#Sorcerer of Runes
mauannacreates · 8 months
October flufftober masterpost:
Hi guys, this is just my masterpost and that I made for flufftober. Feel free to check it out.
Day 1: I've got you (Featuring Jules & Braedon)
Day 2: Family, Friends and Loved ones (Featuring Elaine, Tynan and Marielle)
Day 3: "Wait you Love me?" (Featuring Elaine, Tynan and Marielle)
Click below for more.
Day 4: Cinderella Moment (Featuring Jules and Braedon)
Day 5: A crossover + 1 (Featuring Jules and Braedon from my series, Sorcerer of Runes and Susie and Kris from Deltarune)
Day 8: Rainy Day (Featuring Tynan & Marielle)
Day 9: Connection at First sight (Featuring Jules & Braedon)
Day 11: Sweet tooth (featuring Ida and Raimona)
Day 12: Fire and Ice (Featuring Elaine, Tynan and Marielle)
Day 13: Wrong Place (Featuring Lucie and Braedon)
Day 14: You hate this name or do you? (featuring Braedon and Jules)
Day 16: Singing each other to sleep with fairy tales (featuring Elaine, Tynan and Marielle)
Day 18: Dancing foreplays (featuring Lucie, Val, Braedon and Jules)
Day 20: Pumpkin (featuring Lucie & Val)
Day 22: picking out of bed (featuring Braedon, Lucie and Jules)
Day 21: Swoon (featuring Jules & Braedon)
Day 23: Trinket (featuring Jules and Terra)
Day 24:Melting reunions (featuring Val, Lucie, Braedon and Jules)
Day 25: Nook (featuring Lucie and Val)
Day 26: Fireplace (featuring Braedon, Val, Magnus and Gregory.)
Day 28: Soothing touch (featuring Lucie and Jules)
Day 29: Waking up in the Morning (featuring Elaine, Tynan and Marielle)
Day 30: Self care and love (featuring Lucie)
Day 31: Dreams do come true (featuring Braedon and Jules)
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If you guys are interested in looking into some of the other prompts that I have done from the previous months, check it out here:
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sobeautifullyobsessed · 4 months
I just made myself a little sad...
While watching No Way Home, specifically the scene where Stephen attempts the initial casting of the Runes of Kof Kal, my mind posed a fic worthy question ~ what if that particular spell only lasts as long as the Sorcerer who cast it is alive? In the course of his work, Stephen dies. Peter would wonder why the heck he's suddenly remembered, so he stops at the Sanctum and learns the news😔.
But furthermore, and as we know Stephen dies and comes back to life in a surprising manner of ways, what if he comes back this time too? He'd remember everything...and thus, we can have Stephen and Peter interacting, even teaming up again.
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Hmmmmm, maybe not so sad after all😉.
@mckiwi @strangelock221b @stewardofningishzida @aelaer
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oldschoolfrp · 1 year
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The Four Great Mud Sorcerer Symbols -- Convergence of Earth and Water, Earth Dominant, Water Dominant, Harmony of Earth and Water (from Mike Shel's AD&D adventure "The Mud Sorcerer's Tomb," Dungeon 37, Sept/Oct 1992)
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yanavaseva · 8 months
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Commission for MalviousG of his character Casimir. Intricacy was the very essence of the sorcerer’s practice. His eyes flitted toward the pages of the tome of eldritch sigils, taking note of the delicate instructions denoted upon its ancient parchment.
Painted skillfully across his forearm were the same symbols. Through forbidden practices of blood itself, he was to imbue his body and soul with the unlimited power of life twisted by a tainted will. A grimaced set of worn, aging features emerged through his expression by the sting emblazoned over his pallid skin as the ornamented pencil brush delicately claimed flesh. 
The eldritch runes added had to be perfected in their shape, their very design. Nothing else mattered now. It was the Sorcerer’s sole purpose to see the sanguineous augmentation finished.
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moonlitcomet · 6 months
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Piquet being a good friend.
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tarnishedinquirer · 10 days
Beneath Stormveil
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Here the damage seemed the worst. In places, the walls were red and raw, almost as if they were bleeding. I continued down and reached a room with a very interesting painting.
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It was Stormhill, before Stormveil Castle was ever built. The world looked so much wilder and more vibrant back then. The colors were deep blacks and rich greens, not the washed-out greys and pale greens of current Limgrave. The place that would once become the Chapel of Anticipation was part of the mainland, separated by a waterfall rather than a chasm. There's no trace of the black stone pillars that underlay the entire land. The Stormfoot Catacombs are open, with no door. And, while something was gleaming gold, it sure didn't look like the Erdtree.
Yet the Divine Tower and bridge were already there, and already so ancient the bridge had started to crumble. Curious.
After examining the painting as much as I could, I unlocked the door back to the Site of Grace and continued downward.
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This was by far the oldest and most neglected portion of the castle. It's unlikely it would get any light except at high noon. The only creatures down here were vermin. Giant bats and rats, the scavengers and dwellers in the dark.
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Now that I was down here, it became clear that this was a dumping ground for the castle above. Specifically, it seemed that all the statues removed in the various ideological purges were just shoved into the abyss.
There's the expected statues of women holding ewers or missing their hands, but there's a few statues that stand out to me. They're almost completely buried, so possibly the oldest statues ever dumped down here, and depict hooded figures either holding a book or holding a dagger. Unfortunately, I don't have any context to interpret them. Maybe I'll find some more later.
A scarab almost misses my notice, were it not for the sound they make. I track it down and it's carrying an unusual Sorcery called Rancorcall.
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I say it's unusual because using it would require almost as much faith as intellect. That unnerved me a little. Sorcery is supposed to be the result of consistent, observable phenomenon. Concrete things that may be more difficult to observe and comprehend, but are ultimately just as real as a sword. To apply your intellect to the task of how best to surrender it to a higher power seemed perverse to me.
The voice said:
Sorcery of the servants of Death. Summons vengeful spirits that chase down foes. Once though lost, this ancient death hex was rediscovered by the necromancer Garris.
Going on my theory that scarabs only appear where abilities like ashes of war, sorceries, or incantations are used, and somehow they gather up some invisible residue to make their spheres, I would suspect that Garris must've been here at some point. Perhaps this is where he even developed his techniques? I doubt he's still here.
To draw a connection, I found the Rancor Pot recipe in the Tombsward Catacombs. It has a similar effect of summoning vengeful spirits, though different methods. Am I to assume Garris might also have been there? That might explain how Deathroot got inside...
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Now I came to a cliff overlooking a root-choked and damp chamber below. Bones littered the floor. Some were stacked up in drifts, but there were also complete skeletons resting in what looked like old, rotted canoes. Perhaps a vestige of some water burial in the past? At one time, they might have sent the dead over the waterfall that once ran through here. Once that dried up, they instead just buried the dead in their canoes.
But what interested me most was the grand baldachin, now rotted and torn, draped across the chamber beyond. Something important must be there.
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Before I could approach, a terrible creature burst out of the ground. I'd seen its ilk once before, in the Fringefolk Hero's Grave. An Ulcerated Tree Spirit, a great writhing snake-root, like a serpentine mandrake. Even as I knew its movements, it was still so erratic that it was hard to predict at times. As it slammed me against the walls, I knew now where the drifts of bones had come from.
Once I had slain the beast. I was free to recover its treasures, both here and in the chamber beyond. Much like the last, it dropped a Golden Seed.
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As for the chamber... I can scarcely describe it. I'll try to sketch it but I don't think I can do justice to the sheer presence of this thing. Despite looking like a stone carving, I knew on an instinctual level that it was alive.
It was a face, or approximation thereof. Yet it could not have been more inhuman. It at once looked floral, fungal, and animal. The lower half of the face was like an oyster mushroom, and from there emerged thick tendrils like thorny vines. The upper half had a disturbingly human nose but two oddly angled eyes, or at least eye sockets. The lids themselves were empty.
The whole thing burst through the stone wall on a thick body like a salamander, though if it had arms, they had not emerged from the wall. And its was very clearly a violent entry, with rubble piled up around it. Nearby, there was a bloodstain, and a corpse holding an item in its hands.
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Oh hell. The bloodstain was Rogier. If he can't see Grace anymore, then can he even come back? Is he just dead for real now? I couldn't even see what got him but it looked bad. It lifted him up and seemed to impale him from multiple angles. I hope he's okay. I actually kinda like the guy. It was rare to talk to someone both intellectual and down to earth like that.
The corpse had a... Prince of Death's Pustule?!
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A fetid pustule taken from facial flesh. It is said that this pustule came from the visage of the Prince of Death, he who used to be called Godwyn. As First Dead of the demigods, it's said he's buried deep under the capital, at the Erdtree's roots.
It is said, it is said, it is said. I hate it when the Voice uses weasel words. Who says?
If Godwyn was the first to die, then it is his death that created the Deathroot. Deathroot sprouts similar faces to the one on this pustule. The same milky white eyes, the same thorny tendrils... There was a couple things that puzzled me. I noted fish fins on the Deathroot growing in various catacombs and Summonwater Village. Despite its aquatic appearance, this face held no trace of such details, resembling an amphibian more than a fish. Second, while the Deathroot and Pustule share the milky white eyes, this visage does not. Instead, its sockets are empty.
Third, if we take the voice at face value and say that Godwyn actually is buried under the capital... why did this face burst out of the southeast wall? The capital is to the northeast. I can buy the Greattree roots spreading throughout the Lands Between, but I'd still expect such a creature to burrow through from the correct direction. The only things off that direction are the Stormfoot Catacombs and the Fringefolk Hero's Grave. And since the painting confirms that at least one of those was here before the castle, I find myself doubting if this is even Godwyn at all, or some other, forgotten Prince of Death.
I'll review my notes about those places and see if I can gain any insight, but arbitrary skepticism doesn't do any good. I have to assume that this is Godwyn, or at least an aspect of him, until strong evidence presents itself otherwise.
Still, to quote the only cleric I ever got on with, "Doubting is what I do."
With my investigation concluded, the only way to go was up. Thankfully there was a conveniently placed, if alarmingly tall, rope ladder. I began what was sure to be a very long ascent.
I had at last gotten answers on the rot infecting Stormveil, but they only left me with more questions.
Who are the dagger and book statues? Why were they purged?
If Godfrey built the earliest Stormveil, who built the tower and bridge?
Is that face Godwyn? If not, who could it possibly be?
If it is Godwyn, why would it come from the wrong direction?
Why does this face look so different from the other faces? Why is it missing its eyes?
Who is Garris? What was he doing beneath Stormveil?
What happened to Rogier?
Why was he looking for this?
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nixsmis · 9 months
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i'm open for wing-its weekly on fridays/saturdays via google form linked on FA/twitter! Moonbeam Patrons get a discounted price on Simple-Cel Wing-its! https://www.patreon.com/nixsmis character © Takkin art © me
Posted using PostyBirb
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thesorcererpoet · 13 days
So I’ve been a little quiet lately. I’m going to be doing a lot of updates to this blog soon. I will still keep writing as I always have, as it’s something I literally just do all the time, so please don’t worry because I’m not going to stop with the poetry any time soon.
For the last few days, I have been working on an astrological compatibility chart (synastry) for a friend, so I have been very busy.
Next week, I am off work so from then I will be revamping things a bit and start posting a bit more about my spiritual work.
As a brief explanation though for those curious, I am a practitioner of Chaos Magick, which is the idea of using belief as a tool. Chaos magick operates on the principle that you can adopt all different kinds of spiritual principles and use them at will as they were intended and then choose to use something different, even contradictory at will. This is called paradigm shifting or belief shifting. Chaos magick also allows you the freedom to work with your own correspondences and even invent your own systems of magic.
One of the main things Chaos magic utilises, is a practice called sigil magick. Sigil Magick works by allowing you to craft your own magical symbols using several methods. The most commonly used one is derived from taking a statement of intent, removing all of the repeating letters and vowels and then taking the remaining letters and creating a monogram out of them which looks like a little picture made from the letters. The best way to do this is to generate a little monogram so the letters are not consciously recognisable. The next step is to forget your intent. If you can deliberately do so then this process is quite fast. The idea is that lusting after the result will prevent it from working.
Sigil magic is kind of like planting a seed in the unconscious mind, which you allow yourself to do the magic for you. This is thought to be where all kinds of primal forces, which came from former evolutions, reside. These primal forces are what the inventor of sigil magic called atavistic nostalgia, literally what your body remembers of its ancient ancestry.
To plant the sigil, chaos magicians work with various altered and trance states of mind, some of which are naturally occurring. Often we use things like meditation, a sudden shock, holding breath until you can’t, drumming, various rituals. There are many myriad ways to plant a sigil. My favourite way is to blow all of the air out of my lungs until I gasp, while staring at the sigil. In the moment, when you gasp, your conscious mind is briefly forced to be silent which allows the sigil to enter into the unconscious uninhibited. Once the sigil has been implanted, you must then destroy it, commonly by burning it.
While I use many chaos magic specific techniques, I also work with an array of different systems at various times. Much of my very favourite work comes from working magic, which is my English heritage. Now, by this, I don’t mean Wicca. I tend to find I do a lot of work with bible magic, old English charms and the grimoires.
A grimoire, meaning grammar in old French, is a magical instruction book, showing techniques for rituals which can put you in contact with spirits. They also contain various spells which are not full summoning rituals, but are instead simpler workings designed to get results for various needs. The most well known grimoire is known as The Goetia which is the first part of a compilation of different magic books called The Lemegeton or The Lesser Key of Solomon. This book has a bit of a reputation as these spirits are considered as being demons. However, I know from my own practice that if you treat them with respect and don’t approach these practices from a place of fear, all will usually be fine. However, these practices are not for inexperienced practitioners. Before working with grimoires, it is important to know how to banish, to make sure you follow spiritual cleansing routines, learn how to make holy water. Be sure you know what you are doing so you know how to deal with it should anything go awry. Much easier then, it is to begin with various levels of simpler spell work and to get confident before approaching the bigger rituals.
While I am big fan of traditional magic practices such as these, I am by no means an advocate for doing things to the letter. Experimentation is really the only way to even get this stuff to work nowadays, since we no longer have access to a lot to the items, or trades people like blacksmiths etc who you need to get to do the work in front of you. My own practice is a blend of ancient rites, Christian prayers and using what is available to me in the 21st century. Much of this stuff was only made operable to me at all because of chaos magic.
While these two sets of interlinking ideas make up the bulk of my practice, I do work within many other systems. I am fond of modern witchcraft, which seems to be like Wicca but eschewing a lot of the old restrictions, the sexism and some of the other more odious elements (for instance, no you do not need to be naked to do magic, that’s just silly). I also work a lot with runes and rune magic, as well as with the Norse gods. I have a deep and long running connections to Taoism, particularly with the divination book, the I Ching which has literally saved my life (it drew my attention to what would have been an electrical fire in my old flat, I wouldn’t be alive without that divination). I actually have much to say on the I Ching but I will save that for another post, however I will say it has taught me so much and I have an immense amount of gratitude towards the oracle since it has come into my life. I also have worked a lot with Thelema, particularly engaging in the book of Thoth Tarot as well as some Golden Dawn practices. However my preferences for magic are mostly rooted in older traditions, mainly grimoires, European folk magic and British cunning craft.
All this aside, I have also been divining for others for many years now and I know many systems of divination inside and out. I am particularly knowledgeable about tarot, mainly following after the Rider-Waite system of tarot, developed by Arthur Edward Waite and Pamala Coleman-Smith of the Golden Dawn. As I have previously mentioned, I work with Runes and The I Ching. I also work with something called Geomancy, which was very popular during the renaissance, and came before tarot. Geomancy is actually very ancient but is still widely used in a lot of African and Middle Eastern countries. It’s methods have been preserved in the fourth book of occult philosophy, attributed to Cornelius Agrippa (his three books and fourth book are about 500 years old and contain a lot of source material for many of the magic books that came after). Geomancy works by poking holes in a box of blessed dirty until your intuition tells you to stop. You count the holes and then work out if it’s odd or even, then generate the various diagrams, which are eventually arranged into a table of astrological houses and read. You can also generate the numbers using a pen and paper or using coins, or dice or various other methods. I will probably demonstrate this stuff soon. As I have already mentioned, I am into astrology, although I am really only just learning at the moment. I also practice scrying, which is the act of causing visions using a crystal ball, black mirror, bowl of water or various other reflective surfaces. I also have my own, self invented system of dice magic which I am currently working on updating.
I will be offering my various divination services soon.
Anyway, thank you for reading my big, long infodump. I will post more cool stuff soon x
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dailycharacteroption · 3 months
Class Feature Friday: Diabolic Bloodline (Pathfinder Second Edition Sorcerer Bloodline)
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(art by telthona on DeviantArt)
We’re ending off this week with another Second Edition bloodline for the sorcerer class, and we’ve got another one that changed it’s name between editions. So far it’s been Celestial to Angelic, Abyssal to Demonic, and now Infernal to today’s subject, the Diabolic bloodline.
I imagine that the reason for these name changes is purely out of a desire to be more specific about where the power is coming from, particularly if they plan to add other outsider bloodlines to the mix, such as an archon, agathion, and azata bloodline, or an asura or qlippoth bloodline. (They haven’t yet for those examples, but that’s my best running theory since the fiasco with WOTC and the OGL happened long after 2E launched. So it’s not like we’re assuming they needed to change names to future-proof for legal reasons).
In any case, the diabolic bloodline! As the name suggests, this bloodline is the result of the work of devils. Perhaps the sorcerer’s ancestor had a dalliance with such a being, or maybe the ancestor made a dark bargain which bled over into their descendant (and the devil in question might even claim a hold over the sorcerer as an additional beneficiary, regardless if there was anything in the contract that permits this.) Or maybe they were simply born under an unfavorable planar conjuction or near a wellspring of hellish power.
Regardless of the source, these mystics often inherit more than a diabolic silver tongue. They may manifest horns, the smell of sulfer, features tied to a specific type of devil, or perhaps something as innocuous as a habit of viewing social interactions through the lens of transactions and contracts, even when it is to their detriment to do so.
Naturally, however, it is up to the sorcerer to decide how to use their power, and we’ll see exactly what that power can do!
Like other outsider-based bloodlines we’ve seen before, this bloodline channels divine magic, but they also have access to various fire spells, ranging from simple bolts of fire to rolling spheres and even a rain of fiery meteors. They also have several spells that bend the mind to better receive the sorcerer or crush them with despair. Finally, they have some spells that grant them a measure of diabolic senses, as well as the ability to invoke their infernal power with a word of power or aura.
They also gain useful focus spells, such as the flexible power to deliver edicts that bolster allies that obey them or weaken enemies that disregard them, followed by the ability to take on a fiendish aspect which grants resistances to things devils usually ignore at the cost of a vulnerability to flame, and finally, the ability to conjure forth a pillar-like eruption of hellfire to scorch the body and souls of your foes.
Their blood magic is pretty versatile too, allowing them to either lace their spells with additional fire, or empower their words with additional deceit after casting.
Naturally, plenty of sorcerer feats work well with this bloodline. Beyond the obvious ones that improve the bloodline itself, things like Blessed Blood, Counterspell, Dangerous Sorcery, Familiar, Anoint Ally, Enhanced Familiar, Entreat with Forebears, Divine Evolution, Elaborate Flourish, Diverting Vortex, Steady Spellcasting, Soulsight, Quickened Casting, Greater Spiritual Evolution, Interweave Dispel, Reflect Spell, Greater Vital Evolution, and Bloodline Mutation. Of course, other feats may appeal to you and your build.
There are plenty of ways that the diabolic bloodline reflects it’s predecessor, with the fire and hellfire, manipulation, and so on, and I am happy that for the most part the classic 1e sorcerer “first level mildly debilitating melee touch attack” thing has remained in the past. Sadly, it does vex me that it takes being level 20 to get permanent wings, assuming you even take bloodline mutation and not something else. In any case, however, this bloodline for a combination blaster and magical manipulator, so I would recommend building with blasting, battlefield control, and of course enchantments and illusions.
It can be very tempting to play these sorcerers as sinister and Machiavellian, and if that suits you, absolutely go for it. Alternately, perhaps they chafe under the double-speak that others expect of them and are surprisingly blunt. Or maybe they are perfectly honest individuals but make everything sound like a double entendre or clever wordplay as a verbal tic with no real knowledge they’re doing it. That could make for an amusing time, certainly.
Due to a diabolic attack while they were growing a new body, the ghorus seed of Redrose was soaked in diabolic ichor, marking it with fiendish power. Luckily, there was no damage or monstrous corruption, but they returned sporting command over fiendish magic. While still coming to terms with this change, they’ve taken to calling themselves Hellrose now.
The Hellbore, a mighty infernal lance tip or perhaps drill of immense size, is one of the few remnants of an invasion from the infernal plane not reclaimed by the ages. The inside of the weapon still seethes with diabolic power, including several incantations that have broken free of their original purpose as living runes. Most rip apart intruders and explorers with sadistic glee, but a rare few they instead take interest in, and invest their power into whether the mortal desires it or not.
Though he is ancient beyond measure, the First Devil, the ruler of their kind, is not all-knowing, and some important things they have forgotten, such as a tryst with a mortal witch that caught their eye during the earliest days of man, and a prophecy that only a descendant of theirs can truly end their reign. So emerges Koel Pitdas, the one who will defeat the great evil for good, if he can accept the ramifications of his family tree.
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sugarratio1 · 7 months
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Karuta's intervention, Piquet belongs to @moonlitcomet
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mauannacreates · 8 months
Day 2 Flufftober: Family, Friends, Loved ones
Here's my second day that I did for the flufftober Made by @flufftober. Hope you guys enjoy. (And this is my first time trying to write in Marielle's perspective.)
I glance around the table standing in front of us. To have the wondrous Elaine sitting in the desk as she goes and fiddles with her fork. One where a smile trails across her face. And then with Tynan… The darkened knight whose brows twitches as he searches through the two of us.
It’s our first time sitting in the desk together like this. But then, we’re having a lot of firsts together as a power couple.
“Why are you so happy about this?” Elaine says, and I give a smile. 
“Because Lainy, you’re just so funny when you’re always just asking countless questions about me. “It’s like I’m an anomaly to you, lil’ sis.”
“Please do not call me your little sister.” 
“Oh, right. I forgot.” I laugh, “I’m the cool, awesome mom, while you’re the little big child who needs to be pampered in the cottage constantly.” 
“Marielle!” Elaine's hard and sharp voice says. But I keep on laughing.
“And Tynan’s the dad.” I point towards him, but he gives an unamused glance.
“Marielle.” He says, with his voice grumbles, “I am sure we talked about this.” 
“And we’ll keep on talking about it until the day we all die.” I say, as I give the greatest laugh ever… Too bad they don’t know humor. Even if both of their hearts twist against mine at the presumed sense of worse humor in the world. “Anyway, I shall have squid.” And I go and grasp the bucket that I had inside of me, and got a big headed animal with eyes dulled and tentacles flopped against the table. And their faces…! I have to laugh at how their faces twists and turns as if there’s something wrong with it…!
“Lainy, Ty, You guys have never eaten squid?” Their expressions makes it so obvious, and I turn towards Elaine. “I would think that they’d serve these sort of stuff to you, Lainy.”
“No…!” She slams the desk, but then her ears twitches, as her slit eyes glimpses towards me. But then, she sits back down on the seat. “Actually, they did serve me squid once; I hated it. So please, not under any circumstances insist that I’d have to try this slimy, barely cooked squid.” I stared at her. She’s as strict as a child without any sense of good culinaries.
“Ty! You must try it!” I say, bring it closer to him… And even he’s looking with his brows curved slightly… But it doesn’t seem of disdain.
“Is it like fish…? Like trout?”
“Ooh, it is even better!” I say, “Here, try this.” And I thrust the tentacle out until it gets pulled out. And I place it on the table as he stares at me. He goes and picks it up with his beak and starts eating it. And Lainy is just coughing and gurgling as she twists her head away. But he uses his claws to hold it as he keeps on eating it. “So, how does it taste?”
“I will admit, it is not the worst thing I tried.” He says. “But it could be better.” 
“Whaat!?” I say, “How?” And his beak twitches up. 
“Maybe with some pepper, a dash of lemon and… Parmesan.”
“Parmesan…?” Why have fish with dairy…? It tastes so much better by itself.
“You eat cheese!?” Elaine voice echos, that I nearly bounce off the table as she points towards him, and Tynan's head tilts to the side.
“Uhh, not typically.” The blue owl says, as his big wide eyes glances towards me. “I just heard that squid tentacles is great with parmesan. That is, if I’m not wrong.” And I give a nod… 
“Did you read it from a book?”
“Culinary of fine arts, seafood section, page fifty three.” Wow... That's very... Specific.
“So Ty… How often do you read books?” I say, leaning closer to him. “I mean, having to leave your own library for this? I doubt you’d have any time to read. while you're with us.” 
“Marielle, I read as often as I can. Whenever I can, wherever I can.” He says crunching his beak. “It doesn’t really matter where you’re at, as long as I'm reading something, it's is fine by me.” He eats another piece of the squid, as he glimpse towards me. “Besides, it is my dad’s, not mine.”
“But still, it’s so cool to have to meet a princess and a librarian in Aeromount Ridge… It’s so awesome…!” And with the soft smile trailing Tynan’s beak to Elaine rubbing the back of her neck… I have to admit. It’s so nice here…!  
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If you guys are interested in looking into some of the other prompts that I have done from the previous months, check it out here:
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loxosceleslolo · 2 months
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Oh, Rogier. Poor, doomed Rogier.
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who ordered the Nightmare Fuel?
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oldschoolfrp · 1 year
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Dungeon room 3 -- Crying Eye Chamber:
Those entering this room are greeted by a bizarre, disturbing sight: The walls of this chamber are covered with eyes of all shapes, sizes, and descriptions, blinking and squinting, tears pouring forth in anguished rivulets. A narrow stone gutter runs along the walls, catching the tears and drawing them to small holes in the four corners of the room.
(Gerry Sawyer illus from Mike Shel's adventure "The Mud Sorcerer's Tomb," Dungeon 37, Sept/Oct 1992)
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wraith-caller · 4 months
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Unsurprisingly, I think about Rogier's bell bearing a lot. Why does it match Iji's, of all people's? All other spell casters, including Gowry who is not exactly the traditional sorcerer, have blue ones. I initially thought maybe his being blackened had to do with being death blighted, but then, D's bell bearing is still gold. And while Iji fell to the Black Knife assassins, there's no reason to think they can imbue someone with death blight. It is, after all, a consequence of contact with deathroot, not with the Rune of Death. So now I wonder if Rogier was somehow tainted just by handling the black knife print, and the Rune of Death is like some Lands Between equivalent of radioactive material. Just touching things the tiniest bit of it touched can contaminate you.
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dunezday · 1 year
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Did a quick piece of one of my player’s DnD characters!
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moonlitcomet · 7 months
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Do you ever realize that somebody you care about is a fundamentally broken person?
First two images by @sugarratio1.
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