#Sorta DND Adventure
1stunseeliefaelass · 11 months
Video Game DnD Adventure
(This is an idea sprung up randomly where in I had to wonder what may happen if certain video game characters existed in DnD. Not in an isekai way, but as if they were from Faerun or other places in the DnD universe. Featuring Death from the Darksiders series, Nikki from Love Nikki, Kain & Raziel from the Legacy of Kain series, & Alice from the American McGee's Alice franchise. Bare in mind this is a slight DnD interpretation of them. So not everything will be spot on but I will certainly do my best, course some light headcanon may be mixed in as well, you've been warned. If you want more of this do let me know. For now I'm just doing an introduction for funsies. Hope you all enjoy.)
Within Faerun, a lot of dangerous creatures exist. Some are more vicious than a demon. Others are extremely, dangerously intelligent. Some will simply eat you, others kill you, or worse. Death has seen it all, having grown a vast reputation for his capabilities in the slaying of beasts alongside his siblings. Leading them into victory on numerous occasions in the name of their mysterious masters. Rarely when not in service to them however, he takes on other work to pay the bills and all. Normally he'd bring his siblings if he felt is was needed, but this time he was asked to come alone. This much he reread many times on the parchment he'd been given. First asking the local curior of where he'd chosen to live if he had the right place and person. Upon being assured that yes everything was in order, he took it inside. He still struggled to believe what he ultimately saw in the writing. Aside from being told to come alone, he was only given a location and a payment amount.
"This doesn't seem right.", He began to say to himself, "Sure the pay is good, and I don't mind a lone job now and then. But normally I am given at least some details. This seems suspicious, maybe I shouldn't..."
Suddenly he heard a knock on his door, and opened it suspecting the curior to have returned. He was not expecting too much beyond there to have been a mistake as he thought.
"H-hello..*pant*..again..*cough*..sir.", the lad told him in a wheeze.
"Let me guess, mistake after all then?"
"Oh no...it's not that. I just...*huff* *cough*...missed this.", He replied before handing off a long and thin box.
Death took it and handed the young lad a flask, "Eh thank you. Here, for the road. And do try to take it easy."
"Oh thanks sir, and will do. *cough cough* Good day."
"Good day."
Death then shut the door behind him and opened the package to find a board and ouija planchette. He panicked at first and hurried about for something to burn it with, and in. Then something caught his attention, a strange whispering coming from the board. He froze and tried ignoring whilst continuing to search, but eventually the draw on him was too strong and so he went back up to it. Cautiously he touched the planchette upon its surface, and moved it slowly across the board. He only grew more nervous as nothing happened before finally feeling a presence.
He about moved the planchette to goodbye, until he heard a man's voice tell him, "Wait...through this method...you among many were chosen...Search among the ashes."
At a glance, he finally noticed the ash on it obscuring some oval shapes. Carefully he brushed it away and saw an image of himself, and three others that somehow were not burnt. There was also a few burn spots with outlines of where some images seemed to have been.
"I consulted the spirits...seeking gifted individuals...some like you...others not. You and the others have been chosen...So I implore you...come to the noted location..."
"Well, I would be angrier about a spirit invading my home this way but...", Death started to say.
"I am no spirit myself...just a medium like you sir."
Death narrowed his eyes a bit, "And a capable one at that. Especially to get passed my wards unnoticed by me until now. However, I would know what I'm needed for first. So tell me."
"Trapped souls need your help..."
"That's it? That's all you're giving me? Why should I even agree to this?"
"You'll learn more on your own...as is wished for."
Death groaned in annoyance, "Ugh fine then, I'll help you. Now would you kindly leave my home?"
Upon his asking, the presence faded away. He stood for a moment in silence before breathing a sigh of relief. He then took a moment to glance at the board again, taking a closer look at the other unburnt portraits. One was of a young looking girl with a flowery dress, rather unassuming. Another was of a man who looked a bit 'demonic?' 'draconic?', strange indeed but definitely someone capable in some way. The third was a black haired, green eyed girl. She appeared to be the polar opposite of the other girl, but aside from a bloodied blue and white dress with a knife in hand, she looked only somewhat harmless. Well to himself at the very least. Regardless he prepared a sack of his things to bring, the usual odds and ends of dealing with restless or trapped dead, and headed out. The board disappearing just as he walked out his door.
Meanwhile, Kain was met with a similar package. Finding it haphazardly left on his doorstep, clearly the deliverer was in a hurry to leave. He chuckled before bringing it inside, out of a morbid curiosity. The Soul Reaver lightly resonated as he placed it down, somewhat concerning him. He used his necromancy to reach out to the Reaver, to Raziel. Vaguely, he could sense Raziel feeling cautious about the box.
"You're not the only one Raziel, believe me you resonating with it's arrival is indeed strange to me.", Kain responded simply, not expecting to hear any in return.
Kain then opened the box and found a strange ashen board with a planchette. He was unsure of what it was initially, but seeing a portrait of himself and three others among the ash did pique some interest. The first image was a young girl who didn't seem to be a threat, but his experiences had taught him to avoid underestimations. 'I'll reserve my judgements, for now.' The other contained an image of a heavy set man in a skull like mask. 'Now this one looks unsavory, however so do I. So again I'll be careful in my judgments.' The final he glanced at was a girl no older than previous one. This one however, struck him as someone oddly powerful. Her piercing emerald eyes exuded confidence despite the innocent blue and white dress she wore, as bloodied as it was. Even with such a small blade in hand, Kain could tell she was competent with it. 'A competent warrior is often a great one indeed. Rare to see such tainted innocence incarnate. Then again, I suppose I'm one to talk aren't I?'
Kain then huffed under his breath, "What do you think Raziel?"
Once again, nothing was heard. Instead he got a stronger feeling of caution, but yet also curiosity from the blade as well.
"Your curiosity may just be the end of me one of these days. Although, it is rare to see you react to anything like this. So I suppose we can look further into it.", Kain then searched the box again before finding a simple note. On it was a location and a request to come alone, "Huh, well I can't imagine me bringing you would count against me really. You're not exactly...living, so surely not."
Kain felt a brief annoyance that faded as quickly as it came, getting a chuckle from him. Suddenly, a group of new feelings went through Kain's mind one after the other. First there was a sudden twinge of anger mixed with disbelief, then passive aggression, apprehension, caution again, and finally settling down into an acceptance of sorts. Next Kain caught very brief sight of a humanoid shade roaming around his halls. His hand palmed the Reaver as he watched it keenly. It stopped at the board before picking up a quill nearby, and with a dip of ink began writing upon some spare parchment on the table the board now laid upon. Kain settled a bit as the shade suddenly disappeared and glanced upon its writings.
"'You may bring him.', How curious. Is that what was going on then? A discussion between you and...whatever it was that entered here?"
A feeling of affirmation, and Kain simply nodded in understanding. He needed nothing from his home, save the location he needed to reach, and so left with only himself and the Reaver on his back.
Elsewhere, Nikki got home from a day out with friends. Her anthropomorphic cat and friend Momo was complaining as per usual for food. His stubby body hopping about in impatience until he had to adjust his yolk yellow cloak. Nikki giggled softly through the moment, and began searching her pantry and icebox for fish. Eventually finding just that and going outside to grill it. Nikki soon returned inside and placed the plated grilled fish down for Momo before returning to kitchen to make her own meal. Then she heard a simple knock at her door as Momo struggled to hop into his seat. She then opened it to find a young delivery man at the door.
"Hello, is this for me?", she asked him warmly.
"Uh uhm yes ma'am. I only know that it was apparently urgent. You also have other mail. Looks like more letters."
Nikki's eyes lit up, "Must be Mom, and a few others heheh. Thank you, and have a nice day."
"Uh you too.", the boy said before walking away awkwardly.
Nikki smiled before walking inside with her mail. Momo listened intently as she read out the sweet letter of her Mom and the fun filled adventures her sister wrote about. She then finally made herself a meal, and began eating as Momo began inspecting the package. His fish near finished on the plate in front of him.
"Hey Nikki, you forgot one. Did your Mom send it? Is it grilled fish? I'll bet it's grilled fish."
"I don't know Momo. Let's finish eating first ok?", she told him simply.
Momo agreed and sat down beside the package, watching it closely with curiosity. Eventually as Nikki began to put her dishes away, Momo suddenly yelped out. Nikki rushed over to find Momo up his cat tree and the package opened. Sighing softly she walked over to inspect it before finding what scared Momo. An ash covered board with a few pictures on it, including her own. It was kind of creepy, but not as much as the fact that the board looked burnt and yet four of the pictures were somehow untouched. One looked like a girl about her age, with a darker color palette than her. She did like the white and blue dress she wore though, but the blood and knife did seem offputting. She did have to admit though, the woman had some things Nikki struggled to keep hold of. 'I wish I had her confidence, she looks so strong too.' The other two images also held the same confidence and strength of the woman. Two men who looked vastly different from any man she'd seen, even those seemingly among the divine of Miraland. Nikki found them scarier than the woman though. Especially the one who looked like some sort of demon, even if the other's face was hidden by a bone mask. She took the board from the box anyway, and placed it on her table. Ultimately wanting to learn more about what was going on with it.
"Nikki are you crazy?! That thing is just creepy!"
"I know, but this isn't our first time dealing with creepy things."
"We got lucky in Miraland, who knows where THIS might take us!", Momo retorted, stamping his foot.
Nikki sighed again before just touching the board. She felt a sense of urgency come over her, then quickly rushed to the box. Inside was a note with a location on it and request to come alone. From here she felt like something or someone was pleading. She touched the planchette the board came with next and then found herself witnessing the past from what she could tell.
Within the vision was a message to her from a strange man, "Hello Nikki, my name is Balthazar Gabriel. If you're seeing this, then you've recieved the board. I know it must look very concerning, but I've heard quite a lot about you. I must say I'm most impressed with your immense capacity for empathy. The fact you could reach your friend past the clutches of an angered goddess is an incredible feat. Not to mention how quickly you can form bonds with others and your talents in psychometry to better understand those whose designs you wore in Miraland. With these qualities, I believe you'd make a perfect addition to the team. These three may seem intimidating and certainly have their dark sides, but I have no doubt you'll be able to keep things civil. I would tell you more on them, but they both prefer their respective privacy, so I'll leave it to you to learn about them in time. That said, go to the location on the note and all will come to be revealed there. I must also ask you come on your own, as your beloved cat companion Momo would likely not be able to handle what I'm asking of you."
Nikki held her hand to her chest at this before suddenly feeling a sharp pain in her legs. Looking down she sees Momo scratching her and that she's back at home, or rather she never left it. Luckily her leggings took the brunt of Momo's claws and her legs themselves didn't hardly get all that hurt.
"Give back Nikki! Give back Nikki!"
"Ah! Oh Nikki!", Momo shouts before immediately hugging her, "I'm so sorry! You suddenly went all ghost-like and I could hear a man talking to you. I couldn't do anything! I just wanted you back."
Nikki picks Momo up and hugs him tightly before sitting down on the couch with him. After a bit of comforting he settles down enough for Nikki to explain herself and what happened. Momo is upset about her leaving but agrees he's had his fair share of scary stuff. Home is much safer than that after all. Nikki then calls upon some friends to watch over Momo until she can come home. Upon getting their promises she changes into a more suitable outfit for the trip and heads on her way.
Alice luckily had little incidents after her initial introspective trip in the opera house. Continuing her work there in the backrooms of the backstage area for money. Managing to survive well enough most days. Even using her newfound capabilities to aid those around her. The actors and actresses often being able to release their stress easily with her help somehow. Unfortunately as the show season died down she was forced to consider other options to earn extra money. Sure she still had a job, just wasn't needed as often and her pay reflected that. This day however, one such opportunity finally presented itself. A small package came to the Royal Opera House with her name on it. Upon recieving it, Alice found herself examining it cautiously.
"Another strange package. Wonder if it's the same sender who gave me the portrait of my family whilst I was at Bumby's?", She mused before outstretching a curious hand.
An all too familiar voice soon made itself known, "Curiosity does usually kill the cat you know. Or rather in your case, leads down deep rabbit holes."
"Come to visit again Cheshire?", Alice inquired with a quiet sigh.
To which he chuckled out, "How does one visit that which they cannot leave?"
"Typical. Though I am guessing I have good reason to be cautious if you've shown yourself?"
Cheshire's ears cocked to and fro, "It would do you well, hmhmhm but where's the fun in that? After all your curiosity often brings you to your best self.", ending off the spiel with his usual sly, wide smirk.
Alice simply nodded at this and opened the parcel before her. Inside she found a strange board with lines of ash laid on it. Alongside four photographs somehow untouched by the flames that once burned. Though it also appeared other photos had been burnt completely. Looking at the anomaly more closely, she recognized an old photo of herself from a newspaper. Her eyes narrowed a brief moment before they glanced towards the others. One held the image of a girl no older than herself by the look of it, though her color palette seemed more pastel and frilly like than hers. An otherwise 'normal' girl, also unlike herself. As for the other two images, she couldn't help but question their authenticity. Both were men by what she could tell, yet looked like Wonderland residents to her to a degree. One having a draconic air to him, with only three fingers or perhaps claws on each hand. The other looking particularly odd with a bone mask hiding his face, and eyes like fire that seemed to stare through her. She took the board up to place it on the table the parcel was on, and next found a planchette waiting inside. With a brief glance to Cheshire, she kept going into this latest rabbit hole. Placing the planchette upon the board, to no real fanfare. She turned around to look at Cheshire again before realizing the room around her had shifted. Instead of a storage room with a table, she was greeted by a study like space. Bookshelves aligning the walls, a strange device with a large globe at the center, and in front of it was a man. As he turned to face her, Alice went for the Vorpal Blade, knowing it'd be at her side.
"Do not worry Ms. Liddel, I mean no harm by triggering your abilities."
Her eyes narrowed at him, "It's one thing to do it myself, it's another to be controlled. Tell me who you are, right now."
"I am Balthazar Gabriel, and you are now within my Wonderland, so to speak."
"Why bring me here? You don't seem in need of much help, compared to others that is."
He only smiled warmly, "You are correct, Ms. Liddel. However, there are others in need that your abilities could help save. Trapped souls lost in limbos of their own making. You've saved yourself and do the same for others. I can promise you as well that you'll be well compensated for your time."
"Suppose I agree, how am I to find you?", Alice questioned whilst slowly lowering her guard.
"For that answer, look inside the parcel once more."
She did as he directed, and found a train ticket waiting for her, alongside a map with a circled location and trail leading to it, "Oddly convenient, but generous of you nonetheless."
"If there's anything that makes the trip easier, I'll ensure you recieve it promptly. I hope to see you soon. Do give the others my regards if you'd please as well."
With that he and the scene before her faded away before Alice shut her eyes instinctively. Upon their reopening, she was back in the storage room. Still grasping the ticket she'd been given, though the parcel and board were now unaccounted for. She couldn't be sure of their whereabouts, but chose not to question it for now. Instead she decided to look into this mystery after all. Waiting until her latest shift ended before informing her employer that she'd be away for a time. He surprisingly accepted this, stating he'd recieved a letter telling him that she was required and that he'd be paid for the troubles of being without her. Alice was unsurprised, suspecting this Mr. Gabriel to be behind it. Taking it as is before finally taking her things and heading off to see to this latest job opportunity.
Kain was the first to arrive, and began to wait patiently for the others to come. At first the place was a barren spot for a time. But had some places to hide during the day. Kain had nothing to fear from daylight unlike most of his kin, but being seen was a different story entirely. Better to avoid unneeded conflict with random strangers unrelated to this task. Unless he needed to feed that is. Eventually though, the barren spot was caught up in a strange dust devil like storm before a massive house materialized there. Kain though caught off guard initially, felt Raziel reacting within the Soul Reaver once again.
Suddenly he heard that long since lost voice, "Kain?"
"Raziel?", Kain asked a bit shocked before speaking up again, "How can this be? After all this time?"
"I am as confused as you are. But this is not an unwelcome thing really. It's...nice. Being heard again."
Kain responded in solidarity, "It's nice to be hearing you again. Been far too long Raziel."
"Indeed it has. Someone's headed over, be on guard."
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martineisling · 8 months
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I’ve been wanting to draw these guys together for the past 3 years
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adaine-abernantt · 10 months
I’m playing in a high level campaign for the first time and I got to try for Divine Intervention for the first time last session and it FRICKIN WORKED!!! We’re level 15 and I rolled a 12 and lost my absolute freakin mind.
And then later I rolled a nat 20 persuasion check in an interrogation type deal (real good for my +0 CHA lol)
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vivianquill · 5 months
there's another ranchers/zits/giggs au story concept in my head i've been playing with, so let's-- just call this a demo.
Feel free to send asks or just give general feedback, not only will it help me to flesh out the au more, it'll also give me more ideas on where to go. I've seen similar aus out there, but nothing quite like this one-- or having all the same concepts as this one. If people like it, I might turn it into an actual longfic. but i tend to run out of steam on my longfics (mostly due to a lack of interaction tbh. if no one else is excited about my au, then it's not worth pursuing, right? but that's my problem and something I have to work through myself, not something for anyone else to fix)
This is a thing.
The moment Jimmy laid eyes on Tango, he knew something was-- off-- about him.
They'd met him in a tavern, in the small town that lay below the abandoned Deepfrost Citadel. Jimmy's adventuring troupe had been commissioned with finding an artifact in the Citadel, and bringing it back to its rightful owner. The bounty offered would be enough to pay off the troupe's debts and much much more. When they'd asked around for any sort of maps, or a guide, the tavern keeper had pointed them over to Tango.
"He's the only one to have ever made it out of that cursed place alive." The dwarf had told them, pointing to where their future guide was sitting in the corner, "If you want a guide, he's the only one who can."
Jimmy's sense for danger had shivered up his spine and stolen his breath the moment he looked over. But-- no one in his troupe paid any attention to him anyway.
Besides, the negotiations had gone well, Tango seemed amical enough, and no one else seemed to have a problem with him. It was only Jimmy, and his overzealous avian anxiety. They would pay Tango half his fee up front, and half when they got back to the village safely.
It took them half a week to get up to the Citadel, and that was with the help and knowledge of Tango as their guide. Jimmy kept him at arms' length, not quite knowing why but deciding to trust his gut on this one. Tango was dangerous, in a way that he couldn't figure out. He'd brought it up to the others in his troupe, but none of them believed him. They all loved Tango. He was clever, quick to laugh and even quicker to crack a joke, and ever so useful.
By the time they made it to the door of the Citadel, Tango had become an invaluable member of the troupe.
Tango disappeared that first night, spent barricaded in an outlying tower and hoping not to freeze to death. Jimmy had been on watch, and between one glance and the next, Tango hadn't been in his bedroll anymore.
But-- he'd been right back in the morning, acting like Jimmy didn't know what he was talking about.
It was the little things that kept setting Jimmy on edge. Tango knew a little too much about the Citadel, he'd found the 'hidden' door to the crypts too easily, had pushed the troupe to descend into the depths faster than was safe, not letting them scout it with a familiar like they normally would. He could pick the locks almost like he had a silent knock spell in his fingers, and somehow knew his way through the maze of icy caverns like the back of his hand.
And every night, after everyone was asleep, he disappeared. Jimmy was the only one who noticed. No one else believed him either, did they just-- not notice the empty bedroll when they were on watch?
When they finally believed him, it wasn't until Tango disappeared for good. One morning, he just-- didn't come back.
Then the monsters started appearing.
One thing lead to another as they pressed deeper and deeper into the dungeon under the Citadel, icy crypts full of wraiths and furry beasts morphing into wet caverns covered in mushrooms and a pirate ship complete with it's undead crew; leading down into black mines that had supposedly been blocked off by cave ins over a hundred years ago-- and before they knew it they'd lost a member of the troupe-- their healer-- and then they were tripping tail over teakettle into a maze so dark and cold that even those in the troupe with darkvision couldn't see.
It spat them out into a chamber not unlike the throne room found mirrored high above in the Deepfrost Citadel. It was full of gold and magic and things that would make any adventurer drool at the prospect of having them to keep.
Jimmy hadn't felt 'safe'-- not since he'd first met Tango in that tavern all those weeks ago-- but the sense of someone watching them stayed his hand.
The rest of the troupe had gotten busy, plundering everything in reach and searching for the artifact they'd been sent to collect.
But not Jimmy.
When asked why he wasn't stuffing his pockets with gold, he waved off the troupe with the excuse of keeping watch. After all, there were the monsters to contend with still--
Tango's giggle seemed to come from everywhere at once.
"Oh, you really should have listened to poor, sweet Jimmy when you had the chance~"
And suddenly Tango was there, on the throne in the center of the room, but instead of the blond, brown-eyed and rough-hewn guide they'd come to know and trust, it was a creature made of frost and shadows.
Jimmy's heart dropped out his stomach.
Oh, they were dead.
Scratch that. Apparently everyone but Jimmy was dead.
Not like that was much better.
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raspberry-arev · 7 months
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the parents of my newest wizard, Benny. their names are Behati and Ormrod, they're a little tough but ultimately loving. (I figured I could play someone with ok parents for once)
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I still want to draw Benny's siblings as well. fun character design practice since uh. Behati and Ormrod had 11 kids total
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ds-os-art · 2 months
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Here's a glorious sketch of Elren, an air genasi I made for a campaign that never actually got going.
I adore him.
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ashmcgivern · 1 year
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Oh hello friends I've been busy. Also tired, but busy working on something I'm very excited about.
I wrote a level 20 Greatwyrm slaying adventure, inspired by Fizban's Treasury of Dragons, and am currently play testing the module. In order to run the adventure you'll need access to the PHB, MM, and FtoD, but the mod itself is going to be free. When done, it'll include somewhere between 6-10 custom drawn maps, about 25 custom drawn tokens, 3 NPCs built with personalities and stat blocks, and a pdf with everything you'd need to run this adventure.
It's built so it can be run as a oneshot or a 6-session adventure, you choose! Each part of the adventure is modular, so you can either swap in and out what you/your players have time for, or play the whole thing. And like I said, it'll be 100% free, I'll be putting in on KoFi or something similar to distribute it but I won't charge a cent for it.
So that's where I've been, and why it's been a hot minute since I've uploaded any art. This has been a project about a year in the making, as I've had time between my day job to pick at it. I'm not sure EXACTLY when it'll be ready for release, but it should be ready before the years end.
The working titles for this adventure are "Slaying Adatok" and "The Paragon of Shatterpeak," not sure which one I'll go with if either of them, but expect to see more as time goes on and as I get through my playtesting rounds!
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istadris · 1 year
Why I love playing D&D, Wildemount party edition :
“Three minutes in and you’re already trying to rob an poor old granny” “It’s a matter of principle”
(She’s actually pulling the “my granny left me these jewels after she died and now I have debts to pay and I have nothing  sob story")
“It’s like a happy meal but you get to eat later”
“[Druide] croit que l’argent pousse dans les arbres en fait”
“Non, mais il sait que si tu tues des gens tu obtiens de l’argent, il a observé la corrélation “
“En fait c’est comme une machine à sous : tu plantes, tu tires vers le bas...”
OOC : “ I’m noting that Cleric is grabbing Druid’s tail". Cue every innuendo under the sun.
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blujaydoodles · 2 years
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@opportunity-strikes​ HI HELLO I’m gonna answer this heeere because I just realized I did a couple of sketches of them way back but never posted them aaahah
Indigo "Skylights" Asterix Pollux Kosjisk Ankabut Fatespinner is my pirate!! Quite awhile back one of my friends mentioned the idea of an all-gnome pirate crew whose ship’s name is comprised of the names of all the ships they’ve successfully raided and/or destroyed, and long story short it ended up being a one-shot and hopefully an ongoing series of one-shots :D
Indigo is the ship’s navigator and lookout; they’re a circle of stars druid, and their star map is a gold false eye etched with constellations, with a Gem of Brightness core that can project the stars outward-- which is, not to brag, the coolest idea I’ve ever had about anything (it’s an admittedly low bar; I’m not a very creative Ideas Guy lmao)
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also their Archer starry form gives them a flintlock that shoots comets, and their Primal Savagery cantrip is flavored as a cutlass that’s formed from an extension of their starlight :D
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#dnd#dungeons and dragons#gnome#druid#character art#heroforge#imagine the treasure map from treasure planet. that's sorta how their eyeball is (they pop it out to do readings and stuff)#in starry form their eye is the only thing that remains solid and opaque and you can see the whole thing floating and shining#I never got an opportunity to blind someone with my eyeball when we played 😭 hopefully next time lol#I default to they/them because I personally prefer consistency but they use any pronouns and their gender is 'none for me thanks'#they're an astrology bitch and constantly saying things like 'the stars predict you're gonna see a bird today'#but they also have like you know... Actual Portents and stuff as class features but they straight-face all of it#so it's hard to tell when they're being serious about astrology and when they're bullshitting you#similarly if you ask what happened to their eye they'll give a different answer every time including 'this IS my real eye?'#also we've talked about doing rotating DMs for Pirate Gnomes but my friend who ran it first had us explore a mysterious ghost ship#which was extremely cool AND we managed to grab her nameplate off her before she sank forever into the depths HELL YEAH#their roll20 bio is just 1) the 'look at the sky-- it's not dark and black and without character' bit from the van gogh ep of doctor who#and 2) the bridge from weird al's 'that's your horoscope for today'#so that's The Vibe lmao#anyway they're cool I like em they've got a handful of features I didn't get to use that I'm excited about in a theoretical future adventure#altho I'd want to better dial in how to actually roleplay them lol their voice and manner of speech was all over the place :'D#my OCs#Indigo
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jewelartbyjewel · 1 year
If you send me an ask at all I’ll do at least 1 sketch of them
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critterbitter · 5 months
dear gosh I'm obsessed with how you draw the sillies. ingo and emmet are so perfectly characterised and i can't imagine them any other way. your dialogue is phenomenal. the Pokemon are so wonderfully realised characters too, litwick/lampent/chandelure sassy nightlight beloved (ft. lady sneasler), and the Big Eel Doggo 🤩 i love you draw the othere too, lint roller the archeops!!!! trubbish shenanigans! elesa and her menace pizza rat!
you so perfectly thread that line between goofy and genuinely heartfelt. the little scenes of emmet and his eel in the rain and other such shenanigans next to emmet's anxieties and impostor syndrome culminating in that beautiful gorgeous wonderful evolution. sassy lamp and the genuine care and devotion she has for her rice cracker bland tasting trainer. oughhhhhhh
also?? your comic composition and your expressions and your colours and all of that are so good too
they're so silly and they're also so real. literally you're one of my favourite submas creators WHERE DID YOU COME FROM (i am hit with a train and dragged further into the black hole)
fantastic. no notes. love what you're doing, and i'm thrilled to see what you do with them next!
best wishes - @doodlejoltik
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ah MAN thank you so much for the kind words and reblogs! The fact you catch so many little details I litter about my comics brings joy into my shriveled little human hands.
As for context, I came from the BOTW and dnd fandom from instagram! Art under cut!
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(I drew these guys. So much. Linktober 2021 was my first foray into comics. I am glad to say I've evolved since drawing submas in 2023.)
BOTW aside, Pokemon's always been a hyperfixation for me, but only creature design wise (except for the adventure mangas. I LOVED that pokemon manga.) Submas sorta hit me like a speeding train because it gave me the frame work for a sibling and found family dynamic, and a lot of this iteration of Ingo and Emmet's personalities are from my own experiences OR from the deep abyss where I keep my braincells. Anyways glad to ramble! Thank you so much for the kind words-- and I'm excited to see where the submas train rot takes us. Onto new tunnels! All aboard! Yippee!
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teecupangel · 2 months
Yes public answering is allowed.
Take your time, I know I am not the only one with asks.
Desmond Miles, Malik Al-Sayf, Kadar Al-Sayf, Altaïr ibn-La'Ahad, Leonardo Da Vinci and Ezio Auditore all playing Dungeons and Dragons pre canon (pre AC.) Desmond has no idea who his friends are cause he didn't pay attention to history lessons and drowned out his father after awhile of his bloodline importance speeches. Kadar is the Dungeon Master/Storyteller. Malik and Altaïr play Paladin and Cleric respectively. Ezio pretty much plays himself, charming flirt. Leonardo, plays powerful characters since he feels powerless often. His friends enjoy Desmond's company that when he goes missing they step up to find him. And Desmond's mind is blown after viewing Altaïr's memories that he figures out who the other two are.
Once again take your time.
What if Altaïr is in a forced sabbatical?
Maybe it’s similar to what happened in 1191 where Altaïr’s actions led to the death of someone. Maybe it’s because he deliberately got between their team and the Brotherhood under William Miles.
If you want to keep Clay alive, maybe he saved Clay and that led the Templars and the Assassins into almost recognizing him so they’re all lying low.
Altaïr being not allowed to leave the house is his punishment XD
Malik is an inch away from actually strangling the man with the lan cable for his computer because a bored Altaïr is an annoying one and Kadar took a part time job because he’s that bored.
Kadar met Desmond because his part time job is a delivery man for a specific brand of alcohol that Bad Weather keeps on stock.
Kadar recognized him immediately as William miles’ runaway son and befriended him because he’s curious.
Their friendship leads to Desmond admitting he’s curious about DnD but doesn’t have friends to play with. Kadar invites him because he has online friends that he actually plays DnD with (one of those friends being Rebecca and, if you want a watch_dog reference, Wrench) so he gets the others to play DnD as well because they’re all varying degrees of noobs.
Also, this way, Altaïr would actually have something to do XD
Before Desmond gets there, Kadar makes them promise not to talk about anything Assassin related because Desmond is the first actual offline friend Kadar has made that wasn’t part of the whole ‘we sorta got reincarnated/transmigrated into the future but we’re not gonna talk about that I guess’ thing.
(I’m using http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/ for character info and I am absolutely not sure if they’re already available by 4e XD)
Unorganized Notes:
Kadar uses 4e rules but is fast and loose with them (because I wish to give them 5e but 5e was relased in 2014 TTATT). Leonardo makes the minis but Kadar makes the maps (he does check online for references). It’s his own campaign but his online DnD group helps him (he actually plays a Rogue online named ‘Altair’ without the ‘ï’ because he’s still a fanboy)
Everyone agreed Rogue is off-limits because they might all choose Rogue and also to not tip Desmond off so no one is a Rogue. Desmond screws this up by actually picking Rogue. Desmond actually goes for Assassin Rogue because he loves irony XD His backstory is that he left a cult of assassins as a child and is trying the adventurer life. Everyone just feels a bit awkward when he told them that backstory but Desmond just breezed through that so it was just for a moment XD
Malik is an Oath of Vengeance Paladin who share the same deity as Altaïr. In-game, this is because Altaïr is a Cleric on a mission to appease their god and Malik is there to keep him in check. Out of game, Malik wants to be the one to finally annoy Altaïr this time around and this backstory gives him an excuse to do it.
Altaïr is an Arcana Domain Cleric who is on a mission of redemption as ordered by his deity. The reason why he’s in a road of redemption is unclear and it’s clear that Altaïr has no respect for his deity. In-game, everyone who worship the same deity call him their god’s ‘Chosen’ and he hates it (Kadar absolutely loves to ham out the worshipping of the 'Chosen' XD). Out of everyone, he’s the player who is absolutely min-maxing his character.
Let’s be honest, we’re all expecting Ezio to be the Bard and he is. He even plays the guitar because, according to him, it’s better than a minstrel's lute, whatever that means. Absolutely a School of Swords Bard that has the highest Charisma stat among all of them. He’s the designated leader and the one who pulled everyone together into this weird group of adventurers. He may or may not be a noble who ran away from home.
Leonardo is an Artificer. While Artificers are already available as a class in 4e, their specialties were officially created for 5e but fuck it, let’s say it’s a modified Artificer class because Leonardo should be an Artillerist Artificer. If you don’t want the Artificer class because of how questionable it is possible for 4e, my alternate suggestion is Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer for pure magic destruction or Great Old One Warlock (unli Eldritch Blast). He plays Ezio’s character’s long suffering childhood best friend who joined the group because Ezio ‘begged’.
The campaign may or may not be a chosen one absolutely not wanting to do his mission as said chosen one and being dragged along by his god approved babysitter and a misfit company (the twist is Altaïr's mission is to actually find their god's child that is supposed to save the world... it's Desmond. Desmond's the god's child. The cult he's from is worshipping the same god as Altaïr but Desmond, Altaïr and Malik don't know it. Kadar thinks he's made such a good plot twist XD)
(I left their races ambiguous for you to play with. I personally would suggest making Altaïr a kenku for the lols XD)
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eliotbaum · 19 days
You seem to draw a lot of Curse of Strahd. Loving all of them. I don't play much DnD and prefer other games but Strahd sorta lowkey speaks to my goth soul. Would you recommend it?
HAHA I sure do. ty!!
So, based on my personal experience the answer would be yes and no. It's one of the stronger modules, if not the strongest DnD module out there, but running it just by the adventure book is not something I'd recommend; plot holes, disorganized, women often get the short end of the stick... There is a whole subreddit dedicated to improving it, adding things on top, and other sources and supplements to make it a fleshed out world with depth. It's very much a diamond in the rough LOL Either way earlier editions of DnD Ravenloft and the domains of dread provide more fun gothic horror to play around with so I recommend looking into all of that stuff! It's got all the classic tropes and is truly rather dark for DnD. Low fantasy, high stakes!
Since I haven't finished the game as a player yet and as such don't know the entire original plotline, if anyone feels like adding their thoughts, by all means!
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skiptomy · 9 days
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An update to an OLD character of mine, Swamp Princess, now Swamp Princepts. Originally an Adventure Time OC, but now sorta just a little buddy. Maybe I'll use them for my DND campaigns, Not sure yet!
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jrwi-transgender-swag · 10 months
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Alastyr Cross
"bro u cant convince me he doesnt cook up his own T" - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "He just has that tboy swag. Mans goes by his "Adventuring Name". He did his and Strangle Macock's top surgeries fr." - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "Dude is a mad scientist with a poor relationship with his childhood and left to persue a life of perceived adventure. Alastyr literally chose their own name and has cycled through several in canon. Has been (accidentally) referred to with she/her pronouns by Bizly. Due to their lack of magic despite their family's skill in it they created magic of their own, like gender. Has performed diy top surgery for the prime defenders and made the convergence crew's hrt." - Submitted For Transmasc Swag
Gillion Tidestrider
(strap in for alot of propaganda lmao)
"4 of the 5 JRWI fans I actually know fall under the transgender umbrella and all of them are absolutely in love with Gillion so here’s got to have something going on there" - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "dude hes a fucking fish what else do you want from me. he has it all. the religious trauma. the swagger. the autism. he even has a cool fucking sword. his entire backstory is him being forced into a role against his will and only when he finds others does he get to fully embrace himself come the fuck ON" - Submitted For All Swag "he literally has gilded top surgery scars (saturn art that proves this even if it’s noncanon) that kind of trans swag cannot be ignored!! fucking!! golden scars!!! that shit kicks so much ass are you kidding!!! the koolest fish trans boy ever my goal in life truly" - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "same sorta thing as jay, he has this whole arc of changing from trying to live up to expectations to just being what he wants and thinks is good (very trans of him). also he's a fish guy and probably has no understanding of gender, at least in oversea terms. and he canonically referred to himself with it/its pronouns one time which. yes. i think his titles are like pronouns to him, like in the undersea you refer to yourself by describing yourself and your achievements (pretty sure that's actually a triton thing in actual dnd who knows). he is the chosen one and the chosen one was referred to with they/them pronouns for a reason (definitely because the chosen one is genderqueer and not just to be inclusive mhm you can trust me i have no biases, the goddesses told me themselves)" - Submitted For Nonbinary Swag "gives birthout of his pussy?"  - Submitted For Transmasc Swag "he is like sooo xenogenderr. that fish is just transgender im so sorry. too swagful not to be." - Submitted For Secret Fourth Swag
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three--rings · 4 months
So it's Jan 31st, which means Binderary is imminent. And if it were any other year I'd be ready to go insane binding.
But I haven't been able to do any bookbinding since I broke my foot in August. Primarily because my craft space is inaccessible due to the amount of junk on the floor in that room.
I've been sorta begging my husband to help me do something about it, but every time we agree "ok on his day off he's gonna help me" something happens and he has to work. He's had a hard January in that regard.
Anyway, tomorrow is supposed to be another of those days, cross your fingers.
So, yeah I've been having a lot of emotions about Binderary and my ability to participate this year. Last year I made a dozen books. I have a lot of typesets ready to go this year.
But my goal? I thought about doing the 4 book goal. But now? My goal is a book. To fully finish an entire book this month. Hopefully I'll get more done. But since I can't actually access my printer right now to even start, well we'll see. I also really need to make a removeable cover for my dnd journal that I've been meaning to do since LAST binderary. So that's like half a book, but also complicated in construction.
(And yeah I'm still not walking. I've started physical therapy but...well foot still be broke AF.)
I am looking forward to all the workshops, and I've volunteered to facilitate some of them, so I'll still be busy. But instead of frantically stitching and folding books during them, I'll probably be cross-stitching. For now.
So anyway, yeah, that's me. I HAVE been working on some massive typesets, but one is finished and I'm not sure I'm prepared to bind it yet cause I have certain ideas for that. And the other is still a WIP. It's a choose-your-own-adventure book of sorts and that means a lot of work to polish it.
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