#Sir Launcelot
illustratus · 10 months
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Sir Lancelot in the Chapel Perilous by Walter Crane
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yes I named the file that lofl. Here you go. Public domain. Have fun. Now I'm making a better version without random plot holes and cowardice at the very end.
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rjalker · 1 month
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[Image description start. A black and white simple digital drawing showing Sir Lancelot as a simple human figure lying asleep on the ground labeled "Sir Lancelot asleep in the woods (as usual lo)"l. Behind his legs is a small bush, and behind his shoulders and head is a deer that is lying down, labeled, "a very tired deer", which stares in alarm, sweating nervously, over at a stick figure in the background stepping out of the forest, labeled "the goddess of the hunt", and surrounded by rays as though shining. The stick figure holds a bow ready to fire, with a very simple smile on the face. Image description end.]
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Edward Coley Burne-Jones - The failure of Sir Launcelot to enter the chapel of the Holy Grail. Number 3 of the Holy Grail tapestries woven by Morris & Co. 1891-94.
Versions >> 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
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samissadagain · 2 years
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Elaine with the Armour of Launcelot by Arthur Hughes, 1867, oil on panel
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pedroam-bang · 3 months
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“Follow. But! Follow only if ye be men of valor! For the entrance to this cave is guarded by a creature so foul, so cruel, that no man yet has fought with it… and lived!”
Monty Python And The Holy Grail (1975)
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arthurian-aita · 1 month
AITA for snitching on my friend to my sovereign king about an ongoing affair with his wife? (accidentally started a war)
Me (1541M) and my colleague “Aggie” (1544M) found out our other colleague/fellow knight, “Lando” (1548M), had been in a long-term love affair with the queen, “Jen” (1544F), wife of our boss/sovereign king “Anthony” (1546M). At first, we thought, okay, it’s the lusty month of May; maybe this is just a fling. Turns out, everyone knew and just hadn’t said anything, despite our knights’ oath to the king. It felt like a betrayal of our duty to continue harboring a traitor to the king in our midst, even if he was our best knight. Some of the more experienced knights said telling Anthony would cause a war among the knights because of all the times Lando had rescued the king and queen, but I couldn’t stand to sit by and watch Anthony’s honor be diminished behind his back. 
Aggie and I went to his chambers, but at first, the king didn’t want to believe us, so I offered him a proposition. I was certain that if Anthony went hunting, Lando wouldn’t go with him to be able to spend more time with Jen. Anthony could send word back to the castle that he wouldn’t be back that night, guaranteeing Jen would send for Lando, and Aggie, me, and 12 other knights could catch them together in her bedroom. 
Sure enough, that’s exactly what happened. But Lando, cornered, fought back, slaying every knight but me. He fled, caught. 
I rode to my king as quickly as I could. Anthony declared the order of knights permanently sundered, as many would side with Lando for his strength and nobility. He declared Jen guilty of treason and sentenced her to burn at the stake, though people tried to talk him out of it. Lando showed up moments before she was to be burned, slew more knights, including the king’s kin, and rode off with the queen. 
Anthony went to war against Lando and lost many good knights in his quest to bring Lando to justice. 
It seemed like the right thing to do, but AITA for accidentally starting a civil war by telling my king that his best knight was sleeping with his wife instead of letting it go? 
EDIT: I’ve received some very angry comments asking me to “tell the whole story.” Fine.
Anthony put me in charge of the kingdom and the queen while he was off fighting Lando because I’m technically his son, but don’t think too hard about that or how it happened. I received a letter from across the sea, informing me Anthony had been slain by Lando. Sad, but that’s war. The parliament chose me to be king, but I needed a queen. So I thought, who better to be my queen than the queen? She had experience, the people already knew her… it would’ve been a great match. 
Except, when I let her out to buy wedding decor, she locked herself in the Tower of London with enough supplies to withstand a siege. 
Then I got word that Anthony was still alive and coming back to depose me. I met him on the shore, but he pushed my forces back several times over the coming days. We’re set to do battle tomorrow for the throne. 
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blossomtrait · 10 months
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a man had given all other bliss, and all his worldly worth for this, to waste his whole heart in one kiss upon her perfect lips.
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gymnopedie · 5 months
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sir launcelot??? bedsheeting it out of a window??? it’s more likely than you think!
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sirgavvaine · 2 years
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Also reminder; Launcelot Canonically has big tits in the vulgate cycles
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v-thinks-on · 3 months
Sir Palomides and Sir Safere were taken and yolden, and put in a strong prison; and within three days twelve knights passed upon them, and they found Sir Palomides guilty, and Sir Safere not guilty, of their lord’s death.
Twelve Angry... Knights?? Who knew there was a medieval custom of jury trial!?
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illustratus · 1 year
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Lancelot and Elaine: Farewell, fair Lily
by Eleanor Fortescue-Brickdale
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mortiscausa · 2 months
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Launcelot with this sword shall slay the man that in the world he loved best, that shall be Sir Gawaine.
handing your man the sword he will one day kill you with ~*just arthurian things*~
march to camelot prompt #5: love
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rjalker · 2 months
Very funny. Speech to text.
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[Image description start. The meme of SpongeBob saying let me be hit by a flying ice cream truck, then throwing his arms out to shout and live as a shadow looms over him. The first panel has him proudly declaring, "[name] is the greatest bravest night who has ever lived in the whole entire world! No living night is more valiant!". He then throws his arms out in panic in the second panel shouting hastily, "except Sir Lancelot!". Image description end]
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lionofchaeronea · 6 months
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How Sir Launcelot fought with a fiendly dragon, illustration by Arthur Rackham from The Romance of King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table, adapted from Sir Thomas Malory by Alfred W. Pollard and published by Macmillan in 1917
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pedroam-bang · 11 months
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“What manner of man are you that can summon up fire without flint or tinder?” “I am an enchanter.”
Monty Python And The Holy Grail (1975)
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