friend, he might be my future costar if I’m lucky. Why I’m not at races is no one’s business, I was present during Imola and Monaco, I am always home to celebrate with Charles and I love him dearly.
“There, it’s posted. Now you can stop worrying about us.” Y/N said.
“I’m sorry about everything, Mon ange.” Charles said.
“It’s fine muñeco. But yell at me again and I will shave your head in your sleep.” Y/N said with a serious look on her face.
“You wouldn’t shave my head, you love my hair, what are you going to tug on when I’m going down on you?” Charles asked with a smirk on his face and leaning into kiss her and Y/N just laughs.
“You really are a horndog aren’t you.” Y/N said but kissed him anyway. “But seriously, don’t yell at me again, I will stab you in your sleep.”
“Can you please stop threatening me, Mon ange?” Charles asked and Y/N just giggled and nodded. “Are you coming to Barcelona with me?” Charles asked.
“Of course I am! Are we going to New York next weekend?” Y/N asked.
“I’m sure I can arrange that, if not we can go after Spain.” Charles said.
“That sounds perfect. I will be posting more photos of us from now on, okay? So what did we learn today, mi muñequito celoso?”
“That I should talk to you before believing a gossip post about you.” Charles said.
“Good boy. Now…how do you want to take out your frustrations on yesterday’s Grand Prix?” Y/N asked, looking at him with siren eyes.
“Bedroom.” Charles said before he kisses Y/N, lifting her, making Y/N wrap her legs around his waist, and he carried her to his bedroom, shutting the door with his foot.
The End
Hope y’all liked it, I don’t really write angst, but I hope this turned out well 🤗
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eddiernunson · 8 months
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Really Drives Me Mad | Older!Eddie x Reader | 18+
Previous Part | Master List | Next Part
Big thank you to @forget-you-morelike-fuck-you for editing, you really are the best!
Thank you to @bebe07011 for all your encouragement
Thank you to @names-were-taken ... you know what you did.
Word Count: 10.3k
Warnings: road head, breeding kink, daddy!kink, family awkwardness
Authors note: Guys I appreciate all your patience, truly I do. I was so damn busy these last two months, and I barely had the time or the motivation to write. It's more of a filler chapter, we get some good stuff next one. I'm still quite busy, but I got a fire in me to continue this story. Don't worry, I plan on continuing to the end. There's about two or three more chapters planned. As they say: life happens when you're busy making plans.
You sit on the couch cross legged, watching a movie under a big blanket with Eddie right next to you. He’s relaxed in the corner, arm sitting on the back cushion as he half pays attention to the movie. You’re telling him about work, some drama between two co-workers that has the entire workplace turned on its head.
Eddie wipes his hands of the butter from his popcorn, finishing a handful before he speaks. “Oh, yeah, one of my apprentices just quit, so I’m interviewing a few guys next week.”
For some reason, it doesn’t occur to you that because Eddie owns the shop, he’s also their boss, and therefore, has to hire and interview people. “Cool.”
Something in your tone forces Eddie’s head to tilt towards you. You see this out of the corner of your eye and break into a wide smile, giggling. “What’s…what’s this about?”
“It’s nothing.” You insist, way too fast for it to not be nothing.
“Ok, now you’ve gotta tell me.” Eddie insists, turning his entire body to face you.
“You’re gonna think it’s dumb.”
“What?” Eddie yelps out in surprise. “Of course I won’t think it’s dumb!”
“Promise you won’t laugh?” You pout.
Eddie sighs, you’re just hopelessly adorable to him. And he’s hopelessly in love. So of course, he says “I promise, I won’t laugh.”
“I just didn’t really think about you owning the shop, meaning that you’re their boss, and you have to do interviews.” You admit, aware of his brown eyes on you. “I never imagined you on the other side of a desk. But…” you stutter, clenching your thighs. “…then I did.” You laugh, embarrassed. “Then I became aware of how fast it took for me to picture it and I smiled.”
It’s a lot for Eddie to process at once. “Wait, so you thought of all of that in those two seconds?” Eddie asks, as an eyebrow rises in astonishment.
You nod, continuing  to munch on your popcorn. “Yeah…”
“…So what did you think of me behind that desk?”  He asks, biting his lip as his voice gets real low. One part of him wants to rile you up, but the other is genuinely curious.
You giggle, watching through half lidded eyes as his lips lean in to kiss you. Your tongues meet sweetly, his darkened stare making you feel drunk on love. “I—” The feeling of your phone buzzing underneath your thigh interrupts you, Eddie sighing as he reluctantly pulls back. “Wait!” you whine.
He chuckles. “Answer your phone. I promise, I’ll be just as curious after.”
Somehow it hasn’t gone to voicemail, yet. Your hand fishes it out from under your leg, the word Mom and her picture illuminating the screen. Fuck. You wince, wishing for three minutes ago when you were breathing in Eddie’s intoxicating scent. Your thumb hesitantly presses the answer button, “Hi, mom.”
“Oh, well you do answer!” There’s a sass in her voice right out the gate, and you instinctively cringe, understanding the type of phone call you’re about to have with her.
“I do work, mom. You happen to keep calling when I’m at work. Then, when I do call you back, you never answer!” You answer, watching Eddie’s brows furrow. It’s the first he’s hearing about this round about game you have with your mom when it comes to phone calls and you’ve never brought it up because the topic alone causes an abundance of stress for you.  “Please tell me why you called, or was it to just yell at me?”
“Oh I’m not yelling.” She dismisses you, not unusual for her, yet you still roll your eyes and grit your teeth in frustration. “I would, however, like to meet your boyfriend…looks like you two are getting serious…your aunts have found your page.”
“So they’ve seen…what? His ankle tattoo?” You ask, referring to the photo where Eddie is just stepping out of frame on purpose. Nothing about your Instagram account is a mistake for the moment, if anything just to spite his ex.
“The walk-in closet.” Your mom answers, and you gotta admit, that arch of a full body mirror in his (your) walk-in has become your favorite place to take a photo for the moment. “Even if I don’t approve, I just want to meet him. Bring him to supper. He can bring some family, if he wants. The more, the merrier!”
This sounds like your own personal version of hell. Judgemental aunties, drunk uncles, annoying cousins, and your mom all with Eddie? Throw him to the wolves, why don’t you? “Mom, why don’t we hold off your sisters for now? Let’s just introduce him to our family, and he can introduce you to his.” You suggest alternatively, barely holding in a laugh as Eddie’s shoulders relax, unashamedly eavesdropping on your conversation, not that you mind.
“You know, they’re not patient women.”
You laugh, nodding your head in full agreement. “Yeah, I know. Neither are you, and neither am I, neither is Viti. Runs in your family.” You roll your eyes.
Eddie nods in agreement, thinking of the initiative you took when he first met you and laughing silently to himself. Then his nose scrunches. Who’s Viti?
You turn to face Eddie as you talk on the phone, trying to make out what he’s mouthing to you. “Just send me a date and a time and I’ll try to get them over there.” What? You mouth back to him.
“Who’s Viti?” He whispers, still confused.
Wait, who’s Viti? You stare at him blankly, holding up a finger to finish the conversation with your mom as she responds. “Uh, I’m working Friday, and Eddie’s working Saturday…is middle of the week undoable?”
You hold the receiver, getting an answer that starts with “Well” is always going to be long-winded before getting to the point with your mom. “Viti is my little sister!” You whisper to Eddie. Upon seeing the genuine look of surprise you can tell he never knew about her.
You put the phone back to your ear, catching the end of “I suppose we could do Wednesday…”
You cover the phone receiver. “Can you get Steve in the state on Wednesday?” Eddie nods wordlessly, no doubt in his mind. “Wednesday works!” You cover the receiver again and remove the phone from your ear as she finishes with a long-winded goodbye. “How did you not know I had a sister?”
Eddie shrugs, also wondering. “Never came up, I guess?”
You consider this answer, recalling any acceptable times to bring it up. “That’s true, I suppose.” You put the phone back to your ear, “So, I’ll see you next Wednesday?”
“See you then! 7pm, don’t be late!”
You hang up your phone, falling backwards on the couch in frustration. “Ugh!”
“Would it be ludicrous to say that that did not kill my boner at all?” Eddie asks, slightly surprised himself.
You laugh, shaking your head as he makes his way back to where you sit on the couch. “Still wanna hear about it?”
He lays you down, nodding as he leans in for a kiss. “Tell me everything, baby.”
It’s Wednesday, unfortunately, and you make your way over to your parents’ house, a twenty minute drive down the highway. Yesterday it became evident how nervous Eddie is, dancing around the subject and being more lovey with you than usual, as if that were even possible. Now, he sits with his shoulders locked and face staring dead ahead as he gulps through his nerves. “Baby, are you okay?” You hesitate to ask, but can’t help it.
“Oh, just terrified.” Eddie admits, knowing just how much rides on this one supper. “Something just occurred to me…how…how old is your dad?”
“Oh…” you shift in the passenger seat into a more comfortable position. “I think he’s 53 or 54. I don’t remember which one he turns this year.”  
“Oh, thank god.” Eddie sighs, relieved, closing his eyes momentarily. “If your dad was younger I could only fucking imagine…what a shit show that would’ve been.”
“My mom is the same age as you, now that I think about it.” You say, wondering how that was a detail that hadn’t occurred to you before. “She graduated in 94’, which, correct me if I’m wrong, is the year you would’ve, too.”
“Well, shit.” Eddie mutters. He hasn’t done a meet the parents dinner where he was the one meeting the parent in fucking forever. So long ago, in fact, it was borderline humorous.
For some reason, Eddie seemed to look extra scrumptious, dressed to impress and smelling fantastic. Even as he looks nervous, he looks ten times better than any confident man. “You know what would help you feel better?” You ask, placing a hand on his knee.
You think you might have to be more upfront about it, but just from your tone alone Eddie is tenting his pants.  “What’s that sweetheart?” He asks anyway, playing dumb, wanting to hear you say it.
“If I sucked you off on the way?”
Eddie huffs his lips out, pretending to consider it. Honestly, he can’t even pretend. He breaks into a chuckle. “Put those pretty lips on my cock.”
You smile in satisfaction as you immediately move to unzip Eddie’s nice slacks and slip his cock out. “You’re already hard” You accuse him playfully. It’s such a damn compliment to you.
You’re in a lusted-out haze as you bend over to take him in your mouth, your shoulder awkwardly colliding with the steering wheel. The possibility of anyone passing in a car big enough to see you in Eddie’s clear windowed vehicle was too much of a turn on for you not to dissect it eventually. His cock reaches your throat, the sounds of you gagging on him repeatedly and your muscles twitching around him make him want to tilt his head back and close his eyes.
“Oh she’s just letting herself be fucked in the throat where anyone can see, huh?” Eddie mutters, his free hand moving through your hair. “Showing everyone how good of a slut you are.”
The words certainly help your ambition, and you start to bob up and down on him, sucking the life out of him with your wet slurps.
“Everyone gets a view but no one gets to know but me.” One of your hands start to play with his balls, moving them around as you lick and slobber all over him before pulling back, taking a breath break. Eddie lifts eyes up momentarily, smirking. “Oh you just gave that semi trucker a fucking hard on, baby I hope you know that.”
You glance sideways, your hand still wrapped on Eddie's cock, seeing the tail end of a white semi truck. You smile up at him and continue, the thought of some random dude being jealous of Eddie because of you was cool. You were only the cool girlfriend who likes to give road head because he’s a good boyfriend, anyhow. You hope he knows that.
“That turn you on?” You shake your head, the nuance too much to discuss while his cock still sits in your mouth. “Does him seeing it turn you on?” You smirk at him, taking a breath as your hand moves up and down his length. Now, for the big guns. You accept him to the back of your throat easily, the deep throating becoming one of your favorite past times with him. “Oh I’m gonna—"
You swallow every last drop that he has to offer when he spills into your mouth, almost too much as some dribbles down your chin. No, not too much. Never too much. You collect the dribble and put it in your mouth, licking your fingers clean. You hum in contentment over the salty taste, sitting back in your seat.
“Jesus christ.” Eddie mutters, still gripping the steering wheel with an iron fist. “That certainly made me feel a lot better.”
In hindsight, Eddie was right to feel anxious for it, just not for the reasons anybody could ever reasonably guess.
When you get there with five minutes to spare, Dylan and Steve are already in your parent’s driveway, both bearing smiles on their faces as they laugh about something.
Eddie finally finishes buckling himself up once the truck pulls up and you get out right away to distract (and to hug, of course), thanking Steve for making it on such short notice. Out of view, Steve’s SUV passenger door slams shut. “Dad, do you think her parents are as stuffy as she says they are or—” Arlo Harrington stops the moment he notices you’re there.
Eddie was hesitant to extend the offer to Arlo, but after he asked you with the disclaimer that Arlo is his god child and he considers family…it was hard to refuse. While you knew Arlo was going to be there, you just didn’t expect him to be a carbon copy of the version of Steve you saw in the photo on Eddie’s facebook.
Whatever genes are in those Harringtons, those curls run deep, every one of his kids had them from the photos. “Hi, Arlo. Nice to meet you.” You hold out a hand, diffusing the tension.
“Thanks for letting me tag along.” He pulls you in once he grabs your hand to shake it, muttering, “Couldn’t resist a show.”
You pull back, seeing a younger Steve in him. “Damn. This is your kid alright.” You confirm to Steve, letting go of Arlo’s hand.
Steve laughs, rolling his eyes. “Yeah, that’s my son.”
Eddie jogs up behind you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder as he carries a bottle of white wine. “Look who finally showed up.” Steve announces, wondering if he’s picturing the flush in Eddie’s face.
“Sorry, I needed a minute to gather my courage. We’re 3 minutes past 7, let’s go.” He mutters to you, causing you to roll your eyes.
“God, I’m not going to hear the end of those three minutes, she’ll hold them against me next time she needs something, I just fucking know it.”
Eddie chuckles as he holds your hand and you walk the stone path up to your front porch. Three knocks land on the door and you hear the small dogs barking and your mom brushing them away from the door. Your mom opens the door with your dad and your jaw hurts from the painful smile on your face as you watch the color in your mom’s face drain. “Mom…?” You ask, waiting for her to say something. “Hello?”
“Oh…sorry.” Your mom gulps, shaking her head. “Of course, come on in, everyone. There’s food on the table for snacks and supper is almost ready.”
Your parents’ tiny dogs yap and jump at you as you take your jacket off, watching as Eddie looks around your childhood home. “Quaint.” Eddie comments, noticing the frames on the wall and the little seasonal décor accents.
“Fuck off.” You tell him, a little self conscious.
“Good quaint.”
“You boys wanna watch the game?” Your dad asks, offering seemingly to anyone but Eddie. “Come on, let’s go sit.” He leans into Eddie as he turns to the living room, muttering, “My wife has got a bucket of questions, so don’t be scared by her inviting you to the kitchen.”
“Dave?” Your mom asks, still not having said much since you got there, which, frankly, is unlike her. “Can you meet me in the kitchen?”
Your dad’s eyes widen, the irony of his last statement not lost on him. “Shut up.” He tells you, his eyes kind behind his round glasses. A grin creeps up your face and you hug him tightly, wishing him luck as he opens the door  into the kitchen.
For the next five minutes, nothing suspicious seems to happen in the kitchen. Steve asks if there are any bottle openers for the beer as you sit next to Eddie on the couch, a dog landing on your lap as you direct him to said kitchen. Nothing too awful seemed to be happening, anyway.
Steve sighs as he just gets comfortable. Even with Eliza gone he can’t get fucking comfy. He trudges on to the door of the kitchen when he overhears the reason your parents were quietly bickering.
“—and Eddie fucking Munson!”
“Are you sure it’s the same men? Maybe they just look the same.”
Your mom hesitates, “I know Steve the Hair Harrington, Dave.”
“Yeah, I know you know him.” Your dad answers, Steve picks up on the bitterness in his voice.
You and Eddie are approaching the kitchen now, both going to grab a drink from the fridge when Steve stops you. “Listen.” He whispers.
“I don’t know how, but my daughter is shacked up with Eddie the Freak Munson!”
“And your high school crush is here as family…” Your dad adds, sounding tired.
High school whatnow?
“Oh, I could barely say two words to him! I went into Family Video once and ended up not getting anything because I was too flustered!”
“I’ve heard this story before, Cheryl, why exactly are you still flustered now?”
“Oh, don’t condescend me, don’t act like if Penny Rogers showed up at our doorstep you wouldn’t be tripping over yourself.”
“Penny has nothing to do with this!”
Once it starts getting heated, you look up at the two men and leave the door quietly to give them some time and hash it out. “Was that what I thought it was?” You ask Steve, afraid of a yes.
Steve nods, his eyes wide. “I think so.”
“Do you remember her?”
Steve shakes his head solemnly. “Sorry, can’t say that I do.”
Your little sister, Viti makes her way down the stairs, passing you without a second thought to the two men she has never met. “Hi, sis.” She greets, about to head into the kitchen.
“I wouldn’t go in there!” You warn her. Viti observes you, looking next to you as the two men shake their heads in tandem.
“What, they fighting? Not unusual, nowadays, sis.”  She answers, walking into the kitchen brazenly.
Eddie can’t resist. He really should. With you right there, he knew he’d get hit. He texts it to Steve, instead. Might not have missed your shot.
Steve pushes Eddie over, rolling his eyes. “You’re terrible!” Steve snaps, wishing the world would envelope him whole.
You hear your parents shooing Viti out and she returns, eyes wide and her pretty braids moving in tandem as she shakes her head. “Nope. I was wrong. They’re way worse. Whatever has them fighting has dad’s neck vein popping out, yeesh. Let’s go wait it out, it’s what I do, anyhow.”
Viti plays host and you sit by Eddie, listening to the boys talk about the game. You’re not particularly interested in stats and players but it’s fun cheering for the other team. Eventually you notice your sister has stopped talking altogether. She’s not even watching the tv screen.
You follow her line of sight to Arlo, and the irony of the situation hits you tenfold. “Nope. I can’t. I can’t.” You go upstairs to your told high school bedroom, Eddie following you inquisitively.
“Hey, what happened?” He asks, following you into the room that’s stuck in 2014.
“I noticed my sister paying a little too much attention to Arlo. That’s a little too fucking weird for me.”
Eddie chuckles, sitting with you on your bed. “We’ll get through this, don’t worry. Steve won’t even mention he doesn’t remember her.”
“He’d better not” You grumble, leaning onto his shoulder.
Eddie now observes his surroundings and how it’s so clearly a teenager’s bedroom. Your bedroom from high school. He adjusts as his hard on comes unexpectedly, yet fast. Something about the suggested innocence… Eddie shakes his head, kicking himself out of it. Your mom calls your name and you sigh, getting up from the teal bedspread. “C’mon. Let’s go face this shit show.”
Your mom has seemed to calm herself down, directing everyone to the extended dining table when it comes time. Your sister, 21 and in college, eagerly asks for the chair across from Arlo. By now, he’s caught on and he’s playing nice, much to Dylan’s teasing. However, neither of them have any idea how truly humorous it is.
“Sorry for the delay on supper.” Your mom says as you all sit down. “Some malfunctions with the food, all cleared up.”
Conversations carry on like normal, Eddie getting the interrogation treatment from your mom. Dylan feels defensive of his father’s honor but bites his tongue. She even asks Dylan if it was weird for him. “It’s my new normal.” Dylan answers easily, taking a basket of buns from Arlo next to him.
All conversations go politely, Eddie seemingly passing with flying colors. (Truth is, her mind was already made up before this dinner, and with her distraction, what Eddie said really doesn’t make a difference.) As the channels open up from getting to know Eddie and how he takes care of you and other points, your mom brazenly passes in favor of wanting to get it out there. “Uh, so I don’t know if you are aware, but I went to highschool with you two.”
Arlo, Dylan, and Viti are all thrown, of course. You, Steve, and Eddie all do your best to be surprised, Steve a much subtler actor than Eddie, but the smirk on his face is a dead giveaway. Eddie’s just dramatic.
“No shit, eh? Were we in any classes together?” Steve asks, making conversation.
“Yeah…chemistry and geometry. It was kind of hard to miss The King.” Dylan and Arlo pick up on it simultaneously, both sets of eyes jerking around in disbelief. Was this really happening?
You saw the kick in Steve’s confidence as he was called The King. You lean into Eddie. “The king of what?”
“You don’t wanna know.” Eddie lets you know, shaking his head.
“Don’t blame ya, I was loud.”
“I think I was louder, to be frank.” Eddie says, chuckling about his dramatic flair in the cafeteria.
“Oh my god, I remember that.” Your mom looks up, you envy, wanting to see young Eddie, too. From what you’ve seen of him, if you knew Eddie back then you couldn’t have been held responsible for pinning him down in a high school cafeteria. “The cheerleaders called basketball balls into laundry baskets because it pissed them off so much.”
Eddie chuckles, amused by this. “Cool.”
“I used to go to Steve’s ragers all the time.”
“Ragers? I’m sorry, this old man, father of four, dad joke extraordinaire, was a Rager Party thrower?”
Eddie nods, solemnly. “There’s a reason we didn’t get along. He was a douche.”
“Okay, I don’t think I was that bad.”
“Dad, when I was 17, you said you were glad you didn’t have a daughter because you were a raging dick in highschool. Actual quote.” Arlo speaks up, watching this shit show go down.
“If she was a cheerleader that answers why I don’t recognize her.” Eddie mutters to you, pretending to lean forward to speak low.
“Oh, fuck, yeah! You were Chrissy Cunningham’s friend, right?” Steve answers, tapping his brain.
“Yes! I was!” The relief that radiates off your mom after Steve remembers her is a little uncomfortable.
Steve makes eye contact and mouths the word No to Eddie, signaling he still doesn’t remember her, but if they were on the cheer squad, they definitely knew Chrissy.
An hour later, you’re washing dishes as Eddie comes up from behind you. He’s nervous as ever, for reasons he shall not share, but has something to do with the ring in his back pocket and a question for your parents.
“Hi, baby.” He mutters, thumbs slowly caressing the exposed skin on your hips. “Your mom asked to talk to me…should I be worried?”
“I wanna say no, but I don’t wanna give you false hope.” A sharp pain on your shoulder as he bites it causes you to jump, hitting your hips against his harshly. “I’m just being honest!”
Eddie chuckles softly, kissing where he bit you while rubbing your shoulder softly. You hum into him, your head leaning over in content. “Wish me luck, my love.”
As Eddie turns the corner towards the dining room he hears you mutter, “You’ll need it.” He rolls his eyes at you fondly, mentally reminding himself to get you back for that.
Truth be told, Eddie told a small fib. Your mom had gotten all her questions out during the dinner. Eddie was the one who had requested to talk to her and your father. The ring in his pocket has burned a hole in his back pocket all night, and he could finally get to the reason he was so eager to join your family for dinner.
If he was gonna propose, he’d at least do it right. (To be honest, if your parents don’t approve he’s gonna do it anyway, at least he’ll have made the attempt.)
Your parents are already ready and waiting, in the middle of an unimportant conversation. It dies as soon as he crosses the threshold to the dining room, the air in the room suddenly coarse. Has it really been nearly 30 years since he had to talk to a girlfriend’s parents? “Hi, thanks for agreeing to meet with me.”
“Sure, Eddie.” Your mom politely responds, her voice clearly uncomfortable despite her good manners.
“We were just curious as to why you asked us to have a conversation, is all.” Your dad admits, much more nicely, but still hesitant.
Not that Eddie blames them. If Dylan one day came to him with a much younger girlfriend he’d probably have some concerns, as well.
“I’m sure you are. Uh, to be honest, I was rather eager for a meet-the-family dinner…I have a question for you.” Eddie admits, rubbing his back pocket self consciously. “Listen…I love your daughter very deeply.”
He pauses and assesses their reaction, sitting as he twiddles his thumbs.
“We appreciate the sentiment. I can tell you really care about her.” Your dad admits, a soft smile on his face. He already feels a sense of affection for Eddie, despite only being a handful of years older than him. Anyone paying attention can see that your relationship was by no means superficial.
“However, you’ll have to forgive us if we’re a bit hesitant. Our daughter dating a man that’s literally old enough to be her father is a tad concerning for us.”
Eddie bites his lip, doing his best to stop himself from being defensive. It was his best intention to be on their good side. Flaring up seems like a bad idea.
“Totally understand where you guys are coming from.” He says, his hands anxiously rubbing against his jeans. “As I said, I love her. She’s the best person for me, and I don’t think I’ve ever been happier with anyone. I’m so happy… And considering I’m not getting any younger, I can’t wait any longer. I’m hoping you’ll give me your blessing to ask her to marry me.”
Any hope for a blessing dies as soon as your mom opens her mouth. For the record, it starts in abrupt laughter. “Yeah, no, that’s not going to happen.”
Eddie is unable to hold back the look of astonishment that lands on his face. He wasn’t expecting a blessing, but laughter certainly isn’t what he thought would happen. “Uh, care to explain the laughter?”
“Cheryl, while I was also going to refuse his blessing, laughing was a tad unnecessary.”
“Oh, Dave. If you knew Eddie Munson in highschool you would understand. It has nothing to do with the age difference and everything to do with the kid who made dramatic speeches on anarchy.” She laughs, placing one side of her hair behind her ear.
Eddie is stunned by her answer. How the hell was she still thinking like a high school cheerleader this many years later? “I…I have matured quite a bit since highschool.” Seems like you haven’t, bitch.
“While I’m sure you think that’s true, I just can’t see past the screw up. When she gets over how Attractive she finds you, she’ll find her way again.” She says absentmindedly, and even Dave seems to be astounded at her sheer audacity.
He chuckles deeply, arms crossed as he realizes he’s not going to win her over any time soon. An aura of confidence bursts through him, and it's almost refreshing to not be concerned with her opinion of him. “Okay. Got it. Your message is clear.” Eddie laughs.
“Good.” She stops and looks to her husband and says something clearly Eddie wasn’t supposed to hear. “Almost brought up the two years of highschool he repeated.”
That hit Eddie hard. She just went to a place that when Brooke shoved in his face he finally realized how shitty of a person she is. It hit a place that grabbed his heart and squeezed it harshly. “Okay, that’s too far. Don’t make me say it.” Eddie warns, jaw set hard.
She laughs. “Oops. Sorry. Didn’t mean for you to hear that. You gotta admit, it’s true.”
“Seriously. Don’t make me say it.” 
She rolls her eyes in a way he hasn’t seen since a bratty girlfriend Dylan had about ten years ago. “Say what, drug dealer?”
“No, I warned her.” Eddie answers, unbothered at this point. If he has to marry you without your mom there, so be it. “Steve doesn’t remember you. Not the faintest idea who you are.” Eddie takes pride in her crestfallen face. “I respect your lack of blessing, but I’m gonna ask her, anyway. Then, when we get married and you’re not invited, don’t be surprised, Cheryl.”
Without another word, he walks into the living room where everyone is sitting watching a football game, including you. He comes in wearing a smirk, you almost fear the look on his face.
“C’mon, time to go home.” He holds his hand out, a tone in his voice informing you that you have no choice in the matter.
“Is…is everything okay?” you ask hesitantly, getting up from where Steve sits with his legs on your lap.
“If you consider your mom being stuck in high school good, then sure.” Eddie tells you, holding your hand. “Besides I think she’s about to get—”
Eddie is interrupted by your mom marching into the living room. “Alright, get out, family supper over.”
With that, you, Eddie, Dylan, Steve, and Arlo are out the door within the minute.
“Jeesh, what happened?” Steve asks, partially looking accusingly at Eddie.
“She insulted me a bunch, so I told her you had no idea who she is.”
Your hand slaps over your mouth, sharing a stunned look with Dylan and Arlo.  
“She insulted you?” You ask, anger swirling in your stomach as you turn on your heel. “I’ll be right back, baby.”
“Wait—!” Eddie can’t even finish his thought; you’ve already started your walk back into your house to give her a piece of your mind.
Your mom starts flying off the handle the minute the front door slams. “I thought I told you to leave my house!”
The look on her face tells you she’s only attempting to be intimidating with her stern expression, but all you can do is laugh at the absurdity of it. “That was before you decided to go and insult the shit out of my boyfriend.”
“Excuse me?”
“Oh, you’re excused. Frankly, it’s embarrassing that I have to defend him from you because of whatever notion of him you’ve kept all these years. It’s also embarrassing for you to act like some moon eyed teenage girl with a crush when your husband of 30 years is literally right there!”
Your mom’s expression flares up defensively. “If you had heard what he said—”
“You realize how patient that man is right?”
She blinks confusedly. “Pardon?”
A huff of laughter escapes you before you continue. “Do you know how patient he is? Because for him to fire a shot back at you that severely means he must’ve endured far too much verbal assault before finally saying something to you. Which means you spent the better part of ten minutes insulting him for whatever reason until he snapped!” You look to your father who had come to witness the whole debacle. ”Am I correct in assuming that?”
He just nods solemnly, arms crossed as he looks on with furrowed eyebrows.
“Thought so. So here’s what’s gonna happen. Next time, you will not insult the man who has been nothing but nice to you and actually gave you no reason to hold a grudge this late in life other than being slightly alternative. If something like this happens again, I will not hesitate to cut contact with you.” A flick of worry crosses his face. “Oh, don’t worry, dad. I only mean her.” You allow your words to sink into her skin. “Am I making myself clear?” You don’t even wait for her response as her mouth gapes. “Good. Because I will be damned if I allow anyone, especially my mother, to mock the man I love. See you next time, where I expect you to act like my mom, and not this insecure and needy cheerleader I see before me.”
The silence is loud as you leave the front hallway entrance and slam the door shut behind you. The sight of Arlo, Steve, and Eddie standing near their vehicles greets you, their eyes synchronously moving to you as the sound of the door slam echoes in the neighborhood.
Eddie jogs over to you, his face concerned. “What was that about?” He asks, observing your mood.
“Yeah, like I’m ever gonna sit idly and watch when someone insults you. That’s unacceptable, I don’t care who it is.” You tell him, your mouth in a stern line, without a hint of humor in your voice.
“I—what?” He asks, his voice soft, his pupils jerkily assessing your face.
“I’m sorry you had to deal with that, that’s so unfair of her.”
“No, baby, I don’t care about that.” He dismisses it, the last thing on this mind. “Did you just stand up for me? To your own family?”
Suddenly the mist in his eyes becomes much clearer. “Of course! I can’t stomach that crap.”
A small “umph” leaves our throat as he tugs you into his chest with more force than you think he intended to. “I love you so fucking much.”
A sense of pride takes over you, smiling into his chest.
“So, we have a long drive back to Hawkins, so we’re gonna get going.” Steve mentions, suddenly realizing the two of you probably won’t be in the mood for any company tonight.
Eddie lifts his head to respond, you curl into his chest as one of his hands drop. “Of course, dude. If I’d known…”
“I don’t think any of us could’ve predicted that.” Steve laughs, letting the two of you off the hook.
“Oh shit,” Arlo stops himself from getting into his passenger side door. “You know your baby sister gave me her number, right?” He asks you, holding out a little folded piece of paper.
You wince in embarrassment. “Oh god. Don’t feel obligated. She’s just a girl with a crush.”
Arlo shrugs, not making a big deal out of it. “No, I know. Just making you aware.”
You watch him carefully. “…Hey Arlo?”
“Why are you putting her number back in your wallet?”
He hesitates. “No reason...”
“Arlo?” You ask, your voice raising.
“What? No harm no foul.” He shrugs, putting the wallet back into his pants pocket.
You roll your eyes, shifting your attention to Steve. “Keep an eye on him?”
“I make no promises.” Steve laughs, holding his hands up in surrender.
“You laugh now, Steve, but just wait until Eliza is giving her numbers to men like Arlo.”
Steve stops laughing.
“That’s what I thought.”
Dylan can’t help himself from chiming in the thought that’s been eating at his brain. “Hey look at it this way.” He says, swinging an arm around your shoulder. “If they get married, your sister will have succeeded where your mom failed to.”
“Oh? And what’s that?” You ask, arms crossed with a skeptical smirk on your face.
“Becoming a Harrington.”
The bass beat echoes through the house as you dance around, mop in tow as you perform for no one. The Twilight soundtrack plays, specifically Super Massive Black Hole as your hips swing playfully, mopping the living room. Eddie is at work for the day until later in the evening, a rarity, but you plan on surprising him by earning your keep as a freeloader. As you continue to work 40 hours a week, the only thing you have to pay is your phone bill and car insurance, but you feel bad as Eddie continues to pay for everything else.
So, to make up for it, you’ve decided to clean his already clean house and do some laundry for him. Once the last of the living room has been mopped, you put it aside and return to the laundry room to switch the loads over. As everything is moved over, you lift the basket of hot clothes onto your hip like some sort of busy mom and make your way upstairs to the closet to put it away.
At the top of the stairs, you swear softly as you trip over a box Dylan has laid outside his bedroom door. He’s packing to leave, slowly moving his boxes over to his new place one trip at a time. Eddie had offered the same thing he had granted you: a moving truck with men to move it for him, but Dylan outright refused it. You know why, Dylan is a stubborn person, something you realize he got more from her than from Eddie. If Eddie acts stubborn, it’s usually for something he believes very strongly. Dylan is just plain ol’ stubborn.
You lightly kick at the box and walk through your room into your closet. The closet has certainly gotten messier since you moved in, most of the clothes are strung about when you’re done with them at the end of the day…much to Eddie’s dismay. One thing Eddie has learned about you after he moved you in was that you are not an organized person. His constant picking up behind you makes you smile, staring at him dead in the eye as you place the plate in the sink instead of the dishwasher. To Eddie, it’s like you want to watch the world burn.
Based on the look he gave you, you might be facing some repercussions for it, later.
Today is an attempt to make up for it, finally having the time to place your sweaters on the hangers and putting the pants back in their drawers. Eddie has a system, and you have to admit, it works. Your fingers brush the cooled off fabric as you fold each item, placing them in each perspective pile before starting to put them away. You hadn’t even realized the sheer volume of clothes you had put in the load. The detergent only vaguely smells like him, missing his essence, shampoo, and his cologne to top it all off. Still, the smell of it as you take a big inhale is intensely comforting.
Each pile is designated, so you move through them one at a time, the music blaring from the living room still used as a soundtrack. Pants, in the drawers. Shirts, hung up by type. Pajamas, put into a drawer. Your last pile is Eddie’s boxers, you fold them delicately by style and open the drawer to place them in, when a peak in the bottom of the already neat pile grabs your attention. Eddie is notorious for keeping piles meticulously organized so you grab the pile to start over when a soft thud hits the carpeted floor, grabbing your attention.
The object rolls out of sight, so you peer around the center console and the breath gets sucked out of your lungs when you see it. A small black velvet box sits upside down next to the white console, acting like it didn’t just bring tears to your eyes upon the very indication of what could be inside.
You pick the box up, Eddie’s underwear forgotten. You turn it over in your hands, thumb smoothing over the velvet as you contemplate opening it. Your hand itches for it, moving to open and backing out as soon as the seal is broken. Your teeth are grinding so hard as you place it on top of the center console and move to put Eddie’s underwear away, distracting yourself from doing something crazy.
The drawer closes, nothing else to do. The kitchen is done, living room is done, Dylan isn’t around for you to bother him and distract yourself. Mentally, you make a list of things you could be doing instead as you pace around the closet, the little box growing a big presence in the closed-in space. Your phone in your back pocket buzzes, you take it out, grateful for a distraction.
Shit, just someone you’ve spoken to once adding to their story. Your phone goes back into the pocket, and you stare at the box. It’s too tempting. It’s like Eddie staring at you with his dark brown eyes when he’s seducing you. How could you not give in to something when it tempts you so?
“Shit.” You whisper, walking slowly towards it. Finally, you let yourself open it, and your eyes well up as you see its silver and intricate design. It’s just what you envisioned for an engagement ring to be; you couldn’t have picked out a better ring even if you’d tried. How the hell did he find this? How did he know? Your hands are moving before you can even register. The music is still loud downstairs, but it’s muffled to you as your heartbeat takes over. The ring slides easily onto your left ring finger, and it fits perfectly. A tear falls down your cheek, an involuntary smile takes over your face.
Fuck, he does want to be with you forever, enough to go and get a ring. Your hands shakily move to remove it and it feels like torture as the ring lingers on the ridges of your fingerprint. Words can’t convey how hard it is to take it off. Who knows how long Eddie’s going to wait to propose? You don’t want to wait another day, let alone months. The idea of knowing but never knowing when he’s going to do it somehow feels worse than not knowing he has a ring to begin with.
No, you can’t even wait another hour. Your thumb hits the call button on Eddie’s name, top of your favorites, the recent calls, and your text messages. Doesn’t matter, if your thumb hits the top of your screen it’ll lead to him somehow.
He picks up on the second ring. “Hi, baby.” He greets you so warmly, a smile radiating in his voice.
You stare at the ring now sitting in your hand and nearly cry just from his tone alone. “Come home.”
“Wh-what, why?” Eddie asks, sounding alarmed. “Are you okay, did something happen, or--?” You can hear him moving around, he’s already getting ready to leave.
“I really need you right now.” You tell him, watching the silver band catch the fluorescent lighting of the closet. “Just come home.”
“Okay, sit tight, be right there. Love you.” Before you can respond, he hangs up, and you suddenly realize you have mere minutes to go and turn off the blaring music.
When Eddie bursts through the door, you greet him in the front entrance, the music turned off as you stand there with one hand behind your back, concealing the box in your hands. It lasts only a second. “Ask me.” You tell him, forgetting to show him the ring.
Eddie stops in his tracks; unsure he heard you correctly. He appears deeply concerned, his brow deeply furrowed and lips in a tight line. “I’m sorry?”
“Oh.” You let out, bringing the ring into his sight. Eddie’s eyes widen as he sees the box within your clenched grip. You shove it into his chest, eyes welling up as you tell him again. “Ask me. Get down on one knee and ask me.”
“A-a-are you sure? I had a plan, I was gonna make a whole romantic evening out of it—”
You interrupt him, happy tears shining in your eyes. “Edward Munson if you don’t ask me right now, I swear to god—”
“Okay, okay!” He chuckles, relieved his worry was all for nothing, yet his heart races as he shakily takes a breath and slowly lowers onto one of his knees. “Y/N L/N,” he starts, licking his lips as he smiles up at you. He holds out the tiny box you spent the last hour fidgeting with and opens it. “Will you marry me?” It couldn’t have looked any better…the shine in his eyes as he looks up at you, how the heavy breathing of his chest signals his nerves, his fingers fidgeting around the little black box.
You giggle through a teary yes, meeting him halfway as he rushes to his feet, grabby hands pawing at his face to yank him into a kiss. You’re both smiling too much to truly lock lips, feeling the top row of his teeth against your own gnash in the best of ways. “Put it on, put it on!” You mutter, your left hand tapping his chest impatiently.
His hands move quickly, stumbling as he slides it on. You can swear you see his eyes well up as he admires how it looks on your finger. “Back where it belongs.” You whisper to yourself, tapping your fingers on his chest.
The sentence takes a minute for Eddie to register as he smiles down at you, lovelorn. “Did you try the ring on?”
Your eyes widen, your face breaking into a wide smile. “I mean, with a ring as perfect as this one, how could I not?”
“Perfect, eh?” He asks, one hand moving up to caress your cheek. “I’ll take it.” He leans down to kiss you, all his emotions he fails to put into words conveying in the deep and lush kiss. It takes your breath away. “You sure? You wanna wear a pretty white dress and walk down the aisle to little old me?” Eddie ignored the subtle strain at his cock as he pictured you in a white dress at the opposite end of the aisle. Well, that’s new.
“Yes, I’m fucking sure!” You tell him, lightly bonking him as you continue to kiss him. “I wouldn’t have stared at the box for twenty minutes if I wasn’t sure.”
He separates from you, a smirk on his face. “Twenty minutes?”
“Yeah. If it wasn’t a ring, I think I would’ve died.” You confess easily, and the truth always comes so easy to you when it comes to Eddie. “Now kiss me some more.”
He laughs, leaning in for a slippery wet kiss. His breath is delicious, he tilts his head to deepen the kiss while his fingers trail along your side and rest on a patch of skin that’s exposed on your hip. It tugs the littlest of whimpers out of you, hands resting on his broad shoulders. His tongue licks along the bottom lip, asking for permission in a way he usually demands. You grant it, your foot taking an accidental step back on the hardwood.
Eddie’s hand that rests on your face moves down your neck, his rough fingers are tense as they seem to memorize every inch of your skin. Your neck tingles in its wake, a sigh of contentment leaves your lips. Eddie responds with a dirty exhale into your mouth and your jaw falls open in a sudden need for him. A sudden charge in you appears out of thin air, wanting more. “Ed.” You whimper out, clutching onto his jacket he’s still wearing.
He hums in response; you can feel his lips turn upward into a smirk as his hands continue their journey to your waistline. Your thighs clench together, craving friction on your heat that for whatever reason he hasn’t granted yet. You become impatient, moving the jacket off his shoulders and you’re happily greeted by the muscle shirt he’s wearing, his gorgeous arms on full display. His lips kiss down your neck, his hands spread out as if to touch every inch that they can, lifting your oversized t-shirt to expose the skin. You move to assist him, lifting your shirt above your head. It’s not going fast enough for you, there’s too much clothing on you.
Your feet unconsciously move toward somewhere you can lie down, the couch, the counter, the stairs, anywhere to prevent your knees from buckling embarrassingly. “Where you going?” He mutters, yet still allowing you to lead.
The back of your thighs meet the armrest of the couch. “The couch, apparently.” You answer, sighing as he continues to devour your neck.
Eddie inhales the perfume you spritzed that morning and lets out a chuckle. Before you can even ask, he pushes you by the shoulders, making you fall backwards onto the couch. “Fine by me.”
Your back hits the cushions, a rough landing as you bounce. Eddie crawls on top of you, tongue meeting your leg in a trail of wet kisses as he makes his way up to your pelvis. A whine leaves your throat, eyes closing in bliss as each kiss contributes to the blindingly hot need for him in your pussy.
Eddie reaches your crotch, and as he lifts his mouth from you, you expect him to take your shorts off. Instead, he puts his face in and inhales, moaning when your aroma hits his nose. Just from your smell he can tell how wet you are. “Baby you are soaked, aren’t you?” His brown eyes meet yours, lust overwhelming his eyes.
“Always.” You answer, not a hint of shame behind it. “Always ready for you.”
Eddie’s eyes roll into the back of his head at your answer, groaning. Fuck, doesn’t that deserve a reward. His hands easily hook around the elastic band of your grey shorts, moving them swiftly off your legs. His original plan to tease you through your panties goes to shit, your eagerness driving the need to devour you like an arrow into his chest. The glisten of your folds is a sight to see– as always–  as he makes himself comfortable on the couch, situating your legs over his shoulders. A squeal of giggles escapes your throat as he tugs your body to where he needs you. Your knees meet your torso, toes already curled at the anticipation as his hot and heavy breaths send jolts of pleasure and he hasn’t even touched your dripping cunt yet.
“Eddie.” Your voice comes out desperate.
Eddie smirks at it, it’s barely been a full minute since he tugged your shorts off. “I know.” One hand that rests on your thigh reaches forward for your left hand, toying with the ring that hasn’t been on your finger for more than five minutes. Your hand shakily grips his tightly and you clench your thighs around his head tightly in anticipation.
After what feels like ages, he finally leans in to devour you, using his tongue in one long stripe along your folds. The release it gives you is both not enough and everything you need. Your hips grind up to meet his mouth, heels digging in, and his deep chuckle vibrating against your pussy is too fucking good. Moans leave your mouth at your breathing rate, every breath being a whimper to let Eddie know how fucking good his mouth feels against you.
The hand still on your other thigh travels to play at your clit gently, and your moans go silent as your thighs fucking quake against him. Eddie can’t stop the satisfaction that purrs through him in the form of laughter. “Fuck, baby. Barely touched you.” He mutters, low enough he’s not even sure you hear him.
Halfway through a sigh, it turns into a laugh. “Mouth feels so good.”
Eddie hums in response, mouthing at your folds again before his tongue makes its way into you, his nose nuzzling your clit. He fucks you with his tongue and you grind against him, the grip on your left hand harsh and his nails now digging into your right thigh. “Cunt smells so fucking good.” He says, rutting his nose against your clit and knowing damn well what it was doing to you. “Tastes…” he pauses fucking you with his tongue again, “…tastes like fucking heaven, fuck, baby.”
Eddie is driving you to the edge quickly, your thighs tense against his head as your hips continue to grind up against him. Your free hand lands in his hair, pulling at the roots at every wave of pleasure he gives you. Eddie could swear the pulls feel like a heartbeat at his roots, not that he minds. As he continues and drives you faster to that high, he notices the tugs get faster and he moans when he realizes something you do not.
He slides two fingers in, moving them back and forth, listening to the sinful wet sounds your pussy makes as it weeps for him. As your slick makes a mess on his chin and hands as he smirks up at you, hooking his fingers against your g-spot. Your thighs clench even harder as the heat expands, radiating through your body and you barely have a second to think to warn him. “Ed, I, I—” He feels you flutter around his fingers as you cum, your legs shaking as you lose all control of your extremities. He saw it coming from a mile away, as the tugs on his hair became more frequent.
He continues to lick at the slick of your folds and finger you gently as you come down from your high, your entire body going limp. He gives one last kiss to your clit and kisses his way up your body, you watch as his wide smile comes closer and closer to you. “How’s my girl?”
A giggle leaves your mouth, smiling up at him gleefully. “I’m alright.” Eddie tickles your hip bone, and you squirm underneath him, giggling harder. “Okay, okay! Fuck!” Your legs wrap around his hips, and you tug his growing tent down to meet your exposed pussy. “Need you.”
“Need to feel that pussy wrapped around my cock, baby.” Eddie grinds himself into your heat, teasing himself, but admiring the way your eyes roll into the back of your head.
Your heat is throbbing at this point, begging for more. “Need your cock in me, Ed. Want you to fuck me open.”
Eddie’s eyes widen, as he’s the one that usually does the talking. “Yeah? Need this big cock in that tight little pussy?”
“So fucking bad, Ed. Please give it to me.”
“Oh I’m gonna give it to you.” He leans forward for a wet and slobbery kiss, one that you embrace at tenfold. Your hand goes to his jeans where they’re laying now on your pelvic bone to undo the button, shakily attempting to with only one hand, the other still in his grip.
“Ed…” You whimper, tugging on the waistband wordlessly. “Get these fucking jeans off.”
Eddie chuckles as he climbs off you to take his jeans off. You sit up to watch him as his gorgeous figure gets undressed. Your hands move to your back to get rid of the bra that still hides your chest. He walks up to you sitting on the couch, placing a finger to tilt your chin up. You peer up at him with wide doe eyes, his cock only inches away from your face.
His thumb gently swipes at your bottom lip, admiring the shade of them. “So pretty.” He mutters, about to ask you to lay down.
“Wanna fuck it?” You ask, his cock mere inches from your face, you’re suddenly craving his balls up against your cheek and the weight of his cock on your tongue.
“Weren’t you just begging me to fuck your pussy?” He asks, searching your eyes for the sudden change in you.
Your mouth opens obediently, pulling a gasp of disbelief from Eddie. His cock literally twitches, and he realizes there’s no reason not to let you if you’re so eager to. He slides his cock in your mouth, watching as he slowly moves to the back of your throat, your doe eyes still looking up at him.
“Oh, my good girl.” He rubs at your cheek, feeling the length of himself against it. “Such a good girl for daddy.”
As much as you resist, your eyelids flutter shut, moving your head up and down, your cheeks hollowing out as you suck on him. You hear a groan of contentment out of him, and it only encourages you. One of his hands weaves itself into your hair, using it to guide you. You take yourself off his cock, breathing heavily as you take a long lick at a vein along the side of the shaft. Your left hand wraps around the length, jerking him off as you lean forward to take one of his balls into your mouth.
“Oh fuck, that’s so pretty.” He mutters, causing you to stop.
“Look, baby. Your ring on my cock…wanna take a picture…fuck.”
You don’t answer, just continuing to jerk him off as your mouth resumes its journey to his balls. You take one in your mouth, the hair on them smelling like sweat. You take a big inhale of them, sighing happily as you suck at the flesh. Eddie’s knee almost buckles as he sees what you’re doing, the idea that you were inhaling his raw scent too much for him to comprehend.
“Oh Jesus, trying to kill me.”
“No.” You mutter, hand still jerking him as you move to give the other side the same treatment. “Just blow you stupid.”
Eddie moans at your nonchalance, and as you finish with the second ball you move back to his cock, spitting on it and taking it back into your mouth. You give no warning as you take in as much as you can, focusing on getting him to the back of your throat. Before he can instruct you, you relax your throat and allow your nose meet his pubic hair, taking in the damn whimper that leaves his mouth, relishing in it.
“Fuck, if you keep going like this I will fucking blow.”
At his insistence, your mouth leaves his cock with a pop, still on your knees, completely naked as your eyes stare up at him. Eddie nearly loses his mind as he looks down at you, hands combing through your hair. “Lie down, baby.”
You need no more instruction, lying on the couch, your legs open as you wait for him. He sits himself in between them, hands framing your head as he looks at your face. “I can’t believe I get to marry someone so fucking beautiful.” Your eyes well up at the sentence as it fucking sucks the air out of your lungs.  
Eddie barely gives you a chance to recover, sliding himself in you. Your jaw drops at it, eyelids growing heavy as you watch him carefully. “You can’t…you can’t just say something like that.” You whimper, gasping for breath. “It’s not fair.”
“I’ll say it because it’s the fucking truth.” Eddie states, watching for the signal when you’re ready for him to move. “God you in a fucking white dress, looking all sweet n’ shit…”
“Gonna be your wife.” Eddie’s hips buck into you in response, and a gasp falls from your lips in surprise. “Fuck!”
“Gonna be my fucking wife.” It comes out of him in a growl, a sense of pride runs through Eddie as he is elated he gets to share the discovery of his love of calling you his wife with you, finally. “Oh baby, pussy is so tight, just suckin’ me in.”
“Want that. Want you. Want us.” It babbles out, Eddie gaining speed as he watches your cocked out expression looking so adoringly up at him. You hold onto him, nails scratching down his back. He bucks harder, head buried in your neck as he attempts to calm himself down. “Want you to put a baby in me.”
A fucking growl leaves his throat and his head perks up to look at you. “Oh my god, I almost just came.” He says lowly.
“Really?” You ask him, eyes shining bright at his confession.
He nods, gulping. “Y-yeah.” Your legs tug him back down, lifting your hip to get him to fuck you more. A grunt of acknowledgement escapes his throat, back to business. “Gonna put a baby in you.”
“Oh fuck, Ed, just like that.”
“Gonna marry you and get you fucking pregnant, you’ll be my hot little housewife!”
“You’re in my fucking stomach Ed, fuck you’re so deep!”
Eddie cannot help the swell of pride he feels at this. “Gonna fill you up, baby.”
The moment your pussy flutters around him he cums into you, white sticky ropes filling you up. His weight collapses on you, your legs gripping on his torso tight, holding him in. Your eyelids feel heavy as you look up at him, holding his face. “You know, I really can’t wait to marry you.” Eddie tells you, his thumb toying with your ring, his hand resting on yours.
You gulp, the sentiment the same. He knows it by your expression and by your impatience, you can’t wait either. “How long—” you yawn, “how long have you had it?”
“Uh…since Harrington was here.” Eddie refuses to say Steve’s name while he’s inside you.
“What!?” Your eyes pop open in disbelief. “You’ve had this for weeks? And you haven’t asked me yet?”
“I knew I wasn’t fucking crazy.” Eddie mutters, and you peer up at him, eyebrow raised in a question. “I’ll tell you later.”
“Ok.” You yawn again, clutching onto his back. “We have all the time in the world for you to tell me, anyway.”
Eddie’s chest swells with emotion, clutching onto you like his lifeline. “I love you so much, sweetheart.”
You nuzzle your nose into his hair, letting yourself get into his tangled curls. “Love you too.”
You fall asleep within seconds, Eddie texts his employees he had an emergency and can’t return for the day. He had a full day, but that was before you decided to take over his proposal.
Thank you so much for reading! I love to read your comments, replies, and reblogs. As always, reblogging is the best way to support your fic writers on tumblr.
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1nephthys · 11 months
Okay, First, I love your writing. Second, could you please make and imagine base on grey's anatomy? Like, I'm rewatching grey's anatomy, you know when Derek loses that pregnant patient, and then he goes into exile in the forest, and when Meredith goes to the forest saying that she knows about the wedding ring and she wants it, and then he throws the ring in the woods, and afterwards he laments that he lost her. I love that scene, I need an angst similar to this for Charles, I don't know, it might be inspired by last year when he flies to Monaco and binotto had to pick him up. With fluff in the end pleaaaaaase
The ring.
Tumblr media
Thank you so so much, also thank you for the request! It took a second and I changed it a little bit but I hope you still enjoy it!!
Part 2!!:)
Word count:~4.9k
Warning: my English and as requested - angst; little, tiny suggestion of smut.
Four years ago.
Charles' mom stood up with a smile on her face announcing that it was time for her to do the dishes. She prepared the biggest dinner she ever had done before when her son finally decided that he want to introduce his girlfriend he was talking about for so long. She had always seen those sparks in his eyes when he was bragging about her.
"Let me help you." Y/n stopped herself from adding "Mrs. Leclerc" as the older woman told her not to do it because she felt old.
She also stood up but Pascale touched her arm and said "You stay there sweetheart, you are our guest tonight" She said to the girl with warm tone "Charles will help me." She looked at her son right beside y/n and he stood up and pick up both of their plates without any protest.
Y/n got herself in conversation with his brother, Lorenzo about something while her boyfriend was washing the plates in his mom's kitchen. "And? What do you think about her, mama?" He asked quietly, afraid that his girlfriend might hear from the other room.
"I don't know. I just met her but she seems really lovely. And with the way you look at each other, I feel like I will have to like her" She answered his son and it made him so happy. He might had a few girlfriends before and he always asked his mom for her opinion about them but never once her answer was this satisfying.
"I think I'm going to give her the ring dad gave me." He told her. They were dating only for a few months so his mom was actually terrified, even though her son looked like he was really in love. The ring he was talking about was really important to Charles because his father brought it for when his boys find the right girl. He noticed every thought on his mother's face, so he added quickly "Relax. I'm not planning to propose now... But when it's the right time, I really love her mama. I just feel it's her"
His mother could just smile at his statement because she - as well - felt like this is the one for her son.
Back to the present.
"...and Charles Leclerc finish his home grand-prix right behind the podium, at 4th place!" Everybody could hear through the speakers. Everybody in the Ferrari garage cheered, not for Charles but for Carlos who manage to finish second in this race. Y/n on the other hand knew, that her boyfriend wanted more. She was there before race, when all he could talk about finally starting from the pole position and having the win within his reach but his team failed him.
He got out of the car, mad to the point that he didn't even want to scream and yell at anyone, just stay quiet. He didn't even go for a hug with y/n like he ALWAYS does after race. He just wanted to finish his interviews and go home.
And that was exactly what he did. He told the interviewer about his disappointment, trying to control himself with the rest of the faith he had in his team.
He took a quick shower as y/n waited in his driver' room. The drive home was quiet. Y/n didn't forget to congratulate her boyfriend but when all she got in response was quiet "thanks" and glossy eyes she knew that he didn't really want to speak now. She decided to wait 'till he was ready to talk to her.
"I'm going to take a shower again" Charles said. Both of them knew that this shower was just an excuse to spend time alone and cool down. Before he had gone to the bathroom, he checked his phone, which was on the dnd since his warm-up back before the race.
Hey mate, congrats on P4!
We have to celebrate!
There's an afterparty in *name of the club* you have to come with y/n!
He read all three messages from his best friend, Pierre and he really, really wanted to throw his phone out of the window at the first one.
"Pierre asks if we want to go to the afterparty" Charles asked y/n looking at her with his phone in his hands.
"We can, only if you want" She answered, still worried about her boyfriend mood.
"I will tell him we will be there." He said while putting his phone down and heading straight to the bathroom, before y/n had any chance to say something.
She decided it was best if she also took a quick shower in the guest bathroom of their house and started getting ready. She put on some makeup and a comfortable, yet pretty outfit and she was ready to leave. She was ready but the shower was taking Charles longer time than usual so she decided to knock gently on the door.
"Charles, sweetheart? It's already 8 p.m. Just letting you know" She said through the dark wood. What she did not expect was her lover opening the door with an angry face.
"Jesus, will you at least let me shower in peace? Or I can't do that too?" He asked her angrily, passing her on his way to the bedroom to put on some clothes and leave. She didn't even answer him because he didn't give her time for that and she wouldn't had know what to say anyways. "We can go" He told her, grabbing his keys and walking to the car, without turning around.
She let out a long breath and stopped herself from saying anything, as she knew it was already a rough day for him. Even though his cold tone hurt her a bit. She already knew that she wasn't drinking tonight because he was going to get wasted. She closed their apartment and sit in the passenger seat.
Charles got to the club pretty fast but all the drivers were already there most of them on their third drink. As always, he passed his car keys to y/n and she put them in her purse. They entered the club and Charles went straight to buy drinks.
"I'm not going to drink tonight. You feel free though. I will be with the girls." She told him. She for sure will keep an eye on him but she had mixed feelings and was afraid of him attacking her again. So, she kissed his cheek and was off towards Lily and Kika that were dancing together on the dancefloor.
She greeted both of them and she was glad that it was just like every time they were at a party because she really didn't feel like explaining that her boyfriend was mad at her for a bad race result.
It was already some time at the party and Y/n's mood was actually better now, she had a great time with the girls. Charles also seemed like he was having fun, he definitely did not want to save any money on drinks.
It was around 1 a.m. that y/n noticed that he was leaving the club so she quickly grabbed her purse and said her goodbyes to go after him.
"Charles! Charles!" She yelled after him as he was walking in the opposite direction of their house and totally ignored her. "Charles, wait! I can't catch up!" She yelled which made him stop in his track.
"Maybe I want you to not catch up, huh? I just want you all to leave me fucking alone! Today was shit and I don't really need more of your shit on top of it!" He yelled back.
"Charles, you are drunk, let me take you home, and then you can be alone all you want. Please, c'mon." She said quietly. She was actually glad that he tried to run away from her because at least they were far enough from the club that people outside can't hear them over loud music. Now he might not care about it but he would when he sober up and read headlines and messages from his PR management.
"No. I'm not going with you anywhere. You can go back to having fun with the girls" He said with a mocking tone. He never seemed to mind her dancing with others when they were at the party together so she was surprised at this. "At least you will leave fucking alone. You know what all of this go fucking nowhere. I thought you would be there for me but I feel like I can't count on you, too" He said.
"Charles, you can always count on me, I'm here whenever you want to talk to me. I thought that wasn't what you want. And I'm so, so sorry for misunderstanding you. Please, let's go home and talk." She tried again. She actually felt like shit but there wasn't much she could do now, when he was this drunk.
"No. I'm not going anywhere with you." He said and reached into his pocket taking out a beautiful ring, the one his dad gave him. "You know what, I was so fucking sure you were the one to get it..." She knew it, she knew it for years, she just waited. "But fuck this stupid ring, because I can't imagine someone else wearing it and for sure not you now." He finished his sentence by throwing the ring in whatever direction.
Both of their eyes were on it for a second but they both lost it before it hit the ground. She stood there. Stunned by his words and stunned by him throwing the ring that was so important to him.
"Go away." He added, as if what he just did and said wasn't enough. She didn't know what to say or do. So she did actually turn around and started walking in the opposite direction, to their shared apartment, holding her tears for dear life.
The walk home took her longer than usual, on her way she was repeating everything in her head. When she looked through her small purse she noticed his car keys which suddenly made her feel guilty, she just hoped that someone would help Charles get home safe, even after he hurt her.
What she didn't know, was that Pierre was already there. He also was bloody worried about Charles, so he get out of the club not far behind her. When he noticed she started walking in her direction and Charles in totally opposite, right after he threw away the ring he told him so much about, he knew he needed to run after his best friend. He had a few drinks too, but he definitely felt better now.
"Charles!" He yelled. And this time, Charles actually stopped and break out in tears.
"I lost her mate, I'm so fucking stupid" He put his palms on his eyes, to stop the tears from running down his face but there was no use in it. "And I lost it too!"
"Charles, you know she won't give up that easily. And you still have a chance in the championship. You did not lose it yet." Pierre tried to cheer up his friend, he put his hand on his shoulder.
"I'm not talking about championship, mate. The ring. Why did I even do it? I will never fucking find it, I was just so angry and-" His cries were getting worst and worst so Pierre decided to call for a taxi before somebody take a picture that would be all over internet by tomorrow morning.
'Charles Leclerc crying outside the club! There's no more alcohol for him!'
'Charles Leclerc lost the chance for the championship and his long-term girlfriend in one day! That man must had f**k up in his previous life'
Yeah, that was not something he should be dealing with in one week.
He texted Kika too, explained the whole situation, and told her she could stay and he would ask Alex and Lily to get her home later but she said she want to go home too.
All three of them get into a taxi, Charles still sobbing, now also telling the couple about all his happy moments with his love. "I told her I can't count on her. While all I fucking did this whole day was throw mean comments at her. Or comment. I didn't talk to her the whole day. And she still tried to get me home. Because she was worried about me. I'm the worst boyfriend ever. Now probably ex-boyfriend actually. I lost the girl of my dreams mate, I waited so long to ask her to marry me and now I fuck all of this up. Four years mate, four years. And I never once regretted any second of it. But now she probably thinks I am." The car stopped. "I will never forgive myself, so how can she forgive me?"
"We are here." The taxi driver said.
Pierre and Kika thanked the heavens for that, because the drive never felt this long. Pierre paid the driver, with an apologizing, small smile hoping that the old man will not told the media about what just happened in his car.
Both he and Kika get him to the lift and then to their apartment and laid him on the bed in their guest bedroom.
"No, mate. I have to go to y/n. I have to apologize. And I have to find her ring before someone else does it." Charles argue but he gave up quickly when Pierre hold his shoulders down with Kika and that was enough for Charles to not be able to stand up.
"You will do that tomorrow, mate. It will be better if you catch some sleep now." Pierre said but Charles already had his eyes closed. He looked at Kika with understanding eyes and she returned the look. They both quietly exited the room to get to sleep themselves.
First thing Charles felt the next morning was his head. The pain was terrible, but as he looked around and noticed he isn't in his bedroom with his sweet girlfriend, he remembered the events of last night, and suddenly the headache wasn't so bad.
He want to the kitchen, where Pierre was already standing looking for something in the fridge. He turned around when he heard footsteps.
"Charles." He looked at his best friend. He didn't look any better than last night. His eyes were red and puffy his shirt was stained, probably with alcohol. "You should take a shower."
"Did you hear from y/n?" He asked straight away. He might be hella drunk, but he wasn't the type to forget the whole night because of it.
"Go take a shower first. We will eat breakfast and I will drive you home." Pierre told his best friend. He actually did hear from y/n last night, way later than both of them left the club she texted him, asking if he knew if Charles was okay. The next thing she asked after she was told that Charles was with her was not to tell him that she asked. And Pierre was actually on her side in this.
Charles had enough of arguments, so he did as his best friend said and closed himself behind the door. He noticed a clean set of clothes on the counter and he knew it was meant for him to borrow.
After his quick shower, he put on Pierre's shirt and pants and left the bathroom to join his best friend and Kika at the table. He sat at the chair that had a plate ready in front and he noticed the small piece of metal right next to it.
His eyes instantly became teary as he grabbed it with his right hand. "But- how?" that was all he managed to get out of his mouth as he lifted his gaze from the ring to his best friend's face.
"Yesterday after we left I told some guys about the ring. We left and they were looking for it. Carlos bring it earlier this morning. He said it took them over an hour to find it but at least it is here." Pierre explained.
He couldn't even explain in words how grateful he was for his friends, he made a mental note to thank his teammate and friend for it.
"I- I don't know what to say. Thank you, Pierre. Thank you, guys." He looked at Kika, too. "It would be even worst without you"
"I accept thanks in the form of wedding invitations." Pierre commented which got him a kick under the table from Kika. Was it too soon for that kind of joke? "Sorry, but you really have to apologize to her, mate. What you did yesterday was shitty."
"Okay, less talking, more eating. The faster you eat, the faster you will get to explain yourself." Kika reminded both of them. That left them without any comment as they both looked at each other, Pierre with a little smirk while Charles - still not in the mood for jokes.
"I think I will take a taxi" Charles said after they ate. Pierre just nodded his head, as much as he wanted to hear his best friend and his other half makeup, he knew that it should be done just between them.
Charles grabbed the ring, put it in his pocket, and left the apartment when he read the text that the taxi was already there. He felt like the drive took hours, when in fact it was only ten minutes. But it was enough time to overthink what was waiting for him at home. He even considered that all of his things were already packed and waiting for him at the door.
He, finally, got out of the car and made his way towards the lift to get to their apartment. He didn't even have his keys so he really hoped she would open the door for him.
It took him one knock at the piece of wood and only a few seconds for her to open it. As if she was already waiting for him.
"Charles." She said quietly, trying to control her voice so bad so it won't break, like she had any chance fighting the tears in her eyes.
"Y/n," He said, not doing any better. He considered so many options what would happen when he get there, yet he had no idea what to say now, that she actually opened the door. "Can I come in?" He asked her, realizing they still standing in the hall.
"It's your house as well" She answered and moved a little aside.
They both walked to the living room and Charles looked around. Their pictures together were still all around. Not a single one was moved. As if nothing had happened, as if he didn't throw away her propose ring right in front of her before she even get it.
"Y/n I- I don't know what I was thinking. I want to say sorry to you, but that's not enough for what I did. Never ever did I want you to leave me alone, I was frustrated by the race and the team but I had no rights to take it out on you. I'm sorry for blaming you for not being there when actually I'm the one that can't communicate. I know I can count on you and you can count on me, I will spend my whole lifetime proofing that to you if it is what it takes for you to forgive me." They both had tears streaming down their faces but that didn't matter now as Charles grabbed both Y/n's hands and squeezed them to tell her that what he was saying was meant from deep of his heart. "I'm not sure if you can do that but if you are, please take all the time that you need. I just really need you to know that I would go with you anywhere, just tell me where and I promise you I will be right by your side."
"Charles, I can't tell you that I'm alright- that we're alright because I am hurt" She said which had him in another wave of tears "But I will not throw away all those years together. But I really need time."
"Cherie, please take as much time as you need, just never leave me, please." Charles begged her but she didn't trust her voice enough this time, so all she did was pull him close for a hug.
So Charles was willing to give her time. As much as she needed. Even when the ring in his pocket were more and more heavy.
One year later, Monaco Grand-Prix.
"And finally, after many years Charles Leclerc finish his home grand-prix first! Ladies and gentlemen, Charles Leclerc is the winner of this year's Monaco grand-prix!" The commentator's voice could be heard anywhere.
Y/n hugged Arthur, her boyfriend's brother who was standing right beside her in euphoria. Everyone around them was screaming, throwing their hands in the air and clapping for her boyfriend. He got out of the car and run to her first like he always did. She hugged him so tight and he returned it.
"I'm so, so proud of you! You are the winner!" She screamed and his smile grew even bigger now if it was even possible. She kissed his helmet, in the place where his lips should be right before the couple was torn apart when Charles was pulled for other hugs and then interviews.
He returned to y/n as soon as he could and before he hoped to take a shower he told her "I'm glad you're here with me, I wouldn't have done it without you."
"You are an amazing driver, you are driving this car, not me." She answered. It's safe to say that their relationship had never been this good before.
"Take a shower with me?" He asked with a little smirk as he wrapped his arms around her waist, hers went around his torso in a matter of seconds.
And how she could say no when he was standing in front of her with his little smirk, fireproofs and his race suit hanging low on his hips?
She kissed his lips and they made their way to the shower and what happened there, was a whole different story.
Everything will be ready at 8 p.m.
You better not chicken out this time.
Charles read two messages from his best friend answering quickly.
I didn't chicken out, I just wanted it to be more special and keep it a surprise.
"Pierre asks if we want to go to the afterparty" Charles asked as he was sitting at the kitchen table, watching y/n making some food for both of them.
"We can, only if you want" She answered him, quickly returning to cutting vegetables.
"He said that this will be smaller, on a yacht so we can celebrate P1 with closest ones, not whole club" Charles explained, hoping he didn't sound susceptions.
"Yeah okay, dinner will be ready in 10, then we can start getting ready, okay?" She asked.
"Yeah. I love you." Charles said casually, with his heart-shaped eyes which sent off millions of butterflies in y/n stomach. She answered him with the same.
All dressed up Y/n and Charles finally get on the yacht, that seemed to be totally empty, no party in sign.
"Are we first? That unusual." Y/n commented as it usually them both to make an appearance when everybody is already drunk.
"Yeah, c'mon" Charles answered all uptight as he took a few steps and hopped on the yacht. He held his hand out for y/n to grab it and step there too.
It was already past 8 p.m. so it was quite surprising that no one was there, but what was even more surprising what that the lights were turned on. Turned her back to Charles to look if somebody was coming from port but when she didn't see anyone, she turned back around.
Only to be met with Charles on one knee.
No fucking way.
"Y/n, you've been there for me for the past five years. And for all those five years, I knew I wanted to marry you one day. I knew it damn well when I almost ruined our relationship a year ago. You took me back and I promised you to give you time. And I'm still willing to give it to you. I want to give you all the time I have. I want to give and share with you every second of my life for the rest of it. I want to be anywhere you are. I want to be able to count on you and make sure you can count on me. Y/n, my cherie, my best friend, my partner in crime, will you marry me?" He may or may not have tears in his eyes, his hands may or may not be shaking as he anxiously waited for an answer.
"Charles- I- of course, I will marry you!" She answered, fighting with the tears in her eyes. She went for a hug as well, noticing how beautiful the ring he was now putting on her finger. "It's perfect" She said, kissing his lips.
"Sweetheart, you have no idea how glad I'm you like it." Charles answered her after their kiss. It wasn't really needed because all he had to say was already in this kiss.
"Time to drink for our soon-to-be bride and groom!!!" Pierre yelled getting out of his hidden spot in the cabin. After he went Arthur, their mum, and actually too many people looking at how small this cabin was. Charles and y/n were too busy to think how all of them squeezed in here but surely five more minutes and they all would pass out due to lack of oxygen.
"Congratulations sweethearts! I knew since Charles introduced you to us that one day you were going to be Leclerc." Pascale said, as she was the first one to come to them when the music started playing.
"Congrats, mate!" Pierre hugged Charles while Kika by is side hugged y/n.
"I hope I will be your bridesmaid! I promise I will organize you the best bachelorette party ever!" Kika said to y/n which had her giggling. She just got proposed to and now she already had to think about bridesmaids!
"Hey, if she's bridesmaid I have to be best man!" Pierre answered.
"Ey, ey, not that fast amigo!" Carlos appeared out of nowhere behind Pierre, putting his hand on French driver shoulder "He said I will be best man after I found the ring last year! You didn't forget right?" Carlos asked.
"What?! You told him he can be best man? C'mon..." Two drivers started arguing over who was going to be best man at the weeding while Charles attention catch y/n voice.
"Wait, so this is actually the ring, like the one from your dad? I thought it was lost" His now fiancée asked.
"Yeah, it is. But wait, how do you know that my dad got it with me? I wanted to tell you that later tonight" Charles asked shocked, maybe he wasn't good at keeping secrets, especially not from her, but he would remember if he slipped this.
"Uhh.. that actually might be my fault." If it wasn't enough people appearing out of nowhere that night, Arthur was now standing right next to Charles with guilt in his eyes.
"What?" He asked his brother what did he mean it's his fault.
"Five years ago. You were helping mom in the kitchen after you introduced y/n to us. She was talking with Lorenzo so I decided to help too but I overheard you talking about the ring so I came back" He explained.
"Okay, but that still..." Charles tried to say that did not told him anything, but Arthur started talking again.
"Your secret was safe with me, I swear. For a whole ass year, I kept my mouth shut but then there was that party. I drunk a bit and she just-"
"Hey, don't put it on me!" Y/n laughed, as much as she liked Arthur alive, she wanted to hear really story.
"Okay, I came up to her and told her that I can't wait for her to be Leclerc and for you to give her the ring you choose with dad. I told her it was meaningful and everything. I'm sorry" Arthur got to the end of the story and looked up at his brother.
"So you telling me, I kept my mouth shut, bite my tongue like hundred times but all this time you knew about it? Unbelievable!" Charles said with a look of betrayal on his face. "And you, you little shit? You couldn't tell me sooner? Like every time I was panicking that I almost spilled the surprise?!" He asked his brother this time.
"I said I'm sorry!" Arthur argue back.
"Kids, please calm down. It's time to celebrate. My son is a double winner tonight!" Pascale said. And Charles couldn't agree more. Even though for a second he had forgotten that he actually won the race today, because now he had much more important win.
"You are right, Mrs. Leclerc! It's time to drink for them!" Max yelled, with a beer in his hand.
It definitely wasn't his first tonight.
a/n. It took me a second to write and it was also longer than I expected but I still hope you enjoy it! Especially the person who requested it because it was fun to write! I changed a few things but defo strong inspo from this grey's anatomy ep. Love you:))
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ladyloveandjustice · 11 months
To give my Real Opinion on the whole Clark vs Lois issue (since people are giving me theirs), I'm surprised it is an issue, since it's very clearly supposed to be an conflict where both people made decisions that made sense from their point of view but still hurt each other. It makes sense that Clark would be insecure about telling Lois this when she's acting distrustful of Superman, and it makes sense he'd freak out and not handle a situation where she was putting a lot of pressure on him well. It also makes sense that Lois would be angry (and probably humiliated) and upset that Clark not only lied to her face when she was begging him to tell her the truth, but left her where she couldn't help him when she was worried sick about him.
Honestly, I think a lot of you aren't being honest about how you'd feel if you had a friend who disappeared every time something dangerous happened, you spent a lot of time frantically searching and worrying about that friend each time, only to find out oh hey, your friend was well aware of how worried you were and was actually right there but they were pretending to be someone else instead of letting you in on what was happening. You'd feel played with.
And Clark also KEPT lying when she was basically saying "hey stop lying to me. I know." He did it instinctively. She was begging him to tell her, and he didn't. That's going to hurt, and that's going to be galling. She definitely felt she had no other choice than to do something drastic, because she can't enter a relationship with someone she knows is lying to her and here he is, refusing to come clean. She's a reporter, the need to know drives her.
"Lois isn't entitled to Clark's private information, they haven't known each other that long", sure, but Clark vanishes in dangerous situations and causes real distress, Clark has been discussing Superman with Lois and unconsciously trying to manipulate her feelings on him while not telling her the whole truth, and you'd feel weird if someone did that, you'd feel kinda violated! And even if someone told you they weren't doing that to laugh at you, wouldn't you be hurt and humiliated?!
When exactly IS Lois entitled to Clark's info? When they start dating? How many months is it okay for him to date her without him telling her he's actually the guy she spends every waking minute trying to interview? Would he have told her as their relationship got serious? Not knowing that is probably scary and if I was Lois I'd think twice about if I wanted this either!
And what's especially scary is that yeah, he did leave her behind to so he could possibly go get killed when she was begging him not to. That's terrifying. She was probably terrified the entire time she waited. He was able to take her choice away from her, and Lois does not like feeling helpless. Clark was scared of her getting hurt, so he enforced his will and so shewas scared for HIM. and then he refused to talk about those worries!
It's also pretty galling when she's already helped him out in several fights- she's proven she can be useful and helpful! I'd be mad too! I'm sure there was a little vindictiveness in her actions- you see how you like it when someone takes your choice away too.
At the same time, Clark is clearly not comfortable showing people his whole self. He still doesn't know who he is, and he goes into panic mode about it. He's very scared of people being hurt because of him. What he did made sense from his point of view. And I'm sure he's not happy to be forced to reveal his secret.
It doesn't matter 'who's more right'. It's not a game they get to win! They both violated each other's boundaries. Their feelings both make sense from their perspective, and interesting conflicts are complicated. And I like it when characters don't just react to everything flawlessly. There's a lot of drama in secret identities, and sometimes stories have conflict.
I do agree this should have happened later in the season or as a season 2 thing, but that's sadly just life in this streaming hell era. They didn't know if they'd get a season 2 to tell the story they wanted. We have to take the conflict as it is. And let's face it, if Lois had taken longer to figure out, y'all would be making fun of her for being dumb. Lois is for some reason always the butt of that joke even though nobody else can see Clark is Superman either- and when she does figure it out (as she usually does!) and has anything other than positive feelings about it she still gets blamed. Just enjoy having a character who can have complex feelings.
If you hate relationship conflict, there's stuff for you out there! Read Superman Family Adventures by Art Baltazar, it's very cute low stakes low conflict stuff and has an actual Himbo Clark.
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onadarklingplain · 11 months
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okay, here's how this is going to go: i'm going to present a bunch of primary sources, and then i'm going to tell you what i think about them. obvs you're under no obligation to agree with me, and i hope you'll find the clips, etc useful regardless.
FIRST, SOME BACKGROUND: for those who need a George refresher, he grew up in Norfolk; his dad owned some kind of seed business and his mother was a hairdresser. he's the youngest of three siblings, and his brother Benjy and his sister Cara are both significantly older than him; George was born when they were 12 and 13 respectively, which is quite an age gap. obviously idk what happened there, but it's interesting! George's dad was 43 when he was born (his mother's age is unclear to me, good for her, etc) both his siblings were very successful in sports. Cara did horse shows and won the Horse of the Year show at Wembley, and Benjy was a karting world champion. Benjy wasn't able to go on and race single-seaters as he started racing too late (he started when he was 11 after trying it at a birthday party). George's dad did a bit of karting when he was younger as well, but never took it as far as his sons would. George started karting at 6 or 7 (following in Benjy's footsteps) and he would practice with his mother after school and on weekends until he was old enough to start competing. when he did start racing, he would go with his father, and he used Benjy's karting number (63, obvs). as a kid significantly younger than his siblings, you'd think that he would have been coddled more, but i think (and the evidence will show) that because of the success of his siblings, more was expected of him by his father and he had to grow up very quickly. NEXT, SOME CLIPS: because tumblr is a hellsite, and i can only upload one video per post, the clips have been combined into one and lightly compressed out of necessity. soz, i'm mad about it too.
FIGURE ONE: George on the high performance podcast talking about his family (0:00 - 4:01; posted 28 November 2022; source) i find this podcast is sooo annoying, but unfortunately George says a lot of interesting things in this interview. frankly, i don't think i need to add anything to what he says, but i will anyways. it's just like, the way that the parental relationship morphs into a professional relationship and the pressure that puts on the child. like, George only seeing his father in a racing context and not at home! and the way that shift has an ongoing effect on the relationship into adulthood. FIGURE TWO: George on the fast and the curious podcast talking about his winter break driving trip with his family (4:01-4:53; posted 27 February 2023; source) George goes out of his way here to mention that he had a bad relationship with his dad. like, it's not what the interview was about and he didn't have to say it. but he did anyways! it's not very PR63 of him, and i think you can tell that how hard his dad was on him when he was a child really stuck with him. i love that he brings up his sister being faster than his dad. good for Cara!! FIGURE THREE: George talking to the F1 juniors about seeing his father in the stands in F3 (4:53-5:23; posted 24 July 2023; source) George specifically being like, yeah, my father would PACE during races and i could see it from the car... of course many ways to read this, but to me, it comes across as his father being worried about the results and worried that George wouldn't 'achieve.' and George being aware of that pressure from him while he's driving.
FIGURE FOUR: an interview with George, aged 14, talking about his racing and his brother's karting success & an interview with George's mum discussing the family's involvement in his and his siblings' careers (5:23 - 8:20; interview from 2012, posted 8 November 2018; source) little George looks so so serious in this interview, and so determined... i could cry. crazy to think that this child had already left school and was starting to do sim days with F1 teams. when George was 14, his father also sold his business, presumably to devote the time and money to George's career. like, the pressure!! and the way he talks about the mistake that he made! like it didn't affect his overall result, but he's still not going to let the interviewer make him feel better about it. that is definitely not a child who's playing football with his mates during break. and sooo interesting hearing his mum talk about the financial pressures increasing as George aged, and about how it was for George growing up with two very successful siblings. really recommend watching the whole thing, as it also features Benjy and it's interesting to hear from him as well. i think it's such a key detail that his mum was his mechanic until he got 'serious', when his dad's attention switched to him from Benjy, who couldn't go any farther in karting. and the way that George would have seen the pressure Benjy was under, and how it would have been two-fold for him, because he was the only one left who could make a proper go of it and who could make all of the family's efforts worthwhile.
TEXT INTERVIEWS: FIGURE FIVE: THE TIMES INTERVIEW (source) in April 2023, the very bad UK publication, The Times, published a joint interview with George and his dad. it's a very rich text. It's behind a paywall at the link above, but you can find the full thing on tumblr. i've pulled out some of the bits that interest me below. THE QUOTES FROM GEORGE:
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this really just recaps what George talks about on the High Performance Podcast (see fig.1). how he and his dad didn't really have a parental relationship, and how he felt the pressure of needing to succeed as a child, in order to make his father happy and therefore have a happy home life. i need to type these parts out because it bears re-emphasising: "Dad has always been hard on the ones he loves.... that was difficult to deal with." "Dad is a strong character but he's..... friendlier now." that's honestly just so sad. and then the quote about the flights.... literally why? i feel like it's kind of infantilising in a way, not letting your adult child support you when they can? like, it's not letting him have an equal relationship with his parent as an adult and is making him stay in the child role in the family. even though he didn't really get to be a child in the first place!! i'm going to stop myself there, for my sanity. THE QUOTES FROM GEORGE'S DAD:
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so the George's dad section literally starts with a neg. it's the most annoying thing i've ever read. and then he goes on to say that he won't let George get an ego in a national newspaper? for what? and the driving instructor story.... why would you say this about your child in a newspaper. it does not come across well to me!! it's like his father is trying to embarrass him, frankly. ADDITIONAL ANECDOTE:
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okay i know there are multiple ways to read this. it could just be supportive or whatever. but given the evidence already considered and the fact that his dad is known to critique him.... i'm going to choose to take this in bad faith and say that, to me, this screams that his dad is rewatching highlights to find places where George made mistakes. FIGURE SIX: BONUS HEARSAY - MARTIN KODRIC (source) as per some rando reddit user
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Martin Kodrić is a Croatian driver who karted with George in 2012. he's said some things about the drivers in years past which are, i'm told, of dubious veracity. however his comment about George's dad confirms my priors, so i'm including it here. also, what reason would he have to go after George's dad out of the blue like this if it wasn't true?? years later?? absolutely none whatsoever. he's not getting clout from saying this. therefore i think it's true, good night. THE CONCLUSION: i think a lot of the things George talks about are quite common for people who are put into professional roles as children (child actors, athletes, etc). it wouldn't surprise me to learn that most of the guys on the grid have had similar experiences. but i also think the way George has started speaking about it is really interesting, as i think he's someone who is very aware of perception and how things come across. the way he talks about his difficult relationship with his dad also feels very thought out to me, and i feel like it's really come about after he started talking more about mental health issues. which honestly, great for him! tumblr will crash if i try to put anything else into this post right now, and i need to stop thinking about this for my sanity, but if you have extra info that i missed, i'd love it if you let me know ETA 27/07/2023: additional information from a helpful anon! FIGURE SEVEN: EXTRA BONUS HEARSAY (source)
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as per lovely anon, this is a comment on a post from George's facebook in 2020 with his dad. from my surface level googling, the man who commented to have involved in British karting during the time George would have been karting. obviously take this with a grain of salt! who knows what this guy's motive was in commenting on Facebook. commenting on Facebook is always to be viewed with skepticism! still, it does seem consistent with what George has said about his karting days, so i think it's verifiable enough to include here.
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misguidedasgardian · 6 months
Blurred Lines (4)
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4. Positions
Summary:  You are placed in an… awkward position
Warnings: Cursing, cheating, adultery, Harwin is not a good person on this… and Jace isn’t either, a bit creepiness, alcohol consumption, inappropriate relationship, sexual innuendos, a bit choking, smut, fingering, a bit of humilliation, might miss some warnings
Wordcount: 3.2 k
Notes: Thank you anon who gave me this amazing idea!! love you, and I hope this did justice to what you had in mind! this might open the door to other stories in this AU
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It’s been a chaotic week to say the least. Harwin had been staying home, but thanks to Jace, he didn’t have much to do around the house, it’s been like three days since Jace left and even though you appreciated that, to think… he had always make himself present 
Harwin was trying… hard…
First to speak to you, but luckily, having a toddler required a lot of work so she was a good buffer, so when he could tell you were not going to hear him out, he started staring at you when you were in the same room… when he walked by you he would graze you, when he wanted something that was near you he made sure to touch you to move you out of the way gently…
And it was driving you mad
You didn’t want him near you…
Not only because it disgusted you, the fact that he fucked someone else, the fact that you saw him when that bitch send you videos and pictures and the nasty conversation between them, buT also… you were disgusted in yourself
You had fucked his son…
And the worst part is that at night when you were tossing and turning, you weren’t feeling guilty, you were feeling annoyed that Harwin was the “Strong” in the house and not Jacaerys
And that made you disgusted in yourself
Lucky for you, Harwin, in a way to consolidate with you, called your name softly as you were having breakfast on opposite sides of the dinner table, telling you he had an interview out of the city in the Headquarters for another company
And then you could breathe, and count the seconds left until he leaves
Will you call Jacaerys?
No, impossible
Were you wishing he had that incredible timing of his again?
You shook your head, trying to eliminate those thoughts from your head
The furthest Jace stayed from you the better…
Specially now
But soon, Harwin’s week of having his kids  came around again, and of course, Jace was coming, he wouldn’t miss it for the world 
You tried to act as natural as possible, again, your daughter helped as a shield
Seeing him there, as nothing had happened, made you question your own reality, you felt yourself embarrassingly wet between your thighs as soon as you saw him, dirty memories of what you had done together came rushing back and you would be lying to yourself if you didn’t want it to happen again… 
Now you had two men with longing looks in their eyes and hoping to get you alone for a second, and you wouldn’t give in, you couldn’t
Luckily, Luke and Joffrey were there too, those sweet boys were helping you too, they seemed to be happy to be back and see you, you loved them… perhaps, no as your children, but as your youngest siblings 
So the third day, when Harwin was out for a work interview, Jace approached you while you were preparing lunch, you jumped on your feet as Luke was right in the living room playing in his nintendo witch with headphones on
“Relax”, he laughed
“It’s not funny Jace”, you whispered as he mocked your reaction
“I wanted to ask you something”, he whispered, his stance was relaxed, not second intended, or you didn’t think so
“Tell me”, you said
“I wanted to invite you to my birthday party, the one that my grandfather Viserys is throwing me”, he said softly. You looked at him, looking for something that tells you he was kidding, or he had a hidden intention, but those beautiful, dark green eyes told you nothing
“Jace I think it’s out of place”, you said finally
“Look, no funny business, it is a family thing, I want Aerea there, and Harwin can’t take her because he's going to that interview out of the city…”
“I’m not sure if its a good idea”
“It is my birthday, And I want you and Aerea there, I would only take her, but because it’s a weekend we won’t have nannies and I…”
“You are the birthday boy”, you said, “you shouldn’t be taking care of a toddler”
“Please go”, he said softly
“It’s going to be awkward”, you whispered
“No it won’t”
“But I’m not blood related to anyone there…”
“Well Aerea is”, he suggested
“That only makes me remember what I’ve done”, you whispered
“The only thing you have done is let yourself be loved by me”, he whispered, leaning in, but you took a step back, looking at Luke who couldn’t even be bothered 
“I’ll go, if you promise me… please, nothing out of line”, you begged softly
“I promise”, he whispered
He wasn’t an idiot… he was testing the waters with his family and even though he needed to show you to them in a more… intimate… way, he had to keep his hands to himself… at least in front of everyone 
He had won this small victory
The weekend came around
He was turning twenty two but that is not what most excited him
It was you
He had come early to his grandfather’s house, where he was going to spend the weekend, and so were you and the rest of his family, including his mother
He was so looking forward to it.
His grandfather’s house was the Targaryen family home, and he wouldn’t be lying if he said it was a castle, a huge castle in the middle of a national park
He heard a car pulling up so he sneaked a glance through the window, and there you were, struggling to get Aerea out of the car, with a bag hanging from your shoulder and your adorable toddler in the other
You were going to struggle even more when you are fat with his child, Jace thought with a silly smile
Of course the house was in the outskirts, so the invitation also included a room in the mansion for the weekend
Oh Gods he was going to enjoy it
You were nervous, as Area looked around moving tirelessly in your arms, there was so much to see though
This was like a medieval castle, incredible that had passed through generations and generations of Targaryens
You received a warm welcome from the family, even from Rhaenyra
“Who is this gorgeous little girl?”, she cooed at Aerea and even threw her arms at her, you felt embarrassed but she immediately received her in her arms. “She is gorgeous!”, she praised at you, “Like the daughter I never had”, she said with a sad smile
“Thank you for inviting me Rhaenyra, Jace wanted his baby sister here”, you said softly
“Please, say no more, you are family”, she said again regaining her smile, as Aerea played with her earring softly, “anything you need, ever, I mean it, you only have to ask”, she said and smiled at you, you smiled back
She and Harwin ended amicably, she was the one to end things and he accepted it with a bit of reluctance. They split everything they had, shared custody 50/50, everything was great, very evolved. 
You came back to the present when Jace himself met you with open arms and those eyes that seemed to want to eat you alive, you almost cringed away… 
“There you are!, I’m so happy you are here”, he said it playfully, looking at Aerea who instantly throw her arms at Jace
“Daddy!”, she called and your mouth opened in an o, you looked at Rhaenyra, who chuckled, smiling warmly
“They are so close”, you said apologetically
“Jace had been telling me what has happened lately”, you wanted the earth to swallow you, “and how he likes to be there helping you out around the house”, she almost whispered at you, only you two could hear, “its perfectly fine that Aerea looks at him like a father figure, children are… simpler than we are”, she said with a warm smile
Rhaenyra was certainly something else
They had invited you for the weekend, they showed you your rooms, Aerea was set in the nursery, yes, the house had a nursery, with Rhaenyra’s children who shared her age, and you had a room all to yourself
The nannies were taking care of the children, and dinner time, the adult dinner time, was above you sooner than you ever expected. 
You felt watched the entire dinner, and not only by Jace, but you found his uncles staring at you, Aemond and Aegon, the first hiding his smirk in his goblet of wine, afterwards licking his lips teasingly, and the other didn’t even mind hiding it
You wondered why
But you felt so judged, did they know? as the wine flowed more freely, you became more paranoid, but it was impossible
If they knew then everyone knew, and your would have not been welcomed here if it was the case, Rhaenyra was a fierce woman she would have stabbed you with that knife her father Viserys was using to carve into a chicken
Luckily Rhaenyra kept you entertained and distracted, along with Daemon, their conversation was light, and seemed like a godsent 
Viserys stood up, raising his cup
“I wanted to celebrate my eldest grandson, reaching this magical age of twenty two”, he said raising his cup, “for him, and for his achievements, I know there are going to be more of them”, everyone cheered, raising his cups and Jace smiled at everyone 
He raised from his seat then, his own cup in his hands
“Thank you grandfather”, he said solemnly, “this means a lot to me, one thing that I’ve understood the last years, is that family is everything, and I can’t wait to have my own”, he said the last part looking at you, and you tried to hide your ashamed face in your own cup
Daemon chuckled
“You might be getting ahead of yourself”, he warned with amusement
“No when you know what you want”, Rhaenyra seemed proud of his words, and she nodded enthusiastically, you knew she had him when she was nineteen, same as Harwin, she was young herself. “I’m fortunate to have you all here, as you mean so much to me”
The next one to raise from her seat was Rhaenyra herself
“To my oldest son”, she said with her voice on a knot, “can’t believe you are already twenty two!, you are a grown man now… I’m so proud of you”, it was a heartfelt sentiment and you smiled at her, she looked down and smiled at you too
For a second, for a fraction of a second, you thought you were actually here with Jace and not for him, and the realization that you weren’t brought you a dark sentiment you hid in a sip of wine.
His were on you, as you made conversation with Rhaenyra and Daemon, even though you were technically still in your twenties, as many of the group, you felt the need to cling to the second generation instead of the third
“I’m sorry, lovely lady, I must have forgotten your name”, Aegon, you thought he was called, demanded your attention and you got nervous all of a sudden, you were about to answer, but someone answered for you
“She is (y/n)”, said Jacaerys, quick to anger
“I’m sorry nephew, I asked her”, teased Aegon. Jacaerys was quickly exasperated, “Her name, and her reason to be here, scapes me”
“I wanted her here”, he said angrily, and now the rest of the family was strangely quiet, Daemon looked at everything with a mocking grin on this face… Viserys tried to eat his chicken, but looked at everything with a strange look on his face… and Rhaenyra and Alicent looked at everything unravel with surprised looks on their faces
“You are so forgetful brother, she is Harwin’s new little wife”, muttered Aemond, in a voice so condescending it made your skin crawl
“Right”, said Aegon, like now he remembered you, “aren’t you closer to our age than his?”
“Aegon, that’s enough”, chided Alicent again
“They say that love is ageless”, muttered Daemon
“They are separated now”, said Jace
“Well, that is better! thank you Jacaerys for bringing such a welcome addition”, kept teasing Aegon
You shouldn’t have come 
Aegon was staring at you trough the rest of the dinner with a smirk on his lips, Aemond was more discrete.
You felt like they knew what you and Jace had done just by looking at your guilty face, only one look and they would know how depraved you were, pretending you did nothing, siting here by Jace’s mother.
Aemond stood up then, raising his cup 
“Final tribute”, he chanted, “For Jacaerys, you are a man grown now, that knows what he wants and is not afraid to go after it”, he said, looking straight at you
“Thank you uncle”, said Jacaerys, “that was very kind”, he said trough gritted teeth
It seemed like he wanted to say something else, but he kept quiet, You looked to your right, and Rhaenyra was looking right back at you, and smiled warmly
“It’s alright”, she said, and you didn’t know why it sounded so strange to you
You looked back at Jace and he just smirked
Gods, you should have never come to this thing, Aerea wouldn’t even remember this, Jacaerys was just playing with you
Did he get off just… putting you in this position? what was he thinking? Did he wanted to humiliate you?
What did he wanted to accomplish?
You didn’t know what to feel or think. 
Despite Daemon’s invitation for a late drink with Rhaenyra, you had politely declined, and your daughter was already asleep, and you were so tired and tense, you decided you were going to follow, and went back to your own room to sleep
But as soon as you were comfortable inside the sheets, the door opened slowly, you turned quickly, and even in the darkness, but the only light coming from the hallway, you could tell, it was Jace
“What are you doing?”, you asked, he closed the door behind him and sneaked into the room
“Getting my birthday present”, he teased walking towards the room
“Jace, don’t”, you wanted but he was already taken off his shirt
“Its still my birthday”, he purred, you sat on the bed, the sheets barely hiding your body dressed in your night dress
“Not here”, you begged
“Where else? everyone else is busy or asleep”, he begged, his hands, even in the dark, found your cheeks, “come on”, he leaned in and trapped your lips with his.
“Jace, why did you invited me here?”, you asked him, leaning into him, it was useless to resist him, you wanted him too
“Isn’t it obvious?”, he teased, he sneaked onto the bed with you 
“Jace please”
“Its my fucking birthday and you are my present, that’s why you are here”, you only moaned when he put you on your side, he at your back
“Tell me…”
“Shut up”, he growled making you whimper, his hand encased your throat, threatening to squeeze, but he didn’t, “tonight you are my perfect little whore”, he whispered, his other hand sneaking between your thighs, “I want to unwrap my present”
“Jace I think”
“I don’t want you to think…”, and all thoughts went to shit when he fingers teased you open, even though you had closed your thighs, it was a stretch even for his thick fingers, “I want you to take my fingers, then my cock”
“Jace!”, you schreeched when his fingers found that spot inside of you
“Shut up, if you don’t want everyone in this house to know the slut you really are”, he threatened, and that only made you moan, spreading your legs to give him more access, he squeezed your neck softly, in warning
He grabbed your leg and hooked it over his, so now he had you all open for him
You were quickly wet with desire for him, the sounds of your wetness resounding all over the room. 
Your climax built quickly…
The very thought of being roughly treated like that turned you on, the fact that you were in such dangerous territoy was even more hot to you in that moment, so you began bucking your hips to meet his fingers.
“Mmmm that’s it”, he could be cruel, he could take your orgasm from you, for trying to deny him, for resisting, but tonight he wasn’t feeling like that, tonight he wanted to make you cum as much times as he could, that is what his real present was.
You came undone on his fingers, drowning your moans and whines on the pillow under you, which Jace really appreciated, this was not how he intended on presenting you as his partner
“Youa re suh a good girl for me”, he whispered in your ear, “tell me, who makes you cum like this?”
“You”, you whined, as he retrieved his hand from you gently
“Say it again”, he demanded
“Only you Jace, you are the only one who makes me cum like this”, you admitted 
“That’s it”, he said, pleased, his fingers came back, this time more aggressively, more teasingly, he did not want to deprive you of anything, but what he really wanted to do was to hear you beg for him.
“Jacey”, you whined, again bucking your hips so needily it mad ehim chuckle, squeezing softly your delicate neck
“Yes?”, he asked, giving you an open mouth kiss on the side of your face, 
“I need you”
“What you are talking about? I’m right here”, he kept teasing
“I need your cock”, you revealed, and he couldn’t hide his chuckle
“Where?”, he kept teasing he loved hearing your voice, but he liked it even more when you were begging for him
Not like he could last any longer without fucking you, his cock had never been harder on his life 
“Inside me”, tonight you were not in the mood for teasing he could see.
“Oh I see, my little slut”, he mocked, he released you, making you cry out and then he, “you need me to fuck you, uh?”, his thumb billied your clit making you whine, trying so hard not to scream his name in ecstasy.
“Yes I do”, you admitted shameslely
“Oh I will give it to you then”, he teased, releasing you, grabbing his cock, and thent easing your entrance, “Mmmm but just the tip?”, you tried to sink yourself onto him, but he had fisted his cock making it impossible, only his fat tip teasing you
“No”, you whined
“No what?”
“All of it”, you begged, wiggling your ass, “please I want all of it”
“You needy little girl”, he moaned in your ear, and from one second to the next he impaled you on his fat cock, covering your mouth so nobody could hear you
Jace never knew nothing better that being inside you
“This cock is yours”, he promised against the skin of your cheek, “I’m goona fuck you so good you know nothing but my name, and I’m going to cum inside you, fucking breed you”
“Mmm?”, you were so deep in your pleasure his words barely made sense, they just made you wetter
“Fuck yes”, he retrieved himself, only to thrust inside you again, rougher, deeper, “I’m going to breed you, get you pregnant with my child”
“Jace?”, that did sink in, but late, as he growled cumming deep inside of you.
But you payed no attention to it, it was surely a thing of the heat of the moment, nothing else, many had a breeding kink, you amongst them
“In my grandparent’s home”, he whispered, “dirty little whore”, he growled
“Happy birthday Jace”, you said only, the spell fading, as he chuckled in your neck
Oh if only you knew… they you were being watched
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Reader thinks Jace only wants her to fuck :(
Taglist: @champomiel @urmomsgirlfriend1 @sweethoneyblossom1 @lukepattersin @ladylyanna91 @snowflake-latte @bruher @bellstwd @inesven @iamavailablesstuff @haydee5010 @happinessinthebeing @agqrtz @ajanauia @joliettes @lightdragonrayne @ivoryluvs @fairysluna @cumslutforaemond @possiblyafangirl
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y2kmcblingirliee · 2 months
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pairings - |Dom!Kate| |Sub!Reader|
cw: first person pov! 18+ SMUT bimbofication, Degradation, praise, mommy kink
I was at Kate’s game. I was wearing a cute outfit just for her! My heels were so high, but I didn’t care. I mean they’re so cute! This guy next to me kept staring at me. I didn’t really mind, I mean I don’t believe it’s any ill intent. Of course I was recording my girlfriend #20 play!! She looked so cute on the court playing. She blew a kiss at me & of course I blew one back. But then this random guy interrupted our talk across the court. He tapped my shoulder & said “Hi, you’re too beautiful to be all alone.” I looked at him & said “Thank you, I’m not alone.” Him saying “May I get your number, you’re very attractive.” & I said “no. I have a girlfriend.” He turned around & laughed with his friends saying stuff like “Threeway?” & making jokes like “Oh I’ll fuck both any day.”
I just waited till the game was over. It took mad long, finally the game finished & of course IOWA won!!! I walked over and gave Kate a big kiss!! Kate lifted me up & kissed me back. She put me down & asked “Baby, you saw me hit that three pointer? I did it just for you!” While kissing me on the cheek. Kate walks off to talk to some interviewers. I just watch from the sidelines because she looks sooo good!! She finally finishes & I tell her about the guys that were bothering me while I was sitting down. Kate was eyeing me down & She said “Really? I’m gonna make you forget all about those bitches once I’m done with you.” I felt my face start to heat up. I started to feel myself get wet.
As she has her hands on my thighs rubbing them up & down. She kisses on my inner thighs. I stop her to say “Kate, shouldn’t we just wait till we get home?” & She says “Alright fine. c’mere mama.” Kate grabs me by my waist. While we are walking to our car. I sit in the passenger seat (duh! we are always passenger princess in this house <3) Kate puts her hand on my inner thigh, playing with my skirt. She drives to our house. We get inside & I run up the stairs! Kate leaves the room to put on the strap. I’m just waiting for her to get back, I’m laid out as she would want me to be waiting for her. Kate walks over to me & opens my legs up & pulls off my skirt.
She starts to put the strap inside & tease me. She keeps putting the tip of the strap in. I start whimpering & saying “p-please put it all in..” Kate just laughs at me & slaps me across the face. I start begging again saying “Please mommy, I’m so sorry.” With my eyes tearing up & me looking up at her. Kate says “Baby, you didn’t do anything, why are you apologizing?” While getting closer to my neck. Leaning to kiss on it. I say “I don’t know.. but I love you & I want you so bad baby, please can you put it all in.” Kate finally puts it all in.
She starts kissing me. I nut all over her strap. I beg her to go faster. To which she says “baby, are you trying to tell me what to do?” She rolls me on my stomach, so that my ass is laying arched up on her thighs. & she starts beating my ass with her hand. As I’m crying out! All that I’m thinking in the moment is just Kate. Nothing else just her. Kate starts to stick her finger in. She starts to finger my clit very fast. I cum about two times at her fingering me. She just sits there smiling. I try to move away from her lap & say “No more mama, please it’s f-feels so good.” Kate puts me on her chest so I can ride her face.
Which I go on her face & she starts eating me out & bumping her nose on my clit. I start saying “mo-mommy, please!!” Kate looks up at me & says “please what, baby how am I supposed to know what you need if you’re not telling me?” & I just get quiet & start to whimper & moan again. Kate continues which leads me to cum 3 more times in her mouth.
She eventually stops & lifts me off of her. Kate gets up to take off the strap & kiss me on my forehead. She asks “Baby, are you okay?” I’m just whimpering & shaking. Kate taps me & says “baby, you okay?” And I say “mm-m I’m okay.” Kate grabs a towel to wipe me off & she lays down next to me. She kisses my forehead. And we fall asleep together.
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I hope you enjoy this story!!
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mendeshoney · 11 months
pyrrhic with your choice of man 😘
this is screaming "more angst" at me so again, you've all been warned
"pyrrhic - won at too great a cost" with vince dunn
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They'd won.
They'd won the fucking Cup. The whole god damn thing.
He'd won it again. A second time.
Two time Stanley Cup Champion Vince Dunn.
While it had a nice ring to it, and while a part of him felt the victory, felt the will to celebrate, there was an even greater part of him that felt like ultimately, he lost.
"I hope it's worth it," you had told him all those weeks ago, when the playoffs were gearing up and he just felt like being with you was too much to handle - 'added unnecessary bullshit' to his plate, were the words he believed he spat at you. "I hope you make it, Vince. I really do. I hope you win it all, I hope you get to enjoy it a second time, and I hope it's worth it."
Except, it isn't.
He wonders belatedly if you knew it wouldn't be, if that's why you said it.
Even as he hoists the cup over his head and takes his victory lap around the ice, even as he sees the happy faces of his teammates, their staff, his family and friends in the stands, that fact that your face isn't among them makes this all incredibly bittersweet.
"Hell yeah Dunner!"
"Hell yeah!" He screams back as he hands the cup off to Adam, resuming his spot beside his team.
He plays along as he gets pulled to do an interview and then another, skates into place for the team photo, celebrates with everyone's families and friends when they're all finally allowed onto the ice, shouts victoriously under champagne showers, and joins along with the team when everyone sings along to "Lithium" by Nirvana when they actually shower.
But he's still...empty. Still so hollow inside that he can't bear to stay with his family and friends when he meets back up with them in the tunnel.
He misses you so much.
You should be here, be here with him, celebrating with him and his mom, celebrating with him and the team. You should be in his arms, should be the one thing he wants to hold when the Cup isn't in his hands.
You should be here.
And it's his fault that you're not.
"I just can't do this," he had said, the words replaying in his mind on a torturous loop. "This is too much."
"I'm not asking you for anything Vince," you had insisted.
"You are!" He had exclaimed, gesturing a hand at the space between you. "This is adding unnecessary bullshit to my plate, and I don't need it right now. I need to focus."
You had blinked at him, and he nearly fucking crumbled when you took a step back, a step away from him, but he had been so mad, just so angry and frustrated that he didn't do anything about it.
"I see." You had said, and it was the last thing you had said before giving him your parting words and leaving him in his place, alone, taking your bags and your battered heart with you.
The image plays in his head on repeat as realization settles in.
What the fuck have I done?
Vince promises the guys he's just heading home to grab something before joining them to celebrate at the club, but really, he drives straight to you.
He doesn't know if you're awake. You live with your best friend in a small two bedroom house in Beacon Hill, and though he hasn't been by in the nearly two month duration of the playoffs, he'd made the drive hundreds of time at this point that he still avoided the pot hole that laid unpatched at the right turn toward your street.
When he pulls into his usual parking spot down the street, he can see the lights inside your house are off. But the porch light is on, and you're sitting out front with your best friend, who's got her arms wrapped around you as you cry into her embrace.
His heart aches.
Almost like she can sense him, your best friend looks up, scanning the street, and then she spots Vince in his car. She looks only half surprised, and then she's tipping her chin down a little, shaking her head.
Vince knows her enough to know what she's telling him.
"Don't," her expression reads. "You've done enough. Whatever you're here for, whatever you're here to fix, it's too late."
He wants to argue, wants to protest, wants to get out of this car and march down the street, onto your porch, and hold you in his arms, beg for your forgiveness, for the chance to fix what he broke.
But he doesn't. He can't. Not now, not when your best friend is looking at him like he'd committed murder.
So he swallows the lump in his throat, and drives away, avoiding the image of you crying into her arms in his rearview mirror at all costs.
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cybersteal · 1 month
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕀𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕧𝕚𝕖𝕨: 𝕍𝕚𝕔𝕖𝕣𝕠𝕪
Tagged by @dreamskug and subsequently ripped off inspired by his, @lokiina’s, @nightcityace’s & @arcandoria’s creative take on it.
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V: Hey, sorry I’m- Interviewer: Late? V: Only by thirty minutes, can't be that big of a deal. Interviewer: Maybe it is-
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V: Okay, well, I'm here now, on a Friday night, instead of drinking myself stupid like I wish I was. Go ahead and ask your questions.
V: V. Interviewer: That’s it? V: Yup.
V: Male.
ꜱᴛᴀʀ ꜱɪɢɴ:
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V: Six feet. Interviewer: Actually? V: Does this look like a face that would lie to you?
V: You first. Interviewer: Excuse me? V: Hah! Relax, choom, just trying to lighten the mood! Jeez. I’m Pan. Equal opportunity for all. Mostly me.
ɴᴀᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ / ᴇᴛʜɴɪᴄɪᴛʏ:
V: I was born in SoCal, but my parents are both from Mexico. I have a…complicated relationship with my Latino heritage, since it wasn’t really somethin’ that my parents took the time to share with me in detail, or my siblings. Never had the chance to ask why, but after comin’ to Night City, I realized I kinda missed out on a lot growing up.
ᴅᴏɢ ᴏʀ ᴄᴀᴛ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴ:
V: Well, I have a cat at home. One of those hairless ones. But I did always want a dog. Interviewer: Oh? What kind? V: Xoloitzcuintli.
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ꜰᴀᴠᴇ ꜰʀᴜɪᴛ, ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ, ꜰʟᴏᴡᴇʀ, ꜱᴄᴇɴᴛ:
V: Whoa, whoa, slow down, Jesus. Uhh…first one was-? Interviewer: Fruit. V: Right. I like grapes. The purple ones. Interviewer: Why purple? V: Shit, I dunno. They taste better? Interviewer: Heh. Yeah, fair enough. Season? V: I love summer. Life slows down a little, people take more time to relax. I don’t mind the heat, neither, ‘cause I can just go for a swim whenever, or go for a drive with the windows down. Cools me just fine. Interviewer: Preem. V: I like those orange poppy’s that grow all over the Badlands. California poppy’s I think they’re called.
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Interviewer: And for your favorite scent? V: Right – probably amber. I've used the same brand of amber-heavy cologne for years. Oh, and I really like that one specific brand of tobacco my mom smoked. Interviewer: What brand was that? V: Can’t recall. Somethin’ imported.
ᴄᴏꜰꜰᴇᴇ, ᴛᴇᴀ ᴏʀ ʜᴏᴛ ᴄʜᴏᴄᴏʟᴀᴛᴇ:
V: Coffee. Double shot. Sometimes triple, if I’m doin’ a long gig. Interviewer: Christ. V: Hey, merc work ain’t easy. It’s that or synthcoke. Interviewer: I’m scared to ask the next question…
ᴀᴠᴇʀᴀɢᴇ ʜᴏᴜʀꜱ ᴏꜰ ꜱʟᴇᴇᴘ:
V: Yikes…like 5? If I’m lucky. Interviewer: I’m not at all surprised. V: The fuck is that supposed to mean?
ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ ᴏꜰ ʙʟᴀɴᴋᴇᴛꜱ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱʟᴇᴇᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ:
V: No, no. Hold on. I wanna know why you’re not surprised. Do I got bags under my eyes or somethin’? Interviewer: Actually, no. V: Nova. Interviewer: You got suitcases.
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V: You’re fine, choom. I appreciate the banter. I don’t need to sleep with any blankets though. Interviewer: Really? Why not?
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V: Sub-dermal armor. Got a bunch of other stuff you can’t see as well – keeps me runnin' hot, all the time.
ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍ ᴛʀɪᴘ:
V: Aw, shit. There’s so many places. If I had to pick, I guess…Havana. Interviewer: Cuba. You into history? V: Nah, choom. Beaches.
ꜰᴀᴠᴇ ꜰɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ:
V: Mad Max. Interviewer: You don’t think that’s a little…stereotypical? V: Does it look like I care? Me and my sister used to pretend we were members of the MFP and annoy the hell out of our brother. I called him nothin' but Toecutter for two years. He hated it.
ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ ꜰᴀᴄᴛ:
V: If you lick a person’s elbow when they’re not looking, they won’t feel it. Interviewer: …huh. Misty: Oh, V… V: It was the first thing that popped into my head, okay, I panicked-
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This was a lot of fun to make tbqh. He's such a gonk - that ADHD brain keeps him moving around and fidgeting 24/7 even without the help of caffeine or stims and boosters, and he can talk about himself for hours, the narcissistic dickhead.
Shoutout to my bestest choombatta @klept0kid you deserve to have your name attached to your masterpiece lmao.
tags: @chooh2 @pinkyjulien @meltingangels @ouroboros-hideout @ne0n-rust @netripper @wilxfyre @klept0kid @glitchinginthegarden @nightcxty @shimmer-like-agirl @noirapocalypto @katsigian @wanderingaldecaldo @cyberpunkaddict @elvenbeard @wraithsoutlaws
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evelhak · 4 months
Aaaaa, this!!! I literally cried, I am so happy to see some actual common sense!! I am so, SO tired of this trend, it's not just Rory either, there's a really unfair pattern going on where the "renaissance" on a piece of media is basically just fans ripping a protagonist to pieces for things that these fans do not hold other characters, particularly beloved antagonists and rivals, accountable for.
This video perfectly illustrates the dynamic: Rory, who tries her best to both achieve her goals and be a decent human being while doing it, who never was a perfect human if you paid attention, gets held to the standard of an angel, so every time she makes a mistake that mistake is treated as disproportionately horrible and irredeemable. Meanwhile, as a good example, Paris, who consistently treats other people horribly, gets downright babied, and how she deserved better is repeated, her own responsibility over her actions downplayed or completely ignored. Only her good qualities are remembered, and highlighted.
There's an excellent quote in the video:
"The audience loves Paris because she is so over the top that she becomes a non-character. But when you take her as a real person and judge her with the same standards as you would Lorelai and Rory, she is pretty terrible."
This. This happens with so many characters whose traits are so much that they are viewed as inherently comedic or unbelievable, so they don't count in people's eyes. Paris having a fit in her college entrance interview, yelling over the interviewers and defending eugenics, gets brushed off as "poor baby, she's clearly mentally ill, she just deserves better, she should have gotten in", while Rory, who got manipulated into an internship by the BIGGEST journalism figure just so he could tell her "she didn't have it" was JUST weak and entitled for getting upset and discouraged over it.
Paris cheating on her boyfriend for months with a college professor gets pushed under the rug because people are too uncomfortable to even acknowledge the whole thing, meanwhile Rory is THE WORST for sleeping with a married guy after she repeatedly asked him if both him and his wife agreed their marriage was over, suggested they could try counselling, and was lied to by said guy that both he and his wife knew things were over between them.
Yeah, Rory made mistakes, and definitely didn't act perfectly after either of the situations I mentioned. She was emotional and people generally make mistakes when they are. But for some reason certain characters get a free pass all the time, while it feels almost like Rory gets punished for even trying to be a good person. Like "See, I caught her making a mistake, that means she's the worst." As if trying to have morals and be decent is inherently arrogant and hypocritical. Like trying and failing is worse than not even trying. It's like, her mom and grandparents and home town expect her to be perfect, so fans did too, and now they're mad at her for being human because they put her on a pedestal. Meanwhile characters who consistently don't care about their impact on others don't get scrutinized, their actually horrible behaviour is just taken as comedy or proof of their victimhood.
Basically, people are desensitized to horrible things from certain characters, they expect it, so they don't react to it, but when Rory who is "supposed to be good" makes a mistake, it's suddenly the core of her character and all she is. Geez.
And don't get me wrong, I love both Paris and Rory. I love every character in the show. But this double standard drives me nuts. So many characters in the show have done very similar things as Rory gets accused of, some of them while feeling no remorse. Some of them have done a lot worse things that get forgiven easily.
And don't even get me started on what a hot guy with a tragic backstory gets excused for. Yeah, some things are understandable when you know the backstory. That doesn't make those things not wrong.
It's like people are obsessed with the idea that someone who appears good on the surface must be bad, and vice versa. Nuance be damned.
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fishbrainboy · 5 months
secret relations
summary: you and Jenna have something going on behind the scenes but she's not as committed as you might think
a/n: bro idk what this is ima go make noodles have a good read
word count 939
You watch the scene Infront of you with an amused smirk on your face as Jenna drums her fingers impatiently on the desk, the interviewer directs yet another crude question your way “so y/n a lot of the fans have been blown away by your latest sex scene” she turns to Jenna's a gleam in her eye “Jenna what's it like to be in such an intimate scene with someone as attractive as y/n I think everyone wants to know what it's like to be under her” Jenna's hand clenches in the soft fabric of the table cloth eyes going dark for a split second before the professional face came over “the more intimate scenes are a lot easier with someone who can stay as in character as y/n especially with how kind she is when someone makes a mistake on set” she took a deep breath “I do believe that's all the time we have, busy schedule and all”
before you know it she's up and dragging you out of the room you stumble over your feet she may be small but god that girl moves fast you giggle as she pushes you into the supply closet you bump into the shelves “ah fuck Jen” the rest of your complaint is quickly silenced by her lips on yours her fists clenching in your jacket pulling you as close to her tiny frame as possible your hands find their way to her hips as you Mold together perfectly she pulls away that dark look back in her eye “I hate when people ask those questions I mean first of all how un professional and second of all do you have no shame? Practically eye fucking what's mine right Infront of me” “what's yours? Careful there Ortega your starting to sound sentimental over there” oh that was the wrong thing to say and you know it as soon as the cursed words leave your mouth, her face falls flat void of all emotion, god you detest that look you watch not even bothering to say anything as she straightens out her shirt and tie Jenna gives you a once over before she leaves muttering a goodbye you don't catch, you slump to the wall mind reeling, how stupid can one person get I mean she finally starts showing possession and you open your big mouth and put your foot in it again, you smack yourself on the forehead “stupid fucking idiot” you let out a groan as you pull yourself up and start your long drive back to your apartment.
You manage to get yourself lost 3 times on the way out of the random building your manager had sent you too for the onslaught of interviews You'd had that day, and you could deal with all that but as soon as your keys slipped right through your fingers and hitting the floor with a rough clang the noise echoing in your eardrums you officially declared this the worst day ever you throw your door open and it lets out a defiant squeal thumping into your apartment and throwing yourself down on the sofa you call the only person on your mind her tone is clipped obviously still mad about your previous comment “y/n its half 10 at night why are you not in bed?” the sound of her voice breaks you down fingers trembling gripping the phone in an iron grip as the tears start to fall “I'm sorry Jen it's just” she cuts you off her demeanour doing a 180 from the cold and distant person she was moments ago “oh honey don't cry or apologise I'll be round in half an hour yeah?” this makes. ire tears fall you choke out a yes and the call is over before its even started, you pull a blanket over your shoulders and snuggle in wondering what version of Jenna you're going it have stood at your apartment door today.
Your answer comes quicker than expected, she must have sped her whole way over, you open the door eyes puffy from crying you stare at each other for a moment deep brown eyes meeting y/e/c orbs your lips part in anticipation but she breaks your normal sex driven cycle and throws herself into your chest arms wrapping tight around you stumbling back in Suprise you regain your balance leaning forward to swing your creaky door shut lacing your fingers in her hair and breathing her in you feel the waterworks start again, she pulls you gently to your sofa sitting you down and wrapping you in her arms “talk to me sweetie, what's going on” her voice is soft and it curls around you making you open your mouth without a second thought “it's all just so overwhelming the interviews the flying god last month I didn't even know what fucking day it was Jenna and you, don't even get me started on you one second you love me and I'm yours the next moment I'm just your coworker you shrug me off then have sex with mw in some random closet” your eyes widen as it dawns on you what you've just said, her eyes gleam with something you can't quite make out she hushes you pulling you into her chest “you need rest darling we will talk when you wake up” you hum in response suddenly feeling as if you hadn't slept in weeks, you stay like that a while Jenna's hands running through your hair listening to the steady thrum of her heartbeat you're not sure when you fell asleep, but when you wake up Shes gone.  
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hauntedhokage · 9 months
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PART 04: Date Night
SUMMARY: Date night provides some information you weren’t expecting to hear, but you’re not mad about it.
WARNINGS: non descriptive sex, voyeurism (kinda), masturbation
[series masterlist] | {ao3} | [tumblr masterlist] | {ko-fi} | [spotify playlist]
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“That interview was good, given the circumstances.” Eijirou compliments as he drives to his chosen date location, and you smile as you look over at him. “Did you know you were interviewing him today?”
“No, Ayame was supposed to but she was sick today so they had me fill in. Dropped the question about his dating life.”
“That’s appreciated.”
“You really thought it was good, though?”
“Of course! You’re wonderful at what you do, the fact that he got more comfortable over time speaks to that easy. What was that question at the end though?”
“I dunno, he said it wasn’t a dig at me for dating you but he didn’t exactly answer my question when I asked what that was about.”
“You two talked after?”
“More like yelled, really. I told him he was fucked for wanting to be friends with me just to make your life easy, he said that wasn’t it, but we didn’t get to continue yelling at each other. He didn’t talk to you?”
“Not about that incident. I told him the interview was good despite him being a robot at the beginning, but that’s about it.”
That was weird. Those two texted all day, in your experience, and Bakugou wasn’t going to tell Eijirou that you yelled at him? Did Bakugou tell him anything when you were involved? Why wouldn’t he? Was he doing the same thing that you did, not wanting to cause a rift in his boyfriend’s other relationship so he kept whatever was bothering him to himself? That didn’t make you feel too good, all things considered. You both sucked at this sharing thing. 
“Hey Eiji?” you ask softly, watching as he parks the car at the arcade. You wait until he looks over at you, his smile falling into a soft frown when he sees the look on your face. “Do you think I hurt his feelings? By yelling at him and, I guess, ignoring him this morning.” 
The question makes him sigh, and he’s unbuckling his seatbelt so he could turn to look at you better. The hand that cups your cheek is warm, surprisingly soft, and brings a lot of comfort when his thumb carefully strokes your cheek. 
“I think you guys are speaking different languages, so every conversation ends in miscommunication - and now yelling. Bakugou is just- he’s something…unique. His mother’s child, a hundred percent, but for the longest time he didn’t think he needed anyone so he didn’t let anyone in. I had to force myself in to figure out how he thinks, which is fine at sixteen but now he’s a grown ass man and he’s got to learn to open up. All that to say, no, I don’t think you hurt his feelings nor do I think you need to apologize to him.”
“But us not talking isn’t really fair to you.”
“You guys are civil and not fighting over me, so it’s not a huge deal. I’m not sweatin’ it right now, because I trust it’ll work itself out between you two.” That statement has you confused, feeling like he knew something you didn’t, but that was a given considering you were talking about Bakugou. “Personally, I think he just likes you and doesn’t know how to handle that.”
“Likes me?” He could barely look at you most days over the last ten months, how the hell could he like you?
“Like he likes me. Feelings just aren’t his forte, neither are friends. Trust me when I say all of the friendships he has were forced on him and he realized he liked having people he could rely on. Works too hard to be strong, real macho.”
“Are you okay with that?”
“Baby you’re the most gorgeous girl in the world, I’m not surprised. And it’s Bakugou, I trust him with my life and I’d trust him with yours if it came to that. You need to be okay with it though and trust that you’re allowed to say that you’re not interested in him like that.”
You didn’t hate the idea, everything you’d heard about the blonde painted him to be a reliable and caring man once you got into his circle. Plus he was very attractive, which didn’t hurt anything either. But if you couldn’t talk to Bakugou then it just wouldn’t happen. That seemed like the natural approach. He needed to get over himself and you needed to try to be friends before friends-that-kiss could become an option.
“I’m not against it. But he has to talk to me and not make me feel like shit when he does, and who knows when that’ll happen.” He’s laughing at that, using his hands to fix the collar of your blouse as he leans in to kiss you. “Thank you Eiji.”
“My job is to make my lady feel better. Now let’s go have some fun, it’s date night!”
You stay put when he gets out of the car, knowing that he liked opening the door and helping you out of it. He keeps your hand in his until he has to let go to fish his wallet out of his pocket to pay for game credits, but then you’re tucked into his side as he leads you to the game he knew you liked the most. 
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His apartment was closer to the arcade, and Bakugou was supposed to be on a night patrol, which was why you had no issue with Eijirou taking the left turn instead of the right to get you into a bed that night. The mood definitely struck in the arcade, watching him come close to breaking the strength tester without even needing to put real effort into it had you handsy and he definitely was basking in the increased attention. Release was desperately needed after the way he made sure to push himself against you just right to “help” you in your quest for the perfect plushie out of the crane game, and the additional friction from being on his lap in the photo booth (with your plushie hiding the way his hand was between your thighs and fingers teased your core through your jeans).
You tell him that he’ll have to make sure to tidy up as he pushes you through the front door, his response a mumbled “yeah, sure” before his mouth is on yours and his fingers are carefully working the buttons of your blouse to get the shirt off. Your bra follows quickly after, your hands more concerned with holding onto him than getting him undressed as he picks you up to carry you back to his bedroom. His shirt is off seconds after your back hits the bed, and his jeans follow while you work on the button of your own jeans. 
“You don’t work tomorrow, right?” You only shake your head, starting to push your jeans down and bridging your hips when his hands take over to pull your underwear down with the denim. “Me neither. Thinking we can fuck all night, and then I’ll make you some good breakfast, run a nice bath, then we can fuck again, order lunch with a sweet dessert, eat that dessert erotically, fuck some more, and then maybe go out to dinner, and try to do the whole thing over again.”
He’s proud of his plan, even more so when you tell him that you think it’s a great plan, and the eager grin that stretches across his face warns you of a very long night. 
As if you’d want it any other way. 
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Katsuki knew it was date night for Eijirou, but he’d expected the night to end at his girlfriend’s apartment rather than theirs. Usually they always ended up at her apartment since he was often home on date night, and she…didn’t  want to be around him. Or felt like he didn’t want her around? Eijirou had been vague in their last conversation so he wasn’t sure exactly what the problem was aside from himself. 
So imagine his surprise to open the door and be greeted first by the sight of shoes haphazardly left by the doorway, a familiar blouse on the floor, then the sound of obvious bed rocking coming from Eijirou’s bedroom. 
He had ended patrol early, they likely would’ve been done and mess cleaned up before he got home if he’d just stuck to his plan of staying out all night venting his anger on walls in alleyways and screaming loudly while fighting criminals. But the night was quiet and he’d rather be in his bed than kicking at the sidewalk so he didn’t see the harm in turning in early. Now he’s regretting it as he’s quietly moving through the apartment, heading immediately for the single bathroom in the apartment - they wouldn’t hear the shower over themselves anyways. He knew firsthand how loud Eijirou could be, he wasn’t hearing shit outside that bedroom.
The downside was that he could still hear them over the shower, they were that loud. 
He’s now much more appreciative of how often Eijirou was at her apartment, knowing the man’s sex drive, but he’s also now painfully hard and wanting to ram his head into the shower wall repeatedly over it. He wishes he could say the boner was just because of his boyfriend, and being turned on by the sound of his boyfriend’s pleasure. But no, it’s not that. He knows it’s not because the first thing he thought of when he’d first heard the sweet moaning of the reporter that was likely under his boyfriend was how nice it must be to be the man bringing her that level of pleasure. To have her saying his name and begging him for more, 
He wanted to fuck his boyfriend’s girlfriend, and his hand moves on its own accord to alleviate the ache between his legs. The faster this was done, the better, considering he wasn’t sure how long he’d have the cover of Eijirou’s excessive volume to hide his appearance in the apartment and activity in the shower. He’s trying to think of Eijirou, just like any other time he’s jacked off, but he can’t and it’s so frustrating. He shouldn’t be thinking of her, not when he knew that she thought he hated her. Not when she wasn’t his to fantasize about, and probably would never be. But instead all he can think about is her. If their shared boyfriend comes into thought it’s in addition to the little reporter and how she must sound saying his name while he fucked her and Eijirou watched - maybe helped - but mostly watched. 
How fucking irritating that Eijirou was right. 
And as he paints the shower wall with his cum, Katsuki can only sigh as he fights the urge to punch the wall. He shouldn’t have done that, and he was going to have to say something about it. He shouldn’t - couldn’t - keep that piece of information from Eijirou. That wouldn’t be fair. 
But he also needed to get out of the shower. 
Once the sweat and guilt have been scrubbed from his skin, he takes the time to pick up the garments that were left scattered across the living room; putting her shoes and Eijirou’s into their proper places, then going to her blouse. The button falls out of the chest pocket and hits the hardwood flooring with a soft clink, bringing his attention to the pearl object and the earlier offer he made to fix it for her. And that’s when he makes a decision, tossing her bra into Eijirou’s hamper in the bathroom before he pulls out his small sewing kit and settles on his bed with the blouse in his lap and the needle threaded. 
Replacing buttons was easy, and chances were she wouldn’t even remember that the button had been ripped off at work while she had been trying not to stare him down. He’s glad to see the silky fabric hadn’t seen any other damage, since she did look really lovely in it, but in his close inspection caught a whiff of her perfume and Eijirou’s cologne lingering on the garment. He wouldn’t have thought that her chosen sweet scents would pair well with the earthy scents Eijirou favored, but here he was almost enraptured by how comforting they smelled together. 
He’s familiar with the feeling in his chest, but it doesn’t feel right to him. He’d only given her reasons to hate him, it didn’t feel right for him to feel this way. And when he pricks his finger for the fifth time because he was distracted, he has to lean over to bite into his pillow to keep the scream of frustration as muffled as he could.
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5am-mist · 1 year
Bella X Costar!
Bella catches reader visibly checking them out during a group interview:)
Atleast try to hide it!
°pairing°> bella ramsey x costar!reader
°summery°> you couldn't stop staring at bella during an interview but what you didn't expect was what came after them catching you
°requested°> yess! :))
thank you anon for the lovely request! sorry this one took me a while! i wasn't super sure how to end this one but i hope you like it!i used tlou cast and i just made the readers character up her names Mac hope thats ok, enjoyy!
Staring in The Last Of Us was a great opportunity, you would never deny that but sitting in a brightly lit room infront of an interviewer with some of the funniest most amazing people ever made it feel all the more sureal. You, Pedro, Nico, Anna and Bella were all sitting in a group with Nico and Anna sitting on the two very front chairs and you, Pedro and Bella on the back three.
The interviewer sitting across from you was currently asking Anna some questions though you had no idea what they were. Your mind was far to occupied, with Bella. It almost made you mad at how good they looked. They had the most amazing hair, eyes, smile, lips, hands and not to mention the suit they were wearing. It wasn't fair, how could you not fall for them?
You were broken out of your thoughts by the interviewer calling your name. "yes?" you flashed a smile at him hoping with every fiber of your being you weren't caught staring. "i was just about to ask you, how do you feel about Joel and Mac's relationship?" he finished it off with a smile.
You mentally cursed at him for interrupting your mindless staring but answered with a "well i feel like what they have is so beautiful and heart breaking at the same time, she's always seen Joel as a father figure but realises that he had a daughter before her and she feels guilty for loving him because of that. She puts distance between them that slowly disapates when Ellies brought into the picture. Its sweet i think."
He seems pleased enough with your answer and moves on to ask Pedro and Nico a few. You feel relieved. Happy that for a short time you get to resume your endless staring daydreams. Turning to look at Bella you freeze when those beautiful brown eyes are staring right back at you.
Shit. They saw you staring didn't they? All you wanted to do right then was sink into the floor. You watch as his lips curl into a smile and he winks at you. HE WINKS AT YOU!? You were sure that this was a part of one of your day dreams. The moment is once again ruined by the interviewer but this time he was asking Bella some questions.
The interview was finally over, you loved your job but sometimes it felt as though interviews would drag on for forever. You were scrolling on your phone when Bella approached you. "hey i was wondering if you needed a ride home?"
You didn't really, Pedro drove you here and you assumed he was going to take you home but as if they could read your mind she spoke up, " i actually spoke to Pedro and he said he's cool with if you are...?"
Of course you were. Were you really going to say no to your crush, Bella Ramsey, offering you a ride home? Never. The drive was painful -for you atleast- you were so worried that they'd caught you staring, that this would be the end of your friendship.
"I saw you staring ya know? Im not upset about it if thats what you're so worried about."
"You can tell!?" you practically burst their ear drums. "Of course i can. You don't have a crush on one of your bestest friends and co-workers for the longest time and not be able to tell when they're feeling off."
True. I mean you were always able to tell when something was off with Bella. Wait. Did Bella just say he has a crush on you? "im sorry?" its more of a question really, you're asking him to verify that this wasn't just another day dream.
"you heard me and just for future reference if you're gonna stare at me atleast try to be discreet about it!" they say as one of their hands finds its way onto your thigh.
"I'll keep that in mind" you say as you turn your head to face out the window hoping they don't see how much you're blushing but knowing damn well she already has.
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