brattysofiax · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers (ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡
1. Music
2. Horseriding
3. When work goes well - when I bond with a woman I'm caring for or I smash some bloods
4. My husband
5. My cat, Mocha
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soliloquent-stark · 2 months
For the fake fan fic ask game, the tags "Steve Rogers/Tony Stark", "animal transformation", "secret identity", and "first kiss"
He didn't mean for it to happen his way, but he forgets to control himself when he gets overly excited and—well—next thing Steve knows, his fur is in a very confused Tony Stark's mouth.
Luckily, neither of them seems to mind this unexpected development.
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thiziri · 2 years
Within this sombre period, let's turn something lighthearted, for relieving the heart.
What are your favorite gowns of anne?
What I call “The Cinderella gown” is my favourite of all times bc just look at her, it looks like she comes straight from a fairy tale ✨
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And this one is THE GOWN. MAGNIFIQUE. Or should i say ✨mAnnefinique✨
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And there are these ones, in no particular order 💙
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Her Royal Hotness Princess Anne ❤️
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ncitytweets · 9 months
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akanemnon · 3 months
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They're (uwu)ing
Unfinished, and I'll probably send another one in (idk how long)
I really like how u draw them
Sorry if it's hard to see
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navybrat817 · 11 months
What would Stud!Bucky do if Smartie playfully smacked his ass when he was doing the dishes?
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Bahaha. 😂
Bucky stood up straight, the dish in his hand forgotten when he heard you giggle. "Did you just smack my ass?"
"Yep!" you declared, playfully hitting the other side. "Gonna play your cheeks like bongos."
He looked over his shoulder to give you a stern stare, but couldn't keep a straight face. "My ass is not an instrument."
"You're right," you said, repeatedly smacking it as if it was. "Doesn't mean I can't play with it."
This is my future wife.
"This is harassment," he joked, making no move to stop you. He liked having your hands on him.
"You hit my ass when I did the dishes yesterday! So what was that?"
"It was encouragement," he smiled. "Like 'good game'."
"...Good game?"
"What? You compared mine to bongos," he argued, turning to smile at you. "But I'll be happy to play your pussy like a guitar."
Love and thanks! ❤️
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ef-1 · 6 months
burn your village | female rage playlist
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ruporas · 6 months
ur most recent vw comic reduced me to goo im now sloshing around and making pained gargling sounds thank u
AMDNDMSMD THANK U SO MUCH🥺❤️ i’m glad it was well received!! here’s another little bonus of them
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iero · 2 years
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Hayley’s speech before performing Misery Business When We Were Young Festival | x
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raapija · 20 days
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artemispt · 11 months
“compañeros, amigos” And Lando’s laugh 🥺
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repulsiveliquidation · 4 months
help a girl out and send in your favorite Leila Ouahabi pictures, please and thank you.
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gunhaos · 1 year
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canonizzyhours · 5 months
New Year New Vent, and this one's coming in hot.
I genuinely do not understand the obsession behind Izzy, or why he amassed such a cult following out of all the characters in the show. There, I said it.
I am aware that this opinion is somewhat rhetorical. Because, the reason lies in the troublesome fandom trajectory of "let's form a cocoon around the shitty white man and make him the saddest, wettest, poorest little baby boy and turn a blind eye to characters of color and women," so I know there's explanation to be had there, but even still. So much of what people argue makes him so special can be found in so many other characters, and then some.
Wanting prosthetic or physical disability representation? Lucius is right there with his prosthetic finger. Jackie is right there with her fierce prosthetic hand. Ed is right there with his knee brace.
Older queer representation? Broadly gestures to basically every single character, most of which have much more solid and visible representation anyway.
An older man coming into himself and accepting parts of himself he had long been fighting with? Aggressively gestures to our two leads.
A character having to deal with their past and with subsequent trauma? Once again aggressively gesturing to our two leads, but also many other characters, too. Jim had an entire subplot dedicated to them and their trauma in Season One for crying out loud.
A pirate stepping away from the harsher and more violent nature of piracy? Ed is right there, and with a solid character arc at that.
A man dressing in drag? Wee John is right there (and I feel like his performance and look really got eclipsed for the song but that's a whole different rant).
Gender non-conformity, or trans representation? Jim is right there, and I believe one of the writers pointed out how many of Ed's arcs have trans/gnc symbolic ties (Don't even know where the aggressive insistence that Izzy is canonically trans even came from either, but again, whole different rant).
There is just so much goodness and representation to be found in so many characters. They are all so rich and developed and wonderful. In my opinion, that makes it so easy to feel seen and heard, as there are pieces of comfort and visibility to be found in such a wide scope. The show wants us to feel seen in that regard.
Yet, the focus lands on the angsty masc white man once more. I mean, really? Is fandom racism and prejudice really so rife? Again, rhetorical, but it just boggles my mind.
Also, all of this isn't to say that people can't make Izzy their favorite character. Just the "he's the main character" and "he's a victim and no one else" and equivalent behavior is just unfathomable to me. The bullying and the toxic insistence when there are so many other wonderful characters with wonderful arcs is absolutely unfathomable.
It would just be so fun and nice to appreciate him for the character he is, ie an antagonistic presence who is later shaped and swayed by his environment. Putting him in a jar and shaking him around makes sense (big thank you for this space), not whatever we've been left with.
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Honeyboo, I know you said you don't do HC's and stuff, but can you imagine Driver!Jake as he is driving RichGirl!Reader around on a shopping day and he has to carry all of her bags after her as she is going from store to store cause her daddy said so 💀
(it's not that i don't do them, per se, i just don't think about them until someone asks me lol 😆)
ooo i can see this taking place both before they're together and after. 👀
if it's before, jake would probably be kind of annoyed (and perhaps even a little insulted) to be reduced to a literal bag boy--though, he can't lie, the bonus her daddy gave him is more than generous enough for him to swallow his pride for one afternoon. she's polite enough to him initially, thanking him for holding doors for her and apologizing to him when she just wants to try on just a few more dresses.
but then she meets up with some friends.
he can see them from where he stands at the front of the store, his arms laden with shopping bags. she and her friends are looking at him, not at all trying to hide that fact as they're whispering and giggling about him like school girls. jake is torn between being annoyed and amused (but mostly he just wishes he could have a cigarette). her friends spend the rest of the day shamelessly flirting with him (one even tries to get his phone number) and he thinks he must've imagined the spark of jealousy in your eyes.
if they're already together? well...she'd obviously spend the day torturing him. instead of making him wait at the front for her, she tells him she needs him in the dressing rooms. she makes him sit in the waiting area and models every single outfit for him. there's one particular dress, one with a slit that goes up your thigh that leaves little to the imagination, that he almost begs you to buy, if only so he can peel it off of you at some point in the near future.
the smirk on her face as she buys it tells him how obvious his desire was.
he's about to take her home (maybe practice getting her out of that dress) when she asks him to make just one more stop. he does as asked, of course, and he drives to the store. he doesn't think anything of it until he walks in with her and sees it....all the lingerie.
he practically swallows his tongue when she asks him to accompany her to the dressing rooms.
it's the end of the day and the store is (blessedly) empty so they have the dressing room to themselves. just as jake is giving himself a pep talk, telling himself he can do this, that he can control himself, that he will not fuck her in the middle of this high-end boutique, she walks out of the dressing room in the most beautiful set of lace and silk scraps he's ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on.
he wants to rip them off her with his teeth.
in the end, he does end up fucking her in the middle of this high-end boutique, his hand over her mouth muffling her cries of pleasure as he pounds into her over and over.
as she comes around him, her pleasure dragging him over the edge too, jake has the thought that maybe being a bag boy isn't actually as bad as he'd thought it'd be. 😇🤭
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navybrat817 · 11 months
Navy, what would mafia!Bucky do if, while you’re moving in with him, he found a picture of you and your ex lost in your belongings?
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Oh, nonnie!
"What the fuck is this?"
Bucky didn't raise his voice when he asked the question. That had you trembling and you weren't exactly sure why. It wasn't like you kept any secrets from him.
But you felt your throat go dry when he held up an old photo, his steel eyes staring into yours.
One you thought you got rid of.
"I know you're not going to make me repeat myself, are you, doll?"
"That's an old photo that I thought I threw away," you said quickly. You didn't need to defend yourself though, did you? He was an ex. You were with Bucky.
"What's his name?" he asked, the photo still in hand as he took deliberate slow steps toward you.
He put a finger on your lips before you could finish. "Don't you dare finish that. Because by the time I'm done fucking you, you're going to forget all about him."
Lifting your chin, you decided to give him a little push.
"Prove it."
Love and thanks! ❤️
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