#Ushijima buharou
coloredpanels · 7 months
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Jumonji blocks a Buffalo!!
Eyeshield 21 chapter 137
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midorikawawas · 3 years
*Blows a kiss to the Ranch* For Seibu Wild Gunmen 🤠🐄🏈
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chenkari · 6 years
I saw this video of Ushijima on Twitter today and I’m absolutely losing it. 
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polycanons · 8 years
Buharou Ushijima is p underloved, too bad, cause he's pretty cute, ahuhu~
You’re so right, my dear! I can’t even remember even discussing Baharou with another Eyeshield fan before! He’s vastly underappreciated! Since you didn’t specify what you were after, have some general headcanons for Ushijima!
Ushijima and Agon share the same hairdresser, a talented woman who specializes in dreadlocks. The two have never spoken to each other, though they’ll nod whenever they see each other in the salon, passing each other on their way to or from an appointment, and they’ll always walk away thinking that the other has some really great hair.
Ushijima has the most detentions out of any Seibu player. The reason he usually gets detention? For skipping detention.
Ushijima uses a lot of cutesy emotes in his text messages. It’s actually really funny and extremely unsettling all at the same time because Ushijima has a naturally foul mouth and it shows up very clearly whenever he’s texting or messaging someone through the internet. Whoever he’s talking to will have to dig through lots of swear words and curses to figure out what he’s talking about and there will be all these cute little emotes sprinkled throughout too.
Ushijima, despite his delinquent looks and attitude, has a soft spot for small children and baby animals. He just has a real guilty pleasure for anything cute, to be honest. The man secretly goes ‘awww’ and melts whenever he sees anything Hello Kitty, which he’d never admit and would take to his deathbed. 
Ushijima really hates chocolate. However, he does have a huge sweet tooth, especially for gummy candies. Gummy bears and Swedish Fish are his favourite.
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