#Others creations
wherearetherobots · 2 months
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Incredibly beautiful shots by @breezypunk 💖🖤
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all-or-nothing-baby · 5 months
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beauty is in the eye of the beholder et cetera... but if you look up the word pretty in the dictionary it has this photo of asa germann as its entry
[ by monica reyes, 2020 ]
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kaisumisucreations · 10 months
after years days of academic debate shitposting to get one another to draw/model our fav critters, i who loves dragons and my friend who loves bunnies came to a compromise to make a dragonified bunny.
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my initial design
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lolys model of the dubious beast, that he also christened as zonkerdoodle after rw lizor ✨
anyway go check out loly's other art or else:
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hues-of-purple · 2 years
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My cousin is a jewellery maker and she made me these earrings based on the titles of 2 of my poetry books! I love them 🥺
Her Website: link (please share!)
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eveeonaartz · 10 months
Design Me A Character Defenses & Their Art Defenses!!
Design an OC Defenses!!
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These two wonderful OC's were created by @boxylocks & @nyanris-pocket-dimension for ArtFight Defenses to me!!
Thank you two for designing and creating such wonderful Oc's!! ^^ I really plan to use them in something I have planned, so keep your eyes peeled!
And they actually had gotten some art defenses as well!!
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The wonderful artists of these pieces - @foxymcdorks & @Jingle on ArtFight!!
And thank you two for these wonderful pieces!! ^^
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mobius-m-mobius · 7 months
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#the Nowhere Man who waits and the God of Stories who watches
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astrhae · 10 months
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crowley used the metal tool in season 1 to start time, and we learn that he's used it first to start space. to create the stars -- he still remembers how. he still remembers all of heaven's passwords: in the book crowley is described as an optimist because he has the "utter surety... that the universe would look after him". not god, but the universe. and of course he does: he helped create it and he's looking after it, too.
think about it: aziraphale had a sword, but crowley is about to face satan who wants to destroy the world, and crowley's only weapon is a tool of creation
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toyducks · 3 months
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made my own prefall/angel lucifer design
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catmask · 6 months
if you ask me. being a good storyteller and love are inherently entwined. you cannot tell a good story without loving the people in it and loving those you tell it to. because to tell a good story is to understand it and its impact. to love is to understand how something moves through others and how to deliver it the way it would be best received. and how to breath life into something that did not exist before. storytelling is an act of creation sure but i do believe in all creation, there is love too. that there must be
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thechekhov · 1 year
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magnetothemagnificent · 10 months
Literally every conversation with a colleague/peer in the academic field I'm in (anthropology, with a focus on human prehistory and human evolution) upon them learning I'm an observant religious Jew goes like this:
Person: "Sorry if this is a personal question, but how do you.... y'know......deal with it?"
Me: "Deal with what?"
Person: "Y'know...... y'know......your religion......"
Me: "Meaning?"
Person: "Well, um, how old do you believe the earth is?"
Me: "I follow the geological consensus, which is approximately 4.5 Billion years"
Person: "But......but.....your Bible says that it's 6,000 years old....."
Me: "Technically 5,783 years, so you're wrong there, haha"
Person: "Okay but how do you....how do you reconcile that with science?"
Me: "I don't need to reconcile it. They're not in opposition."
Person: "??"
Me: "The plain text in the Tanakh states that it has been 5,783 years since the creation of Adam, and consequently the world. Judaism has never been about taking the text in the Tanakh plainly, there's always deeper meanings. Who's to say that the 5,783 years aren't just the years since a couple named Adam and Eve met and copulated, triggering the begining of the lineage of Abraham, Moses, and the entire Jewish lineage, and that the six days of creation aren't six phases which are actually pretty in-line with our understanding of evolution?"
Person: "But.....some people believe that it's literally been 5,783 years since the earth was literally created!"
Me: "Okay..... that's what they believe. I don't see how it should bother me, especially considering we're in the field of anthropology where we try to study other patterns of belief, not cast judgement upon them."
Person: "But other Jews believe that!!!"
Me: "Again.....why should that affect my religious and academic senses of self? Judaism has never been a monolith of belief, anyway."
Person: "But-"
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all-or-nothing-baby · 8 months
a film by andrew haigh (based on the 1987 novel, strangers, by taichi yamada).
uk release date: 26th january 2024.
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kaisumisucreations · 10 months
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the zonk army grows, this time illustrated by James_Asydes!
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vagueconfusion · 2 months
Feeling real ridiculous for not having realized that Baron's "stark father" was the Nightmare King until now
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tubbytarchia · 6 months
Sorry, last one, swear!! I'll try and finish this by the 10th and then I will leave you all alone. I'm experiencing some long missed joy in creating this, please forgive my impatient excitement
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gomacave · 16 days
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Crawled out the same hole
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