#Roswell Newborns
maxispremades · 12 days
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Долгие сим-годы Мередит Розвелл считала себя бесплодной и видела в этом одну из причин равнодушного отношения к ней мужа. Казалось бы, женщина должна была радоваться скорому появлению малыша на свет, но беременность принесла в ее жизнь лишь новые тревоги. Не слишком ли она стара для того, чтобы рожать? Не станет ли Тед еще более холоден к ней, если ребенок окажется каким-то... не таким? Живя в Стрейнджервиле много сим-лет, Мередит прекрасно знала о том, что техногенные катастрофы никогда не проходят бесследно для окружающей среды.
От печалей и треволнений Мередит отвлекается проверенными способами: бесконечные покупки и столь же бесконечные домашние дела. Хитроумная машина для выпечки кексов заняла почетное место в просторной кухне Розвеллов, и теперь Мередит самозабвенно набивает холодильник сдобными булочками собственного производства. Появилось у нее и новое хобби — вышивка крестиком. Стежок, еще стежок... Сидя на скамеечке в сквере напротив городской ратуши, Мередит подставляет лицо дуновению прохладного ветра, и собственная жизнь кажется ей почти совершенно нормальной.
(For many Sim years, Meredith Roswell considered herself infertile and saw this as one of the reasons for her husband's indifference to her. It would seem that a woman should have been happy about the imminent birth of a baby, but pregnancy brought only new worries into her life. Isn't she too old to give birth? And if Ted becomes even more cold towards her, if the newborn turns out to be somehow... different? Having lived in Strangerville for many Sim years, Meredith was well aware that man-made disasters never go away without a trace for the environment.
Meredith is distracted from sorrows and worries in proven ways: endless shopping and equally endless household chores. One of her recent purchases is the Whipped Dream Cupcake Factory. This contraption has taken pride of place in the Roswells' spacious kitchen, and now Meredith enthusiastically fills the refrigerator with homemade muffins. She also has a new hobby — cross-stitch. One stitch, one more stitch... Sitting on a bench in the square opposite the town hall, Meredith turns her face to the cool breeze, and her own life seems almost completely normal to her).
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theblackexaminer · 9 months
The Unthinkable Detention of a Newborn by the Hospital Over Medical Bills is Inhumane
Roswell Women and Children’s Hospital is under scrutiny for its alleged inhumane actions. The hospital stands accused of detaining a newborn baby, Khryst Alinda, as collateral for unpaid medical bills. However, the hospital’s response, while attempting to shift blame to the baby’s parents, fails to justify this outrageous violation of human rights. The hospital’s narrative suggests that Alinda…
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Important Tips to Look at When Selecting the Right Pediatrician
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Are you planning to see a pediatrician several times? Well, making sure that you have selected a pediatrician to take care of your baby is an important decision. In fact, you need to make sure that you have looked for the best pediatrician before your baby is born. While you hire a pediatrician before your child is born, it means that your baby will be more healthy as they grow.
When you identify the pediatrician you can work with, these best pediatricians in Alpharetta GA professionals will make sure that they have learned more about your family and ensure that they have offered you the right medical advice during the developmental stages of your baby. You need to keep in mind that you will be visiting a pediatrician most of the time and therefore choosing the most professional and reliable pediatrician is a good choice.
You will want to hire a pediatrician that you can trust with the health matters of your child. Once a pediatrician has scheduled appointments with you, it is important to make sure that you have attended all the appointments especially when you have a newborn. You wouldn't want your baby to miss screenings, vaccinations, physical examinations and so on.
While hiring a reliable pediatrician is a good decision, you also need to make sure that a pediatrician can rely on you during the appointments. The pediatrician you hire will make sure that they have helped you to understand the benefits of frequent medical checkups for your child. You will want to consider some tips when choosing the right pediatrician. Explained below are some of the tips you should rely on when finding the right pediatrician.
When finding the right pediatrician for your child, it is important to do research. Here, you need to find out whether the pediatrician of your choice will accept your health insurance and whether they are accepting new patients. You need to make sure that you are hiring a pediatrician that will accept your insurance plans. Other than this, it is also prudent to ensure that you have compiled a list of pediatricians that you can contact. while you seek help from your friends, you can hire the Roswell pediatrics that is trustworthy.
When choosing the right pediatrician, you need to ensure that you have determined their experiences and credentials. Once you have decided on the best pediatrician to work with, you need to ensure that you have learned as much as possible about them. It is important to keep in mind that a pediatrician is a primary care physician that specializes in the health care of infants, children, and teenagers at the age of 18.
As such, you need to find out if your preferred pediatrician has the right qualifications and experience You also need to confirm that they are highly trained in pediatrics and ought to have graduated from a medical institution. Other than this, they must be board-certified. Here are more details related to this blog, you may need to check out: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pediatrics.
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zentloper-xmas · 1 year
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Zentloper Xmas Letter 2022
Lo and behold– it’s a Christmas letter! Stunning! Magical! Magnificent!
Well, I hope that’s how you feel opening this. 😂 Before I write these things, I scroll through my photos and make a list (and check it twice *wink*) of what’s happened. It felt like very little had happened this year, until I did that scroll. Turns out, plenty’s happened! So lemme share some highlights...
Neil and I both got promoted! 🎉 Neil ocially became a Data Analyst in April of this year. He’s still at Amazon, and does a lot of audit-related stu at the warehouse to ensure accuracy and junk using various code. Maybe one day if we’re really lucky, they (or another company) will recognize his value and pay him appropriately, cuz right now he’s still making peanuts. 🥜 As for me, SEMI had an opening that was a 20% pay bump and more reliable hours, still WFH, so who could say no? I’ll admit, it’s not the kind of exciting job I prefer... like operating roller coasters🎢 or dancing up on stage, but I’m smart enough to recognize a good thing when I see it: a flexible, reliable gig like this will be really beneficial when we eventually have a newborn around. 🍼
We’ve gone all sorts of places this year, as my wanderlust is never quite satiated. In January (to get me, and the Prius Neil’s folks gifted us, back from Cali), Neil flew over and we road-tripped back to our Texas home, spending a couple nights at the Grand Canyon’s cabins. The snowfall was gorgeous! We also hit Roswell, NM to see some aliens 👽 and a unique “immersive art experience” known as MeowWolf.
Neil’s sister Martha had her thirtieth birthday in May, 🎂 and the whole fam planned ahead of time to convene in Denver, CO where she and her husband, Chase, live in order to celebrate the occasion. I particularly enjoyed dining at the fancy restaurant Chase worked at, Guard and Grace– known to be one of the best steakhouses in the world! In July I joined my parents in Las Vegas to attend FreedomFest, a gathering of so-called Libertarians (calling them “so-called” because many of them were not actually very good at practicing Libertarian principles... 🗽) for many thought provoking panels and discussions. In August I took my Etsy shop “on the road” for a Sonic fan convention in Dallas, where I sold lots of stickers and buttons and the like– I think I recouped the expense of the trip... maybe! 😜 Then in September we had a pleasant camping trip in north Houston as well as a Ren Faire in Bastrop.
Think I’m done? Not quite! Last month we drove through Lousianna, Alabama, and Mississippi to get to Florida (upping the # of states I’ve visited to 23) for Neil’s maternal grandmother’s service. While she passed mid-Feb 2020 and was cremated, her interment was planned out far in advance so all her children and their spouses could attend; Neil and I were also able to make time in our schedules to go. I’m glad we did. We were graciously given a room to stay at his Uncle Adam & Aunt Rox’s home, and they were fabulous about showing us around some of the sights FL had to oer (even in the midst of Hurricane Nicole), like gators 🐊 and the beach. I’m determined to take them up on their oer to come back to see Busch Gardens next time!
We sure get around for being complete homebodies, ha. As for the house in Buda, we now own a partial stake. After my brother and his family moved out and into their own place down in Schertz, my folks and us drafted up a FSBO in order to “go halfsies” on the place. Finally, some sweet sweet equity! In order to pull o this stunt, Neil and I legally tied the knot at the courthouse on June 3rd. 💍 Neato. We are still planning to do a ceremony with friends and family at some point. We’ll keep y’all posted!
I continue to flex my creative muscles, be it whipping up some new seasonal place settings for our dining table, decorating the garage for a spooky Trick-or-Treat walkthrough 🎃 for the neighbor kids, or taking on painting projects to spruce up the joint (next up: baby room!). Also this summer I ended up reading quite a few memoirs by transgendered individuals 🏳️‍⚧️ as research for something I’ve always wanted to do: write an autobiography. I’ve spent a lot of time flipping through all the journals I’ve kept over the years (on my 40th), scrounging through my keepsake boxes, sorting photographs (digital and film), and bugging relatives for info. I’ve got 66,000 words down so far and a lot more words to go. I never was one for brevity.
I’d been hoping to announce some surrogacy news in this letter (have I dropped enough hints in this letter?), but unfortunately there have been delays. When Roe v. Wade got overturned in the summer, it caused a fair amount of panic nationally. A lot of appointments got scheduled in the reproductive health space, so we’ve been trying to be patient as things progress. That said, there has been progress: We’ve selected an agency to represent us, set up an escrow, and our potential surrogate is in the process of medical screening. Best case, it’s possible we could have a young one joining us late in 2023, but I don’t want to make promises when so many of the factors are out of our control. Can I take this moment to say, man, heteronormative couples have it easy... Just *boink* and baby!
In this increasingly digital world, I’ve decided to catalogue these Christmas letters 🎄online. So if you’d like to see letters from years past without digging them out of the shoebox you assuredly keep under your bed like me, or if you weren’t on our mailing list yet when I began in 2017, you can by going to the following blog:
You may even see some bonus photos there for this year!
Lots of love, y’all, and Merry Christmas!
Rick & Neil
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notsoberrysims4 · 2 years
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Rose Mynt can hardly believe her luck as she settles into Judith Ward's extravagant mansion, with paparazzi lurking outside at all hours. She will be rehearsing for a gruelling nine hours a day, preparing for the semi-final, but she is thrilled to have secured the public vote in the previous round, when metal stars Iron Crown were eliminated after Carla Goth's on-stage accident affected her performance.
The semi-final is on New Year's Eve at the prestigious Club PBP. The contestants arrive early and spend the day in dress rehearsals, while specially invited friends arrive early ahead of the crowds.
Rose: Would you like a drink? Maia: No, it's fine, thanks - Malcolm already got me one. Peyton: How are you feeling? Rose: Nervous. I think I'll need another drink to steady my nerves!
Rose finds JJ at the bar, still disappointed that his band isn't playing. JJ: It just doesn't add up. The way that Carla's heel was broken, as though somebody had tried to saw it off! I don't mean to cry foul, but I think someone's trying to sabotage this competition. Rose: You know what? I think you're right. There's just been too much bad luck for it to be a coincidence. Maia: I'm beginning to get a hunch about who it might be.
After changing costumes, Rose and Malcolm deliver their performances, but just before Some Precinct are about to play, Maia rushes to the bathroom to vomit, and Skye collapses outside, feeling dizzy. "The show must go on, darling!" insists Judith, inwardly seething at their lack of professionalism, since clearly they must have drunk too much!
Unsteadily, the band performs, but it's a shambles.
Maia staggers backstage. "I feel like I've been poisoned, and I have a good idea how. I think Malcolm slipped something into my drink!"
Rose concurs: "You know, I've been suspecting Malcolm myself, but I have no way to prove it."
"You're completely right," says a voice behind them. It's Tyler!
Tyler: I've been watching the show at home, and he's been sabotaging us from the start.
Tyler: Think back to the auditions. Who was the very first person you spoke to? Rose: Malcolm. Tyler: What did he say to you? Rose: He gave me this friendly advice to live in the moment, that I'm too young to be tied down and that I should accept whatever pleasures come my way. Tyler: And he said the same thing to Caleb. He manipulated you into making out in order to get rid of me. Next, he manipulated Octavia into swapping Dark Water's song at the last moment, eliminating them. He also convinced Maia and Kim to trade places without realising that Maia was the better singer! Then, he broke into the Roswells' room and stole documents to try to incriminate them, then convinced Venessa Jeong to drop out to care for her newborn, and persuaded Miko that she couldn't perform without Darling. After that, he broke Carla's foot, and made Maia and Skye sick. You have to win this competition, Rose! You have to stop him, for all of us!
Rose stares at him. It all makes perfect sense. Rose: You're not still mad at me? Tyler: No, of course not! You were manipulated. I know that you love me, and I love you ... eternally. Rose: I love you, too, and thank you for telling me all of this. I will win this competition if it is the last thing I do, just to wipe that smug smile off Malcolm’s stupid face!
There are only two acts left in the competition: Rose and Malcolm.
Who will win?
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laurenkmyers · 3 years
Well fuck, Roswell New Mexico has been picked for for a fourth season already. Lord above, I’m praying season three is better than the last!!!
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tsumisgarden · 4 years
Carina: Michael’s not gonna be a person who’s cheating on anybody, ever.
Michael: *shamelessly flirts and kisses someone else’s girlfriend in front of them*
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Me: … So … he’s above cheating… but… isn’t above… inciting people to… cheat? 
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roswell-rp-archive · 2 years
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Do you hear the spring chickens clucking? The sun is finally coming out, the grass is green again, and the trees are dazzling with pink blossoms. That can only mean one thing — Spring has sprung. For Roswell’s annual Springtime celebration we have organised a festival to bring the town together after the storm, jam packed with fun for all the family and a little musical injection to shake out worn muscles. The stage will welcome local talent, including that of our very own homegrown Roswell bands, and in the evening will be illuminated by re-runs of the Disney classics. Get your adrenaline rush through tractor rides or competing in the egg and spoon race, or simply kick back, relax, and give love to some newborn lambs. 
・  。  ◟   ⟨  ☆  ⟩  spring fest ┊  *    ──   DASH EVENTS :
easter egg hunt.
live music, featuring roswell bands such as: B2UN and fish brains! 
petting zoo with all your favorite newborn animals, featuring pony rides.
kid-friendly events such as pie-your-teacher, egg and spoon race, face-painting and arts & crafts. 
tractor rides for all the family.
outdoor cinema featuring all the old disney classics.
・  。  ◟   ⟨  ☆  ⟩   spring fest ┊  *    ──   GUIDE :
starting from APRIL 11TH @ 00:00 - APRIL 18TH @ 00:00 , you can post threads for the event!
please make sure to reach out to other players to broaden your horizons and make some fun, meaningful plots for the week. make an effort to break out of your bubble and start speaking to new characters.
make sure you have replied to at least two open event starters before posting your own , unless yours is one of the first to be posted.
tag any content for the event with #roswellspringfest
you are free to continue any regular threads during the event , and to continue any event threads past the end date as long as these are tagged accordingly and you do make an effort to be involved in the festivities .
please don’t feel confined to the activities listed above. we want you to use your imagination!
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deckesims · 2 years
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Weddingstories #4
Meet Ana Winters and Meredith Roswell
They met during the making money scenario after Ana opened an art club. Since Meredith disliked drawing, she always cooked for the group and checked on them periodically. One day Meredith showed up pregnant by her (soon to be ex) husband and got the baby soon after. Once Ana reached the 1 million goal, she quickly realized what a treasure Meredith is and soon talked her into divorcing Ted - not after getting pregnant from him again.
Once they hit it off, Meredith moved into Ana's home with her newborn and the baby that was on the way. Realizing the house was getting smaller by the minute, they moved into their dream mansion.
With the help of one sperm donor, Ana soon after birthed two more children, completing the family of six. Sadly none of them were twins or triplets, as she wished but they're currently happy living their best life. Their children are named Annika and Max Roswell and Frederik and Lilian Winters.
Due to Ana's art endeavor she hit the worldstar rank with her best friends Dina and Nina Caliente.
I'm actually so much in love with these sims, i could cry thinking about them. Also i do have SO MANY screenshots of them. Hope you really enjoy the gifs. They truly look so in love with each other, my heart is melting ahhhhhh!
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lakethibodeaux · 3 years
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Andy Biersack & He/They / demigender ‷ watch out , Lake Thibodeaux has crash-landed into roswell !! they look thirty three years old and celebrate their birthday on March 16. they are from Baton Rouge, LA, reside in Aurora Apartments and are currently working as a Broadcast Engineer at RocketFM. one thing you should know about them is they speak fluent French‷
Content Warning: Mentions of child neglect and drug use
Name: Lake Thibodeaux, Legally Edward Joseph Thibodeaux
Gender: Demigender
Preferred pronouns: They/Them or He/Him
Orientation: Capable Gay
Birthday: March 16 1988
Hometown: Baton Rouge, LA
Length of Time in Roswell: They arrived in Late October 2021
Occupation: Broadcast Engineer at RocketFM Radio station
Education: Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from UCLA, Working on an online Master’s degree in Broadcast Engineering
Languages: English (fluent), French (fluent, specifically Louisiana French), Working on being conversational in Spanish
Family: Their adoptive parents are Alan and Christine Thibodeaux. Thomas “Tom” Thibodeaux is their older brother.
Lake was born in the early morning of March 16th, 1988 to Deborah and Gary Barrett. Their birth name was Edward Joseph but they never have fully felt comfortable with the name that their birth parents gave them. The newborn already had an older brother named Thomas and the family lived out in rural Arkansas. Lake does not remember much about their birth parents and what they do remember is not very pleasant. The two Barretts were not good caretakers at all, often failing to take care of their children and instead spent what money did come into the household on drugs. When Lake was three and Tom was five, it was the start of a change in fortunes for the two children. Now there were adults outside the house who could notice Tom’s spotty attendance and lack of care. Eventually Tom’s teacher managed to contact the right people and the amount of neglect that was found led to the two children being taken away from their birth parents.
The couple who adopted the siblings were Christine and Alan Thibodeaux of Baton Rouge, LA. The couple were not able to have children of their own and when it became clear that Lake and Tom’s parents would lose custody completely, they ended up being placed with the Thibodeaux family. Initially it was a foster situation but after a few years, when Lake was still young and just starting their own schooling, they were officially adopted. Both siblings jumped at the opportunity to drop their birth last names and take on the Thibodeaux one. Lake had almost no memories of Gary and Deborah and Tom’s memories were not pleasant at all either. Lake had always felt welcomed in the Thibodeaux home and wanted their name to reflect that.
As Lake grew older, the more they realized that the name they had grown up with, Edward Joseph, didn't fit quite right. There were some days where being perceived as masculine didn’t really bother them, and others where it didn’t seem quite right. As it was, they insisted on being called Eddie as opposed to Edward whenever they got the chance. But they didn’t really have the language or terms to figure out how they identified just yet. They figured out that they were attracted to masculine people exclusively fairly early on but since they didn’t have any times where they identified with being feminine they didn’t think that they were trans. Eventually, Lake came out as gay to their brother and adopted parents and it went fairly smoothly considering that it was the early 2000s. They first dipped their toes into dating while in high school when they dated another member of the drumline. They had begun playing percussion as a freshman and it was encouraged by their parents to give them something to do after school. 
When Lake graduated high school, they began to look into going to universities outside of Louisiana. They loved their family but they wanted to get out and experience more of the world. Eventually Lake was accepted into the electrical engineering program at UCLA. They had an interest in broadcasting and through talking with advisers, learned that getting an electrical engineering degree and getting experience with an internship would be the best way to enter the field. They also auditioned and got a spot on the UCLA drumline, much to the pride of their adopted parents.
While Lake was at UCLA, they eventually met Bryn, who was attending school in Cypress, CA which was nearby and the two hit it off right away. Eventually the two began dating and it was one of the first serious relationships that Lake was in. It was while Lake was in college and dating Bryn that they found the term demigender, which seemed to fit their experience perfectly. Bryn was always a supportive and encouraging ear for Lake and so when they first floated the idea to him of going by they/them pronouns and being called Lake instead of Eddie, they felt incredibly validated when Bryn made the change right away. Bryn also offered helpful advice for when it came time for Lake to let their family know that they were Lake. It was a bit rockier than when they came out as gay but eventually the family came around even if they still occasionally slip up and call them Eddie even today
Alas, when Bryn finished up his mortuary science degree and was going to move back to Roswell, that began the end of their relationship. Lake was almost done with their bachelors degree and was looking into internships as well and if Lake was going to stay within a few states of Roswell they would have made more of a push to keep the relationship going. But keeping in touch electronically wouldn’t have been quite the same and when Lake got their first internship out in Minnesota of all places, they knew that it would be better to end things amicably than let the relationship crumble and die from the distance. It still was hard though.
After Lake’s first internship they moved around the country quite a bit. They wanted to experience a number of different radio stations and how they all differed from one another. They also were still fairly new to the business and ended up getting bumped a few times when a more experienced broadcast engineer needed a spot. Since Lake was moving around so much, they never really had time to do a lot of things they wanted to do. They had looked into changing their name to Lake legally but with them moving around so much it was difficult to do. They also hadn’t dated much aside from a few dates here and there. Lake also had started trying to get their Masters degree from an online university but hadn’t had the chance to finish the credits they needed.
When the spot in Roswell, NM opened up for a broadcast engineer at RocketFM, it grabbed Lake’s attention right away. They remembered Bryn’s family lived there from the few times they visited while they were dating and he was pretty sure Bryn would be around too. It was enough to make them want to go take the job and hopefully put down roots to stay in one spot for a while. Lake hadn’t had the chance to keep in touch with Bryn but still remembered him fondly and wanted to at least be friends again. With a hopeful feeling they packed their bags and headed out to Roswell, New Mexico.
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lambourngb · 4 years
Also from “prettier and younger, but not any better off“ because I’m skipping around as I write this. Have some budding cowboy Michael. Takes place spring in 2010. For you, @christchex and @haloud
This was his third season at Fosters Homestead Ranch and Michael’s first off of the punishing duty of the “fence and feed” crew. 
Repairing breaks in over 100,000 acres of fence line or hauling endless fifty pound bags of feed for ranch’s dairy operation, had lent Michael strong wiry-bound muscle and burned his skin to a golden brown. Mindless, back-breaking labor had banked the anger that burned inside him, leaving him numb and able to drift through spring, summer and fall without taking much notice of how his siblings were passing him by. Isobel was dating a newly hired lawyer at her father’s firm, Max was finishing off his AA in criminal justice, and Michael? 
He had an eye on an Airstream at the Chaves County impound lot, sitting under bank-repossession. His greatest hope was that he could spend a winter in the safe confines of his own home, instead of squatting in empty houses that were under foreclosure. The silver lining of the housing market crash was he had multiple choices for his lock-picking brain.
If Michael could have a place to call home, maybe he could convince Alex to spend his holiday leave in Roswell. Maybe the idea of being together wouldn’t seem so impossible to them both. Maybe they could part with a wistful ‘see you next time’ instead of a stone-cold ‘this can’t happen again’. There was news that President Obama was working to change and remove the DADT policy. Maybe he could be different for Alex.
The ache that hope brought sliced straight through his carefully cultivated dulled feelings, dropping away apathy and leaving him raw for a moment. 
A fresh thin layer of skin barely stretching over as protection. This was how seeing Alex always left him, a newborn toddling through life without the calloused layers. Diced up by hope. Not seeing Alex was worse. He was just a painted up corpse lying in repose while the world moved on, a promising student of lost opportunities.
Not lost, actively forsaken. To protect Isobel. He was the architect of that choice, but at least she could live safely in the cover his lie built.
“Hey Curly Sue, you paying attention?” A loud, annoyed voice cracked across Michael’s attention, dispelling the thoughts of the past. 
Michael looked up at the foreman Paul Foster, the young grandson of the ranch owner and shaded his eyes with his left hand, “yes sir, sorry sir.”
The crowd of this year's labor force twittered softly around him. Most of the group were somewhat familiar to Michael, the typical migration of men who were only suited for outdoor work. The young ones, new to ranching, worked their way through the shit jobs, sometimes literal shit jobs of mucking, to earn a path up the rungs of responsibility to the trusted, returning crop of herdsmen and horsemen. 
“Joe, here,” the foreman nodded to the head of the outriders, “thinks you’ve done enough time digging irrigation lines for the hay fields, and doing feed and fence work, that it’s time we put you on a horse.”
“Mr Joe is dreamin’,” a voice called out, “look at that hand of his, how the hell is he gonna ride a horse with two fingers?”
Michael dropped his left hand abruptly, shoving the evidence into his pocket uselessly. It wasn’t new knowledge at the Fosters Ranch, his first months out of high school meant he had hauled fifty-pound grain bags on his shoulders while the crooked breaks healed enough for him to hold a pitchfork for stall cleaning. Some of the workers had protested that he had skipped the worst of the chore duty as a green ranch hand. 
Stubbornness kept Michael frozen in place, even as he wanted to slink away. He could do another year repairing fences in the sun, it wouldn’t make as much money as the riders did but it was a job he knew. He’d even grown accustomed to the soft foggy place his brain took him once the hammers started swinging to secure wire and boards. His sense of spatial awareness, sharp and alien in nature, had kept him from hurting himself as he had drifted away in the sounds of thunk, thunk, thunk.
Still making less money was disappointing.
“Michael will be a better rider than you assholes. He can’t ruin a horse's mouth.” 
The warm shock of hearing someone advocate for him jerked his wandering attention back again. The head outrider, Joe, was watching him in turn. Dark, kind eyes from under his black cowboy hat ran up and down Michael’s shabby jeans and Max’s cast off hiking boots, before his lined mouth smiled, “besides, you’re supposed to ride off with your legs and ass, not off your damn hands.”
There was a moment where Michael thought Joe was looking at him in a different expectation than just riding a horse. That spark of interest. Curiosity about a man and what he could with his hands and generous mouth. He wasn’t wholly unfamiliar with that type of appraisal, but the look disappeared too quickly for Michael to really categorize it.
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justlightlysedated · 5 years
now these songs will hold and hide your name (part two of three)
part one
dedicated to @michaels-blackhat 😊💖🖤
February 23rd, 2024
Alex pulls his jeep up behind Michael’s truck parked right next to the Welcome to Roswell sign.
He sighs in relief when he sees Michael sitting down on the tailgate, Cosima asleep in his arms.
At least they’re safe.
He gets out of his car and and makes his way carefully over to them. Michael doesn’t look at him, if anything his arms go tighter around Cosima’s body and he shuts his eyes tight.
The dread that had been eating at him since Michael had called him and told him to meet him by the town limits comes back tenfold.
He inhales shakily and carefully sits down besides Michael.
“Guerin,” he says, unable to keep the shaking out of his voice.
Michael inhales deeply and his eyes flutter open before he turns to look at Alex.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, and Michael just closes his eyes again, shaking his head.
“We made contact last night,” he admits and Alex suddenly feels a chill going down the back of his neck. “They’ll be here by tonight.”
Alex swallows hard and looks away, looking back over the horizon where the sun is just beginning to light up the sky.
“I need you to do something for me,” Michael says after a few silent minutes where the only sound was the wind blowing against the short dry grass and Cosima’s deep even breaths.
Alex exhales slowly and turns back to Michael. Michael is looking at him with wide pleading eyes like Alex wouldn’t do anything for him.
“Anything,” Alex blurts out a little helplessly. 
Ever since he first saw Michael holding a newborn in his arms, close to his chest, an expression so tender and beautiful, one that Alex had never seen on Michael’s face, he’d realized that he would never be able to deny him anything again.
Michael exhales carefully, a relieved tinge in his eyes, but Alex could still see the misery swirling in them. 
“I need you to take Cosima, and get as far away from Roswell as possible.“
Alex stares at him in shock, eyes wide, lips parted, and he tries to figure out something to say, but Michael just keeps talking.
"And I need you to stay away until I call you and tell you that it’s safe to come back.”
Alex blinks his eyes a few times and looks away, staring at the Roswell sign, before he looks back to Michael.
“Why?” He asks, staring at Michael intently.
Michael gives him a slightly exasperated look, “We don’t actually know what they want. All we know is that they might be more like the others than like us. And I’m not going to take that chance, not with her.”
Alex shakes his head. “That’s not what I meant, why me? Why not Liz or even Maria?”
Michael licks his lips swallowing hard, and moves his arms to a more comfortable position.
“Liz won’t leave Max’s side, and Maria has her hands full with her mom. And besides,” Michael continues, looking away. “You’re the only one that I trust to actually do this. You’ll take good care of her. You already do. And she’ll be really excited to be on an adventure with her Lex.”
Alex takes a deep breath and looks at Michael, at the way he’s holding on like he’s never going to get to hold her again, and Alex feels his chest ache as his heart cracks right in two.
He wants to tell Michael to come with them, but he won’t because he already knows what his answer is going to be. He knows that Michael won’t leave Isobel and Max to face this alone.
“Okay, Michael,” he says, and sees the way Michael loses all of the tension in his shoulders, almost swaying in relief, like he wasn’t expecting Alex to actually agree.
“Okay,” Alex says again, and Michael swallows hard, looking at Cosima in his arms, and he tightens his hold on her, and Alex feels tears pricking at the back of his eyes.
“Her stuff is in the front seat,” Michael says, in a voice that’s almost too low.
Alex nods his head once and takes the out, turning away from Michael and feeling the tears fall down his cheeks as he closes his eyes briefly.
“Alex,” Michael says, and Alex stops moving but doesn’t turn to him.
“Promise me that you won’t let her forget about me.”
Alex closes his eyes and feels more tears falling down his face, and he bites down hard on his lip so that he doesn’t actually start sobbing.
He breathes in deeply, trying to get himself under control and he nods his head.
“I promise,” he swears, and then moves fast to the front seat of the truck.
Alex grabs the bags that Michael had in the front seat, and opens the glove compartment before he can second guess himself and pulls out the picture that Michael has stashed in there. The one where they’re both playing the guitar, but instead of looking down at what he’s doing, Michael is staring at him like he’s the only thing that exists.
He slides it into his pocket and grabs Cosima’s bags and heads to his jeep.
He sets her stuff down besides the duffel bag that he always keeps back there in case of emergencies. 
He can always buy more clothes if he needs to.
He closes the trunk and when he turns towards the truck, it’s to see that Michael has moved to settle Cosima down in the car seat that Alex keeps in his jeep.
Alex watches him with tears in his eyes as he pushes her curls back away from her forehead and presses a kiss to her temple, pulling away, and actually sobbing when her little fingers snag against the fabric of his shirt.
Michael pulls the plaid shirt off, and wraps her up in it, staying in his thin white shirt despite how cold the early morning air feels.
He places his hand on top of her head, and then turns around and almost bumps straight into Alex who hadn’t noticed that he’d been moving closer.
He catches Michael, who wraps his arms around Alex’s shoulders and buries his face in the side of Alex’s neck.
Alex wraps his arms around him and holds him tight, blinking his eyes rapidly so that he doesn’t actually start crying in earnest.
“Alex, Alex, Alex,” Michael says over and over and over, before he moves his face from Alex’s neck to look at him on the eyes.
“Promise me,” he says, staring at him with wide desperate eyes. “Please.”
“I swear,” Alex says, sliding his hands up and around Michael’s shoulders. “I promise, I promise I’ll take care of her as if she were my own, and I promise that she will never forget you, and I promise that once it’s safe I’ll bring her back to you.”
Michael nods his head fast and then drops his forehead to Alex’s, eyes falling shut as he exhales in relief. 
Alex wraps his arms around Michael’s shoulders and closes his eyes too, hoping this separation is extremely temporary.
July 11th, 2020
“Start from the beginning,” Alex says as carefully as he can, his gaze on Cosima and no one else.
He hasn’t looked away from her since she had taken his hand and lead him to sit down on the table where she’d been sitting before. She had sat down and finally drank the glass of water Maria had given her earlier.
Michael has been willing Alex to look at him, to see if he could tell what exactly he was thinking about when he’d seen this girl who looked like him, like Maria and then she’d called him dad.
But Alex just has eyes for Cosima, who is looking at him with enough fond exasperation and relief for Michael to tell that something had happened to Alex in the future, something bad.
 She looks at Alex and then over his shoulder to where Liz is leaning back against the table right next to theirs, with her arms crossed like she’s jealous that Cosima is much warmer with Alex than she’s been with everyone else. Max is sitting down on the table next to Kyle who is hissing to Isobel on his phone that, no he’s not going to take a picture. Maria is still sitting on the furthest table away from Cosima, right next to Michael in a silent show of solidarity that Michael appreciates.
He feels confused and overwhelmed, and he wants answers, but at the same time, he’s seen the way that she looks at him, like the ghost of someone she lost long ago, and he thinks that maybe he’ll be getting an answer he really doesn’t want to hear.
Cosima inhales deeply, and looks around the room before she looks back at Alex, and it’s such a familiar Alex move that Michael feels his heart clench in his chest.
“I don’t remember much about what happened before we, I mean, Dad and I left Roswell. The clearest memories I have from that time are of flying, and feeling perfectly safe, and Dad always used to say that that sounds like something that Papa would do.”
Her eyes dart over to Michael and away, and Michael once again goes still feeling like someone just suckerpunched him in the stomach.
“Everything after Roswell is just a blur of driving and motel rooms and never staying too long in one place. The clearest memory I have from then is when Aunt Liz found us.”
“I was five, I think and Dad had decided that we were going to have to stay in one place so that I could start going to school. I remember that she had asked to speak to Dad in private and they had gone to the kitchen, and I couldn’t hear what she said, but Dad’s eyes had gone sad, like they only did when he was looking at that picture of Papa that he kept in his wallet during the night when he thought that I was asleep. But instead of crying, he had opened his arms, and Aunt Liz had collapsed into him, crying, loud enough that I could hear in the living room. I remember Aunt Jenna more, but that’s probably because she showed me all the knife tricks she could do to keep me distracted.”
“Aunt Jenna?” Isobel says incredulously from where Kyle has her on speaker, as though that’s the most ridiculous thing about that sentence.
“Knife tricks?” Both Michael and Alex say at the same time.
“Yeah,” she says slowly, narrowing her eyes at them both before she looks over to Liz. “Aunt Jenna was with Aunt Liz and they got married when I was ten. I was the flower girl.”
Michael flinches as Max scrapes his chair back as he gets up and leaves and Liz follows after him.
He catches Max turning around to face Liz but before they say anything the door is closing, with them outside.
“Who is that guy?” Cosima asks, and her tone sounds like it’s not the first time that she’s asked that question.
Michael turns towards her, and she’s watching Alex expectantly, but Michael can tell that he’s scrambling to come up with an answer.
“You don’t know who Max is?” Michael asks, sounding hoarse.
Cosima’s eyes snap to him and Michael goes completely still again, his heart racing in his chest. The last person who had looked at him with eyes that were just like his was his mom, and he was having a hard time trying to keep his cool.
He wanted to know everything, but at the same time, he really didn’t.
She licks her lips and furrows her brow as her gaze drops back to Alex.
Alex tilts his head to the side, and Cosima copies the movement almost in sync.
“The Alien Messiah?” Alex says slowly, and Cosima’s eyes light up.
“You mean those weren’t just stories? They’re actual real people?”
Alex exhales. “I mean, I have codenames for everyone in the files. But I’m not quite sure what stories you mean?”
Michael sees the door opening from the corner of his eye, and catches Liz eyes when she walks in, and she looks frustrated but just shakes her head when Michael raises an eyebrow at her.
She settles herself next to Kyle, as Cosima starts to speak.
She looks animated for the first time since Michael first saw her.
“The Glamorous Space Princess who throws the biggest and best balls and was brave and defeated the Evil Mastermind who tried to brainwash her! Or the one about the Amazing Psychic who can see everyone’s future but her own! Or how about the one about the Alien Messiah who died and was brought back to life by the Beautiful and Intrepid Alchemist! Or the one about the Handsome Doctor who can heal any cut with just one touch who mends the Glamorous Space Princess’ broken heart! Or how about my favorite, the one about the Sweet Alien Prince who fell into star-crossed love with the Evil General’s Son!”
Her enthusiasm flags as soon as she realizes that Alex doesn’t exactly know what she’s talking about, and she looks around at everyone else, and Michael can see the way that her expression shutters, like she just realized that she’s around a bunch of strangers.
“I told you these stories?” Alex asks, and she nods her head once, looking around the room before her gaze settles back on Alex.
Alex seems to realize at the same time that Michael does, that she’s on the defensive.
“What is it?” Alex asks, brow furrowing.
Cosima chews on her bottom lip, like she’s weighing the pros and cons before she speaks.
“Dad told me to find you, that I could trust you, but it’s so difficult to do that, when it kind of feels like I’m stuck in the twilight zone.”
“Why didn’t you guys go back to Roswell?” Max’s voice comes from the open door.
Cosima’s gaze snaps to him, but if anything she goes even more defensive.
She looks to Alex who gives her a look that says it’s up to her to answer.
Her eyes dart over to Michael and Maria and then back to Max.
“That night that Aunt Liz found us, Dad told me what happened. Up until that point I guess, he thought that Papa had made it.”
She pauses looking to Alex and her gaze softens marginally as though she recognizes the expression on his face.
She looks back over to Max. “You made contact with the Alighting and they deemed you corrupted by humanity and blew Roswell off the face of the earth.”
Michael had seen this coming, so he wasn’t entirely surprised. From the way Maria doesn’t react, he can tell that she had been thinking the same thing.
Michael looks to Liz who looks a little bit like she’s in shock and then his gaze goes to Alex and he freezes to see Alex staring right at him.
Alex looks away as soon as Michael turns to him, looking back at Cosima, who turns away from Max at the same time to look at him.
“That’s how Aunt Jenna says it anyway. The story Dad told me was about how my Papa was a hero, how he saved Aunt Liz instead of saving himself, because that was the kind of person that he was.”
Her eyes go glassy with unshed tears, and she doesn’t look away from Alex.
“I was five and he promised me that he would do everything in his power to make sure that I had the life that my Papa wanted me to have, and he gave me the best life anyone could ever ask for, and he loved me unconditionally. But there was always a small part of me that knew that he was trying to figure out a way to give me back my Papa, like he wasn’t enough.”
Alex looks away from her at that, and his gaze immediately finds Michael’s before he gets up from his seat, and moves away like he’s trying to control his reaction.
Cosima exhales carefully like she’d been expecting that reaction, and she also looks to Michael, a little defiantly, like she’s expecting him to say that Alex wasn’t enough.
“How did you get here?” Liz speaks up like she’s been wondering this whole time and this was the only time she managed to find to ask the question.
Cosima blinks a few times before she looks at Liz, furrowing her brow and then exhaling like she keeps forgetting that she’s not the Aunt Liz that she knows.
“It’s my ability,” she says, raising one hand and wiggling her fingers in the air. “I can travel through time and space, but going backwards is really hard. I never really tried it, but of course, Dad had figured out a way to do it.”
“Why did he send you back?” Maria asks carefully. “Why didn’t he come back with you?”
Cosima’s gaze snaps to Maria like she’s been trying to avoid looking at her the entire time, and Maria inhales sharply, and reaches out and wraps her fingers around Michael’s wrist as though she already knew what Cosima was going to say.
Michael had known what was coming when it came to what happened to himself, but whatever it was that happened to Alex he really didn’t want to know. He would prefer to go on thinking that the future had an alive and well Alex Manes, and that made everything that was to come worth it.
Cosima inhales carefully, and she looks away from Maria to look at Alex who is leaning back on a table away from them like he’s trying to isolate himself.
“After the attack on Roswell, there were other cities attacked, but the Alighting left, not seeing any good that would come from taking over Earth. They left us alone, but there were still aliens living here, aliens that didn’t want anything to do with the Alighting and their agenda. The government knew that there were others, and special task forces were dispatched to deal with them.”
She stops speaking and takes a deep, shaky breath like she doesn’t really want to say what she has to say next, but can’t figure out a way out of it.
“Dad always made sure that we were careful, and if there was ever any doubt, he would move us somewhere else immediately, but something had happened, and even though Dad wanted us to move, I fought him about it because I had friends, and I didn’t want to have to start all over again, and he gave in because it’s what he does when it’s something that I really want, but someone found out, about me, and they told and the last thing I remember is Dad telling me what I had to do, making me promise him that I would find him in the past, and then there were these people in tactical suits with guns and he stood between me and them until I managed to do it, and the last thing I heard was-”
Her voice cuts off and she inhales sharply almost like she can’t breathe and she’s looking over to where Alex is with eyes shining bright with tears and Michael already knows what she’s going to say before she says it.
“It was a gunshot,” she finishes voice sounding terrifyingly numb. “I think he’s dead.”
Alex is startled out of the daze that Cosima’s story has put him in, by the harsh scrape of Michael’s chair as he gets up.
Alex’s gaze snaps to him, to see him pushing Maria’s hands away as he walks out of the bar, taking the same path that Max had earlier.
Alex very nearly follows after him immediately, but then he hears Cosima’s voice wheezing a little, and he turns to her, immediately concerned.
She’s looking at him with wide wet eyes, darting up and down his frame like she’s searching for a bullet hole.
Alex moves towards her automatically, dropping to his knees, and ignoring the slight twinge of pain that goes up his right thigh.
“I just have him,” she says gasping, looking at him with tears running down her face. “I don’t have anyone else, just him and if he’s gone? Then I don’t have anyone. I’ll be completely alone.”
Alex reaches up and cups her shoulders in his hands, and she literally stops, air catching in her throat, eyes wide and intent on Alex.
“Listen to me,” he says with as much conviction as he can. “We are going to figure out a way to fix this. And even if you stay stuck here, I promise you, you’re not alone. You’ll have me, no matter what.”
Cosima nods her head quickly, and Alex feels like maybe he should hug her, but he can tell that she doesn’t want that right now, so he squeezes her shoulders and gets up, looking to Liz who stands up immediately.
“Why don’t we go to the bathroom so you can wash your face?” She suggests, and Cosima looks from Alex to her and nods her head, again.
She gets up from her seat and Alex watches as she follows Liz to the bathroom for a second before he turns around and follows the same path Michael did to go outside.
He expects to find the truck missing, but instead, he finds Michael sitting on the tailgate of his truck, staring at the horizon as storm clouds start rolling in.
Alex walks over to him trying to figure out how to say what he actually means to say.
Lately all he’s been doing has been putting his foot in his mouth every time that he talks to Michael, and even though they’ve become closer than they ever had been, when it comes to the serious stuff, Alex always seems to say something wrong.
He’s always been a more show than tell type of guy, but Michael deserved to hear the words, even if they were difficult for Alex to say. 
Alex sits down besides Michael on the tailgate with a sigh, but he still doesn’t know what to say.
Michael like always, doesn’t have that problem.
“I knew that she was going to say that I was dead, I could see it in the way that she looked at me, and I was prepared for that, but somehow knowing that you might-”
His voice cuts out and he shakes his head looking down at his hands.
Alex blinks up at the sky and inhales shakily as Michael keeps talking.
“I know you probably don’t want to hear this, but I can die happily knowing that you’re alive out there somewhere.”
Alex shakes his head a little but Michael isn’t looking at him. He can hear him inhaling to keep speaking, but Alex just takes a deep breath and beats him to it.
“Stop,” he says, and Michael freezes.
“You’re right, I don’t want to hear that. And up until a few minutes ago, I would’ve told you that there was nothing that could tear me from your side if you were about to die.”
He can feel Michael go even more tense beside him.
Alex closes his eyes and tries again.
“You know, I’ve never really thought about having kids. I guess some part of me was always afraid that I would end up like my father no matter how hard I tried, but-”
He stops talking and shakes his head and when he opens his eyes and turns to Michael, Michael is staring right at him.
“But if you asked me to take care of your child,” he continues, and Michael’s eyes go wide with shock. “I would do it without hesitation.”
Michael stares at him for a few long moments, not moving, not even breathing.
Alex stares at him, and tries to figure out where he  messed up now, when Michael gasps, inhaling deeply and looks away.
“Why?” Michael demands breathing heavily.
Alex furrows his brow, not really understanding what Michael means, until he gets it, and he scoffs looking away.
“You know why, Guerin.”
“No I don’t,” Michael snaps almost angrily. “If I did I wouldn’t be asking.”
Alex stands up, pushing away from the truck and paces agitatedly for a few seconds before he turns back to Michael who is looking at him like he thinks that Alex is going to make an excuse to leave at any second.
Alex exhales heavily and takes two steps forward, until he’s close enough that Michael furrows his brow.
“Why do you think?”
Michael scoffs and looks away briefly before turning back towards him with a determined look on his face, like he’s tired of not saying what he’s thinking.
“I think that you’re just trying to make up for everything wrong that has ever happened to me like it’s your fault that you were born into a family of douchebags, and the last thing that I want from you is pity.”
Alex shakes his head before Michael is even done talking.
“That’s not it at all,” Alex says immediately. “I’ll admit that at first, I felt guilty, and maybe I tried too hard to eradicate the wrongs of the past and didn’t spend enough time trying to right the wrongs that were actually my fault, but it was never about pity.”
“Then why?” Michael asks, pushing himself off from the tailgate and getting into Alex’s personal space.
“Because you’re my family!” Alex snaps, feeling frustrated. “Because I would do anything for you! Because I love you!”
Michael goes completely still again, and Alex mirrors his movements, eyes going wide as he realizes exactly what he just said.
“You-” Michael starts sounding breathless as though Alex had punched him in the stomach.
Alex just swallows hard and nods his head carefully.
Michael steps even closer, and Alex realizes abruptly how close they are and moves to take a step backwards.
Michael wraps his fingers in the collar of Alex’s shirt and he holds on tight, arresting his  movements.
Alex licks his lips and his eyes drop to Michael’s mouth, briefly, before he catches himself and looks away.
“Say it again,” Michael says in a low voice, and Alex looks back at him because he can’t help himself.
Michael’s gaze is on his mouth like he needs to see the words coming out as well as hear them.
Alex inhales carefully and just stares at Michael’s face.
Alex parts his lips, but the words don’t come out.
Michael’s eyes dart up to his, and Alex feels all the air get trapped at the back of his throat.
Michael’s eyes go bright and warm, and Alex breathes in sharply and says the words as easy as breathing.
“I love you,” he says, stomach trembling.
Michael smiles soft and sweet, his mouth quirking up higher on one side than the other.
He’s looking at Alex like he’s something amazing and impossible. His fingers go tighter in the fabric of Alex’s shirt, and he pulls him in a little bit more, gaze going dark as his eyes drop to Alex’s mouth and he leans in.
Alex doesn’t realize that he’s about to be kissed until he feels Michael’s breath against his mouth.
“Wait,” he says, voice dry and cracking.
Michael stops moving closer, but he doesn’t move any further back, eyes still on Alex’s mouth.
“Why?” Michael asks again, voice thick and breathy.
“What about Maria?”
Michael moves back then, eyes darting up to Alex’s. “We broke up like two  weeks-”
“I know,” Alex says, cutting him off. “I mean, Cosima. She’s your daughter. Yours and Maria’s.”
“And she calls you Dad like it’s something she’s done all of her life, because she has,” Michael says and Alex feels the words like tiny bombs impacting in his  brain.
“And anyway,” Michael says, voice going low again, as he pushes in close again, brushing their noses together. “I have never wanted children. Until I saw you holding her in your arms.”
Alex really doesn’t think that anyone will blame him for reacting the way that he does.
He reaches up and drags his hands into Michael’s hair, and closes the small distance between them, crushing their mouths together.
Michael makes a soft, shocked sound that Alex muffles with his lips. And then Michael is surging into him, sliding his hands to the back of Alex’s neck and holding him close as he kisses Alex harder, biting against his lips and licking into his mouth.
Alex moans low in the back of his throat as he tightens his fingers in Michael’s hair and kisses him back just as hard, feeling a little bit desperate and like this might be the last time that he’ll ever be able to kiss Michael. 
Michael drags his hands down Alex’s back and settles himself back against the tailgate of his truck wrapping his arms around Alex’s waist to keep him close.
Alex leans heavily against him, dragging his hands through Michael’s hair restlessly as the thought really hits him that Michael is going to die soon, and that’s not a thought he’s prepared to deal with at all.
He pulls away from Michael mouths parting with a wet, sucking sound.
He looks at Michael and tries to think clearly. 
“What is it?” Michael asks, voice low, hands moving up and down Alex’s back. What’s wrong?“
Alex stares at him for a long second before he sighs and steps out of Michael’s hold.
"It’s just,” Alex says, dragging his fingers through his hair and then crossing his arms over his chest as he turns to look back at Michael who is watching Alex with a  furrowed brow. 
“I know me, and I wouldn’t have tried to find a way to send her back unless I figured out a way to save you.”
129 notes · View notes
SSAT Masterlist ‘19
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Here is my updated masterlist, if a fic you are looking for isn’t included try searching the hashtag of the character by writing SSAT followed by their first name (ex. SSATBilly, SSATSteve, SSATNancy etc.)
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Moments Pt.1 Pt.2: The reader distances themselves from Billy in an attempt to avoid confronting the truth.
Clockwork: Life had become a routine, that is until a new family moves in next door.
They’ve Got Nothing On You: A frantic call from Max brings the reader out to Hawkins.
It Comes And Goes In Waves: A confrontation with Billy Hargrove leads to a revelation within himself.
Forget About The Rest Of Me: Billy lived by the ideology of “live fast. die young.” but when he meets the girl who can’t seem to keep up with everyone else, he finds himself completely taken by her.
Icarus: Music blared from the speakers, the rhythmic thuds of the beat felt as if it were the only thing keeping you alive.
Even If Forever’s Tonight: All Billy had ever wanted was the loving gentle touch of someone, anyone
Only Fools Rush In:  Billy Hargrove loved you, and he desperately needed to know if you were capable of loving him.
Small Doses: Billy was like a drug. You were determined to steer clear of his advances at first but you always came back for more
After All These Years: After being gone for two years, the reader makes their way back to Hawkins after studying overseas. A chance encounter with the love of their life, leads to the reignition of their love.
Surfboard: Billy returns to California and reunites with an old friend.
The Feast Of Saint Valentine: You had never received a Valentine, that all changes on Friday, February 14, 1986
Medallion: The reader is lonely on February 14th, not only was it the day of love but her birthday. Little does she know, Billy has other plans for her.
Berserker: All of the Hawkins High graduates had got together for one last hurrah before everyone went their separate ways, and tonight was the night the reader would face their demons and put their past to rest.
Centrefold Girl: Billy takes care of his sick girlfriend.
Aching Soul: Life after Hawkins leaves Billy Hargrove struggling to cope with the trauma of his past.
Rum and Cola: The reader drives home, tries to drive home a very drunken Billy.
Roswell: Billy finally gets the opportunity to hang out with the girl he’s been smitten with, although she isn’t quite what he had expected. (Byers!Reader)
The Garden Of Eden: The eldest Wheeler sibling writes stories of adventure and thrill, only to struggle in real life as the fear of the unknown prevents her from experiencing life to the fullest. When Billy Hargrove enters her life, she finds herself tempted to take a bite of the forbidden fruit. (Wheelers!Reader)
Sober Thoughts: The reader finds themselves accidentally stealing Billy’s title as the “Keg King”
Moth to the Flame: Someone is bound to be burned by a flame so bright. (Harrington!Reader)
Hellfire: It was carnal belligerence, but somehow something so bad for one another felt so good in the moment. (Byers!Reader)
Cherry Cooler: Tina’s end of the year party at her family’s summer home doesn’t go quite as planned. (Harrington!Reader)
Angel of Death: Leaving behind painful memories from Maine, Bob Newby returns to Hawkins with his daughter. (Newby!Reader)
Lilith: You had come into Billy’s life like an answered prayer, only to be taken from him as punishment for his sins.
End of Act 1: The school play has a much more interesting story going on behind the scenes.
Only The Best For My Girl: Billy comforts the reader during that dreadful time of the month.
Fair Verona: You weren’t supposed to be together, but you couldn’t stay apart - just like a modern-day Romeo and Juliet.
Sweet Peach: Peaches have a way of communicating when words don’t seem to work.
Seaweed: Sneaking out for midnight escapades, turns into a night of late-night skinny dipping at the lake.
Chlorine: Stolen glances and fleeting time and one night in the Hawkins community pool.
Cherries and Whipped Cream: The late-night shifts at The Hummingbird weren’t so bad when you received an order for a milkshake and two cherries.
Off to the Races: Drag races and old desires.
Trial By Fire:  It had been a slip of tongue, a moment of weakness as his lips caressed your collarbone.
Python: Revisiting your past can be daunting, especially when your high school bully has eyes for Billy.
Band-aid: The thing about falling for Billy Hargrove, was that it was painful. It was like tearing off a band-aid slowly, hoping that the slower you pull, the less it would hurt; except pain was inevitable, and you knew that, yet you still resisted. It wasn’t until he broke your heart that you realized how much it would sting - for it was quick and all at once.
Like A Fairytale: Forced to go to dinner with your parents and the McCorkle family (your parent’s lame attempt at setting you up with anyone other than Billy Hargrove), you sneak away to the alleyway to share a tender moment with Billy.
Birds of Prey:
Birds Of Prey: Billy had every intention of dropping Tommy H after senior year, that is until he meets the other H sibling. ***
Morning Dove: Sneaking around becomes more and more difficult for Billy and the Reader, especially when they are right under Tommy’s nose.
Blue Jay: The reader takes Billy to the Sadie Hawkins dance at her school, although both have other things on their minds.
The Labour of My Love:
The Labour Of My Love: When the reader returns home from college feeling defeated and lost, she never expects to find comfort in the company of the new landscaper that her mother hired. Left alone for a few weeks, the reader finds herself becoming closer to Billy Hargrove in more ways than one.
The Resurrection Of My Youth:  After meeting the reader through his new landscaping job, Billy whisks her away for the night.
Baby Mine:
Baby Mine, Don’t You Cry: Billy Hargrove returns to Hawkins with his newborn, only to find himself on edge as he reunites with his father.
Rest Your Head, Close To My Heart (Prequel): The months leading up to the birth of Billy’s child show just how much he is willing to change.
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Max comes up with a plan to get Billy a girlfriend, initially because she wants him to lay off her and her friends although a small part of her truly wants happiness for her brother. When the plan is a success, Billy is left feeling insecure in his relationship with the reader.
Part Two: After Max’s plan of getting Billy a girlfriend is a success, the reader and Billy face a new obstacle, and it takes the form of a store manager.
The Late Bloomer’s Club:
The Late Bloomer’s Club: You had always been a late bloomer, but no one expected you to wind up in the arms of Hawkins newest keg king, Billy Hargrove. This story is full of awkward firsts and painful confessions; welcome to The Late Bloomers Club.
Human Touch:
Series Summary: Having lived a sheltered life hidden in the cabin secluded in the woods, the reader is only now given the opportunity to explore what if means to be a regular teenager, as, she is granted the chance to experience her senior year. Following the events of October 1985, Billy meets the adoptive daughter of Jim Hopper, the same police officer who arrested him based on what had happened between Steve and Billy. The two find themselves completely enamoured with one another, although to Hopper’s dismay. There is more to the reader than meets the eye, and after what was supposed to be a fun night of sneaking into the school pool turns sour, the reader finds out there might be more to her than Hopper has led on.
1. Human Touch
2. Motel Vacancy
3. Winding Road
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To Taste Your Tears On My Tongue:
Summer Bummer:
Undertow: After a traumatic experience with the water, the reader finds themselves unable to even get near it. It isn’t until Steve, who’s taken up a summer job as a lifeguard, that she is able to dip her toes in.
As Long As You’re Mine: Valentine’s Day, such a cruel day for the premium members of the lonely hearts club. Although this year was different.
Lover, Not A Fighter: The reader says something to Steve he hadn’t expected to hear. (Mayfield!Reader)
Even Though It Hurts Pt 2: Dustin's cousin finds herself fighting demodogs with Steve Harrington, only to find she’s received more than she bargained for.
Pretty When You Cry Pt 2: When the reader moves to Hawkins, they find themselves facing prejudice by her peers. Steve Harrington stands up for her when no one else would.
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Degenerate Beauty Queen: An old friend of Steve’s ends up having more in common with Robin than she thought.
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crysty-rp-2023 · 4 years
Hey guys!!! I'm back! (I have a newborn so it may be a bit sporadic at times) looking to get back into writing. Who's up for some plotting here (I'm strictly mobile) or on discord!?!
I am really open to plots and I have a huge wishlist. *I have been really wanting more Malex from Roswell but not necessary*
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flintsjohn · 5 years
Roswell Prompt: alex finds out Jim Valenti is his father
i’m not sure if you wanted malex to be there but uhhh i wrote that anyway!
Alex doesn’t know exactly what he had expected to find in asecret underground bunker he hadn’t known the existence of until an hour ago,but a trunk full of baby blankets and pictures of Jim Valenti holding babiesthat weren’t his own had surely not been at the top of the list.
He watches Kyle’s face carefully shift as he stares at thefirst picture of the stack, eyes narrowed as he takes in the details. He lockshis jaw when Kyle recognizes his dad’s hands and the baby he’s holding, andcomes to the conclusion that Rosa Ortecho was actually a Valenti. He’s about tosuggest they head back up because his leg is starting to seize and they bothneed a drink after this, when Kyle turns to another photograph in the bunch.The newborn in that pic isn’t someone he needs help in recognizing.
“That’s me,” he says slowly, mind whirring. Kyle turns onhim, eyes shining and confused, but Alex is already shaking his head. “I’m- Itcan’t be that. He- Our dads werefriends, he probably just visited the hospital when I was born.”
“And kept the picture a secret for nearly thirty years?”Kyle’s voice is disbelieving, understandably. Still, Alex shakes his head,hauling himself to his feet and fitting his arm in the crutch.
“He was my godfather,Kyle. There’s nothing else to it.” Neither of them believes it. They surfaceback into the living room and move the coffee table back into its rightfulplace. Alex feels the exhaustion crush into him in waves and drops on thecouch, pressing his fingers to his eyes for a second. Before Kyle leaves, hemakes sure he understands that his father was a good person. He deserves thatmuch.
Still, when Kyle is gone and Alex has changed for bed, heturns and tosses, unable to sleep. A million little memories from his childhoodwhirl into his head, times when Jim had seemed to care more than Jesse everhad. Moments after his mom had left, when Jim had been moping around, drinkingmore than usual. His dad had always snorted and said Jim had a problem withalcohol. But then… Alex had always chalked up his father’s hate towards him tohis sexuality. He’d never considered anything else. He falls asleep into theearly hours of the morning, a sinking feeling in his gut telling him that thereason he inherited the cabin wasn’t the one he’d originally thought of.
Alex spends a week figuring out a way to bump into hisfather and get a DNA sample. It’s not easy, what with his dad still disgustedfrom the drive in shtick, but he manages to corner him one morning at theCrashdown while he’s having breakfast. He sits down with a grin, thanks Arturofor the cup of coffee he places in front of him, and locks his fingerstogether.
“Hey, Sarge.”
“Alex.” His dad narrows his eyes at him, but Alex justsmiles beatifically before sipping his coffee. He whips up some bullshit aboutgoing over retirement plans, what his dad thinks he should do when hisenlistment period is up, so on and so forth. He stays there long enough for hisdad to look at his watch and leave without a goodbye, and then he’s snappinginto action, snatching the empty coffee cup from the table before it can becleaned or anyone can see him.
He’s knocking on the door of Liz’s lab at the hospital in notime. Liz looks up at him wide-eyed when he enters, her hair in a messy bunheld together by a pencil and sheer hope. “Alex,” she says with a smile,blinking at him in confusion, “What are you doing here? Did you text?”
“No, sorry for barging in on you. I need a favor.”
Liz tilts her head to the side, studying him. “Friend favoror science favor?”
“A bit of both,” he admits, finally closing the door behindhim. He places the cup in front of her and bites down on his lip when sheraises an eyebrow back. “Can you run a DNA test on the saliva there?”
“Uh, sure. Compare it with what?” She’s already inscientist-mode, getting a cotton swab to gather what she can. Her eyes almostpop out of her head when Alex gestures to himself, but to her credit shedoesn’t say anything, just gets another swab and lets him run it under histongue.
“This won’t take long. Want to get lunch while it works? Youcan fill me in,” she says it with a smile, but Alex knows it’s more of ademand. He nods anyway, good-naturedly, and offers his elbow to her.
Turns out, finding out that Jesse Manes isn’t actually hisfather is not as satisfying as Alex had thought it would be. He’s clutching thetest results in his hand as he pounds on the door, a sob trapped in his throatas he swipes furiously at his eyes.
This is stupid, he tells himself. He shouldn’t care thismuch. Jesse Manes is a monster, always has been. He’s fucked Alex up in so manyways he can’t even begin to count them. And yet… He stumbles and almost fallswhen the door suddenly swings open.
“Alex?” Michael’s confused and sleepy voice is like a balmover Alex’s emotional wounds, the sob that had been lodged in his throat forten minutes finally breaking free. He crashes into Michael, fingers scrabblingover bare skin, the momentum pushing them back into the warm air of thetrailer.
“What’s wrong?” Michael’s voice is so gentle, so kind, evenafter all the shit Alex has said to him not two weeks ago, and Alex… Alex cries. He sobs and he whimpers, fattears rolling down his cheeks as he holds on to Michael for dear life. He’s solost in his grief that he almost doesn’t realize Michael is leading them to thebed and sitting them both down, never breaking contact, and then he’s lying inMichael’s arms again, his chest solid and realunder his wet cheek. Calming.
He hiccups and sniffs through the last of his tears, a sad,self-deprecating laugh bubbling in his chest as he sits up and dries his facewith the sleeve of his hoodie, then does the same to the wet spot he left onMichael’s chest. It’s only when Michael’s hand closes around his that he looksup and speaks.
“He’s not my father.” He swallows around the lump in histhroat and scrambles for the piece of paper that had somehow ended up in thepocket of his hoodie. He presses it into Michael’s chest like it’s a valid explanationfor the situation, like it’s enough to clear Michael’s stunned expression away.“He’s not my father and my real dad is dead and all this time, I thought he onlyhated me because I was gay, but it’s because I’m not his. I’m not his son and he chased my mom away and took it out onme and- and-“
Michael’s hands are warm and steady on his face, bringinghim back into focus as his breathing becomes erratic. He closes his eyes anddraws upon the pace of Michael’s breaths to calm his own. When he opens his eyesagain, Michael’s looking at him, searching for god knows what. He heaves out asigh, in the end, and presses a kiss to Alex’s forehead. “I’m pretty sure JesseManes still qualifies as a homophobic prick whether you’re his son or not.”
Alex snorts, an ugly sound that morphs into real laughter,and suddenly he’s shaking with it, hiding his face in the crook of Michael’sneck as Michael chuckles back at him. It takes him forever to calm down, butwhen he does, he pulls away to find Michael smiling fondly at him.
“Thank you,” he whispers, his fingers skimming overMichael’s neck and making his eyelids flutter. “I’m sorry for what I said atthe drive in.”
“It’s the truth.” Michael shrugs, but he’s avoiding Alex’seyes now.
“Maybe. But I should’ve fought harder for this. For you.”Michael’s eyes snap to meet his, a spark of hope glinting there and movingsomething inside of Alex. He cups Michael’s face in his hands and swipes histhumbs over his cheekbones. “I know the truth now. I’m not afraid to use itagainst him. I’m not gonna let him come between us again.”
Michael’s eyes are still searching his face, and this timehe must find what he’s looking for there because he nods, once. Then, he turnsjust enough to press a kiss to the center of Alex’s palm, a soft caress thatfeels like a sealed promise.
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talk-nature-to-me · 5 years
Types of boas (part 1)
Boa refers to any animal within the family Boidae, these animals are generally new world and give live birth, unlike pythons. These all are, of course, nonvenomous. Boas range from sand boas to anacondas to amazon tree boas. Female boas are very likely to be bigger (sometimes significantly bigger) than males. I will breakdown posts by genus.
Boa genus:
This genus includes the 2 species (or some consider boa imperator a subspecies of boa constrictor) of boa "constrictors", red tailed boas and common boas, both species are called both, but generally Boa constrictors are red tails and Boa imperators are commons. Boas are nocturnal animals. They are usually solitary, except for mating. Afterwards, they will give birth to up to 60 young, which will be ready to go in minutes. They usually live on the ground, but are excellent swimmers and climbers. In the wild they can live up to 30 years, but in captivity they can live up to 40. When young, they will eat things like rodents, but as adult will eat things like monkeys and deer.
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Newborn litter of boa imperator with their pink panther caramel albino mom
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A boa constrictor in a tree
Boa constrictor:
This is your typical beautiful boa "constrictor" with that bright red tail. They do not have true morphs, only localities. Different localities are different sizes and are usually between 5-12 feet in length but the longest I believe was 14 feet. Their weight is generally 20-35 pounds although up to 100 pounds has been seen before.
The localities are:
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Juvenile Peruvian Pucallpa locality Boa constrictor
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Adult Suriname locality Boa constrictor
Boa imperator:
These guys are the ones that morph into beautiful variety of colors and patterns. The morphless still have red tails, but it's not quite like the the true red tails. Along with morphs they also have localities too. They are average smaller than constrictors and usually are 4-8 feet in length but can reach up to 12. They are usually around 13 pounds.
The localities are:
-Crawl Cay
-Caulker Cay
-Peters type B
-Hog Island
-Tarahumara Mountains
Corn Island
Costa Rican
El Salvadorian
-Paraguayan Peninsula Boa
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Adult Belizean Crawl Cay locality Boa imperator
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Juvenile Hog Island locality boa imperator
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Adult Sonoran locality boa imperator
The morphs are:
Albino (Argentine) R
Albino (Caramel-hypo) R
Albino (Central) R
Albino (Costa Rican) R
Albino (Kahl) R
Albino (Prodigy) R
Albino (Sharp) R
Albino (VPI) R
Anerythristic (RDR Black Eye) R
Anerythristic (Type 1) R
Anerythristic (Type 2) R
Arabesque ID
Aztec ID
Black R
Blood R
Coral Albino (this ones honestly a mystery)
Cyclone ID
Fire ID
Flamingo Pastel D
Hypo ID
Inca ID
Jaguar R
Jungle ID
Keltic ID
Key West ID
Kraken ID
Kubsch Pastel D
Labyrinth ID
Leopard R
Monster Tail D
Motley (Argentine) ID
Motley (Central American) ID
Motley (Colombian) ID
Onyx ID
Paradox D
Pastel Dream D
Pink Panther D
Raptor ID
RC Pastel D
Redrum Pastel D
Reverse Stripe R
Roswell Laddertail ID
Salmon Hypo D
Scoria ID
Square Tail R
Sterling R
Striped Tail R
Summit Pastel D
Sunset D
Super Stripe R
I labeled them all D, ID, or R for dominant, incomplete dominant, or recessive. Dominant is where it only needs 1 of the gene to show and 1 and 2 genes look the same, incomplete dominant is where 1 gene and 2 genes look different, and recessive is where it needs 2 genes to show. Recessives with 1 gene look like their other morphs and are considered heterozygous. They have to be breed to another boa with 1 or 2 of the same recessive genes to make visual or het babies. Recessive or het adults bred to non visual or het adults can make het babies too.
Health issues with morphs: some morphs can have health issues that always or sometimes come with them. There may be more than this.
Albino: eye deformities
Super motley: doesn't survive to adulthood
Super jungle: can't reproduce
Super aztecs: coordination issues
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Juvenile (possibly a newborn) sharp albino boa imperator
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Sub adult scoria boa imperator
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Newborn eclipse (leopard and Colombian motley) boa imperator
Boa constrictors are commonly kept as pets. They are active, alert, and usually tolerate handling well. They are harder to keep than snakes like ball pythons and most colubrids, but not extremely difficult like some snakes.
[[No photos are mine and all rights go to the owners, all info was found from various online sources]]
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