#TW// abuse
the-l00ker · 1 month
Twitter: Wilbur didn't do anything! There's no proof!
Wilbur in his apology:
"this persons feelings are completely vaild"
"These actions caused alot of pain to my ex-girlfriend"
"I have come to realise how much my past behaviour hurt this person"
(Realise Google definition: become fully AWARE of (something) as a fact; understand CLEARLY)
"I understood from our numerous conversation [...] consensual" followed by "while I may have perceived our interactions differently, I recognise that has processed and expressed feeling of hurt"
His "I understood" turns to a very uncertain "I may have perceived" - the additional "may have" making him seem not very confident in what he's saying.
He's confident in the things that make him look better but not confident when it comes to the overall overview of the situation because he saw it different.
He recognised that he had done something bad. This is from his apology himself!
But The Looky why are you taking apart quotes?
Wilbur Soot, on multiple occasions, has stated that he is an English Major (he literally wrote most the dsmp scripts), so why would an English major international use this type of wording.
Because when you take it apart, it makes him seem more confident in himself and pushes that he's not confident in her 'allegations'
His lack of confidence and acknowledgment is a divisive move by Wilbur to capitalise on his vulnerable fans and audience to make them believe in him more. The MEDIA and NEWS do this all the time.
It creates a "if he doesn't know what he's talking about then he didn't do it vibe" or a plain display ignorance, to make him look better.
And he made an apology UNPROMPTED, like when shelby said her ex she didn't say Wilbur.
It could have been an ex before or after him, if it wasn't him then he wouldn't need to apologise and could've been like "Hey that's not me!"
He didn't. He said it was him by making a response. Why apologise for something you didn't do?
You could argue that Shelby was a "terrible partner" or "used him for his clout" but on what basis?
If she was a terrible partner that's make a pair, and there is a bunch of evidence that support the fact that Wilbur behaves the way BOTH HE AND SHE HAVE STATED.
And if she was "using him for clout" then he could have been like, "Hey I don't like you. I don't want to stream with you anymore"
But then he joined Origins Smp and Shelby was there, they were both ghost, he goes out of his way to interact with her.
Your gonna act like if Wilbur told Tommy he was uncomfortable with Shelby being there, Tommy would have said no? Really?
And in the some Wilbur / shelby streams Wilbur was at her house.
Wilbur would have been better of saying his apology was AI generated and to have written a new one with he excuse, "he was in a rush"
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joestarkisser · 2 months
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tw// fatphobia, abuse, pregnancy mention
This fat pride day, I want to give a shoutout to fat selfshippers who..
Are getting pressured to diet, fast, or restrict food from friends, family, or even society.
Are trying to gain weight, but only find weight loss recipes when searching for tips.
Are unable to find any clothes they like in their size.
Are being stared at and treated as lesser as they go about their day today.
Are having weight loss surgeries pushed on them. Again.
Are being pushed around and bullied for their size.
Are being denied gender affirming surgeries due to their size.
Are too afraid to stand up to abuse because they want to be a 'good example', lest they cause people to hate fat folk more.
Are being fed fear-mongering stories about fat pregnancy, fertility, and virility in their reproductive journies.
Are being told they won't be good parents because they're fat.
Are losing their jobs and careers because of their size.
Are having their disabilities blamed on fatness.
Are being ignored and pushed aside by doctors, with their symptoms being chalked up to 'fat'.
Are having trouble loving their bodies because of their size.
Are struggling to think their F/Os would love them in their fat bodies.
And so much more.
Your F/Os love you. They see you. They understand your pain, your struggles, the injustices you're facing in a fatphobic society. They adore you, adore your body, and will care for and protect you. They'll give anything to keep you safe from this oppression, and they'll be doing their damndest to make this fat pride day special for you. ❤🎀
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wikkerwisp · 11 months
Hey everyone: It's June Upd8 time. . .
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TW // Mention of abuse Hello, everyone I come to you, (again,) to remind you we're running a fundraiser for our car! I don't wanna alarm anyone, however we need to get rolling on this in order to pay the Recipient (Whom I elected to stay Anon) "J".
Our k0fi is open, for those who can d0nate, too. Please visit the GFM to make d0nati0ns, we are not using Paypal for things unless commissioned (or through k0fi).
We need $700.00 more to pay off the car, and a good $400 towards tires and a battery. That's to even get it running and working. And home.
tw// Mention of Abuse👇 Thank you again to everyone that's already donated, we've made it this far, we just need a few more pushes, and need to try and shoot for the end of June/July for this Car so I can not only be free of waiting over an hour for a ride, but having to deal with ex-ab//sers for rides.
Gofundme HERE
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toasterrrr · 3 months
shubble is actually so brave for coming out this especially to so many people like its not like its just a few friends this is the whole fucking intertnet like the whole world knows now yknow its increably hard for victims to make statements and shit and to do thsi is actually so fucking shout out to her
but the amount of people ive seen defending wilbur soot is fucking mental. use ur brain and fuck ur parasocial relationship off,, hes committed a CRIME a FULL CRIME “oh but my wilby would never 🥺🥺” YEAH WELL HE FUCKING DID DIDNT HE hes addmitted it its all be confirmed dont even bother at this point these arent “allegations” this is real life plus the tosser made the worlds second worst apology ever actually maybe idve rathered he pull out a fucking uke
“im sorry you feel that way but i dont” is the whole plot summary sorry i dont wanna support that actual bullshit fuck how can that man sit there and type out how much of a “changed man” he is in his “apology” are you thick??? say ur sorry first up ?!?! nah noone even wants ur apology say thag to shelby and all ur other mates who uve manipulated and abused not some 13 year olds on twitter who will fall to their knees no mayter what u fo
also this is coming from someone who actually really looked up to this guy, one of the only ccs i genuinely liked and he was actually a fucking big role model to me,,. hes fucked up what he did was genuinely disgusting and disturbing and i hope he gets the worst payment ever i hope all his mods quit lovejoy disbands everyone unfollows he loses all his friends. money and fame truely get to people and this is such a real and clear example of this shit
i will NOT be supporting anything he does form this momet on. ive unsubsrubied unfollowed i wont be listening to lovejoy and if i do ill probably piarte it ngl thats a thing we can do ill burn a cd or some shit idk but i wont be giving anymore money than the cunt needs you can live with out it “it saved my life HE saved my life” i can not express this enough but and fully no offense if u say that but he reallt didnt u just liked his stiff and it gave u something to live for again he did NOTHING hes just some british guy in a screen who plays some video game and sings some song hes noone he doesnt know u u dont know him
hes a fucking freak and if you think thats okay that what hes done is okay and can actually be defended your just as much of a freak and fucked in the head as he is and u need be grow the fuck up and realise how this shit is mental behaviour
to conclude:
‼️‼️‼️ FUCK WILBUR SOOT ‼️‼️‼️
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missmssy · 3 months
Wilbur is the abuser.
I just want to say this I'm so fucking happy to see wilbur ass get dragged on twitter who do you think you are to abuse people, I'M VERY HAPPY OF SHELBY. That bastard does not deserve a platform. I really recommend lexie's stream btw. I'm just so fucking disappointed in him.
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ambyandony · 9 months
Starlit Labyrinth - Gregory Vecellio Profilette
The first thing you might notice is his surname is Vecellio... sound familiar? yeah... we'll get to that.
By the way
//BIG tw: nothing explicit of course, but topics of child abuse, CSA
the part that applies will be marked by start and end indicators
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you dont have to read that tiny ass text im putting it all below
Gregory Vecellio
age 11 ~ boy ~ he/him
tw/ Gregory is a young boy who, throughout the majority of his early childhood, had been horrifically abused, mistreated and hidden from the world. From a very young age, he was trafficked, exploited, and passed between various men in various parts of the world, including the USA, Canada, and, lastly, Italy. Eventually, he reached a breaking point, and using his Stand—which he'd never before used—he escaped, attacking anyone who tried to get in the way until he'd gotten out. /tw
Once he'd escaped, misuse of his new ability caused grievous damage to his throat; he lost consciousness from the severity of the injury, at which point he was (unsurprisingly) taken to hospital when a passerby called emergency services after seeing him. As a result of the damage, which was to the point of being completely irreversible, his larynx was removed, and with it, he lost the ability to speak and was left with a stoma (tracheostomy) to allow him to breathe. He'd ultimately—unable to tell anyone much of anything but his name and age and seemingly having no legal record of existence—end up being placed in a children's home, where he would remain until eventually (c. 2019) being adopted by a couple—the Vecellios. Though it took him a good while to get used to his new dads and settle given his traumatic background, he would eventually come to trust and feel safe around Tiziano and Squalo, and with their help, has begun to heal.
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I drew a comic but I feel like it's kinda cringe so I'll put it under the cut at the bottom alright?
Gregory wears moccasins and a poncho as they are very comfortable for him; his neck is bandaged most of the time, leaving room on the neck for his stoma, and his hands are bandaged as well to prevent him from picking and biting his skin on his hands. He wears a little tape deck on his waist... which is actually...
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His Stand,
「In Fact」.
Gregory's 「In Fact」 is a bound Stand visible to non-Stand-Users, taking the form of a portable tape deck which allows him, despite his injury, to speak—by stealing and using the voices of others, in the form of cassette tapes. The potential damage caused by this is variable; if he's in distress when taking a voice, it's more likely to be painful and also runs the risk of causing mild-to-severe internal damage. Otherwise, the process can be harmless, and will likely only cause some dull pain or aching at worst.
Once a voice is taken, the tape is placed in the tape deck, which then allows Gregory to speak by using the voice he took, including the accent. This doesn't, however, allow him to speak any languages he doesn't already know, as language is not a "physical" aspect of the voice. This limitation is probably due to the fact that removing a target's voice is, in essence, metaphysically removing their larynx so that Gregory can replace his own missing one, hence the target no longer being able to speak themself. In doing this, as the voice is always removed through the throat, a slot—which is semi-meta-physical—is created, functioning as a stoma to allow the person to breathe, but, like Gregory normally, not speak.
He can only use the voice a certain amount before he needs to rewind the tape to speak more. The amount differs depending on various factors, usually how much the Stand has "heard" the target speak; the more the target's spoken, the longer Gregory can speak with the voice before needing to rewind. He can also take voices post-mortem, although it can be a little more complicated; however, a dead person's voice will eventually run out and dissipate entirely. Multiple tapes can be made from a single dead person's voice, but all of the tapes will eventually run out over time and will dissolve or unravel (and then dissolve) entirely.
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top left:
Record "burns"* a voice so that it can be removed *like a CD and also a lot like fire
Play activates the voice to allow Gregory to speak
Rewind Self-explanatory
Fast-forward has no function outside of playing regular tapes.
Stop disables and ejects voice
idk what this is
(yes it can play normal tapes too)
top right:
His hands glow when he takes a voice. it looks like fire. Feels like it, too. Having your voice stolen always burns.
Voices are removed from the throat
Meta-semi-physical slot, it's physical in function (allowing the person to breathe) but not actually visible (at least not to non-stand users).
Things can be put into the slot other than a voice but it's really not recommended. Gregory does this with water sometimes if he's really in danger and has a chance. It leaves an opening for 「Clash」 to show up and cause some fucking ruination (as long as Squalo's in range)
Once the voice is returned, it leaves a physical red mark that takes a while to fade. It'll ache or sting for a while.
bottom left:
Tapes are always labelled with the name of the person who the voice belongs to. Sometimes, it's written on masking tape and stuck over where the name would usually be instead.
Voice tapes typically look something like this.
Details may vary (this number basically indicates the available talking time before rewind is needed).
bottom right:
Tapes with no one to return to will eventually unravel or self destruct in some way (like if it belongs to a dead person)
this isnt canon btw at all but just establishing a vibe yknow its kinda cringe but i made it suuuuuper quick lol
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the-anxiety-academy · 9 months
Is Lana Del Rey's music good? Yes. Is she a talented musician? Absolutely. Does that mean her songs about abuse should be romanticised? Absolutely not.
It's one thing to identify with what Lana sings and relate to what she went through in her relationships but it is complete other thing to romanticise and fantasise about the horrible physical and emotional abuse she talks about. I've noticed it's mostly teen girls who romanticise this kind of behaviour and it is so damaging.
The amount of songs about abuse that have been used as the "ideal relationship" or in edits is ridiculous. We need to start learning the difference between enjoying and appreciating music and romanticising it.
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Whumpee had been taught that love is abuse. Whether by their guardians, or their Whumper, or even both; Whumpee had a skewed version of the world.
So by the time that Caretaker rescued Whumpee and helped them get better; Whumpee decided it was now or never.
Caretaker belongs to them now.
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(Read tags)
Vent post? Kinda? Idk
Reminder missing people that abused you/ you hate is normal and ok. You're not any less valid in hating them or not hating them. You're still a good person, and we can get through this, together.
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the-l00ker · 2 months
Nah not my college doing a presentation on Domestic Abuse and, like I'm part of the team that authorities important topic and today was meant to be in AI security (Btw I'm not a teacher. Student Council!)
So when I saw the topic I was SHOCKED
Asked afterwards and they were like "Yeah due to recent online events we thought we should address some things"
(but seriously I'm so proud of my college ya'll🥹)
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3amclothesmonster · 9 months
Hi there, trust you are having great Friday Morning, and here is wishing a happy weekend in advance. I'm a victim of abuse from my grandmother and dad, I don't want to go too much into detail, as it's highly triggering, i worked on getting some evidence to press charge against them(going well so far) but i need to move out of the house of my abusers as soon as possible and seek justice. I need all the help i can get (please see my pinned post for my frequently updated "beg-post"). I beseech(beg of) you to donate towards my moving/getting justice if you can. Also, if you can, please consider boosting my pinned post (a detailed beg-post)(if you have already seen my post somehow before now, there's been a recent development/progress)- that will help reach more potential helpers. please don't ignore me, please!. I'm open to suggestions/corrections, you can send an inbox/ direct message if you have concerns/questions, and i will answer in no time. Thank you for hearing me out.
Hello, I hope everything is going well for you as well.
I unfortunately am not financially stable enough to donate currently, I sincerely apologize. As a victim of abuse myself I due hope that the case goes well and that you're able to escape your current situation. I really hope your day goes well. If anyone on here is able to help this person, I recommend you do.
Please stay safe, I hope everything goes well for you. Remember, stay strong.
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wildbasil · 2 months
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things haven't been great but i think they will be. eventually 🌻🌼🩷
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teaboot · 9 months
Adult ProTip, from a security professional: If a kid tells you, "My parents are gonna kill me / kick my ass / kick me out" for something relatively minor, don't respond with shit like "Really? ;) that sounds a little extreme, don't you think sweetie?" because that shit really does happen.
Instead, respond as though whatever threat they are afraid of is fully valid, and offer whatever you can do to help- ask if they believe they are in danger of being hurt in any way, and work accordingly.
If they're overreacting, they'll usually realize and dial it back, self-correct and begin thinking a bit more rationally.
If they're not overreacting, and the danger is real, then they'll need a level-headed adult in their corner, not another condescending authority figure who doesn't believe them.
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tastytoecheese · 2 years
First thing you see after you zoom in is how you die
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How you dying 👀
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transcowgirlslut · 3 months
it's kind of bullshit that people will react with horror to me discussing my fantasies/kinks until i clarify I'm the sub in them. like even my therapist was all like "ohhh it's ok to want to hold power so long as it's consensual" and then clearly relaxed when I clarified I wanted to be the sub.
i love you everyone and with rape kinks, those who want to roleplay kidnapping and abusing someone, i love you i love you i love you. this ain't me fishing for a dom/me to be clear---you are VALUED as a person, outside of your sexual fantasies. I care about you and appreciate you, and there is nothing wrong or bad about you!!!!
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bonefarm · 3 months
While we are on the subject - financial abuse is not always just physically taking money away or not having a savings account or escape stash. For a lot of people it is the other spouse sabotaging your credit score, constantly overspending, and you being unable to trust that joint household bills and loans are paid. Did you know that once you add an authorized user to your bank account it’s nearly impossible to remove them without their permission? Did you know that your spouse, who likely knows your birthday and SSN, can often gain access and reset passwords for any online accounts and create new ones?
Financial abuse will ruin your life and there’s really nothing except significant time that fixes it. If you are in a situation where you think this might happen to you you should freeze your credit with all three major agencies. You can find info on how to do this at USA.gov/credit-freeze
This is not something that only happens to tradwives. You are not exempt because you are independent or competent.
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