#Then another thing I know the lack of healing magic is like. A Thing right like support Magic is a forgotten art form
kakusu-shipping · 2 years
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The year is 2022 and I am a little guy legally married to Makarov Dreyar of the Fairy Tail Guild, as 13 year old me would have wanted.
Self Insert and just straight up Making Things Up about Fairy Tail Lore beneath the cut
So, in the world of Fairy Tail I am a Vampire, pushing 600 years old. I’m lifting a lot of this from young mes original self insert which pushed the Immortal Loli/Shota trope, so I am Makarov’s 3′nothing size.
The rest of this is more origonal
In his 600 years, Emile became the (to his knowledge) last living pure blooded vampire, as much like Dragons, Vampires were eventually hunted to near extinction by humans after catting and feeding of them for so long.
Emile survived due to his small stature and young appearance, keeping humans from believing him to be the immortal creature of the night that had been feeding from their village for years.
Now alone, Emile travels the continent, avoiding staying in one place for too long, inventing Magic Items such as The Magicmobile to assist humans, and gather a growing wealth deposited in banks across the land.
To gain access to these springs of wealth, however, he has to be a legal citizen of the country he is currently staying it. As he can’t exactly claim to be the 100+ year old original opener of the account, he instead has to play the decedent. Starting first with forged documents, he puts himself in schools, moving every other grade to avoid suspicion as he doesn’t age or grow, and ending with a big of Marriage Fraud to solidify his residency, and gain access to his accounts.
This is how he ended up with Makarov Dreyar, after all the Fairy Tail guild seems to rack up a lot of repair bills, would be rather nice to have someone with plenty of spare wealth to pay it all off.
Emile, as an ancient being, has a lot of deeper understanding of magic than most in the guild. In his time he’s had the space and practice to master most types of magics, only Celestial Magic still eludes him.
He’s more than happy to spread this magic onto others, teaching Cana card magic, Erza her requip spells, helping Mira and Elfman perfect Take Overs, he even implanted the Lighting Dragon Lacrima in Laxus when he was a mere toddler.
Early in Emile’s life in the guild he saw no problem teaching such young children dangerous magics. So long as he’d lived, he knew of human’s short life spans. Keeping the Guild strong mattered more than keeping the kids safe. Sending them on jobs alone, charging them jewel for food or rent around the guild seemed fair. They’re old enough to be part of a guild they’re old enough to work and pay for their rights to stay.
Until Lisanna died.
He hadn’t really thought himself attached to this kids, Makarov’s kids, until he stood beside him at Lisanna’s funeral, staring at a tombstone with such a young age on it.
He did that.
He let a child go on an S class quest. He taught a child dangerous magics. He told Makarov they’d be fine on their own.
Rules changed soon after. Minors were no longer allowed on S Class Quests at all. Minors also were not allowed to take monster hunting jobs without an adult in the party. S Class Quests were moved upstairs and fewer of them were accepted.
Emile started making magic items for everyone in the guild on top of making Erza’s armor and weapons. Just something to help them on quests, a little something to lean on, to keep them safe, to hold on to.
He tries not to be too protective over the kids, he knows they’re goo wizards and can handle themselves. But they’re also just so squishy, humans with such short life spans always running head first into trouble.
He understands why Makarov went bald so quickly now.
#Emile's Arts#Fairy Tail#Self Insert#Self Ship#It's me and my kind of a mary sue self insert because we all get one so I chose the Mary Sue Anime#If you treat Fairy Tail like a Gag Manga it gets better actually dkgjdksjgkf#Okay realy talk I did not expect to get as emotionally attached to the Fairy Tail cast when I started rewatching it this year#Like not only did I fall hard in love with Makarov but the kids started mattering to me right like those are MY KIDS#I have a few plot points I spesifically want to cover for this SI like#In season 1 when Laxus is having his Rebellion arc and Makarov has a heart attack and nearly straight up dies#It's like. Kinda just brushed off in canon like yeah he took his meds he's fine now#In my canon tho he did actually die there#But only for a moment#Being around for 600 years comes with perks including forbidden magics#Death Magic and Life Magic are really one in the same when you've been around long enough#So he swore Porlyusica to secrecy and brought Makarov back#Then another thing I know the lack of healing magic is like. A Thing right like support Magic is a forgotten art form#And I wrote it off for the thing I said a minute ago Life Magic just being too close to Death Magic so when you ban one you ban the other#Right but also I think Water should be able to heal most elements have healing abilities so like#Sometime before the 7 year gap I start teaching my sweet baby girl Juvia water based healing spells#I also was On The Island when the 7 year gap happens because I say so#Then finally the big 7 Dragons fight after the Grand Magic Games#Up till this point I don't use a lot of magic or get in a lot of fights and that's just because#I know my kids can handle it and it's more fun to watch Natsu do it plus he'd throw a fit if he didn't get to do it#But the Dragon Thing was like serious so I did a lot of shit#Mainly Healing everyone who fought in the finals of the games so they'd be good to go#Putting a large scale protection spell on every person in the city in an attempt to keep the civillian casualties down#Fending off Atlas Flame from the rest of Fairy Tail until Laxus stepped in#And taking down tons of the little soldiers to keep Makarov and Asuka safe after everyone split up#So for the first time in probably 400 years I completely drained all of my magic energy
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nikethestatue · 4 months
Why 3 x 3?
A bit of a wacky tobaccy theory, but hear me out.
What if the (oh so cliche) bat boys were paired with the Archeron girls not only because of mate bonds and whatnot, but because the men activate and sustain the girls' magic?
What do we know so far?
Tamlin refused to train the newly-Fae Feyre in her magic. While Rhys kept insisting that she needs to be trainer. He went to so far as to say that not using your magic can drive you insane. He had to do small magicks in order to siphon some of it off himself.
Now, remember how depressed and mentally and physically sick Feyre was after she was brought back. She was withering in front of everyone's eyes. And she wasn't being trained at all by Tamlin.
Once Rhys began to challenge her and make her do small magical exercises, she began to revert to something new: healthy, more confident, and eventually powerful. She mastered and sustained her magic, eventually being powerful enough to heal the Cauldron itself (it didn't end well, but nevertheless, her power is immense).
Let's talk Nesta--basically, a similar situation as Feyre. Mentally and physically completely wiped out. Extremely depressed, barely functioning, and definitely not using her powers. In fact, she found her power something grotesque and unnatural.
Enter Cassian. Yes, he begins to physically work out with, dealing with her body first (I mean, in many various ways, but let's just talk about their work outs and her lactic acid buildup!), because that's what he does--he is a soldier, a warrior, and his strength is his power. Cassian had said many times that he doesn't really posses any magic outside of his siphons. But what does he do? He takes Nesta to the blacksmith. He (Cassian) lacking in magic, doesn't actually teach or show Nesta anything magical. What what he did was he, like Rhys with Feyre, presented her with an avenue to explore and exercise her magic. And she creates Ataraxia. A magical sword, that becomes both her teacher and her companion and her student, as well as the ultimate extension of her magic. Cassian also helps and supports Nesta is scrying, which, yet again, allows her to release the horrendous magnitude of her magic and with the finding of the trove objects, she begins to wield it, and grow into it. The HOFAS Nesta is very different (magically) from the ACOSF Nesta.
Lastly, we have Elain. Oh look! it's a pattern! Elain is extremely depressed, after being Made. She is starving, she is mumbling to herself, she is almost catatonic.
Enter Azriel. Of course Elain is not using her magic, and no one even understands what it is and how it manifests. But he--equipped with the language and raw magic of the shadows--he understands what is 'wrong' with her. He is the one who names her magic--Sight. She was made a Seer. And virtually as soon as Elain starts to use her magic, as soon as she is able to voice her visions, she begins to feel better. It was a gradual process just like with her sisters, but by the time Azriel handed her Truth Teller, another part of HIS magic, which also became hers, she was coherent and strong enough to use the shadows of the knife, walk across the battlefield and thrust it into the king's neck. By the time the war was over, Elain, who'd used her magic earlier than Nesta, was in a much better shape, and she announced that she'd like to build and grow more gardens. (I am not even touching 'the world needs more gardens!' right now, in light of HOFAS).
Rhys's greatest power is his magic, and that's what he begins to teach Feyre as soon as possible. His power in almost infinite, but so is hers, and together, they are able to reforge the Cauldron and win the War.
Cassian's power is his physicality and his ability as a warrior. That's what he begins to teach Nesta as soon as he is able. He then, leads her to the thing that becomes her outlet and the thing that allows her to create her great weapon, which now became the extension of her power.
Azriel's power is his unique shadowsinging abilities--he can see and hear what no one else can, as well as hide in plain sight. An extension of his power is Truth Teller--a mysterious Made weapon that he didn't allow anyone to touch. What does he do with Elain?--he realises that she is a Seer (giving her the 'Sight' that she didn't know she had). Down the road, he also offers her Truth Teller, as another avenue to use her Made gifts--the power to handle a Made weapon.
I think the batboys were created for the Archeron girls. Not just as mates, not just as lovers, and not only as someone similar in powers to them. I think they were the 'keys' to unlock the powers of the Archeron sisters. They are also the sustainers of that power. Without them, the sisters would've perished under the burden of their magic.
I think that that aligns well with the fact that both Hunt and Rowan served a similar role for Aelin and Bryce respectively. They unlocked the wells of power and insane levels of their girls' magic, but also 'regulated' it. Without them, the magic would've consumed all of the woman--Aelin, Feyre, Byrce, Nesta and Elain.
Three and three is not a 'cliche'. It's a pattern that stretches across all of SJM's series. I think that the men, who are all significantly older than the women, were created first, and given all that time to learn and manage their power and their magic. By the time the girls arrived, the order was established and ready to receive them and help them. The women always lead, and are more powerful than the men. But the men are needed to activate and guide their mates' powers.
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citrusses · 6 months
January: 2023 Wrapped 🎁🍊
*some* of my favorite 2023 fics, by month they were published (or started to publish, or finished publishing, it's arbitrary bc i make the rules), plus some thoughts on what made these fics so special.
January | February | March | April, May, June | July | August | September | October | November | December
Chicken Shop Date by @sorrybutblog (T, 2K)
Draco and Harry sit down for an interview. Or is it a date?
This is such a fun premise and the Harry/Draco banter just sizzles. The atmosphere is so rich! 2K words of perfection that pack an outsized punch.
Close Behind by @oflights (M, 134K)
To rescue Draco from the Underworld, Harry has to look forward. Unfortunately, Draco has to look back.
A masterpiece that deconstructs every relationship in the HP universe and then rebuilds it, that does mind-boggling things with narrative structure, that stressed me out so badly I felt physically ill, that was so moving it left me bursting into tears for days after I read it, that had the funniest single line I've read in a fic maybe ever. So far reading this is the only time I've ever checked the tags on a fic for "happy ending" because I was so emotionally overwhelmed by it that I needed to know it would be ok in the end. I can't overstate how much I love this one.
For Lack of Wanting by @fluxweeed (E, 8K)
Over the last ten years, I’ve worked hard to become a better person. I hate being reminded of who I used to be. But Harry likes it when I’m mean.
A gorgeous, painful story that explores a kind of Harry/Draco dynamic that's not seen as often in fics (a SAD one), but is done exceptionally well here. It hurts so good!
Nights With You by @the-sinking-ship (E, 58K)
Draco is mortified when moments prior to departing for the most anticipated destination wedding of the year, he is cruelly dumped. But when he learns that Harry Potter has, at long last, split with his horrible boyfriend, Draco is certain his luck has changed. Never a man to squander an opportunity for revenge (and what would probably be a spectacular shag), Draco vows to make Potter his for the weekend. Now all Draco has to do is convince him.
@the-sinking-ship regularly writes: my favorite kind of Draco, my favorite kind of romance/getting together AND my favorite kind of smut. This fic is all of those things.
Polar Night/Midnight Sun by toomuchplor (E, 54K)
Harry travels to arctic Norway on the trail of dragon egg poachers, only to find he's been assigned to work alongside the only NorMagPol Auror north of sixty: one Draco Malfoy. It's been ten years since they crossed paths, and Malfoy isn't exactly what Harry expected or remembered. For one thing, he wears a lot more hand-knits? When a sudden winter storm strands the pair, unable to use magic to rescue themselves, they take shelter in a one-room Norwegian hytte.
The hottest fic in the coldest setting, this one made me absolutely FERAL. The most evocative scenery, incredible characterization, and the perfect pacing building to an explosively sexy and tender relationship. Also I would read like, 100K more words on just the mittens and jumpers and scarves of this fic, which are not items of clothing I have cared much about in the past. It's just that every detail, down to the smallest, is incredible!
When It Returns by @academicdisasterfic (M, 8K)
‘You’re late, layabout,’ Malfoy drawled, pushing the whiskey over to him. ‘I’ll have you know that I am very busy maintaining a whole house and garden by myself now.’ ‘Oooh, the dead husband card. Before any alcohol. Is that a record?’ Harry's husband is dead, and Malfoy is the only one who gets it. Or, the one where they drink at a straight man pub, renovate a house, and learn how to find joy again.
January was a good month for feeling bad. It's another angsty one! This one is full of beautiful healing in the face of a loss that feels very real, Draco annoying Harry out of his grief spiral (but in a loving way?) and Harry being on the right side of almost too stubborn for it to work. I have read and reread this many times already!
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eosofspades · 4 months
no bc you’re SO right that kai is WAY weaker as a villain than tai lung or shen (shen especially, bc imo he’s the best villain of the trilogy) and i’d love to hear your thoughts on why <3
100% agree shen is my FAVORITE villain of the trilogy and possibly one of my favorite villains of all time. and tai lung is an incredibly close second! however, i really didn't care for kai.
the biggest thing about kai for me is that, as a villain, he is way weaker than the other two because he is extremely lacking in a personal connection to po, and also much weaker when considering how his character reflects the themes and narrative of the movie as a whole.
tai lung, as a villain, worked so well because he was obsessed with the concept of being the dragon warrior, and the supposed "power" that would come with that. the lesson of kfp1, though, was that there WAS no real magical power given by the scroll - there is no secret ingredient! it's just you! it was never about the scroll; it was about choosing to be good and do good for the sake of being good, not because you wanted power for it. tai lung couldn't accept this, which is why he made a fantastic villain for this one, thematically. (and ALSO a fantastic foil to po, who is so humble and doesn't NEED power, he's just passionate about kung fu and wants to have a good time with his friends.)
lord shen as a villain who reflects the themes of the story, though, takes this to the absolute HIGHEST level. the entire story of kfp2 pivots around po's struggle to reconcile his origins with who he is now, and both of those things are directly related to shen - he leads the massacre that ends up getting po sent away, which sets him on the journey to BECOME the dragon warrior, and po's destiny was always going to be to defeat him. both then and now, the course of po's life is being shaped by shen. shen is also a fantastic foil to po in the same way that tai lung was - shen cannot let go of the past, he clings to his anger and his fear; while po is able to accept what happened, accept that it is part of who he is but not what defines him, and is able to find healing and peace.
kai, by comparison........ has almost nothing to do with po. kai actually has NO personal connection to po! his evil scheme is related to the pandas, but absolutely nothing to do with po, specifically. tai lung had no shared past with po the way lord shen did, but he still had personal and specific reasons to hate po because po was getting the title and role that he so desperately wanted. but kai's only beef is with oogway! he didn't even seem to know that po existed until oogway says "it was never my destiny to stop you - i have set another on that path." and kai just says "then i will find him, and take his chi as well." his motives are also much weaker than the other two's - who both wanted power, yes, but tai lung was also deeply desperate to make shifu proud, to live up to the legend that he had been raised to believe he would become, and part of this was shifu's fault! that's extremely interesting and tragic!! and shen was motivated by fear - fear of his prophecized defeat, of the inescapability of his fate - and by grief over his (perceived) inability to make his parents proud, or get them to love him. kai, by contrast, was..... mad that oogway wasn't okay with letting him become a magical chi-stealing warlord??
kai also doesn't tie in with the themes or po's arc in this movie. in terms of other characters, po's arc in this one revolves way more around his fathers - trying to handle his new responsibilities of being the teacher to the five, trying to figure out how to balance the two different identities he has as the son of these two different fathers, but the only connection he has to kai is that he needs to be a master of chi to defeat him, which he can only learn how to be from the pandas, which incidentally happen to be his family. (and the fact that at the end, everyone is doing chi makes it seem like him being a panda or not might not have even been that relevant to begin with!) and kai's defeat is also sort of weak - he's defeated by the "too much power" trope, but nothing else in this story was about being power-hungry or the dangers of it. it wasn't something any of the pandas struggled with, hunger for power was NEVER a part of po's journey, and at least in kfp1 tai lung's desire for the dragon scroll was about more than just power (he wanted to make shifu proud), but also, because the entire theme of that story was that you didn't NEED power to be the dragon warrior. kfp3's narrative isn't ABOUT power; it's about identity and culture and balancing different aspects of your life to find your truest self. kai's character has nothing to say about ANY of this, he doesn't struggle with or care about any of these things - he is JUST power-hungry.
he also lacks that character foil aspect the other two had. the ability to take chi is never even presented as an option to po. what MIGHT have been interesting would have been if the only way to defeat kai was to take HIS chi - something a master of it would be able to do! - and po was forced into the dilemma of having to choose between risking going down the same path as kai for the sake of protecting his loved ones, or the risk of endangering them even more by refusing to. if the conflict had been about the good vs evil uses of chi powers, then that would have made kai a foil to po as well. but as it is now, kai has nothing to do with po, personally.
basically what it boils down to is that kai, as a villain, is serviceable, but when held up in contrast to the previous two, it becomes very obvious how much weaker he is narratively. his motivations are much shallower than the others', his connection to po is tangential at best, and as an antagonist, he doesn't have anything to say about the themes or messaging of the story OR the protagonist's arc.
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mxnsterbabe · 10 months
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Male Alien/Female Reader NSFW Wordcount: 2,261 Commissions | Ko-fi | Masterlist
You've had enough of pining over your 'friend with benefits', and it's time to do something about it.
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You were sat at your desk in the Khonsu's medical bay, poring over patient files when the door swooshed open. It was Daury, again. He held up a bandaged finger, grinning awkwardly. You couldn't help but hide a knowing smile.
"Uh, Doc, I did it again. Cut my finger on the panel in the engineering bay. It's just a scratch, but I thought I should get it checked out, you know, just in case," Daury said, offering a gentle smile. His dark eyes, almost entirely black, looked away guiltily.
"Again, Daury?” You sighed. “That's the third time this month. Sit down, let's take a look.” You pointed him towards the examination chair, brow raised expectantly.
Daury, grinning, obeyed. "Better safe than sorry, right? Don't want to lose a finger to an infection. You know how my species are."
With their aquatic nature and low immune systems, the ardeomi were often prone to blood infections - but you knew that with his vaccines up to date, Daury was fine. He was playing a game; and you were happy to play along.
You unwrapped Daury's finger, examining it with your medical scanner. The wound was even more insignificant than last time. You fixed him with a dry look. "Wouldn’t want you on sick leave, would we? Are you sure you're being careful enough?"
"Oh, yes, yes, of course. You know how it is, always something happening on this ship," Daury responded, avoiding your gaze.
You applied a quick healant, watching Daury's face. Something was off. "Daury, you do know we have basic first aid kits all over the ship, right? For these minor things?"
Daury stammered, "Yeah, well, uh, I mean, why take chances, right?"
Your eyes narrowed. He was nervous, uncharacteristically so. Softly, you told him, "Daury, you don't have to make excuses to come see me. If you want to talk, just say so. We're all friends here on the Khonsu."
Daury looked up, a mix of relief and embarrassment in his eyes. "Well, I... I guess I just like the company. And you're always so calm and, uh, nice to be around."
You smiled warmly, reassuring him with a gentle touch. "I enjoy your company too. Just be honest next time, alright?"
He grinned back at you. "Deal."
You lingered in the medical bay, allowing the silence to stretch a little longer as you both processed the unspoken understanding. Daury was fidgeting with the now-healed finger, his eyes darting about the room. You found his nervous energy endearing, but it was also a reminder of the game you were both playing.
"Another victory for modern medicine," Daury quipped, breaking the silence and flexing his finger. "You're a magician with that thing, Doctor."
You rolled your eyes, a small smile playing on your lips. "It's hardly magic, just science. Something you're quite familiar with as an engineer."
"Ah, but science in your hands might as well be magic," he shot back, his eyes twinkling.
Your banter was comfortable, familiar, but underneath the teasing, there was a tension that neither of you was acknowledging. It was more than just the casual attraction that had started your relationship; it was the unspoken agreement to keep it hidden.
Finally, Daury flashed that expectant smile, the one you'd seen many times before, signaling the shift from playful banter to something more intimate. His six arms fidgeted restlessly. Almost reaching out to you, but not quite. 
You hesitated for a moment, a weariness settling in. You ignored it, leading him towards your office instead.
Once inside, the door sealed behind you, Daury pulled you close. You knew how this went, how it always went, but as his lips met yours, something felt off.
You kissed him back, revelling in the taste of his lips, the warmth of his skin; but there was a lack of enthusiasm that Daury picked up on. 
He pulled away, concern etched on his face. "Something's wrong, isn't it?"
You looked away, unable to meet his eyes. "No, everything's fine."
Daury knew you too well. "Doc come on. I can tell when something's bothering you."
"It's nothing, Daury," you insisted, your voice softer now.
He reached out, gently lifting your chin so you were looking at him. "You know you can tell me anything. We're not just... You know. We're friends, too."
You wanted to tell him, to voice the frustration and tiredness you felt about sneaking around, about the unspoken limitations of your relationship; but you held back, afraid of what it might mean.
"Really, it's nothing," you assured him, forcing a smile. "Let's not ruin the moment."
"If you say so," Daury murmured, his voice low and filled with concern. Then his expression softened, and his eyes darkened with a different kind of intensity. One of his six arms reached up to caress your face, the other five curving around your waist and back, drawing you closer.
You were aware of every point of contact, of the sensation of his arms embracing you in his warmth. When you first met, you made the mistake of assuming that Daury would be cold, clammy; but the truth was that he was absolutely perfect. Daury's build was slender and athletic, the product of countless hours spent in the engineering bay and Khonsu's gym. 
He kissed you again, hard and fast. His tongue swiped against your bottom lip, asking for entrance; and you willingly let him in. You responded in kind, the frustration and weariness momentarily forgotten. You loved these moments with him, surrounded by his warmth and strength, the rest of the world melting away.
Daury deepened the kiss, one set of slender arms moving down to cup your hips. He squeezed your ass, eliciting a laugh from your lips; another set began to roam beneath your shirt, delicate fingers skimming across your perk nipples. 
You moaned into the kiss, a sound that was both pleasure and a cry for something deeper, something more substantial.
He seemed to understand, his kiss growing even more passionate, more urgent. You felt him moving you backward, and suddenly you were against your desk, braced by his strong arms.
You broke the kiss, gasping for breath, your eyes meeting his. They were filled with desire, but also with an understanding, a hint of the same longing you felt. Maybe, while you gasped for breath, lips kiss-swollen, it wasn’t too much to believe that he wanted the same thing you did.
"Daury," you whispered, unable to find the words.
He silenced you with another kiss, his lips moving down to your neck, his arms tightening around you. The desk was forgotten, the starship Khonsu was forgotten. In that moment, there was only Daury, only the feel of his hands on your skin and the fire in your belly.
Even as you lost yourself to him, there was a part of you that knew this wasn't enough. You wanted more from Daury, more from your relationship. You wanted to be able to share these moments without hiding, without the constant fear of discovery.
Eventually, the urgency faded, replaced by a gentle, lingering affection. Daury's kisses grew softer, more tender, as if he too sensed that something had changed between you.
"What's going on, Doc?" he finally asked, his voice gentle but insistent. "I know there's something bothering you. You can tell me."
You looked away, your heart pounding. The words were there, at the tip of your tongue, but you were afraid to say them. You were afraid of what they might mean, of what they might change.
"Come on," Daury pressed, his voice soft but firm. "I’m not giving up."
Then, without warning, the words spilled out of you. "I love you, Daury," you blurted, the confession raw and unguarded. "I want to be with you properly. Not as a secret, not hidden behind closed doors. I want... I want more."
You looked up at him, your heart in your throat, expecting anger or shock or disappointment; but Daury only smiled, his eyes soft and filled with understanding.
"I want that too, you know," he said quietly, his voice filled with emotion. "I've wanted it for a long time. I just figured… with your work, and whatever this is between us… you always seemed happy with how things are."
The relief was overwhelming, a sudden release of pressure that left you breathless. You reached up to touch his face, your fingers trembling. His skin was warm and smooth beneath your touch. "Really?"
He nodded, his smile growing wider. "Really. I love you too. I want to be with you, really with you. I know it might not be easy, working on the ship together, our difference in species-”
You cut him off with a kiss. It was rough and desperate, sending a shiver straight down your spine. You clung to him like a lifeline, eyes squeezed shut against the sudden rush of arousal flooding through your lower abdomen. 
Daury returned the kiss, his arms pulling you closer, the slender strength of his body a comforting presence. You could feel the heat of him, the smoothness of his skin, the gentle caress of his arms. 
One set of Daury's arms moved to your uniform, deftly unfastening the catches and zippers, while the others continued to hold you, to caress you. You helped him, eager to be free of the constraining fabric, to feel his skin against yours.
Your uniform fell to the floor, and Daury's eyes roamed over you, taking in your body with a hunger that matched your own. You reached for him, your fingers exploring the smooth contours of his chest, his abdomen, then dipping lower to the hemline of his trousers. He was beautiful to you, every inch of him a pleasure to touch.
He returned the favour, his hands moving over your body with a reverence that sent shivers down your spine. You felt worshipped, cherished, and it only heightened your desire for him.
Daury's lips moved down your neck, trailing kisses along your collarbone, down to your breasts. His touch was gentle, but his mouth was insistent, and you arched into him, moaning at the sensation.
You reached for him again, your hands finding his uniform, stripping him of it with a hunger that mirrored his own. You wanted him, all of him, in a way that went beyond mere physical pleasure.
As your bodies finally met, skin against skin, arousal lit up across your skin. You could feel his erection digging into your thigh; without even looking down, you knew he was big. Really big. It had only been a few scarce days since your last tryst, you remembered him well. It sent a shiver through you, arousal and impatience swirling into one.
Daury lifted you onto the desk, his arms supporting you, his body pressing against yours. You wrapped your legs around him, pulling him closer, needing to feel him, to lose yourself in him.
He entered you swiftly, already coated in a natural, sweet-smelling lubrication that made your head spin with desire. With need. He filled you so completely, so easily despite his size. No matter how often you did this, it always left you breathless to feel how effortless he made it seem. 
Even now, hazy with pleasure, Daury still made sure to start you off slow. His thrusts were long, slow, even as his beautiful face contorted in pleasure. His skin was a dappled blue, speckled with a gorgeous, pale grey; there was already a sheen of sweat glistening on his forehead.
“I missed this,” Daury gasped, as if it had been weeks since you’d last been together. Already he was beginning to quicken, pumping in and out of you with a desperation matched only by your own muffled moans.
You reached release all too soon, hands gripping Daury’s narrow shoulders. You felt Daury stiffen above you, a gasp leaving his lips, before he all but collapsed on top of you. 
Back pressed into the desk, riding out the wave of your climax, it was as if you forgot how to think.
With a contented sigh, you rested in Daury's arms for a while, simply enjoying the closeness and the shared understanding of what had just transpired between you. Soon though, reality began to creep in, reminding you of your responsibilities aboard the Khonsu.
"I've got patients waiting," you murmured, regret in your voice.
Daury's arms tightened around you for a moment, as if he wanted to hold on just a little longer, but then he released you, understanding in his eyes.
"Of course," he said, his voice gentle. "Duty calls."
He helped you off the desk, and you both began to clean up, working together with the ease and familiarity born of months of secret encounters. It was different this time, though. Easier.
As you dressed, Daury's eyes met yours, a question in their depths. "Hey Doc, would you... would you like to go out to dinner with me tonight? After work, I mean."
His voice was almost shy, and you couldn't help but smile at the way he seemed unsure, as if he was afraid you might say no.
"I'd love to, Daury," you said, your voice filled with warmth. "I'd love that very much."
The relief and joy in his eyes were palpable, and you reached up to kiss him, a sweet, lingering kiss that was a promise of more to come.
"Then it's a date," he said, his voice lighter than you’d ever heard it.
You nodded, returning his smile. "A real date."
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
I’d like to request a Jack Russell x Fem reader confession/get together fic. with #1 & #60 pretty please.🥺
Where reader has magic healing abilities (anything she touches heals, but it makes her sleepy if she uses it to much, and her own injuries heal automatically) maybe she confesses to an injured & clingy Wolfie Jack while she’s healing him with pets & cuddles not knowing he’d remember it later on..👀🤭
Could be Fluffy, or could be Spicy..🥴
Maybe ending in Ted and Elsa sipping Tea together (perhaps they had a bet on how long it’d take for Jack & reader to get together, they totally ship it..)😆
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Prompt 1- I love you, I hope you know that.
Prompt 60- are we really just friends?
Prompt list
“You got any queens?”
“Go fish.” You replied, watching in amusement as Elsa adds another card to the already thick stack in her hand, murmuring curses under her breath whisky doing so. “Ted, you got any Kings?” You asked the man-thing who pinched two cards within his comically large fingers as he handed them to you, claiming his victory over you and Elsa for the fourth consecutive time. “Unbelievable,” The hunter threw her share of the cards down on the pile, crossing her arms over her chest, “how the fuck are you this good at Go Fish?” She asked Ted as he only shrugged his shoulders but his crimson eyes gleamed with a smugness before picking up and shuffling the cards in preparation for another game.
You couldn’t help but smile at their interactions, basking in the warmth that they gave you whilst you waited for a certain werewolf to come back from hunting. Speaking of which, you found yourself inclined to look over at the forest Jack had disappeared into earlier; the smile on your lips had long since slipped off in exchange for that of a worried frown. Your hand instinctively reached for the coat that hung over your shoulders, clenching the fabric tightly as though it would slip through your hands like sand. Jack had left it in your care before he vanished, along with it was a promise he made to return to camp before you all turned in for the night.
Elsa only suggested to play Go fish because she coincidentally found a pack of cards within the pockets of her coat, that and she wanted to get your mind off of Jack’s whereabouts before you lost yourself within your overwhelming worry. Ted also picked up on your sudden lack of concentration on the game, he would catch you glancing now and then out towards the woods with eyes filled with hope. It was like watching a dog waiting for their owner who was never going to come back. The pair shared a look whilst your attention was elsewhere, to them it was clear as day that you loved Jack more so then words can describe. It was also evident to the duo that Jack felt just as passionately about you as you did him; Neither of you were good at hiding how you truly felt but yet built up an false narrative for yourselves that blinded you both from the truth and prevented the chances of anything more coming from your relationship.
Having had enough of it, Elsa reached across and grabbed your knee, causing you to flinch out of fright before calming down once you realised who it was. “Stop staring out into the forest like a lost puppy dog, Jack will be back in due time, until then you just gotta trust him because you worrying isn’t going to make anything go quicker.” You knew Elsa was right, you knew you shouldn’t be worrying as much as you have and allow yourself to put complete faith in him and his abilities but deep down something didn’t feel quite right. No matter how hard you tried to distract yourself with Go Fish, your mind would always go back to Jack almost every time. You sighed, placing a hand over Elsa’s, squeezing it ever so slightly. “You’re right, he’s a werewolf for fucksakes, he’s more then capable of taking care of himself.”
It was obvious to Ted and Elsa that you were saying these words more so to yourself then to them in an attempt to tricking your brain into believing them. Into gaslight yourself to believe that what you felt in your gut was a misconception for hunger or something else rather then intuition. It wasn’t the most healthiest of methods for certain but Ted and Elsa were all short on ideas on how to help. That was until Ted stared gesturing for you to get in the tent behind him. “That’s nice of you and all Ted but I’m not in the mood to sleep-“ “oh just get into the tent y/n, me and Ted will wake you when your lover comes back.” You immediately tense at her teasing words. “He’s not my lover.” You rebutted. “You sure about that?” The hunter asked, “because I’m pretty certain that isn’t your coat that your wearing is it?”
The coast in question did in fact belong to Jack but he had given it to you before he left. When you had asked him why, the poor man barely stumbled his way through a sentence before coming up with anything believable. You swore you never saw a man go through so many stages of being flustered as Jack did. “He told me that I should keep it safe for when he gets back.” You justified, keeping a tight grip on the coat that smelt like cinnamon, pine, morning dew that clung onto grass with a hint of wet dog. Elsa didn’t seem convinced as she merely raised her eyebrows and smirked, “oh if that’s all it is then why don’t you let me take care of it-“ “No!” You exclaimed loudly when Elsa was about a mere millimetre away from snatching the coat from your shoulders. Ted and Elsa looked at you with wide eyes, shocked and embarrassed by your outburst you immediately stood up from your spot near the campfire and made your way to the tent. “I’ll be taking that nap now, wake me up when Jack arrives.” You said before zipping the opening shut behind yourself.
“Christ they’re hopeless.” Elsa started when she knew you were fast asleep. ‘probably cuddled up in Jack’s coat.’ She thought to herself as Ted made a noise of agreement. “They want to kiss Jack so badly it’s making them look stupid.” She continued to rant though it only because she wanted the best for you and Jack. You both along with Ted had gotten her out of some shit soon after claiming the bloodstone as her birthright and while she was capable of handling her own, she was grateful of the help you had given to her. Ted proceeded to make a series of noises describing how often he was the middle man for you both when it came to admitting your hidden feelings for one another. He has grown numb from how many times Jack had talked about the littlest things you did that he thought were cute alongside with you echoing the same line of thought but for Jack.
“I hate to say it Ted but I think it’s about time we stepped in-wait…what is that?” Elsa stopped herself from finishing off her thought as her eyes caught onto a large, hairy silhouette slinking towards them, obviously in pain. Ted looked to where Elsa was gesturing towards and with a single glance, he was already up on his feet and moving over to the silhouette, allowing it’s hair coated body to collapse into him out of exhaustion. Elsa, weapon in hand, soon caught up to them and got a good look at who has wandered into their campsite, ready for a fight but stopped when she recognised the brown eyes filled with pain that stared back at her. “Jack? The fuck happened to you out there?” Jack only whimpered as his injuries began acting up, smelling the air and locking onto your familiar scent before pushing himself away from Ted and towards the closed tent.
“Wait! Jack, they’re sleeping don’t-“ It was already too late for warnings as Jack impatiently sliced open the tent flap with his claws before collapsing to his knees next to your sleeping form. Even when sleeping you were still a sight to be seen to Jack as he gently held your cheek in his clawed hand. The size comparison of your hand to his was one of the main factors that fed into his need in being protective of you. Unlike him, you were more prone to getting hurt then he was in due to your healing abilities but more specifically when you overexert them, causing a great deal of fatigue and sleepiness on your behalf. Jack would claim he was never a selfish man but with you, he wouldn’t mind being called the most selfish man alive if it meant getting to be the only person to witness you wake up first thing in the morning or watch over you as you fell asleep at night. He just wanted you and your imperfectly perfect self.
“Jack?” You said softly, having heard a thud extremely close to your sleeping bag, opening an eye to see a pair of big brown eyes stare back at you before fluttering shut as the werewolf fully collapsed onto the floor, seemingly unconscious. “JACK!” You exclaimed, getting out of the sleeping bag and began to heal him of his wounds by combing your hands through his fur. Luckily the wounds weren’t deep but you didn’t want to risk an possible infection occurring later on. “I told you to be careful this time,” you scolded, though still keeping your healing touches gentle and featherlight when skimming over some particularly nasty looking bite marks, “I fear my heart can’t take it when you come back to me like this.” You whispered. “I know this is off topic but I need to get this off my chest before it suffocates me. Some days I can’t help but think ‘are we really just friends?’ Because the way I act when your near isn’t that of friend would.” You admitted, firmly believing that Jack couldn’t hear you in his current state but if you had looked close enough, you would’ve noticed his ears twitching at the sound of your voice.
“I feel lost whenever your away, I fell while when your by my side and I get this warmth within my chest when I see you laugh or smile in general, wishing that I could be the one to make you laugh hard and smile so wide that your cheeks hurt. To me, you look the most pretty when you smile. Ted and Elsa give me shit for looking out for you but who else will? You always looked out for us so I thought it was only fair to repay you in kind. At first I thought of it as an normal thing that friends did for one another but now, it’s more then I could’ve imagined because,” you looked at his serene face, “because as it turns out, I love you. I hope you known that.” It felt weird confessing your feelings when he wasn’t even conscious but it was better then being faced with rejection and ruining your friendship indefinitely. Once you had healed Jack of his wounds you placed his coat over his body and were about to go back to sleep, when two arms reached out and caught you in their embrace as you were then pulled back so that you were pressed against Jack’s chest. Worried that he infect might’ve been conscious during your confession, you were about to profusely apologise but stopped when you felt him nuzzle your neck and staying there. “Goodnight Jack.” You whispered, holding his hand in your own as you fell into a dreamless slumber.
The next morning arose as Jack cuddled himself closer to you, tightening his grip whenever he felt you shift before placing an kiss on your shoulder out of impulse. “Good morning my love.” He whispered, placing another kiss to the base of your neck. “Jack.” He heard you say, “yes, y/n.” “Did you…did you happen to hear anything last night? Anything I said to be more specific?” Jack smiled to himself as he remember every heartfelt word in your confession, vowing himself to hold it close to his heart forevermore. “I might’ve but my memory might need jogging a little.” He teased as he lifted himself just enough to get a look at your flustered face before you hide it behind your hands. “Oh my fucking god.” He heard you groan which only made him laugh harder as he pulled at your hands, just enough for him to prep some light kisses against the skin there. The sudden abundance of affection you were receiving wasn’t helping you calm down whatsoever, seeing as it proved in rectifying that Jack had, in fact, been conscious during your confession last night. The fact that he hasn’t rejected you, like you feared he would, and was instead bombarding you with kisses and cuddles only served as proof that in way shape or form, he reciprocated.
“So…are we like lovers now?” You asked him, not wanting to misconstrue anything and Jack felt the same. He brought your hands to his lips, prepping the palms with little kisses before bringing them over his shoulders as he nuzzled himself into your chest, craving your warmth more so then ever. “We are whatever your comfortable with us being. We can go as slow as you like for forcing you into something you don’t want isn’t my intent. Though I must admit I thought to be having a fever dream when you confessed.” Jack chuckled sheepishly, “I didn’t think someone as sweet and as beautiful as you would ever go for someone like me.” He looked into your eyes, seeing how they stared intently at him, making Jack feel more seen then he ever had in a long while. “Now that I know it to be true, I only wish to be selfish with you heart and guard it from those thinking they can easily take it from me.” Without thinking of much else, you held Jack tightly against you so he wouldn’t see the tears glimmering in the corner of your eyes. “Just let me hold you a little while longer before we head out, please.” Jack closed his eyes as he basked in your scent that he knew off by heart. “I have no qualms with that my love.”
“I believe I won the bet.” Elsa said proudly, smirking behind her cup of coffee as Ted made a disgruntled noise of that of a sore loser. “Oi, we mutually agreed that whoever won the bet would get first dips on where we eat tonight.” Ted huffed, sipping on his tea as a silence lingered between the two of them before the hunter decided to pipe up, “how about sushi?” Ted cried out in agreement as Elsa playfully scoffed, wondering how she managed to get stuck with the three of you.
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I really enjoyed the one where Alec met Ragnor first. Maybe some more of that one?
here we go! ty for the prompts anon, i hope you like it
Ragnor sighs and manages only to not scream by sheer force of will and utter exhaustion. Cat, looking as haggard as he feels, sends a spiteful gaze to the bed Ragnor is still watching.
“I could wring his neck.” Cat mutters as she chugs an Irish coffee before she sighs and leans against him. “He knows better than to interrupt me when I’m working. And all because he wanted an answer!”
Ragnor snorts, nearly scalding himself with tea and his magic catches his cup tiredly for him. “We both know that Magnus is many things, but patient is rarely one of them.”
He and Cat share a commiserating look.
“The lad will be alright?”
“Oh, he’ll be fine. It was a little touch and go with how potent the venom was, but Magnus’ magic helped fry it.”
They share another look and both sigh, in time with each other.
“He won’t be letting this one go, will he?” Cat asks, watching as Magnus fusses over a wide-eyed, endearingly deer-like Alec.
“Oh, I highly doubt it.” Ragnor agrees dryly, “my dear, if you think we’ll be doing anything without the attachment of a nephilim for a good long while. I’ll drink a coffee.”
Cat mock gasps, but the gentle nudge of her amused magic tells Ragnor all he needs to know.
“You think your guardian angel will go for it?”
“He protected me once. He’s hardly a guardian angel and I doubt Magnus would enjoy him being claimed by someone else, in any shape or form. So I’ll leave that to him.” Ragnor summons his pipe with a glower, “like I want to interfere with Magnus when he’s like this.”
This is a new face of Magnus.
A very interesting and slightly alarming side of Magnus that neither Ragnor or Cat has ever seen. It’s a mixture of Magnus from across all the years and he’s acting young in a way he hasn’t for centuries. It’s as endearing as it is alarming and Ragnor resolves to make sure Magnus has his head on right before he gets too involved too fast.
“We’ll need to make sure Magnus doesn’t go overboard.” Ragnor murmurs quietly, keeping an eye on how Magnus is using magic to gently feed Alec pieces of ice.
“Like that’s possible.” Cat mutters back but she’s also watching them, “we’ll need to run interference. You know how worked up he can get. Remind him he can have whatever he wants. To never conform.”
“Yes, yes.” Ragnor says and he summons a bit of jam and vodka for his tea. “Now the question is, should we just keep his boy here?”
Cat freezes and turns to Ragnor with a contemplative look.
“How so?”
“The lad’s got a rather bad case of demon poisoning and he’s already been demoted, from what I overheard. A few weeks of prescribed warlock healing and a lack of stress and angelic influence. Might do just the trick.”
Ragnor waggles his eyebrows and Cat smirks, something dark in her grin as she nods slightly. They’ll do whatever it takes to make Magnus happy and if that means lying to the clave and keeping a nephilim with them under false pretenses, then they’ll do so happily.
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Translating the Runes in Secrets of the Magic Makers
Ok, so I already said in my previous post (X) that I love Secrets of the Magic Makers and the runic writing in Frozen in general, but now I’m going to actually talk about the translations of the runes.
Most* of the runes shown in Frozen movies and shorts are historically accurate and translatable. They are Younger Futhark runes, used in Nordic regions beginning around the 9th century. The Younger Futhark alphabet has 16 runes and is a simplification of the Elder Futhark, which had 24 originally. The Younger Futhark alphabet was used throughout Scandinavia in the Viking Age and declined after Catholicism was introduced. (Source: Runes Illustrated by Rachel Newcombe)
* I say most because the runes in Olaf’s Frozen Adventure on the bell are not historically accurate. They are simply a direct English transliteration of the words “Ring in the Season”
Disney worked with Old Norse language expert Jackson Crawford (you can find his YT channel here (X)) to ensure that the runes in F1 are historically accurate.
Ok, history lesson over, let’s actually talk about how these runes are relevant to the Frozen story.
I did not translate these myself, although I have kind of taught myself how to now. These translations come from Panya on this website. If you are interested in the detailed translations, I would highly recommend checking it out, as it is truly fascinating!
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Here is the cover of the book. It translates roughly to Runes of Knowledge, but I believe this book to also be Secrets of the Magic Makers (see my previous post for full explanation).
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The inside of the book is 9 lines of text, repeated twice. It appears to say something like
Someone (subject is unclear) was turned to stone (ice?) by the power of the moon. The trolls from the dark mountain realm have healing hands. A soul wounded from cold will heal if brought very quickly to the field of them (the trolls). Trolls have such a nature that they can get sorcery out of the body to save it. Such action done in true love is the only one which can thaw a heart stoned (frozen?) very quickly.
It isn't exactly clear or easy to read, but I think that it tells the story of an ancient Arendellian (possibly Aren, but that’s mostly just a headcanon) whose heart was frozen by some power of the moon. It goes on to say that trolls have the power to remove magic, but that the only way to thaw a frozen heart is an act of true love.
This is VERY interesting as it implies that someone in the ancient past had a frozen heart. It could just be an old story, something that never actually happened. I personally don’t believe there was ever a single person who was the fifth spirit before Elsa and by extension no human who ever wielded ice powers like hers before. Another option is perhaps whoever it was that angered the spirits in some way or ventured too far into Ahtohallan and began to freeze? Or it could be a figurative frozen heart in the sense of a lack of love and compassion. I suppose only Ahtohallan knows this answer.
The other thing that makes this interesting is that it directly says that an act of true love will thaw a frozen heart. Which means that the answer was right there all along. The entire message of love will thaw was summed up here in runes at the very beginning of the movie. This also means that this was part of an Arendellian myth or story at some point and has been forgotten by the time Elsa is born.
So yeah, not really a big revelation or anything, but it is certainly interesting. I would love to know more details about this story and its origin, but again, only Ahtohallan knows. Overall I do think it's fascinating, as it gives us more information about Ancient Arendellian beliefs and traditions that still hold relevance in the time Frozen is actually set. As someone who is OBSESSED with the ancient myths and stories of Arendelle and the surrounding areas, this is so so intriguing to me and I absolutely love it!
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astrababyy · 1 year
Do you think Rhysand and Feyre have a genuine relationship? I am not trying to demean their relationship, but I do want to understand it. Everyone seems to love their relationship, but it is so lacking to me. For relationships to be genuine, there needs to be something that caused the attraction. It can be a shared experience or a hobby, as along as there is something that caused a spark. For the two of them, there literally is not one. Rhysand helped Feyre because he knew that she was his mate, while Feyre accepted because she wanted to flee Tamlin. Over the next few months, they spent time together but there is hardly any bonding between the two of them. I would love to hear your thoughts about this.
Hi, @thepinkdove ! Once again, I’ve spent months coming up with a reply to your ask, so sorry about that 😅 I agree that their relationship isn’t that good to me. I think the main appeal of it is how Rhys helped her heal during ACOMAF, something of which is completely overshadowed by his contributions to her current trauma.
Feyre and Rhysand, were it not for the mating bond and the whole mind-reading thing, would not know anything about each other
I think @/worldsnotsaid has elaborated on this in the past, but the basis of Feysand’s relationship relies on one thing and that is the fact that they’re both daemati. Were it not for that, I don’t see how their relationship ever would’ve flourished in the first place nor do I see Feyre (and maybe Rhysand) ever opening up to each other. It is commonly known that Feyre’s not good with communication, and instead of solving this it was basically just Rhysand knowing when she needed help because of the mating bond.
That bond is a permanent crutch for the two of them.
Rhysand’s actions UTM were never truly apologized for; just given excuses
Rhysand told his whole story and reasoning for his actions, and he didn’t apologize once. I’ve elaborated on this recently in another post, but Rhysand NEVER truly redeems himself. He’s just off the hook, right off the bat. I think that, above all most (plus the fact that he’s fucking infuriating and never blamed), is why so many people despise this man.
There is a genuinely concerning power imbalance between Rhysand and Feyre
I cannot express this enough when I say that Feyre and Rhysand are not equals. Feyre’s High Lady title is just a title. No one actually listens to her without the backing of Rhysand at her side. If he had died, she’d have never been able to reign in the Night Court on her own. The Inner Circle most likely would’ve ended up taking over for her, and she’d ““““rule”””” quietly from the sidelines.
Feyre doesn’t even have the High Lord magic of the Night Court in the same way Rhysand does. Her powers are really ambiguous and illogical, so maybe her magic from the seven Courts makes her equal to him in power. I’m kinda of sure (?) that’s how it’s implied in the books, but it’s not something I’m positive about.
Feyre’s honestly so bad at communication, like it’s not even funny
This was a major flaw of Feyre’s from the beginning. I, personally, don’t really think she progressed past it, especially since Rhys being able to read her mind and actively using said ability probably enabled her issues.
Their relationship evolved frighteningly fast
As you brought up, Feysand know each other for, like, a year and a half by the time we end in the third book. In ACOSF, they’re already having a kid, and it’s been like three years –– at most. That’s a generous estimate too since I haven’t looked at those timeline visuals in a hot minute.
In the time it takes them to start a family, many couples are just beginning to discuss marriage. Like, I’m not usually one to judge people (lol that’s not true at all what am i saying), but that’s concerning. Feyre is barely an adult by the time she’s married to Rhysand. She’s never even traveled to the Continent by the time she and Rhysand are settling down. Like, it’s a different story for Rhysand. He’s been waiting for a mate for 500 years.
Feyre, on the other hand, is 22. If it weren’t for weird faerie aging cycles, she’d probably be considered a child by most of their standards. In fact, she probably is considered a child by most of them. I mean ffs she’s literally younger than every single person that is remotely part of the IC –– and that’s including the iffy members that I’m not sure about like Emerie and Gwyn.
For that reason alone, their relationship makes my skin crawl. They’re moving so fast that it’s so uncomfortable. Feyre isn’t even 30 years old yet. I hate it so much.
There’s a lot of other problems that go into the complicated nature of their relationship, but these are some of the big ones for me. I could go really in depth on how much of it bothers me, but this post is already kinda long lol.
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oddsconvert · 2 years
Shattered #5 - Slowly but Surely
Previous / Masterlist / Next
CW: References to Vampire Whumper, Vampire Caretaker, Pet/Bloodbag Whumpee, References to captivity, Recovery Whump, Drugs/Medication, Vegetative State/Disassociation, Hypnosis/mind control Mentions/ fear of death, Illness, Referenced previous abuse
Taglist: @octopus-reactivated @whatwasmyprevioususername  @ramadiiiisme @darkthingshappen  @whumpsday @thecyrulik @t0rture-me @redwhump @keep-beach-city-werid @snowstuffscuff @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @wolfeyedwitch @interdimensional-chaos  @no-terms-and-conditions-apply @whump-blog @leyswhumpdump @not-a-space-alien @onlybadendings @darlingwhump @sparrowsage  @flynnswhumpprompts @whumpcereal @wolves-and-winters @ashh-ed @idkmansomeusername
(please let me know if you'd like to be added or if I missed you!)
Day Seven
Seven days. Declan had reached the one-week milestone since being rescued from captivity and taken under August’s wing. Which was a good sign; it meant things were luckily steering in the right direction for him to survive to this point, beating all the odds.
Although it pained August to admit it, he had wholeheartedly agreed with Vince when he first bought the human. No-one expected the boy to make it past a day or so at best in the condition he was in. Gripped with nerves of terror when August would awake every evening; Declan immediately at the forefront of his mind, rushing to go check on him. He half expected to find a breathless, stiff corpse lying in his spare room by maybe the day three mark. It came as an unbelievable relief upon seeing the slow rise and fall of the human’s chest each time, the diminutive heartbeat thudding against August’s eardrums.
Still alive. For now. Fighting for another day.
Because it turns out Declan is a fighter. Still kicking and clawing to desperately keep his grasp on life, reluctant to let it slip away from him so easily. He just needs that bit of a push; August was that push he needed, he couldn’t have been left to Vince’s clutches, that would be a death sentence in itself. 
Declan’s body was noticeably growing stronger, bit by bit. A hint of tone replenishing in his muscles, his skin once drained of colour now flushed bright pink, and the laborious, raspy wheezes of breath had settled down. The antibiotics were working their magic with the infection running rampant in him, at least the raging temperature was dying down - his skin didn’t feel like a furnace, anymore. But it was still concerning that his psychological state showed no improvement, still zombified in his trance of unawareness. 
What was the point of his body healing if his mind lacked the wherewithal to use it?
Declan stays awake to near impossible exhaustion, that is until his body finally buckles, forcing him to pass out into a fatigued sleep from the deprivation. It’s a nasty situation, there’s no arguing that, but August will not compel the human to slumber. The best thing for him is to just let Declan’s body do its own thing, allow him his own space and time to heal. 
It’s getting easier; taking care of him. The past week has entailed slowly learning the ropes, coming to terms with what to do, and finding out what not to do.
“So, you need to prop him upright-”, August explains, shoving Declan’s noncompliant body into a sitting position, slumped against the headboard, “-and then you need to hold his head up but not too much, keep it flexed slightly, you don’t want the food to just plummet straight down his throat-”
Lucas' attention was intently fixed on August’s lesson on how to do feedings. One of the few obstacles the pair had managed to eventually suss out as best they could after the choking incident on the first day. The idea of surgical intervention had floated around, teetering the instalment of a feeding tube but it was mutually agreed that his body would not handle being put under anaesthetic. He’d most likely die on the table. And so over the last week of experimentation, August had settled on syringe feeding the boy, deeming it the most effective, and the most risk-free. 
High calorific human food, doused with added nutrients, liquised down into a runny watery paste.
“-then get the syringe into his mouth, make sure you get it past his teeth - right to the back of his throat… and then slowly start squeezing it out. Very slowly, don’t overload him - he’ll choke..”, August trailed off as he demonstrated, flashbacks of the first time he’d tried to feed the human popping to mind, reminded of the panic he felt seeing the boy gag and splutter, struggling to breathe around the goopy obstruction in his throat.
“Then get your free hand-”, August takes hold of Lucas’s wrist and lightly pulls it towards Declan’s throat, making him perform a gentle, circular rubbing motion, “-and stimulate his swallow reflex. That’ll help you out - that’s the trick of this…he has to work with you”.
And sure enough he does. His Adam's apple bobs as he instinctively swallows, sending the food down his throat to his stomach, that thankfully hasn’t felt that feeling of emptiness in days. There’s no coughing, no choking, no retching - it’s a success. A satisfied smile is exchanged between the pair; this could actually work, they could really pull Declan out the other side of this. 
Lucas pulls the oxygen mask back over Declan’s mouth and nose, as he does after every feeding, tightening the elastic strap at the back of his tousled hair until it's a snug fit. Meanwhile, August gets to work at changing the old IV solution bags from their poles, making Declan’s usual cocktail of medication, painkillers and nutrients. Declan owes his life to that concoction streaming through his body.
“He’s come a long way, hasn’t he? I think this may be doable. He might not be a lost cause afterall”, August chimes in, moving to now tuck Declan into his bed, shoving the edges of the blanket into the side of the mattress. He wants this to work more than anything else in the world - not even because that amount of dedicated work deserves a payoff… but because he’s grown so attached to the ill human. 
August wants to give the boy his second go around of life, to dance with death and live to tell the tale - to recover, heal and maybe one day be able to return him back to his home. He deserves all that and more after everything he’s clearly been put through. He deserves happiness. But he also knows if Declan does get through this, August has to prepare himself to hear the horrors he endured during that terrible time. 
“I have high hopes, August. I think he can do it”, Lucas beams,  “He’s improved so quickly, it can only go up from here, right?”
Day Twelve
Why isn't he getting better?
We're doing everything we can…
Why is it not enough?
He’s still not there, it doesn’t seem like he’ll ever be there. He’s still stuck. That glassy, vacant haze over his eyes remains as he continues to stare off into nothingness. No-one expected him to snap back to consciousness in a blink of an eye, for a miracle to happen overnight but he could at least start showing some sign of creeping out of his mind. 
“Come on, Declan….”, August rests his forehead on the bed, arms outstretched and squeezing Declans hand reassuringly, careful of the array of cannulas and tubes sticking out, stroking his thumb along the warmed skin. “We want to meet you. Fight this”.
Lucas watches on in concern, peeping through the doorway. Worried sick about his friend that hasn’t emerged from the spare room in days; he just sits all day, everyday…observing, waiting. Waiting for even just a hint of change, but nothing is happening. It’s like they’ve hit a standstill, Declan is physically on the mend but that seems to be all that’s happening. Maybe his mind can’t be put back together, afterall. 
“August… the sun’s rising. You should rest, it’s early-”, it sounds more like a light-hearted suggestion but Lucas means it as an order. August will wind up making himself sick if he keeps this up, if he carries on neglecting his own care in exchange for Declan’s.
“I’m going to stick around a bit longer-”
“You’ve been in here for days. You haven’t even eaten, do you want to feed?”, he approaches August, rolling up the sleeve of his shirt and outstretching his forearm as an offering. But August just crinkles his nose up at it, wordlessly turning the blood down as he returns his gaze to Declan. He’s lost his appetite, how could he eat at a time like this?
“Well, you should at least close the curtains in here.”
“Maybe the vitamin D from the sun might do him some good.”
Lucas can only blink at that in shock, he doesn’t even know how to respond. Surely he can’t be serious… that’s ridiculous. In a few hours time, the room will look like a booby trap of laser beams like a scene from a spy film, from the burning sunlight leaking through the windows.
“Dude. You need to rest, eat… to just do something and anything other than this. I don’t think you’re thinking straight. Were you really going to sit in here with rows of beaming sunlight? That’s insanity!”. 
August knows he’s right, that sitting in here with a watchful eye does nothing other than be a detriment to his own health. But he feels responsible, like he is at fault for Declan’s condition. He shouldn’t feel responsible, there’s nothing he could have done differently, no way for him to have known about the boy’s existence, nor his torment and he’d be powerless to have rescued him any sooner. But it was one of his own that did this to do Declan… another vampire. And August can’t help but feel guilt for that, Vince and the like were marring the name of vampires.
“I can’t leave him, Lucas. What if he wakes up and no-one’s here? He’ll be so scared-”.
“If it’s any consolation. I don’t think he’s waking up anytime soon. And even if he does, he’ll be absolutely fine - I’m sure he’ll manage. I’ll let you know if anything changes-”, Lucas walks around to him, placing a hand upon his shoulder and slowly peeling him away from the bed. Now he can get a proper peek at August’s face, he sees that he’s an exhausted wreck. Like he’s never slept a day in his life, like a drop of blood hasn’t graced his tongue in a hundred years - the stress painted across his face and it breaks Lucas’ heart to see how much this is taking from him.
“I know this may sound harsh but… what will be will be. We said this from day one, didn’t we? Not to get our hopes up?”
“I know, I just… wish we could do more for him. Why isn’t our best enough?”.
“He’s been through a lot. Maybe a hell of a lot more than we could ever even imagine. But he is improving… in some departments. That’s good right?”.
August nods. It’s true, maybe it’s just August getting too greedy and wishing for the speedy recovery to be too speedy. Admittedly, Declan had been through a hell of a lot and for the state he was in, was making fair progress. But he can’t help but feel disheartened from the lack of consciousness.
“Go to bed. I got this.”
Day Seventeen
Ever since August spoke to his contact in Brazil, requesting an off the book, sneaky test sample of their antidote to vampiric persuasion - every single day without fail, they’d eyed the post awaiting the delivery. That was their final hope, their last line of attack to finally get through to Declan. If this falls through, it truly was the end of the road, and they would finally have to let Declan go… to call it a day.
The wait was excruciating, it felt like an entire lifetime and a half of looking out for the parcel everyday, racked with nail-biting anxiety.
And then the day came. The harsh slam of the letterbox echoed throughout the house. And sitting on the door mat, was a small parcel wrapped in streams and streams of glossy tape, all with different warnings in block letters covering them.
August nearly trips over his own feet with the blurring speed in which he darts to sweep up the package. Ripping at the parcel recklessly, throwing heaps of tape and paper to the floor before his eyes set on the tiniest vial of clear liquid, a packaged syringe accompanying it, with a handwritten note enveloped. His eyes fly over the text as he flits up the stairs.
Dear August,
I hope you’re keeping yourself well, and out of trouble. I’m so awfully sorry to hear about the condition of your patient. I wish both you and him the best of luck with his recovery, if there’s anything more I can do to aid you in this journey, please do not hesitate to call. 
As mentioned, this research remains in testing phases. It is not approved for world-wide pharmaceutical distribution and we are under-informed and lacking in sufficient evidence to confirm any detrimental side-effects of this research. Though I understand it must be worth the shot in the grand scheme of things for your human. We've observed significant results within participant responses to the treatment - I hope this is seen in your case.
For administration, the dosage is 0.3ml, with a further 0.3ml to be injected 30 days from now.
I wish you the best of luck, August. And please inform me of any results and improvements.
All my love,
August urgently tosses the letter to the ground and kneels by Declan’s bedside, fumbling quickly with the syringe and small bottle to withdraw the dosage. There’s no real rush, he doesn’t need to be frantically speeding to get it done but a mixture of excitement and eagerness consumes him. 
For the most part, Declan’s body was healing. It looked like an actual human being, a person was lying soundly asleep in the bed now, and not a heap of skin and bones tangled underneath the covers. 
But now it was time for his mind to heal.
August rips the blanket away from him, noticing the instant rise of goosebumps pricking along his arms from the sudden gush of cold air hitting his skin. 
He plunges the syringe straight into Declan’s upper arm, pushing down and flushing its contents into his system. 
All they can do now is play the waiting game.
Day Twenty
August jumps out of his skin from the sudden thundering bang from above him…sounding from upstairs. Lucas was in the kitchen, humming and beltering obnoxiously loud to the radio as he cooked himself some dinner. August in the next room over, reading with his feet up, just revelling in his free evening. Up until the crashing sound, that is.
No-one was upstairs. No-one other than the comatose patient.
Maybe it’s something stupid, an object falling over accidentally. Like the time Lucas left a glass of juice awkwardly balanced on the edge of his bedside table, inevitably tippling over with shards of glass sprinkling across his room and juice sloshing all over the cream coloured carpets. Or maybe someone was in the house, an intruder trying his luck - rummaging around to find expensive goods to loot.
Or maybe…it was what August so desperately hoped it was.
He doesn't hesitate, jolting to his feet, doesn't even swing by the kitchen to alert Lucas of what he thinks is happening. He just bee-lines straight up towards Declans room.
And god… he almost chokes with a cry of relief, nearly crumbling to the floor with shock, his legs giving in when he reaches Declan's door.
Before he even looks in, August hears the boy's panicked, struggling hyperventilations of breath on the other side of the door. He peeks through the slight crack in the doorway; the boy is sobbing in fear, weakly ripping at all the needles and wires in his body. August can tell that every slight movement hurts like hell - from the way his muscles tense and his sluggish motions. Slamming his eyelids shut, scrunching his face up into a ball of pain as he shoves his palms against his skull, rocking back and forth like his mind is about to implode. Like he's fighting so damn hard against the agony coursing through every part of him.
And the panic. August can actually see the panic within him, that unimaginable fear as weary yet glossy eyes scan the room, the strange environment he has awoken in. The poor thing looks so confused, deathly afraid but also…heartbroken.
August pushes the door to, attempting to quietly creep in to not spook him but the slight jarring creak of the door gives him away. 
Declan instantly freezes, his head shooting over to stare with eyes of terror at August and in that moment...Declan sees death.
Wide, mortified brown eyes lock onto the ruby red.
Declan is finally awake.
Then the blood-curdling sound of a hoarse, howling scream ripples through the room…
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retphienix · 2 months
I /think/ I'll start another playthrough for the blog- I need to shake myself out of my constant slumps or I'll go mad after all :P
So what about Dragon Quest Monsters? One of my favorite series.... if you consider being obsessed with 2.5 gameboy games and wanting to try all the others "favorite" material :P
So Joker was "fine". It wasn't my favorite by any means- most of the changes from 1-2 were "meh" to me, but I did enjoy it enough to complete it with a pretty decent amount of fun being had.
Joker 2's intro got me hyped! It really felt like something I'll love!
So how about instead of playing Joker 2 as I logically would- I go backwards a little and play Caravan Hearts instead lmao
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I know very little about Caravan Hearts, as I've hinted at before on the blog (if you count mentioning it in passing like 4 years ago).
I "Think" it's one of those games I booted up in the early 2000s when emulation started getting more popular, in japanese of course being a japan exclusive and all, but I could be mixing it up with me booting up FF legends and the like.
The most I know is that a fellow DWM enjoyer said it was crap many years ago when I was playing some DWM stuff on the blog, and I took that to mean it's "probably" experimental and easy to dislike lol
Starting it up I'll say I'll be playing the fan translation, obviously, from kaioshin on Romhacking dot net. Any "funny business" in dialogue or re-interpretations of events is because it's a fan translation and I will be experiencing it as it is here, not as the original text defines the game because they never bothered to tell us this tale in english and I'm dumb and can't read the OG lol
Basic intro, we're a kid (10 years old) who craves adventure. Instead of being native to a monster world (2) or coming here because our sibling was kidnapped to be a monster master (1) we come to the monster world to escape punishment from our father- the king- after trying to escape the castle to explore the (reportedly) very tiny world we live in.
Basically we're a bored prince who craves adventure, and we stumbled into an opportunity to do that while hiding in our cabinet... a fun nod to DWM1 :3
Yada yada, in the monster world now, oh look a caravan lacking a leader:
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What a coincidence, we just magically appeared here and listening to kids in RPG settings is normal as hell.
So right out the gate things DO appear rather different from the prior DWM games I love.
The caravan is key to combat for one, and our team appears to be entirely shaken up from how the prior games played it.
Instead of befriending and capturing 3 monsters to make a team and splitting up responsibilities among those 3 monsters for cohesive RPG party stuff- it /appears/ that we will always have ONE monster who takes the main stage for combat (kind of like DQ1?) and the caravan plays the role of... equipment? Passives? I guess you'd call them?
You have various adventurers in the party who don't directly participate but instead act as assistant abilities during combat- I am too early in to know how deep or how much control I have just yet, but I can pick what order they appear and from how the first encounters went it APPEARS as if the order determines when they get a turn to assist (if applicable), MAYBE.
Regardless it means I have a warrior who can swing an extra time for some more damage, a cleric who can heal if their "turn" comes up and we need it, and a map expert who can buff(?) our speed during his turn and also gives us the passive ability to use the map on the overworld.
This, could be neat.
It could also feel like a less hands on version of a combat system that was already kinda hands off since I'm only leveling up 1 party member and the other party members are not /real/ and instead are just passives that happen based on order (I think).
Hm. Looking forward to finding out!
I like that little wind effect :3
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mrs-luigi-vargas · 5 months
Prison Escapes and Pianos
[AO3 Link]
The thing about being kidnapped by people other than Bowser was that a lot of the time, they didn't know what to do with her.
They didn't know to keep more than one guard outside her room at all times; they didn't know to not go into her cell when she sounded upset; they didn't know to not serve her food in a cast-iron skillet; they didn't know Daisy had taught her at least three different ways to knock someone out quietly when the need arose.
But honestly, it was their fault for trying to impress her with a seafood risotto when she pretended to cry about the state of the food here. I mean, really?
Regardless, the lack of guards in front of her cell seemed to be the rule, not the exception, so sneaking through the manor she’d been taken to was more or less trivial as long as she took care not to get too lost. But this place was hardly more labyrinthine than any other castle she’d been in, and before she knew it she was hiding in a storage room, eyeing the window on the far side of it. She could hide in here until nightfall, she was pretty sure, and jump out of there to escape. They didn't know she could float, after all.
But before she could poke her head out to judge the distance to the ground, she heard noises from outside. Quickly, she ducked behind a stack of boxes and watched. Interestingly, the noises were coming not from the door, but from the window she was just about to investigate. Before her eyes, a gloved hand grasped the bottom of the window frame, followed by another, followed by —
Mario froze halfway through the window, clearly not expecting Peach to be anywhere except for the cell he’d expected her kidnappers to stuff her in. Or maybe he did, by the way a smirk grew on his face next. The knot of worry in Peach’s chest loosened; she knew he’d been working tirelessly as always to rescue her, and it eased her mind immensely to see that he was alright.
As Mario climbed the rest of the way inside, his own relief at Peach being alright was interrupted by a jolt of shock running through him, to which he turned around and scowled somewhere behind and beneath him. As Peach helped him into the room, the likely cause of that ire became clear as Luigi’s green hat poked up into view next, shadowing a face that looked vaguely annoyed. But his surprise at seeing Peach not only wiped that annoyance away but also loosened his grip on the windowsill, and Mario and Peach both dove forward to grab him before he fell. Once safely inside and on the floor, Luigi sighed in exaggerated relief. Mario snickered. Luigi shoved him, rolling his eyes skyward.
Peach couldn't help but giggle at the antics. “I’m glad you both are okay,” she said aloud, and Mario and Luigi smiled at her. She also reached out to squeeze Luigi’s hand, because he hadn't said a word yet and by the lines of stress by his eyes it was very likely that he couldn't, right now. Their journey to get here must have been difficult...
And as she grasped his hand, she made sure to check for any injuries with her magic, soothing any hurts that she could. When she finished, Luigi looked a little more settled, and she turned her attention to Mario. But Mario shook his head as if he didn't need any healing at all. Which, judging by the look on Luigi’s face, was a complete lie.
“It’s not like I don’t have the energy,” Peach scolded Mario, and with an apologetic huff he stepped forward, letting her place her hands on his cheeks to see what she could do. Almost immediately, her brow furrowed. Goodness, was Mario really going to walk around hiding all of this? She tried to keep the judgment off her face as she finished, but Mario’s face was an embarrassed pink, anyway. Though perhaps that was from the manner in which she healed him.
To distract from her own embarrassment at being so forward, Peach told Mario and Luigi everything she’d learned while being held captive, and everything she’d overheard the guards talking about as she’d been sneaking around. In return, the boys told her of their journey to get to her, and the larger plan the villain who’d captured her had in store, one that proved to be devastating for the Mushroom Kingdom if it was allowed to be completed. Part of the reason it had taken so long to get to her, it seemed, was because they were also taking out the villain’s allies and collecting what they needed to defeat him at the same time. Something that Peach definitely didn't begrudge them for — it was her kingdom’s safety at stake, after all.
The last item Mario and Luigi needed was somewhere in this manor. Peach hadn't seen it while she was escaping, but had seen an important-looking door along the way, a bright red wood that had contrasted the off-gray wallpaper enough to stick in her memory but not enough for her to be curious and open it. That red door was just what the bros were after, so, with a glance down the hall, she led them there. Along the way, she made a stop at her cell, where the Marios stood guard as she scurried in to retrieve a key ring that she’d left behind during her initial escape. She’d nicked it from a guard earlier in the day, and it had a large, sparkling red key on it that would probably prove to be useful. She returned to find the boys frowning at how bare-bones her accommodations were. “It wasn't so bad,” Peach tried to reassure them, despite how lonely it had been and how cold the room had gotten at night. At least Bowser’s cells were warm. Peach’s hands drifted to her arms at the memory of the chill. Still, Mario and Luigi were quick to return to her side, and whether inadvertently or by design, those phantom chills left quicker than they came. She smiled at them.
It was a few hallways after that when they found that red door, and it was only a few rooms deep after stepping through it when the presence of guards upped in frequency. Whenever they did, Peach, who’d thrown her skillet at a chandelier to distract a room of guards during her initial escape, was forced to hide as Mario and Luigi dispatched them, which made her feel quite useless. That is until the bros defeated one of the elite guards, whose sturdy-looking sword fell to the ground beside them when they were KO’d. It didn't look too different from the blades that Peach was used to, so she picked it up with a flourish that had Luigi applauding and Mario looking a bit awe-struck. Peach beamed at the implied praise, and in the very next room she put her new weapon to use, doing her best to not interrupt the brotherly-synchronization Mario and Luigi had going on by taking on one guard they weren't focused on all by herself. She won very handily, but Mario still fussed over her for quite a while afterward; honestly, he was acting almost as bad as Toadsworth! Luigi seemed to think so too, nudging his brother with an amused grin. Mario caught himself and sheepishly gave her some space. But to be fair, Peach wasn't sure if she’d ever really told her friends that she could fight with a sword at all. So she couldn't find it in herself to be cross at the way he showed his concern. So with the assurance that Peach could, in fact, hold her own in a fight, the trio continued through rooms, dispatching guards along the way to the heart of the manor.
Pretty soon, the number of guards thinned out, and Mario, Luigi, and Peach stepped into a room that appeared to be a dead end. The room was completely empty, save for a lone grand piano up on a modest raised platform in the corner, and some bookshelves lining the walls. Peach crept inwards, the Marios following close behind. She marveled at the designs on the hardwood floor, the lines and dots forming abstract patterns under their feet. When her eyes caught on the piano, she brightened. When she tried to go over to it, Mario stopped her.
“What is it?” Peach followed Mario’s suspicious glare to the piano. “Oh, that’s a piano, yeah. It looks well cared for!” At least from here, anyway.
Peach tried to tug her arm out of Mario’s grip, but it wasn't until he let go of her arm himself that she was freed. He walked ahead of her to the piano, approaching it warily; Luigi was close on his heels, with the same cautious air about him.
“Do...you think it's a trap?” Peach asked. Neither brother responded. Mario inched up and tentatively poked the body of the piano. Luigi waved his hands in the space above the piano bench. They circled around it, and Peach’s bemusement shifted into exasperation.
“You guys are acting like it's going to come alive or something!”
The almost haunted look Mario sent her said yes, it might do that. Peach was left wondering where in the world that sort of expectation could come from. She’d never heard of a piano coming to life before.
About to ask about it, a loud BANG interrupted her. Mario jumped, scuttling backward a few steps and almost falling off the platform. Hand to his chest, Luigi pressed himself against the wall. Wide-eyed, they both stared at the piano, its previously-open lid now closed.
Peach huffed. She went up to the piano and propped the lid open again. “You knocked the lid prop out,” she explained, stepping back. After a moment of nothing, the bros relaxed with twin sighs and sheepish laughs.
The two of them still looked like the piano was going to jump up and attack them, though, so Peach circled around to the front of it. She positioned her fingers on the keys and pressed down, and the chord that rang out snapped the both of them out of their stupor. “See? A normal piano,” she announced, and finally the tension left her friends’ faces. They crept up behind her to peer at the papers resting on the music desk. The song written there was easy enough to play, but the song seemed...incomplete. She played it anyway, and as the last notes faded away, nothing seemed to happen.
Or so she thought, as Luigi nudged her shoulder insistently. He pointed at the floor, the pattern on the tiles glowing right before their eyes. And these lines and dots weren’t just decorative, they were sheet music of their own! Peach couldn't see all of it from where she sat on the bench, so Mario and Luigi went down to copy the notes into Luigi’s notebook; when they were done, they brought the music back for Peach to play. Even so, nothing happened. Peach was beginning to think that this whole thing was a wasted excursion when Luigi sat on the bench next to her, shoulder-to-shoulder. He gestured for her to play the new song again, and as she did, he joined in with the old one, both playing at the same time. When they were done, Peach grinned at him. “I didn't know you could play!”
Luigi shrugged, but he was smiling.
Above them, the ceiling glowed with more notes. Again, they played, but seeing as there was no room left on the piano bench, Mario hummed the third melody instead. Luigi turned around to applaud him when the song was done. Peach joined in, if only for the shy look on Mario’s face. “You should sing more often!” Peach told him, and Mario’s blush darkened.
Just then, a series of clanks and clicks and whirrs shook the platform they were on. With a final thunk, the platform jerked harshly; it began spinning slowly, but then faster, descending too quickly for any of them to get off of it in time. So down they went, into the unknown. They could only hope that this would bring them closer to what they needed to stop that villain for good.
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adventuringalchemy · 8 months
Beware, incoming ramble!
For the time period question I always saw MC as purely medieval, at least when you as the player pop into the world.
Either by nature or because of post apocalyptic consequences. Each explains the hordes of zombies/undead, structures, old strongholds, etc. Either created by old magic and ancient wars that created those old bastions and constructs (blazes, guardians, irongolems so forth) or simply leftovers of a greater civilisation that has vanished now.
While the world of minecraft itself is purely Medieval, humans/players bring knowledge and technology with them! We know how to mimic big skyscrapers, tele communication, modern structures and such because we have seen them before and know how things work already! Knowledge that is lacking in the other "native" inhabitants of the world.
Humans/Players (and I guess the mods they might bring with them) are the varible that determines how advanced the time setting and technology can be.
Or I suppose in case of MCSM- where humans act merely like any other inhabitant of the world- the admins. They determine what experience the server should offer, after all. They just mod the world themselves and give the tools needed if they just want to. Maybe they even go out of their way to remove possibility of modern features if they like to keep it fantasy like, or bust all doors open for people to create their own modern utopia. Fancy thinking. Much theorising.
Opinions, thoughts, counter arguments?
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sorry if this isn't 100% because my benadryl is kicking in super hard atm but i 100% agree with you. especially since in mcsm there are actual mc youtubers put in there but they still act the same as other humans inside the universe there. their world was just a lot more modern as seen that they have modern clothes on, act a little different, and reference making things for people to watch.
it does make me wonder though. i have always thought the admins to be the gods of mcsm. they have the power to create things and to delete things. what about the other worlds? did fred, xara, and romeo all make those other worlds? did they make the old builders to see how they would fuck around with shit? romeo has obviously tried to find a new "champion" and/or people he can simulate into an admin without making them an admin to try and replace the old friends he fucked over. i mean if you think about it, they had to have right? because of all the technology that these other worlds have compared to jesse's world. but then again maybe not because the old builders did that all themselves. the mcyters in mcsm made everything themselves as well.
sometimes i wonder if the admins were the first actual people to spawn in the underground. the world below the world. like they are the humans that are playing the game yet they're absolutely forbidden to talk about it. or perhaps they were humans that were teleported into the mc world by force and they haven't had the ability to come back out. idk. just something i've thought about.
another theory i have is that romeo put the command block in the world to see how people would react to having true admin/god power. and it was all just a huge test before giving jesse the gauntlet to see if anybody would be worthy or capable of becoming friends with him / being the next new champion. obviously the order of the stone wasn't capable of destroying it, but jesse was. and that's what made him reach out to him.
i don't personally know much about the lore of base minecraft other than that there are several stories woven within a world you make yourself. like saving the end and the endermen. the piglins are a hostile mob protecting their home. villages with everyone having their own life to deal with. the illagers and their dark culture. the alchemist who was in the igloo trying to figure out how to heal zombification. though it is strange that you and your friends are the only humans left in this world.
to me it almost seems fair to assume it was some sort of amnesia thing. the character spawns in and is so fucking lost and confused but gradually figures out what to do along the way.
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avocado-frog · 6 months
Anyways ghosts in my wip since I'm thinkin about them (@steh-lar-uh-nuhs since you asked to be tagged lol)
ghost post time:
(cw for a lot of death mention. parent death)
Dylan's magic was kinda vague in forget me not (book one not series) but the general gist was something along the lines of they can control dreams to a certain extent and can sense when somebody is going to die (foreshadowed elliot) (and leo apparently???) but also when I reread it, Dylan is actually BARELY in any of the chapters at all. They don't have a line until well after halfway through even though they showed up in like chapter six
SO dahlia (book two) has a lot more Dylan in it which is great stunning showstopping i love them. Unrelated but looking back the lack of Dylan was definitely why I didn't know what I was doing with characterizing them. <3 DYLAN <3
Before this becomes a dylan appreciation post, the stuff Dylan can do is more expanded on in Dahlia, and includes: -A sort of healing magic that Cass can't do, which is why Elliot is okay even without Cass -That healing magic is that they can handle more advanced injuries (elliot's stab wound, life threatening injuries) while Cass can only do sprains and cuts and bruises -Possession -Necromancy apparently -Possession is what Dylan says is why they could hypothetically raise the dead, if they could wake up Elliot. A post for another time
I've said that Elliot's dream world thing is based on Omori, and in Omori, Mari is like. may or may not be a ghost who is real but you'll never know because Sunny hallucinates often. Same thing for Elliot. Same mechanics
In forget me not Elliot claims to see his mother in the graveyard, right by where her grave would be. There's no realistic way for him to KNOW where that was, unless he is aware that that is where dead people go. So like Mari omori it's ambiguous whether Elliot was actually seeing her or if he was just hallucinating. And in the dream world, Olivia is noted by Dylan to have a scar across her neck, even though Elliot would not want any reminders of her death in what is supposed to be a safe area, hence why the reminders of his two Big Traumas are upstairs in separate rooms. And Olivia is the most sentient of the dream world characters aside from Lucas (who is btw dream world Leo) and Cass. Everyone else is scripted by Elliot. Olivia seems to be knowing what's going on
So what I'm saying is that dream world Olivia like headspace Mari MIGHT just be a ghost. hypothetically
Also in forget me not, I think that at one point Leo claims to feel a hand on her shoulder
ALSO ABOUT LEO: she gets her own little dream section in rosemary where she sees Olivia, despite having not known her
It's still left pretty ambiguous in what I have of rosemary so far. But Jaxon witnesses several deaths, Leo's, who isn't really dead, but he doesn't know that, Maria's, a woman who he accidentally got killed in chapter four and a boy who he sees the execution of. He sees all of them, as well as a boy who he doesn't know but who IS in fact his brother. Again, whether or not they're real is vague because Leo is not dead, but he does see one that he doesn't know
My OTHER dead character is Jasmine, Logan's sister who has Not made an appearance yet but she should be allowed to. She haunts Logan's character arc at the very least. Also maybe Dylan's
tldr if ghosts were real and canon, they are in people's dreams. Dylan and Elliot might be able to raise the dead but I'm not going to dwell on that because that is a whole other plot
This post was brought to you by me wondering how Olivia would interact with the other kids, and me being sad about her death again
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atruththatyoudeny · 2 years
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Happy 28th! Here are all the fics I read and loved this month ♥
Like Rabbits in Cigar Smoke | thecheshirepussycat | Playboy Club AU - historical - 1970s - feminization - 26k Los Angeles 1975 The rules to being a Playboy Bunny are very clear. Keep the clients happy while still protecting the brand. Bunny Louis tries very hard to keep to that, and no amount of longing stares or soft touches from world-wide famous rock star Harry Styles is going to change that. He's not that kind of Bunny, right?
Only You Can Be My Alpha | wubwubnparmaham | omegaverse - soul bond - werewolves - mpreg - kidnapping - self-harm - trauma - hurt/comfort - omega revolution - violence - 183k In a world where one was either an Alpha or an Omega wolf, Louis found himself in a body that could be neither. Born an Omega without the expected characteristics of one, he felt broken, choosing to live as Alpha a lifestyle as he could. Harboring a serious lack of respect for Alphas and their authority complexes, Louis managed to get himself banished from his home, forced to wander the unforgiving woods for years, facing the elements and fighting enemy rogues each time they arose. Unbeknownst to Louis, in a tribe to the southwest of his home, there lived a dysfunctional Alpha, the orphaned pack leader Harry, who had never felt satisfied enough with anyone to settle down and continue his royal line. Living their lives apart thus far, the both of them assumed that they might be alone forever, making the best of things despite this even though it hurt. Chance, luck, or maybe fate brings Louis to this tribe when he’d least expected to receive kindness and shelter from a stranger, and when he arrives, something in his soul pulls him to Harry like a raging river current. The two don’t get off to a good start, but everyone around them can sense the chemistry—and in time they do too. [currently unter construction but 21/23 chapters are already finished]
Man Made Beauty | jaerie | trans female character - transphobia - cunnilingus - semi-public sex - gender identity - 4.7k It wasn’t Louis’ fault. How was he supposed to know how sensitive people were? His questions were innocent and he didn’t see why it was such a big deal. It wasn’t like Louis hadn’t been asked what his penis size was a hundred times over in his career. It was all the same in Louis’ book. aka jaded Louis asks innappropriate questions and gets a thorough education.
Actions and Consequences | HelenaAzure | omegaverse - arranged marriage - war - betrayal - sexual assault - angst - hurt/comfort - mpreg - magic - friends to lovers - 95k For each action, there will always be a consequence. No one knows it better than Harry. Lies, deceit, tricks, treachery. When kings and queens come down to play, things are bound to get bloody. The question is- who will survive... and who will fall? Harry is a prince. Louis is a King. They are destined to be together. But things are much more complicated than it meets the eyes. Throw in a war, a life long secret born of deception, a quiet love, a treason of the highest sorts, a mysterious child of royal lineage and a considerate yet troublesome horse into the mix, and you get a legend which resonates through the pages of history ---- This is a story about finding strength within yourself and healing. About friendship and true love. It gets real rough, and the characters fall. But they get back up again stronger than ever.
trailer park pretty | delsicle | PWP - car sex - cheating - feminization - daddy kink - 5k Louis had a boyfriend and yet he was getting railed on a sports car by another man. A man he liked far more and fantasized about every second, from the moment he woke up and even in his dreams.
Lilac | saturnlarry | omegaverse - arranged marriage - mistreatment of omegas - mpreg - 195k Harry was told what was expected from him. He was betrothed to the heir of the Tomlinson pack even before he was born. Surrounded and raised by biddable omegas, whose only purpose in life was to serve their alphas, he became one of their kind. He grew up being taught how to please his alpha, an alpha who he didn't know anything about, save for his name. Louis Tomlinson was his name. The almighty heir of the biggest pack of the UK. His name was well-known around the vicinity, being one of the fastest and slickest alphas, Louis was known for his fighting skills and political policies. Harry always took pride in having such an eminent and smart alpha. Louis was faceless, like a blank canvas for little Harry to mold his alpha whichever way he wanted. He often found himself dreaming of sleeping in his alpha's strong arms, sneaking inside his alpha's office when his alpha was supposed to finish work, distract his alpha from working a tad but also be his little muse. But of course, all good things must come to an end. The little perfect fantasy that Harry had been thriving off to would just remain a fantasy, at last. He would still love his alpha. But his alpha wouldn't.
Where Words Fail, Music Speaks | Larry_you_know | Silver Fox - older Larry - hurt/comfort - music - 45k Louis is a world class violinist. He’s one year over forty, living his best life in New York. One day, he comes to a small town in Connecticut where he inherited a house from his late father. The town looks nice and its people welcome him warmly. The problem is that Louis never knew his father and he doesn’t intend to change anything about it - his father can stuff his last will up his treacherous ass. In a strange coincidence, Louis meets town troubadour Harry, who seems wonderful to him just right until he reveals that Louis’ father was like a dad to him. Even though Louis tries to convince himself that it shouldn’t - it hurts.
Just the Start | littleroverlouis | Silver Fox - fluff - humor - first dates - 9k Louis is a fifty-two year old divorcé who has fallen into rut. He never anticipated a forced day of self care, and a chance meeting with a charming salon owner would shake him out of his comfort zone.
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luckyshotwrites · 9 months
Ch. 83 // Your turn again, Claudia! // Day 57 (Bonus Chapter)
Contents (Warnings): Claudia gets the chance to host another game! (slight angst, vore mentions, craving, character and monster info as always). Read full chapter on A03
Wordcount: 3,300 +
Song I correlate to this Chapter: Under the Influence (Violin) - Joey Sunny
Side note: This chapter will be in the usual format again, Lynette first person and everyone else third person. I apologize for the confusion!
(Nov. 21st, Monday)
Being 5 feet tall is so much better than 4 inches tall. I thought, poking at my scrambled eggs.
It may have been the sporadic thoughts bouncing around my head, but sticking my fork into a clump of eggs was hard. It felt like I was trying to stab into a grape.
The coffee makers hum from across the bar called my attention. I peered up to see Wicks waiting for his cup of coffee. He leaned on the fridge beside the counter the machine rested on. He slumped his head on the side of the glass fridge door. 
He got home so late. He got home at 5 in the morning.
Thus, I refused to start training today because of his exhausted state.
And he didn't tell me why he was out so late. "Has work been well?" I asked, finally getting the eggs with my...I realized I had a spoon and not a fork. That explains why I couldn't stab them. 
My whole body shot up. I felt like I was back on the steak, and Lev poked my leg with the fork. You know, spoons are better anyway. 
"It's been work. Good days and bad, some more stressful than others." Wicks flipped around. His coffee mug is in his right hand. "I'm glad I can do something good." 
He yawned.
The bags under your eyes look so much worse. He asked me a question after—I might have looked disgruntled by his answer. 
"Are you worried about last night? You know I've been out for days at a time before."
I quickly swallowed the second spoonful and countered him, "That was BEFORE I knew what you did!"
Wicks's hazel hue whipped at me. Uh oh. I imagined the green light telling him it was okay to sass me pop over my head.
He calmly put down his coffee, slid it further away, then faced me and slammed his palms onto the counter.
"OH, YOU CAN WORRY ABOUT ME," He bought his hands into his army green t-shirt then flipped his hand up to me, "BUT when I tell you how ridiculous that BET to be tiny was with YOUR coworkers, I'M THE BAD GUY!" Wicks grunted out, "YOU WERE EVEN STAYING AT THEIR HOUSES!"
I got up from my stool and shook my head, "I didn't call you the bad guy, Wicks!" I refused to answer to anything else that he said. Lev didn't give me a choice. 
Wicks slid his mug back in front of him and picked it up. 
He dropped his voice, "You see what I mean though."
"Yeah..." I sighed, "But you can't compare your work to mine. I work at a pizzeria with some jerky coworkers. You work problems head on, right?" I put more eggs in my mouth.
Wicks narrowed his eyes with disgust, "It's not a competition of whether I have it worse, Lentils." He lifted his mug to his face, "You also can't summarize your coworkers as normal jerks either."
I saw his lack of hesitation to drink the his coffee.
I lurched forward to try and touch his hand or cup. "Wicks, you didn't even-"
He took a sip, cried out, and put his cup back down. He held his mouth shut.
"You just made it! It's going to be hot, Wicks!"
Wicks lifted his hand slightly, "I was too busy being frustrated with you. You distracted me."
"Sorry," I apologized. 
I expected to see Wicks's eyes glow and for him to use reversal magic. It never happened. "Are you going to heal it?"
Wicks glanced up and stuck his tongue out, showing its lack of redness, then pulled it back. "Magus's bodies normally heal themselves." He smiled with relief, "Good thing too. I'm terrible with assistance magic."
"It's not what I focused on with my training. Dad had me learn more offensive magic." He touched the rim of his cup with his finger, "I've got plenty of time to learn it anyway." 
I finished up my eggs and felt a cramp of jealousy. I wish I could use magic too.
It was slow. 
He found himself working at the registers with Lynette because Claudia was also working today. Other than that, he'd be in the back, and Lev would be out doing the odd jobs.
Alexander watched her out of the corner of his eye. She was nearest to the pizza pick-up station. 
His body twitched anytime she moved a little closer, cleaning, fidgeting, whatever the case. He held back his reflex to grab her. 
How long has it been? He asked himself the terrible question. He knew he shouldn't think like that when his victory wasn't even secured. 
He grumbled, "If only Drake didn't distract my ass."
Lynette flinched, "First thing you say in the last hour, and it's about that." 
He rolled his eyes and pressed up his rectangular lenses. "You'd be pissed too if you missed an opportunity, right?"
"Not to eat someone," Lynette muttered, momentarily meeting his gaze. Alexander knew he shouldn't have, and he felt relieved seeing her turn her head away. "I also remember what you did on my first day after the wedding."
Alexander shut his eyes. He distinctly remembered it, too. They lazily reopened, and Alexander stared toward the main entrance. He couldn't let himself see her nervousness. 
"Yeah, and how many times have you manipulated my ass to win, Shrimp." He wore a slight smirk. 
"And how many times have you proposed unfair games!"
"Like you aren't doing the same," Alexander retorted—he found his eyes trailing back to her. "I hope you know that even though you and Claudia decided on something together, you aren't winning today."
Alexander had turned to look at Lynette upon saying that. And the dark blue-haired bastard pinched his cheek, "Outsmarting them requires you to be smart, Wendie~." 
The glass-clad male's hand went up to grab Lev's wrist. He barely missed as the drakin spun with the pizza and laughed. 
Lev fake gasped as he put the pizza away, "That's not proper language for the counter," the playful hook stabbed into Alexander's lip. It curled up.
He was ready to wrestle Lev onto the floor. 
Lev continued, this time speaking to Lynette. "He looks a little more balked than usual. He didn't get you yesterday, did he?" 
"No and-"
The drakin's finger came out and went to touch her lips, shushing her. "I know. He won't get you today either, right?~"
Lynette stumbled back from Lev. Her back was to Alexander.
Alexander tuned out of their conversation and focused downward. 
Each of Lev's steps made her retreat closer to him. 
As saliva pooled inside his mouth, he sealed his lips tightly. And to keep himself from drowning, he swallowed.
His core yearned for a meal. His body knew he'd enjoy her.
His arms were jerked upward when she bumped into his chest. His instincts nearly consumed him as he held her upper arms. Seeing Lev and Zilla, who had just walked inside, watchful and waiting, he let go.
He bit his own lip until it bled to regain control over himself. 
"Lev, don't work on getting Wendie fired." Zilla's bright smile was as mocking as Lev's. "I don't want one less meal option during lunch." 
"He has more self-control than that, I'm sure." Lev chuckled unapologetically.  
Smug asshole. You did that on purpose. 
Once everything got settled again and the two left, Lynette and him resumed their positions at the counter. She spoke first, "sorry for bumping into you."
Alexander saw a customer coming inside. He rolled his shoulders and replied, "Next time, pay attention to your surroundings."  
He regretted saying what he did, because it spurred a grotesque memory. One that at least kept his attention off Lynette. 
I left the counter before Alexander. I don't even know what Claudia has planned for today. We talked about what we'd do after the holidays on Saturday. There's no guarantee it'll go well, anyway. I have to tell Claudia no, even if Alexander won't eat me for the weekend if I win. 
I removed my badge and scanned out, ready to return to the breakrooms. 
If she can't perform much magic, I wonder what she'll be doing instead. 
She mentioned she's not supposed to use a lot of magic. 
I put my badge into my pocket with my phone. I should be more positive, but Lev is here, and Xander's still mad from yesterday.
"Lynette," Zilla's melodonic and soft voice tenderly pulled at my ear. When my head twisted back to see her, she slung an arm over my shoulders. Zilla leaned on me as she scanned out. 
"Hi, Zilla." You want to do some kind of deal, don't you?
"How was your vacation? I feel like we haven't talked much since our girl day." She pulled out her black scrunchy. It allowed her choppy, grayish-white locks to puffy out and free. The rosey scent touched my nose, and her hair partially brushed my face.
"It's been good..." She tugged me with her. "How about yours? What did you do?"
Her violet left me and went ahead to the glass sliding door. It opened for us. "Mine was as good as it could be with Zane." She didn't describe what they did.
Her voice echoed in the room that had all the table and chairs removed from the center. "None of the boys are here yet, Claudia?"
"Nope," she said. Claudia sat on the floor, playing with a large coin. It didn't have a picture on either side just the ridges around it's gold shimmer.
I felt the desperation flood my eyes, "This isn't a coin toss, is it?" 
Claudia slapped her hands onto the coin to catch it from rolling away. "No, no! We're gonna fight!"
Zilla pulled her arm away from me, "Do you think that'd be a good idea, Claudia?"
I hated to admit it. "Yeah, Claudia, I don't think I could overpower any of you."
Her head teetered to Zilla, then me, and she giggled, "That's why you get the coin first!" She slid the coin to my feet. Claudia then lifted her hat and out tumbled a roll of used gray duct table.
"You're going to tape it to me?!"
"So it's a little harder to steal from you," Claudia said. Why do you say that like it shouldn't even be a question!?
Zilla muffled her laugh and picked up the coin, "Claudia, we'd simply rip it from her." `
"Or take the whole package," Lev said from a distance behind me. I never hear him come in.
"I don't want to be tossed around again." My shoulders slumped.
"Tossed around?" Claudia eagerly bounced up. "What do you mean?
Zilla handed the coin back to me. It felt lighter. Then she went on to explain the game Drake posed on his day a while back. They all had to carry me through rooms and touch me with a wall while carrying me to win.
Claudia seemed fascinated by the idea and decided to do something similar. As long as Lynette was within fifteen feet of the coin, it counted as her win if one of them made it into the tape circles on the ground, linked to the coin. There were five in total all across the room.
Zilla had already made her first move, but she wanted to keep the attention on her like normal without fully revealing what she had done.  
"Regarding bets today, since I'll be playing," her combat boots reverberated with each step. She confidently stood before the two taller males. "I've decided if I win, I want you both to give yourselves to me willingly."
Their faces flare, amused her. Alexander's face was consistently honest, so his face openly showed it's disgust. While Lev excelled at hiding it. Nonetheless, it still showed subtle perturbation for a moment.
Alexander looked at another table, "whatever."
While, in typical Lev fashion, he wanted to push her to give up first. "And if I win, Zilla, you'll willingly give yourself to me."
The thought stewed in her stomach. I know how you treat your prey. She didn't have to look at the redhead again to confirm it.
She combatted his stance by mimicking its opposing force, "I'll take that wager, Lev.~" Zilla even copied his tune. 
He leaned closer with his yellow heat burning in his eyes. Zilla matched his closeness. Their faces were inches apart.
Zilla could see the excitement sprouting from him. It was always apparent with his teeth. Sharp enough to bite if you wanted to.  
Besides her distaste for the bet, she had to admit that the games they played were rather fun. His dedication and attention to detail impressed her. 
Let's see how quick you catch on then, Lev. 
Claudia shouted to get their attention and Lev pulled back first. 
Claudia pushed the coin about the size of Lynette's head to her.
"I don't want to get thrown across the room."
Claudia laughed, "that'd be funny."
"You better not toss her around; she's fragile as hell."
All humans are.
"I'm not that fragile," Lynette gripped the coin. 
Lev couldn't resist. "Wanna test that, Lynette? I'd love to have you over again.~" He watched her create more distance between them. You make it so easy. 
"What did you do to her?" Alexander, who was only half paying attention prior, was pulled in.
Wouldn't you like to know. Lev thought before letting the words roll off his tongue, "something that you clearly haven't had the chance to indulge in yet.~" Lev purposefully selected what he said to spur even further confusion.
Alexander furrowed his brow together like two rhinoceros beetles clashing horns, "What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" 
Lev didn't answer. Instead, he keenly listened to Claudia's rules, wanting to find a way around them. 
"No fighting each other with magic, and no monster forms. Lynette will start in the middle of the room; we each start at our own circle."
She gestured around the room; all the tables were moved to the far edges of the breakroom so they weren't inconvenient.  
Hmm. We'll all end up bolting for Lynette first. Getting the coin from Claudia will be far more difficult than Zilla.
"I'm going to get smashed to a pulp," Lynette told Claudia. Zilla joined in on the teasing, and Lev took the opportunity to speak to Alexander. Aw, you don't look enthralled by the idea.
Lev slowly leaned over and whispered, "Do you want to work together?"
His eyes squinted like someone took off his glasses. "Huh?"
"You know this isn't a good idea. Lynette's very fragile." Lev said. And she's your responsibility. "So, why don't we team up. I get the coin, and you hold Lynette back. That way, in the end, you get to eat her, and I get to eat Zilla." 
"Holding her without eating her will be a pain in the ass," Alexander commented.
That's not a no, is it?~
"You know, out of the both of us, I'm definitely better at avoiding things. It would be easy for Claudia and or Zilla to get you." Lev said. 
He could feel Alexander's consideration. I'm grateful you think logically. 
"Fine, but if I grab her don't any waste time." 
I'd bet three minutes at most before he'd just eat her. Lev thought, containing his chuckle. He couldn't break that already loose trust Alexander placed in him. 
Not that long after they got to their stations. Lynette would be heading for the circle ahead of her that didn't house anyone. The two most advantageous at the time were Lev and Zilla. Across from one another, waiting for their chance to move.
Zilla's too cocky. Her, Lynette, and Claudia are most likely in a deal right now.
Lev thought more about Claudia. She's always the one that leaves me curious. She does things on whims.
The buzzer that was Claudia's phone and they all ran. Lev was a bit faster, his objective was to get her to stop running, which he did when he was able to grab one of her arms and sling her back by it. Her back landed in his arm, and he dipped her with a grin.
"Got something for me?~" His vocals sang. He went to snatch the coin from her hands while she panicked to keep herself from falling from his hold.
Claudia sprang at him next, using her "wings". One snatched at Lev. He let Lynette go. The other caught Lynette and helped her up.
Lev maneuvered the "wings" and checked the distance between him and Lynette.
He counted his steps, making sure he wouldn't back into anything. He also kept a firm track of Zilla. Or he assumed so. He figured she did some type of spatial magic to get close enough to him.
She threw herself at the coin, he threw himself back at the risk of Claudia. Dodging Zilla, however the fae took her opportunity and her arm swung back into Lev. It struck his side, though not with much force sent him into Zilla. They were flung back toward another circle while the coin laid at the center of the room.
"You're awfully heavy in your human case!" Zilla commented pushing him off.
Lev flipped up from the ground and teased Claudia. "Your arms are technically part of your monster form Claudia, you broke your own rules."
The fae shook her head, "they-" she couldn't argue with him. And tossed the coin to the other side, near where Alexander held Lynette.
Zilla got a slight headstart. It only spurred Lev further, he raced out, desperately trying to catch up. They couldn't use the circle that the coin was near, Lynette was most likely fifteen feet away.
Zilla got it, she threw a chair to Lev to hit his legs. He jumped over it and lunged at her. She threw herself out of the way. Lev twisted his body before he landed, hit the side of his body into the wall, and used his elemental, wind magic to propel himself at her. He cut it off, obeying Claudia's "not using magic to hurt anyone" rule, and crashed into Zilla again.
He struck her side this time from behind. It threw her off balance and near another circle. She had let go of the ring, Lev caught it in mid-air and tried to step inside.
Zilla twisted herself on the ground and slammed her leg into Lev's, he fell, luckily into a table to catch himself. He still had the coin.
Zilla had gotten up, and that was when Lev heard Alexander yell. It destroyed their whole fight, because it was then Lev realized the coin felt light.
He didn't expect it to be easy. Mostly because everyone would be struggling to get to the center at Lynette. Lev had it first, then Claudia, and the fighting continued. Lynette wanted to focus on staying her distance. That was when he got behind her and scooped her up. 
She immediately yelped and glanced back the best she could. Her legs flailed, and he kept her arms restrained at her sides.
It was hard to keep her restrained without making a move. "Quit IT." 
"Why are you picking me up!? Put me down, I don't have the coin!"
Alexander's stomach rumbled. The word, down, overwhelmed his thoughts. He gulped, swallowing the overabundance of saliva. 
"Why did you have to use that phrase," he groaned in annoyance.
She didn't stop fighting him. "Because not everyone thinks like you guys do!"
Fuck. "And not everyone smells so damn appetizing." There was a persistent whine coming from his stomach. Alexander's body was fighting him too. This reminds me of that damn cube. 
He tried to keep track of the others, "We're gonna win anyway."
"We..." She felt his grip tightened—he kept it light enough not to crush her. "You guys are working together!" 
Alexander's eyes flared with their bright blue light; his size was itching to change. "How many times have you worked with-" He saw Zilla get knocked back. He dropped Lynette, and lurched in her direction. That was when he viewed the faint magic text coming from her. 
He concentrated on it, and he realized Zilla used illusion magic to hide the real coin that she had duct taped to her shirt. 
"SHE'S USING ILLUSION MAGIC!" Alexander shouted, but the game was already over. Zilla stepped into one of the circles. 
Claudia laughed, "OH, that's why it felt different!"
Lev waved the coin he currently held. It vanished once Zilla released the illusion. 
She knew if she didn't keep fighting with them, we'd pick up on her. Alexander eyed Lynette. She got away from him. It made him want to pursue her. 
Lev spoke, "Zilla, your bet was to be able to eat Wendie and me willingly, right?"
Zilla tossed the coin back to Claudia and approached them, "Correct."
"Perfect," Lev said. 
He snapped his head back. Lev's intentions met Lynette's; she wanted to create run from him, but he grabbed her wrist and dragged her into a hug. "Then I will gladly let you eat me after I have my snack~."
You fucker. "You didn't win the bet, Lev." Alexander missed his opportunity once again.
Lev firmly held her, "Unlike our other deals, we usually make bets on who gets her. Zilla's bet never specified Lynette being "safe"."
He then whispered something to Lynette after and she went crazy. 
"This is so cheap!" 
"Aw, come on, we're a team; we should all work together. Shouldn't we?" Lev's case burst first. Now holding Lynette with a singular hand. Alexander didn't want to watch Lev enjoy her.
It didn't seem Zilla was interested either, so she beckoned Alexander to follow her to the next breakroom. 
Why do I keep making these stupid bets? I should just eat her. Alexander thought to himself.
He eyed Zilla from behind; whether bad or not, her lack of scent still bothered him. 
"I don't trust Lev very much. He might give the excuse that he already ate, so he can't be eaten."
They went through the glass door together, "asshole." 
Zilla's chuckled as she turned around to look at Alexander better. "You could have fought with him like Claudia is now." Zilla pointed behind him. He turned to see Claudia was swinging about, supposedly on Lev.  
"I'm not going to fucking play tug of war with someone who has the tensile strength of a tissue."
He didn't look back again. He felt Zilla's case break and he could feel her clawed hands inching at his back.
Every muscle in his body clenched, he wanted to fight it or run from her. Her hand, smooth and firm, wrapped around him like he was a doll. She brought him up and made him face her. She didn't look too different in her naga form, at least her upper half didn't.
She smiled, showing off her fangs. "Can't you at least try to look happy, Wendie?"
Alexander being brought to her plump lips still growled out, "I hope you choke."
It made her laugh before she opened her fanged mouth wide to eat him.
Hey, you, thank you so much for reading. I'm glad I put out a story that people can enjoy! I hope you continue to enjoy it as WE have a LOT more to go! YOU BETTER KEEP PROSPERING! (Nonnegotiable, as always~).
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What I’d do for a Livable Income (Synopsis/Chapter - List)
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