#Sage's abilities would've been useful
egg-emperor · 1 year
kinda confused about whether Sage can actually interact with things and have a solid form as she's an AI program and is glitchy and cyberized just like the characters trapped in their Cyber Space forms that don't. I assumed no as a result but somehow she can seem to push the Egg Mobile which is weird but she can phase out and teleport anyway so maybe both, if not she can at least teleport away so -
anyway it got me thinking about how Sage could possibly be safe from being smacked around by Eggman both intentionally or accidentally by him, unlike his robot "kids", as I showed maaany examples of in my video. so I thought about how physical he gets by thumping and throwing things when he's mad, with his robots sometimes being his target or he even accidentally whacks them in the process too so he's very dangerous when angry either way. he even did this tons around Sage in Frontiers while yelling at her in case you forgot which was actually kinda messed up but-
so after Sage comes into the picture, the robots try to use this to their advantage. whenever Eggman having another of his tantrums, robots like Orbot and Cubot always try to steer clear of him in case they end up getting fucked up by him again in the line of fire or become an object of his anger. but sometimes they have no choice but to because they were supposed to be aiding him with something. so they beg Sage to go in the room he's in and try to carry out that order, calm him down, or whatever else. they think she'll have a higher chance because she seems better at it than they are
sometimes this results in her entering the room to see Eggman stomping around, thumping and destroying things, throwing stuff around in a fit of rage as he does. when he sees red he just goes crazy with it and is so blinded by rage sometimes that he doesn't care how or what he's destroying, even when it's at the expense of his safety and everything around him, no matter the worth. this also leads to him not looking at where he's throwing things or he does it on purpose to get people to keep away from him, which his robots have had to deal with the consequences of
but luckily things can go right through Sage, either because she doesn't take a solid form or phases out fast and teleports around while he's throwing things like heavy objects and tools in a rage. she masterfully dodges a huge monitor or a spanner just goes right through her. she may flinch from stuff flying her way or his aggressive moves or yelling to the extent she was affected in game but she's a lot safer than Orbot and Cubot and others! she just has the challenge of dodging his Olympics expert level throws while also trying to speak up in her small voice over the big angry man's grumbling and yelling
Sage has to become used to finding Orbot and Cubot waiting outside a door with Eggman's muffled yelling and sound of bashing and crashing in the distance while the two bots are like "us robots can't go in there, please help us out sis!" and it works as she braces it and hovers in to deal with another one of her manchild father's tantrums again XD
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mezzy-1 · 3 months
Hi! Yes! I’m the ask! I’m very excited hehe. The 4 agents I chose for: Iso, Jett, Sage and Deadlock. If I had to describe the reader’s personality they’d be like private/reserved sort of very calm and an experienced fighter, reader could be fighting against the selected agents (sort of like how you did Nomad and their recruitment? I really like Nomad btw).
I unfortunately wasn’t able to find Acheron’s exact capabilities but I did decide on a basis for the reader’s abilities (Ice or snow) also I did find a few clips for reference:
Reader Profile//  SNOWFALL
Your status as a radiant made you stand out in the world, and your abilities terrified those around you.  The Scions of the Hourglass made a deal with you, they would train and care for you and you’d help maintain their secrecy.  Abandoning your lonely existence, you became a master of your ability over ice and did work for the Scions.  Soon, you began to doubt your allies and were assigned a Valorant agent to kill as a final test of loyalty.  
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There was a stillness in the air, brought on by a combination of the night and the cold that blew through the streets of a desolate industrial district
You waited outside with binoculars trained on the sidewalks, waiting for your target.  Deciding that your stakeout was taking too long, you looked over the dossier again
Li Zhao Yu, aka. Iso, defected from the Scions months ago to join an organization called Valorant.  His skills rivaled yours, and his power over radianite was strong too
The picture included didn’t match up with the face of a hardened killer though
Below you spotted something purple flash from the windows of an abandoned factory.  You narrowed your eyes and watched for more
Iso was locked in combat with a number of radiants.  If it wasn’t for the dossier you would've been shocked at how dangerous he was
He dropped each of the radiants one by one.  All the while, he maintained an air of calmness with each shot
He exited the building carrying some strange triangular device.  He put his finger to his ear and muttered something to an unknown receiver
Realizing he was calling in some kind of extraction, you put your plan into action and activated your radiance
Wind began to swirl around as frost collected on broken windows.  You pulled your knife from its sheath and let ice collect along the blade
Swinging the blade, you launched the collected frost towards Iso.  Your careful aim drove the ice spear into his shoulder
Leaping from your vantage point, you jumped from the building and slid down to street level.  You readed a pistol as you got to Iso
“You shouldn’t have left us,” you said, cocking the action back on your gun.  “People like you are one of a kind.”
“If you’re with the Scions, then don’t waste my time.  I work with Valorant now, and I washed my hands of those monsters.”
“They aren’t monsters, they saved me!  I was nothing before they came and trained me!”
“I read some files on you, Y/N.  You were missing for years and turned into a weapon for them.  They fear you, they only want to control you and use your power.”
“Is that what you think?  Is that why you left for some bullshit organization that pretends to care about you?  The Scions are my family now, and I won’t disappoint them.”
“Valorant would take care of you if you decide to come with me.  We can avoid this fight if you stand down.”
“I’d rather die than be a traitor like you.”
“...fine Y/N.  What happens now is on you.”  Iso grabbed the ice embedded in his shoulder and threw it to the ground
Taking your chance to shoot, you suddenly found yourself on the defensive.  Iso had reached for his Sheriff while removing the ice
Bullets almost reached your head as you took cover and blocked out the area with a sudden freezing mist
You heard a window break and ran after the sound, finding yourself inside an abandoned machine shop
With your first steps in, a bullet ricocheted off the wall behind you and sparks danced from the impact
As you moved farther in, more shots came from the darkness.  Iso was tired, injured, and had to hide
“Good.” you thought.  You began dropping the temperature around you while placing your knife in its sheath and charging it with cold
Iso’s breath was now visible from the frigid air.  He was hidden behind a hydraulic press and breathing quietly
You pulled the knife slowly from the sheath, letting ice condense onto it and extending it into a long icy blade
Silently, you moved about the shop.  Your footsteps were quiet from the stealth training you endured
As you moved towards Iso, violet hexagons crept underneath you and made contact.  You fell into the floor and were dropped into some strange realm
The dossier missed the fact that Iso could do this, because you were quickly disoriented by the rush of purple
“Y/N this is your last chance to stand down.  I’m not here to kill you, I want to leave that part of me in the past with the Scions.” echoed throughout the space
Iso appeared in front of you and you charged forwards with your blade, directly for his neck.  You sliced and crescent of frozen air spun towards his throat
He raised his hand and conjured a wall in front of him.  The ice slammed into the hardened tiles as you continued with your attack
Iso turned his wrist and pulled the trigger once.  The bullet went right for your head, and by closing the distance you were in even more danger
Suddenly you were back in the shop and Iso was in front of you
“Dui Bu Qi” he whispered before the world went dark around you
You awoke in a room lit by a single light and restrained in a chair.  Your head was sore and the room was almost spinning
“You’re finally up Y/N.  Hao de, we can finally talk.”
“I have nothing to say to you, just kill me because I won’t tell you anything about the Scions!” you spat back
“I already have all the information I could ever want on them.  I don't need you to betray them for me.”
“You’re one to talk about betraying the Scions.”
“They won’t come to save you, now that they know you’ve been captured.  If anything they’ll either try and kill you or assume you’re dead.”
“No!  They’ll come for me, they’ll make you pay for taking me prisoner!”
“You were sent to kill me when I defected.”
Iso’s truth buried itself in a growing pit of despair in your stomach.  It was so obvious they would save you but something in you began to pull at that conviction
Tears streaked down your face and turned to snowflakes as they fell.  The realization that you would never have your life in order finally fell on you
A warm hand found its way onto your shoulder.  Iso’s palm met yours despite the freezing cold temperature
“Bie ku Y/N.  Don’t worry I know it looks lonely but you won’t be walking away from them alone.  I’m here for you if you need to talk.”
“They were everything to me, but they…they’d kill me just like they’d kill anyone.  Did I ever mean anything to them at all?” you asked already knowing the answer
“It doesn’t help to think of them right now, what matters is that Valorant will care about you.  We aren’t here to kill or control, we just want to do right.” 
You looked up and in your state your power began to escape.  You began to grow colder and shivered slightly
Iso took his hand off of you and began to unzip his jacket
He draped it over your shoulders
“Y/N, you’re freezing.”
“It happens when I’m worried, I think I’ll be fine.”  you tried to avert your eyes but couldn’t pull them from Iso
“Are you saying you want to join Valorant then?”  Iso leaned in towards you
“I don’t have anywhere else to go, but you’ve been so patient with me.  I feel horrible for what I tried to do, but you’re being kind and I want to repay that somehow.” 
“I’ll talk to my higher ups and get you a room at the HQ.  While we wait, we should find a way to keep you warm.  Do you drink tea?”
“Sure, what kind do you have?” 
Having tea with Iso was the first of many moments you shared with the assassin.  Both of you had your respective pasts entwined, but that only brought you closer
Eventually it became a routine, meeting with Iso and just talking for hours on end about whatever you both thought
Months later, you realized that Valorant had become a second home for you.  It was all thanks to Iso
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ashleygraves1 · 6 months
After a while of playing Tears of the Kingdom, I have some complaints. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved Tears of the Kingdom, but there are some things that I don't really enjoy. Some of these are things other people have stated they don't like, and some of these are actually something that are controversial.
Let's start with the ones people can agree with:
There are too few sky islands and there's almost nothing on them. There are a few exceptions like the Great Sky Islands, the entire way up and including the wind temple, the diving islands, etc. But the majority are copy and paste empty islands and all of them were Zonai related. I wish they added Monk Maz Koshia's sky island directly above the Great Plateau like in BotW's DLC, the islands from Skyward Sword, and the City in the Sky from Twilight Princess for some examples.
A real explanation of where Sheikah tech went. Like, we all know what the developers said: "they all vanished suddenly after the Calamity was over" we know that's bullshit because Purah and Robbie still use the ancient Sheikah technology for their towers, the Purah Pad, Purah's telescope, Robbie's mini Cherry, and the lone guardian on the roof of the Hateno Ancient Tech lab. Also it didn't just vanish after the Calamity as the true ending cutscene in BotW shows at the most a month after the Calamity and Vah Ruta broke down, not vanished.
The empty depths. I love the ruins and lightroots of the depths, but on the scale of the entire kingdom of Hyrule? It's empty. Up above you would find Koroks, small structures, different surfaces (sand, grass, rock, snow, etc), enemies and even citizens. I know that you can find mine ruins, the construct factory, Yiga outposts, and enemy mines; but the depths were so vastly empty with the exact same scenery no matter where you were. I would've preferred far smaller areas than the surface counterparts or even just have the Faron, Eldin, and Central Hyrule depths since that's all you actually need to go.
The Lightning Temple. Listen, I love the Lightning Temple. I just wish that they had used the Arbiters Grounds instead of a completely new dungeon. No, I don't mean I wanted Twilight Princess's Arbiters Grounds instead, I mean that there would've been some really cool, subtle lore that the Arbiters Grounds had been destroyed after TP and was rebuilt as the TotK Lightning Temple. Like, could you imagine seeing "The Lightning Temple: Arbiters Grounds rebuilt"
Sage abilities. How they implemented this was the absolute worst. If I were to redesign the sage abilities, I'd have it work more like BotW's champion abilities but with the same reload time as the sages. I'm going to say how I would've implemented each one. For Tulin's ability, I would've pressed the sneak button while in the air to gust forward. For Sidon's ability, I would've held down the block button like Daruk's Protection but swung the weapon while blocking to have the "water slice." For Riju's ability, when you use the bow, you hold block and instead of it Z-targeting the enemy, it would turn the arrow into a lightning arrow (a different type of arrow than electric arrows because it's used as Riju's ability to call down a lightning strike.) As for Yunobo and Mineru's abilities, they would've been the same as before. So, Yunobo basically is the only one with an Avatar and Mineru just follows you as is.
Dragon Tears. No, it's not because it's too similar to finding Link's memories in BotW, it's because you can find them out of order and before finding Impa. Yes, I am frustrated that the first dragon tear I actually investigated was the death of Sonia and I had no clue what was happening. I wish that it forced you to find the tears in order. Like, the geoglyphs would appear one at a time. Or maybe give the same cutscene as when the final tear appears. The light dragon has a tear drop and we need to go find it.
This one is the most controversial thought I feel like... Ultahand. Yup, I don't like ultahand. I don't like building my own vehicles. I don't like building robots. I just don't like engineering games. I love the Zelda puzzles, but when I had to build the solutions in shrines? I hated it. I prefer the BotW shrines where you find a solution by thinking outside the box. In TotK, there is no box to think outside of because whatever you try, it's possible with what we gave you. Make a bridge out of car wheels? Go ahead we love that! I would've personally felt more satisfied with finding a solution that wasn't intended, but in this game every solution was in fact, intended.
That concludes the things I didn't like about the game, everything else, though was absolutely fantastic.
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dormont · 15 days
In what way? Of course they aren't mentioned all the time anymore, it's been 100 years. Mipha got a whole damn court
"it's been 100 years" is not exactly a sound argument to me when they were still fondly remembered after 100 years in botw. while i support the kingdom moving on from the calamity, they can't just completely move on and barely acknowledge that it happened within the timeframe of like 5 years. not when the calamity left such deep scars.
revali: one of his core traits is that he wants to leave a legacy behind and not be forgotten. he expresses fear about this being the case in bonus dialogue in the champion's ballad dlc. in totk his bow, a item that's heavily symbolic for his character and was made in his image, gets fobbed off to the ancient sage, long before revali even existed. not only that but the rito act like tulin is the only rito who has ever been capable of manipulating the wind which, ya know, was revali's thing?? i love tulin and i'm not trying to discredit his own accomplishments but he's not the only one that's done it. totk actively enforces rev's fear of being forgotten. the one saving grace totk has in regards to revali is that the great eagle bow tulin gets is specifically revali's (has the piece of his scarf, meanwhile the bow link gets doesn't)
daruk: honestly i have gripes with how daruk was kind of a flat character in botw too but the poor guy gets fuck all in totk. like you know what would've been a great visual detail? if when you use yunobo's ability daruk's protection would show up. they didn't even have to verbally acknowledge it, just seeing it would've been enough. but no yunobo just doesn't use it anymore???
mipha: mipha's court is a sweet idea in theory but i'm not a fan of her statue being moved from being the centrepiece of the domain to what is essentially the zora's backyard in favour of that gaudy statue they replaced it with. leaves an icky taste in my mouth. there's also the massive issue in both games that mipha is only ever used to propel the development of the men around her (link in botw, sidon in totk). she's not allowed to just be a character for herself.
urbosa: urbosa probably gets the most respect out of all of them imo. like not only is she acknowledged in riju's diary in totk, showing that even as riju has grown in confidence as a leader, she still looks to urbosa for guidance, but also the small but sweet detail that the ancestor of the blacksmith that makes the scimitar of the seven and daybreaker for you in totk in gerudo town was the one who made those for urbosa back in the day. it's not a whole lot but urbosa at least got enough to be satisfactory.
like i said i wasn't hoping for botw to hold totk's hand or anything but totk is just straight up allergic to respecting what botw set up. fujibayashi's dogshit answer on why the sheikah tech disappeared (they disappeared because of having "completed their task" in destroying the calamity. which makes zero fucking sense cuz why did they not disappear during the original calamity 10000 years before then? the calamity they actually won against the first time?) just proves to me that they don't really give a shit about keeping their own lore. and i'm strictly talking about the wild era here, nevermind the legacy games.
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fragmentofmemories · 3 months
Haven't had much time to talk about it (in the sense that I just kept going and going).
But I did finish Dragon Quest III SFC and—
Oh my god you have no idea how much i've been missing out no wonder people skipped work for it it's just amazing in every way from the music to the amount of freedom it has in both exploration and character building is amazing and the ending Oh my god the ending somehow I didn't get spoiled on it and it was just o̷m̸g̵ ̸j̵u̸s̵t̷ ̶t̸h̷e̸ ̴b̴e̷s̷t̶ ̸k̷i̴n̷d̶ ̶o̶f̷ ̸b̴i̸t̷t̸e̸r̸s̵w̷e̶e̷t̵ ̶AND---
As I was saying, Dragon Quest III was a great experience. And one I'm probably going to replay more than once.
Starting party was Hero/Fighter/Dealer/Priest.
Monk archetypes are one of my favorites and DQ3 fighters are no exception — high crit chance and an extra "sidequest" if you want to give them a great weapon early on. The way agility affects defense, my fighter was also somewhat tanky too.
Priest. Obviously. I will have a bias toward healers no matter the game. And they remembered that priests can deal damage and have good equipment too, so extra points for that.
As for dealers, it was mostly out of curiosity at first. But giving mine an AOE boomerang and knowing they can appraise items made her very helpful for a while. Dealers being the class that levels up the fastest helped too.
After discovering reclassing was a thing, and that it functioned similarly to Wizardry (minus the stat requirements), I wanted to try the secret Sage class.
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But then I got a cursed, +255 DEF helmet.
At which point I actually finished the rest of the game with just the hero (and my priest which I kept around whenever I needed to use items).
And the best part is the game still remained challenging despite me essentially cheesing it.
Magic ignores defense, and almost every enemy in the endgame uses spells instead. That includes bosses who, besides hitting hard (and more than once per turn), also required proper strategies to take down.
One boss in particular genuinely got me stuck thanks to it healing every turn. And I guess at that point I realized it would've been much easier to just bring in a full team.
But that's the beauty of it: I was committed (lol). Despite this not being something the devs probably planned for, I just knew I could do this.
After better planning, and around 20 or so minutes of fighting, I managed to take that boss out.
Then plot happened! And it was shocking! And then it was even more shocking!
And I could go on and on, seriously. But well, it isn't anything different from what others already said about this game: It's that good.
Really, this is the sort of stuff I love about RPGs: The ability to freely experiment with any strat - regardless of how outlandish it may seem - and somehow make it work by knowing how the game works.
It might have been cheesy, but the game was fun either way. Definitely going to try to attempt it again without the helmet later on (maybe the GBC version?).
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narhinafan · 1 year
Wanna know something hilarious?
A NaruSaku kid would've been COMPLETELY overshadowed by literally any other hypothetical Offspring
Imagine if Naruto got with Sakura
That would mean Sasuke's possible options would've been with Karin, Ino or even Hinata (pair the spares)
Sasuke x ANY of those combos would've completely screwed over an NS kid genetics wise
Sasuke + Karin = A Child born between a Full Blood Uchiha and an a Full Blood Uzumaki with Sharingan and all the capabilities that come with it, Lots Uzumaki Stamina, Fireball Jutsu, Chakra Chains, Chidori, and a Built-In Healing Factor. Could've possibly unlocked a New Doujutsu.
Sasuke + Ino = A Child born between a Full Blood Uchiha and an a Full Blood Yamanaka with Sharingan and all of it's Capabilities, Fireball Jutsu and Mind Transfer Jutsu
Sasuke + Hinata = A Child born between a Full Blood Uchiha and an a Full Blood Hyuga with EITHER Sharingan or Byakugan (or Both???) and all the Capabilities that come with them. Full on Genjutsu and Taijutsu Abilities. Fireball Jutsu, Twin Lion Fists, 64 Palms, Susano'o, Rotation, Chidori, AND not even getting into the fact the hypothetical Child would not only be of Hagoromo AND Hamura's lineage (just like Boruto and Himawari) but could've also unlocked a Brand New Doujutsu if Boruto's Jougan is any indication. (Who knows if it would've still been Jougan or a Sharingan-Jougan hybrid)
Now let's look at the possibility of a
NaruSaku Child
Now how do we judge how a Naruto and Sakura Offspring would've turned out?
Well let's take a look at their actual Kids
Naruto + Sakura = A Child born between a 1/2 Blood Uzumaki and an a Full Blood Haruno (lol) would result in...
A 1/4 Uzumaki and 1/2 Haruno Mix.... With Shadow Clones, Rasengan, Sage Mode from Jiraiya and Super Strength inherited from Tsunade (lol)
Judging by Boruto and Himawari, this kid wouldn't have the Uzumaki Stamina since neither of them appear to have high Chakra Reserves. Unfortunately it's too diluted since they are only 1/4 Uzumaki
Even ignoring Kurama's death (😭)
Naruto still wouldn't pass down anything from Kurama to his kids
Rasengan and Sage doesn't come from Naruto but rather Jiraiya
Strength and Byakugo Seal doesn't come from Sakura but rather Tsunade (and Mito)
There's no guarantee that they would've gotten Tsuna-er I mean Sakura's Healing Jutsu either (Sarada is terrible at it and she doesn't use it at all in the Manga)
Now let's take a Look at where Boruto, Himawari, and Sarada's Strengths lie
THE JOUGAN : Confirmed to be a Doujutsu that laid dormant within Boruto and Toneri activated sooner. Now why do you think Toneri did this? Do you honestly think this was because of Naruto? Or the Girl that Toneri actually fell in love with?
KARMA/KAMA: Boruto was confirmed by the Databooks to have acquired Momoshiki's Karma because of his Byakugan Blood. Specifically his Hamura Chakra. Now who's side of the Family did he get that from?
RASENGAN: From Jiraiy-er Naruto 😅
GENTLE FIST: From Hinata
So in reality, Boruto clearly got more benefits from his Mom's side to be as Strong as he is.
SHARINGAN: Is a given from Sasuke of course
CHIDORI: From Sasuke
GENJUTSU: From Sasuke
SUPER STRENGTH: From Tsuna-er Sakura 😅
It's clear who's Genes Sarada is relying on more
BYAKUGAN: From Hinata
GENTLE FIST: From Hinata
That's.... about it really for now. Yet she's was just acknowledged by the current Strongest Character in the Manga at the moment to have really Strong Power to the point where he was shocked by it (and as of yet NO ONE ELSE in the Manga has spooked him this much)
And as far as we can see, given the above, this because of her Mom's Genes 😄
Boruto and Himawari got their Benefits from their Mom.
Sarada gets her benefits from her Dad
Sasuke literally HAD to get with Sakura in order to keep his child from overshadowing Naruto's lmao 🤣 😂 💀
I would like to point out that both Boruto and Himawari do have large charka reserves just not Naruto size since they weren't practically born with Kurama inside them constantly mix his own chakra with theirs. Boruto can make 4-5 shadow clones before becoming a genin when it needs Jonin level chakra.
As for Sarada you are right, but she did not inherit Sakura's chakra control as talent in medical jutsu is bad. Meaning her chakra enchanted strength will always be less then Sakura's and she will likely never get the seal which even Shizune in all her eyes never gotten.
So Sakura contributes almost nothing to her child and what she does give are downgraded from what she actually has.
As where Hinata has been confirmed to contributed a good deal of hers and Naruto's children talents.
No matter how you look at it Sakura is bringing down her children talent wise and most she can teach them medical jutsu and even then they need a decent talent in it which as shown isn't guaranteed to be inherited.
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Cooler totk would've been everything proceeding as normal, except instead of Zelda turning into the light dragon, she finds another way to restore the master sword and prolong her life. Everything goes normally for Link, but instead of fighting Ganondorf, Zelda shows up and oneshots him, only to turn on Link and the sages next. Turns out that, over thousands of years of waiting, she's grown to hate Hyrule (why? That's not important. Maybe she was working with Ganondorf after he woke up all along, which actually makes the golden sparks after the bosses die make sense)
First phase is fighting her normally, but time can be slowed down, and she can move faster than you or the sages. Projectile attacks are thrown straight back at you, and flurry rushing doesn't work. Second phase, she transforms, but instead of turning into a demon, her hair grows out, her clothes change into a suit of armor resembling her white dress from botw, with the bow of light to match. The triforce is clearly visible on her hand, and she draws power from that instead of the secret stone (making flurry rushing possible again)
The Master Sword doesn't power up like it does near gloom, and the sages try to remind her of their shared history and all the good things about Hyrule, and finally hers, Link's, and the champions' past, only to get thrown aside one by one after failing, removing them from the fight.
Final cinematic phase (now outside Ganon's lair), instead of turning into a dragon, she turns into something like Hylia, huge wings and all, and is considerably taller. She summons the Master Sword from your hand to use against you, and you have to use the now discarded bow of light to shoot her down and retrieve the Master Sword. Her time abilities stop you from using bullet time, and you shoot at the joints on her wings. Once you've knocked her and the Master Sword down, you have to get close enough to deal the final blow, stabbing her in the heart. Her Hylia form disappears, leaving her in her Zonai dress, and the final moment before she dies in Link's arms, she briefly becomes the Zelda you knew, and apologizes, looking over Hyrule. She dissolves into light, sending a shockwave through all of Hyrule that cleanses the land of gloom and destroys the castle in a symbolic gesture of "the royal family is no more"
Anyway. Nintendo hire me.
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picory · 10 months
i have to ask, whats your opinion on the champions’ avatars & abilities?
(personally i like them a lot less than in botw and the avatars are straight up annoying, i always activate them on accident while trying to catch a bug or something so i just disable them altogether)
so far i only have tulin and riju's avatars (i keep putting off going to the other two races. sorry everyone, there are pics in need of snapping!)
i use tulin's tornado (not sure if it has an official name other than "vow of tulin", so i'm using the name tulin came up with in AOC) all the time to speed up my paragliding, so it's useful. i just wish it had more power to it, or lasted just a bit longer. when i gathered four wills of sages i expected them to upgrade this ability, but instead it made his headshots deal more damage. which i guess... is useful as well. his shots are SUPER effective. thank you tulin, very cool
(speaking of the sages' wills... why are they just scattered in random places throughout the sky islands? simply being kept in chests in the most unnassuming of places? there should've been some kind of trials at least... but with how boring most of the puzzles in this game have been, maybe not)
it's been a while since i've played botw (tho i have been replaying it bit by bit as of recent), let alone used the champions' abilities. but i do remember using revali's gale as often as i do tulin's tornado. i definitely miss it at times. while there are many creative ways to get yourself to a higher level (first being link's new ability, ascend; then using the ancient zonai devices; being sent into the sky by the skyview towers and gliding yourself towards your destination; or something as simple as starting a fire and throwing in a pine cone to create a bootleg revali's gale), there are times in which revali's gale would've been much quicker and effective
i think riju's power (hmm what should it be called... riju's rage?) is on par with urbosa's fury, but still not quite on her level. the field of lightning in urbosa's fury deals damage to everyone within that circle, while riju's only deals damage wherever you choose to shoot an arrow. it can also be kinda annoying waiting for the field of lightning to reach the monsters i want to zap, especially since riju LOVES to run the other way most of the time, but other than that it's great. i haven't upgraded it yet, so i hope it gets more powerful with the sages' wills, and not her scimitar attacks dealing more damage...
my main issue that i believe will become even worse as more sages join our team, is the fact that you activate their abilities with the A button, the action button, the one used to examine something, or pick up something, or talk to someone, etc... everytime i want to pick up materials left by monsters, tulin, that little shit, blows it all away down a cliff! compare that to the champions' powers, which each have their own buttons (except for mipha's grace): daruk's protection activates by holding down ZL, the button also used to focus/pull out your shield; urbosa's fury - by holding down Y, which is the attack button; and revali's gale - holding down the X button, also used for jumping. very thoughtful placements as you can see!
last thing. about the avatars... i understand that the sages are too busy to follow link themselves, especially riju, what with ber being a chief with so many responsibilities, which is why they've created these avatars to replace them. but i just wish they were a bit more emotive... idk. this isn't that serious lol but it would've been fun for them to act a little more real i guess, more like companions. i still love these soulless versions of my friends though <3
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amyriadofodd · 3 months
You know... I've been thinkin'..
Narcissists have become such a hot topic in the last couple years. It's such a scary idea too think we have encountered one. A person that is characterized by an insatiable appetite for malice and spite, envy and vengefulness. Not that that I've provided an exhaustive definition of them, I am not an expert, if you're wondering. But I happen to be a person who has encountered individuals with a remarkable capacity for unsolicited meanness, and my observations are just as allowable as any.
I happen to be an empath that has learned the hard way that certain patterns should earn my distrust when it comes to other people. I am still eating the fruits of this lesson even now. A worthwhile meal, too, if I am honest. If i knew better, I would've done better at the start of adulthood. I did not, and so I had to learn what i should do. It's cost me years and years. I've gained the wisdom of an adventurous sage in my travels of ups and downs.
It's okay to say no to people that have demonstrated harmful intent. It's okay to not believe the words they say. I will not be further gaslight into believing that i am wrong for not doling out chance after chance. But what about the narcissist?
It may be surprising to know that narcissists are the ones mistreated in their "origin stories", if you will. The mind will develop ways to cope, sometimes long before we recognize the toxic behaviors that pull us through difficult times and harsh interactions.
Narcissism in some extreme cases is classified as a personality disorder, with real diagnostic criterion. Why is there no reprieve for such individuals in the mental health community? It seems that mental health providers would rather condemn and discard them, rather than continue to embrace and sufficiently care for the psychological needs of the people who may need it most. It is as if psychologists have grown tired of their duties, and would rather be our friendly neighborhood "Narc busters", alerting us of how to spot, and run away from, people showing signs of a valid disability.
To me, it feels like a celebration of failure to see so many experts join in on the narc bashing trend. Where are your answers for us? What help is there for my loved ones who struggle amidst their harmful tendencies? Or have you given up? Now is not the time to glory.
Maybe my burden of love for those who hurt me is the beginning of more research. I have been a consistent target of a number of bullies in my life, but I cannot be the only person unwilling to settle for less than a proper and empathetic solution for fellow mental health warriors, who have been counted causalities on the battlefield. There are people I love counted in that number.
After all, I have had my own share of mental health battles. And not small ones. Violent disruptions of my mental peace have plagued my life and checkered my past. I am not a sufferer of the malicious varieties, but nevertheless my issues have cost me a great deal and many delays in life. Even when I myself am confused on how to respond, i know that further stigma for the mentally ill is not what's truly best. Identifying the problem is a necessary start to the solution, not the end fo the search for one. And so, I have not been overcome, as long as there is breath in the body, all is not lost. There is ground to be regained. Where there is weakness, there is strength to be found. Where there are problems, there are solutions yet fulfilled. If it's possible for me, it's possible for anyone. I believe this strongly.
Narcissists need our help too. We cannot give them away to their pain and its overwhelming expressions. Our western approaches to mental health are just not sufficient. We cannot be content to leave any suffering person behind.
Dare to dig deeper, experts. Our narcissistic society is depending on you.
In the meantime, I will maneuver to the best of my ability. As long as we keep asking questions and thinking critically, the future is still bright.
--- The Musings of MilPickle
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tuliptiger · 11 months
TOTK spoilers
Just going to say, the boats you can make in TOTK are fine and all. But uhm I think it would've been better for Sidons sage ability or part of it to ride on his back in water. OR revive you like miphas (i miss the revive ability but I don't mind too much he is his own character with his own ability in that regard).
Tulin lets you go further and get more out of your air time (although I'd have preferred for him to carry you or get a loftwing (or air mount in general) and yunobo, by far, is the most practically useful sage skill for the sheer fact he can power through boulders and rocks. Rijus ability honestly just kind of kicks ass because it's powerful although I don't use her kind of at all, for the same reason i probably wont use sidons.
Theres no practical world use for them and they're not worth having out and getting in the way. Sidon erected a statue dedicated to Link riding on his back I don't get the choices made in this game at all.
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artistic-arteries · 1 year
Spoilers for TOTK main quest
I don't know how everyone else feels about Mineru but I don't really like her. The design of the robot is unappealing and I think I would've liked a Sheikah to be the fifth sage instead, even though the Sheikah were associated with shadow and not spirit. I'd probably choose Purah since she's had that owl mask since botw.
I think that it would've been interesting to have a nontraditional champion on the team, one who constructs things to fight for her instead of her directly fighting, creating construct heads or homing carts with beam emitters on them. Maybe her sage ability could be using an autobuild schematic for free.
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egg-emperor · 2 years
I don't really think Eggman has ever really shown true inability to care about others in canon.
Like as soon as Adventure 2 he's established to have admired and been inspired by his Grandfather to become a great scientist and seems pretty genuinely disappointed that he'd try and simply wipe out humanity including him.
Honestly, I'd argue Eggman keeping robots like Orbot and Cubot around just shows Eggman has to have some sort of soft spot for his creations.
There's no real reason for them to have their personalities in the first place beyond Eggman wanting to have people to talk to. Sure, he's a total jerk to them a lot, but he could scrap them or replace them with silent less annoying robots anytime he wants, but he doesn't, even though they screw up and both directly and indirectly mock him constantly.
If anything, Lost World shows he likes them enough to save them from falling into Lava when in the flashback he clearly swoops down with his jetpack to save them before escaping and tries to fix Cubot as best he can when he loses his body. As robots they're beyond replaceable to a man who can pump out 50 battleships in an afternoon, but he doesn't.
I mean, I'd argue any supervillain who goes out of their way to build sentient robots kind of inherently implies loneliness as a character trait. Him growing to more openly care about Sage isn't that unthinkable in my opinion. We've never seen it before, but we've also never seen Eggman be so completely dependent on someone else before. She's the only thing keeping him alive for most of the game, and she's loyal despite probably having the same capacity to ditch him robots like Metal Sonic and Omega have.
I don't see it that way. There's been plenty of times where he's shown he doesn't give a damn about others way more blatantly than what people speculate and interpret as him having the ability to care.
I still feel that with SA2, he was disappointed that Gerald hadn't considered him personally as his grandson that admired and was inspired by his genius might still be around to be affected and how his actions almost resulted in his destruction and the world he wants to rule too. He only said "did he really mean to destroy us" in his refection of it because everyone literally would've died if it had succeeded. It really seems that way when he'd still go on to cause catastrophic global destruction just steps away from completely destroying the planet himself multiple times after.
He's also shown that he lacks empathy for how his actions affect others over and over again. Not only by continuing to cause mass destruction to the world that would result in death as long as it still exists to rule but also with the way he's acknowledged that his plans will have collateral damage resulting in deaths, is willing to commit genocide, and knows that he's hurting people physically sometimes even through direct attempted murder and mentally through manipulation and gaslighting and doesn't care. He even attempted to blow up a city of innocent people.
He also hasn't been seen to care about his creations as he insults, abandons, punishes and tries to destroy Metal, the E Series, SA-55 and Orbot and Cubot, and Omega the second they disobey or even mildly displease him after trying their best. He was cruel to Emerl despite him once being in the hands of Gerald, beating him when he didn't do as he was told and manipulating to take advantage of his softness and then mocking him for it. There's even Gerald's creation with Shadow, who he sees as nothing but a tool he's entitled to, manipulates and gaslights him, and doesn't care that he's understandably upset after. Shows that even having connection to his actual blood family doesn't make him care.
It's shown countless times that his creations, lackeys and other artificial beings, whether he created them or not, are just tools he can easily throw away, replace, break down and reuse, or destroy. Why he keeps Orbot and Cubot around in particular is pure speculation as they didn't imply he sees them as family like Boom Egg. I headcanon that it's because he likes the challenge of combatting the sass of Orbot and dumbness of Cubot to feel superior but sometimes they piss him off too much. And that SA-55 was the first attempt but it was too much to the point he has to scrap him. It can be seen as him liking to have assistants to order around and mistreat to feel superior and that makes it more messed up actually.
The "never has a thought for anyone else" bio in Advance 2 wasn't lying. He's deeply selfish and self centered and there isn't a single moment that people use as reasons to imply he has the ability to care that I can't explain in a way that adds up with my points instead. And I don't like or think him creating things is a sign of loneliness, he was fine on his own for years before he has SA-55 and Orbot and Cubot to interact with. He seems to like being independent and working on his own a lot. I can't imagine it sincerely working for him to be dependent or caring for an AI all of a sudden with all this in mind, the contrast and contradiction is too vast in comparison, even more so with how fast they forced it into the plot in Frontiers.
I kind of rushed my points here because I don't really want to debate this anymore but here's an attempted summary. I think that's everything I want to say without making this way longer.
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flockrest · 9 months
Because I am way too anxious to bring this up off anon, I come to your inbox bearing anonymous musings.
Something I don't see a lot of is.. Link being anxious about the child prodigy that Tulin has always been. We see in HW: AoC and TOTK that Tulin, from a young age, has a lot of talent, and abilities most Rito don't have. Teba is a skilled warrior, but I can see Tulin, in his prime, easily surpassing that.
And Link gets to see that. Link gets to watch Tulin grow, helps the fledgeling grow, nurtures the adventurous warrior spirit of a boy who'll certainly fight alongside him someday, and someone he'll be proud to have there.
But the problem comes when ToTK comes around, and Tulin becomes a sage. I personally can see Link, maybe intentionally, maybe not, projecting who he once was, kinda still is, onto Tulin. This child prodigy, amazing with his favored weapon from the very start, slated to save the world, and all too willing to do it. And Tulin makes it clear that Link inspired Tulin's willingness, helped the fledgeling become fearless.
I think about the paralels between Tulin and Link very often. And, in my interpretations, as proud as Link is of Tulin for becoming a fine young man.. He can't help but remember how he used to be, when he pulled the Master Sword. And in the final battle, when Tulin is knocked out with the rest, I wonder if he thinks about how he brought a child, practically his little brother, into a situation where he could so easily die.
Sorry for the ramblings- i've been scrolling through your blog and thinking about your color hc especially and. I guess it sparked a bit of a brainrot "^^
first off: hello, hi! please don't ever be sorry for sending in an ask like this — i love discussing meta with others, especially on a level of engagement like this. i wish it'd happen more, really! genuinely, if you have more thoughts you'd like to share, i'd love to hear them out!!
okay okay, time to address your delicious content. i'm a botw and totk link enjoyer more than i am writer, so i can't give too many thoughts about him from my end ( would be stoked to hear any input from actual link writers though...eyes emoji ), but you came to the right place for tulin brainrot [rubbing my hands together]
you're right in a lot of aspects, particularly about the parallels between link and tulin. it's why i find their dynamic so compelling and crave to always play around with it, because it's at once they are fambly!! and this is who you could've been if given unconditional support and love — that you partake in because you are what you're trying to ensure he will never have to grow up to be.
( tulin also notably shares many parallels with revali! one in particular that tickles me silly whilst also making me emo is like. how irreverent they are? because they put so much stock in hard work and meaningful results...revali has his knight with the darkness-sealing sword that he can't fathom putting such an alarming amount of faith in as the "key to defeating calamity ganon" when all he's done to earn that title is pull a sword; tulin has his stormwind ark that his people are pinning all their hopes on for no reason other than it appears in a Song, when they're basically starving and struggling and could be doing something actually substantial ( disclaimer: they are both unreliable narrators ). aside from age and other obvious character intricacies, they're pretty much one banger support system removed from being each other...but that's a ramble for another time sldfkjld )
and yes, totk made it very clear that tulin and link are familiar to that extent! i am still so thankful for it! we'll never know the specifics, but honestly, the mere act of giving tulin someone else — someone more present and tangible than revali ( at least until aoc sldkfjdf but after that as well! ) — to chase after and strive to be like would've been impactful enough on its own!! and yeah, he has his dad too, but what teba represents is very different from what link represents!
link projecting onto tulin in that way is a concept i'm glad you brought up, because it would for sure add another great layer to their relationship! all those complicated emotions...yessss, i eat it all up!! and i can definitely see how far link's feeling of responsibility over tulin would stretch, both as someone caring for a kid and as someone caring for his little brother, but the thing is...tulin would be doing his damnedest to be there even if link — or anyone, including his parents — said no.
tulin's hierarchy of people i want to be like and surpass is still, to this day: 1) revali <- 2) teba <--> 2.0001) link. and while link's absolutely been a huge inspiration in important departments, tulin's pluck, drive, and eagerness to do whatever he can is and has always been all his own. link may help enable him, but tulin has consistently not been able to stand by and do nothing if he can help it! combine this with his legitimate skills and cultural values — i.e. how integral warriorhood is to the rito — and you get a preteen who is going to be there with you 'til the end, as he promised, whether you or anyone else likes it or not :')
WHICH, you know, could feed into the parallels...and hence the projection...they would benefit from a real sit-down-and-talk, probably slfdldk and if nothing else, i hope link takes heart in the fact that tulin has a sincerely great support system in his family and community — there will be really bad days to the really good days, of course, but he gets to be a kid ( no matter how much he refuses to acknowledge this ), and he gets to work through his traumas and insecurities in full, and he gets to heal. i promise you, he gets to heal!
i have other murky thoughts i cannot properly collate right now, but i think i got the bulk of what i wanted to say out lskfjldg thank you so much for sending this in!! it was a pleasure to read through and answer ♡
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brightgnosis · 1 year
We had to go to WalMart to pick up my Mother in Law's birthday present, and I wound up grabbing myself a few things.
⭲ A couple of large men's Flannel button ups that were on clearance for $9 apiece.
I've been watching a lot of videos from other people with Fibro lately, seeing what things they use to make their lives easier that I could adapt. One of them said Flannel usually felt good on their skin during a flair. I've been wearing my Husband's Flannels the last week or so to test it out and decided I do like it, too- so when I saw them on clearance I snagged a couple for myself today that fit slightly better than his do (and aren't embedded with pallet splinters from the Warehouse, ha).
⭲ Some more Seeds, because I'm wretched and I can't resist- though to be fair, I'd never seen any of these varieties in the store before.
Italian White Sunflower
Magic Roundabout Sunflower
Mammoth Grey Stripe Sunflower
Spicy Saber Basil
⭲ Incense, because I do need to increase my stash a bit. Especially now that I'm actually doing Devotional Rituals more often, now that I've figured out what I'm doing (and how to do it without violating the Contract with my In Laws).
Nag Champa
Sage and Citrus
I'm still building up my own apothecary stash and don't have the ability to make my own Incense yet. So sticks will do for now (at least likely until the end of this year, given all the Herbs and what-not I'm growing this season). But I only grabbed the fairly standard, basic incenses that I didn't have- with the exception of one kind, because the original Sage I bought smells like butt and I don't like burning it. So I'm trying a different one now.
I had no luck finding Citrus Candles, unfortunately, however; one would've been nice, given how lovely Citrus has been for my Mental Health lately. But the only one I found was one I've already tried, and it's one that's scent basically vanishes the second you light it. So it's worthless. RIP; I'll keep looking. If not, there's the ones I threw on my Amazon Wishlist- even though they're far more expensive.
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asknarashikari · 2 years
I've gotten past the main story, and into the Final Chapter's inner Epilogue.
This final arc managed to make Storius, and Surprisingly Legiel and Zoous as well, not bland and quite interesting.
The Storming of Storius' fortress was nice, all the Swordsmen, minus Desast(Falchion), and Calibur!Sophia, transforming together, Hayato and Kamijo helping Sophia, Desast helping Ren in a way that absolutely destroys him, everything about the defeats of the sages.
Ise saving Touma, fighting against Storius a bit before his reincarnation truly happens, Rintaro and Kento getting to participate in the Final Battle.
What I did not like was that Almighty Saber is just Brave Dragon looks wise.
They could have at least in editing replaced the white on each rider in the trio with their Respective colors.
It would've looked good.
The viewer sent favorite stories thing was real good.
It causing Touma and Luna to recreate Reality was a nice touch.
I'll give my thoughts on the post timeskip with the actual Epilogue.
If you mean Wonder Almighty... hmm, that seems to be the trend these days. Realizing Hopper was the same thing- it just looked like base Zero-One (Rising Hopper). But at least Wonder Almighty gave additional powers when Realizing Hopper was just a stat boost for Rising Hopper. And it also lent its abilities to Rintaro and Kento, which iirc has never been done before.
I'm not sure if you noticed it, but the trio's base form suits are divided into three vertically, corresponding to the three Ride Book slots on the Driver, sort of like W. Each part of the suit gets the color of the Ride Book that's used on the slot corresponding to it. Since all of them were just using one Ride Book each, the suits only get one part colored in.
From what I remember they actually had asked for the stories to be sent in on SNS, and it was opened internationally as well. They said it was for a special scene but I don't think anyone anticipated it being the finale, much less part of the endgame to save the world XD
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VirtueNV -- A Review and News!
First, let's get the news out of the way because that one's easier -- Virtue seems to have closed. There wasn't much in the way of announcements. The only thing that seemed to tip me off was the IC group ejection, though this could be due to having group notices turned off so they may very well have put out a notice and I just didn't catch it. Anyway, let's move onto the review. VirtueNV was an urban supernatural sim that took place in the desert. The sim owner said that it's a town that's somehow built over Area51, but having been through the area more than once -- no, just no. Honestly, if they wouldn't have said that, it'd have made it easier to 'live and breathe' the lore. Anyway, the races were pretty standard. They did change their shifter role to be actual werewolves and removed the skinwalkers which were both nice to see in terms of growing from cultural appropriation. Even their IC witch shop prohibited the sale of items linked to cultural practices aside from white sage. We can't win them all, but it was refreshing in terms of BIPOC friendliness. They listened. However, you readers know me by now. You know instantly what I chose. Their spellcasters here were called Awoken and their system used the elemental system that was... Complicated. Things overlapped until they 'all of a sudden didn't', and things weren't written too clearly on what element could actually do what. We've seen this song and dance before and I explained in my post about elemental magic why it's inefficient and kills RP. They had a few others in there; containment which 'contains' and can also hide or shield things from other Awoken, and you also had enchanting which should honestly be a base ability for any witch. Same with potions, etc. It was just way too strict to function. Now the owner's defense on it, because it's been a topic of debate ever since I was part of it, says that the strictness around the system is to facilitate roleplay for other characters to 'learn' -- however there's not an A for effort. It still gives the illusion of progression and it cuts people off from a creative flow. Magic is an art and everyone's magic should speak differently, not just through their focus. Which we also need to abolish that trope too. A focus, while is a helpful tool -- it's more of a metaphor. Maybe I crave the deeper nuance to magic, but this is why I quickly got bored. The sim itself was rather well done though. You did feel like you were in the desert, though something to note here; there's not many shops that sell desert appropriate clothing. And watching vampires under their umbrellas basically killed my immersion. But other than that? It was really easy to navigate, very minimal lag, and the load in was a snap. The roleplay there was mid. Some of it was good, but there was a lot of it that was just bad. This was where our missing stair came from after all. It could have been better though. What would've made myself stick around more? Nuances of magic. My character was deeply interested in it, but the requirement of others for things that are utterly and mundanely simple even in traditional witchcraft IRL is just too strict. There's a way to still have players seek out groups to progress, but it wasn't going to happen with things being closed off -- especially when we talk of magical tropes and how they feed stories. Literally everyone and their mother had a Death spec because it sounded dark. But was it? Mmmm-not much. There's certainly a spooky element, sure. I'll give it that. But there's nothing about it that screamed 'black arts' or true necromancy. All in all though, I'm sad to see it go because the roleplay there at least was decent enough that I forgot about Unnatural for a time. At the same time, I really do hope that the sim owners recognize the failings of this one since they did have a supernatural college themed sim called Hawthorne University. Time will just have to tell.
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