#Primordial Buddha
livingwellnessblog · 10 months
Tantra: Tilopa’s Song of Mahamudra
Explore the profound world of Tantra and the teachings of Tilopa, an Indian Buddhist monk in the tantric Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. Delve into the essence of Mahamudra, a set of spiritual practices that accelerate the path to Buddhahood.
Tantra The Supreme Understanding Tantra:  The Supreme Understanding Introduction Tilopa’s Song of Mahamudra A deep and insightful look into the underlying ideas of Tantra. Walking the road to enlightenment by embodying the full acceptance of all that is. A commentary on Tilopa’s marvelous song.    Tilopa, was an Indian Buddhist monk in the tantric Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.  He…
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dogfeeder · 2 years
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cyberdreams2112 · 5 months
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sagelasters · 11 days
the void state through the context of asian philosophy 
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How often does one hear about the void state? Many people probably think it doesn’t exist because the idea of instant ‘manifestation’ is too good to be true. The fundamental realm of our world taught us that suffering is inevitable, and success can only be achieved through physical hard work. Sometimes, the idea of exquisite comfort and abundance of wealth hangs above people’s heads like a bait, oftentimes those that climb the ladders, falls off and never to return again. If it was fake, there wouldn’t be so many similarities in philosophy all across the world, some stretches back to ancient civilizations. The void state has many names/terms depending on each culture interpretation, but it is always referred to the state of stillness.  I used to be skeptical of anything metaphysical related, but if you really want to change your life, I’d advise you to drop all of those doubts just for several minutes. Remember your roots, just remember. 
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In Taoism, there is a concept called ‘wuji’ (無極) which directly translated to ‘without limit’ or ‘without roof’. Wuji is represented by a blank circle and described as the state of unmanifest, a stillness, infinite ‘no-thing’, and a primordial universe. Many Taoist scholars described ‘wuji’ as a ‘good night sleep’ where all negative and positive emotions cease to exist, many believers of Taoism stated that the world was once in the ‘wuji’ state. Since it is boundless and an infinite universe,  ‘wuji’ must exist in order for movement and manifestation to arise. This state is taught in many forms of Chinese martial art, oftentimes requires deep concentration to fully ‘enter’ (I don’t like this word because ‘wuji’ isn’t a magical place, it literally exists within you, it needs you to exist. You are the movement and manifestation). Overall, martial artists used this to relax mentally and physically, it’s actually a meditative state. In ‘wuji’, you have the potential to ‘move’ and become ‘something', as it is a pre-existential state. 
Another state of stillness can be seen in Buddhism is the Śūnyatā or suññatā (voidness, vacuity or emptiness) Buddhist philosophers even refers to is ‘The Void’ where the essence of the soul is empty, it is ‘the synonym of that which has no cause, that which is beyond thought or conception, that which is not produced, that which is not born, that which is without measure.’ ‘Sunyata’ is a composition of ultimate reality and the release of attachment. The Buddha found true enlightenment when he realized ‘emptiness’. He freed himself from all of the suffering and dissatisfaction of the Earthly world. In ‘sunyata’, every entity is interconnected with a blankness, the concept explains that the universe's ever-changing and empty nature allows for the creation and destruction of all things. To reach the state of ‘sunyata’ or the great void, one must have great concentration and tread gently, avoiding forcing their way in. 
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That was a lot of researching and summarizing but I love to share my knowledges with you. As you can see, the void state is not anything new. In-fact the concept is much older than we think! I hope this post showed you new insights and please stop doubting the void's existence. It lives within you, it is literally a part of you.
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
I jsut had an idea for Slow Boiled Stone Egg au.
Basically, in the base jttw canon story, both Buddha and Guanyin are supposed to be present DURING the fight with Macaque. So you can bet that after a battle like that, Guanyin is going to insist on Wukong getting a checkup, like... he's pregnant for crying out loud and just had to kill his mate. While she is doing that, Gold Star basically comes down to get statements and discovers A) Wukong is a Stone Monkey, B) he pregnant, and C) he very much wants to keep this a secret. Now, Gold Star always liked Wukong. It's why he tried also hard to defend him when the Jade Emperor was all for killing him for his insolence from the get-go. Learning his favorite troublemaker had been a member of his favorite species of extinct primate celestial this time is a big shock to him, and he did so after discovering he had to kill his own mate, who without the magic to keep up a glamour, is now very obviously seen as another Stone Monkey. He's gonna know what that means for Wukong, being ghe msot knowledgeable about Stone Monkeys and their mating habits, and he'll feel a lot of sympathy for him.
I imagine he'll have a talk with the Pilgrims, just letting that they should take it easy on Wukong for a bit after the death of his mate, and offhandedly mentioning the fact Stone Monkeys mate for life. And kindly ask that they follow Wukong's request to keep these facts hidden and secret, and to respect that Wukong is in grieving and likely will not ever truly be able to find romantic love again.
Oh gosh, and Guanyin and Gold Star were likely unaware that Macaque didn't know until the fight was over. Buddha probably did but he has a lot on his cosmic plate rn.
The PIlgrims, the Gods, and even Guanyin herself wanted to step in and stop the fight; but Wukong refused. He demanded that it stay between him and his mate, that he can find a way to calm him down enough to tell him.
In the Jttw Stone Egged au: Wukong is successful.
However, in the Slow Boiled au: he tragically isn't.
Wukong is sobbing, wailing, screaming over the deceased monkey before him. His Pilgrim brothers are so disturbed by what they just seen that they can't even speak. Guanyin is stoney, trying to hide her own tears of sympathy as she tries to approach the monkey to determine his and his unborn's condition. Wukong refuses to move from his spot drapped over his unmoving mate.
Meanwhile, Gold Star stands nearby. A look of dismay, confirmation, and horror upon his face.
I hc that Gold Star has some huge empathy, not only for demons, but for any form of life - as the planet Venus is now scienfically believed to have once had a basis of life similar to what later developed on Earth's pre-Cambrian. The primordial god of Venus had to watch all life on his planet die off, whether due to supernatural or cosmic changes. When he became the Jade Emperor's right-hand man, Gold Star advocates for all life, now matter what - including a little chaos monkey he suspected was a reminder of the far past.
When the Monkey King and the Six Eared Macaque fought and the Macaque died; Gold Star basically witnessed what very well could be the last member of an extinct species kill their mate in self-defence. And upon realising that both monkeys were an extinct species of celestial primate? You might as well have crushed a dodo egg right infront of him.
Stone Monkeys mate for life.
Sun Wukong is an *immortal* Stone Monkey. One that's carrying a Stone egg (!!).
And he has just killed his mate in self-defence.
Gold Star bluntly states the above bullet points to the Pilgrims when asked why he himself is tearing up. All four companions weep with sympathy as the knowledge sets in, Tripitaka in particular blaming himself for banishing Wukong just before the Macaque tried ambushing them. Had the monk maybe have been more trusting of his student then maybe both monkeys could be alive right now.
At some point during the grieving, a mass of chains rise up from the Underworld and pull the six-eared monkey down into the depths, ignoring how the Monkey King screams and digs through the dirt to follow his mate.
The stench of death magic hangs in the air.
Wukong stare blankly at the dirt. His moonlight has been taken into the Underworld. Somewhere he himself is unwelcome.
In the next few years he attempts to bursts through the gates to retrieve his mate, only to recieve word that the Liu'er Mihou is not listed among the dead throughout all the levels of Hell. Wukong cries once more, now bittersweet, that his mate has passed through the Bridge of Naihe into the next life.
Wukong spends the next thousand years waiting.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Can you please do scarlet witch reader the the wielder of the dark hold ( a book of infinite knowledge), the harbinger of chaos and the vessel of cthon ( a primordial god ) Possessing an ability that can warp reality to its whims and a sorceress
I wanna see all the gods reactions to her, it's okay if you don't want to. I respect that.
-You were a human, that much they knew, but you were far more powerful than any other human, and while they didn’t want to admit it, you were more powerful than the gods in Valhalla.
-Your abilities to warp reality could affect anyone and anything, not even the gods were safe, but it was far more dangerous than many realized, as you could do it at will.
-At any given moment you seemed to grow more and more powerful, wielding the Dark Hold, being a harbinger of chaos with your own abilities and magic, and being the vessel of a primordial god, Cthon, you were not to be trifled with and definitely not to be underestimated.
-However, despite the healthy fear the gods had for you, they also respected you, not all, but many of the stronger ones, who hold power over Valhalla, as you could easily wipe them out with just a blink of your eye, you could destroy everything, the heavens, the underworld, and earth, but you didn’t.
-For the most part, you kept to yourself, living quietly in a calm corner of the Norse pantheon, living in a beautiful house surrounded by your garden, vegetables and flowers, growing whatever you wanted.
-You hated being treated like a freak, a mutant is what they called you on earth, being stared at and judged for something you had no control over, you didn’t chose to become a mutant, it was the fate you were given.
-In Valhalla you were able to live freely, without fear, as many knew about you and what you could do, but since you would rather keep to yourself rather than interacting with others and causing trouble, those who did know you didn’t mind.
-You had made friends with several children who came to investigate the witch who lived just outside a large forest, but you weren’t scary or ugly at all!
-You were super pretty and nice to them, sharing your vegetables and telling them stories, fairy tales that you knew, and giving them soft smiles. You were quiet, but not mean or cruel at all!
-The few gods who treated you with respect were some of the most powerful in Valhalla, and they were the ones you got along with for the most part, because of this respect, but you could sense their fear, their caution, for good reason.
-Knowing what you could do, they did what they could to keep you happy, but were surprised while learning how to keep you happy, that they became fond of you, befriending you.
-And as time went on, they learned you weren’t as scary as they thought you were.
-Treats you with respect, but also as a friend, brings drinks and enjoys sharing them with treats you’ve prepared, talking and gossiping about random things, spending time together. Will defend you from others who don’t know the real you, who only think you’re an evil and powerful witch.
            -Zeus, Aphrodite, Shiva (and his wives), and Zerofuku
-Respects you and your strength, respects that you are a normally calm person when you could easily take over everything. Is fiercely protective of you, not because he doesn’t want you to get upset, but because you’re his friend and as your friend, he demands respect for you.
            -Odin, Beelzebub, Poseidon, Hades, Hermes, and Thor
-Doesn’t find you scary at all, he’s taken the time to get to know you and knows that you aren’t a scary and cruel witch that everyone tries to make you out to be. Can make you smile easily and is always down for spending time with you. You can come home at any given time and find him on your couch, welcoming you home like he lived there, but you didn’t mind. You found him comforting to be around, even when he does eat all of your food.
-Hercules, Buddha, and Loki
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jedineedlove · 8 months
LMK VS Legend
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The Golden Winged Peng
Korean- King of Bungma (Bungma= Dapeng)
Powerful but a coward, we all know their story along with Azure and Tusk. All of them were former Celestials. The three ruled over Camel Ridge and became sworn brothers to Monkey King, Macaque, and Demon Bull King forming the brotherhood. After the "betrayal" of Monkey King they separated the brotherhood the trio stayed together and reunited with Wukong but only to battle and lose. Trapped in the scroll for hundreds of years. Were realized causing havoc to the cosmos. The rest is history For Now.
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A demon born from the Primordial Phoenix, Given a high position in heaven which gave him his ego. He gave himself a humanoid form ate all the residence of the Lion Camel Kingdom ruled it for 500 years and then befriended the Azure Lion and Yellow-Toothed Elephant Demons.
Note: LMK and JTTW had Peng and Azure Switched In JTTW Peng was the leader and Azure the follower. Which of course is switched in the show.
His weapons are a ji and a Flask of Yin and Yang Essence which can suck in unsuspecting victims.
Flask of Yin and Yang Essence: After a while, the victim trapped inside the flask will be reduced to a bloody mash. (The flask was broken during the fight between him and Wukong)
In the book, it was the Buddha who subdued the Peng and returned him to Vulture Peak. He confessed to enjoying his demonic life and eating humans., but was left no choice but to abandon his evil ways and he was redeemed. He then became a protector of Buddhist law. He was later sent to destroy fake scripture without text by the Buddha. He is depicted perched above the Buddha's thrown as a guardian deity.
The Ming dynasty suggests Peng was a guardian of faith who watched over the world from an exalted position at the top of the Buddhas' throne.
Dapeng Jinchi Mingwang/ Golden-Winged Great Peng His origins are derived from the Indian bird god Garuda.
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Penig is one of the eight demi gods of Buddhism, he guards Mount Sumeru and Trāyastriṃśa. Pengi is depicted in the JTTW and General Yue Fei, mentioned in Chinese Buddhist literature.
The famous patriot General Yue Fei was believed to be the incarnation of Dapeng Jinchi Mingwang.
A demonic Peng born from The Primordial Phoenix the leader of flying beings. He also has a sister The Peacock Mahamayuri who once tried and failed to consume the Buddha. When he tried to kill her he was stopped and convinced to promote her to his godmother. Which makes the Golden Winged Peng the spiritual uncle of the Buddha. There is a tale of when Nü Tofu the bat spirit listened to the Buddha sermon on the Lotus Sutra at Leiyin temple. The bat spirit accidentally "broke wind" which stained the pure land. Peng snatched the spirit and killed her. For this Buddha exiled Peng to earth. He reincarnated as Yue Fei and the bat spirit reincarnated as Lady Wang. She married Qin Hui and Lady Wang killed Yue Fei in revenge.
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For Backstory On These Two: Qui Hui and Lady Wang were the most hated couple in China for a thousand years. Qui Hui was a politician who gained his status by getting rid of political opponents, framing war heroes and was a sycophant to a foreign emperor. He and his wife both conspired to kill the Great War Hero of the Dynasty Yue Fei. He even becomes a puppet ruler. Qui Hui did not like Yue Fei because he was a great guy loved by all and became very popular even being more popular than the emperor. So Qui Hui had him returned and imprisoned. They torture Yue, but Yue Fei refuses to confess to something he did not do. They had him sentenced to death but in another story, Qui Hui's Wife Lady Wang poisoned Yue Fei. However, Yue Feis' story does not end at his death after a few decades Emperor Zhao Chen absolved Yue Fei and dedicated temples to him. Qui Hui and Lady Wang's betrayal and part in the war heroes' death were made public. In front of Yue Fei's temple, two iron statues of the couple were built for public shaming. People spit, abuse, and flop the statues and they get replaced when damaged they have been replaced 11 times since 1475.
Other Ledgends:
According to the martial arts master Laing Shouyu's book he was a great bird that was the guardian that could get rid of all evil in any area. Not even the MONKEY KING was a match. He was sent to China to defend China from invaders and was reborn as Yue Fei.
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Yue Fei
The Shurangama Mantra: A mantra of Buddhist practice in China, Japan, and Korea, pertains to the Great golden-winged Peng bird, the Garuda it includes all species of birds. The Peng is the king among birds. He feasts on dragons, his being span measures an astounding 4,950 km, and when he flaps his wings the sea waters part to the deepest seabed.
Peng's history and legends paint him as a far more powerful being than we have seen so far in the show if the writers do take anything from legends MK and the gang are in some serious trouble besides the ten kings. Also, it really is crazy that maybe even in the LMK universe Peng might have some serious power he was the last standing of the Sworn brothers in the final fight but that was mainly due to him running away. Peng does get redemption in the book with the LMK writers it's a 50/50 on the show. Also, love it when a character has a historical reincarnation to do some digging into.
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talonabraxas · 1 year
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Samantbhadra Buddha His name Samantabhadra in Sanskrit or Kuntuzangpo in Tibetan, means ‘always good', ‘always well’ or ‘unchanging goodness.’ The significance is that unchanging or fundamental goodness is our ultimate nature.He is pictured in the Yab-Yum (mother-father) sacred embrace with his consortHe is the light blue color of the sky representing the pure state of the mind which is vast and empty, while still including all of existence. She is white, representing pure mental clarity. Together they symbolize the divine union of compassion with wisdom.He is considered a primordial Adi-Buddha, or "first seed of Buddhahood" representing the Dharmakaya (truth body of enlightenment) according to the Nyingma Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism“Samantabhadra is not subject to limits of time, place, or physical conditions. Samantabhadra is not a colored being with two eyes, etc. Samantabhadra is the unity of awareness and emptiness, the unity of appearances and emptiness, the nature of mind, natural clarity with unceasing compassion - that is Samantabhadra from the very beginning”
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mahayanapilgrim · 9 months
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Kuntu Zangpo is the Primordial Buddha. The name Kuntu Zangpo means "that which is most excellent and present in all places." Thus our ancient texts refer to Kuntu Zangpo as being "Self-Awareness", "True Self" and
"Source of the Self".
This Primordial Buddha has never had to attain enlightenment and liberation from Samsara because He has been fully and perfectly enlightened from the very beginning.
He has never even entered into the delusions of Samsara in the first place. He has nothing to attain or realize; He simply is what He is from the very beginning and never otherwise.
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naniguini · 2 months
Record of Ragarok chapter 88 thoughts with no particular order or sense
Beelzebub taking any chance to die is sending me
Lü bu :' )
Zero :' )
Buddha and Beel are in good terms FOR NOW!
Buddha will go to the Underworld to meet Sigfried, it'd be cool if Sakata or even Loki but that ain't happening accompany him.
At first I thought the idea of bringing back the primordial god was for Odin to let chaos break loose and take the leadership of the gods in the end but if he needs to sacrifice himself for that then IDK maybe I'll make a theory about it later.
Was the close up of Anubis tonge necessary? Still he's cute
Lol Ares is shooked
I love the art style and the techniques in this fight but I can't help not being interested at all since I can already predict how it's going to end. Thank God there's the side plot but maybe the next chapter will finally delve into Susanoo's past
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dogfeeder · 2 years
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bearybudai · 11 months
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Entering my primordial Buddha era.
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hel-the-growl · 1 year
Nezha Reborn annotations - Part 2
Part 1|Part 3
Monkey asks Yunxiang whether his dad ever told him the story of Nezha conquering the dragon king when he was a kid. Most Chinese people will probably remember this story from the 1979 animation of the same title that was adapted from chapter 14 of Investiture of the Gods.
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More product displacement: Smirnoff, what looks to be Suntory Royal and if you zoom in on the Jack Daniels, it reads “Made in Light Chaser” lol
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Primordial Spirit or “god-body” is something you’ll see a lot in the New Gods universe. Known in Chinese as yuanshen (元神), it is a concept in Daoism defined to be a level of existence surpassing that of physical existence, capable of existing independently in the form of a soul. It is viewed to be the center and essence of a human's existence.
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Monkey breaks the fourth wall
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This quote comes from Liu An’s poem Nüwa mending the heavens (女娲补天), delivered Peking Opera style, down to the mannerisms. The caged bird could be a thrush or a lark. Bird keeping is a traditional hobby in Beijing that started in the Qing Dynasty and songbirds were usually kept in these cylindrical cages. 
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I shouldn’t have laughed so hard when he accidentally killed the glasses monkey and continued his business like nothing happened.
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“Fire imp” (葫芦老四) is the fourth of the seven Calabash Brothers, a classic Chinese cartoon from the 80s. Each bro has a unique power, and bro #4’s power is the ability to control fire. The snake demoness is an integral part of that story, so Light Chaser’s White Snake movies might actually be set in the same universe?????
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Chan and Jie are religions featured in IOTG. Chan Daoism was founded by Yuanshi Tianzun (Primeval Lord of Heaven) and Laozi, and Yang Jian is one of its disciples. Jie is a fictional religion headed by Tongtian.
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The most unfortunate character in this movie has got to be this monkey.
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“Are your training methods even legit?”
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Where did he get so much water? I thought water was being sanctioned.
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RIP this monkey again.
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He built his own version of Nezha’s spear.
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The Six-Eared Macaque is arguably the most dangerous antagonist in Journey to the West. This deceptive creature impersonated Sun Wukong after the Monkey King abandoned his pilgrimage following a tiff with Tripitaka, with the impersonation so perfect, only Gautama Buddha and Diting could see through the pretense.
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Nezha’s primordial spirit manifests as his three-headed, six-armed form.
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Nezha is traditionally depicted with his four Astras - the Wind Fire Wheels (风火轮) under his feet, the Cosmic Ring (乾坤圈) around his body, the Sky Ribbon (浑天绫) around his shoulders and a Fire-tipped Spear (火尖枪) in his right hand.
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This man has gills.
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The Yaksa Li Gen is described as a lizard like creature with long mercury red hair, protruding fangs, and a face the color of indigo. (IOTG chapter 12).
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Netflix's thirst trap of a thumbnail is from a scene that lasted ONE WHOLE SECOND.
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It’s hilarious how this guy was just credited as “the traitor”.
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The art deco style of the crystal palace 👌
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In 2013, archaeologists unearthed a 1000 year old statue in Sichuan in that depicted a beast resembling a rhinoceros. This was believed to be the water-suppressing mythological beast Zhenshui Shenshou (镇水神兽) that was documented in the Biography of Shu Kings Written by Yang Xiong in Han Dynasty.
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“I taught him? I don’t even have disciples! Stop joking.”
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Dragons kind of have a low status in heaven (no matter how majestic they are, they are still beasts and all beasts are looked down upon by the gods), unlike in the mortal realm where they are revered.
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Even in his dragon form, Ao Bing’s spinal column is supported by metal bracing.
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Part 1|Part 3
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ryin-silverfish · 1 month
What are the names of the fsyy immortal masters? The book translates the names into different ones. Could you please explain it? 🙏
Ah, the most irritating part of Gui Zhizhong's translation: names of immortal masters that are either too literal or make little sense.
Most of these are not their real names, just their Daoist names: a long, fancy title given to immortals and gods whose worship is sanctioned by the imperial court, as well as the religious name Daoists chose for themselves.
Sect leaders:
Yuanshi Tianzun (元始天尊) - "Heavenly Primogenitor" Patriarch Tongtian (通天教主) - "Grand Master of Heaven" Lao Tzu (老子) Sage Zhunti (准提道人) - "Cundi/Candi" Sage Jieyin (接引道人) - "Buddha/Amitabha"
Even though people like to HC that Yuanshi, Tongtian and Lao Tzu are the Three Pure Ones and Tongtian represents Heavenly Lord of the Numinous Treasure (灵宝天尊), that is not the case in the novel.
Why? Because Lao Tzu's special attack in Chapter 77 is "Three in One Breath", in which he split out 3 streams of Qi that turned into the Three Pure Ones.
The Chan 12:
Guangcheng Zi (广成子) - "Grand Completion" Chijing Zi (赤精子) - "Pure Essence" Sage Huanglong (黄龙真人) - "Yellow Dragon Immortal" Ju Liusun (惧留孙) - "Krakucchanda" Sage Taiyi (太乙真人) - "Fairy Primordial" (no seriously, what?) Chief Priest Lingbao (灵宝大法师) - "Spiritual Treasure" Heavenly Lord Wenshu of the Grand Dharma (文殊广法天尊) - "Heavenly Master of Outstanding Culture" Sage Puxian (普贤真人) - "Universal Virtue" Sage Cihang (慈航真人) - "Immortal of Merciful Navigation" Sage Yuding (玉鼎真人) - "Jade Tripod" Heavenly Lord Daoheng (道行天尊) - "Heavenly Master of Divine Virtue" Qingxu Daode Zhenjun (清虚道德真君) - "Virtue of the Pure Void"
Generally: the last 2 characters of their Daoist names are job descriptions. 真人 = Sage, 真君 = True Master, 天尊 = Heavenly Lord, etc.
I...really don't feel like doing a list of all the Jie immortals that are only called by their Daoist names, bc there are just so many! And most of them were just named NPCs anyways.
However: they do have a lot of "Immortals" and "Holy Mothers" suffix. The latter in particular is very reminiscent of Ming folk religions like Luoism (罗教), with their veneration of maternal goddesses.
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 months
[Send in more of your thoughts :3]
Well, for the most part, unless they want to cause cardiac arrests, not much could be done.
Depending on the SWK, of course. Maybe blackmail in exchange for something. Or just causing as many gray hairs as possible.
Erleng Shen finding out that by Celestial Law, SWK is his cousin could be worth a laugh, depending on the twos relationship, or lack there of.
But I am partial to them finding a way to use the parentage info to help get Cherry some more immortalities in him, to help with the egg situation.
[The Reincarnation of a *certain* Primordial Demon who has just died? And may need to be raised in tandem with it's Qi Energy counterpart in order to grow into a (mostly) balanced monkey? >:3]
Oh, that would be brilliant. If Xiao Qi remembers his previous life, would the Reborn!Luzhen also remember it or just completely fresh baby?
And if the former, then could Xiao Qi tell who Luzhen was? Cus...that could be interesting, like, that could cause some sibling fights, you know?
Point is, things could get chaotic for the Reborn monkeys. I like it.
hehehe Celestial law issues. referencing.
Depending on whether or not the Songzi-Stone Matriarch-Guanyin reincarnation cycle even applies to the other universes, I could def see a few monkeys sneaking into the Underworld just to make sure.
[Depending on the SWK, of course. Maybe blackmail in exchange for something. Or just causing as many gray hairs as possible.]
Definitively more of the latter. I feel almost any Wukong has a "I don't get no f--king sleep 'cause of y'all! Ya'll not gonna get no sleep 'cause of me"-relationship with Heaven/Celestial Realm. Dawn/Peach and Ace are more likely to blackmail this connection because of how long they've been around + having already completed their Journey. The others either keep quiet about their connection, or (most likely Cherry) no one would believe them anyway.
[But I am partial to them finding a way to use the parentage info to help get Cherry some more immortalities in him, to help with the egg situation.]
Cherry rolls up to Wangmu and/or Lao Tzu's place during his Journey and it goes like;
Cherry: Hey can I have some more immortalities?" Wangmu: "How in Buddha's name did you get here? And why should I?" Cherry: "I'm going to have a baby and I'm really scared I might die and leave them all alone. I need the immortalities so I can survive and make sure they have a parent to love them." :'( Wangmu, mother-goddess mode activated: "Oh sweetheart... You should have really just asked. Come! I can't spare you any more pills, but I'll take you you to my peach orchard instead!" Cherry, remembering the poisoned peach: "They aren't boozy ones right? Can't have those in my condition." Wangmu, thinking he's joking: "Oh no dear! They're quiet fresh!" Cherry: "Wow. I didn't even need to tell you that my boulder-mom is Guanyin's previous life." Wangmu: (*face contorts in shock*) "Excuse me?" Cherry: "Yeah I found this scroll in the Underworld that proves it. She also used to be a life goddess or something? I can't read the details so good." Wangmu: (*realising that the current Jade Emperor (I hc her only son) is outranked by her eldest daughter's firstborn - aka the very monkey infront of her*) Wangmu: "I... I may need one of those boozy peaches myself."
Don't tell the Netflix!JE. He will literally scream and hide if he found out that the Monkey King is the superior heir to the throne.
[Erleng Shen finding out that by Celestial Law, SWK is his cousin could be worth a laugh, depending on the twos relationship, or lack there of.]
Oh gosh the different Erlangs are going to have a fit, if not keel over laughing at the thought/knowledge of Sun Wukong, the Havoc of Heaven, being their legal blood cousin. XD
The ones with brotherly vibes are delighted, but the antagonistic ones are kinda sneering at the idea.
[Oh, that would be brilliant. If Xiao Qi remembers his previous life, would the Reborn!Luzhen also remember it or just completely fresh baby? And if the former, then could Xiao Qi tell who Luzhen was? Cus...that could be interesting, like, that could cause some sibling fights, you know?]
Xiao Qi remembers being Fruitie/Qi Energy, and specifically reincarnated so he could have a chance at meeting Monkey once again + go on the Pilgrimage. Of course he miscalculated how small, underdeveloped, and Baby he'd be, so it's gonna be a while before he can verbalize to Smokey that "Fruitie" is ok.
Xiao Lu however is the first fresh slate Yuandi has ever had in it's endless existance. Nuwa would likely show the soul some kindness and pour Meng Po's broth onto the clay so that the resulting baby wouldn't remember the eons trapped beneath the earth. Xiao Lu does however, remember her counterpart Qi Energy, and that they were fighting over something involving "Baba" [Smokey].
Xiao Lu assumes it's because Baba is her Baba and no one elses, so she perches on the brown monkey's shoulder and hisses at her brother whenever he comes near him. It's very cute.
Xiao Qi and Xiao Lu spend so much time play-fighting it's adorable. At first the adults thought it was cute, now they're starting to wonder if the pair are actually training for a future showdown. Then again it's hard to tell since in the blurr of black and white fuzz.
I'm glad that you like these little ideas of mine! :3
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jadeseadragon · 7 months
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Ashtamangala Mandalas
Ashtamangala - Eight Auspicious Symbols (ashta meaning eight and mangala meaning auspicious; Sanskrit अष्टमंगल Aṣṭamaṅgala):
The Endless Knot
The Treasure Vase
The Lotus Flower
Two Golden Fish
The Parasol
The Conch Shell
The Dharma Wheel
The Banner of Victory
"A suite of eight auspicious symbols revered for their sacredness in Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, and Buddhism. Originally they were used in India at ceremonies and coronations for a king, but over time they’ve become embedded within varying cultures, often seen as common motifs in households and in art.
The White Conch Shell represents the pervasive sound of dharma and is said to awaken disciples from the deep slumber of sleep that is veiled in ignorance, urging us to seek our own welfare and the welfare of others. In Buddhism, it represents the voice of Buddha and his sacred teachings, and in Indian epic literature, it is the hero’s trumpet. In Hinduism, the conch shell is a symbol of the Sudarshana Chakra.
The Endless Knot was originally a symbol of love, and it represents the ultimate unity within everything. The endless knot also symbolizes the great spirit of the Buddha, the interdependence of all things, as well as, enlightenment that arises from the union of compassion and wisdom.
The Two Goldfish originally represented two sacred rivers of India; the Ganges, and Yamuna, and is associated with the lunar and solar channels, said to originate in the nostrils, carrying alternating rhythms of breath and prana. In Buddhism, they represent the vision of the Buddha, as well as, aiding those along the spiritual path towards liberation without drowning in samsara.
The Lotus Flower symbolizes divine beauty and primordial purity, for its ability to float above muddy water, free from attachments and desires. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are often represented sitting on lotus flowers, symbolizing divine language and the purification of the body, word, and spirit. Today, the lotus flower is mostly known for symbolizing the opening of our energy centers aka; chakras.
The Jewelled Parasol was originally an attribute of royalty in India, and in Buddhism it represents the head of the Buddha, offering protection against material and spiritual dangers such as illnesses, harmful forces, and the elements of the aether. It can also represent the canopy of heaven, the expansive firmament of the sky, and the unfolding of space.
The Treasure Vase represents material ease or prosperity in wealth, health or longevity, and spiritual benefits. In Buddhism, it represents the neck of the Buddha and his unlimited ability to teach the dharma, which never lessons or loses its value over time. In Vajrayāna anointing ceremonies it is the container of wisdom and can represent the vastness of space.
The Victory Banner represents the body of the Buddha and his victory over the four māras, or hindrances in the path of enlightenment… pride, desire, disturbing emotions, and the fear of death. In Tibetan Buddhism, there are eleven different forms of the banner, which represent eleven different methods for combating negative forces.
The Dharmachakra or “Wheel of the Law” is the most well know symbol throughout Buddhism, historically symbolizing a lunar or solar chariot, driven by royalty, called a Chakravartin. A Chakravartin is the one whose wheels turn without barriers, and as such, is a master of both land and sea aka; physical reality and akashic waters.
Meditation and contemplation upon these eight auspicious symbols is said to have the ability to bring us closer to understanding the divine nature of the Buddha and the divinity within each of us waiting to be self-realized."
© Written by Carrie Love
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