#STD & STI treatment
Patton, heavy sighs: ... kiddo, if only you’d seen what I’d seen in that infirmary.
Remus, enthusiastically claps: You GOTTA tell me who had the MOST on ‘em? I bet they-
Patton, forcefully smiling: If you mean sick as dog in the middle of- you know what? How about we talk about something... else.
Remus: Uh. How about no?
Patton, crossing arms: Don’t say I didn’t warn you...
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gifts-to-gurgaon-blog · 2 months
Best sexologist in delhi, Best sexologist in India, Best Ayurvedic Sexologist in delhi, Best Ayurvedic Sexologist in India
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bestsexologistdelhi · 6 months
Unveiling Surprising Alcohol Facts: Navigating Health and Wellness Introduction: Alcohol facts often harbor surprising and obscure truths that impact various aspects of health and well-being. In this article, we delve into six lesser-known facts about alcohol, shedding light on its effects on sexual health and emotional equilibrium. 1. Alcohol Facts: The Impact on Sexual Performance Consuming…
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MALE INFERTILITY: NAVIGATING EMOTIONAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL CHALLENGES Male infertility accounts for approximately one-third of couples facing conception challenges, a trend possibly exacerbated by sedentary lifestyles and stressful environments. Beyond the physiological aspects, male infertility often triggers disruptions in social, emotional, and sexual aspects of life. The stigma associated with…
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onlinemalawinews · 7 months
Mastering the Use of Adult Content in Relationships Engaging with adult content in relationships might bring about different reactions in different couples. As a couple’s guide to adult content, it’s vital to discuss how to respect boundaries with adult content consumption. In this guide, we will delve into the realism versus illusion in adult content and how it can indeed serve as a means of…
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dshseodelhi · 8 months
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HIV, STI/STD Test,Treatment , And Counseling In Pune Under the HIV/STD Clinic Drsafehands .Get more Details Please Call / WhatsApp : 9013 161616
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stdexpressclinic · 2 years
STD Express Clinic has announced that patients can get STD and STI testing results on the same day and start treatment if the results are positive.
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rpssi · 2 years
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Sexual transmission disease test
A sexual transmission disease test is a way of acquiring information about your sexual health status. You can do sti tests at home, by yourself, or with your partner, and it's important to get second advice about the disease if occurs.
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What are the most important things you need to know about genital warts?
The most important thing about genital warts is that they are not a sexually transmitted disease. They are not caused by having sex and it does not only affect those who have sex. The infection can happen from moment to moment without any contact with a person.
Source Url:  realitypapers.co/what-are-the-most-important-things-you-need-to-know-about-genital-warts/
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gifts-to-gurgaon-blog · 2 months
Best sexologist in delhi, Best sexologist in India, Best Ayurvedic Sexologist in delhi, Best Ayurvedic Sexologist in India
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bestsexologistdelhi · 6 months
Mastering Adult Content in Relationships: A Comprehensive Guide Introduction: Engaging with adult content within relationships can elicit varied reactions. As a guide for couples, it’s crucial to navigate this terrain with respect for boundaries. This guide explores the balance between realism and illusion in adult content, emphasizing its potential to enhance intimacy in relationships. Section…
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ARE CELL PHONES CONTRIBUTING TO MALE INFERTILITY? INTRODUCTION As technology surrounding cell phones and Wi-Fi continues to advance, concerns are growing about the potential health risks associated with increased exposure to radiation. Researchers are particularly focusing on the impact of these radiations on male fertility, with studies suggesting negative effects on parameters such as sperm…
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hi. is it true that you can get hpv without having sex ? my parents opted me out of getting the vaccine for it . if it is possible, how? and also how do i ask them if i can get the vaccine for it ? or can i ask the pediatrician next time i go there and ask them to ask my parents about it ?
hi anon,
I'm going to go ahead and link the Center for Disease Control's fact sheet on HPV, which I think will be helpful to have on tap here:
HPV is spread through close skin-to-skin contact, primarily vaginal, anal, or oral sex - you're not going to get it by giving someone a hug or a high five or sharing food.
an important thing to know about HPV is that it's extremely common, to the point that virtually every person who is ever sexually active can be reasonably assumed to have it at some point. and it's usually no big deal! as our friends at the CDC tell us, about 90% of cases of HPV go away after about 2 years without ever causing any health problems at all.
the HPV vaccine is to look out for the other 10% of cases. an important thing to understand about HPV is that it comes in a lot of different varieties, called "strains." most of the strains are pretty harmless, as noted above; they're viruses that just freeload in your body for a while trying to spread to other people and then go away again, easy peasy. but some strains can cause genital warts, which can be uncomfortable and cause some health complications, and cervical cancer.
important to note: cervical cancer is HIGHLY treatable if caught early and managed properly, which is why it's very important to get regular pap smears if you've had partnered sex. (the current recommendation is every 3 years until you turn 65.) pap smears screen for irregularities in the cervix that can serve as an early warning for cervical cancer, allowing you and your healthcare providers to pursue treatment as quickly as possible.
now, back to the HPV vaccine, which can lower the risk of cervical cancer even further by providing inoculation against HPV. it's a great long-term health investment against one of the most common STIs in the world, which is a great point to bring up with your parents. your pediatrician can also be a good advocate to have in this discussion if your parents are, for some reason, opposed to you receiving the vaccine, so by all means feel free to involve them!
I don't really know how else to tell you to ask your parents other than, you know, saying you want to get the HPV vaccine. that's hardly an unreasonable request; the ideal time to get an HPV vaccine is when you're young and haven't had a chance to be exposed to HPV yet.
for anyone who's not that young or has already had sex, worry not: you can still get the vaccine up to the age of 45, and a vaccine that's a little less effective is much better than no vaccine at all. I didn't get mine until I was 25! so, for anon: if your parents really decide to be hardasses about this for some reason, you're still hot to go as soon as you're 18 and can pick your own vaccines.
I hope this helps!
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dshseodelhi · 8 months
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Book HIV, STI/STD Test,Treatment , And Counseling In Delhi Under the One of the Best hiv/std Clinic Drsafehands .Get more info Please Call / WhatsApp : 9013 161616
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Erectile dysfunction can be a sign of a physical or psychological condition. It can cause stress, relationship strain and low self-confidence. The main symptom is a man's inability to get or keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. Patients suffering from erectile dysfunction should first be evaluated for any underlying physical and psychological conditions. If treatment of the underlying conditions doesn't help, medication and assistive devices, such as pumps, can be prescribed. Dr. Vinod Raina is one of Delhi's top sexologist doctors, with over 21 years of expertise in the medical field. We handle issues including private part size, low libido, nightfall treatment, infertility treatment, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation treatment, STD & STI treatment, and more. These kinds of issues are harmful to your relationship.
For the best treatment, call us at 7687878787 or 9871605858.
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queerism1969 · 10 months
Things you should know before having SEX
There is absolutely nothing rude or accusatory about asking a new partner about their STD history
Use both a barrier method (male or female condom) AND a hormonal method for the best bet at preventing pregnancy
When you’re considering stopping using condoms with a partner, you can ask them if you can go together to get tested first
Don’t have sex with anyone who would hesitate to slow down or stop if you want to or who would be angry or upset with you because of it
Get tested regularly, every 1–3 months
You can go on PrEP if you feel you are truly at risk of getting HIV
Look at your partner and make sure they do not have cold sores, if they do, don’t kiss/do oral with them!
Always meet in public first
Have boundaries and don’t be afraid of kicking someone out/leaving
It’s easier and cheaper to change condoms than diapers.
If you're planning on having a lot of casual sex, you must accept that you will be exposed to STIs. 
There is no such thing as safe sex - just risk reduced.
Pinch the reservoir tip of a condom as you slide it down the penis to make sure there is enough space for the semen to collect 
Oral/vaginal/anal sex all have STD risks.
Do NOT use oil-based lubricants with a condom
Abstinence-only is a terrible idea, and statistics show it: STD rates and teen pregnancy rates are higher in areas with abstinence-only sex education programs.
Some people enjoy a little acting or role-playing during sex so it helps to have a pronounced safe word that nobody will say by accident.
Don't dominate on the first physical meeting.
Don't introduce new, undiscussed elements into a scene in the heat of the moment.
Dental dams for oral sex, surgical gloves with LOTS of lubes for fingering, trim your nails, and wash your hands.
Vagina penetration isn't going to be as easy, like they show in porn
it's essential to clean off the semen before putting on another condom. 
Buy plenty of condoms
Pee after sex as it is important to prevent UTI.
Throw out everything you see in porn, it's unrealistic and most of the positions are not possible or enjoyable as they look on camera.
Have plenty of foreplay before penetration 
When you get on the pill, ask your doc how long that pill takes to be effective.
Cum will drip out of you, and you will look silly waddling to the bathroom to go pee and clean up
If you take any kind of antibiotics, it will render your birth control pills ineffective for the rest of that month. 
Never be ashamed to have cleanup supplies near your bed.
Doing kegel squeezes in the restroom really helps push most if not all the cum out.
Two people with a vulva can give each other STIs.
Let someone know where you are and when you'd be back. 
Your hookup doesn't have to be for penetrative sex
Don't drink anything you're handed that you don't see poured and doesn't leave your sight. 
Oral sex is very risky for things like gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis (especially syphilis and pharyngeal gonorrhea).
Asking for Snapchat always does a good job of weeding out the fakes.
Always bring your own condoms and lube
Always let the person know that you’ll only have sex with condoms before meeting up
Obtain pepper spray just in case you’re put in a dangerous situation.
Clean your toys appropriately, and make sure it's body-safe material (if it starts to smell even after cleanings, throw it away). 
Be sure to use the correct kind of lube 
For any kind of sex, there generally shouldn't be pain. If there's pain, something is probably wrong. 
If you brush your teeth before doing oral, wait till the minty flavor is gone before going down on them
Your pubic hair is normal and healthy. Trimming is fine, shaving I recommend a lot less.
Sex is a marathon, not a sprint
Not liking sex is okay.
HIV is no longer a death sentence. With proper treatment, your viral load can be so low that transition is impossible. You'll have to manage it for the rest of your life, and your partners would have to take PREP and HIV prevention drugs.
If you decide to practice kink, be aware that consent becomes much more explicit and requires a lot of prep to properly establish. Without consent, it's just abuse.
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