#Swedish Duolingo
insomnaticwriter · 2 years
Sorta obsessed with Duolingo at the moment and yeah it’s cause of young royals and yeah I’m looking into colleges in Sweden… fuck
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sapphvi · 11 months
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wilhelmsbee · 5 months
if we dont get loving and gentle wilmon in s3... jag ska går till sverige och börjar slå människor
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femmeetart · 4 days
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choose your Rex
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michaelnotwheeler · 10 months
What is duolingo suggesting 🤨📸
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themoonandthesunaregfs · 10 months
Me 10 minutes into young royals: am I really about to learn another Scandinavian language for some gay teenagers
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babooshkaa · 29 days
ways to make duolingo useful
1. jump units
in the new "tree" all the new vocabulary is in the first lesson, then duolingo makes you study it for like a week if you're lucky, so if you're confident you've learnt all the new words just jump to the next unit (I also find myself remembering my mistakes better if I make them while trying to jump than when I make them in regular lessons)
❗after jumping always come back to the stories you missed, they're like the most useful thing there is in the app
2. use other resources
I know this is a post about duolingo, but people, mostly beginners, seem to think that they only need duolingo to become fluent. my mom has a 700 days strike and she still can't keep a simple conversation in english or understand an episode of fucking teletubbies, that should tell you everything. read content for beginners, watch youtube videos, tv-shows, use other apps, I promise the owl won't kill you for it
3. stop when it starts slowing you down
trust me you don't need to use duolingo when you're intermediate, it's just not worth it. leave it for the days you can't study properly and want to do at least something
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moonchild-in-blue · 1 month
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mama moon yesterday morning 💚🩵💙
Mama Måne 🥺🌖
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literally such a beautiful picture - i am in love with the softness of the sky 💙 (also very very late but 🥺 Förlåt min vacker stjärna)
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50/100 days of productivity - 13.05.24
6 h work shift
Languages: 15 min French, 15 min Swedish, 20 min Russian alphabet, 10 min German sign language, 10 min Morse-code
Self care routine: Got up early, Yoga & stretching, guided meditation, went for a walk 🎧, ate 3 meals (2/3 freshly made), drank enough water, read 📖
Pilates workout
Went grocery shopping
Cleaned my balcony because I made chaos while repotting my vegetable plants
Watched the news
🎧 His last bow by Arthur Conan Doyle
📖 Narziss und Goldmund by Hermann Hesse
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ribbonflies · 2 years
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1-c-4-rus · 2 years
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what is it with everyone eating everyone elses food.
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desertwaterwitch · 2 months
Those who know Swedish, please help me!
Why is it:
“hon simmar aldrig”
and not
“hon aldrig simmar”
I’m confused because some sentences are that way, so why is this one different?
Thanks! 🙏🏻
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Hello this is silly but I am currently really really interested in Scottish Gaelic and I saw you might be curious too and I was wondering if you are learning? Swedish is also cool but ksfhbvahbsfk I would so love to see more Gaelic around on tumblr (no pressure at all)
I love languages in general and I would love to learn some Gàidhlig some day. I know a tiny handful of words and a couple of phrases, that is it.
Unfortunately, even though I have such a love for languages, I also have impairments and delays in that area, so it is very very hard for my brain to grasp. I can learn single words and memorise chunks of vocabulary with MUCH effort, but once it gets to learning grammar and word order I get totally lost extremely quickly.
I also can't "hold on" to vocabulary unless I use it or revisit it very frequently. My brain has limited capacity for learning new things, and it takes a lot of repetition to get something in there to begin with... and then I am so quick to lose it after a very short period of time.
Even my English skills is something I constantly work on to make sure I don't regress in this area, to make sure my communication can stay as effective as possible.
I do a tiny bit of Duolingo every day, and I try and try to learn words in Swedish and remember them. For a while now I have been learning new words and simultaneously losing words I previously learned. So I end up going back to old lessons to try and stuff that previous knowledge back in there.
It is something I do for fun - I can't take it too seriously or else I get upset and frustrated. Because I wish I could learn more but there is a hard limit to what is possible and I can't change that.
The best answer I can give is: I would love to learn, but unfortunately there is a lot of obstacles for me! If I could be learning Gàidhlig and posting on tumblr with it, I would be. (Same for Swedish and any other language that I take an interest in).
I think for now, posting and writing and communicating in English is enough of a challenge for me!!
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sprokat · 3 months
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I started on a whim and now it won't leave me alone
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writerofstuff · 2 months
I am not a native Swedish speaker. I am trying to learn Swedish. So far I am armed with a hundred words, three grammar concepts, and one little green bird that likes to make many funny faces at my language-learning skills. I tried to write a story.
Du simmar. Jag tittar på du ofta. Du tycker om vatten och vatten tycker om dig. Ursäkta, jag tror jag älskar dig.
You swim. I watch you often. You like water and water likes you. Excuse me, I think I love you.
Guide me; tell me what I did right and what I can do better. I have stumbled across something beautiful and would like to hold it closer.
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My dream job is writing the phrases for DuoLingo. I bet they took a long lunch after they came up with this pure gold
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