#PhD Thesis Writing Services
zonduotechnology · 2 months
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intellects1-linkup · 5 months
Intellects Linkup offers expert PhD thesis writing services, ensuring comprehensive support for scholars. Our dedicated team of experienced professionals is committed to delivering high-quality and customized solutions for your research needs. Explore our range of services to elevate your academic journey with precision and excellence. Unlock the doors to academic success with Intellects Linkup – your trusted partner in PhD thesis writing services.
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csiprojectsblog · 6 months
CSI Projects in Jaipur: Nurturing M.Tech Innovators
The town known as the Pink of India, Jaipur, is famous for its magnificent buildings and rich legacy of culture, but it's also become a growing center for academic pursuits and cutting-edge research, especially in the field of computer science. Numerous institutes and organizations that offer a wide range of chances for M.Tech projects and Ph.D. thesis writing services improve the city's learning environment. In this blog, we explore the chances accessible for M.Tech graduates and those looking for help writing their Ph.D. theses, delving into the exciting world of CSI (Computer Science and Information Technology) projects in Jaipur.
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M.Tech Projects in Computer Science
From an M.Tech project in computer science is a big step toward focusing on and becoming informed in a variety of fields. Aspiring M.Tech students can explore and work on creative projects in an accepting setting in Jaipur due to its proactive academic institutions. Numerous educational institutions, research facilities, and businesses in the city provide a wide choice of M.Tech projects.
The universities in Jaipur are at the center of technical advances, whether it is in information security, data science, machine learning, or artificial intelligence. Students doing their M.Tech projects in the city can work with specialists in the area, solve real-world issues, and advance in the constantly changing field of computer science.
Ph.D. Thesis Writing Services in Jaipur
The assistance of its specialist Ph.D. thesis writing services in Jaipur provides a strong support network for people traversing the difficult journey of a computer science Ph.D. Completing a PhD dissertation is a huge project that calls for in-depth study as well as skillful idea and identifying presentation. Learners in Jaipur have access to expert advice and assistance from professionals who recognize the specifics of academic writing.
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The goal of these services, which are usually offered by senior academics and researchers, is to help phd aspirants create a thorough and structured thesis. These services cover all facets of thesis writing, from methodology to data analysis and thesis to literature evaluation. Additionally, the specialists make sure that the thesis complies with educational guidelines because they are aware of the specific demands set forth by various colleges.
Writing Services for Management Theses: A Specialty in Jaipur's Academic Environment
The fields of computer science, business studies are also increasing in interest in Jaipur. Management thesis writing services have grown in relevance as a component of academic life. Specialized help with the writing of theses is beneficial for aspiring scholars enrolled in Ph.D. programs in management.
The services provided cover a broad range of managerial subjects, including as operations, marketing, finance, and human resources. The management thesis writing services in Jaipur address the particular needs of professors hoping to make important improvements to the field of management by focusing empirical research and useful insights.
The Collaborative Ecosystem: Industry-Academy Collaboration
The intimate connection between academia and industry is one of Jaipur's unique academic qualities. Through M.Tech projects, students often get the chance to work with professionals in the field to address real-world problems. This mutually beneficial relationship not only increases the caliber of research but also guarantees that students have the practical skills that businesses value.
The same chances to engage in practical research and collaborations are provided by the industry-academia cooperation to Ph.D. candidates. The seamless integration of academic research into real-world applications is made possible by this collaborative ecosystem, which greatly improves the research experience.
A attractive hub for management and computer science research, Jaipur offers a unique blend of tradition and modern in nature. In order to explore the frontiers of technology, M.Tech candidates can choose from a wide range of projects. To ensure that their research is delivered with accuracy and academic rigor, Ph.D. applicants can take benefit of specialized thesis writing services.
Through the process of a capacity to bridge the gap between basic knowledge and practical application, the collaborative ecosystem between academia and industry further improves the overall academic experience. As the Pink City evolves into a center for CSI projects, it invites motivated academics and researchers to add to the body of knowledge in computer science and management.
View More Blogs: 
CSI Projects: Crafting Academic Excellence in Jaipur with
Unmatched Thesis and Dissertation Writing Services
CSI Projects in Jaipur and the Art of Dissertation Writing Services 
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fabiancole · 9 months
Trusted PhD Thesis Writing Services in UK Need help with your PhD thesis? Our thesis writing services offer expert assistance, ensuring a well-structured and top-notch PhD thesis. We have A grades Team of 4500 assignment writers to help with your PhD thesis at affordable price. Get started now.
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aimlayworldwide · 1 year
Comparing PhD thesis writing services in Delhi, Mumbai, and Pune
While Delhi is a hub for academic services, it is worth exploring the options available in other cities like Mumbai and Pune. These cities also have reputable PhD thesis writing services that can provide the expertise and support you need. When comparing the services in these cities, consider factors such as reputation, expertise, pricing, and customer reviews. Ultimately, the goal is to find a service provider that best aligns with your requirements and preferences.
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Factors to consider when selecting a PhD thesis writing service in Maharashtra 
Maharashtra, with its vibrant academic landscape, offers several options for PhD thesis writing services. When choosing a service provider in Maharashtra, consider the following factors: 
Local expertise: Look for services that have a team of writers who are familiar with the research landscape in Maharashtra. They should have a thorough understanding of the local academic standards and requirements. 
Collaborative approach: Seek service providers who adopt a collaborative approach and involve you in the writing process. This ensures that your unique perspective and research goals are integrated into the thesis. 
Timely delivery: Ensure that the service provider has a track record of delivering theses on time. Punctuality is crucial to meet submission deadlines and avoid unnecessary stress. 
Data security: Confirm that the service provider has robust data security measures in place to protect your research and personal information. Confidentiality is of utmost importance when dealing with sensitive research data. 
How PhD Thesis Writing Services can Elevate your Research?
The right PhD thesis writing service in Delhi can elevate your research in several ways. Firstly, expert thesis writers can help you refine your research question and develop a strong conceptual framework. They can assist in conducting a comprehensive literature review, identifying gaps in existing research, and formulating research objectives. 
Additionally, these services can provide valuable guidance in research design and data collection methods. They can help you select appropriate research methodologies, develop research instruments, and analyze data using advanced statistical techniques. This ensures that your research is rigorous and methodologically sound, enhancing the credibility and impact of your findings. 
Furthermore, professional thesis writers can assist in the interpretation and presentation of results, helping you draw meaningful conclusions from your data. They can also provide support in organizing and structuring your thesis, ensuring that it is well-written, coherent, and engaging. By availing these services, you can elevate the quality and impact of your research, making a significant contribution to your academic field. 
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Choosing the Right PhD Thesis Writing Services in Delhi 
With the increasing demand for thesis writing services, it is crucial to choose the right service provider in Delhi. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a PhD thesis writing service: 
Reputation and track record: Look for a service provider with a proven track record of delivering high-quality theses. Read customer reviews and testimonials to gauge the satisfaction level of previous clients. 
Expertise and qualifications: Ensure that the thesis writers have the necessary qualifications and expertise in your field of study. A team of writers with diverse academic backgrounds can provide a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to your research. 
Communication and support: Choose a service provider that offers excellent communication and support throughout the writing process. Regular updates, prompt responses to queries, and open lines of communication are essential for a smooth and successful collaboration. 
Affordability: While cost should not be the sole determining factor, it is essential to consider the affordability of the service. Look for a provider that offers transparent pricing and value for money. 
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assignmentbuddy · 1 year
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sieora · 2 years
9 Essential Rules of Requirements Development For Electronic Products
With regards to electronic item advancement, many books have been expounded on the significance of venture prerequisites improvement before item advancement. Why? Since the necessities period of improvement gives areas of strength for a to a compelling advancement structure and eventually an effective item rollout. Prerequisites improvement fundamentally affects an association's improvement expenses and item quality as well as whether an item at any point really comes to showcase. Advanced necessities distinguish execution needs material principles and fills in holes, all with the advantage of improving, financial plans, plans, item achievement and quality. The key is with comply to these 9 essential standards of item Necessities improvement toward the start.
Electronic product design and development is the wellspring of its future to organizations and incredible fulfillment for creators as well as income for both, yet it can likewise be stacked with dissatisfactions and unseen side-effects ambushes. The way to quality electrical designing starts with fantastic necessities. Treated in a serious way and executed productively characterizing necessities will build the possibilities following through on-time, on-financial plan practically like clockwork. Fragmented or changing necessities and particulars are among the top contributing reasons for tested and in danger projects. As in building a house... the designer needs to create the diagrams before the establishment can be laid and before the walls and rooftop go up.
There are commonly a few sorts of vital and fundamental prerequisites engaged with electronic item improvement. Every individual could decipher "Necessities" another way. This is completely real; but an arrangement should exist to bring these various ideas together. Industry and item capability is the principal prerequisites to consider.
Buyer assumptions (What is needed)?
Business Prerequisites containing targets for the item. (For what reason is it required, what amount would it be a good idea for it to be sold for)?
Client Prerequisites that portray which capabilities can be performed by clients of the electronic gadget. (What is it that it need to do)?
Plan particulars, which include both the non-utilitarian and the useful prerequisites. These include: goals, execution, administrative consistence, plan and execution limitations, and client or other outer connection point necessities.
Broad exploration shows that opportune and solid information about the necessities is the absolute most vital area of data fundamental for electronic item improvement. Exhausting some additional energy on this step will take care of in lower improvement costs and a superior completed item.
Rule #1: Utilize Clear and Brief Language for Prerequisites
It is fundamental for Be explicit. Obscure or unclear words ought to be stayed away from while composing prerequisites. Words like "as well as" and "and so forth" ought to never be utilized. It's requesting inconvenience to consolidate words like "easy to understand, instinctive, limit, boost, streamline, fast, cutting edge, improved, productive or basic." Save them for your promoting effort. Some of the time obscure data should be forgotten about or the first necessities for items that are being created iteratively. It is satisfactory to embed "Yet to be decided (Not entirely settled) until the subtleties are worked out.
Rule #2: Allocate Needs
Explain which elements are needs so the improvement group isn't left with an issue of which highlights to exchange against. Not all errands turn out to be advantageous eventually. You might need to consider forfeiting them for additional significant ones if vital. A model is power financial plan; maybe you will need to surrender several chimes or whistles to get more battery duration for your item. Leave some space for changes since they will occur. New prerequisites, splendid thoughts or changes should be worked in.
Rule #3: Empower Partner Support
Sufficient partner contribution is significant while planning electronic items. Designers ought to get data and viewpoint from the proper partners prior to settling on any prerequisites choices. Shocks are seldom great ones toward the finish of a venture. Recognize your key leaders right off the bat in the undertaking so you realize who can settle on issues to permit the venture to push ahead. Likewise significant is recognizing who can drive a change or examination as this will influence timetable and cost.
Rule #4: Know Which Administrative Necessities Should Be Met For Your Industry
Administrative necessities are a significant driver in the improvement of any item. There are various government organizations that require wellbeing consistence for different items and ventures. These numerous guidelines should be recognized front and center during prerequisites advancement so the item can be intended to consent to those guidelines that are material. Items are tried and should pass explicit security guidelines before they are permitted into the market. A clinical gadget has quite certain and different arrangement of tests than a buyer gadget does and these influence pretty much every degree of improvement of an item
Rule # 5: Continue To move - Use Emphasis and a List of things to get
Holding back on prerequisites is never suggested yet nor is becoming deadened on some piece of the interaction. Assuming the improvement is postponed until all conceivable necessity adjustments or thoughts that you might at any point perhaps consider have been executed... It could slow down the venture. Continue so as to allow improvement to go on at palatable gamble level by utilizing emphasis and following precisely exact thing a correction is about on the first page with a "list of things to get" for future highlights toward the back. Long distance race examination risks slowing down a venture, ensnaring it in the necessities. When the rudiments have been caught, continue ahead with it; don't get trapped in a ceaseless re-compose of the ideal necessities record. Having a spot and a cycle to catch and crease in the data will help with this propensity.
Rule # 6: Watch for Tasks getting out of control
"Project requirements running out of control" is the expansion of thoughts and errands and may demonstrate a deficiency of concentration. This pushes expenses and timetables and may not actually support the "Higher perspective". Permit some space for development in your necessities, indeed, however gauge the advantages. Usefulness is generally being added or changed during the advancement interaction. In the event that the item extension was obvious toward the starting it will facilitate the aggravation of obliging continuous alterations while as yet complying with the time constraint or remaining on financial plan.
Rule #7: Look at Impacts of Changes
Deliberately audit the ramifications, everything being equal. Recognize works and errands connected with each change and figure out what the timetable and financial effects will before proceed. Embrace a characterized cycle for managing necessities changes.
Rule # 8: Make a hard copy of it
Documentation of where a prerequisite came from is dependably smart. Is it a more elevated level framework necessity, industry standard, business rules, unofficial laws or other practical prerequisites? There might be where it should be followed back to the first prerequisites so correlations and exchanges can be made.
Rule # 9: Characterize the Acknowledgment Test
The item necessities should be archived, quantifiable, significant or more all testable. In the prerequisites report itself, characterize the tests that will be utilized to show and demonstrate the item works to the expressed necessities. Characterizing the acknowledgment tests toward the beginning generally explains what the finished result should be.
Creating careful necessities toward the beginning of the plan interaction gives an unmistakable benefit to the individuals who comprehend the advantages of doing as such. The capacity to distinguish useful changes and add to or deduct from the necessities will guarantee that you are working inside the boundaries of a solid groundwork for electronic item improvement. Lay out model correspondence between the colleagues, since plan necessities now and again need to change rapidly to catch efficiencies. Adaptability and the capacity to make changes are essential all through the item improvement process and can be achieved all the more effectively when the necessities are deep rooted. Necessities the board and the utilization of laid out electronic item advancement system will go far toward staying away from ambiguities, dubious phrasing, provisos, or inconspicuous plan needs or deficiencies. Observing these guidelines as the necessities are created will begin the item on the excursion to progress.
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drannamartin · 2 years
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Almost every student aspires for a PhD degree, but the selection of the right path is paramount. Also, having the right PhD thesis writing service is a very crucial step.We at Words Doctorate offer the best in class PhD thesis writing services in the most honourable manner. Our PhD writers offer assistance to PhD pursuing students and help them prepare the framework flawlessly for thesis chapters.
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intellects1-linkup · 6 months
PhD Thesis Writing Services | Intellects
Explore top-notch PhD thesis writing services at Intellects Linkup, where our expert team ensures precision and excellence in crafting your doctoral thesis. Elevate your academic pursuits with our dedicated PhD thesis writing services, designed to meet the highest standards of quality and originality. Let Intellects Linkup be your trusted partner in achieving scholarly success through our bespoke and reliable PhD thesis writing solutions.
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csiprojectsblog · 7 months
CSI Projects - Your Gateway to Exceptional Thesis Writing Services in Jaipur
Starting your academic research and creating your thesis is exciting. At CSI Projects in Jaipur, we realize how important this academic journey is. We provide top-notch services for writing management and PhD thesis writing services, along with other thesis writing services. As faithful allies to your acade­mic achievements, we­ ensure premium, tailored solutions that meet each client's distinct needs.
Our Expertise in Management Thesis Writing
Management thesis writing is tough. It's not just about knowing your topic well, but also about being sharp and clear in your writing. At CSI Projects, our writers have got it all. The­y know the ins and outs of different management subjects and can make your the­sis a showcase of what you have learned.
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RephraseIf you're studying any aspect of management strategic planning, how organizations behave, or managing projects, we're ready to help. Our writers will dive deep into your subject and bring out the best in your thesis. They'll meet all academic requirements, but also take your thesis one step further, bringing something new to your area of study.
PhD Thesis Writing Services: Crafting Original Contributions to Knowledge
The ultimate goal is to create a PhD thesis, which is a major accomplishment. At CSI Projects, we understand the importance of making original contributions to knowledge. Our services are specifically tailored to help scholars achieve this and make a significant impact in their fields. Our team of highly experienced writers with PhD level qualifications has extensive knowledge across various disciplines. We are dedicated to making your thesis exceptional in terms of originality, thorough research, and academic rigor. Throughout the process, we collaborate closely with you to comprehend your research goals, methodologies, and distinctive contributions. This ensures that your PhD thesis truly embodies the culmination of your academic journey.
Comprehensive Thesis Writing Services
CSI Projects goes beyond specialized fields, offering comprehensive thesis writing services that cater to a diverse range of academic disciplines. Whether you're pursuing a degree in business, science, humanities, or any other field, our team is equipped to handle your thesis writing needs.
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Our approach is rooted in collaboration, with a focus on understanding your unique requirements and expectations. We take pride in delivering the highest quality theses that adhere to academic standards while also showcasing your individual voice and perspective.
Why Choose CSI Projects for Your Thesis Writing Needs?
Individual Approach: Your thesis is one­-of-a-kind. We shape our service­s to fit your needs. This guarantee­s a custom and effective partne­rship.
Authentic Work: Copying someone e­lse's work is a severe­ school wrongdoing. We are proud of our dedication to cre­ate new content. Our authors follow strict rule­s to make sure each the­sis we give out is unique.
Promptne­ss: Deadlines are crucial in school proje­cts. CSI Projects is committed to delive­ring top-notch theses on time. This he­lps you reach your school goals on time.
Privacy: Your rese­arch and academic work are personal matte­rs. We always put your information's secrecy and safe­ty first throughout the thesis writing process.
Elevate Your Academic Journey with CSI Projects
As you embark on the academic journey of thesis writing, let CSI Projects in Jaipur be your trusted partner. Our commitment to excellence, originality, and timely delivery sets us apart as a premier provider of thesis writing services. Whether you're crafting a management thesis writing services, pursuing a PhD, or exploring a diverse academic field, CSI Projects is here to unlock the doors to academic success. Let your thesis reflect the depth of your knowledge and the uniqueness of your perspective with CSI Projects - where academic excellence meets personalized service.
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fabiancole · 11 months
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Complete Your PhD Thesis in 7 Simple Steps Are you facing issues in writing a thesis? Do you have any idea about research? Then do not hamper yourself because this article will guide you on how to write a PhD thesis in some steps. Well, do you know what is a thesis? You are aware that it is authentic research made by doctoral degree students. But this is not a perfect definition also, when you know that after completing this, you have to give viva, so at least acknowledge some basic information about this.
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 How Does The Brain Work?
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The brain stands as a marvel of biological engineering, Composing of a multitude of bodily functions ranging from cognition and memory to emotions and sensory perception. Together with the spinal cord, it constitutes the central nervous system (CNS), the command center of the human body.
Composition of the Brain
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Weighing approximately 3 pounds in adults, the brain’s main structure comprises about 60% fat, interspersed with water, protein, carbohydrates, and salts. Unlike muscles, it houses a complex network of blood vessels and nerves, including neurons and glial cells.
a) Gray and White Matter
Within the central nervous system, gray matter and white matter occupies distinct regions. In the brain, gray matter forms the outer layer, rich in neuron somas, while white matter constitutes the inner section, primarily composed of axons unsheathed in myelin. Conversely, in the spinal cord, this arrangement is reversed.
b) Brain Functionality
 The brain operates by transmitting and receiving chemical and electrical signals throughout the body. These signals regulate a myriad of processes, with the brain disseminating each input. Some signals remain confined within the brain, while others traverse the spinal cord and nerves, disseminating information across the body’s expanse. This composes neural network relies on billions of interconnected neurons.
Major Brain Regions and Their Functions
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Dominating the brain’s landscape, the cerebrum encompasses the cerebral cortex and underlying white matter. It governs a spectrum of functions, including motor coordination, temperature regulation, language processing, emotional regulation, and sensory perception.
2. Brainstem
 Serving as the bridge between the cerebrum and spinal cord, the brainstem comprises the midbrain, pons, and medulla. It regulates vital autonomic functions such as heart rate, breathing, and reflexive responses.
3. Cerebellum
Nestled at the posterior aspect of the brain, the cerebellum coordinates voluntary muscle movements, posture, balance, and motor learning.
 Brain Coverings
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a) Meninges
 Three layers of protective membranes, collectively known as meninges, enshroud the brain and spinal cord. These layers — dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater — shield the delicate neural tissue from physical trauma and infection.
b) Lobes of the Brain
 Each hemisphere of the brain comprises four lobes, each harboring distinct functional domains:
Frontal Lobe: Governing executive functions, motor control, and higher cognitive processes.
Parietal Lobe: Integrating sensory information, spatial awareness, and perception of pain and touch.
Occipital Lobe: Specialized for visual processing and perception.
Temporal Lobe: Involved in auditory processing, language comprehension, and memory consolidation.
Deeper Brain Structures
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 These encompass important structures such as the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, amygdala, hippocampus, and pineal gland, orchestrating hormone secretion, emotional regulation, memory consolidation, and circadian rhythms.
Blood Supply
The brain receives its oxygenated blood supply through the vertebral and carotid arteries, ensuring adequate perfusion of neural tissue. The main network of blood vessels, including the Circle of Willis, safeguards against ischemic insults and facilitates intraarterial communication.
Cranial Nerves 
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The twelve pairs of cranial nerves, originating from the brainstem, mediate a diverse array of sensory and motor functions, encompassing olfaction, vision, facial expression, and auditory perception.
Comprehending the anatomy and functionality of the brain fosters a deeper appreciation of its complexity and facilitates advances in neuroscientific research and therapeutic interventions aimed at diminishing neurological disorders.
Understanding the detailed anatomy and functionality of the brain is crucial for medical students embarking on their journey of study. Expert Academic Assignment Help offers invaluable assistance in navigating the complexities of neuroscience and related subjects. By leveraging expert guidance and support, students can excel in their medical education and contribute to advancements in the field of Medicine. Email us at [email protected] to embark on your path to scholarly excellence and professional competency.
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kenfra-research · 1 month
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Celebrate World Athletics Day with Kenfra Research, the pinnacle of PhD assistance and journal support in Scopus, SCI, Springer, and beyond. Elevate your thesis writing experience with our expertise. #KenfraResearch #WorldAthleticsDay
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strohller27 · 7 months
#i’ve been working through some stuff in my head#and I’ve realised that so much of my life I’ve occupied the spaces in-between#like I acheived certain things in my life because I was literally the only one who stepped up#but it was also like. I wasn’t the first choice for something I was always just what was available#or I tried to carve out something for myself and it ended up either being taken away from me or getting ruined somehow#like when I was in the pipe band I became drum major because I was literally the only drummer (not that anyone really liked me…#i was just. the only choice there was until someone else came along).#or when I moved up the ladder at the tutoring service it was during Covid and I had to work so much harder because#we just didn’t have a full team.#or when I had to do my undergraduate thesis by myself because also covid#and now having to do my research project basically 100% by myself because my advisor ‘‘can’t’’ advise me#(​except he can apparently write me some exam questions next semester)#idk I just feel like the extra frozen water on the side of the ice cube tray of life#and now I’m in Canada and I’m trying to make a place for myself#I want this to work out. I want to be able to solidify the life that I want without having to live on the fucking edge#I’m tired of staying in my ‘lane’ when my ‘lane’ has always been ‘standing on the side to let others pass’#Listen up queers I am allowed to take up space and I am occupying this part of the lane#if you don’t like it then you can make your own fucking lane#I’m just trying to make a life in this ridiculous precarious world I don’t want to have to play it safe anymore#I want to get into a PhD programme and study what I want to study#I want to meet someone I can trust with myself when I’m fragile and someone who trusts me with themself when they’re fragile#I want to live in a house I don’t have to worry about losing and make enough money to live comfortably#I want to stop merely surviving and start *living*#and I’m going to do everything in my power to achieve that
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Taking it one day at a time
This week I am trying to concentrate on the work by dividing my day in 30 minute pomodoro sessions. I am aiming for a minimum of 5 hours of deep work each day, but have not reached this goal yet. It is frustrating, because my concentration and willpower just seem to be flawed, but I am trying to not be to hard on myself. Today I managed to do nine pomodoros and stick to my plan for the most part, so I take that as a win.
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todays accomplishments:
read two articles
outlined the structure of my first subchapter
sorted my notes based on that structure
managed not to freak out
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I help researchers increase engagement with their work. Together we will transform your ideas into unique and intuitive graphics with my reliable process: 1-Pinpoint your goals 2-Sketch and prototype 3-Discuss and iterate 4-Goal accomplished . 𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐄 𝐌𝐄 (DM Your Projects) . 💎Here to HELP You: ✔️Graphical Abstract Design ✔️Journal Figures Design ✔️Scientific Illustration ✔️Flyer and Poster Design ✔️Infographic Design ✔️Slides Design
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