queenof-literature · 3 days
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queenof-literature · 3 days
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queenof-literature · 2 years
So Uhhhh I'm Back?
I won't lie, it's been rough. Very very very rough. I figured that maybe writing for a fandom that has always been so welcoming and loving and I was right. It's always so rewarding to post on this tumblr and for this fandom.
I come back bearing a gift for those who like my Hero of Wild series.
I'm sorry for my absence, and I'm not sure how often I'll be posting, but I do love this fandom.
I apologize to those on my Discord, though there are few of you. I love you all and I'm sorry that I haven't kept up on it like I should. Please don't think I need to be on there for you guys to talk though, I do love reading about you all and your messages.
I love y'all, and thank you for the support, even while I'm gone.
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queenof-literature · 2 years
Um so Hi! I'm back! I'll go into more detail in another post, but I come bearing a gift?
This is part of my Hero of Wild Series. Here is the archive link if you want to catch up :)
“L-l-i-ink. Li- k-lee-lehn” Wild’s voice sputtered out in his throat, a flare of pain erupting and cutting him off. A water pouch was shoved in his face.
“Drink this.” Twilight stated for the tenth time in an hour; not that he minded. He supposed that reminding Wild to drink water was the least he could do for the boy working so hard in front of him.
“Liehn-” Wild’s face pinched in concentration. 
“Wild.” Twilight interrupted, sloshing the water closer to the teen’s face. That seemed to snap the boy from his trance-like state. Wild gently took the water, and Twilight guessed he was overcompensating, not wanting to take his anger out at Twilight or Sky. Although Twilight appreciated it, he would have understood.
‘Thanks’. Wild signed the word quickly and nonchalantly, obviously trying to wave off his supposed failures. 
“No problem.” Twilight said instead of all the things he wanted to say. Sure Wild was a great kid, but Twilight barely knew how to interact with him. The kid was an enigma, what could he say?
You uh- You’re making good progress, you know that right?” Twilight resisted smacking himself in the forehead when he 
“He’s right.” Sky added, speaking up for the first time in a while. “No matter how much you don’t believe it, it’s true.”
“Yeah!” Sky raised a brow at how loudly and desperately Twilight tacked onto his comment. “You said your name, that’s a lot of progress. And I’ve only been with you guys for a week.” 
‘A week to say my own name. Not even fully.” Wild signed mournfully. He didn’t want to complain, he didn’t. He was grateful for Sky and Twilight for helping him, but he was just… starting to lose hope.
“You act like it will be this hard forever.” Twilight spoke up, not allowing himself to overthink his words. “The basics are always hard. This is just like learning how to use a weapon. You’re amazing with your bow, but you had to learn the basics, right?” Wild thought that over, not registering the compliment and not mentioning the fact that he didn’t even remember learning how to use his bow. He woke up and knew how to wield his weapons. Still, he nodded.
“Not to change the subject.” Sky drew their attention his way. “Time has been understanding about us leaving everyday, but it’s been a few weeks, Wild. I’m not sure how long we can keep making excuses. The other Links won’t pry if we ask them not too… but… have you maybe considered now that you have more practice in, it might be best to tell them?” Sky had never sounded so hesitant before, but that wasn’t what Wild was focused on. He felt his entire body heat up, his heart beating in his ears as they rang.
Time? Hylia no. If Time was there when Wild was attempting to speak he was sure he would never get a word out. 
Warriors? The proud captain. No, after all the steady orders and comments from the man, Wild didn’t even know how he would react. Warriors was the embodiment of confidence. 
Hyrule? Wind? Four? Maybe it would be alright if they knew, but Wild certainly preferred if they didn’t. 
Legend? Wild shuddered at the thought. Something about the way Legend’s calculating, icy gaze bored into him felt like the older man could look into his soul. He probably could. Legend practically oozed magic, even Wild could tell; and it wasn’t in the same way that Hyrule did. Wild couldn’t really explain the difference. It just threw him off a little.
Wild shook his head, feeling a spike of guilt at the sad looks Sky and Twilight sent each other. ‘I’m sorry I just…’ 
“It’s okay, Wild. We understand, promise. Just- just think about it, please. You were scared for Twilight to know, and it turned out fine. Right?” Wild bit his lip. That was a good point. Twilight hadn’t treated him differently, besides wanting to help. But having all the Links know would just be suffocating.
‘I’ll think about it.’ Wild signed, not expecting Sky's gentle smile. 
“Thank you, Wild. That’s all we ask.” That was the thing about Sky. He was always kind, always patient, always gentle. Just like… well. Just like some of the people Wild had met on his journey. Wild guessed that Sky still held a storm inside, always ready to be unleashed. Wild tried to return the smile, but it turned out to be more of a grimace. The nerves in his face seemed to not be cooperating with him, the two across from him didn’t seem to mind. 
“Would you like to take a longer break, or start again?” Sky asked, already knowing the answer. 
‘Start please.’ Wild signed without hesitation. Sky and Twilight exchanged a fond look, before their practice began again. 
“Okay, remember the way the tongue should be with the ‘L’ sound. Sky realized later that perhaps a word with an ‘L’ wouldn’t be the best place to start, but too late to start now. Wild nodded.
‘Tip against the teeth.’ Wild signed out of habit. He had that movement drilled into his head. It was doing it that was the problem.
“L-” Wild began.
“Good! That was a lot clearer than before.” Sky meant it. Wild didn’t believe it, but breaks did help. Wild was just stubborn. Just like all the Links, Sky mused. “Now the ‘i’”. Wild nodded, this was how all their teachings went, but Sky told him that habits were sometimes the best way to learn. The ‘i’ sound was the hardest part for him. Pushing the air out and forming his mouth right was hard for him.
“eh- ehe- ee”.
“Good! Now weld them together.” 
“Li-Li-” Wild pushed out.
“Don’t rush yourself.” Sky chided. 
“Li-Leh-Lin-Li-nk. Link.” Wild hadn’t even noticed it at first, but Sky and Twilight sure did.
“Wild!” Twilight called excitedly. Wild froze. He said it. He said it! 
‘I said it!’ Wild signed, so excited that his words slurred together.
“We know!” Sky laughed merrily. Twilight reached out to ruffle the younger's hair, but froze. This wasn’t an Ordonian kid. This was Wild. Wild didn;t like touch.
“Amazing job, Wild! I told you that you could!” Sky waved his hands over his head. 
“Li-nk. Lin-k. Link.” The more Wild said it, the easier the word formed in his mouth. He didn’t want to stop, he didn’t want this to end-
A twig snapped.
The three jumped up from the grass, Sky and Twilight grabbing their discarded swords, and Wild grabbing his bow.
“Stop! Stop, it’s me.” Wild’s blood went cold. He knew that voice,
“Legend! What in Hylia are you doing?” Twilight practically snarled, noticing Wild’s horrified face.
“Cool it, goat boy!”
“Everyone calm down.” Sky commanded, his firm voice sweeping over the small opening in the trees. Legend emerged from the small patch of shrubbery he was standing behind. He didn’t look like he was intentionally eavesdropping, but that didn’t matter to Wild. He heard, he heard, he heard. Was all that was running through his head.  
“Look. I didn’t mean to overhear. Hyrule managed to wrangle his way out of camp and I was looking for him.”  Legend’s arms crossed over his chest and Wild noticed that Legend’s eyes were gazing everywhere but at Wild’s own. “I heard you and I just… froze I guess. I wasn’t expecting it.”
‘Please don’t tell.’
“Why not?” Legend raised an eyebrow.
‘Embarrassing.’ Wild felt his cheeks heating up at even the thought of the others knowing. Three out of eight is bad enough.
“Embarrassing? How is that-” Legend cut himself off and took a breath. “Can I talk to Wild? Alone?” 
“What? Why?” Twilight questioned. Wild waved in Twilight’s peripheral. 
‘It’s ok.’
“I- If you’re positive, Wild.” Twilight glanced over at Sky.
“We’ll give you two a few minutes. We need to refill some of the water pouches anyway.” Sky and Twilight walked away, one far more hesitantly than the other, and part of Wild wished he hadn’t agreed. Okay, most of Wild didn’t want them to go. He felt Legend’s icy eyes staring into him. Wild took a deep breath, willing the blood in his ears to stop rushing long enough to hear the other hero out.
‘Please don’t tell. Please.’ Wild begged pathetically, hands shaking.
“I get it, I do. I would think the same if I were you, probably. You shouldn’t be though. Embarrassed, I mean.”  Wild scrunched his nose and Legend almost laughed. Wind, Hyrule and Warriors all did that when they were contemplating something; just like Legend. His uncle used to poke the lines between his face when Legend was thinking too hard. 
Legend took another breath, willing the thoughts away. Judging by Wild’s subtle eye twitch, Legend’s sigh came out far more frustrated than he meant it to.
Legend awkwardly sat down, silently inviting WIld to join him. He could see the kid glance longingly at the path that Sky and Twilight took and winced. He really did suck at first impressions, didn’t he?
“Look I’m sorry for how I acted when I first met you, but I didn’t know you and we thought we had everyone in our merry little band. I’m not gonna bite, though.” Legend sighed at himself in his head. He never could get the words out right, could he? To his surprise, the kid’s lips twitched upwards and he sat across from him. Good, so he wasn’t sensitive.
“I get it.” Legend began quietly. Wild’s brows shot up. He wasn’t good at this mushy shit, but he could at least extend an olive branch. “Not exactly what you’re going through, but when I talk, I try to say something but mean something else. I’m not the best with words that don’t make me sound like an asshole, if you haven’t noticed. Rav- my best friend, though, he always seems to know. No matter how annoying he is. I’m lucky to have him.” Ugh, ‘lucky to have him’? Whatever, he was just getting sentimental in being away from home. 
Legend took another breath. In through the nose, out through the mouth.
“Look. All I’m saying is that we all have issues. There’s no reason to hide it.” Hylia, talk about hypocrisy. Judging by Wild’s eyebrow twitch, the other boy was thinking the same thing. “I know, I know, that’s rich coming from me.” Legend huffed, his own nose scrunching in thought. He looked up at an unfamiliar word signed by Wild.
“Don’t know that one.” Legend stated bluntly. If Wild wanted to elaborate he would.
“B-u-n-n-y.” Legend’s blood went cold. No… how did he know? Was Wild more magic than he thought? 
At Legend’s look a flash of panic coursed through Wild. Hylia he really has been in the wilderness for too long, his non-existent social skills just went through the window. The only explanation he could offer was to point at Legend’s nose.
Wild was pointing… at him? His eyes? No his nose. Wait… was he saying…
“Are you… saying my nose reminds you of a bunny?” Wild’s face turned red. When Legend said it like that it sounded stupid and weird. “You little shit! You do the same!” Legend laughed, actually laughed, before tearing some grass and throwing it at Wild’s face. Wild’s look of shock was absolutely worth it. Apparently deciding that Legend was teasing and not serious, a mischievous smirk. “Don’t you dare.” Legend had the audacity to say, as if he didn’t start it. Wild quickly grabbed a handful of grass and threw it in Legend’s face.
“It’s on.”
Legend and Wild spent the next five minutes running and dashing, doing their best to get as much grass on the other as possible. Legend didn’t know why he started it, he didn’t even know the kid. Maybe he knew the kid probably needed some fun after the obvious frustration of learning to talk. Perhaps a small part of Legend knew that he could use this small respite as well. Whatever it was, this kid was going down.
If it were anyone else, Legend would have played dirty and shoved the itchy grass down Wild’s tunic. He remembered just in time that the kid hated touch. The little shit took the opportunity though, and stole Legend’s hat.
“Hey!” Legend saw a variety of emotions cross Wild’s face. The first being regret that he had made a grave mistake, that the hat had held a greater significance than he thought it did. And sure, Legend would set someone on fire if they hurt the hat, but he knew Wild wouldn;t do anything of the sort. The kid seemed to realize that, and the devilish smirk seemed to return; right before he took off to the surrounding woods.
“You little shit! Get back here!” Legend took off after him. He noticed Wild shoving something in Legend’s hat as he went. “Don’t you dare!” Legend called, only seeing a flash of a smirk before Wild disappeared behind the trees. Legend ran to catch up, only to find the kid gone.
“Where are ya?” Legend called out. Where could he be… it was too late that Legend realized that Wild seemed above average in climbing. Before he could look up, he felt a presence nimbly jump down behind him.
“Hey-” Before Legend could turn around, something was shoved onto his head. His hat. His hat filled with grass, leaves, and was that a pinecone!?
“Wild! Pleh!” Legend sputtered, desperately trying to get the grass out of his mouth that fell from his hat, freezing when he heard something he had never heard before. Wild was… laughing? He did that!? Since when? Maybe in another life Legend would be mad that the first time the kid laughed (to his knowledge) was at his expense. But damn if it wasn’t good to hear. Especially after he thought he had royally screwed everything up by overhearing the kid’s speaking practice.
“Guess I kind of deserved that, huh?” Legend let out a small chuckle as he tried to get the grass out of his hat, Wild’s laughter had settled down, but the kid still had a crooked smile on his face.
‘No.’ Wild shook his head. ‘I was…’ Wild frowned in thought. ‘S-u-s-p-i-c-i-o-u-s of you too. Not your fault.” Legend could genuinely say he was surprised for the tenth time that day. And here he thought Wild hated him. Then again, Wild seemed to be scared of everyone. Maybe scared wasn’t the right word. Skittish, maybe? Wild certainly fit for his name, Legend could only say that about his behavior.
“Hm.” Legend finished the conversation. Wild didn’t seem to mind. The two walked back in silence on the way back to the clearing. Though this time, it wasn’t awkward. 
“What happened?” Sky asked incredulously, staring at Wild’s nest of grass filled hair and Legend’s grass covered tunic.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Legend claimed in a deadpan voice, almost breaking his blank face when Wild shrugged next to him. “We should probably get back to camp, before the Old Man flips his lid.” Without specifying any further, Legend began the trek back to camp. He let a smirk fall onto his face when he heard Twilight grilling Wild on what the hell happened in the small amount of time they were gone.
Legend didn’t mention the fact that Wild didn’t flinch or wince that entire time.
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queenof-literature · 2 years
Are you still doing requests
Not at the moment sorry! I've been a bit inactive due to personal matters and I'm still working through old ones 💙 thank you for asking!
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queenof-literature · 2 years
People who leave long detailed comments on fics and also quote their favorite lines: do u know how important u are? Do u know how deeply I cherish u? Do u know that there is nothing on this earth that I would not do for u?
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queenof-literature · 3 years
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queenof-literature · 3 years
Why I've Been Gone
I'm sorry that I keep saying I'm back and then go away again. I have been really struggling with some things, and it's been hard to write full chapters. I'm sorry that the requests are taking so long, but the only ones I have deleted are the ones that came after my requests were closed. Everything will finish eventually, I am just having a hard time right now.
I am, however, on new medication, and it's making me feel better and more productive, so I hope to slowly start releasing things again soon.
Thank you <3
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queenof-literature · 3 years
do you ever have those bloggers that you know by a nickname you kinda just gave them and you get excited to see them on your dash even though you’ve barely/never spoken to them ever
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queenof-literature · 3 years
Have you ever met and/or talked to jojo @linkeduniverse. if so hooray and if not your content is amazing with or without author headcanons
I have not! Thank you though 💞
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queenof-literature · 3 years
Any LU boy head-canons (optional)
Well my flight got delayed six hours and they canceled my layover so now is as good of a time as any for you guys to deal with my bullshit 🤣.
If I accidently copy someone's headcanon I didn't mean to, these are just my random thoughts.
- Four's colors switch between there being actual voices he hears, and just having strong feelings. Sometimes in a situation he will do something that is very green, or have a very red feeling. It's not always as obvious as voices speaking to him.
- Warriors plays up the airhead act for multiple reasons. Some being that: it makes his companions laugh, it makes his enemies underestimate, and it brings some pressure off his shoulders.
- Sometimes Twilight just likes being Wolfie for no other reason than he likes being a wolf. Curling up in front of a fire in wolf form? Heaven.
- Wind has trouble sleeping when it's too quiet. He lived on an island and heard the waves all the time, the same when he was out sailing. The wind in the trees is nice, but on still nights he just really has a bad time sleeping. Even on Outset Island he would struggle not being rocked by the waves. Now that he's in the middle of the woods most of the time? Not fun.
-Legend has a pretty good grasp on music as a whole and can now pick up instruments pretty quick. He and Wind will compose music and put on mini concerts. Very few are around the other Links though, most are around Wolfie and other animals. Wild likes to join in and learn too.
- Hyrule can cook enough to get by. Not for a group though. He feels like anything he does is too simple, especially compared to Wild, so he adds a horrifying amount of spices and ingredients when in reality if he didn't try so hard his cooking would be fine.
- Wild isn't sure what he was good at before he lost his memory, but he really likes learning new things. Anything from math to tech to hobbies he'll try it all. He usually picks up concepts quickly, which is probably a combination of intelligence and muscle memory from a century ago.
- Time pranks the shit out of the boys and sets up the evidence to cause infighting when he's bored. You know that scene from Parks and Rec when they're all fighting about who broke the coffee machine and Ron admitted he broke it but wanted to watch them fight? Yeah, that's Time.
- Sky loves his Zelda more than anything, but he absolutely puts on the love sick puppy act to annoy his companions at times. Especially Wind, who avoids all talk of romance like the plague. When Wind is being particularly annoying, Sky will just gush about how much he misses Sun's eyes and voice and her lips... and Wind just yeets the hell out of there.
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queenof-literature · 3 years
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I was watching some Disney princess movies and realized that they shared similar traits to the hero of the wilds. He shoots a bow like merida, has an adventurous spirit like Pocahontas, can cross-dress like mulan, cook like tiana, and can't you just see him tame the giant horse in front of time and twilight like rupunzel. maybe he will where gloves like elsa with the green hand!
Wild is the new Disney Princess confirmed
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queenof-literature · 3 years
I was watching some Disney princess movies and realized that they shared similar traits to the hero of the wilds. He shoots a bow like merida, has an adventurous spirit like Pocahontas, can cross-dress like mulan, cook like tiana, and can't you just see him tame the giant horse in front of time and twilight like rupunzel. maybe he will where gloves like elsa with the green hand!
Wild is the new Disney Princess confirmed
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queenof-literature · 3 years
Hows your modern au going. I dont want you to feel rushed or anything but i really liked the story origins and i really want to see what happens next!!! P.S. I love your work ;)
Hello! Thank you that's very sweet :) unfortunately I haven't yet started the next part of the modern AU. My priority at the moment is my work for another Fandom that's getting going right now, and A Sick Wild Child, my Hero of Wild series, and requests. I haven't been in a good place mentally lately, which is why it's taking so long unfortunately, but I started some new medication that is making me feel a lot better and more productive so I expect my stories to be picking back up again! Thank you 💙
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queenof-literature · 3 years
Sending many hugs and well wishes your way my friend I hope you are doing well
Thank you so much it was so good to hear from you!! I hope you're doing good 🥺💞!! I'm alright besides the current drought of creativity and motivation 😅😅 Sending many hugs back!!
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queenof-literature · 3 years
New Story, New Fandom
This is the only time I'll mention it, but I started a My Hero Academia story! It's a quirkless vigilante Izuku AU!
If this is your thing:
The Tumblr is here
The Ao3 is here
If that's not your thing, no worries! I won't mention it on this Tumblr again, and I'm gonna keep writing for the LU :)
Have a great night y'all!
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queenof-literature · 3 years
To Speak
Hi all this is part 8 of my Hero of Wild series
Also, I have a Discord Server for what I write now! If you're interested the link is: https://discord.gg/UpWvDzKC5R
Just a heads up: This story depicts learning to verbally talk again. As with my other stories, this is based on mine and my peers experiences, as many of us have struggled with similar situations.
Thank you guys, I hope you enjoy <3
“L-” The elongated sound shuttered past his lips. Wild practically growled in frustration deep in the back of his throat.
“L-i. L-l-”
“Let’s take a break.” Sky declared gently, slowly standing up and stretching his limbs. Sky allowed himself to breathe in the crisp air, the vivid colors of the sky reflecting the approaching dusk.
His declaration, however, fell onto deaf ears as the boy sitting across from him continued making rough and garbled sounds, only a ghost of what the syllable should have been. He was doing better earlier, and Sky could tell he was getting tired.
“Wild.” Sky chastised, kneeling down once more to face the boy. “Don’t push yourself.”
“L- l- i-” Wild’s voice only grew quicker and more slurred.
“Wild.” Sky demanded slightly louder, feeling a small pang of guilt at the flinch he saw, but grateful the boy was finally out of his own head.
“You need a break.” This time Sky left no room for argument. Wild shook his head, opening his mouth again.
“Yes, Wild.” Wild had never heard the man’s tone so stern before, and his surprise must have shown, because Sky softened his voice once more. “If you push yourself too hard, you’re going to damage your voice further.” Wild looked down at his hands, clenching them together. He refused to allow himself to snap at the man across from him, who had been so kind and had put up with Wild’s shortcomings. Wild clenched his hands once more before raising his hands to sign an apology.
“If you say sorry I swear to Hylia I will get Legend to tie your hands together.” Sky stated in the most deadpan voice Wild had ever heard from the man. “I know that this is slower than you were expecting.” It was as if Sky could read his mind, and the thought almost made Wild shiver. “I was the same way. It took me months before I could talk to others outside my room. But yesterday you couldn’t even pronounce the L sound, and now you’re making it. It will get smoother everyday, but it won’t if you push yourself over the edge and hurt your voice permanently.”
Wild bit his already abused lip, he hadn’t really thought about that…
“Besides.” Sky’s voice was tinged with more cheer, “There’s no rush! We’re all getting better at sign, and you’re making progress. We’ll just work everyday and keep going.” Wild raised his hands, then lowered them once again. He really wanted to say sorry, sorry that Sky had to baby him as Wild dragged him down. However, Wild didn’t really want to see if Sky’s threat was serious or not…
‘Thank you. So much.’ Wild settled for this instead. Thank you for being so patient, for spending hours with Wild every evening the past few days, for never snapping.
“Of course, Wild. You don’t need to thank me twenty times a day.” Sky chuckled at Wild’s annoyed huff. It was not twenty times a day thank you very much. Sky hummed in thought before speaking once again. “Wild, you know I’m fine with us doing this in secret, I know you don’t want others to know.” Wild could feel his stomach turn inside out. Were the others asking about their lessons? Was Sky going to make Wild tell them? “Time trusts us, and he makes sure the others stay away. He doesn’t know.” Sky reassured at Wild’s panicked expression. “I just told him we needed to work together on some things. He probably thinks we’re sparring.” Wild relaxed.
“But… Wild, maybe it would be better if you told someone?” Wild tilted his head in confusion. What would that help? “This is frustrating for you, and I know you’re getting mad at yourself, I did too. Of course I don’t mind listening, but it may help for someone else to know, in case you want to talk about your frustrations with someone else.” Wild thought about Sky’s idea as the man continued on.
The thought of the others knowing scared the shit out of him, if Wild was being honest. It was already embarrassing, and if they found out how long it was taking Wild to even get halfway through saying his own name? Yeah… that wouldn’t go over well. They would know eventually though, Wild doubted he could just wake up one day and start verbally talking about what’s for breakfast and expect everyone to get on board. Maybe he could convince them his lack of speech was a mass hallucination and that he had been talking the entire time? No… that probably wouldn’t work.
Still, maybe Sky was right. He had never pushed Wild too hard, and he was always there. Even if Wild wasn’t that talkative, even when signing, just having someone know what he was going through helped, even just a little.
But who else? So far Wind and Hyrule didn't seem to mind him. Four seemed nice, Legend didn't glare at him anymore like when he first met them, and Wind told Wild that Warriors was a very good listener. Time was definitely not an option, Wild wasn't proud of it, but he still practically ran away when it came to the two of them being alone. Something about the man just set Wild on edge.
One option stuck in Wild's mind though. Twilight.
The man had been infinitely kind to him. Not that the others had been hurtful or awful to him, but something about Twilight was a comfort, a light Wild began to subconsciously seek out. He drifted towards the older Link without thinking on long walks, and he tended to sit nearest to him at the campfire. Even Wolfie had continued to keep him company, although Wild put in more effort to hide his nightmares after his conversation with the man. Wild didn't want Twilight to feel the need to put his secret at risk just to help Wild with something the boy had been dealing with for years anyway. Twilight was just too kind for his own good.
Still… if Sky thought it was a good idea to tell someone else maybe…
'Twilight can know.' Wild forced himself to sign before he over-thought things further.
"That's good, Wild." The boy felt himself relax at Sky's gentle reassurance. "Do you want me to tell him, or do you want to?" As usual, Sky left as many options as he could up to Wild, which the boy found himself thankful for.
As much as Wild wanted to avoid discussing his lessons to the others for the rest of his existence, if he told Twilight he had control over the conversation.
'I will.' Wild decided. 'Thank you.' Wild signed again as an afterthought.
"Twenty-one." Sky's smile turned more into a smirk, and Wild felt his shoulders lift in silent laughter.
Wild guessed this wasn't so bad.
It was only after Wild disappeared into the surrounding treeline that Sky allowed himself to rest his head in his hands, sighing softly. As much as he hoped Wild would tell someone else for the boy’s sake, Sky was secretly hoping he would tell someone just so Sky would have someone to discuss this with.
To say Sky was overwhelmed would be an understatement.
It wasn’t Wild’s fault, the boy was trying his best and Sky didn’t want him to think he was mad at him, it was the exact opposite actually. Sky was mad at himself.
He had vastly underestimated what these lessons would be. Sky didn’t regret offering, not for a minute, especially with the progress Wild was making, no matter how slow it was. Wild was intelligent, Sky could tell that much from the way he jotted down notes of new Hyrules in his notebook. So Sky was sure that as a person who probably picked up new concepts quickly, spending an entire week on sounding out two letters was infuriating.
And Sky couldn’t help, not really. Where Sky’s lack of speech in childhood seemed to stem from a deep rooted mental fear that froze his throat, Wild’s struggles seemed to be parts mental and physical. Sky believed their experiences would be similar enough he could help, but he was wrong. He didn’t understand what Wild had been through, he didn’t understand how the boy’s scars were so old on such a young body, and he didn’t understand how to help him.
He was relying solely on his own experiences. Link was the first word he could say in front of Zelda, so it was the first word he was trying to teach Wild. But would a different word be easier? Did the scars around Wild’s throat prevent him from saying the sounds in his own name? Sky didn’t even know.
Sky had been hoping they would land in a Hyrule that had a marketplace, some sort of bookstore that could give Sky more information. Even if it was about teaching children to speak, maybe it would help, even a little bit. Perhaps the other Links had information, but Wild wanted this to remain a secret and Sky would never betray his trust. Especially not after how hard it was to earn it in the first place. The fact that Wild was even speaking broken sounds in front of Sky spoke volumes about how much trust Sky would be breaking if he went against Wild’s wishes. No, he needed to do this on Wild’s terms. However, if Wild was able to tell Twilight, it’d be nice to have someone else to help the boy.
Sky really hoped Wild told him.
Looking around their newest temporary campsite, Wild was especially grateful that restlessness seemed to be a common trait they all shared, whether it be for something to do with their hands, or exploring the surrounding area. Wild let out a small sigh of relief when he spotted Twilight stoking the campfire. Alone.
Sky once joked that if Wild bit his lip anymore in the past week it would probably start to bleed, but Wild couldn’t help it. Slowly, Wild approached the campfire and awkwardly sat opposite of the man shifting the ashes with a stick.
“Hey, Wild.” Twilight greeted, looking up from the growing flames. “Are you and Sky done with, erm, whatever you guys do?” Wild couldn’t help a small smile at that. He was thankful the others didn’t pry, but watching them dance around the subject was always a little entertaining.
‘For today.’ Wild signed. Twilight opened his mouth, before noticing Wild’s hands were still elevated. He had learned that meant the boy was thinking of his next words carefully, and Twilight always tried to let his thoughts run freely without interruptions. ‘Can I…’ Wild trailed off, and Twilight felt worry pool in his chest. ‘Can I tell you something?’ Wild clenched his hands after he finished, which Twilight was pretty sure was a form of self comfort for the teen.
“Yeah, Wild, of course. Anytime. I assume you want this to stay between us?” Twilight assured, noticing Wild was very quick to nod confirmation to the last part.
‘And Sky.’ Wild signed, and Twilight secretly hoped this was about what Wild and Sky had been doing every evening the past week or so. He never pried, none of the others did. Sky made it clear one night that this wasn’t something to worry about, and Twilight trusted the other man, even if all Twilight wanted to do was to help.
And maybe he was curious, so what?
“Is this about what you guys have been… working on the past week?” Twilight prodded after a few minutes of Wild clenching and unclenching his fingers, relieved when Wild responded with a nod.
‘Yes.’ Wild signed, and Twilight’s worry grew at how despondent Wild seemed. He decided that patience would be the best course of action, pushing Wild would most likely only make him shut down.
‘He… I…’ Wild’s hands couldn’t seem to decide what to do.
“Do you want to write it down instead?” Twilight offered. Wild’s hand paused, and he nodded eagerly at the idea, swiftly standing up and racing to his bag where he put the journal Four gave him. He didn’t need to use it as often for communication anymore, able to fingerspell any larger or unknown words, but after Four made it clear he wouldn’t need it back, Wild had taken to writing down random thoughts and facts about the new Hyrules he encountered. Not only did he enjoy it, but he would be able to show Zelda later along with pictures on his slate.
Wild missed Twilight’s relieved smile that his idea stuck. While he was used to comforting and helping the children in his village, Wild was not only older, but was much different from the children in Ordon. So far, Twilight had been relying on a combination of how Time gave him advice, and how Twilight comforted Colin. It had so far seemed to work out well enough.
Wild took his place across the fire, and all of his nerves seemed to return full force, causing Twilight to frown. Whatever Wild wanted to tell him, Twilight wondered why it seemed so bad. If Sky knew, it couldn’t be dangerous, right?
Wild’s hands shook as he wrote out what he wanted to say, and Twilight didn’t push him. When Wild was done, he hesitated, as if this would be his last chance to leave. Twilight really hoped that didn’t happen, he really wanted Wild to trust him. Finally, Wild held out the journal, passing it around the fire.
Twilight had to resist snatching it away before Wild could change his mind. As Twilight grabbed the journal, Wild pulled his hand away as if the pages had burned him. He looked like he was about to flee any second. Twilight steeled himself for whatever his eyes would see on these pages, knowing that any sign of a negative reaction would probably result in a missing Link. After mentally preparing himself, Twilight read the small scrawled sentence in the middle of the page, deciphering the shaky ink.
Sky is teaching me how to speak. Verbally.
That… was not at all what Twilight was expecting. At all. He didn’t really know what he was expecting, but it certainly wasn’t this. Out of his peripherals, he saw Wild start to attempt an escape. It seemed Twilight took too long for his response.
“Wait, wait.” Twilight held out his hand as if he were trying to talk to a scared animal. “I’m sorry I was just surprised. That’s great, Wild.” Wild slowly settled back into his spot on the ground, both boys had no idea what to say. One worrying thought, however, was stuck in Twilight’s mind.
“Wild, that's amazing, but you know we don’t need you to talk. We’re all fine with you signing. You don’t need to do this for us.”
Twilight watched as Wild’s eyes widened a bit, and the teen raised his hands, trying to convey his thoughts in a way that would be understood.
Wild liked sign, he thought it was pretty and intricate. But Goddess, he wanted to talk so bad. It was his fault, he shouldn’t have let himself get swept up in all his silly fantasies of finally being able to speak out loud.
Swept up in fantasies of chatting with Wind, being able to answer the younger’s questions honestly and in detail, there was so much more he was desperate to say.
Swept up in the fantasies of arriving in Hateno, visiting Zelda once more. Approaching her normally, raising his hands and talking instead. He longed to see her look of shock. He would never again be her stoic knight, but perhaps he could remind her of her good memories.
Fantasies of just… opening his mouth and saying his thoughts. Being able to tell the others about his Hyrule when they walked down its paths again. Telling them about the stable system, and the treasure he finds in caves and ruins, and the different regions his Hyrule held.
‘I want to’. Wild signed, trying to show Twilight that he wasn’t just doing this because he thought the others were shallow and impatient.
He wanted this, he wanted it so bad.
“Well then I’m really proud of ya!” Twilight grinned, apparently seeing Wild’s true determination. “I’m sure it wasn’t easy reaching out.” Wild felt his cheeks burn a bright red.
Proud? Of what? Despite Wild’s inner crisis, Twilight continued on.
“Let me know if you guys need anything. I could try to help or just help keep the others away, just let me know.” Wild didn’t know how to respond to that, so he just signed a heartfelt ‘thank you’ instead.
“How’s it going? The lessons.” Twilight clarified at Wild’s confused look. The question just caused Wild’s shoulder to sag again.
‘Not good.’ Wild signed.
“Why?” Twilight coaxed.
‘I’m not good at it.’ Wild explained, not meeting Twilight’s eyes.
“I doubt it’s that simple.” Twilight realized he would probably have to talk to Sky to find out what was really happening.
‘Can’t even say my name.’ Wild huffed and Twilight winced at how tired the teen sounded, even in that small noise. It was obvious he was trying hard, and felt like he was getting nowhere.
“You only started a week ago, Wild. I’m pretty sure that’s not a lot of time to already be speaking entire words.” Twilight tried his best to assure Wild, but without the full story it was almost impossible. “Hey.” Twilight gently got Wild’s attention, the boy looking up at him again. “I was serious. Anything you or Sky need, and I’ll take care of it. Okay?”
‘Okay’ Wild signed after some hesitance. ‘Thank you’. Twilight opened his mouth to inquire further about the lessons, when a small figure came barreling into camp.
“I forgot my water.” Wind explained at Twilight’s raised eyebrow, racing over to his bag. “Oh! Hi Wild!” Wind greeted enthusiastically, looking up from his bag to see Wild give a small wave back. At Wind’s victorious smile, Twilight got an idea.
Carefully behind the teen’s back, Twilight gestured to Wild, jerking his head to the treeline. Thankfully, Wind seemed to get the message.
“Wild! Do you want to come back with me? Hyrule and I were going to play a game, we haven’t decided which one yet but we got Four and Legend to join too!” Wind offered excitedly, and Twilight bit back a laugh at that image. Four probably joined by his own free will, perhaps feeling a bit restless. Legend, however, was almost certainly dragged. Probably by Hyrule, they all knew the soft spot the older had for the brunette.
Wild glanced back at Twilight, his head tilting in a silent question.
“Go on, sounds fun.” Twilight encouraged, feeling warmth build in his chest when Wild nodded hesitantly and rose from the ground. Wind resisted the urge to drag the older teen behind him, and they both eventually disappeared into the trees. Twilight was glad the others felt they could just play games sometimes. Sure they usually had to do with sparring or training, but it was nice they felt they could relax, even just a bit. Twilight may have even joined them, but he had more pressing matters.
Twilight walked in the direction he had seen Sky and Wild travel when they began their lesson. Time knew where the two went for safety reasons, but Twilight didn’t want to involve him if he didn’t have to.
Eventually he noticed a clearing to his left. He carefully approached the break in the trees, still wary of monsters lurking around. Fortunately, there was only a familiar sailcloth. Unfortunately, the man in said sailcloth had his head in his hands, obviously upset.
“Sky?” Twilight called, the man whipped around.
“Oh, hi Twi. Did uh… Did Wild-?” Sky cut off, making a circular motion with his hand.
“Wild told me.” Twilight confirmed. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” Sky winced at how unconving he sounded. Twilight raised a single eyebrow and the message was clear. Really? You’re gonna try that?
“He’s come far, but he doesn’t feel like it. It hurts to see him struggling so much. I thought I could help, but our situations are so different…” Sky let out a resigned sigh.
“Yeah… he didn’t seem too happy when we talked.” Twilight remembered the tired little huff the boy let escape his damaged vocal chords. Sure the scars on his neck were bad, buit Twilight didn’t realize how bad, not until that night weeks ago anyway.
“He tried to talk to me, the third night he was with us.” Sky’s wide eyes made contact with Twilight’s dark cobalt. “He had a nightmare, tur-” Twilight’s eyes widened, stumbling over the words that were about to pour out of his mouth. He was really about to spill his guts about Wolfie, he wanted to smack himself. “I, uh, I was on watch, and I heard him. He tried to talk after he woke up, I don’t think he knew I was there.” He lied carefully. “He couldn’t even- Hylia he couldn’t even make a syllable. It was just so… garbled.” Twilight didn;t think he’d ever forget the haunted look in the younger’s eyes that night. “Don’t tell him or anyone I said that.” Twilight warned as an afterthought.
“I won’t. Still that’s… I want him to be able to talk if he wants, I want him to have that opportunity. I’m not the right person to teach him I don’t know how.” Sky rushed out.
“And who else will do it?” Twilight questioned, and Sky froze for a moment. “I mean he didn’t seem that close to anyone in his Hyrule. Maybe Zelda, or many he has friends, but we don’t know how long this quest will take. Truth is, I don’t think there is a right person to do this. I think we just have to do it.” Twilight put extra emphasis on the ‘we’ part.
“I’ll tell you the same thing I told Wild.” Twilight let his voice soften. “I don’t know how to help, but I will. He didn’t seem overly opposed to me being here for lessons, or maybe he didn’t listen to that part. Or I could do something else. We’ll figure it out.”
“You’re right, I’m sorry. I just don’t want to be the reason he gives up altogether.” Sky spoke, although he seemed calmer now.
“Does Wild really seem like the type of person to give up?” Sky cracked a smile at Twilight’s tone.
“Yeah, you all can be stubborn asses.” Sky’s smile grew at Twilight’s offended look.
“You guys? Like you’re not included in that! If anything you’re the most stubborn of us all!”
It was that night that Twilight finally understood.
He was ready to support Wild in whatever he wanted to do, whether that meant signing or talking. But it wasn’t until that night around the fire he understood why Wild wanted to talk. Why Wild would be so determined to achieve that goal.
He didn’t get it, until he saw Wind chat animatedly to the others about the game they had made up to help their aim.
He didn’t get it, until he saw the wistful look Wild sent Wind as the boy continued his ramblings.
Twilight understood now, and he’d be damned if he didn’t do everything he could to get that wistful gaze out of the younger’s eyes.
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