#Packaging design for online shopping
shitla-papers1 · 1 year
The Impact of E-Commerce on Packaging Design and Materials
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Introduction (H1): The Transformative Effect of E-Commerce on Packaging Design and Materials
The rise of e-commerce has revolutionized the way we shop, transforming the retail landscape and disrupting traditional brick-and-mortar stores. As more consumers turn to online shopping, the packaging industry has had to adapt to meet the demands of this rapidly growing market. In this article, we will explore the profound impact of e-commerce on packaging design and materials, and how companies like Shitla Paper are providing innovative solutions to cater to these evolving needs.
The Growth of E-Commerce : Changing Consumer Behavior and Packaging Requirements
With the convenience and accessibility of online shopping, e-commerce has experienced exponential growth over the past decade. Consumers now expect their purchases to be delivered safely and efficiently to their doorstep, which has significant implications for packaging design and materials.
In the e-commerce landscape, packaging serves multiple purposes beyond protection and containment. It must also create a positive unboxing experience, reflect the brand's identity, and be environmentally sustainable. This shift in consumer expectations has given rise to the need for innovative packaging solutions that strike a balance between functionality, aesthetics, and sustainability.
The Role of Packaging Design in E-Commerce : Creating a Memorable Unboxing Experience
In the digital age, packaging design plays a crucial role in brand differentiation and customer engagement. E-commerce companies understand that the unboxing experience is an opportunity to create a lasting impression on the consumer. Well-designed packaging can evoke excitement, anticipation, and even emotional connections with the brand.
In response to this trend, packaging design has become more creative and visually appealing. Unique box structures, personalized inserts, and branded materials enhance the unboxing experience and encourage customers to share their positive experiences on social media, generating valuable word-of-mouth marketing.
The Importance of Packaging Materials in E-Commerce : Balancing Protection and Sustainability
E-commerce packaging must ensure the safe transit of products from warehouses to consumers' homes. Traditional packaging materials like cardboard and bubble wrap continue to be widely used, but there is growing awareness of the need for sustainable alternatives.
Eco-friendly materials, such as recycled and biodegradable packaging, are gaining popularity. Companies like Shitla Paper are at the forefront of providing sustainable packaging solutions. By offering paper-based packaging materials that are both protective and environmentally friendly, Shitla Paper helps e-commerce businesses align with their customers' eco-conscious values.
Innovation in E-Commerce Packaging : Shitla Paper's Role in Driving Sustainable Solutions
Shitla Paper, a leading provider of paper for packaging solutions, recognizes the evolving needs of the e-commerce industry. With a commitment to sustainability, they offer a range of eco-friendly packaging materials that meet the demands of e-commerce businesses while reducing their environmental footprint.
Their innovative paper-based packaging solutions include corrugated boxes, mailers, and cushioning materials. By leveraging their expertise in paper manufacturing and staying ahead of industry trends, Shitla Paper enables e-commerce companies to enhance their brand image and deliver a memorable unboxing experience while reducing their reliance on non-recyclable materials.
Conclusion : Embracing Sustainable Packaging in the E-Commerce Era
As e-commerce continues to shape consumer behavior and transform the retail landscape, packaging design and materials play a crucial role in meeting the changing needs of businesses and consumers alike. Balancing functionality, aesthetics, and sustainability is essential for e-commerce companies seeking to stand out in a crowded market.
Shitla Paper's dedication to providing eco-friendly packaging solutions positions them as a valuable partner for e-commerce businesses looking to enhance their brand image and reduce their environmental impact. By embracing sustainable packaging practices, businesses can not only meet customer expectations but also contribute to a greener, more responsible future.
To learn more about Shitla Paper's innovative packaging solutions, visit their website at https://www.shitlapapers.com/.
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techno-arts · 1 year
Check out The logo and visual identity project we did for AURORA
It was great times working o n this project with you thank you ❤
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stickercanada · 9 months
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Retro Moto Co Custom Transparent Sticker Toronto
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oneowlartist · 1 year
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Wooden Jewelry Keepsake Box, Gift Box by 1owlartist on Zazzle
Customize this glossy Wooden Jewelry Keepsake Box with beautiful pattern design to keep your valuable jewelry safe & protected.
Perfect Gift for your wedding anniversary!
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thef1diary · 4 months
Little Big Fan | Five
- Little Big Surprise
Series Masterlist
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wc: 3.3k
The house felt too empty, too quiet.
Isabella has been at her father's house for the past week and you missed her dearly. So, you had to find new hobbies to pass the time. You should've been used to the days she isn't home but you still aren't.
A new addition to your routine was your newfound hobby; watching Formula One races, or more so, watching Max race.
You would've been a fan even if you didn't know him personally, purely based on his driver skills, but that little detail made every moment of the race a tad bit more special. Your eyes would always try to find him on the track with the others, which he was in front of, leading.
You even found out that you could watch an on-board camera for a specific driver while watching the main race screen as well. It was very obvious whose camera feed you chose to watch.
This was the first time you watched the race after coming back from The Netherlands, mainly because it's only been a week since.
Though it wasn't fun watching the race without Isabella, or more like without her own added commentary.
Fortunately, Isabella's father would be dropping her off today. Until then, you had to find a way to pass the time.
Picking up your phone, your finger hovered over Max's contact. The last time you spoke was yesterday, when you congratulated him for the win over text.
You caught up on your pending work, meeting clients, writing up contracts, and even began designing the floor plans. One of the perks of working as a freelance interior designer, was that you could complete it at your own pace. The downside, however, was once you were done, you didn't really have anything else to do.
You worked for a few hours today, so your little break where you contemplated to call Max was well earned.
But before you could decide whether or not you wanted to call him, your phone rang with a call from him.
You quickly answered, greeting him with, "I was just about to call you, but I thought it'd be too late for you." You remembered that even though it was daytime for you, it was nighttime for him.
Max hummed, "too late? Oh wait, you're right, it's well past midnight." You furrowed your brow as his response confused you, but you didn't comment on it.
"So, what's up?" You asked, wanting to know why he called.
"You actually left something when you came to the race, and I kept forgetting to mention it, but I was thinking of sending it back to you as a package," Max explained, and you began to wonder what you had left behind.
"Yeah, sure that's fine, I actually have no idea when I'm going to see you again either." You shut your eyes tightly as you regretted the words as soon as you spoke them. "I mean—" you tried to explain but he cut you off, "I know what you mean and you're not wrong,"
You told him your address for the package, still wondering what you left behind, but dismissed the thought once you heard some noises on the other end. Specifically, noises that would indicate a person is outside, such as traffic.
"Max, are you outside?" You asked, wondering what he'd be doing out at this hour. "What no! Hold on, can I call you back in a bit?" He didn't wait for your response, just hung up the call.
You held your phone in front of you, looking at the dark screen as if it would give you any answers, but as excepted, it didn't. Then, you dropped the thought or at least tried to since Max did say he'll call you back.
You made yourself an iced coffee before falling into the depths of online shopping. Before you could decide on buying anything, the doorbell interrupted you.
"Max" you gasped as you opened the door, seeing him standing on the other side, holding a bouquet of sunflowers in his hands. "Hi," he grinned, eyes taking in your presence since it had been too long since he last saw you.
"You lied about the package," you commented though there wasn't any malice behind your words. "Consider me as the thing you forgot?"
You chuckled at his words but it quickly became quiet as you finally realized that he was truly standing in front of you. "Please tell me you have a work thing here and you're just stopping by because you were in the area?"
"I could tell you that, but it would be a lie," he shrugged. You hesitated before asking the next question, "and the truth is?"
"I just wanted to see you and Isabella again." Either he didn't realize the weight behind his words or he chose to ignore it but you stood there, holding the door, in surprise.
"And now I'm realizing it probably wasn't a good idea to drop by without asking you," Max's words lacked confidence but you quickly shook your head. "No, it's just that you keep surprising me by standing on the other side of the door," then you smiled and added, "this time it happens to be in a different country."
Again, he shrugged like it wasn't a big deal, but if he was able to hear the thoughts running through your mind, he'd know that this was a big deal to you. In the best way possible.
"So, can I come in?" He asked, as he was just idly standing by the door. "Oh yes, sorry."
He passed the flowers to you once he was inside. "I didn't know which flowers you like, but this seemed fitting," he explained the reason behind the sunflowers.
You wanted to ask why, but you held back because in the few weeks you've known Max, he always manages to say something that leaves you speechless.
"It's perfect, thank you. I think I have a vase lying around somewhere." You found one in the back of a cabinet next to your kitchen, and started filling it with water.
Max stood across from you and commented, "that vase should never be left empty."
You chuckled, more at the thought of the vase being full than his words. "It has been empty more often than not."
Although it was just a simple back and forth conversation, Max made a mental note to try and never let it be empty for as long as he knows you. Which he hopes would be a long, long time.
Max looked around the house, noticing a lack of a little ball of energy. "Where's Isabella?"
"At Tyler's. He'll drop her off in about an hour." Once you set up the flowers, you paused, realizing you have to make lunch for Isabella but you didn't want Max to think that you didn't want him here.
"Everything okay?" He asked, always noticing everything. "Yeah, I have to make lunch for Isabella." You didn't know what reaction you expected but it definitely wasn't a laugh.
Max stepped closer to you, rounding the kitchen island that was in between you two. "If you think you have to entertain me as a guest, who by the way showed up unexpectedly, I'm going to think you don't consider me a friend."
You broke out into a smile, realizing that you overthought the small situation. "I do consider you a friend, otherwise I wouldn't have ranted on and on about my job."
"I will say though, if you're making lunch, I want some too," Max added with a sheepish smile. "Isabella's lunch entails a homemade pizza and fries—made with freshly cut potatoes—because that's all she wants to eat every time she comes home."
"Fair enough, let's make extras for all of us," Max began rolling up his sleeves and washed his hands in preparation.
You couldn't help but laugh, "Max, what are you doing?" He looked at you as if his actions were obvious, "I'm going to help you. Did you think I was going to let you make lunch all by yourself?"
There he goes, leaving you speechless. You shut your mouth because you couldn't find a response, and began taking out the ingredients. "Just a warning though, you're gonna have to tell me what to do because I'm not the best chef," Max stated.
"It's okay, you can be my assistant," you responded which made him raise his eyebrows, "assistant huh? I like the sound of that."
You paused, looking at him with a playful glower before both of you broke out into laughter.
You passed him the potatoes after rinsing them, tasking him to peel and cut into strips to make french fries.
Although he didn't notice, you might've stopped a few times while kneading the dough to look at him. Unbeknownst to you, he did the same when you weren't looking either.
"So does Isabella go to her dad's often?" Max asked after a moment of silence. "Sometimes it's every other week, other times it's only a weekend per month," you explained.
Max had loads of questions about Tyler, but he was content in knowing only what you were willing to tell him. This time, you didn't continue the conversation about your ex, and Max understood that you didn't want to talk about it.
The topic was forgotten as soon as you accidentally smeared pizza sauce across your face. You truly had no idea how it got there, but only realized when Max brushed his fingers against your cheek to wipe it away.
However, he only smeared it further. He couldn't control his laughter as it spread and that prompted you to wipe it from your cheek and smear it on his.
He glared at you but it only lasted a millisecond as he grabbed a handful of dry flour. "Max," you warned, stepping backwards in an attempt to get away from him.
You didn't get far as his arm found its away around your waist to pull you back and hold you still. Then, he dumped the flour on your face, adding to the remnants of the sauce.
Your hands pressed against his chest to push him away but it was a useless attempt since he had you cornered against the counter so you had nowhere to go.
You spluttered since a bit of the flour got in your mouth and Max laughed at you. Then, you did the only thing you could think of. Grabbing Max's face, you rubbed your cheek dusted with flour and sauce against his. Now it was even.
Once the laughter died down, both of you noticed how close you were standing. Max couldn't back away because of your palms on his cheek and on the nape of his neck.
Your eyes widened slightly at the realization and you quickly dropped your hands so he could move. Max took a second too long to process that you weren't holding him anymore, before he created more space between you two.
Then, you noticed the time, "shit she'll be here in twenty minutes."
"You should go change, I'll take care of the rest," Max suggested and you looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "you're going to take care of it?"
He nodded like it wasn't a big deal. "You're the one who said you're not a good chef," you spoke with a teasing smile.
"I said I'm not the best chef, I can be a good chef," he reasoned and you couldn't argue with that logic. "Fine, as long as you don't burn my house down."
"I'll try," you heard him as you went upstairs to your room.
"He got me flowers," you muttered to yourself as you picked out a clean outfit. "He fucking got me flowers." The realization hit you hard, more so because you loved sunflowers, and he just happened to randomly guess the right bouquet. Which was something your ex could never do right even after you told him, mainly because he preferred roses and only bought you roses.
"It seemed fitting," you repeated his words, "Max, why do you have to be so nice?" You asked rhetorically as of course he wasn't there to answer.
You hurriedly went downstairs after washing up and changing to see whether Max had done anything wrong. Perhaps if he was a lousy chef, you'd have one complaint about him. So far, you have liked everything about him.
Fortunately, nothing smelt burnt, and nothing was broken. When you spotted him, he was frying the French fries.
You paused in your tracks, and took a good look at him so you could remember this moment later. Max looked very comfortable in your kitchen, in your house, as if it wasn't his first time. You hoped it wouldn't be the last.
"Looks like everything's fine here," you commented and he turned to look at you with a smile, "no burnt houses," he shrugged.
"The pizza still has a few minutes to go, and the fries are all done," he spoke as he gestured with his hands, but when he looked at you again, you had a stupid smile on your face.
"What?" That made your smile widen, "nothing, just, thank you for helping me."
"Always," he responded, already planning that he'll be around as long as you wanted him to be.
The doorbell rang, interrupting your peace but you were beyond excited to open the door and greet your daughter. Isabella definitely got the habit of being overly excited from you.
However, when you opened the door you saw Isabella standing beside Tyler with a frown on her face. "Hi angel, did you have fun?" You crouched down and ruffled her hair.
"Can I go inside, mama?" Her timid voice surprised you as she would usually answer that question happily. "Sure, sweetheart, I'll be there in a minute."
You watched her head inside before you stood up, closing the door behind you so Isabella wouldn't hear your conversation and faced your ex, "what happened?"
He scoffed, "nothing happened, I just told her that I won't be able to see her again as planned because I'm flying out of the country."
"Another business trip?" You asked and he nodded. "She usually doesn't get this upset any other time you cancel, did something else happen?"
"You know how she is, overdramatic," Tyler casually shrugged and that word ticked you off. "Don't you dare call my daughter overdramatic," you pointed at him harshly.
"Oh so now she's your daughter? Isabella gets upset easily, you know this."
"I do not want to hear you say that word again to describe her, I've heard it enough from you when we were together. Now tell me what happened."
Tyler sighed, and for a moment he thought about saying that Isabella was just like her mother, like you, but he didn't want to waste any extra time being around you.
"I introduced her to Emma," he stated as if it would explain everything but you furrowed your brows in confusion. "Who?"
"My girlfriend. Isabella noticed her around the house a few times so I thought it would be a good idea to introduce her," he explained and you were about to interrupt but he kept going. "I don't know if Isabella doesn't like her, but she's been in that mood ever since."
"Tyler, she has only seen us together, so of course if you introduce her to someone else, it'll take time for her to get used to it," you decided to explain in a calm manner.
"You don't have an issue with my girlfriend?" He asked and you raised your brows, "why would I? It's not my business unless it involves Isabella."
He shrugged, then laughed at his thought before saying it out loud, "well I hope that you don't have an issue explaining dating to her, that is, if you ever start dating again."
"My dating life is none of your business. Don't you have somewhere to be? Perhaps back to Emma?"
"Alright, I'll text you when I'm back in the country," he stated and turned around to leave but paused as he saw a new car in the driveway that he knew didn't belong to you.
"Whose car is that?" You laughed at his need to always be all up in your business, "goodbye, Tyler."
You entered the house with a sigh but the sight in front of you warmed your heart, making you forget all about the conversation with your ex.
Max was crouched down onto his knees to be at eye level with Isabella, who had two arms wrapped around his neck in a tight hug.
When Max heard the door close, he opened his eyes and saw you. He removed one hand that was resting on Isabella's back and gestured for you to come closer.
Understanding his silent gesture, you crouched down right behind your daughter and wrapped her in a hug as well, so she was sandwiched between you and Max.
You placed loads of kisses on her cheeks until she started giggling. Isabella let go of Max and turned to face you, "mama, you didn't tell me that Maxy was here!" Just like that, her mood was drastically different from when she first arrived at the doorstep.
"He surprised me too, angel," you spoke as your gaze shifted to Max.
"Did you watch him race yesterday?" You asked Isabella, but her mood dropped again. "No mama, daddy was busy."
"It's okay, you can watch the next one with your mama," Max spoke, and Isabella nodded in agreement. "Okay!"
Then Max gasped, "the pizza!" He quickly rushed towards the oven to check on it, making you and Isabella laugh.
"Maxy made pizza?" She asked as she sat up on one of the barstools, which also happens to be her favourite place to eat even if you have a dining table.
"Maxy and mama made pizza," Max corrected, as he watched you cut it into slices.
"Are you ready for school?" Max asked once all of you began eating. You and Max also sat up on the barstools beside Isabella.
"No." She simply stated. Max frowned, "why not?"
"It's a big school, it's scary." Her words made you frown, "but you're a big girl too now."
"How about we go shopping tomorrow? Buy a new bag, more school supplies, and anything you want," Max suggested and this time you didn't stop him.
You already had a plan to take her shopping tomorrow, mainly because you already knew that Tyler didn't or else she would’ve been beaming about it.
"Even the glittery clips?" Isabella asks with a bright smile on her face, making Max chuckle, "yes even the glittery clips"
"Oh what about ice cream?" Isabella asked, and this time you watched Max become the victim of her pout and big round eyes. He looked at you for help, but you pressed your lips together, holding back a laugh.
"Yes, we can get ice cream too," he gave in making Isabella cheer.
"Alright, angel, finish your food." You gestured to her plate and she quickly obliged, stuffing her face with pizza and fries.
You were glad that Max was here, able to instantly uplift Isabella's mood. However you couldn't help but think about Tyler's words.
You never thought about dating again ever since you broke up with your ex, especially since Isabella was a baby and almost always with you.
But now that she was older, beginning to understand relationships, you thought about her reaction if you ever introduced her to someone you wanted to date.
Plus, you never met anyone that would make you debate the decision of whether to start dating again or not, that was until you met Max.
Taglist: (let me know if you want to be added or removed) @xjval @mrsmaybank13 @cherry-piee @urfavnoirette @solphin @burningcupcakefire @nessacarty1 @dreamsarebig @omgsuperstarg @fanficweasley @redbullgirly @llando4norris @wonnou @randomgirlnumber13 @dark-night-sky-99 @chanshintien @leilanixx @gisellesprettylies @peachiicherries @monsieurbacteria6 @67-angelofthelordme-67 @arian-directioner @distancedss @morenofilm @sachaa-ff @lighttsoutlewis @teamnovalak @casperlikej @sadg3 @d3kstar @lewisvinga @lpab @queenofmanydreams @glitterf1 @honethatty12 @drunk-teens-doing-drugs @its-avalon-08 @yourbane @oconswrld @noneofyourfbusinessworld @ssrcsm @softtina @hockeyboysarehot @formulaal @namgification @tallrock35 @bloodyymaryyy
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Idk if this’ll help anyone or if these are even good… just thought of stuff self shipper could do, I guess.
Anywho, here’s a list of things yo,u as a self shipper, can do for fun.
(This will be added onto with time)
Proship/Comship/Anti-Antis DNI
Play Tomodachi Life, make yourself, your main F/O, and then a bunch of family and friends and see how the shenanigans play out.
Play Sims (my choice is 4, but any one will work), same as before but this time you have mods and can control you and your F/O’s however you please.
Make kandi jewelry for each of your F/O’s, whether it’s a bracelet with their name or just a necklace with a color scheme you think fits them.
Purchase something custom from etsy and/or fiverr. These can be care packages, letters, plushies, art pieces, fanfics, maybe you could find someone who does RP asmrs, and my personal favorites an RP or an annotated book.
Look on youtube for asmrs, whether they’re RP, sleeping beside or those muffled playlist scenarios.
For those of is that are age regressor, make a custom deco paci based on your F/O.
Credits to @myselfshipdiary for this one, make a Pinterest board. They can feature fanart, aesthetic images or heck maybe recipes you would cook for them and memes you would show them.
If you have the skills, or heck even if you don’t (life’s too short, try everything, learn new skills), design something based on them. A dress, a cake, a room, a candy platter, a party, an outfit, a plushie, literally anything!
Make a breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner you think they would like! Maybe if you bring your lunch to work, make a bento for yourself that you would send to work with them.
Go on to your online shopping sites and make wishlists of thing you’d think they would want/like.
Do some research on perfume/cologne, and either track down or commission one you think they’d wear. You can do the same for all necessary toiletries if you’d like to take it a step further.
Play around on spotify (or your music service of choice) and make playlists for various scenarios.
Piggybacking of the last one, find a song that you would make their ringtone and think of what their contact name would be in your phone.
Pick out a ring you think would be the engagement/wedding ring they would give you.
Make paper doll's of you/ your self insert and your f/os) along with attachable paper clothes!
If you have access to a printer and a blank notebook/sketchbook along with some glue, you can make a scrapbook with pictures of your f/o(s)! You can also add drawings you made and anything like stickers, washi tape, etc.
This one is digital, edit a transparent of your f/os) into a selfie of yours to make a couples photo! You can print it out and put it in a frame. Also, Dollar Tree sells frames that you can also paint, put stickers on, anything!
There is an app called Social Dummy, create a social media world with you and all your F/O’s on it!
Make perler bead pixel art of your f/o.
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phantriicks · 1 year
So Ghost trick is receiving a PHYSICAL edition, which the complete version includes the following ;-
A physical copy of the game
A new remastered soundtrack CD
A mystery solving kit (Your warned to only play it after you've completed the game due to spoilers for the full game.)
A pack of Ghost trick themed Playing cards
And a beautiful box it'll come packaged in.
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Animate's online Japanese shop meanwhile will be selling an exclusive Ghost trick can badge (76 mm) with any orders as a bonus
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Amiami will be selling an exclusive acrylic keychain (no design shown as of yet) with certain editions of Ghost trick from its site!
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I was able to find out about these checking out the Japanese edition of the new Ghost trick site for the upcoming remakes release!
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fernsnailz · 1 month
i'm sure that you get asks like this a lot so i apologize if i'm beating a dead horse to the ground LOL but for someone who owns an online shop, do you have any tips for beginners just starting off / looking into starting one? not really asking for anything specific, but just rather anything you'd be willing to share based off your experience...!
OOF okay so there's quite a lot that goes into running an online shop, so best general advice i can give is to do your research! there's a lot to an art shop that you need to consider and understand before running into things. sometimes it's a bit hard to figure out where to start your research though, so here are the biggest things i think you should look into first:
manufacturing your stuff: some artists hand make merch at home, but if you don't have the means to do that then you'll need to find places that can manufacture your designs for you. like if you're making stickers, look into custom sticker printing sites like StickerApp or Sticky Brand. a lot of manufacturers will have sample packs you can order for free to get a better idea of what their items are like.
shop hosting websites: figuring out where to actually host your shop and sell your art is very important - my shop is through Big Cartel which i really like, but isn't for everyone. other shop hosting sites include Shopify and Etsy, and Shopify is sorta similar to BigCartel from what i know? Etsy is very different, selling through Etsy means your stuff will be easier for people to find through the Etsy search function (BigCartel and Shopify don't have this, any traffic you get will have to come from off-site and you'll have to advertise the shit outta it). HOWEVER Etsy has some pretty bad practices when it comes to how they treat the artists that sell on there. most people i know that use/used Etsy have been burned by them in some way, so be warned.
money stuff (accounting, budgeting, taxes): LEARN HOW TO MAKE SPREADSHEETS!! spreadsheets with just a few simple addition/subtraction formulas will be a huge help when it comes to budgeting and keeping track of your expenses - and you'll need to keep track of ALL your expenses! taxes can also be tricky, most shop hosting websites will collect sales tax for you but do some research on what freelance/small business taxes look like in your country.
shipping: the two main aspects to shipping are your shipping supplies and shipping labels. you'll want to find mailers that fit and protect whatever art you're selling, and tbh the best way i figured this out was from buying from other artists and seeing how they packaged their stuff! shipping labels are their own beast - some sites like Etsy will make them for you, but not BigCartel. i use a site called Pirate Ship to import BigCartel orders and buy shipping labels for them.
thats about all i got for now, running an online art shop is very hard not gonna lie!! but it's very fun and rewarding to make your own funny items :] best of luck to ya!!
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dontbesoweirdkira · 9 months
Where to buy lingerie?🥀 Girlhood Tips #1 🥀
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Whatever happened to wearing beautiful undergarments while prancing around our rooms? One of the staples of being youthful is now seemingly dead and gone. I love to whine down in my fabulous undies and sway to my favorite songs.
Hopefully we can bring this tradition back! To help kick start this, I’ve compiled a list of size inclusive lingerie brands from cheapest to more pricier items.
(If you guys want more options or help please let me know! I'm a chronic online shopper😭)
(1-20 USD per set/item)
Ali express stores is the absolute cheapest option for both price and size…yall already know it's fast fashion most times but some reputable brands from them are (IEUHIA, Wriufred, ChenFa Store, and Aiangelaquin official store)
Not much to elaborate here but they usually have a XXS-XXL
Cannot link the stores but just search up by the shop name.
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Handmade undergarments shop based out of the United Kingdom, features both religious and Victorian imagery on their clothing.
Sustainably at a reasonable price is one of their main concerns and they take pride in hand sewing each and every one of their items before they are shipped to you!
Material includes cotton, satin and elastics.
Sizes ranges from UK8/10 to UK16/18
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Small indie early brand ran by a student in Salt Lake, Utah! Very simple designs usually solid color or floral garments with a small bow or a flower on top. Very affordable.
Shipping is quick and punctual usually taking 2-3 days on average inside of the US. Internal customers can take up to 2-3weeks.
Sizes range from xxs-L US standard and does not make custom sizing outside of that at the moment.
(30-70 USD per set/item)
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Small fashion label based in Saigon, Vietnam. They repurpose factory scraps and excess to make their brand as sustainable and ethical as possible! Their lingerie is simple solid colored bikini style sets with a frill finish. Occasionally with a cherry, bow, or floral embellishment.
XXS-XXL is the sizes offered with a additional custom sizing upon request!
70% of their items are made to order while the other 30% is made by fairly paid seamstresses.
Quick and helpful customer service with an outstanding 4.8 stars. Definitely recommend if you’re looking for simple yet ethical clothing.
Besos Biquinis
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Famous tik tok brand that is known for their super cute vintage day of the week panties packs!
Their other items are more expensive like the 100+ range but most of their undies are $40-70 USD
Sizining is XS to XL usually. However, only going up to L in bottoms. Biggest cup size is C-DD cup without band specifics.
Unsure about custom sizing but I’d assume not? It’s always worth it to email! :)
Cute packaging and great customers service from what I’ve hear they also send out PRs soooo….if you have a big following definitely worth checking them out
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An absolute classic in the coquette community! She makes Dolores haze inspired garments with bloomers and cupcake style tops. The sets are usually solid colored or gingham! Perfect for the more modest Americana girlies.
She’s a gem and has amazing communication. You can also request a custom piece or size.
Each and every set is made to order and is handmade right out of California. 10/10 definitely recommend this shop for every Lolita!
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Exotic dancer style lingerie brand. This is for the girls who are secy workers or love that style of lingerie. Much more form fitting, skimpy and trashy which I love and I know there's girls who love it too!
Handmade brand based off of esty who is always running sales. Currently offer 20% off when you buy two and 30% off when you buy three! Great deal an already cheap brand.
Sizing is a standard S-L but with any handmade brand just message the seller and ask if they can make a custom size just for you ;) they are a very sweet and punctual seller and they have well over 16,000 sales and a 4.8 star! Definitely recommend!
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Cruelty free lingerie brand based out of Chicago, Illinois. The underwear is all pinup, vintage rockefeller style. Using vintage prints and designs. The embellishments are simple and usually lace or bows. Most sets include bra, panties, and a garter belt for about 60ish USD which is amazing tbh!
This brand is handmade to order and does take custom orders/sizing. The wait time is anywhere from 2 weeks to a month at most for an order.
Great customer services and many ways to pay including klarna payment plans.
(80-100+ per set/item)
Malicious designs
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Handmade sustainable brand that sells tons of babydoll and lolita style clothes. This business is ran by Sheana Hinesley and is a fairly popular place to shop both on Depop and Etsy! They use standard sizing US S - L and is open to doing custom sizing
I do own an outfit for them and well made and I do think it’s worth the price! Fair warning is that shipping takes. 3 months to a year….. And at times their communication is less than the standard.
Would mainly suggest either buying second hand or through their Etsy for the best experience possible!
International shipping plus esty allows payment plans soooooo
Buttress and snatch.
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A handmade and sustainable brand that sells 60's american style lingerie with beautiful craftsmanship. Most of their items have bows, rose, or lace embellishments which are a must for any lolita! They are based in the UK with international shipping. The cup sizes goes all away up to a. 36E/40DD and the bottoms up to a size UK18!
For the more adultish sexy girls they do have see through and fully lace garments. For the girls love the environment they have a line of items that are all made out of 100% recycled cotton shirts! How cool.
The brand also has great customer services and can do custom sizing if needed. If you’re ever worried about size conversion please shoot them an email.
They also have a one cup bra for support for anyone that needs that which I think is absolutely amazing. Definitely worth a look.
Love for lemons 🍋
Extremely well known sister brand of Victoria’s Secret that has absolute gorgeous pieces. Their pieces are packed with laces, frills, and florals! Perfect for a more mature, classy coquette.
Unfortunately not as size or comfort inclusive as our last pick but they do have sizes ranging from. XXS-2X and the cups can go up to a big as 38DDD but unfortunately that’s usually for select items such as teddies :/
One the bright side items such as garters, shoes, skirts, and swimwear is available compared to other brands. International shipping is available as well as sales and discounts. P.s. there’s a sale going on for $30 USD on select items.
Good customer services with no custom sizing however you should always mail before buying if unsure! I’d still pick lemons over Victoria’s any day! Tea.
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yyh4ever · 6 months
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ZOZOTOWN x Yu Yu Hakusho
It seems that with the distribution of the Netflix's Yu Yu Hakusho many live action merch is going to be released! A POP UP STORE in Marui with Netflix goods has also been announced.
ZOZOTOWN fashion online shop will be selling Netflix clothing and clothing accessories from December 13th to January 8th, 2024 . The shipping period is scheduled for early March to late April 2024 (Source: fashionsnap).
This collab features the visuals of Yusuke Urameshi (Takumi Kitamura), Kurama (Jun Shison), Hiei (Kanata Hongo), and Kazuma Kuwabara (Shuhei Uesugi). The Lineup includes 7 types of apparel and miscellaneous goods that incorporate original designs and scenes from the live action:
Short sleeve T-shirts (4 types, 5,720 yen each)
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Long sleeve T-shirts (2 types, 6,820 yen each)
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Hoodies (4 types, 8,910 yen each)
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Acrylic key chains & Tote Bags (4 types, 3,850 yen each)
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4-type Tin Badge Set (2,200 yen)
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Cap (4,400 yen)
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Yukimura Restaurant Glass & Towel Set (2,750 yen)
Sarayashiki Shopping Street (皿屋敷商店街)
Yukimura Restaurant (雪村食堂)
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Package & Stickers
Products purchased on ZOZOTOWN will be shipped in a collab design package. The customers will also receive an original holographic sticker.
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phoenixyfriend · 7 hours
Pt 1: The Drama
Okay so a long-ass time ago (I think like 15 years), a British costume historian on youtube by the name of Cathy Hay decided she was going to remake 'the peacock Worth gown' and started a kickstarter for it. She made a bunch of money, but the actual work ended up being much more than she expected, so the project kept getting delayed.
In the years after, she befriended the now much more famous Bernadette Banner. They got close enough for cross-Atlantic trips to visit, etc. They were best friends and often joked that they were the same person.
Drama started riling up as people criticized Hay for not engaging meaningfully with the problematic history of the gown in question, which had been made for the wife of a British Governor of India during the 19th century, for a party celebrating British imperialism in India, and the gown's shining feature was Indian embroidery which was almost certainly underpaid, and that embroidery was the massively time-consuming bit that had been delaying her this whole time.
It was a whole thing that she sort of? Tried to address? buuuut The thing is, one of the seemingly obvious ways to manage this conflict would be to coordinate with an Indian embroiderer. In fact, a very accomplished specialist did reach out to her about collaborating on this! And she ghosted him! Maybe even blocked, I don't remember, but the thing was that he was ready and willing to do this cool project that could explore and reimagine a beautiful but morally ugly example of their shared countries' histories.
And she just… kept refusing to engage.
And then people started pointing out the weirdly predatory marketing she had for an online product/newsletter she had, and the discourse kept building as people realized overall that she was just… not as good a person as she claimed to be.
It got bad enough that Banner broke off the friendship, in large part because of that refusal to engage meaningfully with the loaded history of the Worth gown project
Pt 2: The Wholesome
So, a few days ago, Bernadette Banner released a video of her making a Regency gown. It's a very standard kind of project for her, just using old patterns and adding a touch of her own gothic tastes with historical methods to make a cool piece of clothing that explores costume history.
Halfway through, she has a call with someone she is planning to do a different video with. We don't know what the video is, but!
The thing is
The person she is having this call with
Is the Indian embroiderer, Mayankraj Singh, that Cath Hay ghosted.
And the video continues on with Banner and Singh talking about her Regency gown project and just. He ends up making an embroidered chiffon overgown with a crow motif. And it just feels very wholesome and I love to see this all coming back around.
(Okay, double-checked and apparently Hay requested a sample from Singh, and then ghosted him after she got photos of it)
In late September, another costumer, Miah Grace, released a video noting that, in 2020, Hay had requested an embroidery sample from with Mayankraj Singh, founder of the luxury fashion brand Atelier Shikaarbagh. Indian embroiderers in this shop possess skills that go back seven generations. Singh reportedly made a sample made but only sent Hay photos of it. After Hay stopped responding for many months, Singh went live on Instagram to explain what happened. Apparently, when his head embroiderer found the sample, he burned it, and scolded Singh for making it. “He said it was an inauspicious design,” Singh said, “and we do not make it anymore.” Hay later apologized to Singh, and he now considers the matter settled. - Craftsmanship Magazine
Anyway, yeah, after all of that from a few years ago, it was kind of exciting to see Banner collaborating with Singh
And she's so excited to open the package! Happy screaming!
It's so sweet.
He had his team embroider their names on the hem And she loves it
I am living for this vicarious excitement
(She does lay it on a bit thick at the end, but you know what. I'll take it.)
OH and the ending involves her attending the ball with Nami Sparrow, one of the creators of Indian background (Indian-American) that was a voice of Expertise criticizing Cathy Hay a few years ago.
Which is like. Tacit endorsement? If Singh alone wasn't enough.
Anyway yeah I lost my mind a little about this.
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andmaybegayer · 3 months
Hello it's me with another very naive computer question!
One of the really common complaints you see about modern software (from Adobe, Microsoft, etc.) is the move from the single-purchase model to a subscription-based model. While I understand that people are upset about paying more money over time, this also feels like the only viable option for shipping products that work with modern OSes, especially Windows (I don't have any experience with MacOS). Windows pretty regularly updates, and if you want your product to continue to work, you have to continue paying your engineers to maintain compatibility through time.
Obviously I understand that there are lots of FOSS options out there, but for the companies that are built on making money from these sorts of software products, I don't see another way. Am I way off the mark here?
This is a really good question. I don't have a great answer, but the model I have in my head is that "traditional software distribution" is partially an artifact of an era where companies were starting to use computers but internet use was still spotty so providing support for software was just a very different ballgame. A lot of what I'm saying here is not like. Fact as much as it is my understanding of The Software Business from the side of someone who is a little involved in that but mostly not in that.
(This is mostly about "business software", that is to say, accounting packages, creative suites, design packages, modelling tools, etc. This model does not explain like. Spotify. But that's much easier to explain.)
You're not wrong that the subscription model really make sense given modern software development, where patches come out continuously and you get upgraded to the latest version every time something changes, but there has been a significant change in how software is developed and sold that makes it noticeably different. I think that the cause of this is mostly because it's finally practical to do contract-style deals with hundreds of thousands of customers instead of doing one-off sales like we used to do.
In the Traditional model you charge a pretty sizeable upfront cost for a specific version of the software, you buy Windows XP or Jasc Paint Shop 7 or whatever and then you get That Version until we release The Next Version, plus a couple years of security and support. When the next version hits, we stop adding any new features to your version, and when that hits end of life, you maybe get offered a discount to buy licensing for the latest version, or you drop out of support.
Traditional software with robust support typically costs an awful lot, Photoshop CS2 was $600 new in 2005, or $150 to upgrade from CS, because you're paying for support and engineering time in advance. A current subscription for just Photoshop is $20/mo, and that's after twenty years of inflation. Photoshop is also cheap, a seat for something like SolidWorks 2003 could probably have run you $3000-4000 easy. I can't even give you a better guess there because SolidWorks still doesn't sell single commercial licenses online, you have to talk to their salespeople.
The interesting thing to me about Traditional pricing was that I think it was typically offered to medium to small businesses or individuals, because it's an easy way to sell to smaller customers, especially if it's the 90's and you're maybe selling your software through an intermediary reseller who works with local businesses or just a store shelf.
Independent software resellers were a big business back in the day, they served as a go-between for the software company and smaller businesses, they sold prepared packages in a few sizes and handled the personal relationship of phoning you up and saying "Hey there's a patch for your accounting software so that it doesn't crash when someone's surname is Zero, we'll send you a floppy disk in the mail with some instructions on how to install it." Versioned standard releases are a thing you can put in a box and give to resellers along with a spec sheet and sales talking points. This business still exists but it's much smaller than it once was, it's largely gone upmarket.
If you were bigger, say, if you were a publishing house that needed fifty seats of editing software you'd probably call the sales department of Jasc or whoever and get a volume deal along with a support contract.
Nowadays why would you bother going through resellers and making this whole complicated pricing model when you could just sell subscriptions with well-established e-commerce tools. You can make contract support deals with individuals at scale, all online, without hiring thousands of salespeople. You can even provide varying support levels at multiple cost brackets directly, so you don't need to cultivate a direct business relationship with all your customers in order to meet their needs. Your salespeople handle the really big megacorp and government deals and you let everyone else administer themselves.
It also makes development easier. You can also deploy patches over the net, you just do it in software. You can obsolete older versions faster, since you can make sure most people are using the latest version, and significantly cut down on engineering time spent backporting fixes to older versions. I think a lot of this is straightforwardly desirable on most software.
Now, there are still packages sold by the version, and there are even companies selling eternal licenses.
Fruity Loops Studio is still a "Buy once forever" type deal.
MatLab can be purchased as a subscription or as a perpetual one-version license.
Windows is still sold like this, but also direct to customer sales of Windows are minimal, Windows is primarily sold to OEM's who preinstall it on everything.
But it's a dying breed, your bigger customers are going to want current support and while there are industries where people want to hang around on older versions, for a lot of software your customer wants the latest thing with all the features and patches, and they'd rather hold on to their money until later using a subscription rather than spend it all upfront. Businesses love subscriptions, they make accounts books balance well, they're the opposite of debt.
Personal/private users who might just want the features of Photoshop CS2 and that's fine forever don't matter to you. They're not your major customers. This kind of person is not a person who your business cares to service, so you don't really care if you annoy them.
Even in the Open Source business world, subscriptions are how the money is made, just on support rather than for the software itself. You can jump through relatively few hoops to run Ubuntu Enterprise or SUSE Enterprise Linux on your own systems for free, but really there's not much benefit to that unless you pay for the dedicated support subscription.
In many ways I think a lot of things have changed in this way, I have a whole thing about the way medium-scale industrial manufacturing has changed in the past thirty years somewhere around here.
While there are valid reasons you might want to buy a single snapshot of some software and run that forever, the reality is that that's a pretty rare desire, or at least that desire is rarely backed by money. If you want to do that you either need access to the source code so that you can maintain it yourself, or you need to strike a deal with someone who will, or it needs to be software so limited that it (and the system it runs on!) never need updates. Very few useful programs are this simple. As a result subscription models make sense, but until recently you couldn't really sell a subscription to small businesses and individuals. Changes in e-commerce and banking have enabled such contracts to be made, and hey presto, it's subscription world.
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oneowlartist · 1 year
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tamapalace · 6 months
Tamagotchi x CANDY SHOW TIME Mixed Candies
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Bandai Japan has partnered with CANDY SHOW TIME, a candy store with locations throughout Japan. These Tamagotchi mixed candies will adorable, and also delicious! These hard candies are old-fashioned handcrafted rock candy style, and are 1cm each.
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They’re available in 6 different designs, featuring 4 of your favorite Tamagotchi characters. First you have Mametchi in lemon flavor, Kuchipatchi in green apple flavor, Memetchi in mango and orange flavor, Mimitchi in peach and custard flavor, a TMGC logo in grape flavor, and a Tamagotchi silhouette in cola flavor.
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Each soft package comes with a variety of the candies and costs ¥650 including tax. They will be available at CANDY SHOW TIME locations throughout Japan, and their online shop starting on Friday, December 15th, 2023!
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cryptturon · 6 months
ph trivia time!
you know these small and flat disposable rubber hair bands used for small ties and braids?
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i specifically took the above photos from western sites' image results, and they dont have a specific name other than mini elastic rubber bands and other such variations.
what i find interesting is some filipinos specifically refer to them as "sanrio". here's some proof from a local online shopping site :3
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i havent found detailed research on the subject but it's fairly obvious to me as someone who's always lived here, so i'll try to explain:
you know the phenomenon where a brand turns into an associated product's common noun, e.g. tupperware? that seems to be what happened here, except.. even if sanrio (the brand) commonly produces hair accessories to appeal to their target demographic, these colorful rubber bands seem too.. generic. non-filipino site results for "sanrio hair band" commonly showed these (this is a mix of authentic and bootleg products):
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i also failed to find any official sanrio (brand) packaging that might have sold these rubber bands specifically, and even if they did (or do) at some point, i have a plausible theory for why i doubt they're directly involved.
"sanrio" becoming a common noun for these rubber bands in the philippines likely means it was not sanrio (the brand)'s doing at all; actual branded kids' accessories and toys, regardless of their price, are seen as something for the middle and upper class, because they're often sold in malls and recognizable retail stores. they're also only found in supermarkets that almost exclusively have no off-brand products.
it's far more likely that this happened through the abundance of bootleg and off-brand accessories available through sidewalk / street vendors and the less high-end supermarkets, as well as a few shops found in malls (although these are not as common or are a bit more pricey); sanrio (the brand)'s likeness is within the same demographic that loves these hair bands, and these products are often sold with off-color hello kitty prints, among other known cartoons (see dora below) or just generally cutesy designs to attract young girls. the connection likely spurred on from there because of how unique the sound of "sanrio" is as a word by itself, and i guess we ended up using it to refer to a very specific kind of hair tie that elementary and junior high girls love using :]
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mayakern · 1 year
hello!! if you don't mind me asking, what was your professional art journey like? (esp the earlier years) was MonsterPop! your first big project online? were you still taking client work when you opened up your shop? you're a very inspiring artist and I hope to be in a similar position as you one day! thank you so much for your time!
oh boy this is a doozy! and also a lot of this involves devin bc our success is completely intertwined
i went to art school (MCAD) from 2009-2013. i majored in comic art but had a secondary unofficial focus in illustration, specifically product design, and i interned at paper bicycle (the company of my product design teacher) my senior year, the same year they opened up light grey art lab. i mailed out a LOT of tarot decks. they didn't have a label printer so this took forever.
during that time i took some freelance illustration and comic gigs and also created some comics that got an amount of traction online (mostly on tumblr but i also got an io9 article written about me iirc). i also started making monsterpop (in 2012 i think?).
in 2012 i ran my first kickstarter to crowdfund an anthology of some of my short comics (how to be a mermaid, the little robot girl, fairyfail) and got my first taste of proper self publishing. sadly this was before i created redden (which was my senior thesis comic) so it wasn't included. i didn't have label printer so mailing out the books (i think i sold around 200) took forever and i ended up throwing a pizza party with my friends and having them help me.
after graduating i moved to the LA area in search of work. it honestly sucked ass and most things didn't pan out but eventually (2014) i got a remote job contracting for gaiaonline and i moved right back to minnesota bc i absolutely hated LA.
i met devin (my wife) 20 days after moving back to minneapolis. in 2015 i ran a kickstarter to fund printing the first volume of monsterpop and people bought almost 400 books. it was insane. i was dying under the stress of trying to mail it all out those packages and didn't own a label printer yet. between having to hand write the addresses, being both dyslexic AND slow, and getting headaches from the fumes, i could send out a max of like 10 packages a day. once again i was planning to throw another pizza party to have my friends help me out, but devin swooped in and got 100 packages done in just a couple hours and when i tell you that no one has ever done anything sexier for me in my life, i truly mean it.
at the time devin and i were both broke living paycheck to paycheck. gaia didn't pay well and the patreon money i got helped, but wasn't that much. i took some freelance/commissions and got some store and convention sales, but i was making around 22-26k and was constantly overworked. devin was in significant credit card debt and was barely scraping by between managing a gas station and school. i started making my very first skirts and then at the end of 2015 my arm, the thing that made me what little money i did make, gave out.
i couldn't draw anymore. this could have literally ended my art career, but instead devin stepped up. they took a look at all the things i was already selling in my store and figured out a way to repackage/bundle the items together in a way that was fun and appealing. and people actually bought the bundles! at that point the vast majority of my sales were at conventions and i wasn't very good at selling online, but that was the beginning of a new era. devin started working with me part time to manage the online store and go with me to conventions and things started getting better. at some point during this saga we finally bought a goddamn label printer.
by 2017 devin started working with me full time. we also got married and moved across the country to upstate NY. in 2018 we got a CPA and became an SCORP and monsterpop became a finalist for the prism comics award, which scored me an invite as a guest at SDCC. i really wish i had enjoyed that experience, but unfortunately i was dealing with some Bad Medication Issues and was extremely sick the whole weekend. otherwise it was great tho and devin had enough fun for the both of us. this is also around when i officially stopped taking freelance work. prior to that i'd only been taking a couple jobs a year, but the store was finally making enough that i could stop.
in 2019 i made the difficult decision to end monsterpop. this came with a lot of heartache but it was the right thing to do. i am much better now for it. i think 2019 is also when we became an SCORP.
we hired our first employee (lindsy) in, i think 2021. it might have been the end of 2020. and in 2022 we hired our second employee (ariel), who had been modeling for us already for a couple years bc she is our very close friend and actually the reason we moved out to NY in the first place. in late 2022 we started working with ash, who now manages our product supply chain and also is patterning new garments for us.
there's probably a bunch of stuff i've missed but this is roughly it! neither devin nor i were able to succeed until we started working together. our strengths and weaknesses complimented each other well and somehow things just worked out.
and if you take away nothing else from this, please leave with this info: if you sell and ship any amount of product online buy a goddamn label printer
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