samijey · 1 year
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Don't feel bad for me, Sami
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chronicowboy · 1 year
okay but if buck falls all the way to the ground do you know what i'd give for eddie, also on the ground, to roll over and reach for him only to see buck is unconscious before he himself passes out?
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eddie-redcliffe · 1 year
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edgelite · 7 months
punk will get injured and be out within like 2 years realistically but let me dream
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kyleoreillylover · 8 months
𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 🖤
Dominik Mysterio x Fem!Bloodline!Reader
“Let me take care of you, sweetheart.” + “Take out your anger on me. I can handle it."
Summary: Your family is pissing you off, and Dominik is more than happy to let you take your anger out on him.
A/N: Dominik brain rot is real and this is the result of it (this took so long 😭) and was inspired by the gif below. This is my first smut and probably my last, so please be nice! Hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 6,016
Warnings: SMUT!! Cursing, family drama.
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You sighed as you rubbed your temples, closing your eyes for a moment and feeling the incoming headache about to come as the room got louder and louder with anger. You opened your eyes to see Roman and Jimmy still arguing, yelling and getting closer and closer to each other. Jey was sitting in the corner, jaw clenched as he let them get into it. Solo was standing next to you, keeping a watchful eye on them in case things got out of hand. Your eyes met, and you can tell by the look in his eye he was done with all this shit too.
Why couldn't they talk this out like men instead of acting like children? You thought, rolling your eyes. You snapped out of your thoughts when Jimmy pushed Roman into the corner, all of you quickly getting up to separate them.
"You guys need to stop this!" You shouted angrily as you and Jey held Jimmy back, Solo trying to calm Roman down but to no avail.
"No, he needs to stop being a manipulative asshole! Apologize for losing? Acting like you wouldn't have lost without our help. My help. I ain't apologizing for shit, ‘Tribal Chief'!"
"Jimmy, chill out!" Jey tried, but Roman's laugh echoed throughout the room, and Jimmy tried to get out of our grips.
"Nah, let him run his mouth. You don't see your brothers acting like this, huh? Or your sister? You know why they aren't acting like this? Because they know that I am right, they know that you disgraced everybody. You disgraced this family, your ancestors, your legacy, and me, your Tribal Chief. You need to apologize for them, but most importantly, you will apologize to me."
"I ain't apologizing for anything! You wouldn't have even been Tribal Chief if it weren't for us, uce! You were a disgrace until we helped you get to the top! So if I am gonna apologize to anyone, I'ma apologize to myself for helping you get there in the first place!" Jimmy spat out, nostrils flaring as he clenched his fists, continuing to try and break out of our grip. You felt all the patience slip out of you in that very moment and you snapped, grabbing Jimmy’s shirt and pushing against the wall.
"You all need to shut the fuck up!" You screamed, Jimmy becoming lax in your grip with a look of shock on his face, the others quiet in shock as well. Finally, they shut up.
“You need to put your ego’s in check and start acting like men instead of acting like children!” You yelled furiously, scowling at them.
"He needs to-" Jimmy began, but you gave him a glare that could kill and he shut his mouth.
"You both need to stop trying to be right and start talking to each other like grown ass people. You need to stop holding grudges and let shit go. " You hissed, letting him go and turning towards Roman.
"And you need to keep your 'Tribal Chief' ego in check and stop crapping on people just because things don't go to plan." You snapped at him.
"Uce, calm down." Jey made his way towards you, trying to quell your anger before you said something Roman would make you regret, but you gave him a look and he backed away. You couldn't care less about Roman right now, he needed to hear the truth.
"Calm down? Are you kidding me?" You scoffed in disbelief.
"Don't you see what's happening? You're giving everybody what they want. They want to see us crumble, want to see our dominance fall so they could rise and take our top spot here."
You looked at Jimmy, seeing his face turn from anger to a mixture of embarrasment and relization."You're feeding into Sami and Kevin, letting them get in your heads. Why do you think they keep digging and digging? Because they want to keep those titles, and your basically ensuring they win by engaging with their stupid bullshit!"
You turned to Roman, who was stunned silent for the first time in a while. He had rarely seen you angry, even when you were kids. You were always the moral compass for the group, keeping their moral up with your caring energy. But you thought that now they needed the hard truth instead of caring words.
"And you need to stop letting your ego cloud your morals. Just because we're family doesn't mean you get a pass to be an asshole." Roman met your challenged gaze, still silent but didn't look as angry as before. Solo stood next to him, a stunned look on his usually stone-cold face as he watched you rip everybody to shreds with a tone you usually reserved for your rivals.
"You all are out of your mind if you think I'm letting everything I worked hard for go to waste because you don't want to get along. Get it together the next time I see you, I'm getting some air." You casted everyone a look before grabbing your jacket, slipping it on and leaving the room.
You franticly sped out of the arena, needing to just breathe and feel the cool night air on your skin. The fans were long gone by this time, so you didn't need to worry about being spotted. You sat on a bench, putting your head in your hands and trying to breathe through the haze of anger you felt suffocating you and coursing through your veins.
"Trouble in paradise?" You snapped out of your daze, already knowing who it was and not bothering to pick your head back up.
"Shut up, Dominik. I'm not in the mood." You mumbled loudly enough for him to hear. You heard him laugh, not taking you seriously. "Ooh, the full name this time. What happened to Dom? Am I in trouble?"
You picked your head up, glaring at him. "I said I'm not in the mood. Leave me alone and find someone else to bother."
He stopped laughing, realizing you weren't joking. "What happened?"
"None of your concern. Are you deaf? Leave. me. alone." You made a move to stand up, but he pushed you back down gently, sitting down next to you.
"Can you not be annoying for once and actually listen to me?" You spat at him, trying to stand up again but he grabbed your waist, restraining you.
"What happened?" He repeated, seeing your eyes glazed with anger. He had never seen you this mad outside of the ring before, and it made him unnerved for it to be directed at him. You were usually playful with him, sometimes having mean banter with your character work but you both didn't mean any of it. But you were never like this.
"Family business." You finally answered him, short and clipped. You tried looking away from him but he gently grabbed your cheek.
"Look at me, mi corazon." You tried to ignore the way the pet name made your stomach tighten with butterflies and listened to him, looking deep into his eyes, distracting yourself with his brown orbs that almost made you forget about your anger. Almost.
"What did your family do?" You felt the anger rush back and you mockingly chuckled. “Jimmy and Roman keep starting arguments on literally anything instead of focusing on winning. Now everybody thinks were weak and vulnerable, even though I've done nothing but pull my weight!" You huffed out, breaking out of his grip and standing up, clenching your fists. You muttered to yourself angrily, wanting to scream, hit something, do anything to let out the frustration gnawing at you.
But Dominik stood up with you, grabbing your wrists, and yanking you back into his arms. You scowled at him, trying to pull away from him. “Let go of me!”
“Not until you breathe, mi vida.” He held your wrists in one hand and grabbed your face with the other, softly caressing your face, his heartbeat and husky smell of his cologne invading your scenes.
“Look at me, mi amor.” Dominik instructed, his brown eyes gazing into yours as you ignored the way your stomach churned everytime he spoke Spanish to you and kept trying to pull your wrists away from him. But he opted for letting go of your face, bringing your head into his chest, and you felt his hot breath near your ear as he nuzzled his head into your neck. "Cálmate, carino."
Screw him and his stupidly hot Spanish. You felt yourself melt into him, some calmness washing over you the longer you were in his arms. He let go of your wrists, and you wrapped your arms around his waist, shivering when he laid feather-light kisses onto your neck.
Dominik continued kissing your neck, loving the feeling of you in his arms and shivering under his touch. He waited for your breathing to slow down to let you go, but he wrapped an arm around your waist, not wanting you out of arms reach.
"You better now, sweetheart?" You nodded, you still felt that haze of anger but it wasn't at strong as before. "I need words, baby.”
"I'm better now, Dom." You grabbed his free hand and held it, relishing in the smile he gave you.
"I can tell now that you called me Dom." You rolled your eyes playfully at his smirk and grabbed the hand that was around your shoulder and held it, relishing in the smile he gave you.
“Do you have a ride back? Dominik asked, to which you shook your head. “I was too mad at the boys to drive with them, so I’ma just get an uber-”
“You’re riding with me.” You gave him an amused smile at his demanding tone, it was usually the other way around.
“You sure you don't need mami's permission for that?" You giggled when he yanked you closer to him, wrapping your arms around his neck, his forhead leaning against yours and his lips so, so close to yours.
"You know more than anyone I don't need her permission." Dom pushed his lips onto yours, kissing away your smirk and losing himself in the taste of you. God, you were addicting.
You kissed him slowly at first-as if you wanted to torture him-and he hated and loved you for it. He groaned into your mouth when you snuck a hand up to his hair, pulling it just the way you knew he liked it and kissing him even harder, your tongue slipping into his mouth. His fingers dug into your waist almost painfully as you clung to him, his touch burning your skin in the best way and you pulled his hair harder in response.
You pulled away first, the both of you panting and out of breath. You ran your fingers through his hair, smiling brightly at him when he leaned into your touch. You felt the heat creep back up looking at him, his hair slightly touseled and his muscles showing through his dark black tee. You felt the urge to kiss him again, so you did. He laughed into your lips, letting you steal another kiss before pulling away. “I meant what I said before. I'm not letting you go into a random car by yourself in the middle of the night just because you're mad at your idiot brothers."
"They are not idiots."
"They are if they decided to make you angry." You laughed, playfully nudging him, and he grinned before brushing your hair out of your face. You looked up at him through your lashes, seeing him gaze at you with a sparkle in his eyes.
"Let me take care of you, sweetheart." You bit your lip, struggling to choose between your stubbornness or giving in to what you want. As if sensing your internal conflict, Dominik caressed your face, running his thumb over your lips, making you break out of your stupor. He smirked when you instinctively parted your lips, it’d been too long yet your bodies still remembered each other.
"Please?" You couldn't refuse him, not when he was looking at you like you were the only thing he ever wanted to think of.
"Fine, but I get to have the aux." Music was the last thing on your mind, but he didn't need to know that. At least not right now.
"Deal, but only cause you have great taste."
"You're right. I do have great taste." You eyed him up and down, winking at him and giving him a smirk that made him utterly weak for you. "Lead the way. You're driving."
The drive was quiet, music playing softly in the background as you put a hand on Dom's thigh, inching higher and higher the closer you got to the hotel. His hands gripped the steering wheel tighter as he tried to get himself under control. You grinned seeing him like this, letting you be in charge. You needed to release your anger and have a stress reliever, and he was more than willing to let you use him as one. It wouldn't be the first time.
Before you knew it, you were at the hotel. You kept your hands to yourself until you went into the elevator, and as soon as its doors closed, you were all over Dominik, gripping his shirt and pushing him against the wall, giving him a searing kiss.
He welcomed it, kissing you back just as hard, moaning into your mouth when you bit his lip. He grabbed your legs and hoisted you onto his waist as if you weighed nothing. You wrapped your arms around his neck, letting yourself get dizzy in his arms, letting out a whine when he slid his tongue against your lip to draw it between his teeth. Your mind switched off, and all you could do was feel feel feel. Feel his bruising grip on your legs, his lips nibbling and biting any part of your mouth he can find, the heat growing in between your legs, his muscles flexing underneath your arms as you both turned each other into a writhing mess.
Your back hit something cold, and you pushed Dom away instinctively and opened your eyes, realizing you were in front of the hotel room. He whined at the loss of contact, his mouth moving to your neck, and you groaned and arched into him when he sucked a sensitive spot behind your ear.
"Fuck, do that again." You demanded, trying to keep your voice steady as you leaned your head on the wall, giving him more access to your neck. Dom let out an airy chuckle. You were hot when you got bossy. "Whatever you want, Mamacita." He murmured into your skin, obeying and kissing that same spot, trying to distract himself from the way your whines and whimpers were going straight to his dick long enough to get his keycard and open the room.
He brought you both into the room, setting you on the bed, hovering over you, and capturing your lips with his. Any coherent thoughts he had melted away as you deepened the kiss, distracting him with your tongue hot and probing in his mouth.
You took this opportunity to roll the both of you over and switch your positions, not breaking the kiss. You laid on top of him, gripping his shoulders for balance, and grinded your hips against his, internally smirking when Dominik threw his head back, hissing. You did that again, and again and again until he gripped your hips to stop you.
“Too much?” You asked, leaning down to kiss his neck, enjoying him writhing against you. He shook his head, but he could still see the hesitation in your eyes as you stopped kissing his neck. He snuck his hands underneath your jacket and shirt, rubbing circles onto your soft skin, feeling you relax into him.
"Don't be afraid to take your anger out on me. I can handle it." You picked your head up at those words, moving off from him and giving him a questioning look, wanting to be sure he wasn't uncomfortable. He gave you a sexy smirk that had you internally melting in response, shrugging off his shirt. You took off your own, muscled chest heaving as he eyed your bloodline jacket you threw across the room.
"You'd look better in my jacket." You rose a challenging brow, taking off your bra, smirking when Dom's head snapped down to your chest. You leaned down to his ear, sneaking your hand down to his jeans. Your boobs were pressed against his chest and hot breath against his skin making him shiver. You knew just how to drive him crazy.
"Treat me right tonight and maybe I will wear it." You nipped his skin harshly and palmed his dick at the same time. A moan ripped out of him as he arched into your hand, the last strand of composure he had slipping away from him as you continued to palm him.
"Ahh, please, please...don't stop." He pleaded, the rough material of his jeans rubbing into him deliciously and your hands already felt so good. You were making him feel like he was in heaven and you'd barely even begun.
He whined when you moved your hand away, trying to buck his hips up but you pushed his hips down, giving him a glare. "Did I tell you to move?"
"I'm sorry, mi amor-" Dom tried to mutter out as an apology, but you shook your head, cutting him off.
"I'll let it slide this time, but don't do it again. Did you forget that I'm in charge tonight, mi cielo?" He shook his head, his skin heating up and dick getting harder at your words. If speaking Spanish drove you absolutely crazy, imagine how it made him feel.
"Good. Now take off your pants." He obeyed, and you moved off him so he could sit up and pull them off. Once they were off, you moved on top of him, sitting on his chest. He gave you a pleading look, hands itching to touch you. You nodded, and his lips went to suck one of your boobs, his hands massaging your other one.
"Ahh...fuck Dom." You moaned out, the heat between your thighs only intensifying at the feeling of his warm mouth and soft lips sucking on your nipple. You tangled your fingers through his soft hair, biting your lip to contain your moans so the entirety of the hotel filled with wrestlers and your friends didn't hear you. He licked and nibbled at it making you arch your back and stifle your moans. He smirked into your skin, flicked your other nipple until it hardened, before biting and sucking his way down your chest and belly, your skin on fire from his touch.
Before his hands could travel lower, you pressed your hand against his chest. He quickly pulled away once he felt you pushing him, concerned eyes scanning your body for any injury or discomfort.
"Are you okay, Hermosa? Did I hurt you?" He asked, giving you another once over before you cupped his face to stop making him worriedly look into your eyes.
“No baby, you’d never hurt me.” You gave him a comforting look, reassuring him. He looked into your eyes for anything that said otherwise, and once he found none he let out an internal sigh of relief, letting himself lean into your touch. As much of an asshole he made himself to be on TV, he never wanted to make you uncomfortable.
You smiled when he leaned into your touch, stroking his cheek. You loved seeing this side of him he only reserved for you.
“I just thought you’d like it better like this.” You pushed him until his back hit the bed, straddling him. He groaned when you hovered over his face, his lips inches away from tasting your glistening wet pussy.
“Fuck, are you trying to kill me, mami?” Dom whined out, his voice husky with need as he gripped your thighs, trying to pull you down. You held onto the headboard before he could, stopping his attempts. “Please, let me taste you, mami.” He pleaded, giving you puppy dog eyes that you would fall for in any other circumstance. But you'll give him what he wants soon enough.
“Listen to me and I will.” You smirked at how quickly he quieted down at that, nodding at you. “This night is about me. I'm in control. Don't forget that, and maybe, I'll give you a reward. You understand, baby?”
"I understand, mi amor," Dom answered, his voice almost turning into a whine as he tried to control himself from yanking you and tasting you, he didn't want to risk a punishment from you.
"Good boy.” You cooed, the nickname and your sickly sweet tone making his cock harden even more. But he didn't have time to think about it because you were lowering yourself down, sitting on his face.
Your knees buckled and you immediately let out a moan as Dom sucked your clit harshly, hungrily eating you out and groaning into your pussy, making you moan even more.
It was like an out of body experience; you didn't register the moans coming out of you as he licked and toyed with your clit, egged on by the pretty sounds coming out of you. You grinded your face against him when he licked up and down your cunt, his tongue lapping at your folds. He gripped your thighs even tighter, and let you grip his hair and use him as you pleased.
Your moans got more high pitched and shakier as he used his mouth and strong jaw to work every inch of you, holding you tighter as you squirmed against him. He could tell you were getting closer to he flicked his tongue over your clit again and again, causing you to moan loudly and thread your fingers into the sheets. "F- fuck, oh my god, don't stop, Dom." You cried out.
"I don't plan on it, baby. " He mumbled, his words muffled under your pussy. You moaned at the vibrations of his voice that felt so good against your pussy and sent shivers straight up your spine, threatening to send you over the edge. He noticed your reaction and continued to mumble incoherently as his tongue played with your clit, making you get closer and closer to your high.
You shut your eyes when the pleasure became too much, clenching the sheets even tighter as you came with loud moans that sounded like music to Dom's ears. He helped you ride out your orgasm, licking and slurping your juices up until you were gripping his hair gently and trying to push him away.
Dominik tasted your pussy one last time before coming up to kiss you, smiling against your lips. He looked so pretty, hair matted and messy, his face red and lips soaked with your cum that you could taste as he kissed you like his life depended on it.
"Do I get my reward baby?" He asked, pulling away from the heated kiss, pupils blown out with lust. You wrapped your arms around his neck, his skin breaking out in goosebumps as your lips kissed his sensitive skin, meeting his lips again.
"Of course sweetie, as long as you promise to fuck me so hard I forget everything but you."
He gave you a devilish smile that made your lower body heat up again, and in one swift move scooped you up effortlessly and turned your positions around, smirking down at your naked form.
"I promise. And you know I don't break my promises, mi corazon." His voice dropped into a low sexy whisper, eyes never leaving you like he couldn't wait- needed- to have you right then and there. He gave you one last smirk before lowering down and kissing you with intensity, with passion, like he was trying to tell you all the ways you made him high on you, how you were like a drug that he couldn't let go even if he wanted to.
And as his hands lowered down again, and found that one spot that made your eyes roll back and his cock ache when your body arched into him as if you couldn't get enough of his fingers, he knew he definitely did not want to let you go.
You stirred awake gently, shifting under the sheets and feeling warmth surrounding you. Your tired limbs ached as you groggily turned, snuggling and trying to get closer to the heat, feeling a cool breath over your skin. It wasn't until you felt a soft, familiar breath against your neck that your eyes fluttered open, seeing Dominik 's face leaned in the crook of your neck, his arms wrapped around your waist tightly.
You smiled at his sleeping form that was cutely attached to you like a koala bear, like he couldn't get enough of you even while he was sleeping. You managed to move away from him just enough to get your phone from the nightstand, laughing quietly when Dom quickly pulled you back into his arms.
You snuggled back into his arms, turning on your phone and seeing the multiple missed calls and new messages you had come through from the twins, Paul and Solo, and surprisingly Rhea while your phone was silent while you and Dom were definitely the opposite. You didn't even bother opening Paul, Jimmy or Romans messages, you didn't have the energy for it.
You opened Rhea’s message first, the two of you were close but she only texted you for emergencies, so you were a bit worried.
DOM’S DOM So, did you and Dom Dom have fun last night?
You weren’t surprised. It was like she had a sixth sense for when you and Dom hooked up.
Yes, we did. I’m not even gonna ask how you know. Mami always knows sweetheart. Bit disappointed you didn’t come to my room though. I haven’t seen you in forever! I can see you later if you let me use you as a cover.. please? Can't exactly tell my brothers about Dominik, can I? You know I can’t say no to you and I can't resist seeing your cute little ass. Catch you later, princess. 🖤 Thank you! See you later babe💗
Yo sis, I know you still mad but I ain't asking you to talk to them, but at least let me know if you're safe or not.
You smiled at his concern, texting him back. He was one of the few in your family who didn't annoy you, aside from Solo.
Yeah, I'm good, just resting up. Just know I'm not mad at you though, just those two bozo heads. See you later <3
You then opened, and frowned, at Solo’s message.
So you with a guy?
There was no way he knew. You weren’t even at the same hotel?! Why and how the hell did he suspect it?
No, I was rooming with Rhea last night. Why are you asking? Just making sure you good. Roman’s kinda pissed at you. He wants to see you later. I’m good, and Roman can stay pissed for as long as he wants. I said nothing but the truth.
You shut your phone off, not wanting to think about your family acting like man children any longer.
You smiled and let out a sigh when you felt Dom trail kisses down on your neck, it was like he could read your mind. It was one the many things you loved about him; he knew what you needed before you yourself even knew. You leaned back, giving him more access to your neck, enjoying the feeling of his lips on your skin. He continued kissing your skin for a few more moments before propping himself up and meeting your eyes, a soft smile on his face as he took you in.
“You sleep well, hermosa?” He asked with that husky morning voice you always wanted to wake up to as his eyes raked over your form, his fingers gently tracing patterns on your skin.
“That was the best sleep I’ve had in a while.” You admitted, giggling at the satisfied smirk that played on his lips.
"I'm glad I could tire you out." Dom teased you, smirk widening when you leaned closer to him to kiss him. Your fingers tracing a path down his chest as you slowly kissed him, savoring the taste of morning on his lips. His arms pulled you in closer, deepening the kiss as if trying to convey all the desire that had built up during the night.
Breaking the kiss, you traced your fingers lightly along the contours of his jawline, savoring the feel of his stubble beneath your touch. He relaxed into your touch, his hazel eyes gazing at you with a knowing look.
"Your idiot family still bothering you?" Dominik treaded lightly, not wanting to ruin the mood.
You rolled your eyes at the mention of them. "They aren't idiots." You gave him a pointed look when he lifted up a brow and he raised his hands up in defense. "But yes, Roman wanted to meet up with me."
"To apologize to you, right?" Dom moved away from you and sat up when he was met with silence and a guilty look. "Don't tell me your thinking of apologizing to him, mi corazon."
"I don't know, Dom," you sighed, also sitting up and running a hand across your face. "I know Jimmy will apologize to me, he loves me too much to stay mad at me. But Roman would rather drop dead than apologize. And it'll just cause tension if we act like we are in a cold war with each other."
Your heart hurt at the look Dominik was giving you, but you didn't know what else to do except reassure him. "Trust me, it's just easier this way."
"It would be easier if you just joined Judgment Day!"
You sighed and shook your head at Dominiks words. It wasn't the first time he brought it up, and it wouldn't be the last time you refused his offer either. After all those late nights hanging out after shows at Waffle House or other rendezvous activities you'd have, with the two of you cuddled up next to each other, away from the pressure of famous families and overzealous egos, when nothing else but the moon could shine a light on your innermost thoughts, was when he would gain the courage to ask you.
You always looked like you were close to considering it, but it would turn morning and all signs of even maybe accepting it would wash away and be replaced with fear and with you bringing up Roman. And he'd drop it, but he never understood why you did. He could protect you, give you the power you wanted with the Judgment Day! Why didn't you trust him? Why were you so scared of Roman?
"You know more than anyone I can't do that, Dom."
"But you can! You want to stay at the top, we can keep you there!" Dominik insisted, running a hand through his hair frustratingly. "The guys will like you, and Rhea already loves you! We won't treat you like Roman. He treats you like—"
"Like family." you finished his sentence, a hint of bitterness in your voice and a look Dominik couldn't place on your face. "And that's why I can't leave him. At least, not right now." 
Dominik perked up at your last sentence, his eyes searching yours for a hint of understanding. "Not right now?" he questioned, hope flickering in his gaze.
You gave him a small smile, the look in your eyes telling more than words could. "Not right now."
And that was all the confirmation he needed. He didn't need to know anything else- he knew you'd handle it and come to him when the time was right.
His smile mirrored yours as you moved closer to him, your tone shifted from serious to teasing, wanting to change the tense mood. "But until then, don't get in trouble with my family. Solo already suspects us, I don't need him trying to beat your ass."
Dominik laughed, wrapping an arm around you, the tension between you two dissipating as he responded, "Baby don't worry, you know I can take him."
You gave him an amused smile and leaned into him. "Oh, is that why you were hiding behind Rhea last night?"
Dominik chuckled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "I wasn't hiding behind her! I was just... checking out the best angle to hit him, y'know?"
"Mhm, whatever you say baby." You mocked him, giggling at the pout he gave you and deciding to kiss it off of him. Dominik couldn't help but smile against your lips as he deepened the kiss, his lips moving in sync with yours.
Breaking the kiss, you grinned up at him before looking up at the clock and seeing the time.
"Speaking of Rhea, I promise I would hang out with her later. So I better get out of bed before she beats me up." You barely made a move to get out of bed before Dominik whined and pulled you on top of him.
"Can't you stay here longer? She can wait." Dominik pleaded with puppy dog eyes, begging you to stay with him.
You couldn't help but smile at his puppy dog eyes and how he pulled you back onto the bed. "You're too cute, you know that?"
Dominik grinned, his arms wrapped around you as he nuzzled your neck. "So, does that mean you're staying?"
Your hands gently played with the ends of his hair, "How about this? We hop in the shower, make up for lost time, and once we're all clean and pretty, we can go grab some breakfast, and then I'll meet up with Rhea. Deal?"
Dominiks face lit up with a mischievous grin at the thought of you in the shower with him.
"Deal!" he replied enthusiastically, leaning in to steal a quick kiss. He then reluctantly let you go and climbed out of bed, extending a hand to help you up.
You accepted his hand, allowing him to pull you out of bed and lead you to the bathroom. As soon as all of your clothes were shed and the water was on, Dominik picked you up and smashed his lips onto yours, lifting you and bringing the both of you in the shower.
"Dominik... Not now." You managed to protest between kisses as the warm water cascaded over both of you. He ignored your protests in favor of the moans sputtering out of you as he trailed his lips down your neck, sucking harshly into your supple skin.
"Hermosa, I want to taste my breakfast right now." He mumbled into your skin, addicted to the blissed out expression on your face as continued kissing you, lowering himself onto his knees. He was just enamored and completely addicted to you and the hold you had on him.
And you couldn't get enough of him either, just as addicted to him as he was to you. He was just purely addictive- his personality, his charm, his aura,  just him. And as you grabbed a fistful of his hair on the back of his head and guided him right where you wanted him, you knew two things.
Rhea would kill you both after this.
And 2, that you were officially a goner for Dominik. The man who many on the roster called a snake, a manipulative, a liar, a sell out. A man who burned everything he hurt to the ground.
But you wanna know what the scary part was? That you didn't even care.
Not one bit.
And if you got burned?
You would gladly get engulfed in flames if somewhere in that fire you'd get the warmth of his love.
1K notes · View notes
• Summary: You made many enemies throughout your career in World Wrestling Entertainment. Some of which you despise so much it makes you sick to your stomach. But the more you two hate each other, the more the sexual tension becomes too intense to ignore.
• Parings: Cody Rhodes X Fem Reader
Warning- Language, 18+ only (minors DNI), Dirty Talk, Smut, unprotected sex, (READ AT YOUR OWN RISK)
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You and your brother are known for making enemies everywhere you go. You two can’t help it, however. Being called “The best in the world” doesn’t sit right with anyone who just sees two shallow siblings who run their mouths and don’t care about the consequences.
You and Punk ran around WWE when you two were young. Winning championships, making history, making friends, and making enemies. You made much more in both the men's and women's divisions. The females were jealous, and all they did was sit around and gossip to one another with a camera in their faces as if Total Divas was another name for The Real Housewives.
You didn’t care about making friends, although you did make a few. Some eventually turned into enemies. But there was one person who was at the very top of your list.
Cody Rhodes
Since the very first day you step into WWE and Join Punk’s side, You dislike Rhodes. That dislike eventually turned into hatred. You two even went out of your way to ruin the other day.
He and your brother never got to work together in the same ring, not that you know of, which didn’t make sense on why you and Cody had so much anger towards each other.
What made things worse was his return to WWE. After Rhodes took his balls and left WWE, you continued to do what you do best: make history and make enemies. But his being back was now ten times worse than before he left. As a matter of fact, it was now complete hell.
He’s mature since the last time you saw him. But it didn’t mean he wasn’t getting under your skin because he was. The way Cody looked at you, flashed his smile in your direction, and spoke to you in a way he shouldn’t make you, well, simply punch him in the face.
He was distracting you, something that you are now realizing. He’s distracting you before, but you always shrugged it off and ignored it
This time you can’t.
And what made things worse was the night Sami called you.
As much as Sami annoyed the living hell out of you when he first joined the roster, one thing that man was good at was making you laugh on and off-screen, which is one of the many reasons why you consider Sami a friend.
But he knew your situation with Damian Priest, someone you've been seeing for a while. He was another person who got on your nerves only because he wouldn’t give up on making you his, which, for a moment, you gave him a chance
But as you walk out of your hotel room's bathroom with fresh, clean clothes after taking a shower, your phone, which was laid on your bed, was being blown up Sami himself.
Before you could even read the unread messages, his name appeared, causing you to groan while answering the phone.
“Sami, you better have a good reason why you’re calling my phone, or else I'm going to kill you when I find you!” You spoke with a slight growl through your voice.
“Is it true?” Sami asked, bringing you into confusion. “Because if it is, Damian knows, and he’s not too happy about it.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” You asked, unsure what he was talking about. So many possibilities pop into your head, but you haven’t done any recently that would get you in trouble with anyone, let alone Damian
“You and Cody?”
You almost gagged at the name Cody. You rolled your eyes but caught up at the mention of you and Cody. It made you even more confused
“What about me and Cody?” You asked, but instantly regretted hearing what came from Sami’s mouth.
“You slept with him, Y/N? Please tell me that’s not true because he and Damian got into a fight backstage earlier, and Damian is pissed as hell.”
You were taken aback by this false information that was received from you. But you had no clue how to take the information in.
“Who told you this?” You asked.
“Cody said it himself,” Sami said. “He t-"
“Sami?” You interrupted your friend, which he hummed yes in response. “Where’s Cody, so I can find him and murder him.”
That alone answered Sami's questions that you two did absolutely nothing. Even if you two did, you would of told him. But Sami shook his head, even though you couldn’t see it.
“Last time I checked, he was somewhere in the hotel, but I don’t know which room he’s in.”
With that, you hung up; you needed to find Cody one way or another, or else you weren’t sleeping tonight. You place your slippers on and head downstairs to the lobby. You weren’t sure if this idea would work, only the person you were going to didn’t like you that much.
You knocked on Jey’s door, someone you saw entering their room before you entered yours. To your surprise, he answered but had a curious look.
“Where’s Cody?” You asked. Jey smirked at you as he crossed his arms. “You’re looking for your man, Brooks?” He asked, calling you by your last name.
You didn’t have time for his jokes as you rolled your eyes. “Do you want to get punched in the face, Fatu?” You replied, mentioning his government last name. Jey rolled his eyes at your comment.
“He’s the floor above us, letting B.”
You smiled at his answer before walking off to find the closest elevator. Clicking on the number above yours, you waited impatiently for the elevator to open on his floor. When it did, you stomped to his door, banging it so loud you probably woke up others nearby.
The door eventually slams open, revealing Cody, who stands before you. When he realizes this, he flashes a smile at you.
Cody knew that telling Damian this false information would come back to you. He didn’t think it would be this soon, but seeing your face fill with anger made Cody happy.
“What can I do for you today, Y/N?” He asked, crossing his arms. You stormed right at him, hitting him repeatedly. The last time you had put your hands on him was one heated argument when he mentioned your brother, someone you do not play about.
Cody, however, being strong, took your wrist and pinned it against the door after closing once you struck at him.
“Why would you tell Damian you and I slept with each other? You know that’s not true!” You growled at him. All Cody did was laugh, which made you angry even more.
“Come on, Y/N, I did you a favor,” Cody spoke. “You don’t even like him like that.”
You fought with the grip of his hand around your wrist, only for it to be slammed right at the door. “And how would you know that, Rhodes? You know nothing about me?”
“I know a lot more than you think, princess,” Cody spoke, causing you to roll your eyes at him. “Damian is too soft, too much of a good guy even though he plays this bad guy on camera.”
“Oh, like you’re any different?” You scoffed, only for him to smirk at you. “I’m not, you’re right. But I don’t need to try to get you in my room desperately; look how easy it was for you to come over here. You can’t stay away from me like you couldn’t all these years.”
Once again, you fought with him by moving your wrist, only for him to succeed. You weren’t doing, however, to hit him like how you initially tried to. Something in you changed as he spoke to you. It was like now you need to push him back. He suddenly felt a little close to you.
“You need someone that plays the same game you do, someone that keeps you off your feet, someone that makes your entire head and your entire body feel on fire. Damian is not getting the job done.” Cody spoke, lowering his voice as if it was some way of getting his words into you, which it was.
“And how do you know what I want and need?” You spat at him. Little did you know that all of your anger was riling him up.
“Because darling, you and I have played this game for a long time. And the amount of times you left me hard, I know I had the same effect on you and left you soaking wet.”
Your eyes widened at his confession. However, whether you want to admit it or not, he wasn’t wrong. You two have a lot of sexual tension built up between you two that you haven’t even realized yourself until now. And at that very moment, just by Cody kept debating whether he should look at your eyes or your lips, it was turning you on.
“Cody, let go of me.” You spoke lowly. Cody smirked once again, letting go of your wrists. But instead of hitting him, you stood there in front of him, not even moving an inch.
“What happened? I thought you were going to hit me again,” Cody teased. His smile dropped, however, as you looked up at him.
“I hate you,”
“I hate you more,” He replies.
“You make me wanna pull my hair out,” You groaned in frustration.
“And you make me wanna throw you on the bed right now and fuck you senselessly till you stop disrespecting me.”
“Nothing you could do will make me respect,” You spat at him. His eyes darted at you as he licked his lips. He was riled up, half hard by how close you two were. And you were no better. The way he was speaking was making you want him to do exactly what you made him feel.
That’s exactly what Cody was planning on doing.
He attached lips to yours as his arms snaked onto your waist, pulling you closer than before. The kiss was innocent for a moment.
That was until you let out a small whimper, Causing Cody to deepened the kiss. Your back arched against the door as your breast touched his clothed chest. Your fingers messed in between Cody’s hair as the two desperately needed one another.
Your body was on fire. Something Cody mentioned that you needed. And he was giving you exactly that. But you wanted more.
“Are you gonna respect me?” Cody teased as he asks this in between the kisses. All you did was smirk and shake your head. “Never,”
You suddenly let out a moan at the pain of Cody’s hand connecting to your ass. That sound alone drove Cody insane.
His nails dug into the side of your waist as he pulled off the ground. Your legs were now wrapped around him, and you let out pants as Cody's lips kissed down your neck.
Your entire head was spinning. You couldn’t believe that the very moment, someone you truly hated from the bottom of your guts, was making you feel like this. And you know that if you even thought about this days ago, probably longer, you would throw up at the thought of it.
But now here you were, making noises you never thought Cody would ever make you earn while you two made out with each other.
Your back went cold after Cody pulled you off the door your back pressed against. You then felt yourself slipping from Cody’s grip as you fell onto the mattress he put you in.
You look up at Cody. He had crazy written all over his eyes as he trailed down your body. You realize what you wore as you showered earlier and changed into clothes.
An oversized shirt, nothing particular, just plain, and shorts. Cody's hand was wrapped around your ankle. It was like he was in a trance from looking at your body head to toe.
You couldn’t help but tease him a bit, enjoying the way he looked at you. Your feet slide down his clothed chest down to his joggers. You can feel his member throbbing against your feet before you bring it back to his chest. He took a hold of it, kissing the heel of your feet, all while watching you.
“Are you gonna respect me?” Cody asked his previous question to you. You smiled at him and shook your head as you repeated your answer. “Never.”
Cody chuckled as he lowered himself down to him. “Don’t say I never warn you,”’
He kisses you once more, with more lust, while your hand finds his hair again. Your other yanked on the shirt that covered him.
Cody took the hint, pulling off the shirt before placing his lips right on yours again. Your hands roamed around his arms and back, feeling his bare skin. You can feel him shudder against your touch before he begins grinding against you.
You lost track of your breathing as he did this while he worked on his neck. You never felt this needy in your entire life as you began to move your hips against him.
“Cody,” you whispered, though it sounded more like a moan. Cody’s lips pressed barely against your ears, sending you chills. “Tell me what you need, Y/N.” He spoke. “Tell me what you need, and I’ll give it to you.”
You knew you were going to regret this later on. But at the moment, you couldn’t care less. You needed him.
“I want you, Cody. Please.”
Cody groaned before kissing you. His hands went underneath your shirt, massaging your skin before he realized you weren’t wearing a bra, widening his eyes a bit.
He took your shirt as it went flying somewhere. His eyes shifted to your chest as your breast laid perfectly on there.
You let out a sigh as his tongue attached themselves to your breast, playing with them and massaging them with his hand. His other hand, however, slid down to the waistband of your shorts. Your breathing got heavier as he slipped them down inside of you, immediately the wetness he created inside your underwear.
“Holy shittt,” Cody shuddered as he gathered your wetness. “I barely touched you, and this is how bad you need me. You wet for me, baby,”
You could help but moan at the touch of Cody rubbing your clit. You couldn’t help but think about the last time someone touched you, which made you smirk.
“I haven’t been touched in almost a year.” You spoke. You bit your lips, almost whining, when Cody suddenly stopped rubbing your clit.
“You’re lying?” He asked, looking down at you. But you shook your head. You might as well give him the complete honesty you thought.
“It was some random guy I didn’t even finish.” You spoke. Cody stared blankly at you. “You haven’t had an orgasm in almost a year, too?”
You bit your lip again as you shook your head. Cody's eyes closed slowly as he remained silent. At first, you weren’t sure what was going on, but Cody let out a painful moan and opened his eyes. If his eyes couldn’t get darker than before, it was now.
“It’s okay, baby; I’m gonna take care of you.” Cody moaned. “Daddy’s gonna take care of you.”
Your eyes fluttered closed as you let out a moan. You had extreme daddy issues but never to the extent where you would be turned on this badly by Cody calling himself daddy.
Your shorts were pulled off along your panties, leaving you completely naked in front of Cody. His eyes never left you as he spread your legs open and began fingering you.
“Mmm, fuck.” You moaned as you began to feel hotter than before. Your hips began to grind his fingers as he rubbed your clit faster.
When your eyes never opened, Cody’s finger slowed down. “Look at me, keep your eyes opened.”
Your whines were needy; you felt him slow down, but the minute you opened your eyes and looked up at him, he flashed his smile, which you still hated.
“Keep your eyes on me, and I’ll give you what you want, okay baby?”
You nodded. But it wasn’t enough for Cody. “Use your words babygirl.”
You were loving and hating the way he was in control right now. Loved it because of how good it felt and hated it because you knew he would keep this over your head for as long as you lived. But right now, you didn’t care as you spoke, “Yes, Daddy.”
Cody licked his lips at you. “Good girl,” he spoke, then suddenly grabbed you by your legs, scooting you closer to him.
Your eyes went wide, followed by moaning as you saw his head dipped in between your legs, as his tongue slid between your wet folds, licking it.
Your moans filled the room as Cody stared up at you, watching him taste your clit. If you didn’t wake up the neighbor from banging on his door earlier, you probably did right now.
“Baby, don’t stop,” You moaned, letting out a cry. You couldn’t move if you wanted to; Cody had your legs held down.
“Calm down, baby girl,” Cody spoke as you struggled uncontrollably underneath his grip. “Just enjoy my tongue. Enjoy me please you.”
You let out a whine when he said this as you threw your head back, moaning. Your hand found its way to his hair, gripping harshly, causing a vibration throughout your body as he groaned in between your clit.
“Cody?” You spoke out. Cody hums in response as his tongue doesn’t stop the work it’s doing on you. “Cody, I’m… I’m… fuccckkk baby."
The words that left your mouth immediately made Cody know that you were close to your climax, something that you hadn’t had in a while. His remembering that made him pressed harder against your clit, nose touching it as his head shook vigorously against you.
You let out a cry of moans as your back arched once, feeling his fingers slide deep into you. You couldn’t take much longer before feeling what may have been one of the best orgasms you’ve ever had in your entire life.
Your body shook before going stiff a bit, then collapsed your back onto the bed, panting. Cody's head appeared from between as he flashed yet another smile, all while panting.
Somehow, throughout this aura stage, you desperately fought against, you managed to make a snarky comment about it.
“Wipe that stupid smile off your face, asshole,” Cody smirked when you said this and leaned towards you. “You’re gonna still disrespect me?”
A smirk appeared on your lips. Despite your legs being semi-numb, you being in this semi-aura stage, and Cody being a fucking dick but somehow incredibly attractive, you manage to push him onto the bed as your naked body straddle on top of him. Cody was taken back, but his eyes immediately fell onto your body, how you sat on top of him.
“You’re never getting any respect from me,” you spoke before kissing him. You can taste yourself; he grabs hold of your neck, deepening the kiss.
It got out of control momentarily as you two expressed more frustration. You didn’t realize until a second later that you began grinding on top of Cody.
His hands slid down to your hips, moving you against him. You can feel him throbbing against you, causing you to moan.
“You’re so sexy,” Cody moaned out as you let out whimpers in his ears. “So fucking beautiful.”
You felt butterflies in your stomach as he said this. It felt weird. Having him say things like that to you and receiving butterflies was new to you. He always made you sick.
Now, it was the opposite, but you pushed it to the side as you got off of him and placed his hand on the waistband of his pants.
Cody helped you pull his pants off, along with his boxers. You unintentionally bite your lips at the size of his member.
You finally understood him, understood why he was always so cocky and why his ego was so big. It was as big as his member. And it came out as he looked at you, smirking. You were looking at it longer than expected.
“What’s that matter? Never fuck a big cock before?”
You smirk before straddling back on him. “I can put my clothes back on and leave.” You spoke. Cody smiled at you. “But you’re not.”
You immediately shut him up by kissing him. You felt relaxed as you sat on his member. However, the two of you let out a moan as he moved your hips, grinding you against him.
“I can feel you clenching, and you're not even in me,” He moaned as he looked up at you, enjoying yourself on him. It was the hottest thing he’s ever seen. Your eyes were closed as you concentrated on the feeling of him.
You let out a whine as Cody stopped you, but suddenly let out a loud moan as he rubbed his cock on your clit before inserting himself in you.
Both of you two let out a gasp. A part you thought you could handle the size, but you were wrong. And you weren’t helping Cody either as you clenched around him. “Fuck you’re so tight; stop clenching around me, or else I’m going cum.”
You felt yourself wanting another orgasm as you started bouncing on his member. Moans filled the room as the two looked at each other.
Cody concentrated on you as you looked down at him with your hands pinned onto his chest. His hand was on your breast, massaging it, while his other hand smacked down on your ass, causing you to moan loudly.
“Talk to me, baby,” You spoke as you enjoyed yourself on his cock. Cody smirked as he watched you please yourself. “I love how you take my cock, baby, you’re so pretty.”
Your head threw back. “Your cock feels amazing, fuck!”
“Yeah, that’s baby girl, keep going.” Cody moaned. You could help but scream in pleasure when he held you in place and started fucking in pace.
“Oh gosh, just like that.” You moaned. Cody groaned before sliding his arm around your waist and flipping you over.
You now looked up at him as clapping sounds filled the room with your moans. “Fuck you’re so hot!” You moaned, watching him spread your legs apart and deepen his cock in you.
“Shittt, Y/N,” Cody spoke. “You have no idea how bad I dreamt about fucking your tight pussy of yours.”
Your mind was too dizzy even to comprehend what Cody said. Much less, you couldn’t understand what you were saying. You just wanted to finish.
“Yeah, tell me more,” You moaned as you swore you felt Cody’s cock twitch as you said this.
“The amount of times you left me hard. The way I wanted to fuck your ignorant ass out of you. I even jerk off at the thought of it.”
“Cody, fuck!!” You cried out as you felt your orgasm coming. You started clenching more than before, indicating to Cody that you were about to reach your climax.
He hovers over you, slamming himself in you as he reaches your G-spot. Your legs were numb; all you felt was him and only him.
“Cody, I’m close, baby!” You moaned. The way Cody was moaning in your ears wasn’t helping as your hands flew on his back, nails digging into it.
“I’m gonna cum baby.” Cody moaned in your ears. You kissed on his shoulders, holding on to him. “Cum in me, baby.”
“Yeah, you want me to cum in you?” He said, looking at you. “You’re such a slut, shit, come on baby, finish on my cock.”
Your breast pressed against his chest as you reached your second orgasm. You moaned louder than expected when you felt him shoot himself inside of you, cumming. You thank the lord for birth control; otherwise, you would have been pregnant right there and then.
Cody pulled himself out, and as you felt him leaking out of you, he lay next to you as the two of you panted.
It now hit you. You fucked Cody Rhodes. The guy you truly despised. The guy who made your life a living hell.
Cody looked at you, watching your expression as he realized what had happened. You looked over at him, and eventually, that hatred for him appeared right there when he flashed another stupid smile.
“Are you gonna show me respect?” He asked, fully aware of your answer. You answered anyway, panting still but shaking your head at him.
672 notes · View notes
harrysfolklore · 1 year
Instagram concept with Sami miro as the face claim and she’s Harry’s stylist and they eventually start dating
HERE !! i loved this concept i hope you like it <33
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liked by sza, harry_lambert and 55,927 others
yourinstagram starting the job of my dreams this week 🥺
view all 5,098 comments
yourfriend SO PROUD OF YOU !!
jefezoff Welcome to the team 🤘🏻
harry_lambert Couldn’t think of a better person to take my place, you’ll do amazing darling ❤️
↳ yourinstagram i love you 🤍
chiaraferragni 💖💖
fashionfan I love all of your projects! I’m excited to see what’s coming
madisonbeer good luck wifey
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liked by yourinstagram, jefezoff and 189,637 others
harry_lambert Goodbyes are bittersweet ❤️ I had the best time dressing my angel sue @harrystyles for half a decade. H, you will always be my #1, and you’re in good hands @yourinstagram ❤️
view all 21,098 comments
harryfan1 NOOOO LAMBERT :(
jefezoff 🥺🥺🥺
harryfan2 we’re going to miss youuu
harrystyles Thank your everything, Lamby ❤️
↳ harryfan1 ilysm
yourinstagram you’re always going to be the 🐐🐐 thank you for this opportunity 🤍 and thank you to the lovely harry fans for being so nice already, i promise to give you the looks you want
↳ harryfan2 wtf i already love her
↳ harryfan3 maybe lambert leaving is not a bad thing
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 7,098 others
harryontour Harry’s new stylist is YN, a designer, fashion blogger and stylist who has worked with celebrities like SZA, Madison Beer, Jacob Elordi, Bella Hadid and more !
Fun fact: She designed this jumpsuit harry wore back in 2017 for HS1 promo
view all 1,689 comments
harryfan1 she’s super talented i love her
harryfan2 she’s also so sweet and nice
harryfan3 we love a successful woman on harry’s team. those outfits are going to slay
yourinstagram Thank you guys 🤍🤍
↳ harryfan2 SEE she’s super sweet
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liked by harrystyles, jennierubyjane and 102,389 others
yourinstagram some fun facts about me:
i'm a scorpio
my favorite one direction song is stockholm syndrome
i prefer tea over coffee
love on tour starts tomorrow !!!!! 😳😳
view all 10,837 coments
harryfan1 she's so cool
harryfan2 bestie let harry go shirtless on stage tomorrow
↳ yourinstagram your wish = my command
↳ harryfan3 YEEEESS
harrystyles Stockholm Syndrome. Great bop.
↳ harryfan1 harry styles what are you up to
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 9,937 others
view all 1,034 comments
harryfan1 OMFGGGGGG
harryfan2 AHHHHH MY FAVE
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liked by jefeazoff, yourinstagram and 2,255,903 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Horsens I. May, 2023.
view all 41,927 comments
harryfan1 AHHHH
harris_reed little boy blue 💙
harryfan2 MY BABYYYYYY
yourinstagram nice outfit 🕺❤️
↳ harrystyles Thanks, the girl who put it together for me is pretty dope x
↳ harryfan1 HUUUUHHHH
↳ harryfan2 us he flirting?
harryfan3 he missed the stage so much
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 7,039 others
harryupdates “We have a new band member with us, please welcome Madi Diaz to the stage! We also have someone new backstage, someone who gets me looking all fabulous every night, give it up for my new stylist, YN!" - Harry in Horsens tonight !
view all 992 comments
harryfan1 AWEEE
harryfan2 yn is the coolest
harryfan3 LOVE THEM
harryfan4 the video of yn's reaction was so cuuuteeee
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liked by dualipa, harrystyles and 187,993 others
yourinstagram FIRST STOP OF LOVE ON TOUR DONE !!! thank uuuu for all the love on h's outfits, putting them together for each night has been so far the coolest thing i've ever done as a job, see you soon munich 🤍🕺
view all 10,304 comments
harryfan1 SLAYYYYY
sza Congrats ❤❤
harrystyles Who's Harry Lambert anyway, EW?
↳ harryfan3 WTFFFFF
↳ harry_lambert Hey!
↳ yourinstagram not you quoting taylor swift please
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liked by lizzobeeating, yourinstagram and 3,155,703 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Horsens II. May, 2023.
view all 43,928 comments
harryfan1 BABYYYYY
annetwist Love love ❤❤
mtv me after totally wrecking the office bathroom
harryfan2 i can't wait for my show
yourinstagram you people don't knoe this but ____ was playing in the background
↳ harrystyles That's a special bop x
↳ harryfan2 he's obsessed with the word bop i swear
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 9,376 others
view all 1,004 comments
harryfan1 OMFGGGGG
yourinstagram glad you liked it besties, also 'hitties' might be my favorite new word
↳ harryfan1 SLAAAAY
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liked by alexademie, harrystyles and 201,109 others
yourinstagram snap from the other day !! also spoiler alert: the theme for edinburgh night one will be donus ily harries
view all 10,370 comments
harryfan1 she's so gorgeous
harryfan2 is this from their date? 👀
jennierubyjane ❤
harrystyles Decent photo x
↳ yourinstagram credits to harry styles i guess 🙄
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 7,782 others
harryupdates Harry playing golf today in Scotland !
view all 490 comments
harryfan1 BABYYYY
harryfan2 such a slay
harryfan3 why do i feel like im staring at boyfriendrry rn
harryfan4 I LOVE HIM
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 8,083 others
harryupdates Harry having dinner tonight !
view all 997 comments
harryfan1 that jacket is soooo iconic
harryfan2 BUUUBBB
↳ harryfan1 how do u know
↳ harryfan4 she posted a story with the same background
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liked by harryupdates, harryfan1 and 10,739 others
harryontour "The hitties are out tonight! YN taught me that word !" Harry on stage on Edinburgh tonight !
view all 1,012 comments
harryfan1 OMFGGGG
harryfan2 so yn teaches him words now 😵
harryfan3 they're definetely dating lmaooo boyfriendrry is HERE
harryfan4 MY BABY
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liked by lizzobeeating, yourinstagram and 1,532,672 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Edinburg II. May, 2023.
view all 26,145 comments
harryfan1 BABYYYY
harris_reed Little shooting star 💫
harryfan2 this outfit was 10/10
annetwist ❤️
yourinstagram damn your stylist has such a good taste
↳ harrystyles Bet x
taglist: @lightsoutstyles @waitingroomharry @willowpains @straightontilmornin @sleutherclaw @gimsaysay @hazzassmirk @platinumbarbie143 @musicforcinemas @celesteblack08 @scntfrhs @eleanordaisy @lomlolivia @iceebabies @peterparker1sgf
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peachhcs · 2 months
the perfect moment
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
someone requested will and samy's first time, so after trying to write it for nearly a month, it's finished! again, please read at your own risk, this is very explicit!!
3.6k words
warnings: 18+, smut with a tiny bit of plot, but like all of this is smut again. p in v (protected!), slight handjob, hair pulling, sucking on boobs, a bit of praising, very consensual, making out, hickeys, grinding, i think that's it??
this is how i pictured samy and will's first time going! because will's whole life was hockey, he never really had time for a lot of experimenting. there's small talk of religion in this (idk if will was/is actually catholic but somewhere i thought he was. take it all with a grain of salt, this is just how i thought it would go/how will and samy would be :))
au masterlist
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one of the last days before summer ended and will couldn't stop thinking about one thing.
will's eyes glued themselves to samy's lips and the way she applied chapstick making her pink lips even more pink and glossier. he couldn't look away even if he wanted to because all he could think about was kissing that chapstick right off and the feeling of her plump lips against his own.
something had the blonde's brain wired up the past couple of days.
he couldn't stop staring. everything samy did, will's eyes were on her. drinking water? staring. playing volleyball? staring. jumping into the lake? oh, will was definitely staring.
he just couldn't tear his eyes away no matter how hard he tried. something was making the blonde's brain go haywire. he'd get worked up over the littlest thing like seeing the brunette in one of his boston college t-shirts and just her swimsuit. one second he'd look and the next he'd be painfully hard.
will felt like a fucking fifteen-year-old again going through the stages of puberty and getting hard at almost everything. he felt pathetic, really—stepping away to relieve the ache in his cock because him and samy have only been dating for two and a half months and the farthest they've gone was making out with shirts off.
he didn't know what too soon was and he did not want to make her uncomfortable with his weird boyish desires that had been creeping up a lot more lately.
so will suffered in silence and it was fine for a few days until him and samy caught themselves in a heated make out session while everyone was outside.
the boy nipped harshly at her lips, tugging her hips impossibly closer against his own. samy giggled—music to will's ears. her own fingers danced around in his hair, twisting it and tugging at the roots leaving the hockey player to see stars.
she shifted against him and will's boner pressed against her thigh. whether she noticed it or not, she didn't say anything. usually, neither of them would mention it when they started making out and they'd ignore it, but this time was different.
"are you always this hard?" samy breathed against will's mouth, pulling apart slightly.
"w-what?" the boy stuttered out earning a smile from the brunette.
"you're really hard," the girl commented making will blush embarrassingly hard—like whole face a tomato in seconds. he immediately shifted away from her, feeling embarrassed about how turned on he was from just kissing for five minutes.
"s-sorry?" he didn't really know what to say, but samy raised her eyebrow.
her boyfriend—a 6'0, forward, hockey player—was sorry that he was hard? she's known will her entire life for having such a hard outer shell—seeing him stand before her bright red and nervous seemed like such a different person than she's known, but samy didn't think it was a bad thing.
"why are you apologizing?" the girl laughed, pressing her hands against his torso.
"i-i don't know. i-i don't wanna make you uncomfortable?" will struggled finding the right words. he had a hard time reading samy's face which was rare considering how close they were.
"do you think i'm uncomfortable?" the girl wondered. will stared at her for a moment before slowly shaking his head.
"you're right, i'm not. i think it's hot that you're hard. i mean, i'd be worried if you weren't," she laughed, easing some of the tension in the boy's shoulders.
the girl placed a finger on his chest, slowly dragging it down. she wanted to try something, watching the way a shaky breath escaped will's lips as he struggled to keep his eyes open under her touch.
the once stable boy seemed to crumble in her hands and boy, did that do something to samy's head and ego.
she carefully pushed the blonde back onto her bed where he stared up at her with a look in his eyes that was a mix of confusion and intrigue. a gentle smile spread across samy's lips knowing she wanted will to feel as comfortable as possible because at the end of the day, he was her best friend and the two have known each other since they were babies. this side of their relationship was still so fresh and new.
will's hands found their place on her hips as samy straddled his lap. this wasn't anything new. she was usually on his lap when their kiss became more heated, but right now, the feeling of her thighs pressed against both sides of will's legs did something to him. his hands shook while his heartbeat grew more rapid with each kiss they shared.
"you okay?" samy wondered between kisses. she could feel his rapid heartbeat from where her hands held their place at his neck.
"mhm, yeah," will managed between heavy breaths.
with that, samy continued kissing her boyfriend's lips while her fingers felt his silver chain beneath his shirt. she curled the metal around her one finger, slowly edging it out from under the shirt. the blonde was very aware of her hands on him, her touch like fire on his skin. the metal now dangled above his clothes along with the small cross pendent hanging off the end.
samy's hands dipped further down, attaching to will's neck and dragging back down his torso. a noise sounded from the back of will's throat that was a mix between a moan and whimper as samy's hand got dangerously close to where the boy wanted her touch the most. he's actually thought about this moment for weeks, always imaging it and hoping it'd become a reality.
finally, her hand palmed his bulge through his shorts. will's brain short-circuited, a loud "fuck" escaping his lips and then a "wait. wait."
samy immediately pulled her hand away, eyes jumping back up to her boyfriend's, "what?"
will's mouth worked faster than his brain, cursing to himself for making her stop before he could even think about it. his face flushed while samy searched his gaze worried she did something wrong or moved too fast. what she didn't know was that will wanted her to keep going. he just...how did he tell her this without her most definitely laughing at him?
"i-i've never..i've never done this..before.." the hockey player managed to get out.
a silence fell betweem them as samy took in his words and will quickly started internally panicking.
that definitely wasn't the response will expected nor the statement samy expected from her boyfriend.
"oh? good oh? bad oh?" the boy searched her eyes, growing conscious of his revelation. maybe he shouldn't have told her.
"no, no, no. not a bad oh. just..surprising?" samy gently laughed, pulling her fingers through will's hair again. his eyes softened out, turning into puppy-dog eyes.
she did not think will was a virgin. the youngest hughes for sure thought will messed around in his dev years considering all of the girls that were always at the games and the ones his friends constantly talked about. he was a catch, so this news was very surprising to samy.
"oh," will muttered, unsure of how to feel, maybe embarrassed? ashamed?
hockey had always been will's number one. since he could walk, the only thing taking up space in his brain was hockey. hockey, hockey, hockey. girls was never something on the blonde's mind. not nearly as much as the sport he loved. wanting to be the best and prove how good he could be, will devoted all of his time to the ice which meant limiting his social interactions. it had always been that way and for awhile, will didn't mind. he went to an all boys school before moving to michigan, so it wasn't even a problem.
the status of his virginity or experience never mattered with who he was with because the guys were as locked in as he was—maybe not ryan when he started dating julianne, but their minds never wandered off too far. all of that changed when things in will's mind started shifting some years ago, when samy started taking up the spot hockey once did. soon, all his mind could think about was the girl he always saw as an annoying sister.
"hey, hey, don't feel embarrassed. it's normal," samy read the look on her boyfriend's face, quickly making him look at her. will just flushed even more under her stare.
virginity was a concept will heard a lot about growing up catholic. going to a catholic high school taught him a lot about "waiting until marriage" which wasn't something the boy entirely agreed with. his views definitely changed as he got older and thought less and less about his religion. obviously, not completely, though. the silver pendent dangling off his neck was a small reminder keeping him tied in, but that didn't mean he wanted him and samy to stop doing whatever they were about to do.
"h-have you..done this before?" will didn't even know if he wanted to know the answer. a pang of jealousy bubbled in his stomach at the idea of some other guy doing this with samy before he could.
"uh..yeah, but not a lot. like twice or something," samy quickly mumbled.
"it was with that guy i dated briefly junior year. it wasn't anything crazy," the girl filled in making sure will knew she was no where near super experienced, but she knew a thing or two.
'"right," the blonde nodded. he remembered that guy a little too well, never really fond of him whenever he was around.
"we don't have to do this if you don't want to," samy said softly, caressing her boyfriend's cheek. he leaned into her touch.
"i want to..i just..i don't really know what to do past making out," will mumbled shyly, avoiding her gaze.
"that's okay. i can help," the girl encouraged with a smile. the hockey player met her eyes seeing how reassuring they looked.
"okay," he mumbled, smiling.
with that, samy attached her lips back to will's lips. the two shared another passionate kiss, the blonde's confidence slowly returning as he worked his tongue into the girl's mouth. she hummed, slowly dragging her hands through his curls before shifting lower again.
will felt drunk on her kisses. he never wanted the feeling of her lips against his to stop. his breath caught in his throat when samy's hand returned to the bulge in his pants.
"do you trust me?" the girl wondered. will nodded.
"gotta say it, will," she urged, needing a vocal confirmation.
"yes, i trust you," he managed through breathy pants.
will felt her grin against his lips as she slowly slipped her hand into his shorts. the boy jumped at the feeling of her warm hand against his clothed cock. "fuck," he let out.
"okay?" samy wondered.
"mhm, okay," the boy said, quickly nodding his head as samy stroked him through his shorts.
will's hips stuttered uncontrollably. his mind was racing along with the dreams he's had of him and samy doing this. her hand fit so perfectly around his length and god, it was so much better than his own hand.
"ugh, f-feels good," the blonde muttered, somewhat nervous still.
"yeah? feels good?" samy smiled, satisfied with the sounds she was pulling from will. he nodded with his head tipping back a little, struggling to keep his eyes open because he wanted to ingrain this moment into his brain forever.
his open neck was the perfect opportunity for the girl to pounce. she hooked her lips onto his throat, quickly sucking which pulled a guttural moan from within the boy. he bit hard on his lip in fear that someone would hear them while samy continued her stroking and nipping his skin. 
from knowing a small thing or two, will decided to try something. he slipped his hand up her shirt until it stopped on her boobs. a small gasp left his lips when he realized samy wasn't wearing a bra under her shirt. 
"okay?" the girl asked sensing his hesitation. 
"y-yes. yeah. you're not wearing a bra," he said a bit bluntly. a tiny chuckle left her lips. 
"is that okay?" 
"more than okay," will breathed. he cupped one breast with his hand, feeling samy's nipple harden under his touch. 
he stated rubbing it in tiny circles—something one of his teammates said girls like and boy, was he right. a soft moan escaped samy's lips which filled the blonde's chest with pride that he did that. 
he decided to keep going by adding a few squeezes on the covered bud. samy squirmed atop his lap which was definitely not helping the arousal in his pants, but will tried ignoring his own needs, wanting to focus all on samy. 
he continued that for another few moments before samy decided they needed their shirts off. she tugged at the bottom of will's and he quickly took the hint as he pulled it over his head. it flew somewhere in her room and his mouth watered a bit in anticipation for samy to lose her shirt. he'd never seen her completely naked on top, only with a bra still on. 
as soon as will saw her bare nipples, he thought he'd cum on the spot. they were so beautiful in a bra, the blonde had no idea they could get even better without a bra. 
"you can touch," samy nodded encouragingly. 
will slowly cupped both hands on her breasts. he squeezed before rubbing both of his thumbs over the buds. another moan left the brunette's lips, her head tipping back. the boy didn't waste a second attaching his lips to her skin like she did minutes ago. 
this wasn't new to will. he was practically a pro at giving hickeys in the most hottest, yet hidden places. samy's arms wrapped around his neck like she wanted him closer so his face was practically in her chest. 
he sucked everywhere across her top half—neck, collarbone, the soft flesh of the tops of her breasts. before will even knew it, her entire nipple slipped into his mouth and made contact with his tongue. 
a louder moan left the girl's lips and will knew he wanted to pull more of those sounds from her. 
"fuck, just like that will," samy moaned out, tugging harshly at the root of his curls. the boy hummed, trying to focus everything on samy and not his desperate need for a release. 
the girl let him go back and forth on each for a few more minutes before pulling him up and reconnecting their lips. will's swollen lips were slick with his saliva all while he tasted samy's signature gloss: strawberry. it made him dizzy in a good way because all he wanted was to kiss all of it off. 
"think you're ready?" samy wondered, not wanting to move too fast. the hockey player quickly nodded feeling the strain in his shorts and the way his hips were just involuntarily grinding against samy's core. 
"so ready." 
with that, she climbed off his lap, instructing him to pull his shorts and underwear down. samy dug through her drawer for a condom, flashing the imfaous rapper before pulling her own shorts down as well. will's entire mouth watered seeing her almost completely naked besides her underwear. 
"you're so gorgeous," the blonde muttered, not even able to tear his eyes away. 
will sat with his cock out where it occasionally twitched against his stomach. the tip was red and definitely ready, although he grew a bit conscious under samy's longing stare. 
did she not like it? was he not big enough? was he too big? 
the worries clouded will's brain until samy climbed back onto her bed, stroking her boyfriend's cheek to bring him back to reality, "remember, you can say no or stop at anytime, okay?" 
"i know," the blonde nodded. 
he watched his girlfriend rip open the rapper with her teeth which was quite literally the hottest thing he's ever seen. she found his gaze, silently asking permission to touch him. 
when he nodded samy's hand slowly wrapped arpund his length. her hand was enough to make him jump, "fuck." 
the precum oozing from the pretty tip was helpful as lube. as samy's thumb rubbed along the slit, will's head tipped back, eyes squeezing shut this time and his hands gripping the bedsheets. 
"so, so pretty, will," the brunette praised earning a large blush on his cheeks. 
"you think so?" he managed to get out through breathy pants. 
"mhmm. you're so big," when he found her gaze again the boy nearly lost it. she looked at him through hooded eyses, a mix of love and lust in her features. 
once will had enough, samy slowly slid the condom down. the plastic material caused a stutter in his hips and a small curse leaving his lips at his girlfriend's gentle touch. she fell back onto the bed, ushering the boy to follow her lead. 
he hovered over her, their breaths mixing together in slightly nervous pants. will's cock throbbed at the feeling of samy's entrance so close, yet he never broke eye contact. "just go slow and not rough," the girl explained. 
"right, of course," will nodded. 
he took ahold of his length, carefully directing it to samy's hole. the boy bit his lip, the anxiety bubbling in his stomach that he wouldn't do it right. the further he pushed his hips forward, the more his tip slid into samy. 
they let out loud moans at the first contact. "oh fuck," the boy moaned out. 
"like that, will. feels good," samy encouraged, gripping onto his biceps. 
he pushed himself further in, resisting every urge to thrust in, but his self-control was slipping fast. finally, he bottomed out. a mix between a sigh and groan escaped both of their lips. samy wrapped her legs around will's while they took a second to adjust. 
god, he felt even better inside of her. will thought the same as samy's walls squeezed every inch of his length along with his need to cum already. 
"whenever your ready," samy rubbed his back in soothing circles. 
"yeah, in a second. fuck, you feel so good," the boy muttered out. a thin line of sweat glistened across his forehead and at every inch where they were connected and touching. 
everything was so overwhelming for the hockey player. samy's boobs pressed against his chest, her legs wrapped around his, her squeezing him like her life depended on it. 
finally, will found it in himself to slowly start moving. he carefully raised his hips until just the tip was inside before pushing back in. 
"yeah, shit. so good," samy's praises fueled will's confidence as he picked up his pace little by little. 
"mm, fuck. you feel incredible. you're so beautiful," will rambled through his immense pleasure. 
he found a good speed while samy tried meeting his thrusts as well. the room filled with sounds of their sex and fuck, did they really hope no one walked by her room. 
will definitely wasn't going to last long. samy knew that based on how sensitive he was and the way his cock throbbed inside of her every time she squeezed a bit harder. the boy hid his face in the crook of her neck as his panting increased and incoherent thoughts tumbled from his lips. 
"oh fuck. fuck. yeah, mm—not gonna last," he managed through broken pants. 
"it's okay, you can cum," samy squeezed his shoulders. 
"want you to cum too," will had enough mind and knowledge to know that samy needed pleasure and a release too. 
he stuck his one hand between them, remembering from another teammate where the clit was. his fingers quickly rubbed it in fast circles wanting samy to release before he did despite his stittering hips and need to cum so close. 
samy's own hips stuttered at will's touch. she bit hard on his shoulder, trying to keep quiet as her climax approached. the pleasure overtook the pain, so will hardly felt a thing. 
"yeah, fuck. right there. keep going. don't stop." 
"god, i'm so fucking close. gonna make me cum. please tell me you're close," will urged, not sure how much longer he could hold back his load. 
"so close, will. keep going, please," the brunette nodded, voice high-pitched and squeaky. 
the dam broke. samy's climax hit her hard, her back arching off the bed further into will's chest. he wasn't far behind, spilling into the condom with the uncontrollale thrust of his hips and the string of curse words leaving his lips. 
"oh god, fuck. oh fuck," will collapsed, sweaty and spent. 
his hips continued in little stutters with a bit of aftershock. samy wrapped her arms tightly around his shoulders as his face hid in her neck trying to regain his lost breath. 
"did so, so good will. so good," the girl praised, kissing the side of his head. 
"best first time ever," the blonde sighed. 
he finally lifted his head to meet her gaze. his curls stuck to his sweaty forehead, but the smile never left his lips. samy just giggled, "glad you think so." 
will slowly pulled out, groaning at the feeling of his cock slipping out. he pulled the condom off, placing it in the trash before laying back down and scooping samy into his arms. 
"not so bad, right?" the brunette raised her eyebrow. 
"with you, it was perfect," his words made her flush. gentle kisses were placed against her skin trying to savor everything from the best moment ever. 
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samijey · 4 months
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more fluff from wwe's holiday tour, this time with a bonus head pat
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chronicowboy · 2 years
when blorbo doesn't get hit by a car
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112 notes · View notes
jeysbvck · 3 months
you made a mark on me (a golden tattoo)
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welp, here it is! cody has been my favourite wrestler since 2007/2008, and i NEVER thought i'd write a fic about him, but here we are! after mondays segment, i couldn't get this out of my mind and i hope you all enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it!! please reblog & comment, they are really helpful & motivating to fic writers!
taglist; @nightmare-viper @harmshake @wrestlezaynia @alyyaanna @xtripleiiix @afterdarkprincess @courtninacole @crxssjae @wrestlingprincess80 🫶🏻 (if u wanna be taken off the list or added, lemme know!!)
warnings; teasing in public, f receiving, m receiving, slight praise kink, p in v penetration, slight exhibitionism, jealous!cody (if i've missed anything please let me know!)
word count; 2.7k
summary; once again, teasing Cody works wonders.
Even from the other side of the room, you could feel those blue eyes on you, staring so hard you were sure you'd find a burn mark on your cheek when you looked in a mirror. You leaned your elbow on the bar, twirling a piece of hair around your finger as you half listened to Damian; giggling and playfully slapping his arm or chest at the right times. You could barely pay attention to Damian. All you could think about was Cody and how he was reacting to the very obvious flirting happening. You could picture his face clearly in your mind; the way his usually soft gaze would be hardened watching the scene play out, the way he'd be clenching his jaw or biting the inside of his cheek; waiting for the moment he could drag you away without causing suspicion.
The moment came sooner than anticipated when Dom dragged Damian away to rejoin the rest of The Judgement Day in the booth they'd occupied all night. You looked around the room, searching for Cody, but when you couldn't find him, you opted to join Sami and Jey, who were waving at you wildly. Before you could, someone came up behind you, and their hand gripped your bicep tightly.
"I know what you're doing," Cody said, his voice low in your ear.
You craned your neck so you could smile up at Cody. "What? I was just having a very lovely conversation with Damian." You said innocently.
Cody spun you around and glared down at you, his eyes looking brighter under the dim lights. "It won't work." He told you, and you tilted your head, pouting slightly.
"I don't know what you're talking about." You replied, batting your eyelashes, making Cody roll his neck. "You wanna dance?" You quickly asked before he could say anything else.
He glanced at the mass of people dancing and pulled a face. "We really shouldn't..."
"Come on, I was dancing with Jey earlier. It doesn't -"
"You were dancing with Jey?" He asked, his nostrils flaring as he narrowed his eyes. "Fine, let's dance." He conceded, unable to hide his jealousy as he pulled you to the dancefloor as you giggled.
You took advantage of the number of people on the dancefloor and pressed your body up against Cody while snaking your arms around his neck. His hands rested on your waist, and he raised his eyebrow, to which you shrugged, a smile dancing on your lips. "Sorry." You mouthed, and he shook his head, unable to hide the smile. "You're terrible." He replied, making you grin.
"Oh, you know you love it." You said, massaging the back of his neck with your fingertips, just like you did when you were curled up in bed together. Being this close to him was driving you wild, and if you couldn't touch him the way you truly wanted to, you'd revel in driving him just as wild.
You pushed your pussy into Cody's bulge as you danced, and his grip on your hips tightened. "Don't tease me," He warned, his voice almost a growl. "I'm not sure I'll be able to control myself."
You lifted yourself onto your toes and whispered in Codys' ear, your breasts pushing against his chest. "Who's asking you to control yourself? You could just let go."
Your breath on his neck and your scent in his nostrils was intoxicating. It sent a shiver down his spine, and he closed his eyes as he inhaled through his nose; a futile attempt to control the effect you were having on him. His hands made the journey from your hips to your ass and you glanced around the room, thankful that nobody was paying any attention to the two of you. Considering neither of you was ready for people to know about the two of you, you were playing a very dangerous game. Teasing each other and flirting around other people, stealing kisses and secret moments in crowded rooms, sneaking into each other's hotel rooms or onto Cody's bus; it was all so thrilling, and it was a miracle nobody had caught onto the two of you.
"Baby, you gotta stop." He groaned, squeezing your ass. "You're killing me."
Your eyebrow arched upwards, followed by a smirk. "You want me to stop?" You questioned, slipping your hand in between your bodies, sliding your hand down his shirt until you stopped at his belt buckle. "Just say the word, and I'll do whatever you want."
Cody dropped his head onto your shoulder, a low, almost animalistic sound emitting from his throat. He rutted against you, nipping at your neck as he did, the action making your pussy throb as you caught a moan in your throat. Before you could move your hand lower, Cody promptly grabbed your wrist.
"How about we continue this somewhere more private?" Cody said into your ear. He'd posed it as a question, but it wasn't intended as one— which was apparent when he didn't wait for your answer and practically dragged you out of the main party room and through the hotel lobby.
With his hand on the small of your back, he pushed you through the doors, the cold night air pinching your naked arms. Cody guided you around the corner, and before you knew it, you were up against the wall, his lips attaching to yours, forcing his tongue into your mouth. You reciprocated the kiss, tongues wrapping around each other; both moaning in harmony as he fondled your breasts over your dress. You unbuckled the belt and popped the button open, and when he bit down on your lip, you grinned. You tried to slip your hand into his boxers, ready to feel his cock in your hand, but Cody pulled away, breathless.
"Not here." He said, lacing his fingers around yours. You walked hand in hand across the parking lot, towards where trees lined the edge of the lot. The closer you got, the more you noticed the large outline of Codys' bus, hidden in the shadows of the trees, tucked away from the moonlight. 
"You brought your bus here?" You laughed. "You couldn't use the car?"
Cody unlocked the door and ushered you up the steps. "It's a good thing I didn't, isn't it? I knew you'd try something." He teased, slapping your ass lightly. You turned to face him.
"I knew it'd work." You said, reciprocating the soft smile he sent your way as the lock clicked. He took a few steps towards you, his eyes boring into your soul. They were mesmerising, like two oceans you were certain to drown in, and you wouldn't mind a single bit if you did.
"Of course, it worked," Cody said softly. "It'll always work."
You couldn't wait any longer. You pulled Cody towards you by his tie, your lips smashing together forcefully, his fingers tangled in your hair as he tugged slightly, deepening the kiss. He was like a drug you were addicted to, one that you'd never want to give up.
Cody spun you around and slowly unzipped your dress, peppering your naked back with kisses. The black, velvet number fell to the floor, and you turned to face him, standing in just your heels and black panties. He took a step back and carefully studied you like he was looking at his favourite work of art. He grinned and licked his lips as he arched his eyebrow.
"Get on the bed." He ordered. You stepped backwards until your legs hit the edge of the small bed, and you lowered yourself down, the mattress dipping under your weight. Cody pulled at his tie until it loosened and unbuttoned his shirt, smirking at you as he did.
He stood in front of you, his trousers still open from the make-out session outside, and you maintained eye contact as you pushed them and his boxers down his thighs, freeing his cock from its restraints. Cody's tongue poked out of between his teeth as he smirked, his eyes dark as he flicked his thumb across your bottom lip before he lined his cock up against your mouth.
You stuck your tongue out just enough for it to brush the tip, the simple action making Cody buck his hips. You opened your mouth wider, taking as much of Cody's cock as you could. His hand bundled your hair into a ponytail and as you closed your mouth around him, a groan left his lips as he pulled on your hair, throwing his head back. You dragged your tongue up the underside of his cock, the sensation making it twitch in your mouth. You flicked the tip before curling your tongue around it,and you grasped the base of him, taking a moment to look up at him while you pleasured him.
Cody's eyes were glazed over, profanities spilling from him while he guided your head and fucked your mouth. You loved the noises he made, loved the look on his face whenever you were together. He was usually so calm and collected, so to be the one who made him lose control, to fall apart because of you, it made you feel incredibly powerful and confident; something you didn't have much experience with until you met Cody.
He found himself in a rhythm— one that you wanted to disrupt and so you rolled his balls in your hands, massaging them gently as you took the rest of his cock, choking slightly as the tip hit the back of your throat. The noise Cody made was sinful, and you weren't sure you could be any more turned on until you looked up at him through teary eyes. The sweat was beading around his hairline, his teeth almost biting through his lip as he grunted and thrust into your face.
You wrapped your tongue around his cock and he forcefully pushed your head into him before he couldn't take anymore. He tugged you off by your hair, a Pop! echoing out around the bus. You watched him lean towards you and you crawled up the bed slightly, until Cody was leering over you, his eyes full of lust. He wiped your wet cheeks with his thumbs and kissed you; so much passion in the soft and tender embrace. The longer the kiss went on, the more fierce it became, and your back hit the soft sheets, bringing Cody down with you. His mouth followed a path, planting little butterfly kisses down your jawline, your neck, down to your cleavage  — where he latched onto your breast, sucking and biting as your hands ran down his shoulders, fingertips scratching his back. His mouth then continued its journey down your sternum to your stomach while his hand caressed your breast and rolled your nipple with his fingers. 
Cody hooked his thumbs under your underwear line and ripped them clean from your body. He threw them over his shoulder and held your hips down with one arm, his other hand snaking back up to your throat. He flattened his tongue against your slit and slowly dragged it up your cunt, beginning his feast.
Your hands grabbed the back of his head, and you attempted to buck your hips, but his arm wouldn't let you. "Ohhhh, Cody," you whimpered through little gasps, "feels so fucking good!"
You felt him smile against your thigh as he kissed along the insides before burying his face back into you. "You're such a good girl." He said. "You're my good girl." He said, before flicking your clit with the tip of his tongue. Your hips bucked again, and his grip on your throat tightened as did the grip on your hips. Cody was great at everything he did, he had that Midas touch, but he was incredible at making you feel amazing.
You squeaked as he pushed his tongue into your entrance, releasing your throat so he could caress your clit with his thumb as he fucked you with his tongue. You writhed underneath him as much as he'd allow, pushing his head deeper into your cunt, gripping your thighs against his head, unintelligible sounds leaving your throat as your toes curled.
"Co-Cody, please! I'm gonna cum!" You gasped. He chuckled, picking up the pace and your moans got louder. You were certain that everyone in the hotel would be able to hear you, and that the bus would no longer be hidden from everyone— but you didn't care one bit.
You came undone in seconds, and Cody released your hips from his grasp so you could ride his face, his name spilling out of your mouth. His kept working as you rode the wave of your orgasm and when he came up for air, you giggled breathlessly.
Cody climbed up your body like a lion hunting its prey. He needed to be inside you, to feel your walls clench tight around him as he fucked you hard. He rubbed his cock against your slit, sliding it between your lips, without penetrating. You wrapped your legs around him, attempting to pull him closer to you, trying to force him to give you what you craved. He laughed, his tongue poking out the corner of his mouth and rubbed your entrance with the tip of his cock.
"Cody, please -" You whined, your heels digging into his ass cheeks.
"Use your words, baby."
"Cody- I want your-" His tip teased your cunt again and you groaned, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. "Cody, please fu-fuck m- ohhh ffuck!"
He slammed into you, guttural groans passing through his lips at the euphoric sensation. He would never tire of any of this— of being inside you, making you scream his name and lose control at the slightest touch. He loved feeling your body underneath him or on top of him. Even the smallest of gestures; the slightest touch of your pinky fingers secretly interlocking around people and his favourite— when you placed your palm on his cheek before a match, a little good luck ritual you'd implemented long ago. He would never get enough of the sparks that coursed through his veins when you touched.
His pace quickened when your walls clenched around him. Your moans echoed around the room, in harmony once again, and as another orgasm reached its peak, your arms reached around Cody's neck and pulled toward you, pressing your lips together. The kiss was messy and toothy, and he interlaced your fingers together, sending his free hand between your bodies, his finger circling your clit. You quickly became unglued and your head thrashed against the bed, screaming Cody's name, just the way he liked; as Cody reached his own orgasm, his mouth found your neck, biting down hard before he lapped at the skin with his tongue.
He dropped his body onto you, and you wrapped your arms around his back, enjoying the weight of him on top of you. He nuzzled his head into your neck, pulling the sheets over the both of you, and you closed your eyes, feeling content. With his chest on yours, your heartbeats combined, like your two hearts were one. There were so many reasons for you to go public with your relationship, to let people in on your secret. You wanted to scream from the rooftops about how lucky you were to be the one Cody Rhodes wanted to be with. But you also wanted to stay in your bubble, in your own world where it was just the two of you, nobody else mattered, or even existed.
Cody lifted his head off your chest and leaned onto his elbow, tilting his head as he grinned at you. "You okay?" He asked and you turned to face him, reaching your hand up and placing your palm on his cheek, smiling at the beautiful man with the hearts in his eyes that were for you, and only you.
"I'm starving." You whispered, grinning at him. He rolled onto his back, reaching for a phone that was on the bedside cabinet. He settled back onto the bed, and you found your usual space on his chest. "What do you fancy?"
"Apart from you?" You asked, tracing circles around his chest. Cody laughed loudly, and you grinned wider. "Chinese."
"Whatever you want, you shall receive." Cody replied, making you blush. "Yeah?" You asked, and he nodded, planting his lips on your forehead softly.
"Of course. Always."
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melanieph321 · 4 months
Dominik Szoboszlai x Black Reader - First Sight Part 1/8
The Spark
@trentione I got the gif from your page. It's what inspired me to write this story 🙌
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This story is about the night reader met her boyfriend Dominik and the series of crazy events that led up to the beginning of their love story.
"I don't wanna go."
"Y/N you can't say that when we're already here."
You were not antisocial, let's make that clear. But after a week of cramming for your nursing exam, the last thing you wanted to do was spend your Friday night at some random guy's apartment.
"Come on, Sami Chun and his friends are cool, we'll have a great time." Your friend, Tara, had to push you up the flight of steps up to the apartment, however, you paused mid step. "Friends? What do you mean his friends?"
She shrugged. "Well he said that he already had some people over, and that I should bring a friend too. So I brought you." She smiled.
"Great." You sighed. "It better not be all guys."
It was. Three guys joined by two naive girls. "You came!" Sami exclaimed. He welcomed you at the door, and everything about him screamed "I sell vapes to underage kids", mainly, because of the tooth pick that he wiggled between his newly bleached teeth, or the overzied white t-shirt he wore that stated that "Surf is life."
"Come in." He waved. " There's loads of beer in the fridge."
You followed him inside, clinging tightly to your purse. Tara seemed giddy with excitement whilst you were sure to be in the beginning of a movie meant to raise awareness about date rape drugs.
"Everyone, this is the girl I was talking about, Tara and her friend...."
It was a small apartment, small but surprisingly tidy for an engineering student. You turned the corner to what looked to be a bedroom turned into a living room. Your eyes swept past the two guys slouching one the sofa, instead frowning at the leather coasters beaneath the glasses of beer set on the table.
"Ouch." You groaned, as Tara's elbow stabbed you in the ribs.
"Introduced yourself." She hissed.
Tara's eyes darted to her left, reffering to the guy's whose eyes were on you. "Introduce yourself." She repeated, through clenched teeth.
You raised a hand, waving awkwardly. "Hi, I'm Y/N and I'm an alcoholic."
Tara's head dropped to her hands, covering her face, disappointed and embarrassed by your response. However, your attention was drawn to the guys on the sofa, particularly the one with the dimples that flourished when he laughed. It lit something within you, a sudden spark that brought heat to your face. He was cute, dangerously cute. Like, let's rob a bank together cute. Or please let me sit on your pretty face cute. Except for the black tumbleweed growing out of his scalp, he was perfect.
"You guys want something to drink?" Sami offered, having to speak up as his friends laughter was contagious, causing the other guy, the one with the faded afro, to give away a thigh slapping laugh.
"Yeah, let me help you get it." Tara muttered, already regretting having brought you with her. She was clearly into Sami, wanting to impress him.
"Um, where's the bathroom?" You asked.
"Just down the hall and to the left." Sami instructed. He then disappeared into the kitchen with Tara. You nodded your head, excusing yourself as you left the guys on the sofa, effortlessly avoiding eye contact with the one whose face you'd like to sit on.
You took your time in the bathroom, snooping through cabinets as they were filled woth glamorous products that you didn't even keep at your own place. "Who is this guy?" You asked at one point, turning to read the label on the vitamin face serum, containin chemicals that guaranteed clearance of blackheads. Sami was either playing for another team, or very fond of his skin. Then again, it was more than homophobic to assume that only gay men had skincare routines.
"Fuck." You gasped as a knock on the bathroom door interrupted your snooping.
"You done in there?"
"Just a minute!"
You rushed to put everything back where you found it, only to be startled by Mr Let Me Sit On Your Face, as you went to unlock the door. He displayed a poisonous grin.  "Are you good?"
"Um..." Great, he had an accent too. One you didn't recognize where it was from. "...sure." You said.
"You sure?"
"Sure." You nodded, taking a step to the side. "The bathroom is all yours."
He chuckled. "Well, I didn't really have to go. Your friend was asking where you went and I offered to go look."
"Oh." There it was again, that spark in your chest.
"I'm assuming you were snooping through Sami's belongings."
"What? No, I wasn't."
Thank God you were born black otherwise your face would have been crimson right now.
"You sure?" He enjoyed seeing you sweat, you could tell.
"Yeah, I'm sure. You don't even have any proof."
"Well, your friend said that you probably were snooping and that's why you were gone for so long."
Fuck. He got you there. But then he leaned forward, his cologne ambushing your nostrils when he whispered, "Don't worry,  I won't tell." Again, you thank god for gifting you with your dark skin, otherwise it would have given you away. Given away how much he was turning you on.
"There you are." Tara said, seeing you trailing your steps behind Mr Let Me Sit On Your Face. The two of you entered the living room. It was now full of smoke by the way. Evaporating smoke that smelled like bubblegum cherry. Sami was passing around his vape pen, offering it arround to anyone who wanted a hit. Of course Tara wanted to smoke, blowing on Sami's pen as if he had offered to put his dick in her mouth.
"You want?" Mr Let Me Sit On Your Face said, offering you to take a hit of his own vape pen.
"I'm allergic." You replied, or more so, lied.
It was funny, him pulling back the pen as if its tip would burn you.
"Who's this?" You asked, leaning towards Sami's other friend who was also cute, but not as cute as Mr Let Me Sit On Your Face.
"You've never heard of Spitfire?" He asked suprised, turning up the volume to what you could only assumed to be some subculture British rapper.
"Trent only likes music that you can't dance to." Mr Let Me Sit On Your Face leaned in to whisper, his breath close to your ear, the smell of sour candy awakening the hairs on the back of your neck. Your turned to him, glaring curiously. "You dance?"
He grinned. "I'd dance with you."
"Shit. I think we're out of beer." Sami said, tossing the last can in the bin. "Someone's gonna have to make another beer run."
"I'll go." You volunteered, straightening your skirt as you stood up from having been vedged between Trent and Mr Let Me Sit On Your Face.
"Y/N?" Tara questioned, an anxious look on your face. "You're not thinking about going alone are you?"
You shrugged.  "Why not? The shop is only around the corner, no? We passed it on our way here."
"Yes, but you've been drinking."
"I'll go with her."
There was movment behind you. The spark that lit within you already told you who it was.
"See, don't worry babe. Dom will go with her."
Tara looked to blush as Sami threw a reassuring arm around her shoulders, addressing her as "babe". That was the last of Tara's worries, she practically forgot about you after that.
"Your name is Dom?" You said, turning to Mr Let Me Sit On Your Face as the two of you went to put on your shoes in the hallway. He smiled, "What did you think it was?"
"Um..." You do not want to know buddy.
"It's short for Dominik but Trent doesn't let people we know call me that since he had a bully in primary school with the same name."
"So you remind of him, Trent's bully?"
The two of you stepped out of the apartment and took the elevator down. The night was cold once you were fully exposed to it, however, your jean jacket brought you some comfort.
"Apart from the name, I don't really think so. I don't think Trent would want to live with someone who reminded him of his childhood bully."
"So the two of you are roommates?" You asked as you and Dominik turned the corner, on the pursuit to buy beer from the corner shop down the road.
"And lovers." He grinned
"Oh, like me and Tara?"
His laughter echoed in the night, not expecting to meet his match. Little did you know that after the following events of this night, you would have met yours too.
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sydsaint · 7 months
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Summary: The reader is a member of Judgment Day who piques Jey's interest.
"Jordan, grab my bag from the trunk, please." You ask McDonagh after you step out of the SUV with Rhea. 
"Grab mine too, Dom," Rhea adds from your side. 
Dominick and Jordan both nod and grab yours and Rhea's bags. The pair pop back up on either side of you and Rhea and everyone heads inside the arena. You and Rhea chat about the show while Dominick and Jordan trail after you. 
"I just remember that I've got that match against Zoey Stark tonight." You think aloud. "Ugh, what a pain in the ass, right?" 
"Got that right." Rhea agrees. "I still can't believe that Zoey thinks she has any chance of beating me at Survivor Series." She snorts. 
You and Rhea laugh and everyone files into the Judgement Day locker room. Damian and Finn are already there when you arrive so you walk over to Damian to chat. Jordan cautiously trails behind you, wary of being so close to Damian. 
"I see that you got your briefcase back." You notice that Damian has regained his MITB contract after Sami Zayn hijacked it a few days ago. "How'd you manage that?" You ask him. 
"Pearce had it in his office," Damian explains. "So either he made Sami give it to him. Or Zayn just dropped it off because he didn't want me to come looking for him." He sneers. 
You scoff and shrug. "I'd still kick his ass if I were you." You suggest. "The little weasel needs to be taught a lesson so he doesn't try and pull something like that again." 
"Oh, Sami will get his." Damian insists with a dark chuckle. "When the time is right." 
You nod and hang around for a bit longer until it's time for your match against Zoey Stark. "Come on, Jordan." You beckoned JD back to your side since he wandered off to chat with Finn. 
"Coming." Jordan hops to his feet and walks over to you. 
You make your way out to the ring with Jordan at your side for backup. Zoey Stark comes out a few moments later and the two of you start the match. 
Despite Zoey's best efforts, you make quick work of the blonde and start teasing her about Rhea once you've won. Jordan laughs and teases Zoey with you a bit until someone else's entrance music hits on the overhead speakers. Your head snaps to the top of the ramp as Jey Uso makes his way down to the ring. 
Jey makes his way down to the ring with a mic in hand and comes face-to-face with you in the ring. "Y/N, how's it going, shortie?" Jey flashes you a charming smile. 
"What do you want, Jey?" You turn your nose up at the defected Uso. "And where's your boyfriend at? I believe Damian would like a word with him." 
"This ain't about him," Jey replies. "I'm here to talk about us, baby." He informs you with a flirty grin. 
You raise a brow at Jey's claim and look him up and down briefly. "Us?" You repeat him. "Since when is there an us?" You ask him. 
"Yeah! She's with me!" Jordan speaks up from your side. 
"Shut your mouth, ol' big forehead looking ass." Jey snaps at Jordan and silences him. "The lady and I are talking." 
You hold back a snicker at Jey's comment and try to remain stoic. "I'm pretty sure this conversation is over." You insist. "Come on Jordan, let's leave Jey to call for his boyfriends." You gesture for Jordan to part the ring ropes for you. 
"Here, let me, baby." Jey shoves past Jordan and parts the ring ropes for you. "And hey, when you tired of having ol' big forehead over there following you around like a lost puppy? You know where to find me, baby. A girl like you should have a real man at your side." He flashes a grin at you. 
Jordan huffs and grumbles to himself as he hurries to catch up with you on the ramp. You walk backward a few steps as Jey stares at you from inside the ring. You stare back at him until Jordan sets a hand on your arm. 
"Y/N? Come on!" Jordan posters you. 
"I'm coming, Jordan. Geez. Pipe down." You snap back at him and head backstage. 
When you return to the locker room, you walk over to Rhea and Jordan finds Finn. Rhea congratulates you on beating Zoey as you sit down next to her. 
"Nice work taking out Starks." Rhea smiles at you. 
"Ah, it was light work." You wave your hand dismissively. "It should be an easy night for you at Survivor Series." You insist. 
Rhea nods in agreement and changes the subject. "And what about Jey Uso?" She asks you. 
"What about him?" You reply. 
You and Rhea chat about Jey for a bit and his potential in Judgement Day. Damian walks over to the two of you after a bit with some news. "Jey and Sami are tagging together in a bit against Kaiser and Vinci. Finn and I are going out there to get some revenge." He informs you and Rhea. 
"Okay." Rhea nods. "Why don't you take Y/N and Jordan with you?" She suggests. "You can mess with Jey a bit more." 
"Ooo, sounds fun." You agree and join Damian and Finn. 
Everyone heads out to the ring and Damian gets to work in attacking Sami. Finn goes after Giovanni and Jey, leaving Kaiser the only one not being attacked. You lock eyes with Kaiser and nudge Jordan on the arm. 
"I don't like how he's looking at me, Jordan, Take care of it." You send Jordan on his way. 
"What about me, baby?" Jey pops up at your side a few seconds later. 
You lock eyes with Jey and an amused smile cracks on your lips. "You're no better." You taunt him. 
"Oh, I don't think that's true, baby." Jey chuckles. "I know that you're into me, Y/N." He insists. "I can see it in your eyes." 
"I think that you need to get over yourself, Jey." You reply but take a step back as Jey advances on you. 
You back up and your back hits the ring so you stop. Jey steps up to you and looks you over. His gaze switches from your eyes to your lips a few times before he licks his own. "Why don't you let me show you what a real man is capable of?" He asks you suggestively. 
Before Jey can advance on you any further, Jordan pulls you away and back to the rest of the team. You laugh at Jordan's side and shrug at Jey. "Better luck next time, Jey!" You shout at him with an amused laugh. 
"Oh, I can wait, baby!" Jey shouts back at you. "Take all the time that you need. I'll be right here." He insists. 
You watch Jey as you walk back up the ramp. And you know that he means what he claims. 
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heart4reigns · 1 year
SICK DAYS, roman reigns.
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warnings: curse words, fainting, pure fluff, domestic-work life!! pet names <3
tags: sick day for u!!!! roman being a teddy bear wuwuwuw, kinda short (sorry)!!
summary: it’s okay to take a break
MAYBE the weather wasn’t really that friendly to you. it was winter and you weren’t prepared for it. or maybe, it was because of that cup of coffee you shared with paul while he had the flu last week. you woke up with a sore throat. you cursed yourself for not bringing water to your room and now you have to get up. as you sat up from your position, you heard your boyfriend’s snores. he was fast asleep and you wished that you were also like him. the creak from your bed woke him up. “baby.” he mumbled. “go back to sleep, i’m just getting water.” you ruffled his hair, telling him to go back to sleep. “okay.”
you turned on the lights, grabbing a glass from the counter. your head was throbbing like crazy. you didn't even realize that you dropped the glass on the floor, waking up your boyfriend. "baby? are you okay?" you heard his footsteps. "yeah, yeah. don't worry, it slipped from the counter." you replied, assuring him that you were okay. he took your hand, to check if you injured yourself or not. "you're burning up." roman placed his hand on your neck, noticing the fever. "i'm okay, baby."
"now, you stay in bed okay?" you shook your head. "baby, i told you i'm okay!" you pouted. "you have a fever and there's no way you're going in the ring today, i'll let everyone know that you're sick." he talked some senses into you, but being the hard-headed person you were, you kept on countering him. "no, no. look, i can stand up perfectly now." you immediately stood up from your position, only causing yourself to fall on your back. "see, you can't even stand properly, silly." roman chuckled. "please just let me go today, the arena is like 10 minutes from our house. i'll let you drive me there!"
after pestering your boyfriend about going to work, he drove you to the arena. "let me know if you wanna go back, okay baby? don't push yourself too hard." you nodded and kissed his forehead. "i can't believe your puppy eyes worked on me." he snickered, getting out of the car. "because you love me." "that's right."
the arena wasn't empty, several staffs were still working. you had to practice some choreography with solo (your tag-team partner) for this week's segment. thankfully, you were partnered up with sami and kevin, the chemistry between the 4 of you was already stable, meaning you didn't have to adapt to a new environment. "damn, (y/n). you look like you've been through some shit." solo commented.
"she's sick as hell but still wants to come." roman sighed in frustration. "go easy on her today." you groaned. "no, don't go easy on me. i'll be okay." you took off your hoodie and hung it inside your locker. “nah, but for real, (y/n). you can watch on the side, i don’t want you to faint or something.” solo continued. “my dude, i’m perfectly fine. i can spear you right here, right now to prove that i’m alright.”
truth be told, you were far from alright. the headache grew stronger and your fever went higher as time went by. even kevin hesitated a bit when he wanted to hit the stunner on you. “are you sure about this?” his arms were on the back of your neck, flaring up by the touch of your heated-skin. “i’m sure.” you smiled at him. “okay, here goes nothing.” you sold the move like usual, but you didn’t get up from your position.
“(y/n)?” solo squatted down, checking up on you. “i’m fine, can you help me get up? i can’t feel my legs.” “come on.” he took your hand and lifted you up. “hey guys, can i take a 10 minute break?” you asked your friends. “i got you, (y/n)!” jimmy slid inside the ring, helping you. “guys, it’s not like i am injured or anything, i just have a fever.” you chuckled, everyone had a concerned look plastered on their faces. “maybe we should all take a break from choreo, let’s run some lines while we wait for (y/n) to rest. wait, never mind, (y/n) take your time okay! we’ll be here all night!” sami gave you a huge smile.
so you were back in the locker room, laying down on the couch. “call me if you need anything. if you wanna go back, call me. i’ll help you out. roman should be back in 15 minutes, he’s dealing with costumes.” you nodded. “sorry practice was a mess because of me. give me 10 minutes and i’ll be okay!” jimmy patted your head. “don’t need to be sorry, you’re our little sister, of course we’ll take care of you.” with that, he closed the door.
“where’s (y/n)?” roman scanned the ring, not seeing your presence. “she’s in the locker room, taking a break. not looking very good, uce.” jey said as he was typing on his phone. “i told her she didn’t have to go today. god, she is so stubborn sometimes.” roman replied, taking off his new gloves. “it’s been half an hour and she’s not back, i think she’s sleeping.” solo added. “i’m gonna check on her, be right back.” roman practically power-walked to the locker room, concerned about your well-being.
and there you were, dozing off on the couch. roman put his hand on your forehead and your fever was worse than before. he gently shook your body, trying to wake you up as he was going to take you back home. “baby?” roman whispered. “(y/n)?” he repeated, not getting an answer. you were out cold.
“what?” you opened your eyes and you were not in the locker room. it took you a couple of seconds to realize that you were back home. “baby, you’re awake.” you saw him carrying a bottle of water and a bowl of something you couldn’t identify. “why are we back home?” was the first question you asked. “baby, you passed out.” “holy shit, i did?”
you hated being sick. you sent multiple messages to solo, jimmy, jey, sami, and kevin (even paul) apologizing because you missed out on rehearsals. they sent the same ‘get well soon’ messages and it warmed your heart. your boyfriend, on the other hand, was panicking over your health. every 5 minutes he would ask if you needed anything to drink or if you wanted anything from downstairs. “baby please stop worrying about me, i’ll be fine in like a day!” you said, trying your best to convince him that you were going to be alright.
“no! of course i’m worried, you’re sick.” he stood up once again, checking your temperature. “it’s still the same, wait, let me get you some cool pads downstairs.” he walked downstairs, carrying the entire medicine compartment. you heard his footsteps but you couldn’t even sit up straight. this fever was taking every single energy you had inside your body. it was quite comical, for a wrestler with your achievements to lose in a fight with this fever. you smiled as your boyfriend entered the room once again.
as he pressed the cooling pad on your forehead, you couldn’t help but to notice that he had a very concerned look on his face. “why are you smiling?” he furrowed his eyebrows. “i don’t know.” after giving you your medicine, he laid right next to you, feeling the warmth coming from your fever. the room was quiet, leaving the two of you in a comfortable silence.
“i think this is all paul’s fault.” you blurted out, gaining his attention. “why is that?” he furrowed his brows. “old people.” you chuckled at your own joke, causing you to cough your lungs out. “okay, that’s karma, don’t blame the man though, he loves you like you’re his own daughter.” he added. “i think it was the coffee from last week, you know, the ‘(y/n) this coffee is so good, you have to try it’ that coffee.” roman let out a laugh at your paul impression as he caressed your hair, taking the time to study your features.
you were rarely sick. the last time you were sick was months ago when you ate a bad hotdog from the street fair somewhere in chicago. you ended up in the emergency room with jey and the two of you couldn’t stop laughing the pain away. “i swear if my fever doesn’t die down by friday, i’m gonna lose my shit.” you admitted. roman only nodded in response, still trying his best to not panic at the touch of your skin.
“i’m scared.” you confessed, gaining his attention “of what, baby?” “what if i fuck up next friday?” you were worried. “baby, it’s going to be okay. now all you need is some rest, you’ve been working your ass off for months. it’s not a big fight, you just need to deliver your promos, let kev hit the stunner, and solo will do the rest, just like the script. you’re not gonna fight until next week, i’m sure you’ll be healthy and ready to spear some people.” he always knew how to cheer you up. “you’re right, sorry. the fever is talking.”
and the silence came in again. it was just the two of you, not doing anything. although your head was still pounding, you couldn’t help but to appreciate the moment. your boyfriend knew that you were a hard-headed person when it comes to work-related things, but this time he was thankful you complied with him. roman was still brushing your hair with his fingers, admiring your features like there was no tomorrow. it broke his heart seeing you being in pain because of a stupid fever. maybe he was being overly dramatic, but he just wanted to take care of you. “this is a very weird request,” you paused for a second. “but can you hug me? your skin feels so cold.”
roman grinned as he gently pulled you closer in his arms. “okay, you’re actually not as hot as before.” he sighed in relief. “are you calling me ugly?” he didn’t really understand why you still had the energy to joke around, but at least you were responding better than before. “oh, shut up. just close your eyes and get some rest.” roman replied. “thank you for taking care of me, i’m sorry i don’t think we can go to that date tomorrow night.” you apologized. “don’t apologize, baby. i love you too and i will always take care of you, okay?”
“you know, this is nice.” you admitted. “what is nice?” he turned around, moving closer to you. “just the two of us, here. i like this silence, we should stay home for our day off next time.” once again, he nodded in agreement. “but let’s make sure you’re not practically bed-ridden, that would be great. and now that you’ve mentioned it, i like this silence.” as soon as roman finished his sentence, you heard a knock coming from downstairs.
“YO, OPEN UP THE DOOR! WE BROUGHT SOUP AND TYLENOLS FOR (Y/N)!” it was none other than his damn cousins. you smiled at him, while roman was groaning in the despair. “god, i’m going to beat their asses for disturbing our peace.” he rolled his eyes, getting up from the bed. truthfully, maybe because of this fever, you got a chance to take a break from your fast-paced work. you took a mental note to thank paul for giving you the flu. “god bless paul heyman.”
a/n: quick sweet domestic life for you (i’m sick as well but why don’t i have any roman reigns taking care of me!!!! i want him)!! anyways like usual, requests are always open!! hope y’all enjoyed this short fic!
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void-detective · 2 months
Still my Champion ❤️‍🔥
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((GIF NOT MINE!! Dividers made by cafekitsune))
Author note: Due to somewhat popular demand and encouragement from @eboni-napalm. The Gunther story continues! First part is here! Thank you for the support and please remember to repost if you want to see more! Sorry for any punctuation mistakes!
Warnings: 18+, hand job, mild voyeurism, gender neutral reader, face fucking, and rough sex/handling.
Word count: 2,324
Summary: After WrestleMania 40, the Ring General was frustrated and exhausted by the end of the match. And with you following him around like a loyal puppy? It was the perfect way to let out frustrations.
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You had been dreading this day for weeks but it seemed that the big day was finally here. It was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the Lincoln Financial Field where it warmed out towards the ring.
The biggest stage of them all, WrestleMania.
You knew that creative had already long planned Gunther's title reign to end, and you knew he wouldn't be happy to lose his title to the likes of Sami Zayn, the underdog of the story. It had been weeks of built up tension between Sami and Gunther, along with the addition of Chad Gable being thrown in the mix as a way to distract Sami during their matches.
You however had been attempting (and failing) to get the attention of the Ring General. Which had proven to be much easier said than done. The Imperium were tightly knit, and gaining the favor of any of the three men had proven to be a hard task to accomplish, especially with Gunther. The easiest one to gain favor or more so trust was Giovanni, who was more quiet and more observant than the other two men, Maybe he was just used to being the silent one of the group?
Ludwig, on the other hand, was a whole other story to begin with. Arrogant and loud to voice his distaste towards you anytime you tried to get too close to Gunther, almost like you had a disease. Whether it be that Kaiser saw himself more of a personal bodyguard or not, he was constantly at Gunther's side. Waving off interviews or keeping an eye peeled for threats or any of their rivals that they were currently feuding with.
Most of your support came from silent cheering or rooting for him backstage every time he appeared out for a match. Most of the time you only really got in a passing comment or compliment when he returned from a match and you received a smirk and knowing glances between his tag team members.
The glances and looks were enough to have you weak.
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Sami Zayn v.s Gunther (Intercontinental Championship) - Day 666 of Gunther's Intercontinental Championship reign. 
The match had been positively grueling for both men and by the closing minutes of the match, they both were exhausted. You had been sitting backstage with baited breath while the other two Imperium members watched the tv with interest and a hint of worry for their leader.
Sami’s chest had begun to turn a dull but noticeable red color from the constant chops and blows to the area and Gunther had exhausted every move on his move set towards Zayn.
You could see the frustration and irritation growing along with Gunther's temper flaring as he tried harder and harder to hit Sami with more devastating blows, in an attempt to deter him. But predictably, with the crowd's support and determination, Sami had willed himself to deliver a powerful helluva kick to the champion.
And with the three count the longest IC run in WWE history had ended.
Immediately upon the loss you were quick to hop to your feet and follow in pursuit of the Imperium in the hopes of getting a few words in with Gunther and check on him. Though you had received a nasty glare by Ludwig you had decided to follow anyway and decided to mentally prepare yourself in case Gunther lost his cool.
Although anxiously, you had waited by the gorilla till the large form of the former champion pushed through the curtains and started making his way back through the halls to his locker room. You trailed after the team while they made their way backstage and ignored the glances you received from your coworkers and friends. For someone who was always so calm and collected it freaked you out to see the scowl worn by the taller man.
Kaiser and Giovanni stopped you in front of the locker room while it was turned inside out by Gunther who had already known about the loss but was angry over it regardless. You watched in worry while he paced the room and wiped down his body with a towel to wipe the sweat, or at least get most of it off so he could cool down.
You caught the stare of Ludwig and Giovanni while you watched Gunther, but still ignored them regardless of the fact they clearly didn't like you around. You snapped out your thoughts when you heard the familiar strong Austrian accent call your name and make you lift your head to look again.
The Ring General had his fingers curled in a ‘come here’ motion and you found yourself anxiously itching yourself within his locker room. You kept a distance watching the way he motioned and you heard the door close to the locker room as well. Your gaze momentarily averted his blue eyes to glance over at the two men now standing guard before the closed locker room door. ‘What?’
Your heart began to race as your mind went through different scenarios to why this had ended up happening. Had you been annoying? Was he going to leave you with another ominous threat? The longer you felt all three men's eyes on you then longer you felt the increasing effects of being in his presence for so long. Were you hot and bothered? Maybe but you couldn't blame yourself when you watched him pin people or that stupid cocky grin.
“Come on, I'm not going to bite you.” Gunther mused and put a hand on his hip while his eyes followed your movement to stand in front of him. “Why are you following us around like a lost puppy? Is there something you want?” He questioned giving you a more serious stare as he frowned, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked down at you.
You opened your mouth to reply, but found yourself stammering and turned your gaze down to the floor as you felt the blush raise on your cheeks in response. Yes, you did follow him like a lost puppy but it was more because you hoped it would result in Gunther catching onto what you wanted. Yet again your anxiety began to take course and you curled your fingers into the hoodie you wore as a way to try and distract yourself. Why were you such a wreck?
Gunther raised your chin by gently clasping it in his larger digits and cocked an eyebrow at your reaction. You couldn't tell if he was scrutinizing you for your reaction or if there was worry buried beneath his stoic expression. Either way it made you shrink momentarily and swallow the lump that you felt had formed in your throat. The intensity of his eyes made it felt like he was staring into your very soul and you swore your heart would beat out your chest.
“Are you really that desperate for my attention?” Gunther chuckled and stepped forward as he released your chin. You felt your anxiety spark as your back collided with the wall and you realized he had you trapped between himself and the wall.
Your eyes went wide and your hands went to your sides as you gazed up at him being so close that you swore he was messing with you. The heat from his body alone felt like stepping out into summer heat, and with his arms caging you against the wall? You might as well melt into a puddle right there.
Reality hit you when you heard the sound of another chuckle and tore your gaze over at Ludwig and Giovanni, who were observing your defenseless position. You furrowed your eyebrows and frowned looking up at Gunther as you shifted your weight on your feet. “..do they have to be here?” You whispered and rubbed your neck.
“Of course they do, why? You don't like it?” The bigger man smirked and leaned toward you with a tilted head. “You want to gain my favor so bad, hm?” He added and brushed your hair out your eyes so he could see them better.
“I do.” You meekly responded, quietly yet audibly as you nodded your head in agreement. Your eyes stayed focused on his expression as he took a step back and placed a hand on top of your head.
“On your knees.”
The demand had your heart skip a beat and you found yourself kneeling down on the soft carpet below. You leaned back from the position you were in, you were right in front of his crotch and you felt your mouth suddenly go dry at the implications of this position.
One of his large hands kept you seated there while the other looped a finger around the waistband of his wrestling trunks. You felt dirty but it was mostly because you were aware that you had an unwanted audience watching you two.
Gunther was average for a man his size which wasn't a bad thing, all things considered but you could see how thick he was from the view. You grunted feeling his fingers curl in your hair and tug you toward him, he stepped forward to meet you halfway.
You were exactly expecting him to be gentle, but this? It was a whole other level, almost like the way he treated people in the ring. It wasn't like you weren't doing this but you were more scared of the fact you never did this with any of the talent here. You always thought it was wrong or feared you could get fired if caught by anyone else in the locker room.
You were pulled forward by the hair and nearly choked when he drove his hips forward into your mouth. His fingers kept you from pulling away as he steadied your position with him nestled halfway in your mouth. The sounds were dirty and the quiet of the locker room left you being able to hear yourself struggling to take him fully.
He would bury himself deeper, even if you couldn't take him fully down and stayed there with your nose flush against his crotch. The only sounds being both your labored breathing and the small hums of approval that occasionally left Ludwig. Deep down you knew you couldn't ignore the, arousal from being manhandled by the larger man like some kind of toy.
Gunther would tug your hair back to watch you struggle to breath and the small muffled moans that escaped you from him tugging your hair so hard. You could see the smugness and amusement coming off him from seeing you so disheveled and shaky because of him. And you thanked the crew for giving superstars rooms that were mostly sound proof.
Each thrust had you whimpering and trying to take deep breaths through, your nose while the assault continued on. And the Ring General was relatively silent through the whole session, only letting out some guttural sounds. You could feel your own spit down your chin and looked up at him through hooded eyes just to see the large smirk plastered on his features.
The salty taste on your tongue startled you and you felt some panic bubble in your stomach that he might just cum straight down your throat at the moment. And Gunther must've sensed your inner turmoil because he tugged your hair back rather roughly. The sound when you were pulled off made you flush a darker shade of pink and you found yourself gasping shortly for breaths to fill your lungs.
You swallowed hard and lifted your arm to wipe the spit off your chin as you shifted on your knees. You could tell he was still waiting for you to do something and you assumed that if he pulled off he was waiting for you to finish the job. Your own arousal and need mostly pushed aside unless he gave you permission to even touch yourself as you scooted forward. His hold on your hair finally relaxed when you wrapped your hand around the base.
It was an easy job from you coating most of him, you took a moment to squeeze him before stroking him at a decent pace. You could hear the soft breathing above you and smiled to yourself when he rocked forward into your hand with a grunt. You moved your hand faster and watched the precum leak down the tip which you leaned forward to lick, knowingly teasing the bigger man.
That really must have set him off because you felt his body tense up and his grip on your hair tightened dangerously once again. His hips thrusting forward and you leaned back ever so slightly to avoid getting the cum in your hair. Your eyes closed as you tried to not grimace even if it was the better option, you still weren't fond of getting cum on your face.
Finally his presence left you and you heard the footsteps of Kaiser and Giovanni as they moved to your side. You felt a soft fabric hit your face which made you flinch and open your eyes to find a towel had been thrown at you. You rubbed your face off and lowered it to your lap to see Gunther wiping his body down again, already tucked back into his trunks.
“You know.. maybe we could give you a role inside of Imperium.” Gunther gazed down at you with a condescending but amused grin. “What do you think?” He turned his head to Ludwig and Giovanni who had returned to his side with grins. They both just nodded along in agreement to their leader, all to knowing of the implications at hand.
The former lC champion squatted down to your level on the floor and lifted your gaze to meet his icy one. His smirk only grew as he lightly squeezed your chin in his larger fingers with a hum.
“Welcome to Imperium, I hope you can take the heat..”
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naomis-daydream · 1 year
touchin’, lovin’, fuckin’ // shuri udaku
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warnings: kissing, fingering (shuri receiving), kinda bottom!shuri, exhibitionism
a/n: yesterday was my two week anniversary on tumblr (writing wise bc i’ve been here for months lolz) so here’s a lil treat! my first time writing smut so pls be nice.
translations: bhabha - baby, sthandwa sami - my love, nkosazana- princess.
p.s i didn’t write this, i have class.
“Come on, let me touch you.” you whispered, lips ghosting over the lobe of her ear.
Shuri wished she could respond, say something, anything, but right now, all she could focus on was the feeling of your cool fingertips dancing across her lower stomach.
“Don’t you wanna feel good?” your lips muttered against hers as her mouth opened to let out a low groan. “I can make you feel so good.”
As if your words weren’t enough, you slipped your hand below her waistband, cupping her clothed cunt in your palm. Shuri threw her head back, biting back a whimper. You took this as an invitation to leave a trail of kisses up her neck, stopping just below her ear to suck gently on her soft skin.
Just as you begin to trace small circles on her clit does she finally give you a coherent sentence.
“W-We can’t,” she says breathlessly, “Someone could come in.”
Though her actions contradict her words. Her arms are wrapped around your waist, hands dropping down to squeeze your ass when you dip your hand into her underwear.
Truth be told, she was right—anyone could walk in. You had her leaned against a relatively empty lab table that was in the direct eye-line of the entrance. If anyone happened to walk in, which could be any moment since her Design Group usually returned for lunch at 1pm, they’d see the incredibly lewd sight of the princess on the verge of being finger-fucked by her girlfriend.
And quite frankly Shuri was already seen as a who child who “scoffs at tradition”, so maybe adding exhibitionist to the list wasn’t the brightest idea. Though she couldn’t care less about that when you finally pushed a finger inside her.
“You’re so wet, bhabha.” You cooed as she moaned softly, trying to conceal her pleasure, lest someone overhear.
You would have none of that.
You moved your hand from behind her on the table to grip lightly on her neck, pulling her head up to look you in the eye. “Mm-mm, nkosazana, I wanna hear you.” You whispered, pumping your finger in and out at a slow pace.
She held your gaze with those beautiful, brown eyes. Her lips were shut in an awfully cute pout. You could tell she wanted to make her pleasure audible, yet still hesitant to oblige. That was fine though, you had other ways of gaining her obedience.
You leaned over to kiss her, lips connecting just as she let out a blissful moan. You swallowed the noise, pushing your tongue in her mouth. Shuri sighed at the contact, beginning to grind into your hand.
You pulled back, a string of spit connecting you two as she chases your lips. Looking at her with low lidded eyes, you slid another finger into her, watching her brows furrow as her jaw dropped in a silent scream, eyes closing.
Shuri could feel you everywhere. Your warmbreath on her face, your hand applying pressure lightly on her neck, and your nimble fingers stroking upward to that spongy spot that made her entire body vibrate in ecstasy.
You slowly increased your pace, tightening your grip to pull her back to you. “Eyes on me.” For her sake, she obeyed, meeting your gaze with a slightly quivering lower lip.
You curled your fingers inside her, reaching for that perfect spot that’d make her-
You smirked.
“Bast, please, Y/n. Don’t stop.” She swallows thickly as another moan escapes her. The lab was flooded with the sound of your fingers entering and exiting her at an ungodly place, the wet sound of your knuckles meeting her pussy brought tears to her eyes.
You smiled softly. “Aw, poor baby. Does it feel that good?”
Shuri nods quickly, incapable of forming words that’d do you justice.
“Who makes you feel this good?”
“You do,” she utters, hands moving to grip the edge of the table with crushing force.
“Who else takes care of you like I do?” You ask, letting go of her neck to wipe the single tear that slid down her cheek.
“No one else but you. Only you, sthandwa sami.” she cries.
You can tell she’s close, her hips are practically buckling against you as you bring your thumb to rub her clit once more.
Your hand cups the side of her face, kissing the spot where her tear once resided. “Come for me.”
Shuri buried her face in your neck, muffling the obscene noises you so desperately enjoyed. She wraps her arms around your waist tightly, pulling you closer as she rides her orgasm out, hips rolling against your hand still pumping slowly inside her.
“Ndiyakuthandana,” she says into your skin. I love you.
Her post-coital words of affection make you chuckle as you slowly pull out of her. “I love you more.”
She pulls her head out of the crook of your neck, arms still around your waist. “Akunakwenzeka.” It is impossible.
You hum softly, admiring her supple skin. A hazy, fucked-out smile was strayed across her face, eyes glazed with fulfillment. The two of you stay like that, looking blissfully at each other, for a few more seconds before the chatter of the lab assistants nearby breaks you from your reverie.
Shuri quickly removes her hands from around you, looking down to button and zip her jeans. You laugh at her movements as the doors opened.
Shuri glares at you as she smooths her shirt out, saying a quick greeting to the others as your back still faced them. As they reply, you place your fingers in your mouth, tongue swirling around the two digits. You pull them out slowly with a small pop! smiling at the way Shuri’s mouth parts.
“Fuck you,” she says low enough so only you can hear her.
Walking backwards, you wink at her with a smile. “Maybe later.”
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