#Tetsuma Jo
midorikawawas · 1 year
This is what Tetsuma is to Kid
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astraeasilvers · 20 days
Seibu Wild Gunmen Headcanons
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Riku Kaitani:
Sexuality Headcanon: Demisexual
Gender Headcanon: Cis
A ship I have with said character: Riku/Sena
A random headcanon: ADHD and slight coffee-addict (specifically espresso). 100% gives me I’m-SIMPing-For-My-Friend vibes
General Opinion over said character: 👍 love a good childhood friend. But dude, you were too up-your-ass about Sena not using your strategy…
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Shien “Kid” Mushanokoji:
Sexuality Headcanon: Pansexual
Gender Headcanon: Nonbinary
A ship I have with said character: Shien/Tetsuma
A random headcanon: He definitely has a slight fear of losing, because of his childhood/upbringing
General Opinion over said character: He’s one of my favorite non-Deimon characters
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Jo Tetsuma:
Sexuality Headcanon: Gay
Gender Headcanon: Cis
A ship I have with said character: Tetsuma/Shien
A random headcanon: He is possibly the most Take-Things-Too-Literally Autistic I’ve seen in a while | Selective Mutism
General Opinion over said character: *head pats*
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katzanone · 3 years
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Ngl I was THIS close to replacing every single gun by a brick. Anyway, here is the Seibu guys doing cowboy stuff requested by @fruitygellybelly!
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fourheavenlysins · 3 years
Tetsuma having A crush
Category: Eyeshield 21
pairing: tetsuma
warning: none
rating: G
Tetsuma wouldn’t be interested in just any girl. She would have to be apart of the team somehow and therefore see each other everyday. Kid would be the one to notice his friend’s infatuation, how he would go out of his way to help her without anyone ordering him to and the way he occasional stares off in her direction.
Kid’s not the type to interfere with the affairs of others, but he can’t help but try to help his friend out. Kid would make time before practice to talk to her and ask how she felt about Tetsuma. Kid, of course, would tell the girl of his friend’s crush and leave it at that, if she knew Tetsuma well she’d be the one to ask him out instead of waiting for him, figuring it wouldn’t happen any time soon.
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yanderefoeyay · 3 years
Clifford got so mad when Hiruma beat him at poker
But he’d have a mental breakdown playing against Tetsuma
His face wouldn’t change the entire game and he’d just slap the cards down and somehow beat him
Worst part is Tetsuma doesn’t even know how to play poker
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oolongway · 4 years
Ok but Monta totally has a hand fetish, hear me out:
Chp 233:
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I love that this is the first thought that Monta has when Honjou catches him so now time to list all the receivers and what Monta has noticed about their hands
Masaru Honjou: the perfect hands, godly, no other hand can compare. Monta would marry them if he could. Huge hands, perfectly proportioned, calloused but like sexy callouses, fingernails neatly trimmed down. Very stable and warm. Manly af with knuckles and tendons. 
Taka Honjou: Most eye-catching hands. Long hands, more boney than his fathers. Fingers are long in comparison to palm. Generally runs cold. Very pristine, nails are very nice, more rounded in shape. More elegant and graceful looking.
Jo Tetsuma: Strongest hands. Very thick, square palm, relatively proportioned fingers in comparison to palm, fingers maybe a little on the shorter side. A little on the knobbier side. Short, square nails. Knuckles prominent. Hand runs pretty hot. 
Ikkyu Hosokawa: Most dexterious and flexible fingers. Pretty well-proportioned finger to palm ratio. Very straight fingers, can’t really see much bumps and curves. Hands are big for his height but not drastically. Temperature on the cooler side but not overly. 
Haruto Sakuraba: Most prettiest/model like hands. Long hands, tendons and knuckles on back of hands more prominent. Average temperature. Fingers square off a bit at the ends. Nails are long but trimmed.  
Raimon Taro: Fingers not nicely proportioned, kind of frog-like with the finger pads being a bit larger than the rest of his hand. Fingerprint deep and distinct. Most of his nails are trimmed except for his thumb which he chews on. Pretty large in proportion to his body. Lots of bumps and curves. Generally warm to hot. Spacing between fingers is wide. 
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⁂ Eggshells (Jou Tetsuma)
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Genre: Crack, Fluff ☁
Word Count: 1,174 ☁
Pairing: Reader x Tetsuma ☁
World: Eyeshield 21 ☁
Being in a relationship with Tetsuma Jo of the Seibu Wild Gunmen was like walking on eggshells. You always had to carefully think over your words before you said them to him or he’d end up running around town for days without stopping, drink hundreds of gallons of water until he pops, or jump out of bus windows to wake someone up. You also had to set limits with certain things you told him to do. Other than that, Tetsuma was a good boyfriend… if you didn’t mind the fact that he had the personality of a piece of wood. Even so, he’s a good guy, loyal, and a very good listener. Not to mention fast and powerful. His team would take some getting used to, though…
You stood beside Kid, a look of disbelief on your face.
Kid simply sighed, pulling his hat down to cover his face.
Tetsuma, who stood behind the two of you, remained as stoic as ever.
“Y-You’ve got to be kidding me…”
“Hmm, I would have thought you would have been used to this by now, Y/N.”
“Sure, I’ve gotten used to your coaches antics, but this? Isn’t this taking it a bit too far?” you used your hands to help express the blatant surprise that you felt.
Billy “Doc” Horide, Seibu’s coach, was standing just a couple of feet in front of you, his hand resting on the side of a fairly large-sized bull that huffed every now and then. His free hand was holding a rope that was attached to the large animal’s neck.
“I’m pretty sure bulls are not allowed on the football field, Kid!”
He raised his hat just enough so he could stare at you lazily. “You make it sound like I can do something about this.”
“You’re his favorite!”
“Tetsuma’s his favorite,”
“You’re both his favorite!”
Kid sighed, turning his gaze to the short gun-baring man. “And? Why did you take the bull?”
“I couldn’t leave it!” Billy yelled, using the hand that didn’t hold the rope to fire his gun into the air. “They were going to slaughter him!”
You heaved a sigh of frustration as you fell back against Tetsuma’s chest. He looked down at you, his expression unchanging. You brought your hand to your forehead, which was beginning to throb, your eyes set on the large animal. “Where’d you even find something like that around here?”
“It wasn’t easy!”
You sweatdropped, turning around and resting your forehead on Tetsuma’s chest, fist gently hitting him. ‘That implies you went looking!’
Tetsuma blinked, one hand moving to the small of your back and the other on the top of your head. His grip was firm, but not hard. It had been a bit awkward when you first started dating because he didn’t know how to react to you, but he was slowly getting better about it.
Kid glanced at the two of you before returning his gaze to his coach. He was happy for you and Tetsuma, but he didn’t want to show it. “The school’s not going to let you keep it…”
“That’s why we’re gonna hide it!”
“Hide it?” You lifted your head and stared at him in disbelief, hand clenched around Tetsuma’s white tank top. “Where do you plan to hide that?! I’m pretty sure people are going to notice the near three thousand pound snorting bull!”
He opened his mouth to respond when Riku came rushing over, his face panicked. “Coach! The principal is heading the way!”
Billy freaked out, shooting his guns into the air as he danced around.
The bull huffed, stomping his back feet. He was clearly getting agitated by all the noise.
You felt a bead of sweat roll down your cheek as you eyed the creature. “Maybe you should be a little quieter… he’s looking a bit annoyed.”
He was too busy panicking, running around in circles to hear you.
The bull bellowed loudly, eyes turning red as he prepared to attack – and his was staring directly at you! In the blink of an eye, he had broken free of the rope and was charging directly at you. Your eyes widened, body frozen in fear and shock. No one had ever taught you what to do in the case of a raging bull barrelling towards you like a train.
“Y/N!” Kid yelled, running after the bull, but he had noticed too late.
You cried, squeezing your eyes shut as you put your hands over your ears, preparing for the impact – but it didn’t come. You heard the bull make a surprised noise and you slowly peeled your eyes open.
Tetsuma was standing in front of you, the bull lifted over his head. It had gone completely still, eyes wide.
“Y/N!” Kid kneeled beside you, his eyes scanning your body for any injuries. “Are you okay?!”
Tetsuma also looked over his shoulder at you, waiting for your reply.
You swallowed hard, falling to your knees. “Y-Yeah… I-I’m fine…”
Billy noticed the principal closing in on the field. “Tetsuma, run!”
He didn’t have to be told twice. He turned around and took off like a bullet kicking up dust as he went. The principal rounded the corner shortly after, looking at you all curiously.
You huffed as you jogged down the street, head swinging back and forth as you scanned your surroundings. Night had fallen about two hours ago, and you and the rest of the Gunmen had been searching for Tetsuma, who hadn’t returned. You all knew him well enough to know that he wouldn’t stop running until he was ordered to do so.
‘Jeez, where did that big oaf go?’ you frowned, leaning against a nearby building to catch your breath. You had been running around town for hours trying to find your boyfriend with no success. You felt exhausted, but you couldn’t give up – just thinking about how exhausted he must feel kept you going.
You caught movement out of the corner of your eye and snapped your head up. “Tetsuma!”
He ran by so quickly that he didn’t hear you.
You groaned, giving chase. You filled your lungs, “TET-SU-MA!”
His speed dropped, head whipping around to land on you.
“STOP!” you ordered, feeling your lungs burning.
Tetsuma dug his heels into the pavement and came to a dead stop. The bull was still held over his head, its eyes swirling and body limp. You could see Tetsuma’s arms shaking from the strain.
You leaned on your knees, breathing heavy as you raised your finger to point at him. “Tetsu… ma… drop tha… t dam… n bull!!”
He did as you ordered, setting the bull on the ground. It took a step forward before falling onto its side, eyes spinning.
Tetsuma frowned as he approached you, large hands resting on your shoulders.
You leaned against him. “Jeez… I’ve been looking everywhere… for you.”
“Sorry,” he murmured, gruffly.
With a sigh, you gently grabbed his face, offering him a gentle smile. “Let’s go home, Tetsuma.”
He nodded, bringing you into his arms.
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guobia · 8 years
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Can finally post it! This is the piece I did for a Seibu Wild Gunmen anthology last year, organized by SPIELDOSE 小山田チカ! 
Anthology website (2015)
It was sold in Japan during Comic City Spark, so unfortunately, I don’t know if it’s possible to buy a copy overseas. 
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polycanons · 8 years
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Of course! For you, I’d write anything! (Almost. Don’t quote me on that!) I hope you’ll enjoy!
What is the character’s favourite food?
Tetsuma doesn’t actually have a favourite food. The man is one of the least picky eaters you could ever encounter. He will try everything and normally he’ll eat everything - within reason, at least. It has to be edible and actual food.
Are they good at cooking? How good/bad?
Tetsuma is not horrible at cooking but he isn’t really all that great at it. He can follow a recipe exactly and the dish will turn out edible but never really amazing. His food just always tastes sort of...bland. Pre-packaged, almost.
Do they leave the dishes out?
No. Never. Tetsuma is actually very tidy in his living habits. It’s just common sense to him. It’s a rule, albeit an unspoken one. Dishes get rinsed in the sink and put into the dishwasher when they’re finished being used. The dishwasher goes on in the evening and unloaded before bed. It’s just how things work.
What kind of food is in their refrigerator?
Tetsuma’s fridge is normally well-stocked. They have all needed condiments, a box of baking soda to keep the fridge fresh and odor free, eggs, cheese, yogurt, milk, various vegetables and fruits, and sliced meats or meat taken out to prepare for supper. There’s always a pitcher of water in the fridge. Jo doesn’t like drinking water that’s lukewarm. It’s nothing ever fancy and the fridge is never completely full, but he always has what he needs in it.
Do they cook, eat out or get take-away/delivered food more?
Honestly, Tetsuma tends to eat out or get delivery more than he cooks. It’s not that he’s lazy or can’t cook. It’s simply that getting take-out (healthy food, of course) or eating a meal prepared by someone else is more convenient and often easier to do, so cooking for himself very rarely enters his mind.
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midorikawawas · 2 years
Kid: Tetsuma may not say much but I swear he's the kindest and coolest person I know
Tetsuma, standing right behind him:
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fanficsfrombutt · 8 years
Musashi runs into Kid and Tetsuma in the locker room, and decides to join in.
Musashi kicked the locker room door open, deliberately without warning. “This isn’t a love hotel, you know.”
“Erg-“ Kid lost his balance in surprise and tumbled off from where he had been happily bouncing up and down on Tetsuma’s erect penis. The receiver, his back braced against the corner of the room, grabbed the nearest jacket to cover up his friend with, as if either of them still had any modesty to lose at all.
“Disinfect the floor when you’re done,” Musashi ordered gruffly, turning around to leave.
“Yes, all right,” Kid promised. “…Sorry.”
Musashi was about to close the door behind him when the quarterback spoke again.
“Ah… Hey. Musashi,” he called out softly, his voice husky and low in his throat.
“Uh… It’s awfully adventurous, but…”
“Spit it out.”
“Why don’t you join us?”
The kicker scowled. “Huh? What kind of guy do you think I am?” he grunted.
At least Kid had the decency to look embarrassed. “I don’t know, I just thought it’d be interesting…” He brushed his hair out of his face. “Well, the invitation’s there, if you’re interested.”
“That’s not going to work,” Musashi grunted. “Anyways, I’m leaving.”
“Why wouldn’t it work?”
The kicker shook his head, exasperated, looking away from the quarterback and his silent friend. “What’s wrong with you? This kind of thing isn’t made for more than two people.”
“That’s what you think?”
“That’s what I think.”
“Well, come here, then,” Kid requested, rubbing himself as he leaned against Tetsuma.
Musashi obliged him, approaching cautiously.
“You can take off your pants, you know?” Kid suggested, tugging Musashi’s shirt to make him crouch down to their level.
The younger man stretched and bent over again, perking his rump up like a dog in heat. He motioned with two fingers, and in response to the signal, Tetsuma tugged his hips back and pushed back in with a low grunt.
Perfect combination, Musashi thought off-handedly as he knelt in front of the couple, palming the growing bulge between his own legs. From the front, he couldn’t see the actual penetration, but Kid’s satisfied, pleasured purr and hooded eyes left nothing to the imagination.
“Musashi…” The quarterback repositioned himself so that he was sitting upright on Tetsuma, leaned back, and spread his legs to show Musashi the sight of the other man’s meat thrusting in and out of his anus. “Mmm…”
“What do you want me to do?” Musashi asked, confused.
“Uh… I want you to put your penis inside me- if you want to, I mean…?” he suggested.
“How? There’s already Tetsuma in there.”
“It’s not complicated, just stick it in,” Kid urged.
Musashi frowned as he reached forward, prodding at the filled up hole with his fingers. “Hey, Kid, I don’t think I can. It’s not going to fit.”
“No, I think it will…”
He positioned his hardened cock at edge of the opening and tried to ease it inside, to no avail. The head simply slid off from side to side, unable to push in and enter. “No, it’s really not going to fit. You’re just going to get hurt. This is a bad idea.” Musashi stood back and reached for his pants.
Kid looked at Tetsuma, who nodded and pulled out, steadying his friend with an arm. Clear lubricant dripped from his opened anus, the wrinkled hole gaping slightly. “Okay… You go in first, Musashi,” he said. “Tetsuma will follow; he’ll get in after you. All right?”  
“You’re set on this?” Musashi asked. “…You sure it’s safe?”
“I think I can take it,” the quarterback assured him, straddling his stomach and giving a few experimental grinds. When he met no resistance, Kid reached down, steadied Musashi with a practiced hand, and sat back on the offered shaft, easing his hips all the way down a bit at a time.
The kicker grunted in surprise, unable to hold back a low rumble in his throat: it felt good. Kid’s body swallowed him, squeezing his shaft in rolling waves; the other man’s innards felt velvety, heated, alive around him. Musashi exhaled, pleasure stabbing at his gut. He tried to focus and control himself, staring hard at the muscles of Kid’s back, but his hips twitched of their own accord, spasming against the quarterback.
Kid leaned back onto him, rubbing his back against the kicker’s chest. “Hmm?” he murmured. Musashi couldn’t see his expression, but he could imagine those sharp, dark eyes glinting under their heavy lids.
“You should do the moving. I don’t know what you can take,” Musashi responded, gasping for breath.
“Mmhmm.” The other man set up a slow, comfortable pace, a great deal gentler than the reckless thumping he had witnessed with Tetsuma earlier. “You all right back there?”
“I think I should be the one asking you that.” He put a hand on Kid’s waist to support him. But Kid took it as encouragement, thrusting his hips faster in evident enjoyment before slowly grinding to a halt to regain his balance.
“We’re going on. All right?” the quarterback asked.
“Go for it,” Musashi gasped, trying in vain to catch his breath.
“Tetsuma,” Kid called out, his voice tender. The receiver closed in obediently, coming in to rest a hand on Kid’s knee.
Musashi watched as Tetsuma, with infinite care, lifted Kid’s legs, tilting him back. He couldn’t see much from behind Kid’s body, but he felt the other man approach, their thighs brushing as they crossed. Tetsuma’s body was boiling, radiating heat like a steam engine. The head of his cock pressed against Musashi’s as he got into position, and with a powerful motion, pushed inside of Kid.
He felt Kid stiffen and tense up in his arms, but Musashi couldn’t quite work his lips into words. In the tight confines of Kid’s ass, Tetsuma’s erection rubbed against his own, the friction making it feel as it on fire. It was a tight fit, almost painfully so, but it excited him to imagine Kid crammed full to the point of bursting.
“…Ah, ah… …Ah,” Kid said faintly, groaning and trembling as he stretched to accommodate the load. “Hey, backseat has to drive.”
“Go. You know, start- mmm…” Kid threw his head back as Musashi pushed the last inch inside of him, and began gasping, his breath coming in shallowly. “Move-“
Musashi clenched his teeth, trying to hold back his moans. Pleasure wracked through his body as he began to pull out again, even as the other man’s body squeezed tightly on him. Tetsuma’s swollen cock rubbed against his own. As he moved, he felt the heat from both Kid’s and Tetsuma’s tangled bodies and heard the wet, sticky slapping of muscle against muscle.
Kid moaned appreciatively as Musashi upped the pace, and leaned forward to latch his lips around Tetsuma’s mouth. The quarterback began groaning and gasping even more, louder and louder the harder Musashi thrust into him, quivering and straining. Musashi clenched his teeth, unwilling to let his voice out as lasciviously as the other man, but was unable to hold back a ragged sigh as Kid bucked his hips up as well, rubbing up against him. He reached forward to grip Kid’s thighs, pulling him in closer and inhaling the smell of his sweat and sex. Musashi tried to slow down, but his body begged him for just a little more.
“Tetsuma… Touch me,” Kid urged, stroking his friend’s face with a shaky hand. Musashi couldn’t see his front, but he could assume where the receiver’s hand was going, as Kid let out a throaty chuckle. “Ah- gentle, gentle,” he warned.
“You’re an idiot,” Musashi grumbled, shaking his head. Despite his admonition, he sped up a little, digging his fingers into Kid’s hips and leaning over to rub his lips against the other man’s ear.
Kid’s reply was lost in his groans, husky with bliss as he was doubly fucked by his two friends.
Musashi exhaled hard, trying not to pant as he kept on thrusting in. “Mm…” An urgent ache built up on his gut and loins. He reached up to steady Kid’s shoulder. “Hey. Hey, Kid…” He tapped the quarterback’s face to get his attention. “Can I come inside you, or is that…”
Kid’s voice was faint as he replied. “It’s okay. Inside- ah… Oh, that’s good. That’s good- Fill ‘er up…”
At his friend’s assent, Musashi grit his teeth, steadied himself, and began thrusting into Kid harder and faster, as if intending to rip him in two. The quarterback let out a haggard grunt and tried to steady himself on Tetsuma’s shoulders, as Musashi gripped Kid’s hips, thrust in hard, and stayed there. He bit his tongue to stop from whimpering as his orgasm, powerful enough to be painful, wrenched its way out, shooting globs of sticky seed up Kid’s rear.
“Ah- goodness!” Kid exclaimed in surprise as Musashi forcefully unloaded himself, and Tetsuma shivered as well. “Good- goodness gracious-“
“Glad you’re happy,” Musashi mumbled, his head spinning from the sudden explosion of pleasure. He sat back with a dazed exhalation, relaxing muscles he wasn’t even aware of having used.
“No, stay in me… Tetsuma’s gonna come too,” the quarterback warned as inside of him, Tetsuma’s advances became quicker and more erratic. A low rumble rose in the air as he groaned as well, laying on top of Kid and pressing down on him, until Kid’s back was firmly pushed against Musashi’s chest.
Musashi pursed his lips, cautious of accidentally getting hit by either of them. With Kid still stuck on Musashi’s penis, the copulating pair was rocking back and forth dangerously close to his face. Tetsuma pounded away full-force and the back of Kid’s head lolled back recklessly; he opened his mouth to warn them, but Kid began to pant, first softly, and then steadily more desperately until he seized up and gave an agonized moan.
“Hey-“ Musashi began in alarm, but Tetsuma didn’t appear concerned. Kid writhed hard, and Musashi had to grip him by the sides to make sure his softening penis didn’t slip out of the other man. The quarterback jerked, a blissful expression on his face. Still moaning, he came, splattering a drip of semen between himself and Tetsuma.
Unlike his friend, Tetsuma only gave a short grunt, but Musashi snorted as he felt, inside of Kid, a powerful gush of hot liquid.
The air simmered down as all three men tried to catch their breaths. After a few minutes, Tetsuma was the first to move. He silently sat back, balancing Kid’s languid form on his chest, and pulled him off both his and Musashi’s softening penises, before getting up and reaching for the paper towel dispenser.
“Mmm… Thanks,” Kid mumbled, not opening his eyes as Tetsuma knelt next to him and began to wipe down his shoulders with a damp paper towel.
Musashi quickly averted his eyes, and fumbled for his pants from where Kid’s writhing legs had kicked them away. He pulled them on even as he made his way back to the locker room exit, fighting the urge to look behind him. “Remember to disinfect the floor.”
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yanderefoeyay · 3 years
Kid: hey can you tuck me in
Tetsuma: you just handed me a shovel
Kid: exactly, try to spread the dirt as evenly as possible please
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guobaa · 8 years
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(trans: Perfectly matched up)
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polycanons · 8 years
Would you do some head canons for a polyamorous relationship between reader, Shien, and Tetsuma? I just can't bear to separate them, better date both of them!
I will sure try, my lovely anon, though this is my first stab at polyamory on the blog and I’m not sure how comfortable I am writing it! I hope you’ll enjoy the headcanons though and thank you for the request!
Kid and Tetsuma are pretty comfortable with the poly-amorous state of the relationship. However, it’s not something either of them ever talk about, not with their partner or with each other. It’s just how it is and nothing needs to be talked about - the two of them both date the same person but they each carry on a relationship with their partner independent of the other, so they feel no need to talk about it with each other.
They share their partner pretty equally. There’s never any arguing from either of them about their partner spending more time with one over the other, both of them are fairly flexible about plans for dates and they’re both willing to cancel plans with their partner to accommodate special occasions for the other, like anniversaries or birthdays.
Neither Kid or Tetsuma can find it in themselves to be jealous of one another. While they both love their partner very much and would be a little annoyed if their partner wanted to be with anyone else, they can’t find it in themselves to be annoyed that they have to share with their best friend.
The two will not double-date. They don’t get jealous and are usually very laid-back about the fact that their partner is also dating their best friend but that’s pushing it a little too far, even for them. While they’re accepting of the other’s relationship with their love, they don’t want it have to see it, they don’t want it all up in their face.
The two will usually end up getting their partner to carry messages though, doing things like telling them to tell Tetsuma such and such when they see him later or to take this or that to Kid since you’re heading over to see him. It can be a bit aggravating to their partner, though they never mean it to be.
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midorikawawas · 3 years
*Blows a kiss to the Ranch* For Seibu Wild Gunmen 🤠🐄🏈
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fanficsfrombutt · 9 years
Tetsuma/Kid. 100word Prompt
The doctors said that the medicine would make you better.
The first pill made you tired.
The second pill made you angry.
The third pill made you dizzy.
We’re on the fourth pill now.
None of them made you not have the pain you’ve always had.
When Gaou broke your arm, you went to the hospital. They put a cast on you, and when they took it off, your arm wasn’t broken anymore.
I don’t know why they can’t do it to you, for this. Is it because you’re hurt where no one can see it?
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