fatal-blow · 6 months
Beighton score
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NOTE: if you used to be able to do these, but cannot because of PAIN (not because you got older, children are more flexible in general) then add those points regardless.
Chronic pain is defined as a pain that has been going for three months or longer. This applies to repetitive stress injuries. Hit yes regardless of what causes your pain, i am willing to accept that error in results.
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angryschnauzer · 8 months
Look, i'm not saying its something i'll ever write, but if modern day Geralt was a physiotherapist then that would 100% explain the guy that just twisted me into a pretzel and gave me accupuncture for my injured back.
White hair and beard, late 30s, tattoos, thicc, twisting me onto my side whilst telling me to relax my hips and he'll take the weight of my legs and then to push my knee against his waist as hard as i could.
Sir. You were surprised when i stood up a little dizzy. It wasnt a surprise to me.
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(And i can use this as an excuse to share my favourite edit Nixakimbo on insta did for me years back)
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worldbodybuilders · 2 years
William Martins.
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cherocarofficial · 5 months
2002 Ford Excursion Limited 6.8L V10 4X4
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rainbow-baby-one · 8 months
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Doctor of Physical Therapy Shirt! 🤩
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wheelie-butch · 10 months
btw if you do physio / any sort of recovery or strength training for your disability, you're literally way cooler and stronger and better and more hardcore than any gym bro. FACT.
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gramarobin · 7 months
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I graduated to the bench press at p.t. today! I also made it to just over 1 mile in 10 min on the bike, which is a big deal to me because day to day I don't feel much improvement in my knees, but 2 weeks ago I could only do a quarter mile on the bike, so things are a bit better. There is also new entertainment while I peddle on the bike at p.t.- theres a young guy, high school senior maybe? Looks to be a football player...they have him pushing a 2 foot high box with a weight ontop back and forth across the whole room in front of all the bikes & steppers...he wears short shorts like we did back in the 80's 👀 dude can run fast!
Anyway, had dinner at Big Boy tonight, listened to the manager bitch at the employees *the whole time we were there* Food was not great, won't be going there again 😐 Thats my life today
@thisgingersnapped50 💙💙
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equinesandeducation · 3 months
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Spent the morning on working up toxicology cases and had a short seminar about animal physiotherapy in the afternoon! They showed the work on both canine and equine patients, very cool!
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rimbaudsleg · 11 months
Physiotherapy after hip disarticulation (+pretty physiotherapist)
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crip-wizard · 7 months
Me doing physio:
My cat: free real estate :]
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perplexingluciddreams · 7 months
i work very hard with physio and my walking is getting better and i feel much stronger!! mum and dad notice the difference as well.
i get back into old movement patterns (from before FND). it feels very nice, like my body is more mine again. i feel i am more relaxed when i walk and i don't have to think about it so hard (still have to be careful and work to plan movements, but that is the same my whole life - it just go back to same as before).
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sshonuu · 29 days
People who have any physical issues, I've created a discord server for you all! Hope that you'll have fun!
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auntie-doom · 3 months
Well, things feel like they are moving more than they were... but still glacially slowly. Did you know you can flunk out of a PT session? Just the one session, but I couldn't do the exercises I had done just 2 days before. They kept reducing and finally just said, "no, you're done for today."
And today I can't even bend over to put on pants, good grief. I am TIRED. Not frayed, not at the end of my internal resources; the engine is there, but is completely out of gasoline. Not responding when I crank it.
Just trying to do too much, I guess. PT is showing me how incredibly weak I am[*]. I thought I was spacing out Activities well enough and taking adequate rest, but... yeah, no. Ow. I think I am going to sleep until PT on Monday afternoon.
I hate suffering through baby steps. Here's Guinevere, also going through baby steps in PT (her Auntie is kindly driving her to the university) coincidentally the same time they strapped weights to my ankles so I *felt* like I was slogging through mud. We'll get through this, but the past week was HARD.
[*] I am just going to assume that when they change the weights and say "we'll try one half" that they mean "half a kilo." Don't correct me, my ego needs this tiny thing 🤣
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sporksnshit · 8 months
You know the feeling when you're walking home from prescription pool time with your mother and siblings and some old lady in a black minivan shouts "crippled!" at you while making directed eye contact and pointing?
Yeah. For fucking real. Like, ur not wrong lady but damn why ya bein a bitch about it? Like yeah. I'm disabled. I think I know that. The nerves of some people.
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myophysio · 5 months
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Fascia, the unsung hero of our body's anatomy, often remains an enigma even to health enthusiasts. This network of connective tissue, often visualized as a spiderweb encasing muscles, bones, and organs, has a far greater role than mere structural support. Here's something that many might find surprising: Fascia is a major player in our sensory system.
Recent studies reveal that fascia contains a wealth of sensory nerves, making it almost as sensitive as skin. This discovery has profound implications, particularly in understanding chronic pain and mobility issues. It suggests that what we often perceive as muscle pain might actually originate from the fascia. This insight is revolutionizing pain management and physical therapy approaches, shifting focus from muscles and bones to this intricate web.
Moreover, fascia's fluidity and elasticity are critical in athletic performance. It's not just muscle strength and endurance that dictate performance, but also the health and flexibility of the fascia. Proper hydration and targeted stretching can enhance fascial health, thus potentially improving athletic abilities and reducing injury risk.
Fascia, therefore, is not just a passive structure; it's an active, sensory organ that plays a key role in pain perception, movement efficiency, and overall well-being. This perspective elevates the importance of fascial health, paving the way for innovative wellness and therapeutic practices.
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antixristina · 2 months
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Being artistic during Physiotherapy class -couldn't help it-
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