cheynovak · 1 day
Something fragile - Part 3   
Soldier Boy x F/Reader Y/N          
Warnings:  18+, Sex, age difference ( not explicit), daddy issues, family trauma, ... 
Side note: English isn’t my first language   
Words:  4570 
*Does not follow the boys storyline *
(I may have been a little inspired by 🥵*that one scene* 🥵in Devour... IYKYK )
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Soldier boy just got out of Russia thanks to the boys. But his journey back to reality has been fucked up. After the explosion he ran to recover his blackout, meeting y/n a young woman on her way home from volunteering at the veteran shelter. Seeing how he looked confused, offering him help.    
After helping him by allowing him to stay with her for a while she might get some help from him as well, now her past is trying to fight its way back into her life. 
Y/N awoke to the soft light filtering through the curtains of her tiny cabin. As she stretched, she felt the warmth of Ben next to her, his presence a comforting weight against her side. Memories of the night before flooded back, reminding her of the passion they shared in the darkness, afterwards seeking unspoken solace in each other's arms. 
Each day seemed to draw them closer, each night they ended up in tangled sheets, even though she had promised herself not to get involved with men anymore since Peter.
Using him purely for physical destress isn't getting involved right? He sure didn't seem to mind.
Y/N had little time to contemplate the depth of their 'relationship'. Today, she had an interview to prepare for. Thanks to her shitty ex boyfriend finding a new job seemed hard.
With a sigh, Y/N reluctantly peeled herself away from Ben's embrace, the chill of the morning air kissing her skin as she slipped out of bed. She moved with practiced grace, the soft sway of her hips accentuated by the tight pencil skirt she had chosen for the occasion. It hugged her curves in all the right places, a silent declaration of confidence and power. 
As she gathered her things, Y/N heard Ben stir behind her. Turning to face him, she couldn't help but smile at the sight of him tousled hair and sleepy-eyed, a stark contrast to the rugged charm he exuded even in his most dishevelled state. 
"Morning," she greeted, her voice soft yet laced with the subtle undercurrent of desire that always seemed to simmer between them. 
"Morning," Ben replied, his gaze trailing over her figure appreciatively. "Where are you off to so early, it’s Thursday, you don’t volunteer today?" Y/N hesitated for a moment, "I have a job interview," she admitted finally, her words tinged with a hint of reluctance. 
Ben arched an eyebrow inquisitively. "And what exactly do you do besides volunteering at the help centre?" 
Y/N paused, her mind racing as she debated how much to reveal. She had always been guarded when it came to her career, her past experiences leaving her wary of letting anyone too close.  
"I'm a lawyer," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. 
Ben's eyes widened in surprise, a mixture of admiration and curiosity flickering behind his gaze. "A lawyer, huh?" he mused, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "I should've known you had more dark secrets." 
Y/N couldn't help but laugh at his teasing tone, the tension easing from her shoulders. “Well, wish me luck.” she said before rushing out the door.  
Y/N's heart sank as she trudged down the familiar path towards the help centre, the weight of the failed interview pressing down on her shoulders like a leaden cloak. Another bureau that got a bad review from her former boss. The asshole!   
She had been so sure this opportunity was the one, the chance to prove herself. But now, all she felt was the bitter sting of disappointment, the harsh reality of her situation crashing down around her. 
Lost in her thoughts, Y/N barely noticed the figure waving frantically from the doorway of the help centre until she was nearly upon it. Squinting against the harsh glare of the midday sun, she recognized the familiar silhouette of her friend Tom, another volunteer at the centre.
"Y/N! Come inside, I need to talk to you!" Tom called out, his voice cutting through the haze of her thoughts like a lifeline. With a weary sigh, Y/N obediently followed Tom into the dimly lit interior, the familiar scent of stale coffee and old books wrapping around her like a comforting embrace.  
She sank into a nearby chair, exhaustion seeping into her bones as she let the weight of the day wash over her. 
Tom took one look at her and sighed, his normally jovial demeanour replaced by a somber seriousness that sent a shiver down Y/N's spine. 
"I'm sorry to lay this on you now, Y/N, but there's something you need to know," Tom began, his voice grave. He showed her the letter that Peter gave that morning. “And I think it’s best you hear it from me.”  
Y/N's heart skipped a beat, dread pooling in the pit of her stomach as she braced herself for whatever news he had to share. 
"It's about your father," Tom continued, his gaze unwavering. "He's asking to reduce his sentence and to get out of jail." 
Y/N's blood ran cold at the mention of her father, memories of him flooding back with painful clarity. She had thought she had finally escaped his shadow, finally found a semblance of peace in a world that had always been tainted by his presence. 
"And Peter..." Tom trailed off, his expression darkening with unspoken anger. Y/N's breath caught in her throat hearing his name. "He's agreed to take on his case," Tom finished, his voice thick with emotion. 
Y/N felt like the ground had been ripped out from beneath her, the world spinning wildly as she struggled to make sense of the chaos unfolding around her.  “Go home, try to focus on something else. Or you know, you do you. Fight your dad’s release.”  
Y/N's hands tightened around the steering wheel as she navigated the familiar twists and turns of the road leading to her cabin. The drive had always been a source of solace for her, a chance to clear her mind and escape the chaos of the world outside.  
But today, with the weight of her failed interview and the looming threat of her father's release pressing down on her, even the tranquil beauty of the countryside offered little comfort. 
As she pulled into the gravel driveway, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in the pit of her stomach. She knew she couldn't keep running from her problems forever, couldn't keep burying her fears beneath a facade of strength and resilience. But for now, all she craved was a moment of respite, a chance to lose herself in something, anything. 
Stepping out of the car, Y/N took a deep breath, the crisp air filling her lungs as she made her way towards the cabin. Y/N's pulse quickened as she stepped into the cozy warmth of her cabin, her eyes immediately drawn to the sight of Ben reclining on the couch.  
“What are we eating?” He asked without look up at her. In that moment, her mind went blank, consumed by a tidal wave of raw emotion. 
Without a second thought, she crossed the room in quick strides, her heart pounding in her chest as she closed the distance between them. With a flick of her wrist, she tossed her purse aside, the thud of it hitting the floor drowned out by the rush of blood in her ears. 
The sound made him look up a second before she took the remote out of his hands. Straddling Ben's hips, Y/N felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins, the heat of his body searing against her skin as she hovered above him.
His confusion shown on his face, but it changed quickly into something else, a flicker of anticipation, heat. He liked this rawness of her. 
Y/N lifted the hem of her skirt, the fabric sliding up her thighs as she exposed herself to him completely. And then, without a word, she crashed her lips against his, a desperate hunger driving her forward as she kissed him while lowering his sweatpants. 
Ben responded eagerly, his hands finding her hips as he pulled her closer, deepening the kiss. With a low growl of desire, Ben's hands tightened on Y/N's hips and thighs as he grinds her against him, the friction igniting a firestorm of need between them.  
Without hesitation, Y/N lowered herself onto him, their bodies melding together in a primal need. Their movements were urgent, raw, each thrust sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through their veins. There were no words only the desperate moans filling the air. 
The sound of their ragged breaths mingled with the soft creak of the couch, and then, with a final, guttural moan of ecstasy, they tumbled over the edge together.  
Ben grinned at her when she climbed off his lap, loving this new Y/N. So needy and hot, he watched Y/N pull down her skirt, his eyes still dark from their quick fuck. "Bad day, huh?" he jokes only to get ignored.  
Y/N offered him a small smile in response, her lips trembling with unspoken emotion. She didn't trust herself to speak, the weight of her day pressing down on her like a suffocating blanket. Instead, she simply nodded, silently grateful for the comfort of his presence. 
"Got it," Ben yelled while she walked away, his tone warm as he reached for his phone to order pizza. "No cooking tonight." 
With a grateful sigh, Y/N disappeared into the bathroom, the sound of running water echoing softly against the walls as she sought solace in the soothing embrace of a hot shower. As the steam enveloped her, she let herself relax for the first time that day, the tension melting away beneath the gentle caress of the water. 
Minutes turned into an hour as she lost herself in the simple pleasure of being alone, the rhythmic thrum of the water a steady anchor in the storm of her emotions.  
And when she finally emerged from the bathroom, the steam from her shower dissipating into the air as she took in the sight of Ben hovering near the door, a curious expression on his face. 
"I was just about to knock," Ben remarked, a sheepish grin playing at the corners of his lips. "Where's the money for the delivery guy?" Y/N smiled fondly at his eagerness, reaching into her purse to retrieve her wallet.  
With a thankful wink, she made her way to the door, pulling it open to reveal the pizza delivery guy waiting patiently on the other side. 
"Sorry for the delay," she apologized, her voice warm as she handed him the cash. "Keep the change." The delivery guy grinned in appreciation, nodding his thanks before turning to leave. Y/N closed the door behind him. 
The silence between them stretched on as they ate on the couch while watching something on the tv that Ben wanted to see, the only sound in the cabin beside the soft rustle of paper as they reached for another slice of pizza and the occasional flicker of the fire crackling in the fireplace.
Despite the warmth of their surroundings, a palpable tension hung in the air. 
Ben couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong, the weight of Y/N's unspoken turmoil casting a shadow over their shared meal. He watched her carefully while she ‘watched’ tv and ate. 
Finally, unable to bear the silence any longer, Ben cleared his throat, his voice gentle yet firm as he broached the subject that had been weighing on his mind since Y/N's arrival. 
"I don't mind you coming home and immediately go for a quick fuck, Y/N," he began, his words measured. "But that isn’t you, what's wrong?"  
Y/N's breath caught in her throat at his words, the lump of emotion lodged in her chest threatening to choke her. She had always prided herself on her strength and independence, on her ability to face the world. 
With a deep sigh she pushed the slice of pizza on the table. "I didn't get the job," she admitted, the admission hanging heavy in the air between them like a lead weight. “So? You’ll find another one.” he said bluntly.  
“That's not all." With a heavy sigh, she continued, the words tumbling from her lips in a rush of desperation and despair. "My father might get out of jail," she confessed, the admission leaving a bitter taste in her mouth. "And it's all because of Peter." 
Ben's brows furrowed in confusion, his mind racing to make sense of her words. "Peter? That fucking nutjob ex boyfriend?" he echoed, his voice tinged with disbelief. 
Y/N nodded, her gaze dropping to her lap as she struggled to contain the storm of emotions raging within her. "He's agreed to take on my father's case," she explained, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know how, I don't know why, but somehow he's managed to convince himself that my father deserves a second chance." 
Ben's jaw tightened at the mention of Peter's name, a surge of anger coursing through his veins at the thought of the man who had caused Y/N so much pain and heartache. He knew all too well the depth of their history, the wounds that still lingered beneath the surface despite the passage of time. 
"I won't let him hurt you, Y/N," Ben said, his voice firm with determination. “Not Peter, not your father.” She smiled soft, knowing he meant what he said. "I'm here to help you with your demons, Ben. Not the other way around.” 
“Yeah, well, I still have a whole list of people I need to get to.” Y/N knew he meant to kill. “What’s adding another head or two.” He winked before biting into his pizza slice and turning back to watch the tv.  
She knew he meant it, he would do that for her, and to be honest, she thought about it for a second. Y/N's eyes lingered on Ben's face, taking in the lines of his jaw, the curve of his lips, the way the soft light from the TV danced across his features.  
She couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude and longing, her heart swelling with emotions she could barely contain. Ben, sensing her gaze, smirked and glanced over at her. "Stop staring," he teased gently, his voice soft but playful. "Relax." 
But instead of relaxing, Y/N felt an urgent need pulse through her veins, a longing for closeness, for reassurance. Without thinking, she scooted closer to him, her body gravitating towards his warmth. She nestled against him, her head resting on his chest, her arms wrapping around his waist. 
Ben stiffened slightly at her unexpected affection, not used to seeing her in such a cuddly mood. He looked down at her, a mixture of surprise and curiosity in his eyes.
Y/N looked up at him, her eyes filled with vulnerability when she tried to explain herself, with her voice barely above a whisper. "Today was hard, and I... I just... I just need a... hug.” His heart melted at her words, the walls he had built around himself crumbling in the face of her honesty.  
Gently, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer and pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head. "Hm, fine," he murmured grumpy, not wanting to admit he liked the feeling of this.  
For a moment, they simply held each other, the quiet hum of the TV the only sound breaking the stillness of the cabin. Ben's hand started to gently stroked her back, the rhythmic motion calming her racing heart.  
The following weeks were a whirlwind of preparation for Y/N as she geared up to face her father in court. The news of his court date had hit her hard, but the opportunity to protest his release gave her a sense of purpose and determination she hadn't felt in a long time. 
Ben, understanding the gravity of the situation, made it his mission to support her in every way he could. He knew better than to hover, so instead, he found small ways to make her life easier.  
He took charge of meals, well, if ordering takeout from her favourite places is taking care of a meal. But he meant well, she stayed nourished without having to worry about cooking.  
Every evening, he helped her unwind, providing a 'much-needed physical release' for her stress, something if he is honest about, they both enjoyed. Y/N appreciated Ben's silent support more than words could express.
And more often than not she ended up in a newfound comfort, his arms.  
One evening, as she pored over her notes and legal documents, Y/N looked up to see Ben entering the room with a tray of sushi, her favourite. He placed it gently on the table beside her, offering a reassuring smile. 
She looked confused, waiting for him to give a sneer on the fuck up raw fish trend, or something, but no he didn't.
"Thought you could use a break, this is what you like, isn't it?" he said softly. She smiled, feeling a rush of gratitude. "You're amazing, you know that?"
He smirked, “Yeah yeah, I know.” he looked at the books she had placed on the table, while he bit in his burger he ordered. "A lot of work?"
Y/N sighed, running a hand through her hair. "It's a lot, yeah. But I have to do this. I can't let him walk free."  
The night before the court date, Y/N found herself unable to sleep, her mind racing with what-ifs and worst-case scenarios. Sensing her restlessness, Ben pulled Y/N close, his arms wrapping around her protectively.  
He could feel the tension radiating from her body, the weight of the impending court date pressing down on her. "Try to get some sleep," he murmured, his voice gentle as he brushed a strand of hair away from her face.  
"Do you want me there with you tomorrow?" His words surprised her. But Y/N shook her head, her eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and resolve. "No, Ben. You can't be seen in public. It would complicate things even more." 
With a soft hum he agreed and place his head back on his pillow. "I'll be here, waiting for you when you get back.” He murmured half asleep. Y/N leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "Thank you, Ben," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion. 
They lay together in silence for a while, Ben's hand gently rubbing soothing circles on her back. Gradually, the tension began to ease from Y/N's body, the warmth and safety of Ben's embrace lulling her into a state of calm, her eyes drifting closed as she snuggled closer to him.  
The next day 
Y/N stood outside the courtroom, her heart pounding with a mix of anger, anxiety, and determination. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the confrontation ahead. The sight of Peter approaching made her blood boil, and she couldn't contain the surge of emotions that erupted within her. 
Peter's eyes widened in surprise as he spotted her. "Y/N," he said, clearly taken aback. "I didn't expect to see you here." 
Y/N's gaze was cold, her voice sharp. "Of course, I'm here. How could I not be when you're defending my father? The man who..." Her voice wavered, but she forced herself to continue. "The man who murdered my mother." 
Peter's expression softened, but his voice remained firm. "Y/N, you need to understand. Your father is a veteran. He served this country and he came back broken. He needed help, guidance. You of all people should know how much he struggled." 
"That doesn't excuse what he did," Y/N shot back, her voice rising. "He killed my mother, Peter. He tore our family apart. How can you stand there and defend him? You know how much this would hurt me." 
Peter took a step closer, his eyes locking onto hers with an intensity that made Y/N's skin crawl. "You know, Y/N, you hurt me too," he said, his voice low and sharp. "You left me, made look like a fool at our company. Maybe you don’t remember how humiliating that was for me, how everyone saw me as the guy you left behind." 
Y/N's eyes widened, a cold shock running through her. The conversation had taken an unexpected and personal turn, and she could feel the bitterness and resentment in Peter's words. "Peter, this isn't about us," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. "This is about my father and what he did." 
"Oh, it’s very much about us," Peter shot back, his eyes narrowing. "You walked out on me, left me to deal with the fallout. And now here you are, trying to make me out as the bad guy because I’m defending your father? Maybe I just want to see you squirm, see you face the reality of what your life choices have brought you." 
Y/N’s breath caught in her throat, anger and hurt swirling within her. "You think this is some kind of revenge?" she asked, her voice rising with emotion. "You think defending my father will somehow make me change my mind on what happened between us? That’s twisted, Peter." 
Peter's expression hardened. "Twisted or not, it’s the truth. I’m tired of being the one who gets hurt while you get to play the victim. Your father deserves a second chance, and maybe, just maybe, you need to see that you’re not always right." 
Before she could respond, the courtroom doors opened, signaling the start of the proceedings. Y/N took a deep breath, turning away from Peter. She walked into the courtroom, her mind a tumultuous storm of conflicting emotions. She felt the eyes of the room on her, but she squared her shoulders, determined to face what lay ahead. 
As Y/N walked into the courtroom, she felt her heart pound in her chest. She took a deep breath and scanned the room, her eyes finally landing on her father. It was the first time she'd seen him in years.  
He looked older, much older than she remembered. His hair was grayer, his face lined with the passage of time and the weight of his experiences. He appeared scrawny, his frame almost frail, a stark contrast to the strong man who had once been.  
But what struck her most were his eyes. They were clear, free of the fog of alcohol or anger she had come to associate with him in her memories. Her father's eyes met hers, and she saw a complex mixture of emotions in them.  
There was a glimmer of happiness, a fleeting joy at seeing his daughter again after so long. But there was also disappointment, a deep sadness that seemed to echo the pain and regret of the years they had lost. His gaze flickered to Peter and then back to Y/N, realization dawning on him as he understood she was there to oppose his release. 
The judge called the court to order, and the proceedings began. Y/N took her place, her heart heavy but her resolve firm. She listened as the charges were read, the gravity of the situation settling over the room like a shroud. 
When it was her turn to speak, Y/N stood, her voice steady but filled with emotion. She outlined her reasons for opposing her father's release, her words a testament to the pain and suffering her family had endured. She spoke of her mother, of the life that had been taken too soon, and of the scars that would never fully heal. 
Throughout her testimony, her father's gaze never left her. She could see the sorrow in his eyes, the regret that seemed to weigh him down. But she also saw a flicker of understanding, a silent acknowledgment of the pain he had caused. 
As she finished speaking, Y/N took her seat, her hands trembling slightly. She had done what she came to do, but the outcome was now out of her hands. The judge called a recess, and Y/N stepped outside to catch her breath. The weight of the moment was almost overwhelming, but she knew she had to stay strong. 
Outside the courtroom, Peter approached her again. "You did well," he said “You should have stayed at the firm, could have a bright future.” Her eyes still filled with the storm of emotions that raged within her. 
Peter lingered for a moment, then turned to re-enter the courtroom. Y/N stood there, taking a deep breath and steeling herself for what was to come. 
Y/N sat in the courtroom, heart pounding as the judge announced the decision. Her father would be released next week. The words echoed in her mind, drowning out everything else.  
The weight of the decision settled over her like a heavy blanket, suffocating and inescapable. She couldn't process anything beyond that single, devastating fact.  
Somehow, she found herself outside the courthouse, the world around her a blur of noise and colour. She didn’t remember driving home or the journey through the familiar streets. All she knew was the numbness that had taken hold, the disbelief and fear that clouded her thoughts. 
When she finally reached the cabin, she walked mechanically toward the bedroom, her mind still reeling. Ben, who had been getting ready to face the TNT twins, saw her enter. But seeing the vacant, shell-shocked look in her eyes, he realized this was more important.  
"Y/N?" he called softly, watching her as she moved like a ghost through the room. 
She didn’t respond, didn’t even seem to hear him. Concern etched deeply on his face, Ben quickly crossed the room to her. He gently took her by the shoulders, searching her eyes for any sign of recognition. 
"Y/N, what happened?" he asked, his voice a low. Her eyes slowly focused on him, the reality of his presence breaking through her fog. "He's getting out," she whispered, her voice barely audible.
Y/N clung to him, the tears she had been holding back finally spilling over. He held her as she cried, his hands gently stroking her back, his murmured words of comfort a steady presence in her storm of emotions. 
They stood like that for what felt like hours, until her sobs subsided and she was left with the dull ache of exhaustion. Ben guided her to the bed, helping her lie down and covering her with the blankets. He sat beside her, his hand never leaving hers, offering silent support. 
As her senses slowly started to return to her, she noticed that he was dressed differently, all geared up as if ready to go to battle. “Where are you going?” she asked, her voice shaky and filled with concern. She didn’t want to be alone, not now. 
Ben knelt in front of her, taking her hands in his. He looked into her eyes, his gaze steady and reassuring. "I'm here," he whispered. "I'm not going anywhere." She searched his face, looking for any sign of deceit, but all she found was genuine care and determination.  
"Then why are you dressed like this?" she asked, her voice softening but still tinged with worry. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I was ready to deal with some stuff, but that can wait." 
Sitting beside her, he held her hand, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on her skin. The warmth of his touch and the steadiness of his presence began to ease the tension that had been gripping her chest. "Try to get some rest," Ben said softly. "I'll be right here."  
Y/N nodded, her eyes feeling heavy. She let out a shaky breath and closed her eyes, the events of the day finally catching up with her. Despite the turmoil in her heart, she felt a sense of peace knowing Ben was by her side. 
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giffenprep · 3 days
My Stepmom's Game
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In this story here I explained how my stepmom found my computer stash of spanking photos, many of which showed a young guy getting spanked by an attractive MILF.  It wasn’t hard for her to figure out what I was thinking!  She ‘offered’ to show me what spanking was ‘really’ like, though I’m not sure I ever had a choice!
She also decided that as long as I was ‘volunteering’ to get ‘demonstration’ spankings she might as well spank me (hard!) when I did something she didn’t like.  That’s in this story here.
She confiscated my collection, a lot of them were drawings.  (Like the ones by ‘Barb’ described here.)
One got me a really bad spanking was just because the guy’s butt was so red!  (Read about it here.)
She came up with a ‘game’ she likes, that’s what I call it anyway.  It could be called ‘What Did He Do?’
She shows or even sends me a picture sometimes, one from my ‘collection’, and asks, “What do you think this boy did?”
My first answer is usually, “I dunno.”  But I always get the feeling we’re going to be acting this out very shortly!
“She’s using a paddle, she couldn’t be too happy with him,” she ‘observes’.  “Nice clothes, maybe he has a job, just got home from work?”
“Maybe he was supposed to be home a lot earlier,” I say.  I mean, I have to offer something.
“And he gets the paddle?  Must not be the first time,” Mom says.
“Guess so,” I usually agree.  “Or they’re supposed to be somewhere, maybe?”
“Oh, yes, that’s probably it.  I thought she was dressed for the office but maybe they were supposed to go out,” she decides.  “Probably too late now.”
“And she’s spanking pretty hard,” she says.
“What?  What makes you say that?” I ask.
“Look at how he’s gripping the chair leg.”
“Oh, yeah.”
“And his head’s almost to the floor.  She’s smacking him really low,” she continues.
This makes me really uncomfortable.
Then she usually asks something like, “Do you think they’re almost done?” and I always say, ‘Probably,’ which is almost never right.  “I mean, his butt’s red already.”
“Yes, but they’ve missed their reservations so they’ve got nowhere to be, she’s probably just getting started.  Either that or they can still make it and this is just a little spanking, with the real fireworks when they get home.”
“Oh,” is all I can think of.
“Which do you think it is, sweetie?”
“I dunno…”
“It is, after all, your picture,” she reminds me.
“Ah, I guess, the first one?” I say, thinking one long spanking would be better than two.
“Yes, that’s what I think, too,” she agrees.  “Get me a chair, would you, please?”
“But, ah, I wasn’t late!”
“No, not tonight you weren’t.  It was last Thursday.  I had hoped you’d be home on time.  We could have played a fun little spanking game but you weren’t here.”
“I didn’t even know!” I protest.
“Chair, sweetie?  You were getting me a chair?”
“Yes, Ma’am…”
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mldrawzz · 1 year
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Hey @shortcakelils! (Hope you dont mind the ping)
I did a VERY rough sketch of Lily to know how I'm going to draw her. Whadya think?
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loud-whistling-yes · 3 months
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so as literally everyone following me in the past 24 hours knows, im fucking obsessed with her. take her shes everything i have
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raveartts · 3 months
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jessenitrogen · 7 months
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briefly interrupting the transformers program with warframe vandalism I did on a magma w friends who have no idea what warframe is
this game has been taking up all of my free time for over a month now JSHJSHDJKSHHDDK
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quinn-pop · 2 months
yet another oc that only exists because i wanted to write something very specific
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(middle is a little older, hence her scar healing. i like to think she gets a glass eye at some point)
anyway this is mira! (they/she) since that wip is almost 20k words and counting i won’t give away too much but long story short she’s the result of meta going “one last time, i promise” and adopting yet another kid
also galaxia kinda indirectly picked the name :)
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i’ve mentioned before that i headcanon that pretty much all astrals are autistic and this is just kinda an extension of that. whereas meta tends to suppress his emotions and conform to others, mira…doesn’t. she gets uncomfortable and upset and lashes out at people easily, and working through their emotions is no small task.
the main reason i chose to write them that way was for the sake of narrative but i’ve grown attached to it because there’s a lot of ideas there i’d like to explore. stuff about navigating emotions and relationships when existing is so suffocatingly uncomfortable. it’s not something i could center around Kirby himself, but i think it makes sense with a post character development meta knight.
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they are very loved (omg oldee cameo???)
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kirby was definitely very excited to have younger siblings after being used to being the youngest in the room for so long!! (with the like. one and only exception being gooey.) he’s super affectionate with both of them and wants to have a close relationship one day, but for now mira is pretty unappreciative of that fact lol. they don’t like being pestered for hugs
everyone else is okay tho
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(i know that’s hard to read. oops. “obvious bite marks”. siblings being siblings.)
mira also has a very love/hate relationship with the egg kid, being so close in age they kinda Have to get along but in typical sibling nature they also fight a lot. sure it’s probably rough for a while but i think in the end they’d be good buddies. maybe not as close as Kirby and Bandee but still.
anyway i have a lot of thoughts and am very busy but. i’m really enjoying writing about all this lately it’s been fun ^^
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mishapen-dear · 1 year
guess who got so brainrotted over jaiden animations that they finished their first animatic
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brain-bumbler · 1 year
me and a friend were talking about t4t donagus and what if gus was transfem
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sealrock · 11 months
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the dark divinity rides once again...
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maskyartist · 11 months
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okay imma finish this but yall have to promise to hype it up >3>
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im-smart-i-swear · 9 months
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eeneks sister having a fuck ton of scars, but later most of them being revealed as just from her childhood/from mundane accidents is so fucking funny to me for some reason.........
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thatfaerieprincess · 4 months
if one more well meaning relative asks me if i have done any drawing recently i will start screaming and flip a table 🤪🙃
#it's not their fault!! it's not!!! I'm known for being The One Who Draws#they usually get updates from my parents sending out pictures of things I drew for assignments for school for years!! they haven't gotten#anything new in a long time!!#it's not their fault to ask hey have u been making anything new??#but also if one more person asks I'll literally go fucking nuts I will start screaming crying throwing up#I will begin tearing myself limb from limb#especially if it's my grandma who I see literally every week and she in fact knows I have not been drawing#it's worse when she asks bc then it's also with that quiet pity of someone who assumes I probably haven't but hopes that I have#ANYWAY SORRY I JUST HAD TO PUT THIS SOMEWHERE#I'm doing my best and I'm not in a great space and I'm trying real hard to try and figure out who the fuck I am when my entire life isn't#Completeing Assignments#bc since middle school I have been nothing much outside of a Complete Assignments Machine#and I've found ways to bring my humor and my creativity and things I enjoy INTO Completeing Assignments#but I've somehow then learned I can ONLY do these things if they're for Completeing Assignments#and now I have graduated college and I'm trying to get a fucking job and move somewhere new and my life isn't Completeing Assignments anymor#and I haven't relearned how to have creative fun ideas outside of the assignments framework#but I want to get there again#but I need everyone to stop asking me if I have made any art recently#bc I think for a while the answer is going to be no and if it's not no it's gonna be yes but I'll have made something so fucking weird#you're going to wish I had said no and not explained that I was building a dead rat puppet#im a rambling sam
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wildflowercryptid · 1 year
started thinking about my ideas for what luna mothews could be like in g3 last night so here's what i got so far...
luna is now a ya'llternative 15 year old moth girl from point poison, west goreginia, where she was raised by her single dad, mason mothews (aka mothman.) she's a full-on cornbread communist, being extremely outspoken about the things she cares about and is very active in local community outreach efforts. being apart of monster high's student council, she is prone to butting heads with draculaura despite the two getting along fairly well otherwise. she is also the head writer of the school's student newspaper, the gory gazette, and works along with paper's photographer & her best friend, lorna... if only the paper wasn't on the verge of being shut down due to lack of readership. her biggest love outside of activism and writing is singing, she's killer on the bango and her biggest inspiration is pete seagrrr. her favorite candy is black licorice jelly screams and she has a pet raccoon named waffle.
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mementoasts · 10 months
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jonathan sims head archivist of the magnus institute london
#IM JUST POSTING HIM RANDOMLY BECAUSE I CANNOOOOOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME DRAW ANYONE ELSE. I HAVE APHANTASIA MAN IT'S HARD OUT HERE#i just started season 3 and heard him mention the graying hair i was like hm.. what if i tried drawring some characters.#i'm actually super happy with how he looks... i had some prior inspiration bc i followed one artist who's posted fanart b4--#(which is how i first heard of the series) and so i already kinda had a picture of him in my head bc of that (i love their art sdfghgfdjh)#so i was jus sketchin and i was like.... yeah this looks ok. i wanted his hair to be kinda just pokin up every which way in front--#--because i imagine him constantly running a hand through it. otherwise it'd look nice n tidy. i just sketched til it looked good enough#the eyes were easy because i wanted sharp and tired. the color was just me testin shit out and being like oooo that looks pretty#the outfit..... i just googled some like business casual stuff LOL. i thought it looked nice#bag and flashlight because he's dungeon crawling#he's also filipino for no reason other than i said so#OHHH YEAH freckles. freckles are cute. also worm scars.#i gotta say i didn't wanna put glasses on him but i thought he looked nakey without em.. but also it might be bc i was strugglin w lineart#the glasses make him look younger i think. which is bad!! he needs to look at least 35!!!#i dunno if i have it in me to draw the others;;;;;;;;;; martin i can't figure out a color scheme for-- and tim & sasha.... waauugghhh....#it's hhhhaaardd because when i'm like reading anything i cannot *picture* characters.... i just get like..... a feeling yknow.....#again i already had some vague images for jon (and martin) bc i saw fanart before lol so that's what showed up in my head#i have a good *feeling* of what sasha should look like but i cannot for the life of me draw it....#i keep sketching and going “noo this doesn't look like her” <- i DON'T know what she looks like#i've somehow instead ended up with a sketch that really feels like melanie tho lmao#if you're somehow at the bottom of this long ramble i will send you $500.#the void given form
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waywardsalt · 6 months
Have you ever thought about how Linebeck describes Jolene as "crazier than a rabid squid"- only to then be possessed by a literal rabid squid later in the game?
Cause I sure have- especially after seeing a lot of your BellumxLinebeck stuff
mmmmghmm im gonna be honest i haven't thought about it much at all
linking it to my bellum x linebeck thoughts, im not too sure what to make of it in context with my other linebeck notes and w/e
there's also my idea that linebeck has a special interested in shellfish and by extension squids, and the idea of him having a weird thing for bellum, and just... enjoying sealife, and it's kinda of...
he compares her to a rabid squid to link in order to i think... offer a shorthand explanation of what she's like, and i think it (with some other stuff) is kinda just another little peek into how he might feel abt her?
i mean he also compares link to a dog in that one letter? i'm not sure where im going with that one. i dont think linebeck particularly likes dogs
i'm not sure abt the link between that and him getting possessed, jolene is kind of just... there a lot of the time and doesn't really do anything except 1) show that linebeck has enemies and 2) show that people know about link's quest by the end, linebeck generally references sea creatures a few times in ph
relating to bellum x linebeck, i dont see him comparing jolene to a squid an indicator of anything in relation to that, with linebeck having a thing for bellum its more of like. there's a lot of complicated ideas i have with what goes on between them during bellumbeck and bellum being a squid thing is more linebeck having a bit of a monsterfucker streak and having a bit of a thing for like. being tied up. as for literal squids he kinda just likes them as food and to dissect and learn about
like i think 'rabid squid' is more like linebeck just tossing out some derogatory shorthand to explain how he thinks of jolene as some fucking. violent annoyance he has to deal with that he doesn't fully understand
tbh i see the comparison but imo it comes down to a difference in characters and interactions and histories, there is the rabid squid thing (and i think in the manga too theres a vague parallel drawn ig) but im not. sure. what there is there just beyond. linebeck talks about sea creatures and wants to get the fuck away from jolene
i'm not entirely certain what you've been thinking about with that comparison, but i haven't been thinking much about it and it's kinda. eh ig???? its something
#asks#musicncomics#like im gonna be real jolene is a character i do everything i can to avoid half of the time#im not too sure what your thoughts on this are but i can tell you like jolene leagues more than i do so like. idk#idk i have a hard time talking abt jolene bc i Do Not like her so im not really sure beyond this stuff its just. idk#bellum also isnt a literal squid like looking at actual squids the most comparisons are surface level and dont work too deeply#he kinda just looks like one at first glance but 1) doesnt line up well enough and 2) we dont have enough info on him anyways#hes more a reference to a squid than an actual squid bc there is the reference to sperm whales and giant squids fucking hating each other#but while oshus is literal whale bellum is like. some thing in the shape of a squid#im not sure what parallels oyu can draw between the jolene thing and bellum thing. if anything theyre opposites?#w/ jolene its like things got so bad (or w/e) that he just robbed her n fucked off and she decided that was enough to warrant murder#while with bellum things get so good (w/ link and co) that he risks his life for em and is turned against them for it?#tbh this kinda comes down to me having a pretty negative bias against jolene and. that ship. so yeah sorry#im not gonna give this any main tags or anything this is way too far off the beaten path and kinda negative#idk i hc linebeck as gay and a lot of other linebeck hcs just kinda. suggest that he kinda had a really shit time w/ jolene#i dont like her im trying to figure that shit out so i can be like. fair at least in how i write her but i dont like her#salty talks#sorry that i keep tearing away from the rabid squid thing but its like a minefield when i try to talk abt anything w/ jolene#theres not a ton of parallels or like shared themes or w/e and its just too dissimilar in little ways that its just. a thing#ill add this in a few hours later idk if youll see jt but like. i can go in depth and discuss stuff#in dms like im fine with that its just weird in posts bc like tagging and my thoughts are a mess#like if you wanna elaborate on your thoughts thats fine
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