#TW: England from Hetalia
jalshristovski · 1 year
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atom-writings · 19 days
ok like ur one of my top 3 fav hetalia request blogs so uhhh could i get the big 8 (and canada ofc) and how they cuddle???
hetalia main 8 (+ canada & prussia) affection hcs
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2.0k words ~ gender neutral headcanons
tw: mention of suggestive themes, mention of alcohol
a/n: sorry this got turned into just general affection hcs. hope thats ok. also i couldnt find the original source for any of these images :sob:
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Alfred is a very casually intimate person. His legs intertwined with yours while you game, his hand on your shoulder while you introduce him, and his hands held over yours while he shows you anything, are all common sights even before you start dating.
But once you actually get together, he doesn't get much more affectionate as much as he does touchy. Say goodbye to any personal space, as Alfred loves to manhandle you. Anytime he likes something you're wearing, he just grabs it and forces you to stand there awkwardly.
Every time he comes home from work stressed, he insists that you hold his head in your lap and pet his hair.
When the night begins, he's on the other side of the bed. But by morning, the blankets are practically all on the floor while he hugs you from behind, his face buried in your hair and his legs caging you against the sheets.
Also: he's a great hugger (: Any sickness can be ailed by drowning in his arms.  Sometimes it really does feel suffocating, he has no sense of self-control and way too much love for you to realize that it’s alarming to be tackled to the ground.
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Arthur despises PDA. Arthur despises you knowing how much he cares. Arthur despises being vulnerable in any way. Arthur despises rainbows and sunshine. But he loves you, so he'll hold you by the waist when your head falls on his shoulder.
Most of the time, the most you'll get is a chaste kiss, only sometimes on the lips. It took him a while to even agree to share a bed because it's “unseemly“ for an unwed couple. When you do share a bed, he rarely cuddles up to you. He’s almost always an arm's length away, close but not too close.
But when he gets drunk, his real self comes out. Suddenly he's pressing soft kisses up and down your chest, his hands keeping you pressed against the bed while he whispers how much he loves you in languages he hasn't spoken in centuries.
But even when he's in his right mind, you might be able to convince him to let you sit in his lap while he reads to you. He'll deny it, but he does love it greatly. In general, he prefers holding you rather than the other way around.
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While Francis may be incredibly affectionate, he isn't really the biggest cuddler. His physical affection comes mostly in the forms of passionate, breath-taking kisses and slow dancing. But of course, he does love having you close, so you'll end up cuddling anyway.
He loves lounging with you by his side, a nice bottle of wine readily available, while you two reminisce. His hands always find a way to snake underneath your clothing, but it's only so he can trace soft patterns on your skin, making you relax even further against him.
At night, it depends on the mood. If you're feeling needy, he'll happily pull you close to rest your head on his chest. If he's feeling needy, he'll beg for you to hold him close, to run your fingers through his hair and tell him how much you love him. But if it's the summer and he's hot, he'll kick you off the bed if you touch him.
Also, just for the record, he never lets go of your hand throughout the day. Ever. The difference between affection at home and affection in public is completely lost on Francis, so be prepared for him to pull you against him just like he would if no one was watching.
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In terms of love languages, Yao cares much more for quality time than physical affection. But he can be prone to clingy moods, refusing to leave your side for hours at a time. During those times, it's best to just let him nuzzle his face against your neck without protest.
On the rare nights that he lets you cook, he'll hold you tight from behind. Surprisingly not just to criticize your technique, but also because he just loves how you feel pressed up against him.
When it comes to the bed, he is surprisingly cuddly. He'll ghost his hands all over your body while you're falling asleep, seemingly always in awe of your beauty. He's rarely aggressive in any way, his affection always soft and thoughtful.
(Also, he prefers cuddling without clothes. Not for even a single remotely sexual reason, but just because it's so much more intimate)
When in public, he never goes beyond brushing a hair behind your ear; but with the way he looks at you, you always feel just as loved as you would otherwise.
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The moment you give him permission, Ivan is all over you. Constant kisses, constant hugs, never more than a step away, he'll be attached to your side for as long as you let him.
Anytime you two are together, he'll pull you as close as possible. Watching a movie is always done with you on his lap, no car ride is complete without his hand around your thigh, and even when you're separated, he's anxious to keep an eye on you.
Without you in his arms, he'd find it difficult to sleep. He can't get enough of watching you while your eyes flutter shut, his calloused hands running through your hair until you finally relax completely.
Every time you reach out for him first, he finds himself too flustered to speak. He's a very handsy person himself, so it's impossible to make him uncomfortable. All he can do is watch you in awe, never growing tired of the feeling of your skin against his.
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Matthew's affection is always hesitant, as if he's afraid you'll break the moment his skin meets yours. He'd never do as little as hold your hand without your permission, much less pull you into a hug.
But the opposite is true when you're the one asking him for his touch. If you seem nervous, suddenly his kiss is all-consuming, taking the breath out of your lungs and causing you to stumble.
At night, he absolutely melts when you hold each other. Your hands around his waist make him shiver, and he can't stop himself from burying his face in your hair, his fingers drawing feather-light patterns into your back. But it already takes an hour of convincing to get him into bed with you, much less to get him to cuddle without him constantly asking if you’re alright.
In public, however, any affection makes him blush bright red. He can barely believe that you're alright with showing your love for him. If you were to suddenly hug him to say goodbye, it's unlikely he'd be able to pull himself away. He loves your touch, but he can't let himself indulge, the fear of your rejection making him fear getting too close.
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From the moment you two met, Feliciano's hands all over you, at all times. Personal boundaries is not something he's familiar with. No matter where you are, he's grossly affectionate. He usually doesn't care whether or not you hug him back, as long as you don't reject him too bluntly. Then he'll cry. But stop nonetheless.
If you're ever insecure, he's the man to reassure you. You'll never again leave the house without tons of kisses all over your face, much less do anything without his arm around your waist.
As expected, he's also very needy. He's satisfied to just rest his head on your shoulder most of the time, but sometimes he just needs you to hold him. If you're alright with it, his designated spot is always curled up against you with his head in your lap. If you pet his hair too, he'll be yours for life.
In bed, it's the same. If you're wrapped up in each other's arms, he's happy. But if you're holding him, not too soft yet not too tight, he might just start crying. For good reasons this time.
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Ludwig’s affection is always awkward, his grip is always too tight or too soft, but he does truly love being beside you. No matter how afraid he is, as soon as you pull him into a hug, he completely forgets all nervousness. But still, it’s not often he goes out of his way to do any more than rest a hand on your shoulder comfortingly.
At night, it’s the same. He wants you close, close enough that you could always wake him up if you needed to, but not close enough that you’re pressed against each other. But on those awful nights when you just need some comfort, he’s more than happy to wrap you in a bunch of blankets and hold you all night long (He won’t get any sleep, but being so protective makes him feel just as happy.)
What he lacks in physical affection, he more than makes up for in every other area. At least he always knows the best places to kiss you.
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Kiku is a very private man. You knew that before you were dating, but even now, it seems like even his affection is kept to himself. You constantly see him reach for you out of the corner of your eye, before he suddenly pulls away.
He's always rather cold in public. The most you get at home is usually just a chaste kiss, too.
Except at night, when he's too overworked and sleepy to think straight, it's the opposite. Suddenly he's crawling into your arms in the dead of night, desperate and whining for your affection. Sometimes it's the opposite, his hesitant hands running over your side, careful not to disturb you as you're pulled into his embrace.
Either way, it's rare that either of you wake up without the other, strewn across the bed and buried under the mountains of blankets Kiku loves. Just don't bring it up, because he's deathly embarrassed of how much he needs your affection.
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There is not a day that goes by without Romano demanding you two cuddle. In public, at home, at night, in the morning, when you're doing nothing, when you're busy... he is... quite needy when it comes to physical affection.
His favourite way to cuddle is in bed, blankets thrown wildly around the two of you, him wrapped around you and resting his head on your thighs while you play with his hair. But he's honestly not that picky as long as you're almost painfully close.
He doesn't kiss you often (especially in public, just because he's so insecure about how people see the two of you,) but when he does, it feels like something out of a movie. Your breath taken in a second, your mind going blank, your entire body seeming to melt into his effortlessly...
As time goes on, he would probably become less clingy. When you first start dating, he's so anxious to make sure you understand how much you mean to him, that he ends up overcompensating in a lot of areas... especially when it comes to affection.
But his body IS kind of perfect for cuddling, so...
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Gilbert is a very proud man, and that remains obvious in the way he touches you. He's anxious to show off your attachment in public, always having his hand intertwined tightly with yours, his eyes never leaving you no matter what.
At home, it's the same. He's not overly clingy, especially when he gets in snippy moods, but he still believes everything is better when you're by his side. His favourite thing in the world is being cuddled up on the couch, your head resting on his shoulder while he runs his fingers down your thighs, watching probably one of the worst movies ever made.
When in bed, he's a lot more needy. He tends to get cold, so he always pulls you against him. When you cling to his chest, he swears he's in heaven. But that also means it's a struggle to get up in the morning since he always insists on “just 5 more minutes.“
He's rather... grabby. His affection is usually aggressive, and sometimes a little embarrassing, but it's just because he's so desperate to show you how he really feels, beyond the silly act.
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mypookiewookiebear · 3 months
getting high with Hetalia characters
(cause I'm kind of high and bored :P) (I just did the allies + Canada to make my life easier)
these are just my opinions/ headcanons, if you don't like... uh, don't read pls 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
TW/CW: drugs, lots of drugs mentioned, uh I curse? mostly weed mentions, mentioned alcohol, I use gay as an insult (GUYS IT WAS A JOKE I PROMISE PLEASE)
I feel like most of the time he would mellow out. Like most strains would make him more chill, like purple kush.
I think he would prefer edibles, it's easier, you’re higher for longer, and I headcanon that he’s on the heavier side so the edibles are more effective.
(also he’s weak and can’t smoke for shit)
Regardless, I don’t think he smokes or takes edibles too often. I think his preferred substance is probably liquor, if anything.
Okay, here me out. I think he experiments with hallucinogens.
He has his little witch friends, they light a bong and do fucking magic
(my normal friday night tbh…)
But that is the craziest thing he does, plus he’s old and has a strict 9 pm bedtime.
(plus he needs his booktok kindle to read bad colleen hoover books)
I bet he has a clicker and everything so he can lay down and read his kindle
Anyway, I think he’s had his fair share of za, but gets busy so he doesn’t do it all that often.
Okay the haters are gonna sabotage me, but I think he smokes the least out of this group,
Does not like the way weed makes him feel, he gets sensory overload easily while high, his adrenaline spikes and makes his heart race (in a bad way).
Prefers alcohol, specifically wine, doesn’t usually get drunk or sloshed but is more comfortable being drunk than high.
 More inexperienced with weed tbh.
Like he has smoked cigarettes, drinks often enough, and done an occasional hard substance, he just doesn’t see much appeal in weed.
I think he is extreme, like he either is dead sober, or sloshed from vodka. No in between
When he is high, he gets more introspective, and depressing lol. 
(he thinks more about his childhood, how he felt during all that)
I wouldn’t say he’s the no.1 stoner, but he’s in the running for that.
He would totally come to a world meeting high asf
(I mean, who's gonna notice?)
No preference as far as smoking vs. edibles, but i bet he’s done some crazy crack pipe diys to smoke weed
(such as, but not limited to: making a bong out of a water bottle, hot wiring an iphone charger, and smoking out of a banana)
When he’s sober he's chill, but when he's high, legit the chillest of chill. Like owns the word chill. 
More sociable and charismatic, also makes bomb ass foods.
Saved the best for last 😘
Guys… we did it, we found the number 1 stoner 🤯🤯🤯🤯
Kidding kidding, but he is very familiar with medicinal marijuana.
(my man has a bad back… leave him alone…)
While he has a lot of experience, rarely does he get extremely high, again mostly smokes for medicinal purposes. 
But he still has a high tolerance in general, so if he does decide to get super high, he needs strong ass edibles or a full cart.
(me asf tbh)
In the event he gets high as hell, he mostly ponders… thinks about philosophy or something gay like that./j
Idk he’s not that crazy, just sits by himself and thinks about stupid shit, like the appeal of bamboo to pandas.
Side note: don’t use gay as an insult that's bad…
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isabeauwolf · 1 month
About Me <3
I know it's late for an introduction, but after reading a lot of fanfics here and seeing a lot of amazing artist with my favorite anime men/husbands in my ever growing anime harem XD I decided to finally create a Tumbler account
Two months, better late than never, I guess. Whoops... Oh well!
I'm a sassy 30 year old married woman and a mom, who loves to read spicy romance novels and manga, watch anime and geekout about hot anime men.
Currently fangirl hard, and I mean hard about Trafalgar Law, Kai Chisaki aka Overhaul, Sukuna and Geto from JJK.
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Somehow, and I seriously don't know how, but Dabi and Gojo are trying to shove their way into my anime harem like mad men! Probably doesn't help that I'm a sucker for anime men with white hair and blue eyes....
Other fandoms that I'm into: Hellsing Ultimate, Castlevania, Kamisama Kiss, Obey Me and Obey Me Nightbringer, What in Hell is Bad?, MDZS, Disney Twisted Wonderland, Mr Love Queen's Choice, Yaoi and Otome, Blood+, Wolf's Rain, Kakuriyo: Bed and Breakfast for Spirits, Noragami, Inu x Boku SS, Demon Slayer, Howl's Moving Castle, Ikemen Villain, DMMD, Skyrim
Other anime men I never shut up about: Alucard (Hellsing Ultimate), Beelzebub and Diavolo (OM and OMN), Malleus and Leona (TW), Akura-Ou and Mizuki (Kamisama Kiss), Beelzebub and Mammon (WHB), Zoro, Ace, and Katakuri (One Piece), Abel Nightroad (Trinity Blood), Itachi and Kakashi, England and Russia (Hetalia), Kiro and Lucien (MrLove), Akaza and Kokushibo
Light Novels and Danmei fandoms I'm into: MDZS LN and Comics, The Apothecary Diaries, Raven of the Inner Palace
Favorite Authors: Immortals After Dark by Kresley Cole, Anne Rice, and Dark series by Christine Feehan
I might wanna let everyone know that I might never shut-up about human x yokai, shifter or demon romances as well, if ya'll haven't noticed. XD
Comfort ships <3 : GaLe (Gajeel x Levy FT), Sango x Miroku (Inuyasha), Maomao x Jinshi (The Apothecary Diaries), Wei Wuxian x Lan Wangji (MDZS), RumBelle and Captain Swan, Odanna x Aoi, Yato x Hiyori
TV Shows: Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, The Untamed, Supernatural, Once Upon A Time, Friends, Hannibal, True Blood, Game of Thrones
If anyone has any questions, don't be afraid to ask! I appreciate everyone who's talked to me on here and fangirled with me about our favorite fictional men.
I have a Twitter account as well, which I'm mostly active on whenever I'm not on here under the same name: @WolfIsabeau
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My opinion on APH India (as an Indian myself)
I do not like APH India for 2 main reasons.
*TW* Sexual Assult
1. There should be multiple Indias the same way there is multiple Italys. There is a HUGE difference between North, South and Northeast India. The languages are different, the food is different and the people look different. North Indians tend to have lighter skin, South Indians tend to have darker skin and Northeast Indians tend to look like East Asians
2. India should HATE England, I’ve heard my family’s stories from the days when India was still apart of of The British Empire and it’s absolutely horrifying what the British did to our people. During the Partition of India my Great-Grandparents, who were only 12-14 years old, were forced to flee their homes, my Great Grandmother and her sisters had to hide in crates so that they wouldn’t be raped. Many people were murdered and British Soldiers and Journalists say that the Partition's brutalities were worse than the brutalities in Nazi Death camps.
Inconclusion, APH India is a terrible representation of India and it’s history. Then again it’s Hetalia which isn’t meant to be historically or culturally accurate.
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thetaurusgeminisystem · 4 months
Hetalia writing blurbs #1
A/N: So this is a series I'm probably going to post whenever I come up with some sort of short blurb from a story that is one of my WIPs. I'm doing this to hopefully gain some encouragement because I struggle sometimes with continuing a story. This is a blurb that was written by me and an alter in my system who is an introject of Germany. A lot of what is written is from his own source memories that he's had in the past. This is incomplete at the moment, but I wanted to share what was written.
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Berlin, Germany
December 1961
If there was one thing that he hated to feel it was the feeling of weakness. From a young age, Gilbert had taught him that allowing your enemy to see your vulnerability was a death sentence waiting to happen. As the wall went up around the borders of his heart city of Berlin, he became completely fragile.
Ludwig Beilschmidt knelt in front of the concrete fixture that was raised by that damn commie and his men. The wall was thick, cold, and covered in razor sharp barbed wire at its peaks. He had watched so many of his desperate citizens try to escape the harsh rule of the communist east. He also watched them fail miserably and then if they were lucky they weren't executed.
The sound of gunshots, barking dogs, and Russian commands rang in his ears. Nearly every single time the sounds were accompanied by the flashbacks of his foolish mistakes. He knew damn well that he couldn't take on Russia alone, but he was truly too afraid to argue with his boss. Instead he stood by his men's sides as they pumped meth in their systems to block out the excruciating pain or sleep deprivation. He never imagined that his men would become addicted to the illicit substances and then become desperate for more of them.
He could remember the sight of seeing his men lying in the cold and unforgiving snow dead. Their deaths came from either the loss of blood and bodies riddled with bullets or the freezing hand of Russia's famed General Winter taking hold. Being shot to death was a mercy killing when you could die slowly of frostbite and hypothermia. As dark as it was to say, he preferred seeing the snow painted scarlet then to see the failures of his boss to realize that the lack of supplies would cost so much more than the land was worth.
Ludwig had gotten into the habit of coming and kneeling before the monstrous concrete wall almost every day. The habit had come after seeing the true physical state of his older brother Gilbert who now was known as East Germany. Some days Ludwig swore he could hear a lone flute playing on the other side. As it grew much colder though, the sound of the flute grew fainter and fainter. This didn't discourage the younger German personification though. He came every single day and stayed until nightfall because he feared that if he didn't come then he would lose hope.
As it was, he was already losing hope. England and France barely made a move to aid him and his people. Of course he felt that he should have expected that, but it didn't mean that it didn't cut him any less. America seemed to be his only true ally here. The young personification stood by his side when Russia made him feel threatened. Ludwig felt he owed much of his current freedom to the American and his younger sister.
The American girl with the teal and rust colored hair seemed familiar to him. Of course she had taken care of him and his wounds while he was forced into America's custody and he had seen her on the battlefields during the war, but there was something else about her. Ludwig knew her official name to be New York City, but her human name was lost on him at the moment. Everytime he thought of her recently it was like he was trying to access information that he wasn't allowed to. Why the hell was his brain blocking the information away?
What frustrated the German even more about the situation of his lost memories was that every time the personification of New York City was around him, he felt a strange sense of home. Did other nations feel that way when she was around? There was a small part of him that kind of hoped that they didn't. He didn't know where that part of his brain came from, especially because he hadn't made a move towards her, hell he didn't even understand what his feelings were towards her in the first place!
Ever since his time staying in her home, he hadn't fully been able to get her out of his mind. The girl was kind to him and patient with him when he felt that he didn't deserve her kindness, let alone her patience. He saw himself as a monster after he was forced to see the true nature of his boss's “perfect Germany”. He understood why so many other countries looked at him with anger, disgust, and even hatred. Yet the two Americans didn't look at him that way. They looked at him with sympathy.
Gods, but why sympathy? Did they feel sorry for him? Why? Sympathy was a sign of being fragile! He wasn't weak god dammit!
Suddenly Ludwig was brought out of his thoughts when he felt the touch of a cold tendril upon his face. He blinked as he noticed the simple white flakes beginning to spread across the ground. He looked up at the skies above him and saw the sun was still fairly towards the eastern skies, even if it was well hidden by a layer of clouds.
He then glanced down at the cracked wrist watch on his left wrist to confirm his suspicions.
Ludwig then stood to his full height and rested his forehead against the wall. He hadn't heard the sound of Gilbert's flute today, but he was too determined to leave. Gilbert had to be somewhere on the other side, he just knew it. Ludwig took a deep, shaky breath before he began to softly sing “Einsamkeit”. Each of his words were punctuated by a small puff of steam.
“One day bruder… one day” Ludwig finally said quietly as he finished the song. He leaned his head against the cool concrete and closed his eyes. One day he would finally be free and let his people live a life in democracy.
Ludwig stayed this way for at least a few good hours. The only time he seemed to move was to get back into a kneeling position when his legs grew tired. He was almost in a trance, his thoughts dragging him back to the past. His trance-like state made him grow unaware of the growing blizzard conditions around him. He even grew to not realize the steady worsening of his cough.
His mind was at a day in the past where he was forced to his knees in similar snow. He had cuffs securing his wrists in front of him securely. The biting steel of Russia’s pistol dug into his temple while the barrel of England’s was digging into his upper back. He could see dingy and disgusting looking buildings, a gallows where a cowardly soldier allowed the rope to claim his life, and what looked like an army of living skeletons being led away from further horrors by American and British soldiers. What he could remember most about the environment that Arthur, Ivan, Francis, and Alfred had dragged him to was the acrid smell of death.
“Are you aware of what's been going on here, Herr Germany?” the Russian asked, his tone dripping with an edge of disgust, mockery, and anger. As the question left the Russian, the barrel of his gun jabbed at Ludwig’s temple.
Ludwig had no idea that this place even existed, no less , had been used to murder innocent people. He took another look around in horror from his spot kneeling on the ground. Silent tears began to roll down his cheeks as he realized why his body had been sick and why Ace had betrayed him along with others among his men. Ace never meant to hurt him or betray him. She was trying to save him as many of his citizens had.
“Answer the question, you dirty kraut! How could you do this to your own people?” Arthur growled and then he kicked Ludwig in his lower back making the German fall face first into the dirt.
After a moment more of seeing dead bodies being taken away, a sharp pain burst across Ludwig’s chest. “NEIN! I KNEW NOZHING OF ZHIS, MEIN BOSS KEPT ME IN THE DARK ABOUT ANYZHING OZER ZHAH ZHE VARFRONTS!” Ludwig cried out as his tears spilled in a nearly uncontrollable manner at this point.
In that moment it was the first time that Ludwig was fragile around his enemies. When the trials came, he expected a death sentence. What he got was way worse.
The four allied nations had agreed to drop the genocide crime against Ludwig. This was due to all the evidence that New York was able to present. The evidence supported the theory that Ludwig was kept in the dark about all matters outside the war fronts. That didn't stop them from charging him with the rest of his war crimes though.
In the end, he was split into four sectors that were divided among the four allies. England, France, and America took the westward sectors while Russia took the eastward one. Russia's demands did not end there though. Thanks to a rightfully traumatized Poland and Lithuania, Russia demanded that Gilbert be completely disbanded as a nation and his land given to Poland.
What Ludwig had not known was that this very factor left Gilbert defenseless against Ivan and his lackeys. Gilbert had been beaten and kidnapped from the eastern side of the wall and was now imprisoned deep in Russian territory.
The icy winds of the blizzard kicked up and the snow was nearly blinding for anyone who dared to come anywhere near the Berlin Wall.
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hamiltonyumyum · 9 months
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TW: Hetalia, angst, they don't end up fucking each other, this is a WIP don't be angy 😡😡,terrible English, (I suck at writing, 2)
Germania was trembling and sobbing into a handkerchief he found on the ground 💔. He was st the doorstep of his beloved Macau's house. But there was another dude there, the old German was heavily devasted at this sight. Many thoughts rolled into Germania's brain like trolleys. Did he find a new BFF? Does he still like me? Did he even like me in the first place..? Germania took another gasp of air and weeded into the peice of cloth. "No I need to be a gentleman!" He stood up, brushed the tears off from his old, leather, brown cloak and cleared the throat of his. Germania silently knocked on the wooden door with his rock hard knuckles which made the house vibrate. Macau swung open the door and glared at the German, "Excuse me, sir. Who are you?" The region said, raising an eyebrow noticing the water on hsi acquaintance's cheeks. "Buddy r u ok" He asked and gestured Germania to come inside. The sad empire walked into the dusty house in a sulky manner. "Baby girl, who is this at your house?" He pointed at the other nation who was sat upon the couch. "Dude why did u call me bbg" Macau questioned him with a knife to his neck. "It's me! Germania!" Germania scoffed and flipped his hair at the black haired man. "Omg!!" Macau gasped, "I'm so sorry pook! I didn't recognise you!". Germania gave him a side eye. "Pooks... I'm sorry but-" the 175 cm tall male exclaimed. "YOURE SORRY??? BUD.. WE'RE ENGAGED HOW COULD YOU NOT RECOGNISE ME-??" The 5'10.079 footer cried. "You.. you were.. are.. just different now..." Macau looked to the side, rubbing his arm sadly. "This isn't like you babe.." he sighed.
Portugal sat quietly on the couch, watching the two fight.
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glittery-ishfish · 1 year
Hetalia Drama CD Vol.7: Let’s Talk About the G8 Members☆, Part Four
(tw: swearing, lots of it)
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P2 (tw: Brief poor Ukraine characterization, swearing)
P4 (Hello)
P5 (tw: Poor Ukraine characterization)
P7 (tw: Poor Ukraine characterization)
P9 (tw: Poor Ukraine characterization)
P10 (End)
[Start scene, footsteps entering the room]
Narrator-san: And thus, the G8 conference drew its curtains open without any guidance from Italy, the host country of the meeting.
Eng: So, today's agenda is about us. 
Jap: Thinking about the G8 members, right England-san? 
Jap: R-Really?! I'm sorry, America-san. 
Ame: And on an unrelated note, when are ya gonna export that game about the two tied-up girls, and that manga with my president in it?
Jap: Uh…When I return, I will inform my boss and take care of it. 
Ame: Okay! I'll leave it to you! 
Can *at the same time as England*: America is turning the G8 meeting into his...My house is--
Eng: Anyway, let’s start with my opinion. It's time for the G8 to get out of the rut it's in. Don’t you think it’s time we ‘shape up'?
[England glares directly at Russia with 'staring arrows']
Rus: Don't stare at me so~ much!
[Russia grabs the staring arrows and breaks them]
Eng:…Don't break people's sight lines without permission!
[Dark aura sounds, Belarus edition, take three]
Bel: You harassed big brother, you harassed big brother, my big brother…MY BIG BROTHER… 
Eng: Er-
Bel: Big brother-- the guy who harassed big brother…*hissing/gurgling*
Eng: R-Russia, stop your little sister.
Rus: Ufu! I'm afraid I can’t. Anyways, I think we're fine with just the eight of us, but what about you guys? How about you, Canada-kun?
Can: Eh? Um…I, uh, my opinion. I think that before this…
Kumajiro: Who’re you? 
Can: I'm Canada! Let's see…So, I think we should--
[Poor Canada keeps talking in the background]
Fra: If you're talking about getting 'stuck in a rut', I wonder if a position will be given to someone new. Spain, for example, is my best bet right now.
Ame: No way, not him! Whenever he sees me, he tries to attack me with his knees!
Ger: Hm…Spain, huh? I agree with France's opinion.
Ame*upset*&Fra*pleasantly surprised*: Ehhh?! Germany!
Ger: HOWEVER, the G8 is still the G8 and only eight other countries will be considered. We will congratulate Spain for joining and thank you, for all you've done up until now…France.
[Cartoony shock sound]
Fra: EEEEEH??! MEEEE?! W-What the hell!? I thought we were getting to know each other a little better these days!
Is that a German joke or something? Huh?? You know what? I'll only drive a Peugeot if you keep talking like that, how does that sound~?
Ger: I'll give you an example of what you've done for us so far, France.
Fra: Don't go on at all if you don’t like meee!!
Ame: *AmericanLaugh.exe*
Fra: GODDAMMIT, STOP LAUGHING! *sniffle/whimper* You're making big brother cry...
Rus: Isn't this great? You love vacations, don't you, France-kun?
Fra: *annoyed* Well, you see, strikes are supposed to be for the betterment of the workplace, not to pile on whatever the hell you want!
Rus: *(probably) not paying attention* I see! I just love to take vacations, and I like to take vacations to museums, trains, palaces, and so~ on!
Rus: But those are all things I really like about you, France-kun.
Can: Um…I heard...about this invention--
Ame: *AmericanLaugh.exe*
[America (I assume) runs off]
Eng:…It's definitely Russia who should leave.
Jap: Um, if you want, would you like to look at the history of each nation from the last 10 years?
Eng: Huh? Okay, let me see. 
[England flipping through pages]
Eng: Mm-hmm *page-flip*…
Jap: What do you think?
Eng: Hm, Well...*page-flip* In terms of statistics and current performance, Italy--
[Germany knocks documents out of England's hands]
Ger:…Please. Pretend you didn't see that.
Eng: Germany…
Jap: Germany-san!
[Sparkly sounds]
Eng: Understood! I guess it can't be helped!
Jap: It doesn’t hurt to be a little lenient, does it~?
[More sparkly sounds]
Ger: I'm sorry…I'm so very sorry…
[Sounds of France getting bullied]
(T/N: From what I could pick up, I believe that France may have said something along the lines of "Evil, evil! I'm surrounded by evil!")
Jap: So, Germany-san, since everything ended up unchanged, please do your usual thing.
Ger: O-Of course, *ahem*...YOU BASTARDS! 
[Germany slams hands onto the table]
[End scene]
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the-heaminator · 2 years
Polyship week prompt day 3: Restraint.
Ship: Rusengfra.
Have some more weird thoughts, have some angst and a treat from me I'm sorry if this gives of 2012 energy shhfbsnndnn. Tw violence? And alcoholism
Restraint is difficult, reeling in the parts of yourself you once let roam free always is tiring, and the longer you contain it, the more pressured it is, and when it is finally released, it is all the more violent, surrounding the person, enveloping them in a shroud of .
A cheery looking and acting Russian, though sadistic down right to the very core was one of these people, he seemed outwardly as a sort of vacant person smiling non commitally at most things, seemed to be a little odd at most. Though the people, or nations that have had the misfortune to be under him know how much of that is false.
A violent drunkard some said, a psychotic killer said others.
To see him with two others that had similar...issues ran shivers down many spines.
England, once the violent and non feeling master of the seas and land, still feared by many even if he not so much as looks at them in the eye, all the more fearful as he showed no remorse, the ones who knew him for the longest always said this, he could do nearly anything and only feel a twisted form of glee from it.
Desensitization at its finest I would say.
France, often said to be just as bad as the other two, despite not having a quite as caustic reputation, manipulative to the point of being able to make even Liechtenstein feel bad about herself, someone who would very happily kill if he could get anything out of it. His words sharper than any blade, a master of deceit and lies.
During the old times people often called them demons, they aged slowly, and had many the attributes of one, odd colouring eyes of purple, green and a too dark blue; and later on they were accused of being cardinal sins, Gluttony, Greed, Pride.
But now they had put restraints on themselves, England tended to stay alone in his old empty house, speaking to mainly himself and the fae, the same went for Russia, who can be scared of you when they barely even see you anymore seemed to be what they thought. They could stay in blissful isolation, no one had to see them drunk and raving, no one had to see them talking to themselves at night, no one had to see how lonely they had become over the years of their self imposed isolation.
France on the other hand, he became more public, able to forgo the the reputation that was impossible to shake for the other two, now being seen as a vapid whore and a self obsessed twat, but even that, in his opinion, was better than being feared like the other two were.
It was understandable how England and Russia managed to forge an odd bond, through that on its own managed to raise people's eyebrows, imagining the two as anything other than the two entities of fear and hate, imagining them together even in a friendship way was odd.
Adding France into the mix seemed nearly as impossible, but the impossible did tend to happen around these three.
It was no big secret that England and France fooled around in bed a lot, and it was no secret, though a very odd and slightly frightful prospect that England and Russia did the same, but putting two and two together seemed to be nobodies best interest until they physically saw it. Ivan hovering proactively around the two, England smacking anyone who said anything against the both of them, using the excuse "Only I'm allowed to do that."
France teasing them both in the way that only he could.
Though simmering just underneath everyone could see what they wanted to do, red hot desire bubbling under their skin just out of reach.
But remember, when restraint snaps, it snaps hard, who knows when, who knows how. But it will happen.
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kira-7 · 1 year
Tagged by @gottaread2 @hbdttg and @esperata 💖💖💖 thank you guys!!!
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
I'm still here, Fate: the winx saga, rivusa, completed
Heavy footsteps were approaching, shadows hidden by the night became more and more threatening.
Devotion plan, Gotham, nygmobblepot, completed
A throbbing pain in his head made Oswald open his eyes, but it was dark around him, there was no light source. Where was he?
Eternal rivals eternal lovers, Hetalia, FrUK, completed
Hands shaped the nation’s sides, while England put an arm over his eyes not to look. Shortness of breath did not allow him to tell France to stop.
What has hands but cannot clap?, Gotham, nygmobblepot, WIP
Gotham had changed a lot in those ten years, meanwhile he was locked up in Arkham, yet it was still the same when viewed from a certain angle. It didn’t take long to regain control and be The Riddler again. Great Scott!
Trapped, Good Omens, ineffable Husbands, WIP, tw!!!
He wandered around the house, his long hair was dull and full of knots, his eyes vacant and surrounded by deep dark circles; the man was unable to recover from the pain of the loss and, even more, he was unable to sleep because he couldn't do it without the other man's presence.
Anything for Martin, Gotham, nygmobblepot, WIP
The surreal silence of Gotham’s wet streets was interrupted by the rhythmic noises of a figure moving in the shadows, lit only by the faint lights of the street lamps. The figure knew very well that no one would ever touch them, because it would be trouble for anyone who dared to twist a single hair of theirs.
Best home, Good Omens, ineffable Husbands, WIP
It started, as it would've ended, with a garden. Specifically, it was a park, where a costume party was taking place and a boy, dressed as a knight, had remained on the sidelines to observe. But he was joined by another child after he made a prank.
How to love a vampire, crossover Fright Night x Twilight, Aro/Peter Vincent, WIP
The room was completely dark, except for a spotlight which pointed to a man with long hair, mustache, goatee and two cross tattoos on the sides of his neck; he moved his hands in a theatrical way, as if he had the situation under control, and in fact it was so. He could hear the breaths held by his audience, the frantic beating of their hearts, the whole theater was full of adrenaline's smell.
Wait for me, Vile Bodies (Bright Young Things), Miles/Ginger, completed
Miles stared at him, the candlelight shadowing his face, a shame according to Ginger. He reached out to caress Miles’ cheek, rubbing his thumb against the other man’s cheekbone.
Somebody to die for, Good Omens, ineffable Husbands, WIP
I am a demon, one of the oldest, my name was Crawly, but I decided to changed it to Crowley, I liked it more. I didn't experience the Rebellion or the Fall, I was born after them, in a pool full of lava, I can't say it was like a sauna, totally different, totally... Mph not my favourite.
I... I don't know who to tag, mostly because I don't know who played this game already 🙈 so this time, I pass, but whoever sees this and didn't do it already, but wants to, feel yourself tagged 💖
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atom-writings · 8 months
Can I request the allies helping their S/O when their depression keeps them in bed for a few days, which isn't normal for them.
hetalia allies when their s/o is going through a depressive episode
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1.8k words ~ gender neutral scenarios
tw: theyre not always the best but they figure it out (:
a/n: hope this was ok. if u want just like, comfort, thats cool and i can do that too seperately (: but anon i totally get i got crippling depression too. were alll in this togeeethherrr
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Depressive episodes were nothing out of the usual for you. What was out of the usual though, was just how horribly this one was hitting you. But it seems like the person who it hurt the most, was Alfred.
Once you began spending the majority of your time in bed, he began to bother you incessantly. It'd be more annoying for you if it wasn't clear just how much Alfred was panicking.
Every day he returned from home to find you in your miserable state, he would question your sudden episode over and over again until one of you fell asleep. He offered to take you somewhere, to buy you everything, anything to get you back to normal. No matter how much you insisted that none of that would help, he continued.
That was until one day, upon his return from work, he didn't immediately come up to interrogate your lack of motivation. From your shared bed, you could vaguely hear him fumbling around downstairs. After a while, his footsteps finally echoed up the stairs.
Your door creaked open slowly, revealing Alfred awkwardly carrying bags of snacks as well as a TV. He rushed forward to throw everything on the bed before starting to hook up the TV in front of the bed.
”What are you doin'?“
”Making this room fun to be in,” He answered bluntly, but his tone was kind.
After a minute, he finished setting up the TV and crawled into bed with you. Before you could say anything, he pulled you flush against his side.
“Staying in here is no good for you, but at least there's ways to make it... less bad.” He told you softly.
You took a moment to respond, ”Can... can you stay in here with me?“
”I'll stay in here until you're ready to leave, K?“
As soon as your illness began to rear its ugly head, Arthur took notice. It's not like it hadn't happened before, after all. The unusual eating habits, the exhaustion, how less excited you would become over things you love, it's all typical. So he would help the way he usually did.
If you're too tired for work or school, he gets you out of it. If you're hungry, he makes whatever you want anytime. If you're slacking on chores, he makes up for it two-fold.
The entire time you spend gloomily sitting on your phone or watching TV, Arthur is running from place to place in a panic. It's clear why, he's just desperately trying to ”solve“ your sadness. After all, over his many periods of depression, he always works himself to the bone to get through them. He struggles to understand how you can just... sit there.
But of course, that's not how human depression tends to work. Seeing him so motivated did nothing but make you more insecure about your own sudden ”laziness.” Living in an incredibly clean house only helps for so long until it starts feeling weird.
The only place safe from his worried frenzy was the bedroom, where you lay nearly all day. It was quiet there, at least. Not frustrating like everything else. That was until Arthur interrupted your silence by joining you in bed with a huff.
“Love, you've been in here all day.”
You didn't respond, simply nodding and rolling to face away from him.
“What's wrong?”
Still, no response.
He grabbed your shoulder lightly, trying to pull you to face him.
“What is it?”
“You know what's wrong.”
He sighed, before laying down as well. His arms wrapped around your waist as he pulled you closer to him, his soft breath hitting the back of your neck as his heart beat against your back.
“I guess a better question would be... do you want to talk about it?”
You pause, ”Not really...“
”Well, I'll be here with you until you do.“
”No running around?“
He chuckles, ”No, I'll stay here. After all, you're strong... I imagine this won't last forever, right Love?“
Francis is a sensitive person, but most importantly he's an emotionally intelligent one. He notices as soon as your depression begins to get bad again, and he always tries to do little things to help. But... he knows that you're the one who's had to live in your head for years. The only reason he would go out of his way to help is if you asked him to.
Which you usually don't. It never seems to stay unbearable long enough for you to justify asking him, even though he's made clear he's always willing to do anything for you.
But this time is different, it feels as if your thoughts can't stop, no matter what you do. Even as you rest in bed, you only get more and more tired, more angry and miserable. Francis noticed this... but he wouldn't want to do anything you didn't want him to.
At least, that's how he thinks usually. But now, seeing his beloved sobbing for the 15th day in a row, he decided he had to do something.
Early in the morning, before the sun had fully risen, you were awoken by Francis's smiling face.
”Time to get up!“
You were swiftly cut off by him grabbing your arms and pulling you upwards.
”I've set out clothes for you. We're going somewhere.“
You shook your head, ”W-Where? I'm tired-“
”It's gonna be fun! I'll buy you coffee on the way, don't worry.“
So up you were, regardless of your protests.
An hour-long car drive later, and you understood why he was so enthusiastic about going here. Before you stood the most stunning valley you had ever seen, surrounded by perfectly green trees and water so blue you could've sworn it was fake. But the breeze flowing through your hair said otherwise.
“While we walk to the beach, you can tell me all about what's wrong, okay?” He locked his hand around yours.
Sure, it didn't solve everything. But... it was better than the bedroom.
Yao doesn't really... understand what depression is. When you tell him it's a “mental illness” all he understands is “illness.” So the moment things start getting worse for you, he's recommending all the things he learned to make sick people better.
If it gets to the point of being bedridden, he acts like you're gonna die. Which is obviously not very... comforting. So after many times of you telling him to leave you alone, he's gotten used to popping in every couple of hours with tea, but that's it.
After all, you're usually back to your normal self pretty quickly. But this time, he can tell something's off; and he's not about to let you wither away.
So, one morning, you're awoken to a delicious breakfast already in your lap and Yao sitting in front of you, looking like a kid on Christmas.
“Wh- Yao? Why did you...”
“You haven't been eating enough, and I don't want you getting tired soon.”
You looked at him suspiciously, “Why?”
“We have plans.“
”Good plans or bad plans?“
”Good plans! What do you think of me?“
Once you finished eating breakfast, he dragged you out of bed. No matter how much you protested, his grip on your hand was strong. He brought you to the other side of the house, into his already set-up studio.
”What are we doing in here?“ You ask nervously.
”Getting you out of bed,“ He responds quickly, gesturing to the yoga mat set up next to his.
All you could was sigh and stand next to him, waiting for instruction.
”Do we really have to do this?“
He nods, spreading his legs to the side and reaching down with one hand. Looking up at you expectantly, he smiled.
”It keeps you spry,“ He switched sides, ”It keeps you healthy.“
”I'm really not in the mood,“
”Trust me.“
With a huff, you slowly worked your creaking body into the same pose he pulled.
”I can't stand to see you suffer in that room.“
”It's not fun on my end either.“
”I love you. I wish you would tell me how to help.”
You groan as the next pose he demonstrated stretched you a little bit more than what was comfortable.
“You can't 'help.' Just gotta wait it out.“
He took a moment to respond, “Well, I suggest you wait it out in ways that get your mind off everything. Like this.”
“It's helping the tiniest bit, I guess...”
He chuckled, “We will keep working at it until you feel better. No matter how long it takes.”
When your depression gets bad, it seems to be obvious to everyone... except Ivan. Despite you bringing it up to him, he either doesn't know what to do... or he doesn't care. The possibility of the latter doing nothing to make you feel any better.
Even as you spend all day laying in bed, crying constantly, he doesn't seem to notice. He just acts like you aren't... suffering. That stings, a lot more than anything else creating this depressive episode.
But after a week of this unending gloominess, you get a strange text from Ivan.
“Come downstairs.”
Weird and annoying... but more importantly ominous. It takes you only a second to throw on a hoodie and rush downstairs. You can't hear his usual humming, and the house seems completely still as you search for him. But when you look out the back window, you see him.
As you enter the backyard, you fully see what he was doing.
In the middle of the yard, he set up a picnic. Surrounding him is a mountain of bright flowers, and tens of little plates bearing your favourite sweets lay on the light blanket.
“Come sit, darling.”
You would be foolish of you to not oblige. Once you sat down next to him, he reached out to stroke your cheek lovingly.
”What is torturing you so horribly?“
You took a deep breath, “Where to start?”
“Wherever you want,” he clucks his tongue sympathetically, resting his hand on your thigh.
“Y-You know... I thought you didn't care. You've been so... normal...”
Ivan looks awkward, averting his gaze, “I didn't want to make it worse. You're so strong, I knew you could get through it on your own. I'm sorry.”
“I can.... but I don't want to...”
He leans forward, kissing your forehead.
”I promise, now, you will never deal with anything alone.“
”You're sure it won't be too much?“
”Never. Never too much.“
hey there. its gonna get better. its gonna be different. but its gonna get better. there are hundreds of people youre gonna meet, and hundreds of places youre gonna go, and its gonna be amazing. one day youll wake up and realize everything is alright. because youre gonna be ok.
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chocobox · 1 year
incest tw i hate the hetalia experience -_-
i've been very scared of touching the hitsuji de oyasumi drama cd with england and america in it because i've known for years that people champion it as being ship bait and i didn't wanna deal with it even in the interest of hearing england's voice. but yesterday i processed the rest of the volume covers for that series (my england bubble is very thick. this one is on me.) and i realized that it was quite literally a series built around highlighting familial relationships??????? and i was like. ok. SO LIKE... WHAT? because one of the most common arguments that has always been used for that ship is "well they aren't brothers ANYMORE!!! so it's ok" and if this series is. deliberately highlighting their sibling relationship... how does that track as ship bait. (and this isn't to say i'm unaware that there IS ship bait for them in canon, but most if not all of it is relegated to the comic and seldom makes it past that)
so i caved i was like well i might as well see what's going on. and i did. and it was so innocuous that it makes my HEAD HURT. THIS WAS THE "SHIP BAIT" I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT? Does no one here have SIBLINGS? literally everything was so. normal. like it really goes out of its way to highlight the familial aspects of their relationship (talking about how england would count sheep for america as a kid) and anything people were deeming shippy was stuff that literally any siblings wouldn't bat an eye at? asking your sibling to come to your room and sleep in your bed because you're scared + having a "sleeping contest" to see who falls asleep first. What. THAT'S IT. God i'm so tired of people who ship them.
unfortunately i have a personal history with the ship that makes me really vigilant about it. I know all the things people have deemed indicative of it being as canon as a hetalia ship gets but looking back on it as an adult it makes me almost feel paranoid. like without that pretense, no one would make that assumption about their relationship. only if you read through the comic would you see a few things and go like oh that's weird. but they fly past quickly, and they still piss me off but it's all just to say. it's. they are just Troubled Brothers. if you were seeing it as more than that it's truly on you.
i don't talk about it much but my unfortunately extensive knowledge of this whole situation and inability to reconcile with it as a kid was part of what did drive me away from england for so long. ): the fact that there was anything that could imply he had a crush on the younger brother he had raised since he was a kid.... it really bothered me and i didn't. want TO BE IN LOVE WITH A CHARACTER LIKE THAT? and it was easier when i was able to convince my little child mind that it was fine. but when i realized it wasn't i didn't know what to do because obviously people who ship them will make it seem much more real than it actually is. so i couldn't really bare to think about england for so long because that relationship made me so uncomfortable. but i'm glad i came back because i've been able to realize that it isn't that bad, i just thought it was worse because of how much i had seen. but it's definitely a process, and it's frustrating to sift through almost 2 decades of england fan content when so much of it is at least subtextually supposed to imply... that. That. because it has been the most popular ship for SO LONG, and that changed kind of recently, but its impact is still felt. it makes it really hard to give benefit of the doubt WHENEVER i see them together in any context, and i'm trying to get over that.
due to my past here i've had to go on like a continuous recovery mission to fix the way i see them and not hear alarms go off in my head whenever they're in each other's vicinity. i think this was a big step for that though because the cd WAS cute and i DO really like their sibling relationship 😭 aside from that another big help was rewatching the anime and seeing that they deliberately removed literally everything that could have been perceived as shippy in regards to them, which makes me feel more confident about doing the same thing myself. (DUB FANS DNI)
(also i don't know how i manage to be consistently surprised by shit like this but when i found out about all the New Brothers england got when i was gone somehow i didn't anticipate for people to be weird about that until i was being directly faced with it. i'm baffled at my own naivete there, like that hasn't been the problem for so long.)
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Reader X Black Butler-Loids
I've always loved those Heta-Loid stories....and I love Black Butler....lets have them both!
Please, tell me what you think. This is my first story!
Warning. Contains Swearing, Sex (Sometimes) And Hot Men!
Chapter 1: Sebastian-Loid
Chapter Text
As you flick through the magazine, bored beyond compare, you come across an advert. Oh my god, its for the new BBLoids! You have been a dedicated fan of Black Butler since you heard of it, and know they have bought out Loids! As you look through the new makes you see some of the main characters. They have Ciel, Grell, Agni, Prince Soma and even Undertaker! But the one that drew your eye the most was the Sebastian-loid. It look impeccable with its pristine black suit, silky black hair and those eyes. So beautiful. And the add said they even changed colour like in the Anime/Manga. You start to smile widely as you think of all the housework you could get done with a Sebby-loid, Never have to clean the dishes or hover the carpet. And you get a hot butler to watch. You quickly look for the price. Oh......Fuck. Who the hell could pay over £2000 pounds for a robot! You sigh and close the magazine, disappointed that your short lived dream had crashed and burned (Like Englands cooking!)
As you stand up and move towards your bedroom, your phone rings. You pick it up, ''Hello?'' You ask, wondering who would have called you out of the blue. ''Hello, this is Dream-R-Us, we have been reviewing your file and have come to the conclusion that you deserve a dream fulfillment. You may choose anything you wish as long as it is in our power to provide it. Oh yes, money is not short in supply by the way.'' You pull the phone away from your ear and look at it like it had started to turned funky colours, ''Ok, Lets say for a second, just a second, I believe you, could you please send me a Sebastian-loid, the ones from the BBMerch mag?'' You ask, very skeptical. ''Of course we can Miss (F/N). It will be there by morn'' The voice stops and you realize they have hung up. ''God Damn prank calls....but...how did they know my name...?'' You ask yourself, by now slightly scared. You shake your head and sigh, tired from a long day. You move to your bedroom and lie down, drifting off into the land of dreams, a certain red eyes butler on your mind.
You awake to a loud knock on your front door. You groan and sit up, dragging your butt towards the front door, ''I'm coming, i'm coming!' You shout, coffee still not in your system. You throw open the door, scaring the young man standing there with your bed head, ''What!?!'' You half shout, half grumble. ''D...Delivery F..for Miss.....(Y..y/n)'' The poor young man stutters. You shrug and sign the board, not seeing the giant box behind the young man, ''I'm sorry..'' You look at his name badge, ''Finny, I'm not a morning person'' He smiles so brightly you wince, as it almost burns, ''Its alright miss. I'll bring the package in!'' He says happily. You finally see the giant Box, ''HOLY SHIT! WTF IS THAT?!?!'' You shout. Finny smiles as the sets it down in your front room with ease, ''Its a gift from Dreams-R-us, miss. Have a nice day.'' As he says this, he disappears into thin air, all thats left behind is a note, 'Have fun~'. You rub your eyes and blink rapidly, ''Da Faq?'' you say to yourself. You walk towards the large box and see a logo....it looks like....no......ITS THE BBLOID LOGO! You pull the front of the box open and standing there is a perfect replica of your favorite demon butler.......Claude! Just kidding, its Sebby-Chan! You start to breath heavily, fangirling majorly, but calm down as you start to hum the theme turn of hetalia in your head. You reach into the box and grip the, pulling it out. You flip to the activation page,
'Hello, Congratulations on purchasing our Sebby-Loid! You are now the proud owner of your own Demon butler. To activate your butler, you have a choice of two things. Firstly, you can bake a perfect souffle and place it in front of him. The other (easier) option is placing cat ears on your head and meowing. Yes, we know this is humiliating, but its worth it. Sebby-chan comes with his own set of silverware, a cat plushie and black rose. (also a pair of black leather stripper boots....don't ask). Your Loid will perform any household task and prepare food for you.
Warning: Loid may develop feelings after living with new 'master' .Also, if this occurs, Sebby-Loid is very possessive and.....rough.'
You blush at the last word. You smile and run upstairs to fetch your neko ears from your last cosplay outfit. You instantly dismissed the thought of cooking a souffle as you can[t cook for shit. You plop the ears that match your hair colour onto your head, securing them into place before hopping down the stairs. As you stand in front of the loid, you blush, ''Why must i do this?'' You mumble, but before you can talk yourself out of it you let out a sound, ''Meow''
As you are pushed onto the sofa behind you by the weight of a male as he hugs you, cooing sweet things about kittens and how soft your ears are, you decide you should have bought a souffle. ''ok, get off you big lug!'' you shout, becoming uncomfortable as you were only wearing shorts and a baggy t-shirt. The man gets off you slowly, ''I'm so very sorry mistress, its just you looked so cute'' responded the deep, silky voice of the handsome specimen in front of you. You look the loid up and down, blushing as you can clearly see the muscles outlined by his well made blazer and tightish trousers. He just smirks, ''Want me to turn around my lady?'' He asks, slightly teasingly. ''No! er....could you please......make breakfast? ''You ask, still not completely sure on how to react. He gives on of those fake ass, closed eye smiles and replies, ''Of course My lady'' he simply walks into your kitchen and starts cooking. you shrug and smile, 'This is gonna be fun' you think, but little did you know, Your loid was thinking the same thing.
XXXXXX Time skip brought to you by Grells FABULOUSNESS! XXXXXX
Three weeks. Three long, tiring weeks. No, not because you had to do anything, just because it was that damn hard resisting the urge to jump Sebastians bones! You sigh as he carries on rubbing your shoulders, as this had become a daily even after you complained about being sore from working all day. He smirks as he thinks some very unsavory thoughts about you. Yes, he was finding it just as hard not to pounce on you. You think for a moment they ask, ''Sebby, what do you think of me?'' he seems quite shocked by your question, ''Well, my lady, you are a amazing mistress'' he says in a slightly cautious voice. ''No, what do you think of me as a person? Honestly, Sebby'' You ask. ''Well my lady.'' He walks round to sit next to you, ''You are the most exquisite creature i have seen, inside and out. You sould is pure, yet has a underlying layer of beautiful sin- delicious. I have wanted you since the first moment i laid eyes on you, your face flushed and the ears on your head sticking out at an angle. i felt so proud knowing i had caused that look and, my lady, if i had my way, you would ONLY wear the ears'' he says, his eyes flashing that demonic red. You are breathless, your face red with embarrassment and excitement.
He smiles, a real smile, but with a hint of sadness, ''I'm sorry my lady, but i love you. I apologize again if the feelings are not recuperate.'' he stands and tries to walk away, only to be pulled back by you. You pull him forward and press your lips to his, showing how much you needed him, wanted him. He smirks and kisses back, biting quite hard on your bottom lip, drawing blood. You gasp and he takes the chance to explore your mouth, moaning into the kiss. He pulls back with a sinful smirk, your face flushed and your eyes lidded, ''I think we should find those ears'' he whispers into your ear, nibbling slightly. ''Come along, kitten. time for bed'' he picks you up and walks towards your stairs, ''Its not even 12 yet, far too early to sleep!'' you protest. ''Now, my lady. Whoever said anything about sleeping?'' He purred. Lets just say that you were the one truly purring that night.
Dream fulfillment: SUCCESS!
Chapter 2: Ciel-Loid
Chapter Text
As you sit surrounded by friends, all laughing and smiling, your (parent) brings out a cake, ''Happy birthday, (y/n)!'' your friends shout. You smile, but your eyes keep drifting to the large box in the corner of the room, wrapped in dark blue and black paper. Your (parent) laughs slightly, ''Cut the cake first, sweetie, then we can open your presents'' You smile happily at them and quickly dice up the cake, serving it to your friends. After everyone has eaten the cake, you sit down as people hand you present after present, You received a new manga, a beautiful new bark blue bag, and a.....wait. Whats the hell is this? Its....a manual? You read the cover. OH MY LORD (S)!! its for a BBLoid! You look at your (parent). They nod and point to the giant box. You run over to it and rip the paper off, the thoughts running through your head, 'Oh, what if its Sebastian?! or undertaker!!?? Oh please be him....my favorite.....' Just as you pulled the lid of the box off your dreams come true, 'Ciel'. You glop your (parent), ''Thank you, thank you, thank you!'' you shout, so happy. They just laugh and say that you should turn it on when everyone had left, as you don't want to scare him. You agree and carry on partying with your friends, laughing and smiling, but your eyes keep drifting to that box...
XXXXXX Brought to you by overeating on cake! XXXXXXXX
As you wave off the last of your guests, you quickly move back into your house, a gift from your family when you moved out. Its not the biggest or fanciest, but you love it. You move towards the box and grab the manual,
Greetings! We would like to thank you for owning our new BBLoid of Ciel Phantomhive! Now, to activate Ciel, you have a choice of two things, You can firstly get a letter form the queen (hey, we never said waking them up would be easy!) or, thankfully, you can simply say, ''Good morning young lord'' in a british accent. Ciel comes with his own eye patch, cain and phantomhive ring.
Warning! Ciel is use to having his own way, he is NOT a servant loid, he is a companion. Do not ask him to do anything below his station. Also, he, as well as all Loids, are able to develop feelings for the person they live/interact with.
You smile as you clear your throat, ''Good morning young lord''. You expect him to awaken and greet you with a 'Morni-' snore. Thats all you got, a snore and a grumble. You clear your throat again, ''Good morning young lord'' You say, between clenched teeth. Another snore, ''WAKE YOU YOU LAZY SOD!'' You shout. He jolts and falls out the box, ''Bloody hell. Who the hell woke me up like that?!'' he demands. he looks up at you, with your eyes sparkling in amusement and your lips and he blushes. You laugh quietly and stick your hand out, ''want help?'' you ask. He accepts and you pull him up, smiling, ''My names (y/n), and you're gonna live here from now on.'' He blushes and nods, quite out of character for the Ciel you know from anime/manga. You shrug and ask, ''wanna play chess?'' He gives a small smile, ''I have never been beaten.'' he warns, ''Losing will be a new experience for you then'' you tease, grabbing the old wooden chess board you had in the cupboard.
XXXXXXXtime skip brought to you by Prussia's awesomness! XXXXXXX
You had lost! Beaten by Ciel Phantomhive. Well, we all knew you would be, but you didn't expect this....
''A prize?!?! we NEVER spoke about a prize!'' You shout. he just shrugs, ''If you win, you get a prize. Those are the fundamental rules. '' you sigh, ''alright, what do you want?'' he just smirks and walks over to you. You look around in a what-you-looking-at way. He stands in front of you and leans down, pressing his lips to yours. You gasp and he licks your bottom lip teasingly, placing his hands on your shoulders. He moves away and smirks, ''Thats my prize'' You sit there, your mouth hanging open, your eyes wide and a WTF look on your face. You shake your head slightly and smirked, ''Wanna play again?''
Chapter 3: Undertaker-Loid
Chapter Text
You let out a loud laugh as you read over the letter, ''Dear Miss (Y/n), You have been chosen from our extensive list of candidates to participate in the testing of the new Reaper line of BBLoids. You may keep your BBLoid, we only wish to know if it has any bugs to it. You shall either receive Grell-loid, Undertaker-loid (UT-loid) or William T.loid. Before use, please read the manual and thank you for accepting the terms of this agreement. Have a pleasant, Miss Crazy, CEO of BBLoids manufacturer''
You shake your head in disbelief, even though the box containing your Reaper was standing right in front of you. You are giddy, wanting to know which of the Reapers you got. You giggle under your breath as you pull the lid off the box, exposing the long silver hair and black top hat of the one and only Undertaker! You quickly grab the manual and flip to the pages on waking him up,
'Hello~! now, to awaken your UT-Loid, you have the choice of two routes. Firstly, you can put a dead body in front of him and tell him to make it look beautiful (WE DO NOT CONDONE MURDER!) , the second option (the one we recommend), is to simply tell the loid a funny or corny joke. Undertaker-Loid comes with his own pink bookmark, an odd tea set and his own top hat. Warning: This loid can develop and almost stalkerish relationship with the owner, but his intentions are pure.....we think.....GOOD LUCK :D'
You think for a moment before coming up with the perfect joke! ''Why is there a gate around cemetery's?'' You ask. You wait a moment, ''Cause people are Dying to get in!'' You finish, only to be followed by the sound of loud shouts of laughter, ''Oh that was amazing!'' UT-Loid shouts. You laugh along with him. As you both calm down, you smile, ''Hello, Undertaker, My name is (Y/N), its nice to meet you.'' You stick your hand out and he shakes it up and down quite fast, making your entire arm move, ''It's a pleasure to meet you! Got anymore Jokes?'' He asks, his large grin plastered on his face, ''You and i are going to get along swimmingly'' you grin.
XXXXXXXX Time skip, brought to you by Flavio's Fabulousness! XXXXXXXX
As you both sit around a coffin shaped table that Undertaker had somehow acquired, drinking tea from his amazing tea set, you think upon the last two weeks, how fast it had gone, a blur of Jokes, smiles and on your part, love. Yes, you had fallen head over tailcoat for the insanely handsome Loid, From the tip of his odd hat to the bottom of his silver hair. You let out a short laugh at one of his jokes, but your mind still wanders, And Undertaker notices, ''(Y/n)? Are you with us?'' he asks, still smiling, ''Of course i am, Undertaker, I was just thinking....'' you mumble off. Undertakers face takes a curios tone, ''What about? '' he asks. You simply blush and shake your head, ''Never you mind, Undertaker'' You tease. He smiles and laughs slightly, ''Hey, Dearie, wanna play a riddle game?'' he asks. Now, this is quite odd, as Undertaker usually only likes jokes, but at the same time, it intrigues you. ''Alright, but whats the prize?'' He simple shows you his signature smile. ''If you can answer this riddle, you'll get a prize. If you cant, I get a prize'' he says cheerfully. ''Ok, My first is foremost legally, My second circles outwardly, My third leads all in victory, My fourth twice ends a nominee, My whole is this gate's only key. What am I?'' He asks, smiling. You look bewildered as you think, ''I have no idea. You win'' You sigh. He smirks, a quite frightening sigh, as he stands and leans over you, down to your ear, ''The answer is love'' He whispers, He leans down and kisses your neck, making you gasp, ''Oh, Dearie, this isn't my prize.'' He says in a husky voice. He picks you up, his hat falling off as he stands back up, giving you a perfect view of his amazing, bright eyes. He smirks as he see's how you react to them, your mouth parting slightly and your breath quickening. He starts to walk towards your bedroom and just as you reach your door he presses his lips to yours.
XXXXXXX Time skip, brought to you by the Sexiness known as Undertaker! XXXXXXXXXXX
''Hello, this is BBLoid manufactures, how may i help you?''
''Hi, This is (Y/N), You sent me a Loid to test, and i just wanted to tell ya, he has No faults what so ever.'' You say, your voice still husky and slightly breathless. Undertakers deep laugh can be heard from behind you, ''But, Love, I think I need more testing'' Well, you didn't get out of bed that day.....or the next.
Chapter 4: Grell-Loid
Chapter Text
As you sit on the sofa, sipping the warm chocolate drink happily, wearing the red and green stripped pj's you loved, you think of tomorrow, how you get to have the whole day to yourself as you live quite a while away from your other family. Even though you didn't really believe in Santa anymore, you still wanted to go to bed early, as it had been a long day and you were tired and, well better safe then sorry if Santa rocked up. So you finish your drink, stand from your soft seat and turn the lights off, walking to your bedroom and cocooning yourself in your quilt, drifting off into the land of sugarplum fairy's and hot reapers.
XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Time skip, brought to you by Santa! XXXXXXXXXXXX
As you awaken so does the little child inside your head. You jump out of bed and dash out your room, hoping to see something under the tree. As you enter your front room, you see everything the same as it was.....except, why the hell was there a giant box wrapped in red and gold paper standing against the wall? Your eyes widen and you basically teleport over to it you were so fast, grabbing the tag hanging off it. In the most beautiful, elegant writing you had ever seen, inscribed the words, ''Merry Christmas (Y/N). Its amazing what believing can do. xxx From Santa''
You blink twice and a giant smile spreads over your lips as you rip the paper off the box, sighing slightly as you have to rip such a nice colored paper, but the emotion is swiftly chased away as you see the logo of BBLoids. You gasp and jump slightly, surprised and ecstatic that you now own a Loid from your favorite show. But which character? The cute yet crazy ass Alois? Maybe the rational and calming William T.Spears, as long as its not that annoying Demon, Sebastian, you were fine. But it would be even better if it was the Amazing, red head known as Grell.
As you crack the box open, the red hair of the Fabulous reaper spills out. You take the manual, ''Hi, to turn it on, Tell him Bassy-Chan is naked or touch his Death Scythe (WARNING: this could result in injury.or death). Oh, also, He has a tendency to...obsess over someone. Good luck! ''
You laugh slightly over the last comment, not believing he could be that obsessive. You take a deep breath and take five steps back before saying, ''Oh my, Bassy's Naked!'' Quite loudly, not concerned that the neighbors would mind. You are quickly tackled into a death grip hug by the Red headed Reaper, ''Hello there~ Now, what did you say about my Bassy being Naked?'' A voice asked in a very low tone, causing shivers to run up and down your spine, ''Er...s..sorry, but that was the only way to w...wake you up'' You stutter, your face flushed and your heart beat increasing. He sighs, slightly disappointed, but after looking at you, with your disheveled hair and red face, he decided that you could be almost a cute as Bassy (If not more so). ''Oh well, I guess you aren't so bad'' He whispers. You push him off, pouting, ''This is gonna be a ....interesting Christmas'' you mumble.
XXXXXXX Time skip brought to you by Craziness, Call 666 666 for your Crazy pills today! XXXXXX
Boxing Day! One hole day is all it took for you to fall for the odd red head. Well, you always had a crush on him in the Anime, so its not surprising. It would be a match made in Heaven! if he only stopped talking about Bassy!!!! You sigh as you hear him nattering on about Bassy's 'beautiful' red eyes, his fabulous black hair and amazing blah, blah, blah. Blah blah blah-blah- blah blah! You groan and reach over, grabbing his shirt, cutting him off by pressing your lips to his. ''Shut up about Bassy!'' you shout after pulling back. His face is bright red and is that.....blood under his nose? His face breaks out into a huge smile, making you frown slightly, ''Oh, i'm so glad my plan worked'' Grell murmurs, pulling you close and kissing you roughly. He had been doing it on purpose to annoy you! Smart ass.....little.......all thoughts dispersed at this point as he bites and nibbles your neck. He He, you didn't leave the house til the next year! ;)
Chapter 5: William-Loid
Chapter Text
The box taunted you from the corner, demanding to be opened. It was a gift you had been given about two weeks ago and you know it must be one of those loids that everyone seems to be raving about. You've honestly never gotten into the loid fad that seems to be all the rage in the media and in the hallways on your high school (Roll with it). You let out a frustrated sigh as you stand and go over to the box, opening it wirth great reluctance. Oh! It seems that your parents had gotten something right. It's the newest and most updated version of the William-Loid! You take the small note thats placed on the impeccably dressed mans' chest. It seem's to be some type of instructions.
Hello, Valued Black Butloid owner.
You are now in possession of one of our latest and greatest loids, the Reaper William. T. Spears. Now, he is a very active loid, a loid who is very useful for sorting through paperwork or helping with the completion of homework. It's also a very good conversationalist for those with *Cough* Higher intellect. Now, your William-Loid comes with the following equiptment:
*A Black note book ((No, it's not the Death Note))
*A hedge trimmer
*His own glasses(Plus a spare pair)
*LIMITED EDITION ITEM! A small William Plush!
To awaken your loid, there is one of two things you must do. You may shout that Grell has touched a soul on the not to die list or you could
We at the Black Butloid Company wish you and your loid a happy future.
You look over the list of things he comes with. You also decide, since you didn't really wish to be hurt, you shall go with the Grell option. You clear your throat and say in your loudest vice, "NO GRELL, HE'S NOT ON THE TO-DIE LIST!" Your loids eyes instantly open and scan the room, his amazing, almost glowing green eyes landing on you. "I assume you are my new "He clears his throat" Boss" He says with a slight hint of disdain. You simply nod you head and motion to the pile of work on your desk, "William, i need your assistance with this...hell. " A small smile graces his lips. "Of course, boss. " He stands, his large form towering over you as he walks to your desk and starts to work diligently. Your only thoughts being "This is kinda awesome" Oh how you would regret that...
*************************************Time skip brought to you by my magic************************************************
FOUR MOTHER RUSSIAN WEEKS! Thats how long it took for you to snap. He had been so...diligent but now, he wants you to work two, if not THREE times harder then he! You had tried, damn it you tried, but have you seen how much that snarky, handsome bastard works!? You groan and place your head against your desk, rubbing your temples a bit. You are so tired, you don't even realise that a certain Loid had approached you from behind. You jump slightly as a hand is placed on your shoulder. "(Y/N), I think it would be beneficial if you slept. You aren't working hard enough due to it." He says, only a small hint of compassion leaking into his words. You nod your head and stand, going and changing into your pj's. A pair of shorts/Trousers and a t-shirt. 'Brainy is sexy' Written across your breast. This caught a certain beloved loids eyes. Yes, over the last few weeks, you had fallen for the brainy (Yet someone too much so) Loid. You lie down and close you eyes, knowing that will wouldn't disturb you. "Did you know, a whales tongue equals the weight of a elephant?" Williams voice says in your dark room. You frown slightly, "Thats interesting..." You say lamely. Then, in the darkness, much to your embarrassment and amusement, the words "Girl, shall we figure out the torque of your mass on my rod?" You make a loud sputtering noise and turn you bedside lamp on to see a red faced and flustered Will sitting there, looking at you with wide eyes. "What?" You ask, still gasping for breath. "W-Well, i figured you thought smart was s-sexy..so i tried to be smart." He says, turning his head away. You chuckle and sit up, going over to him and sitting yourself in his lap, "Did you ever think, Brainy, the reason i like smart is because YOU are sexy?~" He sits there shocked before kissing you deeply, mumbling the loving words against your lips. "I-I suppose I love you..." You respond with a very sweet and elegant. "I love you too, slave driver~" You tease him.
Lets just say....he now knows the Mass of you on his rod ;)
Chapter 6: Pluto-Loid
Chapter Text
Ok, So to put it easily...you were very lonely. You lived in a large house all by your lonesome, as your parents had passed away a while back, leaving you everything a girl could ask for! Except true friends....
As you're sitting on you large sofa, some soft music playing around the room, you flick through a magazine. You suddenly stop at a certain page, looking at the advertisement. It was for a new type of Loid, A Pluto loid! It seem's he's a companion and guard of some sorts. You smile softly and call the number, ordering one to be delivered the next day.
The next morning, you are awoken by a banging on your front door. You groan an roll out of bed, slumping down the stairs to the front door. You throw it open, scaring the delivery boy with your birds next of hair and your eyes ringed by dark circles. ''Yes, mortal?'' You say in a creepy voice to disturb the poor lad. He visibly shudders and shoves a large box into the door way. By the time you'd moved it into the house, he'd gone, the smell of burnt rubber and slight urine left behind. You chuckle slightly and push the box to the living room. As you open it, you gasp, smiling widely. Inside lays a slightly curled up Pluto, on his side, like a little doggy. You blush slightly, as he;s only clothed in a pair of bone covered boxers. You reach in and open the instructions.
'Greetings, From Black ButlerLoid Base! Thank you for buying our new Plutoloid, he's a very loving companion and will make a good friend. To awaken him, you have a choice of two options. Firstly, scratch his head and say good boy, or you can set London on fire....We recommend not to set London on Fire, for arsine is a crime and crimes are bad! Now, the New and amazing Pluto comes with a collar (For HIS USE...Kinky bastards), a bag of bones shaped cookies (Thanks to Undertaker) and a change of cloths. We hope you enjoy your new companion loid, Pluto...and please, PLEASE......D-Don't set London on fire. ''
You shake your head at this, chuckling. You hand reaches out slowly, lightly setting on his head. You scratch lightly, prepared to jump back if needed, ''G-Good boy! '' You exclaim, a smile of questionable realness on your lips. The Dog like demons eyes shoot open and his tongue lops out. He launches himself out of the box and onto you, lapping at your face, clad only in a pair of bone patterned boxers. You face bursts into colour as you shout, eyes wide, ''D-Down PLUTO!''. He obeys with a small whimper, moving off you to sit next to your sprawled out body, an almost smug smirk on his lips. Damn dog! You slowly rise yourself, drying slobber on your cheeks. He pouts subtlety as you wipe away the offending slobber, his scent on you weaker. For little did you know, Pluto had already marked you as his own. His (y/n). I'm so sorry dear, good luck.
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-Time skip brought to you by Author on her knee's, begging for forgiveness-XXXXXXXXXXXX
14 DATES, 3 LUNCHES AND 7 NUMBERS RUINED LATER, and you start to realise, Pluto doesn't like other men. Or at least, other men around YOU. You're sitting on your sofa, Pluto, clad only in his boxers once more, laying across you, so much so, you can almost hear a voice going 'Paint me like one of your French Girls'. You sigh as Pluto nuzzles into your under breast, mumbling some words that you'd taught him. He leans back, vivid eyes scanning your face...it's time! He leans back, drawing your attention.' (y/n),....I....Love....you. ' He finishes this gruff, deep voiced confession by leaning in and sloppily kissing your cheek. You giggle, rolling your eyes playfully. 'I love you too, boy!' You say, as a sister would say to a brother...or an owner to a pet...He growls, low and angry, hearing the type of love in your voice, the non romantic kind. He jumps on top you, growling in your face.''NO! I. Love. You!' He leans down, slamming your lips together in a rough, hard kiss. Your eyes widen and you return the kiss, your heart hammering. D-Damn...He smirks, like a man obsessed, a man in love...and he is . He's in love with you, His mate....His (y/n).
Lets just say, you learnt that Doggy style is the BEST style that night ;D
Chapter 7: Finny-Loid
WHAT HAVE I DONE!? *Hides under Bed*
Chapter Text
You groan as you see your loved rose plant wilt under your hands. Damn it! The one thing you absolutely lack is the green thumb you crave to make your garden flourish. You look over to the single, alive plant in your large garden. A large, beautiful cherry tree. Your grandma planted it the day she married your grandfather. It's stood there through wind, sleet and shine. It's beautiful and has entwined it's roots around your heart. But you knew that...without help, it wouldn't survive the winter. You look down with tears in your eyes, standing and going back into the house. You grab the latest gardening magazine, flopping onto the sofa and flipping to the adds page. You scan the page then freeze, jolting up. There...a-a....Finny-Loid! For only....jeez! It's so cheep! But...it says there may be a little faulty..oh well! You quickly call the number, asking if he;s still free. They reply enthusiastically, saying it;s faulty because it doesn't have the same strength. It seems that the people who have Finny-Loids have him for the brute force....how shallow! You demand that it comes by the end of the day, much to their happiness. You give your address and they say it'll be delivered in an hour. You flop back down, smiling happily. You'd always been a fan of Black Butler, but never had the money or reason to buy a loid. Now...''AHhhh"' You scream softly, rolling on the sofa, back and forth, giggling.
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-Time skip brought to you by Author giving two updates!- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
A knock at your door draws you from your thoughts about an hour later. You smile softly, hiding your excitement as you go to the door, the money held in your hand. A box is shoved at you, the money snatched, a hurried sound of doors slamming and an engine revving. Cheeky Bastards! You drag the box in, laying it down on the front room carpet. You slowly open it, gasping at the seemingly sleeping Finny-Loid inside. You softly sweet the golden hair from his head, eyes wide and cheeks red...Wow....
''Dear Loid owner, We would like to offer you two ways to awaken out new, limited edition, not overpowered Finny. You can either read him the entire book of his name sake ((This takes a LONG TIME!)) Or, you can kiss his cheek, causing him to blush and most probably hug you tightly. We recommend this option, as it's less time consuming ((And more cute!~)). Finny comes with his own set of red hair clips, his own garden gloves and a limited edition small bird plush! We hope you're pleased with your Gardening Friend and helper!''.
Your smile is bright as you lean down, slowly pressing your lips to the flesh like cheek of the sleeping Gardener. His eyes open slowly, showing a bright, vibrant pair of eyes, focused on you, his cheeks staining a light pink, the pink of young love. His lips quirk into a shy smile and his voice mumbles, ''H-Hello, M-Miss! I-I'm Finny!''. He slowly sits up, his hands coming to take yours. ''T-Thank you for purchasing me! I-I hope I can help you with your Garden!'', You can't help the deep stain of red that overtakes your cheeks as you smile brightly, pulling him out to the garden, a frown over taking your features as he looks around the sad, almost dead garden, ''I-I think I need your help, Finny....'' You mumble, looking down shyly. He quickly leans over, his lips brushing your cheek, ''I'd love to help such a pretty miss! '' He quickly dons his gardening gloves and gets to work...and you feel your heart thump in your chest.
XXXXXxxxx-Time skip brought to you by a terrible, dirty finishing line for this Cinnamon roll!-xxxxxXXXXXX
It was the midst of spring, you and Finny sitting beneath a blooming cherry tree, the cherries hanging ripe and heavy, ready to be eaten. Your garden is bursting with life, butterfly's fluttering from flower to flower, bee's pollinating and you....snuggled into Finny's side. Slowly, you'd drawn closer and closer, so close that you're basically a couple...basically. Yet the words had never been said, Kisses never exchanged...But today is different. It's been near three months since he came and...you love him. So much, your eyes can't help but be drawn to him, simply to catch that secret smile, those bright eyes, that little dimple that only appears when you speak...''Finny...I-I....I love you'' ...You say softly, your voice carrying around the garden, the butterflies and Bee's wings seeming to beat in time to your heart. Finny looks down to you, smiling sweetly, leaning down to kiss you lightly, lips brushing against yours with respect and sweetness, ''I love you, (y/n)....I love you...''He spoke softly, voice filled with love, his innocent eyes slowly darkening as he deepens the kiss, his hands cupping your cheeks to draw you closer. You respond in kind, your hands tangling in the front of his shirt. He slowly picks you up, the picnic long forgotten. You slowly draw back, Finny smirking as he reached up, grabbing a small due of ripe cherry's, biting the stem between his teeth, ''I may not be able to tie the stem with my tongue, but I sure as hell can take your cherry~ ''This sweet young man whispers, his voice husky and deep, the sound sending vibrations through you.
That night, he did take your cherry, and he proved, he can do a damn lot with his tongue!
Chapter 8: Snake-Loid
Chapter Text
Your hands following the snakes movements, slowly moving from one hand to another. You smile softly as your light green snake, Aptly named Winchester for it's almost shot gun nature and love for pies. And by love for pies, I mean, those fresh pies you put on the side from the shop? Yeah, he eats them then curls himself in the tin. And he'll never share his pie, for it's his pie, not your pie. Well, moving on. You place him down into his always open enclosure, trusting him to not escape or to run away, as you'd raised Winchester from a small worm sized snake, you're more of a mother than his biological one. You sigh softly as he runs his flickering tongue over your hand in a kiss like gesture. You move to sit on your large, sprawling sofa, reclining back and closing your eyes, a small chuckle vibrating from your chest as your feel your snake slither up your body, settling on your chest, curling up and sleeping. He has the mentality of a puppy. You lift the magazine you were going to read above your head, glancing through it with mild interest, trying not to disturb Winchester. You suddenly gasps, causing your snake to jump and look at you with wide, snake slit eyes. There, on the page, is a promotion for the new Snake-Loid! If you're able to text at a certain time, you'd be the first to receive one. You look at the time and frown deeply. You had to text 666-666-666 at exactly 13 minutes past 2 in the morning. Damn, that an obscure time! But you swear, you'll be awake tonight to text that number. You even key in the number and a short message. You sit, watching the tv, phone in hand...and....you....fall....asleep!
XXXxxxxXXXXX-Time Skip Brought to you By Being a Snakes Adopted Mama!-XXXXXxxxxxXXXXX
You jolt awake, eyes wide. You'd just had a nightmare, almost Alice in Wonderland style. Very odd....You glance to the wall and let out a small cry. Shit! It's half past Two! You grab your phone and look at the text message that hadn't....wait...i-it was sent? You frown, your brain still sleep addled. You glance to the small snake beside you. He almost smiles proudly. H-He'd...Pressed the send Button!? You scoop him up , kissing the top of his head, ''I love you, Winchester!'' You exclaim, giggling as his soft tongue flicks at your cheek. You place him down, not expecting to win that competition but still happy that your dear friend was able to save your dreams. Ok, that sounds a little exaggerated but in all honesty, you love Snake from Black Butler.
Before you can even think of anything else, a knock sounds at the door...wow, did they really get here THAT fast?! You almost fly to the door, throwing it open....a box on your front step. A large, human sized box, wrapped in a lovely golden wrapping paper, fitting to the Christmas feeling within your chest. You can't help the gasp that escapes you as you drag the box into the front room decorated in muted greens and soft browns. As you get it to your very festive, warm front room, you quickly shed the paper, not one to save such niceties for Christmas. Opening the box, your given the sight of a half naked, pale torso, your eyes running over the Companion inside. You grab the instruction manual, almost vibrating with excitement. The message inside is as follows:
Happy Festive Seasons to you, The Winner of our Prize Lotto!
Congratulations! You've won our new, limited edition Snake-Loid! He comes with an array of skills, Including Understanding snakes, the care of snakes, the love of snakes and the ability to act like, you guessed it, a SNAKE! Please note, if you don't like snakes....well...you chose the wrong Loid! To awaken your companion of a scaled kind, either have a snake sit upon his chest, make the sound of a snake or wear something snake skin. We do not recommend this last option unless you wish to start a war. Warning! Our Snake-Loid is one of the first to Experience a new update! It's the Lover V.1.0.1. With this update, that WILL be given to all current Loids (Eventually) and future ones, you shall be able to copulate with your Loid. Though many of our Loid lean towards the perverted side, No Does mean No. Our Loids know this. From all of us here at Black Butler Loid, Have a happy Christmas and may all your nights be....Merry and Joyful~
Your cheeks now resemble the red baubles you have hanging from your tree. You quickly close the manual, intent on having your Loid sleep while you contemplate this new....revelation, only to glance and find that Snakes eyes are...well...staring intently, not unlike a snakes do. And there, perched upon his chest....is the little traitor bastard who's not getting and gourmet mice, WINCHESTER! He slithers off Snakes chest and, with a flicker of his tongue, slithers to his enclosure and curls up under a hallow bark, not planning to return. As you are silently cursing your once best friend, the man still in the box stands slowly , ''I'm tired, I'll leave you two be.....'' A rough voice escapes from Snake, ''I hope to see some small ones soon, ''The same voice says, ''I must say...your snake is....interesting. ''A more elegant, refined tone escapes from Snake. He'd been translating Winchesters last hiss....well....WAIT! LITTLE ONES.
Snakes are interesting creatures. They seek warmth when they're cold....which probably explains the almost naked pressed to your back, the arms around your waist and the face nuzzling into the back of your neck. This had been occurring for nigh on ....oh, five weeks. After the first few times, which brought with them the puppy eyes and the dejected looks, you let him do as he wishes. But this....state of Dress...or should I say Undress is new. Lightly biting your lip, you wriggle slightly, ''Snake..''You two had gotten close....and have shared a few kisses...some 'accidentally' others happened when you have that bright smile on your lips as you play with Winchester, the kisses partly fuelled by love and partly jealously. Snake groans, opening his eyes slowly, ''...Mmmm...''He moans, pressing his hips against your arse, now letting you feel his arousal pressed against you. A gasp escapes you, eyes widening, ''S-Snake!'' You gasp, feeling your own arousal spike, his hands moving from around your waist to your night dress's hem, slipping his hands under, ''Say....Yesss~''He hiss's softly, peppering kisses on your neck and shoulder. I shiver runs up your spine and the word escapes you, ''Yes..'' is your breathless reply. He wastes no time, his hands Snaking their way between your legs, parting your thighs to feel how wet you are, how ready you are. Snake lets out a rough chuckle, the type of sound that belongs in porn or in a really erotic chocolate advert. You reach back, feeling the waist band of his boxers and teasingly pulling them down slightly just to let them fall back into place. After a few moments of this teasing, Snake can't take it anymore. He rolls you over, showing down his boxers and he has you sitting on his lap, him sitting against your headboard. He looks up at you, eyes almost glowing as he rocks against you, ''I need you...'' A faint red dusts his cheeks as his confession escapes him, ''I love you...'' Your heart melts within your chest as you cup his cheek, a soft moan escaping him as he leans into you, ''I love you too, Snake...I love you so much...''You quickly remove your night dress, his hands moving to cup your breasts, fingers gently playing with your nipples as you lean up, moving him and yourself til you're able to sink down onto him, your head tilting back as you whimper, Snake stretching you. He starts to buck his hips, rocking up into you with each subtle move you make, one hand on your ass, the other on your breast. His starts to move faster, your own breath coming out in pants and whimpers as he pushes you to your climax, falling over the edge with you, feeling him fill you as he bites into your shoulder, a clear hickey and bite mark there, his sharper than normal teeth stinging but not making you cry, the sensation actually prolonging your climax. As you both come down from your highs, your head on his chest, his arms around your waist, you hear a soft hiss and Snake chuckles weakly, ''G-Guess Winchester will be seeing some Little Ones soon, my Lovely..''With a final kiss to your brow, you drift to sleep, happy, content and ...well...Fucking Satisfied.
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modernday-jay · 3 years
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teenage dirtbag au: allen and arthur are little punks who spend their free time smoking, making out, and making fun of the school’s quarterback 
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jesswithane · 3 years
England: So, explain to me how you started a cult 
America: which time? And i also almost joined one so...you got to be more specific 
England: For the love of--one you started!
America: Alright, alright, calm down. You see, it was the 1890s. Industrialization was going steady, and I was on my way back to DC for government stuff. And these people were being really nice, and I was just telling them about myself and it gets out im a nation. Well. I don’t really know how it happened, but they start thinking i must be some divine being--some angel or shit. They saw my super strength and think i’m here to prepare for some rapture or something--who knows anymore really. Anyway, they start following me around, trying to eat what i eat, do as i say and...well, i started a little town and I thought it was fun for a while...then someone was accused of being a heretic and i had to stop a lynching and it was just a mess, really. 
Canada: Wow. And i thought the hippie cult was bad. You know, when I had to get involved and bail you out 
America: Will you let that go? They just wanted to save the planet 
Canada: they thought if they kidnapped more nations, and tried to radicalize them, we’d have world peace 
America:...i mean...it was worth a shot?
England: That’s not a cult! That’s just...being a nation! It happens 
France: ...Cher, did you start a cult and not know it?
England: It wasn’t a cult! We were all practicing the same beliefs together for a time!
America: Sounds cult-y...could people leave?
England: Well...no. I promised I could get it right and make life easier 
America: *laughing* oh my god, you started a cult and didn’t know about it!
England: I did not!
Canada: Did you all stay isolated and make promises if they stayed?
England:...oh my god I have a cult 
America: What do you mean Have?!
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ellianerst · 3 years
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Drug template from here
Thank you, Japanese community
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