#Prismo wants to know too
bozzowl · 4 months
minors dni please
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since Scarab is a shapeshifter, here are some head cannons regarding his manly bits and other things... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
* His dong can change shape at will, like the rest of him. though usually stays the same because it is kept inside.
*definitely a dom, will pin you down and bite your neck so everyone knows you are his
* protective and probably the jealous type, especially when you are hanging out with prismo instead of him
since he likes midevil dramas, he'd definitely be into roleplay. like, he's your knight and you are his damsel/prince in distress
Given how his mouth can change, imagine how eating out would be...
Imagine roleplaying getting captured and bondage. Like, handcuffed to the bed or tied up.
Would definitely use his various forms during roleplaying
can pin you to the wall and has four arms for "multitasking" :3
would speak in shakesphere and get poetic to add a touch of romance
whispers in your ear how you are his and how precious you are to him
will make you look at him during the deed so he can see your cute expressions and watch as you make those cute sounds he likes so much
Would be no surprise if he makes beetle noises during funtime
faceplate bursts open with his mandibles, moaning loudly as he releases~
aftercare and will cuddle you afterwards. lots of cuddles and will hold you close as you two spoon.
Loves how you smell and will complement any perfume/cologne (though likes it better when you smell like him-)
will let you on top if you behave~
Likes to hear about how good a job he's doing~
Will punish/ tease you playfully if you misbehave~
Likes to look at you, will treasure and caress every inch of you as long as you are his~
Will call you darling, my love and other affectionate things...
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tickletails · 8 months
Had another thought: Prismo trying to make a tickle monster just for fun but he gets too flustered halfway through & gives up. But one day the Scarab finds it on his laptop! The teasing would be relentless!! Either he found it on his own while browsing or they were scrolling together & he saw Prismo scroll by super fast & he gets really flustered & dodgy about it
BANGER AFTER BANGER OH he would. he definitely has a ton of random embarassing self indulgent stuff he made on the character creation program he's 100% the type..
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floralstorms · 6 months
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tehe I have. An au. For The Characters
#Idk if it’s any good but it’s been a few weeks that it’s existed on paper so now it’s digitally drawn as well#there is a plot also#that is mostly figured out#So ask about that if you want that kind of exists just probably not well considering I haven’t technically watched Adventure Time#but eh I know hopefully enough for this au#anyway! So Scarab is an acidic water spider beetle creature thingy. (These two are both made of magic water stuff) he works as and disguise#as a fire spirit type creature instead though with the help of a neat little magicy necklace#Prismo is a mermaid type water spirit and is supposed to keep his little corner of an environment nice and cared for#which he does and well but Ig he meets Jake who’s a fisher or something and has been having trouble catching anything because Prismo’s a#little too efficient with that and also other reasons#they get along or something Idk and Prismo helps him catch some fish#a lot of it because Prismo has little concept of how many fish are too many fish or something Idk#anyway he isn’t really supposed to do that#other spirits are probably suspecting something like this is going on but they don’t think he’ll cause any harm so they’re pretty chill#about that Ig#Scarab however is of course not and has nothing better to do#Ig he ended up with a really cramped environment or something and didn’t like it much thus jealousy and also other factors? Idk. Idk. But#anyway he quit that and works as a firespirit instead as kind of a law enforcement Ig and yeah pretty much tries to get Prismo in trouble#it doesn’t particularly work naturally#Orbo still doesn’t care etc etc#Scarab gets fired which was Not meant to be a pun but sure take it that way Ig bhdfbvjhdfbvhjbdfjhvbfdjhb lol#and at some point Prismo found out that Scarab is also a water spirit and is really confused because like.#Yeah without context that’s a little confusing sure Idk#Anyway this all pretty much goes like Fionna and cake does except Idk of F&C and all of that exist so really it’s more so just the Scarab#plot in a different situation without all those characters??#Idk#also maybe Jake drowned at some point (Prismo wasn’t there and didn’t cause it) or something a while before#and Scarab has been busy but now he has time to get Prismo in trouble#maybe Prismo tried helping someone like this again or the environment thingy of his went into a little disrepair following the death#Idk dude this stuff is just vague ideas
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bimboguy · 9 months
hey if any of you have adventure time episode recs drop em i didnt watch the whole show i was busy being in middle school. send even ones i mightve already seen bc i think theyre probably worth a rewatch anyway
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inbarfink · 8 months
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Part of Fionna’s frustrations with Mundanewold were subconscious longings for her old life of magical adventure, but a lot of her problems tied more into deeply-rooted issues of monotony and a feeling like she can't do anything to change her lot in life and like her actions don’t matter.
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And it does seem like Fionna and Friends’ lives have been kinda Stuck in a Rut - especially when you compare the way their lives parallel and diverge from their Mainworld counterparts. Most of the differences are... rather than just different choices diverging into different arcs - it’s the same arc, but the Fionnaworld characters are just stuck behind.
Fionna is still reeling from the breakup with DJ Flame and only met Hunter at the very day our story starts. Marshall Lee has more Unresolved Issues with his mom compared to Marceline and her dad. He and Gumball haven’t even met yet. Not to mention the Mundaneworld-specific problems like Fionna being unable to hold a steady job or Gary eternally spinning his wheels about opening his own bakery. 
Fionna thought she wanted a world of magic, but while the added bits of strangeness and whimsy to Fionnaworld by the end of the show are certainly a cool fun bonus (and Cake is surely thankful to have the ability to freely think and speak her mind and stretch) - what Fionna and friends were really missing was a world where their actions matter, where things change, where they are real. 
And especially important for Fionna and Cake to admit it, because handling the fact their actions have consequences has been a huge part of both of their character arcs. For Cake it was all about getting used to the fact that her newfound human-like sapience means being measured against human-like morality. For Fionna it's about not comparing everything in her life to video games and thinking through her actions at least a little bit.
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Consequences are the thing Fionna and Cake struggled with the most, but it was what they were missing all along.
Now this seems to be, like, an actual metaphysical thing. I mean, the show hasn’t gone super into detail of how Fionnaworld worked but it does seem like Prismo’s stories had an active role in moving the events of the World forwards, possibly using the same event-manipulating-Magic that make sure his Wishes have that Obligatory Ironic Twists?
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And once Ice King turned back to Simon, Prismo lost all ability to observe or create stories for Fionnaworld. And what happens to characters of a story once the writer can’t access their external hard-drive anymore? They just sorta get stuck. Moving their own lives forwards without Prismo’s stories is just a lot harder.
And if there is some sort of force in control behind the scenes of Fionnaworld at the start of the series, it’s only Simon’s subconscious - a fact F&C alludes to numerous times 
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And at the start of the show, how was Simon’s feeling about his own life?
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In addition to Simon’s longing and memories for the pre-War world shaping the exact form of Fionna’s nonmagical world, perhaps his feelings of ennui and depression and helplessness have also subtly ‘infected’ this world?
It is perhaps not a coincidence that Marshall Lee and Gary Prince’s storyline only starts moving forwards after Simon embarks on the adventure and starts climbing out of his mental rock bottom. When things seem to move forwards for him as well.
As such, ‘Canonizing’ Fionnaworld solves more of Fionna’s problems much more than simply making it as magical as Ooo but keeping it as a tiny hidden bubble in someone's dome. It ensures the World’s inhabitants’ free will and agency and ability to enact change on the status quo with no need for Prismo’s stories or being dependent on the still-kinda-shaky mental health of Simon Petrikov. Thus giving them a world where everything matters and things can always change.
But also there's a psychological element for the Fionnaworld protagonists. You know, the reason why Fionna is stuck in her rut is because she’s too impulsive and careless. Gary is too perfectionist. Marshall never had someone who would stand up to him against his mom.
Fionna’s whole arc in the show is about learning to be more thoughtful and careful and considerate through her Multiverse Adventure. While Gary and Marshall Lee find release from the thing holding them back within Fionnaworld, with each other. 
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‘Canonizing’ Fionnaworld is like... half actively altering their world into a ‘real’ one where change is possible, or at least easier - and half about an affirmation that their world was always real because change is about them outgrowing their personal issues (and also, y’know, about protecting their universe from the spiteful Beetle Cop).
And with how Fionna used to feel ‘trapped’ in the City, with nowhere to go and nothing to do - there is another change in Fionnaworld as a result of ‘canonization’ that feels very notable. 
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I’m not entirely sure, but from Scarab's dialogue it seems likely that becoming a ‘real’ authorized universe just kinda manifested a whole planet and universe beyond the borders of the small existing Fionnaworld. Although I guess it's also possible that the process of repairing the existing city they found a way to expand it gradually - maybe it doesn’t matter as much as the fact that either way, Fionna’s horizons have been literally expanded. 
So you know, if she ever gets that thirst for adventure again... she actually has a Whole New World to travel and explore, it might not have (a lot of) magic but... she already heard Simon's stories of his adventures in a similar low-Magic world. It's a totally viable outlet for her.
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What Fionna really needed to find the joy in her life is to be Real - to know that her actions have consequences for ill and for good. Because sometimes an adventure looks like saving a Prince of candy from an evil Ice Witch, or going on a multiverse journey to uncover a cursed Magic Crown… but it can also look like backpacking through Europe or campaigning against your evil landlady.
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lexezombie · 8 months
Fashion Forward? more like Fashion Backwards
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My own takes on Human/Disguise Scarab + Prismo (don't look at how sketchy it is plz I didn't wanna line)
Prismo I feel like always kinda looks the same when it comes to fanartists - we all got similar ideas cus his vibe is perfect
Scarab tho,,, I fused his farmworld colours with his actual colours + made him more fruity lol
Lil notes for Scarab:
WILL go out without his glasses, but he will be blind the entire time and run into things (especially without his cane)
Stick swapped out for another, non-magic stick
Heels cus he can't stand being that much shorter than Prismo
Gender? we dont know that here, but he/him
The pants were Prismo's idea (he won't admit he likes them)
Optional skirt cus we love that
And notes for Prismo:
Comfort jacket is like 7x too big for him
Gets cold real easy; prob cus he's a stick
Usually sitting down cus if he stands/walks for too long he WILL get sick (ain't use to moving)
Comfort over fashion (but still wants his things to match)
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unknownvirus21 · 8 months
Something for an au I'm making. Might just add to it in doodles or oneshots
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The old switcheroo au. I've already seen other people making their own versions of if Prismo and Scarab switched job positions
My take on it! I wanted Prismo to look actually like a cosmic horror with some bug features as an amen to Scarab.
His body is constructed of both Light and Dark with his backside still being galaxies. However, his back, instead of just looking pretty, is where he stores weapons or anything he uses. Infinite pocket. And the capsule thingy he uses, instead of the Gem like Scarab, he uses a handheld version of the Time Room that's more of a maze and never ending. Time doesn't move inside the cube. That's where he traps those who step out of line
For Scarab, I made him look more human but he still hides behind a mask in this. And that's because of his Third Eye. He uses it to see the true intentions of those who come to him for wishes. And I'm thinking of adding him calling Prismo anytime he gets a Wisher who wants to make a world changing negative wish to capture. OH. And I couldn't get rid of his glorious suit :33
In this version, Prismo is feared for his position and ruthlessness. He may have an easygoing and friendly personality but he takes his job very seriously. Except when it comes to Scarab. He folds so easily and his terrifying personality turns into a complete golden retriever the moment Scarab calls for him.
Meanwhile, Scarab, his personality is more calm but he still sticks to the rules and tries to keep wishes orderly. He's known as Scarab The Tricky Wishmaker because of the outcomes of some of the wishes he's granted. It was the Wishers faults for not being specific. His opinion of Prismo is honestly very low. He thinks he's an imbecile who somehow got the job to maintain the order of the universe. He thinks he is sometimes too easy on certain gods. Don't even get him started on how Prismo treats him!
Despite his low opinion of the God Auditor, he still tolerates his presence. Why? He.. doesn't really know. And if he did, he would never admit it.
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gerblinbones · 8 months
is. is betty still mortal in this?? WILL SIMON, MARSHALL, AND MARCY OUTLIVE HER????CD SCAIBASI
also, considering marshal and marcy are twins- does that mean all the genderswaps are twins too? (e.g fionna and finn, gary and bonnie- not sure abt jake and cake but it would be funny if they were very salty exes /j)
So as for Betty, as soon as she realized she was gonna croak faster than her family, she did everything she could to find out how to live forever. Which, eventually, led her to finding out about Prismo. It took her years to finally reach him, and maybe she went a liiiittle nuts learning magic specifically to live through the ages with her husband and children but hey! It worked eventually.
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As for the rest!!!!! Princess Bubblegum, before making her family members (Gumbald, Aunt Lolly, Chicle), did a test run. She made some gum from a tree, not wanting to risk the result of gross genetic mutations from her own dna, and tried to create life from it. And it worked! Gary was created. And once the rest were made, he was the only one that stuck by Bonnie’s side and, you know, didn’t wanna spray her with lobotomy sauce LMAO. So she appointed him to be her royal advisor!! (I’d also like to add that I can’t take credit for his cute little head accessory, he was designed by a friend of mine :) )
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Finn and Fionna are siblings, but not twins. She’s a little younger than he is. Martin waited a bit longer to escape the island with Finn, and Minerva was pregnant with Fionna when he left; she got sick after she was born. Fionna went on to have her own adventures and everything (with Cake ofc, it wouldn’t be the same without her!!) and after the death of their mom, did some traveling of her own. They find each other eventually!
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gumycandyyy · 9 months
୨♡ "At Your Beck And Call" ♡୧
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Trying out a oneshot! Or something like that idk.
Winter King x reader
GN reader
RQ: nah fam, I accept requests though!
Word count: 1390
No use of y/n
Summary: You're adventuring through this interesting little world, and find yourself in a snowstorm. Next thing you know, you're in some kind of ice palace. What happened?
Walking through the snow, you look up into the sky. Cloudy. Best be quick.
A chilly breeze sneaks through the fabric of your shirt and deep into your bones. It would've been better if you'd brought a jacket. Though you didn't think your wish prepared you for that.
"I wish..."
"You better think about this hard, dude. You only get one."
"Okay, okay. I wish... Hm..."
"Want a pickle?"
You agreed to Prismo's offer, gladly taking the snack. You crunched while you thought. Man, these were good pickles.
"Okay man, I'll admit I got nowhere to be, but you were kinda interrupting me. I was watching TV."
You tell Prismo that he can watch while you think, as you hadn't thought you would make it this far. He shrugged, and pressed a button on his remote.
You saw him flipping through channels rapidly, looking for one in particular.
"Hey, Prismo."
"Are those just.. Shows? Or-"
"Oh, they're universes. Y'know, the multiverse theory right? I just get to watch everything. Perks of being an omnipresent god-type thing."
You think about your wish for another few moments. You snapped your fingers, and Prismo paused the TV.
"You know what you want?"
You nodded, rubbing your hands together.
"I wish that I-" "Be descriptive. Just in case, Y'know?"
You sighed with an exasperated smile. Taking a deep breath, you asked your question.
"I wish that I had the ability to travel freely and safely through the multiverse at will."
Prismo coughed loudly, as if choking on something. He took a deep breath, sighing.
"Okay, okay. So- I actually don't know if I'm allowed to do that."
"Did- did you just say 'sigh'?"
Prismo shook his question off, and sighed himself. He explained to you what he was and wasn't allowed to do, and how you were in a gray area of the rules. He finally shrugged.
"What could go wrong?"
He snapped his fingers, and suddenly you weren't in the time-cube-thingy anymore. You were in a grassy field. You felt something in the back of your pocket, and bringing it out, you saw a small pocket watch.
There was a note folded up and taped to the back of it. The handwriting was almost too small to see.
Yo, this thing is weird, right? Just wind the clock when you wanna change universes.
Don't break it.
I'm serious, this thing is expensive.
So armed with nothing but your wit and a pocketwatch, you traversed throughout the multiverse.
You wished that you would've added 'immortality' to Prismo's wish.
The wind was picking up, whipping your hair around. You looked into the sky, seeing the clouds grow dark, and snow beginning to sprinkle. It was almost astounding how quickly the weather could change.
A few stray snowflakes blew straight into your mouth as you breathed in, causing you to cough. The wind whipped through you, and the snow fell into your eyes. The sky was as dark as ever, and the snow clumping to your feet made it hard to walk.
You wish you thought of bringing a jacket.
You really wish you thought of bringing a jacket.
It didn't even occur to you to leave this universe, you were too cold to think. Stumbling around in this white wasteland, you wondered if there were any towns nearby.
Just as you thought of that, you saw a light in the distance. Struggling to climb up an embarrassingly small hill, you saw a glowing little town next to a palace probably around a quarter mile away. It looked to be made of ice, but that might just be you blurred vision.
You staggered through the snow, just trying to make it to the town.
You stop in place when you realize you can't feel a single thing in your body. Breathing in deep through your nose and cringing at the chilled air, you decided to use up the last of your energy to get to that little town as quickly as possible.
Bringing your arms up and crossing them, you tried to keep as much warmth to your chest as possible. After getting within about 100 paces to the town, you were ready to collapse. You heard light and seasonal music playing from the town, and hummed along deliriously.
People were ice skating on a small lake near you, and you tried to call for help.
But you couldn't get out more than a whisper.
Collapsing into the snow, your vision blurred and darkened. Just as you were about to lose consciousness, you heard a voice.
"Ice scouts! Come help this-"
Then you were out.
The next thing you knew, you were inside some glittering blue room. Was this place made of ice? Impossible, you were warm. Looking down, you saw that you were covered in blankets. Fluffy, Warm, blankets... You almost wanted to fall back asleep...
You sat up quickly, realizing you didn't know where you were. You then heard a soft voice from your bedside.
"Oh, you're awake. How are you feeling?"
You looked to your side, seeing a man sitting in a chair, reading some book. You couldn't see its title. The man had light blue skin, white hair, a long nose, and sparkling eyes.
You noticed he was dressed quite elegantly, and a crown sat atop his head.
"Who are you?"
He blinked for a moment, and laughed softly while slapping his forehead. He stood up, brushing himself off.
"Forgive me for not introducing myself. My name is the Winter King. You'd passed out in the snow when my ice scouts and I were not but twenty feet away from you!"
You introduced yourself,and tried to remember what exactly happened, but couldn't. You just had to take the Winter King's word for it.
Winter King.
You quickly apologized for being so nonchalant with royalty, but Winter King stopped you.
"Oh, no need for such formalities. You are a guest. It's my duty to serve you. If it would make you feel better, you may just call me Winter."
He sat down again, looking at you. Not in a creepy way, just... curious.
You nodded, taking a deep breath. The air was cold, but not nearly as dreadful as the blizzard outside. You then realized something strange. You asked Winter why it hadn't been pouring snow in the town. He laughs softly, smiling gently at your question.
Man, he was pretty.
"Oh, my dear, I have control over this domain. From every ice sculpture to every snowflake. While sometimes I cannot control the weather, I can however, keep it from affecting my town."
From your basic understanding of magic logic, this seemed plausible enough. You went to stand up, but suddenly felt very fatigued, your legs wavering. Winter stood up from his seat, ready to catch you if need be.
You cleared your throat, sitting down. Only then did you realize how much your throat hurt. You coughed for a moment, trying to get this scratchy feeling out. Winter noticed what you were doing, then gently clapped his hands. A person- looking to be made out of ice- skated into the room, holding a tray with a glass of water on it.
You thanked the little ice servant, and thanked Winter.
Winter seemed a little perplexed that you thanked the servant, but carried on, as it wasn't anything to fuss about.
"I see you're sick. Sometimes I can forget that people aren't immune to the effects of my wondrous realm."
He seemed to be really proud of his little winter wonderland. You looked out a massive window to see the town below.
The town.
You were in the castle.
"However, I am more than willing to aid you throughout your journey to regain your health!"
This man cannot be real. He's so incredibly kind! You've never really met any royalty, but you guessed that Winter was pretty much the nicest king in history.
You sneezed into your elbow, then cleared your throat once again.
"Rest for now, my dear. Though, if you need anything, don't be afraid to ask. I am at your beck and call."
Winter bowed, then gracefully slid out of the room. You forgot the floor was made of ice. Snuggling into the plush pillows and multiple blankets, you closed your eyes,
and drifted off.
︵‿︵‿T B C‿︵‿︵
My first Winter King oneshot! This was so fun to make. Tell me if you'd like a part two!
reblog for a beginner writer?
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Your complimentary WK fanart ^^
Please send asks! I love writing prompts!
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secret-citrus · 9 months
Prismo's Grief over Jake is the strongest idea introduced in the show so far
I mean, think about it. Prismo is this ageless being manifested entirely by the dreams of an old man who's been Sleeping Beauty'd for eternity. Jake came to him purely by accident, no desire to have a wish fulfilled. He's likely one of the few beings destined for the 50th dead world to ever visit Prismo's room (I can imagine when you've reached true peace, there's not much of anything you could ever want that'd warrant visiting the Wish Master) and thus one of the only beings that doesn't want a wish granted (besides other cosmic-level entities such as Cosmic Owl). Can you even imagine how much that must've ended up meaning to Prismo, an immortal being whose only purpose is to give people stuff and send them away? And then Jake turns out to be this really chill dude with similar interests! They become such good friends so quickly that Prismo ends up giving Jake the exact wish he'd need to make to save the day.
It's implied that they hung out a lot off screen between Jake the Dog and Wake Up, where Prismo not only agrees to sacrifice his life as a favor to Jake, he suggests it in the first place and argues with Jake when the dog doesn't want to do it. Then, Jake became the old man who dreams of Prismo. Jake is legitimately his best friend in the entire multiverse. No wonder Prismo got incredibly attached.
Now, we don't know how Jake died yet, but it's been repeatedly implied to have been premature, perhaps some kind of battle-related death. Maybe Prismo kinda forgot that Jake is mortal and hadn't even tried to brace himself for losing his best friend. We see that Finn never got over Jake, but at least he knew that he'd die, too, and they'd meet up in the afterlife. Prismo may never get that. He'll have to live through the rest of forever without his favorite guy.
No wonder Prismo's in such bad shape.
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far-from-official · 7 months
If you ever wanted to file the serial numbers off the prohibitedwish AU you made and just make a webcomic with the concept just know I would support you 1000% The dynamic and world you have made is so good and interesting even if it wasn't connected to adventure time.
I'll be uploading the entire series in Script format with Storybeats first on AO3, a webcomic is not ideal as tbh I dislike doing text boxes so much I animate it out of spite in storyboard format Oddly enough this AU is honestly could very much be connected to Adventure Time due to reasons I cannot elaborate until you guys see it yourself but the world they're in is called Iey This can be pronounced differently by each person. the point is that it's a parody of Ooo. Prismo says "Eee" while Scarab says it as 'Ey" some characters might say "Yi" like Howell or even "Yay" ! The world already takes place in the timeline after the War and magic just began settling in so remants of the war is strong in this one too as technology is still based of existing tech but magic is slowly being developed The biggest thing about this is that They're using the Enchiridion in this series, so it's already a huge sign for a series of unfortunate events to happen to them if you ask me
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r-g-d2 · 30 days
Office Au!
Café ☕
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I like to imagine that Cos and Prismo likes goin to a cafe that looks like that ones of the 80's.
But one day, they meet with Orbo and Scarab goin to that café too, and I feel that this scenario can happen heh
(This drawing is just a random test! that I rlly liked heh)
Explaining some more things under the cut u can ignore
This drawing would be like- a third time they found with Orbo and Scarab at the café hehE
Scarab and Prismo at the moment in the Au already started to fall in love have uh- a "better vibe" with each other
Cosmo, at the office, already had moments where he's with Prismo, Scarab comes in and Prismo change all his attention to him, that's why he looks kinda annoyed?? in this drawing hahA- the poor guy-
Orbo hasn't see them like this before, you know.. with "the good vibe", that made them even ignore the persons they originally went with to the café ! heh...
So yeah that's the context?? of the drawing I imagine, I wanted to do a drawing of this Café I imagined in the Office Au for so long! And I found the moment! :))
this drawing was supposed to be posted with this and this drawings but- That just in insta ^_^ I thought they deserved an own post, And I was right! I would have to write too much if I posted them in the same post and I think that would made ppl ignore the post heh-
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(Pls ignore that the part were Orbo and Cosmo's text appear there's literally nothing- the drawing was like that so I couldn't add that part of the background bc- well it didn't appear the bodies of Cos and Orbo??? I COULD NOT- so I just- took the opportunity to put the text LMAOO)
Just that!
Hope you like it as I do!! <3
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its-just-fern · 8 months
what if prismo told jake about what happened?
if he didnt, how would prismo react to seeing jake with finn again or just seeing jake again?
hehe, that would be too easy, wouldn't it? i don't know if prismo would tell him. it would hurt jake a lot.
i guess he could. but you have to consider that fern will do whatever he can to prevent someone like jake from finding this out. he might rip up or discard that letter prismo gave them or something even before jake visits so that jake can't see him anymore (or, at least, not easily). its also worth considering how much denial jake would probably be in about it. i mean, finn dying? because of fern? he would not want to consider that in a million years. in my head, if everyone found out, jake would be the last one to do so, because he would be so willing to give "finn" the benefit of the doubt. he's already a bit stubborn, so it would be quite easy to explain it all away - to say that prismo is just showing him an alternate universe or something instead of his own, for example.
regardless, i think prismo wouldn't be able to interact with jake in the same way again. he'd be crushed by an overwhelming sense of guilt, even though it's not really his fault it happened (prismo seems to only have so much control over what happens in the created universes - and he can't deny a wish, even to the lich!). jake would definitely notice, but prismo would never be able to give him a clear answer as to why (if he doesn't tell him, at least).
also, prismo would not want to see fern again in person, under any circumstances. he'd probably ban him from the cube somehow.
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lhuxlux · 6 months
You know what? I absolutely LOVE the way Fionna & Cake (the show) told us how important Simon Petrikov (the one we know) was. Let's check out the most important universes. As expected, there will be spoilers:
Farmworld is pretty obvious itself. Simon was able to prevent the bomb that would have brought the Lich, which is pretty impressive itself, but that didn't stop the Lich forever and Simon wasn't able to take care of Marceline or even contact Hunson Abadeer. Because of this, Marceline dedicated her whole life (literal centuries) to guard the crown knowing it was too dangerous. Eventually, she dies after Farmworld Finn accidentally activates the bomb. Simon's sacrifice was noble, but it only delayed something that was inevitable and Marceline didn't have the best life guarding her friend and father figure's corpse for centuries due to the crown
Simon doesn't have the purpose of sacrificing his own life in order to save Marceline and other people. Becoming Ice King again for Fionna and Cake was a way to abandon and sacrifice the life he regained thanks to Betty. No one has such purpose, it was just Farmworld Simon's choice and we can see the consequences of his absence even years after those events occurred and our boy Prismo had to fix things a bit
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After that, the show presents us Winterworld and a version of Simon that managed to "conquer" the crown and seemed like the perfect outcome for everyone involved: Simon keeping his sanity without facing the consequences of not only using the crown but also being a magic user again to bring magic back to Fionna's world. Thing is MMS (Magic, Madness, and Sadness) applies to all magic users and it is unavoidable, all of them will show different degrees of those three characteristics. Winter King is no exception, he is still mad despite projecting most of his madness on PB. We can see this because he made an ice version of Marceline despite saying it would be unethical to do the same with Betty
Simon cannot be a magic user because otherwise he won't be the Simon we know (Remember the Tiny Manticore mentioning how Betty changed as well after becoming a magic user?). He knew this every time he needed to use the crown in order to protect Marceline and survive. He acknowledged it was the only way to do it despite knowing the long-term effects and being aware he also hurt Marcy. Simon was no coward, he probably was scared and knew no one could save him from the crown's madness, and still tried to be himself when he could
Probably the reason why Winter King lost his Marceline was because he wanted to have the crown's power to survive without facing the consequences of using it, maybe he overused the crown itself until Simon was completely gone, making him unable or too dangerous to take care of Marcy. Winter king lived in a bubble in which he thought he was completely sane (which is not even possible if you are a magic user) and everything, including himself, was perfect. He wants to believe he's Simon but that's not the case, Simon is far gone and deep down he knows it when he took the name "Winter King" and decided to make his kingdom instead of using his own name and trying to live as Simon Petrikov, not some king
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And, of course... Vampworld
The perfect answer to the question "How important is our Simon Petrikov?"
A world in which Marceline was never raised by Simon, and Hunson was absent or didn't mind that his daughter was raised by the Vampire King. Marcy didn't become a vampire hunter and didn't help humans survive. This is because she was educated in a different way since she was very little, and keep in mind that Marceline was already thinking she was a monster because she couldn't comprehend why her mother couldn't be with her anymore. Vampire King just encouraged her to behave like an actual monster
Simon cared about Marcy and her education, seeing her as a scared little girl living in the end of the world, not a monster despite knowing she was different. Again, he admitted he was Marceline's father figure and raised her as his own. This is why Simon is scared and maybe even a bit sad when he watches Marcy acting in such a cruel way, and that's why he loses his shit and calls the Vampire King a bad dad, he couldn't stand seeing someone else encourage that behavior on Marceline
Simon's education wasn't the best, he had his own struggles due to the crown, but he did his best and that made a difference on Marceline's life, he even bothered to contact Hunson so she wouldn't be all by herself. It was a pity he didn't know that Hunson himself wasn't that good as a father but leaving Marcy all by herself would have been cruel
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And yet, Simon himself couldn't see this despite living it. He was still trying to save Fionna's universe by becoming Ice King again. Why? He thought his purpose was to help others by sacrificing himself, that's what he learned with Marceline when he took care of her, this made him think that Simon Petrikov didn't matter, only Ice King because he's able to make Fionna's world magic again and could stop Scarab, fueling his identity loss
Most people cannot realize how important they are, even if they didn't lose their identity. Sometimes it is too hard to know how important we actually are or we tend to forget and re-learn it, and this is something the show remarks despite Simon helped Fionna save her universe. He didn't need Ice King, but that doesn't mean it is over and he learnt his lesson
It is a longer process because there are ideas or thoughts about ourselves that are hard to abandon or not to pay attention to in order to avoid repeating the same mistakes
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void-ink-studios · 7 months
Wrath of the Wishmaster
You asked, you shall receive.
Thanks for helping me clear my writer's block. I might write more scenes that happened prior to this, but enjoy what's here for now! Might post to AO3 later, who knows?
Enjoy babes!
Word count: 2,500
There were many things Scarab did not understand about the Wishmaster, Prismo.  Many… Many things.
Why did an all powerful being decide to spend its eternity making pickles and writing fan fiction of the universes he observed?  Why, of all things to add to the featureless Time Cube, was there a hot tub?
And why, above all, did he tolerate all of Scarab's... strangeness?
Because no one liked bugs.
That was the lesson Scarab had learned in his eons of existence.
No one liked bugs.  At least, not the kind of bug he was.
Of course, people like butterflies.  They liked to watch the pretty and dainty little things as they flutter along.  But only from a distance.  People still recoiled if they got a good look at their face.  Or anything that reminded them that they’re bugs, and not just living little splashes of color.
And Scarab was no butterfly.
He was a beetle.  Was?  Is?  He wasn’t sure anymore.  So much of himself had changed since he first emerged from his burrow.
And yet, there was Prismo, calling his little chirps and trills "cute." Encouraging him to find places in the Time Room to burrow and hide and crawl.
There was Prismo, who didn't recoil at the site of his real face. Who saw his strange mouth and eyes and decided to kiss it all over, rather than hide it behind his mask again.
So no, he did not understand many of how Prismo operated. But Scarab was not about to complain. He felt more alive in his own shell than he has in eons. He kept his mask off more often than on these days. His hidden arms had seen more exercise than ever before. He was starting to remember the strange language of chirps and trills and buzzes from his old home.
Of course, there were still bad days. Days where he had to sit still and stare at something stationary just to remember what direction was up. Days where he crawled away into one of his hidden nooks to tremble out of sight.
He had been reluctant to let Prismo in on those days, at first. He held up walls and scooted away and flinched enough to get the Wishmaster to back off for quite a while.
But, as he came back into contact with himself, and as Prismo called him beautiful and quirky, rather than disgusting and unsettling, the walls came down.
He wasn't ready to tell him what happened to his antenna and wings. But, Prismo was at least there to turn the screen wall to something calming. Or to rub his aching back and shoulders on days where he could do little else but shake.
It was... nice. He hesitated to call it wonderful, but it really was. Much better than a bug deserved, but he was not about to remind Prismo of that.
No, he had Orbo to do that for him.
He knew he had grown far too comfortable with Prismo when he heard the orb roll into the Time Room, loudly calling for his buddy the Wishmaster. Who was not currently there, but instead tending to his pickles for the moment. He trusted Scarab to watch the main room for any wishers, which he had been doing diligently from his perch on the ceiling.
Scarab froze, stuck to the ceiling like he was pinned there.
Maybe if I don't move, he won't notice I'm here.
It was a nice thought. But when had the universe been nice to him before?
"Uhm... Scarab? Mate? Whatcha doing up there? I thought we cleared up a while back that that creeped people out."
Scarab stayed silent as he crawled back down the wall. He ignored the way Orbo visibly shivered at his method of locomotion, standing at attention once his feet touched the floor.
He unconsciously made a nervous, light buzzing sound, his mouth parts clicking together as the orb stared at him like a disection project.
"So, what's all this then? You think just because Prismo's not here, you can do whatever you want? I thought we talked about this forever ago, Scrabs. You might be just a bug, but you got raised to the pantheon. You gotta act like it."
Orbo rolled to look around the Time Room. Scarab reached gingerly for the remote, trying to alert Prismo to their visitor.
"Seriously, I still feel bad enough for Prismo to get stuck looking at you when you were at your best. If he's stuck with you, it's the least you could do to not creep the guy out. That's not how you show appreciation, Scrabs."
Scarab tried to tune it out. He wasn't creepy, not to Prismo, Prismo called him beautiful, insect traits and all. Orbo swung around to look at him, now noticing his face.
"Where's your mask, man? No one wants to see the horror show your kind calls a mouth. It's bad enough when we have to watch you eat, you can at least put the rest of it away."
Scarab felt small. Tiny. Just like he did when he first met Orbo, who took one look at him, and decided he wasn't meant for the glittery Judgement Hall. He barely even noticed when he shuffled the plates back over his face.
"Much better. So, where's Prismo then? Not like I came all this way to talk to you, right?"
Orbo laughed. Scarab didn't. He just kept his eyes trained to the floor, still quietly chirping to steady his nerves. His world started to feel tilted. What he wouldn't do for his cane right now.
"Cut it with the noise, mate. It's like you've forgotten you're a god or something. You want to go back to the dirt? Is that it? I can talk to Boss for you, if that's what you want."
"...No. That won't be necessary."
"That's what I thought. Now, where in Glob's name- Oh, Prismo! Buddy, there you are!"
Scarab didn't look up to acknowledge the Wishmaster's presence. He felt so tiny. Just like a gross little bug pinned to the wall.
"...What are you doing here, Orbo?"
That made Scarab look up. Prismo's tone. All the warmth had been sucked out of his voice. There was an edge to it. One that the beetle had never heard before, not even during the whole Fionna and Cake disaster.
"Aw, mate, can't I just come check on my good buddy? It's been ages since your last party, man. Us at the office are just itching to groove again. We'd love to see you!"
Prismo's expression was unreadable. Scarab wasn't used to not being able to read the Wishmaster, he was usually an open book. The blue eye shifted between Orbo and Scarab subtly.
"Just haven't been in the partying mood, Orbo. I've been having some friends over for board games, I guess, but I'm not planning on a party any time soon."
The star core seemed to catch Prismo's shifting glance, turning his attention back to Scarab. The beetle stood ramrod straight. Partially to not draw attention to himself and partially to prevent his body from shaking on uncertain legs.
"Oh. Prismo, buddy, why didn't you say anything sooner?" Orbo rolled back over to Scarab, smirking.
"Say what sooner?"
"That this dude was killing the vibe in here! I mean, I totally get it, I wouldn't want a party either if that was lurking in my place somewhere."
Prismo's expression hardened.
"Scarab's not 'killing the vibe' Orbo. He's been nice to have around, he plays board games with me, Cos, and Death."
Orbo rolled his eyes.
"Prismo, you're cool. You don't have to keep it quiet for his sake. Just say the word and I'll find something else to do with him. It's not the first time he failed to learn a lesson."
"I'm not keeping anything quiet. I like having him around. He's actually pretty cool when he's got the space outside of work, and you're being, like, really uncool, Orbo."
Scarab was stunned. He'd been the only one to ever really talk back to Orbo. He'd never expect someone to do it on his behalf.
"What? Me, uncool? Pris, c'mon, mate. You're allowed to say he's creepy, we all know it. He's a bug. You know, those little creepy crawlies? I thought I trained most of the creepy stuff out of him by now. I know you're everybody's buddy, but you really need to make sure the lesson stays in his head if you don't want him weirding you out. Like, I came in here and he was on the ceiling! Looked like a ghost or something. And without his mask! I thought I made it clear his face is a horror show. Thank Glob I got him to put it back on before you had to see it, bud. It's a real doozy, I'll tell ya."
The beetle wasn't looking at Orbo anymore. No, he was watching the growing horror on Prismo's face. Horror not directed at him for once.
"Dude, Scarab's not that bad. A bit uptight when he's stressed, but still a pretty cool dude. Why should he have to hide so much? This is the Time Room, you're supposed to relax in here."
"Oh, Prismo, you sweet dream child. Scarab's not cool. He's not like us, you know?"
"Like us?"
"Buddy, you're the dream of one of the greatest living wizards in the multiverse! I'm the core of a collapsed magic star! That's where gods like us are supposed to come from! Scarab though? He's just a bug. A creepy crawly cockroach that somehow made it up from the dirt he's meant for."
"Didn't he manage to take down a galactic level threat that you couldn't catch?"
"He got lucky." Orbo looked annoyed. That usually ended well for no one. "Knew I should've finished his punishment before he came here..."
"I thought this was his punishment."
"Oh, no, I'm talking about his punishment for trying to start a revolt. Went over my head to the Boss! All over that nonsense with that unauthorized universe of yours. I was gonna take his legs. Maybe should've pulled out his other arms as well. I still can, if you wanted me to, mate."
The silence in the Time Room was deafening. Scarab has seen a lot of expressions on the Wishmaster's face. Contentment, sadness, boredom, amusement, joy, frustration, all of it.
But he had never seen rage. Not until now, anyway.
Orbo seemed to completely miss the change in atmosphere, as he carried on just as before. "Oh yeah, it seems to be the only way he actually learns. Thought the antenna would be enough, but nooo, Mr. Buggy Bigshot still thought himself better. I really thought the thing with the wings would've gotten through to him, but I guess not."
The lights in the Time Room went out. Not even the stars from the void outside shed much light into the cube. Scarab never thought he'd miss the sickeningly bright yellow of the Time Cube, but he's permanently paint his shell its color if it would turn the lights back on.
"You. Did. WHAT?"
There was a guttural hiss coming from where Prismo once was. Blue what replaced by a bright purplish pink, staring down at Orbo and Scarab. A friendly smile was replaced with jagged teeth. Fingers replaced with claws. And a growl rumbled through the cube.
Scarab didn't think. Just acted. He opened himself a passage into the lower levels of the Time Room, scurrying in as fast as his legs could carry him. He could faintly hear Orbo yelling after him, but he ignored it completely. The adrenaline let him ignore the pain, ignore the feeling of constantly tipping over. All his instincts told him was run and hide.
He crammed himself into one of his many makeshift burrows, backing as far into the hole as possible.
Prismo was angry, he knew that much. Anger meant pain. Anger meant he'd lose another piece of himself. What would it be this time, he wondered.
It didn't matter he knew Prismo would never hurt him. It didn't matter he knew he probably couldn't be hurt like that while in this form. All he knew was to curl up and hide.
And so he did.
He shook, in fear and pain, and waited. For what, he wasn't sure. But he didn't dare come out of his cubby.
So he waited.
He didn't know how long it was until he felt the familiar tingle of light against his back. He flinched, a frightened trill falling unwillingly from his throat.
"...Scarab? Sweetheart, are you there?"
...At least he sounded like Prismo again...
"...Yes... Yes, I'm here."
"Good, good. I... I'm sorry you had to see me like that. I don't like what I am when I'm like that but... What Orbo was saying... Your wings..."
Scarab felt his elytra twitch under Prismo's touch. The ragged scraps of wings shivered as well, as the beetle sighed out a soft little chirp.
"...It is the way of things, Prismo... Orbo is not the only one with thoughts like that. It's what I've been taught for eons. No one likes bugs, after all."
There was a long silence after that. Prismo was looking at him with a sad calmness. He reached his other arm into the hole, petting a hand over the parts of his face he could reach under the mask. The bug shivered pitifully into the touch, trying and failing to resist the urge to lean into it.
"...You deserve better, Scrabby."
That's what did it. That's what broke the dam.
Scarab wept into Prismo's hand, shaking hard enough to make his carapace rattle.
"Shh... It's okay, honey... Can you come out here?"
It was slow. Almost painfully so. But he managed to peek his head out of his hiding spot. The Wishmaster gave him a kind smile, if not a sad one.
"Can you let me see you, beautiful?"
Scarab hesitated. Orbo's words echoed in his head, loudly, cruelly.
"...I'm not pleasant to look at, Prismo... Much less beautiful..."
"Nope. Not true, Scrabby. C'mon. Let me see that pretty face of yours."
"Please, Scarab?"
The beetle sighed. His face plates shivered again, tucking behind his head. His eyes stared, wide and wet at the Wishmaster. A soft kiss was planted on his forehead.
"There we go. Much better."
Scarab refused to start bawling again. Instead, he climbed the rest of the way out of his burrow to curl against Prismo's chest.
"You don't have to worry about Orbo anymore, by the way. He won't be coming back. Not for a few eons, at least."
Scarab didn't choose to question it. Not right now at least. Instead, he closed his eyes as Prismo's hand pet gently over his aching back, the beetle unconsciously opening up the elytra. The dream's hands were always careful when working around his sorry wings. They made the ache go away.
Scarab began chirping. Softly, at first. But it slowly grew, morphing into a simple, but filling cricket song. He heard Prismo softly join in with a light humming.
He might've been just a bug.
But it turns out at least one person likes bugs after all.
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inbarfink · 8 months
Interesting to note that Fionnaworld losing it's magic is not the only thing that changed about it when Ice King was turned back into Simon Petrikov. The 'side-effects' of it being in Simon's head seem to have... inverted.
Because the whole thing about Fionnaworld being in Ice King's head is that this is how he 'got the idea' for his 'Fionna and Cake' stories. Even though Ice King was supposed to just be 'a big nutty hard-drive', it seems like IK's subconsciousness had some sort of a connection to Fionnaworld and absorbed information from it - that Ice King's conscious self then put into his stories.
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This... doesn't seem to be the case with Simon. You know, it's not like he goes 'oh, I get ideas for Fionna and Cake stories sometimes I just don't want to write them because I associate them too much with the Trauma of being Ice King' or even "I can't relate to Fionna and Cake anymore! But I do have some ideas for a pre-war era story about the quarter-life crisis of a blonde girl also coincidentally named Fionna!".
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There's no indication that he gets any sort of 'ideas' from the Fionnaworld in his head anymore, a fact that he attribute to, just, a lack of interest in the characters.
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Maybe one could speculate that Ice King's magic-infused mind gave it more of an ability to connect to the AU God Shoved in His Head. But.... Simon Petrikov's subconscious is still connected to it on some level. As we can see by the fact Simon's thoughts and immediate surrounding keep effecting the events going on in Fionnaworld.
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Did this ever happen with Ice King? It's really hard to say, since we've seen so little of the 'real' Magical Fionnaworld. It was almost always filtered via the lens of Ice King's 'fanfiction'. Like, most obvious examples of 'Fionna and Cake' stuff being influenced by IK's psyche are probably just supposed to be him rewriting the stories in an inaccurate way.
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But still, since Prismo was also actively 'writing stories' for Fionnaworld, and he considered it his own personal creative outlet, and since he found Ice King to be a satisfactory 'hard drive' for it all... Like, I'm going to assume that if IK's subconscious had a noticeble effect of the events of the Magical Fionnawrold - Prism wouldn't have been happy with it.
What I think is going on is related less to the matter of the magical-ness of Simon's brain and more to the other factor that Prismo mentioned in regards for picking Ice King's brain
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It's emptiness.
Under the effect of the Magic Crown's Curse, Simon has lost most of his long-term (and sometimes even short-term) memories and, like, a lot of knowledge and intellectual skills he used to have. And that meant... a lot of space to store a whole-ass universe in his head, with probably also room to spare.
And maybe even the emptiness of IK's 'cursed dome' acted a bit like a vacuum - causing some information from Fionnaworld to leak into his mind.
But once Simon became himself again, all of this information and knowledge was restored inside his head. And maybe most of the experience of being Ice King is just 'dream-like impressions' like he said back in 'Betty' - but he still seems to retain some memories of these 1000 years as well. Back in 'Betty' he seems to have immediately remembered Finn and Jake, and after being permanently cured, well... he does seem to at least remember the events of "I Remember You' vividly enough to try and recreate them.
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So now Fionnaworld is in a head full to the brim with stuff and... well, now it's, like, smooshed up with all of these elements of Simon's mind and psyche. Metaphorically, I'm visualizing it as, like, a bunch of items shoved inside an overstuffed cupboard and Fionnaworld is getting squashed and bent according to the shape of Simon's thoughts and memories that are shoved up close beside it. Less 'breathing room' for the world, and so Simon's thoughts can subconsciously affect the world more. But Fionnaworld information isn't leaking out anymore cause, like, there's enough out-there already.
That might also explain why Fionnaworld seems to be so damn small. Not even a full city as much as a few blocks.
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It should be about as large as the actual Land of Ooo, but it might've shrank to be 'compact' enough to still fit into Simon's no-longer-empty mind.
(But now that they're free from his head and also canonized that's no longer a concern. It's alright now.)
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