fresh-bed-old-sheets · 8 months
To the people tagging me in stuff, i am not ingoring you, i either:
1. Forgot about it/got distracted
2. Got confused by the prompt/anxious of replying
3. Got overwhelmed
4. All of the above
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runningonadhd · 3 months
Can’t wait for Logan’s Dr. Fredrick Frankenstein era
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wizardnuke · 4 months
took the jump of asking my math prof if i can take their tests in the testing center because adhd bad and they looked me in the eyes and went "you can't sit still at all, do you want me to tell them to let you get up and leave the room when you're getting restless" and i am not going to lie i started Crying in front of them . they also said im getting two hours of time instead of time+half bc i have double whammy slow at math+hyperactive
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orb111 · 2 years
It I had a nickel for every time a blue character brought his red brother back to sanity by refusing to fight him and nearly forfeiting his life to the red one, then I would have two nickels…which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that two scenes from two very unrelated stories and media paralleled each other.
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misty-missdee · 4 months
im finally taking the time to learn frame data. its over for you all.
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simonstamenovic · 9 months
listening to that actually doing smth nefarious to the brain
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elibean · 9 months
before my "ffr" tag was all like, cute icons or life tips. but rn it's all random link click theories and ideas that i want to come back to when they're inevitably proven wrong lol
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xylocope · 2 years
bitches will create one iterator oc and start making an entire group around them and proceed to fixate on their own ocs
it’s me
i’m bitches
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pacdevil · 1 year
me realizing that a lot of like things i do with my friends- like sharing food/clothes, sitting close to them, driving them home at night, etc etc -is like considerd to be romantic to some people? i am. so fucking dense to romance its unbelievable.
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birthclod · 2 years
i still have crab’s pixiv tag open on one tab despite not having looked at it at all... there’s 66 works in there... maybe just maybe i can see his c[I am taken by the fungus.]
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chaoskiro · 2 months
How today is going:
Finally sat down and started writing my job application in French.
Wait, okay I think this would be nicer using that one grammatical concept I learned two weeks ago.
Goes to check that on my onlinebook.
Wants me to log in with my student id which I've forgotten.
Opens my email to check that.
Remembers that I received an email about receiving my SIN.
Spends half an hour dealing with that because Canada loves weird questions.
Wait this is the perfect opportunity to wash my clothes.
Oh wow now my landlord is coming soon so I can't really do anything.
Sorts out shit with landlord and makes tea.
Returns to room.
Oh right my job application.
Oh fuck the grammar.
Writes a tumblr post about it.
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king-system · 8 months
number 5 for this ask game?
5. Which headmates are city folk?
we have. a lot of people who are city folk its a little ridiculous. we can even sort it by city.
BRIGHTON: Aimsey, Bill, Jack, Ranboo, Tommy, Tubbo, Wren
NYC: Wilbur, Schlatt
Any Other City (UK): Ash, Ashtoreth, Eli, George, Hobie, Jane, Jon, Tim, Toby
Any Other City (Non-UK): Cherry, Dave, Elle, Ethan, Finn, Fionna, Grian, Jinx, Malachi, Mello, Mumbo, Powder, Spencer, Vi
Bonus! Las Nevadas: Dahlia, Maria
Like I said it's ridiculous. We went back and forth living in the city and the country so idk. ALSO. WE ARE NOT BRITISH. WHY ARE THERE SO MANY OF THEM????
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sweet-faerie · 10 months
(Fu) Hua, Jiějiě. A Warmth, comfort. Even if she was a laborious duty unto the first born. All she wants from her sister is to be seen, accepted, to be given unconditional love no matter what horrific things she's dne As humans, Xia's birth brought a death and henceforth, she was outcasted as a murderer by many. Not her though. The elder sister always took care of her basic needs all the way until well... Hua had to raise her and juggle school when moving out of the home. Xia wanted to be less of a burden, matured immensely to not be a bother. She wanted to be an adult... suddenly she was 13 and the world was ending. Any childhood innocence died alongside her comrades. Her sister is 50,001, while she is 49,997. Their age gap no longer noticeable in anything other than height. She could care less. Hua is...everything to her. Whilst she walks on the blood she had to shed, losing sight of her own humanity; Hua is there to make sure she will never drown. Hua's mission, desires, and vision is etched into her very being. This was her primary objective in the Current Era: follow your sister. Yet, no matter the centuries that passed, the warmth and comfort remained to keep her company in centuries of solitude. Hua is Xia's light. Purpose of any and all duty. She knows no matter what, her sister will now hold her tightly. Hua is her big sister, no matter what. Hua has given her a reason to not wish to end her unending life. Her purpose of continuing on in this world. Even if she's a failure to her sister's mission.
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Me: hey brain can we play something else we've been stuck on this one all day-
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sonocomics · 8 months
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"It's fiiine~ We just want your braiiins~ 🧟"
Another Halloween Highlight! This time a comic for @TheWeebulous which also features @Kyuuon !
If you'd like a Halloween piece like this, check out this post for a deal!
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7-ferrets-in-a-coat · 3 months
Freeze your braiiin
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Yeah,,, i rlly like this Au idea i got going on but if i wnna go somewhere woth this,, i gtta get their designs figured out. Lambronica is the one i 100%have figured,,, narinder fluctuates,, and the bishops,, HWAUA
Also pspspspsps @beetledee0 , @bird-less
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