#Pixie Rambles
pixiemage · 3 months
Y'all I have to tell you, every time I see the term "Pyre" used as a name for blazeborn family units (like "flock" for avians), I do a little happy dance. I came up with it for a friend's Rancher fic like two years ago by now and I keep seeing it pop up in new Tango fics, and I friggin' LOVE IT. Keep it up guys, you're making my little worldbuilding heart so damn happy 🥰
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moondust-artz · 9 months
Shadowy Partners
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Finished this celebration picture and heck I love it!,! If sworn partners made metadede canon why not Darkroach?
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preciouspixie · 7 days
heyyyy gang! so, um..... my main social media site, quotev, has been thrown in the woodchipper apparently! so, i'll be using tumblr quite a bit more, and probably will be putting some effort into it...
so, if you're from quotev, my username is/was .preciouspixie
obviously going to be logging out of that fucking account and never using it again until the site fixes itself
if anyone needs me, i'll be archiving seven years worth of roleplays and original characters and one-shots
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wanderingcoyotes · 5 months
hey wait guys hear me out here
arti x riv x enot. toaster bath
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the-angry-pixie · 2 years
I’ve been living in the heartbreak high tag for the last few days. 💜✨🤓
But it hurts my heart to see all these characters getting hate. Like... sure, you can absolutely dislike a character if you want to. If you dont vibe then you dont vibe.
But...I wonder if people are jumping on their high horses just a little too quickly. Like yes, a lot of these characters do shitty things but that doesn’t make them shitty people. That just makes them human. They’re not even fully developed humans yet. They’re fucking teenagers.
Teenagerhood is specifically when you are MEANT to fuck up. And hopefully, if you are a nice person, you learn from those mistakes and do better.
I think the writing on this show is so good BECAUSE most of the characters arent perfect portrayals of morality and wokehood.
Darren is acephobic.
Harper is non-communicative and reacts badly in situations of stress.
Sasha is ableist.
Etc. etc.
But it is also so, so, so realistic. A lot of these characters are encountering these situations for the first time. Learning about asexuality, having a close relationship with an autistic person, surviving trauma/attempted assault.
I’m not excusing their behaviour or saying that their reactions are good. I’m just saying their portrayals are realistic and worth kudos.  And maybe, just maybe worth a little compassion instead of just writing the whole character off as trash.
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shinypixie · 2 years
yeah yeah new game mechanic or whatever who cares
more importantly...
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Did I finish It Ends With Us or did it finish me 😭😭??!!
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ars0nistpixie · 1 year
tonight i had a dream that i was sirius mf black and remus mf lupin kissed me
he kissed me
not only i was SIRIUS BLACK but i was KISSED BY REMUS LUPIN
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pixie-in-trebleland · 2 years
Thinking of posting some of my poetry on here. Might make it a little series of things. Mind you, most are from Muses and ARGs, but! The point stands. ...Okay, thought about it more. I'm gonna post them.
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mithrandirssidehoe · 10 months
So I'm writing again.
I have 3 books planned, two more a rough idea. And I just wanna write a novella about the time gap of one of them?
God's help me.
Or encourage me to get it done ya know
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pixiemage · 1 year
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Please tell me I wasn’t the only one who watched Dinotopia as a kid…
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moondust-artz · 4 months
it’s my birthday 😶
I’m so happpy🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 I’m having a party today so the artwork will be posted tonight
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pixie-likes-dramas · 1 year
Can you tell that I am currently writing a paper on the commodification of thai actors in the BL industry and how it leads to this romantic hyperreal that can fuel toxic fandom interactions?
Ofc it's hella superficial cos I can't go over 6 pages and I still need to read a lot on asian queer theory since I am currently only applying western theory (Marx for commodification and Baudrillard for the hyperreal). And tbh I am not ignoring the implications of using western theory in an an asian context but I currently don't have the space for all this.
And also!! The lack of GL's is a very interesting topic that I have not dived into.
But also the critical discourse analysis aspect regarding that we refer it as GL and BL and yaoi to separate them even when a lot of us consider it LGBT media! But there is also something underlying the discourse implying that "no it's not exactly LGBT media just quite" but says who? Which once again brings us to the typical beliefs of what yaoi and BL are and they fetishize gay people or romanticize abuse etc etc etc. I feel like when talking about yaoi, we should also consider feminist activism and sexual liberation for women in Japan and in Asia in general like. Why did women choose to specifically write about gay relationships? Will the reason invalidate the queerness in these genres?
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colacherry1999 · 19 days
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Real (mine <3)
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the-angry-pixie · 1 year
so fun lil obsessive compulsive thing about me is that i have to look at every post that comes across my dash. every single one. i can’t just NOT LOOK AT THEM. so it means I am operating on a timeline very different to my tumblr friendos. i am never up with current events because i am usually looking at posts on my dash from months ago.
Well. I am currently looking at early July posts and well... the stranger things tumblr friendos are not happy. Makes me feel validated for not liking the show anymore. Though I know a lot of them have come back around to liking it again by now. 
Cause at the time the show came out, I was probably looking at posts from the previous christmas. I dont know why i am like this. neurodivergence probably. 
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severevoiddragon · 6 months
I haven't seen anyone talk about how Joel and Bdubs genuinely helped Pearl. Like, they knew what her task was. But they valued their alliance more than the reward they may have gotten for guessing correctly. And pearl was. So scared they'd guess seriously, like she was literally running away as Joel spoke his 'guess', and then turned around like 'oh'. She'd put so much into that alliance, but didn't expect them to reciprocate it. But they did. And I think that shocked her in a positive way.
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