#Once again happy mona day to our angel!!!
accelerandy15 · 1 year
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Oshi no Mona 💖
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lestappenforever · 3 months
My dearest Mona!
I come bearing the most amazing news, I finally finished my fucking essay, after pulling a late night session until 3am last night and another 4 hours at a café today. Now I’m just waiting for my mum to proof read it (she’s an angel for agreeing to that) and then I can finally cross that seminar off my list.
So to treat myself I am now sat outside in the warm springtime sunshine (it’s insane actually, early March and I’m just in a tshirt and jeans, no jacket needed whatsoever), the birds are chirping, life is good and I just finished reading your Valentine’s Day fic (which turns out I hadn’t read yet).
And let me tell you, I adored every single word of it. Once again you had me snickering, smiling, rolling my eyes (affectionately) and just enjoying it all. I’m starting to feel like a broken record, but you’re just producing masterpiece after masterpiece. I love diving into your little universes and getting lost there for a while. It’s like a breath of fresh air every time.
Thank you for once again making my day!
All the love and the biggest hug, M 🧡
Good afternoon, my lovely M anon! 🧡
Well done for finishing your essay! That must be such a relief, and you definitely deserve to treat yourself now that you've completed it. And what an honor it is to me that you decided to treat yourself to reading one of my fics.
Thank you so much for this incredibly sweet message. I'm so happy you enjoyed my silly Valentine's Day fic. 🥹 Your asks will never stop putting the absolute biggest smile on my face, and I need you to know how much I appreciate every single one of them.
I hope you're enjoying the springtime sunshine where you are! Norway is not quite there yet in terms of sun and temperature, but at least the last of our snow and ice is finally disappearing, so I'll take it.
Than you for making my day once again! You are so wonderful, and I'm sending you all my love and the biggest hug right back. 🧡
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moondustaeil · 4 years
If your moots (or blogs you want to be mutuals with) were fanfics, what would they be? I personally think you'd be a 'royalty au, protective brother king!Kun × princess/prince!reader × suitor!Sangyeon' fanfic! 📚
You just seem very mature and put-together to me.
hihi, my love!! This was so nice to do even if it took a long time, I loved it so thank you. Also thank you for saying what fic I would be, I wish I could live in that fic 🥺💙
If you’re not in here, I’m so sorry, I’ll still add you if you want or next time someone asks me this, I’ll add you!
you can find the fics and moots under the cut! I didn’t go in any particular order, just who popped in my mind at what moment and émi last bc she’s my world yes. This is way longer than expected
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Au: soulmates 
Pairing: wanderer!Haechan x Kei 
Backstory: ever since Donghyuck accidentally met eyes with a stranger on the street, he is greeted with sunflowers scattered along his path. Young sunflowers dance under the sun, turning to the source of warmth and light. Just like the sun is all you've been gazing at ever since you walked on the same path as your soulmate. 
Why: because I truly think of Kei as one of the people I'll always go to and when thinking about soulmates, I think of people who find each other and accept each other despite different lives. That I will connect to the weird variety of subjects we talked about. I love you, my angel (if you're reading this). 
Au: demonic entities , haunted house , roommates 
Pairing: composer!Taeyong x journalist!Ley 
Backstory: Taeyong has been shouting over his music to you for over half a year, almost begging you to dedicate a column to him and his music. When his equipment starts picking up the strange noises coming from the house, it becomes clear that the clock hasn't been stopping at 3:19am for nothing. With Taeyong discovering the entity living among you, you decide to dedicate the article to Taeyong and your invisible roommate. 
Why: do I even need to explain, this queen owns horror and the horror concept. She's the one I'll bow to because I owe her a lot and she's freaking talented.
Au: secret relationship 
Pairing: soloist!Yuta x stylist!Kai 
Backstory: ever since Yuta appeared on the red carpet with a short haircut, fans hunt for the person that made the decision to get rid of his mullet. All fingers point towards you, stylist of Nakamoto Yuta, from each finger a new opinion flows into your ears: too short, not the right colour, better looking with the mullet. Though one finger shoots the arrow right in the heart "they're dating." 
Why: because I truly adore Kai even though I'm way too scared to actually tell, I don't want to mess up and make her think that I'm some kind of weird person. In my eyes, she sparkles through my screen. 
Au: dating app 
Pairing: photographer!Johnny x Mads 
Backstory: just like he with a button alters between the different pictures on his camera, Johnny alters between the different profiles, swiping them in his desired direction. That's how you strand in his life and mostly his camera roll: the pictures he takes, one by one, capture you. 
Why: because even though we don't know each other well, I truly want to capture her in my memory and think about the smiles I had on my face when reading her messages. 
Au: arranged by fate (you can call this soulmates but I'm calling this arranged by fate)  
Pairing: Hendery x Ana 
Backstory: one day, the flowering plant amaranthus caudatus settles itself in the middle of an empty field. Another day, someone else's birth flower is planted next to the amaranthus caudatus. The young miracles of nature grow just as their owners do, however, they don't bloom until the love between you and Hendery starts to bloom. 
Why: I really like Ana and her URL actually inspired the story, I could write so many adorable aus to fit her but nothing would compare. I truly like her vibes and her personality is so beautiful, like wow. 
Au: university , writer 
Pairing: writing student!Jaemin x student!Alex 
Backstory: exam season is closer than expected for you, with only a few days to go until you scribble your knowledge down on the exam sheet and a week to go until you need to hand in your paper. However, someone is willing you help you with that paper. Na Jaemin, student and writer who seems to have more control over his life than the earth has over global warming. As the word document increases in pages, so does your liking towards the young writer. 
Why: I met Alex thanks to thesunnyshow that we're both co-admins of, and it immediately felt as if we were friends. Alex helped me through the screen when I fell off my bike (yes haha, a 21-year-old one took the wrong brake) and I try to make it work when she's busy with uni but we have a shift. So I think we're a great team and that's why I picked this au. 
Au: broken relationship 
Pairing: Taeil x Emily 
Backstory: "Can I go on?" Taeil asks himself every morning, gazing upon your sheet-covering body as you drown in the world of sleep. The wind howls outside the window, and Taeil wishes the wind would push you towards him, but the soft blowing only pulls you further away from him. You feel a soft breath against your neck, the soft lips murmuring "without you, there's no way." 
Why: I don't know why I chose this particular plot, maybe it was because I was listening to a song and based it on that. Initially, I wanted to go for a cheerful and happy plot that reminded me of her URL, but I ended up with angst. I remember we had this talk about angst and went from that. Also, I adore her so much, I probably expressed that once in a gc already but I'm saying it again. 
Au: friends to lovers
Pairing: Jungwoo x Fatin 
Backstory: for as long as you can remember, you've been friends with Kim Jungwoo. In your childhood and teenage years, the term BFFs would be engraved in each object you gave to each other, but now that you two are adults, life is different. You want to give him the world because he deserves everything, he wants to give you love because his heart is longing for yours. 
Why: because she feels like a friend that I've had for years, we don't always talk but when we do, it just feels like we've been friends since forever. I love that a lot about her and I love how easy she is to approach and talk to, she's a true darling. 
Au: strangers to lovers 
Pairing: Sungchan x Alesha 
Backstory: trainee life is tough for Sungchan, even thinking about having to walk for over half an hour to get to the dance studio is something Sungchan stopped looking forward to. However, he meets you on his way, walking along the same path to get to a different location. One step a day with you along his side is all it takes for him to look forward to it again, to walking with you and getting to know you better. 
Why: because Alesha is a great friend and we, unfortunately, don't talk as much as we used to, but that doesn't take away I'm always there for her and she's always there for me. Sungchan's walk resembles the many different talks that we had together and not all of them were fun, but we walked the path together.
Au: youtuber , vlogger 
Pairing: vlogger!Mark x vlogger!Mona 
Backstory: Mark and you have been a couple for over a year, with the growing interest in your relationship, you and Mark start a YouTube channel. From a look in the life to fun challenges, you and Mark take over the crown of cute YouTube couples. 
Why: Mona and i didn't meet in the best situation, we started to talk when there was quite some drama in the fandom. But I love Mona and the thing she made me for my birthday reminded me of an editor which led me to a youtuber au!
Au: bakery/coffee shop (bc how can I not, she kicked me out of the coffee queue) 
Pairing: soft-spoken!New x coffee shop owner!Bea 
Backstory: the coffee quote that hangs inside your coffee shop, is something that Chanhee cites every day. With a soft voice, he orders his coffee and then flashes you his smile when you proceed to tell him that the cookie is on the house. As you bring the coffee to his table, the last minute of your shift ticks by, and when you sit with him, you start your shift as girlfriend. 
Why: I literally love love love Bea, sometimes she reminds me of a soft-spoken person and other times she reminds me of a chaotic deobi. I still laugh to myself thinking about our talks, thinking about having fun together. We don't get to talk as much as I'd like, but when we do, I wish we could talk forever. 
Au: criminal , badass , something chique  
Pairing: criminal!Jacob x partner in crime!Qiu
Backstory: pointing the gun at his future victim, Jacob awaits your return. You explore the house: tugging at knobs of money-filled drawers, opening jewellery-clad treasures. But you are looking for the key to Jacob's heart, a golden key dusted with scratches, poisoned with old blood from when someone else locked his heart and pulled the key out harshly. 
Why: because Qiu really gives me chique and sad vibes, when I think about her, I think about a longing feeling described with poetic words. Qiu wasn't my first mutual but if I need to mention my first mutuals, there's a big chance I'll include her because it feels like she was one of the first people I got close to. 
Au: dream 
Pairing: Haknyeon x Dee
Backstory: if Haknyeon were to have one more day on this earth, how would be spend it? He would make a timetable of which you are the only returning factor, because he would like to drown himself in time with you. Twenty-four hours in which he is the sun that illuminates each part of the world, the world that is you, rotating until the sun is replaced by the moon. 
Why: I don't know Dee that well because we haven't talked overly much, but whenever I think about her, I think about references with the earth, sun and moon or natural things. She's just a sweet person, and it seems really natural to talk to her! 
Au: muse , painting 
Pairings: Ten x Émi (but there's also Renjun in here)
Backstory: from the brush that Renjun manoeuvres, droplets of paint colour the blank canvas in a self-made story. Ten, the master that learned Renjun how to portray his muse, is now standing next to Émi, the young woman returning in each painting of Ten. Never had they stood next to each other: artist and muse. Never had they consciously smiled at each other. Never had they been real. Until now. Immortalised on the canvas, Ten hugs his Émi, they might both be droplets of paint with a shadow, but behind the canvas Renjun bids farewell to his last painting. His tear streaks the painting, blurring the line between reverie and reality 
Why: because Émi and Renjun are both my muses in life and writing, creatively but also in daily things. I proclaim my love for Émi a lot but that never takes away how genuine it is, because I genuinely love her and sometimes it seems so surreal that she's in my life. Sometimes I'm afraid that she's a dot, a droplet of paint that will fade by time until I have no more remains of her. But however long we have left, I will cherish and love her each day just like she loves Ten (isn't that a sad love story, I literally cried for like five minutes after this 😂)
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leparadoxpolyglot · 3 years
My Angel Talk Live Chapter 2
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Panmii: This is the start of HoneyPlay Talk Liveー♡ This round’s guest is Narumi Sena chan!
Narumi Sena: Nice to meet you!
Kumamaru: I have loads to ask about Sena and mona’s private lives so be prepared. Guheheh
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Narumi Sena: T-That’s a little scary...
Kumamaru: When you talk to Kumamaru, you’ll be asked weird things so it’s extra scary
Kumamaru: Eh-, why why whyー!
Kumamaru: I’ll treat Sena kindly, y’know... ♡
Panmii: Yup. Just like that
Narumi Sena: Yup. Just like that
Kumamaru: Hmmm??
Narumi Sena: He’s looking at us blankly... He’s really not aware of it...
Panmii: An unaware perverted white bear right
Kumamaru: Well, let’s get to introducing you guys to my favourite scene!
Kumamaru: Bamー!
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Kumamaru: Tiny Sena’s so cuteー♡
Panmii: This must be when mona was just born
Narumi Sena: Yup, that’s right!
Narumi Sena: When I first met mona, I was super happy. I still remember it to this day...
Narumi Sena: Baby mona held my hand with her little one with all her might
Narumi Sena: It was overwhelming then...
Panmii: Well, how lovely...♡
Narumi Sena: And her smiling face was super cute...! I fell in love at once
Kumamaru: Sena’s expressing her enthusiasm of becoming an older sister
Narumi Sena: Yup! Since I’d started becoming a model, our time spent together decreased but...
Narumi Sena: My feelings of wanting to be a good sister has never changed from when we were little!
Panmii: Sena-chan and mona-chan’s sisterly love is so lovely... ♡
Kumamaru: That’s so trueー!
Kumamaru: We’re in a good place right now but time’s going to be up. We’ll have a talk with Sena again next time so look forward to it!
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Narumi Sena: Bye bye Honeyー!
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nightowlfandom · 4 years
Vampire! Kim Namjoon- A Little Game: Chapter 2
Hey guys, this is your reminder to please heed the warnings and stay indoors as much as you can. You are in my prayers and i hope this can make someone’s day.
Part 1
Sleeping all day and staying up all night was a dramatic difference for you. Namjoon had suggested you train to do so if you were to survive as a regular everyday vampire. You were still a newborn fledging with no experience in this world, your mind was still human. You had yet to come to terms with everything. You didn’t want this. Yet here it was.
“ Here is your room.” one of the maids, Mona showed you to a bedroom. “I hope it’s to your liking.” 
The walls were painted an ivory white colored with gold trimmings around the windows and foyer. The rug was a red velvety color that contrastsed with the charcoal black canopy style bed frame. A mini fireplace was on the far left side of the room, the obvious source of the warmth in the air.. 
“Wow.” you crossed your arms, rocking back and forth shyly. “Didn’t have to go all out like this just for me.”
“It was Master Namjoon’s orders.”
You noticed she didn’t have any strange symbol on her like you did. You just had to ask.“Are you human?”
“Yes.” was her reply. “I have no interest in becoming one if that’s your question.”
“Oh no!” you quickly shook your head. “I was just wondering- and like…fuck I’m sorry. I probably sound like an asshole.”
“It’s quite alright.” she smiled. “I’m married with beautiful my 5 year old twins. I wouldn’t give that up for immortality at all. Not that I’m implying you wanted to give up your humanity. I don’t think any human truely does.” 
You took a good look at Mona. She had very long, honey brown hair secured in a long braid that hung down her back. She had bright green eyes, that looked almost artificial like a glass bottle. 
“I’ll be honest, I kinda wish it would have ended for me there. Can’t imagine how much shit I’m gonna have to go through for the next…forever.” you shook your head.
“Well if it’s any consolation. You are very blessed to have Namjoon as your sire. He is a great man. Be patient with him. If you need anything else, simply find me and I’ll be more than happy to assist.”
"Oh, thank you…"
"Since you seem to be one of Namjoon's more promising fledglings, I'll let you in on a little secret." She smiled warmly. "Beware of one of Namjoon's acquaintances. Roseline Petras."
"What about her?" you raised an eyebrow.
"…Let's just say she's the reason I have twins instead of triplets." she replied, her face falling significantly. "and the reason vampire laws have changed in the last one thousand years…and why Master Namjoon vowed to never mentor a fledging for as long as he lived…until now for some odd reason."
“What do you me-”
Without another word, she exited the room, leaving you to your own devices. You watched as she left, in shock. You sat at the edge of the bed, timidly looking around the room. Namjoon would soon summon you to meet him. What did Mona mean by that? Who was this Petra lady? It took just that little information to know that you already didn't like her or what she stood for…whatever the hell it was she stood for. You looked around the room, taking in your new surroundings. It had only been a few days, and yet it felt like the first day over and over again.
Before you could really relax, another maid, Maria appeared in the doorway. She had a mousy high voice, dyed pink hair and eyes so black they almost looked like Marbles. The epitome of a living doll. "Master Namjoon is ready for you now. I can take you to him if you'd like."
"Oh…thank you." you smiled, standing to your feet. You followed Maria out in the halls following her down the brightly lit hallways. "How long have you been living here?"
"Since birth. I work in the kitchens with my father. Master Namjoon was gracious enough to let us all live with him, even if we have to sleep during the say to fit his schedule. He is a gracious man. The world isn't so accepting like he is."
"Yeah…I believe it." You trailed off. "So all of you are human?"
"Not all of us…" she replied. "It's hard to explain just how many of us are so different.  My father is one of the many Gods Of Destruction, but he gave up that life. He now comes up with vampire safe versions of human foods and spends his free time gardening."
"Where was he when I was drinking cold and most-likely expired blood!?" you asked, making the young girl laugh. Though she passed it as a joke, you were absolutely dead serious. Worst day of your life...so far.
You both soon stopped at a pair of large wooden doors. "You're free to go in. No knocking required." she said without another word. She pranced away, leaving you by yourself.
"Alright…Here I go." you sighed. You grabbed onto the aged antique door handle and pushed the door open. You were welcomed by a room full of strangers. The only one you could recognize was Namjoon, who was casually flipping boredly through the pages of a book. You noticed the others around the room, they were all studying you…except for a woman who was staring out the window into space. Either that or she didn't acknowledge you right away.
The room looked like an old library archive, full of bookshelves full of old worn hardback copies of many different selections. 
"Y/N…glad to see you made it here in one piece." Namjoon looked up and threw the book down. "Come in, and close the door behind you please."
You did as you were told, but you could only stand there. Something told you to stay put. Don't make any moves…just stay right where you are and if you need to make a quick getaway you could.
"These are the friends I told you about." he motioned around the room. You took note of the seven other males and three women that stood before you. "They will be your teachers for the next few months."
"That's a lot of names I have to remember." you tried to joke, mainly to calm yourself down. The girl who was staring out the window must have snapped back to reality because she gasped the minute she heard your voice. You were surprised to see milky white eyes stare in your direction.
"There she goes…psycho." one of the women who had been sitting down mumbled. She had long blonde hair and sit poised in an armchair, one leg crossed over the other.
This white haired, white eyed woman didn't seem to care for other girls remarks because she quite literally floated towards you. Her feet lifted of the ground, hair fanning all over the place as she crossed the room. No one else seemed f
"Blessed be, little fledging. A new life has been brought to our world." she grabbed your hand. "How joyous of days!”
"Blissa, I think you're scaring her." Namjoon laughed, seeing you look at him for some sort of help. "Y/N It's okay, you can trust these people. I trust them with my life."
"Well…most of us at least." a male who had been sitting at a piano corrected him. He was dressed all in white, like an angel. "Can't say the same for some of us."
This didn't seem to faze this Blissa character, so she must have not been the one to be weary of. You suddenly remember what Mona said earlier…a woman named Roseline Petras. Suddenly, your eyes darted to blonde, sitting with her chin rested in her palm as if she was bored.
Not her a voice in your head said. The one next to her they whispered.
Blissa's smile fell…but only for a second. You probably wouldn't have caught onto it had you not been paying attention. You raised an eyebrow in confusion. You didn’t want to speak up, but something told you she was the one who put that voice in your head.
"Is something wrong my child?" she smiled, tilted her head to the side. You noticed her moving her eyes to the right, as if silently telling you to follow the direction of where she was looking. Her milky colored irises, dart once more before you understood.  You finally caught on and followed her gaze to a short, jet black haired girl, typing away on her phone.
Yes, that one, that's Roseline.
Blissa left your side and began making haste back towards the window.
Best not to tell anyone I can speak to you just yet.
"Elva! Roseline!…don't be rude." Namjoon snapped to blonde.
"…Alright alright, sorry!" the blonde sighed, standing to her feet. The other one just didn’t look up, instead she leaned back in her head.  The blonde strode up to you, almost in slow motion. "I'm Elvalina. You can call me Elva, most of my friends do…no offense but…are those the only clothes you have?"
"…Uh yeah," you answered awkwardly. You had realized you had been wearing the same shirt and jeans for about 4 days. Not the best way to make a first impression now that you thought about it.  
"…I have so much to teach you." she put a hand on your shoulder. "When I'm finished with you, you'll be the hottest fledging anyone's ever seen. "
"Hey! Let some of us meet her first before you claim her as your bestie!"
"SHUT UP HOSEOK!" she glared at the guy who was casually flicking a light on and off. "She's the first girl I've seen around you guys in a while, don't ruin this for me!"
"Nice to meet you all." you bowed respectfully. You had no idea how this fledgling thing worked, so you used human decency instead. "I'm sorry in advanced if I take a while to learn."
"This one…I like her." Elva wrapped an arm around your shoulder. “Politeness...I dig it!”
"Is it always this cold outside?" you stood outside with Seokjin.
"No, our senses pick up on temperatures a lot differently than humans. You'll eventually get used to to it." He replied. "Now, what do you see?"
You tried to look around the forest, but it was pitch black outside. You couldn't see a thing. "It's too dark to see. You could barely make out your own shoes on the ground." you sighed with defeat. "Maybe I just can't do it." you looked down sheepishly.
"Hey." he reached out to touch your shoulder. "It's hard at first, yeah. But you can't beat yourself up, you're a newborn fledgling. It's normal for you." he comforted. "Here, close your eyes."
"You aren't gonna scare me are you?" you asked suspiciously. Every time someone told you to close your eyes, it ended with you almost peeing yourself.
"Trust me."
"Alright, alright." you closed your eyes as he instructed. "Now what?"
"Picture the space around you as if it were daytime."
"What? How do I do that?"
"Just try."
With another sigh, you tried to recreate the image in your head, only with the sun rays peeking out from the sky. You attempted to recreate the dirt path with dead leaves and wet logs from the morning dew sticking. You pictured the warmth from the damp air against your skin, despite being cold.
"Do you have it?" came Seokjin's voice.
"I think so." you responded. You opened your eyes only to be welcomed to a crystal clear view before you. The shadows casted from the tall trees were no longer shadows, but giant pine trees. The previously bleak sky had turned into a cloudless, star speckled painting and most importantly, the moon which had previously been nothing more than a standard crescent, was the focal point of everything you could see. It was exactly like a photograph. "Woah."
"You did it didn't you? Can you see it?" you turned to Seokjin who wore a smile. "Everything's so clear isn't it." he asked. "It always it once you complete the change."
Even as a human in the day time, the forest didn't look this clear. Nothing did.
"Now…what do you hear?"
Upon hearing him ask you, you were welcomed by all sorts of sounds, so many at one time. "Everything." you replied. "It's kind of overwhelming."
"Good, you're making process. Namjoon will be pleased." he replied. "You're learning quickly."
"Good to know." you said awkwardly.
"….I know this isn't going to be the most helpful or assuring, but Namjoon is the most trustworthy man I know. I've known him for many years, longer than your great great great grandparents have been alive. Maybe even longer."
"Yeah and I'm blessed to have him as my sire? I got this talk already." you crossed your arms. "I'm just…not ready for this yet." you sighed. "I don't know how long it'll take me to get used to this."
"For some it takes all their lives. Lucky for us we have forever." he winked. "You don't have to go through this alone. If anything happens, call Old Man Seokjin." he winked.
"I'll remember that." you replied.
… (The next Night)
To say you were surprised to see Elva and Blissa standing over you.
"OH MY-" you rolled out of bed, falling on your back. "OOF-" you grunted, even though you felt no pain. "Where did you guys come from!?"
"We were here the whole time. You're a heavy sleeper. Did you know that?" Blissa smiled.
" I do now." you heaved yourself off the floor. "Not that I'm not thrilled to see you guys, but what are you doing here?"
"It's just about to be dark and we have loads to do. So get cha' ass up, fix your hair and put this on." a shopping back was hauled in your direction, courtesy of Elva.
"What exactly are we doing?"
"Seduce and glamour." Blissa said. "Not exactly on the lesson plan but fun to know nonetheless, wouldn't you agree?"
“And what better way to test these abilities then a night on the town. Trust me, you’ll be one hundred percent safe with us.”
"….Sure." you trailed off. "Let's go I guess."
(How are you guys dealing with this social distancing thing? Let’s talk about it! Feel free to send me a message.)
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flowerpowell · 5 years
The Boy Next Door (Colt x MC/ Logan x MC)
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A/N: So this is pretty much still chapter five but written from Colt’s perspective. I think it adds a lot to the story and to his character so I wanted to leave it here. I hope you’ll like it! I’d appreciate your feedback! Colt, as well as other characters, belong to Pixelberry.
Rating: PG-16/18 (ANGST! and it’s somewhat dark so beware)
Word count: ~1370
Tags: @brightpinkpeppercorn @lovehugsandcandy @desiree-0816 @walkerduchess @liamzigmichael4ever @emceesynonymroll @emichelle @hellomynameisdevi @client-327 @badchoicesposts @blackcatkita @pixel-thirsty @donutsgirl36 @drakeismyweakness @maccuswielle @miss-raleigh-carrera @i-bloody-love-drake-walker ♥
(this is the rewrite of chapter five but from Colt’s perspective)
Colt’s POV
Ellie was still fast asleep when Colt opened his eyes and realized it was nine in the morning. He never let himself sleep in for that long. Carefully, he rolled out of the bed and put his clothes on. He put an aspirin on a nightstand along with a glass of water, so that Ellie could help herself once she wakes up.
He fought the urge to get in bed again, to kiss her and cuddle with her. To hold her in his arms a little longer.
But he couldn’t. He knew the risks.
She was drunk and mad at Logan. And she probably wouldn’t even remember that night at all. And as much as it weirdly hurt Colt he was relieved. He wasn’t really good at being with people. Or being around people. And he certainly didn’t want to get attached.
Before he left, Colt lifted Ellie’s panties from the floor and placed then on a doorknob. Maybe at least she’d feel half as embarrassed as him for catching feelings for her.
He made sure the coffee for her was ready and then he left. He wasn’t sure where he was going but he needed to distance himself from here.
It was dangerous.
After his Pop died he promised himself to never ever get close to anybody. People always left him and it was the truth. He just wanted save them the trouble so he never got close to anyone. Until she appeared.
Colt found himself walking around the cementary, looking for his father’s grave. When he found it, he sat down on the grass and took out a flask with vodka in it.
“Cheers, Pop!” he raised the flask and took a few sips.
Ellie was drunk and angry. And he should’ve never kissed her. He should’ve just said he was sorry and then go somewhere. Somewhere far from her.
He hated how much he enjoyed her touch, her being so close. Another memory, another sip.
He remembered how she had a nightmare in the middle of the night and how he tried to calm her down. How he thought he could do it every night.
Another sip.
He remembered her laughing when she told him she was fine after he asked her if she was okay and if she wanted to go on.
Another sip.
He remembered how she fell asleep on his chest, snuggled up against him. How he couldn’t help but watch her; she looked like an angel.
Another sip. And another.
“See, Pop? It’s all your fault! If you hadn’t died I wouldn’t be in this absurd situation! And now I can’t even talk to anyone cause you’re dead.”
Colt sighed and stood up. He needed to go somewhere else unless he wanted to freeze. It didn’t take him long before he reached his friend’s autoshop. Toby wasn’t exactly his friend but they both worked for Kaneko and Toby always let Colt stay at his place whenever he wanted to. Today was the day.
“Colt! What are you doing here?” Mona was already there, working on one of the cars.
“Not talking to you,” he replied before he disappearing in his usual room. He needed to get Ellie out of his head. Her face, her voice, her smell, her little beauty mark on her hip; he needed to forget it, too.
But he knew he wouldn’t be able to. It wasn’t easy.
He still didn’t forget his own mother who left him. He ignored all her messages, never answered any calls. He distanced himself.
And he needed to do the same with Ellie. He needed to leave. Since his own mind and heart and everything else betrayed him.
Colt spent the whole day overthinking everything and drinking. He wondered what Ellie was doing but he assumed she went on with her life. She probably didn’t even notice he was gone. He was not that significant. He never was to anyone, not even his parents, why would a stranger care?
Geez, Colt, stop whining, who careeees.
For the first time in many years, Colt felt alone. He didn’t have anyone to talk to. He couldn’t just call his father like Ellie did when she had problems. He couldn’t call his friends cause he had none. It never bothered him until today. And he hated himself for that.
His memories took him to when he was seven years old. He was left alone in the loft, or wherever they were, after his father went on a job. Teppei came “home” after two days and when little Colt ran to hug his father and tell him how much he missed him, Teppei only shook him off. “Stop acting like a child, Colt. Stop being so weak.” That was what his father told him. He was seven. It was the last time he cried. And he promised himself to never be weak again. And never miss anyone. And never need anyone.
His vodka flask fell down from his hands and he came back to reality. It was late. He needed to go there at some point and face Ellie. He hated the fact he left her all alone. He knew how much she hated being left alone for the night. Maybe if he just told her he started having feelings for her she’d understand? He wanted to hold her in his arms so bad. He needed to see her.
When he entered the apartment, something was different. He noticed someone’s coat on the hanger. Logan’s coat. His heart stopped.
Colt didn’t mean to spy on them but when he wanted to enter the kitchen he saw them on the stairs. They were kissing on their way to Ellie’s bedrom and Colt felt as if his heart was breaking. They must have made up.
Of course they did! They are made for each other, no one here needs you.
As quietly as he could, he took all the alcohol Ellie didn’t manage to drink and sneaked out of the apartment.
He hated Logan. He hated Ellie. He hated himself. He hated everyone and everything.
He knew it was gonna end that way. Why was he dumb enough to believe maybe this time was any different?
Colt spent that night walking around the neighboorhood, drinking and thinking about his miserable life.
When he came back everyone was still asleep. Good. He didn’t want anyone to see him, he didn’t want to exist anymore. That was exactly why didn’t want to be close with anyone.
Heartbreak hurt more than a thousand hangovers.
He made coffee and buried his face in his hands in defeat. He didn’t even feel like drinking coffee.
She was up. He turned to her and saw concern on her face. He quickly turned his attention back to his coffee. Looking at her hurt.
“Coffee’s in the pot.”
“Where the hell were you yesterday?!” Why did she care? She had Logan to kiss, to cuddle with.
“That’s none of your business,” he shrugged. Please, just go. Don’t ask, go away.
“I think it is. Don’t you think we should talk?”
We should. I should’ve told you what it meant to me. But you’re with Logan.
“There’s nothing to talk about, Ellie.”
“No? You don’t think what we did is worth talking about?” It is.
“It was nothing, Ellie. Nothing.” Lies.
He looked at her and cursed mentally. She looked so sad. He hated himself but it was all for her. She’d be better off hating him.
“Good morning everyone!”
Great, exactly who I wanted to see. Go away be happy somewhere else.
“You look awful, man,” Logan said looking at Colt.
“At least I didn’t leave my girlfriend alone on our anniversary,” he answered calmly but he was fighting the urge to just hit him. That asshole didn’t deserve Ellie. Not that Colt did, he didn’t deserve her either.
“Why are you so happy, Logan? Did something happen?” Colt almost smiled at Ellie’s attempt at changing the subject.
“Actually, yes. I just got another job, ten minutes from your university. Which means… I’m moving in here with you all!”
Colt spit out all of his coffee.
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~~Fallen Angels~~ Chapter 2- Partners
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Chapter 2-Partners
Find Chapter One here- “When the FBI Comes Knocking.”
💕 Want to follow our page so you don’t miss any new updates? Click here. This will bring you to one of our sneak preview posts, scroll through to check out all of our content and more previews!! This is just the second chapter, so keep your eye out for more. :)
Hope you enjoy-Dani and Jenn <3 (( @jlpplays1 + @justdani14 )) :*
MC: Ellie Wheeler Language, adult, I don’t own their characters. Just borrowing them for our story.
Angry tears spill on my cheeks but I’m too mad to wipe them away. I don’t care that the agents are watching us, I need answers and I need them now. “They found me in New York. They offered me immunity from past crimes to do this.” Logan murmurs in a soothing voice. “Have you lost your fucking mind?” I snap.
“No. I’m doing this for you. For us. You told me to come find you. Well this is the only way. I didn’t want you involved at all!” He looks at me softly before snapping, glaring at Agent Shipley and Agent McKenzie venomously. “She forced our hand. She’s already involved. Rubbing elbows with them, she’s already in. She might as well help.” Agent McKenzie says sadly looking from Logan back to me. “We know this isn’t want you wanted neither did we, but we need help and Ellie can do that.” Agent Shipley says quietly. “This isn’t the crew she knows. They’re the scum of the earth. If something happens to her, it’s on us!” Logan says raising his voice pointing at both of them. “What were you thinking Ellie?! Do you think I could live if something happened to you? What did I spend the last year trying to protect you for?!” His anger is directed at me now. I flinch at it, he’s never yelled at me before. Sighing still seething Logan looks out the window before saying, “Can we get a minute Rebecca and Evan?”
“Sure.” They both murmur at the same time. I see Agent McKenzie pat my knee and Agent Shipley squeeze my shoulder. They both slip out the front door quietly. 
After a couple minutes I break down in sobs. Heart wrenching sobs that feel like I’m tearing inside. It’s all too much.. the arrest, the FBI, and now Logan. 
I curl up into a ball on the couch. I feel Logan’s hands on my face wiping my tears. I relish the feel of his hands on me. I pull him closer desperately wanting more, needing more. He obliges without hesitation crushing me to his strong chest. We hold each other until my tears are dry. “Why Ellie, just tell me why you were doing this?” He whispers in my ear. “It’s the only way I feel close to you.” I whisper into his neck. I feel him shudder holding me tighter. “You weren’t doing this for me, you were doing this for yourself.” He says softly. “What would you know about it?!” I scream. Anger coursing through me, I push him away. I can’t think when he’s this close. I thought I’d be happy when we saw each other again. Instead months of pent up emotions come at me all at once. Most of them are not happy, they’re angry.   He looks sad and disappointed. I look away... I can’t stand the look in his eyes. I hear him say, “I know you Ellie.. this isn’t you.” “No you knew the old me.” I say looking into his eyes. “That girl is long gone.” “So this is it?” He whispers. I shrug, “You need an in with this crew and I have that, you need me.” “I’ll call your dad.” He threatens eyes hardening. After everything we’ve been through he never looked at me with real anger before. He thinks he can call my bluff but he can’t scare me. “Go ahead, I’m sure Agent Shipley and Agent McKenzie would love to hear you compromised their case.” I say with a dead pan expression. “You wouldn’t dare.” He mutters, tensing. “Oh Logan you really don’t know me at all do you?” We stare each other down. “You’re right I don’t know you. The old Ellie would do anything for her friends, but she was smart.” As he says it he turns away from me. Putting space between us. Just then the door opens and the agents walk back in and I’m saved from answering. “Everything okay here?” Agent Shipley asks. “Yes.” Logan and I say at the same time. Clearing my throat I add, “I have some conditions before we get started.” “Conditions? Such as?” McKenzie says raising an eyebrow before looking at her partner in disbelief. He looks back at both of us and chuckles. “I think you met your match Bec. All right I’ll bite, what conditions?” He says with laughter in his eyes. “I need in writing that Mona goes free. That Logan and my record is expunged. I also want to recruit Colt Kaneko if he agrees.” I say calmly not daring to look at Logan. “Why would we do that?” Logan asks looking angry. “We need people we can trust. We can trust Colt.” I say matter a fact. “Done. We’ll have the paper work ready by tomorrow. As for Colt Kaneko we can’t guarantee that’ll he agree but I think it’s smart to try.” McKenzie says looking at me with approval, almost like pride. I sigh with relief before saying, “I’ll talk to him. I’ll go to LA. School is done in a couple days for the summer. I’ll make up some excuse to my dad about needing to stay for summer classes. Then I’ll come back here in a couple days.” “Good, the sooner we get started the better. You’re both going undercover to try to be a part of this new crew, if they let you in that is. We’ll take care of the details like where you’re staying and getting your car out of impound.” Shipley says nodding in agreement. “So I don’t get a say in this?” Logan says drawing our attention back to him. “I’m sorry Logan but we need you both. Ellie especially, she knows this world already. She’s made quite a name for herself, some crews have been courting her to join.” Shipley says shrugging apologetic. “I’m sorry Logan but that’s just the way it is.” McKenzie says calmly. Logan looks at me clearly exasperated before muttering, “Fine I’m going to LA with you then.” “No.” I snap at him. “And why the hell not?” He snaps back at me. “Because it’s stupid for you to go back to LA. Plus you and Colt don’t have the best history.” I say smugly, knowing I’m right. ‘I can’t handle being around you right now,’ I want to add but don’t.
“I wonder who’s fault was that?” He asks sarcastically rolling his eyes. “Omg it was a kiss and I was upset you with you for lying to me. Plus you guys couldn’t stand each other from the beginning.” I say, frustrated for having to defend myself. I continue on, “You know what I’m not getting into this. We need to learn how to work together again or were screwed.” 
“Fine.” Logan says snapping his mouth shut in a hard line. McKenzie and Shipley both look at us with a mixture of amusement and exasperation before Shipley speaks up again, “Well I’ll go to LA with you Ellie. We can divide and conquer. As a team.” “Right.” I say looking at Logan. “Look you guys I know there’s a lot of history here but can you put that aside? Once we’re in, you can’t back out. Our lives will depend on working together.” Shipley says staring down Logan and I. He looks more serious then I’ve seen him in the last couple hours. “Evan is right. We can’t waste any time and we can’t involve you if you can’t work together. We’ve been working on this case for a year.” McKenzie says crossing her arms in front of her chest. I sigh deeply meeting Logan’s eyes heart aching, “We can do this, right Logan?” He softens, “Yea we can.” I turn away.
“Right I…umm…better get going. I’ll see you guys tomorrow Agent Shipley, Agent McKenzie, Logan.” I murmur feeling anxious. “No more Shipley or McKenzie we use our first names from now on. We’re partners plus you’ll blow our cover otherwise.” He says smiling, extending his hand to shake mine. “Partners.” I say smiling shaking his and Rebecca’s hands. Before turning to Logan feeling awkward. He steps towards me like he’s going to caress my face but he drops his hands at the last second. We stare at each other for beat and look away. Rebecca looks at us doubtfully like she doesn’t think we can do this. “We’ll figure it out I promise.” I say giving her my best reassuring smile before walking out of the apartment. 
Making the short walk towards campus, I head to my dorm. Once in my room, I throw myself into my bed and sleep dreamless. 
The next day goes by in a flash. I’m able to convince my dad that extra credits will be more beneficial in the long run. He begrudgingly agrees after promising not to work myself too hard and visit. 
That night after packing a small carry on I relax on my bed when I hear a knock at my door. “Eve, I told you I don’t want to go to the party.” I say through the door from my bed. “It’s me Ellie, can you open the door.” Logan’s voice sounds through the door. I jump off of my bed in surprise. Looking at myself in the mirror, before chastising myself for doing it. I take a deep breath and open the door. 
The sight of him leaning on the frame of the door makes me weak in the knees. “Can I come in?” He finally asks clearing his throat. “Right yesss of course!” I feel anxious, worried we’ll start arguing again. I walk to my bed and sit down as he closes the door behind him. I watch him carefully. He looks different, not just his hair and clothes but his body. I gulp. He was always sexy but his muscles are bigger more defined now. Straining under his t-shirt. Once the door is shut and locked he turns to me with a goofy smile. Making me smile in return putting me at ease. “What is it?” I say curious at his reaction. “Oh I just can’t believe I’m here in your dorm. I’ve thought about this a lot.” He says with a chuckle. A wicked glint in his beautiful blue eyes. I start to laugh throwing a pillow at him before saying, “I bet you did!” “Come on Ellie not just for that… I missed you okay?” He says throwing the pillow back at me smiling softly. “Uh huh sure!” I throw more pillows at him with more force, laughing- ensuing an all out pillow war. We continue on like this until all of the pillows have landed on the floor. As I lean back, he grabs one last pillow above my head and I find myself under him. His hard body is pressed into mine. His gaze lands on me. 
Life starts moving in slow motion. 
Hands wrapped around my wrists, his eyes connect with mine as he brings my hands above my head. He’s being gentle enough that I could break free if I wanted to, but the thing is- I don’t. 
Brushing a strand of hair from my face, he whispers softly “I really did miss you.” “I missed you too.” I say softly.
″Yea?” he leans back, eyes vulnerable.
“Yea, more then you’ll ever know.” I whisper softly.
“Show me Ellie, show me how much.” He says nuzzling against my neck.
I lick my lips and run them against his jawline. 
I feel him shudder against me, it eggs me on and I slowly kiss my way to his lips.
His breath hitches before I roughly press my lips against his. Logan moans, deepening our kiss. 
Our tongues finding each other and I feel myself melt. I bite his lip and suck it, making him pant my name. I lose myself to him as our lips collide again. 
Then just as suddenly as it began, it ends.
He releases my hands and moves his body off of mine. I feel the crushing disappointment at the sudden change of mood. I feel awkward at it. Now is not the time to be hashing out your feelings here, we have a job to do. Plain and simple. “So the reason I came here was to ask you,” he clears his throat continuing on, “Is there really is no way to talk you out of this?” He asks, his eyes now boring into mine. “Logan.” I murmur. “No, listen to me,” he takes my hands in his, holding onto them tight. “Is there anyway I can convince you not to do this?” “You know that there isn’t, you said so yourself, there’s no other way. If this is really about us, then we need to do it together. Please understand that.” I plead, holding his hands tight. Sighing he grips my hands before saying, “I understand Ellie. Maybe you’re not so different after all.” “Maybe.” I whisper softly. “I should get going. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He stands abruptly making his way to the door. “Aren’t you going to tell me what’s been going on in the last year with you? How did you get talked into this?” I say urgently, I need to know. “What’s to tell Ellie? We walked away from each other. I vowed to let you go and I didn’t.” He shrugs look away. “Stop it. Don’t be like this.” I say. “Like what?” He asks looking back at me. “Hot and cold. One minute you tell me you missed me, the next you push me away. I can’t do this if you’re like this. We’re going to fail.” I say getting closer to him. “I’m sorry. I know I’m not making this easy for anybody. It’s just so much, I thought I’d say and now in front of you. I just can’t. I’m not ready.” He whispers looking away. I take my hands, putting them on his face, gently forcing him to look at me again before saying, “I get it, we don’t have to do this now. Let’s focus on the case, we’ll work the rest out.” “I can do that.” He says a small smile on his face. “Good.” I smile back. “I really should go though, you’re going to have a big day tomorrow before your flight. Crash course in undercover can be overwhelming, believe me.” He says chucking. “Ok I’ll see you tomorrow, but you’re not off the hook.” I say in a warning tone, poking him in the chest with my finger.” He gently grabs my hand that’s at his chest. “I wouldn’t dream that I would be.” He says laughing, pulling me into a hug. We pull apart after a minute and smile at each other as he gets up to leave. “Should I be worried about the crash course?” I ask feeling nervous. “You’re great at everything troublemaker, I’m sure this won’t be the exception.” He says smiling confidently at me. It brings the sparks of old memories into mind. Past jobs and nights spent in his car... learning to drive, among other things. They fill me with hope because despite it all we make a great team. 
We bid good bye to each other and I slide into bed. The smell of his cologne lulls me to sleep. The memories of driving lessons, kisses and his callused hands making me his filling my mind.
NEXT CHAPTER > Find Chapter Three here- “Crash Course Undercover.”
Logan- What happens when fate brings you back together?
Blast From the Past-  letter to logan
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emma-nation · 5 years
Thinking Of You (Mona x MC Fanfiction) - Chapter 12 *Ending*
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You said move on Where do I go? I guess second best Is all I will know
Summary: Years later, Allison has everything she wants, a brand-new internship as a doctor, a handsome boyfriend… but her first nightshift won’t go as expected…
Genre: Romance, Angst
MonaxMC Tag list: @zoe6111, @simsvetements, @whoinvitedalx, @abunchofbadchoices, @kamilahmademedoit, @talkinlikeateen, @eagle-one-1, @andreear17, @monagf, @monahott, @fal-carrington, @crazzyplays, @honorablebicycle, @teja-desai, @iam-the-fuckin-queen
- English is not my first language, forgive me for any mistakes.
- This is the final chapter of this fic. I hope you enjoyed reading it, as much as I enjoyed writing it.
- NSFW alert
- My next MonaxMC fic is already being planned. It’s based on a movie from the 90′s, can you take a guess? Don't worry, I promise I’ll make it a thousand times better than the original :P
Allison woke up in a hurry with the sound coming from the monitors. She was ready to call for help, when she heard a soft laugh coming from the bed.
“I got bored, so I started messing with some buttons to see how it works. My bad.”
“M-Mona, y-you…” her expression went from fear, to anger and to happiness in only a second. “You woke up!”
“Please, tell me you didn’t spend the whole night here,” Mona told her again.
“Not the whole night. The last two days actually.”
The first twenty-four hours were anguishing for Allison. Mona wouldn’t show any improvement and the levels of the drug presence in her blood stream were still high. Then, some time later they started to slowly decrease and her vitals returned to normal. The only fear she had was that it had cause damage to her brain, preventing her from waking up.
“Oh my god,” Allison started examining Mona, doing all sorts of tests to confirm there was absolutely nothing wrong with her. “Let me check if the drug, or even the concussion, left you with any after-effects.”
“Relax,” Mona grinned. “I only passed out.”
“Only passed out?! You had a cardiac arrest and a seizure! Until a few hours ago, you could barely breathe on your own.”
Noticing how tense and worried Allison still was, Mona grabbed her arm and pulled her to sit on the bed’s edge.
“Save the doctor thing for the next time I’m naked in your bed, gorgeous. It’s sexy.”
“You’re such a dork!” Allison blushed a little bit, before accommodating herself and lying on Mona’s chest. "I was so afraid of losing you. When you collapsed in my arms and your heart stopped beating, I thought mine would stop too.“
"And so was I,” Mona confessed, stroking Allison’s hair. “When I saw that moron dragging you away, I thought I’d never see you again.”
Allison told her details about how she beat Griffin and took the gun from his control, what allowed her to return the jet to the airport.
“You’re more dangerous than I thought.”
“If anybody messes with you or my dad, I’ll do what it takes.”
“I admit I’m not used to this whole ‘damsel in distress’ thing, but…” Mona kissed her forehead. “I like when you act tough.”
They spent the rest of the night chatting and enjoying each other’s company. In the morning, while Mona was with her parents, Allison finally went home.
She took a long shower and wore some new clothes. In her bedroom, evidence of her relationship with Griffin was still all around, in pictures and gifts he gave her in the past eight years. Allison grabbed a box and started to collect them.
When she finished, she labeled the box as 'trash’ and was ready to take it outside. A familiar smell made her stop by the kitchen.
“I heard you were home,” Mr. Wheeler smiled. “So I prepared you a special breakfast.”
“Thanks dad,” she said. “I’m starving. I can’t even remember what was the last time I properly ate.”
“How’s Mona?”
“She’s great. The doctors will be discharging her tomorrow. The police wanted to ask her a few questions too.”
Griffin and his father were taken to two separated, highly-secured, prisons. It’d take a few months before they were judged and sentenced, but Mr. Wheeler assured her they’d never see the light of day again. Krista and her friends had also been arrested, after confessing their crimes.
Mr. Wheeler glimpsed inside the box as she ate. His expression saddened.
“How are you feeling about all of this, Allison?” He asked. “We haven’t really had time to talk about you.”
She was took a deep breath, reflecting on the answer.
“A lot of things. I feel stupid, for being fooled by Griffin and his family for so long. I feel angry for all they have done to me and Mona. I feel relieved they’re in prison and… I feel happy everything ended well.”
“Me too, my dear,” his expression softened and he took the box outside himself, bringing another one from the garage. “I think these should be on your bedroom instead.”
He opened it and showed her. Inside, it contained pictures of Allison with the Mercy Park Crew, other small memories from those days and the pictures of her Prom, with Mona.
“It’s time to stop denying it existed. They were part of who you are today and Mona…”
“I love her. I always did.”
“I know,” Mr. Wheeler involved her in a tight embrace, “and I’m glad you finally have a chance of being with her. You both deserve it.”
When Mona woke up in the morning, it was like her life had completely changed. She had to talk to the police for hours, but this time, she was being treated like some sort of hero. Then, multiple TV channels and newspapers wanted to interview her, especially after finding out she was the daughter of one of the most successful businessman in the country.
David had publicly acknowledged her as his daughter, what was the biggest surprise of the day. He also offered her the position of president of his Los Angeles dealership, one of the most profitable, to run it as she wanted. But Mona wasn’t interested in anything that came from that man.
She received other job offers too.
“Holy shit!” She shouted. “Santagata wants me to work for them, as professional car tester!”
Her mother sighed next to her. Though she was happy to have her daughter alive and safe, she wasn’t happy about how all that attention could negatively affect Mona again. Especially her father’s presence in her life.
“Isn’t that great?” David grinned ear to ear. “If you want, I can contact them right now and…”
“No. She’s returning to New York with me.”
“Really, Sara? The first time the girl makes such a big achievement, you’re going to imprison her at home?”
“No, I’ve been talking to some community colleges that are willing to accept ex-convicts. She could…”
“Guys,” Mona interrupted. “I’m way past the age where I couldn’t make my own decisions.”
After hearing her parents endless arguments, Mona created an excuse to kick them out of the bedroom. She couldn’t help thinking her existence was quite a miracle, considering those two couldn’t stand being in the same room for longer than five minutes.
Right after they left, Allison arrived, followed by Detective Wheeler.
“Detective, hi,” Mona greeted.
“Hello, Mona,” the man smiled. “I’d like to speak to you for a moment. Can we?”
“Of course, make yourself home. I’ve been spending so much time in this hospital lately, that soon the ward will have my name on it.”
“I’m glad to see you doing so well. I’d never forgive myself if something had happened to you.”
“Neither would I,” Mona continued to crack jokes. “Or my mom.”
“I’m pretty sure of it, she seemed furious when she saw me outside,” Detective Wheeler let out a small laugh. “Anyways, there’s something that brought me here today…”
From the pocket of his jacket, he pulled a black velvet box, containing a medal.
“In the name of LAPD, I’d like to offer you this medal. A reward for your bravery and hard work.”
“Wait…” Mona grinned. “The police is giving me a medal?! This is the craziest day ever!”
She couldn’t stop laughing for two minutes straight. That had to be a joke.
“There’s more,” Detective Wheeler announced. “You’re allowed to have your driver license again, and the University is offering you a full-scholarship.”
“Oh. This is… too good to be true.”
“But it is true, Mona,” Allison encouraged her. “Come on, you deserve it. You were so committed with the investigation and your studies.”
“Allison, you’re making me blush. And you know how I feel about it.”
“So,” Mr. Wheeler told. “They’re even offering you a dorm room. But if you want to keep staying in our house, you’re welcome.”
“About that,” Allison cleared her throat, interrupting the conversation. “Dad, my apartment is ready. Mona and I have been talking… we’re gonna live together.”
“It’s certainly a big step. Are you both ready for this?”
“Yes,” Mona found the moment to be appropriate for the question. “Actually, Detective, there’s something I need to ask you. Would you give me permission to ask Allison to be my girlfriend?”
Mr. Wheeler stared at her for a moment and sighed.
“Would it stop you if I said 'no’?”
“Definitely not.”
He approached Mona and tapped her shoulder.
“I learned a lot in the last few months. Especially that people are not what they seem. Despite your history, your attitude, you have a good heart,” he spoke softly. “You saved my Allison more than once, you were there for her when I couldn’t be and you’ve been working hard to restart your life. Of course you have my permission.”
Mona looked at Allison expectantly.
“So gorgeous, what do you say? You have the final word.”
Allison didn’t think twice before taking Mona for a long and passionate kiss.
“Is that 'yes’?” She asked when they parted.
“It’s more than that,” Allison pressed her forehead on hers. “It’s a 'hell yes’!”
2 weeks later…
“Home sweet home,” Allison said as she opened her apartment door for the first time, since it was fully furnished and ready to live. She and Mona chose every detail together, from the furniture to the decoration. Allison saved a place for a mural of pictures, containing only her most prized memories, especially her Prom night.
“Wait,” before she stepped inside, Mona stopped her. “There’s one thing missing.”
“What is it?”
“This,” Mona took her in her arms, carrying her inside. “Gotta stick to the tradition.”
As she was back on the floor, Allison pressed her lips on hers, before throwing herself on the couch, still a little bit exhausted.
“God, this was so expensive. But it’s so amazingly comfortable.”
“Perks of having an absent father trying to make it up for the lost time.”
“Come on,” Allison smiled. “He isn’t that bad. We’re totally inviting him for our celebration.”
“No way in hell,” Mona protested.
“Too late, I already did.”
“I knew it. He has been spending too much time around you and your dad. He’s charming you with his manipulative skills.”
“Well, and your mom too,” Allison added, raising her eyebrows suggestively. “He got her an apartment so she could stay in LA, a new and better job…”
“Only if she’s stupid,” Mona scowled in disapproval.
Attempting to make that frowned face go away, Allison placed a kiss on Mona’s cheek. Then, she climbed on top of her body, straddling her.
“So… we have a few hours until our party,” she whispered in Mona’s ear, finishing with a small bite on her earlobe. “What part of this apartment you’d like to explore first?”
Mona’s expression quickly softened.
“Let me see…” she opened a sly grin, “the bed, then the shower, then… the bed again, maybe.”
“It’s my turn to give you a reward.”
“Really? I’m starting to like this good girl life.”
“Wait here for a second,” Allison brushed her lips on Mona’s, before heading to the bedroom. “You’ll like it, I promise.”
After preparing herself for the moment, Allison called her. Mona entered the room, looking for her, while she hid herself in a corner, waiting to surprise her.
“Where are…” Mona looked around, searching. “Oh.”
She finally found her. Allison was wearing a special underwear she was saving for their special celebration.
“T-This is… wow.”
“I assume 'wow’ means that you liked it?” Allison locked her arms around Mona’s neck.
“Who wouldn’t?” Mona’s fingers softly traced the side of her body, raising shivers. “Am I supposed to take this off?”
“No,” Allison playfully pushed Mona onto the bed, where she straddled her again. “I’m going to undress you first.”
She slowly took off Mona’s jacket, then her shirt. Through her exposed abdomen, Allison placed a trail of soft kisses on her skin.
“Good, Allison…” Mona moaned. “Now, kiss my neck.”
“Not yet,” Allison silenced her with her with her index finger, before meeting her mouth with an insatiable hunger. Their tongues fiercely moving together.
Allison lowered herself, teasingly taking off Mona’s pants and kissing the way up to her inner tights. She stopped again.
“Where’s my reward?” Mona complained. “You’re only teasing me and it’s not fair.”
Allison’s hands continued to caress Mona’s soft skin, while she ground down her hips to met hers, building some friction. Mona placed her hands on her waist, trying to increase the pressure.
“No,” between some gasps, Allison pushed her hands away. “Hands above your head.”
“Since when you started giving orders?” Mona raised her eyebrows, surprised.
“Since now.”
Mona winced, but obeyed. Allison’s mouth was on hers again, while her hands finally traveled to where Mona wanted her the most.
“Okay, now it’s good…” Mona moaned against Allison’s mouth. “Just keep it going.”
Allison increased the speed of her fingers, Mona lost herself in pleasure, burying her face on her neck and retributing with small, soft bites.
“You… still… drive me… completely freaking… crazy.” Mona said, as Allison laid by her side, their bodies entwined.
“You still drive me completely freaking crazy too, Mona. I could… I could do this all day.”
Mona sat down, facing her with a seductive smirk.
“You’ve been a good girl, helping me with the investigation, kicking Griffin ass…” her hands stroked the curves of Allison’s body. “I suppose you deserve a reward too, dontcha think?”
“Well, if you say so.”
Many turns later, Allison was spooning with Mona in bed, completely silent. Nothing could be so good as feeling the warmness of her body around hers, knowing they were finally happy and safe. Free to enjoy each other’s company as they desired.
Mona was rubbing her back with the tip of her fingers. She started playfully drawing shapes for Allison to guess… a dice, a car wheel… Then she wrote three words. Words Allison could easily recognize.
“I love you too, Mona,” she smiled.
“You got that right, babe.”
“My turn,” Allison asked Mona to turn around and she started writing and drawing some stuff. She wrote something in French, not sure if she’d be able to guess it. “Can you guess this one?”
Mona was thoughtful for a moment before answering:
“I feel safe with you too.”
“You’re so good at it!” Allison gave Mona her back again. “Let’s do it again!”
This time, Mona wrote something in Arabic.
“Okay, you’ve got me now. I don’t know this one.”
“Too bad, gorgeous. It seems like I’ve won this game.”
“I’ll have to convince you to tell me then,” Allison cupped Mona’s face in her hands, teasing her with a passionate kiss.
“I’m such a fool for you,” Mona whispered in her ear. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you, this is what it means.”
“This is so sweet! Me too, but… our party is about to start. We need to shower, get dressed…”
“Can’t we just cancel it?” Mona rolled her eyes and threw her head in the pillow.
“Now we have all the time in the world to spend our lives together,” Allison squeezed her hand. “We can continue this later.”
“I’ll be looking forward to it,” Mona smiled.
9 months later…
Mona patiently waited for her turn on the line. Unlike the other students, she was calm and assured of herself. The rest of her year in University had gone smooth. Piece of cake. The teachers loved her and her classmates no longer looked at her as a radioactive hazard. They’d often ask for her help in their studies, invite her for lunch and even compliment her car.
Her turn arrived, she examined the paper hanging on the wall. Another A+. One more for the collection. That Business major would help her to succeed running dad’s dealership, while she could also test a bunch of new car models.
“How do you even do that?” A male voice whined, right beside her.
“Because I’m awesome, Leon,” she grinned.
“You finished the year as the #1 in all your classes, Brian is the new star of the football team… And me…”
“Come on, I’ve helped you to recruit some people to your Dungeons & Dragons club. Next year you’ll even be able to enter a championship.”
“I’m gonna miss you guys this Summer,” he lamented, carrying his bags, ready to go home.
“Never thought I’d say that, but me too.”
In the parking lot, Allison was already waiting for her. Her Yottsume Halberdier was filled with their bags and supplies for the road trip to East Coast. They had a few weeks off, before Allison started working as coroner for the LAPD. Mr. Wheeler couldn’t be more proud of his little girl.
“How did my favorite nerd do in her last exam?” Allison asked, wrapping her arms around Mona’s neck.
“Perfect, as always,” Mona lifted her up, placing her seat on the car’s hood.
“Did you know you get really hot when you’re feeling all cocky and victorious?”
“You mean, even hotter than usual?!”
After sharing a quick kiss, Allison grabbed a folded paper from her pocket.
"So any destinations you’d like to add to our list? There’s the casinos in Vegas, the Grand Canyon, the Nascar Hall Of Fame, your hometown…”
"There’s one actually,” after being pensive for a brief moment, Mona took the paper, adding a new destination. Allison read it.
“Is that where…” she asked.
“It’s what Vaughn told me.”
“Are you sure you wanna do this?”
“Yeah, I can’t wait to ride with those losers one last time. For the old times’ sake.”
Together, they entered the car and started driving to the long road ahead of them.
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i’ll be the wind beneath your wings (ch. 5)
and here we are, the final chapter of my swap gift to @peppervl! i hope you liked your gift!  (read it on ao3!)
The Day After Armageddon
Centuries passed. Humanity grew. The world morphed into something new and unrecognizable. The end of everything thundered on their doorstep and was sent away again. They lost—
I don’t need you.
— they found—
Lift home?
And somehow, the same angel and the same demon from six thousand years ago found each other in the storm.
You can stay at my place if you like.
They huddled together for refuge inside of Crowley’s flat, tired—so, so tired—but they could not rest yet. The War was over, but the battle was not.
“They aren’t going to be happy with us,” murmured Aziraphale. He still had enough energy to anxiously pace before Crowley, who was sprawled in his… throne? It certainly looked like a throne. “I mean—you saw Gabriel. He looked ready to smite me. And Beelzebub. Oh, we shouldn’t have antagonized them—”
Crowley listlessly stared at the ceiling as Aziraphale spoke, lazily swinging his sunglasses. “It was worth it, though,” he replied after a moment.
“I mean, of course, Gabriel’s face was priceless, but what are we going to do? They’ll send their armies after us as retribution for stopping their War!”
“Twenty million angels and demons. All after me and you.”
“That’s a big number, alright.”
“We might be put to death, even. I doubt we’ll get a trial, not after everything we’ve done.”
“Crowley, this is serious! Why—?”
“Angel,” said Crowley. He sounded so weary, yet a small, crooked smile pushed its way across his face. “C’mere.”
Aziraphale came. Step by step, until he stood before Crowley and his smile. He held out his hand. Aziraphale took it and sighed shakily as Crowley squeezed it.
“I’m sorry,” Aziraphale mumbled. “I’m just—I’m scared. For us.”
“We’re going to be fine,” Crowley said, in such a soft but knowing way that Aziraphale could almost believe him right away.
“I—appreciate the vote of confidence, but how?”
Crowley rubbed his thumb along Aziraphale’s knuckles. “We’ll come up with a plan, and it’ll work. We’re smarter than all of Heaven and Hell combined. Gabriel thinks he has something going on up there, but we all know that’s a load of tosh.” Aziraphale chuckled weakly. “And Beelzebub—they’re crafty, I’ll give ‘em that much, but they learned it all from me.”
“We can’t rely on wits—or lack thereof—alone!”
“And we won’t,” Crowley assured. “We’ve got something else, too.”
“And what may that be?”
“Time.” Crowley snapped his fingers. His throne morphed into a very cushy looking couch. He lightly tugged Aziraphale down. The red velvet cushions were precisely as plush as they appeared to be. “Beelzebub’s got to get all of their little minions in line again, and so does Gabriel. Dunno about angels, but demons are a rowdy bunch on a good day, and horrid little buggers on a bad one, and I would say this is a very bad day for Hell.”
“What are you implying?”
“I,” said Crowley, “am implying that they aren’t going to break down my front door in the next thirty seconds, and that we can relax.”
Aziraphale let out a long breath and slumped against Crowley’s side. “You’re right. I suppose I got myself rather worked up.”
“I’ll say. I thought you were supposed to be the rational one.”
“Goodness, no, have you met me? Weren’t you the one to stop time just earlier today?”
“...I panicked.”
“Oh, dear.” With the initial rush panic mostly washed away, Aziraphale felt empty. Like the tide had come in and taken everything with it when it went back out. “Well, it was impressive, nonetheless.”
Crowley barked a laugh. “Don’t ask me to do it again anytime soon. I think I’ll discorporate.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it. You must be exhausted.”
“Could sleep for another hundred years,” Crowley said, and it was then that Aziraphale truly heard the exhaustion lacing his words. 
“Well, maybe not that long,” said Aziraphale. “I’d be lonely with you, my friend.”
Crowley glanced at him, a knowing glimmer sparkling in the corners of his tired eyes. “Fine,” he said. “Until morning, then. But if you wake me up before eleven, you’ll have bigger problems than Heaven and Hell to worry about.”
Aziraphale huffed a laugh and bumped his head against Crowley’s shoulder. “Go on then. We can discuss our strategy over tea in the morning. I’ll keep myself entertained. I’m sure you have a book or two somewhere around here.”
Crowley nodded slowly. After a few seconds, he stood up and strode over to a wall. He put one palm on it, then turned back to Aziraphale. Crowley was never one to look his age, but now the lines around the corners of his eyes betrayed a sort of ancient weariness that only came with seeing the beginning and the end of the world in your lifespan. “I’ll see you in the morning, angel.”
It certainly sounded like goodnight. But there was an individual note of reluctance playing in Crowley’s voice that Aziraphale hesitated at. 
“Yes,” he said instead of pressing it. “Have a good sleep.”
“...Yeah. G’night.”
He pushed on the wall. Part of it swung open like a revolving door, and Crowley went through it. Before it shut, Aziraphale swore he saw Crowley turning to look back.
And then the door shut and he was alone.
Aziraphale blew out a long breath and drummed his fingers on his knees. Some tea sounded nice right about now. Or hot chocolate. Crowley didn’t seem like the type of person that would keep a kettle around, or even a pot. Or tea bags. Or anything to make any drink. Did he even have a kitchen? He did say Aziraphale was free to explore… 
Twenty minutes of poking about Crowley’s flat found him back in the living room with a couple of dusty books and a cup of coffee. As it turned out, Crowley did have a kitchen, but it looked so new and unused that it could have been photographed for an advertisement for a remodeling agency. Aziraphale almost felt bad for using it to make coffee, which was the only thing Crowley had in the cupboards. He wasn’t particularly fond of coffee, but he was desperate enough for something hot to drink to take it.
He sipped his coffee, grimacing at the taste. The flat was large, but there wasn’t much in it apart from some furniture and a few oddly specific art pieces. The sketch of Mona Lisa was particularly impressive. He’d only met the artist once, and that was when he went to get his portrait sketched with Crowley. Judging from the stories Crowley had told of him, da Vinci was quite the character. Aziraphale still wasn’t entirely sure what to make of the vases. They were beautifully made, but they looked to be more like a last-ditch effort to make the place a bit more lived-in than actual decorations. The same was true for the books; the front covers were still glossy and stiff once he wiped the dust from them, and the spines crackled when he opened them up to read.
It took him almost an hour to get through the first chapter. It wasn’t that the content was dense. Even if it were, he’d become adept at processing even the most complex texts extraordinarily quickly. No, the issue was the anxiety shaking away in his mind. He pushed it aside for the first few pages, but as he went on, he couldn't but help pay more and more attention to it. It settled over him like an itchy robe and, as time went on, began to permeate his skin and gnaw on his bones. 
Aziraphale frowned. It was the strangest sensation, but he could swear that this feeling didn’t belong to him. When he stressed, there was a discernible reason for it that he would hunt down and fix. This time, he couldn’t begin to make sense of what precisely the problem was. 
If it wasn’t him, then…
Aziraphale gently shut his book. The half-full mug was left beside the couch as he got to his feet and took a few experimental steps towards the wall Crowley had gone through; the feeling immediately sharpened. He went to try and push open the same wall Crowley walked through. It opened startlingly easily, and Aziraphale was nearly hit in the behind by the door as he fell through it. He steadied himself and surveyed the… greenhouse?
Dozens of gorgeous tropical plants filled the room with colorful lush leaves and vibrant flowers. Some were enormous and nearly brushed the glass ceiling with their stalks, while others were much smaller and remained in plastic pots on small tables. For some reason, all of them appeared to be shivering slightly. Crowley clearly took excellent care of them. Aziraphale would have to tell him so later. 
After a few more seconds of gawking, he happened to glance upon a corridor. At the end was another statue. This one appeared to be two winged figures on top of each other and… wrestling. Definitely wrestling.
Uncomfortable, Aziraphale swiftly decided to move on. The prickliness morphed into thorniness, and he was extraordinarily gentle as he knocked on a closed door in a hallway off to the left of the statue. 
“Crowley?” he called softly. “Are you in here?”
For a moment, there was no reply. Then came a faint, “Yeah.”
“May I come in?”
He pushed open the door and entered. He could immediately tell that this was where Crowley spent most of his free-time. More tastefully positioned art decorated the walls, and there was a desk off to the right covered with random objects: more plants, quills, a doll, a few stones, a pocket watch, and even a glittering sapphire. Souvenirs from throughout the ages, he realized. He knew because he had an extraordinarily similar setup at the bookshop. Or rather, he used to have one.
Across from the desk, an enormous four-poster bed dominated the room. A mountain of red covers was piled on top of the bed. Barely visible from one end of it was Crowley.
“I was thinking,” started Crowley without prompting. “I was thinking, what if it all goes tits up? I know I’m a hypocrite, angel, but I can’t stop it.”
Aziraphale began to toe off his shoes. 
“I mean—They’ve got usss cornered. We know they’re coming. They know we know they’re coming.”
Aziraphale hung his coat on a newly formed coat hook on the back of the door.
“We could run away. They’ll probably find us. And then I guessss we could run again? And then that’s it. Zilch. No miracle’s getting usss out of this.”
Aziraphale came over to the bed and neatly slid himself beneath the covers. Crowley did not pause even pause once during his rant.
“I mean—twenty million! Twenty million angels and demonsssss—ugh, demons, can do a bloody lot of damage to Earth without an apocalypse! And—oh shit, what about Adam and hisss lot? Satan’s not gone, you know, but since Adam’s renounced Him as his father, He can—ngk, shsp—I dunno, kill him? Can He do that?”
“I doubt the Almighty would allow something so dreadful to happen to an innocent child,” Aziraphale soothed.
Oh, ‘cos She’s got such a spotless track record with children.” Finally, Crowley turned his head to look at Aziraphale. “I thought you were supposed to be reading?”
“You think awfully loudly when you’re stressed, my dear.”
“Oh. I didn’t mean to.”
“I know, my dear.” Obviously, Aziraphale was not pleased about Crowley’s distress, but secretly, it did bring him some relief to know he wasn’t overreacting. “What’s bothering you?”
“What’s—What’s bothering me? Nothing. I’m unbotherable.”
“Mm. Then what’s all this about the Lord of the Underworld and young Adam?” 
“Some worm in my brain,” Crowley muttered. He crossed his arms and frowned down at the bed covers. 
“Well, tell it to stuff it,” Aziraphale said. Crowley snorted. “I’m serious. You should listen to your own advice some time. Everything you told me not half an hour ago is still as true now as it was then. We have wits, we have time, and”— he pulled the scrap of Agnes’ prophecy he’d caught from his pocket—“we have Agnes.”
“What’s she got to do with this?”
Aziraphale handed the scrap over for Crowley to read.
“Playing with fire…” Crowley said after a few minutes. His eyebrows were making a brave attempt at escaping into this hairline. “Probably means literal Hellfire. I don’t have a clue what the rest is supposed to mean.”
“Neither do I,” Aziraphale admitted. “But I believe interpretations of four-hundred-year-old prophecies should wait until morning. We already agreed stressing over any plans now will do neither of us any favors.”
“Right.” Crowley flipped the paper over, then gave it back to Aziraphale. “Erm. Are you staying here then, or…?”
“Oh—I can go, if you’d like, I just thought you’d like some company—”
“No, it’s fine. Um. If you’re staying, then…” he trailed off into an unintelligible mumble.
Aziraphale slightly furrowed his brow. “What was that?”
“What about your wings?”
Crowley turned a shade of red that matched spectacularly with his covers. “Blast it all, will you help me with my wings? Just until I fall asleep?”
Aziraphale smiled and beckoned Crowley to come closer. He scooted over, turned his back on him, and in the next instant, Aziraphale found himself spitting out a mouthful of Crowley’s feathers.
“You could have warned me,” he groused, picking down off of his tongue. 
Crowley made an apologetic noise that somehow did not sound at all apologetic. Aziraphale rolled his eyes and began working his fingers through the feathers. They were in excellent condition as always, so Aziraphale was mostly undoing Crowley’s work so that he could do it again. Judging by how he leaned back more and more into Aziraphale’s hands with each stroke, he didn’t mind. 
The scars had healed up wonderfully, Aziraphale noticed. The bumps were nearly undetectable by his touch. The old, damaged set of feathers were replaced entirely, having been through a few molts at this point. Aside from a few telling ridges from healed broken bones and slightly thinner patches of feathers, he could believe nothing terrible had happened that day.
“It seems you’re doing well,” Aziraphale commented.
“Mmhmm. Thanks to you, mostly.”
He smiled. “Is your right wing still bothering you?”
“A bit. Could you…? Mm, thanks.”
Aziraphale gently rubbed slow circles into Crowley’s wing with his thumbs. If one listened hard enough, they would be able to hear the footsteps of the building’s other residents. Occasionally, a burst of laughter or a shout would make it through the concrete walls. They quickly faded out, and they’d be left alone with the quiet sounds of their breathing and the rustling of feathers.
An hour went by in companionable silence, until Aziraphale uttered, “Crowley?”
A few seconds passed. Then, in a voice roughened by sleep, “Yeah?”
“Could I ask you something?”
“The night you were injured, and you came to the bookshop… why did you come to me if you were so adamant about leaving?”
Crowley’s brow twitched. “I thought—Wait, you don’t remember?”
“I don’t believe I’ve ever asked before.”
“Huh. Oh, shit, that’s what I forg—I mean. Of course. Must be thinking of something else.” Crowley coughed. “Uh. Okay, so I escaped, got a little fucked up by Hastur’s cronies, and well… I was paranoid. Can you blame me?” Aziraphale resumed stroking Crowley’s wing while he waited for him to go on. “And… I figured you were the best choice. I didn’t want to die. I’d be stuck Down there with Hastur for Satan knows how long. But once I got there, I didn’t—I wasn’t sure if you’d pick your duties as an angel or—or something else.” Or me. Aziraphale’s heart dropped.
“I—I won’t lie to you,” he admitted. “You were correct. I wasn’t sure. I almost didn’t want to use any miracles on you. I still feel guilty about that.”
Crowley nodded slowly as the words rolled over him. He didn’t look hurt, but he didn’t seem surprised either. “But you wound up helping me anyway, and I figured it was just because, well, y’know, he’s an angel, angels help people. And demons. Couldn’t believe it. So when I woke up and I just—I was convinced that wasn’t what you actually wanted. I still thought it was an obligation. And well, you had made your points about our natures enough that I figured getting caught out was the last thing you wanted. I wanted to get out so they wouldn’t find us both.”
Aziraphale bit the inside of his cheek. “I was worried I’d done something wrong.”
“No, no. I just—you said you wanted to help, but I wasn’t sure if that was out of obligation or not, but I didn’t want you to get in trouble either way and—yeah. It was weird.”
“Again, you were right.” Aziraphale stroked his hair apologetically. “I’m an angel, and there was likely a divine instinct to take you in. I was hurt, you know, when you told me as much. Not because it’s true, but because I wanted to help you. You are, more than anything, more than either of our natures, more than Hell was to you or what Heaven meant to me, you are my dearest friend.” Aziraphale leaned over to make sure Crowley was meeting his eyes. “I knew the risks, and they were worth taking if it meant I could save you.”
“Crowley, I am”—his breath caught—“I am so sorry I made you feel that way. You’re my best friend. I would never let anything happen to you.”
“I—That’s—The sentiment’s mutual, angel.” And then Crowley did something that surprised them both; he turned and tightly hugged Aziraphale around the middle. He squeezed tightly, burrowing his head into Aziraphale’s chest. “Thank you,” he mumbled. His breath puffed warmly through Aziraphale’s shirt.
Aziraphale wiggled his hands free from Crowley’s wings and placed one on the back of his head, and the other just under his wings. Then, he brought out his wings and and curled them around the two of them. They stayed like that for a moment, sharing closeness and warmth and something else that was indescribable, but it was warm, and it was safe. 
“I’d do it again in a heartbeat,” he murmured, pressing his lips to Crowley’s head. “Now let’s get some rest, my dear. We have our biggest day yet ahead of us.”
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The one with new pens and phone numbers
June 29, 1986.
Yesterday, I shared the lyrics I had written with Ceecee, who looked at them with this look of excitement on her face as if I had just penned the next "Blackbird". She took the lyrics and began strumming her guitar, and within time, she invented a riff for this song, this new untitled song, solely driven by her playing. I figured she's the maestro for this song whereas I'm basically just following her along. After a couple of takes, we decided that I sing on the second bar leading in.
We practiced it all day in her bedroom until we knew the words and music by heart. It took me a while to realize I had penned the song after the two of us meeting and then living near a place where that murder went down. It was particularly obvious in the chorus:
"don't wash it away, don't wish it away. Two shadows wondering in the dark, with the words unspoken and the cold of death. We are alive in the flesh light."
Since it was just us there at her house, we decided we would save this song for a rainy day, whenever that may be in the future.
Today, meanwhile was a normal day wherein Ceecee, Clara, and I met up with the boys again, all of them, at about eleven-thirty in the morning. The paranoia was hanging over us, the heavy feeling as we drove on past the house, the site of the murder scene. But the feeling soon waned away once we passed through the neighborhood and made our way out of Burien and into town.
This time around, we were outside of the venue that Metallica was supposed to play at the other day, but as it turned out, the show had been postponed for about a week. We met up at the Coliseum, a tall ivory white building of cinder block and pale brick lined with pitch black trimming, done such that it resembled an old fashioned casino. Metallica's drummer Lars, this cute short boy with long shaggy, disheveled hair and bright green eyes, and an odd accent that I knew from the get-go wasn't American, met up with us there at will call from all the way down the far side of the building. He invited us back there, mainly to get us out of the crowd, but partially to find the guys all congregated in the alleyway there behind the venue. There's a low brick wall there holding back a row of little ornamental cherry blossom trees, where they all congregated at for about half an hour, and I knew why because the trees cast enough shade since, at that point, the sun rose higher into the sky and everything began to warm up.
Lars assured the three of us that they hadn't been waiting for us for very long, given the main reason for them showing up was to find out details on the show. Apparently the delay was par in thanks to the promoters scrambling to find more money to promote the whole date with them and Ozzy.
Today's the eve of my birthday and when I told that to Joey and James, the reactions I got from both men varied from each other so much that I can't hardly seem to put my head around it.
Joey removed his mirrored sunglasses and coaxed me in closer to his body for a hug. I have given Ceecee plenty of hugs, and my parents both plenty of hugs, but he had to have been the best, given he held me so close. He rested his hand on the back of my head to hold me right up against his chest. His long spidery fingers entwined their way through my hair; and even though his body is so slim and slender in its build, he felt strangely silky, a feeling of which I can only describe as something akin to holding a teddy bear.
I gazed up at him and the late morning sun bathing over the back of his head, like he was wearing a crown, like an Indian prince. He showed me that little Mona Lisa smile once again and said, "happy birthday" in that suave voice laced with that Italian influenced upstate New York accent.
But on the other hand, James seemed less than enthusiastic about it. He sat there on the low brick wall with a thoughtful look upon his already stern face, and his bright eyes shaded from the sun by the prominence of his brow, and his hands resting upon his knees. A man of few words, but he could've at least given me a smile or blew me a kiss like what Metallica's guitarist Kirk did for me. He was such a far cry from what I witnessed the couple of days before at the restaurant. So closed off now, a stretch of unknown territory.
I asked Clara about it earlier after we came home and she told me it could've been from the fact he and I opened up to each other too soon, and he was retracting a bit. But there's something about him, like how there's something about Joey. Something that's calling me back to him anyway.
(Charlotte's note: perhaps it could be left over from the fact that a rather brutal murder happened awfully close by and Chris is wanting to uncover some emotions? I know I would.)
Either way, the bunch of us chatted for a bit there outside of the venue. Next to James, Metallica are these four guys from San Francisco, originally Los Angeles but relocated to be closer to their bassist Cliff. The exception was Lars, whom I found out hailed all the way from Denmark. Meanwhile, Anthrax kept up their friendly New Yorker demeanor toward the three of us. Just a bunch of guys, a bunch of guys willing to chat with three girls who happened to stumble upon their music by accident and then were whisked into their little circle all because of Clara.
At around three o'clock, or around the time in which they all had to file inside for sound check, Scott declared we do the honors before the show and exchange numbers with each other. Clara, who explained to Anthrax's bassist and drummer Frank and Charlie how she made her art in that she uses nothing more than the feeling of her hands and arms over paper, had brought a brand new pen in which she would do some abstract work with later this summer, so the nine of them were careful to use it on the pad of paper Frankie had taken out of his pocket.
He was all too kind towards Clara, saying she could shatter some glass ceilings with her art given she lacked sight. I could see it between the two of them, just the way he was gentle in guiding her closer to him and Charlie, and the way he let her caress his lanky arms, his shoulders, and his toned chest.
"I can tell you're handsome," she remarked, showing him a grin from behind her pitch-dark shades. "Handsome in a big way."
Joey then made a joke about starting a cover band of his own if and when he got the chance and calling it Chief Big Way, which got a laugh out of both her and Ceecee.
Ceecee, meanwhile, took attention to Kirk and Cliff, the former this slender dark skinned guy, about the same height as Joey, and with a lot more rich black curls about the crown of his head. Where Joey's toned, slender, and solemn, Kirk has a mischievous twinkle in his eye and a little baby face that makes me think of high school age. Cliff, on the other hand, towers over us with long straight locks of light brown hair and kind of a deep, serious look in his eye. Ceecee describes him as the tower of power.
And then there's Danny of Anthrax and Lars of Metallica, two guys who helped out the three of us with their intelligence and their quick wit. They all seemed to twin each other, these nine men hailing from opposite ends of the country--and in Lars' case, the other side of the world. And yet, they all had one thing in mind and that was to treat the three of us well.
After Mom had once again advised the three of us to stay safe, we were willing to take any chance whatsoever to connect with these men. Even after we headed into the venue to oversee sound check, one of the Coliseum's stagehands strolled on over to us to tell us that the show had been cancelled given the lack of money to handle all of the dirty work, we still walked out of there with the golden tickets, their numbers, to give them a ring whenever either of us had a moment.
But I think what's interesting is even after the bunch of us were told that the show was cancelled, Lars suggested Ceecee and I give a show.
The two of us. Play a show for these guys as Black Moon in the midst of the hot summer day.
Granted, we had to hustle on back home to fetch our guitars, but we did it. And we returned with the cases on our backs to find they had congregated behind the venue with a couple of the stagehands close by as security guards. I should mention Ozzy's dressing room was right upstairs, right up above our heads.
But Ceecee and I set up there on the sidewalk, under the rich golden light of this summer day with nothing more than our acoustic guitars slung over our shoulders. No fancy amps, no microphones, nothing fancy to help us out. Just the two of us while Clara behaved as usher using her cane.
I served the duty as singer as we covered Heart.
I'll admit that it was a bit nerve-racking since up to that point, Clara had acted as our audience. But there was a point in which I gazed on right at Joey, right into his deep brown eyes and the pensive look on his face. At one point, he gazed on at me as if he had been touched by the sound of my voice. And I hadn't heard him sing before, either.
At another point, I glanced over at James, who still had the same stoic look upon his face. But I could see it in his eye. I was tapping into the minds of these two men by merely singing and doing a halfhearted way of playing guitar. Ceecee is the guitar player: I'm just the girl filling in for her. The highlight was that Scott described us as "Paul Simon and Joan Jett had a love child together."
Soon, as the sun began to sink behind the brick building next door, we decided today was the rainy day. We played the song I had penned two nights ago, one that we hadn't given a name yet. But when I said this was a song that I had wrote, and Danny asked me what it was called, Ceecee filled in, declaring that it's coincidentally called "Black Moon."
She led the way and then I followed suit. I started singing on the second bar, just how we practiced it.
Joey's face softened even more. James even tilted his head to the side as if trying to figure us out.
Soon they figured out the chorus, and Frank and Charlie began chanting "don't wish it away" with me. Kirk and Lars followed suit. Soon we were all singing "don't wish it away" together like a whole gaggle of friends doing karaoke. And at that point, I had completely forgotten the show was cancelled, especially once Joey showed me that Mona Lisa smile again.
And this happened all because I wrote a song about my best friends living near a murder scene... and yet none of them knew about it.
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danfanciesphil · 5 years
too high (can’t come down) by @danfanciesphil
Suspending himself 7,000 feet above the rest of the world seems likely to be a sure-fire way for Dan to escape normality, and isolate himself for the foreseeable future. The Secret of the Alps, a small hotel tucked into the side of the Swiss mountains is too niche for most avid adventurers to have heard of, making it the perfect place for Dan to work as he sorts through his problems. Unfortunately, privacy is a coveted thing, and as Dan soon finds out, the hotel harbours one guest who values it more than most.
Rating: Explicit Tags: Enemies to lovers, snow, mountains, skiing, hostility, slow burn, secrecy, longing, repression, nobility, classism, cheating, eventual sex
Ao3 Link
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four
Chapter Five
On Friday morning, after breakfast has been cleared, Mona is going over all of the things Dan needs to stay on top of over the weekend, when someone knocks on the front door. Both of them turn to the noise, obviously startled. They’re 7,000 feet up the side of a mountain. Visitors aren’t a frequent occurrence.
In the next moment, Mona gathers herself, smooths down her jacket lapels and goes to answer the door. As soon as she opens it, Kaspar bursts through, brandishing a pair of electric blue skis, a smallish parcel under his arm, and a pile of letters secured with string.
“My gorgeous Mona!” he exclaims, dropping everything onto the side-table nearby in order to pull her into a hug. He dwarfs her small frame with his big, beefy arms, but she doesn’t struggle, patting Kaspar politely on the shoulder and waiting for him to have had his fill. “Your eyes, they shine brighter than the sun glinting off the mountain snow. Your skin is the colour of a young fawn-”
“G-good morning, Kaspar,” Mona stammers out quickly once she’s been released. Her cheeks are now tinged a deep pink. “Shall I take these?”
She reaches past him to pluck the bundle of letters from the table. “My beauty,” Kaspar says, catching her by the arm as she attempts to grapple with the skis. “Allow me to lift your burdens. I will take care of everything. I can read you each letter one by one-”
“I’m perfectly capable of reading my own mail, Kaspar,” Mona interrupts sternly, though her cheeks are practically aflame at this point. Dan watches on in amusement, pretending to be busy on the reception computer. “Though I would appreciate your help taking the skis up to the top floor.”
“My angel, if you asked I would let you sail down the mountain on by back,” Kaspar cries, to which Mona rolls her eyes, but does let out a tiny smile. 
Kaspar lifts the skis onto his shoulder, then reaches for the parcel. Dan jumps to his feet so abruptly that he knocks the computer mouse off the desk. Mona and Kaspar turn in surprise at the sound. 
“I’ll take the other parcel,” Dan blurts, catching the mouse from where it swings from its cord, and placing it carefully back on the mousepad.  “It’s for Mr Novokoric, right?” 
Mona plucks the package from Kaspar and studies the name on the label, frowning. “How did you know that?”
“He... mentioned that he’d ordered a new phone.”
Something about this response makes Mona’s eyes widen. “He… told you that?”
“Yes,” Dan says, that niggling sense that he’s missing something rearing its head once again. “Is that strange?”
Mona shrugs, but gives him a once over. “No, no, that’s fine. Take the package.  You can lead the way to Mr Novokoric’s room. Show Kaspar where it is.”
“Little Dan, you are my sherpa,” Kaspar declares, grinning. Armed with the skis resting over his broad shoulder, Kaspar appears rather menacing. “Lead on.”
Ducking as Kaspar turns to and fro, expressively admiring the lobby interior as Mona blushes and accepts compliments, Dan goes to collect the package from the table. Mona summons the courage to ask Kaspar whether he’d like a coffee before he leaves again, and Kaspar’s enthusiasm for this nearly severs Dan’s neck from his shoulders. 
He scurries quickly towards the stairs, assuming that Kaspar will follow once he’s done fawning over the manager. As they begin the ascent, Kaspar prattles on about how the blizzard that was forecast for today is nowhere to be seen, and that Kaspar himself knows far more than ‘those baboons with their balloons and barometers’ ever will. Dan just nods along, unable to get a word in edgeways even if he were so inclined. 
In truth, Dan’s rather glad of Kaspar’s non-stop chatter, as he himself is too busy trying to understand why he’s voluntarily hurled himself into this situation. On most days, he barely has to converse with Phil at all, and that’s just fine. The less they speak to one another, the less chance there is for Dan’s day to be ruined by whatever insult Phil lets slip as casually as Kaspar comments on the weather. Now, for some reason, he’s willingly placed himself in the line of fire. For the life of him, Dan cannot understand it, but something about watching Mona and Kaspar had shaken free an urgent desire to see Phil. To deliver the first bit of good news the man has probably gotten in quite some time. 
“I think now we are another thousand feet up!” Kaspar jokes as they emerge on the top floor landing. 
Dan manages a polite titter in response. “It’s room eight,” he says, gesturing to Phil’s door. 
The hallway is silent apart from Dan and Kaspar’s breathing from the climb. Kaspar has an excuse, given that he’s lugging enormous skis; Dan’s parcel isn’t that heavy, but he is incredibly unfit. Part of Dan wishes he could take a moment to get his breath back before knocking on Phil’s door, but explaining this would probably only confuse Kaspar, so he decides to just go for it. 
He knocks, just as Kaspar begins to sing breathily - something Swiss and jaunty that Dan is pretty sure is out of tune. The door opens after a while, and Phil stands there, his shirt half-buttoned, his hair ruffled and messy. He looks like he’s just been ravished in the enormous four-poster bed Dan can see behind him.
“We- our- Kaspar- um, we have a- packages for- um. Here.” Mostly to stop his mouth from doing whatever it’s doing, Dan pushes the box into Phil’s hands.
Phil gives him a curious look, then moves his attention to Kaspar and the skis. “Oh, awesome,” he says, then seems to remember himself. “I mean, that’s excellent, Kaspar. Thank you for bringing those up.”
He takes a step to one side in the doorway, letting a still-singing Kaspar swan through into Phil’s suite. Even from his limited viewpoint, it’s clear to Dan that this room is three times the size of his own next door, and far more luxurious. There’s a chaise longue, for one thing, and a window seat, and a huge wall-mounted television.
“And where would you like me to put these, Philly?” Kaspar asks in his loud, jolly voice. 
Dan’s eyebrows shoot towards the ceiling. Philly?  
It might be Dan’s imagination, but he thinks he sees a light blush skimming atop Phil’s high cheekbones. “In the cupboard, if you don’t mind, Kaspar.”
“Of course,” Kaspar replies, springing out of sight somewhere deeper into the suite.
Phil turns back to Dan, then looks down at the box he’s been given. “Thanks for this,” he says, unexpectedly. “I’m going mad without a phone.”
“No problem. I mean, Mona ordered it, I’m just the delivery boy.”
Phil nods, and a painful silence falls. Dan, having always detested awkwardness, cannot let it just sit on their shoulders, so for some reason says, “try not to chuck this one off a mountain!”
It’s a joke, of course, but Phil doesn’t laugh. Instead, his lips press together, and Dan remembers - idiot, idiot, idiot - that the information about what happened to Phil’s previous phone was gleaned from eavesdropping on a phone call he had with his husband.
“I hear we’re going to be alone over the next few days,” Phil says, swiftly changing the subject, to Dan’s relief.
“Mona and Louise are away, yeah,” Dan says, not bothering to hide the dread in his voice. “There’s another couple of guests, but yeah it’ll just be me in terms of staff-”
“I thought the other couple cancelled?”
Dan freezes, staring at Phil as a gelatinous glob of horror trickles down his spine. “W-what?” 
“I was speaking with Mona last night,” Phil says. “I think she said the other guests called to say they were too worried about the forecast blizzard.”
Just then, Kaspar re-emerges, arms empty of skis, beaming away as he squeezes past them back through the door. “Enjoy the rest of your day, Philly. Come now, little Dan, let us leave him to his duties.”
The corner of Phil’s mouth twitches when he hears the phrase ‘little Dan’, which is mildly embarrassing, but Dan is too boggled to feel it too deeply. Instead, Dan nods vaguely at Phil, who says nothing more, and then follows Kaspar back down the hall, past his own room, towards the stairs.
“Well of course I was going to mention it, Dan,” Mona says distractedly, taking the coffee Dan made - courtesy of Louise’s careful tuition - and placing it down in front of Kaspar, who takes her hand and kisses it. She pulls free of him quickly, flushing for the umpteenth time, and turns back to Dan. “Honestly, I thought you’d be relieved! Now you won’t have to worry about keeping guests happy. You just have to make sure the place doesn’t blow up.”
“I think you’re forgetting one guest,” Dan can’t help but point out. “You’re leaving me alone here with- with- him!”
Louise’s snicker echoes through the kitchen behind him, and Dan makes a mental note to ‘accidentally’ spray her with coffee during their next lesson.
“What’s the problem, exactly?” Mona asks, a touch impatiently. Her eyes are flicking back towards Kaspar, who is patting the chair beside his emphatically. “Louise seems to be under the impression that you and Mr Novokoric had straightened things out.”
“He apologised to Dan very nicely for upsetting him!” Louise calls unhelpfully from somewhere behind him.
Mona gives Dan a satisfied smile. “There, nothing to worry about then. Besides, I doubt you’ll see much of him. Of course you’ll need to deliver his meals to his room if he wants them. Louise can show you what needs doing with that. But apart from that, the man barely ever makes a peep.”
Begrudgingly, Dan nods, and Mona turns from him, making her way back over to Kaspar’s table. Dan watches her being flirted with for a few minutes, bemoaning his decision to take this bloody job, which has landed him a whole two days with a spoiled member of Swiss Royalty. His stomach flips as he considers the length of time stretching ahead, with just the two of them, up here, all alone. Then, he sighs, heads back into the kitchen, and calls for Louise to come and show him how to make a macchiato again.
Kaspar stays until the evening, with the excuse that he might as well stay until it’s time to escort Mona and Louise down the mountain. Louise is leaving for the weekend in order to see her daughter, Pearl, who lives with her father in Sussex, England. The nature of Louise’s job, along with certain court sentences that Dan doesn’t have the heart to ask about yet, means that she only gets to see Pearl a few times a year. It’s understandable therefore, that even though Mona has to be away this weekend as well, Louise can’t be expected to give up one of her rare opportunities to spend time with her child.
Dan stands with the two women in the lobby, trying not to let his distress leak into his expression as he drinks in the sight of them, bundled in thick coats, laden with luggage, about to abandon him up here, alone. Well, almost alone.
“I took Phil some shepherd’s pie up to his room an hour or so ago,” Louise tells Dan. “So he shouldn’t need anything until the morning.”
“Just don’t do anything to aggravate him,” Mona says in a low voice, zipping up her coat. “Remember he’s our best customer.” 
Before Dan can snort derisively, the front door opens and Kaspar walks through, strutting across the lobby to place a large hand on each of the women’s shoulders. “Your carriage has arrived, pretty ladies,” he says, beaming. “I will load your cases.”
Avoiding his eye, Mona primly hands over her suitcase to Kaspar, and Louise all but chucks her own bag into his arms. Dan bites his thumbnail; in just a few minutes, they’ll be gone entirely. For two whole days. 
Sensing his quiet distress, Louise comes over and squeezes her arms around him. “You’ll be fine. There’s a week’s worth of meals in the freezer. Your macchiatos haven’t killed anyone in hours. And Phil’s about as scary as a honey bee, once you see past his sting.”
“Thanks, Lou. Have fun with Pearl,” Dan replies, forcing a smile. He chooses not to mention his acute fear (and allergy) of bees. 
“I’ll see you on Monday, dweeb,” she says, releasing him. 
Mona takes hold of one of Dan’s hands in both of hers then, her eyes round and desperately searching for reassurance. “You’ll be alright, won’t you Dan?”
For a brief moment, he thinks about saying no, and begging her to stay. But he could never be so cruel. A sick grandmother is a pretty damn good reason to cry off a job she works insane hours for, for a couple of days. “Yeah, of course,” Dan says, stretching that forced smile. “Don’t worry about a thing, I’ve got the schedule down. Breakfast served at three, right?”
Mona sends him one of the ‘not funny’ looks she usually reserves for Louise. In a strange way, this makes him feel a bit better, like he’s been accepted as part of her trusted team. “I’ll see you in a couple of days,” she says, then gives his upper arms a quick squeeze.
Kaspar returns from loading their luggage, and the three of them head for the door, squawking about how cold it’s going to be, and how Kaspar’s inevitably going to make them fear for their lives by rocking the car to and fro, just to watch them shriek. They call a final goodbye to Dan, and with a cheery wave, Kaspar pulls the door firmly shut behind them.
For a few long moments, all Dan does is stare at the place they just were. Then, his eyes lift towards the ceiling, as if he could see straight through it, all the way up to the top floor, where Phil is… well. Who knows what he’s doing in that room. Throwing darts at a smiling photo of Dan’s face, perhaps.
He sighs, then sits down at the desk, wondering what to do with himself. In half an hour, it will be ten o’clock, the time his shift normally ends. It’s unlikely that Mr Novokoric will appear before then, so Dan could just call it a night, and go to bed. If he was really needed for any reason, Mr Novokoric could knock on his door. He sincerely hopes that he won’t do this, however. The idea of Phil seeing Dan, in his mismatching pyjamas and red-eyed from his night-time cry, is a horrifying one.
Mostly out of fear of Mr Novokoric needing him and Dan not being around, which could lead to him telling Mona he’s an incapable idiot, Dan remains where he is, rigid in his reception seat, until the clock strikes ten. Then, he gets up and begins doing all the things on the ‘end of the day’ checklist Mona went over with him numerous times. Lock the front door. Switch off the computer. Lock the door to the office. Turn off the lobby lights. Up to the mezzanine. Tidy any stray books, games or blankets left lying around. Lock the balcony doors. Go into the kitchen, turn off the oven, wipe down the countertops. Lights off. Up the stairs to the guest room floor. Lights off in the hallway. Up the final set of stairs. Open door to room. Linger in the hall staring at the light under the door of room eight. Go into room. Pyjamas. Clean teeth. Bed. Cry. Music. Stop crying. Listen. Sleep.
The snow is wet, but not as cold as he’d imagined. Dan is spread-eagled, on his back in the thick of it. Above him is an endless stretch of blue so pale it looks almost grey. He wonders if perhaps he’s laid in the sky, and is looking down at the Earth. To dispel this theory, a crow flies above him, circling once, before swooping down to perch on his chest. Dan breathes out a wash of steam.
“Hello,” Dan says.
The crow squawks. Hello.
“I’m not sure where I am,” Dan admits. 
His usual state of anxiety is gone for now. Despite his ignorance of what’s happening, he’s quite enjoying not knowing what’s next. He feels buoyant and free. Unless someone were gazing down from a cloud or a very tall tree, they’d never spot him in the midst of this landscape of white. That thought is a comforting one.
The crow opens its beak again, and squawks several times. You will find yourself soon.
Dan nods thoughtfully. The crow stamps its small, twiglet feet on Dan’s chest. “It’s nice to have some time away,” Dan says. “I’m sad, but at least it’s just me that’s sad.”
The crow pecks lightly at Dan’s nose. You don’t make people sad, Dan.
“I feel like I disappoint people,” Dan says, honestly. “My parents. Beth. I’m sure I’ll eventually disappoint Mona too. And Louise. I’ve already disappointed one of the guests.”
The crow stretches out one wing, and tucks its beak into the crook, then squawks, people disappoint themselves. They expect things you cannot always provide. This is not your fault. 
“Maybe.” Dan considers the crow’s point, staring into its mass of oil-slick feathers. A jet, beady eye pokes out, holding his gaze. “You’re very wise.”
The crow extends both wings. And you are stronger than you know.
Before Dan can say anything else, the crow flaps its wings, beating gusts of cool air into Dan’s face, and takes off, soaring into the pale sky. It flies higher and higher, until it’s nothing but a black speck, and then out of view entirely. The snow is melting from his body heat beneath him, and he is beginning to sink down. For a moment, Dan is tempted to let himself be engulfed, to disappear into the white plains of this place. But he knows the crow is watching him, even from wherever it flew. The crow is waiting for Dan to move, to fight the feeling of unworthiness that’s pushing him down. So, he sits up; the cold snow slides down his back. He grits his teeth, focused on a faraway melody, and stands.
Dan wakes up in his bed with a sense of vigour about him. His dream had been unusual, to say the least, but has instilled a determination in him. He’s got the lay of the land now; he can run this place for forty-eight hours. There aren’t even any guests to look after, aside from one. He gets ready quickly, shrouded in his new cape of confidence, and goes downstairs to set up for a likely needless breakfast.
As soon as he walks into the mezzanine lounge, he stops short at the sight of Phil Novokoric sat at one of the indoor tables, reading a book, a mug of coffee in his hand. The cape of confidence flies off Dan’s shoulders, sweeping off into the stratosphere.
“Oh. Good- good morning, Mr Novokoric,” Dan manages, only stumbling slightly as he edges towards the kitchen. “Um, Phil, I mean.”
Phil lifts his head from his book, azure eyes glinting. “Good morning, Dan.”
“You’ve… already got a coffee, then?”
Phil lifts an eyebrow, looking briefly down at the mug he’s holding. “It would appear so.”
“Great,” Dan says, resisting the urge to roll his eyes at the sarcasm. It takes a moment for the implication of this to sink in, given that Louise couldn’t have made it for him, but when it does, Dan narrows his eyes. “How?”
“It’s an instant coffee,” Phil says, wrinkling his nose.
“Oh,” Dan says, then his stomach flips. He’s going to have to ask, isn’t he? Oh, crap. “Would- would you like a macchiato?”
Phil assesses him carefully, setting his book down. “Alright,” he says after a moment.
Oh no. Dan’s been practicing like mad for two days with Louise, but he’s still not totally confident about his aptitude with the coffee machine. Nevertheless, he’s offered now, and he has to grant the request of the customer, no exceptions. Bracing himself for ridicule, or possibly just a sneer of contempt, Dan nods, and disappears into the kitchen.
He makes four different macchiatos, each of which seem to turn out slightly differently, much to his dismay. He tries to time the frothing of the milk, to clean the nozzle rigorously each time. In the end, he just selects the one that most resembles Louise’s perfect macchiatos that she can seem to whip up without looking, and takes a deep breath before bringing it out to Phil. He’s trembling as he places it down on the table, which Phil definitely notices, but doesn’t comment on, thankfully.
Phil peers at the coffee, scrutinising, then brings it to his nose for a gentle sniff. “Remembered the caramel this time, then,” he mutters, and Dan only just stops himself from finding the caramel syrup in the kitchen and upending it over his head.
Phil takes a cautious sip, then another, and then an actual gulp. He lowers the mug, eyebrows raised, and places it carefully back on the table. Dan only realises he’s hovering, watching Phil’s reaction with hawk-like attention, when Phil fixes him with a bemused stare and says, “thanks.”
He turns his attention back to his book, and Dan realises he’s being dismissed. “Oh. No problem.”
He steps back with an absurd little bow of his head; Phil might let out a tiny smile, but Dan can’t be sure if it’s because he thinks Dan’s an idiot, or because of something amusing in his book. Either way, he needs to leave before he humiliates himself properly. He heads back into the kitchen and unearths one of Louise’s homemade loaves of bread, which he then cuts four thick slices of. He toasts them under the grill, then spreads them with butter and plum jam. He puts two on one plate, and two on another, then carries them out of the kitchen. He places one plate down in front of Phil, who looks up in surprise, and then scurries downstairs to reception with his own plate before Phil can say anything. Dan eats his breakfast in between chores - sweeping the lobby, unlocking the doors, and setting up for the day.
Eventually, he runs out of things to do, and though he really would rather not go back upstairs and make more embarrassing small talk with Phil, he has no other choice. He picks up his empty plate from the desk, and heads back up to the mezzanine area. Mercifully, Phil’s table is now devoid of Phil, though his book and mugs are still there. He’s taken two bites out of one slice of toast. It’s been a while though, so Dan assumes he must have finished, and takes the plate into the kitchen along with his own. It seems a waste to throw an entire untouched piece of toast into the bin, so Dan scoffs that one too, humming a Muse song as he chews, and washing plates. As he’s swallowing the last bit, he hears the sound of a throat clearing, and turns, only slightly choking on toast crumbs, towards the noise.
Phil is at the serving hatch, his big crimson ski jacket on, and a faintly amused expression on his face. He pushes the two mugs across the hatch. “What is that you’re humming?” He frowns, as if trying to place it. “Sounds familiar.”
“Oh, it’s a Muse song.” Dan’s hands are soapy, dripping at his sides. He shakes the suds off them, self-consciously.
“Right,” Phil says. “Never liked Muse. All their songs sound the same.”
Another reason to detest this fool. Clearly he has no taste in music. Aside from… classical, perhaps.
“Each to their own,” Dan says in an attempt at brightness, then walks over to collect the dirty mugs from him. Just as he turns to leave, Phil reaches out and catches Dan’s wrist. It’s a light, soft touch, and is gone again the next second, but Dan feels as if he’s been zapped with 10,000 volts. He freezes, just about managing to hang onto the cups. “Er-”
“Come skiing with me,” Phil says, knocking Dan out of orbit.
(Chapter Six!)
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WLW Fic Rec List
with input from my beautiful friend @gee13
I promised a random anon I would give ‘em a more complete list of recs several months ago so here- in no particular order I have, Glee, Pretty Little Liars, Pitch Perfect, Girl Meets World, Supergirl, The 100,  The Good Place, and Riverdale. 
There’s very little porn without plot in here, but I went through my favorites on fanfiction.net and my history on Ao3 and if I recognized the fic I put it down. So some might have slipped through.
As I was going through these and rereading some old favorites I forgot about I wrote little bios. If your work, or a work you really like doesn’t have a bio it’s just cause I remembered it was really good and didn’t feel a need to reread it. If you want comment your own and I’ll edit the post and give you credit. 
The minimum qualifications for all of these were:
At least 2k words for a one shot, if it was a multi chapter there had to be at least 1k words per chapter (For example: 14 chapters, 14k words)
It had to be completed or updated in the last year ish (but like I was flexible based on the quality, and if I knew the author or the deal or not)
It had to be Ao3 or Fanfiction.net and tagged appropriately (so I could find it)
Also I never really got into g!p stuff because I ran into a lot of transphobic or just really offensive stuff early on which put me off of it.
Or the alpha omega stuff, when my goach found out I was reading fanfiction she said ‘great just nothing with alpha omega shit okay” and that was like four years ago but I don’t care enough now to start. So none of those are on here (maybe in faberry but I don’t think so)
And they also had to be english, my spanish is still pretty bad so I can’t really read any of those- sorry :(
But let me know if the link ain’t right. And if you think something should be added let me know too, and I’ll read it and add it, and give you credit. My tastes have changed over the years to be slightly so if there’s something here that you think is distateful message me being like “can you reread this?” because it might’ve slipped through. Or I might be like “m8 thats some gay ass shit right there, agr33 to disagr33.” We’re all just here to read out otps getting together again and again in different ways, let’s just be chill about it
But don’t worry- what’s important is at the end of the day they’re all very very gay. 
Italics is required reading for each fandom
Dead Girls Don’t Sing (a must read) and the sequel Dead Girls Don’t get a Happy Ending - if you read nothing else for the rest of your life read this, it was written by one of the kindest women I know
You Don’t have the Right
A Perfect Match - slow burn, good if you like tennis
Comfortably Numb
Black Holes and Revelations
Angel Eyes
I’ll Be
Beers and Strippers
Kill the Light
Racing Against the Sun (fucking depressing I cried)
The Christmas Act
Acceptance and it’s sequels: Remembrance and Convergence
Making Angels Cry
Better Than Ice Cream - cute kid!faberry fic
Alone Together - slow burn af but worth the read
A Million Miles of Fun - ridiculous and great
Cuddle Monster - fluffy fluffy crack
Zero, Thirtyseven, Nine - I read this awhile ago and was too young to comprehend the genius
Secret Relationship Unlike Any Other - I was just thinking about this fic the other day!
Should’ve Asked for Directions - if you haven’t read this- read it I swear to god
An Accident of Paradise
Backwards Walk  and the companion Between The Drinks And Subtle Things - angsty and painful, I once attempted to write a happy ending and even my fluffy ass failed 
Better Where it’s Wetter - Introduced me to Ellen so…
Boats in the Sky
The Wish
Give your Heart a Break - left me a lil unsatisfied, but gave me some room to daydream about an epilogue
We might fall hard We might fall fast
I Told Him
Opposite Poles, Equal Partners - a quick angsty one shot to leave you unsatisfied :)))))))))
Quinn’s Second Time - I remember this being good awhile back, let me know ya’ll
Marley and Quinn
My Lost was Saying Found
12 Days
Pretty Little Liars
Ali’s Second Chance
Sinner’s Lullaby
the supreme 
In Holy Matrimony
Our War
A Break From Being Me
Acquired Madness
Her Silence is Deafening
It’s a Process
Orange is the new Alison
Brooklyn and the Baby
Dreaming - tbh I’m not sure if it’s good, but the concepts amazing and the first chapters are really good so we’ll see
Downtown Train - this author is an investment, I have a feeling they’ll get better with time and this fic is already really good. Perfect for a relaxing rainy day, or right before you go to bed because it won’t keep you up. Just like a chill fic bruh
Tattooed Memories & Hidden Stories
Soldiers are Dreamers
Lauren - frustrating for an emison shipper but undeniably well written
Place Your Bet - tbh everything by this author, while a little slow, is incredible 
And The Sparks That We Had Can No Longer Light Up Our Debris - angsty and unsatisfying, but I’m a masochist so I love it
Like Real People Do
Right now it feels like we’re bleeding (so deep that we might not get back up) - I have reread this shit so many times, I love it to death
she’s (not) too good for you - I reread this on the regular
25 Occasions People Have Celebrated in the Liarverse - seriously so good, I cried several times
Five Kisses Emily Fields Never Had (On Screen)
Half the Fun
A Break From Being Me - hasn’t been updated in 3000 years but sorta incredible tbh, read at your own risk!
Mulligan Madness
Ali’s Guide to the Art of Love - one of those fics that seems dumb but is actually really gripping and well written and it’s just that the summary’s misleading?
i’ve been afraid of changing (cause i built my life around you)
silver stepping stones - sorta like ‘Right now it feels like we’re bleeding…’ but told from Alison’s perspective and if Alison had gone with Emily. It’s not perfect but it’s a cute one shot and really in character
Ali’s Nightmare Before Christmas and it’s sequel Breathe Again - I actually haven’t reread these I just remember these being really really good
Art of Attraction - I actually know the author and she’s super nice and she writes a bunch of other great stuff
All the Things That Used to Matter
every thought a thought of you
Love is the New Denim or Black
Act Like Everything is Normal
wide open road (of my future)
Take Me to Your River (I Wanna Go)
Chalk Paths
Tell me you Won’t Leave me - really angsty, I felt like it really made an impact on me ya know?
Thirteen Things - this is actually a series but every fic is completed and utter gold
All the Way Home I’ll Be Warm - okay this is a lil hetero but it has emison so
Big Little Liars
Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Depravity
Slouching Towards Bethlehem
Times, They Are A’Changing - sorta every gay couple imaginable, I haven’t read it in awhile but I remember it being really good, there’s a companion peice: Baby, You’re the Best I’ve Ever Met that’s about Mona and Melissa
Pitch Perfect
Perfect Timing and a Perky Red Head
Girl Meets World
The Circle
iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou, she never says and the unfinished sequel which will continue to kill us “we’ll be fine,” he swore  (even if you aint in the fandom read this, some of the best work I’ve ever seen)
Growing Pains Taste Like Five Hour Energy And Her Lips
Darling so it Goes - hasn’t been updated in awhile so read at your own risk
your hand in mine (heartbeats in sync)
we howl to the moon
do you fall in love too easily?
Passage - I reread this to make sure it was still good as I remembered, crying now- read at your own risk
As Observed by the Sky
pretty sleeper and it’s companion pretty weeper - why is the rilaya fandom so angsty? IT’S NOT NECESSARY
crawl home to her - vampire au, not normally something I’m into but the pickings are sparce and this is damn good
Ten First Meetings
The Universe Wants Maya Dead - fucking angsty man, seriously
Day in the Super Life
with joyful ring - a cute Christmas one shot
a love that’s homeless - another cute fantasy one shot
ramble in the roots
Something to Write About
The War of Roses
Is this who we are now? - I wish this was more than a oneshot, I would’ve liked to see the ending play out but a fantastic concept- really
Of Soul-Mate’s and Heart-ache
The Fifth Wall -  I’ve loved the slow buildup but haven’t had a chance to finish it so no one talk to me about it ever
Secretaries Know Best - Jess is a queen and I love her
One Lena Comment Too Far - the greatest piece of literature to ever grace the internet
Did You Absolutely Have To - I’m dying and I love it
Your Name
Supergirl’s latest date - I remember this being pretty funny but I was too lazy to reread
Sunlit Honey and Lavender Sunsets and apparently the author has an unfinished sequel? Gold-Crested Ravens and Cornflower Blue Mornings
The 100
Lightening Only Strikes Once - READ READ READ PLEAASE
Down Came the Rain
The Blind Side of Love
Pie in the Sky - so so so so good! Like actually amazing
they take their shots but we’re bulletproof
you’re magic & you’re real
All That You Got (Skin To Skin Oh My God)
Copper Down - so I went on a clexa spree and so there’s gonna be a shit ton of those on here
More Than You Think You Are - a little ooc at times but pretty gosh darn amazing oh my god
masquerade dreams 
blood rush in the hazy glow - this killed me, I wish the author would give us an epilogue, maybe Clarke and Lexa buying the bar together and watching some lost college kids come in making it a circle or something, but really really really amazing Jesus
I’ll travel through time to save you
In Another Life - a little Lexark for ya, it’s a short, fun, satisfying read you can knock out in thirty minutes
Origamis - to prepare ya’ll for the single mom au I’m dropping probably never but have planned out in my head to a tee
The Wife Project: By Professor Alexandria Woods - Autistic!lexa is honestly one of my favorite head canons that I believe is 100% true, and this fic writes it effortlessly
Almost Three - angsty but interesting concept- definitely enjoyable and I’ve reread it multiple times
Some Angels Fall
Commander in Chief - the best part about this is that in this universe trump is in jail
i’ll give you the moon - some christmas fluff
she gave me a good character (but said I could not swim) - angsty and unfullfilling so you know I love it
The White Queen Running - I loved every moment of this fic and it’s (unfinished) sequal - The Red King Awake, while admittedly hard to follow at times it’s still incredibly sweet while also being angsty and intriguing. 10/10 would read again. Also there’s so much fanart for it? Like really really good fanart? I’ve actually saved some of the better pieces to give me inspiration when I write tbh…
An Unfinished Fight - wonderful concept but would’ve loved to see the ending scene played out more, still an overall amazing fic and honestly so satisfying
Love Letters and Coffee Grounds - a warm christmas fluff for ya that’s ridiculously long but still great. 
It’s in My Roots, in My Veins, in My Blood (and I Stain Every Heart That I Use to Heal the Pain - a little bit of plot exhaustion by the end, you can probably just stop reading after the second denny’s scene and then skip to the epilouge but still so fantastic. I stayed up till 2am reading this and have no regrets
This Isn’t Our Fate (But You’re Still My Destiny) - lexark and clexa in one amazing fic! Sign me the fuck up! Really fucking cute and fluffy and totally angsty headcannons for elyza I love.
An Adventure - I love the characterization for Aden and I love this so much in gerneral tbh
you’re magic & you’re real - I like exactly four headcanons about the 100 characters: autistic!lexa, dyslexic!clarke, nonbinary!octavia, and I can’t remember the other one. It doesn’t matter, all of the mentioned above are in this and it’s very gay and wonderful and I actually wish I could make a movie out of this because it’s so great
by her side - a warm fluffy christmas fic for yall
Let Your Hair Down - dunno, cute af I guess
The Days of our Lives - a series I didn’t have the patience to finish but I have adhd so… the first one was fantastic and I loved the second one, but it keeps going so the others are probably good too
Today at Dust - helpful if you want to cry
who told you that you were naked? - fantastic, like seriously one of the best things I’ve read. 
i can fly higher than an eagle (for you are the wind beneath my wings) - GREAT if you want to cry. Not clexa centered but at the end yeah… It’s about Anya and Lexa
I have lost my pain - creative and interesting, well written and well done. A very good fic in all manners of speaking
I Will Wait (You Forgave And I Won’t Forget) - just a cute oneshot that’s very well written and gripping
A Forest Fire - I’m a sucker for fix it fics 
Fallen - a series I didn’t have the paitence to finish but again, symptom of my adhd, the first book and second book’s first half was fantastic and cute. I just love the headcanon for Clarke
Fix You - angsty but also amazing?
Mystic Coffee - did this inspire fanart or was it inspired by the witch!clarke fanart?
the business of caring - I’m a huge fan of this author’s style of writing, it’s funny and straight to the point and very dry, I read this until 3:30am last night and I had to get up at 6 the next day
what the ground grows - written by the same author and you can see the similarities in voice. Seriously both are amazing but this one is considerably more angsty than the one above
I’m bigger than my body, I’m colder than this home (I’m meaner than my demons, I’m bigger than these bones) - so angsty but so wonderful, I actually cried so hats off to you author…
The Witch of Ceder Plains - a cute two shot
July 4th 2016 - not really a series like the description promises but a very good stand alone story that was well written
If Love Were Enough and the heartbreaking prequal What I Lost In You - both oneshots, both genius
Bury it and Rise Above - mideval oneshot that I love
Ramen, Redbull, and Spite - I need a comic book based off this, it’s genius
find your way to me - fuck this fic, no really, I stayed up till 4am reading it when I had to get up at 8 the next day. Fuck this fucking shit. Mainly fluff until everything falls apart
Sacred Spaces - wasn’t gonna cause it’s just a oneshot and the description is so bad but shit the imagery in here is to die for and I feel like I’m reading a van gogh painting seriously
maybe they will sing for us tomorrow: the only thing I’ve ever printed a hard copy of its my all time favourite probably (description and initial reccomendation by @lexascandlestores) 
Everything by this author is so good in the clexa section I would reccomend all of it seriously oh my god
move on me: reincarnation fic that’s really beautiful (description and initial reccomendation by @lexascandlestores​)
Against the multiverse: a really fun clever one shot  (description and initial reccomendation by @lexascandlestores​)
ultraviolet lights - a lexark one shot that headcannons Elyza in a way I haven’t seen her before (a soft gay extra mess)
Hope is the Thing with Feathers (That Perches in the Soul) - I really love the daemon universe even though I’ve seen very little of it. This was very vivid though and had great imagery...
You’re Love Is a Waiting Game - I don’t think the author knew how to end this which is why the ending wasn’t perfect, but it’s overall so amazing I love it and it’s def worth the read
a year of sundays - a bit of a slow read at times and a bit mind boggling at times that they don’t figure it out sooner but very fluffy and amazing and very in character
your hand in mine and it’s sequal your hand in mine (pt. ii) - at the time of my writing this I have not yet finished part two but the first one was mastered so well I can only imagine its counterpart will be of a similar nature. Also there’s smut in this
Nails For Breakfast, Tacks For Snacks - a series about clexa in the middle of a turfwar, it’s just three well written one shots that are gripping and have a lot of imagery and realism. 
Something Suspicously Close to Hope - read if you like crying and Stranger Things, it’s a series of one shots about Eleven being adopted by Clexa and I love them
beat the devil’s tattoo - I haven’t read the one for anya but I imagine, if it’s anything like this- it’s pretty darn good
And I am driftwood, found. - really emotional, I read the first part but never finished it but this forced me to go back and reread it. Definitely worth it.
Feels Like Home - a short but satisfying read with very good characterization
a hand to hold on to series - definitely prioritizes family over romance but the kids were very realistic and I liked what they did when they placed Lexa in such a new situation so fast. I feel like people characterize her as bad with kids a lot but I don’t think she was...
or what you will - realiztic and heartfelt, I liked the poetry it was additive and insightful
enchanted. - are there ever enough harry potter AUs? Could’ve done with some more angst but this was acceptable.
She (thefooliam): a classical emotional roommates fic that just nails all the feels (description and initial reccomendation by @lexascandlestores)
This is heaven in hiding: lawyer multi chapter that’s really good and pretty smutty though! (​)
Markenland Series - there’s just two right now but I think they plan on writing a third. Anyway, very cute, I loved the characterization and the slowburn but not kill me this is taking too long slowburn
More Women than Warriors - I can’t begin to describe how much I love this, one of my favorite things I’ve read of all time. Please read this.
Empath - gay
Love Is Blindness (I Don’t Want to See) - my dad sat next to the daughter of a notorius kingpin when he was in highschool, once she asked to borrow a pencil and never gave it back and he watched her use it for like three months and said nothing. 
Habromaniac: cute one shot ( description and initial reccomendation by @lexascandlestores)
this heart, fossilized and silent (once was tender, and once was violent) - surprisingly little angst after the beginning but in still a very realistic way. very fast paced in terms of action, I certainly was never bored...
Suffrage - there will never be a time when I am not interested in twentieth century, cross dressing, feminist clexa fighting for the rights of women
No Church In The Wild: one of the best heartbreaking canon one shots ever (description and recomendation by @lexascandlestores) 
Kiss Me, Kill Me; It’s Just The Same Isn’t It? - lexark, a little bit of poetic fluff thrown in there but it hit just that perfect mix of clexa and lexark, very good
the earth, that is sufficent - written for clexa week I loved every chapter of it. Each peice was a standalone but also worked cohesively with the others. Flawless, seriously.
Into the Wild Blue - I just love southern clexa okay? Leave me alone
it’s called contraband for a reason - written by one of the best clexa authors of all time it’s hilarious, sweet, in character, poignant and well done. At times the format takes away more than it adds but it allows the reader to compare and contrast the beginning and the end and see the character’s develop more clearly.
there is no sweeter innocence (than our gentle sin) - this author may or may not be a genius Imma go binge all of their works and let you know. This was vv good at least. One shot
we’re only young & naive still (the bittersweet between my teeth) - part of that gaf au (you can find here) that I love so much... just a one shot but the different perspectives are done really well which is a hard thing to do well
Before Words, Beyond Silence, and it’s unfinished sequal, In the Screaming Silence - it has that satisfying instant clexa connection while not sacrificing plot or angst, no trust me, it didn’t sacrifice angst. I think the ice queen plot was a little rushed but it’s still fantastic and I’m excited to see where the sequal goes!
Skylark -  A superhero fic that’s pretty damn cool. Clarke and the gang had illegal experiments done to them by Mount Weather and it gave them superpowers. They fight crime while trying to remain anonymous as well. This story is so clever and incorporates the City of Light/chips/ flame so cool, and Clexa are badasses, and just…read it, trust me. (Description and initial reccomendation done by @dreamsaremywords on this rec list)
You See The Smile That’s On My Mouth (it’s hiding the words that don’t come out) -  A childhood modern au where Clarke and Lexa are fuckin soulmates and best friends and it takes them a ridiculous amount of time to figure that out. (Description and initial reccomendation done by @dreamsaremywords on this rec list)
The World Had Less Color Without You - it’s a college au where Clexa become friends after being paired together for a project, and fall in love even though they’re both terrified of it. (Description and initial reccomendation done by @dreamsaremywords​ on this rec list)
Love on the Ground - This!! fic!!! is fucking fantastic. Canon-verse, angsty, so, so good. Just read it. (Description and initial reccomendation done by @dreamsaremywords​ on this rec list)
Mysteries of Love - There’s another apocalypse, but Clexa are soulmates, and there’s a happy ending. (Description and initial reccomendation done by @dreamsaremywords​ on this rec list)
Essays in Existentialism: FtWD - a writer on tumblr publishes a lot of fics, either multi or oneshots under the ‘essays in exstentialism’ I haven’t read any beyond this lexark multi but this lexark multi was pretty fricken amazing ngl. Unfortunately hasn’t been updated in more than a year so it’s a pretty big risk
You Ask My Name (and All I do is Listen) - I had every sort of feeling about this, it’s super in character and incredibly well done
The Library - a bar au with a perfect mix of instant connection and angst, really well done
possibility days - a celeb au that’s well written and annoyingly filled with useless lesbian themes for both our idiots
Hooked on a feeling - an HP au I waited a million years to be updated and then finally was and what I’m trying to tell you is it’s amazing and worth it and wonderful and fluffy and I’ll love it forever
gera’s step-sister au - a lot of porn, Idk why but I tried to read this a billion years ago but I reread it recently and loved it. But yeah - definition of porn with feelings
Come Morning Light - this author writes a lot of kid fics but this is one of my favorites. In character and well written with a heartbreakingly poetic style. I love it.
most ardently - like some of these authors fics are amazing (like this one) and some are dumb as shit and like? Are there co authors? Are you like multiple people? I don’t know but this was amazing, historical clexa is historical clexa. Has some themes of the suffragette au from my first rec list but carves out a nice space for itself.
Punchline - a oneshot where Clarke wanders around the world and runs into Lexa a lot except it’s angsty and beautiful and there’s a lot of imagery
clexa eternal au - painful heartbreaking well written fantastic. I love most of the stuff by this author too so like you can’t really go wrong
pump mud through my veins - I wasn’t sure about the structure at first but they did something really cool with it and honestly well done
out at sea - okay I saw the tumblr post for this but I gotta say they did something interesting and fun with it and I don’t mind. Well writtten and vv cute
we will meet again - put off reading this because I was prepared for endless heartbreaks. Did happen but totally worth it. Don’t worry there’s a happy ending
Zoo Parks and Restoration - I got annoyed with plot exhaustion but the amount of well done clexa in this made it perfect. I never really like modern aus that much but I love this
The Whore’s Queen - took a little bit to get going but once it did... damn...
We Looked Like Giants - for some reason I put this off but there was no reason to? It’s so good? And very in character?
when my heart is at war - I can’t wait for the sequals, the first one is incredible!
Fall Away - a lot deeper and angstier than the thing got me ready for, really amazing and really well done. Love them lesbians
we could be immortals - put this off for some reason I don’t know why. Very in character, very true to high school I think, and funny and sarcastic and well written. it’s a highschool au but it’s more in character than that, and there’s plenty that links it to canon. I prefer canon tbh, but this was a nice fluff break
The Taste of War and Heartache - angsty and unfinished this is another incredible work by thefooliam. I would ten/ten reccomend because where it leaves off is pretty okay. It’s a canon au but it has some modern elements for those who prefer that. Really a great fic.
Bellamy x Murphy
if you only knew (my heart is breaking) - murphy is immortal and it’s angsty, this actually introduced me to this ship and I don’t normally like mlm but I kinda love this?
cynophilia - geez I don’t know why I love this ship all of a sudden wow
(you owe me twenty) - this actually ends with Murphy and Emori but it’s still super well written and well done
The Good Place
Tahani x Eleanor
True Love Is What Janet and Jianyu Have - this author is actually getting a lot of the second season right tbh
Riverdale/Archie Comics
Can I Kiss You?
maybe being in a closet isnt so bad
Real Bisexual Kissing
Thaw - a real fluffy piece that won’t leave you angry and sad at all :)))))))))
Friends Don’t Let Friends Suffer Alone
The list as of 10/1/18
That’s it for now, I’ll probably reblog it with a continued list or post another list later as I go through more fics and more are reccomended and updated and finished. I just thought I’d post it now for obvious reasons...
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shorthaircutsmodels · 4 years
Nina Dobrev's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts - 20+ - https://shorthaircutsmodels.com/nina-dobrevs-short-hairstyles-and-haircuts/ - Nina Dobrev's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, Natural texture instead of against it. She has a triangle face and close-set eyes that are nicely highlighted by this â€do. His high wide forehead is layered and well camouflaged by thick Eaves swept to the side. Short haircuts are notoriously difficult to fashion in the latest fashion glamour. A short haircut determines how your hair frames your face. Nina Dobrev's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts Nina Dobrev's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, Even short haircuts give your hair a healthier and thinner look. Well here we can read additional details of Nina dobrev's beautiful burst of short hair bio then there's only one thing about doing that showcases more collars and Capri explains than we'd like to talk about through this page. Nina Dobrev's Short Hairstyles Nina Dobrev's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, Nina Dobrev is undergoing a hair transformation for the past year or so, or in January 2020 - 2021 she cut her length by a demanding amount and apparently hasn't looked back since. The first cut has finally been shorter and shorter since she got a stylish bob with her blunt outbursts for the film Lucky Day in September. But now it seems he may be looking to grow his length back a bit. Nina Dobrev's Short Haircuts Nina Dobrev's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, She just had a visit with stylist Chris McMillan and he gave her a gorgeous haircut that not only looks great now but will also help her bob grow out smoothly. McMillan made the cut on his Instagram, saying the best way to grow bob up. Add face framing layers and a few long layers. Nina Dobrev's Hairstyles Nina Dobrev's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, He was kind enough to talk to Allure about this particular cut and why he chose it for Dobrev and said the cut was perfect for all hair textures. I always start with face framing, then the long layers are created by just basically holding the hair and cutting the corners. He also spoke with Allure about Dobrev's recent transformation. was actually a work in progress, she said. Nina Dobrev's Haircuts Instead of rocking it to let the bang grow, I softened her blunt bangs and softened her bob to create a new look of lovemaking . Nina Dobrev knows good hair. We've seen rock super short bobsles sky high topknots and even a fluffy bump that could rival Kate Middleton, and it clearly has a number of hairdressers we'd like to speed-dial. In fact, after going through the archives, we can say that Dobrev didn't hesitate to try. Nina Dobrev's Short Hair And while this has largely never changed her colour she is providing us with a heavy dose of hair when it comes to styling. The deep side parts of chic red carpet buns were blingy metallic braids and blunt wavy fringes. So if you're in need of inspiration we're happy to say you've come to the right place. We don't cry as we try to understand how. Nina Dobrev's Hair Janelle Monae got this glow from a drugstore bronzer and wipe away tears during Viola Davis's speech. You're crying. You may have missed Vampire Diaries star Nina Dobrev and the coolly edgy new haircut she debuted at the after-party 2020 Oscars Vanity Fair. Just before the ceremony began, a salon owner and stylist at. Photos Of Nina Dobrev's Haircut Are Making Instagram Swoon Nine Zero for every cool celebrity Riawna Capri posted a shot of him with dobrev prepping a front haircut with a sheet mask. and then this morning he followed up with a photo of chop. These long brunette locks were pulled back dressed in waves and curls and pinned to her head to create this casual updo. Nina Dobrev: Her Best Ever Hair Looks The roots are teased at the crown for control and height, making it the perfect look to balance a rounded face. The product needs to shine and be kept. Although it seems as if Dobrev has lost only three or so inches the difference is large and even more so once you factor in the long layers and deep side part. He seems much more frustrated with Bob, who has the point. Your entire appearance depends on how you shape your feathers. Nina Dobrev hair 2020 - 2021 It's only a matter of time before you take off or cut your feathers. He can't remember how old he was when he worked there, and although we used the company's signature low jeans side by side in dimly lit perfume-heavy space, the noughties glory days of ribbed tank tops and ripped denim skirts. When Dobrev calls me in Los Angeles on a packed press day for her new film lucky Day She pauses and she breathes Nina dobrev before reminding her of our shared humble beginnings: a new cub actress named. Nina Dobrev Gets Shag Haircut to Grow Out Bob Maverick is the sports obsessive owner and adding a total Coachella Pro to the list. The former Vampire Diaries star made an appearance at the Reebok Classics crib in La Quinta California. to complement the athletic brand's three-day experience, it celebrates the effects of classic leather sneakers on fashion style and fitness. Nina Dobrev hair extensions It was a bit of both for actress Nina Dobrev. No star did not end up with a Hollywood. He's not leaving the industry either. In contrast Nina officially said goodbye to much of the heap of Vampire Diaries of her life when the show ended this year and plunged into her new career as a movie star in the new movie. The Return of Xander Cage. Why Nina Dobrev Cut Her Hair Into a Short Bob Naturally he was called for a pass. Celebrity hairdresser Riawna Capri made the cutlets to ditch inches in favour of a cute fluffy bob in Nina's trusty hand. Learn to scoop it all in the star's own words along with some little-known tips for shorter hair styling. View yourself with Nina dobrev hairstyles. It provides you with tips on how to style your hair by letting you know which facial shape matches your hair texture and hair density as well. Nina Dobrev hair color Do you remember the layers? Do they remember that it was a practical necessity. Nina Dobrev looks just as good as she did since she cut her long brown mane into long flowing layers. She didn't just sashay into any old salon though: her locks were snipped by none other than Celeb hairdresser Riawna Capri who becomes co-owner of one of West Hollywood's hottest salons Nine Zero One. Nina Dobrev hair products Sit back, relax and prepare to embark on a journey down memory lane. Here are our favorite hairstyles that Nina Dobrev wore. My mind always goes towards super short dos when I think of a haircut. I'm not really sure why though I don't even think I can pull off short hair. I have waist-length waves and never get stiff haircuts. Nina Dobrev Hairstyles, Hair Cuts and Colors His strong cheekbones are also enhanced by this short cut. This hairstyle would not have dried sleek and straight for a different look the gorgeous blow would flatter the face shape even more if she had extra styling time and wanted a new variation of it. Nina is flaunting a gorgeous dark brunette hair color here with subtle highlights along the top layers. She looks gorgeous with warm light skin and dark eyes. Nina Dobrev brown hair The texture of the cut is highlighted by its rich color and finishes with a bright and healthy look. Regular color renewals are needed with this shade to protect against fading. On the last day of the weekend long journey dobrev of the big music festival on a Sunday shared his own personal tips and anecdotes on how to survive an event like coachella. Nina Dobrev natural hair The best thing about music festivals is that you can be a little more relaxed and cuddly, says the actress, who has been attending the Indio-based festival for nine years. All the walking dancing and hot weather she experienced about 100 degree heat last weekend when dobrev insisted on a lot of sunscreen and hydration from Coachella on the next side. “Close."He manages to say with laughter that we are babies. Nina Dobrev hairstyle Nina Dobrev has changed her hair several times in the past year. It all started in January 2020 when the Vampire Diaries actress cut a significant amount of length. She's finally got a stylish bob with blunt outbursts in September for the movie Lucky Day since she went shorter and shorter. But now it seems she may be looking to grow her hair back out a bit. Dobrev visited stylist Chris McMillan and gave him a gorgeous haircut with a bang. Nina Dobrev haircut It not only looks great now but also works to help its Bob grow smoothly. McMillan made the cut on his Instagram, saying the best way to grow bob up. Add face framing layers and a few long layers. This is a perfect example of how a little snip can go a long way. Nina Dobrev's first “real truth” job was a Hollister at the Eaton Center in downtown Toronto. Nina Dobrev hair stylist Remember when they walked into the store and they made everyone say the same thing? When Nina Dobrev cut her signature long hair earlier this year, we found that cutting our fingers marked the beginning of more hair transformation from the star. Throughout her beauty evolution Nina has maintained things quite consistently as far as hair is concerned but no longer is. After trying both lob and Bob. Nina Dobrev haircut name He replaces it again with a cut we haven't seen him try before. The celebrity hairdresser and co-owner of a Salon at Nine Zero in Riawna Capri calls Nob Nina bob we can all be very lucky to have a hairstyle named after her. # Nob is made up of seemingly stylish angled lines burst and short hair and we will have one too please. Nina Dobrev new haircut Thin layers of waves were cut off from the back and sides of this espresso Mane to balance the body while exiting and fringing eyes smoothed down and sideways to the frame. This short easy style is best suited for those with naturally wavy hair and is perfect for framing a long face. Regular ornaments help prevent split ends and the product is needed to tame fly hair. Nina Dobrev looks gorgeous in a short bob with a twist here. Nina Dobrev curly hair This cut is ideal for ladies like her who want to work with their. Behind harsh haircuts is often a story that inspires change. Maybe we needed a new job and a new start. Maybe there's a breakup sweet new to make this new single life match. But thanks to photos of Nina Dobrev's haircut, I realised you don't have to make a dramatic change to make a big profit. Even a girl who got bored with her long hair but was also afraid to cut it, like Dobrev, could reap the benefits of tons of layers. Nina Dobrev blonde hair The 29-year-old actress has turned to celebrity stylist Chris McMillan for a brief renovation of her already 'do. Before his new layers, dobrev was rocking a blunt bob that hit chin length. Although she had short hair she chose to keep most of her length around this time before I loved a girl who wasn't afraid to go for it. So McMillan had to work by giving him a haircut he didn't make shorter. If you haven't had layers before, let me introduce you to the magic of varying hair lengths. Nina Dobrev hair care Not only do layers give you the illusion of short hair, which is great when you want a trendy new cut, but it doesn't require a great deal of commitment, because you can mostly keep most of your length. It's also the easiest way to create a texture of life-saving bounciness and tons of volume for girls with thin hair. I also learned from Chris McMillan's Instagram post that layers are perfect for this strange phase of growth. Nikolina Konstantinova Dobreva, originally known as Nina Dobrev, is a popular Canadian actress.
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genjasolstice · 5 years
Resurfacing a piece gifted to Genevieve and Sunja following their wedding day a year ago. Happy Anniversary to the both of you.
We were due for a Genja Solstice. 
I remember meeting the both of you for the first time. Genevieve, popping up near my desk, new from New York and more professional and tenured than the entire GREYSF staff put together (...we’d find out ...sorry, MJ), and Sunja coming to meet us in those first few days, hanging out near the window at work, catching up in the light of the sun and on whatever drama that particular day served up. I remember the friendship growing, mostly through G at work. And by way of being her work wife, falling in love with Sunja in parallel. You cannot hear the way G talks about Sunja and not - the depth of her caring is so evident in how she speaks of him. We have unbelievable memories from those first 2 years; from 2am pitch nights to 2am hamburgers.
I also remember Genevieve's feeble attempt at conniption fit over a New Years Eve - just wanting a proposal, a ring - to be Sunja’s wife. Pouting outside of the Make Out room trying to make a point - I’m laughing right now recalling it. I remember feeling that Sunja’s greatest art was his romance to Genevieve - the art pieces, the jean jackets, the hours toiling at night in secrecy to bring these things to life - and asking him to push a deadline up on the most precious form of romance and commitment - a proposal - would go against every fiber of his creativity. Good things take time.
Well thank the Lord you did it Sunja, and made way for us to have a front row seat to what would be one of the most iconic weddings I’ve attended in my lifetime.
Genja Solstice was the first break in the hiatus of weddings I’ve experienced for the last 4 years. I’ve never been able to complain about how many weddings/ showers/ bachelorettes I’ve got to juggle physically and financially for the summer – I just don’t have enough close friends. I’m okay with it. This past weekend in Dripping, though .... was a hell of a falling off the wagon.
I love you, Genevieve, and I love Sunja. Both magical in your existence, unapologetically yourselves, and unsparing in doling out your love for each other in personal, non-flashy ways. It feels so real. In Talib’s foreword, I registered with the notion of G being “scared to introduce her friends to Sunja… out of fear they would like him more.” He is a fresh thing, untarnished by the outside world, blossoming and loving and gentle. He is so damned likeable. And, as previously mentioned, he will forever be my Burger King - the only man I’ve truly ever eaten in non-tensioned silence with - peeling off to a relic burger joint two doors down while the rest of our friends partied for a birthday.
Genevieve, you command any room you enter, squinty-eyed as you hone focus on your next victim (you refuse to wear glasses whaaaaaat whyyyyyyy),** let laughs escape from deep in your soul, and are forward and open and strong in your convictions. I have once, rather famously said “To Genevieve, fact and opinion are the same.” Genevieve, if you were a professional athlete, I whole heartedly believe you’d play scrappy ... for the sheer fun of it.
Your bachelorette was the event I began to believe in humanity again. Before I touch on the supernaturality of the friend group, do know that I am a generally fear-laced, anxiety-prone human. I need alone time. I need sleep. I need deep and constant hydration. I need to talk about these things with whoever will listen. The love and fun of G’s friends that weekend taught me I might not need any of those things if I am enjoying myself and the company I keep, enough. The group of friends should be studied closely, appreciated for the individual traits and how they contribute to the ecosystem of the group. I felt like I was on safari, but if you got to hang out with the animals close up and they give you lots of compliments. People in the crew do what they want when they want to do it, with the team behind them cheering them on - usually with a “FUCK ME UP!”. They make decisions, and laugh together at the wrong ones, and prefer anything that makes for a better story.
G’s friends are family. There are actual real-life family units within this chosen family, but the sibling connection you feel and the peace a loving one provides is palpable. It contributes to the strength of the tribe. There is no competition. If there are big feelings, the words associated with them are released immediately - unsavory sentiments do not stay trapped within this group. I could speak on their beauty and palate of ethnicities and skin tones and hand movements and hair textures that I am absolutely mesmerized by; how they speak so freely, handle their business and work, and never seem tired. About how every conversation is a deep one. How intelligent each of them is - another thread of similarity none of them seem acknowledge but all just know. They understand life is for living, and they lean into experiences with reckless abandon. I learned this weekend they all said yes to moving to New York some years ago while rolling to Boyz Noize. They actually did it. I’m still shaken up.
The wedding weekend started slowly for me, at my weekend cottage, so beautiful and out in the open that I felt as though I was checking into rehab. I could have stayed there for 3 months of summer, easily. Doing nothing and losing my edge. There is a bench swing attached to an oak tree that I will bring my morning coffee to and swing for about an hour. After a stint of getting unreasonably lost with Uber (Does this story belong here? Probably not), I make way to the event, excited to see everyone but somehow overwhelmed by anxiety. Bird, my guardian angel, pulls me aside for a conversation that becomes something much bigger. About my thoughts holding me back, what I have to offer to this world, and how to tap into strength and be my own source of abundance, acceptance and love. It will trigger me to go home that night, stay up 3 hours listening to The Women Who Run with Wolves (completing the book by the end of the weekend), and decide I am going to make some cataclysmic changes in my life to direct it where it needs to go. Weirdly, I’m realizing, the weekend does become a rehab.
Saturday is a day and night out in Austin with new friends. I am out eating lunch alone, in one place, in all of Texas, and I see them outside. I had been texting with Amber and we had planned to meet up later, but by some stroke of luck, mid-bite of brisket, they materialized in front of me. Of all the restaurants, of all the cities, of all the people. They were only outside because Rachel wanted to buy a homeless woman food. The day was more good conversations, sugary shots from the bartender at Jackalopes Scates took $120 from the night prior, which would turn to me playing dice with Scates and 5 beautiful, dangerous, dirty, tattooed men (I thought Austin was going to have more cowboys?), bars bars bars, vegan bowls and drinks and dancing at gay bars. We become part of a block party on 6th Street while walking and eating pizza and checking out some snakes.
We find out the next day Courtney will much later lock herself out of her hotel room in the middle of the night while naked, and have to yank down a common area curtain to go speak to the concierge. You cannot repeat this story unless she brings it up because I don’t even think I am supposed to know it. In any event, Genevieve has more wonderful friends who I also want to be friends with for as long as they’ll let me.
Saturday is the wedding. G, despite it being your fucking wedding weekend, you make it a point to think of me, text me how much I mean to you on Friday night, and graciously extend an invite for me to come whenever. So, beyond thoughtful. I take up the opportunity after lunch in Drippings with Courtney, Rachel and Sarah, who got rear ended an hour before by a 16 year old named Luke Harrison Ford who was late for his summer lifeguarding job… truly. We do make-up to Staple Sisters, people have wine to kill the nerves that hangovers have generously exacerbated, and we head out. I head down to the area G had toured me the night before with her sick ass pony, to have my breath taken away by the backdrop of the ceremony and the weight of realizing... it’s here. Baby’s breath peppers the alter that will frame the ceremony of two people I love, and behind them, a crystal clear creek with cattails, sweet little frogs, and ciccaedas chirping. We have a warm breeze (is there anything better in this life?), and New York style park jazz playing for us.
Sarah and I keep looking around (why? we still don’t know). We are talking to each other but neither of us are listening. And then the moment is here. The xx plays, and lithe, beautiful Talib appears, his shoulders back and down, gliding along the white rose petals, to the archway he will officiate from. He is the perfect entity to accept and deliver the responsibility of officiating a wedding and a lifetime of love together. He professes on the subject of Love. It sounds metaphorical, it is not. You could register for one of his courses. For this - it couldn’t be more meaningful. Sunja surfaces in a suit that makes me want a suit - mauve crush velvet. His skin is glowing. Next is Mona and Austin, followed by Bella and Jared, Sunja’s siblings, and the Plahey girls. When Ajinder and Parmeet surface, I have goosebumps. For most of this 95 degree event, I will be showing anyone who will give me the time of fucking day, that I have goosebumps. Women are so beautiful and powerful, and knowing the heart of the bride is in both these girls hands and safe forever. I think of the secrets and stories and laughter they have shared in this lifetime. These are the girls. They sit down in front of Sarah and I, with their thick, tousled hair, in their blush chiffons, fanning themselves in the heat and air that is rich with love.
After what felt like eternity, escorted on each side by her loving parents, Genevieve emerges.
I do not plan on crying at this wedding but will end up crying violently at this wedding. It is not me, watching Genevieve walk down the aisle and imagining myself – something that triggers crying so often for people. No. This is me, seeing Genevieve, the bride who is so beautiful and has wanted this since she was itty bitty and embodied what it means to be a good partner whole heartedly. She is walking down that aisle and passing the threshold, no matter her fears and hurts and worries that day or that lifetime has served up to her, knowing she can handle it and that her marriage will continue to conquer these hurdles that she is challenged with, and she will chose to show up anyways. Knowing how important this day was and her friendships were there, did it for me. It was at this wedding that I got it.
The vows are beautiful – and I refuse to say which was better even though I know Genevieve is reading this hoping I will reveal it. I will not. It was Sunja’s.
In all seriousness, the vows were exactly what we hoped for and what we needed. Each were laced with words that spoke as much to the person reciting them a as the person they were meant for.  And when the you both faced us and acknowledged the crowd, something I had never seen before, it felt so, so meaningful. I was absolutely honored to be there.
And when it was time, Talib, whose cadence and low voice guided us so eloquently and calmly through the ceremony, announced you both life partners. I was deeply moved. 
There are moments in a wedding that you feel that what you are watching is some kind of a movie, show, or form of entertainment. The bride is with you but mentally on to the next table, conversation, or portion of the evening, playing out everything in her head, the angles for the camera, making sure nothing about the evening is out of place or captured incorrectly. There is a high alert. It feels like you are observing a celebrity amongst common folks. There are outfits, customs and traditions that are reserved for weddings that don’t make much sense outside of them (or in them for that matter), but this wedding had none of that. There was a moment, where myself, on the other side of the room, waiving at G, and honestly dumbfounded when I saw her wave back at me. How was she even noticing me right now? So beautiful and glowing and in the spotlight. But GENEVIEVE ALWAYS NOTICES. And I know it would have been so easy to embody the alternative, I appreciate Genevieve so much during this wedding for stepping outside of the standard bride role and being who we came to support all along – her.
We have a bit of well-timed southern summer rain, some wine, some more excellent music choices. Grimes??? I’m shaken. And the dances. In a very moving moment, Sunja’s mother joins him standing, and supported by him, for a single song. I can only imagine what this meant to each of them. I look at Amber, a table over, who is crying into the sky. You cannot prepare for how these moments will take you away. 
We have incredible food and BBQ from the famed Salt Lick. This also leads me to my next tangent - almost everything that has been served up to me, from the locations of these bachelorette and wedding events, to the food and experiences at them, WAS STUFF I WOULD HAVE GONE LOOKING FOR ON MY OWN. It felt like you guys were truly looking out for our best interests and offering experiences you we would enjoy doing. It was such a gift. 
The speeches delivered from Adela, Parmeet and Ajinder were windows into G’s former adolescent and collegiate life. Each breathed to life with the personality of the story teller, including Parmeet’s impressive 6-page narrative, which allegedly when confirmed by the wedding coordinator, Genevieve approved with negative hesitation.
As one may expect, once the dance floor opened up we about blew the roof off the place. Most of us were busting at the seams waiting for gen pop to get the okay to infiltrate. I danced with Joe, I danced with Jake, I danced with Talib and almost died from cardiac arrest in the process of keeping up. Sometimes it was all too much for my little heart to handle that I had to face on the goddamn window to settle myself the hell down. Everyone at that event held their own. Everyone at that event realizes their power as individuals is as important as their power as a group. No place is as telling as this as a dance floor. It was the most beautiful way to share the evening with people. 
On that note, I want to thank both you and Sunja for this window into your life and love beyond what I already knew. Outside of the wedding itself, which I would lift directly and replicate for myself if I could, you are living out a truth in love that is honoring you as individuals as much as it is as you as partners. I want that. It was clear as day to me that my current path was not this, and I guess Ajinder felt it too, because we both went home and broke up with the people we were seeing. When it’s real, it’s real.
At the end of the weekend it was very clear to me what was important in this life - it is the relationships those who you surround yourself with on this journey. You are truly blessed if you get to laugh with them, which we both know, YOU ARE. You have not only incredible friends, Genevieve, but the most incredible best-friend to call your husband. I am honored to have witnessed this evening, considering it a pivoting moment in my own realization for the life I want to lead, and look forward to seeing the rest of your story unfold.
May we dance on many more floors together.
Love you both,
**((update here G came over last night and now she wears very cool, very hip tortoise shell glasses) 
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imagekeepr · 7 years
Albums and Songs Recorded By The Beach Boys
1962 - Surfin' Safari (Capitol) Surfin' Safari * County Fair * Ten Little Indians * Chug-A-Lug * Little Girl (You're My Miss America) * 409 * Surfin' * Heads You Win - Tails I Lose * Summertime Blues * Cuckoo Clock * Moon Dawg * The Shift 1963 - Surfin' USA (Capitol) Surfin' USA * Farmer's Daughter * Misirlou * Stoked * Lonely Sea * Shut Down * Noble Surfer * Honky Tonk * Lana Surf Jam * Let's Go Trippin' * Finders Keepers 1963 - Surfer Girl (Capitol) Surfer Girl * Catch a Wave * The Surfer Moon * South Bay Surfer * The Rocking Surfer * Little Deuce Coupe * In My Roon * Hawaii * Surfer's Rule * Our Car Club * Your Summer Dream * Boogie Woodie 1963 - Little Deuce Coupe (Capitol) Little Deuce Coupe * Ballad of Ole' Betsy * Be True to Your School * Car Crazy Cutie * Cherry Cherry Coupe * 409 * Shut Down * Spirit of America * Our Car Club * No-Go Showboat * A Young Man is Gone * Custome Machine 1964 - Shut Down Volume 2 (Capitol) Fun, Fun, Fun * Don't Worry Baby * In the Parkin' Lot * Cassius Love vs. Sonny Wilson * The Warmth of the Sun * This Car of Mine * Why Do Fools Fall in Love * Pom, Pom Play Girl * Keep an Eye on Summer * Shut Down, Part II * Louie, Louie * Denny's Drums 1964 - All Summer Long (Capitol) I Get Around * All Summer Long * Little Honda * We'll Run Away * Carl's Big Chance * Wendy * Do You Remember? * Girls on the Beach * Drive-in * Our Favorite Recording Sessions * Don't Back Down 1964 - The Beach Boys Concert (Capitol) Fun, Fun, Fun * The Little Old Lady from Pasadena * Little Deuce Coupe * Long, Tail Texan * In My Roon * Monster Mash * Let's Go Trippin' * Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow * The Wanderer * Hawaii * Graduation Day * I Get Around * Johnny B. Goode 1964 - The Beach Boys' Christmas Album (Capitol) Little Saint Nick * The Man with All the Toys * Santa's Beard * Merry Christmas Baby * Christmas Day * Frosty the Snowman * We Three Kings of Orient Are * Blue Christmas * Santa Claus is Comin' to Town * White Christmas * I'll Be Home for Christmas * Auld Lang Syne 1965 - Today! (Capitol) Do You Wanna Dance * Good to My Baby * Don't Hurt My Little Sister * When I Grow Up (To Be a Man) * Help Me, Rhonda * Dance, Dance, Dance * Please Let Me Wonder * I'm So Young * Kiss Me, Baby * She Knows Me Too Well * In the Back of My Mind * Bull Session with the Big Daddy 1965 - Summer Days (And Summer Nights!!) (Capitol) The Girl from New York City * Amusement Parks U.S.A. * Then I Kissed Her * Salt Lake City * Girl Don't Tell Me * Help Me Rhonda * California Girls * Let Him Run Wild * You're So Good to Me * Summer Means New Love (instrumental) * I'm Bugged at My Ol' Man * And Your Dream Comes True 1965 - The Beach Boys' Party! (Capitol) Hully Gully * I Should Have Known Better * Tell Me Why * Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow * Mountain of Love * You've Got to Hide Your Love Away * Devoted to You * Alley Oop * There's No Other (Like My Baby) * Medley: I Get Around/Little Deuce Coupe * The Times They Are a-Changin' * Barbara Ann 1966 - Pet Sounds (Capitol) Wouldn't It Be Nice * You Still Believe in Me * That's Not Me * Don't Talk (Put Your Head on My Shoulder) * I'm Waiting for the Day * Let's Go Away * Sloop Sloop B * God Only Knows * I Know There's an Answer * Here Today * I Just Wasn't Made For These Times * Pet Sounds * Caroline, No 1967 - Smiley Smile (Capitol) Heroes and Villains * Vegetables * Fall Breaks and Back to Winter (Woody Woodpecker Symphony) * She's Goin' Bald * Little Pad * Good Vibrations * With Me Tonight * Wind Chimes * Gettin' Hungry * Wonderful * Whistle In 1967 - Wild Honey (Capitol) Wild Honey * Aren't You Glad * I Was Made to Love Her * Country Air * A Thing or Two * Darlin' * I'd Love Just Once to See You * Here Comes the Night * Let the Wind Blow * How She Boogalooed It * Mama Says 1968 - Friends (Capitol) Meant for You * Friends * Wake the World * Be Here in the Morning * When a Man Needs a Woman * Passing By * Anna Lee, the Healer * Little Bird * Be Still * Busy Doin' Nothin' * Diamond Head * Transcendental Meditation 1969 - 20/20 (Capitol) Do It Again * I Can Hear Music * Bluebirds Over the Mountain * Be with Me * All I Want to Do * The Nearest Faraway Place * Cotton Fields * I Want to Sleep * Time to Get Alone * Never Learn Not to Love * Our Prayer * Cabinessence 1970 - Sunflower (Brother/Reprise) Slip On Through * This Whole World * Add Some Music to Your Day * Got to Know the Woman * Deirdre * It's About Time * Tears in the Morning * All I Wanna Do * Forever * Our Sweet Love * At My Window * Cool, Cool Water 1970 - Live in London (Capitol) Darlin' * Wouldn't It Be Nice * Sloop John B * California Girls * Do It Again * Wake the World * Aren't You Glad * Bluebirds Over the Mountain * Their Hearts Were Full of Spring * Good Vibrations * God Only Knows * Barbara Ann 1971 - Surf's Up (Brother/Reprise) Don't Go Near the Water * Long Promised Road * Take a Load Off Your Feet * Disney Girls (1957) * Student Demonstration Time * Feel Flows * Lookin' at Tomorrow (A Welfare Song) * A Day in the Life of a Tree * Til I Die * Surf's Up 1972 - Carl and the Passions - "So Tough" (Brother/Reprise) You Need a Mess of Help to Stand Alone * Here She Comes * Marcella * Hold On Dear Brother * Make It Good * All This Is That * Cuddle Up 1973 - Holland (Brother/Reprise) Sail On, Sailor * Steamboat * California Saga/Big Sur * California Saga/The Beaks of Eagles * California Saga/California * The Trader Living * Leaving This Town * Only With You * Funky Pretty * Mt. Vernon and Fairway - Theme * I'm the Pied Piper (instrumental) * Better Get Back in Bed * Magic Transistor Radio * I'm the Pied Piper * Radio King Dom 1973 - The Beach Boys in Concert (Brother/Reprise) Sail On, Sailor * Sloop John B * The Trader * You Still Believe in Me * California Girls * Darlin * Marcella * Caroline, No * Leaving This Town * Heroes and Villains * Funky Pretty * Let the Wind Blow * Help Me, Rhonda * Surfer Girl * Wouldn't It Be Nice? * We Got Love * Don't Worry Baby * Surfin' USA * Good Vibrations * Fun, Fun, Fun 1977 - Love You (Brother) Let Us Go On This Way * Roller Skating Child * Mona * Johnny Carson * Good Time * Honkin' Down the Highway * Ding Dang * Solar System * The Night Was So Young * I'll Bet He's Nice * Let's Put Our Hearts Together * I Wanna Pick You Up * Love Is a Woman 1978 - M.I.U. Album (Brother) She's Got Rhythm * Come Go With Me * Hey Little Tomboy * Kona Coast * Peggy Sue * Wontcha Come Out Tonight * Sweet Sunday Kinda Love * Belles of Paris * Pitter Patter * My Diane * Match Point of Our Love * Winds of Change 1979 - L.A. (Light Album) (Brother/CBS) Good Timin' * Lady Lynda * Full Sail * Angel Come Home * Love Surrounds Me * Smahama * Here Comes the Night * Baby Blue * Goin' South * Shortenin' Bread 1980 - Keepin' the Summer Alive (Brother/CBS) Keepin' the Summer Alive * Oh Darlin' * Some of Your Love * Livin' with a Heartache * School Day (Ring! Ring! Goes the Bell) * Goin' On * Sunshine * When Girls Get Together * Santa Ana Winds * Endless Harmony 1985 - The Beach Boys (Brother/CBS) Getcha Back * It's Gettin' Late * Crack at Your Love * Maybe I Don't Know * She Believes in Love Again * California Calling * Passing Friend * I'm So Lonely * Where I Belong * I Do Love You * It's Just a Matter of Time * Male Ego 1989 - Still Cruisin' (Capitol) Still Cruisin' * Somewhere Near Japan * Island Girl * In My Car * Kokomo (from Coctail) * Wipe Out (with the Fat Boys) * Make It Big (from Troop Beverly Hills) * I Get Arond (from Good Morning Vietnam) * Wouldn't It Be Nice (from the Big Chill) * California Girls (from Soul Man) 1992 - Summer in Paradise (Brother) Hot Fun in the Summertime * Surfin' * Summer of Love * Island Fever * Still Surfin' * Slow Summer Dancin' (One Summer Night) * Strange Things Happen * Remember (Walking in the Sand) * Lahaina Aloha * Under the Boardwalk * Summer in Paradise * Forever 1996 - Stars and Stripes Vol. 1 (River North) Don't Worry Baby (with Lorrie Morgan) * Little Deuce Coupe (with James House) * 409 (with Junior Brown) * Long, Tall Texan (with Doug Supernaw) * I Get Around (with Sawyer Brown) * Be True to Your School (with Toby Keith) * Fun, Fun, Fun (with Ricky Van Shelton) * Help Me, Rhonda (with T. Graham Brown) * The Warmth of the Sun (with Willie Nelson) * Sloop John B (with Collin Raye) * I Can Hear Music (with Kathy Troccoli) * Caroline, No (with Timothy B. Schmit) 2002 - Good Timin' Live at Knebworth England 1980 (Brother/Eagle) Intro * California Girls * Sloop John B * Darlin' * School Days * God Only Knows * Be True to Your School * Do It Again * Little Deuce Coupe * Cotton Fields/Heroes and Villains * Happy Birthday Brian * Keepin' the Summer Alive * Lady Lynda * Surfer Girl * Help Me Rhonda * Rock & Roll Music * I Get Around * Surfin' USA * You Are So Beautiful * Good Vibrations * Barbara Ann * Fun, Fun, Fun
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sandranelsonuk · 7 years
7 Ways You Can Repurpose Your Old Blog Posts to Get More Traffic
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Note from Glen: I’m delighted to introduce Smart Blogger’s new Associate Editor, Robert van Tongeren. Robert’s been behind the scenes for a couple of years now, most recently as the lead instructor and editor for our Guest Blogging program. But this month he’s taking over editorial responsibilities on the blog – congratulations Robert! I’ll be focusing on running the business, freeing Jon up for more writing and of course plotting our path to world domination.
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As a blogger, you’re in the business of sharing ideas.
You have to consistently come up with new ideas and turn those ideas into blog posts that dazzle your readers. And you want to keep those readers happy and engaged, so you work your butt off to publish new posts on a regular basis.
But if you’ve been blogging for a while, you should have a treasure trove of ideas buried deep in your archives. The longer you’ve been blogging, the deeper your archives go, and the more gems are buried there.
Most bloggers are so focused on delivering new ideas that they neglect to help their readers discover the old ones, and many of those oldies are still relevant today. Many of them just haven’t been discovered by your newer followers yet.
So why not dust them off, and put them front and center again? Why not repurpose those old gems for a brand-new audience?
Below, you’ll find some ways to do just that.
#1. Produce a Bunch of Spin-Offs
Back in the 90s, when I was a young teenager — you know, zit-infested, hormones raging and desperate to uncover the secret code with which to talk to girls — one of my favorite TV shows was Buffy the Vampire Slayer. (It was awesome.)
When Buffy ended its third season, the producers did something that allowed me to spend even more of my precious youth in my favorite fictional universe. They took one character and gave him his own show, Angel.
In other words, they took an idea from Buffy and created a new show around it. See where I’m going with this?
You can do the same with your list posts. You can take a single idea from one of them and expand it into a whole new post.
For example, let’s take Glen Long’s post, 20 Rules for Writing So Crystal Clear Even Your Dumbest Relative Will Understand.
The first three points in that post are:
You must clearly define your audience before writing.
You must be able to define the topic in one simple sentence, or it’s too complex or unfocused.
You must make a clear connection between the headline and the introduction.
  Do you think these could make good topics for a blog post?
You’ll find that not all list points in a post will have enough substance to create a full article around. Sometimes they come up short — but other times you can still come up with a good post idea after some quick brainstorming.
For instance, I’m not sure if you can devote a full article to the third point in that list, but you could certainly devote a blog post to writing intros, or one about the necessity for your blog post to fulfill the promise in the headline.
And that’s not the only option you have for spinning off a post. Another way is to simply take a blog post and explore the topic from a different angle.
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For example, we could take Glen’s article about writing clearly and turn it into:
10 Blogging Mistakes That Leave Your Readers Dumbfounded
  And then you just turn the points from the original article on their heads:
You’re writing without a clear picture of your audience.
Your topic is too unfocused.
You’re not connecting your introduction to your headline.
See how easy that is?
These spin-offs are a breeze to create, and you can then pitch them to other blogs as guest posts. Easy peasy.
#2. Showcase Your Masterpieces
Okay, you’re obviously an incredibly talented writer and — I know, I know — every post you write is a masterpiece.
But let’s be honest, every brilliant artist has pieces that stand out more than the rest.
DaVinci had his Mona Lisa, and Michelangelo (the artist, not to be confused with the ninja turtle) had his statue of David. Like them, you have stand-out pieces that are a notch or more better than the rest.
But once you’ve been publishing content for a while, some of your best posts will get buried in the archives.
Wouldn’t you want to put these front and center, so they’re easy to find for new visitors? When someone is new to your site, wouldn’t you want them to find your masterpieces first? I mean, that would make one helluva first impression, right?  
So give them a little nudge in the right direction. Create a page dedicated to showcasing your best work.
See Smart Blogger’s Start Here page linked in the menu bar? You can find 30 pieces of this blog’s cornerstone content all compiled in one place, so they’re easy to find. You can spend days reading up on these alone.
Another good example is Fizzle’s Best of page, which similarly lists all its most popular content.
Note also how these pages don’t just give visitors a long list of links. Nope, the page segments the links into separate lists in a number of categories. This doesn’t just look nicer — it also makes it easier for readers to find the posts that will interest them most.
Creating a “start here” or “best of” page puts your best posts in an easy-to-find spot, so your readers can spend hours devouring them one by one.
#3. Put Your Old Posts in a New Jacket
This may come as a huge shock, but did you know a huge number of people just don’t like reading that much?
They might make time to read a bite-sized Buzzfeed post now and then, but if you presented them with Harry Potter or The Lord of the Rings, they’d ask you for the audiobook or let you know they’ve already seen the movie.
What that means is there’s a huge number of people who might not be that into your written content, but would love it if they could listen to it or watch it. That means there’s a big audience out there that you’re probably not tapping into yet.
You can reach that audience by presenting your old blog posts in a new format.
You can use content from a pre-existing blog post and turn it into a podcast, video, infographic or slideshow. That not only allows you to give your old content a fresh spin, but you can publish it on various websites with a link back to your site, delivering thousands more eyeballs to your content.
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Now, I get it. The prospect of dabbling with video or audio is daunting — I hate listening to my recorded voice. Ugh!
But no worries if this seems miles out of your comfort zone because you don’t have to do it all yourself. You can hire people to repurpose your blog posts for you.
For instance, you can hire a voice actor on Fiverr to narrate your blog post, and boom — you have your podcast episode. Likewise, you can find someone on Fiverr to turn your post into a PowerPoint presentation, and boom — you have your slide show. Then you can combine the audio of your podcast with your slides, and boom — you have your video.
And you can then publish these variations of your content on various platforms dedicated to hosting people’s infographics, videos, podcasts, and slideshows.
The following are just a quick bunch of examples:
YouTube (Video)
Vimeo (Video)
Visual.ly (Infographics)
Daily Info Graphic (Infographics)
Amazing Info Graphics (Infographics)
iTunes (Podcasts)
Podomatic (Podcasts)
Digital Podcast (Podcasts)
Slide Share (Slide shows)
Slide World (Slide shows)
  And on top of these platforms, you can also get other bloggers to feature your infographics or videos on their websites.
All of this combined can you get you a ton of new exposure, and you can reach a whole new audience who prefer watching videos or listening to audio over reading blogs.
#4. Pass Your Posts Around
Another way to get a surge of traffic from old blog posts is to simply republish them on other sites with a bigger audience than yours.
Whoa, hey now, wait a minute! Won’t Google slap you with a duplicate content penalty for that?
Nope, that’s just a particularly popular myth in the blogging world. Matt Cutts himself has verified that there is no penalty for duplicate content unless it’s particularly spammy or keyword-stuffed.
So, in other words, don’t worry about it.
But still, even if there’s no penalty, don’t all the big blogs ask for original content only?
Well, not exactly. One popular venue for republishing content is Medium. If you’ve already read our guide to publishing on Medium, you know it can be an incredible source of traffic. Just take Benjamin Hardy, who went from zero to 50,000 subscribers by republishing on Medium.
But Medium is certainly not the only site that allows republished content.
Other sites that do include:
Business Insider
Fast Company
The Good Men Project
Elephant Journal
  See? You don’t need to create original content to get featured on large publications. Some of them will take articles that you’ve already published on your blog. They tend to be picky, but you’d be a fool not to give it a shot.
#5. Give Your Posts a New Lick of Paint
When you’ve been driving your car for a while, and the paint job starts to suffer, do you take it to the junkyard and buy a new one?
I think not. You just give it a new paint job and keep driving it.
Likewise, you can re-use many of the posts in your archive after giving them a little paint job.
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Take Backlinko’s Brian Dean, who once received an email from a reader who used his techniques to rise to the #1 spot in Google. Brian could have created a brand-spankin’ new post to share this reader’s case study, but instead, he chose to add it to an existing post.
He not only added the case study, but he updated the images and added a few additional tips. The result — after re-promoting the post — was a 111.37% increase in traffic to that page.
You don’t always need to create brand-new content to meet your publication quota. Sometimes you can grab an old post and give it a new lick of paint. Change the publication date, and it will appear on your front page once more.
And you don’t need a case study to add to your page, either. You can refresh it many other ways.
For example, you could:
Add new images, screenshots, graphs, or other types of visual content
Remove and/or replace any outdated information (including visual)
Create a content upgrade that adds new value to the post
Re-format the post to make it look nicer
Improve the general readability
Add fresh examples
Add new information or tips
Remove “best practices” that have stopped being best practices
Give it a new and improved headline
  Sometimes a post won’t even need an update (though you should always check before re-posting it). Sometimes you have a classic post that’s still highly relevant today and you can re-post it without changing anything.
Because if your blog has grown from 500 to 5,000 subscribers since you first published that post, that’s 4,500 subscribers who may never have seen it and may still love to read it.
That’s an easy way to lighten your workload for a week.
#6. Draw the Kindle Crowd
Many bloggers publish ebooks on Kindle to make some sweet passive income, but publishing on Kindle can also be a great source of traffic. Some Kindle readers are just waiting for you to lure them to your site.
And if you have several posts on a specific topic, you have enough (or close to enough) material for an ebook.
Honestly, you don’t need as much material as you might think — just 10,000 words is plenty for an ebook, which should be about 4-6 posts. You’ll need to connect the chapters, add an introduction and conclusion, and possibly rewrite some parts, but with those 4-6 posts, you have most of your book already written.
But before you get ahead of yourself and publish your book all willy-nilly, you should do some prep work to ensure your launch is a success.
Here are some quick tips:
Assemble a support team: Ask your subscribers whether they want to join your team and get a free copy of your new book. Ask them to read the book and provide feedback. If necessary, edit your book to include any changes your team suggests.
Publish your ebook on Kindle and set the price to $0: You want to set the price to $0 so your team won’t have to pay to download the book.
Ask your team for reviews: Make sure you ask them to download the book before they leave their review. This is critical because when they don’t, their reviews won’t be tagged as verified.
Promote your book: When you have a good number of reviews (20 is enough, but the more, the merrier), promote your ebook using promoters of free Kindle books like Book Marketing Tools, Freebooksy, and Bknights on Fiverr. These come with a price tag, but they can send thousands of readers your way.
Create content upgrades: The whole idea is to get your book readers back to your site, right? So incentivize them to do so by linking to a landing page that offers supplemental material in exchange for their email. Think cheat sheets, checklists, resource lists, worksheets, templates, swipe files, or any other kind of bonus content. (If you have an upsell, you can, of course, direct them there as well.)
  Once your promotion closes, you might raise the price of your ebook and boost your income, or you can leave it free and keep using it to draw traffic to your site.
In any case, during your promotion, you can expect a surge of traffic.
#7. Set up a Throwback Sequence
A few years ago, I got the opportunity to work on the Spanish island of Mallorca for six months. Having grown up in the always-rainy Netherlands, I grabbed this opportunity so hard, that I made it cry crocodile tears.
The problem? I had a year-and-a-half-old blog with a growing audience. I could spend all my time in Mallorca working, or I could choose to abandon it for a little while.
Forgive me, but I chose the latter. I sent my existing subscribers a note that I wouldn’t be around for a while. I figured I’d lose a few along the way, but it was worth the risk. At the same time, though, I didn’t want my first impression on new readers (who subscribed while I was gone) to be, “Hey, see you in six months!”
So I set up an autoresponder that would periodically send them one of my older blog posts. That way, by the time I got back, they’d have received word from me on a steady basis.
And when I got back, I realized this wasn’t a half-bad idea. I realized this was a hands-off way to consistently send traffic to my older content. Once you’ve installed your autoresponder, it will promote your posts on autopilot.
So I just kept it running. To this day, every new subscriber receives a link to an old blog post every so often.
I like to call this a throwback sequence.
We all know how effective email marketing is, so why not use it to promote your older posts as well? You can set it to trigger at sign-up and install it to send a monthly or bi-weekly email.
Your only job it to update it on occasion. Since the throwback sequence can run for a year (or years), you can just keep adding posts as you publish them.
Just ensure that when you add a new post, you add a provision for it not to send to subscribers who signed up before its publication date, or it will send your posts to subscribers who have already read it.
Keep Your Classics Alive
Imagine if you had never heard musical classics like Bohemian Rhapsody, Thriller or Hotel California simply because you weren’t around when they were first released.
That would suck, right? Because they’re amazing songs that sound just as epic today as they did back then. They don’t stop being valuable just because they’re not brand new.
And it’s the same for your blog posts. Many of those you debuted months or even years ago are still valuable today, so give them the attention they deserve. Help new audiences uncover the treasure trove of ideas buried in your archives.
Update and re-post them. Write some spin-offs. Set up a throwback sequence. Step out of your comfort zone and put them in a new format. Whatever you do, don’t let them disappear into obscurity.
Keep playing those golden oldies. Because people out there still want to hear them.
About the Author: Robert van Tongeren is the Associate Editor of Smart Blogger who helps our writers get their posts in tip-top shape. When he’s off-duty, he also runs a blog that helps guys dress a little sharper at Restart Your Style. And in his spare time, he loves to travel, watch Game of Thrones and is official BFF’s with his 6-year-old niece (she made him a certificate.) You can find him on Twitter.
from Julia Garza Social Media Tips https://smartblogger.com/repurposing-content/
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