#Reality Alteration
thetitans-stories · 5 months
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It had once been a person. A living being. With feelings. Emotions. Dreams. Hopes. Then the spiral came. It was in a simple brown package. It had curiosity back then and opened it. The spiral was just an orb. With paterns of al the colors, swirling around itself. It was impossible to look away from. The first thing that faded from its body was its free will. It almost felt like what a vacuum would feel like against a non-physical shape. One second it had possessed free will. The next it was sucked out of its forehead, disappearing into the spiraling orb. The orb flashed with content. A flash that made its way through its now empty eyes and made it cum. With a leaking pussy, it was distracted from the other things happening. All of its clothing was on the floor in seconds. Ripped from its body in tatters. Like it was a deathly sin to wear them. It then climbed up onto a table, eyes still fixated on the pulsing orb. Its hair brightened, her flesh changed. A gorgeous model stood on hands and knees where a bland woman had been seconds ago. The changes caused even more pleasure in its body. It felt happy. Then that emotion was sucked out. Another climax. It felt confused. Sucked out. Orgasm. It did no longer have a sense of time, that had been gone for a while now. But every time it felt anything. Thought anything. That specific thing was sucked into the orb, lost forever. Each time something left it, like its sense of self, a orgasm shuddered through its body. Finally, there was nothing but an empty, drooling husk, staring at the orb. The orb then faded away, leaving the husk where it was. With nothing inside it, it could not do or think anything. Eventually, someone would come by to pick it up. But for now, it just had random orgasms for no purpose. When the sun hit a new spot on its naked body. When a gust of wind from an open window caressed its skin. Its eyes fixated on the spot the orb had been. Unable to look away. Empty.
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risperidog · 2 months
Everything is made up of energy: every particle. we're made of energy, as are the stars. as are the beings that exist in between reality and not (the hallucination realm that only some of us are granted access into, as well as dreams, which are in their own sense, hallucinatory in nature). some of us can control the energy that makes us up, and by gaining power through practice, mindfulness, and connection with the Self, unlock special abilities. jump through time, read minds, predict the future accurately, blend the dimensions we exist in with the ones we create, and communicate with the universe at large in complex ways.
this energy can be stored in concepts and practices as well, such as thought and memory. when someone thinks of or remembers you, it's the universe transferring and sharing some of your energy to the receiver. even after death, remnants of your energy exist in the minds of others. you cannot truly die until memories and thoughts of you cease to exist, and only then is your energy released to the universe to be recycled.
as the Earth and human species continues to evolve and adapt, energy is stored for longer after the death of the physical Self, which has led to people in the modern age being weaker vibrationally and not containing as much energy within themselves due to the universe rationing the little energy it does have. technology, longer life spans leading to longer memory, improved functioning into elder age, proper documentation, etc, keeps our energy existing even after the death of the physical Self. the universe also spends energy on expanding itself, continually draining it's own life force, much like we drain our own. the act of those in power documenting and defining our identities is also a form of energy-stealing, though it's stealing it from the generations to come, stealing it from the future. it preserves our existence even after the physical Self dies, leading to our energy being in a state of limbo and thus non-recyclable. this means that as the human species continues on, each newborn will be weaker and weaker, believing only in false realities and blindly following simulations, and unable to explore realms of existence much greater than their physical Self. this is a way for those in power to keep us deemed inferior in check, allowing them to keep that power without contest.
there are people that have too much energy, too much vibrational power. from a young age they learn how to alter reality (both consciously and on a subconscious level) and will quickly learn of their special abilities. they're often written off as crazy or mentally ill, and while some do fall in that category, many are just universally superior beings at their core. many of them feel ashamed for their ability to see dimensions and the entities that exist within them, while some many try to make a profit off of it. those of us with too much of this energy, Light Beings, are closest to the interconnected reality and universe that most people don't believe in or only get glimpses of.
we all live in our own reality and believe it to be an undeniable truth that cannot be argued with. many believe that their reality is the only one, everyone else must exist within it. i believe that while we all create our own realities, it is only a subreality within the true one. i aim to gain unlimited access to the true one and unlock it for others.
accessing this true Reality will not be easy, as our own false ones and the false ones of others may try to sway us away. the reality protectors within ourselves as well as protective entities within the true Reality will be scary and alarming as we get closer and closer. they don't want us to know the truth as they fear pollution and contamination, as well as energy-stealing. it is essential we get there though to understanding Everything.
those that have unlocked the secret true Reality are often wiped from existence by humans that view themselves as greater and paint themselves in such a way by using their power and influence to alter the false realities of the masses. low vibrational (low energy containing) people follow these simulations blindly as they cannot fathom other truths can exist, they don't have enough power to conjure up such thoughts. if too many of us find out about true Reality and are able to access it, then their false realities will no longer exist and they lose their power and influence. this is why many of us are written off as ungrounded; it's a tactic to weaken us and scare us away from exploring our special abilities. we're actually closer to the true Reality, thus more grounded than the majority. this makes us angels; high-energy messengers. we can exist between realms and communicate with multiple realities at once.
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alwaysbegrowing · 2 years
The moment I heard that five-foot-nothing April’s birthday was on the first of the month, I knew just what to do. I got together with a few friends and we agreed to throw her a ‘surprise party.’ We waited in her little apartment until we heard the door shut and then, all at once, lept out from our hiding spots and heartily cheered “Surprise!” at the top of our lungs. April was so excited to see all of us there; I couldn’t wait to see how she reacted to the presents we had gotten for her.
April opened the first box and pulled out a pair of sweatpants so large she could nearly fit in just one of the legs. She broke into a fit of giggles along with everybody else. When she opened the next gift and found an equally-large button-down blouse she continued laughing along with everybody else. April brought out the last gift: a custom-made double J-cup bra, sized for a slim frame. It was completely absurd; a single one of the cups almost completely covered her entire head.
I nearly lost it when April started slipping her tiny body into the cartoonishly oversized clothing. She stuck to the pants and the blouse, comically holding the sweatpants up to her waist. Raucous laughter filled the apartment as she turned and comically wiggled the flappy rear end of the oversized garment. The gang and I had been careful to purchase pants with long legs but a lot of room in the waist, too. Maybe somebody six feet tall would fit the ensemble we’d bought, but as it stood, April was cartoonishly dwarfed at just five foot two.
Come to think of it, though, April had quite the reputation for her small but round ass. We had gone to the same university, and I remember she had never been embarrassed about being kind of a shortstack. She would often wear skinny jeans that deliciously contoured to her bubble butt. Rumors went around that April either spent all her free time doing squats or even that she’d gotten surgery. I was starting to question why we hadn’t opted for a larger waistband given her pear-shaped figure.
Hell, there was no denying it: at five foot five, April was about average height for a woman her age, but her dump truck of an ass, thick hips, and jiggly thighs looked like they belonged on a much heavier woman. The pant legs were a little long on her, sure, but her cheeks were so big the sweatpants were practically being swallowed between them. Every shake of her monstrous caboose seemed to threaten the inadequate bottoms’ stitching. Either one of April’s incredible cheeks might have been as big as my head, and I wasn’t alone in wanting to get up close to find out.
Having bought clothing that was a little big for April felt less funny now that I was seeing it in action, though. Being five-eleven made her pretty tall for a woman, sure, but we’d miscalculated just how much bigger we should have gone for this prank. April stopped shaking her moneymaker and turned around, though the curve of her ass could be seen from the front, with the added benefit that I could see just how much her thighs were stressing the sweatpants. It had been my idea to go for undersized pants, and it was paying dividends: most of her six-foot stature was in her legs, and her gigantic ass and hips were overflowing the waistband.
April was wearing the cartoonish bra under the blouse we’d bought for her. The top mostly fit, although it was exceptionally loose in the chest. The bra, of course, was nearly empty, but she had always been a good sport about her nearly flat chest. Being the girl with the fattest ass in town was a title April wore proudly. I will say, though, that people needed to give her more credit than that. She was a little unbalanced, sure, but I’d seen her wear her fair share of tight tops. I could only guess, but April must have been at least a B-cup.
I had heard stories that April had been the tallest girl around when she was young and ended up moving to a bigger city where she’d be able to live more comfortably. I don’t know what held her back from being a model, frankly. She must have been six foot four, and on such a tall frame her glorious ass looked even bigger. But there was more to her than that: she was smart, funny, kind, and had tits the size of grapefruits. Seriously, April always came off as the girl who had it all, but I had long been too intimidated to ask her out.
It’s not every day that you run into a woman packing double D-cups that she loved showing off almost as much as her booty. Even in modest tops, April always looked like she was smuggling volleyballs on her chest. Her figure was truly outrageous, like some fetish artist had drawn their idea of a perfect woman and she’d walked right off the page. I had been lucky when she showed up at the joint I bartend at; we hit it off instantly. It helped that to look me in the eye she had to lean down, which gave me an incredible view of her F-cup jugs.
I thanked my lucky stars every day that April and I had started dating, and that she was such a good sport about pranks. Even for a woman with her hourglass-like figure, the bra we’d gotten was just a bit too big. I knew she often had to get custom bras that would fit her; retail stores simply didn’t carry anything that could contend with boobs the size of basketballs. So, of course, I had led the charge for the prank. It had been my choice to buy pants that on her long, luscious legs would just barely fit her like capris.
I should have gone a little bigger on the bra and blouse, though. At nearly seven feet tall, April’s J-cups far exceeded the size of her head, and nearly covered her navel. People would look at her and ask me for the name of her surgeon, and they’d hardly believe it when I said that she was one-hundred percent all-natural. We had needed to build an entire house just so April could fit inside, but until that was done we were stuck in the tiny apartment.
I loved watching April bend down to keep her head from hitting the ceiling. This way, just about anything she wore gave me ample view of either her big bouncy butt or her quaking, mind-blowing beach ball-sized titties. It had been my idea, after all, to buy her a set of cartoonishly small clothing for her birthday. I watched her try to lower herself to the ground, where it would be easier for this nine-foot-tall woman to avoid smashing the ceiling, but the bra and blouse weren’t as stretchy as the sweatpants.
April’s boobs exploded out of her top, landing in her lap with a fleshy smack. She reached her long arms around to cover her nipples, giggling and sending delicious tremors through her gorgeous mounds. I stood up and approached the woman that was as tall sitting as I was standing. I made the right decision not inviting anybody else over to celebrate April’s birthday; spending it with anybody else would have been foolish.
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sheppyscribbles · 11 months
“Let me tell you about your life~”
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Rhett Khan, a Solgaleo morph belonging to @deepdoughbeast​. With the swirling patterns in his faceplate, he can be a very convincing talker ... to the point that even reality follows his commands in a peaceful trance.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, big guy." "--big guy? Me? I'm a hundred fifty pounds sopping wet!" "Is that so? Personally, I'd say three hundred fifty is plenty large." "Wh-what the--?!"
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dollish-shard · 10 months
False Paradise, Again
“Come on Miss, let’s go!”
I watched, leaning against a wall, as the dolls pulled their witch stumbling forward, bobbing up and down with eagerness. The witch smiled, attempting to regain some of her dignity. “Okay, okay! Calm down, you lot!”
“Yes Miss!” They chorused.
None of them noticed me, of course. Even if they had reason to, they couldn’t. The witch had power, true, but she could unravel the mysteries of the cosmos for an eternity and still not approach my level. Egotistical of me, perhaps, but true regardless.
Yet even for my power, doubt tugged at my heart. Did I really want to do this?
Yes. I did. Even if it caused pain.
I gazed around yet again at my surroundings. A utopia of magecraft and technology in harmony, a cityscape of the most utopian of arcane-solarpunk imagination. Spires that shone in impossible colors that grew like trees, floating islands covered in buildings of eccentric shapes…
And the entities. Not people, but entities, truly diverse. The witch and her dolls. A demon, walking xir puppygirl. An amalgamated synthoid hive, six bodies as one mind. A trio of humans holding hands, their hair pulsing soft rainbow colours.
Them, and more. So much more. A whole planet of this; bound not to reality but released to make manifest their deepest desires. A perfect world.
A world I was about to destroy.
I clenched my fist.
("Every time. There's a fundamental problem with your end goal. Not morals, not resistance, not even scope. Existence itself denies you.”)
Words I had spoken so long ago. In another life, yet in circumstances so similar. There had been nothing I could do then.
I had failed, and they had paid the price.
How I loathed to fail.
She appeared beside me without any fanfare. Like me, she went unperceived by those around us. Her reasons were very different. She smiled at me, a kind smile. So much like his. “You’ve seen what I’ve done. What do you think?”
I shoved my hand in my blazer pockets. “It’s impressive. Utopic, even. Had you gotten here naturally, I’d be applauding you.”
“But this isn’t natural?” She asked. Not accusatory. Simply curious.
“You’re the one pulling the strings. You tell me.” I sighed. “You know as well as I it’s a facade, one that runs surface deep. And if its disrupted… it’s gone. Like it never happened at all.”
“So?” She asked simply. “Simply because it will not last, it’s not worth it?”
(“But failing that…” I watched him staring out across that wartorn plain, its pain reflected in his own expression. “If I can make just one minute better for everyone, a speck in the cosmic timeline of everything, I've done some good.")
I shook my head. “Because it’s a lie. Escapism. And just like them, you’re running.” I took a step forward, and she took one back in turn.
“This world is not out of true reach, you know.” I said, smiling wistfully. “You have that over those before, at least. You could built it, for real.”
“But not all would live to see it.” She said, sorrow in her eyes.
“And within this fantasy, none truly live at all. It is beautiful, true, but only a pale shade of what it could be. And, lost within that bliss, you would be blinded to the dangers that would destroy you.”
We stared at each other for a long time. Her eyes, still holding that kind determination, uncertainty, hidden behind her gaze. Mine, calm and casual, not betraying the roiling memories within.
"I couldn't help any of them then. So... I'm going to do my damnedest to make sure it doesn't happen to you.")
I would not let myself fail again.
At last, she spoke. “I appreciate the concern.” She said. “Truly, I do. But…” She shook her head. “I cannot relent. Not in a path I truly believe in.”
That was that, then.
“Neither can I.”
I would not fail again. I could not.
In this world, she controlled everything. Her powers made her akin to a god.
I feared no god. I had shed enough of their blood to drown this universe.
I moved, faster than the speed of cognition. A glint of steel, a flash of light, an explosion of pain.
Her eyes went wide, and her hands went to her torso. Feeling the warm, red liquid that leaked from the wound across her chest.
I sheathed my blade, met her eyes solemnly, and whispered two words.
“I’m sorry.”
And then everything went white.
“Are you sure? You seemed so excited…”
“It’s fine…” The girl mumbled, putting a hand to her chest and tugging at her hoodie. “I’m sorry have dragged you out here…”
Her girlfriend, a taller woman dressed in black, pulled her into a hug. “It’s okay, sweetie. I know its hard for you. Would you like to go home?”
“Mmm…” The girl nodded.
I watched, leaning against the same wall. The utopian dream had given way to reality, now that the source was… gone. Impossible towers replaced by simple grey skyscrapers, a mundane city choked with smog.
The girl in the hoodie clung close to her girlfriend. A pair of enbies, with fierce eyes and one almost quivering. A dorky looking young woman on her lonesome. Three people, walking alongside each other but eyes averted, as if ashamed to look.
I scowled. Why was it that doing the right thing oft felt so wrong?
I pulled myself from the wall and began to walk away.
“...You know what?”
I stopped.
“Hm?” The girl in black looked down at her once shivering girlfriend. “What is it?”
“I…” She clenched her fist. “Screw it. I don’t… I wanna go. I don’t-” She began to choke up, but continued anyway. “I don’t wanna just keep running away.”
Her girlfriend was silent for a moment, and then broke out into a wide grin, hugging the smaller girl tightly. “I’m so, so proud of you, sweetie.”
I watched the two of them leave, and allowed myself a smile.
Maybe, if they worked hard enough… then that lost dream could become reality.
And with that, I slipped away, and left the future to its own making.
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starzzoey · 2 years
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Party Raiders
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thetitans-stories · 5 months
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Catherine started her morning like every other morning. Wake up. Breakfast. Get ready for work. A proper attire today since her friend Ashley in R&D had texted her the day before that they were going to find a breakthrough that would change a lot. She was always cryptic like that. Not wanting to be late, she drove off to the large office building downtown where their research lab and office was located. As she drove, there was a strange sensation of wrongness about something, but she did not take too much stock in it. That is until she reached the office and walked up to the doors where the security guard greeted her.
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A strong, muscled, green woman with tusks grunted at her as she approached. All Catherine wanted to do was scream in panic, but her body was on autopilot. Her mouth greeted the guard with ”Nice morning Kal-harch” as if everything was normal. Without any control over her body, she walked past the guard that slapped her exposed ass hard enough to leave a mark. Instead of being angry, her body responded with a giggle.
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Going to the reception desk, Catherine almost feinted. Her very good friend Shara was gone. Or at least almost. The person sitting there had the nose and cheekbones of her. The rest was a stereotypical bimbo, vapid eyes and clearly not a thought in her brain. That did make the comically undersized shirt she was using as a breast container even more ironic. She did not even notice Catherine walk past and into the elevator. Catherine at this point was screaming inside her head, but her mouth only hummed along with the elevator song. Stepping out she walked into a office she did not recognize for one bit. Gone where desks and chairs. Instead, walking plastic people perfectly inserted themselves under people as they needed to sit, just in time for them to not fall over. As if the plastic people knew exactly where and when to be. People was also a stretch. Each creature more weird looking than the last one.
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She spotted two coworkers that at least looked humanoid. As she went over to them, they said ”Hey C. Ashley wanted to meet you in room D. Something about an emergency.” And then something strange happened. Both of their breasts balloted outwards. Their clothes shifted to that of fetish versions of some movie C had heard of. Both of them instantly forgot about C and started making out like lesbian lovers that had not see each other for years. Her body did take to the instructions of moving towards the conference rooms. Walking past more debauchery, there was no longer a single female in the office that did not look like a fetish fantasy version of their former selves.
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C stepped into the room and with all the blinds pulled it was dark, yet she could perfectly see the darkelf friend of hers from R&D. ”Oh thank Lolth you are here. Please tell me you are stil in there C.” Ashley said before moaning and rubbing her hands against her pussy. ”Ohmmmm. They did.... Something...ahhhhhh.” and then her friend came hard from just a short masturbation session. C was curious about this, and Catherine inside her tried to respond but with no control over her mouth, she instead knelt down and offered a tongue to help her friend out. It is what any good friend does. Catherine could feel the arousal building, she was trying to break through but nothing. After 30 minutes of lesbian action, Asharah finally calmed down enough to say ”You have not even seen yourself, have you?” C turned to look in the full body mirror every fuckroom had.
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C only saw her normal green elf self, but Catherine almost feinted at the sight. A tiny thong, some kind of corset and bra, dark soulless eyes. Asharah said ”You have to believe me, R&D did something to change everything. It was our big thing. It was.....” And that was her last words as her elven form shrank, shifted and clanged to the floor as she was changed into a metallic slick vibrating dildo. C took up her best ”friend” in the office and quickly inserted into her pussy for some stimulation relief. Two men stepped into the room, one holding some kind of device. They spoke ina language utterly foreign to C and Catherine, yet Catherine could have sworn she understood it just this morning. The man pointed the device at her and pressed a button.
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C fell back, head empty of thought. Nothing left inside, she was a company fuckdoll. The metal dildo vibrated itself out of her pussy, yet she could feel nothing. She was a toy to be played with. She no longer had any will to keep it inside her. One of them men pulled it fully out of her and tossed it onto the floor discarding it. C was then lifted up, her body limp and unresponsive. Carried away to wherever storage had existed. The emptiness was quickly filled in as whatever remained of Catherine vanished in an instant and something had to take up its place. For now an empty void existed that would fill up whenever someone requisitioned her for a fuck. She would be whatever and whoever they wanted her to be. C was her only designation. C did not worry about anything. Eyes blank, she did what others told her.
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malinaa · 7 months
if i think about the hunger games in peeta's perspective i WILL start sobbing
#imagine you're a boy who's going to die. you're in love with the girl you've been watching from afar. you know your fate.#you just want to help her‚ but then there's the announcement and she's here in front of you‚ kissing you‚ risking her life for you and you#think‚ i could live and i could love. you think she loves you when she hands you the berries‚ when she puts them in her mouth.#then you both survive and you go back home and nothing is real anymore. you have nothing. no family. no friends. no love. just an empty#house. a drunk for a neighbor. the love of your life walking into somebody else's arms. you think‚ i survived the games. i could survive#this. and you also think‚ i should've bit down on those berries‚ should've felt the juice burst before i died.#and then the third quarter quell announcement rings in your ears and you think‚ she will live and i will die as i should have in the first#place. the girl you love kisses you on the beach and somewhere you heart stirs and your mind revolts and you savor every touch she has ever#given to you‚ in front of the cameras and off. because you are a tribute and you are always being watched and snow's presence looms and#you think‚ i know she cares. but you get taken. you get drugged. you get tortured‚ your mind altered. the girl is a mutt‚ a murderer. she's#everything you despise‚ your mind stirs. your heart revolts. you gain more awareness but cannot distinguish reality from fiction and you#have never known katniss' love. the war ends. you heal. you come home. you plant primrose for her. years down the line‚ you grow in love#more than you thought possible. but some days‚ you cannot tell fiction from reality so you ask the love of your life‚ you love me.#real or not real? and she says‚ real‚ and kisses you.#and you sigh and kiss her back and revel in this. a home. a life. a love.#lit#the hunger games#everlark#otp: real or not real?#katniss everdeen#peeta mellark#text#tais toi lys#thgpost
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ap0fenia · 2 months
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raoulite · 9 months
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forest fair mall food court, OH
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coffee-scrub · 10 days
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So, won't you please spare me indignity?
And won't you please give me some decency?
And won't you please call it, if our time is through?
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not-in-the-library · 1 year
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It’s a fake license
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nerdpoe · 11 months
Take Reality Altering Powers Seriously AU
Danny, decades into his stint as High King of the Infinite Realms, has Clockwork bring something to his attention.
There is a dimension that, periodically, will reset itself. There's different versions of those heroes that it threw aside to remake into something else, and it's starting to cause Problems.
So Danny is tasked with designing something that can contain the thing that's causing the problem; a being called "Speedforce". It behaves much like a god, and chooses people to act as avatars for it's powers.
He designs it's capture device much like his parents had designed the Fenton Thermos.
One day, much to the collective horror of the citizens Central City, the skies turn electric green, and a man dressed in a business suit made of indescribable materials descends.
He takes one look at the Flash, who came as quickly as he could to stop this new unknown, and pointed a strange device at him-and something ephemeral is torn from the Flash, something that feels really, really important.
Then the man in the suit thanks Flash, pulls out a strange looking gun, and shoots him with a tranq.
Then the man disappears, and hunts down every single Flash Family member and does the same thing.
Wally wakes up, confused and dazed, with a furious Dick at his bedside along with the rest of his family.
Only for their fury and fear to grow when he tries to run as fast as he normally does, only for it to be normal running speed for humans.
Danny only agreed to do it under one caveat; he gets to give the Flash family another power instead of Speedforce.
He feels bad about stripping them of their powers, okay?! They were only trying to help.
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bigfatbreak · 5 months
So no one (who remembers the last timeline) had known or found out who Ladybug was in the last timeline?
Gabriel knew, but, Gimmi ate the memory for fun and laughs. They did that with a few of his memories. lol. lmao, even
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thetitans-stories · 9 months
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Maria turned her chair after finishing her recording. She was a streamer and videogame player. She looked at her roommate that burst in through the door just staring at her. Yes, she had a ample bosom, something that she had used for many years to gain a respectable number of followers. Sadly, they were not enough to make rent alone, so she needed a roommate. Eric seemed a decent enough fellow gamer that did not seem to mind nor approach her with sexual intent, so she was content with sharing the place with him.
However his leering eyes today told her a very different story, as he was staring at her chest, very obviously. She was going to say something when she heard a female voice from his room across the hall. Eric turned around and went back, but this peaked Marias curiosity. Why did Eric have a girl here, when she knew nothing about such?
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Stepping into his room, she was shocked silent. A gorgeous figure, perfectly dressed as one of the mages from the very videogame she was playing stood in his room. However much more scantly dressed than her game counterpart, everything from the staff, to the hair, makeup and even her voice was that from the game.
She was so enamored she failed to notice Eric sitting down by his computer and typing. She felt a tug, that pulled both her and the mysterious woman to walk out onto the balcony overlooking the city. They had a nice place that overlooked most of the city, but something felt off.
How did she afford such a place with just one roommate, at a wage of a streamer? She remember moving in about a year ago, but very little details about how they got it. She looked over at her boyfriend sitting at the computer, and was about to says something when a pair of lips touched hers.
Her boyfriend knew she was Bi and had at one point admitted her crush on this character, but how much had it cost him to hire such a cosplayer? Thousands at least. That is when she felt it. The tremors in the air. Something shifted.
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She was now staring at a beautiful elven princess. Her impossible hair growing out, her clothes shifting. Memories of the game character fading from her mind, replaced with moments of her elf girlfriend and herself pleasuring their boyfriend.
They both knew this threesome was one of love, as they all loved each other very much and had professed as much. Shan-Dalri had one of the best tongues Mary had ever felt eating her out, and she had learned a lot in the terms of blowjobs from her centuries of experience.
She embraced her girlfriend tightly, knowing the elf did not feel cold the same way she did, but happy to feel close to the one of two loves of her life. Eric sat by his large computer setup still typing, but Mary didn't care much about that. He made the money, they just simply enjoyed.
Again Mary felt a jolt running through the air, but this time it was within herself. Something shift. Something growing. A short headache.....
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and it was gone. Slave M kneeled on the balcony, next to her sister slave, both ready to pleasure their one true Master. Yes, she had once been a demon from hell sent to this mortal plane. Master had found her and with some magical boon of a kind none of her kin understood, he had shifted her into this sex puppet she had become.
She was constantly horny, her sister slave only able to satisfy some of her needs. Not allowed to speak, she tried her best, all the time, to seduce their Master. Her collar showed her status as a slave, while she was not allowed to wear more than a bikini, but she could work with the limitations in seducing most mortals.
Master on the other hand was no mere mortal. She had observed him summoning fantastical creatures of all kinds, all female obviously, into his rom and they all bowed to him as her new sister slaves. Just like how he had once summoned her.
At some point, she would return to the hells where she belonged, and she was trying to plot some way of breaking this enslavement when she suddenly felt her Masters gaze upon her. Her eyes touched the ground as her green hair swirled around her head. Did he read her mind? If he did, she would not have much time be....
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Cumtoy orgasmed as the cum filled its existence. It had fulfilled its purpose. To pleasure the owner was the one thing any cumtoy had to perform in life. Filled with pride and cum, cumtoy was happy to exist as it did. With its gaping hole dripping, it could only be sad that the cum was leaving it for now.
Owner, Master and Creator held it in his grip. Whatever he needed, it would do. He tossed it to the o´corner of the room, discarding it like a used toy. Cumtoy kept orgasming as more cum leaked out of her on the floor. Its purpose was fulfilled. Its mind, whatever that was, faded away as a leaking onahole remained in its place.
A French maid with bunny ears picked it up later and cleaned it out. Nothing remained inside. No cum. No mind. No thoughts.
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youreeatingthedog · 3 months
"If you believe it to be real, then it’s real." 
(Dennis, Mac and reality)
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