#Steampunk-ish AU
sweetlittlevampire · 1 month
[Podfic] Heart of Glass Chapter 3
It's been a while, isn't it? But I'm back working on this baby, and I'm still having fun. Hope you'll enjoy!
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kursedtea · 2 years
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Somewhere in a different universe, we have Hua who wears goggles instead of glasses 😂
Here's the sketch that started it all!
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kaleidemaran · 2 years
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here’s your chance to make it, so take it like a man
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kabra-malvada · 2 years
🔥Steam punk Y/N design🔥
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My fav doodle lol:
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Y'all have no idea how fun it was to design them, wanted to make them buff-ish but I'm not that good at drawing muscles ;; Hope u like it still :3
Also I'm adding this cuz I forgot what tags i used on the og post:
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Some info about Steampunk Y/N (I might reckon sum info of the og doodles above):
They love cherry beer.
They come from a small town where they were the local detective, until chief of police Vanessa called them in for assisting in the missing kids cases.
They lost their arm on an accident right before they graduated military academy, but came back at it a year later when Vanessa already graduated. Took a while to get used to robot limb.
Robotic prosthetics are a new niche technology, so is rare to see someone like them on a daily basis.
Very optimistic, but also a realist vibes.
They're looked down upon for being a "Bot freak" by most people. Usually humans.
Met the boys cuz their arms got busted on a shootout when they arrived in town and nobody wanted to help them out, so they had to ask the toymakers to help them.
And that's it for now! I'm working on a little something involving this AU for my 500+ special so follow and stay tuned for when that's ready. I have to polish it as much as I can before showing y'all what I've been working on, won't tell what it is tho. But I wanted to post the design beforehand to give y'all a crumb :3 Likes and rebblogs are really appreciated 💖
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vodyaniks · 7 months
Today I bring you my old fnaf drawings for a steampunk(ish) Victorian(??) Au
I only done chica and freddy so far but maybe I'll do the rest of security breach gang
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Wait can i ask what lavender is?
Oh yeah ofc!! I haven't posted about in ages rip
Its a fic I've been slowly working on thats this sorta fantasy steampunk-ish au where Angel and Charlie get fake married to avoid suspicion from both their families. Bc you know they're gay kskdks (Charlie is Bi ofc but still). Their bond is purely platonic, and i really really love the idea of a fake marriage au that stays platonic, you know?? Fake dating that stays fake, etc
Also bc i am platonic!rainbowdust trash and desperately wanted to write something for them.
Also i haven't mentioned this au in ages but i have been slowly adding ideas to my doc over time! and Vaggie has entered the picture now in my outlines.
Theres a lot of context i wont go into now, but they find her injured much like in canon, and help her heal (and ofc she and Charlie will end up together romantically)
I've been mentally trying to work out her role in the au and since Charlie and Angel are in a lavender marriage i think it could hysterical if Vaggie is Angels "mistress" more accurately thats what the three of them TELL everyone she is to avoid suspicion.
And like the idea of a servant going "sir your.....your wife and mistress are making out in the limo" followed by Angel knocking back a shot and saying "That sounds like not my problem" is sending me into space kskfkwkdksk
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ferreraxd · 11 months
Au where Dream is an inventor who wants to fly like a bird so he does all these studies about flight anatomy from various creatures such as bats, birds and the bones of pterosaurs, built many wings models made of wood and metal and did so many failed attempts. George is a biologist who was very interested in his project so he helped him in his researches and creations to finally reach his goal
Just imagine Dream on top of a hill with his giant wooden wings ready to yeet himself for the 47th time only to fall mid-air and probably broke some bones here and there. George watching him from a nearby road giggling yet fascinated over the optimism of the younger male, so he decides to present himself to Dream and be his 'partner in science'
Idk just wanted to see some steampunk-ish inventor Dream and biologist scientist George making inventions in some big weird looking garage full of weird shit lmao. And for some reason I want it to be Fall themed for the brown/orange-ish atmosphere or smt??? Idk I thought it would be funny
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skzhua · 1 year
Felix fics recommendations | SKZHUA
~ : personal favourites
I’ll keep updating this list as I keep reading. Props to all the writers here for their amazing work, you’re doing great.
WARNING: Some of these are 18+ so please look at the warnings before reading.
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 ~ young & beautiful by @missinghan | 13.1k words
zombie apocalypse!au; punk! au.
~ beauty within by @changbeanie | 4.5k words
fluff, angst, beauty and the beast inspired au.
in another life. by @galactichen | 5.4k words
romance, angst, royalty!au.
wedding cake samples by @caseiloveu | 4.9k words *author privated it*
strangers to idiots who like each other a lot, fake dating, fluff, food mention, flirty felix, he has a secret but there is no conflict, only two cuties, little shit jisung, i do not know how wedding cake tasting works, i have never been to cake tasting, you are definitely able to tell that i have given up on dating apps, don't download them.
cookie taste tester by @/caseiloveu | 3.2k words *author privated it*
part two of wedding cake samples. can be read as a standalone.
idiots who like each other a lot (to lovers), fluff, food mention, flirty felix (again but more flirty this time), maybe a bit suggestive but not really, felix is just gorgeous and you don't know how to deal with it, jisung makes another apperance, bonus points if you guess who the flour-buttprint menace is, minors and ageless blogs dni.
~ Comfortable With You by @lixesque | 10k words *author closed their blog*
roommates-to-lovers, fluff.
Matters of the Head and Heart by @skzsauce01 | 13.1k words
Steampunk-ish AU set in 1850s Victorian London. Historical accuracy not guaranteed.
live stream by @haiyuta | 2.7k words
camboy!felix, jerking off, smut, kinda soft.
SUNSHINE by @j-0ne25 | 7.4k words
smut, fluff, a tiny bit of angst, nonidol!auu, friends2lovers.
omg by @teacasket | 0.6k words
fluff, gamer au, streamer au.
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worldsfromhoney · 6 months
Ficlet Masterlist
Each ficlet has its respective warnings so pay heed to them!! I aint responsible if you don’t know how to spot the big red warnings 👁️👄👁️
Gen All The Way
Tar dan Elif
High fantasy. An assassin goes about an assignment. It’s their favourite one yet
tints, tones, tests
Punk. The occupant of a room sees two worlds in one and makes a choice
pristine clean
Magic realism. The cleaner of souls heeds the call. The body’s in a forest
this winter we played
Medieval. A statue shows up in town. It’s not as cold or unmovable as they think
Ornaments Along the Parapet
Modern. She decides to go to the old railroad bridge
counting on
Historical. This child gets candy. The price? Freedom
…and so on!
Queer platonic
The Crowning Jewel
Cyberpunk. The rebels go and rob critical information. They get more than they expected
Lines of Power
High Fantasy. An undead necromancer goes for a sleepover at a witch’s house. Nothing wrong with that, right?
Throw Thy Pride
Modern. After being imprisoned, a government agent comes back home. It doesn’t mean he comes back whole
Not Like This
Urban Fantasy. A chicken humanoid gets a scare and the farmhand is there for comfort. It’s not as easy as it sounds
Modern. One day, the tattoo shop remains closed and its florist neighbour needs answers. It’s somehow what they expected and not at all
Tears For You
Medieval. The knight sees the servant when they start crying. It is on their honour that they help stem the tears
Let Me
Xianxia. A master healer’s junior comes back to the sect. It doesn’t mean they came back whole
A Home With You
Modern Dæmon AU. Local tour guide approaches seemingly lost tourist. They get more than they expect
When in Rome
Steampunk. You come upon a stranger being dismantled and torn apart. You stay and witness.
…and so on!
Gay Gay Gay
what use are labels (with you)?
Modern. A chase between a hero and a villain. To what end will they reach?
With My Heart and Soul
Historical. The best bachelor in Roma’s looking for something. He finds it in a house he’s too familiar with
He Who Tends, He Who Mends
Medieval. A knight comes home from war. He finally gets taken care of
This Godly Taste
Historical Fantasy. Playing a game with a god never ends up well. Not even if you’re the pharaoh
Jewels of Mine
Historical. In the eyes of God, love is not a sin. In this case, it is and he cannot stop wavering
My Dear Thief
High Fantasy. A thief just wants to start a new life, free from the past. But everyone dreams and so does he
Vivre Notre Amour
Historical. A revolutionary sneaks into the bedroom of one of the most protected nobles in France. They talk as they always do
…and so on!
Series Ish
Welcome to My Channel
Urban Fantasy. You go through your coming of age ceremony. You wonder how anyone gets through adulthood like this
To Fall and Fall to Rise
Urban Fantasy. After years of freedom, Val’s mother calls for him. What else is he to do but come?
Imposter Syndrome
Urban Sci-Fantasy. Del’s mother is dying and it’s time he claims the thing he wants most—or the person
��and so on!
Do interact with this post (like/rblg/comment) if you want to be added to the taglist for any future works !!
Have fun reading love 💛💛💛
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curioussubjects · 28 days
Hey friendo! Asking you those fandom questions. <3 4, 5, and 12
hi! 💜 4: popular ship im not too invested in....hm well. im so sorry to everyone but but.....spaceparents. i have nothing against the ship; it's fine and it makes total sense. it just doesn't do anything for me especially not now that i just want to hunt bill adama for sport for being a shitty dad...really gets in the way of enjoying the ship. will i ever forgive him for torn? no i won't. i wish i liked it enough to read for it, though, because there's so much fic and im sure a lot of it is excellent. 5: favorite fanwork involving THE CHARACTER: hard choice! sadly none of them are fic, which allegedly is my main area, but OH WELL. this being the case i have to say that i have a huge soft spot for the torn-up road 2; makes me want to chew through my walls. 12: funniest/wildest au team free will as the teletubbies. this was never anything but crack on a gc in my defense lmao im still so caught up in canon divergence fix its for bsg that i dont have any au that is particularly wild. mostly they're vibes i think would be fun to play with. they're all lee/kara obviously: steampunk-ish au maybe during wartime or some kind of civil unrest idk. what matters is that i want kara tinkering with machines and lee as a politician trying to take down some robber baron scheme or stop a war from breaking out. they fly blimps at some point idk! i also like to play with a noir au with kara as a pi and lee as the barkeep with all the gossip id have gaius show up thinking he's the femme fatalle character but kara's not interested lol. --------- doing this thing
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folklorianhaze · 11 months
Got a lot of writing done today, so I thought I'd post a preview of a multi-chapter fic I've been working on! This one has been a HUGE undertaking; it's probably the biggest story I've worked on before, as well as my first attempt at a mystery. It's a steampunk-ish/noir Feysand AU where Feyre's family gets kidnapped by some shady faeries, and enlists the help of Rhysand (a detective who's been shirking his political duties back home) to help find them.
Look for chapter one of City of Strangers on AO3 very soon! (Not going to give an exact date because I don't want to put pressure on myself lmfaooo but I'm almost done editing!!)
Here's a little scene from chapter one that I had a lot of fun writing, between Rhys and Mor!
“Don’t you ever get tired of all that reading?”
Before Rhysand could respond, a golden hand — with fingernails that gleamed wine-red in the low light of his office — shot out and smacked the top of the precarious stack of books and papers atop his desk.
With the sort of world-weary sigh that could only hint at how many times such an exchange had passed between them, Rhys’ gaze traveled from the hand all the way up the length of arm attached to it, until at last his eyes met those of his cousin’s. And Morrigan, he noted with no small degree of exasperation, looked none too pleased with him this evening.
That is, she rarely looked pleased with him at all, but today the expression on her face happened to feel particularly threatening.
“Dearest Mor,” Rhys said, a smirk touching the corners of his mouth. “What, dare I ask, has put you in such a charming mood this evening — and to what do I owe the honor of being its recipient?”
“They’re asking about you again,” was her flat response. She crossed her arms. “Wondering when you’ll bring an end to these . . . charades of justice, I believe Keir called it.” Even she couldn’t help the soft snort of laughter that punctuated her sentence.
“Hm. I never took your father to be the poetic type.”
“It’s easy for you to be so flippant,” Mor said, lifting a hand to massage her temples. “It’s me they run to when you’ve done something to upset them like this. All of them squawking like hens about the ruination you’re bringing down upon the family and so on.” She sighed. Shook out her mane of blonde hair as if it could clear the unpleasant day from her memory. “You might at least consider giving them some idea of when you’ll be back.”
“I told them I’ll return as soon as I feel my work is done here,” said Rhys. “That’s not enough of an idea for them?”
“That was six months ago, Rhys.”
“So Keir has learned to count! How delightful. I suppose we’ll have to get him started on spelling soon enough.”
Mor rolled her eyes, but he caught the twinkle of amusement on her face. Something in his chest twisted guiltily at the sight of it; she did have a point, about it being far easier for him to treat matters involving their noble family with such lightness. She was the one who’d been enduring those insufferable people for the past six months while he’d been here, chasing this vision of his. This endeavor that so many had — perhaps rightfully, in some ways — called foolish. The least he could do would be to make these dealings with her father as painless for her as possible.
But when he thought of the path that had brought him here in the first place . . . when he thought of the future his family — his people — might not even be afforded if he should fail in this . . . he couldn’t simply turn his back on it. He’d never been a man who abandoned the things he started, and more often than not it seemed to work to his detriment. But this time . . . this time, he was determined for things to be different.
Perhaps it made him selfish. Perhaps it made him a monster. But he’d become whatever he needed to be in order to see this through to the end.
“I can’t give up,” he admitted at last, the words leaving him in barely a whisper. “You know I can’t, Mor. Not yet. Not when I’ve gotten so close.”
Her expression softened; turned into something that, for a moment, felt uncomfortably close to pity. Rhys wasn’t sure whether or not he hated that more than he would have if she’d simply gotten angry with him again. He’d rather have fury than be looked at like that. Like . . . like on some level, yet again, he’d failed his cousin. He’d failed to be what everyone needed him to be at all times.
“You could be wrong, you know,” she said at last — speaking softly, slowly, as if comforting an irrational child. “About all this. There’s a chance that you might never find what you’re looking for. What if it’s all for nothing?”
“It’s not,” was all he could say, even as he hated the lack of logic in it. “I know it’s not.”
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
@local-squishmallow some karlnapity for ya :D
not inspired by anything
au in a steampunk-ish setting, where quackity, a vampire who'd recently been casted out and shunned by his coven for his weak appearance and has to try to find his life again. as a vampire. it takes a while.
eventually he stumbles on a massive town. not particularly bustling by any means, but massive in height. towering buildings. quackity felt out of place in a village meant for giants, but he still continued on.
perhaps he meets a naga!karl and a royalty!sapnap. idk. aus are hard. also there's a lot of like mythical and body-horror-esque stuff.
pinterest board
au is unnamed and nom friendly !
// this au is very messy atm and i am trying to think of some character designs. also might slip in dream & george and maybe some others. idk. lots of stuff to come for sure :') this au is kind of horror? it's not exactly tense or suspenseful but as for visually i'm hoping to make it at least ominous,,,,
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bigmammallama5 · 1 year
Okay, Off the Clock sent me on a tangent, completely derailing my afternoon (no regrets), to find more demon AUs, only to be utterly devastated by how little there is of ones with this style, depth, and quality, which ended up with me back here to reread the whole thing again in the same day. Now that is finished, i am completely and utterly in withdrawl. Totes would love to see more of this fic. Also maybe the threesome-ish with duplicate Kara. I am not above begging.
:D thank you i'm so glad you enjoyed it!! i think there could be more fics like this if people allowed themselves the room to be weird and explore, and perhaps there are and they just don't post (which i get, fandom can be unforgiving sometimes).
i'd really like to go back to this au at some point including another crack at a lena sandwich but i have a lot of other fics i'd like to complete first! i didn't give myself a list of hard new year resolutions but i did decide that 2023 will be the year of Finishing Shit. bakery au sequel back from the dead after fixing some plots points, i think i finally fixed my idea of what a vampire au could be (there are a few already but i fully subscribe to the two cakes theory), an 1840's "royal" steampunk au repurposed from old fic ideas (which there are also some v nice royal aus already so heres another cake), green 2, a detective/medical examiner au just so i can try to write a crime thriller bc i like weird shit, a stardew valley murder mystery au just so i can try to write a murder mystery and restart the game, there are two movie aus and one of those i actually need to see the movie bc a friend and i want to write it together, and of course the giant character study fic ive been working on since 2017 (my big fic goal is to actually get that first draft completely finished this year, i just need to poke at this dead spot in the plot im stuck in).
but of course, i cant always control the brain, so who knows. perhaps there will be other wild and wacky stuff in between some of the above listed LMAO (and there will be, i just cant tell you when until the adhd decides for me).
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justcommander · 4 months
Your steampunk AU art reminds me of Gloomwood, especially the design of the cult members. Which is funny because Gloomwood so happens to be a New Blood Interactive game that has a twink(ish) main character.
I swear I didn't use that game as reference. This Commander here, to get in the inspiration for creepy steampunk mood, has only played a lot of Amnesia AMFP cried and Bioshok infinite and cried again.
But guess what i'm gonna play now?
BUT. You better not make me cry another time. i don't know what that game's story is about. I swear if even this makes me cry, I'll cry.
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huguswerescared · 1 year
Ages and Lil' facts about this blog's Au and it's characters.
He's somewhere between 14 to 16 in this au (I know some people dislike having him be a child or in this case a teen but there's a reason for this.)
He may or may not have mild autism (?)
His eyes are a dark green but turn to a neon lime-ish color when his batteries are changed.
He can't exactly remember his death, all he remembers are smells, brief moments and someone yelling for him to get out of the way.
He likes drawing and sometimes paints with Paige (Sketchbook) although he avoids the color green.
He's not allowed to use the stove after he and Paige nearly set the kitchen on fire.
He's allowed to help out though.
He sees Red as a father figure while he sees Duck as more of a uncle, dad and grandpa mashup abomination.
He's well-liked by most of the teachers.
His room is painted dark green and he has those glow in the dark stars glued to his ceiling.
Somewhere between 25-27 in this au.
He cut his hair once and it grew back within 24 hours.
Yellow gifted him a apron that says 'Don't make me poison you' in cursive letters, he was mildly concerned about it but he wears it every time he cooks.
The main dad of the group
Red likes puzzles.
Since I'm pretty sure he's naked all the time in Canon, in this au he wears red hoodies and sweatpants if he isn't in denim or something else.
See's Yellow as a son and a little brother combo and sees Duck as a housemate (but later on as his best friend)
All he remembers about his death is that he drowned and that he was on a family trip.
His room is painted a grayish blue.
27 - 31 in the au.
He used to be a Staff Sergeant in the air force before his death.
He collects magnets.
He prefers not to cook and leaves that up to Red and the teachers.
Sees Red as his best friend and his opinion on Yellow changes.
He unironically has some cannibalistic tendencies.
He has little to no memory of his death.
His room is forest green and he has a bunch of military themed things in his room.
Simon (Written and created by @neemsstuff aka my beloved best friend!)
Dude died via cult sacrifice (Not the love cult)
He's like a cat, he gives the people he likes dead stuff.
His favorite color is purple.
He’s sensitive to people bringing up his disabilities, often becoming irritated or just dismissive.
He is territorial towards his close friends and “family”, not allowing strangers to even come near them.
He is autistic and has a lot of cat related vocal stims, especially purring and meowing at people :3
He is the only puppet to know his name.
He also has a problem with trying to eat everything and some of the teachers.
He met Lesley once while he was going to make coffee and she was stealing coffee in the middle of the night, he's terrified of her.
Sketchbook/Notebook (Paige)
Her bedroom is splattered in different paint colors she regularly draws on her walls.
She has a humanoid form and a puppet form, why you ask? Because I can draw it.
She doesn't have much control over what she does in her song other then the lyrics and being creative.
Her favorite one of the trio is yellow she thinks he has artistic talent.
Gets along well with almost all of her fellow teachers.
Unlike most of the others her death was a slow and mostly painless death by carbon monoxide poisoning in her home along with her S/o.
She remembers bits and pieces of her death and life, the teachers remember a bit more then the puppets.
Tony the talking Clock
His room is filled with clocks and other steampunk themed things.
Like Paige he too has a human and a puppet form, he hates both of them.
He had more control in his song minus the whole rotting the trio thing.
He has a questionable amount of bowties.
He gets along with most of the other teachers.
He remembers the day of his death in full detail.
He died of carbon monoxide poisoning in his home with his S/O (not so subtlety hinting).
Colin the computer
He hates freelancers.
He enjoys helping in the kitchen.
He will murder you if you like NFTS.
He died via electrical shock.
He has zero memory of dying.
He has a humanoid form, he looks like a nerd.
He just chills out on the desk and his room is in his digital world, it's very glitchy.
Him and Electracy are have sibling vibes.
He likes to pull pranks on literally everyone no one is spared, he is scared of Tony though and Duck, Duck bites.
She sleeps in the electoral box.
She died by getting electrocuted while on the job.
She also has zero memory of dying.
Her and Colin died on the same day in different places.
She likes playing Pokemon.
She likes roller skating.
She like the others have a humanoid form less nerdy then Colin.
Ti (My oc!)
Her full name is Ativan but she prefers being called Ti.
If you refuse to sleep she will go feral and hold a pillow over your face until you pass out.
Her hat is basically her hair, she can cut it and it grows.
She vaguely remembers her death.
She doesn't really understand that she's dead, she just remembers being taller.
She has a whole cabinet of whatever dead stuff Simon gives her, it smells terrible.
She used to be a sleep therapist before she died.
She died from exhaustion, like she dropped dead.
She uses Simon as transportation.
She rarely sleeps so she makes sure her 'friends' get the sleep she can't.
He and his cult live right behind the house.
He tries to set everyone up in a romantic setting.
Is he dead? Did he die, is his cult dead? Mass cult suicide?
He avoids Simon like the plague after he nearly bit off his wing.
He still tries to get yellow to join his cult, Red smacks him with a broom every time he comes near him while duck starts yelling about disrespect and Simon just tries to CHOMP down on his wings.
He stole a key so now he can enter the house whenever he can.
He's homophobic but everyone likes him better then Warren.
He recruited Warren into his cult.
Everyone tolerates him and prefers the homophobic cult leader to Warren.
Unemployed Brendon
He published a novel.
He writes murder mystery, mystery, thriller and romance novels!
He died young.
He accidentally overdosed.
He's the older one!
He likes to draw with Yellow.
He has a bear shaped kids plate.
He's the unemployed one but he doesn't know that.
He died on his first day to work.
Also died tragically young but not as young as his brother.
Him and his brother know their dead but don't mention it.
I project my siblings issues into them
Him and his brother have sibling bonding days where they watch movies.
Roy and Lesley
They're married.
Sometimes happily sometimes not.
Roy does drugs like a lot of them.
The drugs don't work neither does the alcohol.
Are they both dead (?)
Sometimes they're affectionate to Yellow.
And the rest of the time they're not.
Lesley is more affectionate then Roy.
Roy knows that's not fully his son.
his son is dead
Lesley worked on children cartoons while Roy was a free lancer.
Red and Duck DO NOT LIKE ROY they don't know about Lesley.
Roy does not like Simon, Simon likes him though.
He has kicked Simon, Lesley thinks their 'friendship' is hilarious.
Lesley makes stuffed toys in her spare time.
Roy burned down the old house not because of the dead bird or yellow it was to get them into THAT house.
Lesley and Roy live in the upper rooms, they have a kitchen, bathroom and the like.
Roy likes roast beef.
Bonus facts:
Lesley likes tea and coffee.
Lesley likes to steal coffee at midnight when the teachers and puppets are asleep.
They all live in the same house.
Are they in purgatory?
Please send asks this blog thrives on em'
Mostly everyone is platonic, there are a few romantic pairings.
Found family.
Yellow's name is David I don't care if that's not technically confirmed it's his name here.
The group from the jobs episode is also dead, I wonder if they'll appear here?
Warren slander if on the rare occasion someone asks for him, he will be bullied by me making the other characters bully him, I do not like him.
Alrighty thank you for reading!
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signanothername · 1 year
THE LEO MECH ARM IS GIVING STEAMPUNK AU,,, imagine how happy donnie would be in this au hahhahaaaaa
Funfact! I did go for a steampunk-ish approach with it!
Even searched for steampunk robot arms refs specifically!
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And oh my god Don would go insane in a steampunk au, literally all about advanced tech hccgbdhhshd
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