#Omnomnom delicious
ttwistedtransistorr · 8 months
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acrxmxnal · 2 years
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Allison/ @thebasketcasebabe​ said:  Allison silently holds out the ham from her sandwich for him, pinching it with thumb and forefinger since it covered with mustard.
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“.........” Whatever, beggars couldn’t be choosers, he accepts and eats it anyway regardless of how gross it is.
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hitsujirui · 1 year
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wispflower · 5 months
so i finally finished yukong's companion mission........
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solcarow · 2 years
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blackcatanna · 5 months
After sandwich: ^_^
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jooillusion · 4 months
hiiii, since you like getting requests… 🥹 ever since i’ve laid my eyes on seungmin i couldn’t stop thinking about riding his nose! how do you think he’d react on that?
love your writing sm 🫶🏼
nose riding with seungmin <3
warnings: making out, oral, face sitting, nose riding, slight manhandling
pairings: o.de x reader
seungmin’s nose is so pretty hold on imma nibble on it…OMNOMNOM
but thank you sm sweetie 😊🫶
honestly I feel like he’d be down for it! we love a supportive boyfriend who’s willing to do anything to please his lover!
lets say you two were in a heated make out session, tongues fighting for dominance and heavily breathing into each others mouth. your mind however couldn’t stop thinking about how his pretty nose kept bumping into yours! he’d then pull away and kiss down your neck leaving marks, his nose tickling your skin. yeah sure you love his mouth, but the only thing on your mind right now is how the tip of his nose presses into your skin so nicely. it leaves you wondering just how would it feel inside of you.
“hey seungmin,” you’re squeezing his biceps. he’s humming a response, still kissing at your neck. he’s peeking at you through his messy bangs. you look away for a second, contemplating on whether or not you should ask him. he’s always down to try anything new plus if it’s an issue you two respect each others boundaries.
“mm…nevermind.” he’s raising an eyebrow at you, but you don’t catch it as he travels lower, lifting your shirt over your head and kissing down your navel to your jeans. he’s eagerly unbuttoning them, pulling them down by the belt hooks along with your panties. his breath fans your cunt, encouraging butterflies in your stomach as his tongue darts straight down to your clit.
you’re quick to grab at his hair, softly tugging at it as his tongue laps at you clit. before you know it he’s moving down to your hole, the tip of his nose burying itself on your clit, providing you with the right amount of pressure as his tongue dives in and out of you. you’re moaning loudly, the newfound interest pulling your thoughts away. seungmins hands come up to spread your shaky legs that nearly crushed his head.
“seungmin,” your shaky voice comes out weak already, pulling his hair up to look at you. he’s looking at you innocently, as if he wasn’t ravishing you just a second ago.
“do…do you think i can ride your nose?” the question takes him a few seconds to process. the silence is held for too, you’re starting to panic. you’re shaking your head, embarrassment creeping up your neck to your cheeks.
“never mind i-its fine-“ you’re cut off with seungmin grabbing your hips, him falling backwards so that you’re hovering right above his torso. you’re gasping in surprise, having to catch your balance in order to not fall all the way on top of him. you’re eyeing him from above, him raising an eyebrow with nothing but seriousness on his face.
“well,” he pauses, “you gonna get to it?”
you don’t need to be told twice. you’re shuffling so that your knees are right next to his ears, your core hovering right above his nose. you look down at him to shoot a questioning look at him but he’s too busy eyeing your cunt thats just a few inches away from his eyes.
you’re hesitant, but is slowly being pulled down by seungmin’s squeezing onto your hips, until the tip of his nose sinks inside of your hole. you find yourself throwing your head back, eyes squeezing themselves closed. your thighs start to shake at the sudden sensation, hand falling forwards onto the headboard. you look down at him again, his eyes watching you get lost in the pleasure.
you lift off a bit before moving back down, getting into the rhythm quickly. seungmin’s gripping your hips to keep you steady as you grind yourself back and forth, your clit grinding deliciously onto the bridge of his nose.
you’re making a mess of seungmin below you. your juices spread across his face and he’s breathing from his mouth, the air slowly becoming suffocating, but he’s not complaining as his hands grab at your ass, helping you move and urging you to continue to please yourself.
okay i seriously need to stop getting lost in the sauce 😭😭 but thank you again love 🫶 ofc i love requests so come back anytime! i tried to fulfill it the best that i can so i hope you enjoy!!
please remember that this is a pure work of fiction.
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
Interrupting the discourse to reaffirm that tiramisu is delicious. The family shared a sheet for a birthday today. A trifle upon ye, especially ye autumn birthday havers
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tarot-junkie · 7 months
Tonight’s dinner on this cold, midwestern day:
Cornbread on the side.
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urhoneycombwitch · 5 months
chewing on the bars of my enclosure (sitting on the bus to work) thinking about rockstar!Eddie x music star!reader. Don't get me wrong, love Eddie, but powerful and petty reader getting her wins after heartbreak? I'm eating that UP omnomnom DELICIOUS!
Like imagine it starts out with her and the band having their albums chase each other on the charts and when Corroded Coffin secures the #1, she sends them a bottle of champagne with a note that says "Congrats on your #1 spot. Don't get too comfortable ;)" and it turns into Eddie and reader connecting. Then all the relationship shit happens and I feel like the breakup would be very Fleetwood Mac "rulers make bad lovers, you better put your kingdom up for sale" and Bridgerton Queen Charlotte esque of Eddie being like "I am a star!" and reader going: "Oh, my mistake. I thought you were just Eddie." because you can't be mighty and powerful in love
then reader's heartbreak album after the breakup absolutely wipes the floor with CC's album + the Grammy win.... ooooo I love the drama and angst
u know what’s wild is usually I’m not an angst girlie (when it comes to fic at least) but I LOVE the drama of this setup too!!! sooooo daisy jones and the six vibes.
might do a proper fic one of these days of rockstar!eddie x singer!reader bookmarking this for later thk u anon 💖
(link to other rockstar!eddie x singer!reader anon)
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secretwhumplair · 1 month
Pretty lucky for Elgar that the person he decides to rescue from slavery and torture happens to be a prince.
The Prince mimed his promise that he’d protect Elgar, but I don’t know if I’m confident he can. Sure he’s a prince, but he’s also mute and emaciated; it’s possible no one will recognize him. He may not be able to use his authority to protect Elgar. If he can’t, and Elgar is hurt, that would be some delicious angst and guilt.
Elgar seems to believe he will be recognized immediately as Teeradian, so that tells me there are ethnically or linguistically identifying features he possesses. If the prince wants to bring him with him instead of sending him on his way once he’s back with his family (and I imagine he will in an effort to repay him) then these features will continue to make Elgar recognizable as an outsider and may make him a subject of discrimination as he interacts with the upper echelon.
I have to wonder, was the prince kidnapped because the countries were at war, or are the countries at war because the prince was kidnapping, or a secret third thing.
Hopefully once the Prince is back with his family, he’ll be eased back into his responsibilities rather than dumped in the deep end.
Omnomnom what good tasty commentary to wake up to 👀 Thank you!
I won't comment on the first point because muses willing that will be revealed pretty soon c: The second one kind of ties in with it, at least at first, though Elgar will eventually have to face public opinion...
As for how the prince ended up there... it is in fact a secret third thing (kind of). Putting it under the cut for those who don't want to look, it's not really secret since it already. happened, I just started writing where I wanted to start writing XD
He was captured because the countries are at war, technically, but specifically he was taken prisoner at a battle, and didn't reveal his identity so his captors didn't actually know who they had.
And the last point... well. Let me say the prince's wishes will not be exactly followed ;)
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just-eyris-things · 3 months
get ready, im mentally bracing myself to get back, featuring Airell's Cooking Adventures - a.k.a. silly doodles with Airell cooking for their party members. They may or may not be using "101 ways to make omnomnom berries into a delicious mean" cookbook!!
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jedusaur · 1 year
good things this week:
the Kraken/Avs series is going to Game 7 tomorrow! everyone thought they would crush us and now Nate MacKinnon is calling this the hardest playoff series he's ever played! LET'S GO BOYS HERE WE GO
Steph wrote a gorgeous song about me and us and the California redwoods and it gave me [Roy Kent voice] a... a feeling
Steph also mailed me a bunch of delicious treats including some truly incredible brownies omnomnom <3
made a batch of roasted garlic-infused olive oil which means garlic confit on toast :D
Morgan Geekie's wife had a baby and when he scored they did a cute lil graphic with his postseason stats as "goals: 1, baby: 1" and then when he scored again they showed the same graphic with an updated goal count and it made me laugh
Carson Soucy defended a two-on-one BRILLIANTLY right at the end of the first yesterday, which was kind of overshadowed by an Avs goal and defensive plays never get as much attention as flashy offense anyway but in case he ever looks at his tumblr tag I need him to know I flipped my shit, it was goddamn gorgeous
been texting an old buddy a lot about the playoffs and fucked around performing an exorcism on his hat with two hockey sticks as a cross, sometimes it's fun to just be a fuckin fratbro dumbass
discovered that Phil Dunster did a gay sex scene for a made-for-TV BBC thing showing his entire ass, god bless Phil Dunster's ass
the Seattle Public Library bought SIX copies of Xenocultivars and when I saw the page they were all checked out, scuse me there's something in my eye
told a friend I was having a rough day and she sent a pic of her tits and told me to imagine her hugging me, which made me smile when I really needed a smile
saw an interview Alexander Wennberg did with Alison Lukan (interviewing while hiking, is that not the most PNW shit ever) and he just seems like such a good dude. he was already my favorite because he posted a pic of his dog with a rainbow toy during Pride, but in this video he said he donates his old clothes to a charity supporting queer youth, and when Alison asked about his wife he immediately acknowledged that she's put her career on hold for him to pursue his, and when she asked about fashion (because the team voted him best-dressed) he said he can't take it too seriously because he's a dad and "you're gonna get spaghetti on your shirt" lol, I am deeply charmed
listened to the John Kearns ep of Off Menu and he pulled off a STELLAR double callback near the end that made me want to applaud, it was honestly fucking art
more flowers :) peony tulips, plum blossoms, forget-me-nots, and a big ol fistful of dandelions
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clowneyes0 · 1 year
i am eating ur art omnomnom delicious
I promise my art is digestible! Im glad you enjoy =)
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tarot-junkie · 11 months
Hello girls and boys. Today I’m presenting my DELICIOUS dinner, that looks a little sus, but is actually incredible.
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Roasted chicken! (Normally it’s on a drip pan when cooked, but it couldn’t be found). This recipe is chicken thighs covered in sauce made of olive oil, Dijon mustard, parsley, oregano, salt/pepper, garlic and lemon juice.
If I could translate this amazing smell via the internet, I would. 😂😂
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cloud-ya · 1 year
eating hov like a cake omnomnom
hov do be having delicious cake
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