#Sergio Ramos fanfics
wavypotatochips · 1 year
Could we get a jealous Sergio that ends with fluff please <3
𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 | 𝐀 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐨 𝐑𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐬 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲
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𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: Sergio Ramos x Female Reader
Word Count : 941
𝘈𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘦: Of course I can! Usually when I get request that does not include a specific scene I create a 'short story' so I hope that's okay! Thank you so much for requesting!! I Hope you like how I represent your idea ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚!!
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ REQUESTS ARE OPEN, currently covered in college work so as of now uploads will mainly be on weekends. Thank you for your patience c’: ♥
You were having a fun night out with your girlfriends and their boyfriends. You looked stunning in your outfit and were filled with self-confidence. You and your girlfriends hit the dance floor and danced to the music, laughing and having a fantastic time, while the guys were playing pool.
As you are dancing, you couldn't help but to notice a man staring at you from across the room . You initially tried to ignore him, but he persisted in his gaze, making you uneasy. You told your friends about it, and they tried to help you by standing in-between you and him to block his vision. Nonetheless, the man continued to approach your group closer and closer.
You withdraw yourself from the group so that you can go to the bar and order another drink. While making your way towards the bar, the man approaches you directly, trying to make small talk. "Hey there, gorgeous," he says, grinning at you. "What's your name?"
You felt a pang of discomfort in your stomach as you tried to be polite. "I'm sorry, I'm not interested," you say, smiling weakly.
But the man wasn't deterred. He kept trying to flirt with you, making you feel more and more uneasy. Just as you were about to say something more forceful, you felt a strong arm wrap around your waist.
"Is there a problem here?" came the deep, commanding voice of your boyfriend, Sergio Ramos.
The man looks up and sees the tall, muscular man standing beside you, his expression stern. He swallows nervously, shaking his head.
"N-no, no problem," he stammers, holding his hands up in surrender.
Sergio didn't move, keeping his arm around you possessively. "Good," his voice low and threatening. "Because I wouldn't want my lovely girl to have to pay my bail bond."
The man quickly makes his escape, and Sergio turns to you, his expression softening. "Are you okay?" he asks, his eyes full of concern.
You nodded, feeling grateful for his protection. "Thank you," you say, snuggling closer to him. "I don't know what I would do without you."
He smiles down at you, stroking your hair gently. "You don't have to worry about anything," he says. "I'll always be here to protect you."
You feel a warm sense of love and gratitude for him, knowing that he would always have your back. Together, you continued to enjoy the night, feeling safe and loved in each other's arms.
As you two began to walk back to your car, Sergio's arm still wrapped around you, you felt him tense up suddenly. "What's wrong?" you ask, turning to look at him.
He scowled, his eyes fixed on a man across the street who was staring at you. "That guy over there, he's been looking at you ever since we left. I don't like it."
You rolled your eyes, feeling a little amused. "Sergio, he's just a stranger. It doesn't mean anything."
But Sergio wasn't convinced. "I don't care," he said. "I don't want anyone else looking at you like that."
You felt a flutter in your stomach at his possessiveness. You knew that it wasn't healthy to be so jealous, but there was something undeniably attractive about his protective instincts. "Well, what do you want me to do about it?" you ask, teasingly.
Sergio smirks looking down at you, playfully stating "There's not much you can do, so I guess I will have to just trap you in the house from now on.” Even though he is being playful, you can't help but to believe that if he could- he definitely would.
"You are crazy, you know that?," you chuckle while shaking your head, a wave of affection coming over you.
He smiles and winks at you, "Crazy for you.”
You smile and hug him tightly, feeling his warmth enveloping you. "Oh hush you dork." 
While you two continued to walk towards your car, Sergio kept his arm around you, his eyes scanning the area for any potential threats. You couldn't help but feel a little amused at his overprotectiveness, but at the same time, it made you feel safe and loved.
Later that night once you two make it home, Sergio immediately started making dinner for the two of you, his focus entirely on you. You watch him move around the kitchen, his muscles flexing under his shirt, and feel a warm sense of contentment.
As you ate dinner together, Sergio kept stealing glances at you, a possessive glint in his eye. "You know," he says suddenly, "I don't think I tell you enough how beautiful you are."
You blush, feeling flattered. "You tell me all the time," you said, smiling at him.
He shakes his head. "No, I mean it," he says. "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, inside and out."
You feel your heart swell with love for him, feeling grateful for his kind words. "Thank you," you say softly.
After dinner, you curled up on the couch together, watching a movie. Sergio held you close, his arms wrapped around you protectively, and you felt a sense of peace settle over you.
As the movie ended, Sergio turns to you, his eyes full of love. "I don't know what I would do without you," he says, his voice low and intense.
You smile at him, feeling grateful for his love. "I feel the same way," you say, snuggling closer to him.
He leans down and kisses you, his lips soft and tender. You feel a rush of emotion as you kiss him back, feeling his love envelop you.
As the night wore on, you and Sergio fell asleep in each other's arms, feeling safe and loved. And as you drifted off to sleep, you knew that no matter what happened, you had someone who would always be there to protect you and love you.
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yourstory-teller · 1 year
The ramos one could be something like how he is breaking ankles and injuring people on the field but around the girl he likes he is all soft and sweet, his teammates can't believe it is their same aggressive teammate
Hey bb, thank u sm for requesting!! I'd never written for him before, but it was fun, even though I don't know if I really like this lol
But I promise you I did my best. Hope you enjoy it ♡
Tame the beast
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Part of the players were moving in a frenzy. It was normal for this kind of thing to happen during a game, it was to be expected. There were just some people who crossed the line, or got really, really close to it. Some would say close enough to start something.
Ramos walked incessantly towards an opposing player, forehead pressed against his, while the other man kept stepping backwards, trying hard not to trip. "The fuck do you think you're talking to? Huh?" His voice changed considerably at times like this, so much so that even his own colleagues feared the things that he could do. After all, whatever happened to him could harm the entire equipe.
What happens is that, during a play, the Spaniard had made a tackle that directly hit the opposing player's ankle. After that, instead of helping him up, or apologizing, he scoffed, as the other laid down on the grass, complaining of pain. Obviously, the guy wasn't very pleased.
Some of both men's teammates moved to intervene and, after much painstaking, managed to pull them back. Sérgio mouthed an "Hijo de puta", before walking away. Well, it could be much worse, honestly.
Perhaps less than an hour later, everyone had already moved to the dressing rooms. The buzz was loud and between laughs, jokes and screams it was almost impossible to actually hear each other.
Neymar was the first to miss his friend. In the midst of what they insisted to call a conversation, he discreetly nudged mbappe and leaned in to speak close to the boy's ear. "Where's Ramos?" he asked, then saw Kylian move his head to look around the room, just like he'd done a few moments earlier. "He's been away for a bit, right?" "Right." And with a kind of unspoken agreement, they both got up and started walking towards the back of the room, close to the lockers. 
When they were already farther away from the shouting of their mates, a much more subtle and smooth voice could be heard. And when I say smooth, I mean smooth. It sounded eerily like someone speaking a few good octaves higher than what they would usually sound like, like when you're talking to a baby, or a dog.
It took them a while, but they gradually did recognize that voice. "Is this-" Kylian started, but the older man was quick to bring a hand over his mouth.
"I know, honey, I'm sorry, but he started it!" Sergio sounded like a kid being scolded and the two secret listeners did everything they could not to burst out laughing. What a time to be alive.
"I miss you too, baby. But I'll see you soon, right?" This time, the tone used was much lower, almost pleading. He most definetely sounded nothing like the number four they had just seen and heard out on the pitch. It was almost ridiculous to imagine that it was the same man.
"Okay, anjo, I'll call back later. Love you." Ney's eyes widened and he quickly grabbed his friend by the arm to avoid being caught snooping around.
That's when they noticed. Glorious moment.
To say that they laughed about it again and again and again, was an understatement. Neither of them spoke about that with the others, but they didn't need to, anyway. They would eventually find out themselves.
As said, Sergio got to see you not long after that. You had gotten a few weeks off and, of course, would spend as much of that time as possible in the company of your handsome boyfriend. You had arranged everything, every little detail together, and his anxiety was almost palpable, even over the phone.
So, like the hopeless romantic that you were, you decided to surprise him by arriving a few days early. It was cliché and could be very predictable, but you still hoped he wouldn't suspect a thing. He didn't. When you showed up that day, right after a match his team had emerged victorious from, he was as incredulous as you imagined he would be, perhaps a little bit more.
You calmly walked over to your boyfriend while the others were still busy cheering around. He was standing still, seemingly in disbelief of the fact that you were actually there, within reach, for the first time in a while, too fucking long, if you asked him. But when you were just a few steps away, looked like it finally hit him and Sergio was immediately grabbing you into the tightest, warmest embrace, that you missed so much.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and allowed yourself to get lost in the feeling of being at home.
When you pulled away, just enough to look into his eyes, he stared back with such apparent adoration, that it made you dizzy. Your foreheads now rested together, his lips brushing against your trembling ones. And as he whispered how much he loved you and that he had no idea how he managed to endure all this time away from you, you could feel his tears flowing down your own cheeks.
That's when everyone noticed.
After that, the other players teased him to death. Light hearted jokes, of course, even though sometimes they did carry a hint of envy. Whistles and kissing noises, but it just didn't bother Ramos. The only reaction he'd show was an eye roll and, occasionally, a slight blush that took over half of his face.
"So, Ramos, is she going tonight?" Marquinhos asked, eyebrows dancing suggestively. "We know she's going, he can't even breath without her" "He's whipped, doesn't even deny it"
It would be impossible for you to realize that there really was such a big difference between Sérgio Ramos on the field, and Sérgio Ramos when he was in your company. To other people, however, this discrepancy seemed more than obvious.
Of course, he wasn't really a violent person in everyday life, at all. He was a serious person and somewhat closed off, sometimes even frowning, but not violent. On the field, however, it was a completely different story. When he wore the team's shirt, his presence on the field was nothing short of threatening, in many ways. Sérgio was a great player, fast, skillful, but, above all, an aggressive player. And this was the man the team was used to.
Maybe that's why it was so shocking for them, seeing the two of you together.
Right after a tough workout, or another bitter defeat, which wasn't uncommon playing for PSG he would crawl into your open arms and completely melt, like putty against you.
"It's amazing" You'd hear a whisper, coming from, you just knew, probably Neymar. "She tames the beast." It took a lot of effort and a maturity that you definitely didn't have, for you not to chuckle.
It was funny, yes, but also flattering and, in a way, gratifying, to know that there was a side of him that was kept just for you, and no one else.
"Come on, babe, we're gonna have fun." Your grip around his waist was tight and you moved so that your chin was resting on his chest.
While spending the season with him, you learned that it was common for the players to gather after some more intense training sessions or a few matches, sometimes to celebrate, sometimes to lift their spirits and feel more invigorated to get back to the fight. These weren't really parties, but more like get-togethers, albeit relatively ostentatious and considerably eventful.
"We can have fun here!" You sighed, despite the smile that made its way to your lips. "I know, but we're gonna have plenty of time to stay here. Please, love." You insisted once more, giving him your best attempt of some puppy eyes, but he'd always been better than you in these type of things. He sighed and rested his head back against the pillows, closing his eyes.
You found yourself smirking as he looked back at you, an amused glint in his brown orbs, which now looked almost black. It all happened so fast and you honestly don't know how, but in a second Sergio was hovering over you, strong arms pinning yours against the mattress. It was easy to notice how there was still so much care and delicacy in how he held your wrists.
"Fine" He lowered his head until his lips were ghosting against the corner of your mouth. "But after that, it's gonna be just us. In this room. For a long time." You couldn't control the giggle that rumbled through your ribcage. "Si señor."
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darththrog · 6 months
Footballers as vines part 1
part 2
part 3
Part 4
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findingnemosworld · 6 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞 - 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐨 𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐬
・𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬
( 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 )
𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐬𝐦*𝐭.
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬.
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A family vacation was a rarity given his hectic schedule yet when Sergio suggested a yacht trip for them - she immediately got on board, arranging everything the pair needed, and soon enough, they were on that yacht sailing across the vast oceans to swim and enjoy their time under the sun for three weeks, the first two weeks consisted of fun activities for all four of them, and on the last week - Sergio decided to dedicate a day for him and his wife, and what a day that was ...
She is lying on her stomach at the rooftop of the yacht as she soaked in the beautiful sun shining through — she couldn’t have been more grateful for the impromptu trip hee husband had planned for them, she closed her eyes to try and relax when a warm hand over her ass caused her to gasp then giggle as a pair of lips trail kisses over her spine, " Sergio Ramos, our children are in this yacht! " she scolds him playfully.
" They’re fast asleep " Sergio murmurs as he worked to untie the knots of her bikini, " And right now I want nothing more than to bury myself deep inside of your pussy, think you can let your Papi do that hm? "
She turns around, watching as his eyes flicker to her exposed breasts. " I’m too lazy amor " she whispers.
" Then let me do all the work " He whispers with a soft smile, " Just relax and let me do it "
He lowered his lips to pepper kisses across every inch of her skin drawing out the sweetest sounds from her, once he reached to her clothed pussy, he leisurely untied the knots to remove the bottom part of her bikini, " Spread your legs for me muñeca " he whispers, his breath fanning across her slick pussy drawing out a whine from her lips.
Her legs were thrown over his shoulders as he nuzzled his nose against her clit, " Oh mi amor " he groans, " Just as delicious as the first time "
Her eyes flutter shut for a second before she felt a sharp sting against her pussy causing her to yelp just as he said, " Keep your eyes on me muñeca " he mutters with a commanding tone.
She could barely keep her eyes open as his tongue as well as index and middle finger toyed with her pussy like a musical instrument drawing out the most obscene sounds from her, " Oh my god, Sergio! ... Keep going " she whines.
Her back arched up to meet the delicious friction which seemed to grow at a rapid pace, his free hand was placed on her abdomen keeping her in place while he continued to devour her like a starved man who hadn't eaten in days, while the pair had spent time together, they never truly spent time together alone, his tongue flicked her clit back and forth until the knot in her abdomen exploded which resulted in him groaning as he lapped up every drop of her arousal, he lifts his head with a satisfied smile, crawling upwards to kiss her while he kicked back his swim trunks, " You're so delicious "
She giggles, " And you're insatiable " they exchange the sweetest kisses as he nestles himself in between her legs, pushing the length of his cock inside of her, drawing out a sharp gasp from her. " Sergio "
" Shhh, let me take care you " He wraps her legs around his torso whilst easing himself in and out of her in a lazy pace, the pair both grunting in unison. " Oh muñeca, your pussy feels so good " he groans under his breath.
" Sergio " She whines, " I'm ... Fuck, keep going ... don't stop "
" I'm not bebe, not stopping anytime soon " He lets out a strangled moan. " Fuck, muñeca ... I'm going to cum "
" Me too " She whispers.
His strokes became sloppy, as his legs tremble; his cock twitched before releasing warm ropes of arousal inside of her whilst she followed suit, he collapsed on top of her, alternating between kissing and nibbling her chest causing her to giggle, " You are wild Sergio "
He chuckles, " And don't you forget it! "
A few weeks later, as the pair were lounging around in their home after sending the kids off to their grandparents - Sergio was eyeing the possibility of another vacation, this time for the two of them when suddenly he saw an article and let out a groan capturing her attention, " What? "
He didn't respond, instead he turned the laptop for her to see, her eyes widened. " Oh my god, how the hell did they get these pictures of us? "
" I have no idea " He sighs, " I'm sorry muñeca, I'll call my lawyer and see if I can fix it "
She chuckles, " It's fine, it's not like it's the first time it happened but this time it's best to try and get them removed, we don't want the kids to see their Mamá and Papá like this "
He smirks, " Although this did give me an idea "
" No Sergio, we are not filming a sex tape " She rolls her eyes.
" Oh come on muñeca, please " He whines.
" I'll consider it! " She said.
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depressopax · 4 months
La casa de papel NSFW alphabet
From D-F.
»» Part 1 || Part 3 || Part 4 ««
Pairing: Nairobi - Berlin - Denver - Tokyo - Professor - Alicia x gn!reader Genre: Smut, headcanons Warning(s): Sexual content. Sub/dom dynamics, possessiveness/jealousy, public-sex, bondage, toys, gender-neutral reader - tried making the pairings/dynamics as gender-neutral as possible, lmk if it was gendered in any way so I can fix it! <3 Words: 1.1K Summary: NSFW alphabet with the LCDP character, D-F. What are they like in bed? English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3
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D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Nairobi is good at hiding it, but she’s really jealous and possessive.
Especially after she started dating you.
She doesn’t want to come across as the “crazy”/jealous girlfriend, so she’s good at hiding it.
She trusts you wholeheartedly, but still she doesn’t like it when people flirt with you.
You’re hers, and she wants everyone to know it.
The thought of taking you to a public bathroom or wherever you may be - to make you scream her name - is a turn on.
She wants everyone to hear your sweet voice calling out your name as she claims you as hers.
She also likes leaving hickeys in visible places. 
Mostly to mark you up
But also because she thinks you look so cute covered in her love marks.
Although, she also likes the thought of you flirting with someone to make her jealous
…So she can fuck you dumb and have you repeat “I’m yours” 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
She is pretty experienced. 
She hasn’t had many sexual partners but has experience
She does a lot of solo play too, and knows what she likes and dislikes in bed. 
Very considerate with your preferences too. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Likes the classics - missionary and 69.
Likes being on top and bottom equally, tho she prefers being in charge
She likes seeing your face when fucking you, so she really can pay attention to your sweet reactions. 
I feel like Nairobi has a couple of strap-ons, so any position where she can use them on you is good ;)
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D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He likes the idea of blindfolding you, often using his own ties or putting satin blindfolds over your eyes.
Knowing you’re completely at his mercy excites him.
He’ll get the chance to use whips on you, tease your skin with feathers and make you shiver with his touch.
…This way, he can tease you too. 
Probably cruel and doesn’t touch you, have you on edge and begging for it.
Only to give you the pleasure needed when you least expect it. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Homeboys have four ex-wives… That’s all I’ll say. 
He knows how to pleasure you, and also knows what he likes in bed.
Very attentive and catches up on what you like and dislike in bed.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Doggy style. 
He loves having you on all fours, grabbing your hips and thrusting into you.
The position gives him the opportunity to take you on other places besides the bed.
The kitchen counters, against a table, the shower wall…. You name it. 
This man is creative af lmao
He’s an ass guy, how can he not love doggy?
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D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Although Denver is usually on top, he wants you to totally dominate him.
Handcuffs, toys, orgasm denial, whatever…
He wants to try it - and be the one to receive it. 
He’s turned on by the thought of you totally slutting him out.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Homeboy knows what he’s doing
And DAMN, he’s good.
He has had casual flings and partners before you, so he is very experienced.
…And not shy to brag about it. 
He seems to know just how to pleasure you, without even trying that hard.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Doggy styleeee
He loves taking you from behind
Being able to pull your hair, to squeeze your ass…
Apart from that, he likes 69 
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D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
She likes teasing you, not necessarily to start an argument, rather because she thinks you’re hot when angry or frustrated
She knows exactly what buttons to push to make you mad, but also knows how to be seductive when teasing.
In a way, she’s turned on by being a “brat” and eventually have you losing it 
…Which hopefully ends up with sex
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Tokyo is experienced.
Definitely knows how to satisfy you and herself.
Likes guiding you, telling you exactly where and how to touch her
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
D O G G Y (idk why I headcanon half of the characters to love that, but it makes sense?? 😭)
She knows you like her ass (and she loves it too lmao) so she likes teasing you with it when in doggy position
Apart from that, she likes positions where she’s on top.
She wants to be in control of pace and really make you go feral under her. 
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D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Sergio likes roleplays.
Maybe not a dirty secret to others, but he’s pretty “vanilla” in bed
He likes it when you call him “Professor” in bed
He is a switch but leaning more towards being a sub, but when roleplaying, he likes being in charge and playing the roles of the dom. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Not that much experience
Like he told Tokyo in one episode - he’s not a virgin, but is not the person that “sleeps around”
Sergio gives me demisexual vibes (same Sergio same)
I feel like he only sleeps with people he’s close with or really trusts.
He memorizes what you like, where you want to be touched etc to create the perfect experience for you
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Likes more intimate positions where he can be close to you
He wants to see your face when you have sex, and have your body tightly pressed against his.
Honestly? He doesn’t have a favorite. As long as it's a passionate one
Bonus point if you’re on top of him. 
Alicia Sierra
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D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Kinky AF
Homegirl has a lot of fantasies, from using handcuffs on you, BDSM and roleplays…
But her biggest “secret” is her fantasy to make a tape with you.
She wants to have sex with you, filming it - preferably with a video camera - and be able to watch it. 
She probably has some intimate photos of you, on her phone AND printed out. (with permission ofc)
Audio files of your moans, too.
She wants to be able to hear your sweet sounds after being apart from you for too long
Probably listens to it to get off, or as an “ASMR” to fall asleep lmao 😭
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Very experienced 
She’s had a few partners so she knows what she’s doing
Alicia is open and honest with what she likes
Very passionate and experimental in bed, open to finding brand new ways to satisfy yours and her needs. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Likes spicing it up with more “complicated” positions
Not a fan of missionary to be honest
She prefers being on top 
Any position where you’re submissive underneath her will do it ;)
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bitchme2thefucksblog · 4 months
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For my au!
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Mbappe: “You know what they say, never sleep with the enemy.”
Ramos: “That’s not true kiddo. I used to sleep with mine all the time.”
Mbappe: “Used to? So later you stopped?”
Ramos: “He stopped being my enemy. I still sleep with him.”
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wavypotatochips · 1 year
hi, so it's the first time i send a request in your blog, found it the other day and literally love it. I saw that someone asked the other day a Sergio Ramos x reader were she says to him daddy but in a fluff way, so could you do it but in smut maybe? thanks and hope you okay <3
𝙎𝙖𝙮 𝙞𝙩 𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙞𝙣? [𝙉𝙎𝙁𝙒 𝙑𝙀𝙍𝙎𝙄𝙊𝙉- 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝙊𝙍𝙎 𝘿𝙉𝙄] | 𝙎𝙚𝙧𝙜𝙞𝙤 𝙍𝙖𝙢𝙤
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𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: Sergio Ramos x Female Reader
Word Count : 2k
𝘈𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘦: Im so glad you enjoy my blog and im doing fine, thank you for asking!! Here's the NSFW version [: Thank you so much for requesting!! I Hope you like how I represent your idea ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚!!
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Due to finals, I have not been able to write as much as I usually do and I'm currently catching up on current requests because I'm a little behind. If you would like to send a request, do so now as after this weekend, request will be temporarily unavailable. mwah mwah love ya! ♥
You and Sergio have been living together for a few months now, and it's been nothing short of amazing. You both have your own quirks and habits, but you love each other more with every passing day.  Sergio is generally perceived as serious and even aggressive by most people, but in your company, he exhibits a playful and silly demeanor. While it's common knowledge that Sergio is someone who takes his work and responsibilities seriously and doesn't back away from a challenge, you are aware of a more tender side to him that he seldom displays to others. Witnessing him let his guard down and abandon the stern façade he usually wears is quite refreshing.
One lazy Sunday afternoon, you're lounging on the couch, reading a book when Sergio suddenly jumps out from behind the armchair and tackles you. You shriek with laughter as he pins you down. "You didn't see that coming, did you?" he says, grinning.
You giggle and squirm under his weight, trying to push him off. "Get off of me, you big oaf!" Sergio laughs and tickles you, making you wriggle even more. "Not until you say I'm so handsome and I'm the best boyfriend ever!" he says, still tickling you.
"Okay, okay, I'm so handsome and I’m the best boyfriend ever!" you say, still giggling.
Sergio laughs, shaking his head, and continues to tickle you. "You know that's not what I meant!"
You laugh even harder now, your side cramping and tears falling down your cheeks. "Okay, okay, please s-stop I can't breathe!" 
He smiles, finally stopping as he grabs your hands and pins them up above your head as you continue to chuckle softly, trying to regain your breath.
“Atta girl, just breathe slowly you got this,” he smiles as he looks down at you.
As he speaks, butterflies flutter in your stomach, and a warm blush spreads across your cheeks. Although you were already flushed from laughing earlier, you couldn't help the reaction he stirred in you. Perhaps he didn't even notice how his words affected you, lost in the moment. You bite your bottom lip playfully, deciding to tease Sergio a bit. "Thank you, Daddy," you say with a hint of mischief in your voice. 
You can see the surprise in his expression at the endearment you've used, realizing you've never called him that before. But something about the way the word rolls off your tongue ignites a fire within him that he didn't know existed. His jaw tightens, and his eyes seem to darken with desire. "Say that again," he demands, his voice low and husky.
You meet his gaze, pretending to be oblivious to his reaction. "Say what?" you ask, looking down at his lips before meeting his eyes again. "Daddy?" you say the word slowly, relishing in the effect it has on him. Sergio leans in closer to you, his breath warm on your face. "I like the way you say that," he whispers, his voice barely above a growl. "I wonder how it would sound hearing your pretty lips cry out while calling me that.” You feel a shiver run down your spine at his words, and your heart rate picks up as he whispers down at you. Stick to the plan….stick to the plan, you think to yourself.
The air between you is charged with electricity, and you can feel the tension building.
His grip of your wrist loosens up as you sit up. He leans down, his lips brush against yours. You kiss him, not being able to resist. As your lips meet, the world around you fades into the background, and all that remains is the taste of him on your tongue and the sensation of his arms around you. His kiss is soft and tender at first, but as the passion between you builds, it becomes more urgent, more insistent.
As soft pants escape his lips, he grabs your waist and pulls you towards him, indicating that he wants you to sit on his lip. As you straddle over him, you immediately press your lips against his. Your hands glide through his hair, drawing him closer to you, while his hands trace the curves of your body over your back. It's a blissful time, and you forget about everything else for a while, immersed in the heat of the moment. “I don't think you realized what you have done to me, Y/N,” Sergio mumbles against your lips as he grabs your ass, pulling you towards him so you can feel his bulge. You moan against his lips, becoming more turned on by the minute, yearning him to be inside you. And, based on the way you started rocking your hips back and forth on his lap, he knew precisely what you wanted as well. He pulls away from the kiss as he clutches your waist, causing you to stop moving and forming a frown on your face. "Tell Daddy exactly what you want, Y/N." Sergio's voice is demanding as he stares deeply into your eyes. You feel embarrassed, but hearing Sergio refer to himself as Daddy enlightened something inside you. You keep quiet out of humiliation, while knowing exactly what you desire. “Y/N… Say it," Sergio says. "I want you to fuck me," you say back. Sergio smirks but says nothing else, instead leaning back on the couch, "Oh yeah? "Show me how badly you want me," he teases.  You bite your bottom lip because you know exactly what he wants. You move off of him and kneel down between his legs, looking him in the eyes as you carefully untie the sweatpants he is wearing. You want to tease him for messing with you earlier and making you feel ashamed just moments before.
As you undo the strings, you grab the hem of his sweatpants and pull them down to his ankles with his assistance. His cock twitches with anticipation as you kiss the tip of his member through his boxers. He clenches his teeth slightly as he detects your unusually slow speed, "Y/N," he demands, "You don't want to start something you can't finish." And he was correct. You almost came before he even touched you the last time he teased you. You nod politely and take his boxers, slipping them down as well. His cock jumps out of his boxers, causing you to lick your lips. You are such a slut for him. As you place him in your mouth, you grab the base of his cock with one hand and begin to give him head by bobbing your head up and down. He sighs as he grips your hair, allowing you to maintain the steady pace you've established for yourself. After 30 seconds, your jaw starts to ache, but hearing Sergio's groans and murmured curse words fires you on enough to push through the pain. Both of your hands are wrapped around his cock, your head bobbing up and down, your tongue paying special attention to the tip of his cock. "F-Fuck Y/N," he groans softly as he pants. His grasp on the top of your head intensifies as he pulls back your hair to free you from him. "Ride me," he mumbles. You're panting as well, trying to ignore the pain in your jaw. "Yes, Daddy," you answer obediently as you remove your shorts, leaving only your lacy black panties on. You straddle him again, teasingly rubbing your barely covered pussy on his demanding dick, causing him to groan. He holds your jaw with one hand and pulls you towards him wanting to make out. You groan against his lips as you kiss him, enjoying how hungry he was acting as it made you want to devour him even more. While you two are kissing, he takes his hand away from your jaw and moves it to rest against your lower back, while his other hand moves your panties to the side. His fingers rubbed up and down your slit, two of them slipping inside and causing you to gasp against his lips. When you gasp, he is able to put his tongue into your mouth. As he curls his fingers inside of you, his tongue dances around with yours. You shake from the sensation and moan  against his lips, enjoying how he makes you feel. His fingers stray from your body as he quietly pants and pulls away from the kiss. He smirks as he sees his fingers sparkling with your juices as he gazes into your lust-filled, desire-filled eyes. He asks, "Now who made you this wet?," as he puts his fingers inside his mouth to rinse the secretions from them. As you observe the scene, you nip at your bottom lip. “You did, Daddy.” He taps your side and smirks once more, urging you to stand up.  You put some distance between the two of you. Before inserting it, he runs his tip along the inside of your slit. Then you start to recline on him, letting his cock into you more deeply and making a moaning sound. He takes his hands on your waist and lifts you up and down to bounce you on his cock before you have a chance to get used to his large, girthy size. As you place your hand on his chest and scream his name aloud, "S-Sergio!" you exclaim. He moans and tilts his head back. So that you may regain control, he stops bouncing you and says, "I'm sorry, my love." He says as he presses his lips back against yours, "You just feel so good around me. You give him a kiss in return and put your arms around his neck to intensify the kiss. You start to rock yourself back and forth whilst riding him as the kiss gets deeper. When you rub yourself up against him, you groan as you feel his member dig deeply into you. Sergio gives you about a minute to finish before he wants to take control again. You start to whimper as he grips you by the waist and elevates you high enough for his cock to emerge from you, but he speaks before you can react, "Turn around, my love."
You turn away from him, nod obediently, and spin around so that your back is now toward him. You take a squatting stance with your back against his chest while you get comfortable between his legs. In order to put distance between you and him, he softly pushes you. He then takes your sides and starts to help you thrust upward while you bounce up and down. You groan aloud as this position seems to be hitting harder than before. All that can be heard when he penetrates you is the moisture from your pussy gushing against his cock.  You whimper out, panting heavily, "I-If you continue I'm going to cum!" Sergio interprets this to mean that since you are about to have an orgasm , he should continue harder. You scream loudly from the pleasure as he makes a slow, powerful thrust, and unsurprisingly, you have an orgasm. He grunts as he does this. Your pussy clenches his cock firmly, forcing him to cum as well without any provocation. He has you in such a tight grasp that you might get bruised, but you don't mind since you enjoy it. He says, "F-Fuck," as you slump back against his chest. Your legs are still twitching as you pant heavily while keeping your eyes closed. Sergio lets you get off of him and helps you turn around so you can curl up next to him with what little energy he still has left. He leans down to kiss your forehead while still attempting to catch his breath.“I love you so much, my love. Just give me one moment and I'll get you all cleaned up, okay?” You incline your head slightly in his direction while nodding. You admire the way he treats you like a Queen while still fucking you like a slut. The perfect combination
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findingnemosworld · 7 months
𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞 - 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐨 𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐬
・𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬
( 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 )
𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐩 ( 𝟏𝟏 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 )
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐟𝐮𝐧.
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To say she was puzzled would be a trivialization, for the past three weeks she would walk into her office to find a singular tulip along with a folded note and a cup of coffee, from the café she would frequent almost every single day - at first, she didn't think much of it yet as it continued on, along with the notes, she couldn't help but feel both flattered and nervous as it seemed that she had a secret admirer, an admirer that had no plan of unveiling themselves anytime soon much to her frustration, this had prompted her to keep an extra eye over every single player as she would be out capturing photos of them, she'd mostly paid attention to the younger players unsure of who could the secret admirer be? blissfully unaware that the secret admirer was right under her nose the entire time.
His return to Sevilla was meant to be distraction free, yet the last thing he had expected was to have his heart stolen by the team's photographer, Ivan and Jesús had raved about her so much so that upon meeting her, everything they'd said did no justice to her incredible persona, she was considered to be the 'little sister' to most of the players; he understood why, aside from her talent in photography - she was the most helpful person he'd ever seen, almost always lending a hand to someone when they needed a hand.
He was in love, madly in love yet an invisible barrier laid between them, the barrier in question being the obvious eleven year age gap, with him being thirty seven; her being twenty six.
His age, despite his impeccable physique had always been an underlying issue for him, an issue he refuses to face as most if not all of his previous affairs had ended for the most outrageous reasons possible, hence why upon meeting her, the fear had returned in full force forcing him to take another route entirely, arriving early to the training center to ensure no one spots him as he leaves her a singular tulip ( based on Ivan telling him that she loved tulips ), a coffee cup from her favorite café and a note professing his fondest emotions towards her.
He watched as the weeks rolled by; had even tried to gather as much courage as possible to showcase his love yet it seemed as if she did not view his affection, instead brushing off every attempt as that of a friend rather than an individual that is hopelessly infatuated with her, it wasn't facile by any means especially given the fact that he'd seen the younger players swarming around her like bees to honey, yet it did not deter his desire to make her his, he just needed to try harder.
She, on the other hand was growing rather frustrated - three more weeks had flown by with the exact same routine, only this time there was a sweet treat next to the coffee cup every morning, what’s worse — it was her favorite sweet treat, a mint chocolate chip cookie from the same bakery she always frequents, who was this person? she wonders to herself before her thoughts were interrupted by the familiar sound of her friend Ivan Rakitić.
" Hey what’s wrong? " Ivan asks, walking in to find her staring at the contents on her office which caused him to chuckle and add on, " the secret admirer again? "
" It’s not funny Ivan " She groans in frustration, " Six weeks and I'm still lost here “
" Have you tried asking? " Ivan suggests.
" Oh yeah, like that’ll work " She mutters sarcastically, " I’ll just go up and say, hey are you the one that’s been leaving stuff on my office table? "
Ivan laughs, shaking his head. " You’re in quite the dilemma then! "
" I just don’t understand who would like me much less be a secret admirer " She states, confused by the situation.
Ivan knew, he knew who it was yet the situation was too good for him to spoil the surprise, he smiled then said. " Maybe it’s someone you don’t expect "
She chuckles softly, " It can’t be you cause you’re married, It can’t be Navas cause he’s also married, obviously not the assistant coaches cause they’re old enough to be my fathers which leaves … " her smile falls, eyes widening as she whispered. " No "
Ivan held back a grin, " What? "
" No no … no " She repeatedly shakes her head, refusing to believe that out of everyone he’d be the ‘secret admirer’ — she looks up at Ivan who’s watching her, " It can’t be Sergio, can it? "
Ivan shrugs, " I mean … this inicident did start after he joined "
" But … how? " She wonders finding it extremely arduous to believe that Sergio Ramos, the Sergio Ramos would be interested in her especially given the fact that she’d always admired him ever since she started watching football. " It’s insane "
" That’s falling in love dear sister, it’s unexpected and insane; to be fair, Sergio wasn’t making it hidden quite well … " Ivan states.
" What do you mean? " She asks, confused by his statement.
" He’s the first to greet you, the first to talk to you, is always asking about you and I am not joking when I say, his eyes are always on you, how come you’ve never noticed it? " Ivan wonders.
She frowns, her brows knitting as she thinks back to the past few weeks, trying to connect the dots yet everything seemed blurry. " Sergio is … he’s … and I’m me " she mutters.
" Sergio is human, and so are you — he just so happens to be in love with you " Ivan said with a knowing look.
She looks at Ivan, " Did he tell you anything? "
Ivan shakes his head then chuckles, " I told you, it’s not exactly that hard to tell, I’m surprised you haven’t paid attention "
" Ivan, I didn’t exactly expect the guy who’s a lot older than me to be interested in me " She states, still trying to comprehend what she heard. " There’s like an eleven year age gap between us "
" So? " Ivan asks. " You’re an adult "
" Who’s eleven years his junior, someone like him would normally go for mature glamorous women, not someone like me and I’m not fishing for pity but it’s hard to believe " She said.
Ivan sighs softly then says, " Listen, you just have to confront him ok, find a proper moment and confront him "
" And if I’m too much of a chicken to do it " She retorts.
Ivan laughs, " Then you resort to other methods "
" Such as …? " She trails off.
" Here’s what you’ll do … " Ivan begins as he recounts his idea while she listened intently, nodding in understanding at what he had suggested, she wasn’t certain if it’ll work but what’s the point of wondering if you don’t try it out.
" Are you sure about this? " She asks.
Ivan nods, " Yes, it’s not going to be easy but it’ll work "
She sighs, " You better hope this doesn’t fail "
Ivan grins, " It won’t "
Later that evening, she was in her office working on the last set of photos when a knock on the door caused her to look up and find Sergio standing there, her heart suddenly flutters as she offers him a soft smile and said, " Hi Sergio "
He smiles back, " Hi muñeca, why didn't you go home yet? "
" I just have a bunch of photos I need to edit " She states with a nervous giggle, " You? "
" I was going to ... but I saw that you're still here and well " He chuckles, " If there's one thing my mother taught me, it's that a woman shouldn't be left alone anywhere at night "
His words caused a dust of pink to coat her cheeks, " Oh, she raised a gentleman then, a gentleman who just so happens to like to break player's legs " she giggles.
He laughs at her remark then replies, " It's a Sevilla thing "
" Mhm " She laughs as her gaze shifts back to her laptop.
Sergio decides to sit across from her, " Muñeca, do you mind if I ask you a question? "
" Not at all " She smiles softly then adds, " What's up? "
He grows silent, gnawing on his bottom lip for a brief moment before he said. " I have - or um ... my friend has this problem, it's not me "
She looks up with a raised brow, curious by his statement. " ok? "
" You see, I have this friend who is um ... he has a big crush on this girl he works with, but he's insecure about telling her his feelings " He said. " What do you think he should do? "
She hadn't noticed it then, yet now - his eyes were speaking to her more than they'd ever did. " Well .. " she begins, " Did he try to ask her, to get to know her? her likes, dislikes? "
" He did, well ... kind of, but the thing is, his age is what he's insecure about, she's younger than him so he thinks she's better off with a man her age " He responds.
Her brows shot up, " Oh? " she paused before adding. " Maybe she's into older men "
" Well she didn't exactly tell him cause she sees him as a friend " He said.
She hums then nods before saying, " Maybe he didn't look harder "
" So should he? " He wonders.
She nods softly, " Yeah "
He nods in response then stands up, " I guess I'll tell him then muñeca, thank you "
She watches as he makes his way out, " Make sure to tell him to be himself, girls love a man when he's his most authentic self "
He grins, " I will muñeca "
A week had rolled around, Sevilla was set to face Real Madrid, a bout everyone awaited due to Sergio's history with the La Liga champions, even she expected a lot of intensity due to the hype the social media created - As the team were warming up, she was snapping photos of them when suddenly she was approached by one of the players from the opposition side, a player whom she recognized as Brahim Díaz - their interaction had caught the attention of Sergio who was visibly displeased by it.
Jesús, who caught his teammate's glares had chuckled then said, " I see someone's jealous "
" Huh? " He said, turning to him. " What do you mean? "
" You're literally murdering the boy with your glares, all because he's talking to her " Jesús states as if it wasn't quite obvious.
" I don't care, she can do what she wants " He murmurs, shifting his gaze back to training.
" You don't? " Jesús laughs, then adds on. " Sure you don't "
Sergio would steal glances her way, ignoring how his heart twinged each time she'd smile at something Brahim said, he then turned to Jesús, " I don't understand, I tried everything but it's like she doesn't see it "
" Maybe she needs a further nudge, like ... you scoring a goal and dedicating it for her? " Jesús said.
" You think so? " He wonders.
Jesús nods softly, " yes, so score that goal and tell her how you feel "
Sergio glanced her way once more before nodding, " I guess I will "
After warmups, the match soon began, tensions were running high on each side with several missed chances as well as disallowed goals that frustrated both sides - allowing the first half to end on a 0-0 scoresheet, she made her way back to her office to change her shirt into a Ramos 4 jersey, covering the jersey with a coat before she returned back out to the pitch.
The second half soon began, with the same intensity - around the 54th minute Dani Carvajal had scored frustrating Sevilla who were now more than determined to fight till the very end and indeed, at around the 63rd minute Jesús Navas scored the equalizer sending the fans coursing with cheers as they rooted for their side to take the win, she watched as Sergio got into a scuffle with Rudiger effectively scaring her for a moment before they were broken apart by their teammates.
As the match proceeded, it seemed as if all hope was lost until the very last minutes, where Sergio was able to score a header that sent everyone into a fit of cheers including her as she watched Sergio run to the corner to celebrate with his home crowd, before he turned to her pointing at her then drawing a heart causing a broad smile to appear across her face, she snapped a photo of him just as the final whistle blew signaling Sevilla's historic win over Real Madrid.
Sergio had shook hands and embraced his former teammates before he walked up to her, " Remember when you said my friend should tell the girl he likes? " he asks
She nods slowly. " yeah? "
" Well I'm standing now to say, that it was me, I was the one who sent you all those trinkets because I wanted you to see that I liked you, a lot but I was scared to admit cause you're just so perfect " He breathed out.
She giggles, " How about you? you're perfect yourself and frankly I didn't think you'd like me cause of our age gap "
" So did I " He laughs.
Suddenly she removes her coat and twirls to show him the jersey, " I guess we were both clueless "
Sergio then tugs her towards him to give her a soft kiss then whisper, " I love you pequeña "
" I love you too " She smiled.
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mebiselfandi · 1 year
Title: Cherry Blossoms
Summary: Luka and Sergio get lost in Japan(I'm so horrible at summaries I'm sorry 😭)
Pairings: Luka Modric/Sergio Ramos, Modramos Tags: Just tooth rotting fluff, angry Luka
A/N: I'm not sure where this was meant to go but it's pretty uneventful. It's completely safe for Ramadan. Nothing explicit. Also I don't know how trains work so don't mind how I started waffling when I was talking about the schedule😭😭
“Sergio come on just pass it over.”
“Just hold on I think I’m getting the hang of it.”
“No, you’re really not,” Luka bit out growing increasingly annoyed as he watched Sergio continue to fumble with the map and the train schedule they’d been given by Marcelo before they left the hotel, “just give them to me.” He said impatiently as finally Sergio handed the map and the schedule over.
The map was a mess. Having been turned over and over and crumpled between Sergio’s hands with each sharp turn the trains took. He couldn’t understand a word but he could easily recognize that somewhere between the 4 trains they’d taken they had most definitely gotten lost. Slowly the regret and dismay of even agreeing to Sergio’s ‘let’s go exploring come on it’ll be fun’ was starting to sink in. Luka’s mood was quickly souring and each lurch of the train was only serving to increase his anger. He was getting hot and stuffy and the occasional brushes of strangers knees and hands against him in the much too overcrowded train was making him feel sick. Trying to focus on the map was a lost cause. Half of it being in Japanese was no help and the small symbols only floated mockingly in front of his eyes in a swirl of confusion. The schedule was no better but at least it was in English. His hazy eyes scoured the time listings but he could barely make sense of it. Train 1 left at 2 o’clock. Train 2 at 3 o’clock. And train 3 at 3:30. Hold on that can’t be right. The third train they took left at 4 o’clock. The train they were on right now according to the map and the schedule was taking them the complete opposite way they needed to be. He felt that same queasiness from earlier begin to take effect again at the realization.
“Luka, are you okay?” Sergio asked worriedly.
“Yeah I’m just peachy.” Luka replied flatly, green faced and slightly foul tempered. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the window trying to reign in both his mood and his churning stomach. “We need to get off this train,” he puffed out lowly. He let Sergio softly open his hand and take the schedule out to examine it.
“Okay, just a couple more minutes before we arrive at the next stop,” he muttered as he tucked the schedule away. He reached down into his backpack before pulling out his water bottle and handing it to Luka, “here drink this, you’ll feel better,” he said soothingly.
Luka took it gratefully and swallowed a few sips before the train came to one final lurch. The doors opened wide as the crowd quickly filtered out of the compartment. Sergio quickly gathered the lengthy map and picked up his and Luka’s backpacks from the floor before grabbing onto Luka’s hand and pulling them both out into the bustling station. He weaved the two of them in and out of crowds and in between rushing families and loud businessmen. Finally they made it out to the entrance and he could feel Luka’s grip slightly loosen as the smaller man took in a deep breath. Sergio let him catch his breath a bit more before muttering out a soft “come on” and dragging them further away from the station.
Neither of them were all too sure where exactly they were. The outside of the station was practically deserted which contrasted greatly with how overflowing it was inside the station. With each step they took away from the station, Luka let himself relax more and more. He was still slightly angry for allowing Sergio to get them lost but he had to admit wherever they were was beautiful. They had managed to wander into a park and he let Sergio pull him towards a bench under the shade of a cherry blossom overlooking a small lake. Luka was actually quite thrilled to discover their trip would coincide with the blooming season of the flowers; having always wanted to see them in person. However right now he still felt a little too hot and bothered to completely admire them.
Sergio watched Luka carefully as he lifted up the hem of the blue sweater he was wearing and pulled it over his head. In just his tank top and shorts, Luka felt like he could breathe much better. Sergio took Luka’s sweater and folded it up for him, placing it in the bag before shifting closer to him. He flung one arm around Luka’s shoulder and pressed his thigh into Luka’s as he turned to face the smaller man.
“Are you okay now?” He asked, his voice still slightly tinged with worry.
“Yeah I’m okay,” Luka replied but his folded arms and distant look towards the small ducks swimming peacefully on the lake said otherwise.
“Lukita what’s wrong?”
Luka stayed silent turning his face away from Sergio.
“Please talk to me Luka,” Sergio pleaded as he placed a hand on Luka’s thigh to try and grab his attention. Luka didn’t pull away at the gesture so Sergio had some hope that he wasn’t entirely mad at him. Sergio wasn’t dumb and he knew Luka only ever ignored him like this when he was being too stubborn for his own good. He was sure his multiple ‘Relax Lukita, I know where we’re going’ assurances and his absolute lack of direction in foreign countries had made Luka turn on him. He let out a low sigh as he contemplated how best to apologize to the smaller man before a small lightbulb switched on in his head.
Luka turned to face his now cold side as Sergio had gotten up so suddenly. He watched him walk around the cherry blossom in what looked to be deep concentration. He wasn’t all too sure what exactly Sergio was trying to do but he quickly looked away and pretended to not have been previously watching the man when he began to grin and walk back to the small bench, seemingly having found what he was looking for.
Sergio reassumed his previous position pressed up against Luka’s side, “Luka can you face me? Please?” Sergio asked cautiously. Luka wasn’t really that mad anymore(he could never stay mad at Sergio for long) but he was anxious to find out what Sergio was going to do so he slowly turned his head to face him. Arms still folded and face set in a blank stare, Luka saw Sergio falter a bit at his unhappy demeanor so he softened his eyes a little. Sergio felt a bit more courageous at the small show of affection and it spurred him on into what he had to say.
“I’m sorry I got us lost Lukita. I had the whole day planned out and I really just wanted to impress you,” he took a small break to finally open up his hand and reveal a pretty pink blossom in his palm. He gently brushed Luka’s hair behind his ear before slotting the pretty flower onto it. It looked even prettier in his Lukita’s hair and he couldn’t help the fond look that overtook his face at the sight of the rapidly blushing Croat. Luka’s eyes turned shifty and he averted his gaze from Sergio’s. “Please forgive me Luka,” Sergio mumbled sweetly into Luka’s temple as he leaned in close to nuzzle his face into his hair and smell the flowery scent from the blossom.
“I already forgave you Sese,” he muttered shyly as he uncrossed his arms and held onto Sergio’s biceps. Sergio sent him a big cheshire grin as he stared back into his eyes. He placed one more sweet kiss on the Croats cheek and even he couldn’t help the infectious laughter that bubbled out of him. He leaned in closer to Sergio’s warm side and allowed himself to be wrapped up in the other man’s arms.
Under the shade of the cherry blossom and with the gentle wind blowing pink petals all over the lake, a small bubble settled over the two of them. The soft pinks and purples of the now setting sun made them both feel so relaxed as they forgot the stresses of the day. Luka curled up further into Sergio’s arms and laid his head on his shoulder as Sergio began to rub small soothing circles into his slightly tense neck. Sergio let out a soft sigh as he felt Luka’s arms tighten around his waist and he laid his cheek onto the man’s head.
“Sese,” the smaller man muttered dreamily into his neck.
“Hm?” Luka could feel Sergio’s chest rumble with the hum.
“I might’ve forgiven you but we’re still lost,” he managed to say.
“You stress too much Lukita. Toni and Marcelo are already on their way to get us,” he hummed back, starting to feel worn out from the days events. He gave Luka’s neck a reassuring squeeze before pressing one more kiss into his hair and allowing them to both fall into a peaceful silence as they continued to watch the sun set.
Despite getting them lost and messing up the whole day he had planned out for them, Sergio wouldn’t have traded this moment for anything.
For @liverpool-enjoyer I hope you like it 🫣
Also special thanks to @kevjrr for picking them first😘
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dybalassunshine · 1 year
Messi x Ramos is one enemies to friends I never expected but am glad to get nonetheless.
From breaking his legs to mentioning him in his retirement post, they've come a long way.
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New chapter is out!
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TW: death, depression, talks of mental health
He was mine, and I was his...so how could he leave me in desperation. of his gentle touch.
A Sergio Ramos Fanfiction
(idk how else to summarize you just have to go for it)
Flashbacks in Italics!!!!!
I had a random burst of motivation to finish this up, so don't leave me hanging.
I stood in front of his grave; an arm was wrapped around my waist, trying to comfort my crumbling soul. My best friend had passed away and left me in a god-forsaken world. He was my soul, my passion, my breath, and my existence. He was my home, and now my home was destroyed. He welcomed me into Madrid and made me feel like I was loved, so I followed him everywhere, even to Paris, but I can’t follow him to death. Can I? Should I?  
A voice brought me out of my inner thoughts. It was Achraf, who had his arm around me. He gently whispered into my ear, " Ya qamar (my moon), do you wish to stay longer? I can send someone to grab you, but I must leave for his farewell ceremony. I know you want to stay with him longer, and I respect that. Stay as long as you need to; Neymar can come to pick you up."
I didn’t speak because my throat couldn’t bring out the words I needed to say, so I nodded my head. Achraf kissed my temple and bid his last farewell to Sergio.
I felt the crowd around his grave dissipate, and I stood alone with cloudy skies surrounding me. It was going to rain. The cars drove off, and I was there with Sergio. Just him and me. I read his epitaph, which stated, "Sergio Ramos: Brave, Committed and Passionate, a player who left his mark on the world." He didn’t just leave a mark on the world; he left a mark on my heart. He was the other half of my soul, and now I'm just half of what I used to be.
The funeral home was silent. The thunder roared, and the droplets of rain touched my cheeks. I looked up at the sky, wondering if there was truly heaven and hell. And if there was, had Sergio made it to heaven? Could he see me? Did those red cards make him go to hell instead? No, he was too sweet for that to happen. I looked down once again at his grave and went behind his stone. I sat down in the mud with the stone touching my back and sighed. I hadn’t let a tear fall from my eye since the moment the doctor declared his death. I thought about all the memories I had made with him. 
(Flashback, At Real Madrid) 
I was rushing to the medical room with all the reports in my hand. I didn’t even notice the tall man in front of me until I bumped into him and fell on my arse. 
"Ouchhh. I’m so sorry, sir!" I spoke quickly, worried I had gotten into big trouble. 
A large hand came in front of my torso. I looked up, and it was THE Sergio Ramos. He had an amused smirk on his face as he said, "Sir? I’m not quite old yet, darling. I apologize for knocking you over like that. Here, take my hand."
I took his hand and thanked him. He towered over me with his tall body and said, "I would guess you are going to the medical room, the least I can do is escort you there." 
I nodded and smiled, and he chuckled while moving next to me to escort me to the med room.
(At a café a couple of years later) 
  I sat with a pen in my hand and papers and coffee on the café table, evaluating the report on Sergio’s health. I was a Registered Nurse who officially worked for Real Madrid CF, no longer as an intern. Sergio sipped his coffee in front of me while staring at me with adoring eyes. 
Sergio cleared his throat before breaking the silence: "I have a proposal for you, one that I wish you to accept."
I let a small chuckle out before responding, "As long as it’s not marriage, I’m in."
His eyes widened with shock. "You think me that horrible!?"
"More than you know."
He laughed at my response and said, "No, it’s not marriage, mi corazon (my heart), but it is a proposal of becoming my personal medical assistant and coming with me to PSG."
I dropped my pen and looked him in the eye. "I accept, and I will follow you to the depths of Paris, even though people say it stinks."
"YES! YES! YES! And as for the stinky part, you will get used to it. After all, you got accustomed to my sweaty ass."
I burst out laughing, and he joined me. Together,  the sounds of joy echoed throughout the cafe we called our second home.
A loud thunder shook me from my memories, and I realized it was now storming. My tears had blended in with the water from the rain and were now part of the weeping sky. I slowly remembered what I was thinking about previously, and a sob left my trembling lips. The warm tears were dropping down my cheeks nonstop, and I was running out of breath. My body shook with pain as I clenched my head and bent forward, screaming as the thunder roared. The skies were matching my pain; it was an ironic scene. I kept screaming and crying until I couldn’t feel my surroundings anymore. Suddenly, I couldn’t feel the rain on my body, and I felt someone standing next to me. I looked up, and it was an umbrella shielding me from the roaring skies. The wielder of the umbrella was Neymar. I looked at him with eyes full of tears, which he reciprocated. Neymar bent down to my level, and I rested myself in the warmth of the crook of his neck. Neymar whispered words of consolation to calm me, but I kept crying, clutching onto his shoulders.
“It’s okay minha vida (my life)  I’m here. I will always be here. No matter what.”
(A couple of weeks later)
A voice called out to me from outside the darkness of my room. I sat near the seat by the window, staring at the rain that reminded me too much of Sergio’s funeral.
"Ya Qamar, please come down! You’ve been cooped up in there for so long." Achraf yelled, trying to evoke a response. 
I didn’t respond. I hadn’t spoken to anyone in so long, and it got to the point that Kylian was scared for my mental health. He tried to send a therapist, but that didn’t work out right, so instead they individually tried to speak to me. Neymar would come by often, lending a shoulder to cry on and a hand to hold. He would never say anything but just sit with me and hold me in my grief. Achraf was more of a communication type of man; we would talk, but it wasn't like how it was before. Even then, he would try his best to pique my interest. Kylian was a gift giver, he would always bring something of my liking to cheer me up. Sometimes it would bring a small smile to my face, but that smile would dissipate quickly. Lionel came by sometimes with sweets made by Antonella’s gentle hands; those would lift my mood just a bit.
I heard fast footsteps run up the stairs, and a knock came before the opening of the door. 
Achraf came over to where I was sitting and rested his hand on my shoulder. "Hayati, please, you must take care of yourself." He urged me, kneeling at my level.
I sighed and looked away from the rain outside to meet his gaze, but before I could, a wave of nausea hit me. I jolted up and ran to the bathroom, spilling my guts into the toilet bowl. Achraf did not waste a second to run over and pull my hair back. After I was done, I flushed and went over to the sink to clean up.
"This is what I mean! You haven't been taking care of yourself! I'm taking you to the doctor." He said, worriedly.
"I'm fine, Achraf; there's no need." I tried to explain.
"You have no choice. Get dressed, or else I will take your books away."
With that, I had no choice but to listen. Those books were my escape from this wretched reality, and I couldn’t let them go. So I got up and picked out some clothes while Achraf waited outside.
(At Doctor)
I sat on the examination seat with Achraf standing next to me with a hand on my shoulder.
The doctor pushed up her glasses and said, "Miss, we have evaluated your symptoms of nausea, tenderness, and fatigue, but we wish to quickly do an ultrasound so we can see if you may have any abnormalities. Is that okay with you?"
I gave a light nod and agreed to the test. The doctor moved us to the ultrasound room, and I lay back on the chair. The cool gel felt strong against the lower part of my stomach, but I had to bear it. The scanner moved across my lower torso and made a small noise at a certain spot, as if it caught something.
"Ms. Y/N, you’re pregnant!" She said, shocked.
My eyes widened greatly, and I gasped at the screen. I saw a little life clutching on to an opportunity to be born into this world. There was no question of who the child's father was, because he was the only one I ever made love with. The doctor cleaned up the gel and spoke some words that I couldn't fathom due to my shock. Luckily, Achraf was listening attentively and making sure he got every bit of information from the doctor. She left us two in the room to speak quietly.
"Did you know?" Achraf whispered while holding my hand gently.
"No, I didn't. I'm so scared, Achraf, I don't know what to do." I shakily said this while tears blurred my eyes.
He brushed his thumb on the back of my hand to console me and said, "May I ask you who the father is?"
I sniffed and wondered if I should tell him. Would he change his feelings about me? Would I be called a liar for saying he was only my friend? Disregarding my thoughts, I spoke with a quiet voice.
Achraf’s eyes widened, and he took a deep breath in, saying, "Okay..okay, I'm here alright. I'm not leaving you. Whether you decide to keep it or not, I'm here."
We both sat in silence for a while and decided to head out to the front for another appointment.
(Flashback to the night)
Sergio sat next to me with his eyes on the screen of the movie we were watching. My place was an escape after a match was lost. He would come over, and we would eat ice cream, watch movies, and have a sappy sleepover. He seemed way too out of it tonight because it was a major loss.
"Y/N… am I a bad player?" He asked quietly.
I paused the movie and turned to him, and he did the same. "Why would you say that?"
"I missed a major clearance, it was right there, and I missed it. How could I? I cost the team the damn win."
I sighed and pulled his arm to me so he could be in my embrace. "Even the greatest of us make heavy mistakes, but a mistake doesn't define your worth, it never can. We are humans, and we make mistakes, it's part of our nature. You are perfect, one of the best defenders of this generation, and don't you forget that. Don't you ever diminish yourself." I whispered into his ear, feeling him relax his tension at my words.
He pulled back from the hug and raised a hand to caress my cheek, and before I knew it, his warm lips touched mine. My eyes widened, and he realized what he had done and pulled back.
"I’m so sorry, Y/N, I didn't mean- fuck, I'm so-"
I stopped him right there and pulled him back into the kiss while moving to a position where I was sitting in his lap with my legs wrapped around his waist. He melted into my touch and reciprocated my kiss, slipping his tongue in. His hands roamed my waist, and as I tried to move even closer with that, I felt something hard under my hips. 
I broke the kiss and looked at him with heavy lids, "Wanna take this to my room?"
He looked at me with shock and asked if I was 100% sure, and without a second's hesitation, I agreed, because I would always trust him, no matter what. And so he lifted me, while my legs were still wrapped around his waist, to my dark room, where we would bask in each other's glory until the light of the sun reached us.
(Timeskip- back home with Ney, Ninja Turtle and Achraf)
After I broke the news to them, Neymar, Achraf, and Kylian all sat with me in the main room in a heavy atmosphere. I decided to break the silence and explain how this situation happened. I explained to them how that day they had faced such a horrible loss at a game and how Sergio would come to my place whenever he felt down. That specific day was the day that they lost a major trophy. I told them how he came over and we were just relaxing, until things escalated to the point that we ended up naked and in each other's arms by morning. I affirmed that we were such close friends that we wouldn't have to question our relationship with each other. After explaining, I took a deep breath and revealed a small secret.
"He wanted me to be his girlfriend…he died before he got to ask me. I found a promise ring with a small letter engraved in gold with the words ‘be my girl’. That's why I always wear this ring. So a part of him is always with me." I spoke with a shaky voice. "I trusted him with my soul and I trusted him with my body, and I don't regret that night because neither did he. So please, don't take me for a liar."
Kylian, who sat next to me, gently grasped my hand and said, "We would never, we are your friends as well, and we aren't leaving you, ever." 
I looked at him with tears filling my eyes, and I smiled. For the longest time ever, I finally smiled. Without missing a second, I hugged him, disregarding time and relishing his gentle warmth. We all sat in a gentle space, ready to take care of each other, no matter the cost.
(At hospital)
"Ms. Y/N. We must have a natural birth. A cesarean section is not possible in this situation. Agree to this so we may proceed." The nurse spoke with urgency as I was transported to the labor and delivery OR.
Through gritted teeth and pain, I said yes, tightly gripping Achraf’s hand as he ran with the bed.
We were quickly transferred, and I wanted to get this kid out of me as fast as possible because the pain was so deadly. The pain in my lower belly and back felt like fire. The doctors and nurses were ready and had also given Achraf the right sterile materials to help me with this process.
He tightly held my hand as the doctors urged me to push and push. I kept trying and trying, as it hurt so much. I fell back, drenched in sweat.
"I can't do it, Achraf; it hurts like fucking hell."
He took his other hand and pushed my hair back from my sweaty forehead and kissed my temple before saying, "You must, for us, for him. Hayati, I'm here, and so is he."
With that, I gave a final push and heard a cry… He was here. The gentle child who carried both Sergio and my heart, blood, and soul. The doctors snipped the cord and handed the crying baby to me, who calmed at my touch—a mother's touch.
"Congratulations! You have a beautiful, healthy baby boy!" The doctor spoke. "May we have a name?"
I looked at Achraf, who gently smiled and nodded.
I took a deep breath and looked down at the baby. While smiling, I said, "Sergio Ramos Jr."
"Mom! There's someone on the phone for you." Junior yelled from the other side of the house as I read in the small library in our house.
He ran over quickly with the phone, and I thanked him with a hand over his brown locks. He scurried away to play with his new toys that Neymar had gotten him earlier this week. I looked at the unknown caller and took a breath before answering.
"Y/N Hakimi speaking, how may I be of assistance?"
End Notes:
aite bye bye
hope her marrying hakimi was a lil shock
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wavypotatochips · 1 year
Hey angel! I’ve loved all the Sergio fics you’ve written! Can I request reader being younger than him and dating him but she’s never been with anyone in bed so she has her first time with him please? And he’s very sweet and patience and he never forces himself on her please? Thank you 🙏
𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 | 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐨 𝐑𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐬 [ 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖, Minors DNI ]
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𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: Sergio Ramos x Female Reader
Word Count : 2.3k
𝘈𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘦: This took me so long because I have never wrote NSFW before, but ya knowwww first time for everything right? ANYWAYSSS I Hope you like how I represent your idea ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚!!
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ REQUESTS ARE OPEN, currently covered in college work so as of now uploads will mainly be on weekends. Thank you for your patience c’: ♥
You are head over heels in love with Sergio Ramos, a man who makes your heart skip a beat every time you see him. You love the way he laughs, the way he talks, and the way he looks at you with those warm, affectionate eyes. Every moment spent with Sergio feels like a blessing, whether you're going out on a date or simply spending time together at home. You feel like you can be your true self around him, and he accepts you unconditionally for who you are. When you're apart, you find yourself daydreaming about Sergio, thinking about all the wonderful moments you've shared and all the exciting adventures you have yet to experience together. You can't wait to see him again, to hold him close, to feel his warm embrace. Despite the media's constant attempts to portray you as being with him solely for financial gain due to your 3-year age difference, it is obvious that you are madly in love with him.
You walk into your home to the delightful aroma of delicious food cooking in the kitchen, and as you approach, you see Sergio donning a chef's hat and apron, fully engrossed in the art of cooking. You laugh as you ask, "What's cookin' good lookin'?" while admiring his chef attire and thinking how adorable he looks. You informed Sergio before you left earlier that you didn't want to go anywhere for your anniversary because you simply wanted to spend time with him and him only. Despite your current fame as a model, your upbringing in poverty left you with the belief that you shouldn't spend a lot of money on pricier items. Sergio believed that by preparing a meal for you, he might add some personal touches to the evening as he is aware that you don't like to flaunt your riches or eat at upscale establishments. With a big smile on his face, Sergio greets you with a warm hug and kiss, then turns your attention to the kitchen table, where he has set up a beautifully decorated table with candles, flowers, and your favorite music playing in the background. As it was a beautiful day outdoors when you were shopping, you are wearing a yellow sundress and white sandals to show off your newly painted toes. You smile and lean forward to take in the fragrance of the flowers, " Cariño, no tenías que hacer todo esto (Honey, you didn't have to do all of this)," you say. "I have to, of course. Las princesas siempre deben ser tratadas como tal. ( Princesses should always be treated like one.)"  Your smile is still present as you shake your head. He has always been a gentleman towards you.
“You didn't find anything you liked?,” He questions seeing you don't have any shopping bags as he places a plate of  delicious tomato and basil bruschetta, drizzled with olive oil and balsamic vinegar in front of you.  “No, I didn't find much… Thank you baby,” you respond as you pick up the piece of bread, biting into it. As you savor the flavors of the freshy tomatoes, Sergio tells you how much he loves you and how grateful he is to have you in his life. "Cariño, solo quiero que sepas cuánto te amo y te adoro. Nunca me hubiera imaginado hace dos años que estaría con un ángel como tú. (Baby, I just want you to know how much I love and adore you. I would have never imagined two years ago I would be with an angel like you.) You are the most important person in my life, and I cannot imagine my world without you. Cada momento que pasamos juntos es un tesoro que atesoro con todo mi corazón. (Every moment we spend together is a treasure that I cherish with all my heart.)" Hearing his sincere remarks, you pout your bottom lip as his love and affection fill your heart. “Te amo y te adoro tanto, mi amor. (I love and adore you just as much, my love.) Thank you for being there for me and for showing me your unending affection.”
After you finish eating your "appetizer," Sergio takes the plate from you and puts it in the sink. A few minutes later he brings out a succulent roasted chicken, perfectly seasoned and cooked to perfection. He serves it alongside a colorful medley of roasted vegetables, including carrots, zucchini, bell peppers, and rice. He knows chicken and rice is your favorite and you dislike eating items that are too heavy on your stomach, so he thought he could cook it with a bit more of his personal touch. Given that you are often the one cooking and that if not you, he hires a chef, you are taken aback when you see the plate in front of you. He removes the chef's hat and coat he is wearing, hangs them up in the kitchen, and then sits across from you. “Let's eat shall we?,” he says and you eagerly nod. Throughout the dinner, Sergio keeps you entertained with his charming personality and witty jokes, making sure you feel loved and cherished. Overall, the evening is a perfect celebration of your love for each other, and you couldn't have asked for a better partner than Sergio Ramos.
The two of you went into the living room after supper to watch a movie and drink wine. The wine bottle is empty by the time the movie is an hour into it, and the two of you are making out. 
Moaning against his lips, you are straddling his waist and exchanging saliva. He presses you into him by placing his hands on your ass and starting to rock you back and forth. Although dressed in jeans, he has a noticeable bulge. You start to experience intense arousal, and you decide that this is the night you want him to take your virginity. Two years have passed since you two started dating, and those two years have been full of love, charm, and happiness. Just as you wanted to see all of him, you also wanted him to see all of you.  Sergio never makes you do anything you didn't want to do; he always asks you first before moving forward. The way you are leading the kiss and pressing against him a little more firmly than usual has given him the impression that you might go farther this time. Normally, after you two make out, he goes into the bathroom to satisfy himself with his hand.
"Want take this to the room?" you ask as you gently pry yourself away from him. He pants as well, asking, "Are you sure?," because he knows you already know what that will result in. You nod while biting your lower lip. As he pulls you up, he presses his lips once more against yours and gives you a tender kiss. You wrap your legs around his waist as he proceeds towards the bedroom. He kicks open the bedroom door, groaning into your lips as he lays you on the bed. When your dress rises, he crawls on top of you, lovingly kissing your neck before laying his hand on your exposed thigh. He rubs your thigh and asks, "May I?," edging ever-closer to your panties. Your panties are soaked just from him stroking your thigh and the earlier things he did. You bite your lower lip while nodding. "Words my love," he raises his head and begins to nip at your earlobe. After your makeout session, you still can't catch your breath as you pant out, appearing to be out of breath, "Yes, my love." He presses his lips once more on yours while massaging your clit with his hands as he glides over your underwear. Your gasp from the unknown wonderful sensation allows him to slip his tongue inside your mouth. You thrust your hips upward to exert greater pressure on his hand, which makes him sneer in defiance of your demands. He bites your bottom lip, pulls back a little, and mumbles against your lips,   “Princess is so eager, huh?,” before releasing go. He stops touching your panties, gets out of bed, and starts to unbuckle his belt and take off his shirt. He needed his boner to be released because it was throbbing and felt trapped against his pants. He unzips his pants and lets them fall to the ground as he flings his belt to the ground. You start to fear you can't handle him as you open your eyes slightly in response to how huge his bulge was, but the tingling sensation between your thighs told you otherwise. As you spread your legs wider to allow him to fit between you, he leans back on top of you and presses his lips hungrily back against yours. Only the thin cotton of your damp underwear and his boxers were in between the two of you, so you can feel his boner more intensely. He moves your panties to the side and runs his finger over the wet slit before inserting one of his fingers. As your legs tighten up against him, you gasp at the sensation. He gently pulls his lips away from yours as he enjoys the sound of your small moans against his ear. He keeps moving slowly until he thinks he can add another finger. When he finally does, you whimper in pleasure. You had touched yourself before, so you are not entirely naïve, but his fingers felt very different from yours. You start to press your hips against his fingers in an effort to get him to move more quickly, but he resists. Instead, he reclines and asks, "Are you sure you want to do this? " while gazing down at your face. With love in his eyes, he continues, "If you're not sure, it's okay, darling. 
You nod your head, determined that this is what you want, “I want it. I want you.” Sergio has always made you feel comfortable throughout the entire relationship and by him reassuring you that it is okay if you do not want it only made you want him even more. You love this boy with your entire heart. He kisses your forehead, nodding his head as he begins to kiss and suck on your neck, more than likely creating hickies, as he begins to slip off his boxers. Once his boxers are off, he begins to slip your panties down as well until they are completely off. Once they are off, he rubs his tip against your slit to lube it up with your wetness. He kisses you on your lips, “Tell me if it is too much, Okay?” He says, causing you to nod your head. He begins to slowly push his tip inside, the feeling being uncomfortable for you as it was a weird sensation. Meanwhile, Sergio is trying not to cum already from the tightness of your pussy wrapped around his tip. He groans against your ear, causing you to feel turned on even more. He begins to slowly thrust his tip in you back and forth until your pussy welcomes him more and more. Your legs begin to clench against him, you pant softly as you tremble underneath him. Maybe because you are a secret masochist, but the slight painful but pleasurable feeling made you feel so good.  “I love you so much, you know that?,” He whispers against your ear as he continues to go deeper inside of you. By now, your mind begins to feel cloudy as you are only focussing on the feeling of him entering inside of you. He makes sure to go slow, until now, he is about 2 inches inside of you. He feels himself not being able to fully go inside as your hymen was restricting him. “Princess this may hurt a little bit, but I promise itll feel okay after?,” he says as he kisses your forehead. You nod your head biting your bottom lip softly as he wraps one around your neck forcing your head to press against his chest. He thrust harder inside of you, causing your hymen to break, and allow him to get half way inside. You wince harshly as you grip his sides, a shaky breath escapes your lips. Sergio is using all of his internal strength to not bust inside of you as you squeezed him tightly. As he lets go of you so your head can lay back on the bed, he begins to whisper sweet nothings into your ear and remain still so you could get used to his size before he continues on. A few minutes pass and you begin to move yourself up and down, hinting you wanted him to continue on. He gets the memo and continues on, thrusting inside of you slowly until he is fully inside of you.
As the minutes pass, you become more at ease with him inside of you, and the pleasure outweighs the discomfort, and you are able to adjust yourself. Your dress hem is now up to your belly button as you throw your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. This allows him to push deeper into you, which makes him groan, "Damn Y/N you feel so amazing." You moan next to him and enjoy how his long, firm cock stuffed you.
The rest of the night followed by the both of you not just having sex, but making love. 
Sergio has always been deeply in love with you. He is completely smitten by you and can't imagine his life without you. And of course, you  feel the same way about him as you two have a strong and loving relationship. Sergio feels incredibly lucky to have been blessed with you in this lifetime, the one who loves him equally as much as he loves you. He is grateful for the love and joy that his girlfriend brings to his life, and he looks forward to a future filled with happiness and love.
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serzilfanxever · 2 months
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egyptiankingg · 1 year
Second chances
Sergio Ramos & Mo Salah
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summary: After the controversial incident in the 2018 Champions League final between Sergio Ramos and Mo Salah, Ramos is plagued by guilt over what happened. He reaches out to Salah's agent to apologize, but it doesn't feel like enough. In a bold move, Ramos decides to join Liverpool, Salah's team, to prove to Salah and the world that he is truly sorry. Klopp is receptive to the idea and welcomes Ramos to the team. Ramos and Salah form a strong partnership on the pitch, and Liverpool wins game after game. As the season comes to a close, Ramos and Salah lift the Premier League trophy together, and Ramos feels a sense of redemption and gratitude towards his teammate. The fic explores themes of forgiveness, second chances, and the power of admitting one's mistakes.
Sergio Ramos sat alone in his Madrid apartment, scrolling through Mo Salah's Instagram feed. As he looked at the Liverpool star's photos, he felt a pang of guilt wash over him.
He had never been one to apologize easily, but he knew he had to make things right with Salah. The incident in the Champions League final had been a mistake, a moment of rashness that had cost Salah his chance to play in the biggest game of his career.
Ramos had already reached out to Salah's agent and apologised, but it didn't feel like enough. He knew he had to do something more, something that would show Salah just how sorry he was.
And then he had an idea.
He would join Liverpool.
Ramos knew it was a drastic move, but he felt it was necessary. He wanted to prove to Salah and the rest of the world that he was truly sorry for what had happened. And what better way to do that than to play alongside Salah on the same team?
The next day, Ramos made a call to Liverpool's manager, Jurgen Klopp. He explained his situation and his desire to join the team, and to his surprise, Klopp was receptive to the idea.
Within a week, Ramos was on a flight to Liverpool. He arrived at the club's training ground, ready to begin a new chapter in his career.
As he walked onto the field for his first training session, he saw Salah in the distance, shooting at the goal. Ramos felt a lump rising in his throat as he approached the Egyptian striker.
"Mo, I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry for what happened in the final," Ramos said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I know I messed up, and I want to make it right. That's why I'm here."
Salah looked up at him, surprised. He had never expected Ramos to go to such lengths to apologize.
"It's okay, Sergio," Salah said, a small smile forming on his face. "I appreciate the gesture. Let's move on and focus on playing together."
And that's exactly what they did. Ramos and Salah quickly formed a formidable partnership on the pitch, helping Liverpool to win game after game. The fans welcomed Ramos with open arms, impressed by his willingness to admit his mistakes and make amends.
As the season came to a close, Ramos and Salah lifted the Premier League trophy together, arms around each other's shoulders. It was a moment of redemption for Ramos, a chance to show that he had learned from his mistakes and that he was capable of putting his ego aside for the good of the team.
As the celebrations died down, Ramos looked over at Salah, a sense of gratitude washing over him. He knew that without Salah's forgiveness and willingness to play alongside him, he wouldn't have had this opportunity to make things right.
"Thank you, Mo," Ramos said, his voice filled with emotion. "You gave me a second chance, and I'll never forget it."
Salah smiled back at him, the two of them sharing a moment of mutual respect and admiration.
It had been a long road to get to this point, but for Ramos, it was all worth it. He had learned that sometimes, the hardest thing to do was to admit your mistakes and make amends. But when you did, the rewards were immeasurable.
And as he looked out over the cheering crowd, he knew that he had truly found his place in Liverpool. A place where he could be himself, make a difference on the pitch, and, most importantly, be part of a team that was more than just a group of players.
hey I hope you guys all enjoyed this!! I might be doing a mamma mia series based on footballers ofc !
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