#Puzzle Hub
thepuzzlehub · 9 months
Today's Pop-Culture Pop-Quiz contains a Who Am I?, 10 Trivia Questions, and this week's Anagram: RESTING BEV SLEEP - you'll find a clue at the end of this week's episode! Let us know on Twitter at @ThePuzzleHub -- or @ThrashNTreasure to let us know your answer!
Music Composed by Bobby Cronin: www.bobbycronin.com -- twitter.com/bobbycronin
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dravidious · 6 months
You're more amazing than drama
Booted up Cavern of Dreams for the first time in too long and immediately found and 100%'ed the 2nd world (Airborne Armada)
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#asks#Lostleaf Lake is the 1st world and Cavern of Dreams is the hub#one of the eggs was a weird puzzle that i THOUGHT i needed the water monster's help for but i couldn't figure out how to get it to help me#so i got stuck on that and looked it up online mostly just to confirm that it's actually possible at this stage of the game#and i DIDN'T see the solution but i did see someone say it was possible to do early but was one of the hardest puzzles in the game#and then suddenly something clicked and i realized another solution and it worked!#no spoilers tho ;)#still have no idea why that made it click lol#i guess i was just too laser focused on the water monster and somehow reading that shook up my mind enough to have a different idea#it wasn't even that hard of a puzzle#hard compared to the rest of the game i guess#it was a good puzzle too and i'm super satisfied that i managed to solve it on my own#i was very close to reading the solution and spoiling it for myself#honestly still kinda salty that the water monster wasn't a possible solution#the sign said it can walk through any terrain! i made a path for it and everything!#oh well the actual solution was cool too#and i somehow managed to get all of the card thingies!#i don't even know where the last 2 in Lostleaf Lake are#i scanned that world from top to bottom and couldn't find anything#i'll have to come back with more abilities and maybe find secret areas accessible via other worlds i guess#neat thing about the game: it tells you that you can always get all the eggs in a world immediately when you enter it#mushrooms and cards might need late-game powers but all eggs can be obtained without backtracking#it promises you that so you know you aren't wasting your time searching for the last egg in a world. you CAN get it#i love that both for the design decision and for telling the player about that design decision
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The Alchemy of Level Design: Creating Challenging and Engaging Puzzle Levels
I've put together some tips and techniques to create challenging and engaging puzzle levels. Hope it's helpful! #gamedesign #leveldesign #puzzlegames #gamedev #AdobeFirefly
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dcafanzine · 3 months
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We are proud to bring you a new DCA fanzine! We’ll be bringing together artists, writers, and product designers to bring you something fabulous!
All art and written pieces (and maybe puzzles too 👀) will be centered around Sun, Moon, and Eclipse from FNAF Security Breach & the Ruin DLC!
This page, as well as our X, will be our central hubs for information. We also have a CuriousCat, so feel free to ask questions!
Stay tuned for more information, Superstars!
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teyamskxawng · 1 year
The Fight [I]
Neteyam Sully x Fem!Omatikaya!Reader
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Next Part Here
The rundown: The beach fight scene but make it Reader vs Aonung and he gets his ass beat LMAO. Ft. jealous, possessive (and lowkey oblivious) Neteyam having a crisis over the reader.
Warnings: language, bullying, slight violence, brief mention of the reader's deceased parents, Aonung bashing (but only for the purposes of this fic!! i fr trust Aonung's character arc), characters are aged up
WC: 8.8k
A/N: Don't even ask lol, I just wanted reader to be a badass. Second half of the fic delves into Neteyam's feelings and such. I'll prob finish this in like 1 or 2 more parts, so stay tuned for that! :)
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Kiri was sprawled out on her stomach in a shallow area of the beach, her face entirely submerged in the crisp, clear water. Intently, she observed a tiny hole dug into the sand, a hub of activity for little critters periodically scurrying in and out.
Meanwhile, you sat beside her, equally entranced by the little wonder of nature the two of you had chanced upon during your mid-afternoon beach excursion.
Just as you lifted your head out of the water to catch your breath and stretch your neck, you felt vibrations from approaching footsteps and hushed voices carried by the sea breeze. Recognizing the voices, you quickly realized that it was Aonung and his band of goons lurking by the shore.
One of the guys pointed a webbed finger at you and Kiri, making it blatantly obvious that you two were the center of their group's conversation.
With a sly smirk and an obnoxiously loud voice, the boy asked his friends, "What are they doing?"
A chorus of laughter erupted among the group, immediately setting off alarms in your mind. You staunchly stood by Kiri, prepared to defend your friend against any potential ridicule or harm.
Meanwhile, Kiri remained blissfully unaware of all that was transpiring above water. Her head still submerged beneath gentle waves, she continued to marvel at the underwater world without a clue about the brewing laughter above.
Aonung scratched his head in mock confusion before turning to his friends and sarcastically asking, "Is she some kind of…freak?"
This wisecrack immediately set you on edge.
You gently shook Kiri's shoulder, calling out her name in a bid to get her attention but not startle her. Dazed and still somewhat out of the loop, Kiri lifted her head out of the water. Blinking the sea from her eyes, she groggily replied, "Huh? What did you say?"
The guys around you couldn't contain their childish amusement, snickering as they watched the scenario unfold.
Kiri's puzzled gaze finally fell upon the boisterous crowd surrounding them. "Oh." She replied, her entire demeanor deflating.
One of the guys chimed in condescendingly as if addressing a toddler trying to understand a grown-up conversation. "He asked if you were a freak," he smirked.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes in disdain, doing your best to suppress the growing urge to smack that smug grin off the little cretin's face. He looked like he belonged in a cage.
"Kiri, let's get out of here. These fish fuckers actually think that they're funny." You threw a venomous glare at the boys, allowing your piercing stare to linger just a fraction longer on Aonung–the one you least expected this behavior from.
As the son of the Metkayina chief, you assumed he would be different, a sharper contrast to his counterparts. You couldn't help comparing Aonung unfavorably to Neteyam, whose father was the late Omatikayan chief.
Neteyam carried himself with poise and grace far removed from Aonung's immature antics. Further adding salt to Aonung's proverbial wound was how unlike his little sister Tsireya he seemed to be. Although she was young, Tsireya radiated kindness and welcomed you and the Sully kids with open arms from the first day you arrived.
Aonung shot you a smug, sly smirk, allowing his eyes to flit up and down your figure, causing an uneasy sensation to skitter across your skin like an unwanted insect.
With sudden haste, fueled by the desire to escape, your hand shot out and latched onto Kiri's arm–maybe gripping with a bit too much force–as you seized the opportunity to depart from the presence of the immature boys.
Dragging Kiri out of the water with determination, you guided her toward the safety and solitude of the shoreline. To your dismay, though, the boys were not so easily deterred.
They pursued you and Kiri with dogged persistence; their snickers echoed through the air like a pack of viperwolves as they threw snide remarks targeted at your departing backs, whispering just loud enough for you and Kiri to overhear.
"Look at their tails,"
"Aww, baby tail!"
You gritted your teeth, willing yourself to maintain control despite your growing anger. You had hoped that your unspoken plea for serenity would be granted—that you could slip away unnoticed and go about your day. But clearly, Eywa had other plans.
Your breaking point presented itself when Aonung couldn't resist taking his antics a step further, reaching out and brazenly yanking Kiri's tail—probably thinking he was the height of hilarity.
That was the final straw for you; any iota of self-control you'd managed to cling to all this while suddenly snapped like a fragile twig underfoot.
You swiftly tucked Kiri protectively behind your body, baring your fangs with ferocious intensity at Aonung. With a menacing hiss, you attempted to warn him off.
However, Aonung was unfazed by your display; instead, he only widened his smirk and put his hands up theatrically in a gesture of mock surrender. Chuckling derisively, his eyes darted toward his friends for approval.
His cronies wasted no time in offering their reaction, joining in on the laugh track and seemingly growing bolder by the second as they encircled you and Kiri with an unnerving persistence.
"Why so strung up, y/n? I know you're a forest girl and all, but there's no need to go full tribal warrior on us. You're not a freak like Kiri," Aonung teased as he approached you while confidently throwing aside any semblance of personal space or respect.
He reached out and boldly clasped one of your hands as if you were old friends catching up over lunch. Looming over your figure like an unwelcome raincloud, Aonung brandished your hand in front of everyone, showing off the distinct three fingers that set you apart from your friends Kiri and Lo'ak, both of whom inherited their father's four fingers.
"I gotta say," he said while flashing an exaggerated grin at you, "I really don't mind these little hands at all."
With each word, Aonung's grin grew further on his face, as if daring anyone to challenge him.
As he continued to violate your personal space and dignity, you could feel the bubbling cauldron of rage within you reaching its tipping point.
Aonung just stood there on the shore with an infuriating, cocky smirk plastered on his face. His eyes seemed to dig into you as if attempting to burrow inside your head. There was something spectral about his gaze, something that roused an uncontrollable rage within you.
In a quickly unfolding series of events, you yanked your hand away from Aonung's iron grip.
Your blood was boiling at that point, and you immediately raised your fists in a fighter's stance that you learned from Jake, barely containing the volcanic fury surging through your veins.
With admittedly impressive speed and precision, you unleashed a brutal punch that connected with Aonung's cheekbone.
Caught off guard, he stumbled back, visibly dazed from the sudden, forceful attack.
However, you weren't anywhere close to being done with him. The torrential outburst had clouded your perception of time; the seconds stretched and warped until you found yourself throwing not one but two more punches straight into Aonung's disoriented face.
Finally succumbing to the unanticipated onslaught, Aonung faltered under the weight of it all, stumbling and falling on his dumb blue ass with an unceremonious thud.
He looked utterly ridiculous, sprawled across the beach like a fish out of water, his eyes wider than saucers and his mouth agape in sheer bewilderment.
You were so caught up in your victory and the satisfying adrenaline rush that you didn't even register Kiri's voice from behind you, urgently shouting, "Come on, that's enough!"
You had somehow slipped into your own world, built upon cathartic violence, utterly oblivious to the outside stimuli.
Further down the shoreline, the figures of Lo'ak and Neteyam were barely visible as they sprinted toward the scene of the skirmish. But once again, you remained unaffected by their presence and continued to stand your ground, reveling in your well-deserved triumph over Aonung and his ugly arrogance.
With fury still surging through your body, you leaped onto Aonung, who remained rooted to the spot and utterly petrified by the suddenness of your attack.
In one swift motion, you seized hold of his queue with a forceful grip, the fingers of your other hand coiling into a fist as you readied yourself to pummel him once more. A sense of sadistic humor coursed through your veins as you imagined the damage you could inflict.
However, just as your fist was about to make contact, you felt a strong set of hands grabbing onto your arms.
With surprising ease, you were lifted up and away from Aonung's body, leaving you momentarily disoriented.
As your vision cleared, you came to the realization that it was none other than Neteyam who had thwarted your assault and, with his characteristic swiftness, managed to usher you back onto your feet.
However, as far as you were concerned, the fight was not over; if anything, being interrupted had only stoked the flames of your anger toward that insufferable little skxawng even further.
You struggled in Neteyam's unyielding grasp, unleashing a fierce snarl as you reached out helplessly toward Aonung again.
"Just ten more seconds," you thought to yourself.
That's how little time it would take for you to mete out the sweet vengeance you so desperately craved.
Amidst this struggle, a trickle of laughter began bubbling up within you. You couldn't quite pinpoint if it was due to the absurdity of the entire situation, suddenly bordering on comedic, or simply because you knew what would happen if you managed to break free from Neteyam's hold.
But alas, Neteyam showed little inclination to release his irritated captive as he attempted to prevent an all-out brawl.
"Mawey, y/n. Mawey," Neteyam pleaded softly in your ear, altering his grip from your flailing arms to around your waist, essentially hoisting you off your feet and dragging you away from the bruised and battered boy that you remained intent on hurting.
"I will kill him," you hissed menacingly.
Neteyam's grip instantly tightened–he seemed determined to restrain you and prevent any further chaos.
In a low, soothing voice into your ear, he retorted, "No, you won't."
Under normal circumstances, if you had not been quite so consumed by seething rage, you might've noticed the flutters of excitement in the pit of your stomach as Neteyam's velvety voice caressed your ear, sending the heat of his breath tingling down your neck. Alas, you were consumed by unbridled fury.
Meanwhile, back at the center of the conflict, Lo'ak was engaged in a heated exchange with one of Aonung's friends. With an aggressive shove to the chest, Lo'ak sent the kid stumbling backward.
Naturally, this act of provocation led to a retaliatory shove from the offending boy. The tension in the air thickened as another fight seemed imminent.
However, as though summoned by divine intervention (or just sheer nosiness), Jake and Tonowari burst onto the scene from where they had been residing further down the shore. They hastily made their way over to the contentious group–eager to discover what upheaval you all had gotten up to.
You muttered a curse under your breath, knowing that you really stepped in it this time.
Jake had explicitly instructed you and his children to steer clear of trouble, particularly any sort of mischief that might land them all in hot water.
Yet there you were, having done the complete opposite—you'd gone and beat the living daylight out of the chief's son.
Neteyam, well aware of your obvious distress, gently squeezed your waist in a reassuring manner. He looked at you with an air of confidence that somehow assured you everything would be okay. "I'll take care of it," he boldly declared.
As he finally released his reassuring grip on your middle, you couldn't deny how much you immediately missed the warmth and comfort it provided. The sudden void left by the absence of contact struck you like a bucket of cold water on a chilly morning. Shaking your head, you attempted to dismiss those inconvenient thoughts from your mind.
"No," you began with a sigh, exasperation creeping into your tone. "You didn't even do anything."
It was practically Neteyam's full-time job–swooping in like a hero to rescue anyone and everyone, whether it was his brother or his sisters or yourself.
It was as if he just couldn't help himself; he had to take the bullet every single time (yikes). It was both endearing and frustrating in equal measure.
His behavior had to stem from some kind of savior complex—you swore you could see through it all.
You knew the reason behind his rescue missions was simply the immense pressure his father put on him. Being the eldest child in the family, Neteyam bore the weight of his father's expectations on his shoulders every single day.
"It doesn't matter," Neteyam murmured dismissively, cutting off any further attempts at discussion. He slipped in front of you and made his way toward the unfolding scene with determination written all over his face.
Left behind, standing helplessly amidst dust motes that swirled where he once stood mere seconds ago, and your words still trapped halfway up your throat, you couldn't do anything but blink at his retreating back.
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Upon returning to the Sully family's marui pod, you, Neteyam, and Lo'ak stood apprehensively as Jake began to furiously pace in front of you.
Lo'ak was clearly pissed off. He clutched his arm with a vice-like grip, attempting to appear wounded.
You nearly rolled your eyes at the sight. With a grin threatening to break across your face, you had to avert your gaze from the boy to avoid making an untimely scene.
You knew that he wasn't injured in the slightest. One of Aonung's friends had barely shoved him moments earlier.
You suspected he was just putting on a show to earn some sympathy from his father and possibly receive a lighter scolding.
In all honesty, Jake shouldn't have had to yell at anyone but you. If Jake were to hold anyone accountable for the recent chaos, it should have been you. After all, you were the one who threw the first punch, dishing out a humble thrashing to Aonung that would undoubtedly give him pause before stirring up trouble again.
Jake continued his relentless pacing back and forth like a caged animal. It was making you dizzy.
The atmosphere in the marui pod was thick with tension as each step echoed ominously throughout the room. Finally, Jake could contain his frustration no longer.
"What was the one thing I asked? The one thing?!" He stopped abruptly and turned to face the trio of teenagers, awaiting a response like a teacher expecting students to provide an answer to their query.
"Stay out of trouble," Lo'ak muttered with an air of resignation. He barely managed to finish uttering those words before Jake was upon you all again with all the vigor and authority of a seasoned marine.
"Stay out of trouble," he repeated mockingly. "Right."
Amidst the palpable tension in the room, Neteyam bravely took a step forward with his hands raised, eager to defuse the situation like the textbook definition of the golden child that he was.
Clearing his throat, he began, "It was my fault—" But Jake was unyielding. He was not having any of that bullshit.
Infuriated by the mere thought of Neteyam trying to shoulder the blame when it clearly wasn't his mess to carry, Jake cut him off with a fiery glare.
"Oh, I don't think so," Jake chided, pointing a finger at Neteyam.
The sudden shift in energy made Neteyam visibly gulp. He sucked in his cheeks and averted his gaze, quickly realizing that retreat was his best course of action.
"You gotta stop taking the heat for these knuckleheads!" Jake continued. With that said, he pointed his accusatory finger at you and Lo'ak.
Lo'ak's eyebrows shot up and furrowed, causing deep creases between them, as his mouth hung open in disbelief at being pigeonholed as the troublemaker.
He was fully aware that he hadn't been the one behind the afternoon's events–not this time around anyway, as surprising as it may have seemed.
You, too, were fully aware that Lo'ak didn't instigate the fight. You weren't about to let him take the heat for your own misbehavior.
You quickly extended a protective hand in front of Lo'ak, meeting his eye before turning back to face Jake.
"No, Lo'ak had nothing to do with this. It was my fault, seriously. I started it." You admitted.
Jake's eyes shut tight upon hearing your confession, and he expelled an exasperated sigh, heavy with frustration. Deep down, you knew that you were about to get it.
"y/n," he began, finally opening his eyes and turning his full attention towards you with an air of bewilderment. "You got some good hits in, I'll give you that," He paused momentarily before continuing with a mixture of astonishment and disappointment in his voice, "But the chief's son? Do you have any idea what Tonowari could've done to us? What the hell were you thinking, kid?"
You visibly winced as Jake's words hit you like a ton of bricks. He definitely had a valid point there.
The truth was that you hadn't been thinking—not one bit.
All you could recall was Aonung taunting Kiri without an ounce of remorse and then getting all up in your personal space like he had the right to. That was enough for you to see nothing but red.
In that heated moment, the thought of potential consequences flew right over your head. It was as though any semblance of logic had temporarily eluded you.
As you mentally retraced the earlier events that had unfolded before your eyes, you finally dwelled on the severity of the situation.
You didn't consider how your reckless actions could have jeopardized not only your own safety but also that of the Sullys, potentially resulting in their sudden eviction from their newfound home—a home they had fought so hard to earn a place in.
The full gravity of your reckless act hung heavily on your shoulders, like an enormous boulder strapped to your back.
"I'm really sorry, sir," you uttered with undeniable sincerity in your tone.
You tried to maintain eye contact with Jake, but the guilt in your stomach compelled you to anxiously dart your gaze away. The overwhelming shame gnawed at your conscience relentlessly.
Jake, sensing your unease, heaved a heavy sigh once again.
It wasn't lost on you that Jake was treating you far more gently than he would have treated either of his own sons had they been in this situation. This realization only doubled the weight on your shoulders.
At that moment, you felt like an unwanted appendix to their family unit—a burden they never should have taken in.
They didn't have to offer you a place in their home after your parents' deaths, nor did they have to take you with them while they sought uturu with the Metkayina. And yet, they did. And how did you repay their boundless generosity? With this…shitshow.
You found yourself longing for Jake's anger and reprimand instead of the current watered-down scolding he was dishing you. But Jake, obstinately persistent as ever, didn't indulge your desire for absolution through shouting.
As if trying to reach out into your thoughts, he leaned down in an attempt to align his gaze with your line of vision. His hope was to establish eye contact and facilitate a genuine conversation.
His attempts proved futile, though, as he failed to catch your darting eyes. Jake's face scrunched with genuine concern.
Delving further into the matter at hand, he gently inquired, "Why'd you hit him, y/n? Did he do something to you?" His brows knitted into a look of utmost concern, clearly desperate for an explanation that could offer a semblance of understanding as to why you went crazy on the chief's son.
The mere thought of the incident was enough to make your blood surge with fury again.
It occurred to you that you hadn't actually filled Neteyam or Lo'ak in on the details of what had transpired before your little scuffle. The three of you had been too busy being unceremoniously dragged back to the marui pod with your tails between your legs.
With clenched fists, you looked down to see your knuckles–red and battered–for the first time since the confrontation.
The visualized memory of your punches landing on Aonung's face brought you a mix of satisfaction and disgust.
"Aonung wouldn't leave Kiri alone," you spat out, a hint of bitter resentment in your tone. "He kept picking on her and called her a freak."
A brief pause allowed another wave of anger to wash over you.
"And then he started being all gross towards me," you continued. "He grabbed my hand, and I just…reflexed... I guess."
Despite the gravity of the situation, Lo'ak snickered at your choice of words, clearly amused by how casually you downplayed the severity with which you'd beat the actual shit out of Aonung.
Lo'ak's joy was short-lived due to the sudden and simultaneous glare from both Jake and Neteyam that pierced straight through his amusement like a sharp spear.
Jake slowly directed his attention back towards you, lowering his tall frame to match your height.
It was a comical sight as he contorted himself into a near-squatting pose. You hesitantly lifted your eyes to meet Jake's, and to your surprise, you found a warm, gentle smile gracing his stern features.
His eyes held pools of gratitude as he gently placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder, providing a solid anchor to steady your quivering soul.
"Thank you," Jake said softly, his voice laced with sincere gratitude.
You stared at him in confusion.
Why the hell was Jake thanking you when you almost got them all booted off the island like unwanted baggage?
Searching for an explanation, you let out an involuntary, bewildered "huh?" that accurately represented your current state of mind.
The sheer candidness of your reaction brought forth a chuckle that Jake tried hard to suppress. He seemed bemused by your baffled demeanor and swiftly decided to put an end to the suspense.
"For standing up for my daughter," Jake explained, his eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief. "And for putting that little rascal in his rightful place," he added with a smug expression.
Listening to Jake's heartfelt acknowledgment warmed your soul.
Your lips parted as they inched from ear to ear in sync with Jake's own radiant grin, happy that you had stood up for what mattered when it counted the most.
As his words washed over you like a soothing balm, an immaterial weight had seemingly lifted from your chest–one that you hadn't even known had been weighing down on you so heavily until that very moment.
Jake stretched to his full height, puffing out his chest as he authoritatively placed his hands on his hips. He fixed his gaze on his two sons, who exchanged wary glances with each other.
He took a deep breath before delivering his unexpected command.
"Go make peace with Aonung," he said to his boys, nodding firmly as if trying to convince himself of the wisdom of his decision.
Lo'ak's jaw dropped. "What?" he blurted out, his head lurching forward in disbelief.
Jake scowled at Lo'ak's unrestrained backtalk.
You shifted uncomfortably beside Lo'ak, feeling an inexplicable sense of camaraderie. Why should they go make peace with the enemy?
Exasperation danced across Jake's face as he ran a weary hand over it, trying to collect himself for the explanation that was unnecessarily demanded.
"Listen," he began, sounding more than a bit frustrated. "I don't care how you do it. Just go make sure y/n doesn't have to beat up any more of those guys."
Jake did a terrible job of disguising the wide grin that threatened to split his face in half as he glanced back toward you.
You could already tell that you would never live this down.
Neteyam, with a determined expression on his face, nodded firmly at his father's request. "Yes, sir," he replied dutifully.
Lo'ak, however, couldn't have been more displeased, and his disapproval was all too apparent. Neteyam took hold of Lo'ak's arm and practically had to drag him out of the pod.
Jake watched his eldest son in approval, grateful that at least one of his boys was on the same wavelength as him.
With a look of satisfaction, he turned back to you and jerked his head in the direction his two sons had disappeared. "You should go find Kiri," he suggested. "She's by the shore with Neytiri."
You nodded obediently and spun around to exit the pod yourself. But before you managed to get very far, Jake called out to you with a severity that betrayed how truly important he saw your errand.
His facial expression shifted into solemn seriousness. "I mean it, y/n," he insisted. "I appreciate you standing up for my baby girl."
A sad smile played across Jake's features as he added, "She's… she hasn't been having the easiest time adjusting to our new life here."
That fact was not lost on you.
You'd spent countless hours listening attentively to Kiri's impassioned rants about how much she despised their new reef home–a place that just made her feel even more alienated than she did back in the forest.
"Of course," you replied hesitantly, not entirely sure of what else to say in the situation.
It was obvious to anyone who knew you well that you'd risk your life for Kiri's sake in a heartbeat. After all, the minor danger you faced today was absolutely insignificant compared to what you'd do for your friend.
Jake's smile never wavered. He playfully ruffled your hair as if you were a little kid needing reassurance, causing you to let out an exasperated groan. He was such a dad.
"Alright, get outta here," Jake ordered as laughter danced within his voice, his demeanor that of a caring father.
You didn't need to be told twice. You hastily exited the pod while simultaneously trying your best to tame your tousled hair, which now resembled a bird's nest caught in a storm.
Immediately after stepping outside the pod, you noticed Neteyam and Lo'ak still lingering nearby, definitely not 'making peace' with Aonung.
Lo'ak was leaning against the marui pod, wearing an expression that screamed boredom, while Neteyam appeared quite preoccupied.
He practically had the entire side of his head glued to the pod as he clearly tried to eavesdrop on your conversation with Jake.
With a shake of your head, you faced the brothers directly, amusement twinkling in your eyes.
You cleared your throat and shot a sort of 'what the hell?' look at Neteyam, who was quick to whip his head toward you. He backed away from the pod, feigning ignorance.
You narrowed your eyes at him, demanding an explanation with a simple "Um?"
As if on cue, Lo'ak decided that this would be the perfect time to point out the painfully obvious.
"He was trying to listen in on your conversation," he declared as if the revelation would be of immense assistance.
The unwelcome input earned him a fierce glare from Neteyam, who was not at all pleased with his brother's willingness to rat him out.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes in exasperation as you regarded the two siblings.
"No shit, Lo'ak." you retorted bitingly, your voice dripping with sarcasm. "But why?" This time, your probing inquiry was directed squarely at Neteyam as you sought to get to the bottom of his mysterious behavior.
Despite his earlier nonchalance, Neteyam hesitantly stepped forward with newfound concern etched into his expression.
"You said that Aonung grabbed your hand?" He inquired, his eyes a concoction of fury and worry.
You stared at Neteyam because, yes, you had said that already, and he clearly heard you.
"Yes," you replied, your voice flat and unamused.
Neteyam narrowed his eyes and cautiously stepped closer, tilting his head down to lock gazes with you before forging ahead. "And you said he was being gross? Like… he was trying to come onto you?"
The mere memory of Aonung's behavior sent shivers down your spine.
It wasn't the first time that you had been on the receiving end of Aonung's unwelcome advances since arriving on the island, but you could cope with that. The real issue arose when Aonung decided to mess with someone dear to you—someone like Kiri.
A new wave of hatred washed over you at the memory of your encounter.
Despite the brewing storm within your soul, you attempted to shake off Neteyam's concern. You really didn't want to keep thinking about Aonung's sorry fish ass.
"Yes, Neteyam, that's what I said. But it's not a big deal. I was more concerned about Kiri. And I'm actually supposed to be checking on her right now, so…" You widened your eyes, shooting Neteyam a somewhat comical, unimpressed look before attempting to step around him and head off towards the shoreline.
Just as you were about to make your way past him, you felt a hand on your arm, halting your escape. You followed the blue-striped appendage upwards, your eyes finally meeting Neteyam's sheepish expression.
He appeared mortified by his own actions and quickly released his grip on your arm as though he had just touched a burning hot flame.
"S-Sorry," he stammered awkwardly. "I shouldn't have grabbed you like that after… he… agh!… Sorry."
He was quick to apologize, wincing at his misstep, and the regret in his voice was palpable. He stumbled over his words like someone trudging through the densest of forests.
You rolled your eyes at Neteyam's sudden hesitance to lay a finger on you—he was never weary about touching you.
It was evident that he was attempting to be considerate after you had just given Aonung a thorough beating for having the audacity to grab your hand. Nonetheless, in your perspective, there was a world of difference between Aonung's intrusive touch and Neteyam's gentle one.
Feeling the need to clarify the situation, you addressed Neteyam and reassured him with a lighthearted tone, "You're allowed to touch me, 'Teyam."
Observing his reaction, you grinned at the burst of relief that spread across his face. He let out a hasty exhale that almost sounded like a muted sigh, lively nodding along to your comforting words.
Beside him, Lo'ak, who had still been casually leaning against the side of the hut, let out a snort that echoed through the air.
"Gross," he scoffed with an exaggerated grimace on his face.
Pushing off the hut, he strode towards Neteyam, the mischievous glint in his eyes combined with his devilish grin betraying his intentions.
"You're allowed to touch me whenever you want, 'Teyam," Lo'ak teased in a ridiculous falsetto as he approached Neteyam from behind.
With an exaggerated flair, he reached out and squeezed his brother's arms in a sarcastic display of affection. His lips formed an overly dramatic pout as he pushed them in Neteyam's direction.
The moment barely lasted before Lo'ak folded over in a fit of laughter, clearly amused by his own antics. His cheeky grin spread from ear to ear as he struggled to catch his breath between guffaws.
Neteyam was not as amused.
With narrowed eyes and a sour expression, he tried not to relent to Lo'ak's antics. His patience wore thin until he finally let out an irritated hiss directly at Lo'ak, who was still bent over laughing.
In an attempt to regain some dignity and escape Lo'ak's relentless teasing, Neteyam shoved him away, sending him stumbling several feet back in the process.
As Neteyam struggled to compose himself after being put on display for your amusement due to the constant tormenting of his mischief mongerer of a brother, a deep shade of purple bloomed across his cheeks–evidence of his mixed feelings of embarrassment and annoyance.
It was obvious that he was trying hard not to lose his composure over the incident.
To avoid any further humiliation from the spectacle, Neteyam shook his head and directed his gaze away from you–seeking solace in staring intently at anything else but you.
A blush crept up your face, the hue coordinating with Neteyam's purpling cheeks.
You did not sound like that.
Desperate to distract yourself from the situation, you decided to change your focus to the little jokester, who was still laughing at his brother. You feigned an abrupt lunge toward him.
Lo'ak, completely caught off guard, flinched embarrassingly hard and muttered a terrified 'shit' under his breath.
You shook your head at his overreaction, pushing past the suddenly skittish Lo'ak, who swiftly hid behind his brother in fear.
Ignoring the commotion behind you, you focused on moving toward the shore to find Kiri.
As you made your way towards the water's edge, you called over your shoulder with a cunning grin, "Let me know if Aonung has one, or two black eyes." You teased with a smirk playing at your lips, the playful taunt drifting off into the air as you walked away.
Lo'ak shook his head incredulously at your retreating figure before turning back to Neteyam, who was still sporting a deep blush from ear to ear.
Lo'ak just couldn't help himself.
"Bro. Your girlfriend is scary as fuck." Lo'ak said with a shudder, nudging Neteyam in the ribs as if to underscore his point. Despite the teasing tone, there was a hint of genuine fright in his voice.
Neteyam started to form a reply, "She's not—," but he caught himself, letting out an exasperated groan instead.
Thoroughly annoyed by his brother's relentless poking into his… whatever it was he had with you, he decided it was time for a little distance. With a quick shove to get Lo'ak off him, Neteyam moved away with purpose, intent on finding Aonung and getting the whole thing over with.
Naturally, Lo'ak was not one to accept defeat so easily. Hastily regaining his balance, he broke into a light jog and quickly caught up to Neteyam's side.
The playful smirk on Lo'ak's face betrayed the fact that he wasn't quite ready to let the situation go.
"She's not what?" Lo'ak inquired, feigning innocence but definitely not done being a little shit. "Not your girlfriend, or not scary? 'Cause I'm pretty sure she's at least one of those."
The corners of Neteyam's mouth threatened to betray a grin at the absurdity of the conversation.
Instead of acknowledgment, though, he fixed a determined glare at Lo'ak, hoping that if he couldn't escape through physical distance, maybe stony silence would do the trick.
Despite his seemingly relaxed demeanor, Neteyam found himself battling an internal storm as he recalled the day's events.
Before his awkward fumble with you, he had been trying to decipher what had transpired between you and Aonung on the beach. He wanted to know what could have provoked you enough to attack Aonung the way you did.
As you recounted the events to him earlier, you confessed that Aonung had invaded your personal space, said gross things to you, and even gone as far as grabbing your hand unprovoked.
The mere thought of that skxawng purposefully making you uncomfortable boiled Neteyam's blood. He felt the rage surge within him.
On the outside looking in, it was plain as day that you and Neteyam shared a close bond–you were best friends through and through.
And yet, that knowledge did little to quell the overpowering sense of possessiveness that engulfed Neteyam at the thought of another guy trying to woo you.
Undoubtedly, you were remarkably beautiful; anyone with eyes could see that.
Neteyam was allowed to think of his best friend as beautiful.
It was more than just your physical allure, though. You were so passionate about everything you held dear. Your closest friends, the group of orphaned children that you looked after back in the forest–you cared for them all with burning intensity.
Your dedication to your warrior training was unmatched, even by Neteyam himself. You strived fiercely to master every skill and overcome each challenge in your path. Even your penchant for engaging in spirited conversations about the most random, mundane day-to-day things–you were an enigma that never ceased to captivate.
Coupled with a genuinely warm heart and a razor-sharp wit, you instantaneously charmed anyone in your presence. Your fiery temperament often erupted when things heated up, making it clear that you were never one to back down from a challenge–an attribute Neteyam secretly cherished.
If anything, you seemed too cool for someone like him. And yet, he couldn't help but find himself utterly enamored with every aspect of your character.
There wasn't a thing that he disliked about you.
However, all those emotions were normal because you and he were friends. It was only natural for him to appreciate the characteristics that made you who you were.
And, of course, others admired those same traits in you too, which was exactly why you had such a large circle of friends. Even other guy-friends.
Like his brother, for example.
It was okay that Neteyam felt a little more than just a twinge of jealousy when he’d notice Lo'ak being extra touchy with you. When he'd grab your wrist and go all mushy trying to convince you to re-braid his hair or re-shave the side of his head, knowing that you'd be gentler while doing so than Neytiri typically was.
Or when Lo'ak would virtually throw himself on top of you, insisting on sharing a hammock just because you managed to snatch the last vacant one.
And you would give in to him every single time, despite your feigned annoyance, because you were just that kind of person.
Though Neteyam gritted his teeth at you two in silent disapproval, he repeatedly convinced himself that it was entirely within the bounds of how two friends were allowed to act. You choosing to share a hammock with Lo'ak was just a good-natured deed from someone who looked out for the best interests of their friends. Nothing more than innocent camaraderie.
His blood boiled on another level when he heard that Aonung had laid a hand on you.
But surely, he thought, that feeling of burning rage encapsulating his heart was nothing more than the completely wholesome, totally platonic loyalty and devotion one naturally felt for their best friend.
That was what normal platonic friendships were all about, right?
With a sudden, fluid motion, Lo'ak interrupted Neteyam's mental meanderings by waving a hand in front of his face.
Lo'ak couldn't help but chuckle at the bizarre sight before him. It looked like Neteyam was trying to mentally communicate with an invisible force.
Addressing his brother with a bemused look, Lo'ak asked, "Bro, are you good? You looked like you were having a stroke or something."
Neteyam blinked a few times before the reality of the situation dawned on him.
In truth, Neteyam thought that no, he probably wasn't anywhere close to being okay. He was probably definitely teetering on the edge of an existential crisis centered around his best friend.
Due to the current turmoil raging in his mind, speech was an almost impossible feat for Neteyam to achieve; instead, a cascade of words just kind of tumbled out without any consultation from his overwhelmed brain.
"What do you…I mean, y/n? How do you see her?" stammered Neteyam, catching Lo'ak completely off guard.
Well, maybe not completely.
Lo'ak wasn't surprised to find that Neteyam was thinking about you. There was seemingly no waking moment where you weren't occupying some corner of his thoughts.
Despite this knowledge, it still struck Lo'ak as strange that Neteyam would suddenly ask him about you as if they regularly talked about stuff like girls together.
Lo'ak's eyebrow arched upward in an unmistakable display of confusion. "What do you mean, how do I see y/n?" He asked, genuinely baffled by the seemingly random question.
Neteyam, typically stoic and composed, responded with an unceremonious shrug.
It was an odd departure from his usual tall stance and confident posture–a constant reminder to all that he was the epitome of the perfect warrior son.
But this time, Neteyam couldn't quite meet Lo'ak's gaze directly. Instead of meeting Lo'ak with his usual steadfastness, Neteyam's eyes wandered down toward the ground between them as though the answer to his question was lying somewhere in the dusty sand.
Grumbling under his breath, Neteyam muttered, "I mean. Do you see her as a sister, or just a friend, or…. something more, I guess?" His words trailed off, uncertainty permeating every syllable.
Momentarily taken aback by the probing question, Lo'ak fell silent for a few seconds as he mulled over the implications of Neteyam's question.
Sure, Lo'ak thought you were cool–no dispute there–and you and he were definitely friends. Maybe not as tightly knit as you were with Neteyam or Kiri, but you and Lo'ak still shared a fair share of bonding moments.
You would often join Lo'ak and Spider on their daring expeditions into the heart of the forest–a pastime you all knew would've been strictly forbidden if Neteyam had ever found out.
There was no denying that Lo'ak definitely cared about you; maybe it wasn't the same affection one might have for a sister (he'd be lying to himself if he said that he didn't think y/n was attractive). Still, it wasn't exactly in the realm of romance either.
Lo'ak knew all too well that Neteyam would skin him alive if he even thought about liking you in that way.
The mental image of Neteyam's incensed reaction brought forth an involuntary snicker from Lo'ak.
Neteyam noticed his brother's amusement and responded with a furrowed brow, clearly unimpressed by whatever had caused Lo'ak to laugh. His expression was stern and moody, prompting Lo'ak to quickly alleviate any suspicions Neteyam might have formed.
"y/n is my friend. You already know that." He reassured his older brother, "She grew up with us."
Neteyam slowly nodded his head, not entirely convinced but willing to let the matter slide for now. However, his gaze seemed distant and preoccupied, as if there were thoughts weighing heavily on his mind.
His eyes glazed over ever so slightly as he retreated further into his own mind, leaving an eerie silence hanging between them.
After the silence stretched between them for a few tense seconds too long, it became apparent that Neteyam wouldn't divulge whatever was troubling him without some prodding on Lo'ak's part.
With an exaggerated sigh for dramatic effect and a hint of mischievous humor twinkling in his eyes, Lo'ak decided to press further.
"Alright then," he began nonchalantly, "since we're already on the subject… how do you see y/n?" He couldn't resist adding a teasing tone as he posed the question.
Upon hearing the question, Neteyam instantly stiffened, his head tilting downward in a reflexive motion that allowed his braids to form a protective curtain over his face.
That particular mannerism was all too familiar to Lo'ak, who had observed his brother resort to the same tactic countless times as a defensive response.
With a quick shrug, Neteyam muttered out a barely audible and very unconvincing, "I don't know."
Lo'ak narrowed his eyes at his brother's feeble attempt at nonchalance, not buying into the performance at all. He'd known for a while about the depth of Neteyam's feelings towards you–clearly way more than just friendly affection.
The truth grew glaringly obvious with each passing day; however, Lo'ak had been aware of the emotional connection for years.
"Yeah, that's bullshit," Lo'ak responded, shaking his head at his brother's clear dodge. "You wouldn't have asked me if you didn't know."
Neteyam released a frustrated sigh tinged with annoyance at how effortlessly his brother could read him.
Their mother often warned Neteyam that he wore his heart on his sleeve and couldn't mask his emotions if he tried. She knew this because Neteyam was like a carbon copy of herself. Those words had always frightened him—being exposed like that—but deep down, he knew she was right.
Neteyam had a conflicted look on his face as he hesitantly shared his thoughts with his brother.
"I think I see y/n differently," Neteyam confessed, his words shrouded in ambiguity.
Lo'ak, despite the vagueness of the statement, nodded slowly, urging his brother to elaborate.
Neteyam somehow found the courage to continue. "I probably think about her too much to say I see her as just a friend. Definitely not like a sister either," he added with a grimace, visibly repulsed by the thought as he shook his head.
Lo'ak laughed at Neteyam's reaction, provoking a playful, yet forceful shove from his brother.
Regaining his balance after the mild assault, Lo'ak clasped a hand onto Neteyam's shoulder with a lighthearted grin.
"You should really tell her, bro," he suggested earnestly.
Neteyam's eyes widened in alarm at the proposal, and he instinctively whirled his head in his brother's direction.
In doing so, his braids followed suit with their own whipping motion.
Lo'ak narrowly dodged the unexpected barrage of hair, squinting his eyes and leaning away just in time.
"Or not…" he mumbled, lowering his voice as he witnessed the sheer panic etched across Neteyam's face.
Neteyam shook his head vehemently, unable to understand how Lo'ak could actually propose such an insane idea.
"No way. Y/n doesn't think of me like that," he adamantly stated.
And really, how could you? The bond between you and Neteyam stretched back as far as either of you could remember—inseparable partners in mischief and life.
You grew up side by side, practically joined at the hip; you were a constant presence in his life. You'd seen each other through thick and thin, weathered all of life's storms together. You'd stood by him through every uneven haircut and awkward phase he went through, a true testament to your unwavering friendship.
He vividly remembered how when he was thirteen, you were the shoulder he leaned on after receiving a particularly harsh scolding from his father. You'd enfolded him in your arms, even as hot tears trailed down his cheeks and onto your hair. The sheer agony and embarrassment of it all seemed insurmountable at the time, but somehow your reassuring embrace made it bearable.
In recent times, you had borne witness to Neteyam's continual fumbles in your presence.
More often than not, they ended with him stumbling over his words around you, or being caught staring at you, or going all flustered when you'd make eye contact with him.
It was genuinely sad.
But above all else, Neteyam didn't even have the title of future olo'eyktan anymore since their move to the reef. Now he was just Neteyam.
Nothing more. Nothing special. With so many other potential suitors living on Pandora, all eager to win your favor and heart, why would you settle for him?
Lo'ak stared at his brother with a deadpan expression, evenly poised between amusement and annoyance. "I really can't tell if you're just trying to be humble or if you're actually that stupid," he said, his voice genuine.
He paused for a moment, taking in the affronted expression on Neteyam's face, before continuing. "I mean, come on! You're obviously in love with y/n, and y/n is obviously in love with you, so… what's the big issue here?"
Neteyam's eyes narrowed in disbelief as he prepared to assure Lo'ak that you were definitely not in love with him, but before he could get a word out of his dumbstruck mouth, the sound of rustling leaves and light footsteps interrupted their conversation.
Both brothers froze, ears perking up in attention as they caught the unmistakable chime of a familiar giggle.
Out from the protective confines of a low-hanging bunch of leaves came their little sister, a mischievous grin plastered on her tiny face.
"I knew it!" sang Tuk in a teasing melody as she skipped towards Neteyam and grasped his arm with a vice-like grip.
Jumping up and down with seemingly boundless energy, she reveled in her newly discovered knowledge.
Neteyam's heart dropped like a stone when he realized the situation he had gotten himself into. His little sister was about as adept at keeping secrets as he was. Which wasn't good at all. Which meant that Neteyam was screwed.
He frantically attempted to shake his head 'no,' engaging in a futile bid to persuade his already-convinced sister of his supposed indifference towards you.
Overwhelmed by desperation, Neteyam tried to stifle Tuk's excitement by shushing her vigorously. "No, no, no. It's not like that, Tuk," he pleaded.
Neteyam gently placed his hand on Tuk's head, trying to still her bounciness.
She reluctantly stopped bouncing but couldn't wipe the enormous grin off her face, as if she had just discovered the world's biggest secret.
"Lo'ak is right!" Tuk exclaimed with glee. "You need to tell y/n that you're in love with her! Then you both can become mated, just like mom and dad! And after that, you can have a whole bunch of little kids like they did with us! You can name one of them after me!"
Lo'ak, who was standing nearby, stifled a snort at how eagerly and confidently Tuk had outlined Neteyam's entire life trajectory in a matter of seconds. He smirked as he watched Neteyam's reaction to their sister's wild imagination.
In stark contrast to Tuk's excitement, Neteyam's face glowed in embarrassment, caught completely off guard by the talk about him mating and having kids with you.
Determined to regain control of the conversation, Neteyam firmly placed his other hand on Tuk's shoulder and bent down a little so that he could look directly into her eyes.
Addressing her in the most serious tone he could muster, he stated: "Tuk, listen closely—I never said I was in love with y/n."
However, Tuk was unfazed by his denial and abruptly interrupted him.
With all the assertiveness a tiny eight-year-old could muster, she poked her small finger firmly into Neteyam's chest. Her eyes gleaming with mischief and a cheeky smile plastered on her face, she said slowly and with complete certainty, "But you are in love with her."
Letting out a long, exasperated sigh, Neteyam found he lacked the energy to even dispute Tuk's assertion. He'd never been much of a convincing liar anyway.
Instead, he decided to go for a different tactic by gently placing both of his hands on her shoulders and adopting a serious expression.
"You are not going to tell anyone about any of what you think you heard."
He put particular emphasis on the word 'think,' giving his sister a significant nod as though that would somehow engrain the words into her stubborn little mind.
"And especially not y/n," he quickly added, feeling his heart beat just a little faster at the thought of you discovering the alleged secret in such an embarrassingly unfortunate way.
Tuk dramatically rolled her eyes, evidently disgruntled by the unfair reality that she'd be unable to freely broadcast each and every one of her thoughts to anyone within earshot.
Still, she begrudgingly muttered her acquiescence with an insincere "Fine."
Yet, it was clear that she was still unhappy with the deal when she pointedly avoided meeting Neteyam's gaze while uttering her reluctant agreement.
Neteyam refused to take any chances with his sister.
He recognized the profound influence he had on Tuk as a sort of second father figure, but this only seemed to take effect when he adopted a grave demeanor.
Looking into her eyes with an air of utmost sincerity, he raised a finger and pointed it to her chest. His voice took on a more commanding tone, though only marginally harsher.
"I mean it, Tuk. Do you swear?" he inquired, extending his smallest finger in their customary gesture signifying an unbreakable promise.
The ritual dated back to their childhood days and had been passed down by their father.
For siblings Neteyam and Tuk, it symbolized the sacred bond between them. Tuk knew all too well that once she linked fingers with her brother, backing down was out of the question.
Upon seeing Neteyam's extended digit, she furrowed her brow in consternation.
She couldn't shake the memory of her other brother's vivid warning: Lo'ak had once gravely warned her that hundreds of little bugs would crawl into her ears in her sleep if a pinky promise were ever broken.
Sighing with visible reluctance, she hooked her small finger around Neteyam's larger one and mumbled an almost inaudible "I swear."
Neteyam's face immediately broke into a beaming smile upon hearing those decisive words. Breathing a sigh of relief as if he'd just prevented an impending catastrophe, he affectionately patted his sister on the head before straightening up to his full height, standing tall like a proud winner.
Crisis averted, he thought, though his mind continually strayed back to thoughts of you.
Deep down, he knew that the situation he found himself in was anything but over.
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Next Part Here
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inknopewetrust · 1 year
summary: you are recruited to the spider society after conducting a batch of vigilante actions against the men who killed your husband, miguel and well... their leader isn’t like the man you remembered.
pairing: miguel o’hara x spider-woman!reader [wc: 12.7k]
warnings: language. this has got everything: backstory, meeting, conflict, angst, sadness, tie-ins with the film, (i hope you're reading this in a stefon voice), ethical dilemmas, vigilante shit, violence, romantic love strains, etc., etc.
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Manhattan was rainy. It was always rainy.
But let’s do this again, shall we?
The skyline was high. Muddled variants of blues and reds, the colors that had painted your life for a decade now. It was silly to imagine a world of color beyond that–it's all you knew, you had nothing left.
And all of that nothing was the consequences of the dealings of a few bad men.
You breathed in deep. They were right there, right below your feet.
Their laughter in their indifference to life was vexing. It made your blood broil and bubble to the surface where you thought your eyes may have been red and your grip on the stone building was onerous.
In the distance, police sirens blared across the city where crime did not take a backseat because their most treasure hero was rogue. People were in trouble but you saw cessation of hope with every second that passed and those in charge did nothing to avenge your husband.
Husband. Nevertheless, what you had was gone and never coming home to you. The least you could do was try to find the justice to be brought by your own hands.
"Nah, man..." One of the men–a blonde, high-tech worker from the east side of town–shook his head. "We can't go there. They've got cameras all over the place! Ain't no way we are gettin' out free."
"Well then we go downtown and hit one alongside the river. We'll set up a boat and get us to Brooklyn before they can even suspect anyone was there," another collaborator said. Blondie shook his head determined.
"You think Spider-Girl isn't gonna be waitin' for us?" He scoffed, scuffing his shoes against the pavement. You perched straighter as you peered down. Spider-Woman. It was Spider-Woman.
“She got Mikey last week, Simon two days ago… we don’t have much left and if you think robbin’ fuckin’ Wall Street is gonna save us, you’re wrong.”
A sensible criminal with blood on his hands. Nice.
“Besides, they got the police captain on her ass and while they’re out lookin’ for her, they won’t sweat the small stuff,” blondie pulled a black ski mask from his jacket.
“It’s now or never,” he slipped it on and walked to the door of the bodega on the corner. He held out his hand as if his friend was actually a true friend and not a piece to his own networked puzzle.
Your stomach turned and the sight made your spine tingle.
Outside on the sidewalk of the street in the rain of New York City, the two men who were left of the dirty dozen walked into the grocer with no intention to buy anything.
It hadn’t dawned on you that as you dropped to the pavement, you weren’t wearing your suit or mask.
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The hub was quiet.
In this slick world, everything was silver and green and the headquarters were no different — yet too different for Peter to know that he wasn’t from this universe and always felt out of place.
A picture on desk that wasn’t his grounded him to a separate reality; one of love and hope and a small child’s laughter.
Spider-Byte’s was typing away on the keys beside him while he tapped away on the table top.
Nothing exciting had happened since the… glitch. It had been a long nine months without the glue that had put him back together.
That was until Spider-Byte’s computer started beeping in a manic fashion. It was a sound neither of them had heard before. A high pitched siren blaring loudly from a machine the the left of Peter, a button glowing red and flashing.
“Uh,” Peter pointed to the button, “you got any clue what that’s about?”
Spider-Byte shook her head as she pulled up a database on a screen. Her tech hands glided over the keys like music, fluid and fast and working with a purpose.
“Some system Miguel’s got here,” she muttered and Peter attempted to cover the small speaker beside the button with his hand—it didn’t work.
“Where is he? He said he’d be right back and now we’re facing the end of the wor—“
“I doubt this is the end of the world, Peter!” Spider-Byte cut him off harshly. “Now would you be useful and go find Miguel?”
As the dutiful Spider-Person he was, Peter rushed out of the central lair and into the bright white halls of the headquarters. Everyone he passed he asked the same question:
“Hey! You’ve seen Miguel anywhere?”
“Yo! Seen the big man around?”
He slid up to a group of variant Julia Carpenters as they sipped on coffee in the cafeteria. Peter gave them a sly smirk, trying to be cool, and snapped his fingers.
“Have any of you seen the boss today? Looking fine as usual.”
Synchronized, the Julia’s pointed to the empanada station and sure as shit, there was Miguel, talking with the vender who yes, just happened to also be a Spider-Man.
“Miguel!” Peter screeched from the table and Miguel’s mind went soured. A violent jolt to his instincts as the new father came barreling toward him.
“¡At no…!” Miguel mumbled to himself as Peter skidded to a halt, dropping his hand on Miguel’s shoulder with a clunk.
“Hey, Boss! Whatcha… watcha doin’ out here?” Peter chuckled nervously and Miguel narrowed his eyes. “You said you’d be right back.”
“I did,” Miguel drawled. “I told you five minutes and it’s only been three, Peter.”
Peter laughed, glancing around the space as confused gazes began to pick up on the pebbles of sweat that dripped from his temple.
“Oh! You don’t say?”
“What’s so impo—“ Miguel began but never finished. Lyla appeared out of thin air with a casual urgency unlike Peter’s frantic one.
“We’ve got a doozy here for ya, boss.”
With Lyla, everything came to life smoothly. As she snapped her fingers, holograms of screens appeared like magic and on them, an un-masked, Spider-Woman was beating the shit out of thieves in a bodega.
“Jesus,” Peter whispered to himself.
“He doesn’t come here,” Miguel replied without a smile nor a chuckle but it took Peter back.
Miguel was watching the woman carefully. This Spider-Woman was not apart of the society and was actively doing what no Spider-Person should do. However, Miguel knew the actions. He felt them deep within his bones and the mistakes he had made as a newly minted Spider-Man 2099.
“Name’s Y/n L/n… a former nurse who got mixed up in a bad batch of blood for a transfusion. This isn’t the first time we’ve been alerted about her,” Lyla debriefed and Miguel snapped.
“What do you mean, ‘not the first time?’”
“These are a group of men she’s been targeting. It’s got to do with her,” Lyla cleared her throat that was nonexistent, “canon event.”
“We have to bring her in,” Miguel began walking away from Peter and Lyla followed. “I am NOT having some vigilante shit show up on this doorstep. Peter, get Jess, brief her and get a day pass to bring along.”
“Miguel,” Peter wagered, “what if this is associated with her canon? What if she’s just an anti-hero in her world?”
“She’s not,” Lyla piped back in. “She’s a hero, hero. And this isn’t part of her canon event. You’ve gotta know how grief moves people?”
Miguel grunted, Peter sighed.
“Get Jess. I’ll wait for you,” Miguel pushed on Peter’s shoulder to send him the other way.
Once alone and down the winding halls near the center of the headquarters, Lyla spoke again perched on Miguel’s shoulder.
“Miguel, I think there’s something you should know?”
“Know what, Lyla?” Miguel’s attitude had always been sour—she had been there from his creation and it never changed. He never truly smiled, he never truly laughed.
Miguel O’Hara was a tough nut to crack in a world full of people who lived off joy and laughter.
But she could feel the sensations radiating off of him. Those strident lines of afflictions that were masked by the way he covered his face. The tense nature of his shoulders as he walked further and further away but closer to a person he’d never thought to face again.
It felt like an intrusion all over again.
“You know what, Lyla?”
“I know what you’re thinking,” she defended, hologramed hand squeezing his shoulder. “But there are a million Peter’s and Gwen’s and MJ’s out there.”
“This isn’t her,” Miguel huffed. “She would never do this.”
“But she is, Miguel… and her canon event is you.”
“So a possible disruption?”
“It’s already happened,” Lyla explained, giving immediate explanation to your actions. Miguel did not know you in this way, but he could imagine why such feelings would manifest in violence.
“Good, good.”
Lyla scoffed, hopping to her feet. “I wouldn’t say it’s ‘good,’ boss. You died in her world. You were married in her world. I think she’s gonna wanna slap you for even existing in another timeline.”
“Why?” Miguel quirked a brow. “You know her or something? Keeping secrets from me now?”
To save her, Peter and Jess entered the lair with their bands glowing. Lyla simply shrugged and disappeared before they jumped into an Earth that would feel like they own but be nothing like it.
“Miguel," Jess was already shaking her head. Three months pregnant and still doing work, both Peter and Miguel would not be surprised if the child arrived wearing a suit of their own. "There's no anomaly there–there hasn't been a case in that world of a villain glitching from another."
"It's not about the bad guys," Miguel walked toward them to meet them in the middle. "What she's doing no Spider-Person has done before and what's the purpose of a society if we don't help one of our own?"
Lyla appeared between the three ready to open the portal.
"One last thing, folks!" She walked around casually glowing and pushed up her heart shaped glasses to her hairline. "She's not wearing her suit - so if you don't work fast, her identity will be known to the public and well! We just can't have that, can we?"
"Fantastic!" Peter complained as Miguel opened up the portal. "They are a bit suffocating really, if you asked me."
"Well we didn't," Miguel gruffed.
"What's her name? Just Spider-Woman?" Jess asked. "Should we just yell 'Hey! Spider-Woman! Stop it! You're actually a good person!'"
"Y/n. Her name is Y/n and don't freeze up when you see her, alright bud? Alright! See you all when you get back! Have fun!" Lyla waved, patting Miguel's leg as she walked the floor and disappeared once more.
Stretching out his legs, Peter did not miss the glare Miguel gave Lyla. His eyes cold and hardened; he knew so little of this leader but felt he knew so much. Miguel wasn't like the other Spider-People and well, he assumed perhaps you were not either.
Peter missed that he should have recognized your name.
He had been there with Miguel when the other world collapsed.
"Anything else you wanna tell us, boss?" He pushed. Miguel shook his head and slipped on his mask in more ways than one.
"She's disturbing her own canon by going rogue. I'm not going to let her destroy it because she's... upset."
Jess laughed and Miguel was indignant. "If she's a bad egg, she's a bad egg, Miguel. You can't save everyone."
"She's not a bad one!" Miguel scolded her, pointing out toward the darkness of the portal. "She's not supposed to do this and we need to fix this! Y/n is good!"
Peter smirked, wiggling his brows. He could sense Miguel's anger muddled with a nervous fear he never had. "Y/n, Miguel... first name basis already and we haven't even met her. You move fast, don't you?"
"Oh, you are so fucking annoying! She was my wife!"
Peter's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. "Oh no! Not again, nope!"
"She doesn't exist in this world anymore, Peter," Earth 928, "and in another timeline, she's taken the mantle."
Jess jutted her hip out as the whirring of the portal loomed over them. "So you exist in her's too then? This won't be too confusing. It's just like Peter and MJ or Gwen in the thousands of realities that exist."
"Sure, sure," Miguel said. "But there are only three realities where she exists and," he cleared his throat as he looked down the portal, "this is the last one left."
"We shouldn't risk it. We can't collapse another world."
"We won't collapse it."
"How do you know that?" Peter questioned. There was always a level of selfishness when it came to those someone loved most.
"I just... I just know! You're not in charge here, Peter. If I don't have any hesitations right now, then neither can you."
"Well then," Peter strutted through the portal and turned around before his body was completely gone, "Let's go get us another Spidey then, yeah?"
And he saluted Miguel and Jess before jumping in.
"You've been monitoring her world?" Jess asked and Miguel looked to his feet. She had never seen him so bashful. Never one to make a scene of rash emotional actions, the causation would need
"I watch over many worlds."
"Yeah but come on," She dug, "this is a lot different than those worlds. You know her."
"I don't know her," Miguel defended himself and took a step further into the portal. "She isn't my wife. She's just a version of her that I don't know."
"Mhm," Jess hummed and drummed on her arm as they remained crossed from the moment Miguel said you were his wife. "Let's go meet her then. Then you can go on and on about how she's everything you remember but not the same."
And she walked through the portal before she disappeared to leave Miguel alone.
With clenched fists, Miguel breathed in deep and appeared in a reality he promised never to interfere with.
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Inside of the bodega, the two men bartered with one another in the aisle. They looked to be two friends having a conversation in the middle of the shop but their intentions were not pure.
The bell above the door rang as you entered. Shoulders and hair wet from the rain, the cashier paid you no mind as he changed the station on his portable radio sat on the counter.
There were three civilians inside. One, the cashier who was oblivious and that is the sole reason these thugs decided to hit the bodega. An 'easy' target to get in and out. Two, a woman who was going grey at her temples. And three, a teenage kid with untied sneakers.
You ducked behind a shelf as you watched them in the aisle beside you. Between the chips and pretzels they concocted their idiotic plan in the presence of innocent people as they always did–it was how their bank robbery disaster went sideways six months ago.
When civilians are present, one of them will always try and become the hero. It is what Miguel did and now he's six feet under in a cold box.
"Excuse me, Miss," the older woman pointed to the bag of chips that your hand was resting on. She turned your attention away from the men. "Could I get one of those? I don't mean to be a–"
The men began to make their moves and you were distracted by the woman. She had kind eyes. Easy and familiar and a familial feeling to them as she waited patiently for you to move.
"Yes, yes," you replied as you got out of her way. "Sorry."
You didn't know why you apologized. Maybe you felt sorry she found herself in this bodega at an hour such as this.
"No worries, dear." The boy wasn't far from her either. He was shuffling through a freezer looking for a drink that wasn't there.
As she grabbed onto the bag, the radio dropped to the floor and turned off. It startled everyone inside and the cashier filled the silence with his desperate pleas.
"Oh my," his jaw chattered, "please... I don't have anything.... I-I-I I've gotta lot of student lo-o-oans and I really n-need this job."
He was staring into a silver barrel of a gun by the hands of the blonde who orchestrated everything. The older woman screeched behind you and the freezer door slammed shut with a "oh hell no!" following its thud.
You imagined the fear they felt was the same Miguel felt that day. Sitting there, hostage on the bank floor with a check to cash from his mother for his birthday.
The check was in evidence splattered with his blood.
In the neon light of the bodega, you made a choice to never let that happen again.
The cashier kept muttering whole-hearted pleas and the friend reached over the counter to open the register's drawer but it was locked.
"Unlock it!" Blondie ordered, shaking the gun closer and closer to the cashier who looked close to wetting himself. Behind you, the older woman crouched to the floor began praying to herself.
"Unlock it now, you son-of-a-bitch! You wanna end up on the floor? Open it!"
The cashier, who now you realized had a name badge on that read 'Max', began to reach for the keys that were hooked onto the counter.
Fear in his eyes, anticipation in theirs, anger in yours.
Anger always caused the tides to turn.
You reached your hand forward in a quick motion and the web that released itself from your wrist snatched the keys from the hook. Max flew backwards in a jolt of despair and the barrel was soon pointed at you.
"Oh you have got to be kidding!" Blondie screeched and fired a shot. He missed. It was sent right into a chip bag and exploded them all over the floor. You tossed the keys to the older woman and went for the gun.
Like child's play, the gun flew across the bodega and into your palm to be crushed like a piece of fruit. It was still hot from being fired and its pieces crumbled to the floor.
"What the fuck–" the woman stuttered.
"So," Blondie spoke and you hated his tone. Condescending and mighty. "Spider-Woman has a face..."
This friend pulled a bracelet from his pocket that lit up green. It glowed as brightly as the neon signs in the window blurred by the rain.
"She does," you replied. "And it will be the last face you see."
He laughed. They always did. It was an inescapable pattern of dealing with enemies who thought they would win. They never did, and they all thought the same way.
"Is that so? I would really hate to have the Bugle's headline to read: Spider-Woman killed innocent civilians at the 6th street Bodega." He let out a series of tisks with a shake of his head. "Who knew heroes could be so bad?"
He looked to his friend. "Herman..."
The friend, Herman, locked eyes on you and approached quickly and with a heavy hand charging with the green of the gauntlet. You could hearing the whirring and the loading of the power.
Instead of moving out of the way, you turned and pushed the older woman away. She slid on the slick floor into a corner with her bag of chips still in her hand.
The shock hit you with a staggering power. It blew you backwards into an ice freezer in the back of the store. As you landed on the ground, the woman whimpered in the corner and the boy caught your eye underneath a table by the restrooms.
He couldn't have been more than fifteen.
And he wasn't going to die today.
So, you got back on your feet and brushed off your jacket. The residual sting of the shock began to wear off and the men looked at you with a challenge.
"Who knew fighting the Spider would have been so easy?" Blondie laughed. "Where were you when we started? It would have been a much more fair fight."
"Busy," you spat.
"Huh," he hummed with a nod of his head. It was like he was trying to clock you–the way his eyes squinted and he tilted his head just a bit higher than it normally would have been. "Say, have we met before?"
"I'm sure I would remember. This is certainly a pleasurable encounter."
Blondie didn't let the words sting. You weren't a Spider who stung with a bite.
"I've seen your face before..."
"Maybe I just have one of those faces," you quirked a brow and Herman charged his gauntlet again. "Is this the worst you can do? Threaten a few innocents and have your friend do all the work? What happened to real criminals, huh?"
"Funny," he walked like a villain. Hands in his pockets, shoes scuffing the floor. "I've heard that one before." His mind raked the last time he heard that.
"Well it must say something about you then."
Herman went to shock again and you shot a web at him. He went soaring into a wall, head hitting it hard.
"I know!" He snapped his fingers like a lightbulb went off inside. Clarity now in a world filled of unclear ways. "I've seen your picture before."
"So what?" You matched his movements as he moved toward the center of the store. Every tight aisle blocked your view like a shutter.
"'Is this the worst you can do?' Someone told me that a short time ago. A man who tried to get in my way."
He was at the bank. He had his check ready, he was at the counter. Miguel had his wallet out and prepared.
He had a photo in his wallet.
"And I think you know how that turned out for him. But here's the thing, Spider-Woman... I don't hate the idea of having that same fate met you tonight. I imagine being so deep underneath the ground it gets a little lonely."
He stopped at the center, so did you.
"I think it's time for you to join him."
But all you saw was red.
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There was an intense pulsing pressure inside of the bodega. You weren't sure how much time had passed as your fist dug deeper and deeper into the man who spoke too much and had little to act upon.
Whimpers of those left inside were deferred. The begging of his friend fell on deaf ears.
In the corner beside the three civilians–the woman, teen, and cashier–a glowing hexagonal portal opened to the dimension in which they lived. It hummed like a freezer and moved like something from the cinema they watched last year but instead of aliens appearing from the abyss, three people emerged no different than the way they walked.
They were people, human. Three Spider-People in a world that already had a Spider-Woman.
In their perspective the heroes were welcome. They were terrified and huddled within one another as one robber was webbed to the wall and the other was being beaten to a pulp by a woman with super-human strength.
"Peter," Miguel motioned to the civilians in the corner, "get 'em out of here."
The humble servant Peter was, he acted quickly. His nervous high-pitched voice soothing their fears with panic and disbelief that three masked people walked through a portal as though it was any other day.
"Get the man down, Jess," Miguel pointed to the guy webbed to the wall. Jess tipped her head to the side with an amused, sly grin on her face as he wept. Chick's a badass, she thought.
A violent one at the moment, albeit, but a badass nonetheless.
Fist hovered in the air, you went rigid as the sensations coursed through you. A striking feeling that felt more like a severe headache that came on too quickly, the immense pressure your body suddenly took on wasn't unfamiliar.
You had felt them before. It happened when something in the air changed. When something you knew could disappear or when time was suddenly running short. There was no term for it nor did any other person in this world feel what you felt.
The man below you gurgled. It was, just like the sensation, a sound that awoken something within you. It cleared the vision from red to reality and suddenly the harsh lighting of the bodega and the reflections of the neon signs on the linoleum filled in the edges.
"Shit," you stammered as your grip on his body lessened with every second.
Those consistent strums of radiating itching went from the top of your head to the base of your skull. A humming in the distance turned into a whirring sound that was too extraneous to come from a small place such as this one.
In an instant, the aluminum window covers were pulled from the ceiling by a pair of red, glowing lines reminiscent of webs. It shut out the outside world and the rain that had been pouring down for hours. The neon lights no longer reflected themselves on the flooring.
A hero, a villain... at some point those had all become the same to you.
The ideas that propelled them to act were all based in something that made them feel passionate enough to target an opposing force. When a hero turns to the fragmented middle of the road and balances the line of enemy and friend, the revelations of such shame grow from a deeper place of pain.
"Let him go."
The voice in your head sounded so much like Miguel.
And once your senses stopped going wild, your heart lept into your throat at the thought.
You buried him. You buried him six feet under.
The door to the bodega's alley opened and closed.
"Come on," the voice said again, "let him go and we can clean up this mess."
"Stop," you mumbled, shutting your eyes as your fists clenched the man's jacket harder. The one that had been in the air dropped to his chest. It was wet with the mixture of sweat and blood.
"Stop it please. Please stop it."
"Those civilians are gonna go get the police," his voice was low. It was that kind of voice that Miguel would use to talk you down from a nightmare–or maybe what this dimension had made you.
"And when they get here, what do you think they're gonna do when they see you sittin' over him?"
"Stop talking, stop talking, stop talking–" you repeated again and again. A thud in the distance set the blonde's friend on the floor and a web kept him in place once more.
"Boss they're gonna take her," another voice, not one you had ever head before filled the room and suddenly you were terrified that it wasn't voices you were hearing in your head. "We gotta bring her back with us."
"Alright! Three darling innocents saved again by, you guessed it," a far too cheerful voice added to the collection, "me."
You were curled into yourself over the blonde. Peter saw a woman, not dressed in a traditional uniform, use her powers for bad. But he saw the destruction of the man and knew that it wasn't from sheer wickedness.
He had seen you care so much before. It had to come from a place of caring.
"Well," he cleared his throat, "this is... a lot." And then he blanched.
"Jess," Miguel motioned to your static figure. He turned around and walked away as if to say 'you got it.'
There was an inflection in his voice that made Jess bristle. She hated the tone; removed and vacant. He was already living a humorless existence and the idea that this dimension made you act this way fractured himself in a new way.
"You heard him," Peter went scouring the aisles, plucking a bag of dried beef from a shelf to shove his mouth with. "You got this!" He gave a half-hearted thumbs up.
So, Jess had this.
She didn't crouch down. She didn't attempt to place a hand on your shoulder or help clean off your hands.
Jess kneeled on the other side of the man and your distant eyes met hers to know you weren't alone. You weren't alone in your pain and you certainly weren't alone in this world.
Your first thought was that she was pretty. Your second thought was that this woman was pregnant and that made you sad.
"Looks like you've gotten yourself in a bit of a mess," she spoke quietly but acted quickly. She placed her fingers on the pulse of the man.
He was breathing.
"Who are you?"
"Name's Jess."
"Jess," you repeated, "and Jess comes from...?"
She saw your lip tremble, eyes welling with tears. Jesus, she thought, she wasn't ready to be a mother if she couldn't deal with a thirty-something spider-woman who happened to be Miguel's wife in three different dimensions.
"You felt that, right?" She motioned to her head, mimicking a tingling sensation with her fingertips. You nodded.
"Well, a lot of us have it... and I mean people like you and me... and I know it makes no sense, but if you can fight mutant enemies, maybe you can imagine there are other worlds out there."
"Like planets?" You sniffed and your hands began to shake. Everything bubbling to the surface of pain and anger. "You're from another planet?"
"Not really, but kinda, sure," she agreed for your sake.
"And your friends?"
"Different planets too."
You breathed in a shaking breath. Somewhere in the distance, you could hear the sirens begin to blare. It may have been 10 blocks or 6 blocks, but they were coming and they were coming in fast.
"Now," Jess cleared her throat, "it looks like you've gotten yourself in a little situation that needs a bit of help."
Jess was the most sympathetic she had ever been. The way your hands shook, your tiredness expanded beyond you. Maybe it was the fact she knew what made you go off the deep end that made her feel more thoughtful.
"They, um-"
"It's ok," Jess said and didn't let you finish. "We just need to get you somewhere safe, ok? Me and my friends can help you."
The sheen in your eyes was cloudy. Face wet and brushed with splatter of a man who was not yours, there was a lifeline to get you out of here and you had to take it.
You shook your head softly before it became more frantic. "I don't have anyone to go to... I don't have anyone."
"You do," her hand hovered over the man's body as Peter came back and lowered himself beside Jess. "You're gonna have a whole group behind you if you let us help."
"We'll get you all cleaned up and then introduce you. There is a whole universe of us out there."
"Spider-People?" He questioned, brows furrowed. Jess hadn't been explicit.
"A society," she drew back from Peter. "Like myself and Peter," indirectly introducing him, "and you and–" she stopped short.
"And you want me there?"
"Yeah," Peter said. "I mean, we could use some more badass Spider-Women around."
"But I–"
"Don't worry about all this, alright? We all have our moments."
Peter reached out his hand for you to take. There was a certain level of hesitancy you felt; perhaps it was a trick or maybe you were trapped in another nightmare. But Peter gave a small smile. He gave off a warmth that Jess had exuded and made you nearly forget that there were three voices and not their two.
You took Peter's hand.
The man was breathing, he would live even if he didn't deserve to. The sirens were no more than 3 blocks away.
"You gonna need one of these," Jess held out her hand to reveal a rubber bracelet.
"A day pass," she explained, "to help you adjust."
"It's better to ask fewer questions," Peter scrunched his face. "Less confusion for you."
You slipped on the bracelet.
"We good here?"
It was that voice again, the one from the back of your head.
"We gotta go. Time is ticking."
Except this voice wasn't the back of your head now that you've realized there were others in this bodega. As you rose from the floor and began walking as Jess led the way, the friend was passed out on the floor and a glowing hexagonal portal was lingering in the back of the store.
The sounds, the sensations... it meant something.
"All good, Boss. The robbers will live."
The man in the blue suit–from what you could tell–nodded and looked in your direction but said nothing. There was something in your body that was sending alarm bells to your mind but you ignored them.
They weren't like the sensations you had felt before. These were different in a way you couldn’t explain.
“Right let’s, ah,” he hesitated as his hands rested on his hips. You looked at him and he looked away. “Get moving then.”
“What’s going to happen when I go through that thing?” You pointed to the portal.
He didn’t look at you. He couldn’t look at you. All he saw was his wife who used to laugh at his corny jokes and rest her head on his shoulder in bed. He saw, in one dimension, the mother of his child and he saw a happy, generous nurse who loved her job.
But when he looked at you know, part of that image was shattered.
You were a little bit broken and a little bit worn down by the world you lived in. You had blood-splattered clothing and tear stained cheeks and it was enough to make his heart ache more than it already did.
“It will pop you out just where we want you,” Peter said as he took a step into the portal and his body began to glitch with the moving sphere around him. “Just walk in and it will do the rest.”
“And it’s safe?”
“So far, yeah!” And he ran off before he disappeared.
“I’ll see you there, alright?” Jess turned to you, then looked at Blue before giving a smile that was as flat as a dead man’s heart beat.
She walked in just as suave as she came.
Suddenly, it was just the two of you and it felt strange.
There were so many feelings lingering that you couldn’t grasp onto. The air was comfortable but hesitant; there was a barrier of distrust and burden, but one that itched to reach out a hand to help.
“You know,” you sniffed back a chuckle, “I half thought I was crazy for a second.”
“About what?” He asked. “The fact that you almost killed a man or the portals? Both are equally crazy.”
In any other circumstance you would have thought he was being sarcastic.
You shook your head. You were beginning to feel the weight of your actions.
“I thought I heard voices… a voice in my head.”
“Yeah,” you glanced at the portal.
A lull. The whirring of the portal, the sounds of police cars went mute when you looked back. Blue was looking at you but you couldn’t see his eyes. You couldn’t see a thing and indeed, you didn’t know his name.
Miguel’s favorite color was blue.
“Thank you,” you said earnestly. “For coming here. I think I’m still a bit shell-shocked,” you laughed and he knew you were, “but maybe I was waiting for this… I don’t know.”
“It’s our job.”
Blue was done with the conversation at that point. He walked to the portal, his body glitching just like Peter and Jess’s did.
“Come on,” he motioned to you.
“What’s your name? The other two—they introduced themselves.”
“That’s not your name.”
He let out a huff. “You wanna be caught by the police? Fine.” He began walking again and the glitching became more erratic.
“Who’s to say you’re all not some group of aliens trying to kidnap me? At least the other two looked like me!”
His patience too was skating on thin ice.
“Come on, kid, let’s go.”
Maybe you weren’t crazy.
“What did you just say?”
He turned his body back to you and walked out of the portal. On the precipice of where you stood just beyond and where he did, he towered over you.
“I’m giving you a chance here. You come with me now or you’re dead here.”
“Kid. You said ‘kid.’ Why did you say that? Why did you say I was a kid?”
“I didn’t mean it like that, let’s go.” Like a rhythmic pattern, he turned back around.
“I’m not crazy. I know I’m not fucking crazy.” You sure as hell looked it. “Why did you say kid? Who told you to call me kid?”
“No one—“
A sudden banging on the door to the bodega caught the attention left in the room. Blondie started to gurgle, you stood steadfast, and Blue was agitated.
You took a step into the portal. Progress.
“Nobody calls me kid, no one. Why won’t you tell me your name? Who the hell are you people? Who are you?”
“We don’t have time for this!” The way he said your name that followed was one you had heard a million times.
It was just like Miguel used to say.
“Take off your mask.” You demanded and stepped further again.
“Take off your fucking mask or I’m stepping out of this goddamn thing and going to prison.”
The police began to feverishly hit the glass with their batons.
“Take it off,” you begged, “please. Please let me see you.”
And how could he say no to his wife who begged so mercilessly?
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There was a time where you replayed that moment over and over in your mind.
You could still feel the way your breath caught in your chest. An immense wave of emptiness washed from you and filled with a jittery dismay that had no outlet.
His eyes were no different; the way his lips sat and his brow furrowed.
You felt the silent shed of tears mask your face before the glass breaking set Miguel moving toward you, grabbing your hand and pulling you through the portal.
His touch was the same.
And when he opened his mouth, what he sounded like was different from what he said and you were quick to realize that this Miguel was not your Miguel.
This Miguel despised people who lived happy lives.
This Miguel was mean and callous and demanding
This Miguel worked beyond reasonable hours and made being a Spider-Man his life’s purpose.
That was not your Miguel.
There was no making sense in that moment. You either believed it or you didn't and if you didn't, then they'd drop you back off in a world that had your face plastered on wanted posters and big screens in the middle of the city.
So you made sense of it and made some semblance of life within the four walls of the Spider Society headquarters with the Grade A asshole known as Miguel O'hara – not your husband.
The grief of that worked in waves. It came and went when life continued to move. It was strange to think that what brought you here, to this future, occurred one year ago.
Sat by a window looking out into an Earth that was not yours, you swung your legs as those thoughts crossed your mind. The chatter of a thousand Spider-people filled the space around you.
A thud sounded on the beam a few feet from you. Soft, nearly mute shoes tapping their way beside you. Green. The color of artificial grass in a children's playset, nearly blue.
"Watcha doing?"
There was never a moment of peace here. But you closed you eyes, sighed and a smile quirked on your lips.
"You daydreaming? I wonder what it's like out there..." Gwen Stacy joined the Spider-Society three months ago. "It looks so... contempo."
"Contempo? Where did you hear that?"
"I read you know," she tipped her head up in mock offense. "Kids do read when they're in school."
"Yeah, yeah," you brushed her off.
"So... what are you up to today? I was thinking we could monitor the dimensions with Jess and maybe catch a bad guy or two–" Gwen's fists mimicked boxing, "–and then Peter said he'd bring Mayday around–"
"Slow down," you chuckled. "I am up to nothing, thanks for asking and if that's what you want, sure."
Her eyes lit up when on most days they didn't.
"Mhm, yeah, sure."
"Great!" Gwen got to her feet and wrung her hands. "Jess was in the control center so–"
"Control center?"
Gwen hummed, hands clasping behind her back comically.
"Yep! Just... chillin' by a screen. You know, she's got that baby on the way and all so we thought it'd be best to keep her inside for the time being and she doesn't like that but she said–" Gwen went on and on as the words came pouring out.
"–that she would rather die than have to sit here and watch screens all day. I told Peter she would hate it and he agreed with me but sometimes he brings–"
"–Mayday around just to cheer us up that we haven't gone on that many missions and its always well... you know... and we feel like we can't do anything to help out sometimes–"
"Gwen!" You shouted at her. She stopped her rambling; blue eyes wide and ears listening. "Just... take a breath, alright?"
"Sorry," she said sheepishly.
"You don't have to be sorry," a sharp breath steadied you. "I'm not going to go with you to the control room."
"Please," she begged. You imagined this is what it was like having a teenage daughter who wanted the most unattainable of things. "I promise it will be fine! Miguel's not even there so you don't have to worry about what he said last time!"
"That was three days ago, Gwen!"
"So what!?"
The last time was three days ago.
Ever since you arrived, it had been nothing but anger and hostility pushed toward you from him but you were not easy on him either. It was hard facing a piece of your past that had every connection but no foundation at the same time.
Earth 9591 was in ruins and the screens replayed the horrors of the people over and over. It was desolate. Earth was crumbling in on itself and a medieval Rhino had found itself in the mess as Earth 9591 Peter was on his last leg.
According to Miguel, this Peter was supposed to experience this.
"We can't just let him die, Miguel," you argued as he stood up on his platform above you and Peter. "There is a chance he could live and we're reducing him to nothing because of his goddamn canon?"
"We can't mess with it, you know that." Miguel's patience was running thin. "Every time we can't interfere you come here with the same argument and the answer is always no. It will always be no."
"Why?" You pushed. Sometimes just seeing his face now made you mad. The questions of why this Miguel got to live when your's didn't was something that constantly simmered within you.
"You plucked me from my Earth and brought me here so why can't we do that for him? He'd be healthy and safe here."
"This is supposed to happen to him," he huffed your name as he turned back to the screens. "Not every battle is going to be one that Spider-Man wins and if we mess with it, we threaten that whole dimension."
"Well it sure as hell looks like it's in a bit of trouble, boss," Peter let out a nervous chuckle.
"And so it is."
"But what of Rhino, hm?" He hated the way you rose your eyebrows in question. Every version of you did that. "That's not supposed to be his fate."
"One less villain we have to worry about."
You let out a frustrated groan. "When did you become so heartless? We save people here, Miguel. We don't let them suffer."
"I'm not heartless. I'm being realistic and the fact is that 9591 Peter isn't gonna live and his world will become uninhabitable. That is part of his canon, end of story."
"So my canon said to bring me here?" You asked, hands on your hips. Peter inched backwards from you because he could feel the rumblings of the volcano bubbling.
"Take me from my home and bring me here for what? To have another person go along with every decision you make? Newsflash, Miguel, that's not going to happen."
"Oh, really?" He laughed, sarcastically, and looked down at you from above.
"Yes, really. Maybe this canon bullshit is just that, bullshit. Maybe you made a mistake–"
"I didn't make a mistake," he defended loudly. "I am not letting other worlds get destroyed because of stupid decisions."
"So it's only a stupid decision when it's a reality that we both exist in?"
If Peter hadn't known any better this would have sounded like a fight between a married couple.
"That's not what I said," Miguel brought his hand to the bridge of his nose and squeezed. "We can't go around making those same mistakes. I am not putting any other lives in danger."
"But you did it when it benefitted you."
Miguel mumbled to himself up there. You couldn't hear. Peter took more steps back and Spider-Byte ducked behind her consul. Miguel's brown mop of hair slicked back with the motion of his hand.
"Well you would've liked that world too."
"I liked the one I was from."
God, some days he really disliked you.
At the same time, when Miguel looked down at you, he saw the wife he knew in a different capacity and it sent his mind spiraling. He didn't sleep, he barely took the time to care for himself because all he could think about was the dimensions of happiness that you both had and the one you've both found yourselves in now.
He hated that he loved the body of the woman he knew but couldn't fully trust the version of you that existed now.
"We're not going."
He lept from the platform and onto the level you stood on. Still as large as before, his shadow filled your space before he did and for some ungodly reason, the presence of this Miguel made your heart pump furiously as your husband had.
Miguel had that look in his eyes that made them appear red. Fist clenched at his sides and that same lingering sadness emitting from his person.
"Not another word."
He hated the challenge you took from him.
"Why is it ok that you took me from my dimension? To serve some sick purpose of remembering your wife?" You spat at him.
You were just like her... just a little more broken.
"I'm not her, Miguel."
"You think I don't know that?" His voice was nearly caught in his throat. "You think I don't know that you're not her? It's pretty goddamn obvious you're not her."
"Oh yeah?" Your voice was no different.
You hated when you fought with Miguel in your dimension and that didn't change in this one.
Peter thought he should look away.
"Well she's not here, is she?"
Miguel stared at you. He couldn't help the way his eyes moved over your face. He saw the same eyes, nose, and lips. You were his wife just as he was your husband.
"No," he said as a ghostly whisper, "she's not."
"And maybe I'm not like her but you're not like my Miguel either... so don't make this fall on me. I didn't ask to come here."
"You're here now," Miguel's voice was devoid of feeling. "So get used to the rules. We're not going."
And he stalked off with Peter following on his tail.
If you closed your eyes you could see fragments of Miguel. Now, however, this Miguel was beginning to eclipse those memories.
"Shit..." Spider-Byte snickered from behind her monitor. Her blue glow filling your vision as you looked at her. "I wouldn't take that, mama. I'd kick his ass."
Miguel wasn't there. He was off saving a dimension because canon was all that mattered and Jess was monitoring that other universes just as Gwen had said.
It was a relief.
So, you sat back and watched as Jess and Gwen flipped through the different footage from the dimensions that either lit up red for an anomaly or maintained green for a perfect balance.
Jess flipped through them quickly. Every world passing by your face within a second of seeing the light on the panel turn green. The few instances of red sent her pressing on a communication button before Gwen could complain that she wanted to go out and fight.
Gwen lingered on worlds. She looked at the images as though she wished to be a part of them.
She hesitated moving on from a boy in a black suit just a second too long.
"Gwen?" You asked her as her hand hovered over the button. She was intently looking at him as he moved about the fire escape.
"Gwen?" You reached out a hand to shake her shoulder. She bristled out of her spell and pressed the button before you could ask any questions.
It would be several months later that you'd learn that the boy was the source of it all.
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Miles Morales had heard a million versions of the same story.
It all began with a name and that named person being bit by a radioactive spider that magically gave them powers and they used them to save the world, or fight street crime, or kill mice (in the case of that Spider-Cat he saw in the lobby).
They were all the friendly, neighborhood hero that the world needed.
Until the collider messed with their functions and required a society such as this to take on a much larger purpose.
And Miles was taken aback.
He had never felt so seen sans the moment he walked through the doors of the complex. Every turn he made, a new Spider-Person was uniquely fit into their world so different than his own.
Within the chamber of villains from other dimensions, he saw a Spider-Woman without a suit.
"So people like, live here?" Miles asked Gwen who shrugged.
"Some do. We can stay for as long as we like and then go back to our dimensions when we need to."
"And suits are optional?"
Hobie turned around and gave Miles as questionable gaze.
"A uniform is binding, man," he told Miles. "Use what makes you comfortable."
Gwen nearly galloped ahead to the Spider-Woman with a digital portfolio. Miles saw the way Gwen's eyes lit up just as they did when they saw each other again.
Hobie was the one to introduce you. Your named rolled off his tongue like butter–so casual and cool in a way Miles did not believe he ever could be.
"She lives here," He explained. "Can't really go back to her dimension so she does a lot of cataloguing. The main man doesn't want her out of missions... you know," Hobie spun his finger near his forehead, "little crazy that one."
"I'm not crazy, Hobie," you called out as Gwen pointed toward your group.
"No, you're right," he corrected himself. "He's the crazy one."
"That's more like it," you smiled and Miles felt a boyish crush form in his stomach. "Hi Miles. I've heard a lot about you."
You did. Gwen had been giddy in the way she reminisced about her time with Miles. Even Peter put in his two-cents about the way he trained him and it went incredibly poorly for the greater part of their journey together.
You missed a good chunk of time by not being present when they all converged on the same dimension. It may have saved you from yourself.
"Hi," he waved back nervously.
The party kept walking with your addition. Beyond the orange cells of villains captured and waiting to be returned home, a center of technology he could dream of appeared in front of him.
It was just a tour.
Lyla appeared beside you.
"Miguel's hangry," she complained as she looked at her non-existent nail-beds.
"He's probably just angry."
"No," she shook her bob, "it's the hangry kind. You should have the kid pick up something for him... a gift."
"Gift," you chuckled. Miles looked so green. He was amazed by the technology of the go-home-machine that you weren't sure how he would react when he reached the hub. Walking through all of the test technology before going to Miguel's station... he'd be on cloud nine.
"He'll be expecting the party soon."
"I'll stay behind."
You were certain Miguel would be able to hear this conversation but Lyla had a mind of her own–she was artificial after all.
"You should come with. Miles could use your perspectives."
"What perspectives?" This was the longest conversation you had ever held with her. "Oh, Miles," you mimicked, "don't beat criminals to a pulp... um, don't let your anger get the best of you... don't kill people.... yeah, good advice."
"I meant a motherly figure here."
"I'm not a mother, Lyla. Besides, he's got Jess for that."
Lyla glitched to the other side of you. "Jess hasn't taken to him like she did you and Gwen."
"He's got Peter."
"But he could use you too."
You gave a tight-lipped hum.
"Or," she countered, "maybe you need someone like him. It's always strange what effect kids have on adults... makes them... soft or something. You should see the videos of Miguel!" She laughed, you didn't.
"He liked to play soccer with her."
Her. In another dimension, you had a daughter.
"Why are you telling me this?" You asked her.
She waved her hand dissuasively. "Miguel's not going to, so I might as well."
The party began to make their exit. Down to the liar they went and as they walked, Lyla floated in the air beside you. Miles kept peaking back like a child on a holiday.
"Miles," you called out to him.
"Yes?" He turned around quickly and at attention. He was a cute kid. So nervous and out of his element. If it weren't for his merry misfit group of friends, Miguel was sure to eat him alive.
"Do you have a question or is there a reason you keep looking at me?"
He rubbed his hand on the back of his neck. Miles then pointed to Lyla.
"Is she a Spider-Person too?"
"No," you told him and Lyla glitched to him. "An A.I. that Miguel created. She knows all."
"She flatters me," Lyla murmured back a smile.
Miles turned back around and continued on with his conversation that bounced between Gwen and Hobie. Lyla disappeared from the hallway as the sounds of old, tinkered experiments and Miles' struggles painted a picture of a much different boy in your mind.
While his struggles were not yours and you'd never understand them completely, his want to belong struck a chord with you in a way it did with Gwen.
There was a family that could be built here if the realities of pain could be ignored.
Above on his floating platform, Miguel slowly descended as Miles gaped in a slight awe. Yes, it was dramatic. Yes, it was unnecessary and it made you roll your eyes.
Hobie stuck to the wall in the back. Gwen took Miles to the edge and you leaned up against a pillar not far from Hobie.
"Miguel O'Hara," Gwen introduced, "meet Miles Morales."
And then Miles butchered his introduction with cheer. He offered up those empanadas which Miguel slipped right into the trash.
And like Gwen, he fumbled his words by rambling about how to catch Spot.
Miguel threw the trash can at them both only for Hobie to sneak the empanada out of the box and into his hand without blinking.
And then everything spiraled out of control.
Miguel's meter began to spike an angry red as the frantic nature of his focus within this world had been protecting the multi-verse. Here, in this room, Miles was the supposed source of it.
If it wasn't for Miles, many of his problems wouldn't exist and he'd be grateful but he can't be, simply because they are truly real.
"Hey Miguel!" Peter's voice broke through the silent seconds. Miles perked up at the sound. "Come on, go easy on the kid. He had a terrible teacher. He had no chance."
The two hugged like old friends.
"Miles!" Peter put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't be afraid of my friend Miguel. He just looks scary. He's got no bite."
He had seen it once. He chose to ignore it.
So he went on with his little break up of Miguel's serious moment and you watched unfold from the shadows, the orange glow of your tablet keeping you busy while Mayday swung around the room and Miles exasperatedly came to terms with Peter being a father.
"-You always say the 'fate of the multiverse' and my brain dies."
You chuckled to yourself, glancing up at Peter as he circled Miguel. Miguel was holding Mayday like he had never held a child in his life.
That was the kind of thing your Miguel did.
"You guys smell that?" Peter sniffed into the air. He swiftly picked up Mayday and swung right by Miles and Gwen and straight to you.
"You smell that right?" He held her up high. Yes, yes you did smell that.
"That is entirely your problem, Peter."
"Miles–" Miguel caught their attention again. "–You disrupted a canon event."
"Canon event?"
"The kid wasn't thinking," Peter interjected. He held onto Mayday as you strung a web for her to bounce on. Miguel was half torn between the conversation he tried to be stern about and the watching you weave a web for that little girl.
"That's not how he works."
"That's insulting," Miles commented.
Hobie got up from the floor to stand next to you. He caught Mayday in the air, saluting her with two fingers.
"Taking a crap on the establishment... I salute you."
"What are you upset about?" Miles furrowed his brows as Miguel stepped off the platform and walked towards him. The boy would be amiss if he hadn't felt his stomach drop to his feet in the menacing way Miguel O'Hara walked.
"When isn't he upset about something?" You murmured from the back.
"I saved those people."
Ah, yes. Pavitr's dimension. Miguel had been in the go-home-department when it happened.
"And that's the problem," Miguel clarified. "Lyla, do the thing."
As she always did, Lyla appeared with a semi-oblivious nature.
"Huh? What thing?"
"The thing... what do you mean 'what thing?' The information explaining thing!"
She gave a casual 'ok' and the room changed before you.
You had never seen everything before.
Jess had talked about it, Peter mentioned what it looked like, and a few others who had seen it claimed it left them more confused than anything.
It was a bright blue tree, in a sense. Woven with a variation of color that reminded you of the sea at mid-day and the sky at night, everything was a timeline of complete facts of the world. Every moment of every person's lives were tied to this one branch of 'everything.'
Expansive and high, the tree of everything bloomed over your heads and Miles was the one trying to come to terms with the sincerity of it. However, just as he had begun to grasp the idea of everything being resembled by a tree with branches that diverged from its timeline, the room changed to a red web.
Hundreds and hundreds of webs interconnected by lines that captured the very lives in that room. All of them facing convergence by multiple lifelines to different events, canons, and realities that make up a person's existence in the, as he had coined, the Spider-Verse.
"The lines... where the nodes converge?" Miles asked aloud.
"They are the canon."
Every web around him had different nodes. Some had more than others, some had barely any. He noticed a cluster of three big webs with few canon nodes.
"Their chapters apart of every Spider's story, every time. Some good, some bad... some very bad."
Miguel pulled down a cluster to showcase the very bad. You had a sinking feeling somewhere along the line the 'very bad' also included you.
A row of Spider-People emerged in the same position. He saw Peter, he saw Gwen, he recognized you, and then himself leaning over the body of a loved one who perished too soon.
Like a story, Miguel walked through varied canon events that were to occur in many Spider stories. A police captain, a lover, the event that turns someone into a hero, the struggles of the hero.
Miles looked at each of you as a fragment of your past appeared before him.
"That's how the story is supposed to go. Canon events are the connections that bind our lives together and those connections can be broken that why anomalies are so dangerous. Inspector Singh's death was a canon event."
A police captain.
"You weren't supposed to be there."
Even though you weren't there, you saw it unfold from the safety of Lyla's simulation. People running, a bridge nearly collapsing.
"And you weren't supposed to save him. That's why Gwen tried to stop you."
You could see the gears in his brain turning. He was hurt, misguided in his efforts to be a good Spider-Man because it was suddenly becoming a conflict for him. Miles tried to be good. He tried to save people and even doing so, he seemed to mess up.
It was so different from the Spider-Woman you used to be.
"I thought you were trying to save me," Miles admitted to Gwen who had turned her back from him. She kept her eyes to the ground.
"I was. I-I was doing both," she took a chance to gaze back at him only to see the hurt.
She was just doing her job.
"And now, Miles," Miguel sighed and he walked around the space. He planted his feet beside you and Miles took a glance and couldn't tell who was friend or foe.
He didn't know where he stood himself.
"Because you changed the story, Pavitr's dimension is unraveling. If we're lucky, we can stop it. We haven't always been lucky."
Miguel looked at you. He looked at you with a sheen in his eyes that you'd hadn't see from this version of him. For once, he looked as sad as he felt on the inside.
And for once, he wasn't fighting with you about what was right or wrong in that moment.
"That wasn't me!" Miles defended. "That was the Spot."
"It's what happens when you break canon."
"How do you know?"
"Because I broke it once myself."
There was a part of you that wanted out. You wanted out right that second because you had seen enough. You had seen the destruction, had been part of some destruction, and seeing Miguel's world crumble animatedly in front of you wasn't something you wanted. But your feet stuck to the floor. Planted, like mud, waiting to be freed.
It was your story too and you didn't even know what happened.
"I found another world where I had a family. Where I was happy."
In the web, the cluster of three was connected by one single strand to a much larger web with varied canon events. Whatever this was, Miles imagined, was Miguel's universe.
"At least a version of me was. And that version of myself was killed."
This time trying to catch a thief who stole a woman's purse. Not a bank robbery.
"So I replaced him. I thought it was harmless."
You looked away at the scenes. Miguel with her. A little brown haired girl who loved soccer and he did her homework at the kitchen table with her. A father who looked adoringly at a daughter who was joyous and knew no pain.
"But I was wrong."
Then the world began to collapse. In his arms, the girl disappeared as though she had never existed.
"Isn't that right, Peter?"
Your head shot up towards Peter who looked away from you. He had seen you before, in a different reality where you too were happy with the life you lived and where you were happy with a daughter who loved Miguel too.
"Peter?" You gave a weak call to him. He shut his eyes tightly. "Peter, you knew?"
Miles felt the way you felt. A shell of a hero without a purpose with people who made very choice feel like a mistake.
You walked up to Peter. Miles saw the white-knuckle grip you had on the pink robe. This was more than just friends making choices feel like a mistake.
"You knew me?"
Miles glanced back at the web. The three small webs that had little to them stuck out like a bouquet of flowers. Each their own small story.
“Whose is that?” Miles gestured as he tried to ignore the way you prodded at Peter for answers. Perhaps Miles already knew that Miguel had made this more complicated than it needed to be.
He had already destroyed one reality for happiness. Miles imagined that this man could ruin many more if it meant one more second of living.
“These ones?” Miguel pointed to the web of three.
You knew it was yours without even realizing it.
“That’s mine," you breathed in deep.
Even though you hadn't gotten along in this world, Miguel felt the weight of his secrecy fall heavily onto his shoulders.
“You see, Miles,” Miguel started, “there are infinite dimensions were we exist. All these webs here,” he pointed to the connecting lines that reappeared of many lives, “are realities were someone like you may exist. Maybe not as Spider-Man but as something.”
Miguel looked to you and for the first time since he met you in your reality, he saw the woman he fell in love with.
“And her dimensions look a bit different.”
“Why?” Miles questioned. “Why don’t ours look like that?”
“Because you can exist in infinite realities, Miles,” you told him in a voice that reminded him of his mother telling him a relative died. “And I can’t.”
“There is only three of her that exist in our… Spider-Verse, as you put it,” Miguel stated. “And one of them collapsed.”
In a hologram, he saw you in the world they had all just witnessed disappear from reality. Miles saw you running and running and he could see the destination, Miguel and that child, so close yet too far away.
And then there was nothing.
“Oh,” Miles felt sadness creep within him. Gwen wanted to comfort both you and Miles but couldn’t muster it in front of Miguel.
Peter wasn't sure what to do.
One strand of three disappeared.
“And in the other, she’s not here anymore.”
"What dimension is that?"
Miguel sighed. Hands on his hips, he met Miles' intense stare instead of yours.
"This one."
“So there is only me now,” you have a half-hearted smile.
“I thought you said you were the only Spider-Man in this dimension?” Miles asked Miguel as he tried to make sense of this world he found himself in.
“I am,” Miguel clarified. “She’s not from this dimension. Her… alternate self isn’t here anymore.”
He recalled the images of all the Peter’s and Gwen’s and Jessica’s mourning their canon disasters. Loved ones, friends, lovers.
The second strand of three disappeared.
“Does that mean if you…?”
You nodded your head at Miles. Peter put his hand on your shoulder at the admission.
Miguel focused on that hand. He saw the comfort, he saw the friendly love and knew he had wasted time. He had wasted months being angry at you when you weren’t the cause of it.
He had watched over your dimension to keep you safe while you struggled and in his own pain, he made the unity between you strained and unrealistic.
But he also knew the greater purpose.
“I guess I just have to pick the right side.”
You tried to bring levity.
You didn’t realize that you’d be picking Miles and your friends or Miguel and the person you knew because if you didn't you'd lose everything.
And you needed to save yourself in one dimension you still existed in.
Earth 42.
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A/N: this isn’t proofed yet. I can totally see a million different sequels to dive deeper into the relationship between reader and Miguel.
As always, comments and reblogs are the best feedback a writer can ask for. I love reading any comments you all leave 🥺. Thank you so much for reading.
@csmt-m @er4tous @gracielou0518
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queerdisagreeable · 10 months
TMP/Magnus Kickstarter Update
Hi all! We just got a huuuuge Kickstarter update, and I thought I'd share the TL;DR that we (the mods of Statement Remains) put together to give people a hand navigating it!
TMP News - The digital premiere will be available on October 22nd for backers at the Archival Assistant level and above, and for Knight & Noble Patreons. - It will include a preview of The Magnus Protocol pilot episode and some exclusive bonus content. - The audio of the preview episode, without the extra content, will be released to KS backers at the Researchers level and above on 31st October.
- There will be a post-premiere livestream on Twitch with cast and crew, sometime after the 31st
- All the pre-launch previews will be exclusive to backers and patrons, but the official debut (in January 2024) will have new content not seen in the previews (including the full orchestral debut)
- The double length pilot episode releases Jan 2024, with a weekly release schedule following (and a 2 week break every 10 episodes)
- They are currently finalising script drafts for season 1, writing for seasons 2 and 3, doing primary recordings for episodes, and editing the Pilot episode
Casting Announcements - Meet Alice Dyer, played by Seer Pink (they/them). You may know Seer from streaming/tiktok -- this is their RQ debut! - Meet Samama Kahlid, played by Shahan Hamza (he/him). Shahan has previously played Siva in Trice Forgotten!
Other Castings - Anusia Battersby (she/her) as Gwendolyn Bouchard - Lowri Ann Davies (she/her) as Celia Ripley - Ryan Hopevere-Anderson (he/him) as Colin Becher - Kazeem Tosin Amore (he/him) as Teddy Vaughn - Sarah Lambie (she/her) as Lena Kelley - Ellie Dickens (she/her) as Lady Mowbray - Tim Fearon (he/him) as [ERROR] - Alexander J Newall (he/him) as [ERROR] - Jonathan Sims (he/him) as [ERROR]
There are "multiple returning friends and enemies from The Magnus Archives", but revealing them now would be a spoiler!
Making-Of Documentary - The documentary is well underway! - It will feature candids from meetings, interviews, and video diaries from Jonny and Alex! - The full version will air after the series is concluded, but a teaser segment will be released alongside the premiere!
ARG Updates - Official start date: **15 September**
- Far larger scale than the mini-ARG, featuring both digital and in-person elements - Will feature lots of worldbuilding and exclusive story that will provide an even deeper insight into the world of TMP
- Bookmark https://themagnusprotocolarg.com! This will be the main ARG hub! - Questions about the ARG can go to [email protected]. They will not provide hints/help solve the puzzles.
- Important note from the ARG site: Participants of this ARG must be over 18 for legal reasons.
Mic Updates - The Podcast Pro mics are nearly ready to start shipping. They are finalising packaging and etching the finished microphones!
And a quick note from me on behalf of the SR server! We're currently looking for mods to bolster our team, so that we can feasibly host the ARG solving efforts! If you're interested, you can join the Discord here: https://discord.gg/h6bkdqc5yd
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worldhistoryfacts · 6 months
Buddhist artists didn’t limit themselves to footprints — a number of symbols cropped up to represent the Buddha, many of them pretty creative.
In some cases, artists used the dharmachakra, or dharma wheel, itself. In addition to representing the cyclical nature of existence, the wheel was full of meaning. Its roundness represented the perfection and completeness of the Buddha’s teachings; its spokes stood for the important concepts of the religion (i.e., eight spokes for the eight noble truths), and its hub represented the key virtues of Buddhism. We often see worshippers adoring the wheel in lieu of the Buddha, as in this example from the second century BCE:
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{Buy me a coffee} {WHF} {Medium} {Substack}
You can see more fascinating Buddhist art here:
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brawlmetaknight · 6 months
hal if you're out there and need ideas for the next game, PLEASE CONSIDER: the halberd as the hub world and mode of fast transport between levels. meta knight isn't a boss OR playable, but he is an interactive npc on the halberd who you can "train" with and upgrade your abilities. you can also call him when you're adventuring to get info on the level/hints on puzzles/etc. there would be a mixture of actual advice and banter from the meta-knights who drop in on the calls.
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inkdragonworks · 3 days
June Update
Breaking the chain of not updating to talk about what I've been working on. As the absence of Poppin & Jupa here can tell, I switched projects back in April, to an older one I worked on for about 8 months in 2022. Main reason was feeling dejected a bit after the animation didn't do as well as I was expecting; been getting the impression that Tiera is more popular than them with folks lol.
Again I won't be cancelling it, or never working on PnJ, just switching focus so I can stay productive and make something that feels fun for me, which this has.
As a refresher, here's the game I've been picking at:
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The game's current design can be broken down into:
intro sequence to introduce Tiera and the setting
initial puzzle + encounter to introduce the main mechanics
large hub in the form of Fragaria Park where you avoid the main threat, collect items, interact with side attractions, and access the 4 side areas
4 side areas, which have their own puzzles/challenges within with a primary goal at the end that progresses you towards the final escape
optional collectibles Since April I've worked on a part of the large hub, 3 of the 4 side areas, and the optional collectibles.
"Who works on optional stuff before the main game is done" well they play off of the main mechanics but mainly it's an excuse to draw something cute instead of programming.
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These are Anna Banana and The Fruit Friends (Also Strawberry), characters from a cartoon show that Tiera likes (Except Strawberry).
They don't play any significant role/impact in the game (Besides Strawberry), but they reveal part of Tiera's interests, they form a small bit of the world's background, they make for fun type of collectible that gives something to do besides the main puzzles, and, again, I just felt like drawing cute shit.
For the hub, I worked on a themed side area dedicated to a playground. This does have puzzle elements in it, but a lot of it are silly interactions, and a reference to that cartoon I did a while back. Maybe you can recognize it here.
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It's one of those "makes the setting feel more realized/fleshed out" deals.
For the side areas, what I've mainly been doing is settling on their exact design, blocking out the areas, and working on their puzzle sequence, obstacles, and any single screens that are tied to it.
Here's what I mean by "single screen":
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Something that cuts away from the main game to it's own puzzle. This one here is for the performance theater. All graphics are placeholders just to get the logic in and see if it might work.
Making these type of puzzles is fun cause it reminds me the most of Resident Evil 1 and various flash adventure games I've played.
As for obstacles, a significant one I'm playing with for the theater is darkness, making use of Tiera's sonar to detect a safe path around deep pits.
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She won't fall off right away, but it's tied to the same stamina system.
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Another side area are the sewers, everyone's favorite video game setting. That obviously involves water, but the trickiest thing about it has been dealing with really complicated patterns of depth changing.
What that means is Tiera climbing up and falling down a lot, and trying to keep track of that. Here's what that looks like without proper graphics:
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I'm very happy with how the area is turning out so far though, it's something you'd get to later and I think the puzzles do a good job of reflecting that progression.
The last side area I've poked at was the final sequence of the game. I've had a lot of different ideas of how to go about it but I think I'm happy with the set of them I have planned, something that builds up towards the climax and building off of what was set up in the rest of the game.
I wanna be careful about spoiling it, but here's one effect from it I've started work on:
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I'm trying not to overshare here, though there's a lot more I've thrown into my server that I couldn't here. One of the side areas I haven't gotten to really pinning down is the Hedge Maze. I have a basic outline, but the main obstacle involved requires more dynamic logic. It's hard to settle on what that logic should be without set level design, and it's hard to settle on level design without knowing the limitations of that logic.
It's a similar issue with the main challenge of the game, both for the player and for designing: the ghosts.
What's intimidating is the feeling that they need to be very deliberate in this type of game, to balance between adding tension without veering into frustration. I'm hoping tackling everything surrounding them will make me more confident, but odds are I'll have to start with something simple and half-broken just to break the ice. And accepting I'll have to make something that gets thrown away, which I'm not used to doing... I really prefer thinking through stuff first before making it.
Anyway, thank you for reading.
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jrooc · 3 months
Weekly Tag Wednesdayyyyyyy ✨
This week's tag game is a mishmash, a ragbag, a hodgepodge -if you will - of questions from the group. Thanks lovelies for submitting random questions! You are all officially tagged: @mybrainismelted @deedala @juliakayyy @energievie @michellemisfit
🔠 Name: Jess
🌀How do you pronounce your own Tumblr handle in your head? JRock (No idea why)
🪟 When you look out the window right now what do you see?
Snow, blech. ☃️ And a quiet house-lined street 💼 What is the most unusual profession someone in your family was in? We're pretty boring I'm realizing. My cousin's kid is a Philosophy TA so basically gets paid to think so maybe that?
🎨 What hobby were you really into as a kid? Reading 🤓
🔍 First autofill google result when you type 'How can I...?'
"how can i be homophobic my b is gay lyrics" 😂 um.. what!?
🎶 If you were the main character in a sitcom, what song would be playing during the opening credits? I'm not this cool but let's say Celebrity Skin by Hole (this was hard!)
🎬 What's the last movie you watched? Did you enjoy it? What genre is it? Dune 2 // I did! // Sci Fi I think?
🎥 What is your favourite movie genre?
Not a genre but any 90s movie esp the romcoms and corny action flicks.
What movie would you recommend? Garden State 🍅 or Empire Records
👯‍♂️ Do your IRL humans know about your fandom life? If you're a creator, do they know you create?
Only a select few, and only my Hubs knows that I write lol
🚣🏼‍♀️If you could do one activity with your pocket/fandom friends what would it be?
Games night! Or I'd make you all come over and we could all bring our weird snacks and we could just do puzzles and watch movies together.
Tagging @samantitheos @such-a-barbarian @heymacy @heymrspatel @crossmydna @too-schoolforcool @suzy-queued @gallapiech @ms-moonlight-inn @stocious @sgtmickeyslaughter @creepkinginc @ian-galagher @francesrose3 @krysmiss @gallavichsuperfan @crestfallercanyon @bellezabelize @doshiart @spookygingerr @rayrayor @mmmichyyy @sandrashaine @gallovichhhh @transmurderbug @transmickey @darlingian @callivich @mickeysgaymom @guinguin1984
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angelofthepage · 22 days
Renegade Rose: Return to the Cycle
I got hit with a brilliant idea for a potential Bendy fan game that focuses on characters from the books. Most notably, I'm focusing on the cast of Fade to Black, so if you're still spoiler dodging for that entry, here's your content warning. Disclaimer, I am not a game developer and have no idea how one would feasibly create this, this is all just for fun as a hypothetical. (That said, if any fan devs are interested in this concept, my DMs are open, would love to chat with you.) Now, let's get on with the show!
Let's set the stage:
It's been a few years (maybe 1956 since that's when the VCR was invented?) since Rose and Ollie Sorenson’s daring escape from Joey Drew's twisted cartoon world, the Cycle. Ollie is well on his way to becoming a teenager, and Rose has been trying to move forward with her life. But no matter where she goes, the hallucination of Bendy follows her, and the guilt of losing Evan and Archie still eats at her soul. 
By some miraculous chance, Rose ends up with a VHS tape with a recording of the Joey Drew Show on it (maybe she recorded a rerun, or maybe she found it in someone else's junk/the library discards). The special TV has been unplugged for years, and her 3D glasses are snapped in half. But she wonders if maybe, just maybe, there's a way to go back and save them. So she tapes the glasses together and pops in the tape to see if her access point is still there. And sure enough, she's got a way in! 
With the help of Ollie and Dot, Rose makes it her mission to rescue Evan and Archie from their inky fates. Will she be successful, or will she find the ink pulling her under?
I imagine this would work well as a first person action adventure experience that's mission based. (That said, upon consulting friends, I've had the suggestion for a Nancy Drew visual novel styled game, and that feels like it would be fun and maybe more achievable if I tried to make it real.) It has elements in common with BATDR, but the world isn't quite as open. Taking some inspiration from FNAF Security Breach Ruin and FNAF Help Wanted 2, Rose puts on her 3D glasses to dive into the cycle, which is our primary environment for exploration. In the cycle, she travels through a variety of areas to look for Evan and Archie, encountering a cast of quirky characters, some known fan favorites, and some new. On her quest to find them, Rose finds several items to help her solve puzzles and leave notes for her friends/mark her path. 
Rose’s central hub is in the living room of her real world house. Here, she can consult Ollie and Dot, look through notes of things she's seen on her adventure, and equip items to take with her into the cycle. That said, some of the horror would come from having something in the real world that shouldn't be there. The farther Rose goes, the more her hallucinated Bendy shows up. Sometimes he's there to tease her, and sometimes he has helpful hints about how to traverse the cycle. (Keep this in mind for later, this will be story relevant.)
While having the VHS tape means Rose can enter the cycle whenever she wants, there is a limitation. She can only stay in the cycle for as long as the tape runs for. This means she has to get in, complete her objective, and get out. Given this game would have some puzzle elements, I would feel bad putting someone in a time constraint to solve them. So rather than taking a Hades or Splatoon 3 Side Order approach, I'd rather let the levels themselves take however long they need to. The time limit wouldn't be imposed until Rose has completed her objective, where it's a mad dash to get back to a designated safety area (like Joey's office) so she can take off the glasses and get out. Think of it kind of like Pizza Tower. It could also lend itself well to some close encounters running away from monsters at the end of a mission. It would be interesting to use the Little Miracle Stations as a potential safe area to pause and exit the cycle mid-mission, given the ad for them that exists in BATIM Chapter 5. (This is the thing I wouldn't know how to translate if this was tackled as a visual novel instead.)
I’m tempted to throw something in here with closing your eyes as a mechanic, given the scene in FTB where Ollie walks back up to the entrance by imagining he’s walking on clouds. Letting Rose have one moment to do something impossible by focusing and using her imagination would be great. It would take a lot out of her, having it as a once-a-mission kind of deal might make sense. 
Another mechanic is the tape player. Per the Fade to Black moment of Joey talking to Rose ala the tape player, Rose being able to communicate with Dot or Ollie would be useful. It could work as a hint system, but it also works for plot elements. Using the tapes as a walkie talkie of sorts would also be interesting for having some interference from our antagonist, or for keeping in touch with allies we meet along the way. 
Rose Sorenson: Our ever optimistic protagonist. Rose looks on the bright side, but more importantly, she’s driven. While other Bendy protagonists have endurance and magical powers to help them along, Rose has her wits and a strong imagination.
Ollie Sorenson: Rose’s little brother who has been through a lot. Ollie is a good kid, he means well, but he’s getting to an age where his whole world is changing. As his sister embarks on this heroic quest, he’s feeling like he’s brave and strong enough to take on the cycle and lend a hand too. This may get him into more trouble than he bargained for. 
Dot Lastname: Former writer at Joey Drew Studios, Dot is a curious soul who lost everything. Having never been able to find her friend, Buddy Lewek, she’s harbored so much guilt. Making sure Joey can never hurt anyone again would leave her satisfied, and being able to locate her lost friend would be even better. She agrees to help Rose one more time, in the hope that maybe, just maybe, Buddy is still alive. 
Buddy Boris: Since getting dragged down by the hands of the ink demon, Buddy has found himself trapped in the body of Boris the Wolf, struggling to maintain control. Upon encountering studio newcomer Rose, his memories are hazy. But the more she tells him stories of the past, the more he starts to remember. Buddy can’t speak verbally, but he can communicate through drawings and writing on the wall. (Need to have a moment where he hears Dot through the tape recorder and recognizes her, gotta have it be a little heartbreaking).
Evan: A former employee of Joey Drew’s and Gent, Evan is a big grump with big dreams of innovating the world. He’s a foil to Rose’s endless positivity with an air of irritation, but he means well. Except for trying to dismantle and steal the ink machine, that was a bit foolish and morally gray. Evan met his fateful death at the hands of the ink demon in Fade to Black, but as other characters have shown us, those who die in reality can end up reborn in the cycle. Where is Evan, and what has he become? Is there a way to bring him back home? 
Archie Carter: A mysterious Englishman who ended up as a lab rat for Gent, Archie is desperate to put an end to their reign of terror. Having gone from being suspiciously not human to a faceless ink creature, Archie sacrificed himself for Rose not once, but twice. He’s already encountered so many horrors in the studio. What kind of state will he be in if Rose finds him again?
The Projectionist: The monster that was once Norman Polk has caused a fair share of problems within the cycle, but perhaps he’s not as monstrous as he seems. After all, he’s only defending what’s rightfully his: a pile of ink hearts. (It could be fun to have him as a monster, then have Evan help repair his speaker so he can communicate with the group, showing he’s more confused than he is hostile.)
There are others I'd like to include of course. There's people like Jacob from DCTL that would make a fun ally, might be indulgent and put my “Abby Lambert is a perfect Alice” theory to good use. Depending on how far along Joey is, maybe there's an early attempt at Audrey somewhere in here. Maybe there's Wilson! There is a very small chance of Wilson, it's not likely, but I'm considering it. Twisted Alice showing up? Definitely considering it given the timeline would be fun to play with.
That's all I've got in my notes so far. Whether this ends up as a real fan game or stays as a concept for a fic/au, it's been really fun to brainstorm, and I want to keep playing with it. I feel like we're onto something here.
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liaromancewriter · 7 months
Control What You Can Control
Premise: Ethan has second thoughts about a new phase in his life.
Book: Open Heart (post series) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff Words: 1,100
A/N: Late submission for @choicesflashfics week 58, prompt 2. I'm also using week 59, prompt 3.
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The summer sun was high in the sky, its sharp rays shining through the treated glass ceiling. Where the city streets battled sweltering temperatures, the hospital atrium was a cool and bright hub of activity. Patients, visitors, nurses and doctors glided around each other like actors on a stage.
From his vantage point on the seventh-floor gallery, Ethan Ramsey watched the familiar scene unfold below. There was a time when he’d stand at the windows of his old office and gaze down at the emergency drop-off area. Sometimes, it was the only time he had to himself in the day to just think.
There was a simplicity to his life he missed now that he was chief of medicine. He missed working with patients most of all, solving the puzzle of what brought them to the hospital, that moment when a diagnosis just clicked.
Now, it was all over, he sighed morosely, tightly gripping the edge of the steel handrail. And he wished he could go back and do it all over again.
“You look like you’ve got the weight of the world on your shoulders, Chief. Having second thoughts about the wedding?”
Ethan rolled his eyes at the glib comment from Tobias Carrick, his former nemesis slash colleague slash occasional friend slash permanent pain in the ass.
“No, just contemplating how much lighter life would be without your unsolicited commentary,” Ethan shot back sarcastically.
He scowled at the other man over his shoulder. “It's like mental weightlifting, really, and more intense than any wedding jitters.”
“Who’s having wedding jitters?” Cassie Valentine asked absently, eyes on her phone as she joined them.
“Your fiancé,” Tobias smirked. “His sigh was ponderous enough to sink the Titanic. Might want to check if you can get your deposits back.”
Cassie’s gaze zigzagged between them before her green eyes narrowed suspiciously. “Tobias, are you riling Ethan up for no reason?”
“How could you ask me that?” Tobias feigned offense.
Ethan grinned when Cassie stared Tobias down, using her haughtiest and most severe expression. It was one he’d seen her use only when someone or something truly vexed her and reminded him of why people called the Valentines American royalty.
For once, Ethan was glad not to be on the receiving end of it.
Tobias held his palms up in a universal gesture for peace, but Ethan could see him sweating bullets. Served him right, he thought. Ethan grinned wickedly as the other man made some excuse and rushed off.
“Are you having second thoughts about the wedding?”
Ethan silently groaned at Cassie’s question. He looked away from his perusal of Carrick’s retreating back to find her watching him. She was more curious than concerned, and he figured that was a good sign.
“Not about the wedding, no,” he said, taking her hand in his. “I was just reflecting on this past year, everything that’s happened.”
Cassie peered into his eyes, and he knew she could read him like an open book. “You’re having second thoughts about your job.”
“Maybe.” Ethan shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m enjoying the challenge, finally having the power to change things from within. And god knows the residency program needs an upgrade. But…”
“You miss seeing patients, doing research,” she finished astutely.
“Yes,” Ethan admitted, leaning against the railing. “Oh, what the hell.” He crossed his arms defiantly. “I sometimes, very rarely, mind you,” he warned, “miss teaching interns too.”
Cassie burst into laughter, her eyes twinkling as she threw her head back in an uninhibited display of amusement. Her laugh was loud and contagious, making everyone’s head turn in curiosity.
“You miss interns,” Cassie gasped out the words, still chuckling. “That’s like the funniest thing I’ve ever heard!”
Her shoulders shook, and tears leaked from the corner of her eyes.
“It’s not that funny,” Ethan grumbled, somewhat annoyed by her reaction.
He shook his head and turned to walk away, but Cassie held up a hand to stop him.
“I’m sorry,” she said sincerely, lips upturned in a smile. “I shouldn’t have laughed. But, I’m trying to reconcile the man I met in intern year with the one standing before me.”
“That was then. This is now. People change,” Ethan muttered.
When Cassie threw him a disbelieving look, he unfolded his arms and rolled his eyes. “Okay, fine. I don’t actually miss interns.”
“Thank god.” Cassie leaned into him. “You had me going there for a second.” She slipped one arm around his back. “Seriously, though. My grandfather always taught us if we don’t like how something is, change it.”
“This is the same grandfather that threatened to cut you off when you applied to med school instead of joining the family business?” Ethan asked skeptically.
“Yes, but,” she said, waving her hand dismissively, “he’s right more often than he’s wrong. My point is, Ethan, it’s up to you to find a way to make the job your own.”
“What does that even mean?” he said, confused. The job was the job. He knew that going in.
“Take shifts in the community clinic, take over the care of your former patients, undertake a research study.” Cassie listed things off on her fingers. “You can be the chief of medicine and a doctor. Balance your workload by hiring a medical director to do the things you don’t enjoy or won’t have time for.”
Cassie pressed on when he remained silent. “Naveen chose you because you’re what Edenbrook needs, not because you’ll do the job like anyone else would.”
Ethan turned over her words in his head, thinking through the ramifications of changing things. It could be done, of course. There was at least one hospital that he knew of that did what Cassie was proposing. Maybe there were more?
“I need to think about this,” he said eventually. “That’s good advice, though.”
“Don’t sound so shocked,” Cassie laughed. “I’m the head of Edenbrook’s famed diagnostics team, after all, and pretty remarkable at diagnosing what’s wrong.”
“And so modest, too,” Ethan quipped, placing a swift kiss across her lips. “Thank you.”
“Someone brilliant once told me, ‘Control what you can control.’ Well, this is something you can control,” Cassie added when he smiled at hearing the familiar words.
He folded her in his embrace. “Brilliant, you said?”
“Handsome, too,” Cassie smirked. “Alas, his tongue can be acerbic, and he refuses to do dance challenges with me on TikTok.” She snickered. “But, I love him anyway.”
He lowered his head, lips hovering above hers, tantalizingly close. “Then it’s a good thing he loves you too.”
And then he kissed her.
All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @youlookappropriate @zealouscanonindeer
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bellshazes · 1 year
companion to my bdubs best-of, here's a cheat sheet of my personal favorite etho mindcrack episodes. going to organize this by topic, then miscellaneous stuff by season under the cut. because there is so much.
king of the ladder is one of the best, although you might want to watch the sky shrooms prank episodes leading up to it too. best hour you'll ever spend watching people climb a ladder over and over. sick aerial maneuvers.
boat prank with doc - boat boy! boat boys.
team canada - the first big prank on zisteau, and the painting one - payback will be a bitch. also, ???.
obsidian coffin prank - bdubs falsely claims etho pranked him, so etho builds bdubs a numbers puzzle. of death.
onion pranked - team boobee gifts etho one of his favorite foods.
fun house prank and von sway - a new architectural design style is born.
death games - in order to avenge pause, etho hunts his friends for sport but says if they kill each other, they can increase the amount of times etho will kill the other person. sometimes fails, but also this absolutely spectacular kill on nebris using respawn mechanics to surprise is so good. see also hostility rises.
death games 2.0 - now server-wide opt-in event in the following season. bdubs (and guude) try to kill etho. civil war and an arkas kill.
mass pvp - arena fight night, LENS BATTLE. spawn UHCs, arkasdam pvp,
horsegirl activities - the horse drive-thru, beyonc? and taylor swift, a horse timer, doing wheelies,
season 1
nether project - taking one for the team, etho begins his first nether hub construction in classic nether brick and sandstone. later expanded with help from the b-team.
nice prank - please enjoy this kevin mcleod speed cleaning montage. if you can.
bdoubleo - just before the trial, etho and bdubs discuss their upcoming court case while making trees, 3D cubes, and a big hole at spawn. tune in next to the etho vs the b-team trial to find out why he's got chocolate on his knees.
the underside - etho finds out he's got a roommate and continues his quest for an anvil kill.
the pet shop - etho prepares to open his extremely legitimate, fully-licensed, no illegal activity pet shop and feels just so bad for the poor b-team. also, this is the first episode hoppers existed, which has nothing to do with his new quartz generator.
king of the boat - a bunch of people come together to fix bdubs' flammable arena. shenanigans ensue.
seinfeld fans - etho shows beef his new trivia game.
pvp lesson with generikb - etho teaches pvp skills and learns a new word.
season 2
nether hub again - the nether hub falls on etho again but bdubs pitches in this time. ghost zombies, quartz tragedies, etho's little buddy (betrayal)
i feel fine - etho is NOT sick, tells firework stories while helping with doc's perimeter and helps bdubs fishing rod kill a piglin.
canadian killers - etho's escort service, live, from pauseunpause's gaping hole.
this one just for the wither kill at the end.
workers shack - i literally just love this build fr. he steals bdub's color scheme. for more arena work, see capture points, the layout, bed respawn, death counter, arena chit chat,
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weyrwolfen · 2 months
Clocking Time - Star Wars: The Clone Wars One-Shot
Rating: T
Characters: Commander Fox, Chancellor Palpatine
Warnings: Sheev being Sheev, but nothing particularly graphic is portrayed
Summary: Coruscant wasn’t the same as Kamino. Commander Fox needed to retrain his instincts.
“Commander, we have a few minutes between meetings,” the Chancellor said, shuffling through the datapads spread on his expansive desk. “I believe you mentioned a proposal you wished to make to me, regarding the Guard?”
Fox, from his unobtrusive position in against the office’s curving wall, breathed, steeling himself for this conversation.
He owed his men this. He had to at least try.
“Sir, it has to do with a personnel issue, and maximizing the efficiency of the troopers assigned to Coruscant,” Fox said, shoulders squared, hands clasped behind his back. Perfect.
The Chancellor looked up from his datapad, and there was something cold and dangerous in his eyes. Fox’s heart rate picked up, adrenaline surging. This was… this was a mistake. This was…
But then the Chancellor smiled so gently that Fox berated himself for his immediate, illogical reaction. Three months into this posting and his instincts, which previously had served him so well, were still flinching at shadows. He was better than this.
“Of course, Commander,” the Chancellor said, folding his hands in front of him on his desk, a signal that he was giving Fox his full attention. That was… That was good. “Tell me what is on your mind.”
Fox owed his men. He’d prepared for this. Meticulously.
“Three Guardsmen suffered permanently disabling injuries in yesterday’s speeder bombing,” Fox started, voice as coolly professional and emotionless as if he was discussing a theoretical situation, a logic puzzle presented in an exam. Not Sift’s mangled eyes, or Red’s severed legs, or Amber’s crushed spine. Bacta was a miracle treatment, but even it could only heal so much. Fox breathed, holding his composure under rigid control, and continued. “I am requesting that they be reassigned to the Guard’s communications hub, to free up able-bodied troopers for more physically demanding assignments.”
The Chancellor looked up at Fox, eyebrows furrowing slightly over flat, empty eyes, his expression concerned. “That seems reasonable enough,” he said, the barest hint of confusion entering his tone. “Is there a problem with such a transfer of which I am unaware?”
“Yes, Sir,” Fox said evenly. His breath was even, perfectly controlled, even while something in the back of his head screamed a warning. This was the Chancellor of the Republic, he held the lives of trillions of sentients in his hands, and Fox was wasting his time. For three clones who were no longer able to do their duties.
Fox owed them. He was their Commander. He owed them this attempt, even if it failed. Even if he suffered for it.
“Current protocol states that they should be returned to Kamino for processing, and replacements sent from the most recent cohort of mature clones,” Fox replied, dragging his eyes away from the kindly, patient – calculating, predatory – expression on the Chancellor’s face and instead focused on the cityscape sprawled beyond the office’s expansive windows. It was safe enough; with his helmet on the Chancellor wouldn’t be able to tell. The sprawling vista was as beautiful as it was daunting. Fox breathed. “However, these replacements would require significant training to be brought up to speed on the specifics of serving on the Coruscant Guard. Retaining the three injured troopers in a support capacity, and adjusting the Guard’s protocols in the event of similar situations in the future, would prevent these temporary decreases in unit readiness.”
Arguing with the Kaminoans was generally a losing proposition, but if you had to, it was possible to sway them with cold logic and brutal pragmatism. And Fox had been very good at speaking to them in a language they understood and respected. He’d been the best at it, at maneuvering them, at making it look like they had reached the conclusions he’d wanted on their own.
But that had been back on Kamino.
Coruscant was different. He was still learning its rules.
The Chancellor shifted in his ornate chair, drawing Fox’s eye back to the man’s face.
There was understanding there, compassion in the set of his mouth, the worried arch of his eyebrows. But his eyes, his eyes…
“And you care for them,” the Chancellor said with a small smile. Gentle. Understanding.
A trap.
Don’t mention love. Love wasn’t efficient, but ‘care’ could be twisted so that it aligned with the Kaminoans’ ledgers.
“I am their Commander,” Fox replied evenly. “It is my duty to care for the troopers under my command.”
It was the correct response, the only acceptable one, but there would be a cost. The Kaminoans always exacted a cost, so Fox was sure the Chancellor would too. But Fox would pay it. For his men.
“It seems a terrible injustice, to send these troopers away, especially for injuries they sustained in defense of the Senate,” the Chancellor said with a slightly wider smile, enough to convey a sense of real warmth and care.
A bead of sweat trickled down Fox’s back, between his shoulder blades.
“I am sure that you are more than able to make the proper arrangements,” the Chancellor said with an air of finality. “I leave it in your capable hands.”
That… was it? Fox had prepared more arguments. He had numbers. Statistics. Counteroffers.
“Thank you, Sir,” Fox said, because if you ever managed to win something off of the Kaminoans, you learned not to press your luck further.
“Now, I believe that my 2:30 from the regulatory oversight committee should be waiting,” the Chancellor said, clearly moving on to the next task on his schedule. “Please see them in.”
Fox moved to comply, smothering down his shaky relief so that it would not affect his performance. He was expected to perform perfectly, and so he would. He needed to be perfect, in the eyes of his owners. It was important.
But the Chancellor interrupted his progress, just as Fox was reaching for the door panel. “Oh, and Commander?” he said, voice smooth.
The hairs on the back of Fox’s neck prickled.
He turned to address the Chancellor, shoulders squared. Above reproach. Perfect. “Yes, Sir?”
“Execute Order Twenty-Three.”
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Fox passed along the good news to the Guard’s CMO. Fox would check in with Sift, Red, and Amber in the morning. They were all recovering and needed all the sleep they could get. And besides, Fox needed to catch up on the day’s flimsiwork. Guard duty in the Chancellor’s office tended to make for an easy, often boring shift, but the messages and forms tended to pile up in his absence.
The shift had been uneventful, just a steady stream of politicians and lobbyists, business representatives and aides from interest groups. The report Fox would file with the Chancellor’s office would be deadly dull for all its meticulous detail. He did not envy whichever functionary was tasked with tracking and filing such things.
Coruscant might not be the posting he’d wanted, the one he’d envisioned for himself, but he would perform his duties as assigned, to the level of quality the Kaminoans had required. There was some pride to take in that.
Fox’s own secondhand desk was much smaller than the Chancellor’s, but he suspected that his chair was more comfortable. It had already been old and worn down when he’d arrived on Coruscant, but the chair was thickly cushioned, which was an almost decadent indulgence, after the hard planes and harsh angles of Kamino. Fox sat in the creaking chair, oddly sore and stiff for physically having done so little this shift. He tugged off his helmet and set it aside, reaching for the nearest datapad.
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There was a whole new stack of datapads waiting on Fox’s desk, when he’d arrived fresh from talking to his men in the medbay the next morning, cup of dubious-smelling caff in hand. It looked like more of the usual, except for one file which had been flagged as medium priority. Apparently a junior aide from the regulatory oversight committee had not checked into his suite the previous night. The chair of that committee, a mid-Rim senator Fox had never met, had grown concerned enough to file a missing persons report.
Fox was certain he’d never met any of the sentients involved, but something about the file made him pause. Something familiar.
He shook off the odd tension which was gathering in his shoulders and forwarded the file to the correct department, moving on to the next report.
AN: I sat down to work on Eidola last night and instead my brain decided to cough up this.
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communistkenobi · 2 years
One of the most interesting papers I’ve read in years (sci-hub link for those curious) was about the state’s desire to “calculate” its own interior through the use of geospatial technology. It renders all aspects of space inside the borders of a country “calculable”, meaning land is assigned a number that corresponds to some larger system of data. And this effort has its historical roots in settler colonialism, in state surveillance, and a general desire to render everything within a state as knowable as possible - any part of a country may be viewed, at any time, by a government agent, and the corresponding information associated with that land via geospatial coordinates will return information about its size, location, ownership, and other such characteristics deemed important to “calculate”. The eventual goal of this being a comprehensive view of the state as divided into contiguous categorical bins - the location of every citizen knowable and quantified through the logic of numbers. This understanding of the state is modernist and positivist, meaning there is an assumed objective truth about the interior of a state that is discoverable and definable. It views all phenomena as quantifiable and categorical. There is no room for ambiguity in this conception of the state.
And this is reflected in the culture more broadly - up until like the early 2000s, for example, a lot of rural homes in the US didn’t have addresses, just box and route numbers for mail. Like their homes did not have an address, and often the roads they lived on only had informal local names, not official state ones. That seems absurd now with the ubiquity of things like google maps, and that was only 20 years ago! Our understanding of how we access information and move in space is dictated heavily by widespread access to incredibly precise geospatial technology. You can watch your goddamn Uber driver move around on the map on their way to pick you up, and Uber is barely a decade old. There is so little room for ambiguity and uncertainty now.
Anyway this is going to sound like an insane pivot in topic, but I’ve been thinking about the tendency people online have to over-pathologising their behaviour - claiming for example that organizing your notes is a sign of OCD, enjoying puzzles means you have ADHD, etc. And just in general, there seems to be a need to obsessively document every aspect of your personality; peoples’ fixation on personality tests, figuring out what everyone’s “love languages” are, this obsession with finely parsing all the particulars of your sexuality and gender, etc. There is this over-clocking of yourself, trying to calculate and “bin” every part of your identity until there is no room for ambiguity or uncategorised traits. And like idk if this is necessarily connected to what I was talking about above, but it just makes me wonder if, in this age of mass access to information and calculable data, people are trying to calculate the interior of their own personhood as a way to protect against the anxiety that ambiguity/uncertainty often evokes when you run into a piece of information that has not yet been fully calculated.
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