#Tex. Do not worry. I don't want stress on you
the-bowster · 1 year
How come I feel like grippy sock jail made me worse?
like, today I had a panic attack at school because someone screamed and I thought they were hurt. No, they were just doing it to be 'funny'.
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rubykgrant · 19 days
How do you imagine Junior's interactions with people other than Tucker? You could do just the Blood Gulch Crew, but others like Freelancers or Chorusians would be interesting too.
While Junior is VERY big and physically intimidating, he's still not an adult, so most people see him and don't realize this is a KID... the Reds and Blues are aware of this, though. If they were in a situation where they have the time to actually think about it (and aren't currently in the middle of something that has everybody all stressed-out/riled-up), they'd try to make attempts to be nice to him (though some of them are so out of practice, they are unsure how to like... entertain children)
-Carolina wasn't good with kids even when she WAS a kid. Once she figures out how to make Junior laugh, she latches on to that, she's going to be the Funny Aunt (she also shows off, doing lots of cool stunts)
-Sarge is like "Hey kid, wanna see me blow something up?"
-Junior remembers Doc, and they're both automatically fond of each other. Doc knows what kind of snacks he likes, and will make it fun by having a whole "pretend restaurant" when they cook stuff together (O'Malley will be the one sho asks "Are any other kids picking on you? Wait, one of the PARENTS made a rude comment? I SHALL DESTROY THEM")
-Simmons is SO out of his depth at first, he's like "OK, Junior is a kid... like, a toddler? No, wait, he plays basketball, he's on a team... is he he in middle school? A teenager?". Once Junior shows any interest in books/building toys, Simmons forgets to be nervous and accidentally becomes very entertaining/nurturing (seriously, he doesn't even realize he's good at it)
-Grif is a big bro, he knows how to be fun. He shows Junior every version of the Ninja Turtles and Batman that exists, Junior thinks Grif is like the EXPERT on super hero stuff
-Tex will just buy him whatever he wants; A new bike? You got it. Oh, the bike broke? Well, I'll get you a heavy-duty MOTORCYCLE. Also, ALL OF THE POKEMON CARDS
-Donut tries to be helpful and warn Junior about "dangerous addictive substances", but also lets the kid drink coffee
-Wash is initially awkward about being left alone with Junior, but once the kid shows Wash what cartoons he likes to watch, Wash is like THANK GOODNESS, they can bond over that (once he really gets to know Junior, Wash is the fussy worry-wart who gets over-protective)
-Kai is the "big event" person, she'll take him to an amusement park or the movies, something really cool like that
-Church has decided he no longer thinks Junior is a "gross parasite", and refuses to admit he ever acted like that (if anybody tries to bring it up, Church just goes "What? I never said that. You're crazy"). When Church realizes Junior thinks he's cool, he takes that VERY seriously. The Fragments also help, they all like Junior a lot (Church definitely doesn't want children of his own, but he's actually very caring and even nurturing... when he isn't trying to be a jerk)
-Caboose is very passionate about telling Junior stories, so the kid will know all about what everybody was up to when they couldn't be together. Caboose will also collect lots of things he thinks Junior will like, putting them into little music boxes (whenever Caboose sees Junior, the kid feels like he's getting a magical gift of precious treasures)
-Lopez likes sharing different crafts with Junior, and teaches the kid how do things that are practical, like work on vehicles, but also creative things like carve wood and paint
-Locus is supremely ashamed of all the horrible things he ever did, he doesn't feel like he should even be allowed to be liked by Junior. He will remain invisible, but still keep Junior safe, and make sure the kid has whatever food or toys he wants. Junior thinks he has a friendly ghost following him around
-Everybody on Chorus either treats Junior like a very important ambassador (which is technically true) or royalty (which is possibly true?), but once people like Kimball, Grey, and the Lieutenants get to know him, they try to be very friendly and acknowledge his needs as a kid (Palomo and Matthews are arguably the best at entertaining him)
EDIT; fixed it, now complete with Caboose~
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✨More incorrect quotes for you smokin’ hot lovelies✨
Loui, after getting hit with two back-to-back hurricanes: I think my guardian angel drinks.
Connie: Define “dream”. 
York: Dream - the first thing people abandon when they learn how the world works. 
Connie: That’s too dark!
Mass: No no, he’s correct-
Gov: Everybody shut up, I'm thinking. 
Florida, patting him on the back: Well, don’t think too hard. I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself.
Connie: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated! 
Mass: Killed without hesitation.
Connie: *is now having to accept the fact that all his younger siblings are all mentally ill and dead inside*
Jersey: Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, and wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. 
Connie: That's deep. 
York: That means that ketchup is a smoothie. 
Connie: That's deeper. 
Mass: ...You guys are idiots.
Tex, tipsy and hasn’t slept in days: Vegetable oil is made from vegetables, coconut oil is made from coconuts, so BABY OIL- 
Florida, patting Tex on the back: I’m proud.
Gov: You've been given a new job to do, but I'm worried it might make you angry. 
Mass: Just say it quick, like ripping off a band-aid. 
Gov: You have to teach Florida how to read.
Mass: ...put the band-aid back on.
York: Never gonna make you cry! 
Jersey: Never gonna say goodbye! 
York: Never gonna tell a lie— 
Mass: I will hurt you.
Loui: If I punch myself and it hurts, am I weak or strong? 
Mass,trying to be somewhat nice: Strong. 
Jersey: Weak. 
Tex: An idiot, is what your are.
York: Ay Mass, can ya help me? All of my clothes keep disappearing for some reason. 
Mass, wearing a hoodie that's 3 times bigger than their size: Spooky.
Gov, pointing to the wall: What color is this? 
Jersey: Gray. 
Tex: Grey. 
Gov, turning to Loui: Now tell them what color you think it is. 
Loui, in desperate need of sleep: *quietly* Dark white…..
Utah, near tears: Please, Florida, I don’t speak meme! I don't know what a 'yeet' is!
York: How would you like your coffee? 
Florida : As dark as my soul. 
York: Got it, one cup of milk coming right up!
Loui, very hungover: I wasn’t that drunk. 
Mass: You tried color my face with a highlighter because you said I was important. 
Loui, hugging him in a tight bear hug: BECAUSE YOU ARE!
Mass: I’m quite the opposite actually!
Loui: Noooooo 🥺🥺🥺
Tex: You want some leftovers? 
Florida : What are those? 
Tex: You've never had leftovers before? 
Florida : No, ‘cause I’m not a quitter.
Gov: I only have two emotions: exhaustion and stress. And I’m somehow always feeling both simultaneously.
Connie: Where's Mass? 
Gov: Don't worry, I'll find him. 
Gov, shouting: New York sucks! 
Mass, distantly: York is the best person ever! Fa(speaks Boston) you, only I can insult him!
Gov: Found him.
Gov: Wow, I really think I would’ve gotten along with young Jersey! 
Jersey: I know. That’s why I decided to change everything about my life.
York: What do we say when making bread? 
Tex, glumly: That's the dough rising.
York: And what do we NOT say? 
Loui, sadly: That's the yeast f(speaks New Orleans)in’….
Utah, from somewhere in the house: NUH UH THE CHILD IS NOT ALLOWED TO SWEAR!
Loui, after him and York ran into the people that bullied York for being skinny amongst other things: I'm a nice person, but I'm about to start throwing rocks at people.
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I'll Look Your Way- (Stolas x Blitz)
Warning: fluff, slight tickling (for like a second or two), baby talk, strong language, and a little angst in the beginning
Note: please enjoy, I hope this heals the pain that the new episode brought. This is taking place a day or two after the fight with Blitz and Stolas.
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It has been a couple of days since Stolas and Blitz split contact, and it hasn't been easy on either of them. Blitz is laying on the couch crying as he looks at all the old selfies he took with the owl, he wishes he could fix this. Suddenly Loona's door opens and she steps out "hey Blitz, Tex invited me to another party. I'm going out" she waited a few seconds but no response, she raised an eyebrow and got a little angry. "Blitz are you deaf, damn you are so insufferable sometimes!" Again no response, that's when Loona walked around to the couch and ripped the blanket off her adopted father. "Blitz I swear you are so fu-" she pauses when she sees her adopted dad looking up at her with tears pouring down his face. The hellhounds ears lowered when she saw the imp, she knew something bad happened because Blitz doesn't cry much. "I'm sorry loonie.... You shouldn't s-see me like t-this.." The imp stuttered out, which made his adopted daughters heart break. She sat down and pulled the smaller demon into a hug "dad..... What happened?" She asked hoping maybe he'd open up to her, he clearly wasn't fine and she wouldn't take a bull shit excuse. Blitz sighed and explained "Stolas gave me this Cristal but I can't see him or hear his voice anymore, I really screwed up Lonnie. I was so blind and only thought he wanted me for sex, when he really just wants me to look his way." Blitz choked on his tears and hugged onto his adopted daughter tightly, Loona didn't want her dad to hurt. "Well I can drop you off at his castle on my way to the party, do you want me to do that dad?" Lonna asked softly, she watched as blitz nodded into her shoulder. "Thanks Lonnie, I love you so much." Blitz mumbled which made Loona chuckle "I love you too dad, now come on I'll help you pick out an outfit!"
Stolas sat in the living room with his make up ruined from the nights of crying, hell he still is crying. He's listening to every voice mail or voice message him and blitz had sent to each other, he missed him dearly. He didn't hear the front door to the palace open and poured another glass of wine, he thought he could drink to forget. But the drinking only makes the memories stronger, but he kept doing it because he felt something other then numb. No matter how many happy pills he takes it doesn't work, he's lost and hurt from breaking the string that connected him and the imp. Eventually the sadness turns to anger, he yells and throws the wine glass at the wall. "Damn it, stop letting your feelings get to you Stolas!" The British owl prince put his hands over his face and leaned over, tears that are much warming then he's ever felt running down his face and soaking his hands. That's until his breath hitched at a voice that he loved so dearly, a voice he knew was one that he would always have, one that made him know he'd be okay. "Dad..... Why are you crying?" His daughter Octavia asked as she walks over with her bag from the weekend at her mothers, Stolas tried to give a dumb excuse. "Oh hello my owlet, don't worry darling I'm just stressed out from my work!" He wiped his tears and reassured his daughter, suddenly an idea popped into his head. "My dear, we should watch a movie and you can pick which!" He smiled softly, Octavia's eyes lit up and the angsty teen practicality jumped into her dad's arms. "I'd love to, can it be a scary movie?!" She asked wiggling her fingers towards her dad, he giggled and patted his daughters head. "Sure darling, whichever you want!"
Blitz looked in the mirror and smiled "wow hunny you really know how to rock, I love this outfit!" The imp was checking himself out, which is normal "damn I really do look hot!" That comment made Lonna laugh to, her and her dad are ready for their nights. They left the apartment and went to the car, Blitz is driving though because he's overprotective. They drive through pentagram city and talked about whatever, until they reached Loona's stop. "You be safe now Loonie, don't get to messed up please!" He said rubbing her head, she gritted her teeth with a growl. "Yes I know dad, I'll be fine. Go make things right with that clingy, rich, asshole plaything of yours." She groaned and got out of car to go into the party, Blitz sighed and prayed it wouldn't go bad. He waved goodbye to his daughter and started driving to the palace, he made sure to give himself a pep talk. "Okay Blitz you got this, can't fuck this up now. Go tell him how you feel, you got this!" He mumbled as he got closer to the palace, when he arrived he felt his heart stop. He stayed in the car for a couple minutes trying to figure out how to apologize, then he got out and knocked on the door.
Stolas cocked his head at the movie his daughter put on. "So he puts people in traps so they'll have another chance at life?" He asked with a little bit of a surprise in his tone, Octavia nodded and muched on her popcorn. "Yeah exactly!" She smiled but that was short lived when a knock on the door came, stolas sighed and paused the tv. "Hold on my owlet, someone needs me." He ruffled her hair before going to answer the door, and he finds Blitz on the other side. "Stolas please just listen to me, I'm sorry. I want you I really do, I was so blind I thought you only liked the sex and us being friends with benefits. I really do love you and I'm sorry, please let me look your way..... I will look your way." The imp cried and hoped the owl would forgive him for not seeing it sooner, instead Stolas picked him up and hugged him close. "Oh Blitzy that's all I've wanted to hear from you, I'm so happy you feel the way I do. I'll take care of you forever, I promise!" He wiped the imps tears and smiled he deeply loves this boy with all his heart, even if he's lower class. Stolas giggled and gave Blitz bird kisses on his face and neck, the imp giggled and pushed at the Royal owl who's he's longed to love. "Stolas hey quit it!" He laughed and so did his new lover, Stolas smiled softly at the imp. "My daughter is making me watch some movie called saw, wanna join?" He asked and Blitz nodded excitedly, he's always loved horror movies. "Of course, I love the Saw movies!" He smiled and Stolas carried him in gently, he sat down with Octavia. "Blitz is joining us Octavia, we are together now." The owl smiled at his daughter and Octavia smiled to, she didn't mind Blitz that much. "Okay dad's congratulations, I'm proud of you!" She smiled and Blitz face lit up, the imp hugged onto Stolas arm and giggled. "She called us dad's!" Which made stolas giggle at how excited Blitz was, he wiggled his fingers over the imps stomach, which definitely got him to let go. Stolas and Octavia laughed at Blitz and the way he made a dying Segal sound, Blitz giggled and climbed on to Stolas lap and jumped as Stolas moved his hands near him. "Hey watch it!" He yelped but calmed down when Stolas wrapped him in a little hug, he gave Blitz a kiss on the cheek. "Darling relax I'm not gonna do that again, besides a movie as a little family is better then anything else." The prince smiled and turned his attention to the tv along with the rest of them. He was happy he had his imp, he was happy he looked his way after all these years of begging.
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linyi-is-dreaming · 3 years
The Drop Of A Tear - 17
BTS V x Y/N (Reader)
Summary: Tae meets a woman who is very manipulative. Before he even notices anything, she got him around her finger. He decides to leave his wife Y/N and his four kids to start a new life with the new woman. This perfect house of cards that he had just started to build, starts to unfold as she starts to show her true face. Piece by piece it makes him feel sick. Tae notices his wrong doing as his house of cards starts to fall apart. Regret and hate towards himself makes him wish to turn things around. Will he be able to safe his house of cards and to get back what he once threw away?
“Hello?”, Tae answers his phone as he wakes up from his sleep. As soon as he sits up, he can feel how bad his idea of sleeping on the couch was.
“Hello, Tae?”, Y/N asks slowly. Her voice brings him back to what he had heard. The words Jungkook said to Jimin. It is like a replay button has been hit in his head. “Tae, are you there?” Her words hit him like a cold winter breeze.
“Yeah, I am here. Is everything alright with the kids?”
“The kids are doing as usual.”
“Are they feeling any better? I mean, were they able to calm down a little since I saw them the last time?”
“I rather not discuss this with you.” Nervously, Tae licks his lips as Y/N takes a long breath. “I think it would be better if the kids would tell you themselves how they feel at the moment.”
“They don't really answer me though. I called our boy but he just tried to get off the phone. His only answers were ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Sweetheart doesn’t even bother to pick up and barely answers my messages. Lovely, she talks about anything but herself. I have no idea what she is feeling or thinking right now.”
“I know that they do not really want to talk with you...”
“Is it possible that I visit my kids?”
“Uhm, I don’t know when to be honest. I will ask them when I get home...”
“That was not the reason I called you.”
“Okay...” Tae’s heart starts to beat faster in hope that nothing bad had happened.
“I actually wanted to talk with you about our baby boy. You wrote that you want to pick him up every now and then whilst I am at work?”
“That was my plan. Would that be okay for you?”
“That is actually a good way for you to get to know your child better.” It felt like thousands of stones were falling of Tae’s shoulders as he heard her answer. Like a little child himself, his smile grows bigger and bigger.
“Awesome. When can I come to pick him up for the first time?”
“Whenever you want. I am allowed to write messages at work if it is for the care of my kids. So, just text me on the same day.”
“You have no idea how happy I feel right now!”, Tae states as he rubs his chest as he feels the stress falling off.
“Did you think I would deny you to see your son?”
“No, not really. I thought you might not want me to as I am not allowed to read him to sleep...”
“About that.” The smile on Tae’s face freezes as his fear of her confessing her new address. “That will take longer until anyone can come...”
“What do you mean? Jimin told me that you or his wife are taking care of the kids after school? Is she not picking up the kids from your place?”
“Uh that... Well, from mother to mother, we can understand chaos.” Tae detects the lies in her voice immediately. He knows very well that there was never a situation to be called chaos. Never has he seen their former home in chaos nor any kind of way as his friend’s house looked like after taking care of kids. Not even when all the Bangtan kids were at their house.
“I got it... How’s my little boy doing? I did not hear any updates lately...”
“Don’t be mad at your son, but he slid through your son’s hands last night when he tried to bring him to bed.” Worried about the news, he jumps off his couch.
“What happened? Is he okay? Is my baby at home? Is he in the hospital? Is he hurt?”, he asks quickly as he moves his hand through his hair.
“Tae, relax. If he would have been that hurt, I would have texted you.”
“You didn’t answer my question, Y/N. How is my son doing now? How did that even happen?”
“The older one tried to bring the younger one into its bed but he slid through his hands. Champ has only a little bruise on his backhand and the older one is worried and scared to even pick him up now. Don’t worry, the girls give him extra attention because of his bruise.”
“Thank god! I thought he fell onto the floor or something like that!”
“God, no! He only hurt his backhand. Sorry, I did not mean to scare you.”
“It’s fine. How’s my big boy handling the situation?”
“He feels very guilty about it...”, Y/N sighs. “He is still upset that you are not coming to his game.”
“I am working on that! I am working on a plan to make it to the game for at least a few minutes.”
“Tae, do not lie to me about it! I talked with Namjoon and he said there is no way for you to be able to appear at the game.”
“I will be there even if just for a few minutes. Don’t tell Namjoon but I am almost done planning how to get off set to watch him play. I promise that I will be there!”
“Do not promise something you cannot keep.”, Y/N warns him. “He is going to be crushed if you promise it and you are not able to keep it.”
“I will keep this one. What do they want to do when I get off the set? Fire me? Come on, Y/N. I will make it to the game. One way or another, I will be there.”
“If you say so...”
“What about my girls?”
“Your girls are having a hard time at school. I was invited to school this week.”
“Why did you not call me? I should have been there too.”
“I did call you but it said that you are not available so I thought you are too busy. Plus, I know from Jimin that you and him had a two-day photo shooting on that day.”
“Oh.”, Tae says as he slaps his face. “I should have been there anyway.”
“It is alright. I am used to be there alone…”, Y/N sighs.
“I am sor-“
“’I am sorry.’; that is what you wanted to say again, right?”
“Yes, because I am.”
“Tae, skip this part and listen.” The deep breath that seems to feel her lungs is clear to hear on Tae’s end. In his mind, Tae tries to be prepared in case she is telling him something bad happened. “The girls have been in a fight.”
“Our girls were in a fight?”, he asks. Not even once were the girls even in a fight with each other when Tae was around which makes it harder for him to believe Y/N’s words.
“Yes. But they are not hurt. Two teachers were needed to separate them.”
“What happened?"
“According to the teacher, the girls were getting lunch and tried to make their way to an empty bench in the cafeteria but a girl started to be very rude to our younger girl and hit the food and drink out of her hands. Afterwards the kids started to laugh and princess started to attack that girl. One thing led to another and the girls are out of school this week…”
“Where are they now? I need to speak with them.”
“They asked me not to tell you anything.”
“Why? I am their father I should know these things! I will visit their school tomorrow.”
“Let it be. At first, they wanted that the girls are not allowed to be back in school for this month but thankfully I could talk into their mind to reduce it to one week.”
“Why do they not want me to know?”
“Because the bullying was because of you...”, Y/N explains slowly. Stunned by her explanation, Tae stays quiet. “Princess meant they were calling them strays because you strayed and left us.”
“Maybe I should talk with this kid’s parents instead.”
“This kid is in the foster care system and currently in a new household. We said that this time we’ll let the foster parents take care of it but if there will be a next time, that it will be a talk between the parents.”
“How can you let it slide? It does not matter if foster child or not! That is unacceptable no matter who this kid is. Do the girls want something to help them cheer up?”
“No. The younger one wants to go back to the ponies on the pony farm you were with the girls.”
“You mean that pony farm which had this foal that she named?”
“Uh yeah. They still have this pony! I bought it a few days ago. It will not go anywhere, it stays there.”
“You bought what?”
“Yeah, I bought this pony. It is still not possible to ride it as it is too young but once it is trained, it will be hers.”
“Who knows about it?”
“Only me and the owner of this pony farm. I did not tell anyone else except you now.”
“You better buy a sleeping bag because she will probably want to stay with her pony all weekend.”, Y/N says cheerfully. “I won’t say anything to her. She will be very happy about her own pony.”
“I want to surprise once we are at the farm.”
“Aright. I got to go.”
“Call me if something happens again right away!”
“Bye!”, Y/N says fast before she hangs up the phone. Tae looks at the phone for a second but locks it as he looks at his noodles in front of him.
“I am not hungry anymore…”, he says loudly to himself whilst he places his plate in the kitchen. A long sigh leaves his lips as he touches his face. “What else do I not know?”, he wonders as he looks at the little photo on the kitchen wall. Automatically, he takes it off the wall. His eyes are like magnetically glued onto it. This picture is the one they took after the youngest was born. It shows how sweetly the older kids look at the youngest one. “We will not be separated for long, my kids.”, Tae says as a tear drops off his face onto the picture. “Daddy loves you.”
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