#SHIKAMARU. [ how troublesome / about. ]
fightingdreamcrs · 2 years
tag drop [ 3 / ? ] - S.HIKAMARU
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animeomegas · 11 months
I wanted to ask if you can do a more in-depth, for Shikamaru in his obsession. Like, A more in-depth look at everyone’s reaction when they found out and a more in-depth look at how they treat each other. You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but I am obsessed with Shikamaru and his obsession
Hehe, I think lots of people love Shikamaru and his obsession~ I decided to write about what happens just after they met for the first time, hope you enjoy~
Omega!Shikamaru x Alpha!Reader
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Summary: Meeting his obsession at only age 5, Shikamaru is lucky enough to have his entire lifetime with his obsession at his side. Shikaku doesn't feel quite so lucky.
Word count: 1.25k
Warnings: None.
Shikaku didn’t know whether to be proud, irritated or resigned at the situation that had been suddenly dumped in his lap. The burn of your parents’ suspicious eyebrow raises had him leaning towards the latter two emotions, but the happy purrs his son was letting at his feet, massaging his baby Obsessions hands in his own, tipped the scale back towards proud.
He still couldn’t believe that his son, barely five years old, had already found his obsession. He had been dreading the day this happened, remembering the way his own father had had to reign him in when he fell for Yoshino, and anticipating an older Shikamaru giving him some good old-fashioned karma. But it happening this soon wasn’t something he had predicted, nor something he was ready for. Even in his worst-case imaginings, he had thought about a hormonal fifteen-year-old Shikamaru, never a five-year-old that had only just started learning how to control his emotions.
Shikaku sighed and rubbed his face with his hand. The whole situation was troublesome.
“I understand that this is shocking, it is a surprise to us as well, Naras rarely find their obsessions this young,” his wife explained to your parents.  He was so glad she was here to help him handle this. “But it isn’t something that can be taken back, nor something that can be stopped, so our best course of action is to figure out how we’re going to move forward.”
“This isn’t our first-time hearing about the Nara obsession instinct,” your mother said, seemingly the more relaxed one of your two parents, if the way your father was perched on the edge of the sofa like a tightly coiled spring was anything to go by. “But we had planned on only allowing sleepovers once they turned eight, so hearing about the expectation of sleepovers so suddenly isn’t easy to digest. I don’t understand why playdates can’t suffice.”
Shikaku tuned out Yoshino’s response, knowing that she would handle everything while ruffling as few feathers as possible. Well, provided your parents remained civil and open-minded. If they started demanding things that would hurt Shikamaru, Shikaku would have to pull her back before she decided violence was the best way to solve the problem. But seeing as the coast was clear for the moment, he turned his gaze towards his only son.
Shikamaru still had a tight grip on your hand, but his full attention was on your face now. He was leaning in just a little too close as you spoke, but you didn’t seem to mind. At least the silver lining was that Shikamaru had picked a relaxed baby alpha to obsess over.
“Your hair is very pretty,” you said quietly, a little smile on your face. “I like it.”
Furious purrs erupted from Shikamaru, his little face flushing in pride. Shikaku watched with amusement as Shikamaru immediately used his free hand to try and pull his hair out of his ponytail. His tiny fingers fumbled for a moment, but he eventually got it loose and yanked it out, pulling a few strands out along with it without so much as a flinch.
Shikaku remembered that feeling all too well, the way the desire to please Yoshino, make her happy with him, overshadowed everything else, even pain. When he first chose her, he would have been able to walk over a field of glass without flinching if he thought it would make her smile.
“You can touch it if you want,” Shikamaru said, practically vibrating with excitement as he leant his head forward, his now loose hair falling forwards towards you. “I don’t mind.”
“Wow, so soft!” you exclaimed, running your fingers through his hair. “Do you wash it with fairy dust?”
“No, just shampoo, but I also use conditioner,” Shikamaru announced proudly, pushing his head into your hand like a cat.
Shikaku smothered a snort. He imagined that Shikamaru would no longer roll his eyes and try to get out of using conditioner at bath time, something he was sure would delight his wife.
“We just can’t agree to that many nights with them away from home, away from us, they’re our child,” your mother said, just as Shikaku turned one ear back to the main conversation. “We might be able to divide the four nights in half though. We could have Shikamaru stay with us for two nights, but we’d need support navigating their relationship because we don’t know what’s normal or-“
Confident that things were going well enough that he wouldn’t have to restrain his wife, Shikaku turned back to his son and the baby alpha sitting on the floor beside him.
“Can I plait your hair, please?” you asked his son, still idly petting him.
Only yesterday, the same question had come from Ino, although the tone had been a little more demanding, and his son had rolled his eyes, refused, called Ino troublesome and gone to hide upstairs to take a nap.
His response now was like night and day. Shikaku watched his son’s face light up, his head bobbing up and down instantly.
“Yes, yes, whenever you want,” he said, falling over himself to turn around and present you with the back of his head. He scooted backwards until he was almost on your lap and then folded his hands together on his lap, waiting with barely contained excitable energy.
It was so strange seeing his son like this. He was used to his lazy petulance when face with chores, the competitive gleam in his eyes when they played shogi, his thinking face when he was presented a new puzzle or mystery, but this tidal wave of genuine, open affection and eagerness for companionship was something Shikaku had never seen.
“Thanks! You’re the best, Shika!” you said, separating his hair into three parts.
His son looked ready to ascend to a different plane of being.
This whole thing was a mess, Shikaku though, rubbing at his eyes. He wasn’t looking forward to the hundreds of tantrums he’d have to diffuse, the weird impulses he’d have to redirect or having to host another five-year-old in his house all the time. However, the pure happiness radiating off his son was more than worth all the bad. He was glad that Shikamaru would have his obsession with him for his entire life, and maybe it was wishful thinking, but hopefully Shikamaru would be used enough to his obsession and coping mechanisms that the hormonal nightmare of teenagerhood wouldn’t be so bad.
Shikaku gave the two children one more glance, vaguely amused to see Shikamaru silently mouthing ‘my alpha’ over and over again as you focused on plaiting his hair, before properly turning back to the conversation he was supposed to be a part of.
Everything would work out; he would make it so.
“Well, we should probably head off now,” your father said, standing up, holding the newly drawn up custody arrangement. “We’re having dinner with my parents tonight. Darling, time to leave, go and get your shoes on, please.”
“WHAT?! NO!”
“Here we go,” Shikaku sighed, trying to intercept Shikamaru before he got a hold on the baby alpha. Too late.
“Shikamaru, let go, they have to go home,” he said, kneeling down on the floor with them both.
“No!” his son whined, tears gathering on his water line. “They’re my alpha! Mine!”
“Shikamaru, that wasn’t a suggestion. Let them go.”
Shikamaru only growled at him, so Shikaku just started pulling him off you by the scruff.
“Shikamaru, stop struggling, stop- Ow! You little- He just bit me!”
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chocolatetheoristcloud · 10 months
Shikamaru with a busty reader headcanons
Representing for the big tittiecommunity,this one is for myyy bitches with a big chest in the fucking club.
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Warnings:smut,blowjob's,teasing,dirty talk,marking,s possiveness,thoughts of impregnation,bitting
The first time he's ever met you,the first thing he thought was 'wow those look pretty comfortable to sleep on'
And everytime he'll see you his gaze would go straight to your chest just like that it was like he was in a spell, to the point it would be hard for to think properly
He'll LOVE to sleep on your tits,like give him a chance and he will, matter a fact that was the first thing he did to you when you were guys were alone for the first time he couldn't resist himself
After a long day he'll just love to burry his face in your chest, loving the comfort they provide him
He'll even sometimes bite you in your tites if he get's a chance,got to claim what's his and make sure your no else but his
When the first time you're intamite with eachother, he'll have you give him a titty job where he'll be on the bed laying down as he watches you pump his dick with your soft warm chest that surrounded his thick throbbing length.
Just the sight of his white hot stickness is driving him CRAZY
He'll then have you sit down in his lap cock warming him as he looked at your chest hunger
"Those titties need to be sucked on" he'll say his voice deep and raspy and low as he'll lick his lips a smirk tugging his lips
He'll have your nipple in his mouth bitting sucking and swirling around the bud until you're nips are red and erotic in his mouth
Everyone thinks that Shikamaru is a ass guy but if had some bitties he'll take the chance
If you're feeling insecure about them and try to hide them he'll breath heavily before saying
He'll then put you on his lap as he whrispers to you just just how perfect you were and your breasts as he foldings them and play's with them in his smooth soft large hands
If you were to put chocolate and whip cream all over your chest he'll happy lick it clean off no hesitation.
He'll always remind you how perfect you and your chest are, especially when you're having a bad day.
"Hey it's okay, sometimes bad things happen to people with nice tits"
"Look on the bright side, you can stay home and hangout with me while I use your chest as a pillow or instead we both could go cloud watching while I lay on your chest"
It doesn't matter to him really both are wins for him honestly
If he see's you struggling with you bra due to how big your boobs are then he'll be happy to replace them, with his hands.
Everytime he has sex with you, with you on your back as he was in-between your legs,as he would focus on your chest would bounce up and down, he would then lean down and suck on them as play's with them,the thought of you being pregnant with his children and milk filling your breasts as he sucks on them.
The thought of that made him go crazy, which caused him to suck harder,like when he was a baby.
Hell just the thought of you alone pregnant with his children was enough for him to go wild and go faster
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shanastoryteller · 2 months
Happy Valentine's! Dealers choice, though I love SIAT
a continuation of 1 2 3 4
Naruto knows when Itachi is due back from his mission because, as always, she’s spent years sneaking into her father’s office and going through his paperwork. She’s still split on whether he genuinely hasn’t noticed (unlikely) or is just letting her snoop on highly classified files (also unlikely) but as long as she keeps being able to get past his seals, she’s going to take advantage of it.
Itachi doesn’t even have the decency to act surprised to see her sitting on his kitchen table and eating his chips. Probably because he sensed her from a literal mile away, but still. “Hello Naruto,” he says, dropping his pack on the floor and heading straight to his fridge for the disgusting weird protein health drinks he gets from the Inuzukas.
Tsume forces those on them semi-regularly and they taste like dirt. She doesn’t understand how Itachi drinks them willingly. “I need a favor.”
“Okay,” he says, tilting his head back and chugging.
She frowns. “It’s a big favor. You’re not going to like it.”
He finishes the bottle and throws it into the trash across the room without looking. “Okay.”
She throws up her hands. “Seriously? Are you really planning on letting me cash in on helping expose Madara for the rest of your life?”
“Yes,” he says.
Unbelievable. She balls up the bag of chips and throws it at his head. He lets it bounce off and fall to the ground.
He does shit like this because he knows it pisses her off. She’s sure of it.
Shikamaru like Naruto well enough, but tends to tune her out a lot of the time, because she’s very loud and high energy and likes to do things that end up getting everyone in trouble except her. It’s not even like she’s using the fact that she’s the hokage’s daughter to get out of it – she’s just that much better at outrunning Anbu than they are.
There’s a joke in there about her avoiding Kakakshi, but since he values his limbs and also his quiet, he never makes it.
When Naruto’s quiet, that’s when they need to worry. Naruto was really quiet around the time she unearthed the almost rebellion of the Uchiha that he’s supposed to know nothing about. She’s quiet now too, blue eyes dark and voice low as she tells them what the first two sections of the chunin exam are going to be like and that they have to be careful.
“Why are you so worried about this?” Ino asks.
Naruto trades a glance with Sasuke then, surprisingly, Sakura. Shikamaru hadn’t been sure those two could untangle from each other enough to make room from the girl from a civilian family, but it doesn’t seemed to have tripped them up too badly. “It’s need to know. For now.”
Considering all the things Naruto talks about loudly and unrepentantly, that’s very, very concerning.
“You’re telling the others this?” Chouji asks.
Sakura nods. “We’ll be waiting in the forest. We won’t go to the tower until you’re all there.”
It sounds arrogant said like that, but Sasuke’s a prodigy in his own right, and the only reason he hadn’t graduated early was because he and Naruto had wanted to be on the same team together.
The reason Naruto hadn’t graduated early was partially due to sabotage – man, had their teacher before Iruka hated her – but also because she refused to correct them, to complain, to make a big deal out of her abilities.
Naruto plays things closer to her chest than even he does.
So if she’s being this transparent and upfront, they better listen.
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susililys · 8 months
Continuation of my ShikaTema Fanfic Masterlist, click here for Part 1 or Part 2 :
New Parents / Post Chapter 700 / BORUTO / Nara Family CONT.
Leave The World Behind by: SpicedGold ONESHOT Temari runs into Shikamaru while at the marketplace with baby Shikadai.
Home At Last by: orphan_account M | ONESHOT Married smut, Temari comes back home from Suna.
Newborn by: SpookyMoth ONESHOT Domestic, pregnancy fluff.
He's Only Ten But She Was Only Three by: drowninglinguists ONESHOT Shikamaru is on a mission and Shikadai helps Temari deal with PTSD.
Love and Pride by: silverkunai ONESHOT Father and son sweetness, Shikamaru talks with Shikadai after the Chuunin exam loss.
Father's Brains and Mother's Attitude by: Kimiz ONESHOT Give me Temari and Shikadai, mother son bonding fics anytime!
Raindrops by: SpicedGold ONESHOT Temari goes on her first mission now that Shikadai is old enough, but the Nara boys are taking it hard.
48 hours to live by: Majsasaurus COMPLETE Includes Temari's reaction to the Shikadai bomb situation.
History Lesson by: SpicedGold ONESHOT Mostly Shikadai and Temari talking about the past, Rasa and the Konoha Invasion.
Snapshots by: lisa29 ONESHOT Snapshots of Temari's pregnancy.
How Did We Get Here by: SpicedGold ONESHOT Temari muses on how she came to have a life that includes a loving husband and son.
Shikadai by: SuperAwesomePandaKitty ONESHOT Temari gets abducted while 8 months pregnant, sweet fic.
Tell Me It'll All Be Alright by: SpicedGold COMPLETE Shikamaru spirals as he deals with Temari getting severely injured on a mission.
Favourite Things by: Dunesya ONESHOT Temari gets asked what her favorite thing about Shikamaru is.
Wave of Affection by: Dunesya ONESHOT Temari reflects on life with her family.
The Night Off by: SpicedGold ONESHOT ShikaTema need a break, cue in babysitting uncles.
Waking Up To You by: SpicedGold ONESHOT
A New Perspective by: SpicedGold ONESHOT Shikadai gets to see Temari in action.
Rest, Relax, and Revolt by: SpicedGold COMPLETE One of the best fics I've ever read, where the Sand/Nara family go through a revolt in Suna.
Hachidaime by: ShrimpArmy M | ONESHOT Yessss, was waiting for ShikaTema fics with Hokage Shikamaru
New routines by: clumsydragon28 ONESHOT Mostly Temari and Shikadai mother son bonding, loved it!
First Steps by: KiaraShell ONESHOT Ok, but how cute is this?
Family Life by: Aspire2B ONESHOTS Cute family moments!
Life of the Naras by: shikamarubase ONESHOTS Awww I’ve gone through these so many times.
Obvious Reasons by: LettieB ONESHOT Shikadai asking the real questions.
A Warning by: Awnyaa ONESHOT Fluff, Temari equals deforestation.
Nothing by: thegizka ONESHOT Temari wants to do something for Shikamaru’s birthday, domestic fluff.
Nightfall by: SeaTempest M | ONESHOT Fluffy married smut.
Falling Through the Clouds by: spiritedarray
Moments by: tiashew14
4,572 days later by: therewithasmile
Antics by: eternallove5225 Second chapter in this collection is definitely my favorite. .
Lazy Love by: existence555 Favorite chapters, 5, 7, 13, 24, 25, 28, 57, 68, 76
On… by: ArmchairAnthropologist
Days Gone By by: Adulson
A Troublesome Love by: spiritedarray
Not So Troublesome After All by: BrokenDreamz95
Everyone's Eyes by: TaintedMoonlight
Approximation by: lollipop-mania
They Are Good at Many Things by: lollipop-mania M
Troublesome Crybabies by: ichilover3
Shadows of a Nightmare Future by: Mr Gr33d COMPLETE This was such an interesting and good read. Time Travel AU where Shikamaru goes back in time to save Temari and Shikadai.
unattainable, irreplaceable, you by: teatin COMPLETE This is so insanely good, ShikaTema on opposite sides of a war, unresolved feelings.
The Day Bleeds by: pieceofmind22 COMPLETE I usually don't read fics with character death, but this one was really well done.
Salt by: Comatosejoy INCOMPLETE Temari has to go in hiding due to Rasa giving her hand away in marriage, just one chapter shy of being completed.
The Rules by: lafolleconnasse M l COMPLETE This one gives me some intense feels, so well written!
The Desert and the Deer by: nahra M l COMPLETE Death God Shikamaru, someone commented that this could be an award winning movie and honestly…facts!
Trial of the Heart by: Majsasaurus M l COMPLETE Really intense, dark, and well written. Took me some time to finish reading it cause our beloved family goes through some extremely rough times. Jinchuuriki Shikadai. Happy Ending.
Grandmaster by: notquitejiraiya (lethargicshadowlover) INCOMPLETE I usually don't like to read alternate universe fics for ShikaTema, but I’ve been enjoying this one.
Warriors Heart (A Prequel to Fated) by: CeeCeeK COMPLETE ShikaTema as samurais.
What it Takes to Make her Smile by: TaintedMoonlight COMPLETE This used to be one of my favorite fics growing up. Fairy AU.
Of Sand and Shadow by: CinderRoses M | COMPLETE Shikamaru and Temari meet in completely different circumstances when he's abducted by Suna Anbu. Really enjoyed this!
Book One- The Enemy by: SillySnowden11 M | COMPLETE This is such a good read! The villages are at war with one another and commanders ST end up having a tentative alliance. Slow burn romance.
New Blood by: JFalcon COMPLETE Very long multi-chapter fic that includes many other characters, but it has ShikaTema as the main relationship throughout and is very well written.
This took me so long to make, but honestly I've always wanted to have a list of all my favorite ShikaTema fics all in one place. Hope this makes it easier to enjoy all of these amazing works! Thank you to all the writers who have made my days better throughout the years!
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yams-here · 9 months
Naruto Characters who should've been girl dads: a short list
Rock Lee
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This man has PURE girl dad energy. He should've had a little girl that wants to kick ass just like him and he is in equal parts excited and worried because that's his little princess and he doesn't want her to get hurt, but he would help her train anyways, because he knows she can do it.
2. Sasuke Uchiha
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Not a big fan of Sasuke tbh and ik he's canonically a girl dad but NO THE FUCK HE ISN'T this man nutted and dipped and left Sakura to raise Sarada by herself. In my opinion he should've been sentenced to village arrest in konoha and watched a little girl that looks just like him grow up and realize that he actually likes being a dad (because I think that would be hilarious)
3. Shino Aburame
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Shino gives me vibes that he would complain to the manager of a restaurant that there are no baby changing stations in the male bathroom, because of course he would take his child everywhere with him. He needs to have a little girl so she can be a lil weird like him and he can validate every single one of her thoughts.
4. Shikamaru Nara
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Shikamaru would just be too ironic for it not to happen. The "women are too troublesome" guy getting a baby girl and the moment he holds her she is the only one that makes sense in the room. If you have a problem with her, you have a problem with him first. "Shikamaru your daughter is too troublesome" No she's not. She's perfect. Shut up. 5. Kankuro
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Kankuro is literally a girl dad without having a daughter. Makeup? Check. Dolls? Check. The only thing that would make a weird little girl that plays with barbies more powerful is if she could kick your ass while doing it, and he would 100% teach his baby how to do it. 6. Naruto Uzumaki
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Tbh I kinda forgot about him because he already is a girl dad but I need to see Naruto, the creator of the sexy no jutsu, having a pretty little girl growing up and getting absolutely LIVID that she's starting to get attention from other boys. What do you mean she's at the age that she's thinking about dating? That's his BABY. 7. Neji Hyuuga
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He's in this list literally just because he'd teach his baby girl how to take care of her hair. He WOULD let her practice hairstyling on him. that's it. 8. Juugo
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If he had a daughter he would validate every single one of her tantrums. "You want to punch that lightpost? You feel like pulling a guy's heart out? Me too!" He would say. Also he'd carry her around his shoulders forever. Even when she's an adult. Also he's a disney princess x female rage mc lovechild that happened to be a boy so he's perfect
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x-emeraldsky-x · 5 months
Prompt - Only One Bed
Shikamaru groaned lightly as he walked to the village gate. Per Hokage's orders, he was tasked with housing one of the Hidden Sand's Jounin for a week, and as much of a drag it was, he was grateful only his father was home for the duration. He loved his mother dearly, but he had no intentions of hearing any talk, whether it was about dating, marriage or sex.
The very thought of bringing a woman to his mother shook him to his core, especially a woman like Temari. Temari was very forward, and often she'd lack a filter for the things she'd say. His mother quite easily took offense to things, and Temari's "I-Don't-Give-A-Fuck" nature was surely a horrible mix.
As the gate neared he tried to push his exhaustion away. Temari was a woman in high power, and despite what his younger self would think, Shikamaru respected her quite a lot. It was important to him to look professional in front of her.
Temari was a very intelligent woman. Often her battle strategies had led Sunagakure strongly, she was an amazing leader. Authoritive, but still caring towards the soldiers of Suna. She also showed great skill when it came to puzzles and boardgames, she was one of the few people to come close to beating him competitively. Her dedication to protecting her family was also quite admirable; always rushing in to defend her brothers, even when they were strong enough to do it themselves. She was so full of love, and balanced her work and home life well. Shikamaru admired her strengths greatly.
A light burn on his cheeks brought him out of his thoughts, whether it was a blush or the sun, he wasn't sure, but Temari's voice began to creep to his ears. He had to focus now.
Temari stood talking to a couple guards at the gate, the two that often teased Shikamaru for his apparent "obvious crush", Izumo and Kotetsu. Dreading the embarrassment, he waited for her to finish talking before approaching so they didn't have to stay long.
He muttered a small greeting, ignoring the shit-eating grins from the men beside him, and turned to Temari.
Her eyes carried dark circles, clearly tired from her travels. She had a tendency to get careless and do the whole trip on one nights sleep and a nap, and while Shikamaru found it troublesome, it was the perfect excuse to get home faster.
"Oh! There's the little love bird. It's such a shame he always keeps you waiting. It's already late afternoon!"
"Yeah! Come on, Shikamaru. Have some mercy on the poor girl, she's already stuck with you~"
Temari shook her head, half waving to them while walking off. The two said their goodbyes, and after Shikamaru glared at the them for their immaturity, he started to lead Temari across town.
They went their typical route, passing shops with their keepers trying to draw Temari in with their wears, kids dancing and playing together on the path, and all the usual Shinobi and Kunoichi making their way to their posts. It was relaxing in the only way your hometown could bring, and although Temari wasn't from Konoha, he could see her enjoying it too.
She watched the busy streets with a soft smile, the same smile she gives to her brothers, full of love and admiration. There was a sadness in her eyes, though. The sadness of growing up, or more so, watching your family grow up. Shikamaru didn't understand how it felt, but maybe one day he would.
As the sun began to set, they arrived at the house. Loud talking and slight shouting rustled the walls. Shikamaru groaned, recognising the voices, and slid open the door.
"I'm home, father... and Chouza and Inoichi."
The three men turned to them, raising their glasses and laughing. While Shikamaru and Temari stepped inside and removed their sandals, the room was filled with tipsy greetings.
"Welcome home, son. And, uh... who's your friend?"
"She's uhm, a Jounin. From Suna. She's staying here for a week."
Temari looked around while Shikamaru spoke with his father, grimacing at the smell of alcohol as she passed by. Family photos and clan symbols lined the walls. It was far more cozy than her home at Suna. With both her and Kankuro on missions, and Gaara as the Kazekage, it was practically unlived in.
Bits and pieces of conversation filtered in through her focus, Shikamaru arguing with the three men about their relationship. In a way, it reminded her of her own parents during their love, commenting on any boy she showed interest in and teasing her about crushes. None the less, what Shikamaru said was true. They weren't together, and while she was an adult and he was still 16, they wouldn't be until many years have passed.
Eventually, Shikamaru got fed up with their banter and lead Temari to his bedroom, where she would be staying throughout the trip. It was a small room with a simple double bed, very little furniture inhabited it aside from necessities. It had a door leading to a private bathroom as well.
Exhausted and quite gross from her travels, Temari decided to hit the showers while Shikamaru prepared the room better. Fluffing the pillows and making sure nothing vulgar was out in the open; he was a boy in his late teenage years of course. When he was done, he sat and waited for her on the bed.
The sound of running water covered the loud three man party in the living room, Shikamaru was rather surprised that Ino and Chouji weren't there was well. Usually if one generation of "Ino-Shika-Chou" was present, the other would be too. Maybe his father took pity on him and decided just three people teasing him was enough.
Around five minutes had passed before the water shut off, and Shikamaru prepared to take one himself. The door opened and after one final look around the room, he had a realisation.
"Where are you gonna sleep, Mr. Crybaby?"
He didn't have another place to sleep.
Shikamaru's face began to flush from embarrassment. How did he not plan this out better? He felt like an idiot. Temari's laughter didn't help either.
"I didn't plan this right."
"Clearly," Temari snorted. "But it's fine. I'll sleep on the floor, I have a sleeping bag."
Shikamaru watched her unfurl it, stopping her before she laid down. Temari raised her eyebrow, unimpressed by the contact.
"No. You've had too big of a walk to be sleeping on the floor. Take the bed."
Temari moved her body from his, crossing her arms and looking down at him. It wasn't much of a tactic to intimidate him, only to show her displeasure, but it was affective in both.
"I'm not taking your bed from you."
"I'm not letting you sleep on the floor!"
They went back and forth for a few minutes, both just as stubborn as the other, before Temari gave up.
"Look, if it's that important to you, lets just share the bed. Put pillows in the middle."
Shikamaru grumbled lightly. While he did respected her greatly, she was quite a troublesome person. He swallowed his pride and accepted.
The rest of the evening went smoothly from then on. Shikamaru gathered some food for them while Temari took the time to relax; stretching and easing the tension in her muscles. Shikamaru's matress was soft. It sunk in beneath her weight quite a bit, constantly making the pillow wall fall apart, but it was worth the annoyance after the past few days.
Shikamaru came back with a simple meal. With how fast it came, Temari guessed it was premade. Shikamaru didn't seem like the type to cook, quickly or good, but food was food in the end.
While they ate, Shikamaru looked at Temari closely for the first time since he met with her. She was only wearing a bra and long pants, a good portion of her skin showing, and the most odd thing, she had her hair tied into two rather than four. Her skin looked rough and damaged from wear he sat, he was willing to bet it'd feel just the same, and her body had many healed scars from training and battle. He had heard how harsh Suna's training was, he wondered how many scars were from village people and how many were from enemies.
"Whatdya staring at?"
Shikamaru turned away embarrassed. "Nothing... sorry."
She laughed and shook her head, finishing her food before lying down again.
"You apologise too much."
Shikamaru ate in silence, trying to keep his eyes to himself. She was right in a sense, he apologised a lot when it came to her, something about her nature made him want to, even if it was any other person he'd just shrug it off. Deep down, he knew his father was right. Izumo and Kotetsu too. Naruto, Asuma, Chouza and Inoichi. They were all right. He loved her, he just wasn't ready to admit it.
Temari tossed and turned for a bit trying to get comfortable, settling for laying in her side. Back facing him. Part of him wanted to pull the blanket over her, another part wanted her to hold him close. He settled for taking care of the dishes, trying to pull his mind away from his feelings.
When he returned, snoring had filled the room. Temari's position much more sloppy then when he had left. It was unladylike, but still beautiful. Shikamaru smiled softly, the muscles in his face straining when he tried to stop.
Turning off the light, he crawled into the bed beside her, her body out of sight with the pillows dividing them but the feeling of her body remained. The bed was more comfortable, more warm, and more cozy with her in it, and he quietly wished she could be there longer than a week.
Shikamaru's eyes grew heavy with the warmth, the sound of her snoring made him feel oddly at ease. Usually he hated noise when he was trying to sleep, but there was something about Temari that made it tolerable. She made him feel safe, protected, at home. It was easy to fall asleep by her side.
In the morning, he was sure she'll find a way around sharing a bed, but for now, he'd enjoy her comfort while he could.
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venerawrites · 8 days
Can I request an Imagine where a fem character is captured by the enemy and she’s under a genjutsu where she’s being tortured by Shikamaru (who she loves) but is pulled out of it just in time by Shika who actually gets there in time with a team? Comfort fluff, reassuring, and he admits he loves her?
author's note: I have been writing this literally for ages, but now that all my assignments are officially done, I finally had a chance to catch up! Thank you so much for your patience and this beautiful idea! I absolutely loved writing this one! I hope you like it! <3
warnings: mentions of torture; swearing
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There is something comforting in darkness. Once it welcomes you in its embrace, all your fears, worries, and thoughts just... disappear. Your body and your mind relax and for once, it is all quiet.
And silence is beautiful.
Two strong hands wrapped around your neck, pulling you harshly out of the water and bringing all your senses back to reality. The sudden rush of air filling your lungs made you choke and you struggled to take another breath. The comforting silence, in which you were blissfully floating just a second ago, was interrupted by the rapid beating of your heart and the muffled sound of someone's voice next to you.
"-absolutely pathetic", your brain registered only the last words of what the person said. You coughed once again and another hefty amount of dirty water made its way out of your body, letting you breathe more freely. Your chest felt heavy and all your muscles screamed in pain, making this moment of awareness feel more like a punishment than a relief.
With a few slow blinks, the darkness started to lift and your surroundings started to become clearer. At first, all you could see was the sky - so grey and sad, a sure sign it was about to rain soon. Then your focus shifted to the trees and the strange way their leaves stood still, despite the wind around you. Finally, your eyes shifted to the silhouette sitting next to you. Blinking a few more times, their face started to become more focused and you let out a breath of relief, once you realised it was your best friend who saved you from what seemed like sure death.
"Shika...", you said weakly, not having the energy to even pronounce his full name. Instinctively reaching your hand toward him, you tried to get a hold of his hand, his warmth being the only thing your body craved right now. The said man let out a scoff, moving out of the way just when you were about to reach him. When you hand hit nothing but air, you slowly opened your eyes, brows furrowed in confusion.
"Shika?", you repeated, lifting your head just a bit, so you could see the man better. Sitting on a small stone next to you, he stared at you with a bored expression, a half-burn cigarette hanging from his lips. There was something in weird in his eyes, something which you have seen only a handful of times in all the years you have known him.
Was it anger? Annoyance? Hate?
You couldn't exactly tell, your brain still struggling to make sense of where you are and how did you got there. The last thing you remember was fighting a group of rogue ninjas near Amegakure, before something was wrapped around both your arms and legs, forcing you to the ground. You must have passed out because now you were on the river bank near Konoha, a place where you and Shikamaru played from dawn to dusk when you were children.
"He probably brought me here to clean my wounds", was the first thought that came to your your head, while you tried to lift yourself on your elbows.
"Shika, what-"
The words got stuck in your throat, once your friend's hands found their way around it once again. His nails dug into the skin and you winced in pain, your own fingers wrapping around his wrists in an attempt to pull him away. His power, however, was no match for you and all you could do was stare at him with wide eyes, a silent plead for him to let go.
"Just shut the hell up, troublesome woman! You always ramble on and on, and on...", the fingers on your neck tightened their grip and you opened your mouth, desperately trying to inhale some air and combat the dizziness that started to consume you due to the lack of oxygen. However, Shikamaru did not seem impressed by your struggle or the way you kept tapping his arm. Instead of freeing you, he leaned forward, pressing his full body weight on you.
"I've never hated any sound more than my name coming out of your lips! I fucking hate it! I fucking hate YOU!"
Hissing the last words through gritted teeth, he finally let go of your throat, only to smack his palm against your cheek. Your head whipped to the side, a few droplets of blood flying from your mouth. The burning feeling on your cheek, however, felt almost insignificant compared to the overwhelming feelings of shock and confusion that paralyzed your body. The echo of his words kept sounding in your mind, each repetition making your heart beat faster and faster in panic.
"What...", you chocked out, eyes searching his, "What's going on?"
A dry, almost sinister chuckle left his lips and the sound sent shivers down your spine. He lowered his head right above yours before grabbing your cheeks in one hand, squishing your face. A small whine sounded from you and the man narrowed his eyes, observing you with a mixture of annoyance and amusement.
"Look at yourself... calling yourself a ninja, yet you can't handle even a single mission by yourself!", he muttered with disdain, his gaze not leaving yours. You tried to pull your head away, but his grip was so tight, you were unable to move even a muscle.
Tears of frustration started to form in your eyes, a few sliding down your cheeks. Normally, in moments like these, Shikamaru would be the one holding you, muttering sweet words of comfort in your ears. His hands would stroke your hair, while he rocks your body back and forth till you calm down and fall asleep on top of him.
Now he offered nothing but a look of disgust.
"Wh-What are you doing?", your voice betrayed you, sounding smaller than you intended to, "Shikamaru, why are you holding me like this?"
The first rule of the shinobi was to never give up. It was a life full of pain and sacrifice, but the end goal was the protection of the people - and for that, you had to fight, even if you had no energy left in you.
But as you laid beneath Shikamaru, staring at his dark eyes, full of contempt, you couldn't do anything but let the tears fall freely from your eyes. A good ninja would probably seize the moment and use it as a distraction to draw their weapon and stab their attacker, but how could you do that, when the person on top of you was the person you loved and cherished the most in this world? The person that has been your best friend for more than 10 years? The person who was your rock during the hardest periods of your life? The love of your life?
Before you could realise what was happening, his hands lifted you by the neck, pushing your head below the water again. This time, however, there was no comfort in it - it was cold and unwelcoming, sending waves of shock through your entire body. It stung your eyes and it filled your nose and mouth, making you panic. Your mind screamed at you to fight back, to somehow wrench yourself out of his grasp. Throwing both your arms and legs around, you tried to throw him off you, but his fingers only dug deeper into your skin, his knees landing on top of your thighs to keep you still.
Just as your vision started to fade, he brought you back to the surface and you gasped for air, choking in the water still stuck in your lungs.
"I fucking hate you... Do you understand that? I hate the way you whine all the fucking time, clinging to me like a leech! You always cry, never taking any responsibility for anything!", his tone was low, but filled with hatred, "I hate you so fucking much, I've been fantasizing about how to shut your mouth once and for all for so long!"
Barely giving you a chance to even register his words, he pressed your head down once again. Unlike last time, you were under only for a few seconds, before he pulled you out.
"You are nothing but a burden! To me, to your family, to everyone in that damned village!"
Each word felt like a dagger piercing through your chest, crushing whatever hope remained that all this was just a bad dream and that you would wake up any moment in Shikamaru's bed, his hands rubbing soothing circles on your back.
What the hell happened during your mission? When did he even appear? Did he save you? Why was he so angry with you?
Your head was filled with questions and soon there was nothing but a messy tangle of thoughts. A small voice at the back of your mind kept repeating his words.
"Nothing but a burden..."
The words hit deeper than you liked to admit. Back when you were younger you were the weakest kid in class, much to the dismay of your parents, both of which were great and strong shinobi. The other children rarely wanted to play with you - most of the time they viewed you as someone who couldn't keep up with their speed and energy. Naruto and Shikamaru were the only ones who reached out to you back then, the only ones who stood by you when no one else would.
While the blonde was a dear friend to you, nothing could compare to the bond you shared with the young Nara. He has always been a constant in your life, a safe haven to which you could run once the reality was too much to bear. Countless nights he held you in his embrace when you couldn't sleep because your family was fighting once again. He always left his window slightly open, an unspoken invitation for you to come anytime you wanted. Thinking back, sneaking into your best friend's bed at night was maybe not the wisest decision, as it was during one of these times you realised you were utterly and madly in love with him.
You remembered that night clearly. The two of you were laying side by side on his bed, the only light coming from the bright moon up in the sky. It was the night after Asuma's funeral and despite his initial warning for you not to come, you still made your way to his house at 2:00 o'clock at night. He didn't utter even a word when he saw you entering through his window, instead, he only lifted his blanket, making a space for you to join him. You laid down and he immediately pulled you under him, burying his head in the space between your neck and shoulder, his hot tears falling on your bare skin.
As he clung to you, your fingers gently rubbed his scalp, offering your silent support. What wouldn't you give to take his pain away, to bring back his beloved sensei, and to make him forget the horrors he witnessed that day.
"I don't know what I would do without you...", he whispered against your hair, his breath tickling your scalp.
"You don't have to think about that", you whispered back, your fingers still combing through his black locks, "I am here. I always will be."
Shikamaru didn't answer. Instead, he lifted his head and looked at you with his bloodshot eyes, before pressing his lips against yours. It was a quick and gentle peck, a promise of a friend, rather than a lover's confession. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours, muttering a quiet 'I am sorry.', before rolling on his side and falling asleep.
Neither of you said anything about it afterward. The next morning you woke up and continued your usual routine, as if nothing had happened. There were moments when you wondered if it was all a dream - maybe you were so in love with him that your brain started to play tricks with you. Yet, there was a weird comfort in not knowing if it was all just an illusion. Sometimes you liked to think that it was, indeed, real.
Slowly losing consciousness due to the lack of air, everything started to fade, except the memory of that night. It kept replaying over and over in your mind, feeling so real, you could almost feel his chapped lips against yours.
How ironic and unfair was that? Your last moments are spent thinking about the man who is currently the source of your suffering.
Suddenly the grip on your neck disappeared and you felt something sliding under your head and knees, lifting you back to the surface. Too tired to fight or even open your eyes, you let yourself be carried out of the river. A frantic voice was shouting something right in your face, but you could not recognize it, nor could understand what it was saying. Your limbs, chest, and eyelids felt so heavy, all you wanted was just to relax and let your body rest.
The second you were laid down on a flat surface, someone's mouth was pressed against yours, blowing air into your lungs. The sudden rush of oxygen made your body jolt and you would've probably hurt yourself, if the person who was bringing you back to life did not have their hands on your chest, rhythmically pumping.
Finally, you took your first breath on your own and you coughed violently, turning your body to the side so you could spit the excess water from your mouth. The hands that saved you made their way to your back, gently patting it to help you stop choking.
"Shit, are you okay?", the sound of the familiar voice made your body freeze.
"No! It cannot end like this!", you thought to yourself, the feeling of panic already bubbling inside of you. What game was Shikamaru playing? He almost ended your life, just to bring you back... What type of cruel torture was that?
"Hey... can you hear me? Please, answer me. Please, I can't-"
Before he could finish, you turned toward him and punched him as hard as you could. The man stumbled back from his kneeling position, cupping his nose in an attempt to stop the flowing blood. You used the opportunity to drag your weak body away from him, ignoring the sharp pain that pulsated through each one of your muscles.
"Stay away!", you yelled, glancing back at him, "Why are you doing this? Why are you trying to kill me?"
The young Nara looked at you with a confused expression, taking a step toward you, but immediately stopping once he saw the fear on your face.
"Kill you? What are you-", the sudden realisation of what was going on downed on him and he lifted both his hands from his face in a defensive motion, "Wait! No! It's not what you think!"
Ignoring his words, you continued to drag yourself away, gritting your teeth at the feeling of your skin scraping against the ground. Looking in his direction again, you found he was already on his feet but he had not moved from his original position.
"Please... I'm not going to hurt you!", he begged, his voice filled with desperation, "Just stop for a second! Listen to me!"
Letting out a sigh, you dropped to the ground, too exhausted to continue your escape attempt. Deep down you knew there was no point - you were surrounded by nothing but a field and while you managed to create a significant distance between you, he was on his feet, while you were crawling on your elbows. It was clear that no matter what you did, you won't be able to run away from him. The only option you had was to just wait and hope he was going to finish this quickly.
"Why?", the question came out as a broken whisper and you were not even sure he heard it, "Why are you doing this?"
Shikamaru's gaze softened and he made a small step toward you, testing your reaction. When he saw you made no movement, he made another step before stopping again. Only the gods knew he wanted nothing more than to run toward you and hold you in his arms, making sure you were okay. The spark of fear in your eyes, however, made him control his urges and he used all his willpower to remain calm and rational.
Seeing you like this... it was like his world was falling apart. He was not a violent person, far from it, but somewhere back in his mind, he kept imagining bringing the rogue ninja that put you through this back to life, just so he could kill him again. And then again. And then again. As many times as it took for him to feel like he did you justice.
The image of your face twisted in a silent scream, your whole body covered in blood, was one that he was never going to forget. And oh, how he wished he could! Ino and Choji have never seen their teammate lose control like this, not even when their sensei died. The piercing shriek that left his lips the moment he saw you, the way he ran toward your body, the bloodthirst in his gaze, while he slashed the enemy's throat open... it was almost like something dark and demonic had possessed him.
"You were under a genjutsu... everything that you felt and saw... it was not real. It was NOT me", with each word he closed the distance more and more, till he found himself right in front of you. Crouching next to your form, he extended his hand to touch yours, brows furrowing when he saw you flinch back.
"Please! Whatever you saw, whatever that bastard made you believe... it was NOT ME!", his voice remained low, yet it was getting more distressed, "I would never, ever hurt you! Never!"
He reached out again, this time slower so he could give you a chance to comprehend his words and move back if you wanted to. Shifting your look between his eyes and his hand, you took a deep breath, before letting him touch you. The warmth of his fingers brightly contrasted with your cold skin, sending shivers down your spine.
"It's me...", his hand slowly moved up toward your face, cradling your cheek in his palm and gently stroking it with his thumb. Your muscles remained frozen, still unsure if this was a trick or not, "I'm here. I'm here..."
He kept repeating the same words over and over, while cautiously moving his body closer, so he could wrap his arms around you. Your eyes danced around your surroundings, finally appreciating that you were in fact NOT next to the river in Konoha. Instead, you were at the exact same spot where you lost consciousness during your fight. The pieces of the mystery of what happened finally started to come together in your mind and the reality hit you like a wave, washing over the lingering doubts in your mind.
You opened your mouth to say something, but all that came out was a loud sob. And then another... Soon, the tears started freely flowing down your cheeks while your body shook with the intensity of the shock of what actually happened. Shikamaru kept you pressed tightly against his chest, his own tears falling on top of your hair, while he rocked both of you back and forth.
"I am so sorry!", he muttered, pressing his nose into your head, "I am so, so sorry! It's all my fault!"
"If I didn't waste so much time planning and strategizing, I would've been here on time! I would've been able to save you, I would've been able to kill that bastard before he had the chance to hurt you!", he rambled on, more to himself than to you.
The sound of his name, together with the feeling of your fingers on his face finally caught his attention and he gazed down at you, his dark eyes still glossy and red.
"You saved me...", you said tracing his jaw, "You actually came for me."
He let out a quiet scoff, squeezing you tighter. His lips found their way to your forehead, placing a small kiss on it and lingering for a few seconds after that.
"Of course, I came for you, you troublesome woman", he sighed, closing his eyes. Holding the person you were in love with for years and who you thought you'd lost forever had to be the most surreal feeling.
At least for him.
There were a few seconds of silence between you, during which you just held each other. No words were spoken, but none were needed - the way you clung to one another, ignoring everyone and everything else, spoke of all of the feelings and affections you kept hidden in your hearts. Somewhere in the distance, you could hear Ino's voice talking, but your mind could not focus on anything but Shikamaru's heartbeat next to your ear.
"I've thought I lost you...", the sudden admission was quiet, almost as if he didn't really want you to hear it. He gulped, moving his head back so he can look into your eyes.
"That night when I said I don't know what I would do without you... I meant it. I still do! I would choose death any day if it means I wouldn't have to face the risk of losing you."
His words made your eyes widen and you stared back at him, trying to read his emotions. The Nara was not a man who liked to talk about his feelings, so any insight into his mind and heart was always surprising. A slight blush covered his cheeks, a sign that despite his moment of courage, he was still feeling nervous about your response.
"I love you."
"I love you."
Both of you blurted it out at the same time, your expressions slowly changing from scared to shocked. You blinked a few times, your brain taking some extra seconds to process his words. Finally, a small smile broke on your lips. Shikamaru, on the other hand, tried to remain serious, but the corners of his mouth kept tugging upwards.
"I want to kiss you."
"Is that your way of asking me for permission or you are just telling me?", you raised a brow and he let out a small laugh at your words.
"I am telling you."
With that one of his palms found your chin, gently cupping it and lifting your head toward him. You could feel his minty breath mixing with your own as he leaned in, not moving his eyes from yours.
The kiss was light, at first you barely felt his mouth against yours. It was delicate and somewhat unsure, just like the kiss you shared that fateful night. The more your lips moved together, the more confident you both became and he grabbed the back of your neck, holding you into place while his tongue met yours. It was all so new, yet it felt so familiar - almost like you've done that a thousand times before.
Finally pulling back, he rested his forehead against yours, trying to catch his breath.
"You have no idea how many years I have been dreaming" about this", he landed one more peck, before scooping you in his arms and lifting you, "Let's go home."
cc artwork: Xiaodi Jin
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❥𝗌𝗇𝗂𝗉𝗉𝖾𝗍 : 𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗄𝖺𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗎 𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗐𝗌 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗉𝖾𝗇𝗌 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝖽𝗈𝗎𝖻𝗍𝗌. (𝗌𝗆𝗎𝗍)
{ 𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌 — 𝖻𝗅𝖺𝖼𝗄 𝖼𝗈𝖽𝖾𝖽 𝖿𝖾𝗆𝖺𝗅𝖾 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋, 𝗌𝗅𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝗌𝖾𝗅𝖿 𝖻𝗈𝖽𝗒-𝗌𝗁𝖺𝗆𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝗋𝗂𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝖽𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗒 𝗍𝖺𝗅𝗄, 𝖽𝗈𝗀𝗀𝗒 𝗌𝗍𝗒𝗅𝖾, 𝖿𝗎𝗅𝗅 𝗇𝖾𝗅𝗌𝗈𝗇, 𝗃𝖺𝖼𝗄𝗁𝖺𝗆𝗆𝖾𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝖼𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗆𝗉𝗂𝖾, 𝗇𝖺𝗌𝗍𝗒 𝗇𝖺𝗌𝗍𝗒 𝗇𝖺𝗌𝗍𝗒, 𝗈𝗇 𝗆𝗒 𝗐𝖺𝗍𝗍𝗉𝖺𝖽 𝖿𝗂𝗋𝗌𝗍, 𝖾𝖽𝗂𝗍𝖾𝖽. }
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his hands were behind his head as he lied in a relaxed manner, eyes pressed tightly together soon unclenching as his teeth tucked in his bottom lip, letting out a pleasured groan.
your brown hands rested on his chest, skin contrasting as your pointed acrylic nails somewhat dug into his collarbone. even though he acted like he didn't like how sharp your nails were he praised the marks you left on him, which is why he pays for your nails to be done stiletto style.
you breathe heavily through your plump two tone glossy lips, fully lowering yourself onto his length that stretched your walls. your thick thighs on either side of his hips, as you practically cover his whole bottom half, you slowly ease yourself towards his tip, he let out a sigh of satisfaction, his droopy eyes lazily watched your hips drop situating against his, breasts slightly jumping as your cunt swallowed him whole.
"uughh....shika~" your voice whined faintly as you grind yourself on him, his pubes helping to stimulate your clit. his eyes rolled back as he grunted, thrusting up into you focused on your slick that coated his dick as you slid up and down, fixing yourself so your knees pressed into the bed as he took the initiative to place his feet on the bed, knees up, now gripping at the fat of your hips controlling your pace. lustful big brown eyes studied him watching him stare intently a your pretty pussy, glancing lower as you noticed you couldn't see where you two connected.
your boobs drooped and the pudge of your gut disheartened you as you stared downward, shikamaru eyed you after feeling a change in your movement, he saw your discomfort, guessing what it was about as you've discussed it before earlier into your relationship; your insecurity clouded your mind.
you gasped as you felt his fingers digging into your hips, the roughness surprising you as you stare down at shikamaru, his usually mellowed expression hardened, you watched his eyebrows furrow in anger as he sat up to whisper into your ear. "y/n do I need to really fuck you for you to understand that your weight doesn't matter? huh?" he placed light kisses on your neck, one hand roaming your curves, as his other pushed your box braids behind your back.
he paused, tone slightly firmer as the hand pushing your hair back now fisted your braids, which caused your head to tilt back a little, his second hand gripping your throat. "do I need to fuck you harder?" your eyes narrowed anger and lust pooling in them, but you didn't mind it much cause if he pulled it out, he was gonna pay for it to get put back in. you bit your plump lip, lashes fluttering as you settled your hazy eyes on shikamaru. "maybe." shikamaru tsked at you as he mumbled something along the lines of 'troublesome woman.' he let go the hand in your hair returning it to your hip that he grasped, guiding your waist in a circular motion, his tip pressing right against your spot, he pulled you by your neck towards him giving you sloppy kisses. his tongue winning over dominance, watching your eyes roll back, kissing your juicy lips licking up the mixed saliva that fell in the corner of your mouth. "get up, turn that ass around, arch your back, hold on to something." when his normally lazy voice ordered you around it made you gush waterfalls, you complied to his commands grabbing a pillow and placing it under your arms.
you arched your back deeper moving your hips causing your ass to jiggle, the globes of fat clapping lightly as you rested your head on your arms, looking back at him laughing at his transfixed expression. he bit his lip chuckling as he slapped his palm on your ass cheek, the sound resonating within the room, one of his hands gripped your waist the other slid to your cunt, fingers collecting the slick spreading it to your clit then back to your hole collecting more of your juices, putting it on his dick that curved to the left, stroking his heavy length already covered in your cum, the ‘shlick-ing’ of him getting himself off behind you making you hotter.
he leaned his hips forward smacking the heaviness on your pussy, rubbing it between your folds making you whine, he snickers tapping your clit with the head of his meat twice. "tell me to stop if it hurts, okay baby?" you turned to face him nodding, a small 'yes' falling from your lips, you turned back facing the headboard to secretly pray for your ovaries after this. he jerked himself off a little before lining up his member with your hole. "ready for this dick babygirl? you gonna take it all for me right?" he says not giving you a chance to answer before plunging his dick into your cunt a second later, leaving you breathless.
he started his strokes slow and deep, your walls clenching around him making him let out a guttural moan. "fuucck y-y/n shhit pussy so tight for me…hmm." his strokes increased pounding your arched frame deeper into the bed as you cried out, “oooh fffuuck sshi-ka~” your ass flush against his hips the ‘pap pap pap’ of your slick making a mess of both your thighs, he leaned over your body bringing a hand up to tightly hold your jaw lifting it and putting his face in the crease of your neck, his other hand traveled down to your clit, putting just the right amount of pressure on the bud rubbing it in a circular motion.
“daaadddy~ fuuuck imma cum… ohhh shhit.” shikamaru let out the hottest sound you’ve ever heard, a mixture of a laugh and moan pouring into your ear. "hahh ahhh d-damn b-babygirl you bouta m-make me nut~" he groan, stuttering into your ear as you were already reaching your breaking point, legs trembling, his frame being the only structure to keep you from falling onto the bed, you gripped the pillow crying as he kept his pace hitting your spot head-on. “oh shit shit shit shit shhiiit!” you jolt trying to fuck him back so you can cum.
“mmhmm~” he bites at your neck kissing up your jaw. “you t-tryna work for it hmm~ being such a good girl taking all of this dick~ b-bet you forgot why i was even fucking you this hard. didn’t you?” his words pushed you over the edge, it felt as if your soul was leaving your body, your cunt spasmed around his cock, causing his hips to stutter slightly before picking up the pace, his hand that was over your throat now put you in a headlock position as it gripped into your shoulder the other leaving from your overworked clit holding you around your pudge, pulling your upper body off the bed leaving you on your knees crying from the overstimulation. “yes yes yeess! fu-fuckin shhiiit, cum in mee… pleaseee shika!”
he couldn’t hold back his needs as you said those words to him, he started jackhammering up into you, biting down on your shoulder holding you tightly. he let out a long drawn out whimper as you felt him cum inside of your pussy, hips thrusting into you deeply and slow a few times before he let’s his and your weight fall into the bed, groaning as he let go of your body, you gathered your hands putting them under the pillow as you got up on shaky knees, face down and ass up.
shikamaru got up on his knees leaning back, his dick still in you, he slowly pulls out of you, making you moan feeling his warm spend exiting your clenching hole, he watched his cum drip from your brown pussy, the contrast of his cum running down your leg turning him on again. he looked down groaning as he sported a sturdy new erection.
he smacked your ass, jiggling the flesh. "turn over y/n we're not finished." you turn over lying on your back to get off your hurt knees, eyes going wide as you rasped out. "nigga? what? first of all my legs are still shaking-“ you pointed out, in fact telling the truth. “—and what happened to your lazy ass attitude? aren't you tired?" he smirked. "I don't feel that you love your weight as much as I do yet so we'll continue, and I'm lazy when I want to be." he leaned over you placing your legs that were on either side of him on the sides of his waist, you could feel his dick twitching against your pussy, giving you a heated kiss, smirk widening. "I can go at least a couple more rounds."
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𝗌𝗉𝖺𝗆 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾𝗌, 𝗋𝖾𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗌. 𝖣𝖮𝖭𝖳 𝗌𝗍𝖾𝖺𝗅, 𝖼𝗈𝗉𝗒 𝗈𝗋 𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗍 𝖺𝗇𝗒𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝖾𝗅𝗌𝖾. ©𝖼𝗂𝗍𝗒𝗉𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗂𝖽𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝖺𝗅
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Shikamaru x Male Reader
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It was days like this that Shikamaru always looked forward to. Being able to relax with his fiancee while watching clouds.
There they laid, outside under their favorite tree. The tree meant a lot to he couple. Since at the start of they're relationship they planted the tree. Together. While they planted the tree, they made a promise. As long as the trees grows, so will their love.
While Shikamaru watched the clouds go by he couldn't help but remember the day they meet. Though Shikamaru will never admit it out loud, he was smitten by the adorable (h/c) boy from the start.
The way his smile lit up the room. How his laugh always made him want to smile. His favorite part about him though? The way his hugs make him feel like nothing is wrong and he's perfectly safe. No threat against the village. No Rouge Shinobi with a God complex. No outside ninjas trying to infiltrate the village. Nobody trying to find out the village secrets.
Just the soft scent of (scent) and warmth. Shikamaru could stay in his hugs for what feels like forever. But he'd have to come out if he wanted his special home cooked meals. Speaking of home cooked meals.....
"(Name)...did you remember to turn off the stove?"
He smiled as he watched (Name) race back into their home. Yeah. He'll always love days like this...Although he could do without his home almost getting burned down....Shikamaru sighed.
"How troublesome"
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ircn-mvn · 3 months
ShikaNaru 2
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TW: Mention of Mpreg by Jutsu, No Omegaverse, Accidental Pregnancy
Shikamaru closed the door behind himself and sighed. He wasn’t looking forward to what he had to do next. He had gotten back from Takigakure a few hours ago and had spent some more at the Hokage’s Tower. He was exhausted, mentally and physically. But he couldn’t risk his father running into Kakashi-Sama before he got a chance to talk to his parents.
He took off his shoes and left the genkan. He walked to the living room where he found his parents sharing some tea over a game of go. 
“Welcome back,” his father said.
He was smiling. They both were. Shikamaru couldn’t help but wonder how long it’ll last. He had truly no idea how they were going to react to what he had to say. He had barely managed to wrap his head around it.
Shikamaru shook himself a moment later, vaguely aware his mother had been calling his name.
“Are you alright?” Yoshino asked.
She was frowning. Not a good start.
“Uh, troublesome,” Shikamaru mumbled. He shook his head again before he looked back up at his parents, squaring his shoulders despite his better judgment. “I need to tell you something.”
Yoshino opened her mouth but was promptly interrupted by the doorbell. They exchanged a look and Shikaku got up to answer the door.
“Sensei?” Shikaku started.
“Where is he?!”
Oh, Sage. Shikamaru knew that voice and he had hoped he would get more time before he had to deal with its owner — or that he would manage to avoid him until he finally calmed down.
“Nara Shikamaru!” 
Shikamaru stood frozen on his spot as Iruka-Sensei walked into the Naras’ living room. He looked just as furious as he sounded and Shikamaru was no fool: sure the man was only a chunin but there was a reason Hokages kept him close — well, in Kakashi’s case, more than one, but it wasn’t the topic at hand.
“You! I can’t believe you let this happen!” Iruka exclaimed. 
His old sensei marched forward until his accusing finger touched Shikamaru’s chest. He didn’t move. He couldn’t. He just stood there looking — ironically — like a deer caught in a fire jutsu. 
“What were you thinking?!” Iruka continued. “I expected something like this from him but you were with him! You were supposed to make sure nothing of the sort happened! He could have had a bad reaction! He still could! He — He could die! He could die! For Sage's sake, Shikamaru, aren’t you supposed to be a genius?!” 
Iruka was out of breath by the time he finished his tirade while Shikamaru had forgotten to breathe altogether. He knew all this. He knew Iruka was right. He knew Kakashi had chosen him to make sure nothing would happen to Naruto. To make sure he wouldn’t do anything stupid…
Shikamaru had been terrified when he first realized what had happened. Oh, they had figured out the High Priestess’s secret alright. Mission accomplished.
Naruto had freaked out for all but two seconds before moving on and finding some bright side to the situation like only Naruto could. Not that his joy hadn’t been contagious in the end but Shikamaru wasn’t as stupid as the whole thing made him look. He had thought of all the ways this could go wrong. He had barely slept since it happened, monitoring Naruto and —
Iruka sighed and seemed to deflate in front of him.
“Please tell me he is at least not alone in this?” he asked.
“Of course not,” Shikamaru said.
He frowned, standing straighter. Determination and whatever else Iruka could read on his face had him taking a step back.
“Good, good.” 
They both sighed again. Then…
“Can we know what this is about?” Shikaku asked.
He was standing a few feet away by the kitchen island with Yoshino. 
“Uh, they don’t know?” Iruka said.
Shikamaru shook his head.
“I sent Naruto home and wrote our report myself, I just got here,” he answered.
Yes, oh. 
“Troublesome,” Shikamaru repeated. He took a deep breath and turned to his parents. “Naruto’s pregnant.”
His parents looked at him as if he had grown a second head. He couldn’t blame them. Sure they had seen a lot during the last few years but no male pregnancy — as far as he knew at least. He wasn’t exactly an expert on the topic. Not yet.
“Some kind of jutsu, it’s a long story, and not really the point,” he added when Yoshino opened her mouth. “It’s mine. The baby, I mean. And we are keeping it.”
There was another silence as his parents digested the news. Yoshino wasn’t yelling which Shikamaru counted as a win. Finally, Shikaku sighed.
“Well that’s going to be a pain,” he said.
“What do you mean?” Shikamaru and Iruka replied at once.
They had both tensed.
“I mean that basically, every clan with a daughter old enough to marry had been trying to secure a marriage with Naruto,” Shikaku explained.
“Well, they can stop plotting,” Shikamaru said.
“Can they now?” Yoshino asked.
His mother looked like she was ready to start planning his wedding. Troublesome but still.
“I said what I said.”
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ravewoodx · 2 years
Shikamaru imagine: Arranged marriage pt 8
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“Five” You counted as your hand gripped Shikaku little hands as he skipped walking next to you. 
“Six!” He shouted back jumping next to you. 
“Seven.” He continued.
“Eight.” You said smiling know this was one of his favorite games on the way home. He loved to learn about everything and anything. 
“Nine” He yelled even louder this time. 
“Te-” You froze as you stopped at the apartment building entrance. You felt like your whole body was about to start shaking as you stood there with Shikaku pulling at your arm. 
There stood a tall and oh so familiar man that hunted your dreams every night. He was a little taller, more built even. He looked older, but he still looked just as handsome as the first day you met him. 
“Y/N” He stated showing no surprise in his features. There was something different about him but you couldn’t place it just yet. 
Shikamaru held his clam better then he thought he could’ve when you finally noticed him. He was waiting for an hour waiting for you. He wasn’t even too sure what he was suppose to say or how’d you react. 
“Shikamaru” You said softly bowing as you tried to pull Shikaku behind you just a little bit. 
“I brought sushi.” He said holding up a bag. He wasn’t even too sure where he was going with this but all he knew he had to talk to you. 
“Okay.” You said walking into the building grabbing your son holding him too close as Shikamaru followed you. The air around both of you was very unsure and tense. You felt like you where drowning.
“Go play in your room for a little.” You said as you got in the apartment and Shikaku ran off without a doubt. 
“Where you here this whole time?” Shikmaru asked getting straight to the point. He looked for you, spent days and weeks taking stupid mission just to go to every village looking for you. 
He honestly was loosing his mind every time he went on a mission. He knew how dangerous that was you where always a lingering thought on his mind. 
“No just came back a month or so ago.” You said trying to avert your eyes from him. You heart was pounding in your chest at the familiar man. 
“Why’d you ran away... from me?” He asked as he took a few steps towards you. He hasn't seen you in over 2 years. Every part of him craved you, more then he thought. It took about 2 weeks after you leaving for him to consider himself crazy. He swore he could hear you voice, even see you but he knew you weren’t there. 
“I didn’t run from you.” You stated gulping in air as you felt him corner you against the kitchen counter. You didn’t even realize how close he got. 
“Then why’d you leave?” He asked raising his eyebrow still looking down at you. You didn’t change much from what he remember. You did have this new aura to you that he couldn’t explain. 
“I left for you. So you could be happy with Temari.” You said your eyes wide as Shikamaru sighed. His large arms on either side of you gripping the counter top. You could easily see the way his muscles clenched. 
“Who are you to make that call? You didn’t even ask me.” He said his eyes held a strong gaze.
“I- di- I didn’t know it matter to you.” You whispered out. You hated how weak you sounded, how helpless you felt around him. A part of you just wanted him to wrap you up in his arms and never let go. But the other part was too scared to let yourself feel. You knew how strong you felt about him, how much you loved him but that only made the hurt and sadness so much worse, made the loneliness that much worse. 
“So troublesome.” He groaned as he leaned a little bit more towards you. It was taking everything in him to hold back. But having you this close was intoxicating. 
“Shikamaru” You whispered as your hands pushed at his chest but he didn’t budge. An unrealistic fear held him in place, he thought if you even blink you might be gone again. 
“Did you think how I would feel?” He asked closing his eyes to keep his composure. You were the only one that ever seemed to be able to set off ever nerve in his body. 
“I know marrying me wasn’t the ideal situation. I just thought... maybe you liked me enough to share a life with me.”  He sighed his dark eyes staring through your soul. 
“Why didn’t you come back when you knew about him?” He asked since you where too quiet. 
“I didn’t know how you would feel about me coming back and pregnant.” You stated trying to find the words to explain what you where feeling. 
“He’s my son, why would you keep that from me?” He asked, the hurt lacing his words. He dreamed of sharing those moments with you, watching you grow round. He felt a unexplainable dread thinking of you going through the whole pregnancy alone. 
“I liked you too much, and I was scared. And I didn’t want you to be unhappy after we got married when this wasn’t your choice.” You said gripping his shirt for your dear life. The tears begging to slip through. 
“I want you more then anything you troublesome women. Why could you not come to me first.” He sighed as his hand gripped your jaw making you look at him with those moon like eyes that he missed so much. 
“Shika-” You started but he leaned down pressing his lips hard against your own. You moaned as he pressed his body against your, his large hands gripping your thighs as he hoisted you up. 
It was like all those feelings rushed back into you all at once. 2 years without Shikamaru was dull, it was torture. He showed you everything. He made you feel free, feel love even if it came with hurt. You wanted so much more of everything he could give you. 
“Mama!” Shikaku small voice eroded through the kitchen as a wooden block hit Shikamaru in the back of the head. He jumped off you, both looking red as the toddler starred with a large pout. 
“ready for dinner?” You asked rushing to your son and picking him up. Shikaku watched Shikamaru over your shoulder with a small glare. 
“Let me help.” He said placing the plate on the table and taking out the trays of sushi.  
Through the whole dinner Shikamaru swore that his own son was sending him death glares. But besides the mean mugging it went pretty well. He felt as if you where letting all your guards down around him. He was starting to understand just how much you felt. 
“Thank you for dinner.” You said smiling up at Shikamaru as Shikaku finally passed out on his lap. Shikamaru was too stubborn to let the kid not like him. He spent the rest of the evening letting Shikaku play ninja with him. 
“Would it be too much to ask for you both to move to the Nara compound?” Shikamaru asked getting straight to the point. He already lost 2 years with you, with his son. He didn’t want to let even another day slip away from him. 
“Yeah.” You whispered not being able to hold the smile back. 
“Okay, I’ll have some guys come tomorrow morning to move all your things.” he said as he leaned down towards you. 
“Tomorrow?!” You asked surprised at how soon. 
“I would say tonight but Shikaku is already sleeping.” He smirked as he pressed his lips down hard against your own. He knew he would never get tired of this, of being intoxicated by you. But now he had you, and a son, he had his own family. It was more then he ever thought he deserved, more then anything he could imagine. 
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animeomegas · 2 years
Sleeping Beauty - Omega!Shikamaru
[DAY 20 of the Summer Writing Event w/ @omeganronpa​]
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Word count: 1.3k
Prompt: Reader wants to use their laptop on the couch, but Shikamaru always occupies that space on their lap.
Warnings: None.
From day one of your relationship, there was a single rule that you could always count on for Shikamaru to follow: Whenever you sat down, Shikamaru would pillow his head on your lap and doze away for as long as you allowed it.
Every time.
It was almost scary how accurate his sixth sense was when it came to knowing when you were sitting down on the sofa.
If you were grabbing a glass of water and a snack, he would (not so) subtly hover around to see if you were going to settle on the sofa. If he heard the blanket cupboard door open, the same thing happened. And kami forbid he actually heard you sitting on the couch cushions, he did the Shikamaru version of come running, which included him awkwardly shuffling into the room and silently flopping on top of you like it was a coincidence that he was deciding to do this.  
No one believed you when you jokingly complained about how clingy and aggressively cuddly Shikamaru was, they always laughed it off like you were making it up, wondering how the man who found holding hands troublesome could ever behave the way you were describing.
Regardless of everyone’s opinions, it was true. Shikamaru was addicted to head rubs and back scratches and napping with his head on your lap. Nights were no reprieve either, as Shikamaru had a strong fondness for resting his head on your chest while you purred so that the vibrations would send him to sleep. And sure, you didn’t mind doing that sometimes, it was kind of cute even, but was every night really necessary? The bleary glares he shot you when you stopped too soon were definitely not necessary anyway.
Which explained why you were currently sneaking around your own house, tentatively grabbing your laptop and charger, hoping to do some work on the couch. You hoped that because the laptop and charger combo wasn’t one of the main triggers for Shikamaru to come running, that you would be safe.
But that hope was futile, because the second you managed to plug the laptop in, you heard the tell-tale sign of Shikamaru’s office chair scraping back against the floor in the other room. His footsteps were mostly silent out of habit, but you knew he was on his way.
Fuck. Maybe if he thought you were already deep into working, he’d give up?
As quickly as you could, you sat on the sofa, dragged a nearby blanket over your lap, arranged the cushions behind you and then plopped your laptop on your lap and started to work as though you were unaware of the man who was currently enroute to you.
The door to the living room creaked open, and your mate shuffled in, looking exhausted as he always did from his heavy workload. Against your will, the sight of him looking so pitiful tugged at your heartstrings and you almost offered him a place on your lap, but no, you had to be strong, or he’d never learn. He was an adult. He was more than capable of sitting next to you and waiting until you were free to give him some attention.
As expected, Shikamaru promptly plopped himself down next to you with a sigh.
“What are you doing?” he asked, voice gravelly from disuse.
“Working,” you replied simply. “I should only need about an hour to finish this, then we can do something together, okay?”
Shikamaru just gave a displeased hum, but as you turned back to your work, he didn’t move from his position reclined against the back of the sofa. Maybe he was actually going to listen to you? Did you just have to set time limits? Was that the strategy you’d been missing all this time?
Nope. Because less than five minutes later, Shikamaru had curled up and placed the top of his head against your thigh. Yep, the thought that he’d actually be capable of sitting next to you and not getting head scratches was too good to be true.
When you ignored him, he huffed and shuffled upwards ever so lightly, perching his head on your lap and knocking your laptop off tilt.
So, this was how he was going to be? Well, two can play at that game.
Keeping your face completely neutral, you picked up a cushion and slotted it under Shikamaru’s head so that he was no longer resting on your lap, before righting your laptop and continuing to type.
You could practically feel his frustration radiating off him in waves, but you suppressed the smirk that tried to surface and kept on diligently working. You needed Shikamaru to think that you weren’t teasing him on purpose for maximum impact.
He seemed to accept defeat with the cushion, but that didn’t stop him from fidgeting in a decidedly un-Shikamaru way. He was stretching periodically, making sure his arms were in your way like he was trying to remind you he was there. He was also tossing and turning, sighing dramatically and of course, the power move, taking out his hairband to try and tempt you into petting his now loose hair.
He waited for your reaction for a few minutes before obviously deciding to up the ante.
“Ugh, it’s way too hot down here,” he grumbled, sitting up, hair messy, before pulling off his shirt and dramatically throwing it across the room before laying back down, this time face pressed into the cushion. “I hate summer.”
The muscles on his back were tensing and relaxing in ways that were definitely not natural, and you forced yourself to resist the temptation to stroke his back, knowing that you couldn’t let him win this time, but as your mind wandered from your work for the third time in five minutes, you begrudgingly admitted that he was putting up a good fight. It seemed his strategic prowess existed outside of the battlefield as well.
You doubled down on that thought when he started to release a sleepy, but lonely sort of scent into the air, something you didn’t smell on him very often. Kami, he was really playing dirty here.
As Shikamaru waited to see if you would take the bait, you could see the genuine exhaustion creeping up on him. He was yawning every minute or so, and the muscles in his back started to relax and stay that way.
Eventually, the room was filled with his quiet breaths as he fell asleep, curled up on the couch by your side. You watched him fondly. You didn’t actually hate the way he sought after your comforting touches, quite the contrary actually, it was one of the cutest things about him, but you just wanted to teach him a lesson about patience. He had a habit of ignoring your responsibilities like a very grumpy and clingy cat, so you had just wanted to make a point.
But, you thought, you would be sure to reward him for waiting after you were done.
Your eyes flickered down to your work as you tried to estimate how much longer this would take. Maybe… twenty minutes, but you bet you could push it out in ten with the prospect of cuddles with your sleepy mate to motivate you.
“Hey, sleeping beauty,” you cooed, running your hand through Shikamaru’s hair as he dazedly struggled his way out of sleep. “I’m all done with work now.”
You gestured to your now empty lap, and Shikamaru didn’t hesitate to use his arms to crawl forward, the cushion knocking to the floor, and plop his head onto your lap with a contented sigh.
“There we go, baby,” you immediately started to scratch his back and stroke his hair, his rumbling purrs starting up barley a second later. “Was waiting really that hard, hmm?”
Shikamaru mumbled something unintelligible into your lap as he shivered pleasantly at the sensations you were giving him. As you scratched the back of his neck, the loudest purr yet forced its way out of Shikamaru as he melted into a puddle, all the tension dropping from him immediately.
You watched your omega fondly. Most of the people that knew Shikamaru would question your conclusion that he was cute, but you couldn’t think of a word that suited him better.
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aquariius-rising · 8 days
Lavender Latte (Shikamaru x reader)
Thinking about a slow burn situationship with Shikamaru Nara, who you meet during your first year at university. I got carried away with the mutual pining, but I’d like to eventually make this into a series of fics that can also be read as standalones.
feat: fem!reader, university student! reader, fluff, angst, comfort, mutual pining, two idiots in love
wc: 2.4k | masterlist
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It was a general education class, which had little to do with your major, but you were determined to maintain a perfect GPA. Shikamaru did not care too much about GPA, he just wanted to graduate (D’s do get degrees, after all). 
On the first day of class, he was the last person to arrive. The only seat available to him was up front, next to you. You smiled at him and passed him an extra copy of the syllabus, which you saved in case someone came in late. He mumbled a quiet thank you. 
He found your attitude grating at first, especially since the class was at 9am. He couldn’t understand how you managed to show up early, eyes bright and well-rested with your color coded notes that you took ahead of each lecture. 
You answered every discussion question and hosted study sessions in your dorm room. Shikamaru, on the other hand, showed up late (if he showed at all). He didn’t talk unless he had to, and he certainly didn’t take notes. You were sunshine in human form, and Shikamaru preferred to stay in the shadows. 
When he showed up 15 minutes late one morning, he noticed that you’d saved his seat and left an energy bar with a smiley sticker on it. A sticker! 
‘Tch. troublesome.’ 
He cursed you for being so sweet, but the lazy man made a point to grab your favorite coffee as a thank you for the next class. He scoffed at your order, a flowery latte with plant milk. 
‘Women,’ he muttered to himself, ordering it and a black coffee for himself. 
Despite your differences, the two of you got along.
You only see each other in the context of the single class you share, but you make a powerful study team. The rest of the class, sensing that they could never keep up with your high energy and his intellect, slowly stopped showing up to your sessions. 
Noticing this, Shikamaru began to come each week. Eventually, you two had a private study session. You tell him you need an A in this class because you want to apply to law school, and for some reason he decides he wants to help you get there. Your grades soared, and Shikamaru found himself making a point to get to class only 5 minutes late.
His group of friends teased him about it every time they met for a kickback. Since when do you care about gen eds? They’d ask. Shikamaru could only curse at them and roll his eyes. 
Your friends were equally confused. They couldn’t understand why you’d spend time with a slacker like Shikamaru. You laughed them off, assuring them that he’s actually the smartest person you’ve ever met, and that he’s just waiting until his higher level classes start next year.
Exam week looms over campus like a thick fog. You were especially anxious to set the best foundation for your academic performance, which is why you were camping in the library. You spent a solid 6 hours staring at your textbooks, willing your brain to understand what you were reading. 
“The answer is C,” a voice drawled behind you, startling you back to reality. And there he was, smirking down at your disheveled appearance, your latte in hand. 
He’s never seen you so flustered, and for a moment, he wondered what else could make you look like that. He wanted to be the one to tousle your hair and make you stare up at him with those wide eyes. A slight blush crosses his face and he averts his gaze. You don’t notice. 
He offers the caffeine to you and you accept it, your eyes filled with gratitude and he settles in a seat beside you for a quick tutoring session. It helps, and you try in vain to offer anything in return. 
You both get the highest grades in the class, of course. Your friends go out for a night to celebrate and to loosen up after 16 weeks of focusing on classes, volunteering, and internships. They meet you in your tiny dorm room with 2 bottles of cheap red wine and dress you in your roommate’s old little black dress before sneaking out to a bar on campus.
The smell of cigarette smoke mixes with greasy pub food, and you can’t maneuver around the space without bumping into someone. The experience is equal parts mortifying and exhilarating.
Shikamaru notices you walk in. He’s surprised you’d come to this shitty establishment since he’s never seen you out during the regular semester. He puts out his cigarette and ambles toward you, ignoring his friends’ prying questions. 
You beam when you meet his gaze, and emboldened by the unfamiliar territory, you offer to buy him a drink. To make up for all the coffees he got you, of course. Shikamaru lets out a laugh at this. 
‘Troublesome woman,’. You giggle at the nickname and loop your arm with his, dragging him to the bar. Your shoes stick to the linoleum flooring, making your inebriated steps clumsier. 
He steadies you, rolling his eyes despite the mirth dancing in his eyes. You let him order for both of you since you don’t know what you like, and he hands you a yellow drink. The bartender smirks knowingly at Shikamaru, and you quietly pay and offer a meek “thank you”. 
His eyes drink in the way your hair sticks to your neck and the soft sheen of sweat that gathers at your hairline, causing the tiny hairs there to curl from the moisture. You smell like summertime, citrus and wildflowers. It cuts through the heavy smell that lingers around the venue. 
“Tequila pineapple,” he offers. You look at him with slight confusion. 
“Your drink. It’s not a real cocktail since this isn’t a real bar, but it works,” he said simply. You thank him again and try it. It burns, of course, but the pineapple juice offers sweet relief. He laughs at your attempt to drink without wincing. 
Your friends find you before you can talk properly and you follow them to the dancefloor, careful not to spill on anyone. You shoot him an apologetic glance before getting lost in the fervor around you. It’s sweaty and maybe a little gross, but the tequila makes it difficult for you to concentrate fully. 
Shikamaru returned to his friends, his beer half finished. Lately, your conversations have left him feeling uneasy. He’d hoped it was because of exams but he knew what was happening. Every shared laugh, every conspiratorial look, felt like a punch to his gut. It was a tangled mess of emotions he was ill-equipped to deal with. 
He tried to pay attention to whatever Kiba was talking about, but his eyes kept flickering to you. Eventually, Choji followed his gaze to your form. 
"So that’s why you’re up at 8AM on Mondays?" Choji asked, darting between his childhood friend and you. The rest of the group, sensing a juicy conversation taking place, turned to face you too. Kiba whistled, causing Naruto to burst in a fit of laughter.   
“It’s not like that,” he muttered, watching some guy wrap his arm around your waist and whisper something in your ear. The dazzling smile you give him in response could have stopped Shikamaru’s heart. His hand tightens around his beercan, denting it a bit. Choji looks at him, sympathy clear on his face. 
You swayed, holding onto someone’s shoulder for extra stability. The air around you was electric. You hummed in tune with the music, loud and overpowering. 
A guy from your political science class, Sasuke was it?, approaches you. He tells you he was impressed with your final project, making you blush. He was handsome, but the connection between you was friendly. He leans into you and asks you about your roommate and you grin, ecstatic to play matchmaker. 
You grab your roommate to introduce her, but she surprises you with her own observation. 
“He keeps staring,” 
You blink, once, twice. She motions for you to turn around, so you spin dramatically. Your friends groan at your lack of subtlety. You lock eyes with Shikamaru, who finishes his drink without breaking eye contact. A shiver races down your spine.  
Shikamaru Nara didn’t like girls with so much energy. Shikamaru Nara will never put in the effort to date. You knew this, but the hours you spent together made it impossible to ignore the way you craved his attention. 
Frozen on the dancefloor, all you can do is watch as he leaves the bar. The night continues, wholly unaware of your pity party. 
Shikamaru stalks toward the exit, ignoring the calls from Choji and pushing past drunk people more forcefully than he should. He needed air. Stepping outside, he leaned against the brick wall, a cigarette dangling unlit from his lips. The cold air felt welcome after being in the hot and humid bar for the last 2 hours. 
He groaned and searched his coat pocket for his lighter. It was unfair how much you affected him. He hasn’t felt quite like himself for months, and you seemed to be completely oblivious to the effect you had on every fiber of his being. 
Taking a long drag of his cigarette, Shikamaru reflects on just how much he wishes he could say something to you. He has no idea if he’ll see you again once he left campus for winter break since you were going to be in different programs. 
Tonight felt like a gift until you were ripped from him by circumstance. He hears commotion near the exit, so he turns to the source of noise. His heart rate skyrockets when he sees you, searching for something. 
You talk to the bouncer, but the wind makes it difficult for him to hear your words. The burly man motions in his direction, and you see him. You start to head in his direction with that same dazzling smile. 
He offers you his cigarette and you laugh. Of course you don’t smoke, but he wanted to break the ice somehow. There’s a heaviness that lingers between you both. And for once, he notices, you seem to realize it too. 
You shiver, December weather finally penetrating your liquid jacket. He shrugs out of his jacket and offers it to you, ever the gentleman. It’s hard not to swoon when he treats you so sweetly. 
The jacket smells like smoke and his cologne, a distinctly masculine scent. You nuzzle the collar and inhale, earning a laugh from your normally stoic companion. The sound sends goosebumps over your skin. He tells you the dress looks good on you, that it makes you look cool with his jacket. He asks you how it feels to go out for the first time. You retreat into the jacket, but will yourself to respond. 
"It's...different," you admit, the words muffled by fabric. You weren't sure if you meant the change in style or the shift in your dynamic that you both seem to be acknowledging tonight. 
Shikamaru chuckles again,"Good different, I hope?"
You meet his gaze, the playful teasing you usually shared replaced by a hesitant vulnerability. "Different...and confusing."
He pushes off the wall, shoving his hands into his pockets. 
"Confusing?" He echoes, his voice a low murmur. He looks dangerous and you gulp despite yourself.
"You," you blurted, surprised by your own boldness. "You looked upset. And then you were gone,"
Shikamaru flinches, a flicker of something akin to embarrassment crossing his face, seeming to wrestle with the right words. You take a step closer to him. 
There was a beat of silence, thick with emotion. Finally, Shikamaru sighs.
 "Look," he mumbles, scratching the back of his neck, a nervous habit you noticed on the first day of class. "Don't get the wrong idea about… back there."
You feel the moment slipping away before you’ve said what you’ve been too afraid to say for 4 months. You reach for him, desperate to prevent him from sabotaging what they had before they could confess to each other. 
“Sasuke was interested in my roommate. He’s my friend,” you say, firmly. 
He meets your gaze, the air crackling between you, tension reaching a fever pitch.  "This isn't..." He paused again, frustration evident in his furrowed brow. "This isn't how I thought things would be. I hoped to tell you before now, I guess"
Your heart hammers against your ribs. Did he just...? But before you can press him further, a mischievous grin spreads across his face. "Besides," he continues, a hint of his usual playfulness returning, "You wouldn’t want to waste your time with a troublesome guy like me, would you?"
The playful tease sent a wave of relief and confusion washing over you. Before you could decipher his mixed signals, he flicked his cigarette butt onto the ground, an almost defeated sigh escaping his lips.
"Come on," he said, offering you his arm. "Let's get you back inside before you freeze."
You hesitate for a moment, the weight of his unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. Then, with a small smile, you grab his hand, intertwining your fingers with his. Before nerves can convince you otherwise, you brush your lips against his.  Time stands still as he takes a step toward you, deepening the kiss for a second longer before parting. Your breath heaves from excitement and he swears he could cry tears of joy. 
“Okay, now let’s go back,” you whisper against his lips. He nods, unable to say anything. 
You join him inside, this time meeting his friends. 
Choji watches Shikamaru joke with you, his demeanor more excited than he’s ever seen. And you stare up at him, the depths of your feelings obvious to everyone but the two of you. Even Kiba, normally the jokester and playboy, can’t help but smile at your obvious chemistry. 
Sasuke buys everyone in both groups a round, as a thank you for setting him up with your roommate. Despite your differences, everyone chatters excitedly about their upcoming plans during break and your schedules for next semester. 
You have no idea what the future holds, or what tonight means for you and him, but you decide not to think about it for now as you take a sip of your second tequila pineapple. 
Shikamaru never thought a troublesome 9AM class would inspire gratitude, but looking at you tucked beside him warmed him like a sip of perfectly brewed coffee on that fateful morning.
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susililys · 8 months
As someone who has been reading ShikaTema fanfiction for 18+ years, and who to this day reads it on a daily basis, I realized that I should probably make a fanfic recommendation post. I hope this is helpful to my fellow ShikaTema fans. I have read all of these multiple times over the years. I’ll be organizing them mostly based on setting/arc. Bold titles mean they are my all time favorites. I will place an M for Mature or any Explicit fics. I will be updating this list in the future, as I find more fics that I've might've missed in my favorites while writing this first draft, or as new fics are uploaded. Also can I just say how I can’t believe that I randomly decided to work on this throughout Shikamaru and Shikadai’s birthday?
Part 1 will include fics set during Naruto up to the Blank Period (when they were dating).
Part 2 will include a continuation of the Blank Period up to their marriage, as well as some Post Chapter 700 recs.
Part 3 will include a continuation of Post Chapter 700 recs, as well as AU's, Canon Divergent's etc.
Naruto / Naruto Shippuden / Post War / Canon Divergent
Arranged by: PSITeleport INCOMPLETE One of my all time favorites growing up.
Dear Kishimoto, You Can Bite Me by: PSITeleport ONESHOT I think about this one often!
Picture in the wallet- The Misadventure of Shiho by: XxPinkPeachesxX ONESHOT This one is such a fun one that I always find myself going back to.
On the Eve of War by: Cinder_Rose M | ONESHOT First time smut, before going to war, it's beautiful.
Self-preservation in a Teeny Tiny Fire Red Bikini by: mississippimudpiecraves M | ONESHOT Shikamaru and Temari are sent on a undercover mission that has them come to term with their feelings for one another.
A Grand Exception by: mississippimudpiecraves ONESHOT Shikamaru has to escort another girl throughout Konoha who keeps flirting with him, Temari, Ino, Chouji and Sakura follow. So good!
Perseverance by: mississippimudpiecraves ONESHOT This writer has so many good fics, I love this one regarding Temari coming to term with her feelings after the war.
Mistakes by: scavengerscab ONESHOT A masterpiece, Shikamaru has to think fast to protect Temari.
Sand By: TaintedMoonlight ONESHOT Short and cute confession fic.
Recent Photo by: PSITeleport ONESHOT Shikamaru writes a letter to Temari requesting a filled out form with a recent photo of herself as Chuunin examiner and it ends up with some cute back and forth flirting.
Catch22 by: Lotos-Eater COMPLETE Shikamaru needs to find a way to be with Temari even though they are from different villages.
Three Days by: Lotos-Eater M | ONESHOT Classic for a reason
Liar, Liar by: TaintedMoonlight ONESHOT Shikamaru gets injured on a mission and Temari must come to terms with her feelings.
Broken Promises by: loknnica ONESHOT Shikamaru finds out Temari is considering an arranged marriage and goes to Suna to put a stop to it.
The Secret is Out by: SpicedGold ONESHOT Implied ShikaTema, it's good fun.
Sidekick by: hiccupfound M | ONESHOT Can never have enough smut.
Laid Bare by: InnocentDumpling ONESHOT Post war smut.
Unmask Yourself by Image13 M | INCOMPLETE Post war, this includes some other ships that I'm not really fond of, but the ShikaTema in it is worth it.
Mr. and Miss Communication by: chaosnojutsu ONESHOT Cute miscommunication concerning Shikamaru and Mirai.
You're The Reason by: InnocentDumpling ONESHOT Post war confessions in the rain. Super sweet.
Perfume by: sentpri ONESHOT Pre war love confessions, fluff.
Gravity by: SangriaKisses ONESHOT First kiss during the war.
Bewitched by: loknnica ONESHOT Post war, Shikamaru finally confesses as they work.
Interrogation by: mississippimudpiecraves ONESHOT Yoshino comes across ShikaTema having a meal, great interactions.
Inside the Black Ant by: Troublesome Shikamaru Fan ONESHOT This one is a good time, Kankuro the meddling brother.
Together in Solitude by: SunnyD545 ONESHOT Loved this exchange!
A Little Cup of Tea by: dentsucree ONESHOT Post war, navigating feelings.
We're In This by: OstaraNight COMPLETE The feels, ST on a dangerous mission, Shikamaru asks Temari to leave him behind.
I Kind Of Might Love You by: heimai ONESHOT You don’t know how badly I love this little interaction.
A Moment by: drowninglinguists ONESHOT How Temari changed her hairstyle. I get butterflies reading this.
Overture by: Umayar ONESHOT This was a fun read, Shikamaru proposes in a cave.
Something to Prove by: Desbelleschoses COMPLETE Very nice multi-chaptered fic with a sequel (incomplete) that follows a canon divergent way on how ST got together.
It's All in Your Head by: heimai M | COMPLETE Fun fic that includes Shikamaru having naughty dreams about Temari..
Blank Period / Dating / Shinobi Union
Hotel Rooms by ArmchairAnthropologist COMPLETE One of my all time favorite fics, I read this once a day for clear skin, no but really I love it! Shikamaru trying to keep things professional, but Temari enjoys making it hard to keep appearances up.
Going in Blind by: SangriaKisses ONESHOT Can't describe how many times I've read this fic, coming to terms with feelings, confessions, due to Ino setting up Shikamaru on a blind date.
The Suite by: ladykatsuyu M | COMPLETE One of my favorite fics when it comes to good Shinobi Union period smut, not marked as completed, but only a bonus chapter is missing.
Allied Shinobi Chronicles, Story 1: Mission to Amegakure by: ladykatsuyu M | INCOMPLETE Wish this was complete because it is way too good! Warning, this does include other Naruto ships.
Poison by: ArmchairAnthropologist ONESHOT Temari gets poisoned which leads to a sweet proposition from Shikamaru.
Checkmate by silverkunai ONESHOT This is way too cute, Temari beats Shikamaru in Shogi.
Afternoon Delight by: SangriaKisses M | ONESHOT Some very good Hokage office smut.
delectable dares by: eeveleon ONESHOT Cute little oneshot involving pocky.
Label by: pieceofmind22 ONESHOT
Spring Rain Shower by: KiaraShell ONESHOT Shikamaru and Temari share a cute moment discussing their relationship status after Naruto and Hinata's wedding.
Sick Days by: Knifez COMPLETE Shikamaru goes to visit a sick Temari in Suna, in their early days of datings after Naruto and Hinata's wedding.
Mirror Mirror On The Wall by: SpellCasterLight M | ONESHOT Smut with feelings.
Pushy and Loud and Brave and Proud by: bluecatcups M | COMPLETE Temari centric, throughout her life and relationship with Shikamaru.
Of Firsts... by: cielo2018 M | COMPLETE Really incredibly well written fic that covers their relationship up till their marriage.
Clouded by: orphan_account ONESHOT Shikamaru and Temari go on their first real date fluff.
Questions by: SpicedGold ONESHOT Shikamaru gets asked questions regarding his relationship with Temari. Not sure if this is Blank Period, but it's cute.
Warmth and Wind Chimes by: Lost (Legendaerie) M | ONESHOT Too sweet and shows the progression of their relationship through Temari’s memories.
The Comparisons of Thump by: virgolinguist ONESHOT Aaaaa I think about this one all the time!
A Prickly Pair by: Endoh (xoxoEndoh) COMPLETE? This one was a lot of fun!
Six Points by: Comatosejoy M | ONESHOT Another fun one!
Dating Temari by: seor1324333 ONESHOT Sweet little interaction.
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readsalot1 · 22 days
…I've got a whole au baked in my brain where a solid 80% of the civilian population thinks Hinata is:
1. not the heir (too shy, can't consistently string a coherent sentence together outside of political meetings and sisterly interactions)
2. a boy (based on younger character designs if I showed pictures of Hinata and Neji to someone with no context and asked which was the boy, they'd probably say her (sorry Neji guys in your family tend to be fairly ambiguous), and she's too shy to correct anyone who makes this mistake)
This leads to several very awkward conversations for the adults in her life and other clan kids that are "in the know."
(Someone says something to Kurenai about an all-boys squad; a number of the early D-ranked missions helping civilians have grannies talking about "such fine young men" and "how polite..." (accompanied with head pats for all the kiddos) and the full-face blush manifests outside of the context of Naruto)
((In this au, Hinata initially had a small fanclub of civilian-born girls. Another quiet, dark-haired "mysterious" kid who does not give off rage vibes all the time seems like a more realistic prospect. There are a number of their peers who are aware of this but aren't assertive enough to bring it up (Shino--too quiet; Shikamaru--thinks it's "troublesome"; Hinata--too shy), others who think it's hilarious (Kiba), and others who didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings (Choji), or are just glad that potential competition is elsewhere (Ino, who is still very invested in wooing Sasuke). They find out that they have been accidentally reverse-catfished when Hanabi gets to come with to pick up her sister after school--several years into the academy curriculum))
(((Neji is internally laughing at his cousin's pain. He most definitely does not talk under his breath about how she is destined to be mistaken as a boy whenever she's the only person within earshot; that would be *ahem* petty and below him, whatever are you talking about)))
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