#Past the boobage is long
Okay, so I have a serious question: what do you consider to be *long* hair and when do you consider it to be *really long* hair? Please answer in the tags and let me know if you're from a rural or urban area. I'm genuinely curious.
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marjoriestotch · 1 year
My headcanons about the parents and families in general I guess since I'm starting to accumulate many...
I think I should start by saying that all the parents being in their 40s makes a lot of things just not make sense, especially how they talk about their past and while its not strange to have kids when youre in your 30s, it def confuses me since they dont act like it, yknow? Like having kids in your 30s is the sane choice imho for competent adults, and none of them are that. So just go with the flow with me that their ages fluctuate from family to family
The Broflovskis:
OKAY so we know Gerald was a drug addict at some point (cat piss but i think other things too, surely), i think it was in his teens and early twenties along with Stuart and he decided to clean up to get into college (which Stuart resents). Gerald in fact over compensates and becomes completely straight edge teetotaler, so when he meets Sheila at a party it unlocks something he tried really hard to repress. Shes wild and sexy and is overflowing with confidence and he finds that irresistible like a drug and becomes absolutely smitten with her, and Sheila finds him really cute in the beginning but just considers him a casual fling. He fell in love first but she falls much harded as they go along. Heres the less fun part; i think with Sheilas partying and very active sex life and Geralds drug abuse problems of the past, they have fertility issues. Kyle is essentially their rainbow baby and is a complete and utter surprise, and they work hard together to completely flip their whole lives around, moving out of Jersey and into South Park, etc. Sheila develops a strong attachment to Gerald through his time and its why she dotes on Kyle so much as she does, he's her little bubula, her miracle. This explains why they adopt Ike, too. And, of course, while Sheila considers Gerald the anchor that pulled her to the shore, she doesn't fully know Gerald's wild past, as is seen in major boobage and chicken pox, etc etc. But they arent also a completely traditional either - i think they swing, as we see Sheila hook up with Chef (with Gerald's enthusiastic consent) and Gerald willing to do stuff with Randy in the hot tub. Also yes he took her last name, he may be a fucked up little piss troll but he does love/submit to Sheila fully.
The Marshes:
We know a lot about Randys past but nothing about Sharon so I'll talk mostly about her. Unpopular opinion but I think Sharon is a big bisexual girlie and had a strong preference for women, but felt pressured to settle down with a man and have a family after her brother Jimbo came out to the family and moved out of town into the wild with Ned, so she attached to Randy since he was the first decent guy to get on her radar. Of course, she doesnt know about Randys wild ass side since I think he was very good at masking it at first. She internalizes this great anxiety about seperating from Randy because of this and when they had shelly and stan there was a part of her that thought it would help to sort of anchor her in the marriage but it backfired and made her feel trapped instead. I imagine they married young and she was still a stupid young woman when she had Shelly so she wasn't able to be there for her properly but had more experience with Stan. In a flashback we saw Sharon with long hair and I think she cuts her hair as like symbolic of her unhappiness with her life but trying to be practical with what she has. It depends on the day whether I think shes hooked up with the other moms behind Randy's back.
Liane Cartman
Not much to say about her other than I think she's def hooked up with Sheila and Sharon and thats how Cartman got to hang around with Kyle and Stan when they were little babies. Wouldnt it be hilarious? Imagine the field day Kyle would have with Cartman if he knew that. I also think Liane and Carol partied a lot together when they were younger, which is how Cartman and Kenny are close. Speaking of
I still dont know where the fanon came from where Stuart is a pedo creep but thats not how I see things obvi. Theyre just both fucked up poor people who were stupid kids that got knocked up and disowned by their families. Its been shown that Stuart has a very defeatist attitude with a victim mentality, and I think Carol also has the same mindset, even if she does roll up her sleeves and finds work as a waitress and dishwasher. They bond over feeling like theyre the only people in town to "get" each other like that, like theyre the outcasts in the world yknow, the under dogs that gotta stick together, even though they are way better off just being friends. They joined fringe groups like the cthulhu cult not only in search for drugs and alcohol but also community, yknow? And they keep having kids thinking it will just start making things make sense but it doesnt cuz theyre dumb. I also def think they sleep with other people but not even in a swing-y way like the Broflovsks, they are barely a couple as it is. I've said this in a previous post but I def think Carol and Sheila became fast friends when the Broflovskis moved into town, meeting through their husbands and bonding over being wild party girls at heart. Hence why Kenny and Kyle developed a friendship, cuz otherwise Gerald and Stuart would prefer to avoid each other completely. This doesnt make complete sense in chickenpox, but I'm just gonna ignore that.
The Blacks
OKAY SO IVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THEM A LOT and i def didnt type up this post just to talk about them :) this is 200% just complete fanon speculation so like shut off your brain for this one my south parkies if the show wont tell us anything about them then I can day dream. AND YES i have been informed that his name is "Steve" and not "Stephen" but...i do not care!!! He is Stephen in my mind and Linda calls him "Stevie" even if it embarrasses him. Okay so the reason I think/write that Linda is fond of Stan in my stolkien fic is that she sees young Stephen in him - a little geeky, moody kid. They're childhood sweethearts like Wendy and Stan, Stephen straight up just used to throw up like Stan around her from all nerves, the parellels are impossible to miss. Except of course unlike stan and wendy, Linda and Stephen are perfect end game. Stephen is the one from the rich family who had a vacation home out in Aspen where he'd run into Linda as kids and they'd later on reconnect and formally date in college. He thinks he has to really flash his fortune to keep her interested, but she has to assure him that she loves him for him which has him very gooey and pukey inside. Stephen could afford to flip flop between careers but Linda had always set her heart in medicine. They were responsible people who only decided to have a kid when they were 30, married and well off, of course. (They are hence the oldest of the parents and are thus more levelheaded, which is funny in my head to imagine old Stephen getting picked on by his junior Randy). I imagine Stephen wanted to name Tolkien way dorkier names, straight up like Gandalf or Bilbo, and Linda had to wind him down until she eventually grew fond of "Tolkien". Linda had made sure Stephen took Tolkien with him to work as often as she had, not wanting to give up her career to become a full time mom like all her friends, and Stephen just became a stay at home dad at some point, hence switching from lawyer to financial consultant. (Very involved parents that didn't want nannies like Stephen had growing up). I imagine that Tolkien was actually picked on and bullied in his fancy school when he was itty bitty and so Linda and Stephen decided to move and start over in South Park, Linda's hometown, and thats why Tolkien freaked out when he thought the other boys didn't like him and tried to fit in best he could. I imagine he has a lot of cousins on his dads side, Stephen being the youngest of his brothers, and so Tolkien is also the youngest and gets negged on a lot even if it comes out of a place of love. They call him twinkle toes or fairy dust cuz of his namesake and its partially why he hates it. Overall the Black family is actually the american pop culture dream come true, which is bizarre in south park.
As for the other families i dunno 🤷‍♀️ not that different from the general fanon consensus i guess? These are just the ones ive been thinking about a lot.
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mtnkat3 · 1 year
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I'll never sit with my shirt unbuttoned to my navel.
Because I got too much boobage for that!
At the very least I need a cami shelf bra tank to somewhat corral all that flesh!
Women with small chests might feel free to walk around ...loose.
I cannot.
Heck, the deep v shirt you loved.....
I was wearing a tank top under & my mom still told me to put on another shirt! Because I was showing too much cleavage! Lmao!
Dang prude.
But I will always be my own blend of modest & exhibitionist. Classy sexy.
And yes.
I am maverick.
Why do you . . . . .think I love you..... like I do?????
It's not "normal."
Screw that!
I LOVE being unique! Weird. Wacky.
You won't ever handle me. But you'll love every flippin second with me!!!!!
That I will make damn sure of!!!!!
I told you . . . . .long ago...what I read, what I think about, what stirs my soul... it's not mainstream. It's not on bookshelves of stores. It's hard to find even on Google Play. I used to dig to find the books I read, like a piece of hard peppermint or butterscotch candy. I can suck those things gone in seconds. Slow cheeky grin. But I haven't been reading since February. Just as I did back then.. thoughts of you. . . . . ABSOLUTELY freaking overpower the imagery in those books. And they became stale. Only a few writers, became very rote. Almost copy & paste at times. Which is a bore to someone who can read as prolifically as I always have.
Now...if I could just devour texts that way... I'd probably have ever doctorate known to man! Lol!
But no. I am not a crowd follower.
I am the one who will get myself out of a pack in traffic then lead. I get the heebie jeebies like those packs!
Don't get me starter on rubberneckers!
One thing UK does right. They put up a foldable frame to shield accident, etc type of situations. Give people some dignity in death. Ya damn sheep.
I still remember having to get officers to cover a man's car because he died on impact Christmas day. Wrong way exit ramp. I-85. I still see the dnr ram truck standing on end before crashing down. The whole thing plays like a horror film in my head. I'll never forget it.
The happiest moment... finally getting to my parents house. And running into my dad's arms.
It was 2000. Then grandpa died 12.29.2000.[89] Then dad got brain cancer. As wack as it sounds, that's my life. Who died when. I lost 30 family members while in college. They dropped like dominos after my grandma died. [Day after Thanksgiving 1993. 81yo.]
I've seen death face to face since I was a 1yo.
I am not afraid.
I am more concerned with how did I live my life.
And right now ...
That's a pillow over the head, let me disappear into the ground. Zip up my hoodie. Anything!
When this hell with hog ends...
I will stand up proudly.
My shoulders won't be slumped, too heavy with burdens.
My grandma never smacked my hands for slouching. I ain't gonna let my back steel go now!
I want you . . . . .to be proud to stand beside me. To hold my hands. To say... mine.
I long for the moment.....
Blushing beet red bowing head.
I am.
Yours . . . . .
~Tijgeress kat Phoenix.
Sa.12.31.2022 4.09pm est.
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earthnashes · 3 years
Do you have any old concept art of the characters of Feathers and Flowers that look drastically different than their final (or at least current) designs? (Also the idea of giving witches fangs and pointed ears is giving me huge owl house vibes)
I do indeed! I have quite a bit of it actually, but since I don’t wanna bombard ya’ll I’ll just show their initial “final” designs as they first appeared and as they currently are. I’ll also leave links to each character’s concept art stash if you’re curious enough to see them owo SO! Here we go!!
KAELA AND MAL: (click here for concept art)
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The two who started it all; Mal and Kaela were the first two I made for the story of Feathers and Flowers. I originally didn’t even have that much of a story to go with; the basic plot when I first started designing them was “girl summons demon, demon becomes girl’s GF” and that was about it. The story has since evolved into something very different from the initial concept and with it their designs changed too.
Mal in her initial concept was meant to be gruff and moody and would rarely emote outside a scowl, but she’s since evolved into a character who’s very observational, collected, but honest and openly expressive of her emotions. Appearance-wise she’s stayed mostly the same, although she’s since gotten a lot more ridges to her and more color variation in her wings and hair. Her hair has also gotten absurdly long too. Her shoulders are meant to be very broad while her body shape is almost like a downward triangle. I hadn’t actually gotten to do her design exploration sheet yet so you’ll be seeing that sometime real soon in the future owo
Kaela on the other hand had a lot of changes her initial concept, but after I got her colors down she rarely changed in that department outside of her hair, which was originally meant to be dyed blonde but was naturally brown; it’s since become naturally blonde. What’s changed for her mostly is her bodyshape, face shape, and personality.
Kaela was originally naive, shy, and anxious. Now she’s amiable and easy to get along with, but often finds excuses to get out of making friends. She’s a little nervous about making meaningful relationships after an incident in the past but she’ll be comin’ out of her shell throughout the story. uwu As for bodytype, she’s a lot thicker than originally; I want most of her weight to be in her hips and legs so that’ll be reflected when I do her design tweak + exploration owo
EVANGELINE AND SAKURA: (click here for concept art)
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Evangeline and Sakura were the next two characters I’ve made for FnF when I realized I wanted and needed more characters to tell the story I wanted. Sakura came before Evangeline and of the characters, her base personality is the only one that remains the same: outgoing, super friendly, charismatic, compassionate, genuine. The only thing that’s changed is she’s a lot more popular with people than she was originally, inspired partially by the fact that she plays football and partially based on the response she got when I first showed her design online. Now Sakura’s basically the life of the party wherever she goes. owo
Design-wise Sakura was initially more compact and shorter (funfact, she was originally meant to be the shortest of the group), but the more I developed her the more her legs stretched out xD That’s mostly because I wanted her to be mostly “top-heavy”, or a lot of her weight seemingly coming from the waist up. That came with adjusting her arms to chest ratio; initially her arms were bigger, but in her recent revamp it’s her boobage that got bigger instead and I dialed back her arms a tiny bit. 
Evangeline is the one who’s probably changed the least in appearance but changed the most in personality. Originally when I first came up with her she was meant to be the “bitch”, as in her only purpose was to make shit harder for everyone, even if a lot of it was unintentional. She bossy and wouldn’t accept anything else than perfect, but early in her development I gave her personality a complete face-heel turn.
As of right now, Evangeline still looks like she could be mean from first glance but in actuality she’s anything but. She’s intelligent and studious, punctual and polite to a fault, but she avoids interacting with other people unless she needs something. Evangeline’s a lot shyer than what she originally was and is pretty hard on her own self instead of anyone else, mostly because of the expectations placed on her shoulders due to being a heiress to her family company. Everything in life has been set up for her and she’s expected to follow it.
The biggest change to her appearance, though, is her tendency to hide; she’ll almost never be seen without her earphones (to hide her pointed ears) or with clothing that don’t cover most, if not all, of her arms and legs. The often have collars to hide the birthmarks along her back. A design point I’d like to introduce to her is the more she hangs with the main cast and starts gaining her own agency, the looser her wardrobe becomes.
AAAAND YEH! Sorry that it got a little long there; I tried not to blabber my head off but I love my girls a lot ;w; Thank you so much for asking about them and I hope this answers your question! ^.^
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Gerald Broflovski Analysis Project: Mid-Series Gerald Bomb (5/7)
DISCLAIMER: I am aware South Park incorporates political views into its episodes, and furthermore, its characters. However, I will be looking past the deeper political meanings and looking at the characters individually. This is an analysis on Gerald Broflovski - not the political views he may have represented in some episodes.
There aren’t many Gerald-focused episodes of South Park outside of season twenty. However, in the middle of the series, there is a collection of episodes centered around Gerald. This is what I like to call the ‘Mid-Series Gerald Bomb’. It’s a collection of episodes that all feature his selfishness in some way. Although these episodes are not fully centered on him, they feature him prominently enough to be considered ‘Gerald episodes’. These episodes are: “Red Man’s Greed” (S7E07), “South Park is Gay” (S7E08), “Mr. Garrison’s Fancy New Vagina” (S9E01), “Smug Alert” (S10E02), and “Major Boobage” (S12E03). I’m going to dive into each episode separately and discuss what it did for Gerald’s development and how his selfishness played a part in the plot.
“Red Man’s Greed” is considered a ‘Gerald episode’ in the premise, although the plot strays from him later on. It takes place at a casino - Three Feathers Casino - and it’s revealed Gerald has a “gambling problem”. Despite Sheila’s objections, Gerald goes to the blackjack table, which is ten dollars a hand. He seems convinced he’s able to win money at this table, showing that he’s very confident in himself. Not long after, Randy meets up with him to find out he lost $26,000 at the table he was so sure he would win from. Gerald didn’t tell Randy he had a gambling problem, likely keeping a secret because he was sure he would win. He didn’t feel it was necessary information to share, especially with how confident he was before betting anything. Yet, when he speaks to Randy, he’s visibly fidgeting and worry is present in his voice. He puts up his house as collateral and has one ten-dollar chip left - he loses it. Immediately after, he begs Randy to loan him money so he could attempt to win it back. This would not be considered an act of selfishness, as it’s Gerald’s gambling addiction that is fueling this behavior. However… it’s important to remember this is South Park. There are two episodes in mind - excluding this - that feature addiction as a main part of the plot: “Bloody Mary” (S9E14) and “Freemium Isn’t Free” (S18E06). These episodes are known for having contrasting views on addiction. Therefore, “Red Man’s Greed”, a season seven episode, would align with the beliefs of “Blood Mary” rather than “Freemium Isn’t Free”. With this in mind, Gerald’s gambling addiction is likely meant to convey an act of selfishness. As such, he is written to be a selfish person in this episode.
Gerald’s gambling addiction once more comes into play later in the episode. South Park attempts to raise money to save the town, but it’s not enough. Kyle comes forward and suggests they take the money they raised and bet it at the casino; if they did this, they would likely win $350,000. As it turns out, Kyle’s prediction was correct and they win $350,000. That is, until Gerald realizes they could win even more if they bet it all. Gerald puts his own well-being over the town in this moment. Although the money would go to the town, we know Gerald has a history of greed, as exhibited in “Sexual Harassment Panda” (S3E06). His gambling addiction likely goes hand-in-hand with this, all tying together to his selfish nature. Hypothetically, if they had won the money, how would they split it? Surely, Gerald would want to keep the majority, being the person who suggested they bet all of the money. Of course, we’ll never know the result of this hypothetical situation, but the point still stands. Gerald’s selfishness is visible here.
“South Park is Gay” is important with the idea of Gerald being someone who follows trends or fads. He doesn’t know about the metrosexual trend until he sees Kyle dressed in a stereotypically homosexual manner - ‘metrosexual’. Gerald is appalled at this, and he and Sheila visit Sharon’s house. All of the guys are over there, much to Gerald’s surprise - he assumes they’re watching a sports game. However, all of the men have caved to the metrosexual trend. It doesn’t take long for Gerald to cave as well, as in a later scene, he is shown to be taking part in the fad. We can assume he was easily influenced by the men and as a result, is now metrosexual. The selfishness does not come into play until he finds Kyle beaten up as a result of not being metrosexual. Rather than consoling him, he seeks to ‘better’ his appearance, implying Kyle should adhere to the metrosexual fad. He doesn’t worry about his child being in physical or emotional pain, all he cares about is how he can show off that he is now metrosexual. It’s almost as if something consumed him when he took up the fad, but the question remains: Why? Why did Gerald succumb to trends so easily? There isn’t a reason set in stone, but there is an idea surrounding trends connected to self-importance. People often give into trends in order to be seen, to be cool, to be ‘popular’. If Gerald was the only man in town who was not metrosexual, he would not be any of these things. His selfishness relies on him being ‘important’, and what other way could he be ‘important’ than to go along with whatever is popular?
Once more, this is an episode dealing with Gerald’s relationship with Kyle. “Mr. Garrison’s Fancy New Vagina” is one of the most Gerald-heavy episodes in the ‘Mid-Series Gerald Bomb’. Although the title suggests the focus will be on Mr. Garrison, the focus is actually on Kyle and Gerald. This is likely due to the fact that their plot was far more shocking and therefore, memorable. Gerald’s selfishness is exhibited in this episode through the act of physically having himself altered to appear as a dolphin. Kyle expresses a desire to have his appearance altered - Gerald says no. He does not support Kyle’s desire for physical change until he undergoes physical change. He has no interest in the altercation of appearances until he learns he is able to ‘become a dolphin’. Suddenly, he approves of Kyle’s desires and supports him. Of course, the support is due to himself - if he had not gotten something out of the situation for himself, he would not be supporting Kyle.
The selfishness continues later in the episode at Kyle’s basketball game. Gerald requests special seating for dolphins, despite the idea being absurd. Gerald is likely the only person on earth who physically altered his appearance to become a dolphin - there is no dolphin seating. Yet, he expects there to be seating to accommodate him - he wants special treatment. Alongside this, Gerald asks for the bathroom for dolphins, getting angry when the man says they have none. He brings up the fact that he’s a lawyer - something he does quite often - and hopes to get special treatment from this. This is a theme repeated consistently throughout the series. He brings up that he’s a lawyer, believing it makes him special or somehow better than others. It likely stemmed from “Sexual Harassment Panda” where he realized how much power he had in the town as a lawyer.
The words ‘selfish’ and ‘smug’ are semantically related, so it’s clear this episode features Gerald’s selfishness. However, it also continues the idea of Gerald hopping onto trends. Hybrids in themselves are portrayed as some sort of trend in this episode - this is visible through the town quickly switching to hybrid cars when Stan’s song becomes popular. The idea of being an ‘environmentally responsible person’ is portrayed as a trend, as everyone wants to appear to be a good person. Following the events of “South Park is Gay”, it’s very likely Gerald regularly became the type of person to hop onto trends, especially getting into them before everyone else this time. Gerald is incredibly smug through his ownership of a hybrid. He constantly speaks down to people, acts as if he’s better than them, and fakes kindness in order to appear as the greater person. Eventually, he convinces himself his family should move to San Francisco in order to be with more ‘like-minded’ people. Ike and Kyle clearly do not want to go, but Gerald doesn’t realize this. He’s too caught up in himself to recognize the negative emotions his children are feeling. The idea of going to San Francisco and leaving South Park behind is selfish in itself. Gerald grew up in South Park and returned there even after college. South Park is his home, so in going to San Francisco to be around more “progressive” thinking, it implies he’s too good for South Park.
San Francisco is much smugger than Gerald, and it’s clear this catches him off guard. When he first meets his neighbors, they immediately tell him that his hybrid is not as good for the environment as other hybrids. Although his expression remains positive, his voice wavers slightly, indicating insecurity. His neighbor then refers to Colorado as “the Midwest”, saying, “Yes, you’ll find that San Francisco is pretty much more open-minded and grown-up than the Midwest”. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the Midwest region includes: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. These are all located a considerable distance away from Colorado, excluding Kansas and Nebraska, which are its neighboring states. The Midwest is typically viewed as very boring and insignificant, so in their neighbors referring to Colorado as “the Midwest”, it was likely a subtle insult. The more time Gerald spends surrounded by these people, the more displeased he grows. Everything that he says seems to be swatted down by these people accompanied by a smug comment. When Gerald mispronounces the name of a neighbor and the neighbor smugly corrects him, he appears insecure. He stumbles over his words and a prominent frown is visible in his expression, alongside furrowed eyebrows. Yet, he seems to pick himself up easily and remain smug, despite his obvious displeasure being around these people. He likely realizes how unhappy he is, but is attempting to keep up with the smugness as a trend - he wants to be seen as ‘important’ as these people.
Gerald is generally viewed as a hypocrite in this episode - that is where his selfishness lies. He leads this campaign against cheesing, even getting cats banned in the process, only to cheese himself. He seeks to lead this campaign when he sees a news broadcast discussing the dangers of cheesing. Gerald is easily influenced by this, hanging onto the reporter’s every word. He calls Sheila into the room to see, and Sheila is equally shocked. Rather than viewing this episode chronologically, it’s necessary to bring up a plot point from later in the episode: Gerald has a history of cheesing. When he finds out Kyle was hiding a cat and believes him to be cheesing, he takes the cat to the basement and says:
"No. No, what am I thinking? I shouldn’t do this. I’ve been clean for ten… years. I haven’t even been near a cat. But then that report said our kids were doing it, too, and… and I knew Kyle would have the same sickness I used to have… Now a cat is in our home, and it’s too tempting! I… I’ll just do it one more time. One. Last. Time. Then I’ll call the police, have them pick up the cat… and then I’ll never do it again. After this one… last… time…"
The way he speaks to himself indicates that this is an addiction, or rather, he used to have an addiction to cheesing. It’s already known Gerald has a gambling addiction, so it’s likely he was addicted to cheesing as well. He seems to not want to cheese, but is unable to stop himself due to this past addiction. When he views the news broadcast, it could be from a place of concern that he seeks to stop cheesing. He used to cheese, so he knows the dangers firsthand. Of course, there are also clues that indicate he was doing this to feel important. Likely, what happened is that he initially did this in order to protect his children, but he got caught up in the attention and praise and it became that. When he’s at the community center giving his speech, he talks about his “super lawyer powers”, once more bringing up the fact that he is a lawyer and has power. He seems to believe due to him being a lawyer, he is one of the few people that is able to make a change - this is selfish. Immediately, the crowd begins cheering for him, likely fueling his confidence.
Regardless of whether Gerald outlawed cats for the safety of his children or not, he still assumed Kyle would do the exact same thing as him. Gerald and Kyle are very different, and Gerald is aware Kyle is someone with very strong morals. Yet, he assumed Kyle would take after him and not stick to his morals. Despite Kyle trying to explain himself, Gerald would not let him and insisted he was cheesing. At the end of the episode, after Gerald is found cheesing in a public park, he gives his statement. He seems to feel genuine remorse in his words, however, after this speech, he expects praise. He begins smiling, putting his fist in the air, and says, “Yeah! Hooray for Gerald! Hey, let’s hear it for Gerald!” This is referencing the cheers he received earlier in the episode after his speech outlawing cats. He expects the same praise he received then, but he does not receive it - the crowd is silent.
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heartachebf · 3 years
16, 17 (Tweek), and 25 -Batz 🖤💜
fandom asks
16. favorite behind-the-scenes insight ive actually got 2 answers for this !! first off, i love the fact that kenny is based off a Real Life kid trey knew growing up, who was Also named kenny n wore an orange coat that nobody could hear him over And was the poorest kid in town. and i rly love that kyle is blatantly based off matt stone ^_^ i have a big gay crush on matt so obvi that makes kyle one of my favs
17. 3 things you love about [insert character]
1. the fact that he can play piano And sing And act ^_^ i love that artsy little dweeb so much 2. the fact that his tics slowly got better over the years... sobbing n wailing.... AND the fact that he barely tics when hes around craig.... love wins 3. i love that he can kick ass should he choose to ^_^ he could maim someone so easily and i think he deserves to bonus number 4 bc i love him so much. i love that he can bake ^_^ i like to think that he stress bakes and will try out new recipes n then he'll take what he baked to school to let his friends try ^_^ hes god tier actually
25. favorite episode of [insert season] u didnt specify which season, so ill give my favs of each season (below the cut bc this post is getting long) (id also probs do this even if u Did specify which season bc. peace and love)
s1: i cant pick between episode 7, black friday (bc i Love the feel of all the early halloween episodes) or episode 10, damien (bc damien supremacy ^_^ im forever obsessed w the fact that he, the son of satan, has a super high pitched voice)
s2: EPISODE 17, GNOMES !!!!! i think that was tweeks first introduction and as such, its my fav ^_^ i rly love his voice in that ep <3
s3: episode 5, tweek vs craig, bc duh ^_^ the beginning of an era <3 plus its proof that tweek is tough n doesnt need protecting
s4: either episode 6, cherokee hair tampons (bc i love how fiercely stan tries to help kyle + its revealed that kyle has diabetes ^_^ i will forever cry over the fact that stan didnt hesitate to offer his kidney to save kyles life) or episode 8, something you can do with your finger (bc i love their silly little boy band + i love wendy joining their boy band + kyle wanting to be the tough one of the band + randy backstory/him being a lil insane but in a funny way)
s5: episode 3, super best friends ^_^ the origin of stan n kyle being super best friends ^_^ i also kinda love episode 10, how to eat with your butt, bc kenny is very endearing in it And we finally get to see what kyles hair looks like <3
s6: either episode 9, free hat, or episode 11, child abduction is not funny bc theres so much excellent tweek content ^_^ i also like ep11 bc of how dumb the parents are in that one, thats always amusing
s7: either episode 8, south park is gay (the fact that everyone was acting a lil fruity ^_^ gay rights ^_^ and also kyle rejecting dressing fruity and getting made fun of for that. so funny considering the fact that he Is gay, i prommy, kyle told me himself) or episode 14, raisins (bc butters was very sweet that episode + goth stan was introduced ^_^)
s8: omg this ones so hard to pick. i love episode 4, you got f'd in the a, bc stan having to get in a dance battle??? comedy gold. i love episode 6, the jeffersons, bc we stan n kyle being dads to blanket, gay ptide. and then i also love episode 11, quest for ratings, bc i love the guys having their own news team And i love that craig had a show dedicated to just showing cute animals. dork craig rights
s9: episode 10, follow that egg ... more silly little stan n kyle content ... stan gets rly fruity here and im obsessed w it. that whole episode gives me silly little au ideas ^_^
s10: episode 14, stanleys cup. froths at the mouth. that one anon of mine, hockey fic anon? theyre writing a silly little fic based off an au of That episode ^_^ that ep is so quality
s11: goes insane. episode 8, le petit tourette bc i loved seeing cartman in anguish + dork craig content. episodes 10, 11, and 12 aka the imaginationland trilogy bc. god. just so good. i cant even explain it. episode 13, guitar queer-o bc it gives me Another great au idea + stan n kyle are fruity in it. and finally, episode 14, the list, bc there was lots of good wendy content And kyle got a little unhinged ^_^ as he deserves <3
s12: this is another one where its so hard to pick... episode 1, tonsil trouble, bc kyle got to go in attack mode again. episode 3, major boobage, bc we got silly little kenny content ^_^ episode 9, breast cancer show ever, bc thats when wendy beat the shit out of cartman <3 episodes 10 and 11, pandemic and pandemic 2, bc. craig content ^_^ and also ive already talked on my blog abt how its the best 2 parter ever. and episode 13, elementary school musical, bc stans gang was particularly goofy n their musical number was so fun ^_^
s13: episode 8, dead celebrities, bc kyle and ike content!!! i love them so much!!! and also episode 11, whale whores, bc stan Attacked And Killed all for the love of animals, n i love him for it
s14: episodes 11, 12, and 13, tha superhero episodes ^_^ i loved getting to see everyones superhero costumes in action And we got to learn more abt kennys immortality, which was so exciting !!
s15: episodes 7 and 8, youre getting old and ass burgers. starts sniffling and crying and collapses on the floor while sobbing. thats all i have to say about that, peace and love
s16: episode 5, butterballs (bc stan is so! hes just so !!! yknow. the anti bullying song in it is So good, And i live for butters standing up for himself ^_^ also the song at the end is god tier), episode 6, i never shouldve gone ziplining (its so fuckn funny, and i live for the live action bit at the end), and episode 11, going native (bc of that sweet, sweet butters n kenny content ^_^ i also live for butters Attacking in it)
s17: episode 4, goth kids 3: dawn of the posers. probably my fav goth kids centric episode ^_^ its so good n funny
s18: episode 3, the cissy. starts sniffling and crying again, but this time in transgender mode. i also love episode 6, freemium isnt free bc we get another Glimpse into stans issues w addiction ^_^ peace and love on planet earth
s19: episode 6, tweek x craig. love wins, gay ptide, etc etc
s20: um. i actually kinda hated this season. but ig if i Had to choose one, itd be episode 10, the end of serialization as we know it, bc it finally ended that season ^_^ no offense to any s20 stans out there, i just thought it was so boring
s21: episode 2, put it down. tweek n craig content, gay ptide ^_^ this is also the one where we learned that tweek can sing, play piano, And bake, and we also got to see craig learn how to support tweek better, which was very sweet ^_^
s22: episode 10, bike parade. i didnt super love this season either, so its kinda a case of picking the one i wasnt bored with. plus in a way it kinda felt like one of the original episodes, it was like a lil blast from the past !
s23: episode 2, band in china ^_^ we got stans band, crimson dawn !! it was great learning more abt how stan felt abt having to move to a farm, plus butters ripping it on a guitar was so funny. and then randy did stuff too idk
s24: this season has just been the 2 specials so far, but i liked the vaccination special, episode 2 the best ^_^ bc 1, the brovorce arc started, n im rly excited to see what happens with that. and also the way it ended left me hopeful that maybe the shows gonna go back to the way it used to be a little bit <3 i also liked how we saw stan gettin really mentally ill with freaking out over the pandemic, but that mightve been in the first episode instead...
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stahlop · 5 years
Once Upon a Time 1x04 “The Price of Gold” Review
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Review 1x01 1x02 1x03
Right off the bat I have to say that I’m not a fan of Jessy Schram who plays Cinderella. She’s much too passive of an actor.  She basically has one emotion and one facial expression the entire time and that totally takes me out of this episode several times.  Even when she’s supposed to be happy she just looks angsty.  Hopefully, this doesn’t color too much of my review, considering it’s a Cinderella heavy episode.
Emma tries to help a young pregnant girl while in the Enchanted Forest Cinderella makes a deal with Rumpelstiltskin.
The fairy godmother flying in the Enchanted Forest.
New Characters:
Ella “Cinderella”/Ashley Boyd: Cinderella seems a very desperate character.  I know she is in a desperate situation, being used as a maid and basically abused by her step-mother and step-sisters, but this version is so dark that I have trouble having empathy for her.  When we meet her, she is watching her step-family go off to the ball and pouting, when her fairy godmother appears, and then explodes as Rumpelstiltskin kills her!  WHAT! Well that’s a switch.  Ashley, though, is just interested in what magic can do for her.  She doesn’t care that this demon just killed her fairy godmother, she’s just interested in getting out of her current situation no matter what the cost.  I do understand that, but she makes a deal with a murderer, doesn’t read the contract, and just assumes what Rumpelstiltskin will want in exchange for him helping her, so she also comes off as really stupid. Luckily, Prince Thomas seems to like the angst-ridden, pouty type and falls for Ella, as we next see them at their wedding, where Rumple appears and let’s her know he wants her first born. Ella’s response to this is not to tell her husband right away or try to prevent getting pregnant, but to try and run away when she is pregnant. Luckily, Thomas is not so stupid and proposes a new deal with the help of Snow and Charming to trap Rumpelstiltskin.
Ashley, is basically at rock bottom. She is 19, about to pop out a baby, works as a maid (a very poor maid as she just accidentally dyed all the sheets pink), and has an unsupportive boyfriend and step-family. She doesn’t believe she can change anything in her life, even though she seems to have Ruby in her corner. Not until Emma basically tells her to stop being a doormat and ‘punch back’ does she start doing something about her life, which apparently means becoming a criminal to break into Gold’s pawn shop. So now she’s pregnant in a town she can’t leave and she’s committed a crime. I see Ashley and Ella are pretty much both really stupid when looking at the long-term. Eventually, she tries to drive out of town and, of course, ends up going into labor. In the end, her ‘prince’ comes back for her and the baby (named Alexandra), and she gets her happy ending.
Prince Thomas/Sean: So, either way, he’s kind of a drip.  He doesn’t seem to have much in the way of personality, so I guess he and Cinderella/Ashley are a perfect match.  We don’t get to actually see the ball and he and Ella fall in love, so we don’t get to see what attracted Thomas to her, just that he is in love with her and is willing to pay the price for double crossing Rumpelstiltskin. As Sean, he is stuck under Rumpelstiltskin’s price from the Enchanted Forest, which is why he isn’t with Ashley and can’t be with her until Emma transfers the deal to herself.  Because of this, he is basically a sullen teenager stuck under his wealthy father’s thumb.
Character Observations:
Rumpelstiltskin/Gold: This is the first time we get to see Rumpelstiltskin out of the jail cell.   And wow! What an entrance.  He starts off by killing Cinderella’s fairy godmother.  WHAT! He becomes Cinderella’s fairy godfather granting her wish to go the ball, but for a price.  He makes hints here that what he wants is not the gold or jewels Cinderella thinks he wants.  He says what he wants is precious and small. It is never said what Rumpelstiltskin wants Cinderella’s child for.  It could possibly be the writer’s don’t know at this point but were just going with the Rumpelstiltskin fairy tale where he demanded the first born from the miller’s daughter. Now, here’s where it gets interesting. When Ella goes to make her second deal with him, it is very obvious that he knows what it about to happen.  We know from the Pilot that Rumpelstiltskin can somewhat see into the future. He doesn’t seem to know everything, but it seems he gets bits and pieces, so I’m pretty sure he knew this was coming from his comments. He reminds Ella that magic comes with a price, he takes special interest in the enchanted quill, and he tells her only magic can imprison him (even though they are there to make a deal, no mention of imprisonment). He also seems to be much too happy to sign the contract.  Considering his whole thing is to make deals with unsuspecting people, Rumpelstiltskin not reading the contract is suspicious.
Gold knows how to manipulate all the people around him. He appeals to Emma’s bail bondsperson side to look for Ashley after she attacks him and runs.  He also seems to know that Emma is the one responsible for Ashley’s change and uses that to guilt Emma into looking for her. He also comments that he’s concerned about her because she’s pregnant, alone, and scared, all things Emma most likely was as well. He also makes sure that Emma does not know why he actually wants Ashley back, just saying that she stole something from him, not knowing that what he’s talking about is her baby. Once Ashley is in labor at the hospital, Gold ‘appeals’ to Emma’s past self, saying that he came to her to find Ashley because he knew Emma would understand, and that if he doesn’t get the baby to put up for private adoption, the baby would end up in the system.  Emma dishes right back to him that no jury in the world would put a mother in jail for trying to keep their baby, and if it did go to trial, she’s sure there are things about Gold he wouldn’t want dug up. Gold counters this with asking Emma for a favor in the future so that Ashley can keep her baby.  Knowing what we know about Rumpelstiltskin and his penchant for making deals that benefit only himself, I think Gold sent Emma on this journey specifically so he could have her own him a favor down the line.
Emma: She is trying to change in this episode.  She is offered a deputy job from Graham, and eventually takes it after her adventures with Ashley.  Regina makes her feel like she can’t be a good mother to Henry because she always seems to run from her problems. She talks about how Emma can’t put down roots (which we see when her stuff arrives at Mary Margaret’s and there are only a few boxes), but once she meets Ashley, she decides that if Ashley can stay and get her happy ending with Sean, then maybe that’s what she can do to; get her happy ending with Henry. A lot of the advice Emma gives to Ashley (change things yourself because there are no fairy godmothers in this world) is advice she wishes someone had given to her.  She may put on a tough exterior, but she’s really a broken girl inside.  She just doesn’t wear it out in the open like Ashley does. Taking the job at the sheriff’s station is two-fold, she puts down some roots, and she sticks it to Regina.
Sheriff Graham: We don’t see much of him in this episode but what we do see is super important. He offers Emma a job as his deputy and when she does accept says that he’ll deal with Regina.  Then we find out he is in a sexual relationship with Regina!!! When Emma said Graham was in Regina’s pocket (when he arrested her for stealing Henry’s files), she sure didn’t think he was in that deep.
Regina: She was basically a catalyst for Emma to put down roots in this episode and take the job at the sheriff’s station. We didn’t see much of her except to verbally beat down Emma at the beginning, and to see her leaving after her rendezvous with Graham.
Henry: Again, he is our narrator, guiding us through.  He doesn’t seem to know who Gold is, but I would think Rumpelstiltskin would be in the book, Gold’s penchant for making deals should clue him in.  He’s already played roles in both Snow/Charming and Cinderella’s stories. We see some more of Henry’s manipulation when he convinces Emma to let him tag along on her search for Ashley.  He also gives Emma a reminder that no one can try to leave Storybrooke without consequences except for her.  He says it’s because she’s the savior, but he can also leave (even though he says it’s because he had to come back), so I think it’s more because they weren’t part of the curse.
What did Rumpelstiltskin want with the fairy wand?  Cinderella said it was pure magic, but he said it was pure evil.
What was in Tallahassee that Emma stayed there for two years?
How old was Emma when she had Henry? He was 10 when he found her on her 28th birthday, which means she had to have been 17 when he was born, but she tells Ashley she was 18 when she had him.
Oh god! Was Ashley technically pregnant for 28 years before the curse broke?
Did Regina really leave Henry alone all day to go have sex with Graham?
How soon after Snow and Charming’s wedding did Cinderella and Thomas get married?  We see Snow and Charming at the reception.  Snow is not pregnant yet (or not showing yet). Everyone also seems pretty happy considering the threat of a curse should be hanging over their heads. It doesn’t feel like this happened after Snow and Charming’s wedding, but it had to have because they are together.
How does no one see Rumpelstiltskin at the wedding?  Do they not know what he looks like?  Are there many men out there with gold skin?  This seems rather odd.
Why does everyone want to go to Boston (which Emma states is 4 hours away) when Portland is closer?
Since Regina is not cursed and Graham is, would sex together be considered rape?  
The Fairy Godmother is dressed much better than the Blue Fairy.  Much less boobage and no weird jellyfish skirt.
Regina’s speech to Emma about people not changing and just fooling themselves into believing they can hits a little too close to home. Me thinks the lady doth protests too much.
Things we see in Gold’s pawn shop: the glass unicorn mobile from Emma’s nursery, some really scary marionette puppets.
Ella doesn’t see herself as an inspiration like Snow says she is.  She says all she did was get married.
Ruby has a red, crystal wolf hanging from her rear-view mirror.
Henry states that Emma can leave Storybrooke without consequences, but when she tried to leave in the Pilot, the wolf stopped her.
Rumpelstiltskin’s cell was made by dwarves in the mines.
Ashley picks out the same name for their daughter that Thomas wanted to name her in the Enchanted Forest.
Henry loses a shoe on the stairs getting back to his room, just like in the Cinderella story.
Once Upon a Time Firsts:
All magic comes with a price
Gold gets a favor for the future from Emma.
Ashley refers to ashes which is another word for cinders, which is where Cinderella got her name.
Boyd - Ashley’s last name means fair or yellow, just like her hair.
Thomas means twin, and while he doesn’t have a twin, he suggests that they make Rumpelstiltskin think they’re having twins to renegotiate the deal.
Sean is the Irish version of John which means to be gracious.  Sean becomes much more gracious to have Ashley and Alexandra in his life once the deal is off and he can return to them.
If you couldn’t tell this is not one of my favorite episodes.  I think it gives a lot of insight into Rumpelstiltskin/Gold, but the Cinderella/Ashley storyline was not that great.
As usual feedback is welcome.  Please let me know your thoughts about anything and please reblog!!!
@searchingwardrobes @thisonesatellite @justbecauseyoubelievesomething
@laschatzi @profdanglaisstuff @mariakov81
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princealigorna · 5 years
Sometimes I wonder what the meetings were like when Monty, Kerry, and Miles were having the character meetings for RWBY
Monty: “Okay, so here’s my idea. So, for Ruby, I’m thinking small and quick. Good agility, tiny hit box...like just over 5 foot tall. Her superpower is her insane speed, so I figure a smaller frame would support that. That said, she’s not really petite either. She has more of a runner’s body. Maybe with a little boobage, but she’s 15 so we don’t want too much. That would be weird. But she’s in her mid-teens so a little bit shouldn’t hurt.”
Monty: “As for Weiss, she’s a little taller than Ruby, but still short. I’m thinking she’s the very petite one. Small chest, long legs, extremely agile and very graceful. She’s more like a ballerina that does fencing than Ruby’s runner.”
Monty: “As for Blake, she’s going to be from an animal/human hybrid species that will serve as our example of for race struggles.”
Miles/Kerry: “Cool. I think we can work with that.”
Monty: “So, for this race, they had a war with humans in the not-too-distant past to fight for equal footing. They won, and on paper they were given equal rights by their human counterparts. In reality though, it hasn’t really worked out that way.”
Miles/Kerry: “Okay, liking where this is going. We can really do something with this.”
Monty: “So, Blake is a former member of a group that started as a protest movement, but slowly evolved into a more radicalized terrorist group. She leaves because she doesn’t agree with this change in direction and somewhat blames herself for it.”
Miles/Kerry: “Okay...maybe a little too on the nose, but...okay.”
Monty: “As for her design, she’s a cat. So like a cat, she’s both affectionate and aloof. She likes company, but equally likes to be by herself. Most importantly though, like a cat, she’s very agile, with good leaping abilities. She’s also very stealthy. I’m thinking with her, she should have eyes more like a cat’s, thick and powerful legs, be average height, with a realistically large chest. Her face should also be able to look both very hard and fierce, but also very cute and friendly.”
Monty: “And as for Yang, she’s the opposite of her sister. She’s tall. Very tall. And I’m thinking like everything about her should be large. Her sister is built like a runner. Yang should be an Amazonian brick shithouse. Large, bushy hair. Her style of fighting is based in boxing, so thick legs that can really dig in the earth, toned arms, and if the technology ever progresses enough to show it, shredded abs. She’s also got an insanely large bustline. But everything is proportioned just right so that it doesn’t look weird.”
Miles/Kerry: “So...Power Girl? We’re basically making Power Girl?”
Monty: “Yeah, we’re basically making Power Girl.”
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wrestlewriting · 7 years
#45 [Adam Cole]
Requested, #45: “Don’t tell me I’m the only one who noticed how great my ass looks in these jeans?” (Prompt from here.)
Word Count: 1,004
Author note: Silly and flirty and fluffy. (Not proofread. We die like men.)
@thebadchic @running-ropes @chasingeverybreakingwave @thegenericluchadora @wrestlingnoob @alexahood21 @castielscamander @cosmicswimming @spine-buster @heelturn-timesten @crookedmoonsaultpunk  @morgunsilver @wrasslin-rollins @imnobodiesbitch @morgancorbin @reigningambrollins @ryrybebe @bbmbabe @allhailthe-demonking @rebelfleur22 @alynevelludo2 @im-indestructible @heelstarla @heeltothequeen @sixdegreesofsamson @vixxyvampire @ihtscuddlesbeeetchx3 @valeonmars @pjanina13 @spot-of-bother @bolieve-that @theelitevillian @songsofasirenqueen
I knew better.
I did. I really, truly did.
When I drank wine, it was usually with the girls, and we just got goofy.
When I drank beer, I was engaged for a little bit, but after a few all I wanted to do was sleep.
But with liquor, most liquors anyway, I became excited. Hyper. Adventurous.
And that’s how I currently was in the backyard of Adam Cole’s house with various other Ring of Honor wrestlers and staff, enjoying some drinks and each other’s company. I didn’t normally hang out with too many people on the roster, as I worked in production within the sound department. But given the amount of times I saw them throughout the past two years, friendships were inevitably formed.
One such friend, Greg, another production worker, was much closer to the roster. He’d been working for Ring of Honor for years longer than I had; he’d seen many come and go. He was the one backstage staff went to for help and assistance.
It was Greg who I blamed for my current state, which could best be summed up as ‘one too many vodka drinks’. Chumbawamba would be proud.
When Mark Briscoe asked me to be his beer pong partner, I didn’t even hesitate. Seeing Adam himself and Chris Sabin across the table didn’t faze me. I wasn’t close with them, but we were acquaintances in the way all co-workers were. We quickly decided to use water in the cups themselves, given we were all drinking different things. If a ball was sunk, we’d just drink our own drinks.
I was at that just right level of drunk where I wasn’t overthinking and was just aiming my throws the best I could. It seemed to work in my favor, with Mark and I knocking them down 3 cups quickly. But then they made a comeback, and then it was a back and forth. This led to a long stalemate of us with only one cup left, and the boys with two.
“Should we play dirty?” I inquired towards Mark, who raised his eyebrows before giving a swift nod. With his agreement, I shed the t-shirt I had been wearing, revealing a low cut tight black tank top. I didn’t have a lot of boobage, but what I had, I knew how to make look great.
After adjusting myself, I turned back to face the other team and found both of the men just looking at me. Chris seemed almost...self-conscious in his gaze towards me, like he felt guilty to be seeing any of my skin. Adam however, Adam appeared to have no reservations as he let his eyes go over my newly exposed body area.
“Game on, boys,” I all but purred, picking up the little white ball. With a wiggle of my chest and shoulders, I threw it and landed it right into one of their cups.
“I’m…I’m not even mad about that,” Adam decided, fishing it out and picking up his beer. I gave him an exaggerated wink, to which he grinned, before turning to watch as Mark missed his throw.
There was some back and forth again, with each of us at one time managing to sink one ball but not the second into the other’s cups. Finally, with sheer luck, Mark and I managed to win.
We gave each other ‘good games’ and handshakes, with Chris and Mark making theirs entirely over-the-top, with Chris trying to lift Mark up. Adam and I just laughed as we watched them.
“Wanna go grab another drink inside?”
I hadn’t expected Adam to lean over and speak softly into my ear. His breath had caused a tickle on my skin, and a shiver to partially run through me.
“Yeah, sure,” I agreed without hesitation. Adam turned and put his hand out, gesturing for me to go ahead of him. Oh, aren’t you a gentleman, I thought to myself as I headed up the two stairs and through the sliding door, which led directly into the kitchen.
A few other people were in the area, but within moments had vacated back out into the summer night, refreshed drinks in hand.
When I looked over my shoulder, Adam was still just inside the doorway, observing me.
“Nothing,” he replied, finally stepping further in, stopping a few inches from me.
“Why’d you stop walking?”
“No reason.”
“Oh come on, Cole. Don’t tell me I’m the only one who noticed how great my ass looks in these jeans.”
“Oh, I noticed,” Adam confirmed. “Kind of kicking myself for never noticing before tonight.”
“Well, good thing the night’s not over,” I stated with a smirk developing across my face. “You can start making it up to me.”
“And how will I do that?” he questioned, sliding a final step closer, so there were just inches between our bodies. I bit my lip, hoping I was achieving the flirty look I was going for and not a drunk mess. Based on the way Adam’s eyes weren’t leaving my face, I assumed I was doing OK.
I leaned just a centimeter closer to him, looking up from under my eyelashes at him.
“You…can….” I let my sentence trail off, letting the moment build for him. And then I quickly side stepped him and went to the kitchen counter. “Make me another drink.” I happily sat down in one of the counter stools, laying my arms on the cool granite. Adam remained with his back to me for a moment, seeming to gain control of himself and realize what had just happened. When he turned to face me, he had an almost feral look in his eyes.
“Really?” he asked, clearly exasperated, and having thought something more was going to happen just now. I merely smiled at him.
“Get to mixin’, Cole,” I ordered cheerfully. “And after that, well, maybe we can discuss how great my ass looks out of these jeans.”
Adam had a bottle of vodka in his hand within seconds.
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toomuchdickfort · 4 years
OKAY I’m just gonna fucking complain for a bit so stick around if you wanna hear some issues I’ve got a myself and keep scrolling if you don’t. Also gonna try to keep it fairly chunked into fewer paragraphs so it’s easier to scroll past... I just want to complain. So. I’ve always had issues with my body, one way or another. For a while, it was really heavily in my face. I’ve got a round face and my dad’s nose, and I had a friend who is just... fuck she’s pretty. Like, nice cheekbones and jaw and Disney style button nose and gorgeous eyes and I could keep going on but I’m gonna try not to. I knew I couldn’t do anything to change my face as a whole as I grew, but I started pushing up on my nose in the hopes that I could shape it more like hers. I remember trying to make my hair part somewhere that felt weird Bc I had a friend that can pull off that sort of part super well and when I couldn’t part a straight line it would make me cry, some days, and helped me just throw my hair up into a ponytail even when I was originally going to wear it down. I had massive issues with my shoulders, because I had broad shoulders, and while I love them very much by this point, I was trying way too hard to be a Good Christian Girl and having broad shoulders just Would Not do. I slept on my sides a lot for the same reason as I would push up my nose... to try and fix it as I grew. Middle school was rough. Freshman year of high school, I started looking even more at my friends (the majority of whom were girls Bc guys scared me for a good while) and I was comparing myself to them way too much. Long story short, I couldn’t be happy with my body or my grades (or what classes I was in) and that was just all around bad for me. Senior year, going to another school was a big help for me, because I wasn’t around the people I had grown up with and grown up comparing myself to. Actually, senior year, I didn’t have many issues with my body in general beyond ‘hey I don’t need this so i would opt out if it if I could’ in a few areas. Hopping back a bit... Sophmore year, I started having issues with my torso. Just... the whole shape of it. I wasn’t wearing my back brace as much and had more chances to see that it changed the way my body was shaped. For a little bit, it made for a neat little party trick because I could wrap one arm behind my back and touch my belly (one side of my waist is real indented), but just... it’s uneven and that got to me. I don’t know when I stopped having issues with my torso, but while I was up with grandma for a month+, those issues came back. And recently I’ve had issues about the fact that my spine isn’t straight like it should be, and sometimes I could really do with like 200% less boobage, but those are both (thankfully) much less intense. And I can do something about one of them. ...Anyway, there’s no moral and no happy ending yet... this is just me talking into the void in the hopes that putting it out there will help me close that tab in my brain for a little bit.
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roseonhissleeve · 7 years
From The Dining Table
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13 Hours Later.
When she woke up, she was still alone.
Initially, she’d forgotten all about the night before. The first thing she noticed was the strange buzzing sound of the thermostat in the corner, which was obviously not working at all because the room was freezing. The chilly air nipped at her cheeks, and she snuggled further into the mattress as she tucked her head into the comforter with a soft whimper, trying to ignore the buzzing in her head.
Her eyes were still stinging from her tears the night before mixed with the lack of sleep. She’d managed to finally drift off at around four in the morning, but she couldn’t tell by the window whether it was eight in the morning or two in the afternoon.
Their screams from the night before still echoed in the walls.
She slid the covers off of her head and opened her eyes slowly, staring at the pale yellow motel ceiling. It was the color of Easter yellow, she’d decided, and it reminded her of chocolate and gardens and everything happy. It reminded her of some distant life where she probably would have done something to be proud of.
The ache in her chest resonated throughout her entire body, and her head was pounding to the rhythm of her heart—it was the only way she could be sure it was still beating.
She felt like someone had torn it out of her chest.
She turned onto her side and looked at the space in the bed beside her, clutching onto the soft material of the comforter until her knuckles turned white. Waking up on her own wasn’t new to her—she’d done it time and time again in the past two years, so much that she’d become numb to the loneliness that came with it. But this time was different…
This time, she knew he wasn’t coming back.
She suddenly felt a tear roll down her face, and just like that, she couldn’t get him out of her head.
He was everywhere.
His voice was stuck in her mind like a song on a loop, and it was a melody of all the things that she had always wanted to hear but never deserved. Years of I love you and I miss you and you’re everything, the way that he could somehow make her feel safe in the middle of a hurricane. And it was almost frightening to her how last night all she could think about was everything that would drive her mad, but all she was left with was the pieces that she would miss, the ones that he took from her without even realizing.
She replayed their fight in her head over and over again.
Harry didn’t yell. That was one thing that she’d learned quickly in their relationship—he was more of the quiet type when he was angry, and that always just pissed her off even more because she was a firecracker. She couldn’t keep anything in if her life depended on it.
So when Harry raised his voice that night, she knew that it was all crashing down.
His screams were branded in her mind like an unwanted tattoo, one that would be just as painful to remove as it was to get it in the first place. Her mind flashed back to her curled up on the bed, and she didn’t know what hurt more—the sound, or the silence.
She could still feel the seething words lodged in her throat that she’d thrown at him that night. Like a phantom limb she felt them, so deeply rooted that she could have choked on them right there.
She suddenly gasped, her hot breath coming out in puffs of air that she could see in the cold room.
She hadn’t even realized that she was crying.
And suddenly it all came crashing down on her, the avalanche of an aftermath that she had been gifted. The tears streamed heavily down her face as she sat up in the bed, reaching to grab the pillow that he should have slept on and hugging it tightly to her chest as if she could will her heart to stop fucking breaking.
Her shoulders heaved with every sob, and her body shook so much that her muscles started aching after the first three minutes. She buried her face in the pillow and bit down on the fabric tightly, trying to force herself to shut the fuck up so no one else would hear her through the walls. She curled up as tightly as she could, trying to make herself smaller, more invisible, in the hopes that she could maybe disappear.
She just wanted it to stop hurting.
She sat there for an hour, feeling smaller than she ever had in her entire life. Eventually she got out of bed. She walked across the room carefully, avoiding the shards of glass on the ground, and grabbed the bottle of red wine from the desk. Then she went back to bed.
She was drunk by noon.
2 Weeks Later.
She smelled like strawberries.
Harry nuzzled his nose further into her neck and inhaled softly, his eyes still groggy with sleep as he wrapped his arms around her frame, pulling her naked body tight against his. He heard her hum softly from his embrace, and for the first time in so long, he smiled. He felt her tangling her legs with his and pressed a soft kiss to her skin, and for a second everything was perfect.
But she shouldn’t have smelled like strawberries.
His love smelled like vanilla.
He opened his eyes and looked down at the woman that was in his arms, his stomach dropping at the realization that no, this wasn’t the woman that he had fallen in love with two years ago on a spring evening.
It was just a girl who he’d chosen to spend the time with last night in a drunken stupor.
Within seconds he pulled away from her embrace, a sickening feeling hitting him across the chest.
“Good morning,” she said in a voice that he didn’t recognize, and he could barely look at her face.
He turned around without saying a word, grabbing his pants from the ground and slipping them on over his briefs. He grabbed his sweatshirt and tugged it on over his head as he walked towards the bedroom door when she spoke again.
“Don’t you want to stay for breakfast?”
He froze, his hand on the doorframe as his eyes fell shut. He felt like he was going to throw up, and it wasn’t because of a hangover.
He wasn’t this man. He wasn’t the man who went out every night searching for one night stands to fill the gaping ache in his chest. He wasn’t the person who made girls feel special and then left them lying in their beds the next day. His muscles tensed as he attempted to will himself to turn around and look at her, to apologize, to explain that this really was not who he is.
But he couldn’t. She wasn’t her.
“M’sorry,” he croaked, his face still turned away.
He continued to walk through an unfamiliar apartment, shoving his hand in his pocket to make sure that his phone was still there. He looked at the paintings as he made his way out—the walls were covered in drawings, sketches, paintings and photos of buildings, landscapes, objects, and everything in between.
Maybe in another life I could’ve loved this one instead, he thought to himself.
2 Years Before.
“So then Harry got up on this creaky little barstool, and starts singing Sweet Home Alabama at the top of his lungs—and then topples right off! Lands right on his ass!”
Laughter filled the air as Nick finished his story, causing her to giggle from across the table.
When she’d been invited to this fancy work dinner by her best friend, she didn’t know that Harry Styles would be there. She was a huge fan, and she most definitely would have worn a dress with more boobage if she’d known. So far, he had lived up to just about all of her expectations. He was even more handsome in person, if that was even possible, and believe it or not he actually was as tall as he says he is.
Because she was a guest she didn’t get the chance to sit right next to him, but she was across from him, and every once in a while she definitely caught herself staring. In that particular moment he laughed just as hard as anyone else did, the wholeheartedly laugh where his face crinkles up and he slapped his own knee. It was endearing to see, and she was giggling more so at his reaction than the story itself.
And he looked at her, too. She thought that she was maybe hallucinating, but every so often when she’d take a sip of her wine she’d look up to see Harry looking straight at her.
Months later he’d tell her that he fell in love with her right there, from the dining room table.
As the night went on, he found it harder and harder to take his eyes off of her. The people around the table mostly wanted to hear him speak, but the truth was, all he wanted was to listen to her. Every once in a while she would lean over and whisper something in her friends ear, and he couldn’t help but wonder if they were just friends or something more.
She was looking at him. He was more than sure about that. Every time he caught her looking in his direction he felt a jolt of electricity run through his chest, and he had no clue how she could even make that happen from across the table, without saying a word.
She was amazing. He couldn’t always hear what she was saying through all the conversation, but whenever her friend would ask her something she would give him his full attention, and her eyes would light up like fireworks. She seemed like the kind of person who found passion in everything she saw, someone who had big dreams and wasn’t afraid to go after them.
And he believed in her, even before he knew her.
About three quarters of the way through dinner he saw her stand up and put on her jacket, and a feeling of utter panic entered his system. No, this couldn’t happen—she couldn’t leave early without giving him the chance to speak to her. She leaned over to press a kiss to her friends cheek and gave the rest of the table a quick wave and a goodbye before turning around, walking out without another word.
“Nick, put everything on my tab,” he said quickly, standing up off of his seat and grabbing his jacket. He ignored the many calls and complaints of his friends at the table, as well as a playful jab from Nick about getting the girl, shrugging on his jacket as he ran after her.
It was raining when he walked outside, the street lamps illuminating the otherwise dark street. In the distance he saw her, walking down the street with her bright red jacket. She seemed like she was in no rush despite her lack of an umbrella, and he immediately began running after her.
“Hey, wait!” He yelled as he got closer, hoping that his voice would get to her through the rain. It did, and she turned around to look at him. There was shock in her face, and when he got closer to he realized that she was laughing.
“What are yeh laughin’ at?” He grinned, now drenched as he stood there in the rain with her. His hair probably looked like a mess and his expensive jacket was getting ruined, but he couldn’t have cared less in that moment.
“It’s pouring, and you’re wearing billion dollar shoes,” she giggled, looking down at his boots.
He looked down at his feet mometarily before looking back up at her, watching as her smile danced across her lips like a promise. He chuckled, running a hand through his now floppy hair.
“Yeah, I am,” he repeated, laughing harder. They stood there, both of them giggling for several moments, rain dripping from their clothes.
“Walk me home?” She eventually asked, holding her hand out to him. He stared at her for a moment, absolutely breathless.
“Yes…yes,” he said, an elated grin on his face as he reached out to take her hand.
He walked home with her, not knowing that it would soon be his home, too.
The Moment It All Fell Apart.
“Why won’t you ever just say what yeh wanna say?” Harry asked, sitting on the edge of the bed as he looked over at her.
She was leaning against the wall, holding a bottle of cheap red wine that she’d picked up at the grocery store earlier that day. She wasn’t expecting to come back and see Harry waiting for her in the room—it had been two nights since she’d left their apartment and rented out this room.
She clutched onto the bottle of wine as if it was a lifeline, resting the back of her head against the wall as she stared at him. She was trying to read his face, but she couldn’t tell what he was thinking as easily as she used to.
It took her one evening for her to fall for him. It took even less time for him to become a stranger.
“I…I can’t,” she exhaled, shutting her eyes. He heard him groan, and she opened her eyes again to see his face buried in his hands, his elbows resting on his knees. She hugged the bottle of wine close to her chest, her voice a soft whisper. “I’m sorry.”
They stood in silence, him sitting on the bed as she stood against the wall. She was afraid to move—she’d never seen him like this, not once in the entire time they’d been together. And she had to admit that they’d been navigating rough waters for a few months now, but…nothing like this.
Tonight felt different.
She always felt comfortable with Harry. It was the thing that she probably loved about him the most—she was a quirky person, and she often felt just a little out of place. But Harry had always made her feel safe, at home. Even when there was nothing to say between them, the quiet nights filled with comfortable silence had been some of her favorites with him.
But in the end, it was the silence that ended them.
“I can’t do this anymore,” he whispered, his voice shaky. She looked up at him, her body paralyzed. She played his words in her head over and over again.
“What…what do you mean?” She asked, setting the bottle of wine down on the desk beside her wine glass. “Harry, what are you saying?”
“I can’t keep doing this. I can’t spend every second of every day wondering what you’re feeling, what you’re thinking and why yeh won’t tell me,” he said, lifting his head out of his hands to look at her with a cold stare. “I can’t keep feeling guilty about touring because you won’t stop complaining about being lonely. I can’t keep second-guessing every song that I write because I’m worried about how you’ll feel, how you’ll react to it, if you’ll think it’s about you—I can’t keep walking around fucking eggshells!”
“And you think it’s easy for me?!” She raised her voice, her defenses shooting up as soon as he started slinging accusations. “You think it’s fucking easy for me sitting around knowing that I have nothing better to do than to wait for you to get home and maybe want to spend time with me? You think that I like what I’ve become?”
“What you’ve become?” He repeated, his hands clutching onto the end of the bed. “What the fuck does that mean?”
“It means that I sit around, in an apartment that you pay for, on furniture that you bought, eating food that you’ve purchased because I can’t do anything else!” She threw her hands in the air, running them through her hair in frustration as she spoke.  “I have to sit in that kitchen, listening to you ramble on and on about the next TV appearance you have and the last song that went platinum, while I fill out a job application to serve at some restaurant that I won’t ever hear back from!”
“Yeh think that’s my fault?” He asked, his voice cold and distant. “It’s not my fault. It’s not my fault that you don’t know what the hell you want. I can’t fix everything for you. I can’t stop my life and stop my career to wait for you!”
“Then stop trying to fucking fix me!” She yelled, tears prickling in her eyes. “Stop looking at me all the time like I’m some lost puppy! Stop offering to introduce me to your contacts, stop trying to get me temp jobs at your studios and with your management team, stop trying to fix me!—And stop looking at me like that!”
“Like what?!”
“Like you’re sorry for me!” She spat out, lifting a hand to brush the tears away from her cheeks.
“Then stop feeling sorry for yourself!” He retaliated, the anger bubbling up in him that he’d suppressed for so long.
“I’m not going to pretend to be happy just so that you can feel better about yourself, Harry!” She yelled, sniffling a little afterwards.
“I’m not going to dumb down my career just because you can’t get yourself put together!”
The room fell silent.
When she was little, her mother once took a piece of paper and crumpled it up only to smooth it back out again. Then she handed it to her and said love, watch your words, because there are some things that you can’t take back no matter how hard you try. No matter how much you try to flatten a crumpled piece of paper, you will always be able to see the creases.
They would never be able to take back the things they said that night.
She hiccuped a small sob, and she was surprised to see that Harry’s cheeks were stained with tears as well. She exhaled a shaky sigh and walked over to the bed, avoiding him as she sat up by the pillows and hugged her knees to her chest, making herself as small as she possibly could. She stared at Harry’s back, watching it as it rose and fell with every breath that he took.
The silence was the most painful thing of all that night. It lasted what seemed like years. They say there in that room for hours without saying a word. Occasionally she began weeping again, her chest and shoulders heaving with every breath. He fought the urge to run to her, to hold her in her arms and tell her that everything was going to be okay, because...it wasn't going to be okay.
It was the silence that really finished them off—after everything was said and done, it was in that silence that they realized there was nothing left to salvage anymore.
Harry stood up suddenly and walked towards the wall, holding his hands up to his head. His fingers were shaking, and she wanted nothing more than to hold them to her lips and kiss them all over.
He suddenly reached to grab onto the wine glass that was sitting on the desk and threw it across the room, sending it shattering against the wall with a loud smash.
She flinched and exhaled a loud sob, covering her ears with her palms. She’d never seen Harry be even a little bit violent, and it struck a chord of fear in her heart that she’d never felt with him before.
It was hard to pinpoint the moment where they knew that it was all over.
Maybe it was the second Harry walked into that motel room.
Maybe it was the night when she packed a suitcase and left their apartment.
Maybe it was the instant that the glass shards landed on the floor.
Maybe it was that night two years ago, when his gaze met hers across the dining room table.
1 Year Later.
He didn’t know if it was actually her, or if his mind was playing tricks with him.
He had been sitting in a bar with a girl that he’d been seeing for about two weeks now, telling a joke and thinking about the last time he’d told it to get a girl to laugh.
He saw her coming out of the kitchen, black apron around her waist and a tray full of drinks. She’d bleached her hair a shade lighter and cut it to shoulder-length, which threw him off at first, but it was her. It was definitely her. And she looked…
He watched her as she approached the table she was waiting on, setting drinks on the table. She said something to make all of them laugh, and he couldn’t help but chuckle, despite not knowing what she’d said.
What he didn’t know was that she told them the same joke he’d told minutes earlier.
“Ready to go?” His date asked, finishing up her last bit of red wine. He nodded lightly, before looking back over at the woman he once thought he would marry.
Later that night he returned home. He had bought a new apartment a month after they stopped talking—he couldn’t deal with all the memories that resided in the old one. As he sat up in bed, he didn’t know if it was the alcohol or the time he’d spent healing, but for some reason he felt brave.
Brave enough to send a text message.
After hitting send he waited, watching whatever random cooking show was on TV that night. He tried his best to keep his mind off of the message that he’d sent, but his thoughts wandered back to it constantly.
Two hours later, at around three am, his phone dinged. He almost fell out of his bed, reaching to grab the device off of his nightstand and check what he had received.
He smiled, and his thoughts wandered to that night three years ago when he ran to catch up to the beautiful girl in the rain.
I saw you, too.
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riddlefromthemiddle · 6 years
I’ve listened to many a man wax poetic – aka wonder wtf is happening – about women.  How we care about weird stuff or get caught up in trends.  The emotional roller coaster, stress related Hallmark movie marathons, or the magical healing powers of chocolate.  We’ve made great progress as a species, but in more than a few ways we’ve still got that whole Mars/Venus thing going on.
So in the interest of fairness, let’s toss out a few what on earth? categories for our male counterparts.
**  Mustaches with those tiny twirly tips.
Sure, a lot of women struggle with mustaches overall, but for the sake of brevity I’m gonna zero in on the pronounced handlebar mustaches.  What’s up with those?  Putting aside the fact that they remind me of the squiggly dash on my keyboard (magnified by a hundred and pasted smack dab under someone’s nose), the tips are so dang confounding.  Is there a special product one uses to get that pointy tip?  Do men twirl them constantly to maintain the evil genius look?  And again, not to get jammed up on the basics, but why?
**  Those big ol’ feet.
Okay, fine, some men have smaller feet, but even then they always finish that description with “for a guy.”  How do they function all day long with those huge stompers?  Don’t they kick stuff all freaking day long?
**  Those big ol’ stinky feet.
Listen, my feet get as sweaty as the next person.  (I guess.  It’s not like I’ve done a poll or anything.)  But seriously, do men have some sort of superpower sweat glands on their soles?  How exactly do they reach the end of a long day, slip off their shoes, and wilt any flower within ten feet?  It is beyond me.
**  The mystery of the shlong.
That’s right, I went there.  Boner, pecker, weiner, trouser snake, joy stick, johnson, pocket rocket, ding dong…whatever you call it, I can’t help but wonder how on earth men deal with such an unpredictable appendage day in and day out.  Women may have to deal with a bit of nip factor in the boobage area, but carrying around a member that springs outward from the body at will?  Or pees on the ceiling?  Yeah.  No clue.
Men. Questions abound. #humor #men #RFTM I've listened to many a man wax poetic - aka wonder wtf is happening - about women.  
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ennuiae · 7 years
Wow so it’s only Day 4 of my Shopping Fast and it’s been difficult to say the least.  I’ve found myself doing a lot of internet window shopping and envisioning myself with new stuff every couple hours or so.  I didn’t realize how bad I had it to be honest.  To help control myself and keep track of the things I REALLY want..I thought I’d compile the a list here.
I’m almost tempted to only allow myself to buy things that are just off this list to better control my spending and really keep myself aware of what I want.  I’ll keep you posted on that idea, I’m not quite sure I want to commit to that just yet since I’m only just beginning this shopping fast. Anyways without any further delay, here are my top items!
Wish List
Jamie + The Jones Pocket Box Tee
Ever since discovering Jame + The Jones last May, I’ve been smitten! The shirt I keep going back to is the Pocket Box Tee.  I’ve always been a fan of boxy shirts and one that’s not so form fitting is exactly what I’ve been looking for.  The olive color is divine and the fact that the model is close to my size in height also helps me get an idea of how exactly this would look on me.   Made ethically and 100% raw silk…I mean what’s not to love?  I just need to decide between olive or blush.
Jame + The Jones T Top
Anther shirt from Jamie + The Jones that I’ve fallen in love with. I feel that the T Top would be super comfortable but still appropriate for work depending on how you wear it.  Though I already own a boxy black shirt that kinda looks like this (Uniqlo), it doesn’t fall on the body in the same way as the T Top does for that perfect slouchy look.
Elizabeth Suzann Georgia Tee
Ah…yes another “tee”.  This one has been on my list even longer than the Jamie + The Jones shirts.  Reasons why I haven’t purchased this one yet is mostly because of the price (the other shirts are just as expensive though haha) and also I can’t decide on a color I want.  I LOVE THIS TEE and it would look amazing with some matching colored pants.  Every time I see this styled by some of my favorite bloggers I swoon for it but I can’t decide between black, flax or ivory.  It’s completely frustrating because I know if I get it in a lighter color I’ll get it dirty for sure and with it costing so much it seems like it might just collect dust in my closet because I’ll be too afraid to wear it.  This is something I hate and am always trying to avoid…so black seems like a better option but then I think it would be dumb to get the T Top in black as well…maybe I’ll just go with navy to switch it up haha. Any advice would be extremely helpful because this might be my first purchase off this list if I can actually decide haha.
Elizabeth Suzann Clyde Work Pant
More than the shirts, the Clyde Work Pants have been on my radar forever.  Not only do they have a stretch waistband but they have deep pockets and both of those are extremely important to me.  I’m sorry but what the hell is with making pants that only have enough space to hold a few flat quarters??  Do people not realize how important pockets are or..?  I’m also all about a stretchy waistband..I’m not sure if it’s because lately I’ve put on a few pounds and all my fitted pants seem to make me feel like I’m busting out of them or if I just hate any sort of tight feeling around my stomach..but fitted pants are not my jam these days.  The clyde work pants look flattering on most figures and with the Georgia Tee in any color I know I would feel stylin and chick.
Everlane Go Weave Sleeveless V-Neck Dress
So yeah…another black dress. I feel like if my wardrobe was restricted to only one thing, black dresses would be it. So far I own two Kowtow black dresses that I love and one other black dress that I bought for my work’s end of the year party that I’m regretting buying now because it really isn’t my style but also one of my male asshole co-workers gave me a look up and down and called me fat at said party so since then, I can’t even look at the dress.  This one is a bit more fitted but I really like how it’s slimming but also kinda boxy and angular at the same time.
Everlane Modern Point
I’ve been wanting a shoe that works well for work business trips but also can be styled casually with skinny jeans.  In November, I bought some cheap pointed oxfords and I’m pissed I didn’t wait to buy these or some other better made shoes since my November ones are already worn out.  I guess you live and learn right?
Vintage Jurassic Park Tee
Haha this is random but I’ve been wanting a Jurassic Park Tee for ages now.  I probably could easily find this on Amazon but I worry that the materials wouldn’t last and it probably wouldn’t be made ethically. Honestly, I’ve just searching for this in recycle / vintage shops for the past year or so but still haven’t found it.  I think if I find one I may have it cropped or leave as is depending on the size. If any of you see a jurassic park tee at a thrift store get it for meeee!  (Size L unless it’s a tent, because boobs)
Matching Two-Piece or Romper
A matching two piece and or romper have been on my list for a long time but I can never find a piece that looks flattering on my body.  I really love the matching two pieces I’ve been seeing lately but I feel like since I’m not slim it may not look as good as it does on others.  Not only that but a lot of rompers are fitted for people with zero boobage so that’s another issue I’ve been dealing with.  I’d love to find something like the pictures above for summer though.  Maybe someday… *sigh* (pictures are from Tobi, but as they aren’t exactly ethical, I don’t think I’ll be shopping there but wow that top black romper is simply adorable).
Simple Slides
As you can already tell, my mind is on summer already.  I only have one pair of flip flops  (Rainbows that need to be scrubbed down lol) and a pair of four inch platform sandals that aren’t really meant for all day wear. I realize that I need to get at least one more pair of sandals or slides so I can have a few more shoe options for summer.  I’m more or so a sneaker kinda girl so I have like four pairs…whoops. I really like these Anne slides in cognac from Deux Mains. I found these a few months ago but still have been thinking about them so it must mean I really want them.
 That’s all for clothes and most of these have been the top clothing items on my list for 10+ months now so I feel that they are here to stay until I purchase them.   I sadly also have been collecting a list of stuff I’ve been wanting to get so I thought I’d also put that here as well so it can all be organized in the same place.
Stuff & Things
Glossier Generation G in Leo 
I’ve already talked a lot about Generation G in my Glossier Mini Review post and since I loved the color Crush so much I really want to get it in Leo and possibly another color.  This is probably one of my favorite lip products to date (besides Burt’s Bees of course).
Glossier Boy Brow
I’ve heard so many great things about boy brow.  I’ve been drying to try it but I can’t as of yet because Glossier still doesn’t do international shipping plus I’m in my shopping fast so boo!  I’ve been using an all natural eyebrow pencil as of late but it would be interesting to try a wand type of applicator.
Giant Magicarp Plushie
Here’s where the nerdy part of me makes an entrance…one thing I’ve been looking for ever since I came to Japan is a giant Magicarp Pokemon plushie.  I already own quite a few pokemon plushies but Magicarp has always been one that I want the most.  I’ve always had a Magicarp on my team (in the game) because who doesn’t want a beastly as fuck Gyarados destroy everyone?? I’ve been peeking into every big city’s Pokemon Center when I get the chance but it seems that the only time they sold giant Magicarps was in 2013 (color was gold though).  I’m hoping they re-release them or I can find one on Ebay.
This Exact Star Trek Pin
I’ve put a hold on my pin buying as of late and the shopping fast helps but one pin I’ve been on the hunt for has been a Star Trek communicator badge pin, and low and behold here it is.  I’ll get it eventually but no idea when.  Check out Robin Eisenberg’s website!  The art, pins, and patches are superb.  I also love the X-Files ones!
Art Prints 
I’ve been focusing on trying to beautify my apartment up a bit and already found an art print I adore and since has been hung up!  I want to create a gallery wall above my bed so I’m on the hunt for art pieces to add to this.  I’m thinking of adding up to ten pieces overall so I’ll keep this updated.  So far my next piece is probably going to be the one pictured above by Meszley.
  If I end up getting something I’ll add this –> (updated: bought)
If I end up changing my mind about a product I’ll probably put a line through it–> like this
If I add an item to the wish list I’ll put an asterisk before it with the date like this –> *added January 2017
I’ll also link future blog posts about the items so you can always check back here for links and information.
Thanks for reading.  What are your top two wish list items?
(Disclaimer: All photos belong to linked sources unless said otherwise, I do not own these photos or claim to own them)
2017 Wish List Wow so it's only Day 4 of my Shopping Fast and it's been difficult to say the least.  
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