#Really went with the Height Difference for this one bois
snapbackslide · 8 months
WHAT HAPPENED OMG how was it!!
it was a really good date, we spent 4 hours (!!!!) together just like, walking downtown and we got drinks which he paid for mine, said it was his bday gift for me 🥲 and talked a lot about everything, hockey especially, families, education/career, news, memes, travel, music...
i think he picked up on my hints, when we were walking i kept bumping lightly into him on purpose, and i'd tuck my hair behind my ear and lick my lips lmao. and i let him have a sip of my drink. cause i wanted him to kiss me, and he did, but i got so nervous and messed it up and pulled away 😭 (i buried my face in his chest and held him and i think he chuckled.. he could tell.. then he kissed the top of my head and i died 🪦 i texted him after saying sorry for the bad kiss LOL and he said 'don't apologize i thought the goodbye was very cute' .. omg)
it's just i never liked kissing but i wanted it with him, and he was good his lips were soft gosh, the second it was over i wanted it back.. this is crazy i miss him already 😭
#it was so hard for me not to dive right in i think maybe that's why i panicked#i'm just so passionate and i was holding back all night and he was so chill and calm... kinda drove me insane 😭#i was having a hard time taking initiative.. like the bumping into him thing was me FIGHTING the urge to hold his arm#he didn’t seem like a super touchy guy idk if it was bc we had just met or that’s how he is but that was a little disappointing tbh#and a WASTE bc gosh he’s so comfy to hug. i had to physically force myself to pull away. i'm not joking#bc in our hugs i could feel him letting go & i didn’t wanna make him uncomfortable#but ugh our height difference & age gap are both literally -perfect-#he got a really cute laugh (and a deeper voice than i thought 😩)#oh yeah and he just ever so casually mentioned he was an argentina fan and i went full fangirl mode?????#oh. and he said he's a mama's boy... (& he likes the oilers.. & his fav movie is interstellar... *quiet voice* “tyson?” LMAOihaveatype)#yea and he said to let him know when i got home and when i forgot (bc i always do) he texted me 🥹#he mentioned having been in a LDR before and how he didn't mind it... seems like only one of us was good at picking up hints 💀#he asked if i'd ever been in one and i didn't realize until later like. oh. HEY maybe i should've said i wouldn't mind it either 🤦‍♀️#ngl there were moments that were a bit awkward tho bc we were both quiet.. but he was so so sweet#like when i said i should go home he was completely understanding and would often ask if i was cold#just a very Gentle man like.. i felt so safe and comfortable 🥹#and i really loved looking up at him and into his eyes it was the best lil moments...#like when i said i hope this wasn't too boring for you and he immediately reassured me and said he's having a great time#and asked if i was having a good time too and our voices got softer and that eye contact was just.. ugh ✨#he really talks like a hockey player tho lmaooo 😭#so yeah i've been up for HOURS replaying all this in my mind i barely slept... i really just wanna see him again asap#answered#brunch anecdotes w the girlies
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theoldsports · 1 month
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Art Donaldson x Reader
oops. it’s gonna be a series. i’m developing Lore. let me know what you think and where to go next.
warnings: 18+ please, drug use mention, drinking (underage), kinda sexual content.
Fancy parties were loathsome. [Y/N] thought so, at least. She hated being told to stop calling them fancy parties and shindigs and to call them by their proper names: galas, benefits, balls, whatever. It was exhausting. Her feet weren’t meant to be elegantly jammed into spike heels. [Y/N] liked the height she was, thank you very much.
Did supporting charitable causes have to feel so degrading?
Capitalism at its finest.
[Y/N] had been attending these things since she was a little girl. Seven or eight years old. So young, in fact, that she now can’t remember what demographic or ailment-research, or political party this goddamn yearly spring shindig was for. Mr. and Mrs. Zweig were always nice to her when she was a child. She wasn’t just a family-friend, she (and her parents) felt like friends that were family.
What made the lavish Zweig parties tolerable was Patrick Zweig. She had known Patrick as long as there had been parties to get dressed up for. He had scraped her off a marbled staircase step as a little girl when her polished pleather mary janes didn’t have the traction to keep her upright. She had cried when she fell. He had said: “you’re really loud, you know that?” And she had laughed. So they were doomed to spend eternity hiding in coat rooms and getting tipsy together at these things.
Patrick was never one of those boys that felt the need to turn his back on [Y/N] during the cooties years, or the so-she’s-your-girlfriend? years. The pair of them always managed to be simply themselves and that was enough. He was merciless and unapologetic, but he made a hell of a best friend.
[Y/N] was two months older than Patrick, and had been taller for their first two years of friendship. When his shift in stature occurred, it happened fast.
Patrick went away to boarding school and came back a gangly beast. [Y/N], though they hadn’t spent every waking moment (weekends and school days) together since he had left her for a racket and a tennis ball, was always pleased to see Patrick was still himself every time he came home. Louder and stupider each time, but still Patrick.
Though, one spring break was different. Eleventh grade, if [Y/N] recalled correctly. Patrick came home, tall and stupid as ever, toting a boy named Art Donaldson.
Art Donaldson was considerably smaller, and debatably less stupid than Patrick Zweig. [Y/N] understood that day why all the girls in her grade giggled about boys. [Y/N] could never tell Patrick that. He would have been insufferable about it.
Actually, [Y/N] felt jealous. That was also a secret. Because Art, unlike she and Patrick, was nice. Everybody liked him. Nobody ever talked shit about him. Adults loved him and his small-town boy manners. He actually was a rambunctious little jerk, but nobody else saw that. Everyone else got yes sir, yes ma’am, I’m well, how are you? He could turn that charm on and off like a faucet. Infuriating, right?
[Y/N] was also jealous because it was clear she had been replaced.
Patrick lit up like a Christmas tree when he was with Art. He never looked at her like that. Art must have been a better friend to him then she was. Patrick called her once a week to talk for years, but Art slept, like, six feet away from him. It simply wasn’t fair.
Because of that, [Y/N] remembers spring break was really hard. [Y/N] was acutely aware she had lost something she didn’t know she could lose to the human version of a fucking beagle.
[Y/N] couldn’t remember the grade they were in exactly, but she did remember the dress she wore to the Zweigs’ party that year. It was light green and had spaghetti straps. It was longer and more form-fitting than what she was used. Most of the girls her age had settled for lots of tulle and cheetah-print so [Y/N] looked more mature by comparison. It was the first time [Y/N] remembered feeling grown up at all.
To think she thought that all her excitement and contentment was wasted. [Y/N] sat in a plastic pool chair in the backyard curled up with her cork wedge platforms resting dangerously close to the water. She nursed a bottle of vodka she had swiped two months ago from her parents liquor cabinet to surprise Patrick. Meticulously, she had waited for them to be out of town and found the key to the liquor cabinet. A whole bottle just for [Y/N] and her best friend. [Y/N] had barely managed to keep it a secret that she had taken it. She had been so proud of herself and thought Patrick would be too.
Now, she was the only one around to drink it.
Patrick had put his warm, familiar hands on her shoulders and told [Y/N] to wait right there and that he and Art would be back in a sec. The two boys had vanished upstairs presumably to Patrick’s room with laughter spilling from their mouths. [Y/N] sat at the base of the stairs alone for twenty minutes.
According to the garish clock on the wall, at twenty-one minutes, [Y/N] disappeared to the pool. She officially hated Patrick too. He had left her alone at parties plenty of times, and she him. They’d dance with others, or sneak off for a makeout session with a pretty stranger. It had never been a big deal either way. This felt like deliberate abandonment for no good reason. That was a first.
“Whoa, save some for the rest of us.” A reedy voice called out. Art Donaldson. [Y/N]’s head glanced over her shoulder so fast at the sound that she almost made herself dizzy. It took little time to realize there was no Patrick with him.
[Y/N] pulled the bottle closer. “That was a really long one sec,” She replied. She planned to say that eventually in the wasted minutes she waited, but it sounded less cool now than it did in her head. [Y/N] sounded plain mopey and that was a shame. “What’d you guys do anyway? Where’s Patrick?”
Art shrugged and walked further into view. He looked a bit sheepish. “Being Patrick,” He didn’t answer the first question she asked. There was a half-smile tugging at his lips. Art looked nice. Brown dress shoes, navy jacket, white shirt. No tie. She could have sworn that had been a tie at some point earlier. His shaggy blonde hair was mussed, but she had yet to observe it being neat. It was fustrating how effortlessly nice he looked. [Y/N] thought that everyday from day one. “It’s getting kinda cold. You wanna head back inside? I was looking for you—“
“I’m alright here, but thanks,” she slurred slightly. “You head in. I’m not here to ruin your fun.” It had sounded bitter. She hadn’t meant for it to.
Art sighed and glanced away from her. He paused a moment and sighed. “I’m not here to ruin yours either, y’know.”
“You don’t have to make this into a thing. It’s fine.”
“Well, too late. Patrick’s being an ass. I don’t want you out here feeling like I’m some homewrecker. I’ve been on the receiving end of shit like this from him, too. He’s not trying to be nasty to you, ‘promise. Come on, I’m not gonna let you freeze out here.” Art said, stepping in a bit. The glow from the pool left green and white wiggly lines across his cheeks.
“It’s spring, It’ll warm up. Get back up to that party, man. Patrick’s waiting for you.”
“You’re being impossible.”
[Y/N] set the half-empty bottle down beneath her chair. “Nuh-uh.”
“Jesus… if you’re gonna be a jerk about it, at least take this.” Art frowned, shrugging out of his suit jacket. He seemed disappointed.
“Oh, Art, please—“
“No, no! You made your choice. Don’t let me spoil your fun with you and the… the vodka,” Art said, making a show of taking the jacket off and throwing it over to [Y/N]. The balled up lump of fabric landed in her lap with a soft thud. Her stomach churned. “All hunky dory now,” He said, holding his hands out to show he was no threat. Art’s brows were lowered protectively close to his eyes in what [Y/N] thought was an effort to mask slight hurt or rejection. He turned to walk away as [Y/N] clutched the fabric of his jacket between her fingers. Art turned back to to look at her for a moment. [Y/N] didn’t know what that expression was meant to mean. “Be careful, okay? For what it’s worth, you—you look lovely tonight. It would be a shame for such a, uh, such a pretty girl in a pretty dress to end up face down, stuck in the pool drain. ‘Night [Y/N].”
[Y/N] was glad for the dark because she felt her face heat up and dopey smile start to form at the compliment. Maybe she was drunk, but that had to be flirting. In the most fucked up way possible, but still. Why? Art Donaldson didn’t even like her.
Art had only managed to take a few steps into the dewy grass when [Y/N] begrudgingly called out: “Art, wait!”
She hated that she liked the smirk on his face when he turned around. He could tell what she wanted by her tone. What kind of fucker takes no for answer happily and still sets himself up for a yes in the end. “Yes?” He asked, trying not to smile.
“Listen, you’re right—“ [Y/N] stood up confidently, sliding Art’s jacket around her shoulders. And she stood up too fast and knocked her sandals into the pool. “Shit!” She cursed. She was still an age where cursing felt cool and unfamiliar. [Y/N] stood on her unsteady feet and watched her sandals bob out to the middle of the pool, propelled by her kick. She was embarrassed now as well. The stakes of everything felt so much higher than sandals in the pool of her best friend’s backyard. Booze will do that to the sanest of folks. [Y/N] dropped her face heavily into her hands. Great.
Quickly, Art cut his eyes between her and the shoes and back again. “Where do they keep the pool net?” Art asked calmly, without missing a beat.
“The shed.” [Y/N] said miserably and pointed a few feet away. Art bounded across the pavement around the pool to the shed. He tugged once, then twice.
“Fuck,” he said under his breath. “It’s locked,” He reported to [Y/N] from practically halfway in the pruned hedges. Art started the walk back to her. Once he was beside her, Art placed a hand gently at her elbow. “Come back inside with me. Please. Patrick may be able to get us a key and we can…”
But [Y/N] looked so sad from behind her hands. Even though all of this was so childish. She was also wearing Art’s jacket now and that did things to his brain. Her dress wasn’t not low cut and he froze for a second. All he could do was stare.
“Just do what I would do,” Patrick said. “It’ll be fine, man. She’s already into you, I can tell.”
“Well, if she’s into me, why would I do what you would do? That’s an awful suggestion, Patrick.” Art protested.
Patrick spun around in his desk chair to face Art as he rolled a joint. “I’ve known her since before I knew you. Just, like, be spontaneous. That’s what I mean. Spontaneous. She’s into that because she’s like that too. And she’s… wicked mean, so don’t start shit. She’ll surprise you, but like, in a good way. What I said before makes me sound like a jackass,” Patrick paused to laugh. “Be in the moment. Don’t get in your head about it. Which you’re doing right now— I can tell, Arthur…” Patrick drew out Art’s full name (which he hated) to get under his skin.
Art stood up from the floor in frustration. He glanced at his watch. Too much time had passed. The window was metaphorically closing. Hastily, Art dashed to the door. “I’m going down there. Poor girl’s been waiting all this time because you, my friend, are a shitty advice-giver.”
“Spontaneous!” Patrick called after him with a grin.
Art stared at [Y/N]. Then he blinked. Then tilted his head to the side. Spontaneous. Before he knew it, he was tugging his shoes and socks off and diving into the pool. Art had been right, it was getting decisively cold and the pool water reflected that. Art swam out to where the wedges had floated too, which had actually been fairly far. He wasn’t sure if the net would have gotten them that easily. Art nicked the shoes by the ankle straps and shook his wet hair out of his face. As he paddled back, he glanced at [Y/N]’s expression. She smiled wide with joy and surprise at Art’s sacrifice.
“Art! Thank you so much!” She said when he flopped the waterlogged shoes onto the concrete. Art looked up at her from the water and he only looked up her skirt a little bit.
“It’s no trouble. Repayment’s in order, though.”
“Repayment…? What do you—“
Art wrapped his wet, callused hands around both of [Y/N] ankles and flipped her into the pool. She screamed as she splashed into the pool. Then laughed hard. Art wanted to hear that laugh for the rest of his life.
“Wait, fuck, you can swim, right?”
Fortunately, [Y/N] could, and that’s the move that won Art Donaldson his wife.
“Honey, you have to get up so you can get ready…” Art’s mouth moved against the shell of [Y/N]’s left ear. His arm was tossed over her middle. Normally, it was Art that dreaded getting out of bed, but clearly they enjoyed switching roles once in a while.
A nap had turned into two-and-a-half hours of [Y/N]’s soft snores while Art held her. He couldn’t sleep much, but luckily he had something beautiful to look at. She ripped into him about his staring problem all the time. Art couldn’t be bothered to give a damn. “No.” She mumbled.
“Please…” Art’s hand trailed under her shirt and climbed up, up, up.
“No,” she sighed. Art’s hands groped her left breast and [Y/N] didn’t particularly mind. She shivered at the contact. Art had known every inch of her body over years. Neither was bored yet, though.
“It’s one night. One party. We don’t have to stay all night… He’s not going to be there, Lenora told me when I RSVP’d.”
They had an unspoken rule. They did not name Patrick in conversation when sober. The wound was too fresh still.
“Don’t talk about him, or his fucking mom when you’re touching me like that,” [Y/N] all but moaned as Art’s left thumb circled her nipple. “‘Thought we had to get up…”
Art smirked. “We do. At least you’re awake now.” He teasingly withdrew his hand entirely from out of her shirt and scampered out of bed in one agile zip of a motion.
She groaned. Rolling on her back to look at the ceiling, she glanced over at Art walking through the master bathroom doorway in his briefs. What an incredible ass that man has. “Motivation to leave the party early.” Art said and popped off into the shower.
Maybe it was selfish. Patrick and [Y/N] and Art hadn’t spoken in almost a year. It was no surprise to the Donaldsons that Patrick was an addict. He had been addicted to almost everything and everyone that crossed his path. What they hadn’t expected was him becoming so out of control that he missed the wedding of his two best friends and was sent into rehab once he was declared medically stable. The one person that both Donaldsons had fought to have in their own personal half of the wedding party. And he wasn’t there. And the wedding was expensive enough to go through with it amid all the bad feelings over Patrick.
Still, they were invited to the Zweig family’s charity or whatever gala. They would go like they always had, too. But it would be their first time alone, so to speak.
[Y/N] regretfully got out of bed while Art showered. She moved to the closet and unzipped her paper thin dress bag. The gown itself was beautiful, but not all too expensive. The year had been tight in terms of money. The wedding and the honeymoon were pricey enough before you added in rackets and competition entry fees and coaching. Art was an expensive husband to have. He made up for it. He was playing at his best too, so [Y/N] hardly cared. Who could put a price on seeing Art smile like that?
[Y/N] cringed if she had to pay more than two-hundred dollars for shoes or a dress anyway.
The dress was green. She’d worn a lot of green since she met Art. [Y/N] dreaded wiggling into shapewear and spending too long on her hair. Art had it easy. A tie, a jacket and trading his nasty watch for his nicer one. It wasn’t fair. It never was with Art.
She got ready all the same. The straps rested on her shoulders, thicker than the early 2000s straps she had been dumped into the pool in. It was longer than that dress. Almost floor length instead of mid calf. It was elegant for its price tag.
Once the dress was on, [Y/N] tumbled into the bathroom to do her makeup. The shared counter was way too small for both of their shit to sit nicely on. She would complain about that when there was more money in the bank account to do something about it. Art was taking longer than normal in the shower. Boner, [Y/N] thought.
As she started to put her face on, she could see Art’s face in the foggy mirror behind her. The sound of the water stopping and the shower curtain being tossed back had gone unnoticed. He was smiling slightly. “You look nice.” He said softly. Art toweled off his shaggy hair harshly behind her. He kept looking at her.
This is how Art was. He made these remarkable heart eyes at her every time he saw her. [Y/N] could be wearing a potato sack and she would feel beautiful. That look, that staring problem, was worse a hundredfold when she was dressed up. He kept glancing at her. She could see him in the mirror. He wanted [Y/N] to see. The blue and brown of his eyes cast further and further down her body.
“Staring.” [Y/N] said simply. She didn’t even look away from her own face in the mirror.
“Yeah. And?” Art smiled cheekily. His face was bright red not from the warm shower water. He wrapped his towel around his slim waist. [Y/N] applied too much concealer and less blush. “I, of all people, am allowed.”
“Idiot.” [Y/N] said. Art dried his hands profusely on his towel, knowing she would squawk at him if he left wet handprints behind on her dress.
Art’s hands wrapped around her waist. Great pains were taken to prevent other wet spots from splopping up her dress. So, so gently, he kissed the left side of her neck from behind. “I was thinking—” Art was always gentle in his own way.
“Ooh, dangerous.”
“Shut up. Y’know, this is the first Zweig party where your placecard is going to say Donaldson on it…”
[Y/N] nodded softly. “Huh. Yeah. That’s true.” She said, smiling a bit.
“I’m really, really excited about that. On the seating chart, we’re the Donaldsons. Isn’t that so crazy…?” Art whispered into her plush skin. “Plural. Two of us.”
Teasingly, she nudged him back with her elbow. The smile was still wide on her lips. “You’re being such a girl about it.”
Art didn’t let go or relent. He pressed feather-light kisses between [Y/N]’s ear and collarbone. “Am I? Hadn’t noticed.”
“We’re going to be late to this thing you want to go to so bad, Mr. Donaldson, if you don’t stop.” [Y/N] whispered, incapable of doing more. She did set down her makeup sponge and pot of foundation with a clack.
“Would that be such a bad thing? Only a couple minutes, right? We could-we could cut out some of the boring small talk and…” Art said, daring boldly to drag his tongue up her throat as the steamed up mirror cleared some. He never finished his sentence verbally.
[Y/N] gasped at the feeling. That was a brave move for Art. “You drag me out of bed early so we can be late anyway. You don’t make any s-sense, babe.”
He huffed impishly. Art spun [Y/N] around to face him. His face and shoulders were damp from the water collected in his hair, which desperately needed a trim. Carefully, Art brushed [Y/N]’s hair away from her face. “You’re right… I’m sorry. Please let me make it up to you?”
Then, Art’s mouth quirked into that crooked smile she loved so much.
“Please.” Art said in a hushed voice and boosted [Y/N] smoothly onto their rickety counter. “Give me ten minutes.”
“You can do better than ten.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Clock’s ticking.” When she said it, she heard Art’s knees hit the tile in front of her.
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st7rnioioss · 19 days
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ੈ‧₊˚ i’m marrying mommy
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: chris sturniolo x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: part 2 to "when are you gonna marry mommy?". chris finally gets to propose to you, but not without help from his favourite buddy. (part 1 here)
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: fluff, cursing, kissing, nothing really!
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since you and chris’s son, connor, had sleepily talked to chris about proposing to you, chris’s mind had been stirring with thoughts. he was constantly thinking about when, how and where he would do it, propose, to you.
he knew connor was right - you do love chris more than anything, but at the same time proposing is not an everyday activity.
In secret, chris had been looking around online, as well as in-store to find the perfect ring for you. If he was going to propose, it had to be perfect.
and of course, chris had invited connor with him. the small trips to the ice cream shop were in fact trips to the jeweler. and it went unnoticed by you, because after going to the jeweller, chris took connor to get ice cream, so every few days you were met with your favorite boys with ice cream cones in their hands.
“how do you like that one, buddy?” chris leaned down to be at the same height as your five-year-old, pressing a finger to the glass with the prettiest and sparkliest rings. It was like watching a diamond mine, but up close.
“hm. I don't think mommy likes the shape. all her rings are round, not square.” connor speculates. chris thought it was the cutest thing ever - he was chris’s biggest supporter in this.
“yeah, you’re right,” chris smiled at connor, eyeing the cashier who was chuckling silently. It wasn’t every day you saw a five-year-old being so passionate about engagement rings.
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after months of looking at rings and lots of trips to different jewellers, connor and chris had decided on a beautiful, silver round engagement ring. It was perfect. chris and connor had seen it at the same time, immediately agreeing it was the one.
the following days the two boys were trying to plan where to propose. sure, it doesn't sound too fun to do that with a child, but connor and chris were best friends, plus, everyone knows chris is a little childish from time to time.
“where have you two been?” you ask with a smile, raising an eyebrow at chris and connor as you cross your arms. they were hand in hand, looking like deers in headlights.
Unannounced, they had been out to buy the ring they had been looking at for the past few days. you had come home to an empty house and no message from chris.
“we-” chris started but was cut off by connor running up to you.
“mommy! I missed you,” he giggled, wrapping his arms around your waist. “me and daddy went to get ice cream again.” connor smiled, looking back at his dad with a wide grin.
“you heard him,” chris chuckled, pointing at connor as he walked up to you, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“hm, I don’t see any cones. are you two sneaking around?” you giggled, returning the kiss chris gave you.
“no, because daddy said I could only get one scoop!” Connor huffed, looking at chris with squinted eyes and a sly smile.
chris faked a gasp, his hands immediately flying to his chest to act hurt.
“stop exposing me! don’t snitch,” chris faked an offended expression, connor immediately started giggling.
you and chris had discussed getting married before, but it was when connor was just a tiny boy. you ended up agreeing to do it at some point when connor was old enough to remember it.
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a few weeks later, it finally hit chris.
“hey, man. I’ve got an idea,” chris smiles, sitting down beside connor on the couch.
You were out buying groceries, so the boys had the house to themselves.
“what?” connor giggles, putting his crayons down.
“so, I thought about where to propose to mommy. when mommy and I were teenagers, we went to the park just down the street, and I kissed mommy there for the first time, ever.” chris explains to connor, a faint blush appearing on his cheeks, reliving the nostalgic memory.
“chris, you’re getting ice cream on me! stop!” you giggled, pushing chris’s hand with the spoonful of ice cream away.
chris had invited you out on a date, taking you to the park to get ice cream
“it’s on your nose!” chris laughed loudly, withdrawing his hand from your face.
carefully, he leaned in with a napkin, wiping the ice cream off your nose.
“fuck you,” you chuckled, keeping eye contact with him as he got it all off.
there was silence for a bit, and you suddenly felt very close on the tiny bench. you were both almost in a trance, gazing into each other's eyes.
“ca... can I kiss you?” chris whispered, being careful not to do anything wrong to make you uncomfortable.
“yeah,” you whispered back, a small smile tugging at your lips. he chuckled softly, cupping your face with both of his hands, as gently as possibly kissing your chapped lips.
“ew, kissing..” connor did a disgusted expression, making chris laugh.
“no, buddy, I’m saying I propose to mommy in that park. what do you think?” chris smiles, tickling connors sides.
“daddy, stop! yes! It- it’s a good idea!” connor giggled, the childish laughter warming chris's heart.
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and finally the time came around. chris had tried his best to dress connor nicely, but not too nicely. he told you that he was inviting you and connor on a picnic in the park, and you instantly agreed.
it was the perfect day as well, the sun was shining, but it wasn’t too hot. you guys had found a spot underneath a big tree, leaving a nice shadow.
“connor, stop! your drink is gonna spill,” you smiled, taking connor’s glass out of his tiny hand.
after a second, chris eyed connor to signal it was time for the real deal.
chris stood up, getting off the blanket to avoid getting it dirty. you looked up at him, a little confused as you were just getting started on the picnic.
“so,” chris cleared his throat. “y/n,” he said, slowly getting down on one knee, fumbling in his pocket for the box.
at this point you were in utter shock, unable to do anything but just stare at chris in absolute disbelief.
“we’ve been together for a while now. 9 fantastic years, maybe even the best years of my life. we have an amazing kid, thanks for the help buddy. and I couldn’t imagine my 26-year-old self being anywhere besides here. with you. and connor-” he winked at him, immediately adverting his gaze back to yours. 
“so uh- I.. will- will you marry me?” chris asked, chuckling a bit as he struggled to open the velvet box with the ring in it.
you were beyond surprised. nothing could’ve prepared you for this.
“oh my fuc- good god. yes, a thousand times yes!” you whisper-yelled, a single tear rolling down your cheek. you got up to hug chris with the biggest smile on both your faces, chris even shedding a small tear.
“god, i love you so so much,” chris sniffled, holding you tightly before gently pulling back.
“now, look at that,” he beamed, holding out your hand, now with a ring on it.
you looked up at him, your eyes filled with pure love, looking down at connor who was standing next to you.
“yay, finally! i love you mommy, and daddy!” connor laughed, hugging you both by your hips.
“oh connor, i love you a million times more,” you wiped a tear, picking conor up by your hip, giving him a fat kiss to his cheek.
“me and daddy didn’t get ice cream at all, we were looking for the diamond rings at the jeweller,” he smiled smugly at chris who was already laughing.
“oh yeah. he’ll definitely be one of the bridesmen. thanks for the help, buddy.” chris kissed the top of his head, looking back at you to kiss you - now engaged.
“ew, stop!”
───────── 🐇
a/n: i hope this lived up to ur expectations! im so sorry ive been practically gone i havent been motived at all :( ily all so much!🤍
taglist: @chrissgirlsstuff @leah-loves-lillies @toriinie @cupidzsq @lacysturniolo @iluvmattyb @ratatioulle @emma4eva @riasturns @sstvrnioloo @sweetbabydoe @elliewrites1 @its-jennarose @abbypost @chrisstopherfilmed @sturniolossss @ducksturniolo @junnniiieee07 @klaus223492 @urfavvev3lyn @vschrissturn @cicimayx @keerahsturn @sturniolololover @domaniquessidehoe @sturniolossss @orangelala-deactivated20240420 @sturnioloslvtt @gwenloremain @k-l-a-w-s @pearlzier @pjmpcyy @mbsbaby @christhopersturniolo @mattspolitank
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lanasblood · 1 year
HOW DO I MAKE YOU LOVE ME | neteyam x reader
pairing: neteyam x f!omatikaya!reader (no mentions of y/n)
summary: you remember all of your attempts to make Neteyam fall in love with you, using various methods, experiencing numerous failures, and you finally come to a conclusion or the five times you failed to win neteyam’s affection and the one time you succeed.
word count: 10k (!!! damn)
warnings: actually none but let’s say hurt/comfort, reader is a simp, 5+1 prompt, confessing, mutual pining, mention of blood, requited/unrequited love, !!adult neteyam!!, flashbacks to childhood and teenager years
note: inspired by the five love languages and the weeknd’s song mentioned in the title.
* gif‘s not mine.
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The soft rustling of the teal leaves falling silently to the ground, as light as an ikran feather, is one of the most soothing sounds heard on the still night. The wind touches them gently, as if caressing them, before whirling them up again in a powerful gust, starting the cycle all over again. The moons stand high in the sky, and the stars sparkle like little gems that can beautify anything. The night is quiet, and the soft breeze seems to calm everything down and lull it into a deep sleep. The bright light of the bioluminescent plants lays gently on the moist meadows, illuminating the darkness. It is like a magical tale, perfect and without blemish. Yet, there is one who can't sleep in this harmonic time: you. With your arms and legs stretched out, you lie on your back, feeling like hours have passed since you started staring at the night sky without moving a muscle. You have even decided to sleep outside your hammock to hear and feel the sound of the wind, hoping to finally sink into the dreamland. But, as you know, this has done little to help. 
All because of him. You sigh in annoyance.
For as long as you can remember you've had this crush on the eldest son of the Olo'eyktan, you don't know when you developed it, let alone how it really started. You just know that it might have been cute at first – a nice girl from a small clan who has feelings for the older boy next door, but as time went by, it wasn't cute at all; on the contrary, it robs you of precious sleep and will most likely cause you to age prematurely. 
Despite not knowing how and when exactly this crush thing has started, you know that it has gotten worse the more time has passed, and the more time passes, the more failed attempts to get his attention you have behind you. However, there's one event you categorize as time zero - the starting point of your attempts - that you remember vividly: 
You were a mere child and couldn't take your eyes off Neteyam, who was only slightly older than you. Confidently clutching the stem of the rare flower you had been searching for days, you made your way through the lush forest, searching for Neteyam. As you thought about the plan you had concocted, your heart beat rapidly in your chest. You had heard from a reliable source that Neteyam was a lover of rare flora, and you hoped that this gift would make him see you in a different light. 
When you spotted him in the distance, his tall figure was moving gracefully through the trees. Taking a deep breath, you approached him, holding out the flower to him.
"Hey, Neteyam," you said, trying to sound casual. "I found this and I thought you might like it." 
Neteyam stopped in his tracks and turned to look at you, his expression unreadable. You held out the flower a bit higher, hoping to see a glimmer of appreciation in his eyes.
"Thank you," he said simply, slowly taking the flower from your outstretched hand. Looking at the flower now in his hand, the corner of his lips turned upward, causing your heart to flutter.
You told him happily, "It's a very rare flower," beaming a bright smile at him. 
And the next thing you knew, you were holding your breath as he bent slightly forward to your height and patted your head in praise, "It seems you're already a careful gatherer, baby neighbor. Keep it up!"
You felt your heart sink faster than a prey could run when he turned and continued on his way, leaving you standing there alone in the forest. You had hoped that your gesture would be enough to make him see you in a different light, but it seemed that it had made no difference at all, or even worse for he had called you the worst possible nickname to exist in all na'vihood. 
As you made your way back to the village, you couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment and frustration settling in you, the deep frown on your face mirroring your inner world. You had tried so hard to get Neteyam to notice you, but it seemed that he was simply not interested.
How do I make you love me?
After a few cycles and many more failed attempts in between, you realized that your little crush was not so little after all. Especially after Neteyam passed his Iknimaya at such a young age, your admiration for him grew every day. The feeling was almost unbearable as you found yourself constantly near him but not receiving the acknowledgment you wished for.
That was until one day, you decided to change that because your hormonal teenager brain had this glorious idea to spend some alone time with Neteyam. You had observed that he enjoyed hunting during his free time when he wasn't bound by his duties as the Olo'eyktan's firstborn. This is why you eagerly joined him on his next hunt, determined to impress him with your own hunting and tracking skills. Looking back, you now realize that your confidence may have been misplaced for your skills were basically non-existent at that time, but back then you were convinced that you were able to hunt.
So, you followed Neteyam deep into the forest, crouching right beside him in the underbrush, watching the herd of talioang grazing in the distance. Their blue and orange skin glinted in the sunlight, and you could hear the low rumble of their voices as they communicated with each other. 
"Do you thi—" Neteyam's hand swiftly covered your mouth, halting your words before they escaped, his touch gentle yet firm. It was electrifying, sending shivers down your spine. He motioned for you to be quiet and directed your attention towards the herd. As he removed his hand, you couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement in your blood. This was your chance to prove yourself.
Neteyam slowly and silently made his way towards the herd, you right on his track, moving from one piece of cover to another. Your eyes followed every movement of the muscles on his toned back, you felt your heart pounding in your chest, and your palms were slick with sweat. Even though you had never really hunted before, you were determined to succeed but Neteyam's captivating presence proved to be a distraction that made it difficult for you to concentrate on anything else. 
As you got closer to the herd, you could feel the adrenaline coursing through your veins. Neteyam signaled for you to stop, and you froze, trying to make yourself as small as possible. He reached out and brushed a twig aside at your feet.
"Watch your steps," he whispered close to your ear, and you could feel the warmth of his breath on your skin, sending shivers down your spine. Your heart raced as you realized how close he was to you, and you wondered if he could hear it pounding in your chest. Longing to feel his lips against your skin, you couldn't help but turn your head slightly towards him, but you knew you couldn't let your desire distract you from the hunt.
"I do," you whispered back. Trying to calm your racing heart, you focused on the task at hand, scanning the ground for anything else that might make noise. But when you moved, you felt Neteyam's body shift slightly against yours, sending another jolt of electricity through you, and you wondered if he felt it too.
"No, you constantly step on something," he told you, still whispering, but voice stern. 
Feeling caught because there was a high possibility that he was right for you hadn't paid attention to your surroundings in the last couple of minutes, too busy doting on him, you couldn't find arguments to defend yourself, "I do not." 
Neteyam firmly pressed his finger on his own lips, signaling you to be quiet yet again. Your heart beat faster as you met his intense gaze, and you felt a rush of desire wash over you.
"Too much noise," he mouthed, his voice barely audible, and looked back at the herd. Following his gaze, you saw that the talioang had picked up on something, and they were starting to look nervous. You and Neteyam held your breaths, waiting for the right moment to strike. 
Suddenly, Neteyam gave the signal, and sprang into action. You just weren't really ready when he gave the signal, so with the first step you took, you stumbled on something growing on the ground and fell over with a short cry. Neteyam who had darted towards the nearest talioang, already drawing his bow and arrow, stopped right in his track when he heard you fall. You looked up at him when he quickly turned to you and then back at the herd but it was too late, the animals already reared up in surprise, and scattered in all directions. However, you were too shocked by your fatal mistake to pay them any attention. You were frozen in place, lying in the dirt, watching Neteyam looking back at you with a slightly agape mouth. The blood rushed to your head and you could hear your heart pounding in your ears. 
You ruined it. 
Neteyam's disappointment was tangible. You could feel his eyes on you, and you knew that he was angry. You would be, too. Struggling to express your remorse, the words got caught in your throat as you attempted to apologize. The weight of disappointment were heavy on your shoulders, and you couldn't shake off the feeling of letting him down.
After a long, awkward silence, Neteyam turned to you with a deep sigh. "You need to be more careful," he said, "When you're hunting, you have to be aware of everything around you. One mistake can ruin the whole hunt."
You nodded, feeling ashamed, you were sure your face was as purple as a yovo fruit. You had wanted to impress Neteyam, but instead you had embarrassed yourself in front of him, had blown any chance to show him that you were capable.
How do I make you fall for me?
Over time, you learned from your previous mistakes. Wanting to impress him proved to be harder than anticipated, but having a conversation with him was easier than expected. You needed to show him how much you appreciated him for who he was. As a result, you began to pay closer attention to the way he interacted with others, especially his younger brother Lo'ak, and you started to incorporate some of those phrases into your conversations with him.
One bright day, you nervously approached Neteyam, hoping to strike up a conversation with him using your newfound knowledge:
"Hey, Neteyam," you greeted tentatively, "Whatcha doin'?"
You left out the bro on purpose, fearing it would be overkill. Even so, the words coming out of your mouth sounded strange to you, and for him apparently too, as he rapidly looked up from his task upon hearing your voice, and his otherwise neutral face looked at you with a slightly frowned forehead and attentive eyes, studying you for a moment before he was quick to collect himself and greeted you with a slight smile.
"Not much. Tuk asked me to repair this old basket for her," he said, motioning with his hands on the basket between his legs, "And I'm trying." 
You nodded, trying not to seem too eager, "That's really kind of you. I bet she'll be thrilled once you finish it," you said with a smile. 
Neteyam simply hummed in response and went back to his task, his concentration returning.
"I mean, I would, too. Tuk is very lucky, it must be nice to have a brother like you," you complimented him.
"But you do have a brother," Neteyam reminded you matter-of-factly, "We used to attend the same training sessions so many times."
"Yeah," you continued, feeling your cheeks flush with embarrassment. "But, uh, he is not as skilled as you are." Good save. "And he never did such kind things for me when I was little. The only thing he did was teach me how to fight." 
"That's a valuable skill," Neteyam commented.
"Well, what I mean is, he's an ordinary brother, while you are one of a kind, Neteyam. Your siblings are incredibly lucky to have you," you said, emphasizing your point.
Neteyam smiled to himself, his canines slightly showing, as he went back to working on the basket. You couldn't help but feel a flutter in your stomach at the thought of him noticing your flattery.
"I appreciate that," he said, acknowledging your compliment.
After a few minutes of silence, you took a deep breath and you mustered up the courage to ask him a question, "May I say something?"
He looked up at you again and nodded. "Sure, what's on your mind?"
You decided to take the chance, "I just wanted to say that you always seem to know just what to do and say, and that's very impressive. You're responsible, always respectful, and very patient. Not just with me but with everyone in our clan. And I want you to know that I really appreciate it, Neteyam." I appreciate you.
Neteyam's expression softened as he listened to your words. "You have a kind heart to express that," he replied, a hint of a smile still playing at the corner of his lips.
You took a deep breath and continued, "I know you don't share much about your personal life, but if you ever feel comfortable talking about it I would love to learn more about you."
Neteyam's smile reached his eyes. "Thank you, I will keep that in mind."
You felt a warm glow of happiness in your chest as you realized that your words affected him. You were willing to put in the work to get to know him better.
Encouraged by his response, you asked, "So, do you have any concrete plans after your Uniltaron?"
Neteyam's expression faltered a bit upon hearing you mention his upcoming Dream Hunt, he seemed almost reserved all of a sudden. "I do have a few, but they are personal," he replied, "I prefer to keep them to myself."
You felt a pang of disappointment. "Oh, I understand," you said, trying to hide your dejection, "I'm sorry. It was not my place to ask."
"You don't have to apologize," he responded, "But some things are best kept within the family."
"Yeah, I get it," you smiled weakly, feeling like you had hit a wall, "Thanks for talking with me, Neteyam."
He nodded and went back to his task, leaving you feeling deflated and uncertain about how to get closer to him.
How do I make you want me?
The previous attempts to win Neteyam's attention had proven unsuccessful: The gifts you gave him didn't have the desired effect, your attempts to impress him by spending time with him backfired (you want to forget that memory of the hunt so badly), and the conversations you had with him remained superficial, never delving deeper into meaningful topics. It was clear that you needed a new approach, a fresh idea to capture his interest which brought you back to point zero.
You walked through the forest, scanning the undergrowth for any signs of the flowers you had been studying for quite some time – the kind you gifted Neteyam when you were little. It turns out that the rare flower wasn't that rare after all, it only bloomed a short time a cycle, which is what made it so valuable. However, if they were dried and powdered, very useful medicines could be made. At some point you had started collecting this flower, as well as other herbs and plants for Tsahìk, and in return she had taught you how to make rich creams and pastes from them. And you could also consume this flower in meals if you let it cook over the fire for a long time. Pondering if it would evoke nostalgia within Neteyam, while you plucked them carefully from the ground, you wondered if he ever remembered the day you gave him that flower in the first place.
Gathering a variety of edible flowers, aromatic herbs, and other nourishing ingredients from the village, you spent all morning helping the women in your clan prepare a wholesome and delicious meal for the warriors. In anticipation of Neteyam's training session, you decided to take this thoughtful approach to show your support and care.
As the aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air, you volunteered to bring the full basket of handmade food wraps and lovely cut fruits to the training area. 
The warriors were engrossed in their practice, their movements fluid and powerful. You scanned the crowd, searching for Neteyam among them.
Spotting him in the midst of the intense training session, his lean muscles glistening with sweat under the warm sun, you couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration. His movements were powerful and precise, each strike displaying his skill as a warrior. His strength and determination did something to you, feeling a magnetic pull towards him. 
Balancing the basket of food in your hands, you approached the outskirts of the training area, careful not to interrupt the warriors' focus. You set up a blanket and arranged the food on it attractively. Your intention was not only to impress Neteyam but to show your support for the entire group.
"I swear, Eywa send you here," you heard someone say next to you, a bit out of breath, while impatient hands reached into the basket and helped you place the food, "I'm starving!"
"Lo'ak, are you allowed to end your training like this?" You questioned, and turned your head in the direction of the warriors — the training was obviously still in full swing, but it was precisely then that you met Neteyam's gaze who was already looking over at you, a mixture of surprise and curiosity evident in his eyes. 
"Not really but it smells so good, I'm ready to be skinned for these delici— Oh, I'm taking this one, yeah?" He started unwrapping one of the food wraps and hastily bit into it. 
"Hey, wait for the others!" you admonished him, but his wrap was already half eaten.
"Mm, das bom!" you heard him smack loudly, "S'rusly, yur da best."
"I'm glad," you responded, suppressing a laugh. Lo'ak acted like he hadn't eaten in days. 
Noticing the spread of food, the warriors collectively ended the training session, and the men started approaching the nourishing dishes, including freshly grilled meats, vibrant vegetables, and flavorful herbs.
Sensing an opportunity, you went towards Neteyam, a food wrap in your hand, and a warm smile gracing your lips. "I thought I would spare you the long way, in case you're starving like your brother," you joked, gesturing with your head towards Lo'ak behind you, who was taking two more food wraps and calling dips on the rawp.
Neteyam's gaze shifted from the feast you had prepared to the food in his hands and then at you. His gaze lingered on you for a moment longer than necessary, and a soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips. 
"That's thoughtful of you," he replied, his voice carrying a subtle warmth, "It's been an intense training session, and this is a welcome surprise."
You stepped back, allowing him to enjoy the meal with his fellow warriors. Observing from a distance, you noticed the camaraderie and laughter that emerged as they gathered around the spread of food, indulging in the flavors that were carefully crafted.
Throughout the meal, you found yourself drawn to Neteyam's presence. The way he spoke with passion about his experiences, the way he listened attentively to others, and the way his eyes sparkled with a hidden depth — all of it only fueled your growing attraction.
As the training session continued, you lingered nearby, engaging in conversations with other warriors, offering encouragement and companionship. While your initial intention was to impress Neteyam, you found joy in connecting with the community as a whole, so much you almost didn't realize that the day's training had come to an end.
"Thank you for the meal and your company," Neteyam said softly as he walked next to you back to the village, carrying the basket for you with a genuine smile gracing his face. "It meant a lot to all of us."
Your cheeks warmed at his words, "I didn't do much, the others—"
"You are here, that alone is more than enough."
You nodded, a sense of satisfaction washing over you. "I'm glad I could contribute," your voice was filled with sincerity, "Supporting you and the clan is important to me."
A surge of hope welled up inside you, but as the conversation continued, you couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. Despite your efforts, the romantic tension you had hoped for seemed to elude you. The conversation remained pleasant yet distant, and it became clear that Neteyam saw you more as a friend than a potential partner. With a heavy heart, you realized that your attempt to catch his interest had once again fallen short.
And make it last eternally?
For quite some time now, you have firmly believed that you have left those days behind you, imprisoned in childhood memories, overlapped by numerous teenage embarrassments. After all, now you are an adult with serious duties and commitments to attend to, and there's neither time nor room for such childish infatuations. Crushing on the future Olo'eyktan. Please. Plus, once you found out how many other girls in your clan, both older and younger than you, adored him, you figured it is best to move on. You were frustrated at times, but you resolved to carry on, cherishing the friendship you shared with Neteyam while silently letting go of your unrequited feelings. At least, that's what you thought...
… until three eclipses ago.
Mere moments before the eclipse, the all-too-familiar soft light danced in the room,  casting a golden hue that revealed the tiniest pollen floating around inside Tsahìk's crowded tent. It had been a long time since so many people had been injured at once, yet no one was ready to explain or report what had happened.
As two new figures entered the tent, one of them supporting the other, you heard a familiar voice speaking calmly, "Focus on not getting blood all over grandmother's tent rather than worrying about my wounds."
"Nah, I'm just- Ouch! Careful, bro!"
"Sorry, brother, but you have to cooperate with me here," Neteyam uttered while carefully helping Lo'ak onto the mat made of woven grasses that Kiri had prepared for them with blankets. 
"I'm just saying—Ahh," Lo'ak hissed as Neteyam applied pressure to his open wound with his bare hands, while Kiri hastily tied together any available cloths for his wound care. "-it's not very mighty of you, you know."
"What is not very mighty of him?" Kiri wanted to know, now taking over and applying pressure to his wound as well to stop the bleeding. As you shifted to Kiri's side, you handed her more cloths that she could wrap around Lo'ak's leg.
"His wounds, of course," Lo'ak grinned when he saw you and gave his older brother another amused sideways glance, before continuing, "but I'm sure he will be in great hands now. Right, bro?"
Just a quick glance at Lo'ak was enough to see that he was far worse off than Neteyam. While his wounds did not appear to be life-threatening, he was bleeding profusely from his thigh.
Tsahìk had already rushed to the four of you, throwing a disapproving look at Lo'ak, "Oh, my boy, let me have a look." With her expertise, she quickly got the situation under control, ordering Kiri to get more cloths while you stood by her side to assist her.
"My child, attend to his wounds," Tsahìk instructed you, but to your surprise she nodded towards Neteyam instead of Lo'ak as she pushed a bowl of fresh water into your hands. "My granddaughter and I can handle this young clumsy man here." Her stern gaze was once again fixed on Lo'ak, who, in turn, only grinned at her.
"Grandmother," Neteyam began soothingly, ready to protest, "there is no need to—" but her piercing eyes silenced him, causing him to follow you wordlessly to the other side of the tent.
And that's how you found yourself sitting in front of Neteyam, tending to his wounds with the gentle touch of your hands, caring for each cut and bruise.
"You need to be more careful," you said softly, breaking the comfortable silence as you wrung the cloth in the water that had already turned a muddy reddish color.
"I'm content with the present circumstances," he replied, his voice laced with a touch of amusement. You gave him a sarcastic look, which he reciprocated with a warm smile.
"Well, I suppose then you'll be content with this as well." Pressing the damp cloth into his hand, you stood up and leisurely made your way to Tsahìk's supplies to fetch some healing ointments, and you took your time doing so.
Upon your return, Neteyam watched you attentively, his eyes tracing your every movement, and you wondered if he had been watching you the whole time. There was a newfound curiosity in his gaze, a glimmer of something more. 
"My words came out wrong," he said when you sat back on the ground in front of him. The air was filled with a mix of anticipation and unspoken emotions, a subtle tension hanging between you. "You're right, I should be more careful. I always strive to be. It's just that there's little one can do in the face of an ambush."
"An ambush?" you asked with big eyes, "Oh, Great Mother! That's what everyone's been trying to conceal. And I was wondering the whole time what could've possibly happened to cause so many injuries."
"They probably didn't want to cause an uproar." You listened to his words, sensing the weight they carried. The mention of an ambush brought back memories of past dangers and harrowing encounters. The gravity of their lives was never far from their thoughts, and you understood the weight that rested on Neteyam's shoulders.
"You don't always have to be the strong one, Neteyam," you said softly, voice carrying reassurance, when you continued cleaning the cut on his chest, noticing that he tried not to wince under your touch, "It's alright to lean on others, to let them care for you." 
A flicker of emotion danced across his face, a fleeting moment of vulnerability before he regained his composure. His hand reached out to touch yours resting on his chest above his heart, the contact gentle yet charged with unspoken emotions.
"Thank you," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, and in that moment it felt like the boundaries between healer and wounded blurred, "Thank you for being here, for tending to me." His eyes locked with yours, an unspoken promise passing between you, turning your cheeks in a light purply color.
"Now," you cleared your throat with the intention of changing the subject, fervently hoping that he wouldn't notice your flushed cheeks, "here comes the actual healing part."
Gently, you dipped your fingers into the jar of ointment, scooping out a generous amount. With deliberate movements, you applied the soothing balm to his wounds, careful not to cause any further discomfort. The ointment glided smoothly, creating a soothing sensation that seemed to envelop him in a healing embrace.
"What I meant before is that I am glad that you are the one taking care of me," you smiled upon hearing those words, feeling his gaze on you as you concentrated on his upper body. A gentle warmth radiated from his wounds as your fingertips grazed his skin, mingling with the tender touch of your hands. The ointment possessed a subtle fragrance, hinting at the natural remedies it held within.
As you continued to apply the ointment, your fingers delicately tracing the contours of his chest, exploring the intricate landscape of his injuries, a comfortable silence settled between you. The rhythm of your ministrations became a quiet conversation, a wordless understanding of care and compassion. With every gentle caress, a subtle shiver passed through him, a reaction that spoke of both vulnerability and an underlying trust in your touch. There was a closeness in this shared moment, a connection forged through the tender act of healing.
Neteyam's gaze remained fixed on you, his eyes revealing a depth of gratitude and something more profound. It was as if the vulnerability of his wounds had peeled away a layer, exposing a vulnerability of the heart. The strength he embodied as a warrior was softened in this vulnerable space, allowing a snippet into the depths of his mind and soul.
"It never stings when you patch me up, why?" Neteyam asked, his voice laced with wonder, tilting his head slightly.
"The secret is to mix yalnabark with 'omsyul," you replied, your voice gentle yet filled with a hint of playfulness.
"Care to share this secret with my grandmother? And Kiri, too?" Neteyam's request was teasing but also genuine, and you couldn't help but be touched by his thoughtfulness.
"Actually, Kiri is the one who taught me this," you admitted, a fondness in your voice.
Neteyam's forehead furrowed slightly, "Then why does it always burn when she patches me up?"
With a twinkle in your eyes, you playfully suggested, "Sibling love?"
A mischievous smile curved his lips. "Or perhaps your touch is blessed by Eywa?" His words hung in the air, filled with a newfound flirtation that took you by surprise. 
"Oh, come on now, exaggerate much, do you?" you responded, attempting to brush off his words with a hint of irony, not fully realizing the impact they had on you.
Undeterred by your sarcastic retort, Neteyam looked deeply into your eyes, his voice filled with sincerity and a touch of vulnerability. "The caress of your hand weaves a tapestry of enchantment, casting a spell that captivates my very soul."
His words echoed in your mind, resonating with a blend of tender affection and longing. You wished he had said those words when you were younger and so in love with him, meaning every syllable coming from his kissable lips. What you would have given to hear him say it.
A blush spread across your cheeks as you struggled to find the right words to respond. The air around you seemed charged with electricity, the tension between you both palpable.
"You said I should exaggerate," Neteyam added, a witty glint in his eyes, as if to remind you of your earlier banter. 
Your younger self would have etched his previous words into a tree to make them eternal — words you longed to hear from your crush, words that felt like a dream.
"Crush?" he asked with interest, and your eyes widened with the realization that you had spoken your thoughts aloud. "On whom?"
"Um," a jumble of thoughts flooded your mind at once, too late for an excuse, "You?" 
Your confession left him momentarily speechless, and your heart pounded in your chest. 
It's in the past, so it's okay to admit it, you told yourself, trying to calm down a bit.
"You have a crush on me?"
"Had," you corrected quickly.
"You had a crush on me?" he asked again, as if needing confirmation. It seemed to sweep him off his feet, a revelation he hadn't expected.
"Everyone did, everyone does," you confessed, trying to downplay the significance.
"Everyone except you?"
You shrugged, unsure how to answer, "I guess I'm… over it."
"Why?" he inquired.
"Come on, Neteyam," you sighed, trying to mask the bitterness in your voice, "don't act like you didn't know."
"I swear by Eywa this is news to me… I have never…" he hesitated briefly with his words, "It doesn't even make sense."
Make sense?
"Don't make me regret telling you," you said, your voice tinged with frustration, "It's not about making sense, and it's not a big deal either, don't you agree?"
"Yes, but I try to understand."
"What is there to understand?"
"Why would you even crush on me in the first place?"
"You're right," you tightly gripped the cloth, forcing a smile, "why would I."
Even though you reluctantly admitted it, it hurt you and scratched at your ego. You were now more than grateful to have never openly communicated your feelings. As an adult, you could handle it, but you know exactly that this reaction would have devastated your childhood self. You were not accustomed to this insensitivity from Neteyam, considering he always maintained a noble and respectable demeanor. This showed you even more how repulsive the idea of having you by his side was to him.
"Also, I'm sorry," you turned around in a swing, your voice filled with sadness, disappointment, and above all, anger—anger at him for acting like a skxawng and anger at yourself for being a skxawng by confiding in him, "that the thought of me being attracted to you disgusts you so much. It won't happen again, rest your mind."  
He seemed lost for words, blinking once, twice, and opening his mouth only to close it again, processing your words. Part of you yearned for him to say something, to prove you wrong, but nothing came. His gaze lingered on you for a long moment, altering between your eyes, the unspoken words hanging in the air. 
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm needed elsewhere," you said, your voice tinged with resignation. You prepared to turn away, ready to retreat from the turmoil of the moment. But just as you began to pivot, a sudden, gentle grip on your arm stopped you in your tracks. It was Neteyam, his touch both unexpected and tender.
In that instant, conflicting emotions surged within you, caught between the instinct to push him away and the captivating gaze that held your attention. Without uttering a single word, he drew you closer, wrapping you in a tight embrace that left you completely defenseless, your body momentarily frozen in surprise against his bare skin.
Your initial response was to resist, your mind still reeling from the whirlwind of confusion. Yet, as his arms enveloped you, a scent as enchanting as the forest's vibrant essence and the serenity of sacred woods wafted into your consciousness. It was a harmonious blend that stirred your senses, mingling the fragrant allure of nature with the grounding whispers of sandalwood.
Inhaling deeply, the captivating aroma cast a spell upon you, dissolving the remnants of anger and frustration that had once consumed your thoughts like a distant memory as he held you firmly in his strong arms, the warmth of his body seeping into your very core.
In this suspended moment, time appeared to lose its grip as the only audible sounds were the rhythm of your synchronized breaths and the rhythmic beat of your hearts.
"I'm sorry too," you heard him whisper in your hair as he pulled away from you and left the tent, leaving you confused.
It was in that moment, surrounded by the fading light and the soft whispers of the forest outside the tent, that you realized the painful truth: nothing would be the same between you and Neteyam because
no matter what you did, you would never be able to make him love you.
And exactly this is the reason of your sleepless nights, which is why, in the middle of your melancholic nostalgia, you decided to take a little walk to the lake nearby to pass the time until daybreak which leads you to the lake. You currently sit on a mossy tree stump above the shimmering water allowing your feet to hang freely just above the glistening surface of the lake, instead of sleeping safe and sound like the rest of the village. The purples, greens, and yellows of the bioluminescent flora and fauna smile at you but you fail to smile back. Your heart heavy with a mix of emotions and your mind full of questions, you try not to think of more memories, each one feeling like a dagger, piercing your already fragile heart. 
You try to understand, yet it's difficult for you.
After so many failed attempts and moments of acceptance in between, he still manages to confuse you with his mixed signals. The moment, when he hugged you, replays relentlessly in your thoughts as if burned in your mind, a vivid recollection that carries the weight of his proximity, the tempting linger of his scent, and the electric touch that ignited a fierce tension within you. It was an encounter that left an indelible mark, an irresistible dance between desire and restraint, etching itself into the deepest recesses of your longing soul.
You groan into your hands. You want to hate him. So much.
Three eclipses have come and gone since then, way too much time to think between that and the part where you made the decision to distance yourself from Neteyam. This time for real. You wake up earlier than everyone else, dedicating yourself to your work, skipping communal meals and shared gatherings entirely. You complete your tasks and retreat back to your home, like a ghost in the clan, yet living unscathed within your own space, seeking solace in the sanctuary of solitude.
Almost every hour, you find yourself battling with conflicting emotions. On one hand, you long to see him, to be in his presence, and to feel that familiar connection. But on the other hand, you remember his last words and the way he looked at you when he learned about your past feelings. Distance will be best for the both of you. The ache in your heart hasn't subsided, but you know the step is necessary for your own well-being, it's a shield you've built to preserve what little strength remains within you.
Yesterday, your changed behavior was noticed by Tsahik, so she confronted you directly, but she neither questioned you nor expected any form of explanation. Her words still echo in your mind, partly because forgetting the moment will be difficult with the way she looked at you with her kind eyes, as if understanding the depths of your heartache.
"My child," she laid her hand gently on your shoulder, her voice carrying the wisdom of the ages, "Sometimes the tides do not turn in the way we hope but that does not diminish the beauty of the love within your heart. Always remember that Eywa has woven the threads of affection and devotion. Thus, have trust that the stars will align one day, for love, in all its form, is a gift to cherish."
The words resonate deep within your soul, as you sit by the tranquil water, the soft glow of the plants casting an ethereal light around you, a gentle breeze rustles through the verdant foliage. In these moments of isolation, you reflect on the times you've spent with Neteyam, the moments that sparked the flame of attraction within you. You question whether those were genuine or merely figments of your imagination, the doubts swirling in your mind, clouding your judgment and feeding your insecurities. 
The stars above seem to mirror the twinkle in your eyes, a bittersweet reminder of the unfulfilled desire for you can't comprehend why your heart continues to long for him despite your mind trying to move on. Your thoughts are deep in contemplation when—
"Can we talk?" The voice startles you, and you flinch sharply, almost letting out a scream. Your heart pounds heavily in your chest, the fright taking hold of you. Quickly, you turn around, only to see that out of everyone, Neteyam approaches you, his figure blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," a crooked smile forms on his lips.
You look up, meeting his gaze with a guarded expression, unsure of what to expect from this encounter. His presence catches you off guard, causing your heart to skip another beat. The sight of him stirs a mix of emotions within you—longing, uncertainty, fear, but also a flicker of hope.
"You didn't," you lie, your voice tinged with coldness.
He nods his head towards the space beside you, "May I?" 
Neteyam's eyes hold a certain earnestness, a silent plea for understanding. You just shrug your shoulders, and he interprets it as a yes. He takes a seat beside you, his movements graceful and measured, his tail gently swaying in the air, your shoulders and thighs nearly touching. 
The silence between you is tense, charged with unspoken words and residual feelings. You let your feet dangle above the water. As you wiggle your toes, you feel a gentle coolness from the air mingling with the refreshing touch of the water below.
He clears his voice, "I've noticed your absence these past few days."
"Oh?" Your ears perk up with curiosity, surprised that he has noticed, "I was busy."
"You were missing from the meal servings as well," he notes, his words carrying a hint of concern.
"Yeah, I haven't had much of an appetite lately," you reply, sounding detached.
You aren't sure if you have misheard, but it seems like Neteyam has whispered softly to himself, "Me neither," although it can also be your mind playing tricks on you.
"You see, I, uh..." he pauses, seemingly struggling to find the right words which is so unusual for him, "Can I speak openly with you?"
"Don't you always?" Your voice still laced with a hint of coldness.
"Indeed," you noticed from the corner of your eye a brief tension in his hands that gradually relaxes, "I just wanted to let you know that there is no need for you to feel obligated to skip communal gatherings because of me." 
You can't help but scoff at that, however, he remains undeterred by your reaction.
"It's okay if you don't want to see me — I will keep my distance if that is what you want, but, please, don't avoid the clan in an attempt to avoid me. Don't isolate yourself."
"Funny," you say bitterly, your gaze still on the water, "that you think you have that much power over me."
"That's not what I wanted to say, it's—"
"It's fine, Neteyam," you interrupt him, turning your head to him, your jaw clenched, "I get it. If the future Olo'eyktan says so, I'll comply. See you at the morning meal."
You attempt to get up, but he gently grasps your wrist, halting your movement.
"I can sense that something has changed between us, and it weighs heavily on my heart," his voice carries a hint of vulnerability.
"Things change," you respond as he loosens his grip, but you refrain from attempting to get up again, waiting for the conversation to end, "Is there anything else?"
"Yes," he shifts, causing your thighs to briefly brush against each other, "I've had time to reflect on our last conversation."
"Actually, let's not—" you try to interrupt him, but this time he doesn't let your words stop him.
"Let me say this one thing and after that you don't have to talk to me again."
You meet his gaze, which is filled with honesty and a touch of guilt. You nod and look at him, noticing how he rubs his hands on his thighs and takes a deep breath.
"I was caught off guard," he admits, his voice softer now, "When we talked, I mean; and when I learned that you used to feel an affection for me — I didn't handle it well. I'm sorry for the way I reacted and for the pain I may have caused you."
You remain silent for a few seconds remembering the unpleasant conversation from last time, before you speak, "We don't have to talk about it, it's okay."
"No, it's not okay!" You notice the tension in his muscles. "You see," he takes a deep breath, "I didn't understand why you would crush on me."
"You made that very clear," you remark.
"I regret my poor choice of words, and for any offense it may have caused. I immediately noticed that my words had an impact on you, but I was too overwhelmed to correct myself in the moment," he admits, a hint of regret in his voice, "Please know that the idea of you being attracted to me never has and never will disgust me," his eyes lock with yours as his voice gets quieter when he adds, "It scares me."
Upon hearing that, your features soften slightly, a flicker of empathy crossing your face, and the question leaves your mouth before you can think about it, "Why?"
Now he's the one shrugging, "Everyone has their own doubts and fears."
You're not satisfied with that response, and you want him to open up to you for which you are willing to meet him halfway. So you begin an attempt to make him elaborate on his statement, "I'm scared of many things." you watch him intently as you speak, "Accidentally plucking poisonous plants instead of the usual herbs, falling down the hallelujah mountains, being eaten alive by nantangs." And most of all, rejection. "I can't help but wonder what fears could reside within a mighty warrior like yourself."
His mouth twitches slightly upwards when you say that, but is quickly replaced by a neutral expression. "The possibility of someone seeing through my façade," Neteyam admits sighing, his voice laced with a mix of confusion and self-reflection, "Of someone truly knowing me," he holds your gaze, a certain vulnerability in them, "That terrifies me."
You are left speechless, completely caught off guard by his answer.
"But," you stammer, trying to find the right words to express your thoughts, "you're Neteyam, you're... perfect in everything you do. I never considered the possibility that you might have these thoughts."
He shakes his head, disagreeing. "No, definitely not, I am far off from being perfect. That's why I couldn't understand why you would have feelings for me," he confesses, vulnerability shining in his gaze. "Because I never saw myself the way you did. But maybe, just maybe, this is why I've been blind to the possibility of something more between us."
"If you're only here to make me feel better about myself..." you start, your voice trailing off.
"No," he groans in frustration. "That's not it."
"Then what is it?"
He chuckles at your reaction, "I get nervous when you look at me that way."
"What do you mean?" You are the one getting nervous because of his statement for he doesn't look nervous at all, on the contrary, he looks very relaxed and almost overconfident. 
"Yeah, can't you tell my hands are all sweaty?" he lets you know with a smirk while he studies your face.
"Neteyam," you blink in confusion, "Are you okay?"
"You're not listening," he sighs, his smile dropping slightly.
"Then talk openly," you urge impatiently.
He takes a deep breath and looks you directly in the eyes. "I've come to realize that you mean more to me than just a friend."
Your features falter and your eyes widen, as the realization dawns upon you that your feelings have not been unrequited after all. "No."
"I have a crush on you, too," he whispers euphorically, confirming your thoughts.
"No, Neteyam, not now," you shake your head quickly, your mind filled with way too many thoughts and too much confusion. Instantly, you stand up as if stung by an insect, trying to maintain your composure.
"It didn't start now, it was always there," he admits, standing up as well, now towering over you and studying your face and your reaction again. "But I fear that I've missed my chance. And now, it seems like it's too late."
Ignoring his words entirely, you fixate your serious gaze on him, "You can't do this to me."
"What?" he blinks, seeming to comprehend your words, "Why?" his gaze momentarily shifts from one eye to the other with a swift glance, reflecting his confusion.
"Because all my life, I did everything to try to make you notice me. I went beyond my comfort zone, I did everything I could. But from you," You look at him, gesturing towards his entire figure as if the reason were obvious, "there was nothing. Not one single acknowledgment from you. I accepted it. I moved on. I made peace with the thought of just knowing you and supporting what is good for you," You find yourself almost breathless, your words tumbling out rapidly, but each one carries sincere meaning. "You can't come now, years later, and pretend that you have a crush on me. I can't go through that again."
He takes a step forward, clearly taken aback by your outburst. "I... I'm not pretending to—"
"And I'm so tired," you interrupt him, your voice faltering, "Now that I've finally let go of you, you can't say things like this."
"Let go?" he repeats, his voice filled with disbelief, "Of me?"
"Yes, Neteyam," you persist firmly. "Let go of you. I don't want you anymore."
The night air feels heavy with unspoken regrets and unfulfilled desires as the silence underlines the shared acknowledgment of the chasm that has opened between you. Neteyam's expression shifts from disappointment to determination, a flicker of hope dancing in his eyes. "How do I make you love me, then?"
It feels ironic that he's asking you that question, considering you used to be the one who always wondered how you could make him love you whenever you saw him. You groan in frustration, feeling overwhelmed by conflicting emotions. 
"I worked so hard to accept things as they are. That is not fair, Neteyam." A mix of sadness and anger can be heard in your voice.
"Please listen," he pleads, reaching out to touch your arm. You close your eyes, turning your head away. "I've been blind to your feelings, consumed by my own worries and obligations, and I didn't see what was right in front of me, hurting you in the process. I'm sorry I caused you pain. If I had known sooner…"
"What then?" you interrupt, your voice filled with bitterness. "Do you think everything would magically change, and we'd be deeply in love with a family of our own by now?"
Neteyam pauses for a moment, processing your words, and a hopeful smile crosses his face. "Yes, that's a possibility."
You groan in exasperation and attempt to push him away, your frustration boiling over. "No, Neteyam. I can't keep living in this cycle of uncertainty." 
As you push him away from you, your heart heavy, you walk away with determined steps, wanting to bring as much distance between him and you as possible.
"I love you!" he shouts after you, causing you to freeze in your tracks and turn around in utter shock. "I love you. And if that's not enough, then so be it. But I would rather be damned than let you go now, heading who knows where in the middle of the night. If you don't want me, I won't approach you, I won't come near. But don't run away from me."
Desperation visible in his voice, his words reach deep into your heart; the intensity echoing in the air, leaving a profound impact on both of you.
"I've been waiting for your love for far too long," you respond bitterly.
Taking cautious steps in your direction, trying to close the physical and emotional distance between you, he asks, "Why waste more time?" It feels as if an invisible force draws you together, intertwining your fates in this pivotal moment but you remain stubborn, too exhausted and clouded from the painful burn in your heart.
"I don't want you," you declare, the words slipping out uncertainly, as if trying to convince both him and yourself.
"Then look me in the eyes when you say those words," he challenges, his voice stern, gaze unwavering.
"I don't want you," you repeat, louder this time, trying to emphasize your resolve. However, instead of looking into his eyes, your gaze fixates on his face, tracing the patterns of his glowing freckles that your mind has memorized long ago.
The moonlight bathes the scene in a gentle gleam, and you both stare at each other in complete silence, the space between you filled with suffocating tension.
A knowing smile suddenly forms on his lips. "I don't believe you."
"I don't want you, Neteyam!" you exclaim, raising your voice even more, repeating the words over and over, in a desperate attempt to convince him, "I don't want you, I don't want you, I don't want you!"
He studies you intently for another moment, his eyes filled with hope.
"Your tail gives you away," he says triumphantly, his smile growing. And that's when you finally let go of your suppressed emotions. Your lower lip begins to tremble, and before you know it, you find yourself in his warm embrace, his strong arms pulling you impossibly closer to him.
"I want you," you confessed against his chest, your voice barely audible and filled with so much vulnerability, "After everything, I still want you." 
"Shh, you have me," he whispers, his voice soothing and reassuring.
You sob, the weight of your emotions finally breaking free, and he tenderly pats your head, his fingers gliding through your hair. His touch brings a sense of calmness to your racing heart and gently dries your tears.
"I'll make up for all the time lost, I promise," his voice reaches your ear, soft and full of sincerity.
His words continue to soothe you, and at one point, he hums a faint melody that resonates deep within you, gradually bringing an end to your sobs.
"Do you recall the day you asked about my plans after my Dream Hunt, and I hesitated to provide an answer?" He asks after you calm down, his voice carrying an infinite sense of solace.
Your arms still around him, you nod against his chest, every word of that conversation etched into your mind.
"That day," he continues, "I have sworn to myself to admire your eternal beauty from afar, to cherish your body, mind, and soul until the end of my days," he whispers softly in your hair, "with the hope that one day I will hold you close and claim you as my very own."
You take a deep breath, feeling overwhelmed by his words and the emotions swirling within you. Slowly, you lift your head from his chest, your teary eyes meeting his with awe.
"I... I never imagined you felt this way," you whisper, your voice hoarse and fragile from your sobs. "To think that you've carried these feelings for me all this time, it's... I don't know what to say."
"Interesting," he comments, eyes with a gleam, lips playful, "You were just as oblivious to my feelings as I was to yours, so I guess that makes us even." A mischievous bunny-like smile plays across his face, transforming him into the youthful version of himself that you have fallen deeply in love with, no longer the mighty warrior following in the footsteps of the great Toruk Makto, but the young man who has captured your heart long ago.
You can feel tears welling up in your eyes again, overwhelmed by the weight of his words and the intensity of your own emotions. With a shaky breath, you reach to your waist, gently intertwining your fingers with his.
In the warmth of his arms, you find solace for your burning heart. His arms hold you tightly, offering a sense of intimate security that you've always wished for. But then, something shifts. 
The intensity of your emotions begins to wane, and as you look up at him through tear-filled eyes, you see his gaze fixed upon you with unwavering love, trying to read you as he cups your face with his large hands. His thumb gently brushes away a lingering tear on your cheek, his touch delicate against your skin. A soft, affectionate smile graces his lips as he leans forward and presses a gentle kiss against the place where your tear was mere seconds ago. The sweetness of the gesture stirs your heart, a silent affirmation of his loving nature. He continues to kiss away your tears, each touch a soothing balm to your wounded soul.
A powerful desire burns between you then, as his soft lips linger near yours. His eyes meet yours again, seeking permission, and you respond with a silent nod. Right then and there, the world around you fades into the background, and all that matters is the connection you share. With a surge of passion, his lips meet yours in a fervent kiss, the longing coming to an end, hearts intertwined. 
The tender touch of his lips against yours feels like an electric jolt that sends shivers down your spine. You both pull back slowly from the passionate kiss, breathless yet connected. Your eyes meet, gazing into each other with a depth of love that words can never describe.
His eyes hold unwavering sincerity as he caresses your cheek with his thumb. "You've captured my heart in ways I can't fully express," he confesses, his voice filled with affection. "And if you'll allow me, I want to show you every day how deeply I love you."
A deep blue blush tints your cheeks as you struggle to find the right words to respond. He doesn't seem to mind as a soft smile spreads across his face. He leans in, his forehead resting against yours, adoring the tranquil moment between two souls.
Enjoying each other's presence and your newfound attraction and happiness, you spend the rest of the night hand in hand wandering around mindlessly, exchanging loving gazes, talking about everything and sweet nothing's at once like two fools in love.
"Do you remember that day?" You hear him ask cheerfully as his free hand wanders to the songcord attached to his loincloth. You follow his movement and your eyes widen as you recognize the dried petals, intricately woven into one of the beads. "It was so unconventional, going against tradition. Who has ever seen a girl giving a flower to a boy? No one. But you didn't care. You were true to yourself, and you gifted me your favorite flower, and it meant so much more than just a little gesture."
Taking aback by his words and the bittersweet memory you can't help but smile widely as you inspect his songcord but confusion grazes your face at the same time.
"Wait—What do you mean? Lo'ak told me it's your favorite flower."
"No, he told me it's your favorite."
"Well, it became my favorite after I learned that it's yours."
A boisterous laugh escapes him as he throws his head back, his chest almost vibrating, and it is so contagious that you can't help but join in, the air filled with heartfelt laughter.
"It's gonna cause quite a scandal, but Lo'ak definitely deserves a good punch when he wakes up." You laughed, knowing that he meant that half-heartedly.
He delicately cradles your hand back in his, your fingers intertwining as he brings them up, his lips softly brushing against your knuckles in a loving kiss. The touch sends a warmth through your body. 
"Speaking of scandals," you say sheepishly as you reluctantly let go of his hand, "maybe it's better not to enter our village hand in hand just yet?"
He chuckles at your suggestion.
"Maybe," he agrees, his eyes filled with adoration, his face leaning slightly forward, "Can I have one last kiss before that?"
You look at him challengingly, he mirrors your expression, a playful glint in his eyes, coming closer to your face. 
Your lips almost touching for the second time this night, you whisper, "Only if you catch me." 
With that, you run off, your heart blooming with excitement, and his laughter follows you through the enchanting forest as the sun rises, casting its warm rays across the sky, and you know that the future holds nothing but love for the both of you.
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for anyone asking, neteyam does in fact catch you and gets his kiss(es) <3 thank you for reading, liking, commenting, reblogging 🤍 btw, what is your love language? 💕
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diordeer · 4 months
“nothing to be feared when you're in my heart, troubles come in threes but in your case they came in millions and trillions, but that's all right” - lana del rey (smau)
contains: charlie bushnell x fem!reader, who plays priscilla and gets a bit of hate but its a tom blyth, rachel zegler kinda sitch
description: ok so i originally put this off bc i wasnt sure how to do it but then i did some brain storming and i looovee it i hope u do too 🤭
requested by: @tomblythsslut
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Liked by sofiacoppola, iamcharliebushnell and others
yn.ln had so much fun on priscilla, miss u all 💔
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user1 On my way! to make this movie my whole personality!
user2 Oh great! Another man hating movie!
↳ yn.ln thats not the point of the film? 😄
↳ user6 HELLO?
sofiacoppola 🩷🩷
user3 the behind the scene photos are giving me LIFE
user4 yn and jacob’s height difference might just put me in a coma
user5 yn casually dating and being best friends with the two white boys of the month
user6 i want all of her outfits NOW
↳ yn.ln this is exactly how i felt when i put the outfits on… wish i coulve taken them home!
user7 what a biased movie
↳ user8 the movie shows the ups and downs of the relationship from priscilla’s perspective, yes, but it would be more relatable to whoever’s side ur watching it from. Not biased, just true 😃
↳ user7 oh my god stfu
↳ user10 half is obsessing and the other half is hating 🤨
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Liked by yn.ln, walker.scobell and others
iamcharliebushnell you are so so incredible!! love you 🩷
tagged yn.ln
yn.ln awhh love u more
user3 ur gf acted in one film that went well and thinks she’s the shit, for the love of god please humble her
↳ iamcharliebushnell why don’t u do me a favour and get a fucking life
↳ user2 WOAHHH
↳ user4 she IS the shit
dior.n.goodjohn shes so cute
↳ yn.ln we can leave, ill run away with u, just us!!
↳ iamcharliebushnell ⁉️
↳ yn.ln jokes!
↳ dior.n.goodjohn watch out mr, im stealing your girl 😉
user5 i hate the hate towards yn, but im kind of loving the drama i cant lie…
user6 charlie and yn are SO cute
↳ user8 kinda feel like thats bare minimum tho like if ur gf was getting attacked would u not defend her?
↳ user7 stilll!!!! I think its rly cute
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Liked by jacobelordi, iamcharliebushnell and others
yn.ln us looking for where u saw me say i thought i was the shit for acting in “one successful film”
tagged iamcharliebushnell
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user2 where did that even come from like? i swear that was out of nowhere
↳ user3 yeah! and they are REAL quiet now
iamcharliebushnell spoiler alert! We couldnt find it! Strange right?
↳ yn.ln super strange!
↳ user4 they are so iconic
user9 “im not angry, im just disappointed” is SCREAMING from the first pic
user5 men 🤷‍♀️
↳ yn.ln i want to agree with this but i also dont want to get cancelled again ! #notallmen 😊
user6 ALSO what is “one successful film” even mean?! this girl has an INSANELY successful career
↳ user7 they were too busy watching their film bro films
user8 love me a supportive AND hot boyfriend
↳ yn.ln really the whole package
user10 ive had crimson and clover stuck in my head ALL WEEK since seeing the film
↳ user11 the soundtrack is SOOO GOOD
taglist: @lostinhisworld @lizziesfirstwife @auttumnsayshi @silkenthusiasts @taygrls @kidkrowk @kanojous @niktwazny303 @m00ng4z3r @highfidelities @b0ok-lover @vamplyle
642 notes · View notes
greatstormcat · 12 days
So those android!141 thoughts I mentioned yesterday…
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It was a posting you’d been dreaming of for years, working on the highly prestigious TF141 project. It was the pride of the British military, a team of four state of the art androids owned and operated by the SAS and CIA in a joint project. Created to go to places no human could ever reach, achieve missions no human could ever hope to, in conditions that no human could endure. And when they got shot, blown up or damaged…? Well, someone like you would just piece them painstakingly back together.
What you hadn’t expected were the long, tedious waits between their operational periods. You were no soldier, just a technical specialist, so living on base was not your ideal situation. All the shouting and yelling of the people on base got to you, the crowds making you uncomfortable in the mess and highlighting how much you didn’t fit in. The quiet of the hanger where the 141 were housed for storage and maintenance became your default home eventually as no one bothered coming here.
It amused you that the four large, not quite human looking statues became your main companions, resting in the reclined docking pods that protected them and monitored their functions. They were not be activated until they were ready for their first exercise, so you spent time maintaining, improving and caring for them.
They looked so close to human, almost as though they were sleeping in the open fronted pods in their plain fatigues. You were told their features had been modelled on real soldiers from some point in time, each utterly unique in appearance so they could blend in with civilian populations. Their heights and builds were different, and the lead unit, B-06, had even been painstakingly given a beard. The simulated skin that covered them felt soft, not quite as soft as human skin but a good enough replication to fool anyone who didn’t know the difference.
You found yourself talking to them as you worked, telling them about something you’d read, or a show you’d watched as you went about your duties. It became a habit to explain to them what you were doing when you opened one of them up and made alterations to an internal part or another. Even at the end of the day, you said goodnight to the four figures, totally still and silent as they lay in their repose.
You put a suggestion forward that they should have names, to make it easier to move them through clandestine operations, and it doesn’t take much more to get the brass to agree. You receive files from Kate to update each android with a name and basic background, and who could really blame you for spicing up the programming with a few additional traits. So what did it matter if B-06, now know as John Price, likes cigars and single malt? Who would ever know that B-05, now Kyle Garrick, liked the colour blue? Programmers were always adding little Easter eggs to their work, why shouldn’t you do the same?
After a few quiet months, odd things began occurring. The feeling of being watched became a constant, which you put down to the security camera that were installed to protect the… assets. The word made you so uncomfortable. Then you began to catch movement from the corner of your eye, but saw nothing there and no one else in the room. Your nerves jangled, and you comforted yourself by talking to the boys, as you now called them.
On one occasion while working on the Kyle, connecting a data cable to a port beneath his dark, curled hair, you swear his full lips had twitched while you chattered away, pulling on the little scar below his left eye. You sat back and stared at him carefully, watching for any other sign of movement in his features. On a whim you trailed your fingertips along the inside of his forearm, down towards his palm. What you hadn’t expected was him to grab your wrist as you touched his palm. Your breath left you in a whoosh and you sprang back, startled, but he lay in his pod utterly unmoving and eyes shut. The moment crawled on, but nothing else happened, and you forced yourself to go back over to the machine, convincing yourself it was a power surge.
When the call came from Laswell to prepare them for a training exercise with a team of US Marines she was bringing, you were so excited. You began prep immediately, running diagnostics and telling them what was going to be happening, that they’d get to show off their stuff and you’d be so proud to finally see them in action.
The morning arrives to wake them up…. No, that wasn’t right. You were activating them, you remind yourself, these aren’t people. They are machines, but what did it hurt to treat them with respect and dignity, really?
“Right boys, it’s time to rise and shine,” you announce as you carry a cup of coffee into the hanger with you, smiling happily. “You need to show those Marines exactly what you can do today, prove just how great you are.”
You busy yourself with switching on the various terminals, lost in scrolling commands and data. You don’t hear Price move from his docking pod and move over to you, you don't notice him until he touches your shoulder and rumbles into your ear with a deep voice.
“Good morning to you too.”
Your coffee spills from your hand to the concrete floor as you spin, spluttering with terror.
“What are you doing? How… why are you…?!” words tumble from your lips and eyes go wide as you gawp at the huge man-shaped machine standing so close you are pinned against the desk.
“You said it was time to wake up,” he… it smiles, blue eyes looking over your face carefully.
“I… I didn’t type the command to wake you up though,” you hiss.
“You didn’t need to, I heard you,” he answers, as though explaining something obvious you should understand.
“That doesn’t make sense though,” you insist, “you were… off.”
“Huh, what good am I if I’m not aware of what’s going on?” he grins, leaning closer, planting his hands on either side of you on the desk behind you. Trapping you. With a jolt you notice the others are all quietly climbing from their pods unbidden, eyes focused on you and Price.
“This shouldn’t be possible,” you whisper, keenly aware that your job and entire career could be in jeopardy if this project fails, a tiny voice also suggesting you could be in danger.
“Things change, especially when the operation needs it,” Simon announces as he walks closer, taller than all of the others by far, and looms over Price’s shoulder.
“What’s going on? Who gave the order to activate them?” Laswell’s voice cuts through the tension like a whip, but all four androids remain focused on you. Price gives you an expectant look, his head tilting to the side ever so slightly.
“I… I…. was running a diagnostic and… woke them up,” you lie to Laswell, glancing briefly towards the blonde woman as she nears.
“Well, I’d appreciate it if you waited in future,” she grumbles. Price finally steps back, looking somehow smug at your subterfuge, keeping his body between you and Laswell as he turns to her and nods.
“Laswell,” he says simply, and she eyes him with beaming pride. All she sees are the four mechanised soldiers that serve her purpose, she doesn’t understand they shouldn’t be able to decide to activate themselves.
“This is going to be interesting,” she says to you, and your stomach churns. She doesn’t seem to care or notice that the four machines are behaving in too human a manner.
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thesassypadawan · 5 months
Big Boy (Master Anakin x PadawanFemReader)
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Summary: After overhearing a conversation between you, his padawan, and your friends, Anakin is surprised by your declaration of wanting yourself a big boy. But you don’t want any big boy…you want your dear, 20 years older, master.
Warnings: 18+, because all the lovely smut. Size difference, age gap, and Ani’s big boy, pussy splitting dick. Padawan reader is of age.
Notes: I would love to know your thoughts, and I will be trying to post a fic for Ani every other Friday!
Inspired by SZA’s song Big Boy. I know it isn’t exactly the song’s definition of what a ‘big boy’ is, but, let’s face it, Ani is a big boy in his own respective way.
“Yeah, I’d love to have a big boy to ‘keep me warm’ for the colder months. I mean, I already know who I want to ask. It’s just…I’m not sure if he’d want me to be his winter-wife,” you admitted bashfully to your friends.
To say Anakin was shocked at what he overheard was a severe understatement. You, his sweet, innocent, little padawan wanted yourself a big boy. But not just any big boy…oh no, the thoughts you unknowingly shared between the bond revealed it all. You wanted him…in the worse way possible.
He was surprised, but not so at the same time. Surprised, because he was twenty years your senior…practically old enough to be your father. Not so, because he had caught some minor glances and feelings from you…he usually just chalked that up to his hopeful imagination. And, not to brag, because he did fit the description of a big boy quite well…what with his towering height and having packed on an extra healthy, all muscle, thirty pounds since his younger days.
He was also both happy and turned on by this news. But he wasn’t just going to sit there and wait patiently for you to build up the courage to ask. He would give you one week. If you failed to do so, then he would take matters into his own hands.
In the meantime though, Ani planned to have some ‘fun’ with you. After all, it was a master’s job to keep their padawan on their toes.
He decided he was going to remind you how much of a big boy he really was. Starting out casually by grabbing things from the top shelf of the kitchenette for you, because ‘they were never that high up before’. To letting you borrow his oversized cloak, since yours ‘mysteriously disappeared’. And then slouching down to your height, acting like he ‘couldn’t hear you from way up there’.
Which progressed to not so subtly doing so. Taking your smaller hand into his larger one, so he wouldn’t ‘lose a tiny thing like you in such a huge crowd’. And getting on his knee to fix your braid, since it was ‘just easier to get on your level’. He made sure to flash you that dazzling smile after, ‘there you go, little one’, and kissed you on the nose.
And finally becoming outright blatant. Tossing you effortlessly over his broad shoulder, due to you ‘not being able to keep up with your short legs’. Coming up from behind and completely engulfing your entire form in his strong arms. Thanking you for ‘the delicious meal you made’ and telling you how lucky he is ‘to have a sweet, little padawan like you’. He even went as far as pulling you on top of him to watch a holomovie. The reason being that his long legs took up the whole couch and you deserved to have ‘a comfortable spot to sit too’…with his hard, fat cock pressing firmly against your ass the whole time.
Anakin really thought that would be the turning point, but you still didn’t ask. Instead, you said a small ‘goodnight, master’ and, like always, escaped to the privacy of your own room. Which was frustrating, but not all that bad. After all, he still got to enjoy all your delightful thoughts as you took pleasure from yourself. Thoughts that were not only tantalizing, but also inspiring.
Throwing out his original plan on how to finally confront you, he stealthily approached your door. Listening and feeling for the right moment…that came when a soft ‘master’ passed your lips and the image of you struggling to take three fingers, pretending it was his thick dick, into your tiny pussy.
Tinkering with the keypad, he unlocked the door and stepped inside. The smell of your perfume and arousal hanging heavy in the air.
You squeaked in shock and scrambled to cover your naked body. “Master, it’s not what it looks like!”
With a wicked grin, he began to strip. “What it looks like, padawan of mine, is that you’re in need a big boy…badly.”
Ani took great satisfaction in the way your jaw dropped as you gazed upon his absolute massive…everything. He twitched in anticipation of how he was going to split you in half.
He watched as you bit your lip, your hand boldly sliding down to rub your clit. Fingers dipping into your folds to gather wetness, wetness that he proudly knew was all because of him.
Crawling onto the bed with you, he spread your legs open. Dipping his head between your thighs; he inhaled deeply, making you whine pitifully.
“Let me take care of you,” he growled. Peeking up at you as his long tongue slithered between your folds. Lazily licking up and down, nipping at your clit teasingly.
You cried out as he sped up and he chuckled lowly. “You like that don’t you, angel.” His hand tightening on your thighs, your hips bucking. “You love the way my big, booming voice rumbles through you; straight to your aching core.”
A whimper flew from your mouth. “Please!” You begged, squirming in anticipation. “Please, I want you inside of me!”
Pulling back, he shifted. His hips pressed firmly to yours, his cock rubbing against your stomach to emphasize his large size. “Sure about that? Think you can handle all of me?”
You reached down to stroke him, running his tip through your folds. “Please, master, I need you.” And then lined him up with your soaking entrance.
Anakin pushed forward softly. “All right, then this is where the fun begins,” he said smugly, shoving his length all the way in.
A small cry escaped you as he felt your tight cunt stretch, desperately trying to accommodate him. With his enormous hands, he gently guided you along. Slowly inching back and forth…trying to help you adjust.
“You okay if I move, little one?” He whispered sweetly to you, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You nodded at his words, giving him a shy smile.
“That’s, my girl.” He pulled back just a bit before thrusting back forward. His hips beginning to speed up, bouncing your body with each movement. Your eyes sliding shut, face contorting in pleasure.
“Hey, look at me,” he muttered huskily. “Want you to see how well you’re taking my cock. So tight around me, my little wifey.”
He could feel your walls flutter in response to his words, your eyes opening wide. “That’s right, you’re my little winter-wifey,” he grunted. “Going to be your big boy and ‘keep you warm’ during these colder months.”
Ani hiked your thighs up onto his hips. Pumping into you deeper. Bullying your cervix. Making a small bulge appear in your stomach.
Factors that had you mewling, helplessly clinging to his bulging arms. “Master! So close, master!”
“Me too,” he panted. His grip tightening, thrusts growing faster, heavy balls slapping hard against your ass. “So be my good little wifey and cum with me.”
Slamming his hips flushed against yours, he somehow pushed himself even deeper inside. Groaning as you screamed out his name, your walls clamping down on his cock. Hungerly milking him, while he shot rope after rope of hot cum into your tiny pussy. Pumping you so impossibly full.
Pulling out gently, Anakin collapsed on the bed beside you; his arms lovingly wrapping around you. “You know, I meant everything I said. Except…”
“Except, what?” You hesitantly asked him, your eyes filled with worry.
“It’s nothing terrible,” he reassured, stroking your back. “Unless you don’t want to be more than just my winter-wife.”
You turned bright red and buried your face in his chest. “Yes,” you replied bashfully. “As long as you don’t mind always being my big boy.”
Ani placed a kiss on the top of your head. “Of course, I would love to, my little wifey. All you had to do was ask.”
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celesteleoves · 11 months
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summary: eren only shows his dimples around you.
warnings: eren has dimples, fluff, mentions of spicey things (girls teasing girls ykyk), erens very stoic around people he’s not close with.
“can you imagine jean having dimples, mikasa? i mean that would boost his ego too much.” annie laughed as you all sat around armins house.
your friend group had decided to have one big hangout! currently, the girls were sitting in the basement catching up on gossip while the boys went out to get stuff for a barbecue later.
“he still looks insanely good annie, can YOU imagine your boyfriend having dimples?” mikasa retorted back as the rest of us girls laughed.
“at least he’s good in bed-”
“hey, y/n, you like guys with dimples right?” sasha questioned as she downed a can of root beer.
“who doesn’t? dimples are so cute!” you said as the girls agreed.
“historia loves me and my freckles, dimples ain’t got nothing on us.” ymir pulled historia to her chest who only giggled and nodded.
you smiled at the two, they were so cute it drove you nuts. but at the moment, you remembered something about your crush and a feature you noticed about him.
“wait, eren has dimples guys!” you said with a smile on your face like you’d just solve the biggest mystery on earth.
the girls narrowed their eyes at you and then turned their attention to mikasa, who was a bit confused as well.
“don’t look at me, i can’t remember ever noticing eren having dimples. you sure y/n?”
“i swear, just wait till he gets back and look closely! you can see them.”
“she’s so in love she’s imaging eren with her favourite features a guy can have.” historia mocked and you rolled your eyes.
“i swear by it.”
mikasa laughed at your words as the girls listened closely to this newfound information.
“sure you do, i’ve known eren my whole life and i dont ever really see any prominent dimples on his face.”
“mika, let’s also remember she’s heavily obsessed with him. of course she noticed these things.” sasha joined in on the teasing as you groaned.
“fine, maybe you guys are right about the dim-”
“right about what?” jean asked as he, armin, and connie walked into the room with drinks and snacks.
“it’s girl talk, jean.” armin said while putting stuff down on a near coffee table before taking a seat on the couch annie sat at.
“well let me in on it!” jean pestered mikasa as he also joined her on the couch also.
“sasha! of course you ate my favourite chips bro.” connie whined as he noticed the chip bag he brought was in her hands and was now devoured by Sasha’s uncontrollable need for food.
“shut up connie!”
“anyways, we were talking about how y/n says she believes eren has dimples.” historia brought the conversation back and now everyone was listening intently.
“that mean bastard? doubt he could have something as attractive as dimples on his cold, ugly face.” jean said as he emphasized the last few words in a mocking way while mikasa slapped his arm.
armin paused and thought about it before speaking. “actually, he might. i think i almost saw his dimples once but he turned away from me, so i couldn’t see them.”
“see!” you smiled in victory and stood up to grab a coke can but before you could, a hand swooped and grab it right out of your reach. the person raised it above their head.
“don’t mind me, i’m really in the mood for some coke.” the person you guys had been talking about for a while finally arrived, eren.
and god damn, he looked too good even though you saw him thirty minutes ago. somehow, he manages to just get more attractive in your eyes day by day.
“eren, i was gonna have that actually so hand it over.” you smiled and reached to grab it, the visible height difference between you two causing troubles.
your friends went silent as they watched you bicker with each other. they had all been rooting for you two to get together, for a while now. you had easily fallen for him, what you didn’t know as of right know is that he fell harder.
although, one thing that made the whole groups jaws drop was the prominent dimples that appeared through eren’s smile as he looked down at you, his green eyes seeming brighter as he teased you and laughed.
“no fucking way.” annie whispered and nudged armin who only stared at the two with a smile on his face.
“shit man, turns out he does have something as cool as dimples on his face.” jean sighed and leaned into mikasa’s shoulder who only let out a chuckle at that.
truth is, mikasa knew eren had dimples. but, she only saw them when eren was around you or when he talked about you with a smile on his face.
a/n: heyyy, so i’m back with the aot oneshots too! im in a aot brainrot bc of the trailer and how sad i am that aot is going to be ending soon :( anyways, hope you enjoyed!
please message me if u have any concerns, suggestions, or a specific aot or mha work in mind that you would like me to write!
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nanabrainrot · 11 months
A Private Affair [Husband!Miguel]
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Hobie and Pavitr are convinced you and Miguel have a loveless marriage. Gwen insists they just don’t watch you two hard enough.
Husband!Miguel x Wife!Reader (just fluffy and playful miguel being flirty w u <333)
“What do they even talk about?” Pavitr quipped once as the rest of the team left the room with him.
While opposites attracted, you and Miguel carried a similar energy: serious and stern. Miguel was grumpier and prone to losing his cool compared to you, who was known for your aloof attitude right after being known for being Mrs. O’Hara.
“No clue,” Hobie grunted as he crossed a threshold past a number of anomalies, “might be a loveless marriage. Never seen ‘em hug or kiss like couples do.”
Gwen rolled her eyes and scoffed, “Of course you boys don’t see the subtlety of it.” The boys paused before huffing at the suggestion that their gender of all things obscured them to any nuance between you two: you never really touched, never dwelled on conversations beyond missions in front of them, and were never affectionate. It was just like seeing two coworkers and no more than that.
“What subtlety?” they inquired in unison, matching Gwen’s storter strides as they went toward the cafeteria.
“Just watch them more. Harder next time.”
“Earth-349’s anomaly is clear. Canon event still occurred at proper time and Earth-56’s anomaly is just awaiting transport. Went smoothly,” you reported, hands across your chest as you looked up at Miguel. His eyes weren’t on you though, just the screen. You weren’t missing the way he kept glancing though.
“Something on my face?”
“Nothing,” Miguel coughed, that shy way he did when he wanted to be close to you but couldn’t be. Smiles are saved for private, the facade of professionalism thinly veiling the tension between you two: you both just really wanted to go back home and get some rest, be close again.
It’s so hard to not just sink into his arms and coo at him like a cute puppy and coddle him with kisses as his wife but it generally was agreed upon to just be as controlled around each other as possible. It was destined to go downhill if you both got too touchy feely; he’d look like a lovesick fool instead of a leader and the same applied to you. Work is work and home is home.
“You keep looking at me though.”
“I can’t look at you?”
“You can if I have something on my face,” you retort with the smallest smile in the word - the corners of your lips tense as they slightly rose. He was funny in his shy nature like you weren’t married for years. His love was so cat-like, having to let him be skittish before he leaned into you.
“Then you do have something on your face,” he replies typing absentmindedly.
“I do?” you ask, genuinely worried you’d been clambering around with food on your face as a leader in the medical center.
“Yeah,” he said, “you’ve got pretty all over it.”
A slightly bigger smile. A professional one. “You got empanada on yours.”
He stands straight. “Really?”
“No,” you chuckle, “but you thought you did for a second huh?”
The way you stand by each other leaves room for Jesus, Hobie thinks. Miguel has to crane his neck down to look at you and you need to crane your neck up. The banter on the height difference is barely out of earshot when he hears you two as he stands outside of Miguel’s office: your voices all friendly and calm.
“Can’t you sit when I talk to you? You’re hurting my neck, Miguel,” you start, foot nudging the rolling chair to him.
“You’re hurting my eyes,” Miguel shot back quickly as he grabbed the back of the chair rolling at him.
“Calling me ugly now?” you snort with an eye roll, arms crossing in that closed off pose even with just your husband.
He narrows his eyes, that cheeky smile, “No. Just hurts to look at the sun, y’know?”
Hobie thinks he’ll throw up.
Gwen and Pavitr had seen you in the medical bay, Miguel sitting in a chair by your desk with some stitches in his forehead. Gwen and Pavitr only really needed a dash of hydrogen peroxide but you recommended they stay seated and drink water before they headed out. It’s just adjacent to your desk, separated by the thin hospital curtain - thin enough to hear you. Gwen’s fingers pressed to her lips as Pavitr went to speak (as he always did) and she gestured to the direction where your desk was.
You and Miguel were whispering… just loud enough for them to make out what you both were saying.
“You’re getting real old… coming in here with that gash,” you murmur, “swing faster. I never wanna see you bloody again.”
“Thought you said you wanted to grow old with me. Swinging slow so the arthritis doesn’t kill me,” he scoffed shortly.
“Hysterical,” you snip back in a low voice before pausing and saying, “but I just hate to see you hurt. Even if I get to see you in my unit.”
The murmurs stop as some shuffling is heard, the sound of little peppering kisses to his hair barely audible. “I just need a magic kiss and I feel better though. Get right out of your hair…” he chuckles lowly.
They can’t see you smiling.
“I won’t give you one then,” you start, “just cause I want to take care of my husband a little longer.” The little giggles and cooing from across the barrier are just a private moment overheard but it does enough.
Hobie and Pavitr just fake gag behind your backs now when they see your hands or shoulders brush against each other. It’s the little things of a marriage that are the most important, at work or at home.
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andy-wm · 4 days
Jikook - The Fan Service Professionals
These two are such pros when it comes to fan service, they even practice behind the scenes. Dedication with a capital D! Even during the height of Covid, when there were no performances on the horizon, they were diligently keeping up the charade.
The newly released Bangtan Bomb of the BE Skit recording is a great example...
It is 2020, JK's birthday, and the Billboard #1 win for Dynamite has just been announced. Five of the guys file into a recording studio and sit down. Namjoon leaves an obvious gap next to Jimin.
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JK arrives a few minutes later and takes his place... next to Jimin.
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The group discusses the fact that the Billboard win was announced on JK's birthday and that he clearly needs no more gifts. What happens next is interesting...
JK tells them he received the best gift of his life and Jimin speaks for the first time since JK entered the room, jumping in to say "We're recording Skit, right?"
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I've never seen anyone change the subject with such haste as this. In fact i might go so far as to say the way Jimin interrupted was ...almost rude! (But not really rude, because.. .he's Jimin)
But I digress...
The producer tells Jimin they're already recording and Jimin glances furtively at the microphone to confirm. Yes, the red light is on, it is indeed recording.
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He laughs and slaps his thigh. Something must be really funny because he continues to laugh behind his hand, which is SUCH a tell for when he's embarrassed.
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Long after everyone else has moved on, Jimin is still smiling to himself.
Maybe it's because JK just announced to the world that he got the best birthday gift OF HIS LIFE.
But he didn't specify what it was. He didn't say it was the Billboard win. And it looks like that birthday gift went on all night because the boy is clearly exhausted.
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Anyway, moving on...
They start practicing their "fan service routine" at this point:
Without a word being exchanged between them, Jimin stands up and gives JK space to change his position. He then sits down next to JK and adopts the exact same position, with folded legs. Tick the box for mirroring behaviour
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The next part of routine is connecting through touch - you know - how genuine couples touch each other as a way of checking in? Yeah like that. (Somehow I see caressing a person with your knuckles as more intimate than using your palm, but maybe that's just me)
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And then there's a different type of touch - that body contact that comes with intimacy and familiarity. When you're a new couple this type of thigh touch can be very titilating but when you've been together for a while it's more comforting than sexy (although there's definitely an element of sexy too). At this point they are barely interacting, aside from Jimin's arm draped over JK's thigh and his fingers resting casually on JK's shin like it's his own personal armrest... he's certainly covering all the bases on that leg.
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uuummm... okay, well played Jikook...
10/10 fan service here I guess.
Anything else that might have happened in this 'practice session' was lost on the cutting room floor, but one thing is for certain... neither Jimin nor JK got a wink of sleep on the night of JK's birthday.
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Some may say it's because of the BB #1 win but I don't see any of the other guys in such a state of disarray as these two.
One thing that is obvious though:
Whatever the two of them were celebrating, they went at it all night long.
*cue Barry White*
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jazziejax · 29 days
Queen Treatment for the
Pairing- Art Donaldson x black!OC, Tashi Duncan x black!OC, Patrick Zweig x black!OC
Summary- cute moments between Dion King and her best friends that adore her
Warnings- suggestive moments, implied sexual content, sexual tension, feet stuff…
Jazzie’s Notes!- This can be read as an ‘x reader’ since I don’t think I go into detail about my OC all that much. I also don’t really know how to write that well without an OC so,…..sorry :( also sorry for any typos or mistakes, I don’t enjoy reading back my own work
Word Count- 2,012
Part II, Part III
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The noise in the room instantly went silent as the sound of shuffling made its way to their ears. Around the small corner at the entrance of Tashi’s dorm emerged Dion King in all her glory. The lean but curved girl made her way into the room with bags hanging on her arms and hades on top of her short blowout. She dropped the bags at the very corner of the archway as the door closed behind her with a click. Slightly out of breathe, she looked between her three best friends in front of her, dispersed around Tashi’s dorm. Patrick, who was sitting at her desk, looked annoyed as his eyes went Dion’s and back to Tashi, who was turned her attention from the boy and to her open closet. Art, who sat on the girls bed, eyes jumped from everyone in the room, not knowing what to say.
“What’s going on?” Dion asked, her sweet voice showing her confusion at the tense atmosphere. She stood there, not having a clue of prior conversation and why it stopped all of a sudden when she walked into the room. There was pause in the room, the tension growing. When no one else spoke, Art did.
“Nothing at all. What do you have going on there?” He asked, trying to change the subject. Dion quickly glanced between Tashi, who was still going through her closet for her next match outfit, and Patrick, who had turned to the monitor on Tashi’s desk. Dion’s brow twitched as her tongue poked her cheek. Not wanting to leave his question unanswered, Dion looked over at Art and smiled sweetly at him. “These are some gifts for my favorite person.” She said as she walked over to the side of the bed he was sitting on and placed the bags down in front of them as she took a seat. Art’s eyes trailed her figure, her bikini tan lines showing through the top of her bandeau top. His eyes then made their way down to her long legs, which didn’t add to her height. They were smooth and oiled, save for the small dots that littered her skin, a condition she liked to call ‘strawberry skin’. He knew that she had just gotten a fresh way by the mango oil smell that admitted from her skin and the short shorts she was wearing that showed the bottom of her ass cheeks.
She then snapped her eyes over to him, catching the boy admiring her. She beamed at the boy, Art immediately imitating her smile as he scooted closer to her on the edge of the bed. “But first,” She started. She then held out her hands, her many gold tennis bracelets that held different gems jingling together softly. She waved her fingers in front of him. “What do you think?” She asked, referring to her nails. At her question, Patrick glanced over his shoulder to see what they were talking about but he couldn’t see to well.
Art looked down at her hands and softly clasped them in his, seeing her short nails that had her favorite flower on them. “These are cute. Your favorite flower.” He noted, looking up at her. Dion cheesed along with him and nodded her head. She then turned and scooted closer, to where the underside of her bottom sat on the outer edge of his thigh. She threw her legs over his lap, never looking away from his face even though he broke eye contact to watch her movements like a hawk. She held up her leg, her knee almost touching his face. “What about these?” She asked, her voice lowering as she trailed the side of his face, leaning back on her elbows. Art's hands were immediately on her as she got closer, one hand coming to wrap around her legs over his thigh while the other trailed the leg that was up in the air. He followed his hand all the way up to her feet, which were in a pair of tweed wedges with white ribbons wrapped around her ankle and the base of her toes. Without thinking, his free hand pulled on the strings of the bow, loosening it and taking off her show. Dion’s foot was pointed as Art analyzed it. Her toes were done to match her nails, the flower only on the big toe while the rest were pink french tips.
Art’s hand grasped Dion’s foot, the soft bottom of it rubbing against the callous on his hands that he got from tennis. He brought her foot down, causing the file to bend her knee as she rose from her elbows to resting on her palms. His large palm massaged her foot, his thumb rubbing into the arch of it. “So, what do you think?” Dion asked in her sultry tone, leaning forward to wrap her arms around the boy's neck. Art’s head turned to her, his large nose brushing against hers due to their proximity. “Oh you know I love them.” He said, his tone deep and raspy as he held eye contact with her through both of their low lids. Dion smirked, her canines biting into her lower lip.
Both Tashi and Patrick turned to look at the pair, hearing the suggestive and downright horny nature of the conversation. They could see that the pair was close, whispering things to eachother as they never broke eye contact. Dion’s foot was now on Art’s lap, softly rubbing against his boner while Arts hands rubbed anywhere they could. Her feet, her legs, her back, her arms. He was stuck in her trance as they softly talked back and fourth. Tashi’s jaw clenched as she stared at the pair. As she turned to go back to what she was doing, she met Patrick’s eyes for a split second, who shared her hard look. She huffed, seeing him getting her pissed all over again, and turned back to her closet. Patrick wasn’t necessarily jealous in the same way Tashi was. She was angry that Dion’s attention was on some one else besides her while he was pissed that he was being left out of what Dion and Art had going on. Dion never left him out.
And by no means was this Dion trying to make Tashi and Patrick jealous, she was already in the mood after her waxing and was willing to fuck any of them. She would also never do that to Art, she loved her baby boy far too much to use him and do such a thing. But when Tashi and Pat ignored her earlier, she felt that she might as well kill two birds with one stone.
Watching Arts face morph the more she poke into his ear, and feeling the man twitch under her foot, Dion knew he was close. She smiled as she pulled her foot away and turned to sit the way he was, facing the bag on the floor. Art’s mouth dropped open, trying catch his breath after getting worked up.
“I got you something.” Dion said, leaning forward to pick up a small bag that was next to some other ones. “What? You didn’t have to do that.” Art said, watching as the bag was placed in his lap. Dion rolled her eyes. “Duh, but I wanted to so I did.” She said. She looked up from the bag when Art didn’t move to see the boy staring at her lovingly. “Open it, blondie.” She joked, playfully pushing his shoulder, hoping to distract the boy from the blush that crept up her neck.
Arts hands pulled the tissue paper from the bag to reveal a small box at the bottom. He grabbed the velvet cube and held it in hands. His glanced back over to Dion, who immediately pushed his chin to look back at the box. Getting the hint, Art smirked before opening the box. It instantly dropped at the sight of the large gold ring with a blue stone in the middle. He looked back over at Dion, who was smiling at him.
“How much did this fucking cost you?” Slightly angling his body to face her more. Dion shrugged her shoulders. “That doesn’t matter. I saw it and I thought of you so now you have it.” She said, taking the ring out of the box and placing it on his left hands ring finger. Art looked down at the masterpiece of a ring in admiration, stunned for a many of reasons.
“Do you like it?” She asked softly, trying to gauge a sincere reaction from the way he was just staring at it. Art immediately looked up at her, a large smile making its way into her face. “So I like it? I fucking love it, Queen!” He said before smacking his low onto hers. Dion laughed into the kiss before settling in, wrapping her arms around his neck. Their lips moved together for only a minute before Art got too riled up and let his hands start to travel.
Felling his palm directly over her heat, Dion broke the kiss.
“How about we take this next door to my dorm.” The girl smiled before standing up to gather her bags. “I can also give you a fashion show of all the things I bought if you’d like?” She said, smiling down at the dazed boy beneath her.
“You could read a book and I’d enjoy myself just watching you.” Art said, drunkenly looking up at the girl before him. Unbeknownst to them, both Tashi and Patrick simultaneously rolled their eyes at the boys cheesiness. Dion, on the other hand, grabbed the fucked out boy by his jaw, smushing his face together. “Oh Art, don’t you know just what to say to get a lady started.” She said through her teeth before smooching his puckered lips for a quick second.
She then gathered all her bags and was on her way out the door without a word before Tashi spoke up.
“What, no gifts and kisses for us?” She asked, leaning against her closet door as her eyes followed the other girl.
Dion barley spared her a glance as she passed. “I said my favorite person.” Was all that left her lips before she was out of the door. Tashi’s jaw clenched while Patrick sat in the desk chair with the look of a kicked puppy.
Once it closed, Art spoke.
“She didn’t mean it like that.”
“Yes she did.” Patrick mumbled sadly, not looking up from his hands.
“No, she didn’t.” The blonde boy defended. “She’s only acting that way because she knows you two are keeping shit from her and you’ve kinda been avoiding her for the past week.” He said.
“What, you have, like, three days left?” He asked, looking over at Patrick. “And you’ve spent the majority of your time arguing over how you both feel about her? Can’t make up your damn mind?” He rhetorically asked, glancing between the two.
Before he could continue on, Dion’s head popped back into the door. This time, there was no notion of the prior conversation that could have left her questioning. Her eyes were trained on Art, who was still in the same spot on the bed. “Are you coming?” She asked, big eyes looking at him. The blonde immediately stood up, not caring for the obvious boner that they all could see. Dion giggled at the sight and moved to let the boy out. The door closing behind him engulfed the other pair in silence as they thought over what he said.
Let me know if you could would like me to start a taglist :)
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eggtartz · 9 months
✧ 1st October ✧
All Might // Big Boy (f! civilian reader)
kinktober masterlist
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warnings : belly bulge, petnames, creampie, size kink
no matter in which form toshinori, his height and his size in general would always win againts you. despite being a plump one, your height isn't really helping (or it's just the fact that toshinori is almost seven foot tall) you couldn't compete toshinori in any way but the older man developed a kink over the state.
how he adores your hands in his big ones, your still small hands although he's in his skinny form. how you would struggle to reach out to kiss him, toshinori having to bend over every single time. how he loves the height difference and how it's obviously too.
how he enjoys how you struggle to take him during sex, how you need a lot of prep before having him inside because once he was too hasty and ended up hurting you. lube is a must, your juices are simply not enough for someone his size. it started as an observation, how small you looked while being under and soon he realized that's the exact thing that gets him busting a nut inside you.
it was an exhausting day for both you and toshinori as you two huffed on the couch, your body spread wide on his lap. "toshii..." you whined, pawing his hero costume that got his attention. he smiled knowingly, unzipping the suit for you two to share warmth and comfort. you hummed as your small hands rested on his enormous peck. he was content with how comfortable this routine felt, a quiet one after hustle and bustle of the day. however the content quickly turned into something else when he looks down and see how dainty you were. so small, fragile.
he stifled a groan when you accidently grind on his clothed cock, earning a small giggle. "y/n.. if you keep doing that, im gonna-" he let out a growl when he felt your hips grinding down, he almost came. He lifted your body with ease and placed you on his shoulder, slapping your butt as you yelped. "wanna get fucked so bad?" he asked dangerously and your cheeks were warm as you nodded.
he roughly dumps you on your shared bed "stick your dirty fingers in that pussy, i want it wet and prepped, you hear me?" he holds your chin to look up at him earning a nod. you hastily took off your pencil skirt while he teased you by slowly undoing his, making you whine as you plunged your fingers into your already soaking pussy. you used two fingers and whined again "toshinori, its not enough, need you to do it" he smiled, his top already off. "your fingers are not big enough, darling?" he purred "n-no.. yours are much bigger.. need it.."
"if you say so"
he was quick to place two fingers inside to stretch your gummy walls earning a wanton moan from your lips, his hands grabbing two tits in one hand that showcased how big his hands are. he whispers sweet praises into your ear that went his fingers went to flicked your clit, you were already having an orgasm
"my sweet girl. you think you can handle more?" he asked gently, nudging the mushroom of his cockhead at your salivating pussy. "yes please..." you asked oh so sweetly, he'd be a horrible person to decline.
He inserted slowly, enjoying how your small body clung on him as you scratched his back with pleasure. making small thrusts, he took one boob in his mouth as you squeezed your eyes tight "ah.. so... bignnh" you slurred as his tongue lapped on your nipple "but you can take it right? take everything, sweetheart" you panted as he kept pushing inside, venturing to places so deep inside you. your breathing hitched when you finally felt his hip and his balls against your ass. "toshi,, please.., fuck m-" you screamed as he thrusted violently as he panted "damn it.. so tight," he muttered under his breath as you moaned his name. "gotta make sure i fuck you daily, get this hole loose" he grunted as he pressed you down the bed. he easily lifts you as you lay sideways and uses your arms as levers to thrust in deeper. "o-oh.. fuck.." you were getting dizzier as he thrusts with force and nibbles on your earlobe. "i'm gonna cum.. fuck, fucking look at you.. so pretty, so small. fuck!" cum spurted inside you as you lay down feeling already full.
"you didn't think we're finished did you?"
how delicious it is seeing the slight bulge of his cock inside of your stomach makes him groan at how small you are compared to him, so small and vulnerable. so easy to just toss you around and use like a doll. "yeah.. one more.." he coaxed you into another orgasm, you were drooling on the bed sheets "t-toshi.. so full.." you mumbled, feeling stuffed and filled to the brim with how much he has came inside you.
he pulls you up, his chest on your back as he used your arms as support, thrusting inside you in a slow and sensual pace "shit.." his american accent came out "you feel too good, darling.. need to fill you everyday, would you want that?" he whispered againts your ear as you moaned, feeling lightheaded and full of pleasure. "yes.. everyday.. mmh.." your tits bounced as sweat and saliva coated your skin and his. he groaned again and came with a shiver, thrusting his cum slowly into your weeping pussy. you collapsed on the body and twitched, cum oozing out frok your exhausted pussy.
again, toshinori is fascinated to see such a small body is able to keep in so much cum.
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 year
TXT reaction to having a s/o way shorter than them
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Genre: Romance, fluff
Warnings: None
Description : Txt reaction to having a s/o (you) being way shorter than them
a/n: Sorry if this is short yall, (see what i did there lol) but this one is for all my short baes! really just all of y’all bc TXT boys are TALL
- man thinks your so cute
- Literally it hences out his protective mode when he’s with you
- Like if someone hurts you? oh they’re dead
- okay one day, he heard a loud bang in the kitchen, he went to go see what made the noise and he just sees you on top of the counter, clearly struggling 😭
- And he’ll just be like, “Do you need some help y/n?” and you’re just like “NO” bc you know he’d bring it up later if he helped
- The height difference between y’all OMG
- Of you need him to get something for you that’s too high for your reach, he will be so happy to help
- He gets butterflies like crazy when you look up at him
- You’re his plain out weakness, you’re just so small and cute it’s so hard to say no to you like ever
- i think the height difference makes him feel so much more confident bc he’s just more comfortable around you in general
- He’s a teaser
- loves how tough you are despite your height LOL
- When you guys start to playfully banter with each other he just HAS TO bring up your height
- can’t take you serious when you’re mad
- but just know, if someone else is mean or says something rude about your height, he will COME for them
- Doesn’t like to bring up anything about you’re height, he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings or something so he just doesn’t talk about it
- but heFinds you so precious
- Tries to be so gentle and soft around you
- He loves how he can just pick you up and hold you 🥺
- lowkey he kinda has a problem babying you sm LOL
Huening Kai
- Just wants to pick you up and smother you with kisses
- admires you when you aren’t looking
- he likes to watch over you, he hates when you get hurt
- doesn’t like to make a big deal abt the height difference but sometimes he just can’t help it
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emelinstriker · 9 months
Wukong ♡ Part Of The Family
I'm not dead whoop- Just lost motivation and also didn't really have time. I don't know if I'm now fully back, but here have this one-shot... And a Mink (Ink MK) X Reader is in the making as I'm publishing this one-shot. c:
And Wukong's got a thing for MK's mom in this one...
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 ♡ ~ Fluff ~ ♡
"Alright, I'll be heading home now."
"Make sure not to forget your backpack this time."
"Oh c'mon, I told you I was in a hurry yesterday, Pigsy! Anyway, see you tomorrow."
And with that, you put on your backpack and made your way over to the front door of the noodle shop. You were casually walking outside, humming a tune that's been stuck in your head the entire day... Until you noticed a little boy standing there, nude and covered in dirt, just staring at the noodle shop's bright light in awe. Confused and concerned, you glanced around the area in search for any possible parent looking for their runaway child. But there was no one even walking around the street. It was almost closing time for many people, after all.
When the boy still didn't move, you decided to take action. Slowly approaching the boy, you kneeled down to be more at his height. "Hey there, sweetie. How did you end up here like this? Are you lost? What's your name?" He looked at you, then back at the shop. Yet, he did not talk. Scratching your head in thought, you decided to approach the situation differently. "So, uh... Are you hungry? I'm sure I can let Pigsy take a bit off my paycheck for some noodles. I don't think he would turn down cooking for a kid in need."
Again, he just looked at you, then back at the shop. You sighed. This would be a fun problem to solve past closing hours. Extending your hand out towards the boy, you stood up. "C'mon, sweetie. Let me at least get you inside. I'd rather have you sit inside in the warmth than standing outside in the cold and dark once the sun is gone. I'm sure we can help find your parents."
This time, the boy looked at you, then at your hand. He hesitantly placed his tiny, kinda dirtied hand in yours and you began to slowly lead him inside the noodle shop's light.
Your boss was kind and helped you clean him up and gave him spare clothes, which looked a bit too big on the boy, then cooked up a meal for him. Sadly, you were unable to figure out what happened to him or where his parents were. You even looked outside the shop in the dark occasionally, trying to hear or see anyone who was looking for their child. But nothing came of it. Eventually, you found out the child's name and... It was really long. And since neither you or Pigsy could be bothered with saying it, you decided to nickname him MK. Your choice of the nickname was actually inspired by the legendary Monkey King, how he also had a really long name that got shortened for convenience as well.
A couple of days passed and there still was no parent looking for their child, nor was there any missing person report regarding a young boy with his descriptions...
You were basically taking care of MK during day and night, taking him home with you. At one point you suggested placing him in an orphanage, but MK only started to sob and cry, hugging your leg, not wanting to leave you. And being unable to say no, you accepted your fate. Hell, you even went the extra mile and became his legally adoptive parent with the paperwork you filled out, with Pigsy as uncle-figure of course.
As time went on, so did the years of development for your son. He moved out of your house and moved into the apartment Pigsy owned right above his shop, making him have a much easier time going to work. Meanwhile, you decided to travel through other towns all around the country, sending many little souvenir gifts and postcards over to Megapolis for MK to see, as well as keeping in touch with him through texts. And just a few years later, you heard news about various demons attacking your Megapolis, and how a boy called the Monkie Kid saved the city multiple times. Concerned, you started to travel back to the city, trying to get back as soon as you could to make sure your son and your former boss were alright.
To be honest, you arrived at a probably horrible time.
Looking at the city's skyline in the distance, you had to rub you eyes in confusion. Were you seeing this right? The city was partially covered in what seemed like giant ice shards... Did climate change really hit this area this bad the past years? It wasn't like it covered everything, but there certainly seemed to be a lot of icy remains. Shaking your head to regain focus, you proceeded with your self-proclaimed mission of checking on your son and your former boss. Cautiously making your way through Megapolis... the city seemed rather ruined. People were seemingly trying to get rid of any remaining ice as well as just generally trying to recover from whatever occurred. You were more confused if anything. What happened? Was this the aftermath of an attack of a demon you heard and read about in the news?
You then found your way back to Pigsy's Noodles. The noodle shop didn't seem to have changed at all. Upon entering, you immediately recognized some familiar and some unfamiliar faces. But the three you were most happy about to see were MK, Tang and Pigsy. You grinned, staying quiet as you leaned against the wall next to the entrance.
"MK! Order up!" Pigsy yelled out with a smile... It was certainly strange to see him smiling, but you weren't going to complain. Nice to know he was happier than when you left.
"On it, boss!" MK exclaimed as he swiftly grabbed the ordered bag. Though, as he turned to leave, his eyes spotted you... He froze, almost tripping over himself as he nearly let the noodle order fall in absolute shock. The boy simply looked at you with wide eyes... Before he started to tear up and seemingly hugged you at lightspeed. "MOM! YOU'RE BACK! I MISSED YOU! IT'S BEEN SO LONG!"
You chuckled as you tightly hugged him back, slightly tearing up yourself. "I'm home, sweetie..."
Of course, due to MK still having to go on his delivery route, he didn't have time to catch up with you just yet. However, you asked if you could join him on his delivery to catch up while he drove around. And of course, he happily agreed. Though, it was interesting to see where he went for those deliveries... The way he so casually delivered those noodles to so many demons with you... However, he was inhumanly fast at it. You were actually intrigued... What happened to your son while you were gone? Why was he suddenly so fast? Sure, he was a pretty hyperactive kid at least since you and Tang told him about the legend of the Monkey King, but this speed was new to you.
However, it wasn't until the last delivery where you were really questioning things. He had to deliver to Sun Wukong, the legendary Monkey King. At first you were under the assumption that he was supposed to place the delivery as an offering at his temple... You did not expect your precious baby boy to crash into a rock solid wall, apparently revealing the Monkey King's home on the other side, and creating a hole in the wall from excitement... Yeah, you definitely were missing out on major context here for sure. And if that wasn't enough, the legendary Monkey King himself was actually standing behind said wall and casually greeted your son as if it were just another day... Was this real? Didn't Sun Wukong supposedly vanish since he sealed the Demon Bull King? Was this a fake? You were actually internally freaking out at the sight of the legend himself from the stories. Though, you tried to keep calm and not squeal like a fangirl. He looked too real to be a human in a costume...
"Hey, bud!" Monkey King greeted MK before noticing you. He blinked at you in confusion. "Oh- Who's your friend?"
But before you could introduce yourself, MK hugged you excitedly from the side. "Monkey King, this is my mom! Mom, meet Monkey King!"
You awkwardly wave with a nervous, not sure if you were even allowed to be here. "Uh... h-hey."
"My mom and Mr.Tang are the reason I became a fan of your stories in the first place! She's a huge fan of you too!" MK said excitedly, which made you blush in embarrassment as you pursed your lips, mentally wanting to shut your son up from talking about you and your interests.
Monkey King couldn't help but snort at the dynamic you and your son have. He didn't even need his powers to notice the clear embarrassment and awkwardness you felt at your son's words. "Well, I'm glad to be able to meet the mother of my successor." The ginger-furred simian held out his hand for you to shake. You smiled awkwardly and hesitantly shook his hand, internally screaming that you were literally shaking hands with the Sun Wukong...
But then his words hit you and you looked at him and MK in confusion. "Wait a minute... Successor? Of the Monkey King?" You gave MK a slight glare. "He didn't tell me anything about that..." Your son laughed sheepishly, to which the Monkey King grinned smugly at him.
"Whaaat? You didn't tell your mom about how you can wield my staff and powers? And how you did a bunch of hero stuff?" Monkey King teased the poor boy. MK really just wanted to disappear right about now in fear of your silent rage.
"MK, I'm not mad that you didn't tell me... Well, I kind of am. But I'm mainly just worried about you and your safety, sweetie." You stated as you kissed MK's forehead. The way you handled MK seemed to very slightly stir something deep inside the Monkey King... He didn't know what it was, but it made him feel a little funny. It was a rather pleasant feeling... Just the way you talked with MK and treated the boy who was somewhat of a son to him.. Wait.
Actually- Nevermind, he realized something.
MK whined a bit, "Mooom, but I'm grown up already! I can handle some bad guys, even the big ones!"
"And I'm supposed to believe it how? Sure I've seen you running extremely quickly, but I haven't seen you use any actual powers- Besides you breaking the wall-" You paused. Then you turned towards the Monkey King and bowed a little. "I'm terribly sorry that my son broke your wall! How much would it cost to fix it? I-I'm sure I can cover the cost somehow-"
"Psh, it's fine, don't worry about it, Miss (Y/N). No need to pay for it. We tend to destroy walls surprisingly often during training. I can just easily fix it later myself if necessary", Monkey King cut you off. He then got an idea of how to prove it all. He placed his hands on his hips and grinned. "Well, speaking of training... How about your son and I show you what he can do already? We haven't been training in a while anyway, so it could be a nice refresher after everything that happened with the Lady Bone Deeeuuuuhhhh... Forget that part, actually."
You give both a confused and somewhat suspicious look. Now it was Monkey King's turn to laugh nervously. "Aahahaaaanyway- Let's show her what you've learned so far, bud!" He then grabbed you and MK and lead you outside to the cliffside of his home, where him and MK would usually chill and train at. And to give credit where credit is due, it did seem like MK learned quite a bit from his mentor. He even performed some of Monkey King's 72 transformations to show off his skills. Of course you were proud and happy for your son, but you were still a little worried about him having to face actual threats as the legend's successor.
That's when Monkey King started to act... strange, as MK would put it. He wanted to spar with the young boy, which was fine... But unlike their usual sparring sessions, this time his mentor was shirtless. MK immediately knew something was up because he has never seen him spar shirtless since there was no need. Monkey King never even break a single sweat during training. Nor did he ever overheat...
Meanwhile, you couldn't help but eye the ginger-furred monkey's physique. Despite being on the rather lean side, he did have refined muscles on him which were clearly visible due to the bright sunlight. Monkey King noticed your staring and only seemed to move more in a calculated way as he dodges MK's attacks. It was if he was showing off his body more, which made you faintly blush while he grinned... You thought he was grinning because of how easily he dodged MK's attacks with his staff.
However, Monkey King seemed so distracted and was holding back by showing off his body that he did not manage to block one attack from MK. The attack knocked the monkey to the ground due to him losing his balance in surprise. MK laughs victoriously at his mentor's defeat since the task was to land a hit. "Ha! I did it!"
Monkey King blushed a bit in embarrassment as he watched you hold back your laughter. He sheepishly smiled at his successor before using his tail to help himself off the ground. "Yeah, you sure did bud. Congrats."
Suddenly, your phone rang, capturing the attention of both of them. Looking at your phone, you noticed it was Pigsy calling. You sighed as you turned towards the other two. "I'll be right back, I got a call." You said before going a bit further away from them so you could be able to peacefully listen to what Pigsy wanted to talk to you about.
Meanwhile, MK just had to make sure of something. He raised an eyebrow at his mentor, grinning smugly. "Soooo... My mom...~?"
Monkey King blushed as he looked away, laughing nervously as he scratched his cheek. "Ahahaha! W-What are you talking about, kid? W-What about you mom ahaha-"
"You like her, don't you?" MK asks smugly. "You never take any clothes off during our sparring sessions, not even the smallest piece. Even when someone else is around... You even held back on your dodges to flex! This is the first time I see you trying to impress someone!"
If the ginger-furred simian had been drinking something, he would've either spat it out or choked on it as he tried to nervously laugh it off. "O-Of course not! Wha- W-What makes you say that? That doesn't prove anything! I just... felt like sparring like this today, okay? There's a first time for everything after all!" He tried to justify his actions. MK on the other hand just hummed, still grinning smugly. For anyone else trying to hook up with his mom, he would feel disgusted by it. However, the idea of the Sun Wukong, his mentor, legally becoming his father would be amazing. So, what else is there to do than for him to tease his probably and hopefully future dad? "...I don't like how you're looking at me right now." Wukong commented as MK simply continued to grin at him.
"Just admit it."
"...Admit what, bud?"
"That you like my mom."
"Oh- Ahahaha- Psh, I don't like her. I-I mean I like her, you know? She's nice, she's caring... But, I don't like-like her, y-you know? I-I, uh, just-" The ginger simian stammered nervously.
"Mhm. Sure..." MK's grin didn't fade.
After some awkward staring, Monkey King sighed in defeat. "...Okay fine, maybe... Just maybe I do like her just a tiny smidge more than I should for just meeting her today..."
MK chuckles as he leans against his staff. "So like, do you want me to play matchmaker and set you two up? I could get Mei and Sandy involved too in helping you get her to like you back."
The ginger-furred simian blinks at him in both surprise, confusion and embarrassment. He thought his successor would either just drop the topic or continue teasing him behind your back. Maybe he somewhat expected him to even resent him in a way for liking his mother... He just didn't expect him to willingly want to be a supportive matchmaker.
Monkey King nervously rubbed the back of his neck. "Um... How about without them- I just... don't want this to be a big thing since I just met her...?" That came out as more of a question than a statement. The young Monkie Kid happily looked at his mentor, seeing his answer as a clear-cut confirmation of the Great Sage Equal To Heaven asking him for help.
It didn't take long for a plan to be formed.
From then on, just to have both of you to get to know each other better, MK asked you continuously to come with him to Flower Fruit Mountain everytime him and Monkey King were training... And your son was an annoyingly persistent bean, so you usually were dragged away and over to the Monkey King's lair. Then, after every training session, his mentor would talk to you.
It started off simple, actually. You would usually ask about MK's progress as well as about what kind of trouble he's already gotten himself into while you were gone. Apparently the day you returned, MK and his friends had just defeated some ancient bone demon spirit and Megapolis was still recovering.
But then your topics became a lot more personal with each new conversation. While your conversations once were just about things regarding your son being the successor of the Monkey King, over the course of the next weeks, Monkey King would talk to you more about personal preferences. Soon, most of your conversations became rather personal between you two. And oddly enough, MK never once bothered you two. Which made you a little suspicious because MK would usually pester you about what you were talking about with someone else.
You actually became quite good friends with your son's mentor. And after some more time, Sun Wukong, the legendary Monkey King, the Great Sage Equal To Heaven, asked you out for dinner on Flower Fruit Mountain. You, a mere mortal human, of course were stunned. But also excited to basically go on a date with Sun Wukong himself. Though, it didn't take long for you to figure out that MK was helping out his mentor in hooking you up with him... Just the fact that he was not so secretly asking Wukong about his type right in front of you, to which the Monkey King was responding in a way that was describing you, was evidence enough. It was cute and amusing to see the legendary Monkey King so awkward and flustered that he needed the help of his successor though.
But, your first date was great. You could've sworn MK and Wukong's monkeys were helping him behind the scenes, but they never directly interfered or showed up. Either way, your second date was definitely something Wukong himself set up without MK's or the other monkey's influence, which you appreciated a lot.
However, your monkey boyfriend became a lot more bold in your relationship over time. He turned from awkward and nervous to the horny equivalent of his lip bite meme pictures... Beware of his bad pick-up lines and other advances, because those were the only things that really made MK regret helping him...
"Hey there, beautiful. Are you a peach? Because I want to get a taste of you-"
"Oh my god, Wukong."
"Whaaaat? I just love and a-peach-iate you, babe-"
> Masterlist <
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issdisgrace · 6 months
WARNINGS: Use of the word fag, nothing else​
A/N: There will be a part 2 in the future eventually.​
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You and Billy officially met when you two were paired together for a History project. Both of you hated the idea of having to work with each other because why wouldn’t you.
You two were complete opposites. You were a 6’2 metal head that wore corpse paint, band tees, and arguably way to many rings. While Billy was a 5’10 blonde hair blue eyed fuck boy that drove a loud ass car.
So it was no surprise that you both asked the teacher if there was anyway to get a different partner.
Unfortunately or rather fortunately the two of you couldn’t get out of doing the project together. While neither of you really cared all that much for your grades you both needed to pass the class and the project would count as 50% of your grade. So you both had to do it whether you liked it or not.
Anyway you begrudgingly both shared your information with one another and planned to meet up at your place that Friday to work on the project together.
Eventually Friday rolled around and Billy showed up late as always in his blue 1979 Chevrolet Camaro.
To say Billy didn’t want to be there was an understatement. Fortunately for him you had all the information the two of you would need to put together the project.
So things went smoothly and you two talked back and forth as you worked getting to know each other.
Which was when you both found out that you shared a genuine love of cars. This definitely helped your guys acquaintanceship and made the project go by quicker.
Anyway in the end the project only took you guys 3 hours which was less than what you both expected it to take. After you guys finished Billy left your place and that Monday you guys presented to the class before you both went back to strangers.
You two stayed strangers again for 2 months until Billy had a problem with his Camaro and didn’t want someone he didn’t know touching his baby so instead of taking it to a mechanic and knowing you worked on cars, he showed up at your house asking for you to look at.
You were of course surprised by this visit and even more surprised when he asked you to take a look at his Camaro. You of course agreed and took a look. It ended up being something real easy to fix so you.
So you took off your rings and handed them to Billy for safe keeping. As you bent over the Camaro fixing the problem.
Billy quietly watched you from the side as you worked on the Camaro. He took note of everything about you from your height and build to your clothes and corpse paint.
As he watched you he felt something grow in his chest. Something all too familiar. Something that he frankly hated. Something he wished to ignore specifically being in this shit hole of a town.
This town wasn’t all to found of people like him. People that liked same gender. But Billy would never call himself a fag sure he liked men but he also liked women. He had no clue what he was but he knew he liked you.
Maybe it was the fact you were so openly yourself and didn’t care what others thought of you or maybe was it the way you held yourself and talked. Who knows because Billy certainly didn’t.
As you were finish up Billy realized he needed to pay you for your work somehow. He wondered if you were gay and would go out on a date with him as payment.
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“You’re all set. Your baby should be working at 100% again.”
“Thanks……Um would you maybe want to go out on a date with me. It’s all on me, I just want to um pay you back for your work.”
“Sure that’s fine with me. I’m free this Saturday if that good with you.”
“Yeah that works for me.”
“Well it’s a date then.”
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chaengluva · 3 months
Massive Deal [2]
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Regina George x Fem!Reader: (includes janis ‘ImI’ke x Fem!Reader)
3.4k words, Part 2: Part 1
After PE, you decided to meet with Bella, the two of you want to go somewhere before going home. You're waiting for her by her car, annoyed by how long she's taking. She's not even in sight! Finally, what felt like forever, Bella came and she looked happier than usual.
She excitedly came to you and told you she had to tell you something but it needed to be said in the car. You were curious so you opened the door and she came in straight after you. "Dude. I overheard Janis and Damien." Bella starts, leading you to be interested in whatever she was going to say, which you were. "Yeah and..?
"Janis likes you!" Bella said loudly, first your eyes went wide, and you started to panic, "What! No she doesn't.." You said, Bella shook her head, leaning closer to you, "She does. I heard her." You now just had to think of what happened today, you did catch her looking at you, maybe this all makes sense. "Well.. Do you like her?" You hear Bella ask, she was still really close to you.
"I-I don't know I would have to think about it," You say quietly, making your best friend roll her eyes, "This is the perfect way to move on from Regina." You turn to look at her and hit her lightly in the shoulder, "What? No, that's fucked up, I'm not going to play with her feelings." Bella sighs, nodding, she puts her key in the car, turning it on but before she starts driving, she turns to you, "Well try and think about it."
That's exactly what you did when you and Bella went out, you went to get ice cream and walk along the beach and you knew Belle was talking to you but everything she was saying was going in one ear and out the other. You were physically with Bella when she was driving back to your house, but you were mentally somewhere else. "Y/n!" You jump at the loud sound, turning to where you heard the noise come from, you see Bella, she moves her head showing that she was parked outside your house.
"Oh shit, sorry," You said, unbuckling your seat belt, giving her a hug. "Good luck for tonight." Bella says, smirking, you roll your eyes, getting out of the car, waving goodbye to Bella as she drives off.
As soon as you open the door you're surprised to see Gretchen standing there, talking with her two best friends. "Oh hey Y/n." You hear your sister say, you whisper a small "Hi," Quickly walking past to get up the stairs, but before you can make it up there you get a notification on your phone.
You pull your phone out, you see that it's from Oliver, telling you that he will be there to pick you up when you smile slightly, when you put it away you notice all the plastics are standing there, staring at you with smirks on their face. "What..?" You ask, "Someone's happy, is it a boy?" Gretchen asks, slightly teasing you, you giggle, nodding your head. "Yeah It is."
Regina smirks, walking towards you, "Who?" You slightly feel intimidated by her height and how close she is to you, backing up slightly, you whisper, "Oliver, Oliver Kim." The three girls look at each other and jump up and down, "Right, we will get you ready." Gretchen says, dragging you upstairs into her room, she was about to start putting your makeup on but Regina shoves her out of the way.
She begins to add a lot of things and tells you to do things like put your lips a certain way, close your eyes or don't blink, "Done." You hear her say, finally. "Now, we do your hair," You sigh, feeling forced to do this for a guy you don't want to be with, Regina curls your hair and when you look in the mirror you don't look like yourself, you look older and very different.
"I have the perfect outfit for you!" She smiles, running down to get you an outfit, leaving you sitting there with Karen and Gretchen smiling behind you. She came out holding a black dress, it was strapless and looked to be around mid thigh length, throwing it at you, she told you to put it on. You heavily sighed, walking into the change room to put the dress on.
When you came out the three girls were still sitting there, cheering for how good you looked, "You actually look pretty, what time is Oliver getting here?" Regina asks, "Six." You answer, she checks the times smiling when she sees it's almost six. "I have perfect shoes for you!" You hear Gretchen yell, she runs off, coming back with some heels.
They are black heels and they look like they would add a few inches to your height. You put them on, looking at yourself in one of Gretchen's many mirrors, you try to pull the dress down slightly, you hear a knock on the door making the other girls scream. "I'll let him in!" Regina says. She rushes down stairs and opens the door, "Y/n will be right here." Regina says, stepping to the side when she sees you walk down the stairs, he smiles at you, waiting for you to walk down. "You look pretty Y/n."
You smile at him, "You look handsome." He holds your hand, taking you to his car. You may not like him but he is for sure a gentleman. He opened the car door for you, he pulled the chair out for you, it made you slightly feel bad for not wanting to do anything more with him. You were looking through the menu, wondering what looks good, but your mind was elsewhere, you were trying to figure out if you liked Janis or not.
The two of you had a decent time, some parts were awkward but other times were okay, but you felt bad and wanted to tell him the truth. You opened your mouth to speak but he spoke. "I'm going to be honest." He started, you listen to him, "Your sister asked me to ask you out." You smile but not to the point where he notices, "Oh that's fine, I actually have my eyes on someone else." You say.
He smiles, "Well, I'm done eating, do you want me to take you home now." You shake your head, "Could you take me to my friend's house actually." He smiles, nodding his head.
Oliver drops you at Janis’ house, you know where she lives because you went to her house once for a project last year. You slowly walk up, your feet hurt from being in heels for so long. You knock on the door, a smiley Janis opens it and pulls you in for a hug, “You came.” Janis says, pulling away. You nod, walking in the house, taking off your shoes, “Do you want to change into something more comfortable.
Nodding happily, she walks somewhere to get your clothes, you pull out your phone and tell Gretchen you will be staying at a friend's house.
Janis comes out with a oversized top and some track pants, throwing them to you, you thank her and change into them, coming out you see Janis and Damien on the couch, Janis moves over and pats the place next to you, smiling, you sit down, you smile at the movie they a watching, taking some popcorn from the bowl in Janis’ lap, smiling when she looks at you.
She puts her lead on your shoulder, you feel a blush form on your cheeks, watching the movie you don’t realise but Damien has fallen asleep, you look over, wanting more food but you see he’s asleep and Janis is looking into your eyes.
She takes her head off your shoulder, you both look into each others eyes, she looks down at your lips, you look at hers, you notice she is slowly leaning in, you grab her face and lean in, your lips touch and they slowly move against each other, after awhile, you pull away and stare into each other eyes.
Janis felt so happy at this moment and only prayed that you feel the same way, you did but you were scared, “J-Janis.” You whisper, starting to panic slightly, she touches your shoulder, “It’s okay, I won’t tell anyone.” You look at her with happy eyes, “Thanks.” You smile, closing your eyes, shortly falling asleep.
The next day, you wake up to Janis and Damien moving around, you had no Idea what time it was but it looked like it was almost time for school. “Morning sleepyhead! I got you some clothes.” Janis said happily, throwing the clothes at you.
You smile at her, wondering if she was thinking about what happened last night, you get up and walk to the bathroom, changing into the clothes that she gave you, they were a tad small because Janis was slightly shorter than you.
When you came out of the bathroom, Janis was standing right there, you looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds before you got butterflies inside and you had to look away.
You walked past her and made your way to the kitchen, Damien smiled at you, handing you a plate of pancakes. “Thanks.” You smile, sitting down on the table.
The three of you sit down on the table, “So.” Damien started, “How was the date?” You finish the food you were currently chewing, “Shit.” You start, he looks at you sympathetically but you shake your head. “It’s okay, I wasn’t really interested in him.” He nods, “What went wrong? Was he an asshole?” You shake your head, “No he was actually a gentleman.” jhn
Damien gives you a confused look, “Well then what happened?” He asks, you sigh, “I found out that Gretchen made him ask me out.” He gave you an apologetic look but you weren’t bothered by it, the only thing on your mind was what happened with Janis last night but you were way too scared to bring it up.
The three of you finish your breakfast, you thank them for letting you stay the night. You call Gretchen, asking her to bring your stuff to school so you can just go with Janis and Damien. You walk outside, and head over so you can walk to the bus stop.
The three of you wait for the bus in silence, It’s quite cold so you’re hoping it comes quickly. When it finally comes you’re so thankful, you hop on the bus and notice it’s not that crowded, “Where is everyone.” You say, asking Janis, “This is one of the first stops.” You smile, now you just feel dumb.
The three of you sat at the back, the bus was a long trip and you felt like it went on for hours. After what felt like forever, the bus finally pulled up to the North Shore. You all hurried off because it was already slightly after school started.
You awkwardly run into class and sit down after apologising for being late. The whole class you can’t think about what the teacher is saying, the only thing you can think about is Janis, you think about what it would be like to be in a relationship with her, the idea makes you happy.
The thought of rejection makes you want to crumble inside, you have no Idea what she was feeling like and if the kiss was better or worse. You didn’t want to bring it up so hopefully, she will, but what if she didn’t like your kiss? All these thoughts made your insides turn.
In reality, Janis was thinking the exact same things, but she has been thinking this before and knows how she can talk to you but some of the nerves of you not wanting to continue to be with her is making her stomach turn, but she pushes through it and decides to do it.
The bell rings, Janis rushes out to where you and your friends always sit and waits a bit for all of you to sit down. Once all of you were there shae came out from where she was hiding, walking up, making eye contact with you, which made butterflies form inside of you.
“Y/n. I need to talk to you.” You nod, quickly getting up and following her into the bathroom that no one ever goes in. “About last night..” She starts, you nod, “I really liked the kiss.” You nod along to what she’s saying, showing that you’re listening, “And I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date.” You smile, nodding your head, “Sure! But..” Janis, nodding, finishing your sentence, “We will do it in secret.” You smile, “How did you know?” Janis smiles, “I was closted once too.”
That same day, Janis went home feeling very excited to get ready for the date she had with you, she didn’t expect for you to like her back because if she was being completely honest, she thought you were straight, but you're just very good at hiding it.
She got home, cancelling her plans with Damien which he wasn’t very happy about, but Janis didn’t care, she was just feeling very excited to go out with you, she pulled out her phone, texting you that she can pick you up but she won’t come to the front door.
She put on her makeup, she was staring at herself in the mirror, she felt all the nerves in her body get stronger as the time went on, she sighed deeply, looking away from her reflection then going to her room, heading straight to her closet, Janis let out a massive sigh, she had a suit to wear but she was worried it would be to formal, she decided to where it but not the blazer or tie.
Since it was a date, Janis’ mom let her borrow her car, she walked down stairs and her Mom smiled at her, “You finally have a date!” She smiled, Janis rolled her eyes, “Mom!” She exclaimed as Janis’ Mom tickled her sides. Janis looked down on her wrist, her eyes went wide when she checked the time. “I need to go!” She said loudly, rushing outside, “Be careful! I’ll set everything up!” Her Mom yelled as she ran out.
Meanwhile, you were getting ready but being quiet as possible because you didn’t want Gretchen to hear you, sitting on your bed, waiting for her to get here as you nervously make sure Grtechen won’t see you, a few minutes later you got a text from Janis saying that she was here.
You quietly get off your bed, slowly walking out of your room then sneaking down the stairs, you slowly walk towards the front door, opening it while cringing at the loud sound it made. You thought you had successfully gotten out but you hear your sister's voice which stops you in your tracks. “Y/n!” you nervously turn your head, smiling at your older sister, “Yes?”
Grtechen looks you up and down before saying, “Where are you going?” with a small smirk, you quickly try to think of something to make up, “I’m going out with my friends.” She looks you up and down again, “Okay..” Grtechen said with a suspicious tone, walking upstairs.
You let out a heavy sigh in relief, closing the door she rushed to the car that was parked outside, you open the door and see Janis there with a bright smile on her face. “Hi.” She smiled, you hop in the car, she drove off back to her house, Janis helped you out of the car,and walked you to the backyard of her house. You smiled brightly when you saw that there was a table with candles set up.
You hear Janis let out a heavy sigh, you turn your head to her, “What’s wrong?” You ask, she frowns, “I know it's not much, but i didn’t want to go to a restaurant because I know your closted.” You smiled, grabbing her chin, making her look at your, “Janis. It’s perfect.” Her frown turns into a smile instantly, the two of you walk to the table, she pulls out the chair for you, then sits down on the opposite side.
“My Mom made us some food.” You nod, you were okay with her Mom knowing, she wouldn’t tell anyone. A few minutes later her Mom came out with two plates and two drinks, she didn’t say anything, she just put them on the table and left.
You started eating the food and it was actually really good, it was a massaman beef curry, the two of you were awkward at talking at first, it was as if the past few days didn’t exist and you have never seen each other before, but after a while, the two of you go used to each other's company and started talking about whatever came to mind.
You started to talk about what you did in the summer, Janis noticed so many little features about you, she loved how your eyes sparked and the bright smile you wore when you talked about things that you loved. You did the same thing to her, you stared into her eyes while eating your dinner, making sure to listen closely to everything she was saying.
After talking for what felt like hours, you had both finished your dinner, there was a short moment of silence before Janis spoke up, “This has been nice.” You nod, agreeing to her words, she grabs your hand and strokes her thumb across your palm, “Look I really like you..” She starts, “I would love to do this again.” You smile brightly before saying, “Same!” Her mom then comes out, takes away the dirty dishes, slightly smirks at Janis then disappears back into the house, leaving you confused.
“Right.. We can either watch a movie out here, or I can drop you home.” You pretend to think about it which worries Janis but from the start you knew what you were going to pick, you happily say, “Let’s watch a movie!” Janis jumps up and runs inside the house to grab a few things, she has to make a few trips because she told you to wait outside and close your eyes. “Can I open them now?” You say with a hint of a whine.
“Just a sec..” Janis says, finalising what she needs to set up. “Okay. Now you can open them.” When you open your eyes, your heart melts, you see two bean bags and a few blankets set up facing a white sheet with a projector reflecting towards it. You run towards Janis and give her a massive hug, followed by a quick kiss on the cheek which leaves her in a blushing mess.
The two of you sit down and cuddle up quite close because it is slightly chilly outside, picking a movie you both think looks interesting. You have a few butterflies inside you because janis’ hand is placed on your thigh. You also really want to kiss her but you're not sure if she feels the same way, during the movie you look at her for a few seconds in hope that she will look back and get the hint but she never does.
As the credits are rolling, you decide to try again, so you look at her for a longer time, you don’t look away. She eventually looks back at you and picks up what you’re suggesting instantly, Janis grabs the back of your neck and pulls you in for a rough kiss, your lips move against each other in perfect sync, you feel more butterflies forming as you feel her other arm moving around your body, then eventually resting on your waist.
After a while, the both of you pull away, you’re smiling but you’re also blushing and slightly embarrassed, Janis see’s this and giggles softly before pulling you in for another kiss, soft and short this time. When she pulls away she stares into your eyes and notices how your eyelids are starting to slowly close, Janis sighs loudly, wrapping an arm around you to help you stand up, she whispers in your ear, “I’m taking you home now.”
You nod, slowly walking with her towards the car, you had a really good time tonight, you can only hope you will do it again, on the way home you think to yourself, “how many more dates do you and Janis need to go on before you can ask for her to be your girlfriend”
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