#Thats such a clever addition
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I’m torturing ben again
another installment of my rarely-updated lemony snicket au, in which Ben has been experimented on by a mysterious man called The Monocle, resulting in him becoming the host to a terrifying tentacled eldritch monster. The Monocle has tried to perform this experiment many times on many children, and Ben is the most promising so far. As a reward, he gets to be tied to a chair in this shady closet while the Monocle comes after him with a scalpel! How exciting!
[ID: a three color drawing (black, white, and blue) in the style of Seth’s illustrations from the Lemony Snicket series All The Wrong Questions. Ben is tied to a chair in the corner of a shadowy room filled with jars of experiments gone wrong. The horror is emerging from his chest. A strip of light from an assumed open doorway splits the room, and reveals the shadowy silhouette of Reginald Hargreeves. End ID.]
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isabelguerra · 6 months
realizing that one of the reasons ive stayed so close to the wizjo plotline is that as soon as i begin to leave it im Immediately confronted with jkrs 5000 weird fucked up types of bigotry thats so ingrained in the worldbuilding its nearly impossible to rewrite. i think about the whole ‘guerras are a pureblood family’ aspect i wrote in 2015 and as someone with way more education now its like, oh great, its functionally unimaginable to maneuver the world without that base foundation of wizard racism. its so damn bad.
hp is such a shit story that its only draw for people is that its the largest IP for wizardry in pop culture. the fantasy element is so unbelievably basic that as soon as you inspect it as fantasy it falls apart, yet the story itself is blatantly unappealing without the addition of magic. the biggest draw is being ‘wizard boarding school’ but its such a bastardization of the boarding school genre AND fantasy genre that only those who arent attached to it while very young or arent well versed in either genres would be able to tell. its a slice of life chosen one story dressed up as boarding school fantasy. boarding school is just a setting to group the characters together under a common excuse. Dead Poets Society teaches its students that the traditional structured are to be questioned; Discworld teaches us that the true school of magic is cleverness, and that cant be pinned to a location, but must be experienced and learned from the world around you. hogwarts is a big old castle that ultimately doesnt DO anything. doesnt MEAN anything. learning magic, and to be- or what it means to be- a good wizard barely even PLAYS INTO the character’s journey as anything more than another weapon. Discworld teaches that magic is dangerous and shouldnt be used wantonly because it can hurt people and be abused, it’s forces outside our control, it’s geometry, the Witch vs Wizard mentality Pratchett writes are entirely different schools of thought! That’s so cool! HP takes the wizard boarding school setting and its barely even TOUCHES on LEARNING magic. its all ‘this is the world youre in now, battle it off, learn and overcome it. defeat it’. you IDIOT. are you here to LEARN? magic is a WONDER, mystical and jingly, rather than a responsibility. the classes are barely ever focused on, and the ones who ARE excited to learn magic are just seen as nerds worthy of ridicule. whats the point of setting your story in a fucking WIZARD SCHOOL. you MORON. mock and belittle the story setting you wrote and the characters who love it. fucking embarrassing. embarrassing, pathetic excuse for literature
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chokulit · 1 year
unorganized demoman thoughts cuz i love him a lot
Ok so I'm not sure if its just me or if it was a thing in like the earlier days of the fandom but I see this thing in like fan content where like Demo is portrayed as this like wild, crazy, party guy when in canon, he's actually quite more... I think "down-to-earth" and level-headed than some ppl might make him out to be, more often than not playing the role of straight man (the comedy role, not the sexuality). (I would provide photographic evidence of this but I. do not have the patience to skim thru all the comics)
In addition to this, Demo is very much capable of being responsible as seen in the WAR! comic, a fact that he prides himself on. The game even makes a point to highlight how stubbornly self-reliant he is, to the point where he gets defensive if you point out that he needs help. (I think that's why he gets along with Soldier, he's the only guy he gets to mess around and have fun with.)
Unrelated but I don't understand the people who think he's like hyperactive. Like I just don't see it. Idk. He's fun-loving and silly yeah but not hyperactive I think. He is pretty dramatic at times though.
On that point of being dramatic like why does he talk like this/pos
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Can we also talk about how when they all got fired everyone else kinda just went on with their lives and he just. Goes into fucking depression. That's like, how much value he puts on his job or whatever.
Also he's so clever he thinks so fast like. Look.
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Not even like 2 seconds and he's already come up with a plan. God. He does this in his 'Meet the' vid too when he comes up with the stickybomb trap. He even makes the same smug face I just auhauhh. I'm obsessed with him.
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Idk why I felt the need to point this out but look! He caught it! :D
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Also this man is fucking commited y'know. Like when he does something he puts his whole heart and soul into it. Y'know. Do you understand. He would never half-ass anything. He wants his friend to know he loves him? He wants to express how he feels? He wants to like provide for his mother and stuff? He's gonna do it, and he's gonna put 110% effort. Do you get it.
I think he is. a bit of a smartass. I am of course pertaining to this:
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(Sorry I couldn't find a good picture.) He is very knowledgable in his profession and very much wants you to be aware of that. I think.
Anyways thats all for now if ur reached this far uhhhh I love you have a great day!
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shwoop · 1 year
Miraculous cleaved AU Power Systems - Zodiac addition
so uh hi! im shwoop and this is my little (hah!) pet project! I’m gonna write dot jot notes here and some other necessary info for this au so if anyone wants to play in my sandbox.
 ( I used Not Dead Yet’s magic system as a template make sure to check it out                                  after this !!! ) there will be more ml boxes!!)
- Rat (water( heart )yang) Miraculous of Cleverness and Community.          Makes clones of herself and others but gets smaller for each one. peak power is a hundred clones able to lift twenty times her own weight. restraints are the more they split the more exhausted the user gets, others get disoriented when done to much
- Ox (earth (body) yin) Miraculous of Determination and Absorption.                      The most durable of the miraculous, the user is able to absorb 5% of all attacks aimed at them there final is reflecting it out in a single devastating attack. draw backs is that the user will feel far more pain than the others and his final takes time to charge
- Tiger (wood (mind) yang) Miraculous of Confidence and Amplification.                The most intimidating/charismatic of the miraculous, only second to the dragon. their final is a scream that can stun, disrupt, or strenghen moral. restraints would be how long she can go on a single breath
- Rabbit (wood(mind)yin) Miraculous of Cycles and Time.                                   An outlier, mainly because of the moon rabbit myth that had affected the creation process. they can use there control over time to speed themselves up or use there mallet as an extention of herself to cause an area affect. her power/time level shifts with the moon cycle making her weakest on a full moon( because the light reflected is the suns, not the moon)
- Dragon (earth(body)yang) Miraculous of Balance and Weather.                           this miraculous requires its users to have a clear head to avoid catastrophe and will boot the user out of their transformation if it see you as a danger to its self and others. the powersgiven to the user is the physical manifestation of whatever weather is occuring at the time. overtime the user could affect and prexisting weather
- Snake(fire(energy)yin) Miraculous of Growth and Intuition.                                   I’m thinking the final would be clairvoyance, but not like random stuff or even shots of dead world(or timelines) but of pivotol character moments like how the hug between mrabel and isabela. restriction here would be up for interpretation. subtle plant manipulation
- Horse (fire(energy)yang) Miraculous of Movement and Migration.                        portal powers but I liked the feet feathers so much that the user can float for a little while too. restraints I dunno, has to picture where there going I guess. oh they have binocular vision so the untrained will feel super weird at the start so best time to fight these guys is at the start 
- Goat (earth(body)yin) of Imagination and Dreams.                                              the goat miraculous grants users the ability to astral project to the spirit realm even able to form weak constructs after practice. The con? it leaves your body defenceless and if you don’t return to it, the user will be stuck forever in the astral realm, the same will happen if someone takes the miraculous
- Monkey (metal (soul) yang) Miraculous of Curiosity and Pranks.                          basically ben 10...thats his power, being ben 10.
- Rooster (metal (soul )yin ) Miraculous of Discipline and Culmination.                  able to acess any possible ability to ever exist within the animal kingdom, but never able to unlock its true potential.
- Dog (earth (body) yang) Miraculous of Prudence and Reclamation.                    able to track, there final is a dig ability they can use that breaks through anything in their search for whatever was lost. their only able to use this ability once every transformation.
- Pig (water (heart) yin) Miraculous of Nurturing and Jubilation.                              I have yet to decide if it’ll be a gift or Not dead yets power of imunity, can’t it be both? uuugggghhh a decision for future me
soo this is my sandbox hope you have as much fun as I did making this Byeeee
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tu-es-gegg · 3 months
28 , 32 and 1!
28. Favorite animation(s)
(i have so fuckign much holy shit)
32. Drop a lore hot take🔥 (Or cold take🧊 who cares)
i can try to name a few
idk if this is a hot take, lmao i think the presidential elections arc were kinda mid in retrospect (this one is kinda hard to discuss because of yknow) but like, at the time it was ok it was enjoyable and there were some good additions to the server because of the end result, but like idk the election debates themselves weren't really fun for me to watch because theres a lot of yelling and ofc irl political theories and influences got roped in because thats just kinda what happens, and thus people there also fought abt it, also like half the candidates say outright they hate the federation and are running for president to WORK with teh federation so like that's not going to go great so idk what was going on, its weird because dsmp elections i liked but ig at the time theyre weren't taken as much seriously, and the stakes in the elections were not focused on politcal bureaucratic gains and more of personal stakes for a nation itself. idk when i look back at the elections and try to watch back then in 2023, even from gegg perspective i only could stand to rewatch the dinner and everyone hanging out, the actual presidential debates i couldnt BEAR at all. also elq wtf were you going to do with charlie please explain
also i dont understand why doied exists like the only other precursor to that is abuleoier somehow on the island and also having a past with being in prison adn such, but like i was so confused when he appeared like what. i love roier's lore i loved the tape streams, i just wish there was more prep to that, the namemc spoilering and the messages were really clever but i wanted at least SOME hints before doied jsut.... appeared.
uhhh the bobby death should not have been counted its obvious there was lag at the time and other egg deaths because of lag was also not counted, i cant rememebr exactly what happened for them to come to the conclusion of the death but god bobby did not deserve to die, damn you telmex
AND ALSO I WILL SAY THIS, QSLIME WAS AT LEAST A GOOD ENOUGH FATHER TO FLIPPA, MAYBE NOT A GREAT INFLUENCE, he wasn't the best at first is the thing, like yes he did instigate fights and cause a bit of an unstable household because of his very temperamental attitude but when nearing the later parts, he learned the swing of things of being a good enough parent, like he paid attention to flippa's needs, the difficult part of it was communication because at the time they couldnt communicate without the preset signs, instead of the free use of jsut text, it was only later she started using sign for slime, she did with mariana but not yet charlie as much at that point, plus i think there were some issues of flippa understanding charlie just generally (which is fair even i dont understand him), ITS THE THING OF LIKE, he kinda was fumbling at first but flippa genuinely was happy and taken care of by both parents. its was unfortunate that was cut short because of the thing. most part is jsut a bad influence in terms of being selfish and possibly spreading that to flippa but honestly i wish she stuck aroudn logner so i could see that happen GOD;;;; it frustrates me because qslime's path to being a good parent IS RIGHT THERE but when trying to try again he's scared of fuckign up liek everyone tells him and liek that reminder of his mistakes isnt helping him in the slightest to actually trying again, GOD GOD:;;;;
1. Favorite theory and least favorite theory (If you have one)
ok i like the theory that the federation made the codes in teh first place and then tried to cover up but they came back to get the islanders out any which way they can, then leading to my theory that codeflippa was a real egg at one point because of how the resistance describe her in that one report, not a faulty vode but a faulty egg , so i have reason to beieve she was an egg merged with a code in order to have a stable form the way she is. also that theory that at some point the eye guy started to corrupt codes themselves which is why some codes went rogue against orders from the resistance.
uhhhhh least favourite, idk i dont have any theories i dont like much, mostly because they are kinda convincing, i think i saw maybe a theory abt ll the islanders were experiments from the federation, maybe some select few have fistory but i dont think ALL of them
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howlingaround · 4 months
[ Faction Paradox ]
"Somethings hiding inside the Homeworld's sun"
I love how omnious this sounds and how it might not be related to the Enemy at all, or might give all the answers to the mysteries of Faction Paradox
And again pretty sure Im not the first to notice, mainly because Im pretty sure it was an addition in New Who and not part of the "canon" during the Wilderness Years
Sun. Sun? Sun. Shouldnt it be ... suns? If Homeworld is Gallifrey and the Great Houses are the Time Lords, then what happened to the second sun?
Maybe thats why President Umbaste keeps repeating One, One, One ... because it should be Two
(Is it ever stated that Homeworlders have two hearts?)
I need to reread the "A Fractal History of the Time War" PDF again but if Gallifrey having two suns was somehow part of Classic Who canon (pretty sure it wasnt) and the whole legal issue renaming thing of TARDIS into timeships and such was used for a really clever twist as detailed in the PDF article
Then maybe, just maybe
There's something hiding inside Skaro's sun ...
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dapper-comedy · 5 months
Hoh! I’ll ask these here now! But what does Giselle think of the rest of the Braithen kids? What does Caspian?
Im trapped at a christmas dinner so i'll answer some of these i been saving
For the most part, Giselle and Caspian adore the other half of the Braithen kids.
Giselle was the most recent addition of the group, having met the others through Caspian once those two got engaged! She was REALLY eager to meet Penelope and make a good impression on her since she didn't have a lot of friends, and Caspian talked about Penelope as one of the smartest people he knew! So she really wanted to impress Penelope when they first met.
And they get along great! Penelope is a lot of things Giselle's father wishes she was, but Giselle likes and appreciates their differences. She tries to make sure Penelope suffers the least when she convinces the others to sneak out.
With Leo, she doesn't hold back despite him being a prince. In front of her father and others she'll be on semi-good behavior, but on their own she likes to prove that he's just as much her equal. She doesn't appreciate the fact that a crown makes someone her "better" and he had every possibility of being in her position as she did to being in his. She's quite competitive with Leo, but out of all of them I think he is very understanding with her. She also likes to tease him a lot
(Giselle: hey check this out
Leo: ???
Giselle: stands up and immediately passes out
Leo: !?!?!?!??!)
AS FOR CASPIAN....he loves them all so so deeply and truly. He thinks the world of Penelope, he truly thinks she's the smartest person he's ever met, and he wishes people understood that. Their dynamic is very much the stupid one being besties with the smart one, THINK CHIDI AND JASON FROM THE GOOD PLACE.
He doesn't understand how people miss how clever and skilled Penelope is. He doesn't understand how no one understands her and sees her like he does! To him, Penelope simply knows what to do, for whatever situation calls for it. It's why he has so much faith in her cause when she takes the throne.
As for Leo, a lot of their friendship was encouraged by Caspian's grandfather Edmund. To befriend the prince would be an astonishingly big advantage to their family, but unfortunately trying to be liked is not something Caspian is good at. He's a little too genuine for his own good but I guess it worked out if they managed to be friends in the end!
Caspian often worries Leo is friends with him out of pity (thats what Edmund says, after all) but Leo has never stopped reassuring him how much he means to him. So Caspian considers himself very lucky!! Leo means so much to him, he's strong and smart but he always seems more shakey on his feet compared to Penelope. Either way, Caspian is devoted to him, and constantly went out to search for him after the curse took hold.
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astro-break · 6 months
Thoughts on the 9th ep of Hypmic Rhyme Anima+. Spoilers beware
Season 1 | Ep.1 | Ep.2 | Ep.3 | Ep.4 | Ep. 5 | Ep. 6 | Ep. 7 | Ep. 8
rip kuko isn't athletic weakass punk (affectionate)
oh those are some pretty neat names i guess, their dynamic is pretty cute, very shippable imo
so it does seem to be something that only we as the audience can see, the effects and stuff. I still hope its explained as a mass hypnosis bc if it is, that has such cool implications for the series as a whole
ugh again pacing is weird. The fight scene just felt stilted and not great. Leagues better than season 1 for sure but i still mourn what could have been if the animators were given the proper money, time, and resources to do it
DoHifu is very cute and still one of my fave dynamics
I love how Dice mixes up Momotaro and Journey to the West lmaooooo
Poor Doppo always getting the short end of the stick
OH damn, theyre following the myth pretty closely with the magical circlet and all. In the myth, Buddah puts a magic circlet on Monkey's head so that Tang Sanzang (or tripitaka depending on the translation) can control him from goofing off too much. Very intriguing in how they might use the circlet in the episode
If you're curious Dice is Zhu Bajie (Pigsy), Gentaro is Sha Wujing (Sandy) and DoHifu is Bai Long Ba which directly translates to white dragon horse. Because thats what it is, a shapeshifting dragon who took the form of a white horse. Rip horsey
RIPP LMAO I love when each other know their strengths
Damn bad guys being bad guys montage
Thats cuuteeee I love the little roomba device he rides
Oh huh so thats the origin of that idiom. Wasn't aware of that which is fun, always leaning something new
I like the reverse of what you'd think of what a ninja is by being larger and beefier.
I like the imagery of Ramuda rushing ahead like Monkey, its a nice comparison
LMFAOOOOO so thats how they do that, very clever. Tho Jakurai has like box shoulders and i think thats hiarious
Poor DoHifu they got done so dirty just being horses among the amazing outfits
Oh look at that my faves got very pretty matching sets now!
THe multiplying of Ramuda is another Monkey power which is that he can transform his hairs into clones of himself. very fitting for Ramuda The answer to the question of if Monkey would fuck his own clone is undeniably yes but would ramuda?
They're also sitting on the palm of Buddha, a very instrumental place at the very start of Journey to the west. It speaks of Buddha who challenges Monkey to jump out of his hand but when Monkey tries, he realizes that Buddha is infinite and there is no escape from even his nail. This is how Monkey gets trapped eventually leading to his addition to the tripitaka's party
Hm, im on the fence about this one. Its good but not great. I think over time it will grow on me a lot but not anytime soon
The beat is very good tho, i would love to just listen to a instrumental version of this
Idk i think fling posse's overall voice is just a bit too high for the song while Matenro makes it nice and mellow
awwww thats sweet. Also Gentaro is very fitting for Sandy who is an idiot but a fun idiot as opposed to Pigsy who just wants to beat monkey at one thing but never can
I never realized but in the illust, Ramuda has a tape measure on his costume and only there. its a neat little detail
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So I decided to finally share my ocs but because I'm not good at drawing I used the easy route and used Gacha Life to help me.
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Additional facts of Christy Gray:
Is Childhood friends with Vanessa and David, the former of which she has a crush on.
Is stubborn, defiant, affectionate, vindictive, and clever.
Is multiracial; Italian, French, and Persian.
She's a Lesbian.
Her mom Sofia is a lawyer while her Dad Arthur is a homemaker, she has a good relationship with her parents.
She has a brother around 6 years old named Johnny, their relationship is alright, their not close and they sometimes bicker but their close enough that he wants to play with his sis and she'll kill anyone who dares hurt her brother, or she would If It weren't for that dang law getting in her way.
She and her family have a pet golden retriever named Ari who she absolutely adores, Ari loves running towards the she closest to and tackle them and giving affection, and by affection I mean she'll lick you.
If you said you'r a cat person she'll be like "Excuse me?", thats not to say she'll take It too seriously but her love towards Ari will kick in and she'll mostly joke about taking such offense, and If Ari is within earshot she'll jokingly point out she's right there like as If you just hurt her feelings, maybe cover her ears to protect her from such blasphemy, and then jokingly demands you to apologize to Ari.
She has a polaroid camera that she got as a gift for Christmas which she cherish dearly.
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 10 months
Thunder Only Happens When It's Raining
Thunder Only Happens When It's Raining by Scribblescrabbledribbledrabble
After being held back after class, Katsuki is stuck in UA waiting for a storm to pass. Katsuki hates storms. He hates rain. So what else is he supposed to do when Uraraka offers him her umbrella?
A walk home, a fear of thunder, and an annoying amount of weird, Bakugo denial. Also fluff. Enjoy.
Words: 12515, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Uraraka Ochako
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Uraraka Ochako
Additional Tags: Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Feelings Realization, Bakugou Katsuki Has A Crush, Oblivious Bakugou Katsuki, Pining Uraraka Ochako, dumb bakugou katsuki, rainy day, One umbrella oh noooo, I hope they dont, kiss under it, hand holding, i had something clever to put here but then I forgot it, thats so sad, Fluff
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48548494
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jewpacabruhs · 1 year
????? new ep was lowkey sexist. they pulled a huge double standard with how they treated meghan, calling her stupid/dumb, not even treating her as a person but more an accessory of the prince…and then the prince got a redemption arc. come on like that was pretty nasty no…and this is coming from someone who loves kyle focused eps. first ep of the season wasnt too bad tho. lets hope for more of that
[wrote this reply up right after i got this but posting 2 weeks later cuz i was meaning to proof read and post but i got busy)
i get ur perspective but honestly ive never thought to view south park thru a sexism lense or to try to condemn them for it. its satire of female and male celebrities is equally scathing, the men are depicted as similarly vapid and irritating. i don't think sp's history of mocking women is particularly targeted and nasty. as i said in my other post (which you sent me an additional anon about so i kno u read it), sp is about exaggerating things, not always accurately, to make a point. and sometimes that means portraying capable and normal women as, what, mid-00s MTV-type party girls? and sure, that's one of the many features of sp that's technically 'problematic', and the reason so many ppl have 'sp fans dni' on their blogs - but we're here, aren't we, watching this bastard show and trying to juggle watching it critically and enjoying the stupidity?
i dunno, im neutral towards meghan & harry, if anything i respect them, but i very rarely have actual firm opinions on the shit matt & trey choose to make fun of, and this was a situation where it was just their usual shitting all over their celebs of choice who i personally have very little opinion on, and i thought that what they were trying to say in the episode was good. sp's only ever been abt making an individual or group represent something, and then using it all as a way to bitch about a genre of prevalent stupidity. that's what this ep did. was it at the expense of a woc? yeah, and usually that'd be immediately condemnable, but matt and trey have pretty firmly made it clear they're in the "we can find stupidity ANYWHERE" libertarian boat. i have enough respect for them as satire-oriented comedy writers to believe that they're sufficiently capable of lacking bias or prejudice in who they mock, for the most part at least, and that's why i can't condemn them for it specifically. though i know that's very subjective, as im aware that lots of people don't think satire is clever and it's just thinly veiled bigotry. but i'd assume the majority of sp fans who actually care about the satirical plots would be attuned to where matt & trey are coming from.
im disliking the way im seeing south park fans on tumblr perceive episodes lately. people forget that it's a satirical show, and it goes so thoroughly over their heads. but ig thats what happens when smth develops a tumblr-type fanbase, and in this case it's at the expense of critical readings of a sometimes rather insightful show. but i digress. i rlly did think the first ep was terrible. this one at least had smth to say.
(update, as of 3/3: the most recent ep came out the other day and it was a tad boring but very much, again, fairly well-done satire. i didnt even check how ppl reacted to it tho, im not rlly caring lately tbh)
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aberfaeth · 2 years
1, 2, 12, 16, 49!
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work?
tbh depends on what fandom theyre in but thats a cop out answer and im still proudest of no, i'm not afraid to disappear (stranger things, post s4 erica character study) so probably that one!
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
fluff, post-canon, hurt/comfort. & then canon compliant and established relationship bc all 4 b4b fics are tagged that lol ANYWAYS YEAH, READ, ACCURATELY REPRESENTED,
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
hoooo i don't think so? i'm pretty open-minded & have been, honestly, like aside from miscommunication and stuff that actually squicks me out i don't have any tropes i Don't Like i don't think
16. What's an AU you would love to read (or have read and loved)?
as someone in college you would think that i would be so sick of college and like no i don't like high school aus because those are baby children but college aus.... can be very fun! been reading a lot for TLT (academia aus too, sixth house writers im blowing you a kiss you are all so clever and smart) and obviously. i think bloodkeep university au is going to hit me over the head any day now and ill finally write it
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
mostly tlt exchange fics which i cannot share 0.0 BUTTTTT im writing a little more of that  sixth house enola holmes au (no promises) so here have some:
“I need you to teach me to dance,” Camilla says.
“Teach you to dance—when?” the Warden says, watching her lock the door behind them. She chances to look at him. His eyes are wide behind his glasses.
“Teach me to dance now,” Camilla says, striding up to him—changing her mind rather abruptly—choosing, instead, to pace the length of the (very well-decorated) bathroom.
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daedalusdavinci · 1 year
ao3 wrapped
taken from here. i thought this would be fun!
1. How many words have you written this year?
i published 316,173 words this year, including the drabbles i only posted on tumblr. if i added wips... i dont even want to think about it.
2. How many works did you publish this year?
i wrote 62 tumblr drabbles and posted 31 works on ao3, amounting for a grand total of,, 93 works..... theres.. theres no way..... oh jesus christ
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
you know what i think it has to be hollow americana. i really wanted to write a fic that captured how i felt on roadtrips, and how empty a roadstop in a desert can feel. i wanted something that was haunting and melancholy and hung you up on all of the little details, and i think i pulled that off perfectly. its exactly what i wanted it to be
4. What work of yours has the most hits?
this year home intrusion got 4,033 hits, which i guess makes sense, since its batfam and also not a part of the jdau.
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
ummm all of the jdau, basically. it was such a niche idea and i really just wrote it because i was fucking obsessed with harvey and jason and tfz and its amassed more of a following than i expected it to
6. Favorite title you used
i like “son of dent” because its a direct reference to traditional jewish headstones and i think im soo clever for that, and i love “hollow americana” because it fits the energy of that fic so well. i think “like an oil-stained phoenix” is pretty good, if a little pretentious, but my favorite is definitely “the mystery of the old boathouse” because i really really wanted a title that references old mystery books i grew up reading and ties into the detective au theme, and it fits well!
7. If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most?
i dont think i ever used song lyrics for anything other than like. titles. i hope i didnt anyway. i know “sharp edges” in “lost days” is a linkin park song, and “temporal shenanigans” is part of the homestuck soundtrack. thats literally it tho
8. Pairing you wrote the most for this year?
i dont even have to look to know that it was bruharv.
9. Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?
actually probably jason/nico. theeen bruharv
10. What work was the quickest to write?
one of the drabbles im sure. sometimes i just shit those bitches right out and theyre often under 1k so its liek. lol
11. What work took you the longest to write?
fucking level 2. unless you count the jdau series as a single work, in which case, that
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
one :’) just the one. and im not sure yet if ill keep it
13. What’s your longest work of the year?
i dont even have to look to know that its level 2. level 2 is 126,596 words and 23 chapters long and its my biggest regret
14. What’s your shortest work of the year?
one of the drabbles im sure. but on ao3 its out of sight, a very very short harvmatches drabble i posted before i started posting drabbles on tumblr
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
theee only one in my docs. wdym. its supposed to be another part of the jdau, which i guess is also a massive wip? but i dont like to think of it as that
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
im sure it was fucking “Harvey Dent Adopts Jason Todd” this year
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
harvey and 2f clearly, theyre like babygirls to me. but writing jason (grace and todd) is also very cool
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
bruce. that insufferable old whore. maybe if dc could just stop being stupid and give him af ucking consistent characterization, i wouldnt have so many PROBLEMS. im out here merging different sources like its a game. build your own bruce. i hate it here.
but also harvey ive done so much goddamn research to try and write him right and i sitll worry all the time that its not enough
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
personally i want to explore some bitches /j
no but like idk man im really tired and writings been really hard lately and ill be happy to just write anything and feel good about it after
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?
i reread the stupid jdau all the time just so i dont fuck up the next installment
21. How many kudos in total did you get this year?
3,145, apparently!
22. Which work has the most comments?
level 2 has the most comments at 31. which is kind of surprising, because it did not do very well otherwise!
23. Did you do any collaborative works this year?
24. Did you write any gifts this year?
i wrote literally dozens of requests which are all sort of gifts i think, but in terms of literal gifts on ao3, i gave @roomfulloferidans many
25. Did you receive any gifts this year?
nope. things were not written for me nor was i given an Ao3 Gift(TM). but eri drew some very nice pictures for me! they drew equius from ammfh and my ocs and i have them saved on my computer so i can come back and look at them all the time
26. What’s your most common category?
its M/M because im gay and i think men are hot
27. What do you listen to while writing?
i listen to white noise if im really struggling to focus, otherwise ill loop a playlist or a single song. its switched around a ton over the year but right this second im looping an arcadian wild playlist i made that has other bands with similar sounds on it in addition to the entire arcadian wild discography
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?
also hollow americana, for reasons i already said
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
bro. im grabbing you by the shoulders right now. i wrote 300k words. i promise you i do not know the answer to that.
i know i like some of the headcanon stuff i put in starting over and hollow americana has a lot of good lines but i cant think beyond that even tho there are probably some real bangers because i wrote 300k words and i cant remember all of them
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
now. this may blow your mind. but. did you know. that if you dont like your ocs. you can just... get rid of them. and start over? still reeling from that one tbh
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t4tbruharvey · 2 years
"have the rogues be of lower social status (due to being criminals, they weren't necessarily that low initially) and for them to be emulating the nobility in a way that's simultaneously breaking social (and actual!) laws like sumptuary laws and stuff AND ALSO it's making fun of the nobility somewhat" ohhhhhhh my god you're so right and I can't believe I didn't think of that that's honestly perfect and and i genuinely can't believe I didn't think of it because. That. That's literally a thing in the medieval times/ Renaissance thats part of multiple tales and stories
One story in particular that's quite historically important and fairly well known (so I don't know how I just forgot about it): it's a tale from 1510 called "Till Eulenspiegel" . I really suggest looking this one up on Wikipedia because not only is it interesting in general, but I also now realize that. Yeah. That's. That's literally what batman rogues are like. Because the story is about a guy who one day decided to just put on a silly costume and go around playing pranks and jokes on people - usually utilizing idioms, puns and riddles - to make fun of them, embarrass them and show everyone how stupid they are (and how much cleverer he is than everyone else). Literary historians also think that aside from general mischief and maliciousness Till's motivation also seems to be wanting to rebel against 'society' and its rules, which lines up perfectly with what you mentioned in your reply! So yeah your idea has actual literary precedent in times of the renaissance, which is so cool imo!! (Also I now have to imagine Batman having to deal with historical literary figures from that time like Till and the rat catcher of Hamelin ..that would be a fun comic pitch, DC should try doing it asjhjdhd)
As for the renaissance armor and fashion ideas: I'll send them to you in smaller separate asks, so it's less stressful than one ask with like 20 links, if that's alright? Because I don't want it to feel overwhelming especially if you're already not feeling too well! For now though: if you want look up the so called "dragon armor" by Filippo Negroli, I think that one would be the perfect armor for Killer Croc
HIII till eulenspiegel is SOOOO cool it's really interesting that the exact concept has been done and that there was like, a cooler joker in literary history!!! also i think that batman fighting people like till and the rat catcher of hamelin would be soooo fun for an elseworlds i would eat that up! or just putting batman in fairytale like settings and seeing how the characters play when there are additional rules/conventions in place!
feel free to send more armour it's so fun seeing the different kinds and also i've been researching armour this afternoon for a fic so i now know about the (i can't remember the name fuck) the one where it's like a doublet made out of smaller plates of metal or leather where they're lined with a different outer fabric and have patterns of three rivets? you probably know.
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not sure if these are the exact ones you mean by dragon armour but holy hell are they cool. everything he did was extremely cool except working for charles v fuck that guy
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aquilesbarto · 2 years
Watched Jurassic World Dominion, pretty shit.
The dinosaurs, as usual at this point, feel like they are malevolent by nature, and in this movie dumb as well, the plot is ridiculously convenient. There are a lot of boring characters, I particularly disliked the pilot whose name i have forgotten, who just joins the protagonists cause the plot needs it; the main villain is plain boring, he is just some corrupt ultra rich man, being rich itself is reason enough to dislike him but not to hate him, he is not charismatic, clever or persistent, he poses no threat during the whole of the movie and is completely irrelevant. The action scenes felt a bit boring, it never felt like the characters were in any danger, and even when they get hurt they dont react to it, there was a scene in wich Crisp Rat falls into freezing water, while wearing almost no coating (abrigo is the word i mean i dont know it in english) and comes back up just fine, motherfucker isnt even shivering.
Overall pretty standard hollywood movie, the OGs were a cool addition, even if it didnt male a whole lot of sense, the CGI is cool and the movie is not slow, so there is that. This is my opinion, if you enjoyed the film then thats great
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Riot’s newest music video make my brain go brrr
Additional headcanons👇
I tried to think of what irl idols they would sound like, but i only have one for Ace in my mind, maybe one for sabo, and i… i mean… luffy is…. Yeah.
I think Ace would sound like Chanyeol, here’s a song from him that i feel fits his vibe
For Sabo, i was thinking mayyybeee Lee Know (Stray Kids)? But i really dont know. Idk some clear and soft voice that is in the higher range? Maybe? Eeeeeeehhhhh, yall are gonna have to help me out with him and luffy. Though i think we have our work cut out for us with the latter.
i found an English voice that i think suits him! Kenton Chen
The three started posting songs and music videos online, and they slowly gained popularity until they gained the fanbase they have in present day. I dont think they would be part of any company, mostly because i don’t think they could keep employment? If they were?
Even though theyre not part of a company, they have a lot of connections with people in the industry because theyre great guys :) and theyre fun to be around :) and so get invited to a lot of shit, like award shows and talk shows.
They are fun to have on, but it is a bold move if you want these guys on your talk show. They frequently get off topic and they’ll find a way to make answering your questions a sport or competition. Theyre like the Eric Andre show reversed.
Their songs’ topics vary on who’s writing the song. And you can usually tell really easily who wrote what. Ace’s music tends to be more laid back with clever wordplay and lots of bass. Sabo’s has a regular pop sound to it, but the lyrics are very poetic. Luffy’s are all party beats, but the melodies always has very interesting and unique twists in it. To keep the songs in an album at least a little consistent, they do try to find a theme to base them around.
The choreography they have also looks very different between the 3 of them, they all have a unique style of dancing. Relay dance videos with them are always very fun cuz you get to see them doing eachother’s choreography :) thats kinda the appeal of all relay dances, but i feel like it would be more special with them since their usual styles are so different.
They probably don’t practice as much as they should. It’s very common that they forget something in their performances and they make something up on the fly to make up for it. There’s a bunch of compilations made of their ad-libs and improvised dance movements they came up with during concerts. But whatever, right? They’re their own bosses, get of their backs, ya hear??
i like the thought that a lot of the poses they do in photoshoots, they come up with, themselves :)
On the side, they like to livestream. They frequently stream them attempting to cook things and their fanbase enjoys watching them find new and unique ways of setting their kitchen on fire. And then they enjoy watching them argue on what food to order takeout from shortly after.
Thanks for reading, thats all i have for now :)
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