#Spanish speaking Eddie my beloved
sonofatoasterwaffle · 19 days
Absently watching 5 x 17 and heard Eddie say "Ay, joder" when pulling up to his parents house with Pepa. Knew that boy had a mouth on him.
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pastelavender88 · 1 year
What pet names do you think Buck and Eddie would use the most of their gfs?
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I feel like Eddie is more old-school boyfriend than Buck is. Probably because he was out of the game when stuff like hookup culture and sleeping around was accepted more and more.
So he's an "Angel, Beloved, Darling, Love, My Other Half" kind of boyfriend.
If you share a kid together or you're pregnant I can see him calling you "Mama" as a joke.
Most of that’s before marriage and stuff though. After a while you get special nicknames and maybe even ironic nicknames.
He may call you “Pat” because once at an aquarium (the interactive part) a starfish got stuck to your hand and naturally his head went to the iconic Patrick star from Spongebob.
Or maybe “cougar” because once at a bar a kid, who looked way too young to be in a bar, hit on you (awkwardly) and called you a cougar to your face. 
Now Buck is a diiferent story. If you guys start off as like hookups or something he calls you awkward nicknames like “Bud” or “Pal”.
As time goes on and you get more serious you get a “Babe” and “Honey”
I can see him also using your background as a pairing with your nickname. 
Like if you're from Georgia, he’ll call you “Peaches” or “Sugar” (that’s because he believes that everyone talks like a character from True Blood.)
Over time you notice his nicknames are more heartfelt and meaningful. Like using favorite foods, and hobbies, maybe if you speak another language, he’ll go as far as finding out more about your language and going off of that as well.
Cara Mia (Italian for "beloved"), Principessa (Italian for "princess"),Mi Cielo (Spanish, literally "my sky")
Bonus: What they like to be called...
Eddie: Honey, Sugar, Mi Amor, Mi Guapo, Baby Boy (it started as a joke but he enjoys it more than he admits subeddie confirmed), and Good-looking
Buck: Bub, Sexy, Boo Thang (started as a joke but it stuck), Romeo, McDreamy (Buck is the type of boyfriend that complains about your “cheesy” shows but sits there and watches everything, so he understands this reference), and Hercules (because big strong sexy man, duh!).
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bi-buckrights · 1 month
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by the lovely @hippolotamus thank you my friend 💕
How many works do you have on ao3?
Just 12! I started writing almost a year and a half ago and I am very slow lmao
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Just 9-1-1! Honestly haven't felt the urge to write for any others.
Top five fics by kudos:
Bottled Poetry
Pick a Star on the Dark Horizon (Follow the Light)
You and Me Here (underneath the mistletoe)
Home is Just Another Word for You
Kiss Me Before it's Over (If Only for a Minute)
Do you respond to comments?
Yes!! Comments make my day so I love responding to them! Although I am very far behind...
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I have to have write happy endings so I can't really answer this 😂
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Also difficult to answer since they are all happy endings... but I think that Pick a Star on the Dark Horizon (Follow the Light) has the most rewarding happy ending after all the angst I put them through 😅
Do you get hate on fics?
Mehh I've gotten a few somewhat rude comments but thankfully nothing notable
Do you write smut?
I dabble... particularly in my FWB baseball au 😏 and my upcoming pirate au 😌
Craziest crossover:
I don't foresee myself writing any crossovers asdkfjh
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of...
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so, but I would be honored if someone wanted to translate one of my fics!
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
No, my writing schedule is too unpredictable and I feel so bad if someone is relying on me 😭
All time favourite ship?
Buddie!! Obviously. But I have been loving Bucktommy, and Destiel will always have my heart.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't know if my beloved wedding fic will ever return to from the war... Different first meeting, Buck and Eddie reunite at Madney's wedding.
What are your writing strengths?
Umm. uh. pass? I honestly dont know adsfkjh but I like writing multichapter fics and weaving the different parts of the story together (idk if I'm any good at it though lmaooo)
What are your writing weaknesses?
Actually writing... asdfkjlh
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I've never added it but I know if I ever needed to include it for any reason I know I could consult my lovely spanish speaking friends <333
First fandom you wrote in?
Favorite fic you've written?
ohhh not to be repetitive about this fic but probably Pick a Star on the Dark Horizon (Follow the Light), my army marriage of convenience au which is very personal and special to me ❤️
Tagging @monsterrae1 @prettyboybuckley @rogerzsteven @loserdiaz @saybiwithme
@spotsandsocks @eddiebabygirldiaz @hoodie-buck @exhuastedpigeon @bidisasterevankinard
@bekkachaos @loveyouanyway @elvensorceress @spaceprincessem
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zerokrox-blog · 2 years
My Headcanons for Steddie (Steve Harrington & Eddie Munson)
Steve is not afraid of bugs, he is the type to take them out of his house/let them free. Eddie HATES bugs but also hates killing them
Steve & Eddie can both cook & bake so they take turns. Cleaning is a job they do together.
Steve's parents neglected him and because of that he is very touch starved. He is very tactile with his friends though.
Eddie and Steve get together by complete accident. They flirt all the time & at some point they end up moving in together & starting a life together and have the realization years later that they have basically been a married couple without clarifying their relationship.
Wayne likes Steve. They bond over cars, sports, music and Eddie. Steve will never tell Eddie but the first time Wayne calls Steve 'son' he cried. Also Wayne doesn't give Steve any shovel talk bc when he sees how they are together, the way they communicate, and interact he knows he has nothing to fear.
Steve's love language is acts of service & words of affirmation. He loves making lunches for his kids & meals for their families should it be needed. Eddie thinks its sweet. Eddie's love language is physical touch & quality time. So Steve makes it a point to reach out & touch him as well to spend time together. They also meal prep and cook for the week together. Its Eddie's favorite time of the week. They both really like getting random gifts for each other.
They both like low key dates. And one of their favorites is to make dinner & eat together and while cleaning up they dance in their kitchen. Its very soft.
Eddie wears all of Steve's clothing bc it's larger than him and feels like a hug. Steve loves it. He works out constantly to keep his shape bc he likes seeing his love swimming in his clothing
Steve became a teacher & liked it but he ended up becoming a paramedic after a year & a half of teaching bc he is used to working under pressure and much preferred it to teaching
Steve knows sign language & can speak Italian. Eddie knows French & sign language. They both learn Spanish together bc they felt learning a new language together is important. Now they mostly flirt and even swear lovingly at each other in Spanish.
They are both SUPER competitive. But when playing games with their friends they will team up to destroy them. The kids hate it.
The party called Steve 'dad' one time and he was so pleased. He was almost skipping Eddie nearly cackled at the look on his face. (Eddie's bandmates got a photo and it becomes the one they use on social media for a bit simply bc of how besotted Eddie looks)
Eddie's band Corroded Coffin becomes fairly well known not super famous but also not unknown. They win a grammy and Eddie cries as he thanks his family & mostly his beloved Steve for their support (it's also how he comes out to the public)
After the grammy's a photo circulates of Steve Harrington-Munson in a soft butter-yellow sweater and jeans, shaking hands with James Hatfield (Metallica), Vince Neil, & most importantly he is getting hugged by Ozzy Osborn.
They have 4 cats named Ozzy (orange tabby), Hattie ( blue maine coon), Bush (sphinx) and Pinkie (british shorthair)
Steve and Eddie fought over which last name to go by when they got married. When they chose to hyphenate their last name to be Harrington-Munson and when their friends asked why Steve smiled & said 'all stories should end on a good soft note. And the Munson's have given me my best and sweetest ending.' Wayne & Eddie cried..they both blamed it on allergies
Steve's parents try to come back into his life after Eddie becomes famous. But it doesn't work bc Steve already has his family. He has Eddie & Wayne, the Hopper-Byres, the Henderson's, the Sinclair's & the Wheeler's.
Steve and Eddie both learn how to braid hair for the Sinclair's bc the nearest place is almost an hour and half trip away. And its easier for them to go & learn bc Erica HATES people she doesn't know touching her hair and while her mom can do it, she works full time & it helps to take some of the load off.
Eddie and Steve eventually adopt 3 older kids and 3 middle aged kids who are harder to get adopted. They make sure before they do, to have a good support system in place, have gone to therapy, and learn ways to help. Their kids are diverse in culture but they try their best to help their kids stay connected to them.
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Eddie speaking Spanish my most most beloved
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lovely-vermin · 1 year
Matteo Beloved!
Species: boogeyman
Relationship status:Taken by Howdy but he sorta falls in love with everyone he meets(A tiny bit I mean he falls in love with their hands or eyes or hair or their voice! He never really falls in love with anyone other then Howdy.)
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Info:the towns radio host is the boogie man! Funny ain’t it? Matteo means no harm and actually very sleepy but has a lot of energy so he often does a lot of stuff to get it out. He lives in his radio station as it just makes him feel super comfortable and also it’s like one of those shops that have an apartment above but the neighbors just think it’s an attic. No one has really seen his eyes(I can’t draw his eyes and refuses to do so) expect Eddie…it was an accident as Matteo had his bangs pinned up to look for something he couldn’t find and Eddie came with his mail to only see Matteo’s eyes,they don’t talk about it other then Eddie making comments that their pretty. Matteo will randomly speak Spanish when he’s super excited or pissed off(I’m learning Spanish for my family so if he speaks in Spanish it’s often Google translate as I’m still learning!). Matteo wears dark clothes compared to the others because he usually is in the dark and likes to blend in. His hands have toe beans as he’s sorta an animal in a way. His stars glow in dark areas making him suck at hide and seek if he doesn’t wear long clothes!
Voice claim:Clawd Wolf & Deuce Gorgon(I cannot chose!)
Sexuality:Pansexual,Demiromantic,and asexual
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buckttommy · 3 years
i'm pretty sure buck knows more spanish than eddie. this isn't really based on anything in canon but i just love the idea of buck, like, stubbing his toe or something and swearing rather viciously in spanish (bc he lived in peru, duh) and the rest of the firefam turning to eddie like "what did he say" and eddie's just looking at them like 👁️👄👁️
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let’s talk about 9-1-1 buddie headcanons:
- eddie gets rid of his truck. christopher is getting older and wants more independence so he gets something with better clearance. and I’ve decided that something is a dodge durango. eddie is actually really into it. can’t stop talking about the fold down seats and towing capabilities. buck teases him and calls it his soccer mom van. then immediately starts researching CP-friendly soccer leagues for chris.
- buck strikes me as a podcast kinda guy. I feel like a lot of his random facts probably start with information learned via podcast and then researched separately on google or wikipedia. 
- luddite eddie my beloved. but not like luddite luddite. eddie’s a millennial so I see him as okay with all the 20th century technology he grew up with and just not all the newfangled smart home/internet gaming stuff. 
- abuela gives eddie an old turntable and a box of records and he falls in love with it. likes to play spanish love songs while cleaning on the weekends.
- eddie breaks up with ana. he does it quietly and cordially a couple weeks after the sniper incident.
- buck and taylor date for a little while but never really take off. and it’s super important that it’s buck who makes the decision to break up. they both have very busy lives and different priorities. and taylor acknowledges she probably shouldn’t have kissed him in the first place. she just hated to see buck so broken and wanted to comfort him. they decide they are better as friends.
- bosko and eddie friendship rights! eddie actually apologizes to her and they become gym buddies. lena stops going to the junkyard fights and finds an MMA gym that she’ll take eddie to. during the pandemic they somehow find themselves doing socially distanced tai-chi in the park. they keep it up once the gyms reopen.
- side note: lena does in fact get a cat. he’s a huge floofy maine coon named sarge who absolutely adores eddie. rubs his head all over him and immediately worms his way into his lap when eddie visits. he hisses at buck tho and lena finds it endlessly hilarious.
- demisexual eddie! I like the idea of lena no-nonsense asking eddie if he’s ace one day and eddie just having an internal panic attack but not being able to figure out why. karen gently brings it up few months later and he’s just deny deny deny. then he overhears david telling michael that he gives off ace vibes and that’s the last straw. so eddie pulls a full buck and starts researching just to prove everyone wrong. except it’s like a lightbulb clicks on and yeah. maybe there’s something to this.
- eddie and karen have a book club every other week. usually novellas or a short story collection. queer theory and literary fiction. the occasional poetry book. at some point they invite david to join them. they also have a not-so-secret romance novel exchange because they are big saps.
- eddie is also a sucker for a really good cup of black coffee. has a favorite hole-in-the-wall cafe where he buys beans in bulk. buck calls it his diesel fuel drink and grimaces at the taste. he prefers simple oatmilk latte from the place near the station. and yet buck always seems to know what days eddie will be running late and rushing to work and has a cup from said hole-in-the-wall coffee waiting. despite it not being on buck’s route. 
- christopher loves buck’s loft. buck keeps a stash of toys and coloring books in his coffee table trunk for when he visits. chris sees the stairs as a fun challenge and will often ask to go up and sit on buck’s bed to watch the city. or sit on the patio while buck bbq’s dinner for the three of them. he thinks it’s the coolest house ever.
- buck actually rides his bike. it’s not just for show. especially after the pandemic hit. he likes to go out in the mornings. drives to a nearby trail on his days off and enjoys the scenery while the sun comes up. sometimes eddie and chris meet him there after his ride and they have a breakfast picnic.
- the diaz-buckley-han’s share one netflix account. it’s technically buck’s in that he pays for it, but when maddie moved to LA he set her up with her own profile. then logged into his account at eddie’s one day and never logged out. renamed the profile buck & eddie after he setup a kid’s profile specifically for chris. then after learning about maddie and chim’s not-dating buff-fridays, buck put both their names on her profile as a prank. and then it just stayed that way. jee-yun even has a profile despite being a literal infant that doesn’t watch tv. maddie cried when she saw it.
- buck takes the legal guardianship thing very seriously. he’s already really involved in essentially co-parenting chris but he starts getting really nervous about asking invasive questions about chris’ medical history. so eddie sits him down with chris and the three of them talk about it. eddie very specifically asks chris if he’s okay with sharing that kind of info with buck. because even tho christopher’s a kid eddie always wants him to have a say in his own health decisions. then he has a more in-depth convo with just buck about insurance and bills and doctor’s visits. makes sure buck has access to all of it. 
- chris played secret matchmaker. went to his old friend santa claus and asked if buck would stay forever. santa came thru, as always.
- also carla knows. buck starts spending more nights at the diaz house and one morning she lets herself in and sees buck coming out of eddie’s room in just a pair of sweatpants. she gives him a coy eyebrow raise and buck blushes. then she just laughs, pats his cheek affectionately, and says your secret’s safe with me buckaroo. when a bleary-eyed eddie wanders out a half hour later she pushes a cup of coffee into his hands, waits a few moments, looks eddie dead in the eyes, and points at buck. I see you took my advice. eddie chokes on his coffee.
- speaking of carla she is family. she and her husband are regular guests at the 118 get-togethers, holidays at the firehouse, and family meals. she occasionally takes on other clients, but she’s mostly exclusive to the diazes these days. esp as christopher gets older and wants more independence. she’s been around since he was 7 and he’s comfortable with her. she stays his home heath care aide until she retires. then she personally vets a new one. because not just anyone will do for her boy. they throw her a huge retirement party.
- gonna jump into the future because christopher absolutely names his daughter carla shannon buckley-diaz. there isn’t a dry eye in the house.
- and I don’t actually see chris calling buck pops or anything. he’s just his buck. tho I can see eddie asking christopher if he wants to hyphenate his last name when buck officially adopts him. buck’s his hero so chris is 100% onboard. 
- buck and eddie don’t have more kids. eddie never wanted more and buck is surrounded by the ever-expanding horde of firefam kids. they love their little trio.
- also eddie is hilariously terrible with other kids. he just. doesn’t know how to talk to them. he’s literally the best father ever with christopher, but any other kid and he’s all awkward hello small human. it’s also the reason the team sends buck to handle kid rescues. he knows how to speak to kids and they light up around his sunshine energy. but then there are certain kids who just glom onto eddie. usually the quiet ones. they find something about his calm dad presence very soothing so they just cling to him until buck can coax them around. 
- I do not see the buckley-diazes getting a pet. buck and eddie work long shifts and it’s not fair to put that kind of extra responsibility on carla when her job is to care for chris. however, as chris gets older he does get a mobility service dog to help with counterbalance. she’s a golden retriever named stella and she’s a very good girl. 
- buck proposes by accident. they’re at the park with christopher and marriage just sorta comes up during one of his infodumps. eddie is eating his sandwich, nodding along, and just casually says of course I want to marry you. buck stops talking. christopher giggles. eddie panics. but when he looks at buck he’s all puppy-eyed and hopeful. you do? eddie nods. chris chimes in with a stage whispered ask properly buck and say yes dad. so they do.
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unintentionalgenius · 3 years
ok @ongreenergrasses tagged me to do this and that's how I know we're made for each other bc tagging me in things is my love language
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 20, but 13 of those shouldn't count because they're Sherlock and I am not that person anymore
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? ok I had hopes that there was some way to do this besides doing, you know, math. but. it's 169,674
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?  shockingly, #1 is Death and John Watson; or, Five Times John Watson Met Death and the One Time He Died at 615 kudos. If you'd asked me what was going to top this list I never in a million years would have said this one. I might have to re-read this now.
What I would have said actually comes in at #2, the (almost complete, dear g-d I'm so close) Come then, and be broken at 376 kudos.
#3 my beloved, my eldest daughter of a fic, Put Away Childish Things at 223.
#4 is astoundingly another Sherlock fic, this one creatively titled Five Times John Woke Up to Sherlock and One Time He Didn't (it's not bullying if it's past me I'm making fun of, right?).
#5 is a tie, with 60 kudos each, but they're part of the same series: A Great Man and Something Like Beginning, from my Sherlock kidfic (and incidentally how i met Hayls in the first place!).
I'm really committed to preserving my ~journey~ as a writer, but the outsized prevalence of Sherlock fic on my profile is making me question that decision. I feel like it's false advertising for who I am as a person now. 😅
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to! It might not be in a timely fashion, and honestly sometimes I feel weird about it, but I do go through and answer a few at a time when I have a few minutes.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? I refuse to re-read the Sherlock fic just to confirm, but I think Childish Things wins by a landslide anyway. Fic where John or Sherlock died was a dime a dozen back in the day whereas "[a genderswapped] stiles helps peter kill her best friend" is still a very particular, unique twist of the knife.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? this is probably going to be that Sherlock kidfic verse!
7. Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written? I absolutely do not write crossovers. No offense to anyone who does, but I simply do not understand the appeal.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? It was less about the fic and more about the fact that I pointed out 911 has some copaganda elements via a fic's tags, but yes.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind? I now, as of literally the most recent chapter of the most recent work I posted, have to admit that I do technically write smut. It's super cerebral, feely smut, but you do read two people having sex, so like. guilty.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I don't think I have written any fics worth stealing but if it's happened I don't know about it
11. Have you ever had a fic translated? nope!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? nope! I have co-written things in Real Life and I honestly don't think I have anyone that I would want to write fic with like that. HOWEVER I do have a beloved sounding board in @ragequilt
13. What’s your all time favorite ship? i literally cannot answer this, there is no way I can say decisively
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? I had this fic from when the first of the new star wars movies came out where everyone thinks poe is dead, so finn has to become a person on his own, essentially, rather than being taught/hand-held by poe which I felt like I was seeing a lot in fic. The whole thing was epistolary, a diary that finn's therapist had him start keeping, which he then started writing to Poe. That's pretty firmly abandoned at this point, but it still haunts me and I wish I had finished it.
15. What are your writing strengths? Hayls once told me I'm really good at dialogue, and I actually think that's true. I'm also pretty good at atmosphere, I think, though no one has ever said exactly that. I do think I'm good at characterization, and that for me is really tied to how I do dialogue. I would honestly accept any commentary anyone wants to offer on the subject, though
16. What are your writing weaknesses? PLOT. not like, emotional arcs or a character's journey or whatever but. the ticky little nuts and bolts of how we get from a to z, especially when it requires a tight plot of external action. I always think about myself as (to quote @ragequilt here) someone who writes hurt/comfort, not casefic, and this is why. I'm rarely interested in writing the finer details of a mystery or an extravagant plot full of courtly intrigue. I'm probably bad at other things, too, but this is the one that stands out like a glaring neon sign to me.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I think in almost every case it's not necessary UNLESS it's being done for effect - that is, if I intentionally want the reader not to know what's said. Otherwise, I'm just going to put the switch to french/spanish/hebrew/arabic/mandarin in the narration. One exception to this for me, which is really just a sub-clause under the "only for effect" rule, is when I'm writing canonically bilingual characters who would employ words or phrases in both their languages in the same sentence. Some of this is characterization - Eddie Diaz speaks Spanish or Spanglish around his family; someone writing me wouldn't be writing me properly if they didn't write the Hebrew/Yiddish/English patois that I speak in Jewish spaces. I don't want my writing to read like the over-translated subtitles you sometimes see where loan words are translated, thereby rendering the subtitles actually less intelligible. It's a delicate balance and I wouldn't guarantee I get it write all the time, especially when it comes to not othering a character I'm writing. (also @ hayls I am one of those people who always/almost always says Hashem instead of g-d 😂 for me it's a way of making sure people don't think I'm talking about Christian God™️) You will notice, though, that I do have a tipping point implicitly delineated here - if someone is speaking another language for whole sentences, I'm just going to put that in the narration; single words or phrases will be written as spoken.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Sherlock (womp womp)
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to? I've never written Destiel fic, and while at this point you might be wondering what on earth there is left to say via fic about that pairing, I have a lil thing bubbling around in my brain about bodily autonomy vs. trauma vs. helping someone not suffer from their trauma while violating whatever the brain equivalent is of bodily autonomy.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? whyyyy would you ask someone this, it's like asking someone to pick a favorite child. the answer will change tomorrow, but right now I think it's the still-WIP sequel to Childish Things, A Twisted Thing Cannot Be Made Straight. It's got fun witchy!Stiles, buckets of angst but also lots of fun pack shenanigans in flashbacks, lots of me working out my own feelings about childbirth and raising children, ambiguous relationships, belated grappling with trauma, and also a satisfyingly bloody climax. There are some scenes there that still give me chills to read, and I wrote them.
@ragequilt I want to see yours!
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ss-trashboat · 2 years
i'll just put a read more here cause i'm sure it'll get long, but lemme ramble for good brain energy lol
⭐️ Male Superstar
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current token of my affection, sunshine boi karl. karl can never let me down lol. but for real like. he never ceases to put a smile on my face. his energy is so infection, he's so good in the ring, and, i mean, look at him he's a babe
🌟Female Superstars
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i love me some champ champ. she's one of the reasons i tune in to impact (among many others) and she's just. so fucking good man. she can punch me in the face and i will gladly thank her
⚡️Wrestling Move
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spanish fly bay bay. yes i specifically looked for one with will doing it. but it's one of the few moves that always make my heart do the flutter it's so pretty
💢 Heel Turn
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i'm going with the first i can think of that actually sent me for a fucking loop, and that was eddie's turn at no surrender. cause damn i did not see that coming, and the roh bois are back together and that makes me happy
⭕️Face Turn
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i spent so long trying to think of one and fucking duh. this. fucking. moment. i screamed so loud just fuck yeah wardlow
🔶Tag Team/Faction
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my beloved supportive besties who beat the shit out of people. i'm so so happy to see them back together like my heart is so happy i cried when i heard their music again
there are so many i like and there are no gifs for any of them jfc. i'll go with tay's "hi friends" because that has ended up in my every day speak so thanks tay lol
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okay there's a lot but for this answer: fucking hook man. unphased teen who woke up, beat the shit out of someone, grabbed his chippies, and left. i live for it
🎩Ring Gear
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i've really been loving allie/bunny's lately, tho i just love her overall look so much.
wrestling asks ~
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