#Verdant Wind (Felix)
cosmosnout · 1 year
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I personally, like to ruin my day by thinking about Sylvain's and Felix's paired ending outside of Azure moon
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just found out u can add text to screenshots on ur switch
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cazuzuka · 1 year
Hey Gamers! Check out this new streamer Natsuka. Starting this week she is playing the last couple chapters of Fire Emblem: 3 Houses - Verdant Wind Route. If you want to know how the story ends with many of your favorite boys and girls, check it out! Wednesday evenings!
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cartoonnonsensegirl · 4 months
After finishing Verdant Wind and Azure Moon, I'm finally teaching the Black Eagles!!!
I actually fell in love with their group dynamic in Three Hopes, and I'm already liking them in Three Houses; even more so than the Golden Deer.
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museswithswords · 2 years
Tag dump 2: Verses
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isan0rt · 11 months
You know, when you consider Azure Moon as a self-contained narrative, the use of ‘unanswered questions’ and ambiguity as a reinforcement of the themes of the route are really effective. I honestly think having the route not address the Slithers was the best narrative choice IntSys could possibly have made given the themes of Azure Moon.
Like. The developers didn’t really expect people to actually play all the routes; they designed the game so ‘everyone would have a different experience.’ As a result, all the routes have very different themes and scopes. Azure Moon is the tightest, most character-driven narrative despite not being the shortest route.
And Azure Moon is about grief.
Grief hangs over the entire route; except for Mercedes, every single one of the Blue Lions is haunted by the Tragedy of Duscur and the unanswered questions surrounding it. Felix loses his brother directly, and his worldview and best friend to the aftermath. Ingrid loses her fiance, but also her sense of security; without Glenn, her people may starve, and her personal future is now uncertain. Sylvain and Glenn were the same age, so we can assume they were friends, though his loss is less direct; Sylvain is surrounded by people broken by loss, including his own father. Annette’s father leaves her family in disgrace over being unable to stop the tragedy. Ashe loses his foster brother to the aftermath; and later his foster father as well. 
Dimitri and Dedue lose everything.
All of them spend the whole route wanting to find answers and some kind of closure for this event. It drives the entire narrative for all of the Lions actually from Faerghus. Mercedes, meanwhile, stands as an outside observer to that tragedy - but she is also dealing with her own personal tragedy and unanswered questions about her brother, and that drives her during Azure Moon.
And the thing about grief is that sometimes you never get closure. But you still have to move on, anyway.
That’s the whole point of Azure Moon. Dimitri has to move on. All the Lions have to move on. 
Mercedes cannot regain her brother, whether you find out his identity or not in the route. She has to move on anyway. Dimitri cannot reconcile with his family, not with Rufus (Did Dimitri kill him? We the viewer can never really know for sure) and not with Edelgard. He never finds out whether Patricia wanted to kill his father, or whether she loved Dimitri at all (and we the viewer don’t, either). He has to move on anyway. The Lions never find out the cause of the tragedy.
They have to move on anyway.
Involving the Slithers at that point would not only add a bunch of last-minute narrative complications that aren’t necessary in Azure Moon, it would undermine the emotional impact of the route (in much the same way the last map of Verdant Wind does, honestly). The themes of Azure Moon not only don’t need to answer the question of the Slithers; not answering that question is the point. Bringing up the Slithers at that point would take all the air out of the personal drama the route takes its entire runtime addressing.
Dimitri hesitates at the end. He stops, and tries to look back, and Byleth stops him. He has to move on. He can’t keep looking back at Duscur. He’s got to walk forward. 
And that means leaving his questions unanswered. 
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dragonsarecats · 6 months
To be fair CF is just as much about found family than VW
Hi anon! I'm gonna link the post I talked about the Golden Deer here for clarity's sake lol.
I think when discussing themes of found family in different three houses routes, it's important to talk about Byleth. In a game where the single, main variable between possible futures is Byleth's interference, it means the story has to be written in a particular way--I mentioned this before when talking about character supports and endings; each character needs to be able to have a romantic ending with Byleth, which affects how their supports are written. In the case of the Lord's, this means you're given tangible reasons why you should've chosen them.
I mean. Let's be real here. Claude has the highest survivability rate of any character in the base game. He can't die if you're completing Verdant Wind (for obvious reasons), or Blue Lions. He's heavily implied to live to see another day in Silver Snow, and you can spare him in Crimson Flower! Edelgard and Dimitri die without the professor's stabilizing influence--but Claude? What does he lose without the professor.
That's sort of how I determine subtler themes of each route in a way--by comparing what you get with and without Byleth.
So when I argue that Verdant Wind is the most about found family, I mean it thematically; the other routes don't have tangible less found family, but without Byleth members of the Golden Deer just blatantly disappear unrecruited post time skip in several routes!
Without Byleth, the option for found family is removed for Claude in a big way, I personally feel, and not just by full recruitment runs lol. Not completely, of course--even in Crimson Flower a recruited Lorenz laments having to face off against Claude and Hilda is willing to die in defense of him and the city--but enough that it was blatantly shocking to me that if you don't recruit Marianne, she does not appear at all post time skip, no exceptions.
In a narrative sense, perhaps slightly unshocking; but in a practical sense? This leaves Claude without a healer.
Claude can't hold onto all his Deer even if you don't recruit any of them in the Academy phase. Silver Snow, Azure Moon, Crimson Flower--Marianne will always be gone; consistent, non variable. Depending on the route other characters like Lorenz might disappear as well.
The themes of found family are prevalent in all the routes, but since each route is pretty much defined by the Lord who leads it, I feel as though their personal relationship with the found family is most defining, if that makes sense.
People stand by Edelgard, Dimitri, and even Rhea for better, or for worse. Even recruited, characters like Felix make it abundantly clear that switching sides doesn't change the immense emotional attachment they have to their original lord.
This just. Isn't true for Claude.
Without Byleth, he doesn't get to keep everyone together. Without Byleth Hilda is recruitable in two routes. The idea that you could ever do the same with Hubert or Dedue is blatantly laughable.
Byleth's presence is what enables Edelgard, Dimitri, and Rhea to remain the most of themselves, if that makes sense. Edelgard's war strategy in Crimson Flower is a lot less aggressive and scorched earth then it is in the other two routes because she's had the professor as an emotional rock. Similarly for Dimitri, he's able to recover because Byleth is there to keep him alive and safe. And then Rhea will blatantly die in the Verdant Wind route where she doesn't in Silver Snow. Byleth, in every sense of the word, keeps these three characters alive and well.
But without her? They still inspire loyalty and devotion--unquestionable, again, if no recruitment takes place. Dimitri, Edelgard, and Rhea can all face up against you as enemies with the full force of their houses/allies (save for, oddly, Annette).
Claude does not.
Claude's whole route is about learning to trust others in a way that allows them to trust him. The Deer are devoted to Claude in Verdant Wind in a way they just, textually aren't otherwise, and that's due to Byleth's influence, both as a Professor to these individual students, and to Claude.
When I say that Verdant Wind is the most found family thematically to me, I mean it at a very base level. Claude knows he doesn't have what Dimitri and Edelgard seem to take for granted. It seems almost effortless, in Verdant Wind, the loyalty and devotion he inspires in his friends despite how often you, as Byleth, are told that Claude appears to be an untrustworthy and sneaky individual.
But it's easy to see in routes where you don't chose him that without Byleth, that image mantains. Claude is an outsider. And maybe he doesn't need Byleth in the way the other lords do to survive or achieve his dream (after all, there's nothing saying he can't open diplomacy with his former classmates after he goes back to Almyra so long as he lives to do so), but just as Byleth is uniquely able to be a peer to the Golden Deer, so can Claude uniquely trust and gain the trust of his house in full.
It's not as dramatic as the other two houses, and I think it's the point. Edelgard and Dimitri have already built a solid foundation of devotion and loyalty. Ferdinand and Felix (your "rival" characters in those houses) are loyal without Byleth, even if Ferdinand claims it's to guide her or if Felix complains every step of the way. Lorenz isn't. In Verdant Wind, you sort of take it for granted that everyone will be there at the reunion if they survived the Academy phase. Of course they will--they promised, didn't they?
But outside Verdant Wind, it's clear to see that you as the player took it for granted. And that's why I think Verdant Wind is thematically the most found family. It's not because the other routes don't love each other as much or aren't as complex or there isn't devotion. It's because fundamentally Verdant Wind is about Claude, for the first time in his life, having a group of people he can rely on and who will rely on him without hesitation. It's about the formation of found family, and how Claude doesn't need it to achieve his dreams, but man, does it give him something to achieve those dreams for.
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pirdmystery · 5 months
putting all of my fics in one place to pin :) hello i like to write about video game characters experiencing Ache and i like it when people read what i wrote.
midnight in the garden -- dimitri/felix, 13k, T. dimitri gives up the throne to become a grave keeper.
the shade of the morning sun -- dimitri/felix, 33k, M. mid/post-skip azure moon vampire dimitri au.
hold her by the thumbs -- ingrid/sylvain, 16k, M. getting together modern au. (with a little background dimilix and unrequited dorovain)
a blade to cut the ice -- dimitri/felix, 7k, T. for the holiday dimilx exchange, felix comes home to faerghus after a long time away.
there’s a whole world, gone -- dimitri/felix, 2k, M. golden deer felix in verdant wind where nothing bad happens to dimitri at all.
melody, gloucester, pegasus — ingrid/mercedes, 4K, M. a little bit of post-canon yearning.
diary of a hunter, 1182 - 1185 -- dimitri/felix, 6k, T. a heavily footnoted log of felix's time looking for dimitri.
the tatters of the king — dimitri/felix, 9k wip (ch2/6), M. true detective inspired murder mystery modern au.
malgré moi — mercedes/sylvain, 3.6k, E. some hurt/comfort porn with no plot but plenty of feelings.
twisted on a dead straight road — ingrid/mercedes/dorothea, 8.8k, E. noir au for the 2024 femslash exchange, mostly alternates between merciegrid and dorogrid but with hints at dorocedes and the ot3 :)
ace attorney:
honeysuckle residue — phoenix/edgeworth, 1.8k, G. vignettes from the early seven year gap
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gascon-en-exil · 10 days
"dubiously moral or outright evil royalty and their unfathomably devoted personal servant/knight/advisor is simply one of the top ships of all time." // I saw this tagged as dimidue and... honest question, when was Dimitri Morrally Dubious or Outright Evil in 3Houses? I get he's one of the final bosses of Crimson Flower, but if that = morally dubious... I don't see it.
Also, doesn't he die in VW/SS and he stops being "feral" shortly after Dedue is recruited? When was Dedue doing Dimitri's evil bidding in game?
It's a massive stretch to try to paint Dimitri as such, even for fans who actively want dark Dimitri content. I've seen people on the anon meme complain about much the game forces you to reach for some serious, ahem, "dark fuck prince" Dimitri stuff, since when you get down to it the only people we ever see him do anything to beyond series-standard violence are 1) generic soldiers or 2) Randolph, who belongs to a very broad category of FE bosses that are next door to generics for how easily the games reduce them to cannon fodder. The DLC even walks back that angle a bit with a comment from Yuri about Dimitri becoming a folk hero in Faerghus during the timeskip, which really undercuts the thought that he might be out there killing random civilians or whatever. Crimson Flower certainly doesn't sell it, in large part because it just doesn't have the time to develop any of its four separate antagonist factions well in only six chapters. Dimitri has, what, two scenes or so before he's faced as a boss in CF? Silver Snow and Verdant Wind are no help either, with his sole appearance in the former being possibly a hallucination and his appearance in the latter being followed by Dedue basically turning into Finn from Jugdral and devoting himself to avenging his fallen lord/lover.
Pretty much any dark Dimidue content with even a small basis in canon is going to pull from that Dedue/Felix support where Felix posits several hypothetical terrible things that Dedue would commit for Dimitri. Felix is being obviously antagonistic, and none of what he claims is ever realized in the story, so it's really hard to take that conversation as anything but Dedue telling Felix what he wants to hear because he knows the guy is working through his own issues and possibly wants to get in for some throuple action and also understands through their years of mutual trauma bonding that Dimitri would never order him to kill children. You really have to work for in-character dark Dimidue; they're actually an incredible sappy couple (have you seen some of their lines to each other?) who's going to go on to adopt like twenty kids together, with the sole caveat being that both of them will completely lose it if their massive Do Not Separate sticker is ever violated.
(One could also apply similar observations on fandom trends to Catherine/Rhea, but I'm less familiar with that pairing.)
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reunionatdawn · 2 months
My Analysis of the Best Paired Endings in 3H (Part 20: Non-AM Ingrid/Ashe)
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Felix: If I were to die here, would you say something like you did when it was my brother? "That's the true end for a knight."
First things first, I personally think Rodrigue's comment came off substantially worse in Japanese than it did in the localization. In English, his reaction came off more as passive acceptance. Like, "well at least he died so honorably". In Japanese, I don't think it was quite as passive. The part "だ" at the end of the sentence implied the expectation or ideal of what a knight's end should be.
Dimitri: …And you would hold up such a painful end as an ideal? Ingrid: Painful end…? Even if it's Your Highness speaking, I cannot let that pass. Glenn gave his life for you. Yet, to put it that way…! Dimitri: You didn't witness his final moments. …That's why you can say that. Ingrid: …No matter what Your Highness says, he will forever be the ideal knight to me, the person to aspire to.
That was also what Ingrid thought of as the ideal death. It's how she hoped to die, when the time came. And at the very least, that probably seemed better to her than dying as a bored and lonely housewife to some nobleman she had to marry for financial reasons.
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Ingrid: Now that I have parted ways with my father, there is nothing to hinder my dream. However, even if I become a knight in the future, deep inside my heart… I feel like something will always remain blocked. As someone born not as a knight but as a noble, I wonder if there was a role for me to fulfill…
In VW, Ingrid runs away from home to pursue her dream of becoming a knight. The Japanese word she used in her A-Support with Byleth was "つかえる" (tsukaeru). It means "to be blocked" or "to be obstructed." In this context, it conveys the idea of being unable to move forward emotionally or mentally. She says this no matter what route you choose. Even in AM, she had doubts about knighthood.
I believe AM!Ingrid is probably pretty happy. The Kingdom doesn't collapse, Dimitri survives to become a righteous king, she stays on good terms with her father, she can pursue her own goals instead of just getting married, and her childhood friends Felix and Sylvain are alive and well (unless you let them die in Classic Mode, I guess).
However, I also know that her non-AM endings—where she doesn't become a knight—are very popular and many consider them better than her AM endings. I completely understand why, and I actually agree with that notion very strongly. I don't think Ingrid becoming a knight after the war is necessarily terrible, especially if she has a life partner. I just think she probably experiences more positive character development and personal growth in Verdant Wind than Azure Moon.
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Ingrid: ...Your Highness. I will not throw away my life for someone else's sake. ...However, would you permit me to live for someone's sake, Your Highness? Not in the sense of throwing away my life — I want to dedicate my life to you. Dimitri: ...Wait. How should I interpret that? Ingrid: ...? However you like, Your Highness.
In Ingrid's A-Support with Dimitri, you learn that her dream of becoming a knight was probably influenced heavily by her feelings for him. She probably had a crush on him ever since they were kids and she fantasized about being the Kyphon to his Loog. She probably thought that if she pledged her life a knight, she could be by his side, almost like a wife. And she sincerely thought that she wouldn't mind dying for him, either. It'd just be dying for the person she loved.
Dimitri: Ingrid. Once this battle is over, I want you to… ………………。...As a knight, I want you to support me. … I've been thinking of saying that for a while. We get along well, don't we? Ingrid: … As a knight? Um, well, no! It's nothing! Of course, even without being told, I intend to fight for Your Highness… I mean, for our country.
In her A-Support, she told Dimitri that she was finally able to move on from Glenn's death now because of him. And she basically proposed to him. But he turned her down, only asking her to be his knight, not his wife. She was disappointed, but still accepted. And she serves as a knight to House Blaiddyd in most of her AM paired endings.
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Ingrid: Whatever the path, I will fight for my lord and believe in him. ……!
In VW, Dimitri was going down a dark path, and he was willing to sacrifice all of his childhood friends just to satisfy his personal grudge against Edelgard. An unrecruited Ingrid still clung to her dream and chose to go along with whatever path her lord chose. And it's definitely portrayed as negative development for her.
Ingrid: I apologize, Your Highness… I am not… like that person… Dimitri: Ingrid…….
I don't know why the localization changed Ingrid's VW death quote so much. But in Japanese, it gives off a completely different meaning than in English. She was, of course, referring to Glenn. It implies that she didn't feel like she could live up to being the ideal knight. When it truly came down to it, she realized that ideal wasn't what she aspired to, and she really wasn't content to lay down her life for Dimitri.
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Felix: Those who want to die, step forward. …I'll cut you all down at once.
VW was absolutely NOT Felix's ideal death. His ideal death was to spend his life with Sylvain and grow old and die peacefully alongside him. Sylvain is actually the only partner Felix can't end up with in VW because he feels too guilty about living for himself. But left unrecruited, Felix will fight very hard to survive.
Felix: Gasping for air…… This place ……My place to die…… Dimitri: ……Felix.
Felix's VW death quote is very interesting in Japanese. The first time he used the word "place" he used "ところ" (tokoro) and the second time he used the word "場所" (basho). "Basho" primarily refers to a physical location. "Tokoro" is more flexible and versatile. It is often used in expressions related to time or states of being.
Sylvain: Finally… I can go to the place where they are…
Sylvain also used "tokoro" when he died in CF. This is the way I interpreted Felix's Japanese VW death quote. He was having a vision of being someplace else. Like an afterlife place. And he realized that the physical place he was in was where he was going to die.
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Sylvain: Well… this is fate for you. Sorry, but… quietly accept it.
Sylvain's VW battle dialogue is a bit colder in Japanese. He tells the enemy to just accept their fate, the way he thought he had to when it came to his arranged marriage. He realized it's kill or be killed. And he didn't want to die. He apologized with the word "悪い" (warui). Specifically, the word translates to "bad" or "evil." But it can also describe moral judgments or expressions of regret. Like "my bad".
Sylvain: Hey, Your Highness… enough…let's put an end to the bad dream, yeah……?
Sylvain's unrecruited death quote in VW is completely different in Japanese. In English, they just reused his Classic Mode death quote for some reason I can't understand. But in Japanese, it's interesting because the standard word for "nightmare" is "悪夢" (akumu). It is the common way to refer to a frightening or distressing dream during sleep. But Sylvain used "悪い夢" (warui yume).
While grammatically correct, it's not frequently used to describe nightmares that way in everyday language. Sylvain's dream was to die alongside Felix. But not THIS way. And in Japanese, he could only cope by telling himself that it was all just a bad dream.
Dimitri: ………………。
There are many ways to interpret Dimitri's response to Sylvain's death. Unlike with Felix and Ingrid, he didn't say his name out loud. But I don't think it was because he felt less emotion when Sylvain died. Because he also just says "……." for Mercedes. But with Sylvain, it's a much longer ellipsis. Personally, I think that Sylvain's dying words were so disturbing that he was just rendered speechless.
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Felix: …I've known that boar prince since before birth. Before I knew it, he was always by my side… Maybe he was even my close friend. Byleth: Maybe? Felix: …I didn't understand his hatred or his agony toward the Empire at all. If it were me… Could I have saved him? Could I have stopped him?
After Dimitri's death, Felix used the term "親友" (shinyuu). It means "close friend" or "best friend." The localization chose "best friend". But in this context, I personally believe he was using it to mean "close friend". "Shinyuu" implies a close friendship, but it doesn't necessarily mean that they are your single closest friend like "best friend" does. Felix was saying that he used to consider himself to be close to Dimitri. But in hindsight, maybe they were never really as close as he thought they were, because he never truly understood his feelings.
Sylvain: There's nothing left after he wields his lance. It's like being hit by a great storm. …What drives him to that extent is probably his hatred toward the Empire, after all. Byleth: Wasn't he different before? Sylvain: Yeah... Maybe it's just that we didn't know him back then.
Sylvain has a similar line in CF where he admits that maybe they didn't really know Dimitri that well, after all. He used "we", so he was definitely including Felix and Ingrid along with himself.
Ingrid: I have known His Highness since childhood, but… I have never seen him like that before. The person we have known until now seems completely different…
And after the Holy Tomb, Ingrid admitted that she'd never seen that side of Dimitri before. She may have thought she was in love him, but she was in love with an idealized image of him based on who she knew as a kid. Not the person he really was as an adult.
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Ingrid: Among the soldiers we captured in the previous battle, there were quite a few who served His Highness. One of them told me that the Empire was involved in the "Tragedy of Duscur." If that's true, then perhaps I should have fought alongside His Highness in the army as well… (Option 1) Byleth: Why? Ingrid: I also… lost the person who was most important to me in that incident.
After the battle at Gronder in VW, Ingrid made it clear that Glenn was the most important person in the world to her. He was the reason she felt guilty about not fighting alongside Dimitri with the Kingdom.
(Option 2) Byleth: Do you regret it? Ingrid: No, not now. I actually think it's better that I'm part of this army. We will carry on the wishes of those who perished. We won't let the Empire's atrocities happen again.
You gain Support points if you ask her if she regrets her decision. And she doesn't. She's glad that she survived. She spent so long idealizing a knight's death. But when it came down to it, she was glad that she didn't die mindlessly following the orders of her king. This is especially poignant if you didn't recruit her childhood friends Felix and Sylvain, who did die painfully, never fulfilling their own dreams.
Ingrid: What will happen to Faerghus… to Fódlan, once this battle is over? Byleth: There will be peace. Ingrid: Peace… you say. I don't wish for such grand things. But… I just want a world where people are no longer dragged into conflict and schemes, where there is no suffering, no loss of life. No… I believe it's our duty as survivors to create such a world.
Ingrid experiences very positive character growth when she lets go of her childhood dream to become a knight and finds a new purpose.
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王道 (Ōdō): -王 (Ō) means "king" or "monarch," while 道 (dō) means "way" or "path." -王道 generally refers to the "right" or "proper" way of doing things, often associated with traditional or conventional norms, values, and principles. -It can also refer to the "path of the king" or the ideal path of leadership that embodies virtues such as wisdom, benevolence, and justice. -王道 emphasizes legitimacy, morality, and adherence to established rules and traditions in governance or leadership.
The developers said the CF represented 覇道 (Hadō) and AM represented 王道 (Ōdō). In that case, VW would be somewhere in-between. 王道 emphasizes moral, legitimate, and traditional leadership principles, whereas 覇道 suggests a more aggressive pursuit of dominance, often without regard for moral or ethical considerations. The positive side of AM is that Dimitri eventually does become a benevolent monarch.
Dimitri: Ashe, what do you think a knight is? Ashe: Huh? Someone who risks their life to protect the people, the king, and ultimately, the country…? Dimitri: Indeed… Many say that's what a knight should be… But the reality isn't so beautiful. Ultimately, a knight is someone who kills. The chivalric code preaches loyalty only to control knights and prevent them from betraying their liege.
But the downside is perhaps that it ends too conventionally. AM overall sticks to the "proper" and traditional way of doing things, which Claude was opposed to. And I would say that Claude was opposed to those traditions for good reason.
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Ingrid & Ashe (Non-AM) Ingrid pleaded for the survival of the confiscated Galatea territory and was appointed its new lord. To support her, Ashe headed to Galatea territory. There, he faced the cold gaze of the people directed towards Ingrid, who had once fled from the Galatea family. Ashe supported Ingrid devotedly and worked hand in hand to reform the territory and improve agricultural techniques. Gradually, as people witnessed their efforts, the attitude of the residents softened. Eventually, the two, who had come to love each other, received a grand blessing from the residents and held a simple yet lively wedding ceremony.
I still think that Ashe is a fantastic partner for Ingrid in VW. And from an objective standpoint, I do think that this is a better ending than their AM counterpart. I think that helping Galatea become more fertile would be more fulfilling for both Ingrid and Ashe than becoming knights. But in VW, Ingrid's childhood friend group is pretty much decimated, which is a high price for her to pay.
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deerinspotlight · 10 months
Realized I haven’t really promoted my writing here much, so have a little masterlist of my FE3H fics. Please check tags on AO3 before reading!
Wager (Explicit. Azure Moon.)
Death of a Killer (Teens and up. Assassin Felix AU)
Medical Care (Explicit. Modern AU.)
Big Game Hunting (Explicit. Post Azure Moon.)
Two Lions and a Deer (Explicit. Verdant Wind.)
Shield of Gold, Heart of Steel (Explicit. Verdant Wind. Ongoing)
Worthy of a King's Affection (Explicit. Post Verdant Wind.)
Waterproof (General Audiences. Merman AU. Drabble.)
Smitten (General Audiences. White Clouds. Drabble.)
Remontant Rose (Teens and up. Azure Moon.)
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hot-take-tournament · 6 months
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Submission 816
The Dimitri focused routes of Fire Emblem Three Houses and Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes are the most overrated and honestly worst routes of those games.
Spoilers ahead but I have some things to get off my chest:
It's the route that keeps the status quo the most. The status quo being the church and the nobles get no real consequences for their actions regarding mistreatment of the common class or those who disagree with their policies, crests are the main focus for most of the upper class, and the only people who really benefit from any change end up being the students we train up. Fódlan remains closed off from most of the world, and the majority of those who live there, who suffered under the old regime, don't really get the chance to change their circumstances.
Certain story beats that should have been the focus of other characters keep going to Dimitri; Felix's dad dies before things between him and Felix can start to be mended? Only Dimitri has any real feelings about it. The tragedy of Duscur? Dedue doesn't get to be the lead in a story regard in his people's genocide, we need to focus on Dimitri and how it impacted him. Byleth has certain feelings regarding the death of their father? Somehow it ties back to Dimitri's trauma. The whole thing with Edelgard's mother becoming his stepmother and being separated from her child and isolated from others? Gotta focus on how Dimitri felt about the whole thing and brush off Edelgard's feelings about it. The whole things with Those Who Slithered in the Dark experimenting on Edelgard and others and using them to take over Fódlan? Not addressed in Azure Moon and only focused on in regards to how it affects Dimitri and makes Edelgard into a damsel in distress to make him look good. Almost every single trauma of the characters from Faerghus keep being tied back to how it affects Dimitri and it's BORING and ANNOYING.
What really gets me about these routes is really reflected in Abyss in the Three Houses DLC. At one point, you can talk to one of the residents there, and she says that the soldiers from the Kingdom were treating the people there terribly, to the point where it was said they were ABUSIVE to the people who rely on Abyss to live. Most of the people who live there are poor, orphaned, abandoned, displaced, crippled, or trying to hide from people who want them dead. And there's no dialogue that implies things for them will get better under the rule of the Kingdom. Where as the other routes imply things will either be the same as before (silver snow/verdant wind) or might actually start to get better (crimson flower).
The Dimitri/Faerghus focused routes are the worst because they are the routes that end up sticking the most to the status quo of classism and racism, heavily implied eugenics, and isolationism.
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Here's a link to where I found this artwork.h
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Okay, so, ten elites. In fire emblem. They have always just been a 'oooh part of the background' up until the final chapter of verdant wind, and even then it's just mere shades of the ten elites.
And I always just left it there, right? No, because I have ADHD and can't leave things alone.
I was playing three hopes again on Azure Moon, and then Rodrigue told Felix his duties because he is the Shield of Faergus. Which, okay, makes sense. It IS their duty. But what caught me off gaurd was what he said after: "and descendent of the Hero Fraldarius".
What. I assume when I played this the first time, I took that as a throwaway line to add to the responsibilities of Felix. But then I wondered, how ARE the ten elites, and even Nemesis, seen?
The only opinions of Nemesis that actually go in depth are of the people that ACTUALLY KNOW who Nemesis was, rather than the made up story that, honestly? Kinda glorifies him(the title 'King of Liberation' is pretty grand). So, how are the elites seen? After investigating(and by that I mean looking through the wiki), pretty well, honestly.
The line Rodrigue says implies Fraldarius, at least, is honored. And based on the fact in the kingdom(at least) people can act above their status due to their heritage of the ten elites(see: Baron Domonic).
Baron is one of the lower ranks of nobility, despite this, during azure gleam, the rebellion still elected Domonic as their leader implies that the ten elites are straight up glorified there. These people are seen as genuine heroes who saved all of Fodlan from the wicked gods alongside Nemesis in the Kingdom. Their names carry a lot of weight.
The Alliance/Federation and the Empire are less religious than the Kingdom, though. So how are they viewed?
I would say, in the Alliance, they still carry a shit ton of weight. Out of the 5 great nobles houses(Riegan, Goneril, Edmund, Ordelia, and Gloucster), at LEAST four of them a descended from the ten elites(Ordelia has the crest of Charon, one of the ten elites, and Edmund could have been descended from one as well). I know Edmund has Marianne, who has Maurice's crest, but not many people know that guy. They don't know there were 11 elites. Anyways, this alone should prove the weight the ten elites there. But I'm not done. In Verdant Wind, when people learn Nemesis and the ten elites are coming, they are stricken with terror. The Alliance army is,while determined, undeniably anxious about fighting the ten elites, considered some of the greatest warriors ever. Their name definitely has weight in the Alliance, though not as much as in the Kingdom.
The ten elites probably hold the least weight in the empire. Why, you ask?
The main houses of Bergliez, Harving, Aegir, Vestra, Ochs, Varley, Gerth, and of course, Hersevelg, are all likely or confirmed supports of Serios's side during the war of heroes. None of them have a hero's relic with the exception of Gerth, who has the Fetters of Dromoni, and surprise, that isn't from one of the elites. They have sacred relics, but not actual ones.
Don't get me wrong. Their legacy definitely affects how history is being told. The are likely seen as both good people and powerful warriors, as they are everywhere in Fodlan, but to the empire, they are just figures in history. They have no nobles with that bloodline other then for a short period of time, Hyrm(which had the crest of Lamine after Mercedes' mom was forced into marriage, but they left and Jeritza killed everyone so Hyrm don't exist anymore).
Nemesis himself is probably seen as a tragic hero, or a fallen one. To the people of Fodlan, he is the only reason they can exist without repression from the evil gods, and can bask in the Goddess' light. Even if he turned evil at the end. We know just how much weight it carrys. The moment people even begin to think Byleth might be a descendent of Nemesis, he gets a lot of attention. The only reason the guy doesn't get a shit ton of marriage proposals is likely a. Respect towards Nemesis, the King of Liberation b. Jeralt(and the mercenaries) shredding all the letters of people trying to take advantage of his kid and c. Game design.
I'll have a seperate post on Maurice and what his existence implies later.
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cherrypikkins · 11 months
8, 9, 10 and 14? For the fe3h asks? 😁
08. favorite house leader?
The Claudester himself! He's def the most fun of the three, I think. He and Byleth have a dynamic that I personally am very fond of. I would describe it as ...kicking ass and pulling sick stunts on the battlefield using the power of friendship!
09. favorite faculty member?
Shamir. She's just so cool, and so is her design. Really wish we got to know more about her backstory and Dagda, her nation of origin.
10. favorite support conversation?
Ashe and Annette freaking out in the scary dark tower, for sure. Ashe yelling "You haven't seen what I've seen!" really sells it I think.
I also enjoy watching Felix get yelled at by a woman half his size. (Bernadetta, Lysithea and Annette.)
14. most emotional moment?
Meeting up with Claude again for the first time after 5 years - especially because of his prior conversation saying that he knows that whatever happens 'we'll meet again'. Really wanted to hug him during my first playthrough, and all subsequent Verdant Wind playthroughs thereafter.
Honestly the whole Hunting by Daybreak sequence featuring the return of the Golden Deer and their timeskip designs was just so amazing and uplifting to me.
Thank you so much for playing :3
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fantasyinvader · 11 months
So if each one of the heroes is associated with one of the animals that represent the three poisons/flames, Edelgard with all of them, and each House is tied to one of the animals that adorn Buddha’s empty throne, what happens if we put them together.
Dimitri’s is obvious. The boar represents ignorance or delusion, while the lion represents either Buddha, his royal heritage or the lion’s roar the strength of his teachings. Dimitri needs to learn from Byleth, specifically that he needs to live for himself, rather than his delusion that he needs to live for the dead. Boom, simple. Lions are also presented as protectors of Buddhist temples in pairs just like how Dimitri and Byleth oversee Fodlan together; the former as king, the latter as archbishop. Even Dimitri looking out for the commoners ties to the lion symbolism, owing to Buddha trying to save people from their suffering.
Likewise, Claude is both serpent and deer. The deer often represent the act of receiving Buddha’s teachings, while the serpent represents hatred or aversion. Again, this is represented through Claude’s class of being a wyvern lord, a lesser dragon. I think you could argue that Claude is somewhere between snake and dragon, that he could go either way. Verdant Wind sees him giving up his aversion to the Church and becomes more open to the idea of gods, ending up as Rhea’s successor. He succeeds the dragon, while in Golden Windfire he ends up inadvertently giving TWSITD, the snakes, exactly they want.
With the Eagle’s path, it’s paired with the garuda. Garuda are enemies of the naga, snake-people, while the eagle is supposed to represent unhealthy attachment. It’s telling Byleth to break up with Edelgard, that she’s toxic and clouds his judgement, in order to fight the snakes. Byleth ends up as ruler of Fodlan, which is also tied with the garuda defeating the naga symbolizing the spread of Buddha’s teachings throughout Asia
However, Edelgard’s path is supposed to be the animal path. It’s characterized by all three flames/poisons. It is called out as such in the Japanese text. If Byleth, through their connection to Edelgard, refuses to do so and changes the story (as the game puts it), they end up killing the dragon instead. The snakes got what they wanted, which results in Byleth losing their Nirvana class as Sothis is implied to be so heartbroken by what you did she left her attachment to you behind and left.
In hindsight, the contents of each route come across as rather predictable if you get the symbolism. Granted, part of this was always hidden at the beginning. We didn’t really learn about the snakes until Part 2, they were just a bunch of Hot Topic rejects that worked with Edelgard before that. We don’t learn about the Boar Prince until we speak to Felix and don't see it until the end of White Clouds, and Claude doesn’t promote until after the timeskip.
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squeaky-potat · 11 months
1, 3, and 13 for the ask game?
1. Favorite house? Ok so golden deer always will have a special place in my heart for being my first house but the Blue Lions are my favorite. I love every single character in that house (and in my first golden deer classic run I let ignitaz die really early so I could replace him with sylvain so I forget about him being part of the golden deer a lot).
3. Unit I always recruit? I have 3! Ashe, Sylvain and Felix. Sylvain and Felix are always in my team, Ashe comes along because he a sweet boi.
13. Thing I’d change? LET DIMITRI LIVE IN VERDANT WIND! I want more of him and Claude always and we were robbed of that in Claude’s route.
Thanks for playing!
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