#This is totes a new promo
Hey! I absolutely love your writing! could you maybe write something about Tom x reader. Where she’s working with Josh on a new film? So him and Rachel go to visit on set and he’s a fan? I feel that would be so cute 🥹🫶
Little Visit || Tom Blyth x actress!reader
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A/n: look at these lil cute gifs I made of Tom, Josh and Rachel 🥹 I love their friendship. And thank you Anon for this request! I imagined them filming Lady Chatterley’s Lover !!! Reading this back, it’s adorable. 3/4? Fics I’m planning to post today!
Warnings: none :)
Wc: 695
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Divider by @pommecita
“Andddd cut!” The director calls out as you let out a sigh of relief, stretching your body as a loud groan escapes your lips. After an exhausting day of non stop filming of your solo scenes, all you felt doing was crashing into the comfort of your bed in your trailer and face time your boyfriend Tom.
As you pack up your things that your brought along with you, Stacey, your assistant, comes up to you. “You have a few visitors,” She says in a sing song voice as you immediately furrow your eyebrows.
“Really?” You say as she hums. You sling your tote bag over your shoulder and follow her as you put your hair into a hair clip. From afar, you could see two guys, one with familiar hair.
You immediately smile knowing who it was as you hurriedly walk to them, a bounce in your step. You open your arms as you squeal seeing the two of them. “Hey sweetheart,” Tom says as you engulf the two in a tight hug.
You wrap your arms around Tom and Josh’s body as the wrap theirs around your frame, both of them rubbing your back knowing how much you love it when people do that.
Although you saw Josh practically everyday because you two were the main characters to the movie you were filming, you were still so happy to see him after a day of not hearing his jokes.
And of course, you were beyond happy seeing Tom again. The last time you saw him in person was 2 weeks ago when he came down to set to visit. Although you were absolutely tired and wished nothing but to shower and lay in bed, seeing your boyfriend and best friend was even better.
You rock the two side to side as you all laugh. As you pull back, you hear a feminine voice call out. “Y/n!” The boys look back as you look in between them. Your eyes lit up, “Rachel!” You squeal as you both run to each other. You had not seen Rachel in the longest time, probably 2 months after the world promo tour came to an end for tbosas.
“She looks happier to see her than us, huh?” Josh jokes as Tom laughs, digging his hands in his pockets as he watches the two of you embrace in a hug, nearly falling over in the process as Josh snaps a few photos of the two of you.
You walked hand in hand with Tom to your trailer, Josh and Rachel behind the two of you. “I’m going to shower, I’ll be back,” You announced as you kiss Tom’s lips before disappearing in your bathroom. The hot water immediately relaxed your bones as you let out a light moan at the feeling.
You came out in your silk pyjamas as it was slowly turning dark outside. The four of you chilled in your trailer, catching up with things before Rachel and Josh decide to go back to his trailer for the night.
“I’ve missed you,” A slight pout makes it your lips as you go on your tippy toes, hooking your arms around Tom’s neck as he breathes your scent that he missed in. “I know, I missed you too,” He mumbles in your hair.
You sit on your boyfriend’s lap as the two of you go through your camera roll from past month or so since you started filming the new movie with Josh.
You tell him the stories behind the pictures as he would watch you intently, a smile on his lips at the sight of you so engrossed in it. “Oh and this one, I was sneezing so much that my eyes were becoming watery so the director decided to start filming the sad scenes,” You laugh as you recall the daisies that Josh would present to you made you highly allergic.
Tom smiles at you lovingly, thinking how lucky he was to have you. “What?” You shyly smile, feeling his stare. “Nothing, you’re just so adorable,” He admits, pulling you to his chest as you let out a small giggle as he kisses your forehead.
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andy-wm · 8 months
Jungkook's GOLDEN moment
Or, the media journey of our Golden Boy's debut album, and what it all means.
This post grew out of a question that popped into my head a couple of days ago.... "what are we really getting on 3 November?"
Sometimes ADHD is a blessing. Other times it's a curse. It all depends on your perspective.
I was going to write a few words - just share an idea - but part of my day job is getting the facts right (and doing the research and validating information) so what started as a quick idea has grown into a long, long story.
As I said, ADHD can be a blessing. I may have resorted to cutting my own hair yesterday because I keep forgetting to make an appointment with the barber, but I can go without food or sleep if something sparks my curiosity. And this has. And the good news is, I'm sharing all that with whoever wants to read it. The other good news is that fortunately, hair grows back.
So I suggest you either grab a snack and get comfortable, or skip to the end to read my conclusion. Because in Tumblr, as in life, my ability to talk nonstop for hours about random shite is unmatched.
Where did all this begin?
When did we first hear about Jungkook's debut solo album? I believe the original announcement came from the annual forecast/investment report documents, which I found out about via tw in May this year.
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Jungkook's album was officially forecast for release in the fourth quarter according to the HYBE and Hanwha Investment report.
We were all thrilled and excited! I certainly was.
JK's voice is the aural equivalent of an ice cream sundae - refreshingly cool and softly warm, and multi-layered with all the fancy toppings. He can do pop-sugar sprinkles, he can do fancy slivered almonds, he can do spicy peaches in brandy, lit on fire.
His voice flows into your ears, sweet and hot, just like him.
It was good news but not surprising. Because by the time that report came out we had already had albums (or news of albums) from Hobi, Namjoon, Jiminie and Yoongles. We had figured out they were all going release something. It would have been odd if Jungkook DIDN'T join his bandmates in this. ARMY knows he's a prolific and talented songwriter from way back. He's been writing and producing songs for BTS's albums from as far back as 2015. With instant ARMY favourites like Still With You, Decalcomania, and Your Eyes Tell to his name, Jungkook's album was an exciting prospect.
In June and July, rumours about the album surfaced:
On 4 June, Korean news website Sports Chosun, released an article about Jungkook's debut album - claiming the release date as 14 July. The article toted an English song on the album as 'a huge hit'.
BigHit responded, slapping the news website on the wrist and stating that THEY would make announcement when the release date was confirmed.
ARMYs and everyone else lit up the ether with chatter about the announcement, but where many news sites were simply regurgitating the Sports Chosun article, we were wondering where they got that information, and why they were talking about this English song being a hit as though that would be something new for a BTS song.
Um... do you know BTS?
Fast forward to 14th July... and the release of SEVEN (ft Letto).
A single, not an album, but it was HUGE.
Most ARMYs loved it but some were shocked... at the revelation that their darling Jungkookie is in fact a horny young man who enjoys pleasures of the flesh. And thank god he does, honestly, because the thought of his youth and beauty being wasted on abstinence is devastating to me. He works too hard not to enjoy a good fuck - hopefully seven days a week.
We all know the explicit version had a few people clutching their pearls and petticoats, but on the whole the reception was good. SEVEN (ft Letto!) sailed majestically to the top of the charts all across the globe and settled in alongside Like Crazy as a long term resident on the Billboard Hot 100.
Jungkook travelled abroad for the promos (with Jimin) and sang his song everywhere from New York to London.
But he also visited us, often.
He made time to chat for hours with ARMY, telling us how much we mean to him, and how he has decided to trust himself, and how he hopes WE would trust him too. He told us over and over that he has decided to do what he wants. That this is what he wants. That he hopes we love it.
It was clear he was having a lot of fun with SEVEN.
The MV, and the making of the MV, were a hit in themselves, and we got to see JK's acting chops (clearly SO MUCH better than Yoongi's he told us).
And then came more news about the album...
It wasn't long after that, only three days in fact, before another article about his upcoming album surfaced. This time it was on the (apparently very factually reliable) music news site, Hits Daily Double.
The article sat strangely askew for many ARMYs. For OT7 fans of BTS it felt more than a little off.
From the opening sentence...
Jung Kook's "Seven" f/Latto (HYBE/Geffen) set records in its first 24 hours on Spotify.
...to the brazenly competitive comparisons with BTS and the other members achievements, the tone of the article was smug and divisive and frankly not very Bangtan.
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For a short puff piece, it managed to put a good half of the fandom's nose out of joint. I have no doubt that was the intention, that it aimed to sow dissent and push JK ahead of his members in ARMY's - and the world's - eyes. We weren't mad at JK - far from it - we could see right through the writer's intent. And we knew who was behind it...
Enter stage left: The Villain, Scrotum Balls
"HYBE Chairman Bang Si-Hyuk's trust in HYBE America CEO Scooter Braun is continuing to pay off. Braun found the song and connected Jung Kook with the Grammy-winning Producer of the Year he reps, Andrew Watt."
Did SB write this bollocks himself?? What a twat, seriously.
But wait, there's more...
"Those involved with Jung Kook's forthcoming debut album, which will be an all-English effort, are very bullish on the project and see it as a pivotal moment in the BTS solo campaign. Jung Kook's embrace of sexuality and profanity is giving new life to BTS fans..."
This is where it all starts going a little pear shaped. I can almost see the smile melting off Jungkook's face as he read this article.
Not a word about the themes this album would explore, or the music itself, or even a word from the artist. Just SB crowing about the 'project' that those involved were so bullish about.
In other articles on this site from the same time, Jungkook is referred to as an alumnus of BTS, and the erstwhile bandmate of V. Both of these terms insinuate that he has left BTS, which is very misleading.
At that point, some of us were very worried. It was starting to look like Jungkook himself was the project - a little project for SB to use as a self promotion tool. The sacrificial lamb he was going to offer to the gods of commercial radio and the plastic world of pop stardom to redeem himself for the absolute fucking mess he made when he tied up his label's artists with red tape and held them hostage.
Did anyone watch the movie TAR?
Spoiler alert, but the main character Lydia's attempts to regain her influence after she destroyed her own empire, are not dissimilar to SB's. The only way she could rise from the ashes after figuratively burning her house to the ground, was to reinvent herself in a new environment. She started over, with her trademark ego-driven confidence not dented in the least, believing herself the ultimate maestro as she took on a new project to mould into her image of success.
The parallels are uncanny.
Moving on...
Suchwita with Jungkook was revealing, in that it revealed nothing...
Specifically the nothing that had happened with the mini album!
Jungkook said he hadn't started working on the album, he was still searching single #2. He said after the second single he would release a mini album in November.
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"Are the songs for the album ready?" Yoongi asked.
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"No" replied Jungkook, "I have to start working on them now."
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At the time Suchwita was filmed, Jungkook had yet to start working on the songs for the mini album he was due to release in November.
In a previous Weverse live he also said he hadn't started working yet. He had no songs. The extended break was so good that he would have been happy to keep resting, until SEVEN came along.
Confirmed in the AUDACY interview in NY:
In his interview with Audacy (recorded around 14 July in NY) Jungkook's message was consistent with what he said to Yoongi.
There were 'no specifics set yet' when asked about an upcoming album... certainly no mention of ALL ENGLISH SONGS.
When asked "How do you want to make your solo work special and unique to you?" Jungkook responded that he didn't want to chase anything. That he 'wants everything to become special naturally, because he does his best.' He says SEVEN wasn't released because he had specific plans, it just happened. He wants the next song to come along naturally too.
That's a very different message from the brash, aggressively confident stance taken in the Hits Daily Double article - I think we we can safely assume they were SB's words - and it's also not shining a light on SB as the hero of the moment the way the article tried to do.
Jungkook had either not been briefed on SB's vision for the album, or he wasn't on board with it. Either way, the album was not mentioned again until early October.
Let's return to Suchwita and to Tae's interview.
*this is focused on the conversation about JK's album, no disrespect to our smooth operator.
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"This album is the last solo album," says Yoongi.
When I watched this episode I first thought Yoongi was talking about the order that the Suchwita episodes were filmed, when he said Tae's album was the last. He clarified in the next sentence that he was talking about the release date.
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"You're the last one," says Yoongi.
&lt;<Wait... so what happened to JK's album?>>
"That's right. I feel so much pressure," continues Tae.
"Everyone was like, I don't want to be last," laughs Yoongi.
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What Tae says next is pivotal:
"But if I didn't like it, I wouldn't have released it. I would have said I'm sorry, but I can't."
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Oh really?
So THAT'S AN OPTION? He could say "No, I don't like it so I'm not releasing it."?!
They go on to talk about promotions for all the members and how they differed, as though everyone else has done all the promotions they have lined up, but all I can think about is...
Did Jungkook say NO to SB?
Maybe he hadn't agreed to anything when that Hits Daily Double article was published. Maybe SB shot his mouth off before JK had even listened to the songs he was proposing. Jungkook told us he's doing what he wants to do.
Maybe Jungkook didn't like the songs, or the direction the album was taking. Our Jungkook can be stubborn and he knows his worth. Maybe he said he didn't want to be SB's little project?
That would explain why we heard nothing else about his *All English*mini album. Between July and the announcement of the release date in early October, there wasn't even a whisper.
On 3 October, Hits Double Daily released a second article:
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The tone of this release couldn't be more different from the first article.
No mention of SB
No mention of ALL ENGLISH
Jungkook is suddenly back in the BigHit stable, whereas before he was being associated with Hybe/Geffen
The source is clearly stated as BH
The forceful language of the first article is notably absent. This piece is purely factual, short and to the point.
Tags for this article are: JungKook, BTS, GOLDEN, BIGHIT. Compared to the first article which was additionally tagged with HYBE, Geffen, Scooter Braun, Bang Si-Hyuk, Andrew Watt.
This sentence: Jung is known as the “golden maknae” (“golden youngest”) of BTS. Suddenly Jungkook is back in BTS (as opposed to an alumnus of BTS). His status as the maknae also firmly grounds him in his Korean roots, a fact which was hardly mentioned in other articles. (and they got his name wrong ffs...)
There's also the MAJOR fact that unlike SEVEN, Jungkook is performing the debut of this album in Korea, not in the USA. That also says to me that SB is not involved (or less involved).
Other evidence of Jungkook's autonomy in this, is his unexpected performance of Still With You at the GCL concert. You could tell he was nervous, he lost his performance presence a little - standing awkwardly with his hand on his hip - and I think it was because there was something more at stake with that performance. All my fingers and toes are crossed for it's inclusion on the album.
Where does that leave us with GOLDEN?
My conclusion is that there has been some level of disagreement between SB and Jungkook about the album. And that Jungkook has stood his creative ground (YES!) and put some distance between himself and SB.
I fervently hope this is true.
Remember that Yoongi said Jungkook is the most talented musician he's ever met.
Yoongi, who I would trust with my soul even if he had horns and called himself the prince of darkness.
well that picture's kinda hot!
(I lost my train of thought thinking about Yoongi with horns)
Yes, Yoongi said that.
Yoongi who works with dozens and dozens of musicians including 6 of the most successful artists in the world...oh, and PSY.
The suggestion in the first article - that Jungkook's debut album was being designed with strategic market-oriented goals in mind - was so disturbing, when we know what a brilliant artist he is.
Sure it would be advantageous if Jungkook could access the networks and opportunities that come with an association with SB.
But if having an introduction to SB's circle means he's handcuffed to the strategic vision of a person who sees music as a corporate commodity, and Jungkook as a project, I truly hope he said 'I'll pass thanks.'
And let's not forget the album went from being a mini album (2-6 songs) to ELEVEN songs. In my minds eye I see Jungkook saying 'you think I can't come up with a whole album in two months? Hold my beer.'
Jungkook doesn't need SB to be successful...
He is after all...
Here are the sources, if you want to see where this info came from...
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satuguro · 1 year
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ethan landry x reader
#SYNOPSIS— you facetime someone first and you hate it, ethan can't tell when you're joking or serious, and you really hate richie's style.
#CONTAINS— murder!, gore!!!!, satire (!!), familial issues (implications of abuse), mentions of anxiety/ptsd, richie x reader (heavily one sided), stalker behavior!, fake dating, richie (yes, he needs his own warning), suggestive content
#AUTHORSNOTE— i'm so sorry for such a late update and the lack of activity on my blog, my mental health took such a plummet.
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the low hum of the computers in the radio studio and the soft sound of music paying through the control room speakers were the only sounds you heard as you spun around in your chair. a clean spotify playlist— something you weren't supposed to technically use for radio, but your station manager used it, so who cares? — played soft music on air as you waited patiently for your last song to end.
humming softly to yourself, you scrolled mindlessly through social media, taking in the last few days of relaxation you had until you finally began with you and ethan's little plan.
reluctantly date richie. gather information. get the fuck out and give it to the police.
and if all else fails? well, you'd kill him (something ethan was surprisingly not that disturbed with. talk about sibling rivalry.).
you hadn't spoken to either of them ever since sunday, when you and ethan formulated your little plan at an aesthetically pleasing botanical cafe.
the music came to a slow end, and you paused the playlist before turning on your mic. "that was my last song of the night. remember; variety hour with blackmore university radio's music manager— which is me, if you've been paying attention —is every thursday from 9 to 10. good night, new york." and with that, you returned the radio on auto play, allowing it to bleed into a few promos.
the radio and studio office was dark at this point, lacking any form of life other than you. with an entire radio station being led only by college students, it was common for everyone to be gone by the time 6 pm hit.
but you were a bit of a masochist. so here you were, doing your mandatory radio show in the ambiently lit studio and office of your station. it smelled of soft lavender from the plug-in wall scent one of your co-workers put up, and the only lights came from the lamps and soft yellow light that was put in to replace the fluorescent white that you swore made days go by longer.
your headphones were over your ears, one of them pushed back behind your ear to allow yourself to hear the outside world (you had to be cautious nowadays). pulling your tote bag over your shoulder, you locked the studio door behind you and closed up the station. and as you walked down the dimly lit stairs to the exit, you half listened to the echoing of your footsteps as you shut the door behind you.
fall was your favorite season. not just for the fact that the weather was a perfect mix of not too hot and not too cold, or that it was the last few months before you fell deep into procrastination due to the lack of sunshine, but it was because it was always so beautiful. red and browns, yellows and oranges, all painted on once-green leaves before they fell.
the crunching of the leaves below your feet as you began to walk back to your dorm was soothing behind the autumn playlist (which you had carefully curated, of course) you were listening to. and it would've gone on like that for the entire walk home. the same walk you did every thursday without fail, when barely anyone was out and about on campus and when it was only you and whatever weather there was that evening.
but you could feel someone watching you.
as though someone had poured water down your back, your skin prickled and the hair on your body stood up as your walking suddenly came to a stop. pushing your headphones down around your neck, you dared to look behind you.
nothing. nothing but the darkness of the rest of the campus, barely lit by the flickering street lamps. the light from the lamp you were standing next to bled into nothingness, revealing practically nothing to your eyes.
your hands dug into your pockets as you grabbed your phone, swallowing thickly as you dared to stare deeper into the night. deeper into the darkness you stared.
and then you dared to turn back ahead of you, walking with a stride quicker than how you usually walked. step by step, shoes crunching in the leaves as you briskly walked, keeping your chin up in faux confidence, as though you weren't hearing another pair of footsteps walking in the same exact pace you were.
and then you came to a sudden halt.
and you heard the extra footstep from someone that certainly wasn't you.
and you began to walk faster. step. step. step. feeling those heartless and emotionless eyes staring in to the back of your head much like you had stared at the back of your father's head. hungry. blood thirsty. desperate to feel the warm crimson on your skin.
you could hear them breathe. heavy and warm, excited and thrumming with adrenaline because it felt as though you were paying attention to them. you were finally reacting to them in the way they wanted you to; by running away in fear.
you pulled out your student id card, slamming it against the card reader before opening the door to your dorm building and shutting it behind you, chest heaving as you tried to compose yourself.
you went to the elevator, slamming on the button to get you up to your dorm room.
your feet walked briskly on the hallway as you made a beeline for your dorm room, hands trembling as you found yourself disassociating, barely showing any emotion at all if it weren't for your shaking hands. but as you were pulling out your key, you saw the flower on the ground.
lilies of the valley. your favorite.
looking up and down the hall, you grabbed it hastily and you unlocked the door, shutting it behind you and letting out a breath. staring down at the flowers, you pulled out a single note with a heart drawn on it in crimson red ink.
"fuck," you breathed, shaking your head as you walked into your room and locked it behind you, throwing the lilies into the trash as you swallowed thickly.
who else could have done this? who else in your life was most likely to follow you like a predator stalking its prey, waiting for the perfect moment to strike?
he was stalking you. richie was fucking stalking you.
you grabbed your phone, scrolling before you found a contact, clicking facetime on it and waiting patiently as you tried to clam the harsh beating of your chest. once, it rang. then twice. then three times, and you almost reached over to hang up, if it weren't for the face that the little sound came out of your phone speaker, signaling that he actually picked up.
"hello?" ethan said, his face squished by his pillow as he peered into the phone screen. "you actually called me. i never took you for a facetime person, but uh—"
"is richie there?" you hissed, almost scared to raise your voice as you paced your room frantically. your hands moved on their own as you took your ring off of your finger and began to run it over your knuckles.
back and forth. back and forth.
"no, i don't think so— what's going on?" ethan sat up in his bed, voice hushed low as he looked down at you. you were moving— he could see it —and he looked haphazard as he stared at you through the phone. protectiveness striked at his chest again as ethan gripped his phone tighter. "y/n, what's going on?"
"ethan, he's stalking me," you hissed, panic evident in your tone as you tried to compose yourself.
back and forth. back and forth.
"i— i was walking home from work and i swear to god, e, it was him. and he probably left these fucking flowers at my door too." you flipped the phone camera to show ethan the trashed flowers. "i'm not having second thoughts or anything, but if i have to deal with his stalking it's honestly just gonna be a pain in my ass—"
"you're not having second thoughts?" ethan ran a stressed hand through his hair, breathing out a heavy exhale. "jesus, y/n, if i were you i wouldn't even pull through with this shit."
"good thing you're not me then, huh?" you swallowed thickly, walking to your bed and throwing yourself onto it, letting your back hit your mattress. raising your phone so that ethan could see your face clearly.
you hated facetiming people.
"okay, that's all," you stated, as though letting him know that his brother was a stalker was just the most casual thing in the world. "i'm hanging up now."
"w—wait!" ethan said hurriedly right before your finger pressed the bright red button. face dusted light pink, ethan looked over your (once again) unreadable face. "can we.. stay on call?"
"no." you blinked. "why would we?"
"because i'm basically sleeping in an apartment with a stalker-murderer!" ethan hissed, voice coming down to a harsh whisper as the sound of the apartment door opening and closing rang in his ears. "i don't want to be, like, attacked in my sleep or something."
"he's not gonna attack you when quinn is there," you stated bluntly, finger still hovering over the big red button. "even if he does suspect something. you'll be fine." and you almost pressed the red button again. almost.
"y/n," ethan groaned, letting his free hand cover his face. you were so stubborn, so brutally honest, and yet ethan found himself not even minding it as he practically pleaded for you to just stay on call with him. "just.. just stay with me for a bit, okay? promise you can hang up once i fall asleep."
you narrowed your eyes at him. "do i look like a guard dog to you?"
"you basically act like one."
you stared at ethan, practically challenging him silently as he stared right back at you with those warm hazel eyes. "please?" he added, making you suck in a breath as you huffed.
an appreciateive smile spread on the boy's face as you set your phone down, murmuring a half hearted, "i'll be back," as you went to do your skincare routine and get ready for bed. "don't die," you added before you shut your room door behind you.
bad joke.
you washed your face, letting your hands move slowly down your face as you let out a long sigh, feeling your continuously tense shoulders relax. staring at yourself in the mirror, you found your face blurring into the background, melting into your bathroom walls, features seeping into the tile, melting into the grout.
you stared at yourself in the reflective one way mirror, face blank, pupils constricted as your reflection stared back at you. it felt like you were floating far above your head, unable to anchor yourself in the present.
the voice of the detective felt like someone was speaking to you from underwater. his voice was so garbled, so muffled, you could barely comprehend it. “y/n. you have to at least say something.”
but what was there to say? that you mashed up your father’s brain and liked it? that was a bit straightforward. and only a little bit too guilty.
what were you doing? you were putting yourself into the same position you were in those few years ago; a position of danger, playing a victim just to feel the satisfaction of watching someone’s life melt from their face. and that satisfaction didn’t come with any kind of remorse, because it took a special kind of person to make you want to see their brains on the outside rather than the inside.
you were regressing. maybe you really weren’t over what had happened to you. maybe you never would be, and you felt tour skin prickle at the thought, your hands gripping the sides of your sink as you stared at your mirror.
“your mother says you were protecting her.” the detective leaned in, putting his arms on the table in front of you both. his gaze weighed heavy on you, and you could feel him scan you like a file; taking in how expressionless you were, how even after everything that had happened, you didn’t shed a single tear. “was your father abusive, y/n?”
and that made your eyes snap towards his, cold and cunning, staring at him, unblinking. but if you peers too closely, focused too much on the emotion behind your eyes, the exhaustion of living, you could see that you had every reason to feel nothing for what you had done. you had every fucking reason to smash your father’s head in.
the door to your bedroom shut behind you as you walked back into your room, throwing your shirt over your head and grabbing one to sleep in. "hello?" ethan's voice came through your phone, your breath hitching when you realized he waited on call the entire time while you disassociated in the bathroom. just another day.
"hey." you made yourself comfortable in your bed, hands coming together under your head as you laid it down on your pillow, staring at your phone right next to your bed. an awkward silence followed for nearly five minutes, the only sounds coming from your breathing and ethan's mild shuffling. your eyes had fallen shut as you listened to ethan's breathing through the speaker.
"are you scared, y/n?"
the question, the sudden break of silence didn't make you move. you only kept your eyes shut, silently manifesting for the sweet arms of sleep to clamp around you. you hummed in response, pretending to think, but you knew how you felt. how this exact situation made you feel like you were 16 again, killing your own flesh and blood for just an ounce of freedom.
you hadn't broken at the seams yet. you were still here, breathing, eyes shut, on a phone with some boy you had taught how to smoke only a few days ago.
that's what mattered.
"are you?" you asked, dodging the question easily.
".. yeah." ethan sighed, the sound loud through your phone (he needed to move away from the phone just a bit, but you didn't feel like telling him that yet). from his side, he laid on his back on his bed, eyes set on the white ceiling above him as he spoke to you, someone emotionally stunted (he would never say that out loud, a it would be hypocritical of him to do so), about how he was feeling. "i think i've always been scared. of richie, i mean."
you stayed silent, your eyes slowly opening as you looked at your phone. the waver in ethan's voice, the way he almost felt ashamed to tell you how he felt.. he was being genuine. "what has richie done to you? to make you scared of him, i mean."
ethan's jaw clenched, eyes unblinking towards his ceiling. staring. gathering memories he had tried so desperately to forget, but every time he saw richie's face, he could only remember them. "he was always the more popular one. him and quinn— i was like.."
"a nerd."
"rude, but true." ethan sighed slowly. "one time, during middle school, i snitched to my dad that richie had brought a girl into our house —he was in high school, mind you —and i couldn't sleep because they had been fucking in his room. and that lack of sleep made me late. my dad doesn't like it when we're late." he breathed in shakily. "a few days later, after my robotics club, i was walking home and a bunch of high school kids drove up next to me and, uh..."
your brows furrowed. ".. beat you up?"
"yup." ethan popped the 'p', breathing in deeply before exhaling again. "and i saw him. richie. sitting in the back seat of the car just watching as these teenagers more than half my size beat me up to a pulp. and he smiled at me. as though i deserved to have my torso bruised and my face slammed on the concrete in the 7th grade." ethan chuckled humorlessly, his laughter quickly fading. "point is.. he always gets what he wants."
he sounded so.. defeated. years and years of being tormented by your own blood made him so afraid to speak up; to the point where he didn't even feel like doing so anymore.
you didn't know how to respond.
".. you're still up for killing him?" you asked, voice slightly unsure due to the fact that ethan had just casually spilled some of his trauma over the phone to you, who was half asleep and barely coherent at this point.
"i wish it didn't have to be this way—"
"no you don't."
"what?" ethan blinked, brows knotting together in confusion as he looked at his phone in disbelief over your words.
"you don't mind that it went this way. because you hate him." you sounded so factual. so casual, as though the entire situation was a case you could easily dissect and observe from a far. "and he's done a lot of shit to you and others. the people he's killed. the people he's manipulated. people like richie don't deserve anything." your words became sour, laced with the poison from the past.
"how do you do that?" ethan asked you.
"do what?"
"be so calm in this situation. this is dangerous shit— y/n, you're willingly putting yourself in danger."
you swallowed hard, weighing your words in your head. "it's because i don't want anyone else to die like his victims did. and i," you blinked, "i want to get them their revenge."
"by killing him?"
"if i have to." a beat. "are you still okay with that?"
was he okay with that?
ethan didn't know. he had been walking through the entire week as though he was nothing more than a ghost— eating and drinking to survive, speaking only when spoken to, living his days out of fear because if his brother had been killing people, when would he turn on his siblings? when would richie kill quinn, or chad, or mindy, or tara, or sam, or him?
he didn't want to tell the police and had his brother escape from their confines the next day.
ethan sighed. "if i'm helping you, then yes. i am." a beat of silence, as though his thoughts were overcoming him, as though he was weighing his options in his head. he knew you were perfectly content with the silence over the phone (as you probably didn't want to be on the phone with him for so long in the first place), but ethan wasn't like that. he wanted to talk, but about what?
he wanted to talk to you.
he wanted to know you.
"if we're going to be working together, don't you think we should know each other more?" and his question came out as such a pure example of simple curiosity, simple human want to know of someone simply for the sake of knowing someone. to walk past one's walls and know the little facts about them.
you were not one to let people do that. you were not one to let someone simply know you, because your mind didn't work that way. it felt off, it felt odd— the idea that ethan wanted to know you before the shitshow began.
"you don't have to get to know me."
"i want to know you." ethan's breath hitched. "nothing like.. personal, or anything. just like.. what's your favorite season?"
"well, that's really pushing it." you heard his small chuckle on the other end, your eyebrows softening ever so slightly at the sound. "it's autumn. and yours?"
"spring." ethan blinked up at his ceiling. "i like the rain. the smell of petrichor— a lot of people hate it but i just.. don't."
you hummed in acknowledgement, turning your head towards your phone. "favorite color?"
"forest green. and yours?"
"greyish blue. like the kind that appears at dusk when there's fog over the ground." you felt your body relax a bit; the questions were fortunately far more shallow than you thought they would be. ".. are we gonna do this until you fall asleep?"
"if you don't mind," ethan murmured softly, shifting gently in his bed.
"what if i do mind? i do have shit to do tomorrow, you know," you muttered under your breath.
and ethan would've felt pretty bad by your words. you were always so brutally honest yet so horribly awkward (it was painful to watch at times, he had to admit), but there was one particular question weighing on his mind ever since he picked up your call. one that you had easily deflected moments before. "y/n, you didn't answer my question."
your brows furrowed. "what question?"
"aren't you scared?" ethan swallowed thickly, eyes spacing out as he stared at his ceiling, at the darkened abyss of his room. "for your life, for your friends, for anything?"
were you?
you didn't want to be honest with him. you didn't want to tell him that in all honesty, you were terrified. terrified of losing the friends (that was a strong word for it) you barely had, of losing the small bit of family that was still speaking to you with faux smiles and condolences even though they were under the impression that you were an unpredictable woman.
and unpredictable women terrified them.
but your emotions were always increasing tenfold with every passing hour, the thoughts being so jumbled up and so strong that you had simply learned to drown them out. to continue on with your life with your tornado of thoughts and no one to speak to and no one to look for because you were used to doing this all on your own.
you had dealt with it on your own before. you could deal with it again.
but rather than lie to ethan's face, you found yourself confessing much like a sinner to an angel. "i am. i'm terrified, ethan." and that was all.
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your fingers flew over your keyboard, the past year of having to write essay after essay finally paying off as you typed furiously into your laptop.
evelyn campo murder 2020
evelyn campo murder cambria california
evelyn campo case
you had only found a few articles on her murder, most of them not even mentioning the girl's name, much less many details about her case (unless you counted grim retellings of the crime scene). there was only a brief mention of a possible suspect (the man you had a date with in literally a day), but other than that, nothing. the police had no leads.
"why isn't there much on her murder?" you asked, scrolling down an article with a frown on your face.
ethan sat next to you on your bed, peering over your shoulder as your eyes scanned your screen. jesus, you read fast. "quinn told me that her parents wanted to keep it under wraps," he murmured, only catching glimpses of the article's words. "but i heard they got some private detectives on the case, too."
"sounds like small town gossip."
"oh, that's cause it was." ethan's eyes landed on one quote from the article as your scrolling finally came to a stop. adam's apple bobbing at the sight of it, he read, '.. found stabbed an approximate 78 times ..' the sheer strength and passion, the excitement richie must've had when he killed evelyn made his stomach sick. and ethan would've easily puked over the side of your bed if you didn't speak to him, breaking him from his stupor.
"hey, stay with me."
and just like that, ethan did. his mind was brought back to the present.
"right. sorry." you oculd feel his breath fan gently over your neck as he continued to look over your shoulder. "if we find the fingertips of his current victims, we can connect him to her— evelyn's —murder."
"maybe he kept them." you looked at ethan, confusion written over his face at your words. "it's just a guess, i dunno. but if evelyn was richie's first victim, then he might have kept parts of her. like a—"
"trophy. oh, this is so fucked," ethan muttered under his breath, moving to lay horizontally on your bed, the situation at hand easily driving him to exhaustion as he stared at your ceiling.
"we should first find out who his most current victims are, if possible. see if anyone our age has gone missing in our university or nearby universities." you looked down at ethan, whose face laid near where you sat. "if we can't, then we need to find those fingertips."
a beat.
"richie's working, yeah?" you asked ethan, who nodded as his doe eyes turned to you.
"yeah. he can't really be anywhere but work right now.” a hint of a smile graced his features. “i stole a look at his scheduling. he’s probably knee deep in papers right now.” he saw your eyes flash over in worry, the glint disappearing just as quickly as it arrived, and ethan knew. he simply knew that ever since richie gave into his impulses and followed you home, you were on edge.
you were just good at hiding it. good thing ethan was a little bit too observant when he wanted to.
"y/n, he's working." silently reassuring, ethan gazed at you, reading your indifferent face, searching for any more sign of fear or worry, but it was gone. you had gotten rid of everything before it could show even more.
"right." you looked away from ethan, feeling his stupidly innocent gaze still lingering on your as you looked back at your laptop. if you were to meet with ethan anywhere else but your dorm, richie surely would've gone out of his way to see. at least in the safety of your dorm room, you could shut the blinds and lock the door and be sure of your safety.
"what're your guys' plans tomorrow?" ethan asked you, finally allowing your to move on from the indirect topic of your emotions.
you shrugged. "no idea. i never texted him first— that's embarrassing."
"you seemed fine with calling me first last night."
"i never said that wasn't embarrassing." you rolled your eyes, almost hearing the stupid small smile that graced ethan's face at your words.
a minute passed in silence, the only sounds being your typing as you tried to build your list of articles on evelyn's murder. you had a grand total of 5 articles; better than you thought, but not as much as you would've liked.
he shifted umcomfortably in his seat, the dead silence only a bit too awkward for him. "shouldn't you know your plans, though? just in case he, uh," ethan clears his throat, raising his brows knowingly. he didn't want to say the word; but you already knew what he was implying.
"kills me?"
"well, yeah."
"he's not going to kill me," you shifted uncomfortably in your seat. "not yet, anyway. i'm too close to mindy; if i suddenly go missing after a date with him, mindy will find out for sure."
ethan's lips twitched into a small frown, hazel eyes darking with turmoil as he listened to you. "evelyn was my neighbor, y/n. she literally lived down the street from me; he's unpredictable—"
you almost winced at that word.
you could feel them all staring at you. whispering harshly, practically pointing at you as you stood at the doorway of your aunt's house, hands clasped together in front of you. your mother believed that having you locked up in the room of your new shared apartment in new york was unhealthy; and maybe she was right. for once, she had your best interests at heart, only you knew the outcome of her plan to assimilate you back into society under your shiny new last name.
"she's unpredictable," your aunt hissed as she talked to your mother, shamelessly looking you up and down as though you were some freak of nature, ignoring the clouded look over your eyes because you were barely keeping it together as it was. "you saw what she did, didn't you?"
luckily, you barely reacted.
"i know that, e."
"you know," he sat up in his seat, moving to sit next to you, facing the opposite way with his long legs splayed out on your bed, "after he was questioned by the police, he'd come home as though he had just come home from work or something. and he'd," he let out a sigh, "talk about it. like it was something so fucking casual."
"around you?" your eyebrows raised at that.
"no, never around me. but he would around my dad." contempt laced ethan's tone as he continued. it was hatred, but there was something underneath it that was something akin to jealousy, you realized. ''he'd tell him everything. what they asked that day. the leads he thinks they have— and he almost sounded proud that he was their only suspect."
"can i ask something?" you shifted to face your body towards his, your legs lightly touching his side. "if you were so sure that richie was the killer, why didn't you say anything?"
"because my dad worked for the department. so richie had an in." there it was again, you noticed; that familiar contempt. "and even though wayne bailey wasn't a part of the case, he upheld richie's innocence."
you blinked. "your family is fucked."'
"oh, i know."
"do you think you're the same way?"
ethan's eyebrows raised at your blunt question. he would've laughed in your face at your honesty if it weren't for the fact that you were dead serious. you stared at ethan, almost unblinking, expecting an equally honest answer back. "oh, you actually want to know?"
"yes?" you frowned a bit, tilting your head to the side a little. "did you think i was joking?"
your brows knotted together. "i'm not joking, though."
"well, i know that now," ethan groaned, cheeks dusting pink out of slight embarrassment. "i haven't been diagnosed with anything other than like.. seasonal allergies and peanuts. maybe my moral code is a little messed up because i told you last night that i'm willing to help you kill my brother if i need to," his hands moved as he fell deeper and deeper into his ramble, "so maybe? the answer is maybe."
you listened to ethan ramble intently, watching his hands move as he spoke, as he ranted his jumbled thoughts in his mind to you. and in any other circumstance, you would've found ethan bailey annoying. he talked too much, couldn't handle silence, and had a way of going back and forth on things.
but you didn't mind ethan. he was tolerable.
you liked tolerable.
"or maybe the answer isn't maybe and i need to see a therapist. because i don't particularly feel bad for trying to put my murderous sociopathic brother in jail — not as much as i probably should, by the way — so the answer might be a yes, but for the sake of my sanity the answer is still.." ethan's string of words died in his throat when he realized he had been rambling for a good minute now.
you seemed like the type to interrupt someone who was speaking far too much and far too fast in a short period of time, but you hadn't said a word.
you were listening to him. staring (albeit a little creepily; had you blinked yet?) and observing ethan as he spoke too much about an uncomfortable topic to try and get rid of the unsettling feeling in his chest.
ethan cleared his suddenly dry throat as he stared into your eyes (for someone who hated to socialize, you held eye contact a little bit too much sometimes). "the answer is still a maybe," he managed, officially finishing his ramble. offering you a tight lipped smile, he added, "i rambled."
"you did." you replied.
"i'm sorry i did."
"nothing to be sorry about. i don't mind it." you stared at him for a little longer, blinking before turning back to your laptop, failing to notice the way ethan's face turned a prettier shade of red at your nonchalance. "when richie and i are out on our date, you should look for any ids or items he may have kept from his victims."
"right." ethan focused his attention to the task at hand, ignoring the way your prior words seemed to echo in his mind. how could he be thinking so deeply about such a thing when you were acting as if it was nothing? you were just a nice person; there wasn't more behind your words. "you should try and be out with him for a good few hours just to give me time."
"a few hours with richie. sounds great." you clenched your jaw, your fingers stopping on your keyboard. but they were still thrumming on your thumb, each finger tapping your fingertip in an undisclosed rhythm. "any pointers? like anything he may like in a person that'll make him," your nose wrinkled at your words, "not want to go home?"
"he likes you as you are already." ethan paused, biting his bottom lip gently as he reevaluated his words. "actually— he likes girls who he can't really have. like sam?" he rolled his eyes as he remembered their hellshow of a relationship. "he pined after sam for like a year just because she was dating someone before they got together."
ethan avoided your gaze as he looked at your laptop screen. "you know when he listened while we pretended to have sex? how he waited," from his peripherals, he could see your expression sour with anger at his words, "until you 'orgasmed'," ethan made faux quotations with his fingers, "before he left?"
"yeah." the memory of richie's shadow under ethan's door made a sick feeling broil in your stomach. and that feeling only grew when your mind came to a horrible assumption. "you don't think richie's interest in me grew after that night.. do you?"
ethan finally looked at you, his jaw clenched in anger and protectiveness as he nodded once. and that alone made your face fall in horror.
richie partly wanted you because it meant he deemed you 'forbidden' territory. because he believed ethan was interested in you first.
you groaned, letting your upper body fall back on your bed. "your brother's disgusting," you stated, staring at your ceiling.
next to you, ethan sighed. "i know."
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you stood stiffly as you stared at the black dress you wore. in any other circumstance, you would've been comfortable with how you looked. you had styled your hair and this was one of your many black dresses that fit your features well, and to top it off, you wore a heart locket necklace and had your bag over your shoulder.
but knowing what you were getting into, it was hard to stay completely confident. you had basically shoved more of your strongest emotions into the deep dark hole in your mind just to keep yourself sane, but you couldn't even deny the sickening feeling in your chest that seemed to grow with every passing minute.
you still had no idea what richie's plans were. maybe it was something boring, like a movie then dinner. or maybe a walk in the park that would eventually lead to your death.
all you knew was that he would pick you up at 7 pm. that was all richie texted you, and now it was 6:45.
15 minutes.
"hello?" ethan's voice on your phone made you snap out of your thoughts, jaw clenching as you looked at yourself one last time, making sure not a hair was out of place just to keep up the facade.
you had called him again. at this point, you were wondering if you were lacking self respect for yourself, choosing to continuously call ethan during times of high stress in your shared situation.
you really needed to stop calling first. it was getting embarrassing.
"hello." you looked at your phone, watching as ethan tried (and failed) to set up his phone on his bedside table. you had been in a call for 30 minutes now, and while most of the conversation was honestly just ethan talking and you replying with short comments, you didn't mind it too much.
"are you, uh," ethan swallowed hard, "ready? hasn't been back since work so i'm guessing he's on his way to you now."
"i'm ready to get this over with, if that's what you mean." you set your phone up on your table, thankful that anika and mindy were out on another one of their movie dates (mindy was a little too excited to watch evil dead rise), so you could speak without interruptions. you sat on your desk chair, showing the upper half of your body to ethan, who was sitting on his bed, his back laid back on his head board.
but when he saw you, dressed up and looking a little bit too nice for his shitty brother, ethan sat up. throat running dry like it always seemed to and cheeks heating up, he managed an almost shy smile as he looked at you. "you look.. nice."
"thanks." a pause. "do i not usually look nice?"
ethan's eyes widened in shock (and slight fear). "i didn't say that! i just haven't known you for that long and i've only seen you like a handful of times but i swear you always look nice! you just look especially nice tonight. for richie." his nose crinkled in disgust at the thought.
you were all dressed up for his brother. and while the entire situation had made ethan throw up almost daily and feel far too many negative emotions that he didn't know how he felt anymore, he knew one thing as he looked at you, sitting so casually as though you weren't stopping ethan's train of thought.
he was jealous. and worried. and feeling far too protective over you, someone who could definitely handle everything on your own.
you tilted your head a little as ethan ended his short ramble. "ethan, i was joking."
"oh." ethan nodded, clicking his tongue as he tried to play it cool. "right."
lightly glossed lips curled up slightly, revealing a small smile. "thank you." your hands pulled your ring off of your finger. you let it run over your knuckles; back and forth. back and forth. the heated metal (you hands were and it was only a little disgusting) moved easily over your skin as you tried to calm yourself.
9 more minutes.
"y/n," ethan said, making your eyes focus again. "be careful, okay?"
your mouth opened to protest, but ethan continued on.
"and i know you said you could handle it," he said pointedly, making you shut your mouth, "but i want you to be careful."
three loud knocks at your dorm door made you jump, hand closing over your ring and curling into a fist as your steady heart began to pound loudly in your ears.
he was here.
"i have to go." you grabbed your phone, voice lowered down as you looked at ethan one last time. and for a brief moment, he saw just how worried you were. "you know the plan. be careful." and with that, you hung up.
the door to you and mindy's shared dorm felt far away as you walked out of your bedroom, shoving your phone into your purse before opening your dorm door. richie stood outside with a single orchid in his hand, its petals pristine and white as he held it. sleazy eyes traveled down your body, as though he was silently taking in your every curve, every exposed area of skin. and not even caring to seem the least bit subtle, richie took his time traveling back up to your face, his cold eyes watching you with interest.
as though you were some unpredictable toy for him.
"you look beautiful," richie murmured, making you force a smile as you tilted your head to the side a bit. shutting the door behind you, you looked him up and down; an open button up black shirt with a white shirt inside and some black jeans. the lack of effort in his style was infuriating— why did you have to dress up but he showed up as though he robbed old navy?
"you look.. good," you managed, unable to keep your honesty at bay as you managed a tight lipped smile. your lackluster response made you want to walk back into your dorm and lock it, but richie only chuckled at your response.
"nothing else?" he asked, handing the orchid to you. "i got you another flower."
another flower. you tried to hide your disgust at the confirmation that richie really was your stalker, instead taking the orchid with a tense hand. as you took it, richie began to walk down the hall of your dorm building, ready to lead you out.
"thanks," you stated, walking next to him and reluctantly allowing him to take the lead. wary eyes watched him, taking in the way he seemed to have perfect posture, how pleased he seemed in himself, as though his mere presence was a blessing to you, and the way he was staring right back at you.
observing. watching, pupils almost dilating as he took in how perfect you looked under the fluorescent light of the hallway. richie could feel his heart pounding, adams apple bobbing as he took a moment — just a moment — to admire his date. his date. the phrase rolled off of his tongue quite nicely.
you immediately averted your eyes back to the hallway in front of you. "so," you began, ignoring the way his eyes felt on your skin, "you were pretty enigmatic about this whole date. i almost thought you'd kill me or something." the dry humored joke fell from your lips before you could stop it, and yet you kept your eyes focused on the hallway in front of you, barely a reaction on your face as blood rushed through your ears. as you both began to take the elevator downstairs, you heard richie laugh.
even his laugh sounded ingenuine.
he stood next to you, arm pressed against yours, a little too close for comfort in the empty elevator. "just wanted to keep it a surprise, that's all." richie's eyes traveled to your hand, watching as you rubbed your ring subconsciously, a lopsided smirk appearing on his face. "are you nervous for our date?" he asked.
eyes blinking, you looked up at him confusedly. "no," you said with a tilt of your head, "why do you say that?"
"because," richie said, looking down at you with a mischievous smile, as though he was always one step ahead of you. "you've been rubbing that ring of yours ever since i arrived. i'd call it a," he thought for a moment before clicking his tongue, "nervous tick." a knowing glint appeared in his eyes, and suddenly you felt a wave of sick paranoia wash over you.
you immediately stopped rubbing your ring, your head turning back to the closed elevator doors in front of you both. your distorted reflection stared back at you from the steel of the elevator doors, and it was as though you realized just how trapped you were. there was no going back from this plan.
again, you began to subconsciously rub your ring. and richie continued to watch.
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#AUTHORSNOTE— i'm actually soso sorry for the long update & the cliffhanger, but thank you for reading!
#TAGLIST— @cham9ions , @netey6m , @mskitkatbubbles , @onlyangel-444 , @cyueksims , @tisthedamnseason69 , @helpimgoinginsanehaha , @anthemabby , @clemenscove , @vanillawhale , @lanascinnamongirll , @rhaenyra4ever , @shebreathedherlast , @datingspiderman , @marurubahbah , @taetae123094 , @kn1n3 , @nox222 , @ch9mpi0n , @ooyuhgetitig4
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georgiapeach30513 · 7 months
I know you’re past your post limit tonight but you are an unwavering ray of strength and sunshine on here. So calm so chill. That cookie jar though…😏
That being said…are yall not entertained????
For those of you who screamed PR for months (I’m talking about the crazy ones who freak out every five minutes about something new even though they claim they know PR and they know people and have sources (in their own heads LOLOL)) - you want it? YOU GOT IT. It’s been in your face for months and yall still can’t see it?
An article comes out every time ramen breathes. And soba must be inserted. Soba gets articles for IG posts…when does that happen to a third rate noodle brand who can’t even hit 1 million followers after buying bots for two years and marrying the sexiest noodle brand alive? (Just to be extra petty, Jenna Ortega got ten million new followers in a week after Wednesday launched on Netflix (same month someone’s else season two show launched and then got canceled but whoops) and she didn’t marry anybody famous. Soba isn’t even a notable brand in their home country. Soba’s name gets misspelled even in her own movie promo posts. Yet she’s getting us weekly and people articles written about her every movement now? Oh and she’s getting a square on us weekly about celebs who adopted pets - with ramen’s dog even though she didn’t adopt the dog? LOLOLOLOL ok!!
Nobody thinks that’s odd?
I’ll have to admit, I didn’t really want to believe in conspiracy theories for a long time. It felt too delusional and too qanon for me. But after ramen returned to IG and made a post about dogs - a people mag article pops up and inserts a line to make it about soba, unprovoked. Why? Almost like it was intentional to shoehorn soba in. Almost like that’s basically been the MO since this all started. The tabloids have changed but the narrative has not. The rumors turned to confirmation turned to more rumors to more confirmation but never really really by the horse’s mouth except kinda two ceremonies maybe yeah go physical therapy!!
The way that “wedding” announcement launched as an unconfirmed source from page six. Then went immediately viral. After a weekend of extreme social media breadcrumbing…it was almost like watching a puppeteer orchestrate a show in real time. I can’t be the only one…right?
They have continuously gone the route of most resistance repeatedly, for two years - and nobody thinks this is just inane? They are doing this on purpose and the more you overthink it, the more crazy and unsense it will make.
Like you mentioned many times before, people just have to wait and see. And be patient. Try not to overreact over every little thing. (Hard for some, but seriously!)
Fact is: ramen has publicly endorsed soba (well maybe not the name) and they are linked. So until this changes, why wouldn’t you expect soba to be around lurking? Ramen can’t be an investor in a brand and then not show up with it.
Though it would be funny if he was caught eating banza pasta while toting the soba brand, like Britney getting caught ordering a coke while she was a Pepsi girl. 😆
I’m totally half kidding about most of this. But I think you get what I’m trying to put down. Nobody has to agree with me. But the longer this goes, the easier it’s been to look back on how it all started and string the pieces together.
First off are the same anon who has been doing amazing with the pasta analogies?? Because if so can I call you, Mrs. Pasta??
This is what PR looks like. Articles upon articles over nothing. Pushing a name out there for what? You make some excellent points, completely. Now, I’m not confirming or denying anything. Just that this is pointed. The timing is interesting and the entertainment is amazing.
Banza past is an amazing option. Top ramen needs to add a little spice and change. Soba noodles on the regular isn’t good for everyone.
I’m just here ready for the show. I told y’all to keep your eyes open 😉
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quenteu · 8 months
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Ma nouvelle sacoche @timeresistance (c'est quand même beaucoup mieux que mon tote bag).
Code promo sur tout le site : QUENTIN10
Pantalon chemise et cravate Howard's paris
My new @timeresistance bag (it's still much better than my tote bag).
Promo code on the website: QUENTIN10
#timeresistance #bag #parisianstyle #sartorialist #sartorial #elegance #elegant #fashion #chic #classy #dandy #gentleman #gentlemen #gentlemanstyle #gentlemenstyle #menwithstyle #style #suit #classicstyle #stylish #menswear #menswardrobe #mensweardaily #palaisroyal #ootd #スーツ #優雅 #套裝 #時尚
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alectoperdita · 10 months
i don’t know how this could be conveyed in fic, but i’m always thinking about kaiba filming promos and what not for tournaments/dm stuff and he makes snarky jokes about jounouchi’s presence but the camera keeps zooming in his face to emphasize the adoration and glee on his face when he sees jou do /any/thing. but kaiba is not selfaware. he reviews the footage wondering why the cameras keep recording his reaction during jou’s duels instead of the audience. they want u 2 notice something, kaiba
Ooo this is such a juicy idea, anon! I love me a pining Kaiba. It's even more entertaining when he's a bit oblivious.
I know you didn't quite mean this as a challenge, but it activated my outsider-POV-loving neurons. So I attempted to write a little ficlet based on your idea. Sorry, that was why I was delayed in responding to your ask. Also apologies that I'm a little rusty. Haven't been writing regularly recently. 😭 I hope you still enjoy it.
Kenji always figured that Kaiba's, well, everything was an act. A show persona put on for the masses to sell his tech and promote his tournaments.
No one could be that genuinely ridiculous.
Except he was. Kaiba appeared to be every bit that extra, as Kenji's teenage daughter would say.
("Dad, no one says that anymore!")
Because in the week since he started following the larger-than-life CEO around, he recorded a number of baffling incidents on film. Initially, he wrote them off as the producers' or Kaiba's people's attempt to inject more oomph into the series. It wouldn't be the first time. Kenji wasn't paid to care about that. He was the film crew. His job was to point the camera wherever the producers told him.
But not even Kaiba would stage an attempted kidnapping as a publicity stunt, right?
Kenji could've done without that one. Not just because he got far closer to a gun-toting maniac than he ever wanted to. The police also confiscated his equipment and that day's footage for their investigation.
But they were back to business the very next day. Nothing changed except for a few extra suits lurking in the background. Kaiba showed no signs of being shaken or slowing down. He had a tournament to throw, after all.
That tenacity and resilience were admirable. Kenji could see why Kaiba was so successful at his young age. Barely nineteen and he had the world in the palm of his hand. It was easy to forget the boy wasn't that much older than Kenji's little girl.
Nowhere was that more apparent than when Kaiba was surrounded by his peers.
Kenji kept his camera trained on the trio of teenagers. Kaiba towered over most, including people twice his age. Next to Mutou Yugi, he looked like a telephone pole.
"Kaiba-kun!" Yugi grinned, craning his neck to meet Kaiba's eye. "Glad to see you're well!"
Even an old fuddy-duddy like Kenji (again, much to his heartbreak, his daughter's words) knew about the storied rivalry between Kaiba Seto and the King of Games. But he was surprised by how calmly and politely Kaiba returned the greeting, even if his tone was a touch gruff. Kenji was unfamiliar with the blond boy who slung an arm over Kaiba's shoulders, however.
The blond boomed. "Still in one piece, eh? Saw the news about what happened. You really kicked those guys' asses."
Kaiba swiftly threw off the arm, but the blond didn't seem too offended. He also took a step to the side to put space between them. In profile, the tips of his ears went pink.
"They should've known better than to try anything. They've learned the hard way," Kaiba grunted. He made a motion to dust off his left shoulder, where the blond's hand rested mere seconds ago, yet his fingers seemed to linger momentarily on his flamboyant coat.
Not that the blond noticed. He was busy sweeping his gaze across the surrounding. "Yeah, tournament security's tighter than usual. Noticed 'em spooks hanging everywhere." Then he spotted Kenji. Or more likely Kenji's camera lens. He immediately perked, straightened, and puffed out his chest while flashing a crooked grin. "Hey, are they filming me?"
"No, deadbeat. Who would want to film you? They're filming me," sneered Kaiba.
The blond snapped toward Kaiba and took a step forward with his hands fisted at his side. A menacing move if directed at most people, but Kaiba wasn't cowed. He merely stared down his nose at the other boy.
The air crackled with palpable tension. If they started fighting, should Kenji keep filming or break up the fight? His producers probably preferred the former.
Yugi's eyes flitted between the two boys, then to the camera. "Kaiba-kun, Jounouchi-kun, calm down. Let's not fight before the tournament. I'm sure Kaiba-kun didn't mean that."
Kaiba and the blond, presumably Jounouchi, stared at each other for several more beats.
With a scoff, Jounouchi wheeled back and stuffed his hands into his ripped jeans. "Whatever. They can get a load of when the great Jounouchi-sama beat your flat ass out in the arena."
Kaiba smiled a sharp, toothless grin. "In your dreams."
Another charged pause.
Yugi shifted nervously.
"Only if you're lucky."
Kaiba's expression froze up. It looked as if he'd blue-screened and crashed. His ears were definitely pink now, though Jounouchi likely didn't catch that given how intensely he was staring at Kaiba's face.
But it didn't escape Kenji's notice. Or his camera.
Jounouchi smirked. "What? Cat got your tongue there, Kaiba?"
Kaiba coughed, making an admirable recovery. His expression retained an imperious quality when he replied, "Hardly. I'm merely stunned by your astonishing lack of self-awareness."
Jounouchi rolled his eyes. "Whatever, man. You're fulla hot air."
And just like that, they found their way back to the conventional arena of trash talk.
Yugi checked his watch. "We should get to our places, Jounouchi-kun. It's almost time."
"Run along, deadbeat. Or you'll be disqualified before you even take a step into the stadium."
Jounouchi made a rude gesture that Kenji was sure they'd blur in post. Yugi cheerfully wished Kaiba luck before following the other boy. Strangely, though, Kaiba's gaze seemed to linger on the departing figures. For no more than a beat or two, then he straightened and strode down the hall in the opposite direction, coat tails flaring dramatically in his wake. Kenji had to hand it to the boy's stylist.
There was a surprising amount of downtime when the duelists weren't playing. Much more standing around and gossiping and observing the current game than Kenji expected. Now that the tournament had officially started, Kaiba joined the other duelists stadium-side. Kenji naturally followed him.
Kaiba stood ramrod straight, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched the tournament proceed. It was a picturesque pose, but even that became dull when he did and said nothing further. He had already played his first seed of the tournament and won summarily.
Kenji hoped this wasn't how the rest of the day played out. It would be dreadfully boring in that case.
Then Jounouchi took center stage for his duel.
Kaiba scoffed silently, but he remained as attentive as ever. Maybe even more so.
Not even two turns in, the mic picked up Kaiba's stray comments.
"Again with that unreliable gambling mechanic."
Still, he grunted in near approval when Jounouchi called his coin flip correctly. Soon, his stance and facial muscles eased to a state one might even call relaxed.
"Lucky," he muttered when Jounouchi countered his opponent's trap, but the light in his blue eyes shone brightly.
Kenji was a Duel Monsters novice, but he could read the room. The crowd's energy—Kaiba's energy changed as soon as Jounouchi was backed into the corner. Even Kenji winced when the opponent's monster halved Jounouchi's lifepoints with one attack.
Kaiba took a step forward before catching himself. A newfound tension vibrated through his body as Jounouchi picked himself from the floor. "Don't tell me that's all you got, deadbeat," he snapped to no one in particular. "This is just the first round."
Jounouchi didn't give up. Determination shone through his every move and declaration. It made for dramatic television, which the official tournament crew was filming. Kenji stayed focused on his assignment, which was recording Kaiba's every reaction to Jounouchi's moves.
A cheer rose among the spectator.
Kaiba stiffened, but the corner of his lips twitched. Upward. "Oh, he updated his deck."
Something warm and fond bubbled beneath the surface. It might be pride.
A dragon materialized on Jounouchi's side of the field. Kenji couldn't help but be struck by how its appearance was the polar opposite of Kaiba's sleek, white ace monster—black leather wings, sharp, and covered in spikes.
Or, dare Kenji think it as he zoomed in on Kaiba's face, serendipitous, judging by Kaiba's familiar expression. It was the same one Kenji's daughter wore when she thought of her "beloved"—one Kenji probably still made for his Ikuko. Infatuation was the best word for it.
"Yes, Seto-sama?"
Isono glanced up from where he was taking notes of his boss's comments to send back to the production team. Reviewing the cut footage took time, but Kaiba had a vested interest in how he was portrayed and he preferred the hands-on approach in this instance. Kaiba's brow furrowed as he watched scenes of Jounouchi's tournament duels interspersed with close-ups of his own face and reactions.
"Why is it so focused on the deadbeat's duels?" he asked. Not angry, though clearly baffled. Even now, Kaiba's attention was glued to Jounouchi's face as it always was whenever the blond duelist came into the vicinity.
A moth drawn to the flames.
Isono's eyes flitted between his boss's current oblivious face and his smitten expression caught on film. Most people wouldn't recognize him as smitten, including Kaiba himself. Isono did, thanks to his years of employment, though he initially doubted it. Evidently so did the cameraperson.
For a second, Isono contemplated confronting his employer about his crush. But he liked his job. Kaiba was a bright young man. He would eventually realize it, right?
He cleared his throat. "Jounouchi-san performed quite favorably in this recent tournament. Stories about underdog competitors are always a crowd favorite."
He gave himself a mental pat on the back. Both statements were technically true.
"He did perform above expectation," mumbled Kaiba, studying the paused image of Jounouchi on the screen.
Isono dared to hope on his employer's behalf. Then it was dashed.
"We'll see how long his luck lasts then," Kaiba smirked.
One day, thought Isono, Kaiba will realize what had been staring him in the face all along.
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k-a-s-e-y-1-4 · 5 months
So I watched the new dragons rising promo and decided to try and translate some of the comments:
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First SS says “Live” pretty simple but thought I’d mention it.
Second SS is a comment from Mr Frohickey (idk if that’s how you spell it but we’ll go with that) saying “Yo let’s goooooo!”
Third SS has three comments in this order: Red translates to: “Totes was that!” (That may be wrong) Blue translates to: “Totally rad!” and Yellow translates to: “I croaked” (It’s a comment from Mr Frohickey so y’know frog puns)
Fourth SS has two comments in order: Red translates to: “Wow that is cool!!” Blue translates to: “Awesome wow”
I think the rest are pretty similar but it’s pretty clear they aren’t anything special just bad internet slang, the concept of the people live streaming the ninjas battles is cool to me and the fact that Mr Frohickey keeps an eye on them through the live streams is neat too.
(Below is the decoder I used for translation if anyone is curious)
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ppek0 · 8 months
Eastward official art/screenshots dump pt2
There MIGHT be spoilers here
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this cute gif with old john design and old sam sprites
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eastward wallpapers you could get downloading some zip file in the site, theres also some ringtones and notification sounds in there idk how to upload mp3s (theyre some snipets of some ost songs, Go! Daniel!, Strange Quest, Johnny's and the Cooking tune)
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there were aaaall in another zip file but these were for "presskits", i barely see the versions with Isabel and Lee on them online
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this new year illustration that wasn't posted on twitter (only Weibo)
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the cd
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the amazon tote bag illustration BUT inside of the cd..
that's it. There also was this really cute image of the Iron Carbine playing/following the Sonic Punk as promo art from some website but my phone exploded last week so i cant get it back :sob:
i really really love this game and i wish to conservate every part of it, i think its art is something i want to see being passed over to others, i hold this game close to my heart and i try to collect all of it because i want my future family to have access to the media which i love in case theyre interested in it.
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brokehorrorfan · 2 years
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Scream Factory has revealed the specs for its Army of Darkness Collector’s Edition 4K Ultra HD (with Blu-ray), which releases in Steelbook and standard packaging on September 27 via Scream Factory.
Shout Factory is offering various exclusive packages that include a set of five enamel pins designed by Matthew Skiff (limited to 1,000) and posters (including one featuring Devon Whitehead’s new Steelbook art); they’re pictured below.
The 1992 third entry in the Evil Dead franchise is directed by Sam Raimi (Spider-Man) from a script he co-wrote with brother Ivan Raimi (Darkman). Bruce Campbell stars with Embeth Davidtz, Marcus Gilbert, and Ian Abercrombie.
The four-disc set includes the 81-minute theatrical version on 4K UHD and Blu-ray plus the 96-minute director’s cut, the 88-minute international version, and the 88-minute television edit on Blu-ray. Extras and additional details are below.
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Army of Darkness’ theatrical cut has been newly scanned in 4K from the original camera negative, approved by Raimi, director of photography Bill Pope, and editor Bob Murawski. It's presented in Dolby Vision (HDR compatible) and has DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 and 2.0 sound. The director’s and international versions have DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 and 2.0 sound.
Disc 1 - 4K UHD:
Theatrical cut in Dolby Vision
Disc 2 - Blu-ray:
Theatrical cut
Medieval Times: The Making of Army Of Darkness - Feature-length documentary with actors Bruce Campbell, Ted Raimi, Bill Moseley, Patricia Tallman, and more
Original ending
Alternate opening with commentary by Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell
Alternate opening with commentary by Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell
Theatrical trailer
TV spots
US video promo
Disc 3 - Blu-ray:
Director’s cut
Audio commentary by director Sam Raimi, actor Bruce Campbell, and co-writer Ivan Raimi
Creating the Deadites featurette
On-the-set video footage compilation
Behind-the-scenes footage from KNB EFX Group
Making of featurette
Extended interview clips
Disc 4 - Blu-ray:
International cut
Television cut (standard definition)
The Men Behind the Army featurette
International theatrical trailer
Still galleries
Bound in human flesh and inked in blood, the ancient Necronomicon – the Book of the Dead – unleashes unspeakable evil upon mankind in director Sam Raimi’s outrageously hilarious third chapter in his Evil Dead Trilogy.
Bruce Campbell returns as Ash, the handsome, shotgun-toting, chainsaw-armed department store clerk who is time warped backwards into England’s Dark Ages, where he romances a beauty and faces legions of the undead. Can Ash save the living from the evil dead, rescue his girlfriend, and get back to his own time?
Pre-order Army of Darkness.
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vikenticomeshome · 2 months
Flying Minds - The Defunct Cyberchase Merch Empire (part 1)
So, I fell down a bit of a rabbit hole recently. I started looking into a long-defunct company called Flying Minds that had an association with Cyberchase. It all started when I was looking at my DVD of Ecohaven CSE and found this.
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Calling all Cyberchase fans... For your exclusive Cyberchase download, check out www.flyingminds.com
Limited Time offer!
Promo Code VID05
There were some free downloadable items available on the actual pbskids.org website back in the day. There were a few downloadable flash-based screensavers and a calculator voiced by Bianca. These have been preserved on the Flashpoint Archive. However, I have no idea what this exclusive download from flyingminds.com would have been. I would be very curious if it was still circulating today. Unfortunately, it seems very unlikely that it would have been preserved by WayBack Machine archives, since you needed to put in a promotional code to get it.
Regardless, I started looking into the archives of the flyingminds website to see what they had to do with Cyberchase. It turned out that they sold a bunch of Cyberchase-branded products back in the day. Before I get to that though, I figure I should set the scene for what Cyberchase merch looks like today. Here is the official PBS kids store.
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It's mostly clothing. We can see shirts, hoodies, baseball caps, and a tote bag. We can see some stuff themed after the 20th anniversary of the show, while other stuff is more generic. I've seen the exact same catalogue on a site called merchmake, so perhaps this is who the current show-runners contracted the merch out to.
I also found some more baggage on a site called personalized planet. While this isn't the official PBS Kids store, I'm pretty sure this is legitimate.
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I'm only including stuff that I believe is official. I'm not talking about Etsy here, since that tends to be unofficial fan-works. I'm also not talking about Redbubble, since its so infamous for art theft.
So, that's about it for official Cyberchase merch in the present day. There's not very much of it. However, if wind the clock back to 2005 when Flying Minds was active, things were very different. They had a partnership with Thirteen/WNET New York to bring out a much wider variety of Cyberchase merchandise. Let me show you through Wayback Machine archives. Unfortunately, much of their catalog photos were not archived, but I'll see what I can do to supplement. I think the best place to start here is with Flying Minds's own explanation as to what they were doing with Cyberchase.
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What is Flying Minds? Established in October 2004, Flying Minds is a partnership between C&T Ventures and Thirteen/WNET New York working together to bring you cool, innovative products that will engage your children in a world of fun learning. Flying Minds has teamed up with Thirteen/WNET's acclaimed children's program, Cyberchase, to be your online store for Cyberchase gear, including school supplies, apparel, games and toys. As co-producer of this award-winning show, we are very proud to be a part of the Cyberchase family and will continue to work closely with the creators of the program to bring you exclusive products for many years to come.
In keeping with our mission to provide "Cool Stuff for Clever Kids" (and adults too), Flying Minds is committed to making your visit to our site an enjoyable experience. To this end, we will continue to develop and seek out quality products, activities and services (both fun and educational) that meet our demanding standards. Whether through information to help kids learn about financial literacy or a loyalty program where kids and adults can spend or save points, our goal is to grow Flying Minds into a company that provides an interactive and entertaining experience for our customers.
Most importantly, your purchases at www.flyingminds.com help to support Cyberchase and Public Television. For cool activities and to learn more about Cyberchase, visit www.pbskidsgo.org/Cyberchase/.
Most archives I have found of the site are from 2005. Unfortunately, it seems that Flying Minds didn't last very long after all. I know that some of their Cyberchase products are considered collector's items now, and they can get expensive.
Their most famous product is the sole official Cyberchase plush toy, Digit. He's my co-producer for this Tumblr blog.
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Let's see what we can gather from the remnants of their site.
The first section on the list is "School Supplies" This was originally two pages, but it seems like only the first page of this section was archived at all. Even then, the pictures from the first page have not been saved.
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Just to be clear, the Digit plush that I have is not a backpack. I have only ever seen one size of this plush, so the listing for a "Digit Le Boid Plush Backpack with Accessories" is a bit confusing to me. I haven't seen any vintage Cyberchase backpacks or water bottles floating around either.
I did see a Worthpoint listing for a prior eBay sale of a pencil case, mechanical pencil, and stickers. The pencil case had Flying Minds branding on the back, so it looks like we can fill in that blank. It may have been part of the prizes for either the 2004 or 2005 Cyberchase Online Contests as well.
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The next section to look at is the "Toys & Games" section. Once again, only the first page has been archived at all, and all of the images are missing.
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So, they talk about a clock with a stop watch, which they also refer to as a keychain. I haven't seen this exact item, but I have seen a Worthpoint listing for another vintage Cyberchase keychain.
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I also found a Worthpoint listing for that collector tin with 2 packs of playing cards, so we can document that.
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We've already talked about the famous Digit plush. I haven't seen any pictures of the "Super Cyber 100-Piece Floor Puzzle".
Next, we can look at the "Party Supplies" section. There are only two items in here.
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I was able to source a picture from pintrest showing an eBay listing for some Cyberchase party supplies. I assume these are the same ones that were sold through Flying Minds, as it was listed as a party set for 8.
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I can see napkins, stickers, plates, cups, and hats. I think I also see placemats (middle right), cards (bottom middle), wrapping paper (top right), and some sort of cardboard hanging decorations (bottom right).
Next, we can move on to the "Apparel" section. This is yet another section where only the first page was captured and the images were lost.
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Once again, we have those backpacks that I wasn't able to source. photos for. However, I was able to source photos from an eBay listing for the "Cyberchase Bad Guys Baseball Cap"
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Next, we get to look at the "DVDs, CDs, and VHS" section. Unfortunately, this section's original proud 4 pages have been cut down to a single page of entries with their pictures missing.
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Thankfully, these four DVDs are pretty well-circulated these days, so they aren't mysterious.
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The other half of site is marked as "Math and Money". However, it is a mixture of items that are branded Cyberchase and items that are not branded as Cyberchase, so I will go through them.
First, we have "Math and Money - Games".
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I actually figured out what "Moneywise Kid$" is, as the website for the developer, Strom Mfg., showcases the box.
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PayDay was a money-management board game that was originally released in 1974. With that in mind, I believe that Flying Minds would have been selling the 30th anniversary edition in 2004-2005.
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"Buy It RIght" was probably this board game version from 2002.
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This was probably what they were talking about with "Flip 4".
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We can move on to "Toys & Banks". Unfrotunately, I don't think contains the amazing bank that Slider assembled for "The Snelfu Snafu"
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I was able to find the Moonjar Classic Moneybox on Moonjar's website.
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The other items have such generic names that I won't be able to provide a definite answer.
Continued in part 2, as I hit the image limit.
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eisforeidolon · 1 year
Hooray! With Winchesters back it’s time for the infantilization of Jared online. How dare the production be lazy and photoshop a random promo still from SPN to show Dean in 1972. That’s disrespectful to Jared by removing him from the photo. These people are getting to be a notch or two below hellers at this point.
It's just such an absurd thing to throw a shitfit over, on multiple levels.
One, this is hardly the first time an Spniverse show got lazy with pictures specifically, if that's what this is. Remember in OG SPN when Mary was looking at a picture that was actually from The End and therefore shouldn't exist? So yeah, this is about as much of a signal of Jensen's totes real agenda to erase Sam from SPN as that was a signal of a totes real D/C agenda because Castiel was in it. I.e. only a frothing rabid conspiracy theorist desperate for something new to feed their obsession would read a personal insult into it.
Two, I have been paying almost no attention to TW and yet I am aware Jensen and Robbie have clearly said TW is not intending to change anything about the original continuity and have specifically made direct comparisons/references to Back to the Future. So unless there's additional context I don't know indicating otherwise, this may even be an intentional Easter egg/reference for the audience on the way to addressing the big question of where the fuck Sam is. Which, hey, may be questionably trite and derivative depending - but also obviously wouldn't be some kind of insult to Jared.
It just reinforces my impression there is nothing too petty, too irrelevant, or too ridiculous that someone in this fandom can't dream up a reason to throw a tantrum over it.
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mastersoftheair · 2 years
apple tv doesnt usually drop trailers until just a month before so might not be a few months until new content! but im still super excited!! maybe some promo pics earlier? i think the mighty 8th museum in georgia might have something planned to and im going to visit if they do!
i wasn't familiar with how apple tv does its trailer roll-outs, so that's good to know. granted, a few months is still a lot sooner than a few years of waiting, so let's celebrate that! and like you said, promo pics might soon come out. and along with that, maybe a more Official looking logo (not my haphazard cleanup from those tote bags), any confirmation about the composer, more interviews, etc. maybe john orloff will be free to share more details lol
i know that the mighty 8th museum is having a 2023 memorial day weekend reunion where they plan on discussing the portrayals of the men and missions as shown in masters of the air (with more info here), so that could be worth looking into!
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lesbianmarrow · 2 years
nearby bookstore had a promo where they had a cart full of books and if you bought their tote bag for $18 you could get as many of the books on the cart that you could fit in the bag for free. so i did that obviously. the cart had mostly arcs and used books but it DID also have lots of nice new hardcovers and some paperbacks as well. i picked up a ya novel about a girls sports time purely bc i saw that it had a blurb from alison bechdel and i was like SOLD. started reading it and its pretty good :) 
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cgear · 2 years
@voltagedoubler​ || starter call || for clemont
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“An inventor, huh? SWEET! I invent stuff too! I invented a whole new sub-genre of IRL streaming! I set up surveillance cameras with my Magnemites and I play aaall sortsa games with chat like that. I call it IRL gaming! Even make it a part of my Gym Tests sometimes! What kinda stuff do you make? If’ya got anything super cool, I could TOTES promo it on stream for you! Electric gym leaders gotta stick together, ya know? Like two Combees stuck in an Electroweb, ‘cept with less dyin’ and stuff.”
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berlinini · 2 years
what do you think we should expect of a release week in terms of appearances and numbers?
i think he will do the same as wall: fallon if we’re lucky, signings in ny and then uk
numbers: usa-30K, uk:10K
I have no idea, I haven't thought about it. Can't say I see any logic or coherence with the singles promo so far so I don't have high expectations for the album roll out....
I'm just looking forward to listen to 14 new songs and hold my FITF album, FITF cassette, FITF t-shirt, and FITF tote bag in my hands 🥲
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