#Reagan Ridley x gn!reader
yokiidokii · 1 year
Reagan Ridley X GN!Reader
Literally, nobody requested this. I just needed it.
Warnings: None! Just some soft Reagan lovin, take care of the babygorl
I tapped my fingers along the worn doorframe, white paint chipping off near where the door had been opened and shut over the years. 
I heard her hum in acknowledgment without turning. Her hair a mess even as it was pulled back, static-ridden hair flying closer to the screen in front of her, her lab-coat from work thrown over the back of her chair and her sleeves pushed up to her elbows. I wanted to sigh, I hated to admit how good she looked right now- especially in the state she was.
“Rea come on, you gotta get some rest.”
She off-handedly waved one of her hands while the other continued to work. “I can sleep later-”
I meandered my way closer tilting my head to the side “Hon you said that 30n minutes ago when I came in and asked you to come to bed.”
“Yeah.” she nodded clicking two things on her desk together “It isn’t later yet.”
I snickered placing my hands on her chair and slowly but surely spinning her around to face me.
As she turns she sighs, hands moving to wipe at her seemingly always tired eyes.
“Come to bed Rea” I plea as I crouch down a little bit, placing a hand on her knee. “We can order out tomorrow and you can work then yeah? Or we could take our lunch break together and go to McUltras?”
She hums. Her calloused but warm hand resting on top of mine, thumb brushing against my knuckle. “Okay, let’s get some sleep.”
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froggy-frogz · 2 years
The "gang" as Brent likes to call them, reacting to the reader being trans? Ftm, because on their first day everybody was misgendering them even though they said they were a guy.
If you don't want to do it, that's a-okay with me <3 I'm also so glad you're happy about your new job, I bet you'll do great once there are kids <33
A/N: AHHH thank you!! And I love writing trans masc readers so ofc I will do this. Thank you for requesting sm, I really enjoy writing your requests, they're always nice to see in my inbox.
The Gang x Trans Guy!Reader
TW: Misgendering, slight transphobia
I don't think that Cognito, Inc would tolerate any sort of hate toward anyone based on who they are or etc, but it's going to happen, so obviously there'd be some sort of issue.
Oh boy, the second she figures or you tell her that you're trans, and that you were getting misgendered, she gets extremely upset.
I feel that Reagan is on the trans spectrum, [my own hc being that she uses she/they and would consider herself nonbinary] so she understands a bit what's going on.
She doesn't allow any sort of transphobia at Cognito, Inc, so she'll have you tell her who said something to you.
If it's a lot of people, even if they aren't doing it on purpose, she'll either take it up to JR or take it upon herself to make pins or lanyards with everyone's name and pronouns.
She's very pushy about this. She's not going to allow anyone to further misgender you, on purpose or not.
If she does find anyone doing it on purpose, they're either going to get fired or yelled at. Or both.
Brett's going to be one of those people who when he meets you, and you tell him that you're trans, he's going to be like, "Oh really, I thought you were like, a cis guy."
Brett grew up in what I think is a very religious, conservative family, but living in DC, it's very hard to not run into queer or trans people, so he's going to learn a lot very quickly.
He's like Reagan where he will not allow anyone to misgender you.
As you two get closer, he might ask you some questions, to understand better what it does mean to be trans, but he's just curious and wants to help.
Uh, he might be one of the people misgendering you.
He would be one of the people to say that "In my time-" 
There may or may not have to be an intervention.
I feel like even though he's a dick if he's explained things and is sat down and talked to, he'll understand more.
Also, he might get threatened to be fired so that helps.
He might misgender you here and there, but he will try.
She upon meeting you might misgender you once, but after you correct her, never again.
She's like Reagan where she won't let anyone misgender you.
She's literally the #1 ally over here.
If you have issues with anyone or anything you go to her and she fixes it within minutes. No one messes with you. Or her.
Bro, he's high as shit when you first meet so he might or might not misgender you. He apologizes profusely though, and he does mean it, the dude feels bad.
When he gets closer to you, he will help you transition.
The dude would literally make you your HRT.
If you come to him saying that you're getting misgendered by someone else, he might not be the best at confrontation, but he will have the rest of the gang help him out.
He's literally a talking mushroom.
When you come out to him when you first meet, he's like "Cool".
I don't think talking mushrooms necessarily have a concept of gender, so he rolls with it.
But since he lives around humans, he has some concepts and after talking to him about it, he understands a lot more.
If he finds out that anyone is misgendering you, he's not going to be very nice. He will retaliate, and what is that person going to do? Nothing. Myc's not going to get fired for giving it to someone, he's like, [to our knowledge] the only mushroom there.
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riddleymethis · 1 year
do you think we could maybe have the Gang’s reactions to the reader coming into work after having spontaneously cut their previously longer hair the night before? I swear I’m one listen to brother by kodaline away from doing it
please, and thank you
yes I absolutely can
The Gang's reaction to reader impulse cutting their hair shorter!
CW/info:Gn reader! Sfw!
Characters: Reagan, Gigi, Andre, and Brett (I'm sorry Myc and Glenn lovers idk how to write them at ALL)
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- barely questions it tbh?
- not that he doesn't have any questions, he's just more concerned about how you're feeling rather than how your hair looks
- LISTENNN he's been friends with so many people in college and high-school. Most of there reactions to an emotional break down was cutting their hair or dying it impulsively
- After you reassure him you're doing fine and that it was just a spur of the moment thing, he's just very supportive! Says it looks very good on you!!
- even offers to help you style it bc he 100% owns like 15 tubs if hair gel
- Tries really hard to mind her own business and not be rude by asking but you can just. Feel her staring at your hair every 5 seconds
- "If you're gonna ask, just ask."
- "what the fuck happened to your hair?"
- she honestly can't judge you because she's pretty sure she's done the same thing when she was drunk before
- gives you a shitty little comb and tells u to at least try and brush down the uneven ends so it looks normal and offered to take you to her place after work
- she's not a professional or anything, but she can do something basic to make it look good. (Like have u seen her hair in the wedding episode... it's so cute)
- the moment she sees you she's like "OH MY GOD NOOO😭"
- You worry she doesn't like that it's short. She assures you it's not the fact that it's short, it's the fact that you impulse cut it in the messiest way possible
- drops everything she is doing to give you the cutest make over ever.
- actually makes you feel even more confident than before about your new appearance??
- she tells you next time you want to cut your hair to TELL HER and she will always find a way to make it work. She wants you to be happy!♡
- ok be real he probably cares the least bc his hair care routine is just like. The generic shampoo and conditioner and wash. No styling or anything
- so if you walked in missing like half your hair from the lower half bc you cut off he'd just be like "!! Nice cut!"
- might just impulsively walk up to you and start petting your hair without saying anything. He just wants to see how it feels
- HONESTLY... I rlly can't see him having a big reaction. He just. Does not care and would support it
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faithsxoxo · 2 months
hi ! i hope you’re having a good day :) could you write a reagan ridley x fem/gn reader one shot, totally up to you ! i don’t really have anything in mind so feel free to play around with it however you like, would love if it had a bunch of fluff though ! thank you sm, stay hydrated and take care of yourself <33
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pairings :: reagan ridley x fem!reader (established relationship) warnings :: none note :: my girl needs WAY more wlw appreciation (i love her)
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The mechanical door to Reagan's office slams open, making you flinch. The brunette storms in, clutching a pile of crumpled papers.
"Hey, Reag, you alright?" You stand from your designated spot near her desk.
"I'm fine. No big deal, just my dad screwing me over as always," She grumbles. "He's decided that my work from the past month isn't up to 'Ridley standard' so I have to redo it all."
You can see Reagan visibly crumple as she flips through the pages she spent so long on. You didn't have a clue what any of it was about, but you knew it was complicated.
"I'm sorry," You whisper as you wrap your arms around her torso.
"It's not your fault," She mumbles, leaning into your touch.
"I know. Maybe I could help?" You rest your head in the crook of her neck. "We can go home.. have a spa day.. watch a movie.. stop worrying about this bullshit."
Reagan grins softly and shakes her head. "Tempting, but I have a deadline."
With that you can see the shift in her demeanor. She frowns and pulls away from your hold, reaching for the papers once again.
"No," You grab her arm and gently pull her away. "Not happening. We're going home if you like it or not."
"No. I suddenly came on with an illness because I spent too long in the genetics department, and you came to take care of me. No buts," You link her arm with yours and lead her to the door.
"Twenty four hours, no work. Got it?" You give Reagan a stern look.
She shakes her head with a chuckle.
"Yeah, yeah. Got it."
Barely twenty minutes later, Reagan is sitting cross legged in front of you.
"Ugh, it's cold," She winces as you apply the face mask.
"Its hydrating. Alright, pick out a movie. I'm gonna go check on the popcorn," You finish with a peck on the lips, before skipping off to the kitchen of your small apartment. She had only moved in with you a few months prior, for your one year anniversary. Reagan had been desperate to escape from living with her dad any longer.
You take a moment to admire her while shes distracted. Reagan in her full beauty, splayed out on your cream couch. Her face is painted green, yet in your eyes she's still the pinacle of perfection. You take note of how relaxed she looks compared to the tense bundle of nerves she had been previously.
"Are you going to get the popcorn or are you going to keep ogling me?" Reagan calls across the room.
"I dont know, ogling seems pretty tempting," You grin back.
She rolls her eyes with a small huff, but you can see the corners of her lips turning up slightly. You swiftly grab the popcorn and return to your place on the couch.
"Hey," She grins softly at you as you curl into her side.
"Hey. What movie did you pick out?"
"Space Jam."
"Ugh, seriously?" You shake your head and giggle.
"What?" Reagan protests. "It's a good movie!"
"Suuuure. You gonna bring out your old prom dress with it?" You tease.
She smacks you on the arm playfully.
"It would be an honor to see me in that dress, I don't think you deserve it."
"Oh, right, after I've spent all this time giving you a spa day this is how you treat me," You cross your arms and begin to pull away.
"Maybe I'll just go eat popcorn by myself."
Reagan pulls you back towards her, wrapping her arms around your midsection.
"Too late, you're stuck with me," She announces, giving you a kiss on the cheek.
You sigh, leaning back into her.
"I guess I can live with that."
Reagan turns on the movie as you snuggle into her. With the dim light of the TV, both of you eventually drift off in eachothers arms, finally in complete peace.
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Reagan Ridley X Immortal! GN! Reader Headcanons
This idea just kind of like... POPPED in my brain one day.
And I figured 'why not ?'
Not much else to say except hope you enjoy.
Relationship between Reader and Reagan : However you see fit.
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● So let's say, this takes place during the whole Bear O trying to kill everyone and everything that makes Reagan unhappy fiasco.
● You figured you'd try and sneak attack Bear O which ends with you getting blasted to smithereens.
● Reagan is pretty god damn taken a-back at first, I mean... who wouldn't be after watching someone get literally BLOWN UP.
● But... 10 minutes later. She comes across you again.
● You literally just died ! How were you here ?!
● Reagan genuinly believes she's just seeing your ghost. Until you pinched her cheek that is.
● You figured, 'no point in hiding it' but you still kinda wanted Reagan to find out herself.
● Which she does, after the whole Bear O stuff is dealt with of course.
● Reagan instantly (and privately) called you out as some immortal being the very next day, which you didn't exactly deny.
● She won't admit it, but she is quite intrigued by your immortality. Sure, she's seen and done quite a bit of unusual shit. But not quite immortality.
● She tries to squeeze out more answers from you, but you SMOOTHLY dodged all of them.
● Reagan can try all she wants, but even she is not immune to your greatest ability.
● Rizz.
You got that W rizz, oml.
Bye ! For now :)
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myc-ology-whore · 1 year
She'll Be Okay, Pt. 2
Reagan Ridley x GN!Reader
Read Pt. 1
So it's been several months since I posted the first part of this, and I apologise for that. I'm not quite as practiced as I was since it's been a while since I've written for this show, but I just binged all eighteen episodes to get me back into it, so hopefully I've at least kept things relatively accurate to the show.
As a refresher: (Y/n), Reagan's S/O, never got along with Rand. When Rand stole Reagan's position as CEO right out from under her, (Y/n) decided to take matters into their own hands, and now they've been detained at Cognito.
Thanks for your support!! <3
Reagan's sneakers slammed on the tiles with force as she ran toward Cognito's Underground Law Enforcement facility. It hadn't taken more than fifteen minutes after your arrest for word to spread around the company that the newly installed CEO had been murdered. Though it wasn't something anybody was particularly upset about, it was still startling to know that someone had just been killed in the building. Even if it wasn't, people love to talk; word was bound to get out at some point. However, not everyone knew who the killer was.
Sweat was beginning to bead on Reagan's brow as she turned a corner, rushing toward the elevators despite the aches in her calves from overuse. Gigi had heard of the shooting first out of your friend group, and she was quick to run to everyone else's offices to let them know. You were the only one missing, nowhere to be found, and unless this was some disturbing coincidence, they all could only think of one place you could be. Without thinking, Reagan had run off ahead of the group, though they weren't far behind; she heard their panting breaths and pounding footsteps just down the hall as she clicked the elevator button furiously, right on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
"Come on, come on, fuck! How are we one of the most advanced companies in the world, yet we can't get a fucking update on the lower level lifts?!" She slammed her fists against the metal doors, willing them to open, but the elevator only responded with a quiet beep as it hit the next floor. The gang finally caught up to her, all of them but Brett doubling over and resting their hands on their knees.
"Girl, I ain't-- I ain't never seen you run like that," Gigi remarked breathlessly, her heels in her hand. Smoothing her hair out as best she could, she straightened up and rested her hands on her hips. "You even outran Mister Olympian over here!"
She gestured incredulously at Brett, who was pacing nervously a few steps away. Reagan never took her eyes off the doors, her face desperate. "We have to find (Y/n)," she fretted, her whole body clammy from anxiety and adrenaline. "We... We have to..."
"Try to keep calm, Reagan," Andre comforted, placing a hand into her shoulder. He thought about offering her something to chill her out, but thankfully pushed the thought away. "We're gonna get there soon enough, you just have to keep it together, and--"
"It's here!" Reagan cried as the elevator dinged, signalling it's arrival. She forced the doors open faster as they just barely began to slide open, pushing them with all her might and not even waiting for her friends to pile in before pushing the button for the atrium level. Everyone crowded in beside her, barely managing to make room for each other in the tiny space before the doors were closed again behind them.
"Fuck, can't this thing go any faster?" Myc was pushing himself so tightly against the walls that he might as well have been crawling up onto the ceiling. "Hey, watch where you're stepping, mutant!"
"Now, you watch your mouth," Glenn barked back, glaring so hard that it looked like his eyes might pop out. "I can't help it none if there's no space to stand in here."
"Will both of you idiots shut up?" They looked to see Gigi glaring at them over Andre's shoulder, her eye twitching as she tried to restrain herself from shoving one of them. "We're all stressed and uncomfortable in here, alright?"
They grumbled something in response, continuing to glare at one another but keeping their mouths shut as they waited. After what felt like several minutes of tense silence, the doors opened up into a maintenance hall leading to the atrium. Reagan was gone in a flash, adrenaline helping her to ignore the feeling of her legs turning to lead from lack of exercise; the rest of the gang did their best to keep pace, but only Brett managed to remain right at her side.
"Reagan, Rae-dog," he huffed, nervous laughter permeating his voice. "You don't think (Y/n) is, uh... Well, they're not in trouble, are they? I mean, serious trouble."
"We work for the fucking Shadow Government, Brett! We erase people who get too out of line!" A sob wracked her body as she ran, making her stumble, but Brett snatched up her arm before she could trip. She sniffled as they fell to a jog, her best friend not allowing her to go any faster than that. "Thanks," she mumbled, "but I'm okay. We need to keep going."
"We have to!" Brett didn't argue any further, and let her lead the way to the detainment center on the second floor in the atrium, the others slowly catching up as they hit yet another elevator. "We're almost there," Reagan wheezed, easing into the lift; her energy was starting to fade, even though her mind was still steeped in anxiety. "Just... a little further."
They reached the second floor, and after a short trek down the hall, they arrived in the detainment center. Despite a murder just having taken place, things seemed calm; a few security guards milled about behind a window, and the assistant at the desk looked as though nothing interesting had happened all day. He barely moved when Reagan and the gang burst through the doors all sweaty and exhausted, merely flicking his eyes over at them.
Reagan swiftly made her way over to the desk, and the dead-eyed clerk raised a brow at her. "Can I help you?"
"Someone was brought in here earlier," she panted, leaning heavily on the counter. "(Y/n) (L/n)? We're here to see them."
"Sorry ma'am, but I can't let you in without the proper--"
"I have clearance, asshole!" Reagan slammed her company ID down on the counter with enough force to make the clerk jump in his seat. She sighed irritably and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Sorry. This has been... a rough morning. Can we please just hurry this up?"
"Y-Yes ma'am," the clerk nodded, quickly moving to scan her card. His expression dropped with dread when something popped up on his screen, and he winced as he glanced up at her. "Uh, it says here--"
"Move, son," came a gruff voice, and another security officer appeared over the desk clerk's shoulder. He looked at the screen, then up at Reagan and the rest of the party, then sighed. "You're not supposed to be coming back here," said the guard, "but I've been talking to your friend back there. I'll let you back, but you won't have long, only a few minutes. You leave when I tell you to, understood?"
"Yes, thank you so much," Reagan agreed, nodding vigorously. "I just need to see them."
The guard left the room on the other side of the window and came to the door leading from the waiting area to the corridor connecting the entire holding wing. He held the door open and waited for everyone to pass through, then began leading the group down the hall to the cells. "My name is Grouper," the guard introduced as he walked. "I'm head of security here. I was the one who found your friend in the CEO's office."
"Is it really true?" Andre spoke up. "Did they really... kill him?"
"Mm, seemed damn proud of it, too," Grouper huffed. "Said it needed to be done. Can't say I disagree with 'em, but I wasn't gonna lose my job over it... or worse."
Reagan walked closely with the guard, at the forefront of the group. "Are they okay? Were they hurt?"
"Only one that got hurt was that asshole Rand Ridley," the guard snorted. He paused to fiddle with his keys as he reached the end of the hallway; a heavy-looking metal door was the only thing standing between (Y/n) and the group now. Reagan felt herself growing impatient as Grouper finally found the key he was looking for. She took a sharp breath as he unlocked the door, and held it unconsciously as it creaked open. "Here we are."
All the air left her lungs when (Y/n) came into view. They were sitting on a metal bench in the very first cell, eyes closed and head leaned back against the wall. Their hands were still cuffed behind their back, but otherwise, they looked completely at ease where they sat, their clothes still unmussed aside from a speckling of red across their stomach. "(Y/n)!"
. . . . .
You opened your eyes immediately upon hearing her voice, and stood as you saw her and the rest of your friends entering the room. "Reagan? Guys? What are you doing here? I didn't even know you guys could get back here!"
"Grouper let us back," Reagan blubbered, her eyes already seeping tears as you approached the bars of your cell. She pulled you tightly against them as soon as you were within reach hugging you despite your inability to hug back at the moment. "(Y/n), I was... I was so worried! How could you run off on me like that?"
"Seriously, dude," Brett agreed, coming to clap a hand on your shoulder between the bars. "We'd never have let you go if we knew you were gonna get yourself arrested!"
"Brett, I think you're the only one who didn't suspect that," said Andre, patting your arm from Reagan's other side. "Anyway, how'd you do it? There wasn't anyone around to stop you or anything?"
"Y'know, Andre," you laughed awkwardly, pressing a soft kiss to Reagan's forehead as she continued to grapple you through the bars, "I feel like this isn't the best time to talk about something like that, for several reasons."
"Still, you certainly could've been more subtle," Gigi griped. "If you'd just sat your ass down and waited for a minute, you could've brainstormed with us and not gotten yourself an express ticket to Shadow Prison X."
"I told you we shoulda just poisoned his coffee," Myc laughed. "Now look at you."
"Yes, this situation is absolutely fucking hilarious, Myc," Reagan snapped, tears streaming down her face when she finally pulled away from you to glare at the mushroom. "(Y/n) could be sent to Shadow Prison any minute now, and you're laughing? Some fucking friend you are."
"Hey, I never claimed to like any of your skanky asses," Myc sneered back, but Andre set a hand on his stem before he could go any further.
"Myc, c'mon man," hissed the scientist. "You're gonna get us kicked out of here."
"So what? I told 'em not to leave, and look where not listening to me got them..." Myc scuttled up to the bars, jabbing a flagella through to poke at your chest. "Right fucking here."
If you didn't know him better, you might snap back at him right now, but the mycelian was your friend. "I'm sorry, Myc. I did what needed to be done, though."
"Yeah, well we coulda done it together, dipshit," he grumbled, poking at you again. "Then you wouldn't've gotten caught."
"You can't know that though, buddy," you chuckled. Looking over each of your friends, you went on, "I am sorry - I would've saved some action for you guys, but I just felt the need to take the glory on this one."
"Selfish bastard," said Glenn, shaking his head. "And I was gettin' all fired up in the war room thinkin' about how we coulda taken him out..."
"I know, I know..."
"You're stupid, you know that?" You looked down at Reagan, whose hands were still fisting your button-up. "I hated Rand, you know that better than anyone, but... I still loved him. Not as much as I love you, not after what he did, but still." She closed her eyes and took a deep shuddering breath. "You really killed him..."
"Reagan," you soothed, voice soft, "you know it was for the best. He never could've run the company like you're going to. This is what you're meant for, you know. You didn't need him."
"I know that," she nods, sniffling. "He was still my dad, though."
You frowned, looking away. "I'm... sorry."
"No, no," she replied quickly, shaking her head. "You... You did right... I think? I don't know. Everything's just so confusing now."
"It's my fault."
"No, it wouldn't be so hard to know what I'm feeling if Rand wasn't such an asshole," she sighed, running a hand down her face. "I feel... relief? Guilt? Grief, of course, but... not as much as I thought I would. And... love." She looked up at you, grabbing your chin and gently turning you to face her again. "I love you, and I know you did it because you love me, too."
"Of course I do," you said, leaning your head as close to hers as you could through the bars. She leaned up to meet you, and your foreheads touched, but anything else would've been awkward - especially with your friends surrounding you. "I love you more than anything, Reagan. I'd do whatever it takes to make you happy."
"Jesus, would you can it with the mushy stuff already?" You glared over at Myc out of the corner of your eye. "This crap's making me nauseous."
"I'll just... go ahead and take him out," Andre laughed nervously. He came up to give you a friendly punch on the shoulder first, though. "You'll get out of this, man. We'll see you soon."
"I hope so," you smiled, rolling your eyes as Andre began leading the mushroom back out into the hallway. Gigi and Glenn approached too, their expressions sympathetic. "Don't look so sad, guys," you huffed, shaking your head. "You're bringing down my mood in here."
Gigi reached out to tap your cheek, a fond smile on her face. "You're just a ray of sunshine 'till the end, aren't you?" Her face falls a bit when you smile back. "I just hope things work out. It'll be a lot quieter around here if you don't make it out of this, honey."
"You stay strong, soldier," Glenn ordered from beside her, his face stern. "If you don't walk out of here on your own, we're not gonna let you go without a fight, y'hear me?"
"Loud and clear, Dolphman," you chuckled. As they turned to leave, you looked to Brett, who remained silent at Reagan's side, thoughtful. "Hey," you called softly. drawing him from within his head. "You alright, man?"
He was quiet for a moment, looking between you and Reagan, who'd buried her face in your chest again. He nodded to her, since she was looking away. "I'm just worried that... that things won't be the same again, if something happens to you. I'm trying to stay optimistic, but..."
"Things'll move on," you answered easily, resting your chin onto your girlfriend's head. It hurt you to think about it, but you knew Reagan was strong and determined. There was no way she'd fall apart just because you got 'disappeared'; you'd always been far more into her than she was into you, of that you were certain, and you liked it that way. It meant that if anything ever happened to your relationship, she'd bounce back. "I'm not so important around here that things'll stop moving forward when I'm gone. I'm just--"
"You are important," Reagan murmured into your chest, peering up at you with wet eyes. "You're the most important thing in the world to me, (Y/n), way more important than my shitty dad. I don't know what I'd do without you, I'd... I'd--"
She cut herself off with a sob, and you found your heart clenching as she wiped her tears away on her sleeves helplessly. "Reagan--"
"I can't lose you, too!" That shut you up. She sniffled and tried to catch her breath, her lips trembling as she tried to find her words. "I don't hate you for killing Rand, I don't, but he was still important to me, (Y/n). If I lose both of you in such a short span of time, I'll... I'll break."
Her cries overtook her, and you looked over her head helplessly at Brett, who looked just as lost as you did. Regardless of how well either of you knew her, Reagan didn't often cry; dealing with it wasn't easy, to say the least.
Brett set a hand on her shoulder, and let out a short sigh of relief when she didn't immediately shake him off. "Reagan, we still don't even know if they're actually going to be... taken away," he said carefully. "Just breathe for a second, take it easy."
"Reagan," you mumbled, watching as she tried to pull herself together. Guilt was starting to overwhelm you; you'd killed him for her, to prevent him from hurting her anymore, but if killing him hurt her too, then what was the point? "Reagan, I didn't mean for this... I didn't want... I just wanted to--"
Grouper cleared his throat from where he stood by the door, drawing your attention. He tapped his watch, then pointed his thumb at the camera situated in the corner of the room. You sighed, looking back down at Reagan, who'd also seen the guard's gesturing. She met your eyes, hopelessness swirling within her gaze, and your stomach twisted into a knot.
"We, uh... don't have much time left."
"No, we don't," she replied, touching your face tenderly. "Oh, (Y/n)... wasn't there some other way you could've made things better? I would've taken ice cream, you know."
You laughed abruptly at that, shaking your head. "I'll keep that in mind, next time," you snickered, ignoring the sinking feeling in your chest saying that there probably wouldn't be a next time. Reagan seemed to be hearing the same voice, her expression saddening more by the second. "Hey," you clucked, frowning at her, "I'm not going anywhere, I promise. I'll be with you no matter where I'm at."
She grimaced. "Don't talk like that," she chided. "You'll be with me here, in the office, saving the world from catastrophe together." She paused, a look of quiet determination taking over her features. "I'm not going to let you rot in here."
You raised a brow. "Is that a promise?"
Reagan grinned in return. "You can count on it."
"Let's hope it doesn't come to that," Brett tittered nervously, not liking the plotting energy that was beginning to surround his friends. "I'm sure everything will work out fine. It's not like it's really an issue for the Shadow Board, right? I mean, they didn't like Rand, did they? So why would they be mad?"
"Whatever happens," Reagan said, her hands cupping your face, "I'm not leaving you behind, (Y/n)."
. . . . .
Alright folks, that's it for now. Frankly, I'm aware this isn't half as good as what I had down before, but I'm not feeling particularly inspired by this one. I liked where I left it before, truthfully, so I hope this isn't terrible. I feel like it was just a whole lot of nothing, but I just can't think anymore lol. I hope this isn't too terrible, but if it is, well, blame the writer's block.
I do have some other stuff in store that I'm more confident in, stuff that holds up to the old stuff I was writing on here. It's mostly Myc, but if you put in a request for another character, I'll see what I can do. Anyway, have a good night, y'all - I think I'm off to bed.
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hurlingsupport · 11 months
Inside Job Masterlist
Reagan x GN Reader Oneshot (pt. 1):
Reagan x GN Reader Oneshot (pt. 2):
Reagan x Childish! GN Reader Oneshot:
Reagan and Teen Prodigy! GN Reader Oneshot:
Reagan + Brett and Nonbinary Reader Headcannons:
Ron Staedtler x Yes-Man! GN Reader Headcanons:
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beansnsoup · 2 years
"I don't know what I'd do without you."
Reagan Ridley x gn!reader
Fluff, angst if you squint
Summary: Reagan has been working really hard lately trying to be promoted at Cognito Inc., and you've noticed the stress it's put on her, so you decide to comfort her.
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You've been dating Reagan for about a year now, and the thing you noticed in maybe the the first month of dating her was that she took her job very seriously, its not like you shouldn't, but she was hardcore serious about her job. She always talked about how it was her dream to be promoted to a higher chair in the office instead of being stuck with the lazy people in her branch.
You were an aspiring writer at the moment, but had an office job so we're weren't unemployed. So it was hard for you to relate to Reagans problems. Her dad made it even worse, asking to move in, which she agreed to, but only for a month. He overstayed his welcome very much.
You both found ways to get him out of the house so you guys could get some needed time alone together. As much as you loved Reagan and supported her hard working, you sometimes wish she'd take a break every once and a while. You never admitted this to her incase she every got really mad at you about it, you didn't want to risk the relationship you both had.
You head to the kitchen where Rand is passed out drunk on the floor, you roll your eyes and go to the pantry for some sleepy time tea. Fixing two cups for you both. You head up to your shared room where she's in the corner of the room at her desk.
You kiss her forehead, handing her the tea. "It's sleepy time, you've been working hard all afternoon, you need some rest, hun." You tell her, propping your chin on her shoulder. She looks at you from the side of her eye, she sighs before sipping the tea you made her.
She has paper scattered all over her desk and about 20 computer tabs open. You sigh and grab you tea to go sit on the bed, she turns to look at you. "Is something wrong? Did I do something wrong?" She asks you, turning her chair around completely.
"No, it's just.." You start, contemplating whether you want to tell what you've been thinking about her excessive working these past two weeks. You're scared for a negative reaction.
She gets up to sit beside you, trying to make you feel more comfortable to tell her what you've been trying to let out for a bit now. "It's just, you work so much now, and its not that I don't support it or anything. I just wish you'd spend a little bit more time with me or something and get some proper sleep." You confess, looking away from her.
She kisses your forehead, "Hey," she starts, grabbing your chin so you'll look at her. "I don't know what I'd do without you, to be honest I don't even think I'd be trying as hard for this promotion if you weren't with me right now." She tells you.
You both lean in for a long, loving kiss. Pulling away, you mutter, "You need some sleep." You go to her desk to save her work and organize her desk then lay down beside her.
"I love you"
"I love you more"
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To make my page more diverse I've made a Reagan Ridley fic since there hardly is any.
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grungelovingrat · 2 years
So I'm not the best at writing fanfics w/o some sort of idea on what I'm doing so here's around some ideas for you dear reader for requests!
EDIT AGAIN: I'm so sorry but as of late i haven't had any inspiration to write any kind of fanfic 😭 if you sent in a request i am so so sorry but if i do end up coming back i will try my hardest to write it for you <3
Werewolf By Night
Any other Marvel show/movie basically
(except for Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, The Defenders, The Punisher, and The Falcon and The Winter Solider. I haven't watched them yet.)
Bittersweet (Alphonse x Seth x Reader)
Just Alphonse
Just Seth
I haven't really listened to Faust's audios, my apologies 😭
SCREAM (1996)
Billy Loomis
That's it- 🧍
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Brett Hand 💕💕
Reagan Ridley
Gigi Luigi
(I might add more fandoms when I think of 'em, my brain's kinda dead atm-)
basically any songs from these playlists I will (try to) write a fic to!
Since I don't post much about my ocs I'll just post a picture, name, gender, sexuality, and an age and you can just chose which one interests you!
(most of them I saved the photo a long time ago so credit to the og artists from Picrew!)
Jay - Male -Bi-romantic - 28
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Ace -Bi-gender- Pansexual - 24
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Eli -Female- Bisexual - 23
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Jordan -Non-binary - Pansexual - 31
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Murray - Male - Gay - 25
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Rouge - TransMasc- Gay - 20
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That's all for now but I might end up adding more later!!
Y'all's favorite gay rat,
Caspa 💜
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yokiidokii · 1 year
How would the gang react to a reader who constantly says sorry ? like for every stupid thing at the end of a sentence due to being Bullied majority of their life . So now I their adulthood it’s just kinda automatic “oop I’m sorry” even when it’s not necessary
My smile is immeasurable- I do this so often you have no idea. I have absolutely been worried about not knowing if I was gonna do the request just right. This is not one of those times. I did have a surprising amount of trouble with it though? Despite it being something I myself do constantly lmao, ah well I hope I did it justice!
Also hi! I was in college so this is so very late and I’m so sorry about that <3 My prof mentally threw me around like a rag doll and I came out with my brain fried.
Warnings: I don't think any? Maybe some general allusions to anxiety just because of the prompt itself? Andre mentions weed but uh- nothing else! Relatively safe<3
I feel like she understands, I could see her thinking of it more in a like, a logical sense? Not like she doesn’t understand the more emotional side of it- she’s got her own issues. But in the like “Oh, usually when people do this it means they are scared of what people think and don’t like conflict. I’ll keep that in mind.”
She gets it, and I want to be absolutely clear- I cannot see her being one of those people saying “It’s fine.” Because like, for her it doesn’t feel like it ever really is? But she will be the person to help you feel like, it’s okay that you said it but know that you do not have to. You didn’t do anything wrong.
If you want to tell her the reason why you do this, apologizing and explaining she will feel for you. I mean we’ve seen her school experience, we had one friend and a buncha kids who were way older than you and treated her like shit. Also her father, very much her father.
She won't ever press you or act like you aren't trying harder to get better but she'll make sure in her own way that you know it's all gonna be okay one day.
One day you won't have to think about the past and everything will be okay <3
Andre may or may not have told you about his experiences with his family and how they really affected him.
You have probably also- at least once maybe seen him without drugs and how that can make him.
Long story short he is in no position to judge even if he for some reason wanted to.
Would offer you some weed
He means well and will not pressure you if you say no, though he will totally ask “Are you suuuureee?” because he cannot stress enough the wonders of medical marijuana
Whether or not you take it is up to you, but he will absolutely let you chill either in his office if you're at work or at his house- would come to your house to make sure your comfy if you need it<3
He is a loving man with lots of his own experience in this kind of regard and he will help you no matter what!
He is more than the drug guy though please literally let him be known for more than that he deserves it so any tips he's used to help himself out he will give to you.
A very caring man with his own issues and lots of advice and love to give if you'll have it~
Oh honey, this man? This man understands.
Brett will apologize after you do because both of you think that is is somehow both of your faults.
Though he will undoubtedly let you know in every way he possibly can that it is not your fault in any way and that he loves you.
He would absolutely mention therapy- it helps him! It might help you?
He would absolutely be holding your hand anyway and if you do apologize while it happens, he’ll squeeze it in his own and shoot you a quick “No need to be!” before continuing the conversation. He doesn’t wanna spend the whole time acknowledging it just in case putting too much attention on it in the open would embarrass you or make you feel worse.
But he will be there for you, and he will be listing off things that he’s learned to help him when he can’t stop doing it either.
I can see Myc start by just being a little bit sarcastic. Like he isn’t entirely sure why you do it just yet, but he doesn’t want you to be saying it and thinking that you did something wrong.
He gives those like “Oh yeah? You’re sorry?” and you know that if he had actual eyes, he would be giving you a look of ‘You really wanna do this rn?’.
And he will probably continue to do so even after he knows why.
He isn’t going to treat you differently per se, at least- he acts like he isn’t going to…
But you feel the tentacle that was already wormed around your waist squeeze just a little tighter before you end your sentence to remind you that you didn’t do anything, and you don’t need to apologize. 
I mean he gets it, he got bullied. He ended with a different outcome for himself, but he still understands. It sucks, and even if you don’t want to think about it or you don’t want to constantly feel like life is repeating itself over and over again but sometimes it’s just going to feel that way even if it isn’t.
Though Myc will be there to help you understand and work through all the woes of getting to inside your own head.
She would raise her brow at it at first.
Hit you with that “Honey you didn’t do anything wrong.” and make sure you know that it’s all okay.
Is teaching you how she ignores her haters constantly, if you say anything about it not being on the same level and you start apologizing again, she is going to lovingly slap you in the face with her words (She would not lay a hand on you ever-)
Comparing yourself gets a “tsk tsk” from her and a long list of all the parts about you she thinks are beyond stellar.
Gigi would be very honest -like the most honest maybe- about whether or not you actually have anything to be sorry about. 
If you do, she’ll accept your apology but try to figure out a way to do it in a way that won’t encourage you to do it when you don’t actually have to.
And when you don’t, she places a hand on her hip and gives you a look, eyebrow raised just lightly in a ‘really?’ sorry of fashion.
She’s not questioning it; she knows it happened. But she’s asking if you really wanna do it, you know that she will no doubt spend her time talking your ear off about not doing this again.
She does it with the upmost amount of love I promise- but like,,
Do you dare question her? I wouldn't
Okay. I don’t want to say Glenn doesn’t get it at first, but out of all of the people in the gang it feels right to say he might take the longest to adjust and learn how to handle it.
But just because he might not get it at first doesn’t mean he’s rude!!
It’s more of a “What? Why are you saying you're sorry? You didn’t do anything?” Kinda confused-
He’s a confused ol man, forgive him.
Though, he would understand the bullying thing like 100%
He’s no stranger to rude comments or being talked to as if he has no feelings, typical bully behavior even if he wouldn’t talk about it or call them bullies, just,,, assholes?
That and the feelings that come from thinking about those comments is something he understands, and something that he can try and a headspace he will gladly try to help you out of.
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yokiidokii · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if you could possibly write what Andre and Reagan look for in a partner? Thank you! ❤
We’re all doing a little bit not great. I was having a little bit of trouble with this to begin with because I don’t think I really think I know what the ideal partners for anyone in this show is.
So we’re just going to clarify that like- this isn’t end all be all everyone can have their F/O’s and share and be very different with all the different dynamics so like- Also like sjsjjsj sorry it might have gotten away from me so if this isn't exactly what you wanted please let me know!
IF YOU FEEL LEFT OUT OR IT DOESN’T SOUND LIKE YOU BUT YOU LOVE THEN IM SO FREAKIN SORRY IM TRYING MY BEST- I think I’ve decided I’m more fan of like the longer kinda story-ish formats? Like this request! I’ll still do this kinda stuff for sure but I think it might take a little bit longer, and if I don’t think I can do it justice it might never get done :(
I mean while I think we got a pretty good look into her kind of wants in a partner both with Ron and with the dating episode within the first part, I think I could take a crack at adding something to this for you!
Reagan likes a good person for the most part- Like sure I think most people working for the deep state have kind of skewed morals but pure evil isn’t on the agenda.
I think it would be reasonable to assume Reagan likes someone with goals? Like sure the world might make said goal kind of unattainable sometimes, especially in the kind of world you all live in. But actually wanting to do those things is pretty neat!
Respecting her space and having your own interests and things to do while also being able to talk about it? Sometimes it’s nice to hear someone you like talk about something they love, she likes seeing the unabashed joy in their eyes.
Also just- lovingly, do cheesy shit with this woman. Like if she isn’t feeling it she’ll tell you but like- WATCH A MOVIE TOGETHER! GO GET ICE CREAM TOGETHER! DO SOMETHING SWEET THAT MAKES HER FEEL NORMAL AND HAPPY!!
Eat ice cream in your jammies and show her movies and stuff that you love or think she’d like!
She just wants someone who’s able to understand her while being themselves.
Something that I think shouldn’t be shocking is that Andre would enjoy a partner who can kind of keep up with all the energy that he has.
Like it isn’t necessary. He could absolutely adore and love a partner who is less energetic or spontaneous as he is! 
Honestly if he has someone who just doesn’t mind how he is when he’s all pumped up then he’s set.
And of course while he want’s someone who can handle him at his high. He also want’s them to be able to handle him at his lows-
Will you be able to listen to him talk about his high stakes elder scrolls campaign- will you???
But even if you don’t have all of the knowledge to take care or make sure that he would be okay given a panic attack or some other kind of mental shut down he’s smart enough to let you know some kind of plan of action should it happen if you’re around each other enough.
As long as you can retain that information and help him calm down and stay with him he’s sold.
While I would assume you’d be friends with him before becoming his partner this still is still something I can absolutely see him feeling strongly about.
You have to get along with his friends- like at least be amicable.
Like sure he knows not everyone can get along but the gang? Ride or die found family. They mean a lot him and you do to! But having a partner who can banter and get along with if not tease them back.
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riddleymethis · 1 year
Reagan brainworms for tonight
Cw/info: G/N reader!
Characters: Reagan Ridley
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- tbh she's kind of awkward about it at first
- she just generally has a hard time settling into emotional situations
- but once she does and feels more comfortable, she is extremely good at saying the right things
- she's so honestly blunt and says things so matter of factly that it's genuinely comforting to hear, no matter hie bad your day was
- she's more than willing to lend an ear to hear your problems
- and if you don't wanna talk about your issues, that's alright too!
- when it comes to comfort outside of talking, she's definitely an acts of service/quality time kind of person
- she'll ask if there's anything you want to do to help, but also knowing the way she can read people... she probably already knows your interests/hobbies/etc. and has already started setting out everything you'd need for comfort
- a good default is always movies too
- make/get a comfort snack for the both of you and sit down with you to watch something to keep your mind off of things
- 100% would share a blanket with you. She's very iffy on being close physically in general, but she enjoys it more with people she trusts so she's willing to be close to you
- makes fun of the movie on purpose to get you to laugh
- just a very awkward but very caring and sweet person !!♡
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sin-sidejob · 2 years
do you have any more nsfw submissive reagan hcs?
Sub!Reagan Ridley x gn! reader:
Warnings: nsfw, smut, gender neutral, unprotected sex (wrap that rascal), plus it’s a real panty drencher if I may say so myself. AND, there is p-in-v sex but I left it very vague on purpose so it can be perceived as either a strap or an actual dick, up to your imagination and discretion, somewhat like a smutty version of mad libs
Content: smut, sex toys, oral, p-in-v sex, unprotected sex, domesticity, etc. Also more of a fic than a set of headcanons because I got carried away as usual, lmao, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless!!
I feel Reagan is more dominant leaning but does need some tender love and care so she’ll have times and periods where she’s the one who needs to be doted on and looked after.
Like she’s in control of everything and has to manage so much, handle so much, so there’s times where she has to have control over things, and with sex, she likes to control you.
Other times, she’ll just need to rescind all control and just tap out, give in, and give it up to you. Having Reagan be submissive only comes when she trusts you wholly, completely, and implicitly. She’s a control freak who deals with so much, so she needs to be able to count on you and trust you not just with her needs, but her body and wants.
But those times where you take care of her, let her brain blank out as you fuck her literally stupid and drooling?? Mag-fucking-nificent. Reagan usually drifts into subspace after rough and bad days, needing you and your talented hands and gifted mouth with your tender heart to take care of her. And goddamn if you don’t deliver, and deliver well.
You adore taking care of her in subspace, before, after, and during sex. It’s rare for her to be in that state and you take the opportunity happily and eagerly. If she texts you throughout the day and you can just tell it’s not going too hot and she’s more subdued and non-talkative, you’ll try and get home first and prep to make sure she has a nice night.
Cozy and clean house, homemade favorite meal waiting for her, plus you who’s washed all the sex toys and cleaned the sheets + dolled yourself up so you can fuck her stupid whenever and wherever she wants, making good on all of your promises hushed between pillows and sheets in the dark of stormy nights - to protect her and be there for her, unconditional loved followed by equal support forever and always. You sap.
Just the moment she walks up the steps and unlocks the door to her brownstone, and sees you waiting for her with a warm smile and arms outstretched, she’s gone. Melting and liquifying in your arms and dropping her bags at the door to sag and drop into your hole and embrace. After a few moments, smoothing the hair out of her face and pressing a brief array of kisses to her face, you get her settled and with dinner while locking the house back up.
But that moment afterward where she’s all soothed but still tense and gets to head up to her bedroom and realize that you cleaned everything, even as you sidle your behind her and rest your cheek against her back while wrapping your arms around his middle, swaying a tad. God, she loves you. So much. Struggles with articulating it sometimes, but you’ve unfortunately met her parents, cant blame her too much.
Reagan just tugs at you and turns around to plant a kiss against your lips, much more soft and malleable than her forceful ones where she’s in control. And you take over, backing her near the freshly-made bed and laying her atop it while undressing her, kisses splayed across her sternum and collarbones, dotted around her neck, until she’s fussy and whining in your hold wearing just her semi-soaked black panties and a hair tie.
You follow suit, undressing on your own as she watches dazedly, laying back with her forearms holding her up while her eyes skim over every inch of bared skin you reveal to her. Nearing, settling yourself above her with a knee pressed between her legs and your forearms leaning on either side of the space near her head, looming forth as you suck and kiss at her neck while moving your thigh to feel her soaked cunt twitch at the attention.
“Need me to care care of you, sweets?” Is murmured before she hums an appreciative and confirming sound, only getting more touch after it ceases when she audibly consents, getting your teeth nipping at her shoulder and your hand sliding off her panties slowly for her to kick them off with hurried movements that make you laugh lowly into the heated skin above the column of her throat.
“I’ve gotcha’, be good for me.” She couldn’t imagine or consider not being good for you, with the way you eased yourself down between her thighs and parted them to kiss down her chest, nip and suckle at her flushed tan skin, nosing at the under swell of her breasts and giggling as she squirms while her nipples harden. “Stop y’squirming. Told you to be good.” Reagan is about to huff and send out a snippy comment, along the lines of just eating her out already, until she glances down to see your darkened eyes and steeled gaze, fun-having demeanor gone.
“Want me to stop?” she shakes her head, the elastic band tying her hair up falling out with the movement, tresses settling at her shoulders and around her face, clinging a bit to the shine of sweat on her forehead. “Wonderful. Sit still or I’ll stop and leave you here. No cumming. With or without me.” Usually Reagan wouldn’t be one to follow orders, and you aren’t one to be boss others around. But the unforgiving and cool demeanor you shoulder like a well-worn and custom coat says otherwise. She nods, chapped bottom lip tugged between her teeth, and you grin.
“Good girl.”
Fuck, she’d drench her panties if she was still wearing them. But she doesn’t, bare all over now and at your sole mercy and benevolence. Close to begging for the latter to avoid the former.
Just that moment of you easing into her, forgoing the prep with how soaked she was and how shitty her attitude was being, feeling her walls clench and twitch around you as you rock back and forth while caging her in. Reagan gets whiny, not used to not getting what she wants. But this moment of you just knocking the air from her lungs and the logic from her brain, wiping her clean like a memory reset, gets her going and loud and vocal. Even if she doesn’t know what she’s saying or what’s flying past her puffy and chapped lips, she’s real eager to be good and be good for you.
You don’t even fuck her harshly, she wants to be a little brat, she’ll get treated like one. Fucked slow and steady until she’s earned her keep and to get fucked right and well. She hates it, keening and writhing, trying to get you to give her more attention and care. Reagan starts pleading and begging nonsensically
“You can do so much better than that, with that pretty mouth of yours,” you trail off, a hand moving past her chest and throat to clutch her cheeks and press her lips together, smushing them with the touch, “my baby needs to go a little braindead tonight? But I’ll be nice, give in early. Poor darlin’, gonna’ need to ice this pussy when I’m through with it.”
Pace changes, hoisting her thighs up on the notch of your elbows while you plant your palms on either side of Reagan’s head, plowing into her and watching as her eyes slammed shut and she tugged on her bottom lip ‘til it nearly burst, crying out with everything in her chest as you fucked her harshly, hitting her cervix and sending her back and forth against the sheets. She’s weepy and beggy, especially as you shift one hand from beside her head to wrap around her throat loosely, only taut at the sides to give her the blood rush and not limit her air supply, knowing she loves that brain fog that comes with that touch. You fuck her dumb, rescinding her doctorate as soon as you press her to the mattress like this, with your lips curled in a snarl while your hips smack back and forth against hers while she gushes around you.
“Gon-, gonna’ cum. Please, gotta’ cum f’you.” Reagan stutters out, watery and thick in her mouth and barely able to form the words with her brain fading as you clutch her throat. You respond, snapping your hips faster and pushing her orgasm further while chasing yours. “Atta’ Girl, cum f’me. All over me,” you trail off, “go ahead.”
“Make a mess.”
Those words send her rocketing off the edge, mind going white as you squeeze her throat one last time before gripping her hips and leaning back to piston in and out, fucking her through it while you finally reach your own climax, shuddering and crying out as you catch yourself on your forearms above her.
She does in fact, make a mess, practically squirting as she came and having a little dripping pool of cum seeping out from her and around you, soaking and staining the sheets that absolutely need to be cleaned. You rise first, senses regained and alert once more to take Reagan in, eyes clenched shut and breathing heavy with her chest heaving. After pressing kisses to her cheeks and lips before she comes to, you pull on an oversized tee and some airy underwear before grabbing a cloth and running it under warm water then filling a spare glass with some cold water and returning to the room.
Sitting for a moment, you take her in, usually being on the opposite end of things and being the one needing the more extensive aftercare. You always enjoyed the rare dynamic switch. Taking care of her tended to be a battle but you always ended up victorious, especially if you won out by having her in bed every night and morning.
“Hey baby,” you coo as you gently pry apart her thighs to clean between them, wiping her sensitive cunt clean while she whines and grabs at your forearm and blinks blearily your at you before offering a small smile. “Hi.” She starts, voice more rough than normal.
“Hello yourself, feel better?” Reagan nods in response, grabbing for you before parting as you step away, sticking her tongue out along with her middle finger before she concedes as you move the grab her one of your oversized hoodies that she immediately curls up in. “Wanna’ go watch tv on the couch and eat while I wash the sheets?”
She nods again, making a snark comment about you being as domesticated as a 1950s housewife as she gets up slowly with help and pads out to the living room before you swiftly smack her bare ass on the way, chuckling at her noise of indignation before stripping the bed while hearing her click around the tv with the remote. Life wasn’t always perfect, but at least you had each other to clear the stormy skies away.
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sin-sidejob · 2 years
(nsfw) gender neutral reader worship kink Reagan like a goddess until she's a blushing mess and embrace it
(Me casually writing this over my bowl of fucking cornflakes)
“You sure about this?”
“Oh c’mon,” you murmur, kissing at her jawline and looming overhead while you stand, her sitting at her desk chair, “you toy with me and have me at your mercy all the time, why can’t I return the favor?”
With a few more sucks at her pulse and nips of your teeth at her jawbone, she melts and acquiesces, bone tired from the day she’s had at work and feeling to warm and plush from your ministrations to desire taking control.
“Can I take you to bed, Doctor?”
She literally all but purrs at that, accepting your hand and slowly rising before you take her back to your shared bedroom, kissing her languidly and playing with her tongue as you undress her of her shirt and jacket, managing to undo her belt once she’s backed upon the bed.
“Look at you, you look so pretty like this.” You muse aloud, shamelessly admiring her and seeing her cheeks flush and warm, growing bashful and squirming a bit against the bed, just in her bra and work pants before you. “Prettier than a picture.”
She whines, pouting up at you, “stop that and come ‘ere.” Reagan truly does look pretty like this, hair strewn about her and looking up at you with a look far softer than what she gives anyone else, reserved for just you. You lean down and kiss her, planting a knee between her legs after you’ve shed her of her pants, thankful she left her shoes at the door.
Her panties brush your knee and she keens, grinding back against it and thrums like a struck guitar string, voice murmuring your name softly while her eyes close shut, too pleased to keep them open.
“There you go, keep grinding sweet thing, you’ve got it.” You breath and praise against her neck, undoing the back clasp of her bra in a flicking motion then taking your palms up to cup her breasts, thumbing her nipples idly and relishing in the way her back arches off the bed.
“Wanna’ feel you, want your hands.” You chuckle darkly and mark up the column of her throat, excited at the premise of Reagan wearing of of those sleeveless turtlenecks she borrows from you, “you’ve got my hands, sweet thing, feel?” Hands squeeze her tits for emphasis, and you hold back a laugh from her squealing whine and the pouty glare she sends.
“Want your hands in me, there, that better?”
“Oh, much better.” Your hand tugs at her panties then tears them impatiently, knowing you already had to go clothes shopping soon and that these wouldn’t be missed, thriving in the sighing gasp she lets out once her cunt gets exposed to the chill of the air.
You thumb at her clit while your pointer and middle finger brush through her slick, sliding through her folds languidly and toying with her, watching as she weakly lifts her head to look down then lays it back in a huff, all tense and taut like a rubber band, waiting for the snap.
Fingers deftly curl against her walls and you spread them between thrusts of your wrist, feeling her clench. You have to move a hand down from her chest to lift her thigh up and press it to her chest to keep her still and stop her squirming, keep her cunt open wide for you. “Atta’ girl, feeling better?”
“Fuck yes, wanna’ kiss though.” You fill her request, leaning up to press doting pecks to her lips she weakly responds do, wanting to feel you close. Your wrist keeps flicking in an upward thrust as you fuck your fingers into her, feeling her grind down upon you.
“There you go, getting close?” She hums in response, nodding while she digs her heels into the bed and fucks herself on your hand, feeling you slide in your ring finger and stretch her just so, her thighs shaking now. “Real close, wanna’ cum so bad”
“I’ve got you, lemme handle it sweet thing,” you soothe, keeping her thigh pressed to her chest with your forearm while your hand reaches down to rub at her clit, swallowing her moans with your mouth and eagerly. “C’mon now, give it to me, soak my hand. Make a mess for me Doctor.”
She makes good on your request, crying out and opening in one of those silent screams, eyes wide shut as she comes on your hand and the comforter, making a mess just as you ordered.
“Good girl, did so well for me.” You dote, dotting kisses over her nose and cheeks, pecking her lips and marked jaw while your hands smooth over her bare form, keeping her skin warm.
She nudges your nose with hers, lazy and sated, eyes fluttering open in movements reminding you of a butterfly’s wings. “There you are, wanna’ clean up?” Reagan hums a no, shaking her head before reaching her arms out to bring you closer and you take the opportunity to lift her into your arms, carrying her into the bathroom while she petulantly whines in a manner reminding you of a child when they say they’re not tired.
“C’mon love, let’s go wash up.”
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sin-sidejob · 2 years
Sin-sidejob’s Works in Progress
Updated: May 31st, 2023 + Requests are Closed
list of works I’m currently writing + plus requests that’ve been received
Totals — Reagan: II Brett: IIII JR: III Alpha-Beta: IIII Gigi: I Myc: I
• Rest & Relaxation
- Reagan Ridley x GN Reader
- request: submissive pillow princess Reagan smut + NSFW (my requests were closed at this point but fuck I like the idea too much)
• A Pleasant Surprise
- Brett Hand x AFAB Reader
- request: Brett playing with himself/masturbating and you walk in + NSFW
• Home Maker
- Househusband Brett Hand x Fem Reader
- request: househusband Brett smut + NSFW
• Alpha Beta’s Breeding Kink HC’s
- request: breeding kink + part 2 to a previous post + NSFW
• Submissive Alpha Beta HC’s
- request: flustered and submissive AB falling under care of partner + NSFW
• Tender Love and Care
- Gigi Thompson x GN Reader
- request: de stressing Gigi with oral + NSFW
• Brett with Tall Fem Significant Other HC’s
- request: ↑
• JR with Tall Fem Significant Other HC’s
- request: ↑
• Ten-Tickles
- Myc Celium x GN Reader
- request: reader has a rough day and Myc initiates a tickle fight
• The Sinners Are Much More Fun
- Demon Alpha Beta Robotus x GN/AFAB Reader
- my WIP: Halloween Alpha Beta extended + NSFW
• It Takes A Rough Hand
- Brett Hand x GN/AFAB Reader
- requests: it’s essentially everyone who sent in requests after they got their nethers nuked by IJ: Part 2 Ep.8 after Brett gets dominant and grows a backbone + NSFW
• Smitten
- Alpha Beta Robotus x GN Reader
- request: Robotus reacting to seeing reader in sexy or new clothes for the first time + SFW or NSFW
• The Chill Pill
- Reagan Ridley x GN/AFAB reader
- request: general headcanons for a S/O that’s very laidback + SFW
• Bend ‘Til It Breaks
- JR Scheimpough (afab) x either fully GN or AFAB or FEM reader + SMUT / NSFW
- my WIP: trans JR smut
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Diantha X GN! Reader Headcanons
Ok ok before you say 'This isn't Reagan Ridley', I wanna post some other characters on here and not just Reagan. Just feels like things will get boring for me if I'm only writing Reagan X Reader.
Anyways I love Diantha, idc what anyone says.
Anyways enjoy !
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● Diantha sadly rarely has time to spend with you.
● Now it wasn't exactly her fault, being both the champion of Kalos and an actress makes things quite busy for her.
● But she still felt bad for not being able to spend too much time with you.
● Despite it however, she does send you an occasional text.
● Usually her texts say 'Hii, I miss you. :(' or 'So sorry I'm not there with you.'
● You reassure her it's fine yet she still feels bad.
● Now when she gets home back to you, WHEW BOY SHE'S AFFECTIONATE.
● The moment you open the door for her, she instantly hugs, kisses and cuddles you for like an entire hour or so.
● Or if you don't like one of those things, she'll exclude it.
● If you don't like being touched, she'll simply smile and wave at you.
That's all folks ! I hope ya'll don't mind me doing other characters that aren't Reagan.
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