#Ouch my feelings
moonofthenight · 2 years
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His look says so much.
We all know Edvin's acting is insanely good but it baffles me how one can portray so many emotions without talking.
It says 'this is going to hurt', it says 'I need to let him go', it says 'he deserves better than this', it says 'at least I don't have to do it on my own'
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janewayseven · 2 months
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caffeinatedbisexual · 1 month
Guys it’s nearly 2am and I’m crying so fucking loud at this godforsaken show
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bringthekaos · 6 months
Its 4 am and here I am, thinking about how Viktor was Jayce's safe heaven when things got too overwhelming and how he didn't have that during the divorce era, and I'm feeling extremely emotional about it :,(
Ahdhsgaaghdj what were you doing up at 4am, get some sleeeeep!!
But also… yeah. The fact that Viktor is so very alone in the Divorce Era is honestly the most heartbreaking part of it all, for me. Like… becoming the Machine Herald had to have been a terrifying, traumatic as fuck experience, if the procedure performed on Jinx to save her life is anything to go by. And in the immediate aftermath of his exile, he had to have been so scared and in so much pain, and he just… had no one to turn to (assuming his parents are long gone, which I do). I mean, I’m sure he went to Singed (and through him met Renata?) but let’s face it, that’s not the most healthy, comforting relationship. At best, he and Singed are on thin ice. They get along again, since their conversation in which Singed gave him the Shimmer, but… nothing like the kind of warm, constant presence that Jayce had been for at least the last 6-7 years, according to Amanda Overton.
There had to have been so many lonely nights spent lamenting what happened, screaming and crying and breaking shit. And honestly, all that considered, I don’t blame him for wanting to eliminate his emotions. I don’t blame him at all. If you can just make it all stop hurting so bad? I’d probably do it too 🥺
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citrusro · 9 months
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A familiar feeling....
Arien had to pick a vault lock in the last mission and got a feeling like he had picked an eerily similar lock in his past... one he had practiced many times... with a certain someone.
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hypnodigitalis · 3 months
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So the other day, I posted pics from my save file where Caxton gave the Disciple speech and it made me emotional. I was inspired enough to do some doodles! Also! I'm trying to work on how I draw anthro characters. I wasn't exactly happy with how I've been drawing them. It felt very... the same... across the board. I want to try to make it so the species have more differences between them aside from broad basics. I think I did well!
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camille-lachenille · 1 year
I am SOBBING 😭😭😭 I just finished the Athrabeth and I can’t begin to express all the Feelings I have. Here are some quotes:
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yeetcats · 1 year
Thought I'd watch a quick little episode of Trigun again...
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This 25 Minute Episode took me about 60 minutes cus I was pausing so much due to emotional damage
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Whatever you do,
Don’t think about Jake having trouble sleeping the night before his surgery. Don’t think about him being anxious while being prepped and having his loved ones reassure him. Don’t think about all the stupid jokes and his dry humor to cope with the nerves he’s dealing with in fear of going under. Don’t think about how he wakes up after and the rush of emotions coming out of anesthesia either
Ouch. My feelings.
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arinishi · 1 year
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Oh Henry, you poor poor man… ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
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plothika · 10 months
I will not recover from the good omens season 2 ending my heart has been shattered neil i love you but why must you torture us
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cardinalcopiasblog · 11 months
"Quiet, gentle, and romantic" and also so UNBEARABLY PAINFUL
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delivish · 8 months
“Awesome. So I guess it’s just fuck us then, huh?” Kenny said, his voice carrying a double handful of his own hurt, his own rage. “You don’t give a fuck about Mom and Dad — okay, fair. But what about Karen? What about —” 
What about me? He thought but couldn’t quite bring himself to say. For as long as Kenny could remember, he had watched over Karen, and Kevin had looked after him. Their home life had always been shitty and unstable, but at least they’d had each other, and now — 
And now, Kevin was leaving. His brother sounded so damn happy about it, relieved even, and Kenny wanted to be happy for him — he was, sort of — but it was hard to feel anything but betrayed, even if that wasn’t entirely fair. The fact that Kevin had kept all of this to himself, only to drop it on him now, now, after everything had been said and done, hurt more than Kenny wanted to admit. Kevin had always been a private person, and on some level, Kenny understood where he was coming from, but damn, he’d thought they were closer than that. 
And the truly fucked up part was that all of this felt like sour grapes because what Kenny was mostly feeling was scared. Scared of being alone, of being abandoned, of being forgotten. It was the only thing that had ever scared him, and there had never seemed to be anything he could do about it. He could die, and the people who claimed to know and care for him most wouldn’t even remember. 
Kenny swallowed, slowly, his emotions buzzing inside him like a swarm of lightning, an ache he wanted to release. He was good at playing the shameless slut, the slightly-baked goofball, the laidback slacker. It was easier than admitting that everything had always felt pointless and his existence was one big existential joke. Kenny breathed in. Breathed out, like a sigh.
“Hey,” Kevin said, and some of the heat had left his voice, replaced with regret, “I’m not — I’m not abandoning you guys. That’s not what I’m saying.”
Kenny chuckled hollowly. “That may not be what you’re saying, but that’s what the fuck you’re doing, you stupid fucking bastard.”
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stillnotyourmusebitch · 9 months
Well damn it didn't need to be crying at this game but here we are. Aphrodite had my heart breaking.
Like I was full on sobbing at the song I helped shape. Eros is the sweetest boy ever and I love him.
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pick-a-funny-name · 1 year
Are you really an introvert or you just stopped talking to people because they wouldn't listen to you?
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deadpig124 · 1 year
The fact that Sherlocm doesn't trust Mycroft because Eurus taught him that siblings=danger.
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