#They hyped it up like this would be the best Zelda story ever and I struggle to think of one I'd say is worse
sibblank · 8 months
I'm glad to see more and more ppl willing to admit that totk's story kinda sucks
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Revali from BoTW for the character opinion bingo!
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Ohhhh you're gonna get me killed by the fandom for this one, that there is a character I have some BAGGAGE with
Okay here's my thing
I kinda despise Revali And it sucks because I really REALLY don't want to
Story time
I grew up playing Wind Waker, it was my first video game ever, and from that game the Rito were my favorite race, and they remained my favorite all these years. You probably wouldn't be able to find someone more hyped than me for the return of these beautiful birds.
So. April 2017. When I got my hands on BOTW I decided I'd save the Rito zone for last, I'd kept myself blind so I could go in and experience everything purely.
So imagine my surprise when I unlock the champion I'd been most excited for, the Rito, the champion of my favorite Zelda race from my earliest childhood memories.
And he was a complete fucking douchebag
At first I was like oh :( well okay maybe we'll be given some more information on him and it'll be better!! After all characters with huge egos can be extremely fun!!!
So I maintained hope that maybe the upcoming DLC would give us something
December 2017
We got something!! A teeny tiny fragment that suggested maybe Revali's ego was just a coverup for a deeply troubled bird, it was hardly anything at all but it was something.
But then his journal made him like 10 times worse in such a way that the DLC honestly didn't do much but make him more insufferable
So I was deeply saddened, they'd given us something but simultaneously made him more unlikeable. I thought that would be the end of it. But then!! Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity was announced. And I was THRILLED. FINALLY. we were going to get AN ENTIRE game alongside the champions, I was gonna get more content for Best Girl Mipha, and FINALLY AN ENTIRE GAME'S WORTH OF CHANCES TO GIVE REVALI SOME CHARACTERIZATION. YES!!!!
November 2020. AOC comes out. Holy. Fucking. Shit. Revali what did they do to you? To my shock he'd graduated from a little unlikeable to downright unpleasant to watch. Even my best friend, a diehard Revali fan through and through, could not STAND what they'd done with him. We got a whole game with this guy and they basically spent the whole thing trashing this guy's character. He was arrogant to the point of annoying, horribly rude to characters who had done nothing to earn it, and overall was just kinda a ballache. And not even in the 'fun annoying character' way.
But hey!! AOC was getting DLC as well!!! That is meant to flesh out the characters more!!! We'll definitely get something there!!
October 2021. Guardian of Remembrance comes out. Yeah this DLC gave us fuck all really. That goes for all the champions, but I think Revali suffered pretty bad in this regard. Some of the scenes with Tulin were cute but they didn't do much in terms of Revali's character.
And....that's where we are now. Tears of the Kingdom is on the horizon, and I highly doubt we're gonna get much on the Champions in this game but...well I've maintained hope for six years already, why stop now?
So yeah my feelings on Revali are...complicated to say the least. There's so much I love about him, his design is probably my favorite of the Champions (next to Mipha), he easily has like...the best voice in the whole fucking game, and the character POTENTIAL is absolutely incredible. But all in all it feels like they've done nothing with that potential, for what is supposed to be the most Character driven era of Zelda to date, it truly feels like they've let his character stagnate, if not actively regress in a way that I REALLY do not vibe with.
I can see what people can love about him, god knows I've done more when provided with less in a character. It's not the ego that gets me, I love cocky characters, ffs my favorite BOTW character is Master Kohga for crying out loud, and that man has a damn near god complex. (Kohga, incidentally, has LEGITIMATELY EXPERIENCED MORE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT THAN REVALI. WHAT.)
Like I'm not saying I want his character to do a full 180, just a couple more scenes like what we got in Champion's Ballad, just a couple more cracks in the facade would have done wonders. But instead they just kept him rather one note. Feels bad man.
Ultimately it feels like they're just going in circles with this character, arguably the Champion with the most potential to be interesting and they're doing fuck all with it. I can see why people love him, but idk, I've dealt with a few people irl with egos like that and that's probably not helped.
Idk, I guess this character managed to regress perfectly into a niche I cannot stand, and it sucks because it feels like such a personal loss to me.
I guess to put it very shortly
Revali is a bully. And I'll take a full blown villain over a bully any day.
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queenof-literature · 4 years
Gerudo - LU Request
Hi all! Thank you to my first request! @anantisocialpeopleperson​ who requested Wild telling stories about his time in the Gerudo Desert. This is based off of Jojo’s comic when Warriors finds Wild’s vai clothing. It’s going to be a little different though :). Apparently Oases is the plural for Oasis? The more you know. I also wrote this hyped up on energy drinks so that was fun.
The entire camp was laughing at him, and Wild was an odd mixture of hurt, embarrassed, and pissed. Even after he had poured Goron Spice into dinner, they were still chuckling and smiling. Even Twilight, who when Wind “informed” him of the situation when Wolfie disappeared and Twilight came back instead, laughed his stupid head off. Wild didn’t really mind his vai clothes. It was nice to pretend to be a different person sometimes, even if that other person was a girl who happened to seduce men for boots…
Wild didn’t really feel comfortable talking with all his friends laughing at him, so he decided to whistle slightly to get their attention, and sign a quick dinner’s ready.
Wild smirked slightly as some heroes looked at the dish in disgust, while others tried their hardest to eat it and not hurt his feelings, aka Sky.
“Wild you can’t expect us to eat this!” Warriors squawked, and Wild’s smirk only grew from there.
“Wild.” Time only had to use half of his “I’m Time so you better listen to me” voice for Wild to dump out the food and restart a quicker dish.
“Whose clothes were they anyway Wild? I had no idea you had a lady friend.” Warriors wiggled his eyebrows.
“I don’t have a lady friend.” Wild sighed out.
“Ohhh I see. Multiple lady friends! Wild you sly dog!” Warriors yelled suggestively.
“No that's not it either -”
“I told you Warriors it’s probably a gift for someone.”
“Either way Wild is still getting out there!”
“Why are you being such a pervert Warriors-”
“Pervert? Legend I swear to Hylia I’ll-”
“Enough!” Time commanded. Thank Hylia. At least he could see Wild’s slight discomfort at the attention directed at him. “It is none of our business what is in his bag. Wild is welcome to tell us if that’s what he wants. I won’t stop him if he pours Goron Spice in our meal again. I can handle it at least. Can the rest of you?” The heroes gulped and went quiet for the first time that night.
“Time is right Cub. We’re sorry if we made you uncomfortable, but you’re welcome to tell us if you want to. If not that’s okay too. That is totally up to you. No questions asked.”
Wild bounced the idea in his head. He didn’t like talking about his scars, or his past, or the Shrine of Resurrection that much, he didn’t want to be a burden. But the Gerudo Desert was kinda fun. There were the sand seals, the beautiful oases, the weird fight against Master Kohga… The rest of the boys told fun stories about their adventure around the campfire, and Wild felt his voice would work well enough. Maybe sharing his stories with his new-found brothers would be fun.
“Okay. But let me finish dinner.” Wind cheered which startled Wild slightly. He hadn’t noticed the heroes looking at him with badly concealed hope. Wild barley ever talked long about his adventure! And judging by his Hyrule it had to be entertaining!
Twenty minutes later, the band of heroes were all sitting comfortably around the campfire, looking at Wild as they began to eat.
“So… you know I had to free the Divine Beasts. Naboris, Urbosa’s camel, was the last one I got to. Which is probably a good thing considering the Ganon Blight in there was the hardest of them all.”
“What’s a Ganon Blight?” Hyrule asked, tilting his head. Wild felt something cold strike his heart.
“U-um. W-well when my friends fe-fell… it was because of those things. Ganon made them. They’re why the other champions are dead.” Wild said the last words of the sentence with a mundane voice, as if he tried to feel no emotion when thinking of them.
“Oh… I’m sorry Wild I wouldn’t have asked if I had known.” Hyrule and the rest of the camp looked somber.
“Don’t be sorry. It was a perfectly fair question.” Wild smiled slightly at Hyrule to show that no apologies were needed. Hyrule smiled back at his best friend.
“Anyway, before I could gain control of the Divine Beast, I had to figure out how to get on it. So I had to talk to the chief of the Gerudo, who I later found out was a 12 year old named Riju.”
“12?” Warriors coughed out. “What a young age for such a large amount of pressure.” Warriors trailed off. Everyone could tell he was thinking about his own situation when he became a captain.
“Yeah, she definitely feels pressured. But she is a wonderful chief for her people, and she grows more and more into her role everyday.” Wild stated, pride lacing his voice. “I tried and tried to sneak in, but no matter what wall I climbed or what entrance I tried to sneak into, they caught me everytime and threw me out. I could sneak into the Yiga hideout no problem. But Gerudo Town? Forget it!”
“Wait, what in goddess’ name is a Yiga?” Twilight questioned his protege.
“Oh, um, they come up later in the story.” Wild glanced slightly in Legend’s direction, who knew about the Yiga from a late night heart to heart when Wild couldn’t sleep and Wolfie wasn’t around. Wild never wanted to wake Twilight up if he didn’t have to.
“So I had to find another way in. That’s when I heard that there was a man who would sneak in dressed as a woman…” There gasps from the groups and muffled laughter when many realized where this was going. “Yeah, yeah. The clothes aren’t for a girl. They’re for me. I bought them off the man, er, I actually don’t know if he wants to be called a man or not. Anyway, I didn’t have any other choice!” Wild huffed, avoiding eye contact with the group.
“Well now I see why you seemed so uncomfortable when I told you how I got in.” Time winked at Wild, who flushed further.
“Keep going! I want to hear more!” Wind cried enthusiastically.
“Um, okay.” Wild wasn’t used to people being so enraptured with what he had to say. It actually felt kinda nice. “So I got the vai clothes, and the next morning I finally got into Gerudo Town! It’s really beautiful. There’s a whole market, and a secret store for voe clothes and a place to rent sand seals - oh! Sand seals are seals that you can ride with a shield and they’ll pull you behind them! - and there’s a giant statue above the chief's room with water flowing down and going around to the rest of the town. There’s also a jewelry shop that I got all my earrings and circlets from. There’s also a whole place for the chief’s prized sand seal that will tell a prophecy if you feed her fruit! And there’s the place where the guards train and the throne room which is also so colorful and pretty and-” Wild grew embarrassed and trailed off. He got excited talking about the beautiful town in the desert. Sometimes while he was there he could forget about the looming threat of Ganon for an hour or two. Never more, Zelda needed him. But it was nice there. They welcomed him with open arms, even if he had to be dressed as a girl.
“Um… sorry.” Wild didn’t notice that around him as he rambled on, the smiles of the group only got wider. Wild had come such a long way from the shy and jumpy teen who had barely said a word to them. Wild slowly coming out of his shell was a relief to the entire group.
“Don’t be embarrassed Wild. We love hearing about the things you love about your Hyrule.” Surprisingly, Legend was the one who spoke what the rest of the group was thinking. He hated seeing Wild scared to talk. Scared that they would leave him if he talked too much and “annoyed” them. He’d be damned if Wild thought that he couldn’t talk to his heart's content after being almost completely silent for years.
“Yeah Wild! I wanna see it one day if I can sneak in too!” Wind confirmed Legend’s statement, along with the other boys. Statements of how they enjoyed hearing his thoughts. On the inside, part of him was doubtful, that they were only being nice to him. But Legend had started the conversation, and Legend didn’t say things he didn’t mean if he started the conversation. So most of Wild was bursting with happiness. It felt nice to share the wonders of his Hyrule.
“Oh, um, thank you.” Wild spoke out awkwardly. Not quite knowing how to respond to people caring for his thoughts. “Well once I was finally in, I went to talk to the chief. Her guard’s name is literally Buliara. She is terrifying. They figured out almost immediately I was a voe, but Riju knew that I was someone her people needed. She sent me after the Thunder Helm, a treasure for the Gerudo that was stolen by the Yiga.”
“These Yiga again. Who are they?” Time asked Wild. Time had his usual stoic and mischievous face but on the inside, he was truly happy Wild was talking so much. The more questions they asked, hopefully, the more Wild would talk.
“The Yiga are a group of assassins that are devoted to Ganon. I believe they were once Sheikah who joined forces with Ganon long ago. Their symbol is the Sheikah symbol but upside down. They dress as normal travelers, and get you to stop and talk to them. Then they jump out of their disguise and attack you. And their main goal is to well… kill me.” A beat of silence.
“They what?”
“Wild why didn’t you tell us?”
“You’re being hunted by assassins?”
“Oh my Hylia have they gotten to you at all? Have they hurt you?”
“Wild are you okay?”
“Are they still after you? Are you in danger?”
Wild waved his hands to quiet them down slightly, which they did reluctantly, their worry that Wild would stop talking overcoming their questions.
“I’m okay. I’ve gotten into fights with them before, and some are harder to defeat than others. They are still active somehow even though Ganon is dead, but whenever we’re in my Hyrule I keep my eye out and have us travel off road as much as possible! I promise.” Wild seemed slightly nervous they would get mad if they thought he put them in danger.
“Wild they didn’t ask if we were okay. They asked if you are okay.” Legend reprimanded gently.
“Wait, Legend, did you know?” Sky asked.
“Yes I did. Wild told me one night. I also helped Wild keep and eye out for them in his Hyrule. I wasn’t going to break his trust.” Legend huffed.
“No one is mad at you two. We just want you to be safe, Wild.” Time voiced, calming everyone down significantly.
“I’m okay. They mostly stayed out of cities.” Wild stated, relieved no one was mad at him for keeping that to himself. He didn’t mean to outright lie to them, it just never really came up.
“Is this why you don’t like main roads and crowds, Cub?” Twilight questioned gently.
“Um that’s one reason yeah…” Wild rubbed the back of his neck. The rest of the group looked at each other, relaying a silent message. That was another thing to work on. Getting Wild to grow more comfortable in civilization without chipping away at his instincts. No one minded. It was the least they could do for Wild.
“Um, I’ll continue now if that’s alright?” After a few words and affirmative noises, Wild continued with his story. “The Yiga hideout is kinda built into the mountains near the edge of the desert. It’s a pretty amazing place without all the murderers.” Some chuckles came with Wild’s observation.
“I got there with the help of a sand seal and some rare sand boots that I - um - acquired.” Wild had that look of mischief in his, which only peaked their curiosity.
“Nope. Wild you do not get off that easily. I know that look. How did you get the boots?” Twilight urged.
“Uhhh. I kinda seduced a man who thought I was a pretty woman?” Wild voiced tentatively.
“NO WAY!” Warriors doubled over laughing heartily. The rest of the heroes were laughing so hard, half of them were out of breath within the first few seconds.
“You did what?” Time looked genuinely surprised, also laughing merrily at the image of Wild playing up his disguise.
“Well he was kind of creepy. He kept flirting with me when I didn’t show interest. I made it clear I didn’t want to go out with him, but he wouldn’t have it. So he then bragged about his sand boots that he was showing off for oncoming girls.” Some people in the group gagged at that. “He explained that they were rare and they spread your weight out across the sand, and the inventor died. I asked if I could buy them and he said that he would trade them for a picture of the missing Eighth Heroine Statue. He lended me his snow boots that worked in a similar way and I went into the mountains. I found it, but when I returned he admitted he was worried sick and that he made up the whole thing! He just wanted a chance to bond with me! But I got the picture so he had to give me the boots.” Wild finished proudly. The other heroes were in a mix of awe and pride.
“I am so proud of you.” Legend spoke with a smirk. Wild blushed at that.
“What happened next?” Warriors was still struggling to control himself and stop laughing.
“Well I wanted to keep the snow boots and the Heroine had a missing sword-”
“Oh my Hylia!” Time face palmed while the rest of the group fell into fits of giggles.
“Go back to the Yiga Clan!” Four demanded. He wanted to know what happened at the hideout for Hylia’s sake.
“I found a captured Gerudo guard within the hideout, along with a lot of bananas. The Yiga are obsessed with bananas. Don’t ask, I don’t know either. She warned me that the guardsmen would be too powerful to face on my own, and that I needed to sneak in if I wasn’t going to run away. I snuck all throughout the hideout. Climbing ladders, using stasis and bananas as a distraction, using my runes to cause some damage without them knowing. It was actually a lot of fun.” Some of the older members rolled their eyes. Of course Wild thought sneaking into a highly secure assassin base and wreaking absolute havoc was fun.
“After weaving my way in and finding all sorts of treasure, I found a secret metal door. I used magnesis, only to come face to face with a large open area, blocked by the cliff surrounding it. And in the middle was a giant bottomless hole!” Wild paused for dramatic effect, causing Time and Twilight to look at each other and chuckle quiet enough that Wild wouldn’t notice. It was nice to see the cub having so much fun. Looking around, he wasn’t the only one. Wind had his head in his hands, eyes sparkling up at Wild in excitement. Legend, Four, and Warriors had perked up, waiting with anticipation in their eyes. Hyrule and Sky looked on in both excitement, and worry for their friend. Obviously he was still alive, but hopefully he didn’t get any scars from the ending of this story.
“Then in a cloud of smoke, a yiga clansman in a weird jumpsuit and a big belly appeared! Ranting about being the great Master Kohga, fumbling around, and barely having the balance to strike his ridiculous poses!” Wild finished off his pause with a small laugh. There were mixed reactions. Some of the older heroes grumbled about how anticlimactic it was, to which Wind shushed them since he was still expecting a fight. The rest of the group laughed at the image of Wild facing off against the man he had described.
“He starts to fight me by disappearing behind conquered walls, and summoning giant spheres over his head to throw at me. Then when that didn't work, he hovered over the bottomless pit and summoned metal balls with spikes to throw at me. We battled for a while, I luckily had my runes so I could crash his own weapons into him and attack him while he was stunned. He kept conjuring walls so I had to crash his spheres down onto him over and over and keep attacking. Finally he got fed up. He was going to use the sacred art passed down from yiga master to yiga master. He summoned a giant sphere! One ten times my size! I probably couldn’t use my runes on it. But he kept going on and on. Checking to see if I was there, talking about getting rid of me. I was a little intimidated by the size I have to admit. But suddenly, with the slightest nudge of the wind, the ball rolled into him at the slowest pace I’ve ever seen and he got thrown into his own bottomless pit by his own ‘secret ancient art’.” Wild finished with a loud, light hearted laugh, that caused fondness to grow in all the members of their group. Wild’s laugh was carefree and young. It was like the wind ruffling the grass and the rapids of a stream mixed into one. It was a sight and a sound they all burned into their memories.
“I grabbed the Thunder Helm and left. After Master Kohga’s death, the hideout was completely abandoned. Not another member in sight. The Gerudo guard managed to escape with no one watching and returned safely. I got the helm back to Riju and together we rode sand seals to Naboris and shot bomb arrows at its feet. Naboris could shoot lightning, and Riju’s helm could only protect the area around her. So I had to control my sand seal to stay in her range, and also shoot at the giant camels feet, while not getting crushed!” Wild threw his hands in the air as he talked, a giant smile adorning his face. It pulled on his scars, so it was a little uneven when he grinned that wide, but it was still a beautiful sight for his brothers.
“Finally I could board Naboris and solve the puzzles. I defeated Thunder Blight and I finally had all the Divine Beats free again!” Wild finished off his story with a smaller, but equally happy smile. It seemed the dawn on him how much flare he had put into his story, and he once again realized how much attention was on him. Before he could be too embarrassed though, Wind threw himself at Wild’s middle. Wild tensed for a second. Sky was slowly getting him used to human contact, but it was still a little strange. Not bad or unwelcome anymore, just strange. Slowly Wild’s body relaxed and he gently hugged Wind back, much to the delight of the younger hero.
“That was amazing Wild! You have to tell us more stories! What about the other divine beasts? What other big enemies did you face? Are there any more ridiculous ones?” Wind threw his questions out like a hurricane, eyes shining and smile beaming. It always warmed Wild’s heart to see Wind excited. Wind was capable and brought a variety of skills to the group, but he also brought fun, youth, and happiness. Wild really enjoyed and respected it.
“That’s enough for tonight.” Time said gently. Wild silently thanked him. He enjoyed telling his story, but his throat hurt slightly. He hadn’t talked that much for that long in… well... As long as he can remember actually.
“What? I can’t sleep now! That story was awesome!” Wind cried out, still attached to Wild like an octopus.
“Then you can take first watch.” Warriors teased. Wind squawked in indignation and threw himself from Wild to Warriors, both beginning to play wrestle on the ground. The band of heroes looked on in amusement. Twilight looked at Wild and smiled, winking at him like Time had done earlier that night. Wind was right. Perhaps Wild would tell stories more often.
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lints41 · 4 years
post-botw headcanons
i am just rambling under the cut. there is so much.
FIRST OFF: i feel like link will be more lighthearted, now? meanwhile zelda is incredibly serious. i feel this way because link has lowkey been alive for like... months? generally? it depends? more or less? and that whole time has been just. relearning/remembering his best friend and wanting her to be safe and doing everything in hopes of getting to her and hearing her and all that, the WHOLE TIME, and NOW... she’s safe!! and alive!! and physically with him!! and they just defeated a giant disgusting screaming glob of hate and LIVED! and now it’s over! finally holy fuck!! meanwhile zelda is seeing all of the destruction of her kingdom at once again. um so i feel like at least for a while he’d be like... Let me show you around! Let me show you my friends! Check out all of these Koroks! Meet Sidon! Come see Terry Town!! It’s all beautiful!! and she’s like “omg yes yes... ok ok real quick...” and he’d be like Look guys isn’t she beautiful!! and she’s like “OKOK *GRABS HIS HANDS* ALRIGHHT” anyway yeah
i want zelda to live with link in hateno village. okay?? OKAY??? where else is she going to go. and listen she would LOVE that freedom, at least i imagine she should. she wears link’s old hylian clothes as pajamas and sleeps in his bed while he sleeps on the floor (his decision) until he convinces bolson to make him a bed. and bolson’s like YOU FOUND THE ONE??? OF COURSE I WILL SUPPORT TRUE LOVE and link’s like N- Um nono Uh- and bolson’s like I KNOW IT WHEN I SEE IT LET’S GO KARSON 
zelda cannot sleep. she always wakes up in the middle of the night and either goes downstairs and covers the dining table with books and wakes link up with her light/her talking to herself. and link’s like Hewwo? and she’s like “im sorry go back to sleep!!” Or she leaves at night because she wants to go for a walk and clear her head. and at first link was like. worried and looking for her and then just waited outside all night for her to come home. she’s like “don’t wait for me. i am a grown woman i can be out on my own, its the safest its ever been” and hes like. MMMMMMm and then respects her and stays home n just worries about her when he tries to sleep
zelda cut her OWN hair. chopped it off. link sees it the next day or something and she doesn’t bring it up she’s just like “you ready to start the day??” and he’s like ... :-) Yes.
OK. BIG ONE. LINK TRAINS HER. FOR SURE. OK?? she’s like “link my powers are growing weaker and i’ve never been able to rely on them, PLS train me.” and he’s like You sure?? and she’s ilke “Yes.” and he’s like OK!! and then they start training together every morning. she sets up the schedule like “ok we’re gonna get up at 6am and run and then do sword practice for this long and bow practice for this long and blah blah blah” and he’s like Oh god. Okay. she’s very bad at first. she’s like “it can’t be that hard, i suppose we’ll have to spend a month or so on each weapon before i can be confident....” and then the swords are heavy and the bows are tight and she’s like DAMN IT and gets very frustrated. throws the bow on the ground and goes inside and link gives her space n stays outside. but she slowly gets better and training is a Huge bonding thing for them and it’s great. and she gets more confident because having that Physical Power that she can rely on is SO much better to her than her other power. so she’s happier and stronger and healthier and more playful and relaxed and it’s great (this is an advertisement for working out)
ok that’s the main stuff. now i will go into more specific, silly stuff. 
they eat dinner together when they can. they eat at the dinner table and link LOVES seeing her on the other side and glowing while she eats and he’s like :-) <3 and also, since he uses his hands, it doesn’t matter HOW MUCH food is shoved in his mouth, he can always speak and he gets hyped up and silly with her so he’s like SIGNSIGNSIGNSIGN and she’s like HAHAHASLOW DOWN (good happy times.)
the children LOOOOVE ZELDA. she’s a PRINCESS!! she sits and tells them stories and they follow her around and the girls want to be with her all the time. she’s nervous around kids though and is unsure of the attention, especially at first, so she’s like UHH HAHA YESYES... UM GO PLAY WITH LINK... OK... but eventually she’s like... i have the power to give these kids the childhood i never had .... and then starts doing her best to give them attention and show them love LINK is GREAT with the kids. all the kids love link too for different reasons he runs around and plays tag with them and watches them cook and cheers them on and gives them piggy back rides. i have an image of him with a blue flame (if you’ve never gone through town with a blue torch in hand then please do) and theres a kid on his shoulder and one clinging to his leg and two jumping at his feet. very cute. and he loves them, he loves making them laugh and teaching them sign and hearing their stories and all that. i think it’s classic for links to be good with kids.
i want them to be able to travel from shrine to shrine while holding hands or something. and he does it with her without thinking... grabs her hand and pulls out the sheikah slate like Why Walk? and she’s like “huh? HUH???” and they show up at another shrine and she’s like WHAT??? WHAT. WHAT and then researches it forever
also i imagine him being bad at spelling (of course) and i also headcanon that he doesn’t speak So. i imagine that like... ok. for example:
zelda: “did you see anything? before you.. died?” link: I can’t remember... zelda: “oh i’m sorry i don’t know that sign...” link: ! R-E-M-B-E-R zelda: ............R-E-M-E-M-B-E-R....? link: No, like... *imitates remembering* Remember. R-E-M-B-E-R. zelda: .........”link i think you mean reMEMber?” link: ? .......................Oh god OK i think that’s all i’ve got right now. lol. if you read this then thank you
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coolgreatwebsite · 3 years
Cool Games I Finished In 2020 (In No Real Order)
Oh, hey! Right! I have a website! I’m like a week late on writing this, but what’s a week on top of an entire year of not writing, right? 2020 was... well, we all know what 2020 was. For me personally, it was simultaneously the best and worst year of my life. The worst in both ways you can probably assume and ways you definitely can’t (neither of which I’ll be getting into), and the best in ways I absolutely never would have guessed. That uncertain job I mentioned last year got very suddenly much more certain, at a much bigger company, for a much larger amount of money. That allowed me to get my own place, making my weird living situation much less weird. Still haven’t gotten the majority of my belongings off of the east coast, but if the entire world wasn’t currently fucked up by a global pandemic I’d have sorted all that out too. What I’m saying is that, for the third year in a row, my life has been a complete whirlwind that has left me very little time to get comfortable with any aspect of it. But I did manage to play more video games than I did last year! Which is perfect, because it’s once again time for another one of these. Here’s a bunch of cool games I experienced for the first time in 2020.
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Astro’s Playroom (PlayStation 5, 2020)
My one word description of Astro's Playroom is "delightful". It's just an absolute goddamn delight. A total surprise too! Included with every PlayStation 5, Astro's Playroom is, in my opinion, one of the best pack-in games of all time.
First off, it's an incredible tech demo for the PS5's new DualSense controller. It was easy to brush off Sony's talk about the controller's haptic feedback and triggers as some Nintendo-style HD Rumble bullshit, but it really is incredibly cool once you get your hands on it. The game is obviously more than a tech demo though, or else it wouldn't be on here. It also just so happens to be an extremely solid and fun platformer on top of that. Astro controls exceptionally well and the levels are all well-designed and fun, even the gimmick vehicle ones designed to show off different features of the controller. It also has an oddly compelling speedrun mode, made all the more compelling by the PS5 notifying you when your friends beat your times and the ability to load into it within two seconds from anywhere on the console. But the biggest thing for me and, call me a mark, because I am, is that the game is an honestly incredible love letter to PlayStation history.
For the first time ever, Sony has pulled off a nostalgia piece without it ending up as embarrassing garbage in the vein of PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. There's a Nintendo-like joyful reverence for all things PlayStation oozing out of every single corner of this game. There are so many nods and references and gags for literally every PlayStation thing of note throughout the the last 25 years, and then on top of that there's a whole heap more for the things that AREN'T of note that only hyperdorks like me would get! A sly reference to the ill-fated boomerang controller? Yep. A goof on the fat PS3's Spider-Man font? You betcha. A trophy you can earn by repeatedly punching a Sony Interactive Entertainment sign until it breaks and reveals the Sony Computer Entertainment sign it was slapped on top of? Yeah buddy. It's deep cuts all the way down, even up until the final boss which had me grinning like a total dipshit the entire time. The game is endlessly, effortlessly charming.
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Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Nintendo Switch, 2020)
Animal Crossing: New Horizons was the perfect game at the perfect time. That doesn't mean it's a perfect game, I actually have some issues with it, but it could not have released at a better time than when it did. It came out at the very very beginning of everyone going into lockdown due to the pandemic, and it was the biggest game in the world for a couple of months as a result. I played like 300 hours and that pales in comparison to the amount of time many others put into it.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the most different Animal Crossing game there's ever been, and I'm of two minds on it. Like, I loved the game, I played a ton of it, but it's lacking so much of the stuff that made me love Animal Crossing in the first place. The series has been slowly trending in this direction for a bit now, but it's not really a game that happens around you anymore. It's all about total player control. You select where everything goes, you customize every detail of everything to your liking, hell, you can even terraform the landmass to be exactly what you want. Your neighbors take a backseat in focus and end up as little more than decorations with limited dialogue and next to no quests associated with them. Series staples like Gyroids are missing in action. Facilities and services that have been around since Wild World aren't implemented. It's similar to past Animal Crossing games in a lot of ways, but on the whole it feels like a different thing.
But like I said, two minds. New Horizons strays from what I truly want from an Animal Crossing game, but I can't deny that the game as it is is a hell of a lot of fun. There's SO much you can do and SO many options, it's super addictive. Plus it implemented my long-requested feature of letting you effortlessly send mail to friends online! Too bad the actual online play is as cumbersome as ever.
In conclusion, Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a land of contrasts. I'm kidding. It's good, but definitely missing something in a way where I can understand some people being disappointed in it. I had a ton of fun though, and I'm probably going to get back into it later in 2021.
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Trials of Mana (Nintendo Switch, 2019)
Late in 2019, with the physical release of Collection of Mana for the Switch, I decided I was going to play through each game on it for the first time and finally find out what this whole Mana thing was about. I went into Final Fantasy Adventure (the first game in the Mana series, because every RPG had to be Final Fantasy back then) with zero expectations and found a totally serviceable little Zelda-like with light RPG elements. I enjoyed my time with it. I went into Secret of Mana with the expectation of it being a beloved classic and found the worst game I beat that year, hands down. That game fucking sucks. I get why it made an impression on people at the time, but it's just so so SO awful to play. Needless to say I was pretty disappointed. Honestly, I would have been disappointed even if I hadn't heard it was one of "the best games" for so long. It would have been a disappointing follow-up to Final Fantasy Adventure, a game that in and of itself isn't anything incredible. Secret of Mana is just that rotten.
I braced myself for more disappointment when (after a much needed vacation from the series) I started up Trials of Mana. This game had a reputation too, as a long-lost classic that never made it stateside. One of the best games on the Super Nintendo, criminally never released for western audiences! Like Secret of Mana before it, I'd heard nothing but effusive praise. Unlike Secret of Mana, however, I was very pleased to find out that Trials of Mana mostly lives up to the hype. From a gameplay standpoint, Trials is an improvement on Secret in almost every single way. It's not perfect. The menus are still kinda clunky, animations for things like magic and items are still frequently disruptive. But the main thing is it actually plays like a sensible video game designed by humans with brains. Attacking is responsive! Hitboxes aren't complete nonsense! You don't constantly get stunlocked to death! There are more answers to combat than casting the same spell for five straight minutes to kill your enemies before they get a chance to move! It's great!
On top of being an enjoyable video game to actually play, the presentation is top notch. Secret of Mana could be a pretty game with decent music in some spots, but Trials is consistently gorgeous and the soundtrack is across the board great instead of randomly having songs that sound like clown vomit. And while Trials of Mana doesn't have the deepest story in the world, it manages to avoid being completely paper-thin like Secret. The story actually kind of has a reason for being a bit straightforward, and the reason is that it has a really cool system where you pick your three playable characters from a pool of six. Each character has their own goals and storyline, some of which line up with other potential party members, some of which don't, and you'll even run into the characters you didn't choose as NPCs along the way. This and the relatively brisk pace of the game make it highly replayable.
I'm really glad that Trials of Mana made it over here in an official capacity, even if it was like 25 years late. It's as good as I expected Secret of Mana to be and singlehandedly saved my interest in seeing any more of the series. I'm aware the quality of what came after is very spotty, but I'll get to the rest eventually!
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Final Fantasy VII Remake (PlayStation 4, 2020)
They (almost) did it. They (basically) pulled it off. They remade (a chunk of) Final Fantasy VII and (for the most part) didn't fuck it up. Ok, funny parentheticals aside, Final Fantasy VII Remake is astoundingly good coming off of over two decades of just absolutely dreadful post-FF7 sequels, side games, and movies.
Final Fantasy VII has been historically misremembered as this kind of miserable, angsty, brooding thing, both by fans and by the company that made it. FF7-branded media after FF7 itself is a minefield of changed personalities, embarrassing original characters, and monumentally lame stories. Final Fantasy VII Remake is the first post-FF7 anything that actually remembers the characters, setting, and plot of Final Fantasy VII and what made them memorable and special to people in the first place. Which isn't to say it's a slavish recreation! There's a ton of changes and additions, and I actually like almost all of them! Except for some really big stuff I'll touch on in a bit!
The combat in Final Fantasy VII Remake is great. I was super skeptical about it when the game was first announced, but they actually managed to make the blend of real-time action and turn-based RPG menuing fun and engaging. The characters all play super differently from each other too, which is a huge and welcome difference from the original game. The Materia system fits like a glove in this revamped combat system as well. The remixed music is good as hell, and the visuals are beautiful (outside of a couple of very specific spots that I'm kinda of surprised they haven't fixed in a patch yet). It's a well-executed package all around.
But alas, as always, there are negatives. For starters, this is only part one of the overall Final Fantasy VII Remake project. It goes up to the party leaving Midgar which, as you may or may not recall, is the first six hours of the original game. They compensated for this by fleshing the hell out of the Midgar section the game, ballooning the overall playtime to total of about 30-ish hours. The game feeling padded is a common complaint but for what it's worth, I didn't really feel it until the unnecessarily long final dungeon, There's also the previously mentioned and funny parenthetical'd changes and additions I don't like.
This is big time spoilers for this game so if you don't want that jump ahead to the next game on the list. The Whispers suck ass. Final Fantasy VII Remake should have been brave enough to be different without having to constantly derail everything in the most ham-fisted and intrusive way possible. You can have Jessie twist her ankle without making a spooky plot ghost trip her. I don't want to fight the physical manifestation of the game everyone thought they were getting as an end boss. If you're not doing a straight remake, that's fine, but have the fucking guts to stand by your artistic decisions without feeling the need to invent the lamest deus ex machina I've ever fucking seen. The last couple of hours of this game are 100% about the Whispers and are awful for it. It's a true testament to the strength of the rest of Final Fantasy VII Remake that this aspect didn't completely sour me on it. I can only hope that they stay dead and gone for good in the games yet to come and the remake can be different while standing on its own two feet.
I truly cannot wait for the next entry in the Final Fantasy VII Remake project. I'm excited for Final Fantasy VII in a way I haven't been since the late 90s. I have a bit of trepidation that they could royally screw it up. I mean, they already got kinda close, as I said in my last paragraph. But they got so much right in this entry that, for the first time in decades, I'm willing to believe in Square Enix when it comes to Final Fantasy VII.
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13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim (PlayStation 4, 2020)
My one word description of 13 Sentinels is "fucking crazy". I realize that's two words, but shut up. A bizarre hybrid of visual novel, adventure game, and strategy RPG, 13 Sentinels not only makes that work, but makes it work incredibly well. 
The story is fucking bonkers. It's told entirely non-linearly and is purposefully dense and confusing, but it does an amazing job of hooking you with a cast of likable characters and some impressively well-paced twists, made all the more impressive by the fact that you can tackle the story in basically whatever order you want. I'll say it again for those in the back, the story is Fucking Bonkers. Wherever you think it's going, it's not going. Where it is going is PLACES. Seriously, if you want a wild goddamn ride, this is the game for you. The presentation is also stunning. It's a drop dead gorgeous game with a really nice soundtrack. Easily Vanillaware's best looking game, which is saying something seeing as looking good is Vanillaware's whole deal.
If I had to levy one criticism against the game, it's that the strategy RPG portion is just kind of ok. It's enjoyable enough, it doesn't get in the way and there's not too much of it, but once it starts introducing armored versions of previous enemy types it's kind of done doing anything different. It is really good at getting people to out themselves as having no idea what tower defense is as a genre though!
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Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition (Nintendo Switch, 2018)
I haven't really historically been a "Musou Guy". Not to say I've actively disliked them, they're just not something I've seeked out very often or played very much of. Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition kinda turned me into a "Musou Guy" a little bit? It's good, surprisingly-less-mindless-than-you'd-think fun.
I actually super don't care about the Zelda branding. I think all the fanservice stuff is meh at best. What I do care about is that there's a ton of character variety and a metric shitload of content. There's so many different characters and weapons for those characters that all play differently from one another and SOOOOOO many levels to play. Like the story mode is, again, kinda meh, the real meat of the game is the Adventure mode and there's a ton of it. It's 8 different world maps, each based off a different Zelda game, with each square of the map containing a little mini-scenario with unique objectives and rewards. There has to be at least 1000 scenarios between all the maps. There's so much. And that's not even getting into some of the other side stuff like the challenge modes and the fairy raising. It's a crazy amount of game in this game.
And again, it's not as mindless as it'd seem. It's not really a game ABOUT destroying 5000 guys, it's an area control and resource management game where the 5000 guys are one of those resources. Knowing who to send where and when to fight who is way more important than pressing the XXX YYY XXX YYY on the more than one million troops.
I'd say that if you're even cursorily potentially maybe interested in a musou game, this is the one to try. And if you like it, it could literally be your forever game. A sequel came out recently too, and I'm looking forward to trying that out soon.
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Phantasy Star Online 2 (Xbox One, 2020)
Phantasy Star Online 2 finally came stateside in the year 2020, eight years after its initial Japanese release and initial American cancellation. It's no Phantasy Star Online 1, but it is a really fun game in its own right provided you can find the willpower to break through its clunkiness and eight years of confusing poorly tutorialized free-to-play MMO cruft.
The main thing going for PSO2, and this is a major improvement from PSO1, is that the act of engaging in its combat is fun. The combat is just feels really really good. There's a bunch of different weapon types and classes, and once you find the ones that really click with you you're in for a good time, whether you're izuna dropping dudes with wire claws or literally doing air juggles and rainstorm from Devil May Cry with the dual machine guns.
The other stuff around that combat is weird. I generally like it, but it's weird. The story mode is one of the most bizarrely presented things I've ever seen. It apparently used to be something you'd seek out in the levels themselves, but presently it's just a list of scenes you pick from a menu and watch with next to no context until it makes you fight a boss sometimes. There's some weird moments in there that MIGHT have been cool if it were presented in literally any other way?
The systems and presentation are also way more... I dunno, pinball? Pachislot? In very stark contrast to how chill original Phantasy Star Online was, everything in PSO2 is designed in a way to maximize that flashy light bing bing wahoo you got ~*~RARE DROP CHANCE UP~*~  feeling. Which isn't to say I don't like flashy light bing bing wahoo, but it's a weird different thing.
Was it worth the wait? Yeah, sure! For me! This is another one that I played like 300 hours of! I haven't even seen half of it, I fell off right before Episode 4 released because it coincided with my move! I'm gonna go back and see all that shit! PSO2's fun! A different flavor of fun than the original, sure, but fun all the same. Another one that I'm glad finally made it over here.
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Riichi Mahjong (A Table, 1924)
Holy shit I fucking did it I finally learned how to play Mahjong and it rules.
It started when I picked up Clubhouse Games for the Switch. I saw that it had Riichi Mahjong and something in my brain snapped. For whatever reason, I decided that this was the time I was going to rip the band-aid off and figure this shit out. It wasn't too dissimilar to the first time I decided to try eggs, but that's a different and much stupider story for a different time. I did the tutorial in Clubhouse Games, looked up some more basics and advice because the tutorial wasn't super amazing, and I kept playing while being aided by the game's nice helper features like the button that pulls up recommended hands. I kept playing and... sorta got it. I learned the basic rules, but none of the strategy. And then I stopped playing for a few months.
In that few months, for whatever reason, a decent amount of people I know had their brains snap the same way? Like a more-than-two amount of people I'm either friends with or following online also decided to learn Mahjong. I decided to get back on the horse and downloaded Mahjong Soul and I don't know whether it was perseverance or the power of anime babes, but this time I got it. I still refer to a sheet with all the hands and whether they work open or closed, and I'm by no means a master player, but I actually honest to god understand what I'm doing and it's an incredible feeling.
Mahjong has such a huge amount of what I like to call "Get That Ass" energy. It is the energy you feel when you get someone's ass. In Mahjong you are either constantly getting someone's ass or getting your ass gotten. Someone puts down the wrong tile and you fucking GET THEIR ASS DUDE! They're got!! They're a fucking idiot that put down the wrong thing and now you have their points!!! Or you draw what you need yourself and you're a brain genius all according to plan and everyone gives you points because you're so wise!!!! It's great!!!!!
Mahjong has long been one of those games where I'd say "I'll learn this someday" and never reeeeally actually try to learn, and I'm so glad I finally took the effort to because it's good as hell. And, truth be told, it wasn't THAT hard to learn? Like you can get to the point where I was where I didn't know the strategy fairly easily in my opinion, and once you do that It's just a matter of continuing to play to understand the rest. I highly recommended that you also go out and learn it if you similarly revel in getting that ass, it's so satisfying once you do.
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Yakuza: Like a Dragon (PlayStation 4, 2020)
Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio took a big gamble with Yakuza: Like a Dragon. After seven games (more if you take spinoffs and remakes into consideration) they decided to focus on a new main character and, even more unexpectedly, they decided to change things up by turning the series into a turn-based JRPG. Their gamble paid off in spades. This is easily in my top 3 favorite Yakuza games.
The JRPG gameplay is surprisingly solid. There's definite room for improvement, but they nailed a bunch of it right out of the gate. Some mechanics are a little janky and I wish the job system was more fleshed out or just worked more like Final Fantasy V's, but they nailed one of the most important things and made the battles brisk and fun. It's a great foundation, especially for a team that's never attempted anything like this, and it's way more fun than the combat's been in any of the previous Dragon Engine games. I can't wait to see them iterate on it.
Everything else is top fuckin' notch. The music is great, the side content is fully fleshed out in a way it hasn't been since before they switched to the Dragon Engine, and I love the characters and story so much. Yakuza has a new main character in Ichiban Kasuga, and he's my son and I love him. Kiryu was great, and I love him too, but he was a bit of a passive protagonist. Stuff happened around him and he mostly just stoically reacted to it. Ichi is a much more active lead and it's great. He's a big lovable dope, and his tendency to keep an upbeat attitude and eagerness to leap into action is such a breath of fresh air. And it's not only Ichiban, since this is an RPG you have a whole party of characters and they're all great! Having them with you at all times bantering with each other and reacting to things is another great change of narrative pace, too. 
Yakuza: Like a Dragon just straight up rules. As someone who has historically not been too much of a fan of the Dragon Engine games, it's simultaneously a refreshing new take on the series and a fantastic return to form. I can't wait for what comes next. Wherever Ichiban goes, I go.
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Moon: Remix RPG Adventure (Nintendo Switch, 2020)
After 23 years of Japanese PS1 exclusivity, Moon: Remix RPG Adventure finally got an English release this year for Nintendo Switch. I'm glad it did, because Moon isn't just the very definition of A Sebmal Game. It's the Sebmal Game missing link. In addition to being just a great video game, it helped me make a mental throughline for a bunch of games I love and a large part of my taste in video games.
To keep a long story short (seriously, I have a much much longer version of this saved in my drafts that I'll maybe finish someday), Moon turned out to be not the JRPG I assumed it was, given the title and basic story pitch, but a secret prequel to a game I love named Chulip. Moon's developer, Love-de-Lic, was formed by a handful of ex-Squaresoft employees, many of which worked on an extremely formative game I love named Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. Love-de-Lic broke up in the year 2000 and its staff went on to form a bunch of different studios that ended up making a BUNCH of different games I love like Chibi-Robo, Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland, Dandy Dungeon, and the aforementioned Chulip. These games, when you make the connection and line them up, all have a very distinct weirdness in common that makes perfect sense once you've realized many of the same people worked on them. Figuring this all out felt like snapping a piece of my brain back in place, and it was really crazy to come to understand exactly how much this studio that formed and disbanded decades before I'd even heard of them had impacted my tastes and, hell, my life.
So what is Moon, for those who don't innately understand what I mean by "a secret prequel to Chulip"? Moon is an adventure game where you explore a world with a day/night cycle, learn about that world's inhabitants, and eventually solve their problems. Think of it kind of like The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, but if the sidequests were the entirety of the focus with no Groundhog Day time reset mechanic and none of the Zelda stuff like combat and dungeons. You play as a young boy who, after a late night JRPG binge session, is sucked into the world of the game he was just playing. Everything is off from the way it was portrayed while the boy was playing the game, though. The hero he had previously controlled is actually a silent menace, raiding peoples' houses for treasure and slaughtering every innocent animal that crosses his path in an endless quest for EXP. The townspeople seem more concerned with problems in their day-to-day lives than the supposed world threatening crisis outlined in the game's intro. It's up to you as the boy to investigate this world's mysteries, help the townsfolk, mend the damage the hero has done, and eventually restore love to a loveless world.
Speaking of love, I fucking loved Moon. I loved the story, I loved the characters, I loved the music, I loved the way it looks (even though the Switch port is a little crusty in that basic emulator-y kinda way), I loved how constantly bizarre and surprising and funny it was. Like I said earlier, it's the very definition of a game made for me. It was essentially the progenitor of a long line of games made for me, and of games potentially made for me but I don't know yet because I haven't played them due to not understanding Japanese (UFO: A Day in the Life translation next please? Anyone from Onion Games reading this??). For as similar as Moon and Chulip are in their systems and pacing, I think I might actually like Moon better despite it coming earlier? It's not as full force maximum impact absurd as Chulip is, but it is a lot more playable and less obtuse once you get a grip on the time limit mechanic. You don't need a full strategy guide included in the instruction manual for Moon, and you don't need to exchange business cards with every single character to get information vital to finishing the game either.
I truly cannot recommend Moon enough if your taste in games ventures anywhere off the beaten path. Maybe this is a little conceited of me, but I assume if you're reading this article, let alone this far down into it, you relate to my video game opinions at least a little bit? You should play Moon. Everyone reading this sentence should play Moon. Moon: Remix RPG Adventure is my game of the year for the year 2020.
These games were also cool, I just had less to say about them:
Death Stranding (PlayStation 4, 2019): Death Stranding, much like Metal Gear Solid V, was a game I enjoyed for the gameplay and not much else. The story, characters, and writing were a huge disappointment for me, but man if I didn't enjoy lugging those boxes around and setting up my hellish cross-continental goon summer camp lookin' zipline network. Mr. Driller Drill Land (Nintendo Switch, 2020): I am a known Mr. Driller Enjoyer, and I enjoyed this Mr. Driller. Originally released for the Gamecube, Mr. Driller Drill Land is another long-time Japanese exclusive that finally came stateside this year and it's packed with new and novel twists on the Mr. Driller format. It looks super sharp, the music's great (also the credits music is the most impossibly out of place and extra as hell shit in the world and it's hilarious), and it's just a good ass time. The main campaign is pretty damn short, but if you're a post-game content kinda guy it has that and it's all super hard. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2 (PlayStation 4, 2020): They finally made another good new Tony Hawk game, and all it took was perfectly remaking two of the best old Tony Hawk games! Plays exactly like you remember it with the added benefit of the best mechanics from up to THUG1, looks great, packed full of content, even has most of the music alongside some mostly crappy new stuff. It's the full package as is, but I do hope they end up adding THPS3 to it eventually. Mad Rat Dead (Nintendo Switch, 2020): Mad Rat Dead was a pleasant surprise that I only picked up because I saw a couple of people on my Twitter timeline constantly talking about it. A fun and inventive platformer where all your actions need to be on beat with the music. The gameplay feels great (aside from some not so great performance issues on Switch), the soundtrack is fun, and it's got a real good style to it. Demon's Souls (PlayStation 5, 2020): I love Demon's Souls and this is Demon's Souls. It plays exactly the same with some minor quality of life changes. I don't agree with many of the artistic changes, but there's no denying it looks incredible on a technical level. If you want to play Demon's Souls again or for the first time, this is a perfectly valid and fun way to do so. Groove Coaster: Wai Wai Party!!!! (Nintendo Switch, 2019): Groove Coaster is one of my favorite rhythm games, and they finally made an acceptable at-home version with Wai Wai Party. It's not a perfect replication of the arcade game control-wise, I have some issues with the song choices, and the pricing is frankly fucking ridiculous if you're not a Groove Coaster maniac like I am, but the same ultra satisfying gameplay is all there. You can even play it vertically in handheld mode! Flip Griiiiiiiip!
And we're done! Phew! Honestly didn't realize I played that many good games until I typed all this out. Thanks as always for reading this far. I'm gonna try and get back to regularly posting Breviews this year at the very least. Honestly don't know if I'll get anything else up on here, but we'll see. Here's to hoping 2021 is a little bit less of a nightmare!
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Age of Calamity Review
Hey! I wasted three hours of my life writing this in Arlo's comment section and part of it had to be cut out because of Youtube's word limit, so y'all get to suffer with me.
Here's the video that I wrote this on, give him some love, his opinion is a great juxtaposition to my own!
There are a few weird formatting errors because tumblr wants me to make new paragraphs, but there's no missing words as far as I can tell.
I like it, but I like the first one better, mainly for the appearance. I don't know why, but the pop ups are hard for me to see (by pop-ups I mean the challenges and weak point meters, the out of battle menu is actually pretty good, though I admit the text is a little small on the opening screen), and the lack of saturation makes it hard for me to see. Actually, that might be it, I just don't like the paler color palette in this context, since for a fast paced game I kind of need to be able to see, which I can't because I'm partially blind, and glasses have a glare that's an annoying trade off. Compare that to the original Hyrule Warriors, the weak point meters are brightly colored and change color the more you damage it, which is good for those with visual impairment who need some extra feedback to judge their next actions. The menu was also this aged tan color which provided a great contrast that wasn't the blinding white on top of dark blue, which wasn't bad at all, but the buttons and text were always big enough for those with visual impairment to see, though I will admit that the little pop ups with all the people crying out for help have a bit of the same issue as AoC. I think I just like the more vibrant colors of Hyrule Warriors in the context of a faster game, rather than the pale beauty of BotW, since my eyes can't really see what's going on if the colors aren't at least comparable to what you'd find in Minish Cap or Triforce Heroes. I can see fine in BotW during the day time, but at night, well, I just run and hope for the best, trying not to get killed by an electric keese, which is also a problem in AoC, mainly Zora's Domain; I could barely see a thing and it negatively impacted my experience.
I've got hundreds of hours in HW, and maybe five or ten in AoC. It's mainly because I just don't like how it looks. I've heard a lot of people say that it looks pretty much exactly like botw and...I have to disagree. A lot of areas are pretty perfect, but some, like the tower, are just a little off in a way I can't describe. That's a personal irrelevant nitpick though, but it negatively impacted my experience, so I thought it was worth a mention, the tower on the opening screen always annoyed the crap out of me, every time I see it I just want to exit the game because ew.
The gameplay is fine, and thank goodness for the addition of the meditation room, there's not a feature like that in the original, so I had to play the first stage over and over again to figure out new combos, I think Mipha is my favorite hero that I actually unlocked (though I've been wanting to play more just to see if I can control Revali and Teba like I can Fi (which makes her insanely good since her wide area of movement is the only thing you need to account for)), and I think Zelda is my least favorite, since she's a little clunky for my taste (Daruk is too, but his rolling makes that more bearable). I was a little disappointed with Impa, but her seal thing is kinda like Zelda's and Fi's thing in Hyrule Warriors (there are probably stronger connections, but I'm not experienced with every single hero), and I think it was just the hype that she got. She's not the type of character I like to play, since Zelda and Fi are my favorites, speedy and nimble area clearers (Sheik and Marin are cool too, I just have less experience using Marin, and Sheik is always a B pick since I find them a little harder to control with less area of impact), which meant that Mipha, a character I admittedly was never attached to, became one of my favorites in the game. Impa wasn't an area clearer for the most part, she had a few moves that could do that, but she was mainly a boss-killer to me, Mipha though? She's great, set up a few waterspouts and everything dies.
I do like that they've lessened the kind of ridiculous amount of items that were in HW, and that they didn't try to strong arm fairies in, because that system was the most annoying thing in the world and so poorly explained that I had to watch the same tutorial three times over about once a month because it was so convoluted.
I do hate the runes though, I just, couldn't seem to use them right. It might just be me, but I found trying to use them weird. It's a little hard to explain, but it's probably just a me thing. Not only that, but I found the inclusion of the rods on top of the runes annoying. The rods were entirely unnecessary if you were going to use runes. They just added another layer that was thin at best, not to mention that I found them hard to use as well. I hated the weird controls of the targeting system. I don't think there's anything wrong with a basic hack and slash, and if you're not going to have the excessive amount of items, runes were a good idea i think it might've been a me issue, but rods? It seems a bit excessive. It's probably just a "you'll get better with practice" kind of thing, which, fair, most people can't use Fi like I can, so that makes sense. I figured it was worth a mention anyway since the runes were a constant source of annoyance and I used the rods twice before never bothering again because I hated them so much.
I do like the addition of healing from food drops whenever you want though. In the original if there was a dropped heart but you were at full health, sucked to be you, going back for it when you need it would waste time. The plot is still as weird as ever though (from what I've heard from other videos and such), which is fine, since I tend to play my favorite levels over and over rather than actually do anything plot relevant (can you believe that it took me over a year to finish the story of HW because I kept getting distracted by letting Fi and Zelda mow down everything in the Adventure maps and challenges? I literally got the boomerang like six months after
getting the game. It's perfect for people with ADHD I swear) though I am extremely disappointed with the fact that they took the cheap way out, it's a kid's game and a nintendo game, what did I expect? For them to let everyone actually die? Nope...though honestly, I can't comment on the overall amazingness of the plot they went with because...er....I only did Mipha's and Daruk's stages before just losing interest, so I'm not the person you want to ask about any story criticism, because that would be pure conjecture and utterly pointless.
The customization of heroes, now that's great. It's a weird system that I needed to google a lot for, but it's absolutely brilliant and I love it. Sure, getting the specific seals I want is a little annoying, but it's a great mechanic and I love it.
I probably should've said this earlier, but I'm comparing it mainly to Hyrule Warriors rather than BotW because AoC's a Warriors game and thus plays more like Hyrule Warriors than BotW, and BotW has a different set of standards due to being an open-world game. I'm still salty about the plot though, so I guess there's your comparison.
Also, I absolutely ADORE the fact that you can track materials. Not having to google which stage gives me which material is just the best. And the fact that the side quests have little blurbs, absolutely fantastic. We didn't get that in HW, but then again, once you finished the main story, the rest was just, Have Fun and Kill Everything, which is great, and I love it, but adding in a weird ingredient fetching quest with a nugget of lore is kinda cool. I don't wish we got it in HW though, since, as aforementioned, there was no way to track which material came from which stage, so that would've made it a nightmare.
The Divine Beasts....I hated them, they were literally just time wasters, and, granted I only did Rudania and Ruta before dropping the game, I just hated them. The UI was horrendous and even Ganon's Fury was better, and I absolutely DESPISE Ganon's Fury. Once I finished them, I was just happy for them to be over and never bother with them again. I hated their controls, I hated the cramped paths, I hated how I couldn't really turn and see anything, and honestly, I commend the champions for being able to control these bulky slow and absolutely horrible machines.
On the music, I think it's good. I loved BotW's soundtrack, I loved Zelda 2's soundtrack, I loved Wind Waker's soundtrack, I loved Cadence of Hyrule's soundtrack, I loved Hyrule Warriors's soundtrack, I loved Minish Cap's soundtrack, Triforce Heroes, Spirit Tracks (you're lying if you say otherwise, this soundtrack is a bop and I will actually fight you), etc etc, and this one is no different, though I will admit it did a pretty good job of having me ignore it, though that may have been more due to my frustration at the rods and runes and Zelda and Daruk more than actually having an unimpressive soundtrack.
Personally, it didn't do much for me, I can't get over the color palette, the mechanics, the divine beasts. I had pretty average, maybe a bit high, expectations, but they weren't quite met. I played it for a few hours one day, dropped it, picked it up again a few months later, then remembered exactly why I dropped it. I think the original Hyrule Warriors is just better visually for me, even if the plot isn't great or it's a bit fanfictiony, it had depth in combat that didn't absolutely annoy me, and the annoying battles were usually optional, and the bosses had variety, which is a fault mainly of BotW and was just an inherited problem for AoC, and I'm not a completionist, I don't want to have to complete anything with Darunia or Cia, so I don't unless I have to to progress something, which means that I don't stress about the gargantuan amount of content in HW.
IN SUMMARY: I've never had problems with frame rate (though I play docked due to visual impairment), and if you're visually impaired, wear anti-glare glasses because the pale colors aren't going to help much. I haven't found an option to make text bigger. The soundtrack is good,
there isn't much boss variety (not AoC's fault, but it's still there), the meditation room is great, the runes take a bit of getting used to, as do the rods(i never got used to them), Divine Beasts tank performance in all aspects and are just disappointing, you actually know which stage drops which item, and there's no My Fairy (which is definitely a positive).
To slap on an arbitrary rating that only means something to me: 4.5/10
It's a good game if you can get passed the issues that bug ME to no end.
And there we have it. There goes....holy crap I spent three hours on
I wanted to like this, I really did, and I'm glad others enjoy it, but as it stands, I'll let y'all move on to Age of Calamity, and I'll stick to my handy dandy Hyrule Warriors ice cream with a dash of Breath of the Wild, a sprinkle of Cadence of Hyrule, and a Zelda 2 cherry on top. It's not like I have to wait long for Subnautica; hopefully that doesn't disappoint me too much, I preordered this one. Actually, I get Pokemon Snap today too, hopefully it isn't a SwSh level disappointment, AoC is magnitudes better than SwSh at a 4.5
this????? Three hours of my life. Gone.
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friendlifyre · 4 years
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story time bc i got a little emotional getting to this point
ive loved zelda for as long as i can remember, from watching my brother play OoT when i was just 2yo. breath of the wild (then known as zelda u) was first showcased in the e3 of 2014 aka a couple of weeks after i graduated high school, and even with prom turning out so much better than i thought, it was the highlight of my summer. this short 2 minutes of link galloping a non-epona horse through a gorgeous field while fleeing a guardian became my lifeforce. back then the game was planned for 2015 and i was hyped beyond imagining for it.
i digress. the point is, i was looking forward to it. then it was delayed two years. when it came out, i couldnt buy it.
i’ll spare the details of my situation back then; long story short, the previous january, i spent hundreds i didnt have to fly out and visit someone very important to me, who then broke my heart a few days after i got back home and had to face reality. basically, it was Bad, financially but also mentally and emotionally. not getting to play this game when it finally came out because i’d splurged on visiting someone who betrayed my trust as soon as i was gone was a lot of salt in the wound.
i wasn’t completely unlucky, though. i had two incredible friends who cared a lot about me. a lot more than i deserved, admittedly, considering how i’d been treating them in recent months. though i tried my best not to burden them with my problems, they could tell i was not doing well, and in an attempt to cheer me up, and despite neither of them being very financially comfortable, they pitched in to buy me the game on wii u between the two of them. this gesture, along with the game itself, probably saved my life at the time.
i’ll always remember the first couple of days i had it in hand. my parents were gone on a vacation and my brother to his girlfriend’s for the weekend, so i got to shamelessly stay up playing it until 7am, only stopping to get a couple hours of sleep, get my short weekly shift over with and being back at it without restraint. i got to do so while chatting with our small discord friend group, two of us being in the midst of playing for the first time while three other had experienced it since launch.
i made a beeline for sidon, i wont lie. the zora have been my favorite since majoras mask and it was so rare that wed get a main zora character that wasnt a princess crushing on link. me and my friend group were already talking about botw rp/AUs, and i knew sidon would be my muse and i wanted to get to know him asap.
thet only thing that distracted me from that goal was this little guy. this pony i spotted all the way from the plateau, right outside the magnesis shrine. im an equestrian so the horses were obviously a part of the game i was also really looking forward to, but this pony really appealed to me in a way i never managed to explain to my friends. i didnt pay attention to anything the king said because i knew what i was gonna do the second i was gonna get off the plateau. 
i spent all of the few stamina food i’d managed to cook with those measly plateau stamella shrooms getting this guy. i could tell he was upset with me trying to tame him so i’d keep trying to get off, grab apples and feed him, except he’d always start walking off immediately as i got off and i’d panic and get back on.
the sun set, the keese swarms spawned. i was completely lost as to where i should go, whether stables or story-wise. anxious beyond belief because not only did it feel like my pony was gonna buck me off any second but also because i confused the night riding music for guardian spots you music.
i begged my friends to give me directions as to where i could find a place to register this guy. just follow the road, they said, one will show up. the road seems to be leading to the castle, i said. follow the road the other way, they said. after a major heartrate spike from spotting a stalker over the hill near riverside stables, i managed to get him there. with not a rupee to my name. with my friend’s recommendation to look for beedle, i left him in one of the pens shoring the river, hoping i could sell some things before he made his grand escape.
finally i managed to register him. i called him trickster, for all the trouble he put me through. he’s the one i fought dark beast ganon with. he’s never stopped being my favorite horse i ever caught, and, in a way, the token of my finally embarking on the grand adventure that is this game once and for all.
with me saving up to afford the switch a few months later, i hadn’t gotten to see trickster in a very long time until today. but after struggling with setting up all my new hardware, i was able to dump my wii u save file on an emulator, which means now i can see trickster right here on my computer whenever i want. and he looks great !
thanks for the adventure, buddy.
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rainbowdonkee · 4 years
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With 2019 coming to an end, I wanted to make a list of my personal top 10 video games that came out this decade. I was 12 in 2010, and now being 21 video games have always been important to me! Many of the games that are the most dearest to me sadly came out before 2010 (HG/SS barely made the cut with the NA release). I tried to not make recent releases be part of my bias (FE3H lol), plus there were many games such as Bioshock 2, Fallout New Vegas, DA2, ACNL, and many more that I love but this list would have been too long! 
1. Dark Souls (2011)
2. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017)
3. Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver (NA 2010)
4. NieR Automata (2017)
5. Final Fantasy XV (2016)
6. Bloodborne (2015)
7. Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia (2017)
8. Astral Chain (2019)
9. Granblue Fantasy (2014)
10. Deemo (2013)
Dark Souls: Although I haven’t really completed the game personally, I’ve seen many playthroughs and videos about the story and characters. Hidetaka Miyazaki is absolutely awesome in creating those fantasy worlds and characters, everything that Dark Souls ended up influencing was pretty groundbreaking. And the OST is always enjoyable to hear again.
Breath of the Wild: This game took quite a long time for Nintendo to release, and when it finally came out on the final year of the WiiU and the birth of the Switch... it was pretty emotional. Also to realize that Iwata-san never made it to see the rise of Nintendo’s success after the failure of the WiiU gets me everytime, but I hope he sees all the smiles and joy BOTW has brought since its release. The game changed not only what is a LOTZ game but what is an open world, I’ve played it twice and each time I picked it up was a new experience.
Pokemon HG/SS: This game was released around Fall 2009 in Japan, but for NA it was out in March 2010. I still remember the anticipation for Spring Break to arrive in order to spend all my week playing it! I never had the chance to play the original Gold/Silver, so everything was new to me. My 12 year old mind almost exploded when I ended up finishing the Johto League only to find out we were ALSO traveling to Kanto!!! I was shook! This game is amazing, and I’ll forever wait for them to somehow add our Pokemons following us around, that mechanic was so cute! And of course the OST is golden, and I can always listen to it and be brought back to those days.
NieR Automata: I never played any of the past NieR games (although I was aware of their existence). The first trailer I ever watched had the “Become as Gods” song so I was hooked from the start! And learning that PlatinumGames and Square Enix both developed the game made me hyped for its release. I love everything about it, the characters, story, music, themes. By the time I finished the game, it had brought me into a journey of questioning so many heavy topics about life...I really wasn’t expecting that about a game. Not going to lie it may or may not have brought me a mini existential crisis but with a game made my Yoko Taro can’t be too surprised.
Final Fantasy XV: The game I so often heard fabled tales since as back as 2009 and the hype was just building up for this game! I remember going to the movie theater when they were having special screenings for the Kingsglaive movie (I dragged my friend, little brother, and mom lol). The game went through so much, many cuts and changes were made but I personally ended up liking what we got. Still super sad that many unreleased DLC’s were cut off, but the love I have for the characters and music will always stay.
Bloodborne: Hey another Miyazaki game, what can you say...the man just makes brilliant games. He took everything I love about gothic, victorian era, and Lovecraftian esque and made this extraordinary game. I’m here hoping that maybe this 2020 we can hear a slither of news of Bloodborne 2, the theme for this game is too good for them to leave it as only one game.
Fire Emblem Echoes SoV: After the train wreck that was Fates, I literally was not expecting for us to get another FE title so soon! Japan waited 2 years for Echoes but thanks to localization giving us Fates in 2016, we got SoV a year later. I never heard of Fire Emblem Gaiden, before this game I never played any of the Japan only FE games, so when news was coming out about this title I tried 100% to AVOID it. Why? Because this was the first time I could start a FE game without personally knowing anything about it, and when I first played it, right from the start it felt so different, it didn’t felt like a Fire Emblem game (which isn’t bad at all). With the new art direction it also felt like a whole new world, I love Hidari and I hope we get to see them more in future FE games. The game had a simple plot which I didn’t held it against them, I knew this was a remake, and personally I’m glad they didn’t added things like an Avatar or S-Supports. They stayed true to its original source, and SoV will stay as my personal favorite FE game. Also Heritors of Arcadia will be the best vocal theme we got in FE series.
Astral Chain: Oh snap another PlatinumGames IP? This developers are just too good! Astral Chain came out of nowhere although I’ve heard it was worked on for a long time, supposedly even before NieR Automata was developed. I really enjoyed the game very much, from all the 2019 games that came out it caught my eye and I went in with not too many expectations but I had a good time. The story took a crazy turn and I could see some similar themes as NieR Automata but it held its own ground to become unique. The fighting mechanics were so much fun to play and the music was also awesome! I wish more people talked about this game since it is Nintendo’s new IP. I hope we can get the twins for Smash Ultimate!
Granblue Fantasy: I first new anything about Cygames back in 2016 when I saw the OP for Rage of Bahamut. After Seeing the OP for season 2, seeing Azazel in all his glory I knew I had to watch the anime! Luckilly Rage of Bahamut season 2 was continuing in 2017 so I was able to catch up just in time for its final 10 episodes. I LOVE Azazel and Kaisar and of course ROB Lucifer! Then to my surprise I found out about GBF, and I was dumb and thought the app was unavailable in the west which is technically true since you need a Japanese account to download the app which has an ENG text option. So it wasn’t until 2018 that I downloaded the game and started my journey through the sky. This gacha game literally changed what is a gacha game to me, the developers listen to fans, the community is fun, and just everything about this franchise is so great. I’m not a hardcore player so I’m not too worry about grids, I’m here for the cute husbands. (Lancelot, Sandalphon, Albert, Grimnir I lov u).
Deemo: I love this game, one of the best app games I’ve ever had. Back in the day I used to play TapTap Revenge and that was my first taste of rhythm games, Deemo brought me back to those types of apps. Whenever I was anxious I could always play this game and pass the time while keeping my mind busy. Plus without Deemo I would have never known artist’s such as Mili. The game is on the Switch which I’m so happy because I was able to just get all the songs without flooding my tablets storage space.
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sage-nebula · 3 years
How come you think twilight princess is one of the worst Zelda games? I wasn’t really in the zelda scene when it first came out but it was one of the first zelda games I played, so I’m not sure if there were issues when it actually came out or what. Granted I didn’t actually finish the game so I don’t really know how it ended but from what I played I enjoyed it, so I’m just wondering your thoughts? Also this isn’t intended to be like rude or anything so if it comes across that way I’m sorry!
You’re not rude at all, it’s a fair question!
So, honestly, my first issue with Twilight Princess is actually something that has nothing to do with the game itself, but is actually a petty grudge I’ve been holding against Nintendo for years. Twilight Princess was originally planned to be a Gamecube exclusive. They announced it years before it was remotely ready, as was Zelda tradition, and then kept announcing planned release dates before pushing it back again, and again, and again, as was again Zelda tradition. But then they did what I’m sure many people older than I was at the time could have predicted would happen: They delayed it solely so that they could port it to the Wii, and release it as a launch day title for said Wii.
Now, this on its own would have been fine, but . . . despite it being completely finished, they delayed the release of the Gamecube version by months to entice people to buy the Wii and the Wii version of the game. I was a poor kid who had to wait a couple years after the Gamecube’s launch (three, iirc) to get it as it was because we couldn’t afford to get it at launch, so the idea of being able to get the Wii on launch was extremely laughable, especially if you remember how hard it was to get it back then. This meant that I was going to have to wait even longer to play a game I’d been waiting actual years for, all because Nintendo wanted to push their new system. Thankfully it seems they learned their lesson since they released both the Switch version and the Wii U versions of Breath of the Wild on the same day (albeit I got the Switch, but still), but I still think that was a very scummy move of them and it will always taint my memory of Twilight Princess.
That said, for the game itself my gripes were:
The dungeons were just too long. It’s likely because of my ADHD, but I have a limit when it comes to the length of dungeons. Wind Waker was already pushing it, but Twilight Princess just went above and beyond with how fucking long those dungeon crawls took. I spent something like two hours in Arbiter’s Grounds alone. Two hours!! And it’s not that I didn’t know what I was doing, because I had a damn strategy guide to help me when I got stuck. That’s just how long it took to get through the damn dungeon. I don’t find super long dungeon crawls like that to be very fun. I prefer to explore the overworld instead.
While I love the aesthetic, the world was visually pretty boring. I love the aesthetic of twilight and wolves and all that, but there was way too much effort put into ~realism~ in Twilight Princess that made the overworld a bunch of varying shades of brown and brownish-green. I get that was to fit with the ~twilight~ theme, but I feel like they could have gone with that theme and aesthetic without making the overworld look so boring. I can’t remember anything really visually stunning from that game, whereas games like Wind Waker and Breath of the Wild are gorgeous to look at. (Skyward Sword is, too; its graphics were not one of its problems.)
I just could not get invested in the characters at all. Again, this is a subjective issue, but for a game that was packed with characters, I just didn’t find most of them compelling. I really wanted to like Ilia, especially since it felt like she was supposed to be like Malon would be if Malon had been more involved in Ocarina’s plot, but even though she had amnesia from her kidnapping(?) and Link was supposed to be sad about it, I just didn’t feel that. Zelda had a gorgeous design, but it was wasted because she was basically a non-entity. Zant started off interesting, but then he turned into a total joke. And Midna, well . . .
I felt betrayed she wasn’t a villain. This is 100% a Me problem and I totally own that, but when I played Twilight Princess, there was this part near the beginning where Midna calls Link “[her] lonely little hero,” and that is SUCH a villain line that I got hyped up for a plot twist wherein she was evil all along. Then she wasn’t, and she was instead just a woobie, and I just . . . lost interest completely. Any traits that I might have liked in her were already done by Tatl (snarky, takes Link’s help because she has no other options, warms up to him over the course of the game, etc), and while I love Tatl, I think she should remain her own character rather than having an expy. Also, unpopular opinion, but I like Midna’s imp form more than her princess form. She was just a disappointment to me all around.
I also found the story to be lacking. Perhaps because I couldn’t get invested in the characters, I also couldn’t give less of a hell what the plot was about. Granted it’s been years since I’ve played it, but it’s also been years since I played Wind Waker or Skyward Sword and I remember those perfectly well. But Twilight Princess? Uhhhh, Zant stole the Forged . . . Forsaken . . . Forbidden . . . Fused? F-Something Shadows from Midna and also stole her power, which is why she’s an imp. He took over the Realm of Twilight. Now he’s spreading Twilight over Hyrule because Ganon Said So. The end? It honestly felt like the story was more of an excuse to have a pretty aesthetic and turn Link into a wolf. It just didn’t do it for me.
So while there were plenty of people that really liked Twilight Princess, I was not one of them. It wasn’t the worst game I’ve ever played, or even the worst Zelda game I’ve ever played, but it’s definitely not one of the best. 
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radramblog · 3 years
Ninty Direct Feb 2021 Thoughts
That was uh. Kind of disappointing, actually.
I suppose it was inevitable that we weren’t seeing Pokemon since they’re gonna do their own announcement. But like. Coulda done better here.
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(oh no you’re now introduced to my awful awful handwriting, is this better or worse than my cursed interests? you decide)
Anyway I wrote down everything they announced so here we go
Pyra/Mythra in Smash: I don’t give a single shit about the Xenoblade series, but it’s one of like 2 IPs Nintendo has had in the last decade so sure whatever they can have second a character as a treat. I’m mostly just annoyed this wasn’t a third-party character.
Fall Guys Switch: This feels inevitable. It also feels about 5 months too late.
Outer Wilds Switch: I’ve heard some absolutely excellent things about this game, so fair enough. I’m not sure I’d buy it on the Switch, but I haven’t bought it at all yet, so.
Famicom Detective Club: This looks like a Ren’py game if it had an actual budget, but still used Ren’py for some reason. Prooobably not biting on this one chief.
Samurai Warriors 5: The only Warriors game I’ve played is the first hyrule warriors, and the only Nobunaga game I’ve played was Pokemon Conquest (it’s a trip), so. I don’t understand the obsession they have over there for this bloke, like imagine if Australia made like a tv series a year and a large handful of video games about Ned Kelly or something.
Legend of Mana: Shit I should go play Octopath Traveler huh
Monster Hunter Rise: Those monster designs looked pretty kickass, and those human designs made me crack up laughing. I’ve never played Monster Hunter, and I don’t think this is gonna change that.
Mario Golf: Hey look they confirmed Waluigi as playable ahead of time so people wouldn’t complain, good job guys. The multiplayer of this looked silly as hell, but I’m not spending 80 bucks on wii sports tennis for a multiplayer mode ill drag my mates to play all of once before we go back to playing Beetle Adventure Racing.
Tales from the Borderlands: Wait telltale is still around? Ok…? I haven’t played Borderlands and don’t really care for the Telltale style so nah
Capcom Arcade Stadium: They could have made a peripheral like the NES/SNES mini, but they didn’t, and it’s for the best. The fact that one of the games is free implies to me that the rest are going to be overcosted, though.
Stubbs the Zombie: What the fuck am I looking at. Apparently this is a remaster of an old Xbox game, but I’ve never heard of it. Weird as fuck, but sure.
No More Heroes III: No more Heroes is a franchise that I’ve never played, but always wanted to. It seems right up my alley aesthetic-wise, and the gameplay looks pretty solid too- probably gonna try one of the older ones first, though.
Neon White: Speaking of aesthetic. This looks anime as fuck and edgy in a good way, and the gameplay looks real fun. I actually really want to check this out, and no, it’s not just because of the skull masked goth gf on the cover. (Doesn’t hurt, though.)
DC Super Hero Girls Teen Power: Jesus, this looks like a bad tie-in game from the mid 2000s. Not like Battle for Bikini Bottom, more like a Jimmy Neutron. And while I really liked the Jimmy Neutron game as a kid (shame about the show), this doesn’t look like it’ll stand up to that…high bar. Listening to this trailer made me want to die a little bit inside.
Plants Vs Zombies: Battle for Neighbourville: I miss PopCap. Peggle 3, never.
Miitopia: This looks cute, and will probably lead to the same sort of 3am DMs that happened with Tomodachi Life. If it’s a full priced game, it probably won’t sell at all.
Animal Crossing New Horizons Mario items: uhhh sure. Don’t have that game, so.
Triangle Strategy: Aww fuck it’s a final fantasy tactics that looks like octopath and it might have an actually good story, shiiiiiiiiit. I’m gonna give the demo a try before I land on this, but I’m optimistic.
Star Wars Hunters: When was the last time we had an actually good Star Wars game? And don’t say Fallen Order. Yeah, didn’t think so.
KO City: Ah, the bottom of the barrel. Didn’t think it would take this long. At this point, the pseudo-cartoony style everything has because they’re trying to ape Fortnite is extremely grating on me. (I definitely thought this ad was for Fortnite stuff at first)
World’s End Club: OK this one has me actually hyped. I knew that Kodaka (director/writer of the Danganronpa series) and Uchikoshi (director/writer of the Zero Escape series) were working on a joint project, and we’re finally seeing the results. Both of them have multiple excellent games under their respective belts, and this new game looks like a fun spin on what I’m sure a lot of people were expecting from the pair. Literally both of them have made a game where (spoilers I guess, Keara stop reading here you haven’t played VLR yet) there’s a death game going on while the characters are unaware the world fucking ended, so to see the idea of the death game getting interrupted and the characters actually having to live in the dead world is really cool. I’m paying cloooose attention to this one.
Hades (Physical Release): Dang now if I buy hades I can choose to have some of my money go to EB games or JB hifi or something. Cooooooooooooool.
Ninja Gaiden Collection: This just made me wonder why Ryu Hayabusa isn’t in Smash yet. Is it because there’s already a Ryu?
Age of Calamity DLC: I don’t think I mentioned this in my post yesterday, but I would have put money on DLC for this game coming out. I still haven’t played it, but the first Hyrule Warriors had so much fucking DLC so this was inevitable in my eyes.
Bravely Default 2: Uhhh its another JRPG man idk what you want me to say. Didn’t play the first one, apparently its good.
Ghosts n Goblins Resurrection: Kinda funny having this next to the free original in the Capcom Arcade Stadium. Capcom is reviving old franchises, I guess? Where’s Mega Man Battle Network, cowards?
SaGa Frontier: I’ve heard good things about the SaGa series, but this looks awful. Not like gameplay wise, the style for the models and shit in game just disinterests me.
Apex Legends: Is anyone still playing this game?
BOTW 2 (no news): I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed. Next Direct, I guess.
Skyward Sword HD: I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed.
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Seriously though, I was expecting 3 of the best Zeldas ever made to get ports, and we got the one that I wasn’t interested in. Fuck you too, I guess.
Splatoon 3: I actually was super interested in this, seeing as the trailer looked like it was gonna be for some like… side game, 3D RPG or something, exploring the origins of the Splatoon world? But then it’s just Splatoon 3. And like, I know people really like that series, but it never appealed to me. The world is neat! But I’m not interested in the series as it is.
And that’s the tea.
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shit that’s this weekend? huh ok -New Hearthstone expansions revealed, kinda like WOTC does with magic every so often, just like “here’s the next couple sets btw”. Since they do nothing but plagiarise off each other and MTG is having a set based on another WOTC property this year (D&D), there’s going to be a Starcraft set. -Diablo 4 release date that will not be stuck to since COVID is still a thing -people are hoping for starcraft 3. Blizzard to announce Starcraft 2 Episode 1. -New WoW expansion announced, determined objectively to be “worst ever” before trailer is even finished
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youngboy-oldmind · 4 years
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“Tell me what I wouldn't wanna give for a life like this, arm and a leg quite like this/ Fuck around wanna fight like this, take a hike like this/ I might just, might just, I don't know/ Reinvention, that's my intention/ Want so much more than this third-dimension/ That's not to mention my true ascension is a bigger picture/ No metaphor, I’m being real with ya”
Overall Thoughts
After the success and impressive display Under Pressure, Logic follows up with his sophomore album The Incredible True Story: A perfect embodiment of Logic as a person, rapper, and artist. Here, he is at his most creative, telling an entire story through the lens of a futuristic fictional sci-fi story. Filled with narratives, skits that give insight to the crew’s personalities, and an overall message that resonates even after the album concludes, The Incredible True Story is the perfect reflection of Logic as an artist.
If someone asked me to introduce them to Logic, I’d start with this album. If you start with a deeper, more experimental album like Everybody or a project not quite as unique like Under Pressure, they may be left unsatisfied or unimpressed. But it’s near impossible to dislike his most rounded and well-constructed project.
I’ve said this with every project of his, but the production was excellent. The techy, spacey instrumentals perfectly parallel the theme and tone of the project. The vocal inflections on “Fade Away”, “Young Jesus”, “Run It” and the choir in the first half of “City of Stars” were all brilliantly executed. Also, Logic allowed collaborations on some tracks and they were some of the highlights on the album: Big Lenbo on “Young Jesus”, Lucy Rose on “Innermission”, and Jesse Boykins III on “Paradise”. Overall, the construction of each song on this album was near perfect. It can’t be overstated.
Logic branched out stylistically on this project. On Under Pressure, each song had a relatively similar tone, which made that project very consistent yet unspectacular. The fixed tone was good for the purpose of that project but restricted him from reaching a high peak. Here, his delivery, instrumentals, and lyrical style varied and was less consistent, allowing him to reach highs like “Fade Away” and “City of Stars” while also allowing him to reach lows like “I Am The Greatest”. Despite that flaw, the unique style of the album improves its overall ranking and separates him from the issue of his last project; the issue of being indistinct and being a carbon copy of his influences. 
That’s one of the biggest strengths of this album. While I can think of other artists that could do Under Pressure or No Pressure, I don’t think anyone can do The Incredible True Story. Logic has a niche combination of lyrical talent, production skills, and geekiness that shines profusely. 
The main theme of this project is doing what you love and finding life. This theme paired the fictional nature of the album’s structure loosens the restraint on Logic. Before, he was limited by discussing his experiences and thoughts in an autobiographical way, whereas now he’s allowed to discuss things from an outside perspective and speak more prophetically.
Album Breakdown
Side Note: I will be adding comments and thoughts from my girlfriend who also loves this album. Her comments will be bolded.
1. Contact
This was extremely creative. I was instantly drawn into the music. Sounded like a soundtrack I'd hear in a movie. And the introductory conversation between the two men established a very interesting and compelling start to the album and makes it feel like I'm getting ready to start a story book. Solid start, can't wait to see what happens.
2. Fade Away
Off the rip, this track had me excited. As I mentioned earlier, the composition and instrumental is excellent. He also comes through with an intense flex of delivery and rhyming and syllable scheme construction. This is the first song I’ve ever heard from Logic and it still gets my hype every time I hear it.
The flow in this song just hit me like a truck. The lyrics were pretty good and not necessarily a brag, but more of a showcase of pride. The music was also very catchy and had my bobbing my head before he started rapping. But the flow! Absolutely loved it. Def a hype song for me.
3. Upgrade
This track transitions well from the previous song discussing kai upgrading his system. Logic discusses “upgrading” from his old life and mindset. The space background with a simple drum pattern is satisfying.
Loved how the intro music played off of the space theme established by the intro. The music was already banging, and the countdown had me anticipating what's to come. Liked how the lyrics also incorporated space elements. Somewhat simple song with somewhat basic lyrics, but overall still quite enjoyable.
4. White People (Scene)
This was super fun to listen to and I was laughing when the black guy made fun of the white-man-horror-movie stereotype. I was almost wishing for them to investigate. I am really liking this album so far. Who knew Logic was such a innovative storyteller.
5. Like Woah
Although this song doesn’t say much content wise, the vocals were pretty slick and the instrumental was constructed well. Verses were average and I found the chorus a little iffy. But overall, it’s one of the more mid tracks.
The others definitely fit the theme of the space, but this song felt more of a Top 100 hits song. The flow was not as stellar as the songs so far, definitely no Fade Away, but still steady and impressive nonetheless. Nerdy comment, but the music reminded me of something I'd hear in a video game with the female singing--maybe Zelda or Fire Emblem.
6. Young Jesus
Although this song isn’t in my top 3, it’s still one of my favorite on the album. The boom bap 90s throwback mixes well with the modern, techy sound of the album. Logic and Big Lenbo both flow perfectly; this some of the best chemistry Logic has had with another rapper, the only other contender being Big Sean. Instrumentally this song stands out the most because its composition derives so much from the rest of the track list.
This throwback to the 90s flow with a slight modern twist was fresh as hell and a very fun listen. I actually very much enjoyed Logic's flow in this song. "See I'm a self diagnosed hypochrondria/ Either at the crib, or on the tour bus, is where you'll find me at" was a fun, funky flow that had me smiling as I listened to it. Would have definitely enjoyed if he did this flow and slight drawl in words a bit more. Big Lenbo was perfect for this song. His voice has that 90s feel and his lyrics fit the bragging feel seen in old hip hop songs.
7. Innermission
Another top track on this project, “Innermission” features Logic discussing his life’s purpose and “inner mission”. Lucy Rose on the chorus is beautiful. The mellow beat allows Logic to truly dive into his thoughts without being overwhelmed by the instrumental. And I loved the skit at the end.
Not gonna lie, the music initially reminds me of elevator music, but the lyrics hit hard. Hearing his story of his home life and his friend in prison was...heartfelt? It made me introspective of my role in my friend's lives and my own background. This song has a nostalgia to it as Logic retrospects his life before reaching fame, yet an almost hopeful undertone as he contemplates why he wanted this lifestyle and how he managed to actually accomplish it. And, of course, ending the song with a child continuing the space them fully establishes the air of wistfulness as I hear the kid's innocent tone reminiscing about his home. Genius move.
8. I Am The Greatest
There are few songs that make me rush to the skip button. “I Am The Greatest” is one of them. I hate this song. The different voice clips have no rhythm or syncopation, seemingly haphazardly tossed together. The beat is underwhelming and the yelling is obnoxious. And logics lyrics and delivery are really bad. I strongly believe this should’ve been cut or put on a project like Bobby Tarantino.
9. The Cube (Scene)
As someone who can rap and solve a Rubiks cube, I found this very funny. But also ironic, since I pulled exactly 0 girls from solving it. But, Logic is a nerd and this skit fits his personality well.
So this didn't make much sense until I looked up "logic the cube" and saw some videos of him solving a Rubik’s cube. Cute that he inserted a past time into this.
10. Lord Willin’
Logic has a very distinct flow throughout this album. It's very similar in each song with similar rhythm--I find myself bobbing my head at the same speed as his other songs. Not a bad thing, but just an interesting note. I actually quite like it, though. It makes the songs in this album more harmonious and makes it feel like one long story, rather than several songs thrown together onto one album. The lyrics themselves were actually quite inspirational. I felt a sense of pride in myself swell as I listened to him overcoming and living a full life and encouraging me to do the same. 
11. City of Stars
Arguably one of the best on the album, “City of Stars” features Logic discusses his negative/toxic relationship with the hip hop industry. The spacey beat and echoey chorus vocals area AWESOME. The echo on the snare paints a visual of singing in a wide open space. Logic’s singing is above average, his use of auto-tune isn’t bad either. The beat switch to an intense boom bap and going in sent shivers down my spine. Although this has been done before, its definitely an excellently put together concept.
Also, only hip hop fans will notice but Logic incorporates patterns and lyrics from other songs: Drake’s “Forever”, Kanye West’s “Last Call” & “Two Words” of The College Dropout, and Talib Kewli’s “Get By”. Logic isn’t one to shy away from nodding to his influences, but here it feels like paying homage instead of stealing. Top 3 track.
12. Stainless
This song is 100% dope. From the vocals on the chorus, complex background in the instrumental, Logic’s intense flow and delivery, along with the content. Another top 3 on the album.
Bruuuh, this song slapped from the moment it started. The music had a flow different from the other songs, and his energy from the first few lyrics was solid as hell. I was hype and smiling not even 20 seconds in. This is a riding-with-the-windows-down-with-the-volume-blarring-on-the-highway-as-you-flaunt-your-youth-and-just-jam-hard kind of song. I would have def played this before a basketball game to get myself hype.
13. Babel (Scene)
“Babel” was the best skit by far. I think this plays well into the theme of the album: The concept of doing what you love and finding life. This skit mentions how “paradise” may not be something you find, but something you make and maintain. And on the flip side, you can also turn paradise into “purgatory”. So this journey is about creating the best and making your own incredible life instead of trying to find it. It also transitions well into the next song both musically and thematically.
14. Paradise
This was an interesting song. When he described Paradise initially, he spoke of it as a land of racial equality. I had not expected race to play a major role in this story, but it makes sense, given his background, why he would consider this Paradise. As a fellow biracial person born without a silver spoon, I can relate to his struggle. So hearing him describe this planet called Paradise, I can see why it earned that name. But the beat change. I find it interesting that he switched the message behind his lyrics up. It changed to perseverance and strength to overcome haters and obstacles and doubt. It gives me this feeling of self-worth as I push through the negativity to achieve Paradise. Interesting that he decided to include this message after describing what Paradise looks like. Did he do this to highlight the struggle it would take to get there? The challenge? Saying how "Of those around me that down and pray on my demise/But it only makes it that much better when I rise" definitely encapsulates his ability to attain Paradise. I'm not sure, maybe he did so as proof that he finally reached the top.
15. Never Been
Years ago, I used to be a hater of Logic. I used to despise when people complimented or praised him. So this song about remaining positive and persevering while blocking out negative hits even harder. He battles with fears of being inadequate while projecting a message of not letting those fears control your life and potential success. Amazing message. Musically, the track is very solid. The sped up, high pitched vocals on the chorus and outro remind me of Kanye’s style, and the simple beat isn’t distracting emphasizes the introspective nature of the song.
"Talk all you want about me homie, I'mma let it live/Hater this, hater that, say I sound repetitive/ Hatin' in your blood, you was born to be negative" now THAT is how you diss someone. If someone said this to me, I'd just walk away because what do you say to that? I appreciate that he is able to both dis and praise in a song, yet not come off as cocky and arrogant and braggy. Listening to him, it truly sounds like he worked his ass off to achieve his fame, so hearing him brush off haters and telling me I can do it too actually makes me feel like he's right. This songs has an introspective vibe as he recounts his insecurities of failing, yet how he can't afford to "let the devil in."
16. Run It
“Run It” is another very good track on the album. The flow and beat were dope and simple yet effective and pleasing. I think this song’s placement was strange. After hard hitters like “Stainless”, “Paradise”, and “Never Been”, “Run it” feels underwhelming by comparison. I could see this after between “Like Woah” and the White People Skit. But this late into the album, this song’s tone sit right. Ultimately a great song though.
17. Lucidity
“Lucidity” gives good insight on the theme of the album. Thomas describes taking for granted people on Earth having dreams and wants instead of living to find paradise. I like the concept of one’s life and story being defined by pursuing what you want. Mostly a set up for the final song, it’s still a solid scene.
18. The Incredible True Story
This track can be defined by one word: epic. From the first half with Logic’s vocals and singing, encapsulating the whole question in this album “Who Am I?”. The instrumentation is beautiful. Then the second half with the crew landing on Paradise is so powerful and well constructed. As a listener, I feel like I’m there with the crew. You can feel everyone’s fear, nervousness, excitement, anticipation, and hope.
What. An. Ending. I had no idea how Logic was going to end this and he did not disappoint. His lyrics in the beginning. The sub-sequential inspirational message of following your desires. The 2 men as they get ready to land on Paradise. All of that was flawless. My favorite part was the music change as the female finished her countdown of the landing and it changed to this soft, exploring sound full of hope. Hearing the 2 men talk in wonder as the sounds of nature slowly encompassed the music before hearing the woman say "Life" literally made me so fucking emotional, I'm tearing up thinking about it.
Final Thoughts
The Incredible True Story is the embodiment of Logic as an artist. It is strengthened by being unsafe. Under Pressure felt like bowling with the rails up. You’re definitely gonna score, and you may hit a strike on your own, but it’s just not as good as bowling without safety rails. And yes, you may hit gutters (”I Am The Greatest”), but putting everything on the table and living/creating unrestrictedly allows you to reach highs in life/art you wouldn’t otherwise reach. And I think by allowing himself to create riskily and unhindered, he fulfilled his own theme.
As an avid bibliophile, I will tell you that most sequels are shit. But damn, this album was fucking amazing. I have been sleeping on Logic. Honestly, 12/10 ending. Logic wanted to leave a statement that he could still be one of the best even after his debut album and, trust me, he proved it. This ending alone proved that he knows how to do this shit. I feel like I just finished reading a great book. Who knew rap could be like this?
Top 3 Tracks:
1) City of Stars                      1) Stainless
2) Paradise                            2) Paradise
3) Innermission                      3) Incredible True Story
Overall Grade: A+
Album Link:
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naysaltysalmon · 4 years
Shoutout to @tiburme for tagging me~!
Rules: Name 10 favorite characters from 10 different things and then tag 10 people.
Oh, massive spoilers below btw.
1. Gon Freecss from Hunter x Hunter: My favorite shounen protagonist by far. At first you think he’s your typical happy-go-lucky bouncy boye :D who definitely doesn’t have abandonment issues or self-destructive tendencies that literally actually almost kill him later on, and then, uwu... The amount of complexity that Gon has as a protagonist who hardly ever has stand-alone development is nothing short of astounding. How during the Chimera Ant Art his characterization totally dips off to the side to become an unknowable entity even to the audience, while still retaining amazing character development regardless -- not to mention how brilliantly daring his decision to threaten Komugi is that nearly every other author with such a happy-go-lucky protagonist would shy away from in cowardice -- is absolutely surreal to me. The more I think and write about Gon, the more I fall in love with him. If I ever meet his father, and by that I mean his real father, the creator, Togashi, I have nothing else to say but,,, well done, sir.
2. Tanjirou Kamado from Demon Slayer: I’m really hoping the Demon Slayer movie comes out soon because I absolutely love this boy and how charming he is. Unlike most protagonists, not just of shounen anime but of seemingly macho story lines that involve power-ups and training in general, Tanjirou never lets go of his kind heart. (Welp, except maybe in some cases when he’s facing the Upper Moons later on -- I haven’t caught up yet -- but WE’RE GONNA IGNORE THAT for now.) From the beginning, Tanjirou’s kindness isn’t an obstacle holding back his power, though other characters pose it that way, but rather he cultivates his empathy to grant peace to the demons he faces. He smiles in the face of anyone who treats him poorly because of his cluelessness, and that’s just so heartwarming to see, and dare I say subversive to the hardened, calculating, and cocky male protagonists we so often get. Good job, Gotouge.
3. Joseph Joestar from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Giorno Giovanna was a close second, but I gotta go with Joseph. He’s the one who made me fall in love with the series, and with the later parts too. Unlike Jonathan Joestar, who was chivalrous and manly, Joseph was a riot: colorful, arrogant, funny, but also extremely clever. I absolutely loved his, “Next you’ll say...!” because at first I expected it to just be him being an overconfident asshole and eventually he’d be proven wrong at the ~Dai Pinchi Moment~ (please excuse my weeb speech, I legit didn’t know what else to call it), but then he hit the mark every time and eventually I was just waiting for when he’d pull that out and it was so hype. Also I surely can’t forget his transformation as an old dude in Part 3 -- him screaming “OOHHHH MY GAAAWDDDA!” and “HOLY SHIIIT!” murdered me every time. And of course, last but not least, the raw fucking emotion when Caeser died -- the dude actually gave a shit and wasn’t made entirely of wit and absurdity, but heart too. Joseph set the tone for what JJBA was as a whole for me (fuck off with that “but Part 3/Part 4 is the best Part” bullshit, Part 2 will always be top tier for me because of Joseph Joestar’s brilliant, bright, and beautiful absurdity -- but Part 5 was really good too). Araki really is a genius.
4. Link from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess: My love for this series is a bit older than the series I’ve already mentioned, and TLoZ: TP was actually probably the first time I got seriously obsessed with a fandom. I love all the Links in their own ways, but Twilight Princess really drove home the “lone wolf chosen by the gods, fighting against the world” narrative for me. It made me feel important and strong at a time when no one cared about me. Seeing Link struggle silently through his quest with villagers who meant well but did nothing for him, and Midna who started out as a reluctant acquaintance and eventually became so much more, meant so much to me at the time I played the game. I will always love Twilight Princess the most because of what it did for me at one of the darkest times in my life, and because I felt completely and utterly immersed in every part of the story and gameplay through Link’s character, who was, and in many ways, still is, so relatable to me: Silent courage really is what I use to get through every day.
5. Greedling from Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood): For once I’m not naming the protagonist of a series! Lissen, I still smile whenever I see the slightest reference to Edward Elric, but now he’s more of my childhood love. He’s just a part of my personality already? LOL. Anyway, FMA(B) has so many good characters that choosing just one doesn’t feel right (I mean, same with HxH tho). I say Greedling because that encompasses both Ling and Greed though, two of my favorite characters from the series! Ling’s apparent childishness in constantly running away from fights, making other people pay for his food, and failing to grasp the seriousness of the situation (until Lan Fan’s arm gets cut off lol oops) is so adorable and entertaining. He’s the best kind of idiot asshole, and I especially love how he teases Ed. After him and Greed fuse, Ling’s stout heart becomes even more apparent, as he constantly eggs Greed on to remember his past life, his friends, and become someone outside of Father/the Dwarf in the Flask. Conversely, Greed’s nonchalance and (of course) avarice are nothing short of entertaining and heartbreaking. Greed’s realization at the end, when he finally admitted to himself that what he wanted all along were “friends like these,” completely crushed me the first few times I watched FMAB. And when he’s screaming in the tunnels under Central after having killed Bido, remembering his friends, and he doesn’t understand why, and later attacks Wrath/King Bradley... that shit was so entertaining and cathartic to watch. None of his development feels like forced redemption, nor like it was too little development, since it mostly happens in the background and away from the “validating eyes” of the protagonists other than Ling. And at the end, when Ling and Greed work together to take down Bradley and all the soldiers invading Central HQ... it’s so beautiful. Many have said this before but I’ll say it again: Hiromu Arakawa wrote the perfect series.
6. Ciel Phantomhive from Black Butler: Another protagonist! And another older obsession of mine. Ciel remains in my mind to this day mainly for his heartlessness in relation to his age, and the fluidity with which Toboso tells his story. Normally when authors write younger characters into their serious stories, they make “child adults” of sorts, but Ciel feels totally realistic to the extent that he is both childish and adult to me. Obviously, Ciel is responsible and (normally) level-headed due to being the head of the Phantomhive household, but also from trauma. Yet, his cruelty at times is what sticks in my mind the most: You really feel that he’s someone who feels he’s been abandoned by the entire world, given his experiences, and that makes him disregard or use others sometimes in order to reach his own ends. Normally, authors would be too cowardly to let their protagonists, let alone child protagonists, go to such lengths to avenge their family, or carry out their duty as the dog of the military (looking at you, Arakawa -- she’s still a goddess tho). But Ciel is unforgiving. He lies to Snake and tells him his troupe is still alive. He murders the entire troupe because he’s triggered -- a childish decision, but driven with adult-like power due to trauma. It’s devastatingly riveting, and I cannot forget his unrelenting, contained rage to this day.
7. Ahsoka Tano from Star Wars: The Clone Wars: This one may come as a shock to most of you, because I hardly ever post Star Wars let alone Ahsoka content on here -- but it’s true. Other than the blatant, half-assedly inserted heteroromantic partner they gave Ahsoka in, like, idk season 3??, Ahsoka is a fucking goddess. From her origin as a wee baby in the earlier seasons who didn’t really know what she was doing and was a bit of a cocky brat, to how she matures and becomes wise, resourceful, and fierce in the later seasons, I just love Ahsoka’s design and character to this day. The episodes that stick in my mind aside from the obvious are when she’s possessed by the Dark Side of the Force on that Force balance planet and her arrogance becomes so exaggerated that she threatens and attacks Anakin, her teacher. It was so fucking cathartic. Normally female characters, let alone young protagonist female characters, are never allowed to show the ugly sides of themselves in fiction, since women are always portrayed as perfect beautiful majestic angels or some bullshit like that. (Or they’re cocky/sexy/slutty villain women. ‘Kay then.) Seeing Ahsoka devolve into her basal desires and come out of it like hardly anything happened and she’s still a perfectly valid character was so amazing to see on a meta level; it wasn’t about her learning a lesson or anything, it was a thing that happened like any other character and then they moved the fuck on. I also distinctly remember the episode where she was trapped on that island/planet and she had to take out the aliens that were after her all by herself. That was so fucking empowering to watch and god fucking dammit I need to rewatch this series now. And of course, let us not forget the fact that the entire time, we were all expecting Ahsoka to just be another domino in Anakin’s downfall -- and she was, but not through the refrigerator -- but through walking away from it all. That was so powerful and moving -- and heartbreaking. By the end of TCW, her character carried weight and agency in the narrative, and god, I only wish whoever wrote her could write more female characters in the future.
8. Tigress from Kung Fu Panda: Maybe another surprise, but I think she deserves this spot. Tigress is a female character who starts out as kind of an antagonist, given how she outright tells Po to leave the kung fu temple within the first day of him arriving. She’s even jealous of the fact that he’s chosen as the Dragon Warrior rather than her -- but that’s due to the backwash of years of trying to live up to the memory of Tai Lung in order to please Shifu (which means “master” in Chinese but ok I’ll shut up now), her master and mentor over the years. She never says this out loud in the movie, which is what makes her character more believable. Others even joke about how stoic she is (and not in bad taste). Her character development is definitely present for those who are looking -- but I put her on this list because I’m so happy the movie doesn’t make it some huge dramatic emotional thing, because so often in media women are depicted as being overly-emotional and here Tigress is just a hurt child trying to make her mentor happy. But, she gets over it, her and Po become allies, even friends to each other -- she and Po talk like equals in the second and third movies, and she even tells him to back out of the fight with Lord Shen and he listens (I mean he doesn’t stay put but he doesn’t undermine her opinion either lol, like most jokesy protagonists of Western media would -- looking at you, Marvel). I like Tigress because she’s an antagonist without being a bitch, she’s powerful without being overpowered, and she’s not sexualized despite being a well-trained, at times jealous, and even emotionally awkward kung fu master. And I almost forgot to mention the best part: There is never an indication of romance between her and Po, or any other character, for that matter. She’s perfectly capable, complex, and lovely on her own terms. And that’s that on THAT.
9. Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit: I wanted to include at least one character protagonist from a live-action movie/book, lol. I feel like Bilbo’s pretty self-explanatory. He doesn’t wanna go on an adventure because he likes his doilies and warm sheets, but then Gandalf seduces him with the call to the outside world and possible death (LOL), and he fucking goes for it, grumbling the entire time. Isn’t that what any of us would do if given such a proposition? I like to think so. Bilbo obviously has his own gradual, evil transformation with the One Ring, becomes murderous and uses it to disappear, and grows a strong bromance with the King Under the Mountain (which happens in both the movie and the book), but I think what I like about him is that he really feels... down-to-earth? Like even though the adventure changes him, it never feels like he’s been stretched in a way that makes his core character traits of grumbling and bluntness disappear. He gets better at the whole adventuring thing, for sure, but he remains Bilbo, at least, to me, throughout the journey. It was heartwrenching watching him try to save Thorin in The Battle of Five Armies, honestly, but Bilbo’s the kind of character that I feel like has his own story and mythology aside from The Hobbit, and maybe that’s just the result of J.R.R. Tolkien writing the lore for every aspect of his universe, but My Point Still Stands. He feels like his own man apart from the series he’s in, yet he’s still so much fun in his series.
10. Barley Lightfoot from Onward: And last, this one is because I saw Onward yesterday and was pleasantly surprised by the characterization in it -- and anyone who thinks differently can kiss my *ss. :) I was not expecting the movie to take the twist of fleshing out the “annoying” (more like adorable) overconfident nerdy big brother. Normally those characters are swiped to the side because God Forbid The Comic Relief Have Any Sadness In Them. I was expecting the movie to focus on Ian’s journey to meet his fatha and that the movie would pull something stupid at the end like “oh actually there’s another phoenix gem underneath the school” or “actually since only his legs appeared then you still have 24 hours with him” or some shit like that, but I guess this isn’t an anime so those absurdist explanations wouldn’t hold water anyway. But still, for a kid’s movie, I was NOT expecting this movie to go so hard with the characterization. For once, the main character doesn’t get what he wants at the end, and instead realizes it’s his big brother, Barley, who’s been looking out for him his entire life. Meeting his dad would betray that reality. What happens instead is that the lovable big brother never actually said goodbye to their dad before he died, because when their dad got sick, said brother ran away from the hospital room in fear of all the life-sustaining equipment. (Is this some meta thing about Chris Pratt and Guardians of the Galaxy? Off topic and call me stupid, but I didn’t realize Chris Pratt plays him until I saw everyone freaking out about it afterward on Tumblr laksjdflak.) So instead, the lovable big brother talks to the dad at the end, and unconfident younger brother grows confidence and thanks big bro for being with him his entire life. It was so touching, dude. I cry. But the moment that sticks in my mind the most was when Ian was crossing the invisible bridge... Ian needed to have confidence in himself to be able to cross over a chasm in their path, and Barley knew that if Ian didn’t believe in himself, he would fall and die. They tie a rope around Ian for good measure, and Barley encourages him the entire way, but halfway over, the rope comes loose and slips off. Barley sees this and starts panicking, but of course continues to encourage Ian so that Ian will get to the other side. What got to me wasn’t the fact that he faked it for Ian, but that there are actual tears running down his face as he’s encouraging Ian to get to the other side, because he knows otherwise Ian wouldn’t have the confidence and would fall to his death. Like dude, that raw, complex emotion in a kid’s movie?! DUDE?! I was fucking surprised. The clear anxiety and grief in Barley’s face as Ian’s totally clueless and even dancing around in the air was just too much, omfg. Of course, then it’s played off for laughs, but... I guess that makes sense for the annoying overconfident nerdy big bro character. :’)
Okay these are way longer than I anticipated and I’m sorry, but also I’m really not. Hope you enjoyed reading my thoughts on my favs!
Seems I don’t talk to that many people on here anymore: @stupidbluejay @mirycactusito @chronicstarlight
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cloud-kitsune · 5 years
Regarding Nintendo Switch Collection Ports
I love Collection packs of games, as its an easy way to bring old games back from the dead and onto a new console for new players to give the games a go that might of missed out, due to not growing up with the older consoles they’re on, and being too expensive to get both original console and game physically. Getting a single port of a game is good, too, but something about a collection just makes it all the more worth your while, as you’re getting a series all in one package deal.
I love the Mana Collection, Megaman and X Collections, and older packs from Square where they’d give you older games in their series in a disk collection. But there are a few I really hope to see get released for Nintendo Switch.
1. Mother 1-3 It would be AMAZING if we could get this trilogy of games ported to the Switch, as it Earthbound 0-1 did very well on the Wii U and 3DS, but we never got the exclusive Mother 3 that was offered on Wii U only(which I always found odd, as 3 was originally a handheld game, and yet never got ported to a handheld console like the 3DS).
2. Paper Mario Trilogy Another amazing set of games I’d love to get my hands on, as I’ve only ever been able to play the first Paper Mario game, plus the awful Sticker Star on the 3DS that I couldn’t even bring myself to beat and got rid of not long after I bought it. I’ve watched people play The Thousand Year Door and Super Paper Mario, and both look super fun. I’d be perfectly happy if they released a trilogy with the first three Paper Mario games in one pack, but if we could just get The Thousand Year Door... I’d be just as happy.
3. Chrono Trigger & Chrono Cross To be honest, I’ve never been a huge fan of Chrono Trigger, despite owning the game on PS1, DS, and Wii Virtual Console. I’ve always had a soft spot for Chrono Cross, as I always find it more enjoyable to play--and has a MUCH better soundtrack to listen to while playing. Sadly, its not as beloved as Trigger, getting bashed on by fans a lot of the original when I was younger. Now its just not as talked about, but... If we could get a port of Chrono Cross on the Switch, I would die happy. If we could get a Chrono Collection with both games in one pack, I’d happily pay for it. If we only get Chrono Trigger... I’ll be honest, I am not interested in buying it by itself. But that’s just my bitter fanboy heart weeping at the loss for Cross.
4. Suikoden Collection Moreso for Suikoden 1-2, but if we could get a collection of all 5 games, I’d be super happy! And if they included the Tactics series, even more!!! But if we could only have a small amount, 1-2 would probably be the go-to, as Suikoden 2 is one of the best of the series.
5. Rune Factory Collection This one is more of a biased desire to play all the Rune Factory games on the go, not just 1-4, but also Tides of Destiny and Frontier. The console versions of Rune Factory don’t get as much attention, despite how much work was put into them. I’d really love to replay them outside of the Wii with a more comfortable setup then having to mess around with the wii-remote.
6. Harvest Moon Collection Like the Rune Factory one, this is more of a desire for a collection of the Harvest Moon series on consoles. A(nother) Wonderful Life, Save the Homeland, Magical Melody, Tree of Tranquility, Animal Parade... I would just die if we could get those all ported together! I don’t think we would, though, as they’d probably be more likely to give us the games separately then as a one package deal, but if I could play at least Save the Homeland, Animal Parade, and Magical Melody on the Switch... Take my money, Nintendo!!!
7. Danganronpa 1-3 Honestly, I’m more surprised we haven’t gotten this collection yet, as it would fit so perfectly on the Switch. We know its a good handheld game, as it was on the PSVita before being ported to the PS4, and it would probably sale better on the Switch then the Sony’s handheld system over here...
8. Persona Series I would be so happy if we could get a port of Persona 4 on the Switch, but it would make a lot more sense if they released a collection for 3-5. 1-2 would be neat, but 3-4 are the more popular of the series and 5 is highly desired to be ported onto the Switch in general. A collection for 1-5 might be pushing it, but would truly be the best collection out there for any up and coming Persona fan to just... well, pick up and play!
9. Nintendo Collections, PLEASE If we’re not getting a Virtual Console for the Switch, and if we’re not getting an Online app for later consoles outside of the NES or future SNES lineup, I seriously want a Nintendo Collection for their games. I want to see a Zelda Collection with Zelda 1 to Majora’s Mask, or a Mario collection that actually allows us to play Super Mario 64 on the go. A Kirby Collection like on the Wii where it had all the games of the time offered on one disk. Just give us something outside of retro~!
But that’s just a few games I’d love to see on the Switch, packaged together in one collection. I doubt we’ll get a Kingdom Hearts Collection on the Switch, nor a .hack// collection, as we never even got one for the first game on the PS4, when they skipped ahead and released .hack//G.U. instead. (Missed opportunity, for sure!)
I can only hope we get something for Dark Cloud and the Digimon World games. We missed out on the Digimon World for the 3DS, anniversary game that was Japan exclusive, and then also barely even got a port for the PS4. I just hope the Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth collection does well enough that we get more Digimon games then just the up and coming Survive. (Which I am hella hyped for, fyi!!!)
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sleeping-platinum · 4 years
2, 20, 24 and 69 for the video game asks if you have the time :)
Sorry for holding onto this for a while, I've been mentally and physically tired so I couldn't answer immediately. But thanks so much for sending these, it was a pleasant surprise!
2. A game that has influenced you creatively (Writing, drawing, etc)?
- Every single game that has come across my tv screen and small console screens have helped influence my art and coming up with original characters or creatures, however I would say recently that Visual Novels have influenced moreso my writing! Although it's hard to share when I haven't actively posted anything of my works (they're all incomplete drafts sorry!). Diabolik Lovers, Code: Realize, and Amnesia are the ones that have influenced me heavily when it comes to writing and examining character personalities, traits and so on.
20. Game that you know like the back of your hand?
- It is actually a tie between Pokemon Platinum and Pokemon Black/White! With Platinum, I recall just wanting to level up my team as far up as I could (I thought the level limit was like 999 or something so little me was actually disappointed that my Luxray wouldn't gain anymore levels past 100) and traveling to all points of the games region.  I remember being really hyped for Black and White and couldn't wait to play it and as expected as soon as I got it, I played it through completely and restarted and started again, unfortunately, a lot went on in my life during that time so Black and White are a little difficult to play, but I absolutely loved the characters, pokemon and story very much!
24. First Pokemon game?
- Pokemon Platinum! Still have it to this day, may not be the original save file, but it's still very precious to me! I've become somewhat of a fanatic though and collecting each console's Pokemon games, missing 8 out of all of them.
69. In your opinion, best game ever made?
- I have two. The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask and NieR; Automata.
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eggoreviews · 5 years
E3 2019 Nintendo Direct - BREAKDOWN
Oh wow. That big ol direct sure was something. So now I’m here to break down everything that happened in unnecessary fashion and give my personal reaction to everything that happened with my tried and true Excitement Rater. Want to see my heavily scientific and not at all arbitrary process? Then click down to see the deets.
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Before we kick off my (very very scientific) breakdown of this year’s packed direct, I thought I’d briefly go over how I rate things:
A random string of letters/numbers = Immeasurable excitement
YEEHAW BABEY = Big excitement
Heck Yeck = Vague excitement
Yeah! = Not really excited, but still could be good
Sure, why not? = I’m more confused than excited but sure
Oh = The excitement isn’t there
Oh no = Used on the rare occasion I really don’t like what I’ve seen
The Hero from the Dragon Quest series in Smash!
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After a brief montage of some games that already came out I guess, the direct jumps straight into an ominous shot of World of Light baddie Dharkon, followed by a seemingly hopeless fight between Link and one very possessed Marth. Then the Luminary turns up gloriously on his horse. With all the leaks that had been flying around for so long, I think pretty much everyone had accepted the presence of Dragon Quest at this point and I was totally stoked when this happened! I love Dragon Quest! And my boi from 11 is here, along with a few other DQ veterans as alt swaps and a pretty awesome looking stage overlooking what seems to be the land of Erdrea and the World Tree. Now to wait until summer and hope the Smash team have some sick ass remixes for us when the time comes!
Excitement Rating: YEEHAW BABEY
Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition
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In a move that makes it a lil obvious that DQ’s Smash addition was more than a little commercially minded (not that I really care I’m still big hyped), a trailer for the expanded edition of the series’ latest installment follows. Seeming as I’ve already played this, I doubt I’ll be picking it up again but I still heartily recommend the game to any JRPG fan. Admittedly, the fact you apparently get to explore worlds from past games is pretty exciting.
ER: Heck Yeck
Luigi’s Mansion 3
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In a way I thought was surprising, Nintendo’s first proper focus of Luigi’s Mansion 3 actually took up more time than Animal Crossing, but I guess that’s because it’s further along in development. We now know that the game is set within a haunted hotel and had some new gameplay features shown off, including the various ways Luigi can succ a ghost. Most exciting I think for me was the various multiplayer aspects, such as the local co-op option to play as Gooigi and the seemingly challenge and minigame-based ‘Scarescraper’ which I think incorporates online co-op too. Overall, this is looking to be a creative and well thought out entry in the series and I’m here for it.
ER: Heck Yeck
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance - Tactics
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A licensed tie-in game for a thirty year old film feels a little odd, but I suppose stranger things have happened. This looks to be a sort of top-down tactical thingy involving the various characters from The Dark Crystal and for some reason Netflix is involved, I don’t know, but I guess it could be interesting.
ER: Sure, why not?
The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
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The adorable remake of this classic Game Boy title seems to be coming along great and this direct’s extended trailer gave us a good look at what we’ll be exploring come September 20th. The overhaul Koholint Island has had is phenomenal, giving us designs for Link and various other characters that we’ve never seen before and that makes this remake look especially unique. Another very exciting aspect for me was the dungeon builder that looks like great fun! You collect different dungeon parts as you go and then you can build and explore your own! Am I a goblin child or does that sound like the best thing ever?
Trials of Mana / Collection of Mana
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I’ll admit I’m not really familiar with the Mana series, but from what I was shown in this direct, it looks to be a fairly standard JRPG. That’s definitely not a bad thing, as most JRPGs are amazing, but nothing in this trailer really stood out and came into its own. That being said, the gameplay and graphics look pretty solid and I’m sure the Mana fans have been fairly starved for content for a while so that’s something to look forward to. On top of this remake/new game with the same title as an older game (I really don’t know), the Collection of Mana containing the series’ first three games is being released real soon on the eShop.
ER: Yeah!
The Witcher III: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition
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Following a few scattered rumours, we finally have confirmation that a Witcher 3 port is in fact in the works, coming packed with all the game’s DLC. This basically legendary RPG is not one I personally had a great experience with, but I’m sure a lot of people are gonna be happy to play this in handheld. I’d keep expectations tempered however, with the likes of Assassin’s Creed 3 and Saints Row the Third proving that these ports don’t always function brilliantly on this platform.
ER: Yeah!
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
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Yet another and probably our last Fire Emblem trailer was shown in this direct, giving us a better look at how the story might play out and what our villains are going to be. With most of the gameplay features explored in the previous February direct, it’s good to have a slightly better idea as to what’s actually going on in terms of story and, to me, the results seem pretty damn good. Definitely one to keep an eye on!
ER: Heck Yeck
Resident Evil
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In a slightly unnecessarily convoluted advert, we were given a two minute reel of two teenagers playing the original RE in tabletop mode in an abandoned house (??), along with the kind of less than exciting announcement that we’re getting the two weakest entries in the series for Switch, RE 5 and 6. I probably wasn’t the only one who felt a little passive about this whole thing. That being said, definitely not complaining about 1 & 4 being ported over.
ER: Oh
No More Heroes III
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After the very slightly disappointing Travis Strikes Again, I really wasn’t expecting them to drop a trailer for the series’ third mainline installment so soon after. What we’ve seen looks pretty much like classic Travis, with a smidge of gameplay seen that looks just a bit more like what we’re used to. Of course, with this being the first reveal, there’s still a lot to find out but this looks very promising.
ER: Heck Yeck
Contra: Rogue Corps / Contra: Anniversary Collection
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I’m not gonna pretend to be familiar with the Contra series, but this doesn’t at all look like what I’ve seen in the past. Honestly, this seemingly tactical shooter didn’t elicit much excitement from me and neither did its rushed character drops or its oddly rough textures. I’m unsure of actual fan reactions to this, but in my mind this one kind of sits in the ‘guess this exists’ category. As well as this, we got a shadowdrop for the Contra Anniversary Collection, whereas Rogue Corps comes on September 24th.
ER: Oh
Daemon X Machina
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In what seems to be almost a mainstay in Nintendo directs, we’ve got another vague trailer for this mech shooter that finally has a confirmed release date of September 13th. The gameplay looks harmless enough, with the mechs seeming to be a blast to pilot, but beyond that, I can’t really see a lot of substance that would draw me in beyond the cool robots. I’m sure it could be good, but not really one for me.
ER: Yeah!
Panzer Dragoon
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I was completely unsure of what this one was, but it looks a bit like a cross between The Last Guardian and those bullet hell sections from Kingdom Hearts 2. They’ve certainly nailed the smooth graphics and the cool looking creatures, but this one is mostly a case of needing to know more.
ER: Yeah!
Pokemon Sword & Shield
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This one’s obviously a title so monumental that it consistently needs its own directs, but there wasn’t any *real* news about it in this direct. We were given a brief explanation as to how the Pokeball Plus works in conjunction with the games (something to do with taking your Pokemon for a walk) and the fact that we’ll see more gameplay during Nintendo’s Treehouse streams. Still, excitement remains pretty high for these titles.
ER: Heck Yeck!
Astral Chain
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This game, to put it bluntly, looks awesome. The newest Platinum Games IP seems to be set in Blade Runneresque futuristic city with an alien threat and some cool ass looking fighting police people. Our second proper look at this game has cleared up a few murky doubts as to what exactly is supposed to be happening, so now we’ve got a much better idea of what this game is going to be. The story seems pretty full and polished, the gameplay looks like brilliant fun and I’m definitely not mad at the cool monster designs. This is one I’m definitely watching.
ER: Heck Yeck!!!
Empire of Sin
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I know very little about what this game is supposed to be, but it looks to be a 40s gangster XCOM, substituting alien fighting marines with gun toting mafia dudes. The trailer went for style over substance, giving us an edgy visual thing of some burning playing cards and broken bottles, but the little gameplay we saw looked decent enough and may just end up injecting more variety into this genre.
ER: Yeah!
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order
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An obvious pick for any Marvel fan, this hack-and-slash is jam packed with various heroes and villains from the comic series’ rich history. Ghost Rider and Elektra were among those revealed to be playable, while the likes of Mysterio, Hela, the Destroyer, Doctor Octopus, Surtur and MODOK are seemingly part of growing cast of villains. Looks like a good bit of fun if nothing else, though the immediate presence of a season pass is a tiny red flag.
ER: Yeah!
Cadence of Hyrule
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In an unexpected but greatly welcomed crossover between Nintendo’s RPG titan Zelda series and the indie developed Crypt of the Necrodancer, a new rhythm based dungeon crawler with some brand new Zelda remixes and the presence of Link and Zelda as playable characters. This game’s retro graphics look totally adorable and the addition of the Gohmaracas were a definite highlight.
ER: Heck Yeck!!!!!
Mario & Sonic at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games
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Tell you what, this definitely looks like a Mario and Sonic Olympic Games game. There looks to be a decent amount of variety in terms of what sports are involved and with its online multiplayer, there’s no shortage of vaguely cartoon sportyness to be had with friends both real and virtual. I’d be lying if I said I was totally disinterested because it does look a bit fun, but we all know it won’t be anything groundbreaking.
ER: Yeah!
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
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In a fairly drastic formula change, Nintendo have decided to strand us on a desert island rather than move us innocently to another village, but Tom Nook is still here and oh yes he’s coming to collect his bells. From this surprisingly brief trailer, most of Animal Crossing’s core gameplay seems to be intact, with the return of craftable items from Pocket Camp, and the sudden bombshell that the game has been pushed back to March next year. Never going to be a bad thing if the finished product is all the better for it, but I guess that just means more info is to come!
ER: Heck Yeck
Highlight Reel
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In what looks like a list of honourable mentions, Nintendo gave us a laundry list of other titles coming to the system:
Spyro Reignited Trilogy is joining Crash on the Switch with his acclaimed remaster trilogy.
Hollow Knight: Silksong, the prequel to the original game, looks just as charmingly dark as its predecessor.
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is showing up I guess, but I’ll come out and say I know nothing about it except that it looks cute.
Minecraft Dungeons looks better than it has any right to be and looks a bit like blocky Diablo I guess
The Elder Scrolls: Blades sure exists and I’m unsure of what it’s trying to be, but whatever quells off the need for Elder Scrolls 6 I guess.
My Friend Pedro, another strangely unique title from Devolver Digital, looks like it somehow incorporates banana peels into its combat system.
Doom Eternal looks like Doom always does, but a distinct lack of gameplay may put its dual release with the other consoles into question.
The Sinking City with its Lovecraftian inspiration looks totally brilliant and looks to be a unique experience for sure, so eyes firmly open for this one
Wolfenstein Youngblood definitely looks all Wolfenstein-y, but rumours of Dishonored-like sandbox levels has definitely piqued my interest.
Dead by Daylight still looks unfortunately a bit eh, with its slightly not great graphical quality from what we’ve seen in the trailers.
Alien Isolation was an extremely odd one, but I’m not gonna say no to more good horror content on the console.
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles seems to be continually delayed, but they’ll probably get round to it eventually.
Dragon Quest Builders 2 looks adorable and I’m very into the idea of Dragon Quest Minecraft, so sign me up.
Stranger Things 3: The Game looks a little more SNES-like in terms of graphics than its 8 Bit mobile predecessor, which is definitely a decent step. An obvious pick for fellow fans of the show.
Just Dance 2020 is definitely a Just Dance game. Yep, sure is. I even checked. And it is.
Catan is a tabletop game of sorts, but I really couldn’t figure out what kind from that few seconds of vague footage.
New Super Lucky’s Tale looks like Bubsy, but actually good and worth real money
Dauntless looks like a bit of a Monster Hunter clone, but you know, doesn’t look terrible.
And lastly, Super Mario Maker 2 was tacked on the end there to remind us all that Nintendo is taking our money in 2 weeks.
Banjo-Kazooie become Smash Ultimate’s 3rd DLC Fighter
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Just when we all petering out a little and the hype seemed all but dormant, they go and drop this on us out of nowhere. While I personally don’t have an attachment to the bear and bird, I’m fully aware of their significance and how much they mean to a lot of people out there. And that excitement ended up being contagious, so this fact coupled with a pitch perfect reveal trailer has got me hugely hyped to see these guys join the fight come autumn.
Sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
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And now, dear reader, for the reveal that removed my scalp and cut out my eyeballs. At first, I was totally confused as to what this could be. And then I recognised the symbols, and then my perfect lil Hyrule eggs come on the screen and it’s all spooky and there’s dead Ganondorf and I don’t clock the fact that I’ve just screamed out loud. A direct sequel to my absolute favourite game of all time is happening and it’s real and I get to live another adventure in the best game world ever crafted all over again. I think it’s safe to say I have transcended the definition of hype when it comes to this one.
ER: AAA!!! AA!!! GFFGF!!! THIS!!! ZELDA!!!! HGGGG!!!!
So there’s my probably a little stupid breakdown of everything Nintendo bestowed upon us this E3. Guess I’ll jump in after the next direct to give you yet another heavily scientific analysis of its events. Or I’ll babble at you until I start punching the keyboard. Either way, happy trails my dudes. Don’t let the hype bugs bite.
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levelstory-old · 5 years
Top 5 E3 Announcements
The Electronic Entertainment Expo, more commonly known as E3, is a yearly event that showcases what is up and coming in the video gaming industry. Gamers across the world get hyped and this year packed a huge punch.
To be honest, I never pay close attention to E3 because most showcases tend to look very samey (i.e. watch the Bethesda showcase). I'm not all that interested in the "dark and gritty" genre of games and so I usually hang back and let twitter fill me in on the hype. I didn't expect much.
Sure I expected to get excited by some things, but I was caught off guard by the several moments that blew me away, surprised me, and even made me tear up a bit! Here is my top 5 list, 1 ranking as least exciting (even though least exciting is still really freaking exciting) to 5 ranking as the most exciting (the G.O.A.T. of E3).
Number 1: Ni No Kuni Coming to Switch, Remaster Coming to PC & PS4
Originally released on the Playstation 3, Ni No Kuni is a game that stands out due to it being animated by the renowned Studio Ghibli. Since I never owned a PS3, I never played the game. After the sequel came out, I had high hopes that the original would port to the PS4 but no such announcement ever came. I was starting to give up. In fact, only days ago I went so far as to look into emulating the game on my PC as I've been dying to play it.
This news has come at a perfect time! The game is releasing on the Switch, PC, and PS4. But there is a catch. The game has been remastered for all systems but the Switch which will be receiving the original port of the game. Now I will have to decide if I want the game on the Switch or PS4. I enjoy playing games more on the Switch but also want the remastered version. Decisions decisions.
Number 2: Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair
I still have yet to finish the original Yooka-Laylee game (read about my experience with the game thus far in the first issue of Level Story) but now it seems I have reason to be excited to play it some more. The announcement of the sequel to the highly successful modern platformer came as quite a surprise to me. While a sequel has certainly been on my radar, I didn't quite expect one so soon.
What really excites me about this sequel is how it appears to capture the spirit of the first game while also moving in a completely new platforming direction in the side scroller. Several commenters wrote that the game looked similar to DKC Tropical Freeze and that is a pretty nice complement. Waking up to this news was just a treat.
Number 3: Banjo-Kazooie in SMASH
Okay, confession time. I don't like the SMASH games. I've never gotten into them and haven't had the desire to change that. Seeing all the hype for the recent Switch release got me excited in a very removed sense. Watching other people get excited about the game (and about Joker from Persona 5 being in the game) made me excited even though I knew there was very little that would persuade me to shell out my money for this title.
Throughout this time, rumors were strewn about twitter saying that Banjo and Kazooie might be announced as the next characters in SMASH. Banjo-Kazooie is a game I grew up playing all the time and I have a strong connection to it. While I had no connection to SMASH, I had a strange desire to see the bear and bird get their dues since they haven't really had much luck since being bought by Microsoft.
Their announcement brought tears to my eyes. Perhaps nostalgia had taken over, or maybe it was the fans joyful reactions that made me emotional, but I finally have a reason to pick up this game. Whether that will actually happen or not is still to be decided. But after watching that trailer, how can you not be hyped for this?!
Number 4: Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VII is one of those celebrated games that I hear about all the time yet somehow I am so separated from it that I only know that it is considered a good game and literally nothing else. I didn't have Playstation growing up and never had an interest in Final Fantasy games so just never played it.
But since my love for the Kingdom Hearts series has pushed me to enter the realm of Final Fantasy and since I am just generally interested in stories told in games and FFVII is said to have an amazing story, I have decided to put a bit more stock in FFVII. I have just started to play the ported game on my Switch and have watched closely for updates about the remake.
And turns out, this new interest has paid off because wow does this game look really good. Square Enix really stole the show when they premiered the full length trailer at E3. Everything looks so polished and beautiful. While I imagine there will be changes from the original, I still think this game looks amazing and I look forward to real time action gameplay vs. the original turn based combat.
Number 5: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Sequel
Okay...let me set this up for you. I did not grow up playing Zelda. My cousin gave me a hand-me-down copy of Ocarina of Time and I just didn't play it all too often (yes, I regret my adolescent decisions). Breath of the Wild is technically my first Zelda game and it is hard to put into words how much I love it. I've put in over 150 hours of play time and when I finally beat the final boss this past Sunday, I was happy but also sad that the game had come to an end.
My biggest wish was to explore Hyrule some more post beating Ganon (when you beat the game, a star appears on your file and you are placed at the point right before beating Ganon). Then, a few days later, this sequel was announced. This is the GOAT for me. I am on the Breath of the Wild hype train. There is no release date for the game yet which kind of gets me down but I am too excited for this game to care! This was easily the best announcement at E3.
And I can't finish this article without an honorable mention….
Kingdom Hearts 3 DLC
Kingdom Hearts is my all time favorite franchise. Despite its existence in the absurd and the blatant examples of bad storytelling, I always find myself coming back to these games and having a blast with them. It is a series I will stick with through and through.
DLC for Kingdom Hearts 3 has been on the horizon ever since the game was released back in January of this year. Fans of the franchise know the "vanilla" KH games are only the starting point. Almost every title has come out with a re-release known as "final mix" where new content is added including cut scenes, gameplay scenarios, additional mechanics, and more. Back in the early 2000's, final mix was a pretty unique concept. Today, final mix is just DLC. Yes, I know, KH was ahead of its time.
The new trailer showcasing what is to come in the new paid DLC has got me very excited. It looks like we will get to play as new characters, have new keyblades, and there will be a ton of convoluted plot dump that only KH can bring.
While this would have been a highlight for me, I thought Square Enix gave zero hype to this. The trailer was originally shown at the KH Orchestra concert in LA and director Tetsuya Nomura told the audience not to film it or there would be dire consequences. Someone filmed it and now the conspiracy is that this person made Nomura angry. While I don't think this person should have filmed the trailer, I also think it is kind of sick that Nomura can put out a threat like that and KH fans tweet out, "you upset Nomura. Thanks a lot."
Speculation went about saying that Square might have been planning a longer trailer at E3. Whether this was correct and Nomura pulled it due to his "dire consequences", or the E3 and Orchestra trailer were the same all along, we will never know. Either way, the trailer was exciting to see the first time but didn't do much to get me really excited like the 5 announcements I talked about in this piece.
What Did You Think?
So what did you think about E3? What were some of the highlights and your favorite announcements? Let me know in the comments!
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