#Penthouse Vintage Pets
podslastitel · 1 month
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Angela Nicholas - Penthouse - Pet of the Month - August (1985)
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pixiedeadbeat · 5 months
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Claudia Arena, Penthouse Pet, January 1974.
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pepperbag76 · 1 year
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🌹 Julie Strain - Penthouse Pet June ‘91
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phoward89 · 4 months
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Banner by me. Dividers by @saradika
Summary: Coriolanus took his wife out, in more ways than one, while you were safe and sound in his 12th floor Corso penthouse. But when you see a breaking news report, you realize that the man you share a bed with is a snake. A snake that kills with poison. And you decide to confront him about your knowledge of poisons.
Warnings: Coriolanus Snow is his own warning! Possessive!Coriolanus, Obsessive!Coriolanus, DelusionalCoriolanus, Dark!Coriolanus, Soft Dark!Coriolanus?, Head Gamemaker!Coriolanus, Poison, Murder, Blood, Plotting/Scheming Couple, um think that's about it
Story Masterlist
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Chapter 5
Coriolanus sipped on his wine, watching his wife look around the dining room impatiently. She was fidgeting in her seat; it was embarrassing.
He was paying good money on a meal that they'd never eat, cause she'd be dead soon and he'd be hacking up blood. The least Livia could do was conduct herself properly in public.
The damn shrew was impossible to train. So impatient. Greedy, spoiled, rich bitch was so used to getting her way that waiting a few extra minutes for their seafood appetizer was too much to handle.
God, he's so happy that he dumped that vial of poison in their wine bottle (that he had the waiter leave on their table) after convincing his vain wife that she needed to powder her nose; that it was too shiny.
Soon, very very soon the poison will kick in and Livia will drop dead.
Not him though.
No, he won't die, but he'll get sick though since he's only partially immune to this strong, but sweet tasting poison that pairs so well with the vintage Merlot.
Truth be told, the side effects of the poison he was drinking tonight would stick with him for more than a few hours.
In fact Coriolanus would be stuck in bed recovering for a good week or so. A recovery that would consist of being weak, spitting up blood, and not being able to keep anything other than liquids down.
“Why is it taking so long for our appetizer?” Livia whined, turning to sit properly in her seat. She was giving him an impatient look.
He's sure the oysters rockefeller will be out any minute now.
Just in time for the fun to begin.
“Well, Livia, they do have to cook it.” He sarcastically reminded his soon to be dead wife.
“Don't be condescending with me, Coriolanus. I'm your wife, not some whore from a black market brothel you can speak down to.” The dirty blonde scolded him in an uppity tone while reaching for her wine.
Yes, drink up.
Right now Coriolanus was ecstatic that his nearly dead wife was a lush. The more wine she drank meant the quicker he's rid of her.
Oooo… a poisoning death has never made him more happy then hers.
He couldn't wait for her to start bleeding from her nose and choking on her own blood that'd clog her lungs.
Putting down his glass, he subtly motioned to the waiter making his way to their table. “The oysters rockefeller’s on its way now, Livia.”
“You know, husband, that most men call their wives a pet name; not use their name every time they speak to them.” Livia snapped as the waiter got closer to the table, tray of oyster appetizers in his hand.
“Yes well most husbands love their wives, yet here we are just barely tolerating each other for money and social standings.” Coriolanus factually states, his eyes following the waiter’s every move.
Livia chugged down her wine as the waiter appeared at the table, placing the appetizer tray down on the white linen tablecloth. “Finally. It took you long enough.” Livia rudely remarked, causing the waiter to quickly apologize and leave.
“Your manners are atrocious, Livia.” Coriolanus pointed out as he served them their appetizer.
Fortunately, in a few minutes, he'll never have to deal with her atrocious manners ever again. He'll be free to be with you; he knows that since you're young he can train you. Make sure that you act properly, know your place by his side and as the First Lady of Panem.
“And you parade around like some gentleman when you both know that you have degenerate desires and urges.”
“Livia…” he hissed in a low warning. Why was she bringing this up here, in a crowded restaurant where anyone could overhear? Did she have any decency, any respect for him?
She doesn't, otherwise she wouldn't be insulting his sexual preferences while they’re at her last super.
Ignoring his hissed warning, Livia scooped a small piece of oyster up with her fork while telling her husband, “People are starting to talk, Coriolanus, in the social circles about us being married for so long and not having any children.”
“And whose fault is that, Livia?” Coriolanus asked, taking a bite of his own seafood appetizer. “You're the one that refuses to share a bed with me. Who's shot me down anytime I attempt to bring up the subject of children.” He reminded her as his nose began to burn, tingle, and twitch with the telltale signs of an upcoming nose bleed.
Yes, any second now his wife’ll be dead and he'll be free of his life sentence. He'll be free to make you his in every sense of the word.
“I've been told that there's a clinic that specializes in reproductive matters. That the doctor at the clinic is able to collect the necessary products from us to make an embryo in a lab; that we could even have it implanted into a female avox as a surrogate so that I wouldn't have to touch you or ruin my body by getting fat.”
Was she serious right now? She expected him to be on board with having a science baby? A baby supposedly made from their collected samples and mixed up in a test tube, in a lab.
In a lab.
Coriolanus remembers his time studying and interning under Dr. Gaul, before that terrible accident she had right before he graduated University and was given her Head Gamemaker job. He remembers the experiments that took place in the labs. How creatures were created out of thin air with a few strands of DNA samples. How easily DNA could be twisted and mutated into a creature so vile, so horrible, so deadly.
He wasn't going to have a mutt for a child. Especially one carried by an avox.
No, he was going to have children the old fashioned way with you. And he'll make sure that you enjoy making them too.
Livia’s eyes went wide and she dropped her fork, causing it to loudly clatter onto the bone china plate. Blood began to trickle down her nostrils as she grabbed her neck, clawing at it in a vain attempt for air.
Oh, show time. The poison’s kicked in.
Coriolanus knew what to expect in the seconds to come, he's been through it before. So, deciding that he wanted the last word, he leaned in close to Livia and simply told her, “Snow lands on top.”
When he sat back, blood began to trickle from his own nose, along with rising from his stomach and filling up his mouth.
By this point, blood poured from Livia’s mouth and she was choking on it.
All the while the dining room of Avelina's was full of screams and terrified cries from the elite capitolites whose meals were now ruined.
Coriolanus watches the life drain out of his wife's eyes as he began coughing up blood.
It was a beautiful sight to behold.
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You were in a cozy sweater, curled up on the sofa with a steaming cup of tea in your hand. You sent Tigris home hours ago because, even though she was very nice to you, you couldn't handle how she looked at you.
How she treated you like you're made out of fragile glass.
Even though Coryo was a bit much with his hot-cold behavior, he didn't treat you like you're made out of fragile glass. In fact it felt like the opposite. That he wasn't afraid if he shattered you, if you broke.
Coriolanus wasn't purposely trying to break you, or at least you didn't think he was, but he didn't watch his tongue and tiptoe around you.
He was blunt with you; treated you like a person instead of a victim of the games.
Coryo had no problems treating you like a woman, that's for sure. Your status as a victor that had seen horrors in the arena did nothing to deter him from his dominant nature in bed with you.
You know that you shouldn't seek solace with the head gamemaker, the man that designed the arena along with all the twists and turns of this July’s games, but you couldn't help but feel like he was the only one that treated you like a normal human being.
Coriolanus knew, perhaps better than anyone else, the horrors you've seen in the games and he didn't pity you. In fact, the way he looked at you seemed to be almost prideful.
His icy blue eyes also held a sense of lust and possession in them too, but you swore he saw pride in them.
Maybe you were overthinking everything. The way he felt about you didn't matter: he was married.
Of course he was married, he was 15 years older than you.
As you sipped on your tea, you couldn't help, but worry about how your brother and his girlfriend would treat you when you (eventually) went home. Would they tread lightly with you like Tigris does or would they treat you like they did before you left? Would Rein and Ashlie view you as different, would they pity you?
And then the thought of the neighbor boy, the freshly 15 year old Corbin Everdeen, popped into your head.
Would he stop chasing your heels like a puppy; think that you were horrible for killing 7 people in the Hunger Games, or would he still chase you around? Still pester you to listen to whatever song he was working on for his weekend performances at the hob, once you returned to 12?
You think being the Victor of the First Quarter Quell will make Corbin (who Rein felt was a borderline stalker with how he was always finding ways to be around you) leave you alone since he hated the games. He felt that the games changed people; either made them murderers or drove them mad out of their minds with paranoia. He felt that if you got reaped then you should just let yourself be struck down in the bloodbath in order to preserve your identity; to keep the Capitol from stealing and corrupting your soul.
You didn't do what the neighbor boy musician told you to do.
You did what your older brother told you to do. You fought to survive. You did whatever it took to make it out alive.
You trained in those 2 weeks you were given in the tribute center, you listened to the Academy student that was assigned as your mentor (since District 12 didn't have a living victor to mentor you), and you dazzled the audience in your interview.
The gorgeous dresses that Tigris made for you helped sell you as the Capitol Darling too.
It all came in handy when you received a training score of 8 (your mentor thought that you deserved at least a 10 and she was livid that the gamemakers only gave you an 8) and received a few sponsors from it.
You took your brother's advice to heart and did what you had to do to survive. But now you're here, sitting in the head gamemaker’s penthouse while pondering whether or not you'll ever have people treat you normally ever again.
Some reward for winning, huh?
And to think that they tell you once you win you'll go home; will be able to live your life in peace.
Like fucking hell.
That's not what's happening to you right now.
So, since you had no control over anything in your life right now, all you could do was sip on your hot tea and watch some rom-com on Capitol TV.
It was amazing how Coriolanus’ TV had more than 3 channels. It also amazes you how the thing took up most of his wall in the main room too.
As you watched the couple on TV do the classic coworkers fake dating for the winter holidays to make the girl's ex jealous trope, you couldn't help, but miss your cat. She used to curl up in your lap when you watched tv.
Suddenly, right as the couple on TV was fumbling thru their fake meet story, a breaking news report interrupted the movie.
You couldn't help, but sigh as you listened to the reporter at the news desk say, “We here at Capitol News 6 are so sorry to be interrupting your programs, but we have just gotten some horrible and heartbreaking, well, breaking news.” The reporter took a moment to put on a sad face and take a silent pause before announcing, “Socialite Livia Cardew-Snow, wife of Head Gamemaker Coriolanus Snow, died of sudden food poisoning merely an hour ago in the Capitol restaurant Avelina’s. Our beloved head gamemaker himself is currently being treated at Capitol General and is expected to make a full recovery.”
Your wheels are turning. You knew that botulism took 48 hours to kill and salmonella had different levels of severity, but wouldn't just cause somebody to drop dead in the middle of a restaurant.
There was only one reason for Livia's sudden death and Coriolanus' sudden near death experience that he'd recover from.
He poisoned his wife and himself, but with not as high of a dose that he gave his wife, and made it look like food poisoning because they were at a restaurant.
What the hell?! How could he be so reckless? What if he accidentally gave himself a fatal dose, then where would that leave you?
That damn snake…
“Let’s go live to our favorite weather and reporter for all things game related, Lucretius ‘Lucky’ Flickerman, who’s with our beloved Head Gamemaker Coriolanus Snow in his hospital room.” The news desk reporter said before the screen cut to live footage of Lucky Flickerman standing next to Coriolanus, who was sitting up in a hospital bed.
You took one look at Coriolanus and knew what kind of poison he used. He used a toxic metal based poison made from either cadmium, selenium, or arsenic.
It's the only kind of poison that would've killed Livia Cardew-Snow so quickly; would leave Coryo coughing up blood and looking so pale and weak in his hospital bed.
You knew about the dangers of metals such as cadmium, selenium, and arsenic leaching into water and turning it into poison from your brother's career as a coal miner. It's the reason why he won't use the water at the mines; why he brings his own in a large glass jug with him to work.
Rein told you that when new shafts are carved into the coal mines or when new mines were blown into the side of the mountains that the leftover rubble gets dumped to the side where it leeches and runs off into water, creating poison for anyone who drinks it.
You've seen the effects of the poisoned mine water too when you started your short lived internship at the apothecary right before you got reaped.
It wasn't pretty.
But the few men that survived, mostly young men that were still in their teens or early 20s, spat up blood, had mouth sores, ulcers, and could barely eat for weeks while they recovered and fought the poison.
They had the same weak, pale, sunk in look that Coriolanus had right now as he laid in his hospital bed telling some bullshit story to the media about the food poisoning that killed Livia and nearly killed him.
Oh, you swear, you're giving him a piece of your mind when he shows up at the penthouse.
And you knew he'd show up since he killed his wife to be able to have you in his bed.
God, you're now sharing a bed with a snake.
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“You should be asleep, darling.” Coriolanus chastised you, walking into the main room of the penthouse in the wee hours of the morning.
He looked like shit. Had blood dripping from the side of his mouth.
God, you were so pissed at him. Before you could think better of it, you chucked your teacup at his head, but it just went over his shoulder and shattered against the wall. “You want to off your wife with poison, fine, but don't drink the damn shit yourself, Coriolanus!” You angrily screamed.
“I don't know what you're talking about, Y/N. I got food poisoning from bad seafood; unfortunately it killed my wife.” Coriolanus smoothly lied, his face an unwavering mask.
“I interned at the apothecary in District 12 before I got reaped, Coriolanus. I've seen the signs of cadmium, selenium, and arsenic poisoning since the water from the mines is tainted from it.” You bluntly told the platinum blonde while standing to your feet. Walking up to him, you said, “You have the signs. You're coughing up blood, you're pale and your face looks sunk in.” His icy blue eyes narrowed at you. “Bet you got a sore in your mouth, if not then it'll pop up soon.” Pointing to his stomach, you warned, “Watch yourself, metal based poisons are notorious for causing bleeding ulcers.”
Coryo's jaw twitched as he looked down at you. “I see you're well educated for a girl from District 12. Let me ask you, how do you feel about what I did tonight?” A dark smirk twisted on his bloodstained lips as he asked, “Are you going to be a loose end for me, my darling rose?”
“Honestly, I'm not upset that you killed your wife. What I'm upset about is that you drank that poison too. You drank it without even worrying about what would happen to me if something went wrong and you dropped dead too.”
“Darling,” Coriolanus reached out with his hand, attempting to pull you into him and comfort you, but you pushed him away.
He weakly stumbled, but balanced himself by grabbing a nearby the back of a nearby sitting chair.
“Did you even stop and think about what happens to me if you died or are incapacitated? Huh?!” You asked, on the verge of angry tears. You didn't even give him the chance to answer you. No, you just barreled on with, “Would I get sent back to 12 even though Victor's Village hasn't been built yet or would I be passed onto your successor, whoever would take your place as head gamemaker?"
“Nobody will ever get their hands on you, my darling rose.” Coryo swore as he weakly collapsed in the sitting chair. “I’ll kill anyone that tries to take you from me.” He darkly vowed while coughing up blood.
“You're going to be laid up in bed for a week, maybe 2.” You told him, watching as he took his handkerchief from his breast pocket; coughing into it. The blood spurts from his coughing stained the white cloth red, as if little rain drops had drizzled on it.
You felt bad for him, watching him struggling to breath as his chest rattled with every bloody cough he let out.
You went over to his chair and knelt by his side. You knew he wouldn't stop poisoning people. Not with the outburst that he just had. But you knew that you couldn't let him keep using dangerous metal based poisons either.
Whether you wanted to admit it or not, your red string of fate was tied to the head gamemaker. You needed him for your survival.
Taking one of his hands in yours, you revealed, “Coryo, I have an apothecary book back in my room in District 12. It has recipes for herbal remedies, medicines, poisons, and antidotes in it.”
God, you were going straight to hell for what you were going to say next.
“If you can somehow get me that book I’ll help you make poisons that won't hurt you. That you can take an antidote ahead of time for; that won't make you sick.”
Coriolanus let out a rumbling cough, soaking his handkerchief, only to look at you with a mix of astonishment and admiration in his baby blues. “You'd do that for me? Make me poisons to use on my enemies?”
You remembered what he told you in the hospital, that the Capitol was a dangerous place. Was a chess game of life; that he'd teach you how to play and master it in time.
Well, no time like the present.
“You're enemies are my enemies too, aren't they? Maybe moreso since I'm district.”
Coryo's calloused thumb ran over yours knuckles and he gave you a crimson stained smile. “You're not district, my darling rose. You're a victor, like me.”
If only you knew how damning those words truly were. Would you have tried to get away or would you have still let the white snake wrap himself around you.
But you were a snake as well, weren't you? For only a snake could truly feel safe with another snake.
Where you always a snake or did you just choose to become one because you were drawn to the dark beauty of a beautiful devil?
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Tags: @kuroosbby001, @purriteen, @poppyflower-22, @meetmeatyourworst, @whipwhoops, @bxtchopolis, @readingthingsonhere,@savagenctzen, @ryswritingrecord, @erikasurfer, @tulips2715, @universal-s1ut, @thesmutconnoisseur, @squidscottjeans, @sudek4l, @wearemadeofstardust0, @mashiromochi , @gracieroxzy, @belcalis9503, @shari-berri, @aoi-targaryen, @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch , @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons, @qoopeeya, @mfnqueen1
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vintagevisions · 4 months
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Joanne Latham / Penthouse Pet of the Month, September 1979 / photo by Bob Guccione.
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fluffyprettykitty · 2 years
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Pairing: Tony Stark x female reader (no other specifications!)
Word Count: 1150 words
Outline: Is time for the next step in your relationship with Tony who naturally makes sure to follow it with a bundle of surprises.
Author's Note: Thank you nonnie for this request here. Very fun to write for me and I hope you'll enjoy.
Warnings: discussions of pet health but nothing major.
P.S: dividers by @firefly-graphics //​ banners by @maysdigitalarts
Main Masterlist ・❥・Tony Stark Masterlist
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“I’ve been thinking,” Tony says running his fingers over your hand staring nervously between your face and your neck. 
“Tell me, baby.” You smile trying to encourage him.
“I think is time.” He swallows a lump in his throat. 
“Time to move in together.” He nods his head and squeezes your hand. “Not in my place though” He gestures around the room and shrugs, “ we should get a nice penthouse overlooking Manhattan, something not too fancy, definitely maybe extravagant.”
You laugh as you rise up a bit from your seat to kiss him surprisingly on the lips. “Is a yes. If that was a question.”
“Did I not make it a question? I’m pretty sure it was a question. Ah well. Yes. Would you like to move in with me, your devoted desperately in love man of your dreams, my beautiful, dame? “
“Why, yes, of course. “ And he kisses you back and soft made promises were whispered between those lips.
For the next few weeks, you overlook apartments together in all different areas of Manhattan trying to find that special place to turn into your own love nest. Finally, you come across a vintage-looking, ’70s-inspired apartment with a conversation pit in vibrant pop colors that you both like. You begin to order a couple of furniture together, design the bathrooms together and soon enough a renovation takes place. 
In the two months, you are spending trying to get the apartment together, you speak of living habits, and cooking arrangements, (Tony insists on a chef but you insist on ordering take out), and he wants Happy to be your personal bodyguard which you refuse to and say ‘you only go to work, is not that important.’ Finally, a discussion of pets and what the future will bring in comes up. You both agree that you should wait for a couple of months and then look to adopt a family member.
But of course, Tony doesn’t listen.
It’s a beautiful Sunday morning, the weather is nice and Tony is pulling the car up to the private parking lot. Today would be the official first date of living in the apartment having completely renovated everything. Tony insisted on taking a small trip at first, so you could both relax after such a demanding schedule and even though you weren’t that tired, you couldn’t really say no. 
You walk up the elevator hand in hand, walking together till the doors to the penthouse open and that’s when you are greeted with. 
Happy sitting in the middle of the bright orange couch with two small cats on his chest. One mixed in black and grey with various white patches and the other mostly white with grey patches. 
“Please no squealing they just fall asleep.” Happy says moving his hand to silence you as Tony is trying very hard to contain his smile as he’s glancing between you and Happy. 
You turn to look at Tony bewildered and confused, a very visible ‘I thought we’d wait.’ hanging on your lips. Tony looks at you and shrugs his shoulders. “Not my fault, I promise. Is it all him.” He points back to Happy who shakes his head. You roll your eyes at them both and begin to walk over to Happy to take a closer look up at the kitties. “They are both boys so hopefully they won’t tear the house apart immediately. About four months old so they are very experienced with places and things but they do still need a lot of surveillance. “ You look at them with a smile on your face.
Tony has followed behind you and sat down next to you overlooking. You knew he had already seen them by the way he is looking at you waiting for your reactions. “Where did you find them?” You whisper. “Believe it or not, one of the workers found them abandoned and alone in a box behind the building so once Tony overheard them telling he took it as a sign.” You turn to glance at him and smile. “We would have taken to a shelter otherwise. Don’t worry.” You chuckle. “Of course.” 
“Do they have names?”
“Tweedledum and Tweedledee”
“Peepee and Poopoo”
“You are terrible at names!”
“Alexander and Oliver.”
And the fight for the names continued all day long till you finally settled for something much more common.
Felix and Oscar.
For the next few days living in the apartment has been a dream. The kitties have you on a very early program and the house was designed with no doors instead of doors floor-length curtains per tony’s request was easy for them to roam around. Everything was safe and the railings in the balconies were fortified in a way to make sure no harm could be done. 
They ate the food on your plates and loved running fast to dip their paws inside any glass you had. One time they caught you drinking milk and it seems as if they never forgot it. Quickly they realized the two favorite places in the house: the oven and the fridge. The tiniest familiar sound and they would rush towards leaving you to laugh. They ate a lot, and both loved to mix their bowls until all of their food was on the floor. Tony begins to get very well acquainted with the mop. 
Seven months in and is time for them to get neutered. You are both nervous. Is a standard procedure but it still leaves you a little bit agitated. This is also the first time you happen to be putting them inside their travel boxes. Simply before if you had to leave for a business trip or something related to the stark enterprises, happy would happily stay in your apartment to watch over them. 
“I’m scared.” You pout as you hear one kitty cry in their box. Tony lifted both of them heading towards the elevator. “We’ll drive safely and fast and it will all be over before you know it.” He tries to reassure you. The drive doesn’t take more than ten minutes, the doctor’s office is not too far away and they reassure me they will be spending updates and how good is that you sent them both together so they won’t have separation anxiety away from each other. 
By the evening you are allowed to pick them up and the knot in your stomach finally begins to untangle. Happily, you take them home and order pulled chicken - which is their favorite, and let them gorge on it. 
“They look happy.”
“They are. Of course, they are. They probably didn’t understand anything.”
“Maybe so.”
He squeezes your hand and there’s another soft promise that hangs on his lips that he doesn’t express yet. But soon enough he knows, that all of his dreams and your shared dreams would become reality. 
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for updates please follow @fluffyprettykittylibrary and turn on post notifications! my inbox and my requests are open :)
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stlivingla · 4 months
Brand new apartments in Hollywood
Hollywood, the City of Angels, beckons with its iconic allure, vibrant energy, and endless opportunities. And what better way to experience the heart of it all than in a brand new, luxurious apartment from Stlivingla? Step into a world of modern sophistication with Stlivingla's curated selection of Brand new apartments in Hollywood. Forget the outdated layouts and tired amenities – these dwellings are designed for the discerning renter who craves style, convenience, and a touch of Hollywood magic. Unveiling the Spotlight: Imagine waking up to breathtaking city views from your private balcony, sunlight streaming through floor-to-ceiling windows in your sleek, modern apartment. Stlivingla's Brand new apartments in Hollywood offerings boast: Modern design: Think clean lines, open floor plans, and high-end finishes that exude contemporary elegance. State-of-the-art appliances: From stainless steel kitchens to in-unit washers and dryers, convenience is at your fingertips. Smart home technology: Control lighting, temperature, and even your locks from your smartphone – the ultimate in comfort and efficiency. Luxurious amenities: Dive into sparkling pools, unwind in rooftop lounges, or stay fit in cutting-edge fitness centers. Some buildings even offer co-working spaces, pet spas, and movie theaters! Location, Stlivingla understands the importance of proximity. Their Brand new apartments in Hollywood are strategically located in the heart of Hollywood, close to: Iconic landmarks: Walk the Walk of Fame, catch a show at the Dolby Theatre, or immerse yourself in the history of film at museums and studios. Trendy restaurants and bars: Savor diverse cuisines, sip on handcrafted cocktails, and experience the vibrant nightlife scene. Shopping galore: From high-end boutiques to vintage stores, find everything you need and more. Convenient transportation: Easily explore the city with access to public transportation and ride-sharing options. More Than Just an Apartment, a Lifestyle: Living in a Brand new apartments in Hollywood Stlivingla apartment isn't just about the space, it's about the experience. They understand that residents crave a sense of community, which is why many buildings offer resident events, social gatherings, and even fitness classes. Ready to Live the Dream? Stlivingla offers a diverse range of brand new apartments to suit your needs and budget. Whether you're a young professional seeking a trendy studio, a growing family desiring spacious comfort, or someone who wants to indulge in penthouse luxury, they have the perfect place for you.
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Penthouse golf pink embroidered polo 1/4 button front woman's size med.
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podslastitel · 5 days
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Kelly McQueen - Penthouse - Pet of the Month - October (1969)
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pixiedeadbeat · 2 months
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Nancy Sebastian, Penthouse Pet, April 1974
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kitsunetsuki · 2 years
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Sheila Kennedy (Penthouse 1981)
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pepperbag76 · 1 year
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🌹 Cheryl Rixon - Penthouse Pet December ‘77
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screamingreek · 1 year
Penthouse Magazine, July 1980 - Pet Of The Year Play-Off - Vintage Adult Magazine
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FOR SALE! FIND THIS ITEM AND MORE AT screaming-greek.com Penthouse Magazine, July 1980 Pet Of The Year Play-Off Read the full article
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pulsdmedia · 1 year
The Week Ahead 12/4-12/10
Nothing says holiday happiness like - open bars, puppies, and fashion! Sure, we’re steering a bit away from the classic holiday lineup, but trust us. This week, we’re looking at giving lovely pups new homes, shopping for presents, making jewelry to gift to someone special, shopping threads that will make you the talk of the party, and then some. Come to think of it, we’re totally in holiday mode...
$29 Ticket: Doggy Runway Shows, Wine, Bites, Freebies & More
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Strike a paws, strut your ruff, and drool over designer threads at The 2022 Pet Retail World Rescue On The Runway Party! Watch 3 Runway Pet Shows featuring Top Brands, Designer Showcase & Community Show, as well as Complimentary Wine & Light Bites and a Goody Bag with toys to take home for your furry friend to enjoy! Other ticket types also get you 1 Year Pet Perks Membership which gives you special access to events, special offers, and discount shopping on cool products for your pets, plus Early VIP Only Admission. This super soirée sells out each year to eager pup owners, giving them a chance to flaunt their beloved pooch and partake in photo opportunities, meet & greets with celeb pups, and more, with raffles, delectable fare, and other surprises in store...
Shop Statement Pieces at the 2022 Retrofete New York Sample Sale
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Join 260 Sample Sale at their SoHo store to shop the Retrofete Sample Sale. Stock your closet with unique pieces that that embody a fun, vintage aesthetic, perfect for your upcoming holiday plans!
$29 Ticket To A Rooftop Complimentary Bar Christmas Cabaret Party 
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Jingle all the way to PHD Rooftop Lounge in Dream Downtown - a stunning aerie full of picturesque views, free-flowing cocktails, epic vibes and entertainment that will upgrade your usual weekend plans! Go up, up, and away as you reach The Penthouse. Repping both indoor & heated outdoor spaces to drink, dance, & mingle, PHD serves up panoramic Manhattan skyline vistas. Dress up as Saint Nick or Mrs. Claus, or make it sexy - no matter what you wear, you'll be simultaneously drinking in excess at this rooftop hotspot designed for an unforgettable time. A Complimentary Bar of drinks will flow as you take in the cheerful party ambiance, dancing to the sounds of a live DJ who will pump up the vibes while you watch Cabaret Style Performances such as Aerialists, Stilt Walkers and more - this party will be the hottest of the year! Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-let's go!
Art After Dusk: Jewelry Making
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Get your jewelry making on with stylist and designer Amanda Mehl. She'll be taking inspiration from her own experimental designs to help you craft your own take-home pieces. Gift your design to a lucky friend for the holidays, or save it for yourself - they won't tell.
$29 Open Bar Ticket To The Immersive Copacabana Disco Party
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Havana, Brazil, New York City - what do they all have in common? While one may be missing the tropical flora, the culture and sex appeal can all be found under one roof. Cue the Immersive Copacabana Party, giving major disco feels and beachy infusions perfect for a hot, hot, hot Saturday night! Free-flowing cocktails fuel the extravaganza as bewitching live performances blow away your senses. Case welcomes an ensemble of “Copa Girls,” mixing Lola the Showgirl influences with seductive Samba moves sure to make you want to shimmy in the wee hours of the morning. Copacabana resident DJs Lucho & Elmer G will be on deck, re-igniting their time at the legendary hotspot for the series, so you can see history come to life. It's time to boogie...
Upper East Side Holiday Pop-Up
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The UES Collective is so excited and so grateful to be back. Come grab some amazing art, UES merch, prints, honey, jam, cookies, desserts, custom apparel, jewelry, and more from some amazing Upper East Side based businesses. A brunch menu, coffee, and cocktails will be available for you to purchase from Madame Bonte while you shop!
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@cayeeast​ 🥰 You are never too late, my inbox is always open. :) I hope Damirae?! I have to preface this:  I apologize in advance. I don’t really do fics like these—this is the first. But I want to grow, be a better writer, and try new things. I have never written anything like this before, so honestly, THANK YOU.
"More sauvignon blanc, Miss?"
A bottle of wine was withdrawn from the metal ice bucket, lifted by their waiter's practiced hands. Beads of ice cold perspiration were congealing, beginning to travel downward as Raven swallowed another gulp of air. Though it was slight, her grasp began to shake around her cutlery. She had done her very best not to look at the bottle during the duration of the meal.
Now it was practically in her face, sweating.
Her breath hitched in her throat, as she watched the condensation continuing a steady drip.
It was quite possibly mocking her.
The moment seemed to stretch on before veering into uncomfortable, until both gentlemen glanced down at her untouched white.
"Malbec, sir?"
The waiter gently replaced the white before disturbing the red. He swept around the table to refill another glass for Damian, who murmured a polite thanks.
Damian fingered the long, thin stemmed wine glass and turned it towards himself in circles. Several rotations were completed to air out the liquor. He guided the blackened magenta beverage to his lips and sipped thoughtfully.
Though Raven didn't immediately glance up, she was focusing on her meal rather intently. She shuffled slices of swordfish steak and capers to make them chase her chanterelle mushrooms and root vegetables around the triangular shaped plate in different patterns.
Of course, the half-demon was sure to select the appropriately suited silverware as she did so. Her efforts were starting to slow, however, as the lemon cream sauce became nearly nauseating when paired with seafood vapors.
Did fish always smell quite so pungent?
"Is there something wrong with the food?" She refocused on the handsome face of her dining companion, flickering in and out of the candelabra light.
"No, it's wonderful," Raven insisted. "Really, wonderful—great... presentation." His emerald eyes parsed the perfectly placed parsley and the latticework of sauce that was now a soupy mess saturating a plate of parsnips and fish.
"Oh, well it must have been." Damian exhaled sharply out of the corner of his mouth. "But, I'll always say nothing is too beautiful to eat..." He drawled.
"I guess I'm not as hungry as I thought..." she mumbled, flushing a little more than delicately.
"I hope our waiter doesn't insinuate to the kitchen that the meal fell short of perfection tonight. If the chef doesn't already know..." He scanned the perimeter of the dining room, as if expecting to be ambushed by the staff or a number of dining guests.
"I'm willing to bet if it wasn't so busy, he'd be out here himself, demanding to know what's wrong with the food." He cut his steak as he reminisced. "Remember what happened the time you asked for salt...?"
"It could just be me." Subtly, she slid her plate nearer to the center of the table. "Even though, I'll never be fully assured that fish is the best idea on a Monday... Are you sure it's fresh?"
"Is it fresh?"
A part of her was teasing, but Damian physically recoiled an inch. To insinuate that he would frequent an establishment that would serve his fiancée day old fish? His face was drawn with his jaw so set, it was as though he had been slapped—or someone in the vicinity had insulted his mother.
"I called ahead. That swordfish was caught earlier today. They're in season, sustainably sourced, and delivered directly to the restaurant—"
And with a menu that read: price available upon request, where other establishments printed dollar amounts, they all but prepared it table-side.
"But... you didn't follow them to the docks?" She asked in a deadpan. "You didn't call the fishmonger either? And I'm guessing, you didn't stand in the kitchen and observe the process?" Raven folded her arms. "Well, I don't understand how someone who takes shortcuts manages to run a billion-dollar corporation."
Raven wasn't at all new to this and she wasn't sure she would ever fully get used to it.
But sarcasm always helped.
"I was under the impression it was your favorite... You enjoyed it so much when we were here months ago." Damian's eyes darkened and then shone, like a man accepting a challenge. "Have your tastes changed already?"
"It's just... It's a little strong—the smell." Raven cleared her throat with her cheeks draining of their remaining color. "It's much stronger than I remember."
"Tell me... Is it work?" He surveyed the tail-coated waiter standing at the ready and lowered his voice accordingly. "Is it...something else?"
This was meant to speak of their nightly activities, the ones that involved aliases, capes, and crime.
Well, the other ones that involved aliases, capes, and crime—no safe words.
Inwardly, Raven groaned, because once again she was reminded of how much harder this could become.
By Azar's blood.
"It's not...that either. My stomach really is too unsettled for fish today." She took the napkin from her lap to wipe her mouth. "Normally it wouldn't be, but maybe... I'm a little unsettled, too."
"Tch... Well, I knew there had to be something." A half frown stole across Damian's full lips. "It's me, Raven... And this is us. We don't hide things from each other. Not anymore."
"I know." She heard her voice wavering. "I know that..."
"If there's anything at all, you'll tell me." He reached across the table to brush her hand. "If you're unhappy, tell me. I'll do whatever I can..." he whispered, lifting his eyebrows to punctuate his next words. "And I mean... anything."
Now Raven couldn't contain a crude snort. "I know, Damian."
"We can stop by a jewelry store - that engagement ring looks awfully lonely by itself." She sucked her teeth in a manner that was less than refined.
"Shoe store then... You can never have too many pairs of those very similar—" Haughtily, Raven blew air up through the side of her mouth to ruffle through her hair. "—but different, black pairs of boots..."
"We can take a trip..." His voice grew lower still. "...have a threesome." But, that one might have been a question rather than a suggestion. And as he pondered his words, his fork went sailing straight through the remainder of his steak without the aid of the knife. "Well...maybe not that last one."
"You're incredible...suggesting a ménage à trois at a French restaurant? Coquin." The half demon shook her napkin at him. "I'd laugh if this fish wasn't making my eyes water."
"Well, I'd do anything for you..." he replied evenly. "If it would make you happy, I'd even consider thinking about that last." And Raven shot her lavender eyes straight up towards the domed ceiling. They both knew the truth. "Maybe someday in the far, far future..."
As if he would ever share her.
That was exactly right, wasn't it? As if he would ever share her, or their lives with anyone?
Why would he?
They lived on the top floor of an elegant building in Gotham with a vintage lift whose golden grills led straight out into their penthouse apartment. But, it could be argued that the building wouldn't have been complete without their elderly doorman, Tom.
On the daily, he hailed cabs for Raven. Semi-weekly, he handed Damian hangers of dry-cleaning that refilled their twin walk-in closets of the numerous suits, trousers, and shirts and monochromatic dresses, blouses, and skirts.
Each morning, he bade Raven good morning as she went off to work and each night he held the door as he bade Damian good evening, a spectator in the lover's lockstep.
Weekly, Damian and Raven maintained long-standing lunch dates clustered in his corner office at Wayne Technologies. Monthly, the couple attended Sunday brunch with the extended clan of brothers, sisters, partners, kids, and pets all assembled together at the Manor.
Yes, there were others in their lives.
Even though Damian would argue they existed more or less on the fringes of a tapestry, while he kept her framed at the center.
Still, he seemed to love everything exactly as it was and he was in no hurry to change it. Especially when every night ended with them tangled together in their king-sized bed.
Plus one dog.
Titus was the only exception. Unless things changed in the far, far future.
"Do you mind if we cut dinner short?" Raven suddenly suggested. It must have been abrupt because Damian seemed caught off guard. "I think I want to go home early, curl up next to you, and finish those final pages of my book."
"Alright." He signaled for the check. "I'd like that... We'll get you home and I want your final thoughts on the ending. They better be scathing." The waiter reappeared instantly and it was like he'd never left. And even though his eyes remained lowered to the ground, she knew he had to be appraising her.
Raven mumbled something about the ladies room. She considered splashing her face with water and giving herself a pep talk. But to what end? The evening had already gone array. Something unexpected had cropped up.
How was she supposed to tell him this?
Damian was a planner and for the most part, so was she. They didn't do unexpected.
"Actually, I'm going to grab my coat."
She excused herself and placed her napkin next to the untouched glass of wine. Her feet were pinched tighter in the heels with every step towards the exit. Raven followed the partition around the perimeter of the dining room, arriving at the stairs to the entrance hall.
As she waited in the queue for her coat, her eyes wandered past the sweeping architecture and up the wrap around staircase, where Damian was probably talking to the head chef and the owner. Just as he predicted.
She handed over her ticket, her heart leaping towards her chest as the end of the evening dawned on her. And as Raven grabbed the coat, she wanted to whirl around in her uncomfortable heels and march back up those stairs. Uncaring of her rudeness, she'd steal Damian away, tug him towards the hallway with the row of chandeliers and kiss him.
And tell him absolutely everything.
She would tell him why La Chandelle wasn't at all appealing tonight. She would tell him why she'd suggested going out to dinner in the first place. She would tell him why things had changed so suddenly.
And why everything could.
Instead, she slunk away. Out of the restaurant. Onward. The best she could do now was hope: hope they could get home, hope she could get out of these heels as soon as she could. And then, Raven would figure out how to tell him tomorrow.
Damian was racing down the stone front steps of the restaurant to meet her at the curb.
"There you are." He was hurriedly slipping a pea coat over his suit jacket and he sounded nearly breathless. "Where did you go?"
"The coat check. Did you get the car?" Her voice sounded small and defeated. "I really, really want to get home..."
"I can see that," He deadpanned. "But that's not what I meant and we both know that." His brown-black brows began to knit together. "You were somewhere else for most of the evening. I know when you slip into your mind fortress and this is different from that. So where did you go, Raven?"
She swallowed and held out her hand for him to take. They walked a few steps in silence, turning towards a side street. The sound of laughter, music, and chatter faded away and for the first time all evening, she felt like she could finally think. Raven exhaled, deciding this was far enough.
"Damian, when I asked about dinner," she began. "I wasn't expecting this... I figured we were going somewhere with a little less wine and a little less fish—less wine cooked into fish..."
He blinked, processing slowly with his hands in his pockets, his head pointed down towards the cobblestone street, coated in a mixture of oil and water. It had to have rained recently. "Well, it's not too late, we can go somewhere else—nothing French, I promise."
He licked his lips before he continued, probably sensing her apprehension. "We can go to that noodle place and ask for two pots of oolong tea instead of the usual one... Or we can just grab tea?" He offered. "But if you're too tired, we can always make it at home. I'll make yours with the biggest, widest mug and saucer we have."
"So you're just...not going to give up on tonight, are you?" Raven murmured, her lavender hair moving as she shook her head from side to side, as if wondering who this man was.
"No, I don't think I will." A smirk started up on his face. "That's the thing about having a fiancée. You can't get rid of me that easily." He tapped her cheek good-naturedly and ghosted over her forehead with his lips. "I'm always going to be here."
"Didn't we...just get engaged?"
"Is that what this is about...?" Her husband-to-be searched every single inch and orifice on her face. "We can slow things down or postpone the wedding for a few months. The last thing I want you is for you to be stressed about this."
"What I mean is..." She ran a hand across her damp forehead. "Gods, I had this whole speech planned—how I was going to tell you..." Raven's unease fell away when she felt warmth radiating in waves, like he was lending her strength.
"Anything," he whispered. "You can tell me anything." He placed his arms on her shoulders.
Raven took a deep breath, her eyes locked on his, and—
"I'm pregnant."
The words froze suspended before them in midair. Damian continued to stare at her, but without blinking. Then, Raven nodded. And then Damian started to nod too.
She couldn't believe she said it aloud; she couldn't believe that it even happened. "I know it should be impossible... And not just that it's too soon."
"You're..." Damian breathed. "You're pregnant."
And he was taking her hands with his own to squeeze them tight. He started to smile—not just smile, he was beaming in a way Raven had only seen once before: when she said yes. This was more than elation, he was in absolute awe of her. He lifted her from the rain-soaked street in a generous hug to sweep her right off her feet.
Damian was holding her, lifting her. Supporting her from below. He was staring up, as his breath streamed sweet steam swirling against the seam of her lips. From somewhere inside blooming outward, was a warmth that no amount of healing or surge of power or strike of hellfire could ever compare.
And he too was giving himself over to this sensation.
With fingers gliding through his hair, eyes welling emotion, she nodded again. And she wrapped her arms around his neck, and drew closer to connect. Deeply, gently, then sweetly, they kissed into the night.
Damian feathered his lips over hers, placing her gingerly onto her feet. And he was grinning madly at her. Then, his grin slid down a little. And then a lot.
His mouth opened, like he was about to say something. He started to talk and stopped. Started and stopped.
"The wine—"
"The fish—"
He ran a hand down his face while he replayed the events of tonight. "I'm such a goddamned idiot. I'm so sorry, Raven."
"It was a nice meal. I had a great time. So, I couldn't eat anything or drink anything—so what?" Raven chuckled. Whatever cruel sense of irony there was in the world, it was a wonderful night. "You know, it's actually hilarious in hindsight, and now we have a funny story to tell our friends... A-and our—our—"
She was enveloped by the warmest, safest embrace Damian could manage as he was trembling. He rocked her and held her tight, inhaling deeper and exhaling harder until they both relaxed. "I am sorry. I should have sensed something more was going on."
"Well, neither of us thought this was even possible. Up until three days ago, I didn't know it was," Raven blurted. And it felt so good to blurt around him again. "We live together. I could have said it at breakfast. Or at the movies on Sunday... When we were in the shower together, last night. I'm the idiot. "
"The shower..." he repeated. "So that's why you were a little touchy about your body." She groaned loudly—this was not happening. "Raven, you've got absolutely nothing to worry about," Damian insisted. "And besides, you're not even showing yet."
"That's what you think," she grumbled.
His lips curled up. "Habibti." Raven raised an eyebrow. She knew as well as he did, that he had better choose that next sentence very carefully. "Habibti... you've always had an aura glowing about you, only now it's just going to grow brighter."
"Pfft," Raven muttered. "Right. As I grow bigger and rounder."
"You know what, yes," he scoffed. "You will get bigger and I don't care. For that matter, neither should you." Gingerly tilted her chin towards him. The way he was gazing at her, with unconditional love, understanding. "You'll be just as beautiful—equally exquisite."
Who could ever doubt Damian?
"And you'll be even more sensitive in all the right places." His low voice was filled with the darkest promises of sin. "I can hardly wait."
"You're dangerous," Raven murmured, knowing she was turning pink.
"Dangerous?" His nose traced the curve of her neck, as the skin shivered.
"As if you didn't know," she said flatly. "It's probably how you managed to conceive with a half-demon in the first place."
She felt him chuckle into her skin, then it morphed into something like a groan. "So, I botched dinner... And sex in the shower... I should have drawn you a nice, hot soak in the tub... Gone down on you for an hour at least...gone a few blocks past the park to grab some slices of 99 cent pizza..."
"How did you know about the pizza?" Raven's eyes widened on her flushed face. "Did Tom tell you?" Whenever Raven said she was going to 'feed the pigeons in the park', what it really meant was she was going to cut through the park to grab a slice of the cheapest pizza she could get her hands on.
So much for the code.
"You actually thought that was a secret?" And when Damian rolled his eyes, he looked less worried and more like his usual surly self. "Please. I've seen the napkins and the pathetic excuses for paper plates... Really, I should have known something was up, there were a few more than usual."
Through the ovens of pizza and pregnancy, he knew and he loved her.
And Raven threw herself forward and held him tightly to her. "You're sort of perfect, you know that?" she mumbled into the hard chest, smelling the usual amber and spiced apricot. She lifted her head and he brushed an errant strand of lavender from her eyes. "I don't want to cut tonight short. Actually... I kind of want frozen yogurt."
"Fro-yo it is."
And as they walked, he bent his head towards her. He touched her face and murmured, "I...can't believe you're carrying my child..."
Damian began to kiss her so avidly, so impatiently, they had to stop in the middle of the sidewalk. She was moaning and pulling pomegranate and malbec from his lips until they were both breathless.
Damian gave her a final peck and they walked back to the restaurant. It was all such a daze, Raven barely remembered him asking the valet to bring their car around. She made a motion towards the door and she noticed he'd already held the passenger side ajar for her.
"I can still do that myself."
"Hmm..." He stared off into the distance with a vague smile, as though contemplating their future. "You're going to fight me at every turn aren't you?"
"No," Raven said quickly. His eyes flickered faintly with amusement. "Not frozen yogurt—I want ice cream. Real, honest-to-goodness, ice cream made with cream, and all the toppings. Whipped cream, hot fudge..."
"Birdie's Diner?"
"Ignore the name, it's a good restaurant. I used to come here all the time, even before we were—" Raven was trying to pull his fingers aside to see his flushed face lit by the bright neon sign. "All diners serve eggs, alright? I'm sure that's all it means."
"And that's the only thing that drew you here?"
He hung his head in defeat before holding the door. "After you."
There were low lamps hanging over the booths and classic rock stringing out of a jukebox in the corner. Raven hadn't been to a diner like this one in well, ever. The hostess handed over two laminated menus and told them to seat themselves. So Raven sat in a red vinyl booth in the back corner, and very discreetly, slipped off her heels.
Instantly, it felt much homier than La Chandelle.
"Raven, we're getting you the best OB in Gotham—that's non-negotiable," Damian was saying. One coffee down and he picked up exactly where he'd left off in the car, driving and planning particulars. "Or Kori can recommend us hers - they're probably accustomed to working with unique cases."
Demonic blood or not, Raven sincerely doubted there was any OB-GYN in the city that wouldn't pass off a patient or two on a colleague, to quite literally, bag a Wayne baby.
The caffeine had fully set in because he was drumming his fingers absentmindedly on the table while he spoke. "It'll cost us another Sunday morning, because you know Kori will want to do an extended brunch when we tell her and Dick the news."
And the second they told her, Raven would promptly conjure up an extra-strength, soundproof barrier around her cellphone to contain the joyous shrieks. And she'd probably have to buy a new phone.
"But it'll be worth it... You know what, it's not too late, I can probably call Dick right now." His left hand darted towards his pocket.
"No. No, you won't." She placed her hand over his. "We'll do it in the morning. Tonight, you're going to sit here with me and eat ice cream, okay?" Then, her ears perked up in a way that Titus would have been proud of. Hearing the sound of a whipped cream dispenser, behind the diner counter, she was almost gleeful. Her ice cream was in transit and was arriving on a round, plastic serving tray.
"Here ya go, sweethearts." A waffle-printed glass dish and two spoons were deposited onto the smooth, scrubbed surface between them. "Enjoy."
"Thank you." She smiled back at the kindly woman in the light blue waitress uniform, with a name tag that read Shirley.
Cookies and cream on a bed of bananas, crushed oreos. Whipped cream and hot fudge. Even one of those radioactive-red cherries on top. And it was absolutely wonderful. She passed Damian one of the long, thin-handled spoons, which they both knew was ill-suited for ice cream. According to Alfred, it was technically for iced tea, but appropriate cutlery was far from her mind. She tapped her spoon to his.
Raven dug in and moaned. In a word it was: heavenly, and far better than she could remember of ice cream. Six more bites and she could just imagine the tip of her spoon about to hit the bottom of her half. That cherry was hers.
"Hey Damian," she nudged his spoon with her own. "Now you're not eating."
"I was thinking..."
"You can think later... You've done more than enough." They would deal with the rest tomorrow. For now, she chose to think of this as a little celebration of the news—just between them.
"Come on, don't let me eat this alone... Sympathy weight starts tonight." She swallowed another spoonful while he glowered at her. And Raven knew full well he'd already had an entire steak earlier. "Don't worry about abs, your aura will just glow brighter."
"Tch—I wonder what genius said that..."
Raven snorted, but didn't argue. In fact, she was absolutely fine with riding Damian's abs—and hard body—straight into the next two trimesters.
"But I have to agree about one thing." Damian drew up his thumb, using it to wipe a smudge of whipped cream from her upper lip. "There is something about real cream..." He held her gaze as he licked his finger slowly.
The blood in Raven's core was warming, the temperature forming liquid fuel for an ache of a different kind. Officially, they had been together for over a year. And this man was now her fiancée. How did he always manage to turn her into some sort of sticky mess?
It had to be unnatural because it was utterly unfair.
Not so subtly, Raven tilted her head at the space next to her. And Damian joined her on the other side of the booth. The diner and the ice cream were so much better with his thigh lined against hers.
"Raven, can I...?" He hesitated, waiting for her approval. He held his hand up to her stomach.
"Of course you can."
Softly, he stroked the skin over her shirt, where the tiny swell would eventually grow. "Raven," he whispered at last, and she opened her eyes. "I want us to take that trip."
"A trip?" Her eyes were so wide only a sliver of purple remained. "A moment ago, you were talking about baby-proofing the apartment." He seemed unfazed. "Nannies? Au pairs? Daycare? What happened to buying every pregnancy and parenting guide our devices will permit? We can't take a trip, wouldn't that be an irresponsible start?"
"We can make time for something important like this," he insisted. "It could be good for you. And for us."
"Why in the name of Azar and all her disciples would this be a good idea?"
"Hear me out... A mother and father-to-be take a trip before the baby actually comes—a baby-moon. That's what they're called," Damian murmured. "I propose we take one, before our lives, and bodies change." He spooned a dollop of whipped cream and slid it between his lips. "What do you think?
"We don't have to..." He said quickly and dropped the spoon in the dish.
"I think...it could be an interesting idea."
"If you think it's not for us," Damian reached for her and stroked her hair calmly. "I understand."
"No—Damian—we should do this." She searched his eyes. "I want to do this with you."
"Yes." Damian kissed the top of her head. "Just you and me, Raven. We can go anywhere you want."
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hollyhomburg · 4 years
(reposted au- because i deleted it on accident)
(a special thanks to @atulipandarose without who i would literally be lost without <3 seriously you're a lifesaver)
 I have this little idea in my head where like hybrids are allowed to come into work with their owners. New company policy and at first Jungkook is like great! Awesome! He can bring you (a cute tiger hybrid or something like that) into work and you’ll just sit and play on your computer or your phone while Jungkook spends the day coding sometimes you’ll lean your head on his lap and just purr- all and all like his favorite way to work honestly you’re his favorite person.
And then things change when the coworkers who he’s had a crush on forever starts to pop by his office more to see you and Namjoon’s always been so self-assured with miles of dimples and honey skin that Jungkook daydreams about kissing
and his partner hoseok, jungkooks boss, is only worse for jungkooks concentration. He’s always being quietly dominant over Jungkook, pulling out his chair for him at meetings or bringing him a cup of coffee in the mornings in exchange for his hard work.
Both men have take sort of an interest in you, petting you and complementing the dress that Jungkook picked out for you today, and of course, you know about jungkooks crushes and send him a shameless smirk as you whine and scent mark them much to their chagrin and jungkooks expense- blush lighting all the way from his collar to his hairline.
you’re always rushing over yourself saying things like “oh you have to come to lunch with us! There is this awesome ramen place across the street That Jungkookie loves” and of course Jungkook just blushes when Namjoon and hoseok turn their eyes on him and say “of course we would love to if you don’t mind kookie” Namjoon teases while hoseok gives his partner a wink
and Jungkook pulling on your tail and hissing at you while the two man gather their coats to leave “why are you meddling baby?” And you just giving him a feline grin and saying “just getting you that date you’ve been wanting for the last 2 years kookie”
and of course like, maybe hoseok and namjoon have a hybrid of their own- maybe panther Jimin who growls the first time he meets you and goes full on possessive because you’re his mate and now he won’t let you out of his sight and won’t let you leave their apartment, and maybe Jungkook is all blushy and shy and namjoon and hoseok really don’t know what to do because like honestly Jimin isn’t like this normally and he’s not even close to his rut like at all, but because of that he sleeps over at hoseok and Namjoon’s penthouse and like- their relationship buds from there or something.
Okay slight addendum to this that was triggered by a comment from @kamen-tenshi!!
What if I stead of a tiger hybrid the reader is a house cat hybrid or even like a teacup variety like extra small and fluffy and cute and Jungkook found her when they were young and mad his parents adopt her and has always called her ‘catcat’ since he was small. And it’s kind of a cutesy nickname he has for her, when they cuddle at night when they kiss sleepy and drowsy in the morning's hands itching under clothes so that they can get even closer. Her tail twines around his wrist and she calls him ‘bunbun’ all the time.
And then maybe Namjoon and hoseok pick up on this and tease him about it too, but they just can’t resist how he always blushes whoever they call him bunbun too even though they’re kind of starting to date like imagine they’re all shy at first kinda spoiling both you and Jungkook.
And maybe like!!! What if we through tiger taehyung into this too, and say that like Namjoon and hoseok have grown to like expensive things and that means their hybrids, who are both bespoke exotic breeds, are both reflections of that as well as both being dominant alpha hybrids who are as possessive of their masters as their master are of them, though there is a fair amount of love in their relationship as well like- oh, sometimes when hoseok gets stressed out he’ll just get attacked by grooming tongues determined to get all the yucky smell of anxiety off of him and namjoon will just smile and set about making hot chocolate for the four of them and they’ll cuddle on the couch together until Hoseok starts to feel and look more like his in control self.
Of course it was because of their two hybrids that hoseok and namjoon made the new policy for a hybrid friendly work place, because while Jimin does have a fairly lucrative job working as a model for a luxury brand that has a special line for hybrids, taehyung doesn’t have the most enriching life and wants to come by more and see what they do when they leave the hybrids at home all day.
And at first- neither tae or Jimin go in to visit the company because like Jimin is suddenly busy with a photo shoot during the day but when they come home they’re both kind of curious because- what is that strange super sweet smell coating their humans necks? And why does it make both of their tails stand on end and goosebumps erupt on their forearms and tempt them to lick and bite wheerever you happen to have rubbed your sweet scent on that day. Like they might recognize jungkooks scent a little (kind of like oranges and cream- like a cream ice pop) but yours in just- intoxicating and might trigger a rut in both of them the verry first time they both smell it in hoseok and namjoon.
Both hoseok and namjoon put two and two togeather and reach the conclusion that your first irl meeting will probably be notable at least if their hybrids are already going crazy for just your scent- because seeing you irl is 100 times more sweet and they know that- Namjoon can’t resist giving you pets or scooping you up in a hug when he sees you by jungkooks desk, and hoseok is always stopping by for just a chirpy purr in delight from you, your head suddenly shooting up from jungkooks lap before you get up to greet hoseok on you tippy toes to rub a cheek against his neck. And he’ll just chuckle and run a hand though your hair while he asks Jungkook how the project is going, used to the way that cat hybrids both big and small greet people they like.
when Jimin and tae finally meet you it’s just after dinnner when the four of you come back to hoseok and Namjoon’s apartment a little tipsy Jimin and taehyung just pounce- literally on you. And the humans are kind of shocked and too drunk to handle it- and it’s not like Jungkook didn’t know that Jimin and taehyung didn’t exist like- he’s seen pictures and everything. But this, both of them cageing you in their tails swishing back and forth and both of them growling when you take a step back- your ears pinned back against your head- is exactly the opposite of what he’s expecting and all you have to do is whimper before Jungkook gets you out of there while hoseok snares both of their hybrids by the collar when they try to follow and namjoon apologizes profusely.
And of course, Jimin and taehyung are suddenly very interested in coming into work with Namjoon and hoseok, but they know enough to have Namjoon surpervise a lunch visit where you can all be formally introduced.
It progresses from careful sniffs to purrs as each of you get better reads on your scents as Namjoon and Jungkook enjoy an intimate lunch on the roof of the company, their hands brushing over the top of the table and both of them giggling as jimin moves his chair so he can sit closer to you and get one of your hands in both of his and Taehyung continues nuzzling his nose acros your neck until he gets to your ears and nibbles and both Jungkook and namjoon have enough sense to chide “be gentle tae” before they look at each other in suprise, blush, and giggle.
There are other moments where Namjoon mentions a vintage store and coffee shop that Jungkook is curious about, and takes you and Jungkook on a spontaneous not date- date where you and taehyung fall asleep in the window of the shop while Namjoon and jungkook sit closer than they should and Jungkook listens to Namjoon talk about his obscure interest in old fashion love letters his heart beating so rapidly as He recited his favorite at jungkooks urging and finds himself enraptured.
Later, Jungkook startled apart from him when hoseok stops by to meet them after a late board meeting. And you blush when hoseok stops to press a kiss to taehyungs forehead and then yours, Jimin cuddling up to your side before he even takes his jacket off to a suprised squeek as both the tiger and the panther start to lavish you in their scent (a process that they repeat on Jungkook when your two groups part later on)
And Jungkook dosent want to assume anything at first but then Namjoon and hoseok treat both you and Jungkook to like a spa day (because hoseok lowkey loves being pampered- and like he’s loaded because he owns the game development company that Jungkook works for as well as runs it) and he says “really just come with us, we have enough vouchers because Namjoon and I go like every week- it will be fun”
but like Jungkook has looked up the prices and they’re like- expensive af, but he lets Namjoon and hoseok take the two of you and Jungkook has to admit that it’s super lovely to see you all comefey and well cared for getting your nails done while another woman rubs a softening treatment into your ears. He watches Namjoon air next to you getting a facial, take a video of your purring for both of the larger cats that wait at home (who are both firmly against being wet for any prolonged period of time) but will enjoy the videos and squeal over their Mate being happy when he sends it to them.
“haha you know if you keep doing things like this for us you know where going to take it the wrong way right?” And jungkooks bashful and joking and looking down and he glances over, and all of a sudden hoseok is all infront of him and they’re both in like those robes you put on for the sauna and suddenly Jungkook realizes how undone hoseoks has gotten and hoseok has a hand on either side of jungkooks head and is leaning in close murmuring into jungkooks was
“what if we where trying to romance you? Trying to spoil you for as long as you let us,” hoseoks lips brush against jungkooks neck with his words and it feels almost as sensitive as it does every time you scent mark him but almost more...forbidden. “What would you say to that jungkookie? If we wanted to make both of you ours? Would you let us?” And Jungkook is bright red before hoseok pulls away and tells him to think it over.
Jungkook of course has to talk it over with you first but really, why wouldn’t you say yes?
adding a little bit to this! based off of an ask i got a few days ago, I got to thinking about like, Jimin and Tae and Hoseok and Joon bringing Jungkook and the reader to some fancy meet and greet for Jimin’s hybrid modeling line. Joon and hobi buy you a beautiful dress and a matching-ish tux for Jungkook and end up complementing both of you enough you tuck your face into Jungkooks shoulder and Jungkook just kinda- melts.
And some like fancy snow leopard hybrid who Jimin has modeled with before in the past drops a snide comment about the reader being too drab for him, like a housecat hybrid, with no pedigree and a mixed breed. a hybrid whose obviously not worthy of the two golden boys one of which is the highest paid hybrid model in the industry and both of which have immaculate pedigrees. The slur of “mutt” carries a heavyweight.
And Taehyung and Jimin just like- go a little feral and defensive, with a loud rippling growl and sudden gnashing of teeth, putting themselves in front of you before anyone has a chance to throw down some claws. The room goes still, and suddenly you crumple further under the weight of everyone's eyes, your tail wraps around your waist and you hide your face in Taehyungs wide shoulders.
The snow leopard hybrid’s owner is quick to step close and urge her to apologize to you, which you stutter and accept, much to the ire of Jimin’s and Taehyungs dark-eyed possessiveness. Before you know it you’re getting pulled to sit sideways in Taehyung’s lap his arms possessively wrapped around your waist, hand tightening on your hip and rubbing in a slow pull while jimin feeds you spoonfuls of creme Brule, both of them relaxing a little when you perk up a little, tail swishing, whining a little for more. you feel warm all over as Taehyung runs his hands up and over your arms and shoulders. especially since one hybrid feeding another hybrid is like- some sort of declaration that you will provide for them, one of those old fashion instinctual things that have long fallen out of fashion.
All the while, the humans get a little too drunk to be attentive to the drama that’s going on with their hybrids. Jungkook is all leaning into Namjoon’s shoulder and giggling while Hoseok’s hand tightens on his knee- and Jungkook will be all like- shocked because while the two men tend to be a little intense sometimes but they also make Jungkook laugh so much. There is never a moment that they’re not together where Jungkook isn’t smiling.
That night is probably like the first time he realizes just how happy Hoseok and Namjoon make him- but they’re not even like together yet. and it scares him really, how much he’s grown to depend on them- especially when maybe at the party Jungkook meets someone that used to be in his position- that both Namjoon and hoseok had dated before.
And maybe Jungkook starts to pull back- starts to worry about getting hurt like he has in the past, because Hoseok and Namjoon are together and they might not need Jungkook- there’s a nasty insecure voice inside of him planted there by people who didn’t treat Jungkook right that suspects he might just be a plaything for Hoseok and Namjoon- and it only takes a few days of Jungkook giving them wishy-washy responses and canceling on dinner once for Namjoon and hoseok to turn up in his apartment.
and when ask what’s wrong, plead with Jungkook to tell him what they did to set him off- what happened, he bursts into tears. and Jungkook feels like it might just be because he’s feeling like he’s coming down with a cold (has felt nauseous and headachey all day) or the fact that his computer crashed today at work and he lost a few days worth of coding. But all of a sudden it’s just too much and he holds out his arms for them.
and of course, Namjoon and hoseok spend the next few days taking care of Jungkook when he gets the flu, cooking him meals, and lying with him and stroking his back the few times he vomits. And it’s entirely unglamorous, Jungkook feels less than his best, and will no doubt look back on those days with no small amount of embarrassment. But they never stop looking at him with anything other than aching fondness and worry. And a few days later when you and Namjoon get sick as well, Jungkook and you go to stay at their apartment so that the hybrids and the humans can take care of both of you.
and maybe after that- you and Jungkook only go back to your apartment for one or two days a week- and move in with them.
(after a near death experience with this au i think i will turn it into something more lasting- maybe soon! idk! let me know what you think! 
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