#TT Michael
aealzx · 1 year
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A little midnight dive
Raph’s yelling sounded almost frantic, not quite ready for the clutter of mechs that too closely resembled the Krang’s own machines. The creatures had left scraps in the Hidden City eons ago, and someone had found them and adapted them to modern war machines.
And Mikey’s form had done a backflip off the side of the building they were on, hurtling towards the enemy as though they were common origami Foot soldiers.
Raph felt like throwing up his lungs, already clutching an unresponsive Leo to his chest.
“{.... It’s okay Raph,}” Leon’s voice broke through the panicked haze in Raph’s mind, the ghostly hands of his own older counterpart resting on his shoulders as deadly orange chains slipped into the air under Mikey’s feet, giving him a path to slide to the ground on instead of free falling through the air. “{That’s not quite your Mikey,}” Leon clarified, an eager grin splitting his face as he watched in anticipation. “{That’s OUR Mikey.}”
“{Figures he’d be the first to figure out dual operation,}” Don muttered from nearby, his own hands carefully holding his younger counterpart together, Donnie’s hand in a determined vice grip around Leo’s wrist..
It had been a long time since Michael had gotten to really fight without being hindered by a fragile body. He wasn’t quite used to Mikey’s incredibly younger, and less mystic experienced form. But at least it was easier to just push a little less mystic, and a little more razz. The small form crashed into the mechs with both feet while coiling chains sliced through two others. Impact buffered by Michael’s own manipulation of physics knocking the machine back, and he used it as a springboard to launch to the next. His coiling chains lifted the skewered machines above him into a cacophony of applause crushing together overhead as ballet toes twisted his form midair to catch his palms on the next victim.
Fingers lacing into the rim of the machine’s shoulder, Mikey’s form never halted and instead fell back to whip the machine into a rolling throw behind him. More chains spiraled around another metal body, crushing it in their grasp while additional chains caught Mikey’s feet. With barely a pause Mikey’s legs launched him into a graceful arc over the head of a charging scrap heap. His toes caressing the atmosphere, Mikey’s form rolled upright to almost land behind his final enemy. Yet his feet remained allies of the air, and raised fingers delicately coaxed more chains into creation from behind him. Hurtling in curves around him, they pierced the mech before him in a violent similitude of swiss cheese.
It was only when the final explosion rent the offending heaps to scraps that Mikey’s feet returned to the earth, touching down as soft as snowfall as Michael’s spirit form peeled away with a mutual sigh from both of them. As Michael’s form rose, Mikey’s collapsed to sit on the ground as he heaved air into his lungs. It had been an effort to fight on top of keeping the direct link connection with his spirit buddy. But as his lungs became less greedy of the air he was giving them the exhaled breaths gradually became bouts of laughter. To the point Mikey was laughing so hard he couldn’t stand even though his limbs had stopped feeling numb. “WOOOOOOO! THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!” Mikey whooped, raising his hands into the air in triumph before flopping onto his back.
Sometimes I get images that slap me in the face to be drawn, usually because of music and other people’s art. X’D
So this actual polished illustration was inspired by this piece by happyfoxx-art, the mikey one of these two, and the song Hikari by Vanguard Sound.
This is going to get search banned because of the links I bet, but oh well.
shoutout to dragoonwys yet again for helping me make stuff work with this XDD still learning how to actually finish things nicely.
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boanerges20 · 6 months
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Michael Dunlop Isle Of Man T.T.
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sonjackcarl · 2 years
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dailydccomics · 9 months
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Teen Titans by Michael Allred
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itoshi-s · 1 year
who from bllk does this remind u of?
RIN 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 nghgghhhhhh all while he gives you THE look.. acts so collected, as if he’s not literally leaking in his pants. yeah. unbuckles his belt w one hand and urges you on by giving the leash a pull, “work for it” 😵‍💫😵‍💫
also kaiser — has u all leashed up and sitting there so prettily for him, but absolutely loves when you give him a bit of an attitude. grins w satisfaction as you tease him even despite your submissive position,, knowing he’s got a good reason to tug u around now !!!
AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST .. listen .. kunigami 😦 manhandles you around, pulls you back into him when he hits it from the back — wraps the leash around his fist for good leverage, but might end up just hooking his fingers behind the collar and pull until you’re breathy and crying out for him 😳
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cosas-de-la-wida2 · 2 days
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dabid-motozalea · 4 days
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Casi 219 km/h de media 😮😮
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leeyacy · 4 months
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Old art featuring my fnaf phase wheww
(my camera suck eee)
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fourteenfishteen · 9 months
extremely touched by 'the coldest loneliest thing in the universe, the space between galaxies' being used as a way to. in a very literal sense hug your friends and keep them safe.
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fictional-god-poll · 7 months
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Thank you to all who participated!
The next bracket will be the “GRIM REAPER” poll. Not all grim reapers will be technically called that, but if they’re a heavenly being associated with death, they count.
In that case, write your suggestions in the replies WITH REASONING as to why they count as an “angel of death”.
Until next time!
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aealzx · 1 year
Oooooo! Tethered timeline sounds hella cool, eagerly awaiting more
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They had wasted enough time. In Michael’s opinion, giving the boys time to rest wasn’t a waste, but it was still arguably a waste of time since they hadn’t even started trying to get them to guess they were there. Michael wasn’t heartless, but he was aware of the pressure of an unknown deadline. So while Mikey was taking a break to try and draw in his room, Michael decided it was time to start operation scare the pants off his new little brother. A slight shift in target considering Donnie’s current state, but the general premise of the task was the same.
As Don had said before, they could only affect what was owned exclusively by their younger selves. Which luckily for him meant almost everything in this room. Mikey liked to borrow and share things, but his art supplies were something the others didn’t touch. Which meant that while Mikey was shakily trying to draw his family, Michael picked up one of the more pricey colored pencils and put the tip to the paper.
He was only able to write “Hi” before Mikey noticed, and promptly started screaming before running from the room.
“RAAAAAAAAPH! RAPH RAPH RAPH!!!!” Mikey shrieked, scrambling into the main rooms and frantically looking behind him. The floating pencil following him only served to increase his fear, for Michael had been inevitably yanked along with him because of the tether. And not wanting to break Mikey’s supplies he kept a hold of the pencil. Which also meant it looked like Mikey was being chased by a bright orange colored pencil. “OH MI GOSH IT’S FOLLOWING ME!!”
Thank youuuuuu!!! ;7; * flails arms a lil *
I scribbled up the first concept of ghost Michael for you before going back to working on comic. I dunno if Mikey is your fav, I just wanted to draw him since I had the idea. He has the same story as the movie XDD Just like Don he got an after death facelift, so he isn't grandpa anymore.
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boanerges20 · 1 month
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Michael Dunlop Isle Of Man T.T.
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sonjackcarl · 2 years
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phunnibun · 5 months
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Tadaaa I did things
Templates under cut
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theaterkidlament · 5 months
My gender envy (musical edition)
Sad artist orphan/newsie
Silly jack shit newsie
A guy who hates literally my entire life
Blue striped criminal
Headless doll
French wannabe
Sad boi in a red hoodie
What can I say, I’m that fucked up boy
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a-pirate · 1 year
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Thinking about another life.
toy & thank you @visixv for the hair edit!
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