swtnrcmnt · 1 year
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yuri-is-online · 15 days
New scenario in the car: I don't know if you youngster's remember a tv show Recess, but there's one episode where everyone is curious about kissing and stuff and decide to do an experiment and TJ and Spinelli draw the short straws to kiss and report back. When they do kiss, there's this scene of like, fireworks and rainbows going off in their heads (This one)
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And just picturing Ace and Yuu playing Spin the Bottle or Truth or Dare (or whatever the kids are playing these days) and having to kiss, mentally it's like this but Seven forbid they let anyone know they enjoyed it, especially Ace/Yuu, so they make a big performance of gagging and going "ew gross" once the kiss is over. Smash vut the them alone in bed flustered screaming into a very tired Grimm/Staring at their ceiling paralysed with committing the feel Yuu's lips to memory.
Or something, hope you're keeping well x
The only thing I really know about this show is that my mom didn't allow me to watch it. I'm oldish myself just. Homeschooled :/
Truth or dare makes the most sense to me. And for some reason I see Epel as being the one who would put up the dare.
"C'mon." He's smirking because he can't really help it, he does find this situation hilarious. "What are ya, chicken?"
And sure, you and Ace try to act like it's a gross idea and make your standard embarrassed protests but Jack is the only one really siding with you because he's a stick in the mud but of course Ace has to call him that out loud. So you know what never mind, Ace have fun kissing the prefect he's doubling Epel's dare and now Epel is clucking a surprisingly accurate chicken call with Deuce as Sebek turns this around on you because. idk you made a joke about "kissing the homies goodnight" to Malleus once and he asked if that meant he should give Sebek a kiss on the forehead and he's never forgave or forgotten.
Anyway Ace tries to play off the nerves because don't worry he's had a girlfriend before. He knows how to kiss somebody alright? Doesn't matter if you've dated before or not, whatever you have to say on the subject is going to fluster him because well. However you feel about this he's wanted to kiss you for a while, and unlike anything he shared with his girlfriend kissing you... he doesn't know how you feel but he can fool himself into thinking there's love in it. It's hard for him to lie when he's pressed so close to the truth. So you both pull away and make big fools of yourselves, but the act is bought because your friends are admittedly sort of dumb.
All of your friends except Grim who has to see you stare at a wall between treating him like a plush toy and screaming about how you are so fucking stupid for not putting an end to that dare while you still could because you wanted your first kiss with Ace to be REAL-
(he doesn't sleep at all that night or really talk to Deuce the next morning. he's got a stupid text message three words long he's typed out and deleted so many times but he really wishes he had the guts to hit send this time because- he wants a do over. he didn't get to kiss you right the first time.)
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bagopucks · 1 year
J. Hughes - It’s Out There
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Jack Hughes x Reader
Word Count: 5.1k
Warnings: a bit of ass grabbing💕, talk of ED, general angst (not proofread)
The horror stories weren’t exactly true, but they also weren’t far off. College is what one makes of it. That I learned early on. I kept up with the work, I built a steady routine, I put forth my best effort. Things so far had been fine. I had enough time for my major and my life.
Taylor on the other hand.. she wanted to party. I loved her. I truly did, but sometimes her complaining stressed me out. We were roommates, and I always offered my best advice and a helping hand when she needed it. But she never put forth her own effort. Jack often heard about her when I needed time to complain.
Today though, I had gotten her to sit down with me and study. I promised breaks here and there, and even a late dinner. We’d both missed out on lunch for finals, neither of us were exactly hungry considering the stress. We were in need of food. But more importantly, we were in need of better help.
I managed well with our other classes we had together. I let her copy my notes and we discussed and reviewed, but when it came to math, we were both scattered.
So we decided to take a brief break.
I leaned back against the wall, sitting on my bed, while Taylor mirrored me from her own bed. I texted Jack, while she no doubt scrolled through social media.
I enjoyed the silence. Not interrupted or broken by anything but the quiet flow of air through the AC in the room. Occasionally Taylor would send me something on Instagram, and our silence shifted into both of us scrolling through our social media apps and sending each other things.
I sent her a video of a French bulldog, I received a post in return that I couldn’t quite make out from the small notification. So I opened it.
“Jack Hughes Finally Off The Market?”
It wasn’t anything more than one of those meme pages, but the photo of Jack and I kissing at his favorite cafe in the city- that was what caught me off guard. I felt my stomach turn, my entire being feeling like it fell through the floor.
It had been pitch black that night. Nobody had even been on that street when we came out. How did somebody get a photo?
“Tay,” I glanced at the likes. There were enough to make me nauseous. I decided to check the comments, hopeful that perhaps somebody would point out how it was a joke. I knew that was unlikely though.
“Where’d you find this?” Fear gripped my heart as I read through comments.
‘Can’t see her face :|’
‘Great content bud’
‘Fuck her’
‘Don’t worry guys, it’s me’
‘Hands couldn’t even fit around that ass’
‘I’ll bet she’s pretty’
A different degree of reactions all around. My gaze remained on some longer than others.
“Just on Instagram. Since you started dating Jack I just.. I don’t know, guess I started keeping up with the hockey stuff.”
Taylor looked up at me, and I looked up at her. I was pale, she looked careless.
“Hun.. I wouldn’t worry. It’s a meme page. Nobody takes their stuff seriously.”
Taylor had a point, but at the end of the day.. that was still a photo of me and Jack. Whether people believed it or not, to me, that was very clearly, me and Jack.
“Why don’t we skip the next break and get back to studying.. okay?”
I was reluctant to agree, but Taylor eventually pried my attention away from my phone. Or at least she thought she did.
The rest of our night was spent studying. We had gone out to grab something to eat from the nearest fast food place, and ate together watching the hockey team of my hometown city play. The Devils didn’t have a game scheduled for a few days, so I took it as an opportunity to check up on my other team of interest.
After the hockey game, we had both called it a night. With the lights out, and the only sound being the occasional thump of footsteps or somebody in a room around us, my mind wandered. It wandered to the point that I had grabbed my phone again to check for any news.
The internet still seemed oblivious.
I went back to the post to look at it. There were more comments and likes, but nobody had considered it a real possibility yet.
I spent hours awake, staring at the screen, turning it off only to give in and turn it back on, waiting for my entire world to crumble around me.
I fell asleep somewhere around four am.
When I woke up, I forced myself away from my phone to focus on my last final. I told Jack that I would visit him after it was completed and I was off for spring break. I had that to look forward to, but every time I thought of Jack, I thought of that post. So I pushed it to the back of my mind as I entered my professor’s classroom and set my phone by others on the front desk.
I’d attest to the fact that my mind wandered a few times, but I would also say I thought the exam went well. Taylor promised to meet me in the mess hall when we were both done.
I stepped out of the classroom and flipped my phone in my hand. With spring break beginning officially for me, I only had one other thing to stress about.
Opening my Instagram was like stepping into a whole new world. I followed the Devils, the NHL page, ESPN, and a few others. Mostly just for news on Jack when it came out. But this time, the news about Jack made me sick.
I slowed to a halt in the hallway, before my body went into autopilot.
The first post in front of me was the New Jersey Devil holding a bottle of champagne in a photo. The caption was a mess of words in my head. A congratulations.. with my account tagged.
I forced myself to lower my phone as I jogged through the halls and out the first exit I found.
When I got outside, my pace slowed, and I lifted my phone again.
I opened the Devils story first. Another congratulations post to Jack.. and me. My name. Next to Jack’s. Something the media team was no doubt doing to try and poke fun at the situation. It was all in good fun for them. I could understand, but at the same time it made me want to throw up. They hadn’t even spoken to Jack or me. They didn’t even ask if we wanted to remain private. Instead they simply confirmed everything. As the story played through, the next one for the NHL opened. It was a repost, with a message that said, ‘welcome to the NHL WAGS FAM.’ With my account tagged.
I could not imagine the page doing it for another player, but this was Jack Hughes. This was one of their most followed guys in the league. They’d cover every moment of his life if it meant more money and a bigger following.
ESPN had a more formal address on the topic, but it was still about Jack and I nonetheless.
I blacked out. I blacked out so hard that I barely even noticed I was in my dorm until I heard the door click shut behind me. Panic was the only thing I had really felt before. Until I looked at the posts. The posts, then the comments.
There were a select few who congratulated, but the majority? The huge crowds? They hated me. It made a sense of dread bubble up in my throat, until a quiet cry escaped. Girls insulted me in every photo posted, guys asked why Jack went after me, some even said I was nothing but a distraction. People made fun of me for being a secret, they tore me down for not setting my life aside to follow him and his hockey dreams.
How did they even know about my life so quickly? How did they know where I went to college?
I made a split second decision. I grabbed a duffel bag from my closet and began to throw clothing inside. I was certain that I had forgotten things along the way, but there was nothing a quick visit to the convenience store couldn’t fix. I put my laptop in the bag, as well as various chargers I hadn’t bothered to ravel up.
I was panicked, and the one person I wanted to see was an hour away. Taylor called me a few times while my phone laid on my bed, but I hadn’t called her back until I was out of my dorm room and headed for the car.
“Hey! We were supposed to meet up.” Taylor’s voice called through the phone. I sniffed quietly. I hadn’t begun crying yet, but my nose was running nonetheless.
“I have to go into New Jersey early.” I spoke through a shaky voice. I tossed my bag into the back seat of my car before climbing into the front. I was quick to turn the vehicle on, and Taylor’s voice cut out as my phone Bluetooth connected to the car.
“Is it bec- of that post?”
“Jack and I are out. All of the sports media has confirmed it. Tay, I don’t know what to do.” I backed out of my spot before I tore out of the parking lot.
“It’s gonna be okay. I’m sure Jack will have it handled.”
“Jack?” I asked. Incredulous. “I love Jack, but I highly doubt he’ll have any of this shit handled.” He’d never been through it before. We were both amateurs at this, and now we were sinking together. I needed him. I assumed he needed me.
“Okay well.. I’m sure everybody’s happy for you guys.. yeah?”
“No! No, they’re not! They keep commenting on how shitty I am! And in that post last night, everybody was all over my ass! My ass!” My loss and hopelessness caused me to get choked up.
I’d always had a rough relationship with food ever since I was a teenager. People told me I was too skinny or too big. People told me that being insecure because I was skinny didn’t count. They invalidated my feelings while at the same time telling me my ass wasn’t big enough, or my cup size was awfully small. Then others would come back and say my ass was too big or my boobs might be distracting.
Depending on the comments, some days I ate, others I did not.
When I met Jack, I was healthier than before, but I still struggled. He always reassured me. Told me I was beautiful. That he loved me, thought I was perfect, and that gaining or losing a couple pounds meant nothing as long as I was healthy.
He made me feel safe eating huge greasy burgers and shoveling cake into my mouth on a Friday movie night. Likewise, he validated my feelings when all I wanted was a chicken salad and maybe a piece of bread or two. He always said, ‘as long as you’re healthy.’ And every once in a while he made sure I wasn’t hungry either. Especially after I ate salads. After he’d seen me put away pretty nice sized meals, he always made sure I had enough to eat. And that I was comfort able enough to eat.
It was amazing how a few social media comments could tear down so many walls I’d built, but it was deeper than that to me. These were Jack’s fans. If they didn’t like me, then why should he? Had he been lying to me all this time?
“Your beautiful ass?” Taylor tried to make a joke. A tear finally fell down my cheek.
“What if Jack hates me?” My bottom lip quivered. “He hasn’t reached out.. what if he’s breaking up with me?” The mere thought made me want to pull over and turn around.
“What is he doing today?” Taylor asked expectantly. I had to think about it.
“Media stuff?” The thought brought a moment of relief to my lungs.
“Exactly. You’ve had days before where he doesn’t text until late in the evening and it’s never bothered you.” Taylor’s voice gave me the encouragement to continue on.
“I know this didn’t happen in time like you guys planned it, but it’s all going to be fine. The crazy fan girls will always be mean, but people are going to get over it.”
“Yeah.. but what if they hate me forever?”
“They might. But oh well, right?”
Taylor was right. But that still didn’t make me feel any better. I gripped the steering wheel tighter.
“When does Jack get home?”
“I think.. I don’t know? Maybe around three?” I breathed out a sigh.
“So you’ll be there before him?”
“Why don’t you go see him at the arena?”
“And bother him? After all this?”
“If it’s a media day, you know he won’t be that busy. And it’s better than torturing yourself at his place for hours.”
She was right.
“I’ll have to think about it..”
“Don’t think too much.”
As if I hadn’t been overthinking everything that day already. Our conversation ended with mutual good lucks, and the familiar monotone beep of a dead line. I sighed, wiped the tears from my cheeks, and focused on the road ahead.
My hour in the car was spent flipping through radio stations, trying to find music that was loud enough to distract me or soft enough to calm me. Nothing worked. My jaw was clenched most if not the entire time. My face hurt. My cheeks hurt. My fingers felt stiff every time I pulled a hand from the wheel.
And entering Jersey didn’t help. It felt like a smack upside the head. A loud call back to my horrible reality. I felt like everybody outside the car was staring in. Everybody knew who I was. Everybody hated me. They were all looking at my body.
By the time I had pulled into Jack’s own apartment community, I felt like I was suffocating trying to choke back tears. I parked in the lot outside of his complex. I gave it five minutes. Then another five. Then another five.
I grabbed my phone and opened TikTok this time. I typed Jack’s name into the search and hit enter. The first video eased my mind. Somebody saying how beautiful I was.. how happy they were for Jack.
The next broke my heart. Comparing me to the first girl. To the hot girl. The skinny girl. The perfect girl. I’d seen videos here and there before of people saying how they thought Jack and his ex had been such a beautiful couple. People said they ‘missed’ her. Like they ‘knew’ her. I never let it cut too deep, because they didn’t know I existed.
Now it was blatant. Now they said things like that, because she was better than me.
I put my car in reverse.
Taylor was right. I’d torture myself if I didn’t see Jack.
Closing the distance between myself and the arena was like beating a new nail into my coffin with each mile. It only stressed me out more. But I hoped Jack would take it all off my shoulders. If he had time.
The thought that he’d be too busy also occurred to me, but even being in the same building as him, I decided, would be soothing.
I had pulled into the private parking area before climbing out of my car. My face was red, but I had since stopped the tears. My heart was set on Jack. Nothing else could distract me.
I walked through the double doors at the bottom, stepping right into one of the many entrances. I was quick to find the hall that led to the private facilities. I walked past maintenance closets, and equipment rooms, before my swift pace was brought to an abrupt halt by a body stepping out of the lounge.
I gasped. He grabbed me by the shoulders. When I looked up, my eyes caught Jesper. His gaze softened from surprise to sympathy. We stared at each other, both uncertain of what to say. He spoke first.
“Jack was worried when you didn’t text him that your final was over.” He spoke, as if having an ‘A-ha’ moment. He let me go. I reached to rub my eyes again, fearful that something was still there.
“He didn’t text me all day.” I countered.
“Well.. he didn’t want to distract you. They won’t stop asking him about you.” My brow furrowed in question.
“He’s in with reporters right now.” Jesper gestured down the hall. I assumed he meant Jack was in the locker room. “They won’t let you go.” Tears welled up in my eyes again.
“We can wait for him together?” I nodded.
Jesper walked me into the lounge and grabbed me a bottle of water.
“I was shocked when it came out.. I know you and Jack were trying really hard not to be public.” Jesper sat down on the couch, and patted the empty cushion next to him. I sat beside him as he handed me the bottle of water.
“I shouldn’t have kissed him that night we went out.” I breathed out, shaking my head. I unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip of the liquid. It helped refresh my dry throat.
“Can’t limit your happiness to closed doors.” Jesper had a point, but if I had limited my happiness to closed doors, I wouldn’t be miserable right now.
“Bratter?” My head shot in the direction of the door at the sound of a Swiss accent. I raised a brow at Nico in the doorway, dressed in a sweater covered in a colorful floral pattern. Nico looked right back at me, staring me down with that, ‘stays between us’ kind of expression.
“What the hell are they making you do in there?” Jesper asked, slinging an arm over the back of the couch.
“Some spring skit.. I don’t know. I acted really bad so they wouldn’t use me for it.” Nico quickly peeled the sweater off. “Your turn.” He stepped into the room and tossed the sweater at Jesper.
The blonde looked rather displeased, but he swiftly grabbed the sweater and stood up.
“You sit with her and wait for Jack then.. okay?” Nico and Jesper exchanged looks before the Swiss man nodded, then the Swede left the room.
“So,” Nico turned back to me. He fixed his hair, pursing his lips. “Jack’s pretty tense.” He plopped down on the couch next to me, my body jolting slightly at the way the sofa bounced. “How are you feeling?”
“Like shit, Nico.” I glared at him. He was trying his best.
“Right… everything’ll iron out.” He pulled his phone from his pocket. “You wanna play chess while we wait?” I glared at him once again. How could a man so thoughtful like Nico be so… lost when it came to this stuff? Because he’s been single for far too long. Jack always tried setting him up, but Nico was never interested. Said there were too many cultural differences.
“I have air hockey on here too.” He gave me that dumb lopsided smile. That smile that I always rolled my eyes at. Now I just wanted to wipe it off his face and tell him he was no help. But I gave in. I needed a distraction. I pulled my legs up onto the couch and turned my body to face Nico. He opened the game and set his phone down between us.
He started the game. I was better than him at it.
“People being mean to you?”
“You have no idea.”
“I checked some of the comments on the Devils post.” I glanced up at him before looking back down at the phone.
“It’s not good.” I shrugged.
“People make fun of my eyebrows sometimes.” I looked back up at him. Nico looked sincere, yet his eyes were still focused on the phone. I had to look back down. If he scored, it would only interrupt the flow of our conversation.
“Kids used to do it a lot in school. I used to ask my sister to fix them for me.” Somehow, the idea of a tiny Nico asking to have his brows waxed was amusing, but I held in my laughter for the sake of his ego. “Kids called me angry birds. I didn’t know what it meant for the longest time. But I knew I just hated my eyebrows.”
I wasn’t sure where he was going with this, but it felt great to be understood nonetheless.
“Now everybody’s calling you a bunch of things, and I know it’s hard. But I’d suggest listening to what the people who love you say. They know better than anybody else.”
I scored on Nico. We both looked up at each other, and I offered him a sad smile.
“Means the world to hear, Nic. Sorry for calling you the Eagle from the muppets.”
His brows knit together in confusion. But I didn’t have time to explain the subtle joke before we both heard quiet complaining in the hall. Jack’s ever gentle voice laced with tension and stress. Maybe even shaking.
“Where’s Nico?”
“God- I just wanna talk to Nico!”
I quickly stood up and took the bottle of water with me as I stepped out into the hall. Jack was gone. My gaze flickered about until he emerged from a room, he must have been on a pretty aggressive hunt for his captain. Jack stopped though when he spotted me. The emotions returned. He looked as stressed as I’d felt before. Now I only felt overwhelmed and sad.
“Babe?” Jack slowly made his way down the hall to meet me by the lounge door. He was gentle when he pulled me into a hug, dipping his head to rest against my shoulder while I wrapped my arms around his neck, careful not to spill my water.
“It’s all gone to shit.” I whispered.
“I’m so sorry..” Jack mumbled in response. Neither of us could have been prepared for this. And it wasn’t either of our faults.
“Jack don’t apologize.” I pulled back, feeling the familiar sting of tears in my eyes.
“I’m done for the day.. I got done early. Let’s just go home.. please.” He sounded as desperate to get out of there as I was to get to him. I nodded.
Jack drove us back to his apartment. I didn’t care enough about my car to be away from him for too long, but I had grabbed my bag. He let me inside before himself, but we never left each other’s eyesight. The second Jack pushed the door shut, his arms were around me. I reached a hand up to hold the back of his head, my other hand resting overtop of his own that lay on my stomach.
“They asked me so many things about you.” Jack mumbled.
“Jack.. baby.. you don’t think..” was now even the time to bring it up? I sighed. “I’m not too big for you.. am I? Or too small? Or too anything?”
Jack pressed a kiss to my shoulder.
“You’re just right. You always have been. Always will be.” He slowly pulled away to walk around in front of me. “Are they saying stuff about your body?” He looked so disgusted by the fact, but Jack was more worldly innocent than one might assume. He never wanted to expect the worst from others.
“I guess so..” I shrugged, rubbing one of my arms. My body language said enough. He could always tell when I was uncomfortable.
“You shouldn’t look.” Jack reached out to rest his hands on my upper arms.
“I know that, Jack. I just- I guess I just wanted them to like me.” I looked down.
“Hey, hey.” Jack moved one of his hands to rest his fingers beneath my chin, tilting my head up. “They will. They’re gonna love you.” His brow furrowed as his eyes searched for my own. But I still couldn’t be bothered to make eye contact. “Babe.. babe look at me.” He wasn’t demanding. He was gentle. Encouraging. He was always so kind to me. Even his behavior in this moment brought tears to my eyes. I looked at him though, and I watched his heart break in slow motion. I watched his eyes grow solemn.
“It’ll just take time. Just give it time.” Jack pulled me into another hug, his arms wrapped tightly around my body as one hand laid between my shoulder blades and the other pressed into the small of my back. I buried my face in his chest. I wanted nothing more than to go back to the day before, when nobody knew about me. When I was just me.. just a university student.
“Jack,” I whispered into his chest. I slowly lifted my head. He looked down at me. His expression showed nothing but devotion. He was ready to pull the stars from the sky if I said the word. “We’ll be with each other through this.. right?”
“Stay with me through spring break…” the offer was a surprise, but one I wasn’t opposed to. We both needed each other, and time away from my college campus was never a bad thing.
“I think I can do that.” I sniffled as I slipped my hands between our bodies, resting them on his chest. Being in his arms was the most comforting thing in the world. Going through this whole ordeal seemed a lot less stressful when I knew it would be spent with him.
“I love you.” Jack whispered, a grin forming on his lips as his hands wandered to my hips, only to eventually find my backside. I jumped at the feeling. “I want you to love yourself too. Please don’t let people convince you you’re not perfect.” Jack’s words were easier said than done.
“I wish you’d just see yourself the way I saw you.. god you’re such an Angel to me.” He pressed a kiss to my head. My heart fluttered as my temperature rose. “They’ll see you that way one day too.” Those promises were debatable, but believing them made me relax. Maybe if I just lived in Jack’s world for a little while.. his positive reality, it would be better in the long run.
Despite the fact that we still had hours left in the day, neither of us seemed too interested in going anywhere or doing anything. Jack and I ended up in bed together. We both had the bare minimum on.. bodies mark-less but heads full of love. I could still feel Jack’s lips pressed against each of my insecurities, and his hands massaging circles into my muscles. Likewise I swore I could still feel his skin beneath my hands. His silky hair between my fingers. Every dip and curve of his muscles committed to memory.
Jack kept me away from my phone in the most effective way.
Moments ago, lips had trailed my shoulders and my arms, down my chest and around my stomach and sides. He’d put the work in on my thighs too, so gentle and sweet. He never left a mark. It wasn’t that kind of night. His kisses were passionate, but not lustful. He was so full of love.. so heartfelt in each of his movements. Jack was one of a kind.
I laid, curled into his side, my head resting in the space between his arm and his chest, just beneath his shoulder.
“Ya know.. I saw a girl today say she missed your ex.” I spoke quietly, afraid to disturb the peace. But it was on my mind nonetheless.
Jack tensed. He shuffled, then picked his head up to look down at me.
“I don’t.” He scoffed. “She was horrible.”
I turned my head to look at him, but Jack rested his head against the pillow again before I could see his eyes.
“What was she like?”
“Nothing like you. She came around at a busy time.. right after the draft. I was too distracted to really pay attention to all the red flags. She was mean.”
“Does it bother you when people say they miss her?”
“It would if there was something to miss.” Jack moved his shoulders to shrug before halting when he realized my head was there. “It would be a different story If it was you.”
“If it was you.. I’d miss you too. I was so worried you’d back out when you saw everything today. I didn’t want to lose you.. but by the time I could speak to anybody, our whole social team just put it out there.” Jack slowly turned onto his side, my head fell to the bed. He wrapped his arm around me and I quickly turned to mirror him.
“I would never leave over something like this. You mean too much to me.”
“I’m glad we’re on the same page then.” The sound of my phone ringing from the floor had me slowly turning to get up, but I only got my back turned to Jack before he pulled me against his chest. I yelped out a laugh.
“Jack.” I reached to pry his hand from my stomach.
“No phones.. please?” I sighed. The chances of somebody actually needing me were slim, so I let the call go unanswered.
“Alright. You win baby.” I carefully rolled over, pulling his hand from my body and pressing a kiss to his knuckles. Jack smiled. He loved a lot of things, but being pampered was one of his favorites. I pressed another kiss to the back of his hand, then one to his wrist, before playfully biting and kissing all the way up his arm. Kissing him everywhere just like he’d done to me before. Jack broke into a fit of giggles by the time I reached his forearm. After I got to his shoulder, I raised my lips to his own, pressing a much deeper kiss there to silence him.
When I pulled away, Jack’s baby blues eyed me. I kissed his jaw. “God.. they’re gonna love you so much.” He whispered, shaking his head. Astounded.
“They just don’t know you yet.. but they will.”
“As long as they don’t love me more than you do.”
“Nobody can love you more than I do.”
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azgfggf · 3 months
Spoilers for One Piece post Marineford/Egghead
Hot take, but Monkey D Dragon is a little bitch.
Bro is the ~*Most dangerous criminal in the world*~ but does literally nothing????? Like what does he do??? He abandoned HIS OWN SON because “The child is a weakness” or some shit. M8 it’s been proven time and time again that fighting for something (especially family) MAKES A BETTER CREW
“Oh but he just doesn’t have the time to raise a child!”
Okay dragon
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He says he wants to protect Luffy, but then sends him to live with Garp. Hoe that is NOT protection. “Oh he saved them from Smoker and Buggy” you mean the one Marine that actually cares about justice and the pirate they literally already defeated? So you can save him from Smoker but not your Croco ex-wife???? Bitch the lighting saved Luffy, not you.
SPEAKING OF WHICH *Pretend I smack a whiteboard right here*
I literally looked it up and all I got was Reddit posts like nobody knows. So now I gotta ask, what is more important than Marineford?? Like especially to dragon.
•Iva is there (Fresh out of Impel Down)
•Kuma is there
•Luffy is there
•Whitebeard is there
•Multiple crews are all united to fight the government and broadcasted worldwide (SOUNDS GOOD FOR A REBELLION HMMM???)
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He really said “Ooooooohh nah we can’t saveeee her because uhhhh she can handle it or whatever”
Kuma, along with everybody else in this entire fucking organization ACTUALLY DOES.
Dragon is the only child of a Marine Vice Admiral, and compared to literally everyone else in the OP world, is extremely privileged. Bro was educated, always fed, and his father had a well respected and stable job. He doesn’t know jack shit about what Celestial Dragons do on the inside. Unless, of course, he *did* know how bad they were from Garp or smth (MEANING HE REFUSED TO SAVE HER KNOWING WHAT THEY’D DO) or unless he had spies in Mariejoa (IN WHICH CASE WHY DID HE NOT SAVE HER??) OR MAYBE HE COULD USE THE ONE PERSON WHO
MAN IS TAKING LEAPS AND BOUNDS TO ABANDON THIS WOMAN FOR WHAT PURPOSE? ONE OF HIS FRIEND AND ALLIES (Kuma) HAS LOST SOMEBODY VERY IMPORTANT. I’ve seen people make connections with Luffy and Vivi but that’s a whole different thing bcz Luffy both A) wants to save her and B) knows she’s not with celestial dragons.
Now I hate him, post Kuma backstory I hate him more for what he did to my girl. But I also know that a lot of this stuff is still undetermined. Oda has a knack for making me love character within a very small amount of chapters. I’m open to liking this guy, but everything he’s done so far is annoying me to hell. If Iva trusts him, I trust him for now, but DAYM all this guy does is stare East at the kid he abandoned and his maybe dead probably trans ex-wife.
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morallyinept · 7 months
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Shoot: Shortlist Magazine, issue 485, 24th August 2017.
Photographer: Tom Oldham
Interviewer: Chris Sayer
Grooming: Karen Alder
Full interview, behind the scenes, outtakes & shoot photographs below.👇🏻
Jett's Pedro's Shoots Masterlist
• Cover shot, magazine clippings & original shots used in the magazine.
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• Outtakes.
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• Full interview.
We've lost Pedro.
He was right there, moments ago, obediently standing on his mark at the centre of our makeshift hotel-room-photo studio, giving our photographer a display of facial dexterity you’d expect from a caffeine-jacked children’s presenter. 
“More teeth! Wide eyes! Eyebrow! Eyebrow!” - The photographer effortlessly pulling the puppet strings of Pedro Pascal’s boyish, happy-despite-a-case-of-chronic-jetlag face.
Then he’s gone. And the screaming hen-party in the room next door is one uninvited guest up.
Rumours that a male stripper is sending the women on the other side of the wall into a frenzy have got the better of him. While the rest of us, shackled to the set by our polite British sensibilities, titter and giggle at the thought of a greased-up strong boy thrusting the buffet table, only the Chilean in the room has the cool brass cojones to unstick from his mark and storm one door over to get an eyeful. 
Those cool brass cojones, we’re about to find out, are an inherited asset to which Pascal owes a lot more than just a cheeky peek inside a hen party. 
The Exile
Pedro Pascal has led a life punctuated by tyrannical, blood-soaked despots, and of them all, Augusto Pinochet, the Chilean dictator who called for the heads of Pedro Pascal’s parents, seems like as good as any for us to kick off with. But first, booze
“Tequila’s one of the things that’ll keep me awake,” 42-year-old Pascal says, now sitting across from me at the hotel bar, confirming he’s still in the fog of mixed time zones. He reaches out for the waiter, who promptly mistakes Pascal’s request of Herradura Anejo for Kahula, before they both agree on a Don Julio. 
“With fresh lime juice, on the rocks,” he adds. “Tequila to stay awake, fresh lime to avoid scurvy.” My ‘make that two’ gesture may well be the most transparent and desperate to please Pascal’s ever had to endure. But blindly following suit soon pays off. If I hadn’t ordered the hard stuff before hearing him recount the tale of how his parents were forced, and miraculously managed, to flee Chile with a 9-month-old Pedro in their arms, I sure would have done afterwards. 
“They were activists,” he begins, starting a story that hasn’t had any of its honor diluted by the years since 1976. “The story, as I understand it, is that there was a gun fight. Somebody had been shot in the leg, and a priest, knowing my father was the resident doctor of Santiago’s Catholic University, brought the wounded man to our home to tend his wounds. After my father patched him up, he was hidden in our home for a number of days. In that time, the priest had been captured, taken into custody, and tortured for information. He gave names, my parents’ identities were added to a list, and the regime came looking for them.” 
Pascal raises his drink to his lips, his ice cubes clinking, a pre-emptive toast to the bravery, luck and gravity of what followed for his parents.
“They were forced into hiding for 6 months. In that time, they staked out the Venezuelan Embassy and worked out the miniscule window of opportunity they had to vault over the embassy walls to claim asylum, and find safety. They knew that, during their shift change, there was a moment when one guard would leave his post for the bus, as the entering guard was stepping off the bus. That was their tiny window, and they went for it. They climbed over the walls with me and, even with the guards inside trying to kick them out, managed to explain how their lives were in danger and knew the protocol for claiming asylum. It was pretty smart, and fucking lucky to be honest with you.” 
Successfully escaping the terrors of Pinochet’s torture camps and a fate similar to that of fellow activists - which, according to US government documents declassified in 2015, included being burned alive - the Pascals were gifted asylum in Denmark, before a Chilean doctor 1 year later offered Pascal’s father a position at his laboratory in San Antonio, Texas. 
“It’s strange, because in a weird way there’s something so removed about the dramatic elements of the story. They exist more as ghosts in my experience of growing up, because I was a baby when it all happened. And it’s a story I've only really managed to unpack as an adult. When the subject was approached, I wouldn’t say I got much resistance from him, it wasn’t off limits, but clearly, it was something that was a little too fresh to talk about.” 
I ask him how he feels about us being in a country - one he called home for 4 months earlier this year while filming Matthew Vaughn’s upcoming Kingsman: The Golden Circle - governed by a political party that still idolises Margaret Thatcher, a woman who openly named Pinochet as a “true friend” and actively lobbied against his prosecution for war crimes. 
Pascal closes his mouth, conjures an invisible key out of thin air, uses it to slowly lock a padlock on his lips, and then tosses it away. His gesture speaks volumes. It’s a firm but fair full-stop to question, until…
“I can’t talk shit about her in the UK, can I?”
I assure him that whatever he’s about to tell me, someone else is probably saying something far worse right now.
“Okay, I’m going to put it this way. I remember seeing The Iron Lady. I got really upset about how soft, charming and cute the movie was. And, as great as Meryl Streep was, I was very uncomfortable, not with her portrayal, but the movie as a whole. That movie. That movie was full of shit. Let’s leave it at that. You’re sure I can’t get into trouble by talking about Margaret Thatcher, right?” 
States of Safety 
I pull him up on how English his accent has suddenly become. 
“Oh, it’s embarrassing. It’s because I’m hanging out with you. The instant I hear it, I can’t help but emulate it.” 
Pascal’s mimetic abilities no doubt came in useful during formative years in the US, primarily in Orange County, California. He’s visibly embarrassed to admit they were filled with “the white privilege the world suffers from to a degree”. He tells me about the time he got drunk at a roller derby and saw a young up-and-coming local band called No Doubt. He talks about cable TV.  Spielberg films. He talks of doodling on his hand in class - a doodle that would later become a permanent fixture as a bullseye tattoo at the corner of his thumb and forefinger. He talks as if he’s lived the perfect posters-inside-of-your-high-school-locker US existence that was beamed around the globe in kids’ TV shows like Saved By The Bell. Chile was every single one of the 5,800 miles away for Pascal. 
Even so, he still managed to fall into the clutches of his second tyrannical despot. Although, this was one that would leave an impression on his childhood from the pages of his favorite book, in the shape of a villainous rabbit. 
“It’s very anti-communist that book, isn’t it.” He says of Watership Down, a book he classes as a defining read and, unarguably, should have been more relatable and real to him than any of his fellow classmates. 
“I do remember a traumatising experience as far as the movie was concerned. My dad took me to see what he thought was a cartoon, and he was faced with rabbits ripping each other apart in fields of blood. After that, I got around to reading the book for assignment, and I remember it being so thrilling that I’d often catch myself standing up without realising to read it.” 
The Long Game 
If Pascal’s first 9 months are the basis for an Oscar-winning political thriller, and his childhood in Orange County a script for a mid-morning children’s sitcom, his years before hitting the Game Of Thrones payload is the grafting-actor-done-good biopic. It’s a classic, with 20 lousy restaurant jobs quit in favour of small-time TV parts and commercials leading up to the crack at the Big Time. 
“Oh, it was more than 20,” he admits, taking us back to the time long before growing a top-shagger ‘tache for Game Of Thrones’ Oberyn Martell, and later the cartel-crushing ‘tache of DEA hero Javier Peña in Netflix smash Narcos. 
“First, I wasn’t very good at it. Second, I would always prioritise acting over waiting tables, and third, I’m just not very good with authority.” 
Which brings us neatly to tyrannical despot three, and maybe four, or Lord knows how many depending on what cliff-hanging marker you’ve reached in George RR Martin and HBO’s claret-soaked fantasy universe. The story of Pascal’s acquisition, shall we say, of the Oberyn role and set up to the diving board hanging over stopped-in-the-street success, is a well-trodden tale and one that can be condensed down to: Pascal helps his graduate mentee prepare for his first taped audition; realises this was the role he was born to play; calls in huge favour from friend Sarah Paulson, who knows how to get a shoddy Pascal iPhone video script reading to the right people; right people are wowed by Pascal and his riff on his father’s accent for the part; Pascal help bags himself a life-changing role that includes the most-re-enacted-down-the-pub death scene in the history of Game Of Thrones. 
“That was the best part,” he says, his lime and tequila now nearing its end. “It was really hot in Dubrovnik during the 4 days that it took to shoot that fight scene. Having my eyes gouged out meant I was lying down on my back and having cooling rivers of blood put on my face. And then I had to lay there with chunks of prosthetics on my face, which were all very cool to touch, too. They had to do take after take, apologising for it. But I’d just say: ‘Hey, you take your fucking time.’“ 
Cartel Crusher 
By the time this interview finds its way into your hands, Pedro Pascal will be days away from the world that brought him face to face with his most recent tyrant. Netflix will be opening the hatches and preparing to drop another bomb into the faces of fans all over again, all prepared to see Pascal’s DEA agent Javier Peña bring the Cali Cartel to its knees, all intrigued to see how the smash-hit can carry on beyond the death of its bulbous Colombian cocaine baron, that dare we say, we’re all going to miss. How could we all fall for such villainous shithead? 
“Oh, there definitely is a machismo fascination there. But I never felt it. I grew up afraid of drug dealers. It’s not that I judged them, I was just afraid of them. So I’m not seduced by the golden guns and the mountains, the chesty company and the suitcase of cash. I understand the appeal, but it didn’t appeal to me. But I never felt I should demonise these guys either. And that was a worry for me. With the DEA, we’re dealing with a kind of, uh, vehemently conservative culture. I was real worried about the [the real life] Steve Murphy and Javier Peña finding out how liberal-minded I actually am. I was very self-conscious about it. But that thinking, it’s just in my blood.”
Right on schedule, Pascal’s ‘people’ appear, ready to whisk him away from his now-empty tequila glass and off to see Andrew Garfield star in the 7 ½ hr play Angels In America - the last place anyone jet lagged would want to be. I use his slow rise from his chair as an excuse to get one more question in. I begin to ask how someone who’s come from a background so deep-rooted in the left, from parents who risked everything for a liberal belief system, feels in this time of xenophobic politics and right-wing White House clownery. But he cuts me short. 
“To be really candid about that, I carry around a certain amount of shame in terms of not doing more. Like I said, liberalism is in my blood. As hard work as it is to be in the arts of any kind, or to make a living from something that you feel passionate about, just posting something on social media isn’t enough. Yeah, I marched with my sister against the Iraq war in ‘03. Yes, my family and I have always been sort of, I suppose, very liberal doers, when given the opportunity. But I don’t have the balls to give up my career and dedicate everything I have to any particular cause. And yes, right now, I feel guilty about that.”
Jett's Pedro's Shoots Masterlist
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dreamersville · 1 year
FATGUM head cannons
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an? i wrote this so long ago i just wanna clear my drafts out😭😭 soo sorry if its bad but you could always send me a request 💜.
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- because hes my fav and i love him so much i just wanna tackle his 7 foot ass and love him for the rest of his life... ANYWAYSSSSS 
- this man is known by name (and sometimes order) by every restuarnt in a 10 mile radius of his agency. and i knwo your probably like “he a pro hero ofc they know his name” no. his given name and the first time it happen he was shocked 
- sings in the shower, off key, loud and proud, just straight butchering all and every song in his playlist. 
- his home is custom bulit to him. everything is like 2 feet taller than it would be for somebosy in averge height. somebody (me) said it reminds them of jack and the bean stalk and he doubled over laughing
- kiri and tamaki come over to watch cooking show because one he wouldnt be able to fit as comfortably at their dorms, and two because he got a big ass tv and watching on his tv is so much better, and he got snacks out the ass.  im talking pantry overflowing, with everything. tama used to the system but kiri swears he could get lost in it
- im sorry but, he can only cook stroke inducing food. which makes sense for quirk and what not but dont eat it unless you trying to put yourself in an early in a early grave. smothered everything, if its baked, best believe it was fired first. cheesy everythinggggg like omg, i still love him tho
- his favorite food shows be the baking shows, especially Cupcake Wars. he gets up-fucking-set if his favortite contestant loses or gets kicked off before the finalem hes gonna be talking about it for the rest of the week about how unfair it was and the judges didnt know what they were talking about because how could they not win. 
- relationships hcs or what not
- ahhhhhhh love language is most definitely acts of service and quality time. he livesss for when he got a second to just hold you, or be in your presence. it just so calming to him, the acts of service parts is bringing you food to try. ooo when he went on a mission outside of Esuha City he sends you a selfie with  e v e r y new food/ drink he tries on his mission. so expect a lot of of pictures and sometimes videos from him
- top tier cuddles in that giantic ass bed. and he has a weighted blanket with a big ass fan AND black out curtains ????? need i say more
- drags you down into his baking show addiction, but yall always tend to go for the rivals. so yall make bets on who’s gonna last longer. right now you’re winning 7 - 6 
- but you watch Extreme Cake Makers and write down recpies you wanna try and little things the contestant did so you could test it out. so you have notes deicted to ths and you sometimes go back and rewatch episodes to catch small stuff that you missed. he lovess when you get like this all nerdy and focused, it soo cute ugh. 
- likes to take you through the city at night because its look pretty at night when its lit up. you take a lot of pictures of bridges and in front of different signs and stuff
- omg, if you just so happen to walk past the shower whiles he in there singing his heart out, he’s gonna stop singing and say “take it away babe”. 
- a sucker for your southern nicknames. all the sugar, sweetness, bubs/bubba, honey. say anyyy of these and this man is at your feetready to do anything and everything just to hear you call him that again
- baby be feening for thanksgiving and christmas to come around. first time he was on a long mission, was gone for a week and came back on thanksgiving eve to see that you were cooking up a feast, he was so happy he cried.
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ik the ending seems kind meh .. but then again this been sitting in my drafts
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cadkeyper · 2 years
Hi my name is Ark and I’m armed with pure delusion, today I’ll be talking about how I could/ would beat every single classic Creepypasta. RIP to the victims, but I’m built different. I barely ever leave my room, I did martial arts training years ago, and I am fueled by nothing other than the McDonalds sprite that runs through my veins. So I think I’m pretty qualified. For the sake of this, I will not allow any of them to be armed with their weapons, this is fist to fist combat.
Nina the killer
In her original story, she’s literally just a nine year old with a knife. I would grab her by the ponytail, and swing her around until she reached a high enough velocity for me to let go and have her hurtle directly into the sun
Ben Drowned / Sonic EXE
I put these two together because the strategy for beating them is pretty much the same. First of all, I’m not a nerd. I would never play sonic or zelda, but let’s say for the sake of debate, I do. After the first time weird things happen, I WOULD OBVIOUSLY STOP PLAYING THE GAME. I turn off my tv, break it, set it on fire, and then I would take the game cartridge, put it in a blender until it was a fine purée, and then drink it to absorb their power
Smile dog
I literally never read my emails.
Jeff the killer
If we’re talking the original, I would whoop his ass so fast it’s not even funny. Once again, he’s like a 13 year old with a knife and a Joker complex. I would slap the shit out of him so hard that it knocks the smile off his face.
Ticci Toby
He can’t feel pain so I would have a harder time getting him down. However, he does have Tourette's, and as somebody who also has it, I would just tic which would trigger him to tic, (this happens from personal experience it’s agony) and then I would get him. (This may also result in me ticcing back, and we would reach a stalemate)
Eyeless Jack
I literally never sleep, so if he wants to sneak into my room at night to take my kidneys, good luck. If he got within a foot of me, I would jab my fingers into his eye sockets and make him double blind. As he stumbles around with double no eyes, I lunge at him and I take HIS kidneys. See how he likes it.
Laughing Jack
I could beat him as a child. If he tried to pretend to be my imaginary friend, I’d completely exhaust him. I was a wolf kid. I had a reputation for how hard I could kick people in the shin. I am not defending myself from him, he’s defending himself from me. I would grab his nose and twist until it made a 🌀shape
The Rake
If he runs at me, I will simply kick him in the face so hard that all of his teeth fall out. Before the battle, I would rub my entire body in the most foul tasting, disgusting thing you could ever imagine. Like ghost peppers, or limes, or bananas. So when he goes to bite me, he recoils and is so disgusted he retreats, allowing me to win by default
If I’m not mistaken, he likes to stalk his victims before finishing them off to drive them bonkers. He tries this with me, that’s his first mistake. Every time I see him, I will also set off an extremely loud obnoxious noise, like an airhorn, or any song on my kazoo. He thinks he’s coming to stand outside my window and jumpscare me, WRONG he’s getting his eardrums blown out with every Nicki Minaj song ever released. In addition to that, I will go out of my way to constantly bully him at every turn. Instead of drawing cryptic symbols on my walls, I’m writing stuff like “SLENDERMAN IS SO TALL HIS PRONOUNS ARE FE/FI/FO FUM”. He will eventually grow so frustrated/ confused at my constant harassment that he decides to leave me alone and that I am not worth the effort. If he sends his proxies after me, we’ve already established that I could absolutely dominate each and every single bone in their bodies This has been my personal guide to beating most of the classic Creepypasta’s and I do not take constructive criticism <3 
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(I break down the door)
hello there as a jack bright fan here to explain what's up with the dude. block me if you hate it and say hi if you dont
Like somebody else said, Bright is a SCP researcher from the. The website. Ya know, the website. His story is that his soul is trapped in an amulet that basically makes him entirely immortal. This is the base story for the character, with a lot of the other information coming from the various writers. The site has no definitive canon apart from that base description.
Often he's depicted as a Chaotic Neutral funny dude. With trauma. And that's I T. He's a stock character with flavor.
A lot of the controversy comes from two things: 1) The List 2) The creator.
The List is basically a really infamous list of things the guy is not allowed to do, and its known for being... really NSFW and raunchy. There's things there that are... mm. mmmm. I hate that list personally and I would not mourn it if it gets nuked from orbit. But one important thing to remember is that there is no canon in the site, and therefore the list is not a definitive canon for the character. Yes, it sucks and its NSFW as hell and has some horrible stuff implied on it, but IMO its not really something you have to use?? I've seen great takes on the character that don't use it at all. brb while i get my chainsaw cannon out for that list (and the guy below)
The bigger one at the moment is the creator, who is an Absolute Dick and I Do Not Support Him In Any Way. Other people can likely do a better job explaining what's wrong with the guy and I agree the guy is a verified Bad Dude. As the character was originally the guy's self insert (he eventually did distance himself from the character) a lot of people are uncomfortable with the character because of the associations to the guy. Plus, the creator using the character's popularity to... get to people. So being uncomfortable is totally valid! Personally since the character is more so a stock character for the website and a lot of the content has been made by other people, I don't blame the character himself for the actions of the creator- he's mostly been taken and ran with by wildly different people. The creator using the popularity to harm people absolutely sucks, but that's because the creator is a sucky dude that would use any sort of popularity he gets for his own nefarious purposes.
Since of the creator stuff people have been trying to remove the character from the site. Its a whole thing. It sucks. Since as you can tell from my own bias (yes im happily in the love category) I think the character is literally a stock character on a Creative Commons licensed website where most of the content is not from the creator and a lot of it is very, very well done. The creator should be widely ostracized and people should know what they've done yet not have that impact their enjoyment of a fancy stock character. Plus, harassing fans of the character is 100% NOT OKAY. And that dang list... use it or ignore it, I blame the community for letting it happen more so than the character himself. why are yall like that (this is why fandom can't have nice things)
This is already stupidly long. No guarantees I won't send more propaganda for this dude since gegrggr44g I love him ngl. he's so good when distanced from this nonsense. but i hope this shows at least some of the issues going on plus my personal takes on it!
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Two weeks ago the Mee’s told me that the guy who I restored the two paintings for a little while ago - “is interested in maybe you cleaning some more…” and that he was going to call me.
We spoke - I thanked the .Mees, and they said “He’s very cheap, so be sure to bake in some extras that you can then remove, and make him feel he’s getting a bargain.”
We arranged for me to come out to his house because “there’s a LOT of paintings.”
Hoo boy.
A long winding drive up a hill, flanked by giant oaks - a tennis court, and an extraordinary Victorian stone mansion at the crest.
“My father collected art. The house has been sold, and must be cleared. I’m moving to Mullaghmore into a smaller home and can only take some of the favorites.”
I am in heaven. The walls are covered with paintings, lovely antique furniture, huge Asian vases, and bookcases filled with silver and statuary. Exquisite oriental rugs, the most incredible carved oak tall case clock I’ve ever seen ticks away in the hallway, and everywhere my eye falls - is a treasure.
The man collected what he liked - and although much of it is Victorian genre stuff - there are a few heart-stopping things which leave me breathless….
“Which pieces do you think are most valuable, and will bring enough at auction to justify the expense of your restoration? “
When I stopped at the small Paul Henry landscape in the dining room - I told him “let’s start here” Henry is the single most famous and easily recognizable Irish artist imaginable. One of his paintings sold recently at Whytes in Dublin for €420,000.00.
“Funny.” Says the guy “Victor Mee walked right past that one.”
I took photos, signatures, and got terribly excited by the Jack Yeats, and the Alfred J Munnings sketch of a man on horseback jumping a fence….
I told him that many of the paintings should go to Whytes, Christie’s, Sothebys or Bonhams - and I did some research when I got home - sending him the artists, and a few of their sale prices. (Munnings paintings are well over a million dollars each…)
I took six tiny oils with me, and promised to return for the series of large hunt paintings from the living room.
I texted the MEE’s to tell them about the afternoon, the amazing, VALUABLE. paintings - and to thank them again for hooking me up.
“Did you TELL HIM?!” Comes right back at me…and …”ummmmm….yes?”
Turns out, they had a handshake agreement to SELL THE ENTIRE COLLECTION - and didn’t tell me. Now I’m in Dutch with the MEE’s? For answering the questions put to me, and for KNOWING what the fuck I was looking at?
Somebody should’ve SAID SOMETHING - and now it’s all six kinds of AWKWARD.
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naturalrights-retard · 10 months
Vivek Ramaswamy - the youngest Republican - sat down with Tucker Carlson in a wide-ranging interview this evening.
Ramaswamy talks about his controversial (for some) accusations that the government, the 9/11 Commission, and the FBI lied about certain events, leading to demands for accountability.
"It's not okay for the government to lie to us. In a democracy, it's poison and it corrodes the system that we revere: democracy.
But his main themes were on the public's dwindling trust in the government, the need for hard truths, and historical shifts in power dynamics.
"We're going to have a reckoning. I think that reckoning is likely going to be 2024."
Our 'establishments' refuse to give us the truth, Ramaswamy says "we can handle the truth," extending the analogy to a new American Revolution:
"we, the people live in a moment where the government believes that citizens of this nation cannot be trusted with the truth."
Ramaswamy then tells Carlson:
“I think there is a bipartisan consensus in this country right now that we the people, we can’t handle the truth,” “It’s like Jack Nicholson at the end of movie, right? You can’t handle the truth, you need me on that wall. My view, my basic view in this campaign is no, we don’t need you on that wall and yes, we can handle the truth.”
He goes on:
"I think we're on the cusp of chaos, there is definitely something going on... we are in a fall of 1775, spring of 1776 moment..."
But warns "there's a lot of ways that energy can go..."
"...there's a dam that's going to break and the river's going to go somewhere... I hope it leads towards national revival rather than... other places where this could go."
Ramaswamy emphasizes the importance of addressing defense vulnerabilities, both nuclear and cyber, and discusses China's influence and the Taiwan issue (consummate the co-dependent relationship with China, aware that Xi is pushing for a deal where he gets to make our stuff - via Taiwan - and in return, gets our IP).
With regard to foreign relations: the Republican candidate raises concerns about driving Russia closer to China - due to the arming of Ukraine - which is perceived as a major military threat. Additionally, he points out America's dependence on an island nation off China for its modern way of life and debates surrounding the Ukraine war and economic dependence on China.
("I will not send our sons and daughters to die over somebody else's nationalistic dispute in the Ukraine war," the candidate said, suggesting instead to reopen economic ties, and commit to NATO constraint.
, Hunter Biden's business dealings, and what really happened on January 6th.
He will be about as popular among the deep state-ers as Trump.
Ramaswamy also told Carlson that the modern LGBTQ movement is a “religious cult,” making people justify their beliefs despite them disconnected from logic.
“These are cult-like belief systems. Right, because if it’s a religious cult, then you don’t have any obligation to logic if you’re subscribing to a religion,” he said. “And the worst religions are the ones that fail to recognize themselves as religions … The most dangerous religions of all are those that claim to be secular but are actually religious in their conviction.”
Finally, Ramaswamy reflects on his campaign:
"I’d rather lose some election than to play some political snakes and ladders of what we’re supposed to say," he said. "And I think that that’s really one of the questions at issue today as it was in 1776. Do we believe that the public can be trusted with the truth? Whatever the truth is, just give me the hard truth.”
Watch the full
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heroes-fading · 1 year
omg HI i just wanted to say that i absolutely love your tlou fics!!! SPECIALLY your music au it's just so so good i love you characters that can form the same relationships in spite of the circumstances and godd you reallu make that work for joel and ellie in that au. they really feel so so in character whilst also being softer? if that makes sense.
also i just wanted to share that i've been thinking all morning about ellie and joel potentially recieving the same criticism that jack antonoff and taylor swift do ("why do you keep working with the same guy over and over??" type questions) because although i do think switching up producers is an important part of creative freedom i think ellie would rather eat her own leg than work with somebody else. also i think she would be so offended and confused like "yes of course i switch it up. sometimes i even let tommy play the drums in my songs". ALSO ellie deserves a happier than ever (the song)/ i know the end moment where she gets to yell her lungs out in the booth. (these aren't like. requests btw i'm not demanding you write these obs obs. but if you wanted to i wouldn't be opposed. i just haven't been able to stop thinking about this it's an honestly amazing idea for us, the swifties tlou stans and thank u so much for writing it. sending much love your way!!! 💗💗💗💗)
something i've been thinking about is making some bonus ish content and putting it like, here on tumblr or something with articles and tweets and other worldbuilding shit (i.e. memes) for inordinary and that universe. i've also toyed with the idea of one chapter being a really long interview (i think of music journalism pieces like this and this - some of my absolute favorites, amanda does such a good job). i'm not sure what shape that'll take quite yet, but it's been in my head! and i think it'd a cool to get an outsider pov in this bad boy.
i know the end is definitely on ellie's first album. FOR SURE. because i said so - i think of those playlists or versions of them being a crossover of album songs and other musical ideas that hang around. sometimes the details get changed (for ex 14 vs 19 in WCS) but in my head they go together!
i love nothing more than people thinking about this stuff and making this world bigger, this universe is like the lil musical engine that could and it brings me so much joy! the swifie/tlou community is SMALL BUT MIGHTY but also is it that small i'm unsure
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bunnimew · 8 months
What do you think about the GOC books? Personally I enjoy them, but separate to the film. It’s very hard to connect the two worlds in my head especially when Joyce keeps rewriting the lore every couple years (no hate, love him as a person but it can get frustrating). With the added lore from his insta and stuff it just doesn’t feel like the same story
Hello Anon!!
I try pretty hard not to yuck somebody else's yum when it comes to the GoC books. I know people like them and I don't want to dampen their happiness.
But man. Do I not like those books. I didn't even finish Toothiana's, technically, because I got so bored that skimming wasn't even good enough and I took pictures of the pages before I had to send it back to the library, telling myself I'd read them later. I never went back and read them. And at this point, I likely never will.
I have a laundry list of problems with the books. And if you really want to know the full extent, you'll have to ask in a private message somewhere because I don't want to make random strangers on the internet upset. But my dislike goes beyond the movie and book canons not lining up. Honestly, Joyce should have just embraced them being different canons, and the fifth book would have been better for it.
The tidbits from his insta don't even make sense half the time 😂 I appreciate his love of imagination and I respect that he just wants kids to feel a sense of wonder, but my personal journey with imagination and wonder do not work with his modus operandi.
I love hard science. I always have. To me, the weird things that are real will always be more fantastic than the weird things someone made up. I love the whole magic is science we don't understand yet concept, and given what the leading edge of science is doing right now? It feels real to me. Scifi is my home genre, and when scifi meets fantasy? My heart sings.
Joyce threw science so hard out the window it left orbit.
So there was really never a chance that I was going to seriously like these books. And his continued dismissal of continuity, while his right as a creator, feels like sandpaper to my physicist soul.
I do enjoy seeing what people pick from book canon to apply to movie canon when writing/drawing AUs. That can get very creative and interesting, especially since some of the characters from the books are solid and would have been cool to have in the movie. Kam and I, ourselves, have used book characters in our fics, because they do add something to the whole. Twiner and Jamie teaming up on Jack has become one of my favorite things.
So I'm glad the books exist. You just won't be finding them in my personal collection.
Thank you, Anon!!
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cero-sleep · 2 years
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I posted 4,449 times in 2022
That's 4,449 more posts than 2021!
510 posts created (11%)
3,939 posts reblogged (89%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,782 of my posts in 2022
Only 15% of my posts had no tags
#other people's art - 1,008 posts
#fnaf sb - 690 posts
#fnaf - 685 posts
#sun and moon fnaf - 577 posts
#mood - 292 posts
#beloved mutuals &lt;3 - 212 posts
#ask cero - 204 posts
#lol - 196 posts
#cero rambles - 183 posts
#my art i guess vdkshdk - 131 posts
Longest Tag: 127 characters
#where you explain the code to a rubber duck bc in theory it's easier to catch your mistakes when explaining it to somebody else
My Top Posts in 2022:
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See the full post
220 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
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Ended up drawing the geese as a break from other stuff + duck y/n!
Hope you're still up for some waterfowl DA content @oobbbear vsjdvsndvsj
342 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
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What possessed me while drawing this hand? lmao
419 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
Alright! Here's the official post for the DCA Secret Santa 2022 aka DCASS2022 LMAO
To confirm you're participating reply to this saying "I'm in", but please be as sure as possible bc no one should stay giftless
Both drawings and writings are valid gifts!
For it to be fair tho, an art piece should at least be lined + flat colored and writings should have a minimum of 5k words aprox (it's completely fine to go over this, but not required)
A server will be made for the event with a channel where y'all can write a little description of what you like so the person that got you can refer to that to get ideas (including your aus and/or fnaf characters if you have 'em, aus you like, your favorite DCA character, even tropes or dynamics, etc.)
People can join until the end of November (limit of 110 ppl)
You will be sent a link with who you are sending the gift to on the 1st of December
Gifts should be posted through the 26 to 31 of December, with the person you got @ and using the event tag #DCASS2022
Please refrain from using the tag until then to keep it from getting flooded
1 reblog = 1 free cero cereal crumb (sigh)
Feel free to reblog to spread the word!
524 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Here lol
Y/Ns by:
RB&FR @jack-o-phantom
Detective au @starlightcloudbaby + Sleuth Jesters @naffeclipse
Gang au @oobbbear
Library mob au @daunsun
2,364 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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fancyfade · 1 year
Okay now for something I like in Starman, can't all be negativity or joke posts :P.
I do like the fact that Nash responds to Jack with mercy (initially) and Jack responds to Kyle without it informs their (Nash and Jack's) respective arcs, and I like the parallel in their arcs, as well as a consistent theme in the comic that the hero/villain thing is somewhat artificially enforced.
Nash is the daughter of Mist, Starman v1's villain who wants to destroy everything that matters to Starman v1. Mist does this via sending his son Kyle to kill Starman's sons, David (Starman v7) and Jack (not yet Starman v8). Kyle succeeds in killing David, but fails to kill Jack.
Jack has some adventures blah blah i'm not gonna be Starman but I'm gonna do heroic things and make myself a Starman costume and the reader sees him getting used to acting as a hero. At some point, he is cornered by Nash, who holds a gun on him and clearly seems reluctant to shoot him and feels that they're just fighting because of their dads (issue 2: "Why? Am I k-killing you? Because of h-hate. My father hates yours. Your father hates m-mine. Someone hates somebody e-e-else. It's the stuff of w-w-war and opera. we... are the food so-s-soldiers or the chorus d-depending on your pre-pre-preference of metaphor. We do the killing and the dying." ) She then lets him go when Jack asks why she in specific is going to kill him, rather than her dad.
Jack and Nash are each very much stuck with this due to family obligations at first. Jack is Starman v1's son, Nash is Mist v1's daughter, so they are fighting. Jack being Starman because he is Starman v1's son is not actually something that is ever questioned; it's treated as natural. he starts as a reluctant hero, like "I never wanted to be starman, that was David" but then we have flashbacks indicating he did like Starman and just forgot? Anyway. The point is both characters are involved because of a conflict between their fathers, rather than anything they chose to do.
Jack then kills Kyle after Mist has his dad kidnapped and tells him he has to fight Kyle.
Nash at this point dedicates herself to being the new Mist, after previously seeming uninterested in acting as a supervillain minion for her father. She says (issue 3) "You (jack) Killed my brother. I let you life and you killed him. you made me an accomplice. My mercy was kyle's death." She dedicates herself to being Jack's nemesis at this point, her demeanor changes drastically and she becomes a femme fatale type character. She breaks out of prison, orchestrates a crime wave reminiscent of her father's crime waves and the kidnapping of various Starman allies, and drugs and rapes Jack. She has him run some gauntlet to prove he's worthy of being Starman and when he's done instead of killing him (which Jack expects she would do), she says that she wants them each to become the true Starman and she'll become the true Mist. Some of this seems to be out of obligation, not due to her father or her brother's death, but just because that's what archfoes do. Once Kyle has catalyzed her into a villain, avenging his death doesn't actually seem to be that important.
the hero killing (or not saving) someone related to the villain, inadvertently creating a new enemy for them later on does kind of remind me of the Aquaman movie NGL (where Arthur leaves Black Manta's dad to die, causing Black Manta to swear revenge). It also does lead to Jack saying he will not kill again (though we've not seen this be tested yet in terms of like a super difficult or personal situation) and probably influences Arthur showing mercy to Orm in Aquaman IIRC (it's been a bit since I saw that movie, tho).
okay back to the other theme: the other theme is the hero/villain thing being somewhat artificial. this isn't like a 'what if the people who killed civilians are Actually Good and the people saving them are Actually Bad' take. we've already gone over Nash's actions as Mist v2. But some of the villain characters do sort of act as if they are simply playing out roles, as Nash says (isn't that what archfoes do?). Another is Shade who seems to regard the superhero/supervillain thing as a game and has fun fighting the flashes -- though Shade eventually appears as a Starman ally and unless something drastically changes in the series, Nash does not.
So we sort of have Nash playing out a role initially due to her father and then later just because That's What You're Supposed to Do, and Jack following in his father's footsteps as Starman. They each evolve from reluctant (hero/villain) to enthusiastic (hero/villain), and we know that Nash regrets her former mercy and Jack regrets his former lack-thereof. I'm not sure I have a ton of more thoughts ATM, this is just me keeping track of the current theme the writer is setting up and what I do like.
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sungbeam · 1 year
39, 40 and 50 for the ask game!
(you would not believe the amount of card and board games my bf and his friends have shown me recently lol)
eris !! long time no see/talk! thank u sm for sending in some numbers (ノ´∀`*) omg no fr i swear that dudes just somehow know so many card/board games for some reason??
send me some numbers!
39. know any card games?
ik a couple? like go fish ofc, but my family plays this game called "killer" and apparently it's like viet poker?? somebody said it was but i don't really believe them LMFAO i also played this game called mau/mao at some point in freshman year but it was a lot of fun and i haven't met anyone who knew how to play it ever again 😔✨ i've also played slap jack as well 🤡
40. favorite board game
HANDS DOWN IT IS CLUE. I AM THE CLUE MASTER IN MY HOUSEHOLD, 100% WIN RATE !! honorary mentions go to cards against humanity and battleship tho lol
50. recommend a fic or author
omg ,, if i could recommend the entirety of tumblrs i know, i would. hmm i haven't read a lot recently but looking thru some of the stuff i *have* read, i'd totally recommend @hvae kidult two-shot !! made me bust a couple uwus and the second part bro (´Д⊂ヽ the changmin brianrot has been too strong lately and kidult is just so well written , highly recommend!!
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prettyputrified · 2 years
Anon Playlist Request: Post-Apocalyptic Kidcore
Dumb dumb- mazie 
“There must be something in the corn flakes
Making it hard for us to think straight
I just wanna go from here
Close my eyes and disappear (disappear)
I just wanna be the comic relief
Making jokes, not taking any responsibilities
It's waking up inside of the dream”
Put Your Hand Inside The Puppet Head- They Might Be Giants 
“Ads up in the subway are the work of someone
Trying to please their boss
And though the guy's a pig we all know what he wants
Is just to please somebody else
If the pu-pu-puppet head
Was only bu-bu-busted in
It would be a better thing for everyone involved
And we wouldn't have to cry”
Kids- MGMT 
“The water is warm, but it's sending me shivers
A baby is born
Crying out for attention
The memories fade like looking through a fogged mirror
Decision to decisions are made and not bought
But I thought this wouldn't hurt a lot, I guess not”
Lima Bean Man- Jack Stauber 
“Pick me up with a spoon
And tie me to a balloon
And I think right around noon
I should land on the Moon
I have a wife there
She has beautiful hair and
I hope she's not dead”
Stuff Is Way- They Might Be Giants
“You say, stuff is way
Way to go
Go away
Who had you was?
I yes you would
It was catastro, catastro-feeling good
As it the drag
That has you are
Is in the bag
That you drag behind your car”
Season 2 Episode 3- Glass Animals 
“Lazy, and lying on your belly
With a Super Porp cola
Looking at your phone in clothes
You've worn for three days over
With a cookie as a coaster
Maybe, I wish I could remould you
To vertical and golden
But you turn to styrofoam
And so it hurts to say it's hopeless
And we ain't gonna make it”
New Normal- Jack Stauber 
“Step out into the New Normal
Embrace the day with your new shape
Goodbye to those who cannot join us
Their voices are still heard in every word that we say
As we blend into New Normal.”
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