#Placement Preparation
edystcareer · 1 year
In this Weather App Session Using Python, "Aneeq Dholakia," co-founder of Edyst, teaches attendees about
1. Fetching weather data from the internet .
2. Accessing any specific location's real-time weather data.
3. Finding the most stable city based on its weather.
Check Out Latest On Board - Edyst Data Science Internship!!
Join Now! Data Science Internship: Real Estate Price Prediction Data Science Internship: Diabetes Prediction Data Science Internship: TV Sales Prediction These are all the documents you will get apart from skills and knowledge by completing any of the above internship:
Internship joining letter (as soon as you join the internship).
Internship evaluation report as per AICTE approved guidelines (as soon as you finish the internship).
Internship experience letter (as soon as you finish the internship).
Click the link above to find out more about the Edyst Data Science Internship Program.
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neuailabs · 4 months
IT Classes in Pune with Placement Assistance - NeuAI Labs
Join NeuAI Labs for IT classes in Pune with dedicated placement support. Elevate your career with expert-led training and practical experience.
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mockque · 1 year
Why we built MockQue
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"A lot of us are very good at our jobs but absolutely hopeless at job interviews".
Interviews are a critical step. In around 45 mins, you are supposed to convince and impress a total stranger that you’re “ fit ” for the role. 
It’s also your chance to make a good impression. In a hyper-competitive market for talent, the interview may be a make or break experience. 
There are many brilliant software engineers who got rejected for positions cut out for them. And also there are the opposite - engineers, mediocre at best, land dream jobs. 
The former group, despite their technical brilliance, lacked what the latter had - “ interview skills “. 
One important key to cracking an interview is self confidence. An important key to self confidence is “ preparation “.
One reason may be that interviews are no jolly ride. Sometimes, just the thought of an upcoming interview can be nerve wracking. 
In fact, the fear of interviews can be so paralysing that people stick to the same unsatisfactory job, simply because they couldn’t handle the pressure of sitting through interviews.  
It is MockQue [ mockque.com ] where you can find a safe environment to practise, challenge yourself and grow.
That’s why we created MockQue, an online mock interview platform to practise interviews with real world interviewers any time they need. 
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MockQue helps you to practise face to face online technical interviews creating a healthy environment to learn and grow. 
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You can choose interviewers from top product based companies with interview duration of your preference.
MockQue provides users with detailed interviewer feedback and this will help you game up your career.
  Interestingly, our users tell us that they learn from interviewing others as much as they do from being interviewed. 
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We created MockQue keeping these goals in mind -
Make you confident enough to treat interviews like a conversation, not an interrogation.
Make you be prepared to use your abilities at the right time.
Provide real world interviewing experience.
Capable of managing your anxiety seriously, but not personally.
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Looking back, nothing makes us happier than knowing that within a short period of time, we have helped a great number of developers land their dream jobs. We are fortunate to grow MockQue fast and for the difference it makes in the lives of aspirants. 
Visit mockque.com to game up your career.
Pop the fear of interview in you,
Excel with MockQue. 
Team MockQue.
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starcloud-nova · 1 year
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We’re in for it now, gang
ID: Bugs Bunny meme reading "I wish all people with upcoming AP Exams a very good luck"
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linkneol091 · 1 month
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bare with me bc im fatigued but unable to sleep so i’m just here thinking and need to get my thoughts out, but i think much of louis’ passivity stems from his relationship with his mother and family. we don’t really see him become passive until claudia arrives. please correct me if i’m wrong but i believe that side of him is awakened once that traditional family structure is solidified in his home and i think the du lac family has a lot to do with why he’s like that and not just that he’s incapable of acting or choosing.
i see him and i see the child/mother that doesn’t want to repeat his mother’s failings on his own family but takes it so far to the extreme that it means he refuses to confront anything ever bc he feels he’s communicating the unconditional love he never received. he really is someone who wants the ones in his life to know they can be loved through anything. whether or not people receive it in the way he gives it i don’t think should be put on his shoulders as much it is.
he doesn’t have healthy understanding of discipline/consequences bc he was punished for things he couldn’t help like his queer identity. it doesn’t really seem like growing up he got into much trouble, again correct me if im wrong. other than paul his pimping isn’t really admonished by the du lacs bc it affords them their lifestyle. they are willing to distance themselves from it bc they get the house and the staff and the honeymoon trips etc. but they won’t overlook who he is. and it outweighs anything else. and that’s a weird thing to process being punished for bc the only thing you can do is deny yourself. but they know. so you hiding it and they know and they show you they disapprove even if you’re trying to play by their rules. it creates a complex.
then there’s paul. he’s the only one who really took it on to take care of paul and establish a relationship with him. i think florence probably didn’t push back against his institutionalization and grace seems to agree he belonged there. louis was the only one who saw how it negatively impacted paul. he loved paul that was his favorite person and then he killed himself and florence blames him for simply being there. this is where he starts to go from the favored son to the scapegoat which is a fucked transition to experience and i think its super underestimated how badly louis is impacted by it. it also happens when he starts to openly entertain lestat so it’ll never matter that his last moments with paul were expressions of love bc his all florence sees is that he’s been acting in sin and so of course he must of done and said something to kill her baby who he was raising and caring for in her place btw. when paul was upset he went to louis not florence. the last thing he ever said to paul was he loved him and he still died and florence blames him for it. he’s always punished for loving as far as he’s concerned.
then he does make “a choice” to become an immortal monster/companion/wife, which given all the circumstances is very much not much of a choice on his part, but he decides to go with what he wants and that choice is at the center of the unraveling of almost all the things he cares about and links to his human identity. and he clings to his human identity so i believe that fucks with his ability to trust his own decision making for sure. it’s the loss of his role in his family slowly but surely and everything he did he did for them. he always struggles with his decisions about how he supports his family and how he copes w the impact it has on his community. so if in choosing his own desire to love and be loved for once strips him of his family and his community what does that say about the decisions he made along the way? what was it all for? and then on top of that he didn’t even know what he was choosing in choosing immortality with lestat. he’s rocked by being faced with the reality of his choice so much so that he forgot his brother died for a moment. he’s probably developed an inability to take a step in any direction bc every step leads to a new rock bottom and he doesn’t trust himself anymore. that’s a very real thing that happens.
so how does that manifest when he has his own lil nuclear family?? well
with claudia he doesn’t ever want her to feel like she could ever lose his love for her for any reasons. like his family showed him. so bc his own punishments were correlated with who he was and not things he did really i don’t think he’s able to see disciplining claudia as guiding her towards better actions i think he sees it as punishing her for being as she is which he blames himself for and also for loving (where charlie is concerned but i’ll get to that…). it was his choice to bring her into this life so how can he trust himself beyond loving her unconditionally. that’s what he wants so that’s what he gives. claudia does what she does bc she’s a vampire and she didn’t choose that. he did. so he retreats when the consequences of that crop up and becomes passive. he doesn’t want to take a step in any direction on top of the patriarchal structure that the father is the law of the house, but then charlie happens.
claudia didnt kill charlie out of maliciousness. it was young love with all the demanding of the insatiable hunger of a vampire. even lestat recognizes that she got carried away so to louis punishing her or even makeing her feel bad for the action was too deeply entwined with punishing her for loving at all and that is a sensitive thing for him. he doesn’t handle it better than lestat that’s not what i’m saying what i’m saying is he doesn’t have the tools to guide her through this. what he has is the desperation to not repeat what harmed him growing up. it’s after this that he decides lestat cannot be the law of the household where claudia is concerned until he realizes his approach seriously blinded him to the fact that claudia ,yes is a doomed child vampire, but she’s a doomed child vampire making decisions and her actions have serious consequences for all of them and he doesn’t have the tools to guide. he can love her through anything, but how can he of all people really guide her. this isn’t as simple as no running in the house and listen to your elders. the mother is learning her daughter is her own person (and vampire) not an extension of her and with character traits like her father too. (plus the mother has to realize that she can’t heal herself through her daughter) whew. so louis decides to step back and to let lestat be the law again and then claudia LEAVES and on her way out she challenges his decision to turn her at all (with good reason. these two vampires should not be raising a baby!!) louis is literally so distraught he wants her to come home but he can’t bring himself to go after her and bring her home. he doesn’t want to take a step!! he doesn’t want to decide. it never leads to what he thinks it will. i don’t think he believes he can trust himself to make good choices. so he loves her unconditionally on broadcast for every vampire within radio earshot to hear because that’s what he can do. thennnn she’s harmed while she’s gone and i’m sure he’s feels in a way responsible. he wanted to be her protector so badly (when actually she’s his but i’ll get to that in a bit) and wasn’t able to. and of course there’s that scene™️ in ep5 with being put in a position where he was pressured to choose between lestat and claudia and because it LOOKED like he MIGHT choose claudia and because he didn’t IMMEDIATELY choose lestat disaster ensued. that’s a lot. fuck.
and when the nature of his relationship with claudia shifts more to siblings because she’s getting older, wants more agency and claudia realizes she is also a replacement for grace, this is where the passiveness that is the result of his relationship with grace developed. bc while its true claudia takes over for grace, she is the sister to louis that grace never ever was. on top of the fact that her solution for their issues was “you’re dead to me,” grace never actually accepted and supported his queer identity truly like claudia and she definitely never protected him like claudia either (defending mama du lac in regards to paul comes to mind and also her husband being the replacement son). and louis needs and wants both those things as well as someone who won’t abandon him like grace did and he let’s claudia be them but takes it to the extreme where the last two are concerned. Louis doesn’t think he can save himself from his situation and claudia believes she can save herself and him. she isn’t gonna leave him behind. he leans into that heavily. it’s not just that he can’t and won’t make choices to get them out of their situation it’s also that he’s traumatized by his past choices and also he’s also loving lestat unconditionally as well on top of that (in the way he’s able to). i don’t think louis could see a way out like at all. he was shrouded in darkness. the best he could do was compartmentalize his love for lestat to protect himself when things were at their worst that was his flashlight in that darkness. but like when it was necessary for the success of the plan that he allow himself to love lestat fully he said if i feel it there’s no way out of this fr fr. he knew he wouldn’t make good choices. choosing lestat is the decision he will always make for better or worse. but that’s at the expense of claudia on top of choking her.
like idk we joke about his inability to make decisions but that trait in him is drenched with trauma. and his family is a huge part of why imo. i just get so upset when i think about them. i really rambled on and on here. not sure how much sense this makes but i guess this ties into my feelings about this as well. but yeah not choosing as a trauma response and not just as a way to get out of confronting his problems even tho that is a symptom. if that makes sense. idk. my brain is mash potatoes right now.
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fluxydrawings · 1 year
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back on my podfic grind 💪 first fic in @sixteenth-days‘s Delightful fic series ‘teeth on a string’! ft coverart that im Very proud of <3 sculpting teeth is annoying <3 enjoy!!
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solarisgod · 9 months
We just got offered a virtual interview tomorrow in the afternoon from an agency that reached out to us like a week after we submitted our applications to them, so please wish us best luck owo
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creekfiend · 2 years
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Some ppl have been asking and I'm excited, so
These are the probable parents of my next service dog prospect in maybe a year or year and a half
Top: Adeline, golden retriever who was washed by her breeder for being undersized for the breed standard and having a short coat. She's a great example of a dog who might not physically be the best example of her breed, but who is still fantastic enough to really benefit a crossbreeding program. She has a great temperament and pedigree full of really nice therapy dogs! She loves fastcat trials and being a goofball. :)
Bottom: Ace, a lab who is a working service dog for my good friend who also has POTS/EDS. he has sired 1 litter previously and all those dogs turned out lovely and very stable and bombproof like him. Bonus: he sploots! 😆
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Ace's health testing is complete and Adeline's is about half done (she's had genetic and hip/elbow rads) and if the rest comes back good they'll probably be bred spring or summer of 2023. I'm optimistic about this litter specifically because of the amount of horizontal and vertical pedigree info I have, and the temperaments and good public access skills on both dogs (this was something I should have asked more about with Noodle's relatives. Live and learn.) I've also heard from at least one ADI school that their golden/lab litters with the golden as the dam and lab as sire tend to statistically have the most successful SD prospect puppies, which is a really fascinating data point that I'm hoping will work in our favor for this breeding also.
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edystcareer · 1 year
What is the TCS National Qualifier Test (TCS NQT)?
TCS National Qualifier Test (TCS NQT) is an awesome and innovative type of assessment that puts together computer-based testing (CBT) and performance-based assessment (PBA) to understand candidate knowledge and skills. 
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neuailabs · 5 months
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lukesunbornn · 10 months
not to have a superiority complex but my peers are so so so so so so so so stupid.
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iggyfing · 1 year
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me: doesn't get a lot of dirty or slightly dirty jokes, is labeled innocent by friends and family alike
also me: casually uses various slang for drugs, self harm and alcohol that even my older brothers don't know
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cryosewn · 1 year
okay. that's it for me
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jobcal · 10 hours
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