#The sweetest of men
sheawritesstuff · 4 months
Anton / My Love Headcanons
✩ Anton hasn’t cut his hair or beard since he left to work on Project Meridian
✩ All of My Love’s plants have names
✩ Anton has walked in on My Love having full-on conversations with their plants on several occasions
✩ Despite being almost completely overrun by various plants, their house is very organized and tidy
✩ Anton is a tinkerer through and through, there are always at least three little projects on his desk at any given time
✩ There is a framed picture of My Love next to the little plant on Anton’s desk
✩ Whenever the asset would rave about Marcus, Anton would tell them about his partner
✩Anton has reading glasses that he keeps tucked in the collar of his shirt when he’s not wearing them
✩ Anton loves soup of all kinds, it reminds him of home
✩ My Love wears overalls almost every day so they can carry all their plant-care tools
✩ They almost always sleep face-to-face
✩ Anton drinks strong black coffee with a little sugar - My Love drinks English Breakfast tea with a splash of milk and honey
✩My Love takes some of the produce they grow in the garden to the local farmer’s market and trades it for other goods
✩ Since Anton’s been gone, My Love has an elaborate setup of pillows wearing his clothes to help them sleep - They also have his voice as their alarm in the morning
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nariism · 11 months
your boyfriend has what social media likes to call a resting bitch face. to some extent, it's true. your wonderful partner has a mug that screams "get close to me and i'll bite your fingers off!"
jaw so taut you can see him grinding his teeth when he gets irritated, phone permanently on do-not-disturb, headphones in everywhere he walks, a scowl etched deep into his face like he was born that way... everything about him is just so off putting unless you're one of his most diehard fans (which, unfortunately, he has many of).
everyone thinks your boyfriend is too rude. too blunt. too avoidant of socializing like a regular human being to really be in a relationship.
but what they don't know is that your phone number is the only one listed to bypass his phone's do-not-disturb status. what they don't know is that he carries around a picture of you in his wallet from your very first date. what they don't know is that he has a tendency to blow money on you spontaneously just because you looked mildly interested in something.
he's got your favourite things listed in his notes app. he knows your regular starbucks order like the back of his hand. he's an expert in making you flustered. and he's proud of it.
they don't know your boyfriend is a total sweetheart behind closed doors, away from the prying eyes of the public.
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SAE, kaiser, CHIGIRI, RIN, raichi, barou, shidou (when he's not in a pda mood) <3
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© ALABOADOA 2023 — please do not translate or post my works to other platforms.
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denjidenjiji · 6 months
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I put too much effort into this, just to NOT like it. maybe I’ll redraw Marcoh in the future because he deserves better..
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plumeriacosmos · 18 days
Kinda want a Polin AU where Finch and Dankworth thinks it is now their duty to be the men in Penelope’s life, and becomes overprotective brothers to Pen, so they try to intimidate Colin and “assess” him, but like Colin, who grew up with two insufferable older brothers, only raises an eyebrow with an amused smile. He’s mildly intimidated but like, this is also quite funny
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everydetailofher · 1 month
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@Lily4lana on pinterest!!
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pinkrose05 · 5 months
Excuse me as I curl up in a corner and cry
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d3adlyromb3ar · 1 month
choso you are the loml 💕
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dumb-little-baby · 5 months
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Nico Russo <3
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sexswansworld · 5 months
I want to fuck a guy so much bigger than me, you know? That kind of power imbalance is so hot. Because sure, you could take control if you really wanted too, but you don’t, do you baby? No, all you really want is to be fucked dumb like the adorable little slut you are.
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butchviking · 1 year
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Terry Pratchett - The Wee Free Men
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banksreads · 2 years
men who can cook>>
(ps this keeps getting updated)
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john tucker (Off Campus Series)
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Zade Meadows (Cat and Mouse Duet)
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Tristan Caine (The Dark Verse Series)
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Tobias King (The Ravenhood Series)
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Kai Mori (Devil's Night Series)
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Nico Russo (The Made Series)
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Josh Chen (Twisted Series)
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Tristan King (Lingus)
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Raphael Visconti (Sinners Anonymous Series)
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Declan Kane (Dreamland Billionaire Series)
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Beckham Sinclair (Black Ties and White Lies)
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Garrett and Ryder Viper (Den of Vipers)
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Knox Eden (The Edens Series)
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Jasper Vale (The Edens Series)
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Zeno De la Croix (Corrupted By You)
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Joey Lynch (Redeeming 6)
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Jameson Miles(The Stopover)
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Tristan Miles (The Takeover)
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zappedbyzabka · 7 months
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maygrantgf · 1 month
y'all better leave my bby girl @loserdiaz ALONE!!!!!
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finnpeach · 1 year
Memory - Trigun Stampede
guess who's still going on about trigun stampede. anyway we aren't surprised, here's our favourite eulogist wolfwood with a cold and being a big grump to vash (with a touch of angst because if it's a finnpeach fic there will be angst). comments, tags, and feedback always loved and giggled over <3
once again set between episode 4 and 5, but slight spoilers if you haven't seen episode 6 :)
It takes two days for them to get closer to the next outpost after their second encounter with a worm. On the way, they ran into a couple of travelers that needed help, and Vash obviously insisted they stop and assist them. The next day when they set out again, the car broke down and Roberto and Vash had to spend the whole day trying to fix it until it ran again. 
Wolfwood had started feeling a dull ache in his head and a soreness in his throat the night they escaped the first worm. He chalked it up to being dehydrated, but when he woke up the next morning with a throbbing pain in his sinuses and a cough in his chest, he knew he’d caught a cold. 
He hasn’t been sick since his days at the orphanage. Frankly, he doesn’t even know how he got sick, but guesses he picked something up when they were inside the worm, or just simply from over exhausting himself the past few days. Either way, he feels like shit and is starting to lose his capacity for hiding it.
Vash, of course, is the first to notice. They’re sitting in the backseat of the vehicle, watching the next outpost grow closer when the first sneeze of many sneaks up on Wolfwood. He has barely enough time to rip the cigarette out of his mouth before—
“Huh’EGhZTSSHh!” He steeples his hands over his nose and mouth, cigarette pinched between his pointer and middle finger as he pitches forward in the seat. Ugh, that had hurt his throat. Wolfwood slumps back into the seat with a sniffle and rubs at his nose, beginning to feel miserable.
“Are you okay?” There comes that soft, sensitive voice, dripping with genuine concern. Wolfwood fights the urge to roll his eyes. Vash is looking at him with an inquisitive gaze, leaning forward slightly towards him as if to get a better look.
Wolfwood grits his teeth. “I’mb fide,” he mutters, hating that his voice is already thick with congestion. He places the cigarette against his lips and puffs out a cloud of smoke in an irritated huff. Meryl and Roberto are bickering away up front, oblivious to their conversation. 
“You shouldn’t smoke if you have a cold.” 
God, does he ever let up? “I told you I’mb fide, needle-noggid, let it go. It was just a sdneeze.”
He takes another long drag from his cigarette. Unfortunately, he does not prove his point. The smoke catches in his throat and sends him into a coughing fit. 
Suddenly, there’s a hand against his back, patting him through the fit. It’s surprising enough to distract him from the tightness in his throat and make the coughs subside.  
Vash is smiling at him, his hand extended across Wolfwood’s back. Wolfwood slaps at his wrist with a growl and turns back towards the window. He wishes Vash would just leave him alone. 
Hurt, Vash whimpers a little and rubs his wrist. He aches to do something for him, but decides it’s best to leave Wolfwood be for a bit, lest he gets bitten.
They decide to make camp about a half a mile from the outpost. It’s getting late and they don’t want to sneak into the town when there’s likely to be police or headhunters crawling about at night. Meryl and Roberto busy themselves with the sleeping rolls and dinner while Vash and Wolfwood set up the fire. 
The sneezing has only coupled in frequency since they’ve stopped to make camp. He’s had to forgo carrying around his cross just to make sure he doesn’t slip a disc every time a sneeze makes him pitch forward.
“Hh’EGHTSHHhh! Hh’EHGXSTh’huh!” Wolfwood nearly drops the firewood that time, stumbling forward in the sand. Vash is there in an instant and steadies him with a hand to his shoulder. 
Wolfwood shakes his head and tosses the firewood down. “Thagks,” he mumbles, coughing offhandedly into his wrist. His sinuses feel heavy with snot and his throat is killing him. He wishes the sand would swallow him whole right now.
Vash passes him a water flask and Wolfwood hesitates a second as he unscrews the cap. He doesn’t want to get everyone else sick if they share the flask, so he decides to waterfall it instead.
“See? I knew it.” Vash says with an elated grin, noticing Wolfwood’s caution. He looks like a kid who just guessed a riddle correctly. “You are sick. You should—“
“You should mind your own business, blondie. Leave me alone.” Wolfwood thrusts the flask against Vash’s chest and crouches down to arrange the firewood. His head is pounding. He’d like nothing more than to get out of this sun and lay down in a nice bed, or take a bath, or anything rather than be out here in the sweltering desert with a cold that’s growing worse by the minute. He lights a piece of newspaper on fire and sets it amongst the wood, watching as the sparks float up into the sunset sky.
Vash, despite looking like a puppy that’s been kicked, leaves him alone and heads over to Meryl and Roberto. They exchange some words, and then Vash is gone.
Good riddance, Wolfwood thinks. Maybe now he can sneeze in peace without being fussed over. He lights another cigarette and sits down by the fire. The smoke tingles in his sinuses as he inhales and he ends up sneezing again. 
“Huh’EHDSSHhT’chuh! Hih.. hih’EHDZSSH’YUE! Hhh.. he’eh…!” He catches the loud, grating sneezes into his hands, biting the cigarette between his teeth. The last one leaves him hanging, sitting there with his head tilted back, eyebrows twitching in sneezy irritation, the cigarette dangling on his bottom lip. When it still doesn’t come, he decides to try something that used to work when he was younger. He taps the side of his nose and the effect is immediate. 
“H’EHTSssHhh’ue! Heh’EHDTZzSSH’huh!” He doesn’t have enough time to cover and the cigarette shoots out of his mouth with the final spraying sneeze, landing pathetically in the sand. His shades are askew on his nose, which has started to run profusely. To add insult to injury, his sneezes have gathered attention again.
“Jeez, Wolfwood, that sounds bad. Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” Meryl asks as she unrolls her bed roll a few feet away from the fire. Roberto does the same. He’s not looking at Wolfwood, but he’s clearly listening.
“Will you all just shut up? I’b fide. Drop it.” He pulls his cigarette pack out of his pocket and clicks his tongue against his teeth when he sees that there’s none left. 
He turns to Roberto, who is currently taking a heavy drag off his own cigarette. “Hey, you got another cigarette I can borrow?” 
“Sorry, kid, but Vash told me not to give you one till your cold gets better.” Roberto chuckles as Wolfwood's face twists in pure rage. 
“Where is needle-noggid adyway?” Wolfwood sniffles back his congestion. He despises how hoarse his voice is starting to sound. 
“He didn’t tell you? He went into town to get medicine. Should be back soon,” Meryl says as she passes around cans of stew. It’s their meagre dinner for the evening until they can resupply at the next town.
Wolfwood wants to rip his hair out. He can literally feel the irritation and anger bubbling in him like hot steam in a teapot. How many times does he have to tell him to fuck off? He doesn’t need medicine, and he doesn’t need anyone’s pity. He rejects the proffered can of stew and opts to lay down on his bedroll, wishing sleep would take him and get him away from these people that care too much. 
After about an hour or so of laying there feeling sorry for himself, Vash reappears above him. The sun has nearly completely set, save for a few strokes of pink and red that paint the sky.
Vash looks down at him with a soft, gentle grin. Wolfwood wants to smack the smile off his face. 
“Hey, Wolfwood, I got you some medicine from the town. You should take it so you don’t get worse.” Vash hands him a little packet of pills and the water flask again. 
Wolfwood is beyond fighting at this point. His muscles ache with fatigue, and a sinus headache is starting to creep up on him. He takes two of the pills and downs them with the water before flopping back down on his bedroll again. It’s starting to get cold now that the sun is down, though it could be a fever settling in. Either way, he wraps his arms around himself and scoots closer to the fire as Vash and Meryl and Roberto start chatting. Above, the sky is bright with millions of twinkling stars, and the moon casts her soft luminescent gleams over them. His eyes grow heavy and his breathing starts to deepen. Wolfwood lets the sound of their conversation and the crackle of the fire lull him to sleep. 
He dreams for the first time in a while. He’s a child again and is back at the orphanage. He’s alone, laying in the infirmary with only a thin blanket to stop the shivers that rack his entire body. It’s so cold. 
This is a distant memory to him. Everything seems cloudy, grey, hazy. He can’t make sense of it. Had it happened this way? He’d had a high fever, and was quarantined away from the other children. Only one managed to sneak in to see him.
“Nico?” Comes a small, cautious voice. What was once a dim, grey memory now bursts alight with colour in his presence.
“L-Livio,” he says through chattering teeth. Livio is standing beside the bed, unsure. He’s never wandered somewhere unknown without Wolfwood. How did he get into the infirmary? 
“G-Go away, you’ll get sick.” He coughs into his fist, twisting away from the other boy as much as possible. 
Livio doesn’t answer, just stares at Wolfwood with his big owl eyes and looks him over. Silently, he climbs into bed under the blanket and curls against his friend’s side. His face nuzzles against Wolfwood’s neck as he wraps his smaller body around him. 
Warmth spreads through his body as if he’s being caressed by the summer sun. The shivers slowly start to subside, no match against the warmth, as he relaxes against Livio. 
Yes, this is exactly how it happened. 
Except, his grey hair is starting to tickle his nose, and the sensation is so real that it wakes him up. 
Wolfwood awakes with a start. “Livio?” Where is he?
He takes a moment to gather his bearings. He’s not at the orphanage, he’s camped out under the stars with two journalists and an outlaw. Right. 
The burning itch in his nose is back. Something feathery and blonde is tickling his nostrils, and he looks down to see someone nestled against his shoulder, their body curled around his. Its owner is snoring softly beneath him. 
“H’EGhNXT’shh!” Wolfwood sneezes as the tickle becomes too strong, twisting his head to the side so he doesn’t sneeze all over Vash. Anger sparks in his chest like a fuse.
Wolfwood shoves the sleeping Vash off of him and scrambles away. The cold is eager to reclaim him and seeps into his body in an instant.  
“Vash! What the fuck?!” He hisses, like water pouring over coals.
Vash gives a little start and shakes his head. “Huh…?” He gazes up at Wolfwood with sleepy, confused eyes. He seems surprised to suddenly find himself laying on the ground. 
“Why were you sleeping on me?!” There’s a heavy weight across his body. Wolfwood looks down to see Vash’s red coat lying across him, keeping out the cold desert air. 
Vash yawns and rubs his eyes. “You were shivering, so I came over to keep you warm. And you were talking in your sleep for a while. Who’s Livio?” 
Wolfwood feels panic rise within him at hearing someone speak Livio’s name. He grabs the red coat and tosses it at Vash’s face, who doesn’t catch it in time and ends up wrestling the coat off his head, falling onto his back.
“No one. Go back to sleep,” he growls, turning onto his side so his back is facing Vash. He wants to forget this ever happened. He wants to go back to that dream. And now that he’s awake, he’s rudely reminded of how sick he feels.
He shivers involuntarily when a sharp breeze howls against his back, the sensation chilling him to the bone. Wolfwood sniffles and tries to ignore the fact that he needs to sneeze again. He pinches his nose, rubs it angrily against his sleeve, but it’s no good. 
“Hih’EDTZSSHhh’uh!” He tents his hands over his nose again to catch the wet sneeze. He sniffles thickly and coughs, his eyes brimming with irritated tears. Suddenly, there’s a heavy weight placed down gently across him. Wolfwood opens his eyes to see Vash tucking his red coat around the curve of his body.
“I told you I dod’t need—“
“Just sleep with it tonight, okay? You do need it.” His tone is firm, commanding. It’s so different from his typical soft, kind voice. It leaves no room for argument. Vash tucks in one final corner around his hips before laying back down again. 
Wolfwood relents and decides that being warm under Vash’s coat beats shivering all night long. He tucks his chin under the coat and closes his tired eyes, feeling himself dragged into sleep like a helpless rowboat at sea. As his mind starts to teeter between reality and sleep, he lets his dreams wander back to Livio again, and returns to the peaceful embrace of memory.
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viihoff · 8 months
Yes I am a bisexual, I love women and Astarion Bouldergay or whatever
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hunterbloodknight · 1 year
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Steven and Jack are Besties
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