#I have a few plot points I spesifically want to cover for this SI like
kakusu-shipping · 2 years
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The year is 2022 and I am a little guy legally married to Makarov Dreyar of the Fairy Tail Guild, as 13 year old me would have wanted.
Self Insert and just straight up Making Things Up about Fairy Tail Lore beneath the cut
So, in the world of Fairy Tail I am a Vampire, pushing 600 years old. I’m lifting a lot of this from young mes original self insert which pushed the Immortal Loli/Shota trope, so I am Makarov’s 3′nothing size.
The rest of this is more origonal
In his 600 years, Emile became the (to his knowledge) last living pure blooded vampire, as much like Dragons, Vampires were eventually hunted to near extinction by humans after catting and feeding of them for so long.
Emile survived due to his small stature and young appearance, keeping humans from believing him to be the immortal creature of the night that had been feeding from their village for years.
Now alone, Emile travels the continent, avoiding staying in one place for too long, inventing Magic Items such as The Magicmobile to assist humans, and gather a growing wealth deposited in banks across the land.
To gain access to these springs of wealth, however, he has to be a legal citizen of the country he is currently staying it. As he can’t exactly claim to be the 100+ year old original opener of the account, he instead has to play the decedent. Starting first with forged documents, he puts himself in schools, moving every other grade to avoid suspicion as he doesn’t age or grow, and ending with a big of Marriage Fraud to solidify his residency, and gain access to his accounts.
This is how he ended up with Makarov Dreyar, after all the Fairy Tail guild seems to rack up a lot of repair bills, would be rather nice to have someone with plenty of spare wealth to pay it all off.
Emile, as an ancient being, has a lot of deeper understanding of magic than most in the guild. In his time he’s had the space and practice to master most types of magics, only Celestial Magic still eludes him.
He’s more than happy to spread this magic onto others, teaching Cana card magic, Erza her requip spells, helping Mira and Elfman perfect Take Overs, he even implanted the Lighting Dragon Lacrima in Laxus when he was a mere toddler.
Early in Emile’s life in the guild he saw no problem teaching such young children dangerous magics. So long as he’d lived, he knew of human’s short life spans. Keeping the Guild strong mattered more than keeping the kids safe. Sending them on jobs alone, charging them jewel for food or rent around the guild seemed fair. They’re old enough to be part of a guild they’re old enough to work and pay for their rights to stay.
Until Lisanna died.
He hadn’t really thought himself attached to this kids, Makarov’s kids, until he stood beside him at Lisanna’s funeral, staring at a tombstone with such a young age on it.
He did that.
He let a child go on an S class quest. He taught a child dangerous magics. He told Makarov they’d be fine on their own.
Rules changed soon after. Minors were no longer allowed on S Class Quests at all. Minors also were not allowed to take monster hunting jobs without an adult in the party. S Class Quests were moved upstairs and fewer of them were accepted.
Emile started making magic items for everyone in the guild on top of making Erza’s armor and weapons. Just something to help them on quests, a little something to lean on, to keep them safe, to hold on to.
He tries not to be too protective over the kids, he knows they’re goo wizards and can handle themselves. But they’re also just so squishy, humans with such short life spans always running head first into trouble.
He understands why Makarov went bald so quickly now.
#Emile's Arts#Fairy Tail#Self Insert#Self Ship#It's me and my kind of a mary sue self insert because we all get one so I chose the Mary Sue Anime#If you treat Fairy Tail like a Gag Manga it gets better actually dkgjdksjgkf#Okay realy talk I did not expect to get as emotionally attached to the Fairy Tail cast when I started rewatching it this year#Like not only did I fall hard in love with Makarov but the kids started mattering to me right like those are MY KIDS#I have a few plot points I spesifically want to cover for this SI like#In season 1 when Laxus is having his Rebellion arc and Makarov has a heart attack and nearly straight up dies#It's like. Kinda just brushed off in canon like yeah he took his meds he's fine now#In my canon tho he did actually die there#But only for a moment#Being around for 600 years comes with perks including forbidden magics#Death Magic and Life Magic are really one in the same when you've been around long enough#So he swore Porlyusica to secrecy and brought Makarov back#Then another thing I know the lack of healing magic is like. A Thing right like support Magic is a forgotten art form#And I wrote it off for the thing I said a minute ago Life Magic just being too close to Death Magic so when you ban one you ban the other#Right but also I think Water should be able to heal most elements have healing abilities so like#Sometime before the 7 year gap I start teaching my sweet baby girl Juvia water based healing spells#I also was On The Island when the 7 year gap happens because I say so#Then finally the big 7 Dragons fight after the Grand Magic Games#Up till this point I don't use a lot of magic or get in a lot of fights and that's just because#I know my kids can handle it and it's more fun to watch Natsu do it plus he'd throw a fit if he didn't get to do it#But the Dragon Thing was like serious so I did a lot of shit#Mainly Healing everyone who fought in the finals of the games so they'd be good to go#Putting a large scale protection spell on every person in the city in an attempt to keep the civillian casualties down#Fending off Atlas Flame from the rest of Fairy Tail until Laxus stepped in#And taking down tons of the little soldiers to keep Makarov and Asuka safe after everyone split up#So for the first time in probably 400 years I completely drained all of my magic energy
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