#Silver Snow (Felix)
cosmosnout · 1 year
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I personally, like to ruin my day by thinking about Sylvain's and Felix's paired ending outside of Azure moon
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ltnlitten9 · 1 year
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cherrypikkins · 1 year
Notably, I didn't S-support Felix until my fifth save file. I told myself I would stay away from the mean ones this time and ... failed spectacularly.
Anyway. His ending was not at all what I expected. Now I'm hooked because as someone who is ace, I too would happily entertain the idea of marriage if just for the epic swordfights.
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zevfern · 10 months
Some more of my M!Byleth (named Rorann in my playthroughs) headcanons. This time, I'm sharing ones from my Silver Snow route:
In this timeline, Rorann is grumpier than his counterparts in the other 3 timelines, so at times he can be quite blunt with his students, even though he's always willing to help them. This Rorann then connects with a different crop of students than the two previous Roranns, such as Linhardt, Lysithea, and Felix. Felix in particular becomes Rorann's favorite student, as his no nonsense approach to swordplay is very similar to his own, and he appreciates his brutal honesty. As for Felix, he believes that Rorann embodies an ideal he seeks to follow: fighting for the living, not the dead. His defection from the Blue Lions, and return to Garreg Mach to join the Resistance Army, is one of the key factors in the Army's defeat of Adrestria in Enbarr.
(Why yes, I do like recruiting Felix in non-BL routes. While there is a ton of added angst in his Monastery conversations post-timeskip, I think it's still consistent with his character: Felix seeks to fight with real purpose, and you can help him find that purpose whether with his homeland and childhood friends, or not.)
Some days after their canonical C support, Rorann invites Manuela out to dinner. Despite thinking it's out of pity for the other night's incident, Manuela accepts. The two enjoy their time out, and plan more dates. On one of those dates, the two have a heart to heart over a bottle of wine where both admit their faults, with the two both fearing they'll end up alone due their reputations; Manuela as an unkempt hot mess, and Rorann as an emotionless killer. The two end up in the same bed that night, cautiously optimistic about each other. Rorann and Manuela's burgeoning relationship brings the Black Eagles and the Golden Deer classes together, especially in the aftermath of Manuela's stabbing, where Rorann takes over classes for the two houses for the month leading up to the Battle of the Eagle and Lion. By the time of the Establishment Ball, the two are nearly inseparable. Jeralt for his part is pleased his son's found someone to keep him company, though he unfortunately does not get to live to see the wedding.
(because both Rorann and Manuela are adults pre-timeskip, I don't think they need to wait for the post-timeskip period to be a couple. The only thing that they would need to wait for would be the ring, for both in canon and headcanon reasons. The headcanon reason is because Rorann hesitates to propose before the Battle of Garreg Mach, therefore leaving the poor songstress wondering "what if?" for 5 long years. Manuela finally gets that proposal when they reunite.)
Edelgard is a mystery to Rorann. The aloof, often unemotional princess appears to him to be what some believe he to be, but as the year progresses, he sees cracks in her facade, and attempts to further open them. Edie for her part slowly begins to confide in Rorann, sharing the story of her imprisonment, the deaths of her siblings, and her second Crest. Professor and student reach out to each other, only for misunderstandings and outbursts to undue the progress the two make (such as during the Remire Tragedy, or after Jeralt's murder). After she reveals herself as the Flame Emperor, allied with his father's murderers, Rorann wonders whether Edelgard really wanted to connect with him, win him over to her cause, or if she was only trying to assuage her guilt by association. He does not hesitate to stand against her both in the Holy Tomb and at their reunion 5 years after the fall of the Monastery.
(Unlike most of her detractors on the internet, I don't see any sort of "waifu" treatment watering down who Edelgard is: a stoic, willful but sometimes conflicted young woman who knows her path will bring death and yet also feels like she must walk it in order to [in her eyes] save the world from those that would control it. I really liked how you could lose support points with her if you reached a conclusion she didn't want you to reach, or if you reacted with the same disgust she did to the Tragedy of Remire, it made interacting with her unique compared to the other two lords. I may not like who she is, but she's a fantastic character, one of my favorite anti-villains. Her being an anti-villain is something I'll expand on in my CF headcanons.)
After the Holy Tomb Incident, nearly the entirety of the Garreg Mach student body rallies around Rorann, promising to fight the Empire's forces and protect the monastery. Rorann is touched, and is moved to tears when they return to join the Resistance Army. While he never doubted the Black Eagles (including recruits), he never expected to have such an impact on the other student's lives to have them return and pledge themselves to him. This bolstering of Church/Resistance forces proves crucial in their success, and they even add to their ranks as the campaign marches on.
(In my opinion, Silver Snow is the route where recruiting nearly everyone works best for the storyline. I recruited most of the units I hadn't recruited yet after the Holy Tomb Incident, with the only exceptions being Sylvain and Hilda.)
Rorann is of two minds regarding Rhea: he thinks she's a kind woman who cares for those under the Church of Seiros. On the other hand, he also thinks she can be ruthless and callous, especially after the killing of Matthias. He understands why his father Jeralt would run away with him after his mother's death, as well as seeing his newborn son's condition. When Rorann finally gets the truth out of Rhea, he doesn't have much time to process it before she goes berserk. He will later admit to regret killing her, as he never got to come to terms with her or his origin while she was living.
(I don't hate Rhea, but I think her single minded pursuit of her mother's resurrection meant she had blinders on to anything happening outside of the Church of Seiros. Maybe if she had moved on she may have been able to further help Fodlan develop, as well as prevent the various tragedies that set the plot of the game in motion. Seiros died for her sins.)
Notable Endcards/Pairings from my Silver Snow run:
Rorann/Manuela (the only M!Byleth endcard I got through gameplay that mentions him having kids. Manuela's incredible, managing to juggle being a queen, royal doctor and mother!)
Felix/Bernadetta (this route was where I first saw their supports, and I fell so in love with this ship to the point where I started reading fanfiction. Some of the Felibern fics I've enjoyed include A Tough Nut to Crack, the Varley Files, Castle of Solitude, and I Fought The War [But The War Won])
Ferdinand/Mercedes (because apparently I only like rarepairs for Ferdie. It doesn't help that all of his rarepairs are so good)
Dorothea/Linhardt (I like how she pushes Lin to keep his noble status when he usually discards it post-game)
Petra/Caspar (enemies to lovers, except the enemies were their parents and they're the lovers)
Alois, unpaired (good to have him around as the new Captain of the Knights of Seiros)
Leonie/Raphael (contrary to what their endcard says, they stay on as Knights of Seiros under Rorann)
Marianne/Lorenz (not that big of a fan, but I didn't want either to stay single ;-;)
Flayn/Ignatz (disappointed that it's relatively platonic, I think they had something going in that A support)
A couple of repeats from my other runs (Ashe/Annette, Ingrid/Seteth because I didn't recruit Sylvain, single Lysithea)
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elegyofthemoon · 1 year
7, 22, 38
OOO thanks so much anon !!
fe3h asks
7. Favourite Blue Lions character?
...Okay so because I was like ohhh nooo I don't know how to decide ahhhhhhh how do i piiiick I let the sorter do it AND SOMEHOW ???? FELIX WAS THE TOP BLUE LION FOR ME LMAO
I mean that's also fair: I think I was saying I gravitate the most towards swordsman characters (sword!!!! cool!!!!!) but I do remember how much I liked the different characterizations/exploration of his character depending which route ur on -- at least between Blue Lions Felix vs Crimson Flower Felix. I still think a lot about his reflection on when Dimitri dies in Crimson Flower and it makes me :((((
ALSO also his supports were good. I still laugh a lot about his one with Annette and Lysithea for example. Or the one with Bernadetta lolol But the serious ones hoo they hit
22. Favourite scene?
One of my fave scenes was the reunion scene with Dimitri actually asdlkfjh I remember running into a post that was talking about the placement of the lords in light and I was breaking apart about Dimitri being in the shadows and rejecting Byleth's hand. I think a lot about that scene and it kinda warms my heart everytime I see art referencing that scene ;; 0 ;;
38. Most heartbreaking death?
No one asked but there's a reason why I hate doing Crimson Flower and never want to do it again because I DON'T WANT TO GO AGAINST DIMITRI :(((((((( I DON'T LIKE HURTING HIM AND I HATE SEEING THE WAY HE GOES OUT
Dedue in that route ALSO gets a shoutout because when he becomes those crest monster things (forgot what they're called) I GOT SO DEVASTATED THAT I HAD TO COMPLETELY STOP AND THEN CALLED MY BEST FRIEND ABOUT IT TO COOL OFF LMAO
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museswithswords · 2 years
Tag dump 2: Verses
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bluejutdae · 4 months
• Stray Kids as very specific vibes | OT8
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Chan: brushing your teeth side by side, making sure the other sleeps enough, late night city dates, plaids, dimples, racing each other on the street, spraying perfume on pillow cases, trying new stuff, 3 am runs at the grocery store, trust, last minute flights, glass clinking, lightnings, early morning fog.
Minho: reading books to each other, cat cafés, cooking together, the crackling of the fireplace, the first snow of the season, camping and fishing, quiet acts of service, giving each others silly gifts, cats stickers all over the house, warm blankets and cups of tea.
Changbin: vanilla scented candles, gym dates, sharing food, laughing carelessly, meeting the families, kissing on the shoreline, summer days, sea salt on your skin, warm hands, blowing on birthday candles, quality time, feeling safe, warm bathrobes, the smell of fresh laundry.
Hyunjin: paint stains, oversized shirts, matching nail polish, staring into each other's eyes, waking up in the middle of the night, heart wrenching movies, holding hands, whispers at night, talking about true love, soulmates, words of affirmations, sharing a blanket, museum dates.
Jisung: hysteric laughing, iced americanos, playing catch, fixing hair behind the ear, sharing earrings, falling asleep on the floor, neon lights, chapped lips and bitten nails, sharing earbuds, calming tones, shaking hands, goodnight pecks, dreaming of flying, Icarus poems, silver jewelry.
Felix: late night train rides, sitting on a car roof to watch the sun rise, the fresh water of a pool, the relaxing presence of your best friend, videogames, arcades games, golden hour, pretty smiles, silly tattoos, sharing playlists, trying new food, learning to braid hair.
Seungmin: study dates, white and baby blue flowers, coffee stained pages, journals and diaries, house keys, silly key chains, good morning videocalls, matching outfits, the warm wind on a summer night, the smell of oranges in the air, the feeling of belonging, tight hugs.
Jeongin: the glint of the snow, cold hands around warm chocolate, daily outfit pics, playgrounds, pranks, sharing secrets, watching reality shows, watching the full moon, counting stars, no fear of being judged, first love, setting goals, singing out loud into fake microphones.
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ilxiu · 2 years
not me feeling empty after finishing azure gleam
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leeknow-thoughts · 6 months
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rating : mature!!! (mdni)
tw(s) : enemies to fwb, switch!reader, switch!minho, reader and minho are both elves in Santa's workshop, mommy!minho towards the end!??!, all kinds of sex toys, petnames, praise and degrading, pegging, mean!minho, p in v, dom!reader for like 2 seconds
"It's either this or go back to that horrid job in toddler toys," Hyunjin tries to make you feel better.
You sigh, "what do they even do in Adult Gift Fulfillment?"
"Whatever it is, I'd choose it over my job training Dasher. I swear if he kicks me again I'm going to apply to work as a scout elf," Hyunjin rambles.
Your feet crunch against the snow as he walks you to the gingerbread house dedicated to the Adult Gift Fulfillment Center. "You'll do great, apparently this job is heavily sought after," Hyunjin tries to find the bright side.
You huff, "but apparently my business partner is a pain in the-"
"-It'll be okay! Promise you'll tell me all about it later tonight," Hyunjin cuts you off.
You finally notice you're in front of the large gingerbread house, you take a deep breath, trying to get rid of your nerves. You push open the door, instead of huge assembly lines and wrapping stations, you see desks where elves are reading papers and working on computers. "Oh I'm y/n, I'm the transfer," you say to the nearest elf.
"Oh hi, you're working in the product testing department I think?" the girl says with a confused look, "I'll show you the way."
You follow her up the stairs made of wafers onto the second floor. She stops and nods to the door of the Testing Department. "Just right in there!" she smiles with sympathy.
She must know how bad my new partner is you think.
You nod and thank her, open the door. It's unlike the large room downstairs, only a few desks with many rooms in the background. "Hi you're the new hire right?" A smiley elf with blonde hair, freckles, and kind eyes asks.
"Yeah, y/n, that's me," you smile at him.
"Felix," he pauses, hesitating what he's gonna say next, "this job is great, but uhm your partner is a little uhm..."
You interrupt him while he tries to find the words, "of an ass?"
"Yeah, you could say that," he chuckles awkwardly, "so I'm assuming you're a virgin?"
Your eyes bug out of your head, your jaw falling onto the floor, "a... huh? Excuse me?"
"A virgin?" he stops, "are you one?"
You feel your face heat up, unable to speak, nodding yes instead. He nods in understanding, "then I'll ask the toy makers to give you something easy, not too overwhelming y'know?"
"What do you mean?"
"What do you mean?" he shoots back.
"Like what did," you lower your voice, "my virginity... have to do with testing toys?"
He stares at you blankly for a second before he starts chuckling, "they're adult toys, y'know like vibrators and butt plugs?"
You feel like you're going to faint, "WHAT?" you scream.
"Well yeah, this entire department's job is testing sex toys," he says with an incredulous smile plastered on his, rather handsome, face.
He gives you a soft smile, "it'll be fine, you can hopefully do your first testing by yourself, maybe get used to it before you start testing couple's toys with your partner."
"I-I mean is anyone going to watch me?" you stutter.
"Unless you're testing with Minho no, all you have to do is test it and then answer some questions afterwards," Felix explains, "here let me show you to your desk," he smiles.
He takes you through the office space, unlocking a door into one of the rooms in the back of the office space, "here's your testing office," he opens the door and hands you the keys.
You take the silver keys from him, you look inside the room. Felix steps inside and you follow. Inside is a king size bed with two nightstands, one on each side. A television on the opposite wall from the bed. A chute on the wall to the right of the bed. "Inside the nightstands are lube and condoms just so you know, and after you're done y'know... doing whatever... you put the toy down the chute and the TV will put questions on the screen and you just use the TV remote to answer them. And that's it, it's pretty easy. Also you can watch porn on the TV if you need to to you know... feel... anything," he says the last part awkwardly.
"Seems simple I guess? Oh wait, where do the toys get delivered to me from?" you question.
"There," he points to the indention in the wall with a light overhead it that you hadn't noticed yet.
"Oh well thank you Felix, you seem really nice," you compliment.
"So do you," he smiles, "also if you want to you can keep the toys you test. Just so you know," he winks.
You feel heat in your cheeks. "Well my testing room is next door, so if you ever need anything let me know, bye y/n," Felix says with a bubbly voice as he walks out of the room.
After the door shuts behind him you look back at the room, it is cozy, the dim lighting and comfortable feel are enchanting. The light above the wall indention blinks three times. You walk towards it. A small piece of the wall slides down, a box sized hole in the wall is all that's left, another elf holds the box out to you through the hole, "here you go, since it's your first day I figured I'd give you things pretty easy," the elf's kind voice says, "but later today you do have to do a testing with your partner Minho, we'll just send him to your room," they wait for you to take the box from their hands.
You do, "thank you," you reply.
The other elf removes their hands and then the piece of the wall slides back to cover the gap. You fiddle with the box in your hands. Deciding to open it after staring at it for a good few minutes.
Inside something that looks similar to a rose, on the top a small opening. You press the 'on' button, a small humming is heard. The TV automatically changes to a video of a woman sitting on her bed, the camera leveled with her core as she spreads her legs. Her bare pussy taking over the screen.
You scramble to remove your clothes, but hesitate when removing your underwear. "So this is supposed to suck on your clit," the girl on the screen says.
You watch hesitantly while sitting criss-crossed on the bed, wearing nothing but your bra and panties with the toy in your right hand. You watch the girl on screen turn the toy on, before she places it on her clit.
Apparently it must have felt good because she let out an erotic moan. You sigh, breathing out all your nerves, you lay back.
Spreading your legs, you move your underwear to the side. You hesitantly rub your pussy, fuck, were you supposed to be that wet?
You hold the toy in your right hand and you copy what the girl from the video does, you place it on the throbbing bud above your dripping hole.
Oh. Oh.
That's why so many elves want this job.
You finished answering the last question with the TV remote, you decided to keep that toy for yourself.
You heard moans and whines from the room beside you, Felix, you recognized his deep voice.
You giggle to yourself. You found yourself still in a state of ecstasy.
A knock on your door before it opened up, you scurried to cover yourself with the bed sheets. The elf swiftly closed the door behind himself. His cat-like features were illuminated by the soft glow of lights in the room.
He takes one look at you and he smirks, "I'm Minho," he introduces himself smugly.
"I'm naked," you reply, "would you mind not looking at me?"
He rolls his eyes, but obliges. "You have nice tits," he comments whilst facing the wall.
"Excuse me?" you gaff.
"You heard, I said you have nice tits, and probably a pretty pussy too," he clarifies.
Your face is blank. There was no way they expected you to fuck him.
That was your first time meeting Minho, and it certainly wasn't your last.
The second time you met Minho you were testing a couple's toy, a strap on dildo. Minho was annoyed at you as he laid face down - ass up on the center of the bed, fingering his ass open. "God you really are incompetent, you don't even know how to finger someone. They could've at least not given me the Virgin Mary," he sighs as his fingers thrust in and out of his own ass.
The least you could do was jerk him off, you moved your hand down to his thick, long cock. "Squeeze it tighter around the tip," he critiques.
You follow his instructions, paying closer attention to his flared, dark brown cockhead. "Shit, maybe you're more of a slut than I thought you were," he rasps.
You continue your movements, until Minho stops you, "you can put it in now."
You grab the lube and squirt it on the dildo before you shift behind him on the bed, he looks back and guides the tip of the silicone toy into his throbbing asshole.
Once you bottom out in him you start moving, an awkward learning process, "God you dumb bitch, you don't even know how to fuck right!" he spits venom with his words.
You had enough, "shut up. I didn't ask you how you liked to be fucked did I?" you spit back.
You thrust your hips harder against him. Knocking the wind out of his lungs and the words out of his throat. You build up a rhythm for your hip movements.
"Huh? I want an answer Minho," you request.
His whines and moans grow louder as you thrust deeper and deeper inside him. "Huh? Too dumb to reply," you coo, "dumb little bitch."
Your hand comes down and you slap his ass. The action causes him to moan, "I-cumming-"
"Yeah, cum on my cock like the dumb bitch you are," you seeth.
The third time you had to test a toy with Minho he was having to wear a vibrating cock ring.
"Sure you can take it?" he raises his brow.
You scoff, but soon regret it when he starts moving. The constriction on his cock causing it to swell so deliciously. "Oh there you go, be nice and dumb for me," he mutters.
You throw your head back, you could feel all the ridges and veins of his fat cock inside your sensitive pussy. Everything felt surreal, so sensitive.
"Be a dumb little bitch for me," he smirked, "next time just come to me, I'll make you feel better than any of these stupid toys ever could."
And you were just a dumb bitch for him. Just for those moments though.
That's what you told yourself.
Yet here you were, your face shoved in Minho's couch pillows, while Minho landed a hard slap on your sensitive pussy.
"That's it, such a good whore, you like when mommy abuses your sloppy pussy?" he coos.
Circling his fingers around your clit, pinching it with his index finger and his thumb. Rubbing away all the discomfort in tight circles around your clit. "You have such a cute little clit," he muses with sugar in his voice.
So everytime you were still needy even after a day of testing sex toys, you could always swing by Minho's house. Taking his cock in whatever position he'd give it to you in.
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captainremmington-13 · 3 months
A Lady Made of Snow
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DISCLAIMER: I don’t own The Hunger Games franchise, the images above, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, or any of the characters in this fic other than Bellova.
SUMMARY: Coriolanus is snubbed by receiving the weakest possible tribute (or so he thinks). Bellova, who doesn’t care much about winning the Plinth Prize or saving her tribute’s life, gives him a few words of advice, despite being his lifelong academic rival.
Warnings: slight bullying??
Eighteen-year-old Coriolanus Snow approached his fellow classmates, smiling politely. He hoped that they could make pleasant conversation and avoid any petty arguments before the reaping began. He really didn’t need any additional stress.
“Finally, the star pupil,” Arachne Crane said snidely, bringing her glass to her painted lips. She leaned forward, inspecting his outfit. “That’s a snazzy shirt. What are those buttons? Tesserae?”
Coriolanus shrugged causally. “Huh. That’s why they remind me of the maid’s bathroom.”
Lysistrata Vickers glanced around the room. “Where’s your rival, Coryo? I assumed she’d be here by now.” 
“I wouldn’t be surprised if she was fashionably late,” Felix chimed in. “Just like she was to this year’s orientation.”
Coriolanus nodded in acknowledgement. “I wouldn’t mind if she didn’t show up at all.” 
Someone cleared their throat behind him. The group of seniors turned to see Bellova Reginelle, looking stunning in her reaping day attire. Coriolanus usually saw her in her Academy uniform, but today, she wore a white button-down with a tight black vest over it, and a skirt that fell just above her knees. Her ebony hair, which was usually in loose curls, was swept into a high ponytail that cascaded down her back. Her sheer black thigh-high socks were paired a set of luxurious high heels that no doubt cost as much as Coriolanus’s rent, and a long silver necklace with an antique pendant hung around her slender neck. 
Bellova stepped between Coriolanus and Festus. “Hello,” she began, looking at her classmates. “I apologize for my delayed arrival, my maid misplaced my shoes. It doesn’t seem like I’ve missed much, though.”
Coriolanus looked at his friend - or enemy, depending on the day. Admittedly, she was the most beautiful girl in their class. Her dark grey eyes were stunning, her posture was perfect, and she always had her makeup done flawlessly. She never failed to turn heads while walking down the Academy halls. 
If she was more humble and less conniving, he would actually enjoy her company. 
“I was beginning to think you wouldn’t come,” he said. 
“I would never miss the reaping,” Bellova said, taking a glass of posca from a waiter. “Plus, this is much more important than a normal reaping, isn’t it?” 
The group nodded in agreement. Felix, who was indulging himself with food, licked his fingers clean. 
“Have you tried this lamb? It’s scandalous.” 
“Ugh,” Festus said in disgust. “Only the vulgar eat with their fingers, Felix. What, Daddy not teach you table manners?”
“Maybe he would have if he wasn’t so busy running the country.” Felix’s haughty response makes everyone scoff under their breath. Coriolanus always hated Felix’s snide remarks. They were immature and unnecessary, and reminded him that Felix lived a comfortable, sheltered life. 
“Even a monkey could eat more delicately than you, Ravinstill,” Bellova joked, making Arachne and Festus laugh. 
Felix just scowled, and quickly changed the subject. “Hey, they called us here for the Plinth Prize, right?” 
“Yes?” Bellova answered. 
“Because I heard Dr. Gaul’s in the building.” Felix scoffed. “Plinth,” he said, voice full of contempt. The group glanced towards the Plinth family, who were standing several feet away. “I mean, look at his spawn. Who would have thought that you could buy your way into the Capitol?”
“Well, you can’t buy class,” Festus added, smirking. “Did you see his mother’s outfit? Sorry, his “Ma’s.” 
Felix chuckled. Coriolanus chimed in, saying, “Dress a turnip in a ballgown, and it’ll still beg to be mashed.” 
Bellova snickered, and shoved him playfully. “She’s not wearing a ballgown, Coryo, it’s more like a hideous trench coat.”
“I was using a figure of speech, Bellova,” Coriolanus rolled his eyes. “But I agree, it’s pretty sore on the eyes.”
“Don’t do that, you two,” Arachne said pointedly. “We all know that you like him.” 
“We don’t like him, Arachne,” Coriolanus and Bellova said in unison.  
“We tolerate him,” Bellova corrected her.
“He’s district,” Coriolanus added.
“Tolerate him, just don’t encourage him,” Festus said, as Arachne mouthed ‘okay, sure’ at them. “I hear one more time how immoral these Hunger Games are, I’ll put him in the arena mys…”
He trailed off as Sejanus Plinth, the topic of the conversation, approached them, standing next to Bellova. 
“Sejanus,” Festus said, not trying to hide his disdain. “You made it to the Reaping for once.”
“And you made it to graduation, Festus. We’re both shocked,” Sejanus replied in the same manner, causing Coriolanus and Bellova to laugh. 
“Spill it. Who won the prize?” Arachne said impatiently, pursing her lips.
“Oh, no, I’m not gonna ruin my father’s big day. No one here actually likes him, but they do love his money.” Sejanus looked directly at the girl, smirking slightly. “You know what that’s like, don’t you, Arachne?”
She scoffed, clearly offended. “Funny.”
The television began playing Panem’s national anthem, signaling the students to take their assigned seats. Bellova sat down, smoothing out her skirt and crossing her legs. She saw Sejanus pull Coriolanus aside, and noticed Coriolanus’s sudden change in mood as he sat down next to her. 
“What happened?” she murmured quietly.
“I’ll tell you later,” Coriolanus snapped. 
Bellova rolled her eyes. “You are such a c-“
She was abruptly cut off by the sound of Dr. Gaul’s cackle echoing throughout Heavensbee Hall, amplified by the microphone in front of her. 
Coriolanus and Bellova sat quietly as she addressed the student body. Though Dr. Gaul was indifferent to most of the students at the Academy, they had always been given more of her attention than their peers. 
It was a blessing and a curse to be liked by Dr. Gaul. It never hurt to have the approval of a teacher, but she was off-putting and almost sadistic at times. Plus, she loved pairing her two favorite students together, which meant that Coriolanus and Bellova had an unfortunate history of arguing after High Biology. It had almost gotten physical a few times. Bellova was quick to anger and far too prideful for Coriolanus’s liking. He never laid a finger on her; the fear of being expelled was too strong for that. He did, however, contradict her at every possible turn. He took great pleasure in the muttered curses and insults hurled his way as she stormed off, causing the students around her to move away hastily.
“And now to that end,” Dr. Gaul concluded. “I am honored to introduce to you the creator of The Hunger Games themselves: Dean Casca Highbottom.”
Highbottom took a sip from his small vial, and began making his way through the middle of the student body, clearly inebriated. “Uh…” he cleared his throat. “Select students, faculty, and, of course, Dr. Gaul, I have summoned you all here today for the 10th Annual Reaping Ceremony in which we choose two children from each district to throw into the Capitol Arena to fight to the death in The Hunger Games.”
Bellova smirked. “I can’t believe they still allow him to speak in public,” she whispered to Coriolanus, making him smile slightly. 
“And here,” the dean continued, gesturing to the senior students sitting at the front of the hall. “Sit our own twenty-four top prospects all waiting to hear the results of hard study in this prestigious institution. Eager to learn who’s won that Plinth Prize, no doubt. And a golden future. However,” he said, causing Bellova’s brows to furrow. “I am here to tell you that there has been a change this year. One final assignment to prove your worth. Because… the esteemed citizens of the Capitol have grown bored of the Games and simply aren’t watching anymore. And if the Games are to continue at all, there must be an audience.” A few people chuckle. “So, Head Gamemaker Dr. Gaul has stepped in to… incentivize patriotic values with her own unique flair, starting with you. The Plinth Prize will no longer be determined by who has the best grades.”
“Excuse me?“ 
“But by who is the best mentor in The Hunger Games.”
The twenty-four mentors had erupted into complaints after that. After the Dean had settled them down, he read off the names of the tributes and their assigned mentors. Lucky for her, Bellova received the female tribute from District 1. But Coriolanus was humiliated by receiving the runt girl from District 12, Lucy Gray Baird. Not only was she small and seemingly malnourished, she appeared to be insane as well. 
As the Academy students filed out of Heavensbee Hall and made their way towards the cafeteria, Bellova approached Coriolanus. 
“I assume Sejanus told you about the change to the Plinth Prize conditions and that’s why you looked so upset earlier?“
Coriolanus nodded stiffly. 
“I see,” Bellova nodded. “I didn’t see it coming either.” 
Coriolanus glanced at her. “Why do you even care about the Plinth Prize, Bellova? You’re going to University regardless.”
She shrugged. “I like winning. But it’s really not crucial in this instance.” 
Coriolanus felt a pang of jealousy at her nonchalant attitude. “It is for me. And with the tribute I was assigned, failure is guaranteed.” 
Bellova frowned. “Are you sure? She made quite a spectacle of herself earlier. Almost everyone is talking about her.”
Coriolanus sighed. “It won’t do any good when she’s dead in five minutes flat in the arena.”
“Perhaps,” Bellova said. “But I know you, Coryo. You’ll do anything in your power to come out on top. It’s infuriating, honestly.”
He smirked. “Only because it results in you losing.”
Bellova pursed her lips in annoyance. “Only on rare occasions. My point is that it’s a good thing, being willing to do anything to win. If you stop doing that now, you can kiss the Plinth Prize goodbye.”
And with that, they reached the cafeteria and parted ways, Bellova’s words of advice still ringing in Coriolanus’s ears. 
TAGLIST: @daenerysqueenofhearts, @squidscottjeans, @euphemiaamillais
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. I have several more chapters finished, I’m just polishing them up atm. I’ll post the second chapter sometime soon hopefully. Let me know in the comments what you think and if you’d like to be tagged!
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allbark-no-bite · 1 year
↳ topgun
——> bradley bradshaw
foul language
survivors guilt
——> jake seresin
past the texas line
cowboy up
marriage and honor
december and devotion
cats and christmas
——> icemav
i would’ve married you (x reader)
i’ve been meaning to tell you
mr. iceman, sir
↳ outerbanks
——> rafe cameron
this is real life
don’t say love
guilty conscience
——> topper thornton
who are you mad at
↳ elvis
——> elvis presley
on his knees
that damn hound dog
save a horse, ride a cowboy
meet me in the middle
silver fox
expecting the unexpected
sit still
which lover will i get today
↳ peakey blinders
——> tommy shelby
something holy
↳ the bear
——> carmen bearzatto
kiss me and apologize
↳ the hunger games
——> coriolanus snow
ignorance is bliss
↳ the vampire diaries
——> damon salvatore
cain complex
↳ saltburn
——> felix catton
things friends do
↳ challengers
——> art donaldson
good boy
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catindabag · 5 months
TBOSAS on Crack short take (65)
*How to ruin a solemn event* Read [this] first.
Prof.Sickle: Why can’t my children just act normal for one day?!😭
Felix: Professor-
Prof.Sickle: Am I cursed?! Is that too much to ask?! Did I do something wrong to deserve this?! Should I just quit my job and become a freelance actress?!
Felix: Professor, please-
Prof.Sickle: Just leave me alone!
Felix: Can I have your lamb stew-
Prof.Sickle: F*ck the lamb stew!
Coryo: *is still sitting on Sejanus Plinth’s lap* Can I have another plate? I’m still hungry.
Sejanus: Hey, Heavensbee!
Hilarius: What?
Sejanus: Get my dear darling another plate for me.
Hilarius: Is that an order?
Sejanus: Duh.
Hilarius: You can’t just order me around like some peasant, Plinth-
Sejanus: 20 bucks.
Hilarius: I- I’ll go get that plate for you, Mr. Plinth!
Coryo: *whispers to Sejanus* I love it when you do that, Babe.
Sejanus: Anything for you, my love! Anything for you!😍
Coryo: Do you want a kiss?
Sejanus: Yes! Yes, please! I would like one or two or three or more-
Clemensia: Not on Reaping Day, you idiots!
Sejanus: But I want a kiss from my darling Coryo!😫
Coryo: I also want a kiss-
Clemensia: Then you can kiss, make out, and f*ck inside Highbottom’s broom closet later!
Sejanus: But-
Clemensia: After today’s program!
Coryo: Clemmie-
Clemensia: Far away from me!
Festus: *is still sitting on Persephone’s lap* Percy Baby, do you want me to get you another plate too?
Persephone: Did you find my missing Maid Stew?🥺
Festus: I- I’ll find your missing stew later.
Persephone: Thank you, Baby. You’re the best!
Arachne: Lol. Good luck finding a willing maid, you two.
Persephone: You better watch out, Crane. You better watch out!
Arachne: What? Are you gonna eat me too, loser?
Persephone: You better lock your doors, Crane! You better lock your weak ass doors tonight!
Arachne: Are you gonna cry to dear old mommy, Percy?
Festus: Arachne, you’re the worst! Stop bullying my Percy Price before she summons her werewolf wannabe father on you again!
Arachne: You think I’m afraid of fighting some crazy old man wearing a fursuit?!
Festus: Nero is a werewolf wannabe, you uncultured swine!
Arachne: I freaking bought silver bullets, you idiot!
Festus: Your silver bullets are sh*t! You can’t even fire a pistol!
Arachne: My stupid brother will shoot him for me!
Festus: Your stupid brother is a coward! He’s not even the favorite!
Coryo: *randomly joins the conversation* But why isn’t Aeneas Crane the favorite?
Felix: *also joins the conversation* Isn’t Aeneas smarter and more accomplished than you, Arachne?
Arachne: True. But my parents only wanted a beautiful daughter to spoil and love forever. So here we are.☺️
Coryo: So you’re saying that your borderline abusive parents just straight up hate poor Aeneas for not being born like you?
Arachne: Yup! That’s why my loser older brother sleeps inside my mommy’s tiny doghouse-
Coryo: Come again?
Arachne: He sleeps inside a tiny doghouse, Snow. A tiny tiny ugly doghouse.
Coryo: Then where do you sleep?
Arachne: I sleep in a luxurious spacious pink and gold bedroom with two king size beds.☺️
Coryo: What the actual duck and buck, Crane!
Arachne: I also have my own cozy looking bathroom and a huge gold encrusted walk-in closet.
Coryo: That’s child abuse!
Arachne: Aeneas doesn’t mind. He was “trained” by my parents to love his tiny doghouse.
Felix: That’s so cruel! Your parents are evil! My Gran Gran’s Bichon Frisé puppies don’t even sleep in a doghouse. They sleep like royalty!😭
Persephone: And I genuinely thought that Dr. Gaul was the only heartless monster I know.
Coryo: Now I feel sorry for that poor down-to-earth guy.
Felix: Me too.😔
Coryo: Even Creed’s freaky pet rats have better living conditions.
Festus: True. My precious dumpster is more cozy and spacious.
Arachne: Don’t be sorry. It’s not like our government will step in and arrest my parents for favoring me over my brother.
Festus: That’s also true. My crazy mama wasn’t even questioned or arrested for abandoning me and my father at the height of the war.
Felix: And this is why we all have irreversible war traumas.😞
Coryo: Sorrows and prayers.
Festus: His odds are sh*t.
Felix: So be it.
Dr.Gaul: Ugh. Why can’t I just put all of them in the Hunger Games and be done with it?😑
Drunk!Casca: *is waving across the hall* Yo, when is my introduction?!
Dr.Gaul: Ugh. I forgot about him. Um- I am honored to introduce to you the creator of the Hunger Games themselves, Dean Casca Highbottom-
Drunk!Casca: Finally! I have been waiting here for hours listening to my students talk sh*t about how ugly Creed’s sunflower suit really is!
Festus: That’s fake news! My sunflower suit is beautiful! It glows in the dark!
Drunk!Casca: It’s ugly! End of story.
Festus: Why you-
Drunk!Casca: *ignores Creed* I have summoned you all here today for the 10th annual Reaping Ceremony-
Persephone: The games are an annual thing?!
Androcles: Lol. I thought they’re only held every 4 years-
Urban: And I’m starting to believe that Anderson lives under a rock-
Androcles: I was just kidding, Ban Ban.
Urban: Don’t call me that.
Androcles: Turban then?
Urban: I hate you.
Androcles: It’s an honor-
Drunk!Casca: Be quiet! I’m still talking!
Androcles: Don’t shout. I’m baby.
Drunk!Casca: No. I’m baby! Isn’t that right, my Crassus?🥺
Coryo: Why is Highbottom looking at me like that?
Androcles: I think that’s his best way of flirting-
Coryo: Ew. No. That’s illegal.
Sejanus: Well, I better put him on my hit list.
Coryo: Thanks.
Drunk!Casca: Crassus, honey-
Dr.Gaul: Casca, focus!
Drunk!Casca: Fine! Um- In which we choose 2 children from each District to throw into the Capitol Arena to fight to the death in the Hunger Games-
Juno: Ew. Whose bright idea was that?
Drunk!Casca: I know right! My darling Crassus and I just wanted a little singing contest! Not a killing contest! But crazy Dr. Gaul changed our beautiful thesis paper-
Dr.Gaul: Casca, do shut up.
Drunk!Casca: I just wanted to sing ✨Snow On The Beach✨ with my darling Crassus, you monster!
Dr.Gaul: Crassus is dead!
Drunk!Casca: No, he’s not! My precious Snow Bae is literally sitting on stupid Plinth’s lap right now!
Dr.Gaul: That’s Coriolanus-
Drunk!Casca: That’s my gorgeous husband!
Sejanus: Coryo is mine!
Drunk!Casca: He was mine first, you boyfriend stealer!
Sejanus: He was mine since we were in grade school!
Drunk!Casca: I was my Snow Angel’s first kiss and first fu-
Clemensia: *suddenly stands up* Will you guys shut up?! This is the Reaping Ceremony! This is a solemn event! There are a lot of students watching us! Heck! All of Panem is watching us right now!
Sejanus:. . .
Everyone:. . .
Drunk!Casca: Crassus Snow lost his precious virginity to me-
Coryo: What the f*ck-
Sejanus: That’s kinda hot.
Dr.Gaul: I didn’t expect that.
Drunk!Casca: Just saying.
Strabo: *at the back* Who the f*ck cares, Cassy! My Crassus always said that I was better in bed!
Coryo: I will ignore that.
Drunk!Casca: Go away, you loser!
Strabo: You’re the loser!
Hilarius: *enters the scene with a plate* Yo, what did I miss?😀
Clemensia: I’m going home.
Urban: You can’t-
Clemensia: I’m going home!
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dragonsarecats · 6 months
To be fair CF is just as much about found family than VW
Hi anon! I'm gonna link the post I talked about the Golden Deer here for clarity's sake lol.
I think when discussing themes of found family in different three houses routes, it's important to talk about Byleth. In a game where the single, main variable between possible futures is Byleth's interference, it means the story has to be written in a particular way--I mentioned this before when talking about character supports and endings; each character needs to be able to have a romantic ending with Byleth, which affects how their supports are written. In the case of the Lord's, this means you're given tangible reasons why you should've chosen them.
I mean. Let's be real here. Claude has the highest survivability rate of any character in the base game. He can't die if you're completing Verdant Wind (for obvious reasons), or Blue Lions. He's heavily implied to live to see another day in Silver Snow, and you can spare him in Crimson Flower! Edelgard and Dimitri die without the professor's stabilizing influence--but Claude? What does he lose without the professor.
That's sort of how I determine subtler themes of each route in a way--by comparing what you get with and without Byleth.
So when I argue that Verdant Wind is the most about found family, I mean it thematically; the other routes don't have tangible less found family, but without Byleth members of the Golden Deer just blatantly disappear unrecruited post time skip in several routes!
Without Byleth, the option for found family is removed for Claude in a big way, I personally feel, and not just by full recruitment runs lol. Not completely, of course--even in Crimson Flower a recruited Lorenz laments having to face off against Claude and Hilda is willing to die in defense of him and the city--but enough that it was blatantly shocking to me that if you don't recruit Marianne, she does not appear at all post time skip, no exceptions.
In a narrative sense, perhaps slightly unshocking; but in a practical sense? This leaves Claude without a healer.
Claude can't hold onto all his Deer even if you don't recruit any of them in the Academy phase. Silver Snow, Azure Moon, Crimson Flower--Marianne will always be gone; consistent, non variable. Depending on the route other characters like Lorenz might disappear as well.
The themes of found family are prevalent in all the routes, but since each route is pretty much defined by the Lord who leads it, I feel as though their personal relationship with the found family is most defining, if that makes sense.
People stand by Edelgard, Dimitri, and even Rhea for better, or for worse. Even recruited, characters like Felix make it abundantly clear that switching sides doesn't change the immense emotional attachment they have to their original lord.
This just. Isn't true for Claude.
Without Byleth, he doesn't get to keep everyone together. Without Byleth Hilda is recruitable in two routes. The idea that you could ever do the same with Hubert or Dedue is blatantly laughable.
Byleth's presence is what enables Edelgard, Dimitri, and Rhea to remain the most of themselves, if that makes sense. Edelgard's war strategy in Crimson Flower is a lot less aggressive and scorched earth then it is in the other two routes because she's had the professor as an emotional rock. Similarly for Dimitri, he's able to recover because Byleth is there to keep him alive and safe. And then Rhea will blatantly die in the Verdant Wind route where she doesn't in Silver Snow. Byleth, in every sense of the word, keeps these three characters alive and well.
But without her? They still inspire loyalty and devotion--unquestionable, again, if no recruitment takes place. Dimitri, Edelgard, and Rhea can all face up against you as enemies with the full force of their houses/allies (save for, oddly, Annette).
Claude does not.
Claude's whole route is about learning to trust others in a way that allows them to trust him. The Deer are devoted to Claude in Verdant Wind in a way they just, textually aren't otherwise, and that's due to Byleth's influence, both as a Professor to these individual students, and to Claude.
When I say that Verdant Wind is the most found family thematically to me, I mean it at a very base level. Claude knows he doesn't have what Dimitri and Edelgard seem to take for granted. It seems almost effortless, in Verdant Wind, the loyalty and devotion he inspires in his friends despite how often you, as Byleth, are told that Claude appears to be an untrustworthy and sneaky individual.
But it's easy to see in routes where you don't chose him that without Byleth, that image mantains. Claude is an outsider. And maybe he doesn't need Byleth in the way the other lords do to survive or achieve his dream (after all, there's nothing saying he can't open diplomacy with his former classmates after he goes back to Almyra so long as he lives to do so), but just as Byleth is uniquely able to be a peer to the Golden Deer, so can Claude uniquely trust and gain the trust of his house in full.
It's not as dramatic as the other two houses, and I think it's the point. Edelgard and Dimitri have already built a solid foundation of devotion and loyalty. Ferdinand and Felix (your "rival" characters in those houses) are loyal without Byleth, even if Ferdinand claims it's to guide her or if Felix complains every step of the way. Lorenz isn't. In Verdant Wind, you sort of take it for granted that everyone will be there at the reunion if they survived the Academy phase. Of course they will--they promised, didn't they?
But outside Verdant Wind, it's clear to see that you as the player took it for granted. And that's why I think Verdant Wind is thematically the most found family. It's not because the other routes don't love each other as much or aren't as complex or there isn't devotion. It's because fundamentally Verdant Wind is about Claude, for the first time in his life, having a group of people he can rely on and who will rely on him without hesitation. It's about the formation of found family, and how Claude doesn't need it to achieve his dreams, but man, does it give him something to achieve those dreams for.
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dottiechan · 5 months
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TWC Secret Santa @wayhavensecretsanta ❄ - Happy holidays, @ejunkiet!
It was an absolute pleasure to create for you, I love Lizzie and Ava so much!!! 🩵 I couldn't decide whether to draw or write, so enjoy a bit of both. (BTW I seriously recommend @ejunkiet's fics of their detective OC Lizzie Quail, they're so good.) Happy holidays again! xx P.s. If you saw me accidentally post a draft of my gift to you a few days before... Shhh no you didn't. 🥲
Summary: After Unit Bravo's holiday dinner with Detective Lizzie Quail, Felix realises all the photos he took with his polaroid camera are botched.
Wordcount: 835
Warnings: smoking, Fuzzy Holidays Feels™
Too blurry. Too crowded. Mason is holding up his middle finger. Not focused on the subject. Ava appears to be sneering?
The polaroids scatter on the floor as they’re being dropped, Felix’s frustration seemingly travelling through his fingertips and into the botched pictures as they skitter across the parquet. He had such high hopes for this holiday dinner they’ve panned - he even volunteered, much to Nat’s suspicion, to help decorate the warehouse to prepare the background for his perfect winter photos. There doesn’t seem to be a single wall or piece of furniture without strings of fairy lights or garlands hanging off them - and yet somehow, he managed to mess up all the pictures he took.
“I should have just used my phone, not this stupid polaroid Nat gave me,” he grumbles, as he sinks to the floor dramatically from the sofa. He turns his head to the left, expecting a response from Mason, but aside from the shrug of a shoulder, and a puff of smoke, he’s as disinterested as always. Felix allows his head to loll right now, and peeks through the open doors into the dining room, but his other team members are too far to share in his misery. Lizzie is in the middle of a story, which has Nat’s full attention, and Ava’s full, well, everything? Attention, adoration, respect, senses, everything. They’re cute, the way they hold hands over the table, how Ava squeezes Lizzie's hand encouragingly when she trails off or gets embarrassed by her own rambling. Felix hoped he would capture a moment between them, something candid, something like right now, but he’s missed his windows of opportunity - like for instance when Ava finally allowed herself to be dragged under the mistletoe with Lizzie, but their picture was ruined by the detective spilling her drink all over herself.
“Leave me alone,” he replies, but he also cracks one eye open to make sure Nat, who’s just entered the room, doesn’t lose interest in his pity party on the floor. But she’s already retreating, so he starts flailing his limbs as if he were making a snow angel in the sea of polaroids. “Please don’t leave me alone. Mason won’t talk to me and I’m embarrassed. I messed up all the pictures. I tried taking them like you showed me but I messed up.”
“They’re not so bad,” Nat says kindly as she sits with her friend, plucking the odd semi-decent pictures from the ground. “See? This is lovely.”
“Yeah, but Lizard has hot chocolate spilt on her sweater in that one.”
“Don’t call her that,” Mason grumbles, as he sweeps some polaroids off his lap - the by-product of Felix’s snow angel performance - and flicks his cigarette into the flames of the fireplace. Nat pretends not to see, but the pain flashing across her features has already made Felix feel a little better. They spend the better of the next hour going through the pictures and sorting them out, while Mason sits close-by, smoking, lost in his thoughts. All that breaks their peace is Frank Sinatra’s drawling voice coming from the record player, and the occasional laughter from the lovebirds still camped in the dining room. By the end of it, they’re left with a handful of decent-ish photographs, and Felix wastes no time sticking them into the photo album he got from Lizzie for Christmas.
There was a moment today, a moment worth capturing, one that was befitting of the old silver screen movies Nat made him and Lizzie watch, between Ava and their beloved detective. Naturally, Felix - a rotten romantic at heart - is pissed that he wasn’t able to capture it. It was a moment far better than the forced kiss under the mistletoe, a moment of intimacy, when the pair thought they were away from prying eyes. A hand under Lizzie’s jaw, Ava’s eyes fixed on the prize, wanting to kiss but being unable to take their eyes off of each other… Obviously the shutter of the camera ruined it, causing the pair step away from each other, and Lizzie to hide her blushing cheeks behind the curtain of her frizzy hair, but that’s beside the point. They were happy. Maybe happier than he’s ever seen them. Things are often so fucked up, with the odds always stacked against them, that Felix sometimes lives in the comfort of these moments. He lives in his family’s happiness, in his friends’ laughter, in Lizzie’s tight hugs, in Ava’s pats on the shoulder… If he could, he’d capture all these moments in a jar and keep them very close always. Photographs are the next best thing - which is why he’s bummed out the picture he took of this moment must be so unrecognisable that it was swallowed by his sea of botched photographs.
He’s lost in thought when Mason nudges his shoulder, a polaroid of Lizzie and Ava in his hand stretched towards him.
“Found this under the sofa. Not too bad, if you’re into this lovey-dovey shit.”
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gascon-en-exil · 10 days
"dubiously moral or outright evil royalty and their unfathomably devoted personal servant/knight/advisor is simply one of the top ships of all time." // I saw this tagged as dimidue and... honest question, when was Dimitri Morrally Dubious or Outright Evil in 3Houses? I get he's one of the final bosses of Crimson Flower, but if that = morally dubious... I don't see it.
Also, doesn't he die in VW/SS and he stops being "feral" shortly after Dedue is recruited? When was Dedue doing Dimitri's evil bidding in game?
It's a massive stretch to try to paint Dimitri as such, even for fans who actively want dark Dimitri content. I've seen people on the anon meme complain about much the game forces you to reach for some serious, ahem, "dark fuck prince" Dimitri stuff, since when you get down to it the only people we ever see him do anything to beyond series-standard violence are 1) generic soldiers or 2) Randolph, who belongs to a very broad category of FE bosses that are next door to generics for how easily the games reduce them to cannon fodder. The DLC even walks back that angle a bit with a comment from Yuri about Dimitri becoming a folk hero in Faerghus during the timeskip, which really undercuts the thought that he might be out there killing random civilians or whatever. Crimson Flower certainly doesn't sell it, in large part because it just doesn't have the time to develop any of its four separate antagonist factions well in only six chapters. Dimitri has, what, two scenes or so before he's faced as a boss in CF? Silver Snow and Verdant Wind are no help either, with his sole appearance in the former being possibly a hallucination and his appearance in the latter being followed by Dedue basically turning into Finn from Jugdral and devoting himself to avenging his fallen lord/lover.
Pretty much any dark Dimidue content with even a small basis in canon is going to pull from that Dedue/Felix support where Felix posits several hypothetical terrible things that Dedue would commit for Dimitri. Felix is being obviously antagonistic, and none of what he claims is ever realized in the story, so it's really hard to take that conversation as anything but Dedue telling Felix what he wants to hear because he knows the guy is working through his own issues and possibly wants to get in for some throuple action and also understands through their years of mutual trauma bonding that Dimitri would never order him to kill children. You really have to work for in-character dark Dimidue; they're actually an incredible sappy couple (have you seen some of their lines to each other?) who's going to go on to adopt like twenty kids together, with the sole caveat being that both of them will completely lose it if their massive Do Not Separate sticker is ever violated.
(One could also apply similar observations on fandom trends to Catherine/Rhea, but I'm less familiar with that pairing.)
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wanderingmind867 · 8 months
I saved some screenshots of the paired endings I got on my switch, so let me list some of the ones I remember:
In Verdant Flowers I got:
Claude and Lorenz
Marianne and Hilda
Raphael and Ignatz
Cyril and Lysithea
Ashe and Caspar
Male Byleth and Yuri
Felix and Leonie
Sylvain and Ingrid
In Crimson Flower I got (I replayed the last few chapters to get extra endings):
Female Byleth and Edelgard
Petra and Ashe
Constance and Jeritza
Linhardt and Caspar
Hubert and Bernadetta
Ferdinand and Dorothea
Constance and Hapi
Edelgard and Ferdinand
Female Byleth and Jeritza
Mercedes and Jeritza
Ferdinand and Bernadetta
Edelgard and Hubert
Female Byleth and Sylvain
And in Azure Moon I got (I didn't screenshot these, but I remember a few of these. Also, I still have that save file. So I can revisit it):
Ashe and Dedue
Male Byleth and Linhardt
Felix and Sylvain (I think)
Dimitri and Marianne (I think)
Annette and Mercedes (I think)
So there you have it! All the paired endings I know/am pretty sure I've gotten! I'm aiming to get more on Silver Snow, and I'm also hoping to replay Azure Moon at some point (so I might get more there too). But for now, these are all the endings I've gotten.
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