rattytaffy · 2 months
So iv slowly been working on a The Sun and Moon Show fic.
I've been on the fence about posting anything of it all. Mostly due to the fact I cant edit for spelling in google docs any more and my spelling is HORRIBLE!!!!
However a good friend convinced me to try anyway.
However on that note I am a newer TSAMS fan and am no ware near caught up with it. I have only gotten to "Eclipse's SAD ORIGIN STORY in VRCHAT" and am trying to avoid to many spoilers. I also have stayed largely away from the fandom for that reason This story starts after Luner gets his own body but before blood moon dies. This fic is about magical humanoid versions of Sun and Moon and Eclipse (security breach) seeking out TSAMS Moon for help. After this TSAMS Sun and Moon wind up mixed up in a second Celestial family's drama. OCs will be used when necessary to fill empty rolls. The fic is under the cut. If anyone finds it interesting ill try to continue it and probs post it to my AO3 when i have time and energy. I also very much need help finding a title for this >.<
It was quiet for the moment.  Lunar had his own body and was doing rather well, killcode was active but had made a deal with moon.  Sure there creator said something about a sister named earth showing up at some point, but she hadn't yet.  Blood Moon was a problem and potentially Eclipse but it was unsure if he was even out there any more.
There where problems yes but at the moment they were not in Suns face and he had a moment to do the daycare cleaning he had not had the time to do in detail.  Yes a quiet day to clean and record some videos was exactly what he needed
Sun Fliped around to the ball pit as the tell tail sound of an interdental portal opening.  Moon was home Luner was home. who the hell could be coming threw there?
in the ball pit where two largely human looking figyers.  they looked alot alike as they clung to each other.  One had golden hair and clear crystals  floating in the air around his heads like suns rays.  the other had white hair, blue crystal rays that had orbs and crescents at there bottom.  Both looked haggard as they held each other. They stood even hunched over weekly taller then any human hell they were tall enough standing strait they were as tall as Sun. there skin was an inhuman color the one with golden hair and clear crystal rays looked like his body was made of tarnished gold, the other with the blue crystal rays looked to be made of silver.  There facial features were largely human and if Sun where to guess they seemed to be in there early 20's
The one with blue crystals looked at sun "Is there a Moon here? one with magic?" his tone was desperate bordering on panic
"I'm not answering that untell I know who you are!" Sun answered coming over the barrel with the gun hidden in it in his hand
"I'm Eclipse, this is my brother Sun.  There's dimensional counterparts to us here" the one with blue crystals explained watching as the robot Sun stiffen at that "Please our brother Moon is sick and dying. WE need another Moon with magic to help him" The not human not seeming to be there Eclipses counterpart Eclipse begged.
"Well I'm Sun, " Robot Sun said looking skeptical
"Thank fuck" The not robot Sun said stumbling forward and nearly falling untell Eclipse grabbed him "Please at least let us talk to him." The not robot Sun's voice became high pitched with strain.
"how can he help with your moon" Robo Sun asked skeptically
"I want to know that to" Moon, the robotic one, Said as he landed from his jump off the balcony.  It was rare another version of him or Sun came by.
Not Human Sun looked at Robot Moon like a man offered water in a heat wave. "His magic has become completely unstable. Only another Moon with magic can stabilize it it."
"Please this is the last jump we can make" begged the Not Human Eclipse
"What happens if i don't?" Robot Moon asked. He knew he probably would go help but it was best to have all the info you could. Not Human Eclipse looked sick and stuttered some before Non Human Sun took charge "We end his suffering and seal the magical wounds left in me and Eclipse before we fall ill to"
"Please" begged the Not Human Eclipse "We don't want to lose our brother" Robot Moon sighed "Fine Suns coming with me" "Thank you" Said Not Human Eclipse "Its a big jump but we have an anchor at our uncles house to make it easier" "Most of our family is there but they won't bother you while you work" Not Human Sun assured them The home was despite the oppressive air of dread, cozy. The walls were painted with abstract murals wherever a shelf or hanging display for knickknacks wasn't. There were large windows but each was covered with a blackout curtain. The many lamps were all low bathing the space in a soft warm light that wasn't really strong enough to read in. It was clear under normal circumstances this home would be welcoming and easy to relax in.
However in this moment the comfortable couches were taken up by more creatures like the Not Human Sun and Eclipse all with there heads hung. One with wrinkled dress shirt on and black slacks stood from his spot between two much younger members of his species. He looked a lot like Not Human Sun with crystal rays that spun around his head those his seemed to be made of amber rather then clear. His skin looked like Bronze and his four arms were folded close to his body clearly from nerves "Oh thank fuck" he said his voice tiered and gravelly "I'm guessing your the Moon?" The Humanoid that was sitting next to the one that got up launched to his feet. This one was small and short probably no more then 5 foot with a singular large crescent crystal in light blue floating over his head.  His blond hair was a mess and he was so shyly sunk into his huge sky blue hoodie it was hard to see much of him.  "You found another Moon who can help?" he asked desperately the voice just like Luner's "Luner lets not get in there way"  Said the other Not Human this one with liquid gold shaped into ray shaped points. Robot Sun looked at this one in fear as he realized this sounded like there Eclipse... If he hadn't gone threw puberty yet.  This one was taller then the Luner with black hair and skin that looked like copper. The Not Human Luner glared at him. "Soler is right Luner" said a truly massive one of these beings.  With 6 arms standing easily taller then Robot Sun or Moon even while sitting.  He was dressed all in black and sounded much like a very tiered KillCode.  In his arms was a small child of there species dressed in red with several spinning star shaped smooth crystals that were a blood red. The child couldn't be more then 7 and was simply refusing to let go of the larger beings coat. The Not Human Luner rolled his eyes but went to sit back down led by Soler. 
The one with rays and four arms sighed deeply and looked at the last being in the room. This one also four armed but was distinctly fem with a set of swooping crescent horns going down the back of her silver hair. "Let me take the other Moon to see ours Albedo.  You comfort Furry and our Nephews" Albedo sighed and his four arms dropped to the side. "Alright Lune." he turned to Robot Sun "Come sit with us ill enplane what i can while your Moon works" Robot Sun looked nervously at his Moon Robot Moon shrugged and followed Lune up stairs while sun went to sit with the other. The Not Human Sun and Eclipse had already stumbled to a free couch and simply collapsed in it.
Lune opened a door at the top of the homes stairs.  It was a bedroom and completely dark. On the bed was what Moon didn't need to be told was his counterpart in this world. The being had porcelain like skin that was off color like it was sick. Long black hair tangled with the feathers of raven wings that twitched slightly sometimes. The being had one crescent with and orb between its points. They weren't floating however just kinda flopped on the pillow. Robot Moon could feel the magic gushing out of the Not Human Moon like an arterial wound. "You must enter his mind with magic, Find him and stabilize his magic. Model it after your own, but if he insist something goes some ware do so. You have one chance Moon, but once your magic connects with this Moon it should stabilize him for however long you need to work." Lune said softly "Should you be able to do this all of us will be in your debt" Robot Moon nodded becoming more and more horrified at watching a version of himself so sick "yah I got it from here" Lune nodded and left the room quietly shutting the door behind her "Better get to work" Muttered Robot Moon as he reached out to the other Moon casting the spell to enter his mind.
The other Moons mind was a haze of dark clouds. In the center sat the being his hair in his face shoulders shaking in sobs.  Before him a large low table colored green with dozens of little colorful blocks no bigger then the wooden kind you would give a toddler scattered over the table, the other moon and the foggy ground below. "Hay" said Robot Moon
Slowly the other Moon looked up and for a brief moment hope flashed in his eyes. His brothers had done it his brothers had managed to find another Moon and one with magic.
The Robot Moon sat across from the Not Human Moon.  Up close it was clear the beings hair was matted, tears streaked his face. His shoulders where slumped in defeat and sorrow. "So they found one?" "Clearly" Said Robot Moon "What's all of this" he gestured to the blocks scattered about "Its a metaphorical manifestation of my magic" the other Moon said weekly picking up what looked like a minecraft grass block. "It looks like a minecraft diorama" Robot Moon said picking up a block. Like someone hitting a gong magic reverberated for a second hard between them. 
Slowly other Moon took a deep breath starting to relax. "Eh magic can appear in weird ways in the mind. Though I'm guessing MineCraft is your worlds version of CraftyBlocks" "That is such a dumb name" Robot Moon said setting the grass block down on the table where it felt right. The block glowed slightly and seamlessly attach itself to the table. "Of course MineCraft isn't much better"
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rattytaffy · 2 months
Welp I'm binging The Sun and Moon Show on this fine 4/13!  
So hear have a shit post of an AU idea taken seriously (as a note i just got to where TSAMS is playing the SB Ruin DLC) Sun convenses Moon and Earth to play this new multy player game he has been hyped about the early access release of. SBURB, a new survival craft RPG.
However this game causes the apocalypse via meteors and transports all players to a new dimension. But the game needs a closed loop of server and player installs causing them to have to rope in several characters from the show they really would have preferred not to from Eclipse to Killcode to Monty.
And at this point I'm sure many of you are wanting to hunt me for sport as this is 100% a Homestuck AU 
And the best part? Homestuck as a comic exists in there wold but none of the characters who get involved have read it and they find this all out lator after everything is going to shit
And it would be a viable game of Sburb which means they have to merge each characters kernel sprite twice Probs most are going to godteir. (Moon is Knight of Space probs, Sun strikes me as Heart, Eclipse as Seer of Doom? Not sure for Monty maybe time?  Luner's probs light? Maybe Space? Feels like he would get prince to. Earth strikes me as Life. KillCode feels like Blood but i need to brush up on my classes and aspects) There will by a Skaia they each get a world (Id have to think harder on this one for good ones, but Luner gets the 'land of Beans and Bags')
There's a Prospit and Derse. And thus dream selves. Not sure who would go whare beyond Earth in Prospit and Sun too probs.
Feel free to reblog with thoughts on who would have what.  But please I am still catching up on TSAMS so i would love a spoiler tag for anything past Sun is SAVED by Moon!? in VRCHAT Past the read more is quips
Monty:  Okay so I'm still not finished building Luner and we gotta fuse this sprite thing with something dead so I'm gonna throw him in there Moon: Monty no this is a horrible idea Monty: alieoop *throws Luner into kernel sprite giving us LunerSprite* Earth: Moon we have a problem Moon: whats going on? Earth: well it the Star turned into a frog and hopped away and I'm afraid to look at it for any length of time as it is flashing colors at a rate witch can trigger photosensitive problems
Eclipse looking at Sun: you killed me once now do it again!!! Sun: yah but this time its specifically to make you stronger!! Eclipse: well i killed you on your quest bed so you should return the favor
The Gamzee shop keeper joke but its Monty
Luner: na its okay hes only stabbing me a little and I'm made of mettle Sun: hes stabbing you a lot right now Jack Noir repeatedly stabbing Luner
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rattytaffy · 6 months
Sometimes I Dream of Blorbos This time with the added horror of TAXES
So a while back I had this weird dream. I was sitting at a table sobbing. before me a single page titled 420 Easy Tax Form.
Behind me Moon is rubbing my back trying to explain to me how to fill out the form.
Finally I calm down and me and Moon slowly fill out the form, then i get to the question. "how many lbs of human flesh have you consumed this tax period? There is now a 30% tax on all human meat"
at this point sun shows up and sees the question on the tax form and says "Well that's going to be a problem"
Time skip to later in the kitchen
Moon is yelling at Sun about how he needs to stop eating people because it is simply costing to much and that we where fucked collectively for the tax season.
Now I'm tiered and could care less about this so i go to the fridge to get some milk for my coffee. I open it. The fridge is completely stuffed full of Safeway styrofoam and plastic wrap meat containers that contain the cheep rubber human limb props you get at a place like spirit Halloween. There is no milk, there is no room. it is all just human 'meat' and i realize how financially fucked we are.
I proceed to join Moon in yelling at Sun tell i wake up.
The most hilarious part to me is 1) eating people is perfectly legal in whatever world my dream took place in 2) Sun not Moon eats people 3) that despite having taken forensic science in highschool and having watched an autopsy, along with also doing practical effects from my time as a theater kid, this was not realistic looking gore. it was clearly fake and rubber and made badly. 4) Some how me Sun and Moon are able to file joint taxes? are we married? are they my dependents?
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rattytaffy · 6 months
Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends in America!
Remember as we all have to take the turkey curse into our homes
1) the turkey can only see you if you are moving
2) The sounds of Pots and Pans will attract the turkey
3) offerings of gravy can buy you time but not much
4) the cranberry sauce only works as a ward in the can shape but out of the can.
5) keep calm they can smell your fear
6) only use the pumpkin pie in case of DIRE EMERGENCY
7) the Corn only tells lies do not believe it despite what shreds of hope it seems to give you
The curse dispels at midnight local time. Good luck my friends survive
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rattytaffy · 7 months
A dable about Gregory and Mrs.Afton
I wrote this a while ago long before I was even aware of the pizzaplex books, and before the Ruin DLC came out. So on that note only things that have happened in the games are considered cannon to this story.
This entire fic idea was basically me asking "hay what about Mrs. Afton isn't it kinda strange that she only appears once?" and "hay wives of serial killers often know whats going on and are ether forced to keep quiet or are involved" and "you know we have no confirmation anywhere that she is dead?"
Also note this is all have written on this so far. I might write more later but iv got no clue?
I don't think any content warning tags apply except for non graphic depictions of child abuse? however if anyone thinks i should add a tag please let me know and I will =^.^=
Gregory ran out of the Pizzaplex. It was barely 6 am. He had barely manged to get to the doors with his life. As much as he wanted to solve what was going on he was tiered hungry and didn't want to run for his life any more. He had expected to get away at this point. Only that horrible bunny lady could leave. If he could just hide from her...
Tears clouded his vision to the point he almost ran right into a little black car that was pulling into the parking lot. Falling to his ass Gregory watched as a woman stopped the car and steeped out. She looked like any normal office lady, but it was her face that scared Gregory. She had that look. the look that said someone was not just dangerous but willing to do horrible things and had done so. The woman smiled at Gregory and bent down to the child's level "So your the little boy who ran around my Pizzaplex all night" she said like she was talking to a much younger child. Her features where cold, perfectly normal yes, but the mechanical way with which she moved was frighting. Gregory tried to bolt back but his arm was grabbed the woman's grasp cold, perfectly even, like one of the robots had grabbed him. "Who are you!" Gregory demanded doing his best to keep the fear out of his voice. "You can call me Mrs. Afton. I am the CEO. and I think if you cooperate we can come to an agreement. As it stands you have scene far to much for me to just let you leave" Her tone was still so artificially chipper. A chill ran down Gregory's spine "And if i scream?" "Oh honey no one will hear you. the place is closed for the week perhaps longer no ones coming into work today and we are far from any other lots thanks to the shear size of the parking lot. Now are you going to walk or am I going to drag you?" the grip on his arm tightened "What do you want with me" Gregory said trying to keep his voice brave as he got up. he would walk for now. She didn't seam immediately murderous. Maybe he could out wit her "Oh we will talk about that inside you must be hungry" she said and Gregory's stomach rumbled. When was the last time he had a good meal?
Freddy was still at the doors when Gregory was dragged in. If the color could have drained from his face it would have. He knew exactly who this was. this was the person who put Vanessa as head of security, the person who fired all human staff but Vanessa, the person who had all the strings. "Mrs.Afton" Mrs. Afton smiled at Freddy and he just strait up flinched. Gregory's blood ran cold. "good morning Freddy" she threw Gregory toward him "take him to the daycare. I already gave moon his task list." she turned to Gregory "your going to stay put. If you do not make things hard for me ill even reward you. Try to run and well Moons security programing will take effect" Gregory nodded he thought he was scared before, now he was terrified. He knew very well the difference between being hunted, and being caged. Being caged was always far far worse. "Mrs. Afton pl-" Freddy started but shut up at Mrs.Afton's glare. Taking Gregory's hand he began to walk away "I am so sorry Gregory" he said softly
Sun paced back and forth arguing in his head with moon. "You nearly killed the kid" said sun "i did not want to" Moon objected "Now we are to guard them and not let them leave oh this is bad Moon bad!" sun started to panic pulling at his rays "Calm down. if the boy behaves i will not be made to hurt him" Moon said trying desperately to comfort Sun "You might not but she will!!!! Oh that pore child he's ether going to be used for that horrible new machine of hers or shes going to turn him bad to!" Sun was in full panic about to start ranting out loud when the daycare power went off. He didn't fight the transformation this time already hearing Freddy opening the large wooden door to the daycare
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rattytaffy · 7 months
So I had an AU/Ask Blog idea for security breech i never got to do
I call this the Unionize!AU. As a note only events in the games are cannon to this AU and I came up with this before Ruin came out so i had no idea about the mimic.
the basic idea of this AU is before the Vanny virus got bad and before all the human employees of the plex got fired, the FazCo employees began to unionize and strike!
On the day shit hit the fan theses things happened ~ The strikers finally had FazCo pull some very not legal strike breaking shit and head inside the building. ~ The robots take the strikers sides, with the Exception of Freddy who is to busy with the fact Gregory has also suck in and it is really not safe! ~Vanessa goes with the strikers seeing an opportunity to get out of this bad situation ~The striking FazCo workers go down the elevator in Roxy Raceway. And just beat the shit outa Afton. With Vanessa verry very much helping. I had planed to do this moment as like a fully rendered art piece parodying the style of painting of the stabbing of Julius Cesar.
At this point it switches to a much fluffier set of events ~FazCo at this point has to not only cave to the union but also has to recognize the robots who are now part of the Union as people and employees. ~ FazCo will start losing money if the robots are all 24/7 employees and they now have to give them days off and vacations. So the Galm fam, DJMM, and the DCA move out of the plex as there home ~Sun and Moon having the equivalent of a PHD in child care are allowed to become foster parents for and later adopt Gregory. ~The Glamfam, the DCA and Gregory live together in a large house outside of town not to far from the plex
The story of the Ask blog would start around here. I did have the opening comic thumbnailed out but i have seance lost it.
The Opening comic would have been Panel 1 - Sun at the stove making pancakes in an apron and humming the daycare tune Panel 2 - Gregory not awake yet coming down stares for breakfast wondering 'what the hell' as he is presented with a real breakfast of pancakes bacon and juice Panel 3- "good morning Gregory! Moon and I have Started an Ask Blog" says sun. Gregory reply with "YOU WHAT!"
The whole story would have focused on like a mix of the robots going "oh fuck there is a lot of world out here!" and Gregory going "wait this is what a healthy family and home can look like!" while also exploring themes of found family, recovery from trauma, and just like the personal drama that will for sure go down if you expect Gregory to live in the same house as well any of them. and exploring how the plex would change if run competently.
Anyone is free to take this concept and run with it. I hurt my wrist pretty bad a while ago and I'm still recovering so i don't think i could physically do the whole askblog thing.
But this idea was just to good to let rot without ever seeing the light of day!
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rattytaffy · 6 months
The crows and the rats will form convergent societies When humanity has reached its sunset. Will there be war? Will there be kinship? Will ether side have learned from the horrors that marred the world left to them? Who can say? Not me. Not you. Perhaps it is best to go to Newyork and go beneath all of it to where the rats reside. Ask them see what they have to say. Then go to the place where the city meats the woods in Portland. Ask the crows the same as you did the rats. Remember to be an ethical journalist. Show both side fully and completely with context. We want no yellow journalism here.
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rattytaffy · 6 months
Happy Birthday To Me
My birthday is today
im 30 i have no clue what the fuck was going on this is like 2 times longer then any of my estimations ever held
It deff feels like i was just 22 then i tuned out for a few seconds in a fit of dissociation and now i’m 30
but at the same time it also feels like
When you get past the tutorial of a game and it turns out far far harder than the tutorial made it sceeme. Then you stop at a place to save and heal
And you stay there.
you go to the areas around you and you level up a bit at a time stopping to heal when you need to and now i'm finally strong enough to take on the boss at the end of the level
I know i can do it It won't be easy My stat block is completely altered from what it was in the tutorial
I’m scared But i can do it And it will be okay Things will be different But they will be okay
I am simultaneously, not different in any fundamental way
But at the same time everything has changed
I have grown I have healed I have changed I understand better
There’s words for what i am and what i am feeling words i didn't know were there before
and yet at the same time i look and i am still me
Still a goober Still a kawaii goth Still Queer as hell Still that person who writes the weirdest got damn stories you will ever read Still hyper fixated on different fictional blorbos Still doing more drugs than most humans and having fun with it Still a punk
But also flux is my natural state As it is for everyone of us
we are not rocks looking the same tell time has worn us down we are but water. Flowing Changing Never the same twice And those we meet change that flow and we change there's
I am very much still me and me is never the same twice
For who can hold the true complexity of what it means to be human In a single glass of water
Happy birthday to me, i think this year i will try to look forward to the birthdays to come.
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rattytaffy · 6 months
Hope is a Fickle Bitch, and She is Coming Over for Tea
A bit of original writing. Kinda my take on how to start an isekai? Also working on writing more suspenseful creeping horror.
CW: Hopelessness, Blood, Death word count: little less then 1900
Hope has always been like this for you. A small orb made of spun glass that if your hold grows too tight it will break, to loose and it will fall from your hands and shatter. Before you have always managed to pick it back up either from the ground or from your palms. Even as it got smaller and smaller, as you were able to retrieve fewer and fewer little bits of it. You have so little now you might even call it none.  
Metaphors aside, no matter how apt, you are still alive, you are still breathing, hardly a shred of hope and yet you are surviving. That is why you are here now. In a graveyard. In the first truly cold rain of the year. Staring at what you can only assume to either be shelter for the night or the start of a slasher film.  
The mausoleum stood at the back of the church's graveyard past the stones keeping records of who was just below the dirt, the old stone plaques unchanged by time save for the coating of moss along them.  It had been years since any congregation of any kind was held in the church, perhaps longer since these graves were tended to. No one would disturb you here. No one could hear you scream for help from here. The rummers of hauntings kept even the most goth of stoners away. Stealing yourself in pure desperation to get out of the rain that had soaked you threw and was rapidly draining every drop of warmth from your body you pressed against the mausoleum door hoping for once something would work.
Slowly it opened. The gray stone of the mausoleum was warmer than you expected. Without rain or windows and being made of thick stone it was far warmer than outside. Closing the door behind you, you droop your big but light backpack on the floor, the few of your belongings you have left rattling around as it settles. You strip off your jacket and lay it out to dry. You even discard your soaked shoes laying them all neatly in a corner. 
Taking a moment you observe the inside of the small stone building you are in. in the center is empty and the walls are hung with faded photos of what you assume to be the one resting here’s family. To the back a rectangle jutted out of the wall towards the center. A large painting to covered by dust and cobwebs to really see what it was of, hung at the front of the rectangle and stood just a bit shorter than you. What stood out the most however was the breeze, warm and welcoming, that escaped from the sides of the frame.
More with desperation for warmth than curiosity your fingers curl along the edge of the frame where you can feel the warm air seep through. With a creek the painting moved on hidden hinges with surprising ease. Behind it lay a doorway just big enough that you would have to duck a little to get through it. Past that a set of stairs winding down with a warm soft yellow light at the bottom. The smell of coffee and fresh baked bread wafted up and hit your nose, reminding you that it had been a full day, maybe more, since you had any food and over a week since you had any coffee. Cashin thrown behind you for sheer clawing desperation, you begin your descent.
You did not expect to find a cozy sitting room at the bottom of the stairs. You did not expect to find a beautiful woman there either. And yet here they were. The room was lit by a lantern illuminating the soft pale pink florals of the wall paper. Two soft overstuffed arm chairs wired on either side of a round wood table with a crochet cover on it. An ornate silver coffee pot sat in the center of the table two cups already poured. To the side several small rolls so fresh they were still steaming sat. 
However it all pales in comparison to the woman waiting. Her face looked content and mirthful like you were just a few minutes late to a casual get together. Her skin,despite moving like normal, was clearly mettle, the shining surface made of what you can only assume is copper due to the oxidized green freckles over her arms and face. The way she was dressed was something right out of a 1920’s film, a flapper dress covered in beads that shifted making it hard to pin down what pale opalescent color the dress was. Her hair was a curled bob of deep iridescent black strands with a headband that held a large jeweled flower just above her long pointed elf like ears. What took you the most was her eyes. They were structured normally enough but for irises she had deep piercing faceted emeralds.
Her giggle pulled you out of your trance. “Please” she said, gesturing to the empty chair “sit down” you do so and immediately reach for the bread. She makes no attempt to stop you and instead begins to pour cream and a single sugar cube into your coffee before passing it to you.
She says your name in her musical voice. Your name, not the name you were forced to carry, not the name you hate, but the one you had chosen for yourself. Once she had your attention and you have a roll stuffed into your mouth, the soft warm buttery flavor making you drop your guard, she began to speak.
“My dear” she says repeating your name again. The sound is almost intoxicating as you watch her deep green painted lips make the movements for sound.  “You have lost all have you? Your home taking from you without out warning and thrown out to the streets, your employment supplying you the little green slips you need to live, trimming you with the rest, your friends who refuse to speak to you because your desperation is to grate, your family who have simply decided you are not the child they wanted, and now” the way she looked at you, her eyes filled with pity, made your heartbreak. All she said was true, you were evicted from your apartment, lost your job, your friends ditched you and won't return your texts, and your family dropped you the second you pushed back even a little about who you were being different then who they decided you were. You start to cry.
She repeats your name “my dear, this is no condemnation. You have worked hard to survive under brutal conditions. Despite it all a sliver of hope has remained, and that alone has called me to you here and now”  she passes you a soft cotton handkerchief and you dab at your eyes trying desperately to calm down.
“I have an offer for you, not necessarily a gift, but a change.” she said once your sobs had calmed enough to listen to her. You tilt your head a bit in confusion and she continues.  “You are at your end. Tonight that hope will go out and you will die alone cold and hungry on the mausoleum floor. Just as it has before the world will continue to turn unburdened by your loss just as it does for every soul upon it. Here is where I give you another path” she holds out her hand and a shimmer of a picture appears within it.
It starts zoomed out over a small country town sitting on hills that roll down to the sea. It zoomed over the streets of people going about their daily lives, and then it closed in on a bakery, the view shifting from outside the building to inside. The bakery is part cafe with a few patrons sitting down and enjoying some hot drink. None of them seem to be exactly human but that is not what has your attention. What dose is you behind the counter of the bakery, laughing happily with a customer before a timer rings and you disappear back into the kitchen and reappear with a tray full of fresh baked loaves of bread. The image grows fuzzy and disappears.
“A different world, one with hardships of its own. Problems of its own, people there live their lives much as you do here. In the cosmic scale of things the differences are few, the impact you would make even smaller. And yet the change it would bring to you would shake your very soul.” she smiled kindly and held out her hand “I am the goddess of second chances and new starts.  I am offering you a chance to begin again, but you must leave this world in its entirety behind you, you would never return, you would never see even a shred of evidence this life of yours was even real, perhaps even with time the memories would fade. But. a new path would unfold before you. I can not promise you that you will be happy, all I can promise is something new and different.” Finally you speak “what do I have to do?” your voice trembles the small sliver of hope still in you begging you that no matter the risk you take this.
She smiles at you showing her teeth for the first time. They are needle-like, pointed and sharp. “Simply take my hand”
You have no second thoughts as you do. The goddess of second chances smiles and without warning dives across the table her needle teeth ripping into your throat. You try to scream but can only gargle on your own blood. Your eyes are wide and fearful as the last of your life drains out of them and your crumpled body hits the floor.
You wake in a cold sweat. Your hair and night clothes cling to you as your soft blankets feel like they are binding you down and smothering you. You throw them off and rush to the window. You are in that town you saw from the goddess. The sun is rising on a foggy fall morning. People who are not entirely human are already going about the streets for those who have an early day.  You walk over to the mirror you know is yours but is still deeply unfamiliar.  You look like you did going into that mossoliam though now you're dry, in clean clothes, and a set of dark scars perfectly matching those terrible needle teeth form a mark right where your previous life was ripped from your body. You raise your fingers to them feeling the change in the texture of your skin. The wounds feel old, as if you had always had them.
Yes she did attack you, kill you even, but she didn't lie. Here you stood the place she showed you. A few start. A new path. A second chance. You take a deep breath gathering your growing hope and uncertain courage. CRASH. You rush to your window at the sound. Beneath you smashed against the wall of your bakery is a delivery person on a bicycle. Their limbs a bit akimbo the milk they were delivering smashed against your wall. You could hear them cussing and crying. Maybe you should go help the idiot…
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rattytaffy · 8 months
About the RattyTaffy
Hi I am RattyTaffy, you can call me Ratty or Taffy for short.
This is a fresh blog but i have been around Tumblr since like 2012!
I'm 30, They/Them. Genderfluid & Abrosexual. Autistic and Schizophrenic. Also Dyslexic. Disabled Stoner
I write a lot but haven't posted anything to the net before this point. This blog is mostly for my fandom stuff but i might post the crafts i do from time to time.
I love getting asks and ranting about fandom stuff, science stuff, and the literary analysis of video games. I also love table top games but do not like D&D as a system. I am a forever GM who can and will make there own homebrew system for shits and giggles. Word of warning I cuss a lot and my spelling is horrid.
Also i cant tag worth shit so feel free to tell me if you want a TW or CW tag to a post.
Fics I'm Writing Old Habits Die Hard - Fnaf and Fallout crossover AU Sun & Moon x reader. Info post Tag #OHDH
Fandoms My little pony (all gens) Fnaf (mostly security breech lately) Fallout (there are more but i'm lazy) Crafts Scrapbooking / junk journals Knitting & crotchet (fuckin love color work) Sewing (plushy making mostly) Embroidery
Tags RattyArt = My art RattyWriting = my writing CraftyRat = Physical crafts i have made
Thank you for reading! Ratty hugs to you all!
=^.^= SQUEAK
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